Ruling Class Politicians & Media
Manipulate Crime Reports, Bolster Racial Hatred
United Action by Multi-Racial Working Class will Stop
Racist Attacks of Australian Regime & Far Right Thugs
29 August 2018: On the 4th of August, Abdullah Qaiser was on his way to a library in Newcastle. But what had seemed to be just another evening for this student from Pakistan turned sinister when a group of people surrounded his car to rob him. And when they realised that he was a person of colour, the situation became life threatening. The white-skinned, racist criminals suddenly turned very violent. They called the student a “terrorist.” One attacker shouted at the 21 year-old, “Go back to your f**king country, you do not belong over here” and then punched Abdullah Qaiser with a knuckle duster so hard that he blanked out. Now, he requires surgery.

The worst thing about this racist attack is that it is far from being rare. On May 17, for example, a 25 year-old man went on a rampage in the Sydney suburb of Randwick specifically honing in on any Asian background person he could see ( html). He punched and kicked at least seven people of Asian appearance including several women and a 70 year-old man. For every such incident there are hundreds more occurring in this country that never make the news: instances of racist rednecks terrorising Aboriginal children, ripping off the headscarves of Muslim women, calling African people the N-word and bashing South Asian, Chinese and other East Asian-origin residents and international students.
The racist rants of ruling class politicians and the mainstream media are inciting this violence. One of their means of stirring up poisonous nationalism is to ridiculously hype up claims that China is “buying up” and “interfering” in Australia. Actual facts mean little to these hate mongers! Perhaps their most tried and tested method of sowing division is to brand various racial minorities as being especially prone to crime. Their latest favourite targets are African youth “gangs” – especially those made up of South Sudanese youth – who they label a “grave threat.” It is the hard right-wing Home Affairs minister, Peter Dutton – who last week came within a whisker of becoming prime minister – who is leading this hate-fest. His claims, which were backed by then prime minister Turnbull, are as ridiculous as they are vile. The truth is that crime committed by South Sudanese youth makes up just a tiny proportion of all crime. But that won’t stop the racist radio shock jocks at 2GB from amplifying Dutton’s claims.
Even less xenophobic media outlets, like the ABC, engage in the racist reporting of crime by only publicising the ethnicity of perpetrators when they happen to be people of colour! If one is consistent in noting the ethnicity of criminals then – even if we exclude the Australian state’s horrific massacres of Aboriginal people – one would find that the majority of Australia’s most ghastly crimes have been committed by people of white European heritage. Australia’s biggest mass murder since World War II, the 1996 Port Arthur shooting massacre of 35 people, was perpetrated by the blonde-haired white guy, Martin Bryant. The most deadly shooting since then was the Margaret River massacre perpetrated by another white man, Peter Miles, just three months ago when Miles heinously shot dead his wife, daughter and four grandchildren. All this does not at all mean that white people have a greater propensity to commit murders – since they do make up a majority of this country’s population. But it does show how deceitful it is for politicians and shock jocks to brand various non-white ethnic groups as being especially prone to crime.
Australia’s State Authorities:
Covering Up Racist Hate Crimes, Perpetrating Racist Brutality
The racial background of those who commit unwarranted acts of violence against others is, in fact, irrelevant. The one exception to this is when the crime is actually racially motivated. Yet, it is precisely in these cases that the mainstream media, police and courts suddenly insist that race is irrelevant to the crime! Take, for instance, the attack on Abdullah Qaiser. Incredibly, NSW Police released a media statement claiming that the attack was not racially motivated. Understandably, Abdullah Qaiser was perplexed:
“I wasn’t expecting them to say that it wasn’t a racial attack.
“If it wasn’t a racial attack, then why were they calling me a terrorist and saying I don’t belong here?”
An even starker case was the murder in Brisbane of Indian-origin bus driver, Manmeet Alisher, by white man, Anthony O’Donohue. On October 28, 2016, O’Donohue boarded Manmeet’s bus and threw a firebomb at the immigrant. The murderer was noted for ultra-right-wing conspiracy theories and he had an extreme hatred of trade unions. Most significantly, two other Indian-origin bus drivers told of how O’Donohue had previously made racist remarks about them. And yet the presiding judge, Jean Dalton, not only decided that O’Donohue was not mentally fit to stand trial – thus, enabling the murderer to get away with a shorter sentence in a mental facility – but outrageously declared that the attack was not racist. The mainstream media, including supposedly “progressive” types like the ABC and The Guardian, followed suit. Yet, Manmeet’s family and friends who held a protest rally outside the court were not buying it. Feeling a strong sense of injustice, they insisted that the murder was racist. As family spokesman, Winnerjit Goldy, stated:
“Why did he choose Manmeet?”
