Tag Archives: Yemen


Photo Above: On 4 February 2025 in Khan Younis, Gaza, fighters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hold a reception to honour prisoners freed as part of the ceasefire deal with Israel. Despite massive support from the U.S., Australian and other imperialist powers and despite slaughtering nearly 50,000 people – mostly women and children – the Netanyahu regime failed to achieve its war aims in Gaza. This was due to the heroism of Palestinian resistance fighters – not only from Hamas but from Islamic Jihad and secular leftist groups like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
Photo credit: r/MarxistCulture



28 February 2025 – Despite massive support from the Western powers, the genocidal Israeli regime failed to achieve its Gaza war aims. This is due to the heroism of Palestinian resistance fighters and the extraordinary resilience of the Palestinian people in the face of unparalleled brutality. The continuing blows that the Gaza resistance and their Yemeni allies inflicted against the Israeli military and the dissension that this caused within Israeli society forced Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire. However, other events have emboldened the Zionist regime. Through bombarding Lebanon – assisted by parts of Taiwan’s Western-puppet rulers who supplied Israel with the pagers used in the exploding devices attack against Hezbollah – the Israeli regime has weakened Hezbollah for the present, forcing the group to pull back from the northern front against the regime. Furthermore, right-wing ISIS-linked fanatics, massively armed by the U.S. and its Turkish, Israeli, Saudi and Qatari allies and assisted in their final offensive by direct U.S. military action, have taken over a Syria that had been ground into submission by years of U.S. and Australian sanctions. Although the ousted Syrian government’s support for Palestine was partial, it nevertheless enabled the flow of arms to Hezbollah and Hamas, provided bases for Palestinian resistance groups and shunned Israel. By contrast, the new regime has vowed not “to meddle in anything that will threaten Israel’s security” and ordered Palestinian resistance groups in Syria to close their bases and disband their military forces. No wonder Netanyahu hailed the regime change in Syria as “a historic day”. Thirdly, the new far-right U.S. regime is even more intent on backing Israel’s genocidal terror than its predecessors. The previous government headed by “Genocide Joe” Biden also supported Israel to the hilt. But it tried to limit the battering of its own image that this was causing. As a result, last May it paused shipping Israel the 2,000-pound bombs that inflicted such carnage in Gaza. Now, the Trump regime has resumed shipping these weapons. Moreover, regardless of whether Trump can actually drive out Palestinians from Gaza as he plans to, or is using the threat of this to weaken Palestine in negotiations, his Gaza plan imperils the Palestinian people.

Palestinian people are still in great danger. This is the case whether the Zionist regime unleashes a new assault on Gaza’s people, or instead focuses on intensifying its terror in the West Bank, while maintaining the caged, pre-October 2023 “status quo” in a now devastated Gaza. Since the Gaza ceasefire began, Israel has greatly escalated its attacks against West Bank Palestinians. Over the last two months, Zionist forces have killed at least 13 children there. Among those that the regime murdered was two year-old Leila al Khatib, who soldiers shot while she was in her own home in Jenin. Those who survive, the Israeli military forces to flee by bulldozing their homes and smashing connecting sewerage and water pipes. More than 40,000 people have been forcibly displaced from their homes in the West Bank since the ceasefire came into force – the highest number since Israel occupied the Palestinian Territory in 1967. The Left and workers movements must escalate struggles worldwide in support of the Palestinian people. Let us mobilise mass actions to demand: No new Israeli attack on Gaza! Down with Israel’s terror in the West Bank! Israeli troops and fascist settlers get out of the West Bank, all of Gaza and Syria’s Golan Heights! Israel out of Lebanon!

We have a special responsibility here. Next to the U.S., German and British regimes, no other regime gives as much support to Israel as the Australian one. It jointly operates with the U.S. the Pine Gap spy base near Alice Springs that transmits to Israel the location of targets to bomb. Australian troops in the Middle East directly participate in attacks on Yemeni supporters of Palestine. Australian bases are facilitating air-to-air refuelling of the U.S. bombers that attack the Houthis. We need powerful actions to demand: Close Pine Gap! No refuelling or hosting of U.S. warplanes from Australian bases! Australian troops get out of the Middle East! No military sales to Israel by Australian companies!

