25 June 2023: Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer made the following video statement as part of an international campaign of statements by leftist parties around the world in opposition to the U.S. blockade of the Cuban workers state:
Tag Archives: sanctions
Statement by Trotskyist Platform Chairwoman Opposing
Rally Calls to Rip the Electricity and Fuel Sectors From the Tycoons and Bring Them Into Public Hands
Rally Calls to Rip the Electricity and Fuel Sectors From the Tycoons and
Bring Them Into Public Hands
12 April 2023: Last Saturday, over thirty people rallied in the Western Sydney suburb of Auburn to demand that the electricity, coal, oil and gas industries be ripped out of the hands of the greedy tycoons and be placed into public ownership. The action was in response to the unaffordable cost of living and plummeting real wages. In introducing the action, rally emcee Samuel Kim, who is also a leading member of Trotskyist Platform, explained:
Sisters and brothers, we are gathered here today because everything is way too expensive. Electricity, petrol, gas, rent, food … you name it. Bread and cereal prices are up nearly 13% over just this last year. The price of milk and other dairy products has risen nearly 15%. Meanwhile, workers wages are barely rising. As a result, large numbers of people are being driven into poverty. Many people are having to skip meals and forego buying essential medicine. Hundreds of thousands of people are set to endure winter shivering in discomfort.
A major cause of the rising prices is the skyrocketing cost of petrol, electricity and gas. This is not only increasing our fuel and power bills but has driven up the cost of refrigerating, processing and transporting food and other groceries.
So why are the prices of fuel and electricity so high? It is because the greedy rich corporations and company owners have decided to put up their prices for higher profits. And guess who’s paying up so that these tycoons can get even richer … You and I, the working-class, are paying.
As the call-out for the April 8 action stressed:
What we need is for all of the petrol, electricity, gas and coal sectors to be taken out of the hands of the ultra-rich profiteers that own them and be brought into public ownership….
The ruling class’ only “method” to try and contain steep prices is to crash the economy by jacking up interest rates. But we won’t be able to endure unaffordable prices if we lose our jobs or have our hours cut in the resulting recession! Let’s push down the cost of living and do it in a way that protects workers’ livelihoods and stops the slashing of our living standards! Let’s drive down the prices of everything by bringing the petrol, electricity, gas and coal sectors into public hands! We can’t allow the current filthy rich owners of these sectors – like Mike Cannon-Brookes and Kerry Stokes – to keep on milking fat profits at our expense!
The action was jointly built by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA). Speakers at the rally included Brenda Wang, a senior member of the ACWA, Sarah Fitzenmeyer, the Chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform and Wayne Sonter from the Revolutionary Housing League. After the introduction from the rally emcee, a message of solidarity to the protest was read out from Pete a retired coal mine worker in the Hunter Valley. The message stressed how the mining capitalists are not only exploiting their workers and charging the public exorbitant prices but are also leaching from the public budget through receiving a huge fuel rebate:
Firstly, I send to you all Comradely greetings from the Hunter Valley in NSW. I am a retired coal miner from Muswellbrook and I worked for BHP at their Mount Arthur open cut mine that is just on the outskirts of town for 20 years.
I come from a long line of miners that started out in the turn of the century at Broken Hill in the far west of NSW.
You are gathering today to voice your opposition against the private ownership of our natural recourses and have them returned to the people of Australia and I wish you every success.
Mount Arthur coal mine where I was a slave to the capitalist system produces both coking coal used in steel making and thermal coal mostly used in power generation….
BHP owns Mount Arthur mine 100% and has recently announced a record pre tax profit for the SIX months up to December 2022 of 1.4 BILLION US Dollars for that one single mine alone. That breaks down to approximately 10 million Australian dollars per day !!!
All of the mining equipment that is used in the mine is diesel powered so the amount of diesel fuel required to run the mine is a staggering amount, millions of litres annually in fact. One of the best kept secrets that the coal miners keep closely guarded is the fact that the Federal Government gives them back a rebate of 47.7 cents per litre. That is for every litre of fuel used in the mine they claim back 47.7 cents and with millions of litres of fuel used annually they get a very fat cheque in the mail to help them pay their fuel bill. This Comrades has to STOP!
… Information that I have from the Australia Institute in Canberra tells me that the mining industry in Australia for the years 2022/23 will receive 7.7 BILLION dollars in fuel rebate and for the years 2023/24 it jumps to 9.2 Billion dollars.
This is YOUR money Comrades going to the dirty Capitalists !!
Rise up Comrades and voice you opinion on this unfair handout to the fat cats of the coal industry!

Among the placards that Trotskyist Platform carried at the event included: “Confiscate the Power, Coal, Oil and Gas Industries from the Greedy Tycoons And Put Them Into Public Hands!”, “Fight for: The Seizure of the Power and Fuel Industries From the Capitalists And Their Transfer Into Public Hands, a Massive Increase in Public Housing and the Conversion of All Casual Jobs into Secure, Permanent Ones!”, “Australia: Power, Fuel, Ports and Finance Sectors in the Hands of Super-Rich Big Shareholders – 6.8% Inflation, Plummeting Real Wages. China: All these Key Sectors Under Public Ownership – Just 1% Inflation and the Fastest Growing Workers’ Real Wages in the World” and “We Don’t Want to Cop Higher Prices for the Sake of the Global Ambitions of the Capitalists that are Ripping Us Off – Lift Western Sanctions on Russia!”
Participants in the spirited rally loudly chanted: “Fuel and Power into Public Hands!” and “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Confiscation’s the Way to Go!” Many passers-by in multi-racial, working-class Auburn stopped to listen to speeches and read the protest banner and signs. They also viewed a beautiful cultural performance put on by Chinese dancers from the ACWA during a brief interlude between the speeches.
The April 8 action received favourable coverage in several Australian Chinese language news outlets, international Chinese language outlets and also in several news platforms in mainland China. Some of the latter outlets especially highlighted the point made by ACWA spokeswoman Brenda Wang that the reason that China has much lower inflation than Australia is because she has public ownership of her key sectors. By thus showing people in China that even pro-working class activists in Australia understand the benefits of China’s system based on social ownership of the backbone industries and are demanding the nationalisation of key industries within their own country itself, the rally had the indirect effect of boosting the morale of staunch Chinese communists who want to defend and strengthen China’s socialistic state sector as against rightist elements who want to give greater openings to private – that is capitalist – “entrepreneurs” (read exploiters).
Emphasising the need to build a powerful working-class movement to win the transfer of the fuel and electricity sectors from the hands of the capitalists into public ownership, rally emcee Samuel Kim concluded the April 8 rally with a call to action:
Comrades and friends, fellow working class people in the good struggle – the costs of living for food, rents, fuel and electricity are eroding savings. Many even go hungry or take out loans. Wages are stagnant, and are in affect going backwards as the cost of living soars. Huge parts of the economy are controlled by the greedy rich who only care about themselves. They aggressively pursue profits – profits stolen from the wages of workers.
Today’s protest is one of many that will happen in the future. It is just the start, as things are not getting better. That is why we need to prepare for a future movement.
We reprint below the speeches given by the ACWA and Trotskyist Platform representatives at the April 8 action.
Speech by Brenda Wang, leading member of the
Australian Chinese Workers Association:
The Australian Chinese Workers Association strongly supports this rally to drive down living costs and to bring the fuel and power sectors into public ownership. I want to acknowledge that we are gathering here on the stolen land of the Dharug First Nations people.