“Manmeet’s friends and other Australians live in fear that they don’t feel safe in Australia.”
It is little surprise that the police and courts would seek to whitewash the racist nature of hate crimes. For the Australian state authorities are themselves the biggest perpetrators of racist violence. The Australian regime brutally persecutes refugees in hell-hole prison camps. And video footage that was finally released last month showing how six heavy set prison guards brutalised to death 26 year-old Aboriginal inmate, David Dungay, illustrates the horror that cops and screws are unleashing against Aboriginal people. Racist state oppression, in its turn, incites redneck terror on the streets. Today marks the second anniversary of the murder of the 14 year-old Aboriginal child, Elijah Doughty, who was chased and deliberately run over by a 55 year-old racist white man in WA’s Kalgoorlie-Boulder region. Can any sane person deny that the racist rants of ruling class politicians and media hounds and the fact that state authorities are brutalising Aboriginal people – and getting away with it – without a doubt fuelled the racist, social media frenzy against Aboriginal youth in that town that culminated in this hate crime.
Keep Them Separated – Dividing the Masses is
Good for the Big End of Town Capitalist Exploiters
It is rabid right-wingers like Katter’s Australian Party and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation who are driving the racist offensive. But they are definitely not alone. In May, NSW Labor leader, Luke Foley, inflamed hostility to migrants by claiming that refugees are swamping Western Sydney leading to a “white flight” of Anglo families from these suburbs and a shortage of jobs and infrastructure. The ALP’s agenda was evident in January, too, when Dutton was spreading nonsense that Victorians are “scared to go out to restaurants” because of “African gang violence.” The day before Dutton’s racist outburst, Deputy Labor leader and supposed “Labor Left,” Tanya Plibersek claimed that it was “undoubted that many Australians aren’t feeling safe” and that people in Victoria particularly “feel that there is a risk that they will be the victim of gang-related violence” (https://www.theguardian. com/australia-news/2018/jan/03/peter-dutton-says-victorians-scared-togo-out-because-of-african-gang-violence). She then went on to criticise the right-wing government for not giving more funding to the Federal Police! In other words, ALP leaders were pushing, at best, a slighter softer version of the Hard Right’s anti-African hysteria.

The current politicians sow racial divisions because they all ultimately serve, with more or less enthusiasm, the capitalist big end of town. The capitalists – from billionaires like Andrew Forrest and Gina Rinehart to smaller-scale business owners – make huge profits from paying workers far less than they are entitled to for the actual productivity of their labour. This is the basic tactic capitalists have employed since the start of the Industrial Revolution to ensure their filthy profits by underpaying the working masses. From the vast surplus value of the workers of the world’s exploited and accumulated labour are built the now unimaginably enormous pyramids of stolen gold from atop of which the ruling class of capitalists rule most of the Earth. Quite naturally, this small class of exploiters fears that the masses of the world’s working class people will one day seek to unite against them. Indeed, they need politicians to divide the exploited working class and divert their growing frustration into self-destroying channels. Frustration over lack of job security, low wages and unaffordable rents is diverted onto innocent targets like Aboriginal people, other coloured ethnic communities and people who are toiling, just like we working class people are in Australian are but only abroad. The exploiters want workers to be divided so that we do not unite to resist the capitalist governments’ attacks on militant workers’ unions like the CFMEU. The media, from Channel 7 which is owned by the billionaire, Kerry Stokes, to Sky TV and The Australian and Daily Telegraph newspapers owned by the Murdoch family are always ready and willing to scapegoat racial minorities. And perpetrating racist divide and conquer schemes is easy for the Liberals, Nationals and even more right-wing parties since these parties are, themselves, dominated by capitalist business owners as well as wannabe capitalists. For the ALP it is more complicated. The Labor Party is, in its actual composition, a party made up of workers and some leading ALP figures even originally got involved in politics for the sake of improving the lot of the masses. Yet, the ALP seeks to improve workers’ position within the current capitalist order. That means that they not only chase corporate funding but, more broadly, seek the acceptance, or at least acquiescence, of the big end of town. ALP hacks are for ever looking over their shoulder, fearful that the demands that they place upon the capitalists will backfire on them and overly annoy the capitalist class and its all powerful media. Thus, ALP politicians not only invariably capitulate to the sentiments created by the racist, capitalist media but, moreover, the more that they recoil from a perspective of workers’ struggle against the capitalist exploiters the more they seek to “satisfy” the frustrations of their mass base by advocating a divisive agenda to favour the majority, local white workers over and against refugees, migrants and our producer sisters and brothers abroad.