As part of this struggle, we must resist the ruling class’s attempts to silence pro-Palestinian voices by cynically branding them as “antisemitic”. On Monday, university bosses announced a new “definition” that will label as “antisemitic” any calls for eliminating Israel as an ethnic supremacist state. The next day, police hit nurse Sarah Abu Lebdeh with severe charges for merely reacting angrily to being contacted on social media by extreme Zionist provocateur, Max Veifer. Rightly furious at Israel’s genocidal terror and justly incensed at Veifer’s blatant justification of Israel’s killing of Palestinian civilians – on the basis that the majority of Gaza’s people had voted for Hamas (!) – Abu Lebdeh and Blacktown Hospital co-worker Ahmad Rashad Nadir responded to Veifier’s baiting by making unfortunate, obviously false claims to him that they had refused to treat Israeli patients. Ruling class politicians and media seized on their retorts to hype them up and witch-hunt the nurses, causing their jobs to be suspended. Hospital and university administrations here – if they were actually controlled by the people and the workers at these institutions – would be speaking out against the killing and jailing of Palestinian doctors and nurses, and the destruction of hospitals and the entire university sector in Gaza by the genocidal Israeli state. We demand: Drop all charges against Sarah Abu Lebdeh! Reinstate her and her colleague! Junk the universities’ “antisemitic” definition that aims to silence pro-Palestine voices!


Some argue that Western powers support Israel because they are controlled by the Zionist lobby. However, this has it the wrong way around. In fact it is U.S. imperialism and its allies that are the masters – albeit ones that hold their nasty Zionist attack dogs on a long leash. Thus, Trump’s plan for the U.S. to annex Gaza in order to turn it into a resort run by American firms is a scheme to boost U.S. capitalist profits, with Zionist expansionist plans relegated to second place. U.S. rulers use Israel as an enforcer of their predatory goals in the Middle East. We saw his in Israel’s role in the West’s regime-change triumph in Syria, which Netanyahu proudly declared “is a direct result of the blows we have inflicted….” The U.S. imperialists are desperate to ensure that the Middle East is firmly in their grip. This is both to grab the region’s oil wealth and because of the region’s crucial location at the crossroads of the world. To do so, they must ensure that no government in the region pries out too much independence for itself, including through establishing strong mutually beneficial relations with socialistic China. With their Syria problem now “solved”, the U.S. is counting on their Zionist attack dogs to help maul the last remaining regime in the region not under their thumb – the Iranian one. As you can see, U.S. support for Israel has little to do with loyalty to Zionism, let alone concern for Jewish people. Indeed, the biggest player within the current U.S. administration and the world’s richest capitalist, Elon Musk, is at one and the same time a strong Israel supporter – who bans people from X if they call for “Palestine to be free from the river to the sea” – and a rabid antisemite. Musk promotes racist conspiracy theories against Jewish people nearly as much as he cheers white supremacist attacks on blacks, Muslims and other people of colour. Musk, Trump and Co. are not only prepared to facilitate the genocide of Palestinian people if it helps them enforce their class tyranny over the Middle East but to fight to the last drop of Jewish Israeli blood too.

Similarly, Australia’s ruling class only backs Israel because Israel helps enforce the power of the Zionists’ U.S. masters. Australia’s capitalist exploiting class needs this because it is the might of its U.S. godfather that protects its own mafia style plunder and tyranny over the resources and peoples of the Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia. That is why the Australian rulers’ support for Israel is so intractable, because the interests of the Zionist lobby coincide with the predatory interests of Australia’s capitalist rulers. To force a change, we need to weaken the ruling class so decisively that they are unable to hold up their Israeli allies. But how do we do this? If we only appeal to the masses’ sense of conscience to stand with Palestine, this will never be enough, given the overwhelming pro-Israel propaganda that the masses are subjected to. However, just like in the U.S., working class people here have compelling reasons to struggle against their ruling class. Capitalist rule is driving millions of people in Australia into poverty through grossly unaffordable rents, prices that have risen faster than wages and the lack of secure, permanent jobs for young workers. The ruling class here subjects Aboriginal people to violent cop attacks and racist smear campaigns. Arab and Muslim communities are furious at the racist violence and abuse they face on the streets, attacks that are being incited by the ruling class and its media’s vilification of people with a pro-Palestine sentiment; and then further inflamed by their broader racist scapegoating of migrants and refugees. Ruling class narratives are also fuelling attacks against people of East Asian, South Asian, African and other people of colour heritage. We must build struggles that unite opposition to the Australian regime’s backing for Israeli terror with the fight against racist attacks on migrants and people of Muslim, Arab, Asian and African backgrounds, with solidarity with the Aboriginal people’s struggle for liberation, with standing shoulder to shoulder with the embattled CFMEU construction workers union and supporting union strikes to win real wage rises and permanency for casuals, and with mass action to win a massive increase in low-rent public housing.