Like our fellow working-class Australians of all ethnicities, Chinese workers in Australia have been enduring increasingly unaffordable living costs. Electricity prices, petrol costs, rent, food prices and the prices of other groceries are unbearable. Many working-class people of Chinese descent in this country are being driven into poverty just like our sisters and brothers of other ethnicities. We understand that the high cost of fuel and electricity is a major part of what is driving costs up across the board. That is why we in the Australian Chinese Workers Association support the struggle to take the electricity, oil, gas and coal sectors from the rich tycoons and put them into public ownership.
The Australian Chinese Workers Association is a mass organisation that organises Australian-Chinese workers to defend their workplace conditions and assert their rights to access social services; while linking the Chinese working-class community with the overall Australian trade union movement and involving them in broader social justice campaigns within Australia.
I want to share some of our experience as immigrants from the Peoples Republic of China and as people who still have many friend and relatives in China who we are in regular contact with. In China, not only is the fuel and power sector under public ownership but so are most of the steel, mining, ports, shipping, banks and other major sectors. That is why China has very low inflation now unlike the countries where these sectors are owned by rich shareholders. It is also why workers real wages continue to grow rapidly in China and the economy continues to develop. So if anyone tells you that public ownership does not work, please explain that they are mistaken. Public ownership works – we know this from our own experience and from that of our family and friends.
So I hope that Australian working-class people of all ethnicities can unite to struggle to bring the fuel and power industries into public ownership. And I hope that we can also unite to fight for higher wages, more low-rent public housing and other measures urgently needed by the masses. We in the Australian Chinese Workers Association pledge to do all we can to support these noble causes.
Speech by Sarah Fitzenmeyer, Chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform:
I acknowledge that we are gathering here on the stolen land of the Dharug First Nations people. And right across these stolen Aboriginal Peoples lands, the super-rich owners of Australia’s oil, gas, coal and renewable energy companies are making huge, obscene profits. They are making these sky-high profits both by exploiting their own workers and by over-charging us all for fuel and electricity.
But sisters and brothers it is not just the owners of the oil, gas and coal producers who are ripping us off. Right throughout the chain of the fuel and power industries, the billionaire owners of these companies involved are jacking up prices. This includes the oil refiners, the fuel distributors, the fuel retailers, the electricity generators and the electricity retailers.
If you cross the railway line and go not too far to South Granville, you will see that there are two petrol stations owned by United Petroleum. United is one of Australia’s biggest petrol retailers. United outlets are notorious for paying their workers below award wages. The company is owned by two Australians, Avi Silver and Eddie Hirsch. Each of them have acquired a fortune of over $1.6 billion from under-paying United workers and overcharging customers. So when you fill up petrol or buy food at a United outlet and wonder why you are paying such high prices, just know that a good chunk of what you are forking out is used to sustain the lavish lifestyle of two Australian billionaires.
Now, I want to speak about Australia’s biggest electricity supplier, AGL. By far the biggest shareholder in AGL is Australia’s third richest person, Mike Cannon-Brookes. Last financial year, this Mike Cannon Brookes company slashed more than 500 jobs, while pushing the remaining workers to toil harder at their jobs to cover the work of those who were retrenched. Through such exploitation of workers, Cannon Brookes has acquired a $28 billion fortune. Five years ago, he bought Australia’s first home that reached a price of $100 million! Last year, Mike Cannon Brookes share of AGL’s $860 million profit was almost enough to buy himself yet another $100 million home! So those of you who are AGL customers, when you fume at how high your next electricity or gas bill is, just know that a big slice of what you pay may well help a high-living Australian billionaire buy yet another $100 million mansion!
And as you continue to pay unaffordable prices for food and other groceries, just know that part of your payment is going to cover the high costs of transport, refrigeration and processing resulting from the rip-off fuel and electricity prices set by the companies owned by Australian billionaires like Mike Cannon Brookes, Avi Silver, Eddie Hirsch, Ivan Glasenberg and Kerry Stokes.
Sisters and brothers, we have put a stop to this! We cannot continue to tolerate unaffordable living costs just to sustain the lavish lifestyle of greedy tycoons. That is why we need to reverse the electricity privatisation that has taken place over the last two decades. That means we need to fight for the confiscation of the power industry from its current, super-rich owners so that it can be transferred back into public hands. The same nationalisation also needs to happen to the oil, gas, coal and renewable energy sectors. This is what is needed to seriously drive down these exorbitant living costs!
However, the ruling class and their media are doing everything possible to stop you coming to this realisation. That is why they want to blame Russia’s intervention in Ukraine for the high cost of living. But the fact is that prices were going up even faster before the war escalated last year. It is not the war or Russia’s actions that is causing high energy prices – it is because of the sanctions imposed by Western regimes against Russia and we must not be supporting these sanctions. The Australian, American, British and other Western regimes are waging a proxy war against Russia because they want to ensure that the tycoons that they serve maintain their exclusive right to exploit most of the world. It is true that Russia is also ruled by a greedy capitalist class just like here. But because Russia is economically weaker, it is not Russian capitalists that dominate most of the world but rather the American, British, Australian, Japanese and other Western capitalists. For example, resource-rich Papua New Guinea’s entire oil production is owned by Australian corporations! So it will be good for the world’s masses and good for the working-class people of Australia if the greedy ruling class that exploits us and rips us off suffers a blow by having their proxy war against Russia defeated. So we should oppose these sanctions on Russia – sanctions that are helping to drive up our living costs. We shouldn’t have to endure higher prices for the sake of the global ambitions of the capitalists that are ripping us off!

Yet, even these sanctions have not, by themselves, caused the steep price rises. Energy prices have surged because the greedy owners of the Australian fuel industry have chosen to massively increase prices here to match the increased world price. Just because world prices have increased doesn’t mean that we have to cop these increases here. After all it is here where many of these resources actually come from – produced by our labour. And the governments and pro-capitalist political parties have chosen to allow these tycoons to get away with this. The right-wing Liberal Party openly opposes any measures to curb power and fuel prices. The Labor Party, because it has a working-class base wants to look like it is trying to bring down living costs. But because it is so very committed to avoid angering the big end of town, the ALP takes only very weak measures. The price limit for gas that the Albanese government has implemented is nearly three times what the gas price was two and a half years ago! No wonder it has been announced that our electricity prices will go up in July by even more than they went up last year.
So we cannot rely on any of the current parliamentary parties to do what is needed to bring down unaffordable prices. That is why we need to build a campaign of mass actions, including protests, occupations and workers industrial action to demand the transfer of the fuel and power industries into public hands. That is why we in Trotskyist Platform decided to initiate today’s action to begin the building of this much needed movement. Sisters and brothers, if we look at the mass strikes in Britain against falling real wages and the militant protests in France against the government raising the age of eligibility for the pension, this gives us a small taste of what is needed here.
At the same time, we must understand that the rip off prices that we’re all paying for fuel, electricity and groceries is just a symptom of a much bigger disease. And that disease, is this decaying capitalist system that is only surviving by driving down real wages and forcing workers into ever more precarious forms of employment. So as well as demanding the transfer of the energy and power sectors into public ownership we need to fight for big wage rises, for the conversion of all gig and casual jobs into permanent secure positions and for a massive increase in low-rent public housing. To wage such struggles we need to build unity amongst all of the working class.
That means we must positively mobilise to oppose state violence against Aboriginal peoples, win the rights of citizenship for all guest workers, refugees and international students and defeat all far-right racist attacks on people of Asian, African and Middle Eastern backgrounds, stand with and support all women’s rights activists and the LGBTQIA+ community.