Financially insecure small businessmen and self-employed contractors, whose economic position naturally means that everyone else in the market, including counterparts from other ethnicities, are seen as competitors, can be especially prone to buying into racist appeals. To a lesser extent, so too can workers at tiny workplaces who are largely not organised into unions and are often isolated from fellow workers. Many smaller-scale capitalist exploiters, a chunk of the middle class self-employed and a few workers from smaller workplaces are, thus, moving towards the ultra-racist, Far Right.
All this is pulling the mainstream conservative parties ever further to the right. Of course, there are “liberal” capitalists who worry about the overt nature of the Hard Right’s racism. The pursuit of international trade, investment and predatory imperialist interventions in the Asia-Pacific region lead bourgeois liberals like Turnbull, Julie Bishop and Christopher Pyne to favour a more disguised form of white supremacist rule than the openly proud, xenophobic “conservatives” do. This is the essence of last week’s leadership brawl in the Liberal Party. Although the Hard Right who toppled Turnbull did not succeed in getting their man Dutton into the prime ministership, the new prime minister, Scott Morrison, is almost as openly bigoted. As a minister in the former Abbott government, it was Morrison who drove the brutal military-led “turn back the boats” policy against refugees.
This movement further and further to the right of conservative parties is occurring worldwide. The hard right Donald Trump seized the leadership of the U.S. Republican Party and now, as President of the U.S.A, is administering an ultra-racist agenda. This has incited an escalation in racist violence – something that was already all too present during the rule of earlier administrations. Last year, people inspired by the racist Alt Right alone murdered 17 people in the U.S.; and that does not even include any of the racist murders committed by rednecks who aren’t overtly political. Just like in the U.S. and Australia, conservative parties administering governments in Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere are also lurching further to the right. Meanwhile, in Italy, Switzerland and Austria, far-right parties are actually major parts of governing coalitions. In countries like Canada, Sweden and France where hard right parties are not in government, racist terror on the streets is also escalating. Even in developing capitalist countries, racist forces are gaining ground. India’s prime minister is a Hindu fundamentalist who, earlier, as chief minister of Gujarat province not only promoted school textbooks that glorified Nazism but also incited a horrific anti-Muslim pogrom that killed over 2,000 people. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, far-right extremists have been ever more viciously attacking the country’s Chinese and Christian minorities.
Thankfully, there is one huge exception to this alarming trend of growing racist reaction. In the world’s most populous country, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), a person from one of that nation’s numerous ethnic minorities or an international student can be almost certain that they are not going to be attacked or abused on the streets just because of their ethnicity. It is no accident that this big exception to the rule happens to be the only large country in the world which is not under capitalist rule. Although capitalists have been allowed to gain a significant place in the Chinese economy, the PRC still represents a fundamentally different system and continues to be dominated by socialistic, state-owned enterprises. The Chinese working class, albeit in a deformed way, continues to cling onto state power and that makes a world of difference.
For Militant Anti-Racist Struggle Driven by
Multi-Racial Working Class & Minority Communities
The danger facing racial minorities in most of the world was made all too clear in the German city of Chemnitz over the last few days. Seizing on the death there of a man during a fight with immigrants, thousands of fascists descended on the city chanting “foreigners out” and giving Nazi salutes. The neo-Nazis rampaged through the city bashing any person of colour they could find. Terrified immigrants stayed locked in their houses for days. Although the 1990 capitalist reunification of Germany was associated with a resurgence of far-right violence, Germany has not seen such a huge unleashing of fascist terror since the end of Nazi rule. The fact is that if the decaying capitalist system is allowed to run its course and the far-right resurgence is not combated immediately, a number of countries may well experience an outright takeover by Hitler-style fascists within the next decade.

