Open Letter of Solidarity with Consular Staff of The Peoples Republic of China & with China's Masses
25 March 2008

to: Consulates of The Peoples Republic of China in Australia
cc: Leftist And Working Class Organisations; Media

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Trotskyist Platform (TP), a pro-socialist group in Australia, extends its solidarity with the staff of the Australian consulates of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Staff have had to endure repeated abuse and threats from anti-communist forces gathered around consular buildings. This includes harassment from the right-wing, Washington-backed Falun Gong group. Most recently, anti-PRC forces in Australia have seized on events in Tibet. The weekend before last, the Chinese consulate in Melbourne was attacked with eggs and a man entering the compound had his car battered with flagpoles.

TP opposes the reactionary violence committed by the right-wing monks and other Washington-backed forces in the Tibetan Autonomous Region earlier this month. They, without provocation, rampaged through the streets of Lhasa, burning and hacking to death 18 civilians. Although clothing themselves in the dress of "separatism," the Dalai Lama incited forces are not mainly interested in "Tibetan independence" for its own sake. Their ultimate goal is to reverse the profound egalitarian changes that have taken place in Tibet since the overturn of capitalist rule throughout China from 1949; and especially since the former Lama rulers' CIA-directed uprising was defeated in 1959. The actions of the Dalai backed forces were notably targeted against working people. Among those burned or hacked to death by the mobs were two employees at a hotel and five female sales assistants at a shop. The anti-PRC thugs cannot stand the fact that in the Tibet Autonomous Region, employees are paid more than that of other wage-earners in the PRC and enjoy decent public medical care. They think that such privileges should only be for monks as in the old Lama-ruled Tibet.

The Dalai clique's supporters are dominated by unrepentant elements with links to the former feudal elite. The type that is furious that the Tibetan masses no longer treat him as a servant does a master. Who is upset that he is not able to terrorise herdsmen with devil superstitions as his forebears once did. Who longs for the days (that he has heard about) when the majority of Tibet's people worked as slaves or serfs or for his landowning priest class.

Like many forces who have aimed to recreate systems of exploitation, the so-called "Free Tibet" forces appeal to extreme nationalism. As well as attacking people who are also ethnic Tibetan, the mobs this month targeted people who are small minorities in the Tibetan Autonomous Region - not only ethnic Han Chinese but also people from the Hui Muslim minority. The anti-PRC forces set fire to the Grand Mosque of Tibet in addition to torching shops and schools. Their actions last week can be thought of as something that resembles a mix between the counterrevolutionary violence committed by anti-communist Cubans in the Havana waterfront in August 1994 and the December 2005 mob attack against non-white people by white supremacists at Sydney's Cronulla Beach.

The anti-communist Dalai forces are walking a well-worn path. Nationalism was a main weapon used by the forces of counterrevolution to destroy the former USSR and East European workers states during the 1989-1992 period. This included both the arrogant nationalism of capitalist restorationists from majority ethnic communities (like the Russians in the USSR and the Serbs in Yugoslavia) and the bogus "separatism" used by anti-communists based in minority nationalities.

Of course separatism is not per se reactionary. Far from it. Lenin always insisted on the right to national self-determination and that policy was key to the Bolsheviks being able to unite toilers from diverse backgrounds in the struggle to make the October 1917 Revolution. Today, many oppressed nationalities have genuine claims for self-determination, not least in India which is ironically where the Dalai clique bases its operations. But in the cases of Tibet and Taiwan, separatism is just used as an excuse for hostility to the proletarian state in China. The line of Dalai Lama god-kings were all happy to accept the backing of Chinese rulers ... until those rulers became communist!

Pre-1959 Tibet under the Dalai Lama. Left: Serfs carry goods to the Potala Palace. Right: A herdsmen with left foot chopped off by the heads of his tribe.