Now, working-class people do need a party, But not one like the ALP that accommodates the capitalists and runs their capitalists’ state for them. What we need is a workers party built to organise our intransigent and steadfast resistance against the exploiting class.
Sisters and brothers, nationalising the energy and power sectors will be an important step to driving down unaffordable prices. But it will be only be just a step because currently the state machinery itself is under the control of the big end of town. We will need to assert people’s inspection and supervision of any publicly owned fuel and power industries. These sectors and indeed the whole economy can only truly be made to work for us when we the working class take control of the state itself.
Now the apologists for the ruling class tell us that such talk of workers rule and public ownership is outdated and impractical. There is however a huge hole in their argument. For in the world’s most populous country, the Peoples Republic of China not only are the fuel and energy industries dominated by public ownership so are all the other key sectors including the banks, shipping, steel, ports, car manufacturing, airlines and telecommunications. To see how this works, lets look at state-owned China National Petroluem Company. This giant has a monopoly on China’s oil and gas production. Yet because it is directed as a public necessity to keep down prices, the profits of this Chinese state-owned giant is only just over 4% of its total sales. By contrast, Kerry Stokes oil and gas company here in Australia, Beach Energy has profits that are nearly 30% of its sales. That is why we are suffering an inflation rate of nearly 7%, while in China, through their public ownership of key sectors, they have kept inflation to just 1%. And while workers real wages here are markedly lower than they were 11 years ago, in China, workers real wages have more than doubled in the same period. Yet China’s socialistic system centred on public ownership is precisely what makes the capitalist rulers of the U.S. and Australia so hostile to her.
For they fear that China’s successes in uplifting her people out of extreme poverty will make the masses in their own countries also demand a system based on public ownership. But demanding public ownership is exactly what we need the masses here to fight for! So we should support, applaud and want the great example of socialistic China to continue in its success. That is why it is in the clear interests of the working-class of Australia and the world to oppose all the attacks on socialistic rule in China – whether that be the war-mongering AUKUS submarine project or the lying propaganda that China is persecuting Uyghurs and people in Hong Kong.
Sisters and brothers, we do not need to accept a system based on ownership of industry by filthy rich tycoons who exploit workers labour and charge us unaffordable prices. Let’s stop the ever growing slide into poverty for low-paid workers in Australia! Let’s fight for the confiscation of the coal, oil, gas and power companies and their prompt transfer into public ownership! Let’s build a spirited movement to fight for this. Let’s build on today’s action!

Above photo: Lebanese cucumbers selling for all most $12 a kilogram at a Woolworths supermarket in an Inner West Sydney suburb on 22 July 2022. Food prices in Australia and other capitalist countries have been surging, while wage increases have been small.
Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform
15 July 2022: Food prices are surging. The price of lettuce has more than doubled over the last year. Beef is 12% dearer. And then there are the skyrocketing electricity and fuel costs. Yet while everything is getting more expensive, wages have barely risen. That means that even while the rich business owners extract ever more exorbitant profits from their workers’ labour, workers’ living standards are plummeting. It is of zero comfort to Australia’s working class masses that bankers, corporate bosses, politicians and media “experts” celebrate that the economy is undergoing a “strong expansion” when their own lives are getting ever harder.
Prime minister Albanese stated that it was “absolutely welcome” that the “Fair Work Commission” (FWC) recently set the annual increase in the minimum wage at 5.2%, basically matching the official inflation rate. It is true that unlike the former government, which refused to back a pay rise, the ALP government did call for a minimum wage rise that matched official inflation. Yet not only does the 5.2% increase not make up for the fact that this minimum wage had not kept pace with inflation in the preceding period, it will not match price increases in the coming period, which even the Reserve Bank has conceded will reach 7%. Moreover, as FWC president Iain Ross admitted, the prices of non-discretionary items like food are rising much faster than official inflation, especially hurting those on low incomes. Most low-paid workers are renters and Australia’s rents soared by 9.5% over the last year. Therefore, the actual cost increases endured by low-income workers are closer to 10% and rising fast. In other words, last month’s FWC ruling cheered by Albanese actually means a sizable cut to the real income of minimum wage workers. And other workers will suffer an even bigger cut. The FWC only gave award workers a 4.6% increase – less than even official inflation. Meanwhile, public sector workers are being hit still harder. The right wing NSW government has restricted public sector wage rises to just 3%. Gig workers are suffering the biggest cut in real income. Especially for food delivery workers and taxi and Uber drivers, surging petrol costs are ripping away their net incomes.
Australia is not alone in having soaring living costs. This is happening throughout the capitalist world. A poll found that one in six Germans are now skipping meals to get by! In the U.S. the annual inflation rate is 9.1%. Moreover, the crisis extends to the poorer countries. In India, inflation is over 7%, in Brazil it is nearly 12%. In Turkey, the inflation rate is nearly 80%!
So what is causing this crisis? When capitalist countries plunged into the late noughties’ Great Recession, governments found that they could only make their economies recover through flooding them with cheap credit and debt-financed spending. Even after that crisis waned, capitalist economies were so fragile that governments were never able to take their economies fully off of these life-supports. Then after COVID hit, capitalist governments dialled up the intensity of such pump priming “solutions”. The problem is that in the capitalist system, where the economy is in the hands of profit-driven bosses, excess money supply leads the corporate bigwigs to drive up prices. To ensure that the resulting increased revenue flows into their own pockets and not that of their workers, business owners avoid increasing wages knowing full well that soaring prices means that they are effectively slashing their workers’ pay. As a result, workers’ real wages in Australia are now 8% lower than they were six years ago!
This increasing exploitation has been going on under Liberal, Labor and Labor/Greens governments alike. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data show that bosses are now exploiting their workers 22% more than they were 36 years ago. As a result, ABS figures show that for every $100,000 of value added by workers – that is after all material, property and interest costs have been paid – at a capitalist business (one using hired labour) about $50,000 is gouged by the business owners as profit and only $50,000 is given back in wages! And given that the ABS classifies the fat salaries of CEOs and managers as “wages and salaries”, the reality is that, on average, workers in Australia are now receiving back as wages far less than half of the fruits of their own labour.
Therefore, the measures needed to defend workers’ living standards must be based on drastically increasing the share of the fruits of workers’ labour going back to workers at the expense of the amount that is leached away by the capitalists as profits. For starters that means that the workers movement must fight for huge wage increases. We must also specially defend the most precariously employed workers by demanding guaranteed wages, holiday pay and all the other rights of permanency for all those currently employed on a casual or gig basis. To make it easier to unleash the trade union industrial action needed to win such gains, we must demand the abolishing of all anti-strike laws and all laws restricting union access to workplaces.
Whenever workers demand improvements in their wages, the capitalists scream that this will cause job losses. But such job cuts will only occur if we let these exploiters carry out retrenchments and if we let them retain as few workers as is necessary to maximise their profits. Instead of doing that, we must force the capitalist bosses to hire more workers than they want to at the expense of their profits. We must demand a ban on job cuts by all profitable firms and must demand that all companies making a profit be required to increase their number of full-time, permanent employees by at least twenty-five workers for every one million dollars of quarterly profit.