The multi-racial working class must be mobilised to protect targeted communities from the rising tide of racist reaction. This is a matter of self-defence for the workers movement. By terrifying ethnic minority workers, racist attacks intimidate this crucial section of the working class and, thus, damage the capacity of the entire workers movement to resist the exploiters. Moreover, racism harms workers unity and the ability of workers to fight against the ever-increasing attacks on their wages and unions. Therefore, the working class movement must spearhead the following action program:
- Mass mobilisations of trade unionists standing alongside people from African, Asian, Middle Eastern and Aboriginal backgrounds as well as Muslims, Jews, LGBTIQ communities and leftists must stop the fascists when they try to mobilise in public. Similar mobilisations must over-run any training centre or bunker that violent white supremacists seek to establish. It is difficult to mobilise against the numerous, disparate acts of racist violence by garden variety rednecks that occur every single day. However, by dealing severe blows in public to the extreme, politically racist elements, we can send a strong message to the unorganised racists that it is not in their interests to stick their ugly necks out and commit racist attacks.
- All racist government policies must be opposed. We must fight to free the refugees, stop all deportations and win the rights of citizenship for all refugees, guest workers and overseas students.
- The workers movement must be mobilised to support Aboriginal people’s struggle for justice and demand an end to the state’s systematic oppression which leads to so many black people being killed in state custody by racist police and prison guards. This perspective must seek to build towards trade union industrial action in support of justice for victims of racist state terror.
- Economic nationalist schemes must be rejected – protectionism does not save jobs but, instead, by pitting workers in one country against another, makes it harder for workers to unite to stop their bosses slashing jobs. What we need in order to fight for secure, permanent jobs for all is class struggle action demanding that capitalist business owners increase hiring at the expense of their fat profits all around the globe.
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In waging such struggles we must be aware that as long as capitalism with its social decay, unemployment and need for racist divide and conquer schemes continues to rule the roost, racist violence and the threat of a full-on fascist takeover will be ever present. However, to advance towards the socialist revolution that is needed to sweep away the capitalist order, we must unite working class people and teach them to understand their own power through mobilising actions right now against racist and anti-union attacks. That means we need to struggle for a new program to gain the ascendancy in our trade union movement: a program that rejects the currently dominant agenda of Laborism with its false hopes in salvation through parliament and its divisive economic nationalism. More than ever, we need a program based on militant class struggle and the building of genuine unity between workers of all races, local, guest and international workers.

Concerned Progressive Small-l Liberals & Social
Democrats Powerless to Stop Right-Wing Racist Reaction
Many small-l liberals and respectable “dissenting voices” have expressed alarm at the increased incitement of racial, misogynist and homophobic hatred by mainstream figures. Their concern is genuinely felt. However, because they are part of the capitalist establishment that is the root cause of the growing social reaction, they are powerless to resist the Far Right or to even identify the factors behind its growth. Thus, we see fair-minded, middle class commentators in the media, academia and NGO milieu tying themselves up in knots as they try to explain away the rise of the Extreme Right by pointing, variously, to things like automation of production, social media culture causing people to not listen to each other, a lack of education about democracy, contemporary leaders being not what their forebears were … indeed just about anything but the plain truth that those at the top of the decaying capitalist order actually need to promote racism and other forms of bigotry for the sake of dividing and diverting the masses that they exploit.
Some ALP, and more often Greens, politicians do sometimes rebuff the most extreme statements from hard right-wing politicians. However, such resistance tends to be weak or inconsistent because the ALP and The Greens, themselves, uphold the racist capitalist order. When you do hear Greens – and less often Labor – politicians speaking out strongly against bigotry is when they are speaking to a particular, sympathetic audience, like at an anti-racism rally, in which case they work hard to get all the votes they can get! Yet, rarely will you hear them emphasising the same message to the general public – for example in their election platforms.
Unlike the “progressive” mainstream politicians chasing the perks and fame of a parliamentary career, anti-racist activists from the Far Left are, for the most part, idealistic people driven by a genuine hatred of racism. However, most of the avowedly socialist groups tail after the ALP and The Greens. Though these groups often do make correct criticisms of these parties, their basic strategy for social change revolves around campaigning to elect ALP/Greens governments and then hoping to use mass pressure to push these governments to the left. The most shameless about following this perspective is the Solidarity group but the strategy of Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative is, in essence, the same. At the rally held in Sydney on the day Scott Morrison became prime minister, leading members of the Solidarity group openly urged the pro-refugee activists gathered to campaign at the next elections for the ALP and Greens … and, yes, to also pressure these parties to be fairer to refugees. These “far left” rally organisers allowed an ALP youth leader to speak and put forward an ALP election pitch without making anything, even nearing, a commitment to opposing the imprisonment of refugees on Manus and Nauru and without having to face any criticism from rally organisers.