There cannot be any "self-determination" of the Tibetan people if the former pre-revolutionary social order is restored. Under the rule of the Dalai Lama and his fellow landowners, the life of the Tibetan working person was not "self determined" but that of a serf or slave crushed in every aspect of his life. A herdsman would have his noses and ears cut off or his eyes gouged out if he dared to try and reduce the share of his produce taken by his lord. One who would have to hand over his wife to his master or risk having his hands broken off. He, and even more so she, were for the most part excluded from the means to participate in the best of culture. And if their luck ran out they would have their child taken by the monastery sometimes to openly be sex slaves for monks. Those children taken often went through the type of hell that Catholic priests and others put Aboriginal children from the Stolen Generation through here.

Great Strides Forward Since Liberation
Since the overturn of the tyranny of the landlord/clergy rulers in Tibet, the proud Tibetan masses in alliance with their Chinese proletarian sisters and brothers have made enormous achievements. Through free education and literacy programs, the majority of Tibetan people are now able to read and write in their own language.

There were to be sure some setbacks during the Cultural Revolution period due to certain impatient policies. But today Tibet is administered by a Tibetan-dominated regional government and Tibetan (and other ethnic minority groups) are more and more highly represented in the PRC central government. In the last few years, the PRC's accelerating transfer of resources to Tibet for infrastructure, cultural, welfare and environmental protection projects, financed through higher taxation of wealthy people in richer parts of China, has helped to further enrich the lives of masses in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. It is notable that average life expectancy in Tibet has more than doubled to some 68 years since the time of liberation. This contrasts with racist capitalist Australia where racist discrimination is so intense that the average life expectancy for Aboriginal people is 59 years - nine years lower than in the Tibetan region of the PRC. This comparison is even more striking when one considers that Australia is an extremely resource rich country per head of population whereas per capita the PRC is resource poor.

Capitalist Rulers in The West Prove The Extent of Their Hostility to Red China
Given the social gains that the Tibetan masses have made, you would expect that after a few generations following the overturn of the old order, those linked to the former exploiting class would simply resign themselves to the inevitability of the new fairer society and even begin to enthusiastically support it. But because the political descendants of the former elite see the active support of the powerful Western imperialists, some cling to dreams of restoring the old order.

It is absolutely clear that the rulers of the imperialist countries have been inciting the counterrevolutionary forces in Tibet. On October 17, the U.S. president George Bush and the U.S. Congress awarded the Dalai Lama the U.S.'s highest civilian honour: a Congressional Gold Medal. Leader after leader of U.S. imperialism - i.e. the people responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people and for secret torture prisons around the world - rushed to heap praise on the former feudal ruler of Tibet. George Bush stated: "I admire the Dalai Lama a lot." Indeed people on the same side of the fence do admire each other a lot! Earlier last year, both then Australian prime minister John Howard and current Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a point of meeting with the Dalai Lama during his visit to Australia. The leaders of Australian imperialism would not meet a non-government leader who stands for the interests of the oppressed. But such a leader is not what the Dalai Lama is - he wants to restore the rule of a brutal former exploiting class!

Mutual Admiration, Common Agenda:
Washington, October 2007: Ceremony in which George Bush awarded the Dalai Lama a Congressional Gold Medal, the U.S.'s highest civilian honour. Bush praised Dalai as "a universal symbol of peace." Imperialist warmongers grant such praise to forces of reaction.

When the anti-PRC forces made their move in the last two weeks it is undoubted that they had the prior financial and technical backing of Western capitalist intelligence agencies. And as soon as the Dalai forces rampaged in Lhasa, Western political leaders from Condoleeza Rice to British PM Gordon Brown endorsed them. Meanwhile, those "objective" mouthpieces of imperialism, the Voice of America, CNN, BBC, the Murdoch and Fairfax owned papers here and others have been endlessly beaming in false claims about events in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. In a classic example, German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost published a photograph of PRC police helping along a young man and adorned it with the caption "insurrectionist taken away by police" when actually the man was a Han-Chinese person being rescued after being injured in the pro-Dalai Lama mob attacks. Some Western media websites meanwhile used pictures of baton-wielding Nepalese police in clashes with Tibetan protesters in Kathmandu and made out that the officers were Chinese police.

A lot of the activities of the anti-communist forces have been coordinated by Radio Free Asia broadcasts. Radio Free Asia operates under the U.S. government's Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) authority. BBG also runs Radio Marti, the notorious station that beams into Cuba incitements against the Cuban Revolution. In recent days, Radio Free Asia actually specially expanded its Tibetan language program hours to increase support for the right-wing monks.