The already most poverty stricken people are being hardest hit today. Due to entrenched gender inequality, sectors where women workers predominate have especially low wages. It is crucial that the workers movement as a whole demands equal pay for equal work for women workers. Meanwhile, unemployed workers are having to make do with cruelly low social security payments. This is not only driving unemployed workers into extreme poverty but has made the prospect of losing one’s job so scary that it is helping bosses to intimidate some employed workers into avoiding joining workers’ rights struggles. That is why it is especially important to fight for a doubling of the Jobseeker payment. Surging prices also mean that, even though old-age pensioners receive higher payments than unemployed workers, many working class pensioners are facing homelessness. The current system where a meagre pension is combined with individual superannuation carries into old age the inequality that workers faced when at working age. CEOs receive huge superannuation while low-paid workers receive little and gig workers and the unemployed nothing at all. Our unions must demand that the current superannuation system be replaced with one where bosses pay super into a common fund that will be used to help equally pay all a pension equal to the minimum wage.
What is making plunging living standards especially unbearable for many working class people is the lack of affordable rental accommodation. Even in the lower income, Western Sydney suburb of Auburn, the median weekly rent for two bedroom units available for lease is right now $435. That’s well over half the minimum wage! And given that so many are working in casual jobs where they receive far less than the minimum full-time wage, it is clear why so many people are only able to pay rent by skipping meals and avoiding using the heater right now at the height of winter. Moreover, there are very few affordable properties available to lease. So people struggling with rising costs are not even able to move into rougher but cheaper dwellings to get by.
The capitalist “free market” is failing to make available enough affordable accommodation – providing such housing is simply not profitable enough for wealthy investors and real estate speculators. What is therefore needed is much more low-rent public housing. Instead, Liberal, Labor and Labor/Greens federal and state governments have overseen a big public housing sell-off over the last few decades. Some of that involves governments handing over public housing to private operators and passing off the resulting “community housing” as also being part of “social housing.” However, the private operators of such “community housing” are notorious for skimping on repairs and skewing their allocations towards higher-rent paying tenants at the expense of the most hard-up. Thus, the proportion of tenants paying more than a quarter of their income in rent is almost eight times as high in “community housing” as it is in public housing.
Even over the last five years, governments have eroded public housing to the extent that the proportion of Australian dwellings that are public housing has been slashed by a further 10%. Today, just one out of every 34 dwellings in Australia belongs to public housing of some form. Yet governments are still continuing on the same course. Let’s stop all sell-offs – let’s fight for a massive increase in public housing instead! And for all public housing properties to be properly repaired! Let’s stop governments from driving tenants out of public housing by allowing properties to become so neglected that they become unfit for habitation!
Many working class people hoped that with the despised Morrison government finally gone, their needs would be addressed. However, the new ALP government also has no commitment to the measures needed to reverse the decline in working class people’s living standards. This was clear even before the elections. To reassure the big end of town that it would not be taking decisive moves to redistribute income from the rich to the poor, the ALP announced that it would ape the conservatives in refusing to lift dole payments. They also made clear that they would not abolish anti-strike laws. That is little surprise. Nearly all these laws had been accepted by previous ALP governments and a few of the rules – such as the Keating government’s 1993 measure restricting strike action to limited bargaining periods – were actually first brought in by Labor. Meanwhile, the ALP’s housing affordability plan will not increase public housing but rather promises funds for just a modest increase in privately-operated “community housing”.
To be sure, ALP leaders would like to improve the lives of their working class base. However, the ALP social democrats are unwilling to seriously challenge the power of the capitalist bigwigs who use their enormous wealth and ownership of the media and economy to thoroughly dominate political life and state institutions. Given their acquiescence to these oligarchs and given that the interests of these capitalists and those of its working class base are counterposed, the Labor Party always ends up betraying its base. Meanwhile, although more progressive on social questions, the Greens too accept the domination of the capitalists. For unlike even the ALP, whose ranks are largely workers, the Greens include significant numbers of actual capitalist exploiters in their ranks and is politically dominated by upper-middle class elements loyal to capitalism.
This means that plunging workers’ living standards are not going to be reversed by the agenda of either the new government or by any of the parties currently in parliament. The way that working class people can advance their interests is through mass action, especially through strikes and other class struggle action by our trade unions. It is through such struggle that working class people have won whatever rights they still have today. In recent months, there have been strikes by NSW train and bus drivers, nurses and teachers that give a small taste of the kind of struggle needed. However, the current pro-ALP union leaders see such actions as supplementary to their main strategy of herding workers into supporting the election and maintaining of Labor governments that they hope will uphold workers’ interests. As we have outlined, this is a losing strategy.
Therefore, we need a new agenda to guide our workers movement. One that rather than seeking collaboration with the capitalist class by limiting demands to what is tolerable to them, will mobilise the working class in an all out struggle against the capitalist exploiters to fight for what the masses actually need. That means not only unleashing struggles for secure jobs for all and big pay rises but also demanding free provision of the social services most needed by the masses. Despite ruling class politicians constantly congratulating themselves about the existence of Medicare, truly free healthcare does not exist in Australia. Currently, the out-of-pocket expenses that a sick person has to cover for specialist fees above what Medicare reimburses can be debilitating. And as governments increasingly underfund the health system, these out-of-pocket expenses are growing. Meanwhile, the lack of Medicare coverage of dental expenses means that large chunks of the working class simply avoid going to the dentist until their teeth deteriorate to the point of an emergency. Similarly, many are foregoing needed specialist visits. This is all the more damaging because COVID in 2022 has been killing people in Australia at the highest rate during this pandemic and hundreds of thousands are suffering Long Covid. Moreover, the inequality of healthcare is so large that those who cannot afford private insurance must wait long periods to receive treatment for debilitating conditions. For example, the current median wait time for a public patient who needs knee replacement surgery to enable them to walk properly again is around eight months!
That is why we must demand truly free health care – that means that Medicare should fully cover all specialist visits, all surgeries, all essential medicine and all dental care and that there should be no long waiting times. Similarly, we need to fight for free education, which means no fees and no HECS debt for TAFE and university. We must also demand free, 24-hour childcare. This is not only a crucial cost of living measure but would help enable women’s full participation in economic life. That in turn is vital for advancing women’s economic independence, without which many women being battered by violent, or otherwise abusive, partners could be coerced by financial necessities into remaining with such abusers.

Photo credit: Tim Swanston/ABC News
A major reason for the cost of living crisis are the surging fuel prices. These prices are being driven up by the sanctions imposed on Russia by Washington, Canberra and other U.S. allies that back Ukraine in its war with Russia. We must oppose these sanctions! This is necessary not only to protect our living standards. For the Ukraine war has become a proxy war of the Western imperial powers to unjustly drive their would-be Russian rival down to the subordinate condition that she had been in during the first fifteen years after her devastating 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution. Australian governments have sent Ukraine’s authoritarian regime hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment, including howitzers (long-range artillery) and dozens of armoured vehicles, to add to the billions of dollars of increasingly heavy and sophisticated weapons sent to Kiev by Washington and its European allies, including anti-aircraft batteries, advanced long-range anti-ship missiles, drones, tanks and advanced HIMARS multiple-launch guided rocket systems. Although Russia is also ruled by an ambitious capitalist class, her lack of economic strength means that it is the U.S, British, Australian, German, Japanese and other Western ruling classes and not, for the most part, the Russian one that are superexploiting and often simply steamrolling through brutal military power (as they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia) the peoples of Asia, the Pacific, Africa and Latin America. That is why if the Western proxy war on Russia is defeated it would be great for the peoples subjugated by imperialism. Such a serious setback to the authority of Australia’s capitalist rulers can only strengthen the ability to resist them. So we must demand: No military aid to Ukraine! Lift the sanctions on Russia!