How bankrupt this “campaign for the ALP/Greens and push them to the left” strategy is can be seen by recalling that it was the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor regime in its final months that introduced the heinous policy that every asylum seeker arriving by sea will be imprisoned in an off-shore camp with no chance of residency in Australia. Now, Shorten’s ALP is descending even further into White Australia chauvinism. Last year, the Labor Party ran a video saying that it would “Employ Australians First” with visuals where nearly all the Australians shown were white Anglos. The ALP advertisement’s unmistakable racist message – that white people had to be supposedly protected from having their jobs taken away by non-white people – was so blatant that even right-wing politicians attacked it for dog whistling to racism!
The Greens have, by contrast, sometimes spoken out against such overt White Australia racism. Yet, The Greens simultaneously push divisive economic nationalist appeals – for example, by calling for tougher restrictions on guest workers and schemes to restrict steel imports. Such policies that call for putting the interests of (mainly white) Australian workers over (overwhelmingly coloured) workers from “Third World” countries inevitably reinforce White Australia xenophobic prejudices. NSW Greens senator, David Shoebridge, who, to his credit, has sometimes spoken out in support of Aboriginal victims of state violence, has been coming to the aid of the far-right Chinese-based group, Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa are characterised by extreme homophobia, a fascistic urge for racial segregation and a belief that mixed-race people are inferior. They have even held joint meetings with the white supremacist Party for Freedom and several of their members are One Nation supporters, including former One Nation candidate, Shan Ju Lin, who was later dumped as a candidate because her Falun Dafa-style homophobia was so extreme that it was an embarrassment even to Pauline Hanson, herself!
The support of a progressive Greens parliamentarian for the racist and homophobic Falun Dafa typifies more broadly why the Greens and the ALP can never be an effective force against bigotry. Shoebridge defends Falun Dafa because he shares that outfit’s anti-communist hostility to Red China. This flows from an outlook which, like that of the rest of the ALP and Greens, is based on accepting the existing capitalist order whilst seeking to make some progressive reforms to it through parliament. Greens and ALP politicians understand all too well that winning parliamentary seats and gaining acceptance of any reforms made there requires winning the confidence, or at least the acceptance, of the capitalist bigwigs who shape elections and parliaments through their domination of the media, NGO think thanks and political donations. The Greens and ALP will, inevitably, continue to kowtow to the capitalist ruling class in all major areas, be it their hostility to socialistic China or their need to divert the exploited masses with reactionary nationalism. No amount of left-wing pressure is going to fundamentally change this. Indeed, even a party that is substantially more left-wing than either the ALP and The Greens but which still acquiesces to capitalist state power cannot deliver serious relief from racist reaction and union-busting. Just look at Greece. To the cheers of Australian left groups like Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative, the radical left-wing party, Syriza, gained strength and eventually won Greek elections in 2015. Yet, in government they are administering anti-working class austerity measures that are as savage as did the conservative governments before them. Today, racist and homophobic violence in Greece continues to be on the increase.
Instead of looking for salvation through parliament, we fight for mass actions to force capitalist governments to grant concessions – such as pulling back from anti-working class and racist measures. Such gains can be won not because of the virtues of a particular party holding government office but when the masses have mobilised strongly enough to force the enemy to grant a concession. Illusions that progressive change can come through electing ALP or ALP-Greens governments is one of the biggest obstacles to such militant, mass struggle. For such illusions make the working class and the oppressed falsely believe that the capitalist state can be their friend and that progressive change does not require the arduous and often hazardous road of extra-parliamentary struggle.
As the federal elections draw near and reformist left groups divert well-meaning youth into the dead end “campaign for the ALP/ Greens and push them to the left” strategy, we will be working harder than ever to warn of the hopelessness of such a parliamentary-based strategy as part of our fight to mobilise the working class and all the oppressed in mass actions against racist violence and against the racist policies of capitalist governments. Let’s organise powerful actions of workers and “ethnic” communities to defend targeted minorities from violent far-right scum. Let’s join together to over-run and smash to smithereens the bunkers and training gyms of white supremacist paramilitary groups! Let’s build mass struggle – that will lead to workers’ industrial action – and demand justice for Aboriginal victims of racist state violence, the closure of the Manus and Nauru hell-hole detention camps, an end to all deportations and full citizenship rights for all refugees, guest workers and international students. The time is right – not just in words but in real, on the street, militant action – for workers from all countries to unite and fight!