Of course in all this the Canberra government and the Liberal/National opposition were right behind their U.S. and British allies. Most cynically, Australian foreign minister Stephen Smith called on China to allow "peaceful expression of dissent." This after the right-wing so-called "peaceful dissenters" had been rampaging around burning and hacking innocent people to death!

The capitalist ruling classes in the U.S., Britain, Germany, Australia etc have no interest in the well being of the Tibetan masses. They are using the Tibet issue to put pressure on the PRC. Their aim is to weaken the PRC workers state, so that they will be able to bring back capitalism to all of China. They want to return China to its pre-1949 neocolony status where Western "multinational" companies were unhindered in exploiting Chinese labour. Using the "Human Rights" stick to beat the PRC is one part of their strategy. Another part is to harass the PRC with military pressure. The U.S., Japan and Australia have a tripartite military axis that is aimed against the PRC and North Korea.

It is not only the Western and Japanese capitalists that seek to undermine the PRC workers state. So too do overseas Chinese capitalists. Alongside them stand that section of the descendants of the overthrown Chinese landlords and capitalists who want to lord over the Chinese masses like their ancestors did before 1949. These forces include the rulers of Taiwan and components of the capitalist elite in Southeast Asian countries. Others are active in anti-communist groups in the West like Falun Gong, Federation of Democratic China and "Free China", groups which not surprisingly champion the so-called "Free Tibet" agenda. But against them stand many overseas Chinese working people who know how much has been achieved in China since the 1949 Revolution.

Why The Imperialists Want to Sabotage The Beijing Olympics
With the Olympic Games in Beijing nearing, imperialist politicians and anti-communist Chinese see a chance to put further right-wing pressure on the PRC. They seek to use the prospect of an embarrassing and disruptive boycott to try and hold the PRC to ransom. On the one hand, the Western capitalist rulers encourage forces calling for an Olympics boycott. On the other, they sometimes say they do not actually want a boycott themselves while they use the implicit threat of switching to an openly pro-boycott position to wrench more concessions out of Beijing. Washington, London and co. want the PRC to allow "more rights" for the openly capitalist restorationist groups that they back. They constantly demand that the PRC accede to capitalist penetration of its financial system and privatisation of its state-owned banks. And they are trying to pressure the Chinese Communist Party government to make sure that its next generation of leaders are more acceptable to Western imperialism.

The threats to sabotage Beijing 2008 are not exclusively about putting counterrevolutionary pressure on China. They are also aimed at trying to obscure from the working class masses in the rest of the world the successes made by socialist construction in China. The PRC to be sure has a far from perfectly socialist system. But the fact that a proletarian state has lifted the majority of people in the world's largest country out of dire poverty is living refutation of the capitalist lie that "communism does not work." The Western imperialists are afraid that their own populations will see this during the Beijing Olympics. They are afraid that the toilers in their own countries will question why the Western economies are headed towards recession while in China, a country which only 58 years ago had been an impoverished neocolony of Western powers, the economy continues to power forward. Why in their countries the banks are repossessing working people's mortgaged homes while in the PRC they are devoting more resources to low rent public housing. Why education for their children gets more and more expensive while in the PRC they are moving more and more towards free public education and all students in the first nine years of schooling are from this year getting not only free tuition but free school uniforms and stationery.

The Western capitalist rulers know that their "own" masses are outraged that they have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan to control oil supplies. But they don't want these working class people in their own countries to also note, by contrast, that the biggest country in the world does not engage in sending in its army to grab the resources of oil-rich Middle Eastern countries. Similarly, the imperialist rulers are aware that egalitarian-minded people in their own countries are angry that their governments and institutions rape "Third World" nations and then offer token "aid" on the condition that these developing countries cut public services for the poor. What they fear is that in the period of the Olympics, these class-conscious masses may also become knowledgeable that Red China by contrast, while still not rich itself, actually grants aid to developing countries with no economic strings attached. And that the PRC is thereby actually helping to free "Third World" countries, like Angola, from the imperialist bullying of the IMF.