However, the sanctions on Russia are not the only cause of soaring fuel and energy prices. Although the majority of Australia’s petroleum is imported, Australian corporate oil producers contribute to the high pump prices by selling fuel at the obscenely high world price. This is quadruply so with gas, which Australia is a major exporter of. Greedy Australian energy giants are selling gas at such a high price that it is not only sending residential heating costs through the roof but is driving up manufacturing and electricity prices that are flowing through the rest of the economy as well as pushing up home electricity bills. Meanwhile, power cuts have been threatened because profit-driven generator companies are trying to avoid selling electricity at the capped price when their fuel costs are so high. That is why all oil, gas and electricity corporations must be immediately placed under strict public control. Fuel and power costs must be driven down at the expense of the profits of energy corporations!
The bulk of Australia’s energy sector is owned by super-rich, Australian shareholders. Among them is Mike Cannon-Brookes who owns the largest stake in electricity and gas giant AGL. Australia’s third richest tycoon with a $28 billion fortune, Cannon-Brookes is known for his obscenely extravagant lifestyle. Four years ago, he paid the highest amount ever for a house when he bought a Sydney estate for $100 million! The fact that we need to take control of energy industries away from the hands of such people inevitably poses the question: why should these filthy rich capitalists be owning such key sectors at all? We should fight to confiscate the oil, gas and power sectors from their big shareholders and place them into public ownership. Similarly, we need to bring all the key social service sectors into public ownership. Part of why we are being hit with such high out of pocket health costs is that so much of the Medicare budget goes into the pockets of the rich tycoons owning private hospitals, pathology and radiology services and pharmacies – like Sonic Healthcare big shareholder, Michael Boyd, and billionaire Chemist Warehouse owners, Jack Gance and Mario Verrocchi. As a result, the service outcomes produced by each dollar of public money that’s spent is severely truncated. The same applies to childcare, where government subsidies end up feeding the profits of the companies that operate the sector. In public housing too, a good part of the budget ends up in the bank accounts of the owners of construction firms and maintenance contractors – including corporate giants like Downer and Ventia. So let us struggle to ensure that all parts of the operation of healthcare, education, public housing, childcare and aged care are brought into public ownership.
To ensure that all these social services are provided for free, more public funds do need to be allocated to them. But where will the money come from ask neoliberal apologists. It will come from confiscating the most profitable sectors of the economy from the capitalists, starting with the mining industry. Mining profits are so huge that the wealth of just the five richest of Australia’s mining billionaires increased by a staggering $19 billion in just the last year – more than three and a half times what all governments spent on public housing! However, to bring the mining, energy and social service sectors into public ownership requires taking on the tyranny of the oligarchs that own these sectors – oligarchs like Cannon-Brookes, Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest – who leverage their enormous wealth to keep state institutions under their control and who disproportionately fund political advertising, political parties, think tanks and lobbyists. Therefore, to bring substantial sectors into the collective hands of the people requires the working class to sweep away the whole capitalist-dominated bureaucratic and political machinery and to construct a new workers state. Based on democratically elected working class people’s councils, such a state would bring all significant parts of the economy into the people’s common, that is socialist, ownership and thereby enable the building of a society that would guarantee secure jobs, improving living standards and free quality social services for all. In doing so it would lay the economic basis for dissipating the inequality faced by women and minorities.
We have living proof that such a socialist system indeed works. For in the world’s most populous country, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), socialistic rule has ensured that she is the one large country whose masses have not been hit by rising food prices. Although China’s transition to socialism is incomplete and deformed and threatened by intense hostile capitalist pressure, the fact that all her major oil and gas, power, food processing and warehousing, shipping, banking and stevedoring firms are under public ownership has enabled her to not only have an inflation rate of just 2.5% but to have actually falling food prices. And even while ensuring that her people have a COVID death rate per person that is 112 times less than Australia’s, the PRC’s socialistic system has ensured that, unlike here, her workers’ real wages have continued to rise during the pandemic. Indeed, for the last 15 years, the PRC has been enjoying the world’s fastest growing real wages. She has ensured that the proportion of her population suffering homelessness is much lower than in Australia through giving her people eight times greater access to public housing than we who live here in Australia. By curbing capitalist pre-school and tuition firms and replacing them with public and non-for profit childcare and children’s leisure activity services, the PRC has reduced her masses’ financial costs of raising children.
Yet, these achievements of socialistic rule and the fact that China continues to gradually lift herself up from the terrible poverty of her pre-1949 capitalist times is what terrifies the world’s capitalist powers. For not only are they enraged that the PRC’s cooperation with developing countries is impeding their economic rape of these countries, the capitalist powers fear that the PRC’s course will eventually incite their own working classes to demand that their economies also be brought under social ownership. Yet that is precisely why the working class in Australia and the other capitalist countries must stand with socialistic China. Let’s advance the struggle for working class ownership of the economy here by defending the existence of such a system in the world’s most populous country! Let’s oppose the U.S./Australia military build up against socialistic China! No to the lying “human rights” propaganda attacks on the PRC over Uyghurs, Tibet and Hong Kong!
If we can protect the PRC’s advance on the socialist course set by her 1949 toiling people’s revolution and if we can popularise knowledge of the benefits provided by her socialistic system, even in the partial form that it exists in, we can promote the need for a system based on public ownership in this country. The plunging living standards, unaffordable housing and lack of economic security of the capitalist system is pushing the masses to seek anti-capitalist solutions. However, in response, capitalist ruling classes are spreading racism to divide and divert the masses that they exploit. That is why racist far right forces have been growing in the U.S., Germany, India and here. To build the inter-racial unity necessary to fight the powerful capitalists, we must consciously oppose racist influence by mobilising the working class in defence of targeted ethnic groups. For union action to support Aboriginal people’s struggle against racist state terror and all-sided oppression! For workers’ struggle to demand the rights of citizenship for all guest workers, international students and asylum seekers! Bring the long-suffering Nauru refugees here! For united mass action of our workers movement and people of colour communities to crush violent white supremacist forces! Let’s also reject those who say that we can protect living standards by favouring Australian businesses over their overseas rivals. Such agendas only set local workers against their worker sisters and brothers overseas while obscuring workers from the truth that they can only defend their conditions by struggling against the local bosses that exploit them. Let’s understand that the main call of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, “Workers of All Countries Unite”, remains as crucial today as it was when the Manifesto was first issued.
Another famous line of our Manifesto – that “the spectre of communism” is haunting the capitalist world – also rings loud today. The escalating economic crisis in the capitalist world, the social decay of capitalist societies, the capitalist powers’ horror at the successes of socialistic rule in China and the terrifying extent to which the imperialist regimes are willing to risk World War III by waging a proxy war on fellow capitalist Russia in good part because they want to weaken her ability to obstruct their war plans against Russia’s socialistic Chinese, friendly neighbour proves this. The Communist Manifesto’s main agenda is to replace the rule of the capitalist class with the rule of the working class. We have made good progress in this task in countries that make up one in five of the world’s people. But we have much work to do! We need to speed up the completion of the Manifesto’s tasks because it is increasingly clear that decaying capitalism not only threatens the masses’ living standards but humanity’s very existence.