The biggest obstacle to building these struggles are the masses’ illusions that change can be achieved through merely voting at elections to shuffle which party administers the capitalist order. Of course, no genuine Palestine supporter will vote for the Liberals or for the far-right parties. But some may vote Labor on the grounds that it is “a lesser evil”. To do so is to accept defeat and to support the continuing genocide of the Palestinian people! Many will refuse to. However, it would be a tragedy if that leads to Palestine supporters voting for the Greens. Yes, the Greens do verbally oppose the most extreme aspects of Israeli terror. But the Greens back the other agendas of the Western imperialist rulers that prop up Zionist rule. The Greens rabidly supported imperialism’s proxy-war to overthrow the previous Syrian government, enlist in the Cold War big lie campaigns against socialistic China and inflame the U.S.-led war drive against Iran – often demanding that the Western powers enact tougher sanctions against Iran. Furthermore, because the Greens embrace capitalist bigwigs and their system, when they have been part of governments, the Greens inevitably yield to pressure from the capitalists. During Israel’s November 2012 war on Gaza, when the Australian regime was, as now, giving military support to Israeli terror, the Greens remained in a de facto coalition government with Labor. For their part, the Greens German counterparts hold the ministry of foreign affairs in the German coalition government that has been Israel’s most fervent supporter in Europe. That is why we urge all Palestine supporters to convince their friends not to vote at the upcoming elections for any of the parties currently in parliament – whether directly or through preferences. The more people are convinced that nothing good can come from supporting these parties, the more willing people will be to join the strikes, occupations and other militant mass actions needed to oppose the genocide-supporting Australian ruling class. And the more open they will be to building the new workers party that is ultimately needed to organise mass resistance to capitalism and imperialism.

Let’s tirelessly oppose the Australian capitalist class that is a key prop for Zionist terror! Let’s stand against the Australian imperialists and their U.S. godfather in every battle they face around the world. Let’s support the resistance that is building in Syria against the new pro-imperialist regime there! Let’s stifle the U.S.-led war drive against Iran! Most importantly, let us resist the capitalist powers’ anti-communist Cold War and defend the greatest state threat to imperialism – socialistic rule in China. When we topple U.S. and Australian imperialism, the Zionist regime that relies on it will also collapse. Then Palestinians and Jews will live happily together in a secular, socialist Palestine – from the river to the sea!

Ten Ways that Australia’s
Ruling Class Backs
Israel’s Genocidal Terror

Photo Above: Israel’s thirteen month-long genocidal onslaught against the Palestinian people has reduced most of Gaza’s people to the verge of starvation; or actual starvation. Here, Palestinians wait to buy bread from the only operating bakery in the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis on 23 October 2024.
Photo: Rizek Abdeljawad/Xinhua

Ten Ways that Australia’s Ruling Class Backs
Israel’s Genocidal Terror



2 November 2024The Zionist regime’s brutality over recent weeks has exceeded even that of the crimes that they perpetrated over the preceding year.  Especially targeting northern Gaza, Israel is massacring Palestinians in deliberate strikes on schools, homes and hospitals. The Israeli regime has also killed thousands in Lebanon and forced more than a quarter of that country’s people to flee their homes. This terrorism on a mass scale is based on huge support from the U.S., Australian and other imperialist regimes. But with Israel’s crimes battering their image, Western regimes started making calls for “ceasefire now” – by which they mean a ceasefire on Netanyahu’s terms. However, as brave Palestinian and Lebanese – and for their own reasons Iranian state – resistance to Israel intensifies, Western support for Israel has again become more overt. The U.S. has now sent a hundred troops to help Israel operate the THAAD missile system that the U.S. is providing them.

Australia’s capitalist ruling class is also greatly supporting Israel’s genocidal terror. They do this in ten different ways:

  1. The Australian regime hosts and jointly operates with the U.S. the Pine Gap spy base near Alice Springs. Receiving data from two U.S. spy satellites, the base transmits to Israel the location of targets to hit with missiles and bombs. How many times have schools, hospitals, ambulances and rescue workers in Gaza been targeted with the direct assistance of the Australian regime and its Pine Gap terror installation?
  2. Two weeks ago, when the U.S. launched a massive air strike against Yemeni supporters of the Palestinian people, the Defence Department boasted that Australia directly assisted the attack “through access and overflight for US aircraft in northern Australia”. Apparently, the Australian air bases enabled air-to-air refuelling of the U.S. bombers.
  3. Australian troops are in the Middle East directly participating in the U.S. and British-led attacks on Yemeni supporters of Palestine who have been deterring ships linked to Israel and its allies from traversing the Red Sea.
  4. The regime lists Hamas and Hezbollah as “terrorists”. That means that Australians who make donations to them face years in jail. Given that Hamas and Hezbollah are non-state groups based in poverty-stricken lands, these groups rely on overseas donations. Since Australia is a richer country with a large Arab diaspora, Australians could be a key source of the funds needed to support these groups’ anti-Israeli resistance. The “terror” bans are thus very harmful.
  5. Australian companies sell military equipment and supplies to the Israeli military.
  6. The regime backs Israel’s arms providers. In February, the Australian military awarded a nearly $917 million contract to Israel’s biggest arms producer, Elbit Systems – known for supplying Israeli forces with killer drones and mortars.
  7. The ALP government provides diplomatic cover for Israel’s terror.
  8. The Australian regime sanctions Iran. Sometimes, Canberra disguises these as measures against the Iranian government’s repressive and anti-women policies. But Australia’s rulers care nothing for the Iranian masses. Their real goal is to support the U.S. and Israeli drive to bring Iran to heel. This was proven a fortnight ago, when the Australian government unleashed new sanctions on Iran in response to her 100% justifiable missile strike on Israel.  
  9. From their police arresting anti-genocide protesters, to their politicians threatening Palestine activists to their universities expelling pro-Palestine students and effectively sacking pro-Palestine academics, Australia’s ruling class are trying to suppress anti-genocide protests.
  10. Australia’s capitalist-owned media have unleashed a barrage of propaganda alibiing Israel.

Despite Australia’s rulers proving to be the enemy of Palestine, some groups keep on appealing for “the government to do more to stop the genocide”. But to say that the Labor government should “do more” is to misleadingly imply that they are actually already doing something positive! That is why the pro-ALP current leaders of our unions and other, “pro-Palestine” ALP hacks keep selling us this “do more” line. So, too, do the Greens. For, although the Greens criticise Albanese’s stance, they do not want Australia’s capitalist order, that they are ultimately loyal to, to be completely discredited. By appealing to the government “to do more” they are covering up the huge amount of harm that the ruling class is actually doing! What we do need to do is to force the Australian ruling class to do less – that is, less participation in Israeli/U.S.-led terror. We need powerful actions to demand: Close Pine Gap! No refuelling or hosting of U.S. warplanes from Australian bases! Australian troops involved in the operation against Yemeni supporters of Palestine: Get out of the Middle East! Lift the regime’s “terror” listing of Hamas and Hezbollah! No military sales to Israel! Cancel Australian contracts to Israeli arms suppliers! Lift the sanctions on Iran! Down with the regime’s attacks on pro-Palestine activists!

17 October 2024, Yemen: Death and destruction in the capital of Yemen, Sana’a following a massive U.S. air strike using long-range B-2 bombers. The attack was aimed at quelling the heroic actions in support of the embattled Palestinian people by Yemen’s Houthi forces. The Australian regime boasted that Australian air bases assisted the attack through “through access and overflight for US aircraft in northern Australia”. Apparently, the Australian air bases enabled air-to-air refuelling of the U.S. bombers. In supporting this attack on pro-Palestinian resistance forces, the Australian regime is actively assisting the Israeli regime to conduct its genocide of the people of Gaza.

It is in the Working Class’ Own Interests to
Stand with the Opponents of Zionist/Western Terror!

Apart from the Western-puppet Taiwanese ruling class (and it has now been confirmed that the Taiwanese firm that made the exploding pagers used by Israel in its Lebanon terrorist attack has long-time links with U.S. intelligence agencies), no rulers administering a population size comparable to Australia’s provide even a small fraction of the support to Israel’s terror as Australia’s rulers do. So when you hear a co-worker say that “what happens in the Middle East has nothing to do with us”, tell them that they are very mistaken! Explain too that given how much the Western regimes have invested in backing Israel, if the Zionist/Western forces were to triumph, it would embolden Western ruling classes. The victorious Australian capitalist rulers would be more confident to attack the rights of workers, Aboriginal people, refugees and all the poor. It is not completely a coincidence that the Australian ruling class launched its biggest attack on the working class in four decades – the forcing of the militant CFMEU workers union into administration – during the midst of the “national security”-obsessed climate fostered by their participation in the Gaza massacre. On the other hand, if those resisting the Zionist/Western forces could hold them off, it would damage the prestige of the Western capitalists. That would facilitate the struggles that we badly need here to defend our unions, to drive down rents, to fight for Aboriginal people’s liberation and to resist racist attacks on people of Muslim, Arab, Asian and African heritage. So it is not only a moral imperative but is in the very interests of workers and all the oppressed here to stand for the victory of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance. We must also side with Iran, Syria and Yemen against Israel and their U.S., British and Australian allies.