The Communist Manifesto made clear that the seizure of political power by the working class is preceded by a period of “more or less veiled civil war, raging within existing society” where the working class “now and then” are victorious in defending their living standards against the capitalists but the “the real fruit of their battles lies, not in the immediate result, but in the ever expanding union of the workers”. To build the unity, strength, self-confidence, organisation and political awareness that’s needed so we can advance towards the working class rule that we so badly need, we must, right now, mobilise militant class struggle to fight for huge wage rises, the rights of permanency for gig workers, a massive increase in low-rent public housing and the nationalisation of the oil and gas, power and social service sectors. Let’s build a party to spearhead the fight for this Communist Manifesto agenda! As Marx and Engels pronounced at the end of their famous tract: Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Defeat U.S., British, Australian and German Imperialism’s Proxy War to Weaken and Stifle Russia!
Photo Above: Firefighters put out flames in buildings in the central Maisky market in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk hit by shelling from Ukrainian forces on 13 June. Five people were killed in the Ukrainian attack including one child. Residential areas, hospitals and markets in the city, which is controlled by pro-Russian separatists, have been repeatedly hit by Ukrainian artillery attacks over the last eight years. Such attacks have escalated this month causing dozens of civilians to be killed.
Photo credit: Stringer/Reuters
Don’t Let the Western Capitalist Rulers
Reinforce Their Tyranny Over the World!
Defeat U.S., British, Australian
and German Imperialism’s Proxy
War to Weaken and Stifle Russia!
26 June 2022: Last month U.S. president Joe Biden signed a law granting Ukraine $US40 billion in military supplies and economic aid in order to sustain its war against Russia. The package is so huge that the direct military component of it amounts to almost five times Ukraine’s total 2020 defence expenditure! Many U.S. allies, including Britain, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, Norway, Estonia, Sweden and the Czech Republic have also been rapidly increasing their military support to Kiev. Here, the former Morrison Liberal government and the current Labor Albanese government have sent Ukraine’s authoritarian regime hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment including howitzers (long-range artillery) and dozens of armored vehicles.
The level of backing to Ukraine by the Western imperialist ruling classes has risen dramatically since the early weeks of the Russian intervention. In our statement written thirteen days after the Russian invasion, we stated that: “The West’s aid to Ukraine is not at a level aimed at achieving total Ukrainian victory but rather at bleeding Russia over a long period. Thus, much of the weaponry that the Western imperialists have supplied to Ukraine, like hand-held missiles and rockets, is most suitable for a guerilla war against Russia… Currently therefore, we cannot say that the large amounts of Western support to Ukraine is equivalent to the U.S., NATO and Australia being directly at war with Russia.” We qualified that observation by stating that, “It is, of course, possible that the West could qualitatively change their level of assistance.” Well, what we labelled then as a possibility has now become the reality. High on their own propaganda that they have been feeding the masses that Kiev is actually winning the war, Washington and its allies have been pumping the Ukrainian regime’s war campaign with ever greater military assistance. In the wake of the U.S. congress passing the $US40 billion aid package to Ukraine, the politically connected American think tank, Centre for Strategic & International Studies, stated that:
“For the first five weeks of the conflict, military support to Ukraine averaged about $30 million a day (excluding economic and humanitarian support and the costs of U.S. forces deployed to Europe for the crisis). In April, a series of $800 million aid packages implied a level of $100 million a day. This package increases the aid level to $135 million a day.”
It is not just the level of military assistance that has changed but the character of it. Washington and Co. have been sending ever heavier and more sophisticated weapons to the Ukrainian regime. This includes anti-aircraft batteries, advanced long-range anti-ship missiles, drones, tanks and self-propelled howitzers. Most notably, this month the Biden administration started sending the Ukrainian regime advanced HIMARS multiple-launch guided rocket systems that have much greater range than Ukraine’s existing artillery systems. Meanwhile, as well as providing crucial intelligence assistance to Ukraine and training large numbers of Ukrainian troops in bases in Germany, Britain and France, Western imperialist militaries now have troops on the ground in Ukraine directly training and organising Kiev’s forces. Several Western mainstream media outlets reported that in mid-April British special forces moved into Kiev to assist the Ukrainian military. CIA spies are also reportedly now operating within Ukraine as are U.S. commandos.

Photo credit: Markus Rauchenberger
Alongside their stepped up military intervention, the Western imperialists have greatly ramped up their economic sanctions on Russia. They have also dialed up the intensity of their propaganda war. Initially the tycoon-owned and government-run media outlets in the U.S., Europe and Australia, as part of their anti-Russia war propaganda, claimed that Russia was killing many civilians by accident in the course of air and artillery strikes on military targets. Later, the Western media started lying through their teeth by claiming that Russia was deliberately bombing residential areas, schools and hospitals. Then they escalated their propaganda still further by working with the Ukrainian regime and Western “NGOs”, intelligence agencies and public relations consultants to claim that Russian troops had senselessly massacred a large number of Ukrainian civilians while withdrawing from towns north of Kiev, like Bucha. Given that the Russian withdrawal from this region was planned and announced days beforehand as part of her military’s overall strategic plan, the Western media’s claims are extremely hard to believe. Why would Russian troops making an orderly withdrawal, in which they were able to take all their working heavy weapons with them, choose to leave behind supposedly indiscriminately slaughtered civilians on the side of the road in the perfect position to be used as propaganda against them?
When it comes to lying propaganda, the most rabid outlets have been the BBC, the Australia regime’s ABC and the German government’s Deutsche Welle – the latter spewing out propaganda with all the zeal and dishonesty of their political forebears in Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi propaganda machine. In the first few weeks after Russia began its operation on February 24, these news outlets, while bombarding their populations with blanket anti-Russia propaganda, on rare occasions did made oblique references as to why many Russian speaking people in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region were welcoming of the Russian intervention. On still rarer occasions they did mention the fact that many Russia-speaking people had been killed during the course of an eight year regional conflict that preceded the Russian intervention. A very small number of outlets briefly also reported, while downplaying the significance of these crimes, that Ukrainian soldiers had been abusing and torturing Russian prisoners of war. Yet in the weeks since, even the smallest pretense of balanced reporting has disappeared entirely from the Western media. Any, even limp, criticism of the Ukrainian regime and its military has been completely purged from all reports. The fact that Ukrainian troops and fascist paramilitaries have been shelling residential areas in Donbass cities held by pro-Russian forces has been completely whitewashed. So has the overwhelming evidence that Ukrainian forces have been using civilians as human shields by hiding in residential areas, schools and hospitals; and by preventing civilians from leaving the underground bunkers where Ukrainian forces established bases in their now defeated strongholds of Mariupol and Severodonetsk.
The intensifying character of the Western imperialists’ intervention into Ukraine can be gleaned by examining their media’s coverage of Ukraine’s fascist paramilitary forces. After Ukraine had a U.S.-backed right-wing coup in 2014 and war erupted in the eastern part of the country, the Western mainstream media did their best to downplay the spearhead role played by fascist forces in both the coup and the ensuing war. Nevertheless, there were occasional reports in the Western media highlighting the extreme white supremacist and anti-Semitic character of Ukraine’s Azov paramilitaries and the surge in racist violent attacks by such forces against Ukraine’s Roma community, pro-Russia activists and feminists. However, after Russia’s February 24 intervention such reports largely vanished. The executions of pro-Russia civilians by the likes of the Azov regiment was simply not reported by the Western media. Instead of the Azov being described as what they are – neo-Nazi fascists – the Western media used the less damning and vaguer term, “far right.” Then, as the U.S. and its allies stepped up their support for Ukraine by several gears, even that latter description was dropped. The likes of the BBC even started claiming that statements about the racist and neo-Nazi character of the Azov “have been widely discredited” … even though outlets such as their own did at one time occasionally make such “discredited” reports themselves! Most recently, when large numbers of the Mariupol-based Azov soldiers were trapped (along with an apparently smaller number of regular Ukrainian troops) in underground bunkers in a Mariupol steel works, the supposedly “democratic” Western media started positively lionizing the Azov white supremacists as heroes!