So why are Australia’s capitalist rulers such intractable Israel backers? It is not because of Zionists within the ruling class. Yes, there are some capitalists who are Zionists. But most are not. And most actually could not care less about the myths of Zionism. Rather they back Israel because they need U.S. power to be upheld, because that is what underwrites their own imperialist rape of the Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia. That means backing the Israeli attack dog of the U.S. in the strategically located and oil-rich Middle East. In other words, Australia’s ruling class backs Israel in order to uphold its own predatory interests. It is as simple as that! To force this exploiting class to “do this less”, we must threaten their own interests to such a level that the capitalist rulers will find it less harmful to retreat from backing Israel than to continue.

Many of the elements that we need to build a movement that can force Australia’s rulers to retreat from their support of Israeli terrorism are contained within the Palestine Action Group-organised mass protests in Sydney. Speeches by Aboriginal activists have powerfully linked the Australian ruling class’ support for Zionist settler colonialism with their own genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people. During the marches, we have shouted some apt chants, like: “Albanese – Blood on Your Hands”. But there is an, effectively opposite, political direction coexisting within the movement. One that does not oppose the ruling class as an enemy but appeals to them as a potential albeit misguided ally. When the ruling class-media reports on pro-Palestine protests, they rarely quote the hard hitting chants or most cutting speeches, lest they encourage such sentiments. Instead they quote the appeals to the ruling class to “do more”. As long as the capitalist rulers know that this is the main message issuing from the protests, they will not feel threatened by them (just annoyed). And that means they will not feel compelled to retreat from supporting Israel. This is the problem we must fix!

Those most consciously promoting appeals to the ruling class at pro-Palestine events are the Greens. For although the Greens oppose the most brutal aspects of Zionist terror, they nevertheless uphold the Australian capitalist order that benefits from Israeli aggression in the Middle East. Thus, when on the October 7 anniversary, the Albanese government put a despicable parliamentary motion proclaiming “Israel’s right to defend itself” and condemning Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran for resisting Israel, the Greens refused to oppose the motion and only abstained.

From the Greens’ perspective, Australian support for Israel’s terror is one of Australia’s political order’s few bad aberrations within an otherwise “democratic” system. Thus, when addressing the October 13 protest, Greens senator David Shoebridge contrasted the ALP government’s refusal to support Palestine refugees with what he called its correct support for Ukraine’s war against Russia. But the Western regimes back Ukraine for the same reason that they back Israel: to feed an attack dog that will enforce their world domination – in this case by trying to subordinate Russia, which, while itself under a capitalist regime, refuses to submit to Western hegemony. Every supporter of Palestine should stand for the imperialist backers of Israel to be weakened by defeats in all the theatres that they are fighting in – including in Ukraine. Most crucially, we must oppose the imperialists’ drive to destroy the main state threat to their global tyranny – the Chinese workers state.

Whether it is waging Cold War against socialistic China, arming a proxy war against Russia or backing Zionist terror and genocide, the Australian and other imperialist rulers are driven by their quest to reinforce their world “order” that facilitates their looting of the poorer countries. Far from Australian ruling class support for Israel’s Gaza genocide being an exception to the rule, it is typical of this class’ whole history. This country’s capitalist order is based on the genocide of Aboriginal people and the continued brutal oppression of this country’s First Peoples. That was highlighted by the brave and inspirational protest twelve days ago by independent senator, Lidia Thorpe, against Australia’s visiting head of state, King Charles, when the Aboriginal woman shouted: “You committed genocide against our people…. F_ck the colony!… You are not our king!” Moreover, in executing civilians, massacring onion farmers and slitting the throats of teenage boys, Australian regime forces that participated in the occupation of Afghanistan perpetrated the same type of racist crimes that Israeli troops are committing on a huge scale in Gaza. It is not only pro-Palestine protests that Australia’s rulers are trying to suppress. Politicians are threatening to throw Lidia Thorpe out of her senate seat for protesting against the blood-stained monarch, while the CFMEU union has been taken over by regime administrators for daring to stand up too staunchly for workers rights.