Photo credit for photo on Left: Alexei Alexandrov/The Associated Press
The Changed Character of This Conflict
In summary, since late March, America’s rulers and their allies have greatly ramped up their military, economic and political support to Ukraine in its war against Russia. We can now clearly say that this Ukraine-Russia war has effectively become an indirect war of the U.S. rulers and their NATO, Australian, Japanese and New Zealand imperialist allies against Russia, with Ukraine acting as the proxy. The same Western capitalist ruling classes waging a proxy war against Russia are the biggest bullies and oppressors of the world’s peoples. It is they who destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, devastated Syria through a years-long proxy war, killed thousands of civilians in their 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, occupied and terrorised the people of Somalia and in the specific case of Australia’s rulers, caused the death of up to 20,000 people after they orchestrated a decade-long war and blockade of the South Pacific island of Bougainville in the late 20th century after the people there rose up against the arrogant trampling of their rights by an Australian-owned mining company. Therefore, it is in the interests of the working class of the world and all the people subjugated by imperialism to see the Western imperialists and their Ukrainian proxies defeated in this war. Such a defeat would weaken the ability of the imperialists to mobilise further predatory interventions abroad. It would also deter their plans to use Taiwan as a proxy to pressure socialistic China or even to incite a world war against the socialistic giant. Moreover, any setback for the U.S. imperialists and their allies in this proxy war would give encouragement to the resistance struggles of all those being subjugated by the U.S. and its allies elsewhere, like the Palestinian people suffering under incessant Israeli terror. More generally, a defeat for the Western powers in their Ukraine proxy war could only encourage the toiling masses of Africa, Latin America, the South Pacific and most of Asia to resist in their own lands the various Western capitalists that super-exploit labour, plunder natural resources, leach loan interest repayments, seize markets and manipulate and stand over governments. Within the Western countries themselves, a defeat for the capitalist ruling classes in their proxy war would weaken their authority. It would thus open opportunities for the working class and oppressed to wage mass resistance against soaring rents and food and fuel prices, plummeting real wages, the incessant expansion of insecure work forms and brutal racist oppression of persecuted communities. Therefore, the workers movement in Australia and other imperialist countries must stop the military aid to Ukraine and demand the lifting of all sanctions against Russia!

To be sure, Russia is also ruled by a greedy capitalist class. Moreover, economic realities drive this class to seek to be an imperialist ruling class – that is a capitalist class that not only extracts profits from exploiting workers in their own country but which also reaps substantial wealth through the super-exploitation and economic domination of poorer countries. Yet, although being the world’s number two military power and with a strong industrial and technological base inherited from the days of the USSR, currently the Russian ruling class neither fully has the level of capital needed to displace the current imperialist players as the main subjugators of “Third World” economies nor the close relationship with an existing imperialist player that would allow them to prise their way into the imperialist big league without the possession of such a huge level of capital. That is why, although Russia’s capitalist ruling class has, to a limited extent, aspects of an imperialist country-dependent country relationship with certain neighbouring ex-Soviet countries, it is overwhelmingly not Russian capitalists but American, British, German, Japanese, Australian, French, Canadian and other Western bankers, mining bosses and owners of industrial and agricultural corporations that plunder and leach from the poorer countries of developing Asia, the South Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America (note that although mutually antagonistic, Russia’s relationship with Ukraine prior to the current war was not an imperialist country-dependent country one and, just like Russia, Ukraine also inherited a good chunk of the industrial, technological and military might of the former Soviet Union and the highly educated, technically literate population nurtured in the Soviet Union). And it is the Western states enforcing the interests of its capitalists, rather than the Russian state, that have been muscling in on the state affairs of dependent and neo-colonial countries, orchestrating “color revolutions” to overthrow disobedient governments there and threatening dissident countries with outright invasion. Let us not lose sight of the fact that it is the U.S and its allies and not Putin’s Russia that invaded and devastated Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and Libya and which is propping up Israel’s bloody war on the Palestinian people and Saudi Arabia’s war on the people of Yemen. All this is why, as reactionary as Russia’s capitalist rulers are, a victory for Russia against the Western ruling classes and the latter’s Ukrainian proxy will encourage anti-imperialist struggles by the masses in the “Third World” countries, alongside spurring class struggle by the working class within the West against their own capitalist rulers. Whereas Russia’s defeat at the hands of the Western powers and their Ukrainian proxy will embolden the Western imperialists to further subjugate the peoples of developing Asia, the South Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America and to, at home, more aggressively attack workers’ real wages and the rights of persecuted minority communities.
For socialists based in Western countries, the changed character of the Ukraine-Russia war does not substantially affect our main tasks. From the very start of the Russian intervention, the response of leftists in the West needed to be guided by the understanding that it is the Western imperialist rulers and not Putin’s ambitious capitalist regime who are the main tyrants lording it over the world’s peoples. Moreover, based on the Leninist principle that the main enemy of the working class in an imperialist country are their own capitalist rulers, socialists in Australia would have to focus on opposing the intervention of the Australian ruling class into this war and on opposing first and foremost the side in this war that these imperialist rulers’ are supporting, which is Ukraine. Sticking by these principles, Trotskyist Platform statements written early on in the war had as their main headline: “Oppose Western Imperialism’s Provocative and Hypocritical Interference in Ukraine and Oppose Sanctions Against Russia! No to NATO Expansion! No U.S./Australian arms to Ukraine!” These remain the punchlines of the stance that needs to be taken by the Left and workers movement in Australia.
Where the changed character of the conflict does make a clear practical difference is in the work required of leftists in Russia. In our statement written in the early days of the conflict, we called for the working classes of Ukraine and Russia to unite to oppose the war campaign of each of their respective rulers, while simultaneously insisting that communists in Russia should be intransigently opposed to any pro-NATO or other pro-Western “anti-war” groupings and should keep any of their anti-war actions strictly separate from such forces. Today, in the wake of the changed character of the war, we of course still say that the workers of Ukraine should struggle against the war campaign of their own capitalist rulers. However, given that this war has become a proxy war of the united imperialist powers to bring to heel a mostly non-imperialist power in Russia, a war in which the working class of the world has a side against the imperialists, then we say that the Russian working class should no longer oppose the war campaign of their own ruling class. They should of course continue the class struggle and advance towards the future overthrow of the Russian capitalist exploiting class, which remains no less their enemy, but they should ensure that any such struggle does not disrupt the war effort against the U.S.-led imperialists and their Ukrainian proxies.