We must junk all illusions that we can appeal to Australia’s capitalist rulers to support Palestine or indeed support any other just cause. Such appeals are worse than futile. They are preventing the pro-Palestinian movement from becoming a force of unalloyed opposition to the ruling class that is backing Israel’s terror. Many of us have put much effort into joining pro-Palestine protests. But we want the actions to do more than make us feel good for protesting against the genocide. We need to turn the actions into ones that so implacably oppose the ruling class, so discredits them, so destabilises their political order that they will be compelled to retreat from their backing of Israeli terror. Everyone who understands this has a duty to not only join the rallies but to do so with placards that will help steer the movement in this direction. Come bearing signs like: “Resist Australia’s Capitalists and Monarchy that Supports Israel’s Terror and Brutally Oppresses Aboriginal People!”, “Stand With Palestine! Shut Down Pine Gap! Smash the U.S./Australia Attacks on Yemen!” and “Down With Support for Israel! Defend the CFMEU! For a Working-Class Intifada in Australia Against the Capitalist Elites!”

Turn the Pro-Palestine Marches into a Movement of Intransigent Opposition to the Australian Ruling Class!

Photo Above: Tens of thousands of people march in Sydney in defence of the Palestinian people. This 25 February 2024 action was one of the large protests organised by the Palestine Action Group that have been held in Sydney every weekend since Israel escalated its terror against the people of Gaza last October.
Photo credit: Sydney criminal Lawyers


Turn the Pro-Palestine Marches into a Movement of
Intransigent Opposition to the Australian Ruling Class!

9 March 2024: Israel has been mass murdering the Palestinian people. Now, by massacring people queuing up to receive food, destroying infrastructure and blocking aid trucks, Israel is also murdering Gaza’s people through starving them to death. We must build militant, mass actions to demand: Israel stop your terror now! Israel out of Gaza and the West Bank! Stop the massive support being given to Israel by the U.S., Australian, British and German imperialists and their puppets in the Bahraini and Taiwanese regimes! Let’s support the brave Palestinian resistance! Let’s support Yemen’s blocking of Israeli, U.S. and British ships in the Red Sea! No to business as usual while genocide is being committed!

The U.S. and Australian rulers now try to look concerned about Palestinian lives. They fear that those sections of their own populations outraged at Israel’s crimes could turn on them. Knowing that the Western powers’ bogus claim to be the guardian of “human rights” is a crucial propaganda weapon aimed at socialistic rule in China, the U.S. and Australian governments worry that it’s simply being blown to pieces by the hypocrisy that’s there for all to see in their backing of Israel’s brutal killing spree. So, U.S. vice president Kamala Harris now publicly calls for a “ceasefire”. Except she demands that Hamas accept Israel’s “ceasefire” conditions! This shows how simply calling for a “ceasefire” without taking the unambiguous side of the Palestinian resistance can play into the hands of Israel’s backers who mean “peace” based on the still more intensified subjugation of Palestine. Such talk of “peace” is a con! The truth is that the U.S. is providing Israel with as much military support as ever! By providing Israel with 21,000 precision guided munitions, other weapons and intelligence support, it is U.S. backing that makes Israel’s massacre in Gaza possible.

Under the same pressures as Biden, in December the Albanese government voted for a ceasefire. After this, some speakers at pro-Palestine rallies started describing Canberra’s position as “neutral”. The Greens claimed that the ALP government had been dragged into taking a better stance. But this is absolutely all not true! That the ALP government has suspended funding to the UN agency providing food to Gaza shows just how firmly they are on Israel’s side. Most significantly, the Australian regime greatly assists Israel to direct its air and artillery strikes through helping operate the NT-based Pine Gap ground station for U.S. spy satellites. As a result of this, the political support that ALP government ministers have given for Israel’s killings of Gaza’s civilians and the fact that Australian governments have approved 322 defence exports to Israel since 2017, more than a hundred lawyers in Sydney have referred Albanese and his cabinet to the International Criminal Court as acessories to genocide. Moreover, the Albanese government – egged on by the Liberals – is one of only eight other countries to participate in the U.S.-led strikes aimed at crushing pro-Palestinian actions in Yemen. Let us demand: Close the Pine Gap base that’s helping direct Israel’s massacres! U.S. and Australian militaries: Get out of the Red Sea! Down with Australian arm sales to Israel and Australian government purchases from Israeli arms suppliers!


Some say that “all powers [presumably including not only the Western powers but China, Russia and even South Africa and Indonesia] are complicit in Israel’s genocide”. But saying this equates those that are actually joining in Israel’s genocide with those who are in fact verbally opposing Israel’s onslaught but need to more courageously challenge the U.S. superpower and the other Western imperialists behind Israel. And let’s get this straight, when we say the Western imperialists, we actually mean the imperialists … full stop! Because, today, the Western capitalist rulers are the only imperialists in the world. Therefore, portraying all powers as the same gets these imperialists behind Israel off the hook. To do that is especially disorientating here in Australia. For this is a country ruled by one of these imperialist ruling classes!

Many believe that Australia’s rulers back Israel because of their cowardice in the face of U.S. dikdats or because of Zionist lobbying. If either were true, we would only need to exert more pressure than Washington and the pro-Israel lobby and the government would swap its stance. However, the real reason that Australia’s capitalist rulers back Israel is because Israel is the USA’s enforcer in the strategic Middle East and Australia’s capitalist exploiters need U.S. dominance to be protected because they need U.S. power to guarantee their imperialist exploitation of PNG, East Timor and other South Pacific and Asian countries. Moreover, since Israel’s rulers are already despised by most of the world, Israel is vital for conducting missions that are too embarrassing for other Western powers to openly undertake. During Apartheid, when South Africa’s rulers were facing a communist-influenced black revolt, the imperialist powers delegated Israel and another of their attack dogs – the rogue Taiwanese regime that is also hated by most of the peoples of Asia, the Middle East and Africa – to help the Apartheid regime acquire nuclear weapons. Today, the Israeli regime continues to prop up the Taiwanese regime (while Taiwan is one of Israel’s most rabid supporters). This work is of great service to the imperialists. For a beefed-up capitalist Taiwan is crucial to their drive against the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Meanwhile, it appears that Israel joined Taiwan – and likely the U.S. and Australia – in fomenting the 2021 riots in the Solomon Islands against the Sogavare government that has dared to defy the Australian and U.S. imperialists by establishing friendly ties with the PRC. In the midst of these riots, amongst the pro-Western mobs demanding that the government switch their recognition back from the PRC to Taiwan was unfurled a huge Israeli flag! In short, Israel is a both an indirect and direct enforcer of the interests of the imperialists – including the Australian ones. And that is why they back Israel. Thus, while some pro-Palestine protesters have depicted Albanese as a puppet of the U.S., the truth is that Albanese supports Israel because he is actually a puppet of Australia’s own capitalist class.

To make the Australian government retreat from a position that is in the interests of the class that they serve will take a movement that is both intransigently opposed to the capitalist rulers and that has the power of the workers movement behind it. Obstructing the latter is the reality that most of our workers unions are currently led by supporters of the ALP, who stifle struggles that challenge the ALP government and mislead workers into backing the foreign policy goals of the capitalist class. However, fury at unaffordable rents, falling real wages and the lack of secure jobs can drive working class people into alliances with other victims of this ruling exploiting class. Moreover, the core human material for the type of movement needed is already there within the large, weekly pro-Palestine protests. These actions also have some elements of the unyielding opposition to the ruling class that is needed. Thus, one of the slogans that we have been chanting is the very apt: “Albanese You Can’t Hide – We Charge You with Genocide!” However, the overall line of pro-Palestine protests in Sydney is still to appeal to Australia’s rulers – even while sharply criticising them – to come over to the side of Palestine, rather than opposing Australia’s rulers as an enemy themselves. The Greens and those left-wing groups soft on the Greens have especially pushed this strategy. Thus, they have promoted appeals to Australia’s rulers to join the ICJ action against Israel, strongly “speak up for peace” and “implement sanctions against Israel”. But while we can force the Australian regime to stop doing the terrible harm that it is doing, it is impossible to win them over to being an actual ally of the Palestinian cause. To appeal to them to do so only serves to whitewash what the Australian regime is actually doing (note that there was an open letter that included such appeals that on two news sites incorrectly listed us in Trotskyist Platform as a signatory). For it makes out that they are a wavering neutral power just needing to be pushed over to the right side when they are actually knee-deep in Israel’s bloodbath. The main reason that we oppose making such futile, positive appeals to Australia’s imperialist rulers is that such appealing impedes pro-Palestine movements from developing into movements of intransigent opposition to the ruling class. And only if the movements develop in this direction will Australia’s capitalist rulers feel threatened enough to retreat from their participation in Israel’s genocide. Therefore, we call on consistent anti-imperialists to join us in waging a conscious struggle within the workers and pro-Palestine movements to oppose all illusions in the potential benevolence of Australia’s ruling class, to resist the agendas of the ALP and Greens and to steer the pro-Palestine movement into a force that is uncompromisingly opposed to the Australian capitalist ruling class that is participating in Israel’s genocide.


Israel is not the only attack dog of the imperialists. They have also turned Ukraine into their proxy to weaken Russia – which while also capitalist is too unsubdued for the imperial powers to tolerate. Meanwhile, the imperialists are backing all number of proxies as part of their drive to strangle socialistic China. These include the anti-working class Taiwanese regime, pro-colonial Hong Kong rich kids and a small right-wing faction of the Uyghurs who speak of “national rights” to mask their anti-communist agenda. If the imperialists lose on any of these fronts, they will be weakened and thus less able to wage war on others. A very helpful event for the Palestinian people would be the defeat of the NATO/Australian proxy war against Russia. Unfortunately, many groups active in Palestine solidarity – including Socialist Alternative (SAlt), Socialist Alliance (SA) and Solidarity – support the imperialists in many of their other battle fronts. SAlt and SA not only support imperialism’s proxy war against Russia but welcome the huge Western arms supplies to Ukraine. And all three of these groups support the imperialist-backed forces arrayed against socialistic China – from supporting the Hong Kong anti-communist rich kids to retailing the blatant lies that China is persecuting Uyghurs (claims that not only have all the Muslim majority countries of Asia, the Middle East and Africa refused to endorse but which most – including Palestine – have completely rejected by instead signing onto statements positively praising China’s treatment of Uyghurs). In doing so these groups are harming the Palestinian cause. While these groups pretend that these issues are “separate”, the imperialists know that they are not! Biden is seeking to push through a bill that would simultaneously give Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan a total of $A144 billion in new U.S. military assistance. In light of this, it is now a matter of fact that anyone who supports U.S. arms supplies to Ukraine will, effectively, also be supporting the export of weapons that are to be used in the ongoing genocidal onslaught on the people of Palestine.

Of all the non-Middle Eastern battles that the imperialists are waging, the one that Palestine supporters should most want them to lose is their Cold War against socialistic China. Although China’s leaders futilely seek “peaceful coexistence” with imperialism, the PRC’s character as a workers state can push her into an anti-imperialist stance. Two weeks ago, China went further than any other major power in backing Palestine when she told the ICJ that “Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression” is an “inalienable right.” This stance was hailed by Palestinian resistance groups. We call on the PRC to now go further and resume the training of Palestinian fighters that it was actually engaged in during the 1960s and 70s.

The Hague, 22 February 2024 (Above): Chinese Foreign Ministry legal representative Ma Xinmin tells an International Court of Justice hearing that: “Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and complete the establishment of an independent state is [an] inalienable right. This recognition is also reflected in the International Convention for example, the Arab Convention for Suppressing of Terrorism of 1998 affirms I quote, ‘the right of peoples to combat foreign occupation aggression by whatever means including armed struggle in order to liberate their territories and secure the right to self-determination and independence’, end of quote. Armed struggle in this context is distinguished from acts of terrorism.” By backing the Palestinian people’s right to armed resistance, Red China has gone further than any other major world power in backing the Palestinian people. We now appeal to socialistic China to go a step further and provide arms and training to the Palestinian resistance forces. This is what Red China indeed did in the period from the mid-1960s to the late 1970s. China provided these arms and training in China to PLO fighters for no cost. Below: Armed PLO fighters at a training camp in Jordan in 1970 read “Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong” (also known as the “Little Red Book”). By the early 1970s, three quarters of the PLO’s arms came from China. If China were to resume such urgently needed military support to the Palestinian resistance she would be following in the footsteps of her socialistic North Korean neighbour and ally, which has laudably been providing arms to both Palestinian and Yemeni Houthi fighters.

Photo credit (above photo): Foreign Ministry of the People’s Republic of China
Photo Credit (below photo): Rolls Press – Popperfoto

Yet, Red China can contribute to Palestine liberation in a still more decisive way. Although China’s transition to socialism is precarious and as yet incomplete, the fact that she has so successfully lifted people out of poverty and increased workers’ real wages means that if China’s per capita income were to catch up with that of the imperial powers, the restive masses in these countries will soon be demanding socialism too. Imperialism will be overthrown from within and the genocidal Zionist regime will fall with it. That is why every true supporter of the Palestinian people must stand for the unconditional defence of socialistic rule in China against all the threats that the imperialists are unleashing against her – from their naval incursions into the South China Sea to their Taiwanese puppets to the anti-communist groups that they back within mainland China and Hong Kong. Let’s unite this struggle with the direct fight to defend Gaza’s people as part of turning the vibrant pro-Palestine protests into a movement of intransigent opposition to the genocide-supporting Australian capitalist rulers. Defend the Palestinian people! Down, Down Israel! Down, Down, U.S. and Australian imperialism!