Although the changed nature of the war means that Russian leftists should no longer oppose Russia’s war campaign, we say that they should not positively support it either. For Russian leftists to actively support the war campaign of their own rulers – for example by participating in pro-Russian Army rallies – would associate the Left with Russian nationalism and patriotism. Although patriotic sentiments in Russia in part arise from the unfair treatment of Russia by Western imperial powers and from the masses’ resentment at the devastation and diminished status that Russia was pushed into following the Western-orchestrated destruction of the Soviet Union, Russian patriotism damages working-class struggle. For it ties workers to their ambitious capitalist exploiters on the basis of a non-existent “common national interest.” Such Russian patriotism is therefore overall reactionary, which is why Russian revolutionary leader Lenin fought tooth and nail against it in the years leading up to the 1917 October socialist revolution. Lenin’s anti-patriotic stance remains valid today because although Russia is not a full-fledged imperialist power as it was in pre-Soviet times, it is also not simply a semi-colonial or dependent country subjugated by imperialism as say Iraq, Syria, Libya and Somalia were (and still are today). Therefore a victory for Russia in this war would have a very different effect on Russia’s working class than the impact on, say, the Iraqi toiling masses had they been able to resoundingly defeat the 2003 U.S., British and Australian invasion. Such an outcome in the Iraq War would have generated a resounding sentiment among the Iraqi toilers that: “we have just beaten off a direct invasion from the imperialist overlords, it is time for us to finish off the local capitalist ruling class that are so dependent on and economically tied to these imperialists.” In contrast, a Russian victory in this current war would give the Russian capitalist ruling class renewed authority, while reinforcing Great Russian chauvinism and all manner of social reaction. This has already been evident in the last few weeks coinciding with increasing Russian battlefield victories. Some nationalist Russian celebrities like famous actress and media personality, Maria Shukshina, have felt emboldened to denounce Russia’s national minorities. Meanwhile, earlier this month, Russian politicians introduced a homophobic bill to parliament that will unleash draconian fines for people “promoting non-traditional sexual relations” (a bill that spits on the traditions of Russia’s 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that had made Russia the first large country in the world to decriminalise all gay and lesbian sexual activity).
Therefore, while Russian communists should not oppose Russia’s war efforts they must oppose any Great Russian chauvinism and social reaction inflamed by Russia’s battlefield successes. They must also insist that in Donbass territories conquered by Russian troops and their local Donetsk and Luhansk republic allies, the terms of oppression are not simply reversed. In other words where it was formerly Russian speakers who were oppressed, Ukrainian speakers should not now be discriminated against. That means that Russian communists should insist on Ukrainian becoming a joint official language in all the Russian-controlled Donbass territories and that those people who choose to live in the Russian-controlled territories for political or economic reasons but who wish to retain their links to Ukrainian language and culture are fully able to do so. Moreover, Russian leftists should stand for the expulsion of all Russian fascists from the Donbass. Although the component of fascists within the pro-Russia Donetsk and Luhansk forces is far less than in the Ukrainian forces, Russian fascists like the Russian National Unity group have had a presence. Authentic Russian communists should also oppose any internal party witch-hunts and state repression against several parliamentarians from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) who have defied their party’s line and opposed Russia’s war campaign. Russian leftists should salute the internationalist instincts of these dissenting CPRF members and their courage in opposing their own capitalist ruling class, while patiently explaining to these comrades why their stance is mistaken given that this has become an imperialist proxy war against, largely, non-imperialist Russia.
At the same Russian communists should oppose and mercilessly condemn any pro-NATO/pro-Western opponents of the war campaign – like supporters of jailed opposition politician Alexei Navalny. For while a Russian military victory would inflame social reaction within Russia, a victory for NATO’s Ukrainian proxies would also be harmful to the class struggle in Russia. Such an outcome would demoralise the masses, greatly embolden the pro-imperialist wing of the Russian capitalist ruling class and may well lead to the Russian working class not only having to face their own local exploiting class but Western imperialists again able to place their dirty paws upon Russia (as they did in the first decade and a half after the early 1990s capitalist counterrevolution that destroyed socialistic rule in Russia, Ukraine and the other parts of the former USSR). The reality is that while a victory for Russia in this war would be in the interests of the working class and oppressed in all of the rest of the world, any outcome to this war will be harmful to the working class movement in Russia – other than if victory for Russia is partly or mostly achieved as a result of the anti-imperialist mobilisation of the working class in the imperialist centres and/or significant resistance by a section of the Ukrainian masses against their own capitalist rulers and its war campaign. Hence our position that while in the rest of the world the workers movement should energetically work for the defeat of the Western imperialists and their Ukrainian proxy, within Russia the working class should continue the class struggle and the building of a revolutionary socialist movement without either impeding or supporting Moscow’s war effort. The best way for workers and leftists in Australia to assist the class-struggle of the Russian working class and to promote internationalist sentiments amongst the Russian masses is to mobilise against the proxy war that our “own” rulers are waging against Russia.
We are well aware that the stance that we advocate for Russian communists does not fit neatly into either the position of revolutionary defensism that Leninists advocate for semi-colonial and other dependent countries in wars with imperialist power/s or the stance of revolutionary defeatism that Leninists call for, either in a clash between rival imperialist powers or in a war between non-imperialist states of a similar level of development. Our position however flows from the unique nature and history of today’s Russia. Prior to the 1917 Russian Revolution, capitalist Russia was an imperialist “great power” but the most economically backward of the imperialist powers. She was able to grab a share of the bounty of imperialist exploitation largely by acting as the enforcers in the East of the capital investments of wealthier imperialist powers like Britain and France. After the 1917 socialist revolution, Russia not only ceased to be ruled by capitalists but she, therefore, also ceased to be an imperialist exploiter. Indeed just like today’s Red China, the socialistic USSR that Soviet Russia was part of provided great economic and development assistance to ex-colonial countries – in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and South Asia in particular – that allowed them to achieve a certain independence from Western imperialism that they would not have otherwise had. The advantages of the USSR’s socialist system meant that Russia, as part of the USSR, not only rose to become the world’s equal first military power but also became an industrial and scientific powerhouse much closer to the level of the most advanced countries than Russia had been in pre-1917 times. Therefore, when capitalist rule was re-established in Russia in the early 1990s, theoretically the new Russian capitalist class was in a position to play a relatively bigger role in imperialist looting than their pre-1917 forebears were able to do. However, the capitalist counterrevolution led to a shocking economic decline in Russia and the stunning weakening of her Soviet-inherited industrial base. This only started to be turned around in the twenty-first century after a sharp rise in oil prices greatly boosted the export income of energy-rich Russia and after the Russian capitalist ruling class got their act together somewhat and reduced their previously rampant level of personal mafia-like criminality for the sake of the overall interests of their class. However, Russia’s post-Soviet capitalist rulers face a still greater obstacle to their wish to re-build a version of the Tsarist empire. For the domination of most of the world has already been divided up amongst pre-existing imperial powers. Facing this situation, the new Russian capitalist class does not quite possess the capital required to shove aside existing players and muscle themselves into an imperialist position. Moreover, none of the existing imperialist powers has been willing to partner with Russia. With senile capitalism in economic decline, none of these imperialists is willing or able to afford to share a significant part of the imperialist loot with Russia should they agree to partner with her. Thus, the Russian capitalist class’ other route to sharing in imperialist plunder is, for the moment, also blocked. We are left with a country that matches the U.S. in nuclear weapons strength, which possesses considerable remnants of the industrial and technological strength inherited from Soviet times and that has a per capita income (in PPP terms) within 20% of that of imperialist Portugal but which is still not currently a full fledged imperialist power and yet clearly cannot be considered an imperialist-dependent or subjugated country either.
It should be noted that, in some sense, our exposition of the tasks of leftists in Russia is somewhat academic. We have no base there and little ability to influence the politics of communists in that country. However, stating the line that we believe should be taken by Russian socialists in the wake of the changed character of this current war does, in passing, help to make clearer the stance that must be taken by leftists in Australia. In particular it helps to underscore how urgent it is that socialists in Australia and other imperialist countries mobilise to oppose their regimes’ massive war assistance to Ukraine.
What is Driving the Western Imperialists to Wage a Proxy War on Russia?
To some degree, this war has been an anti-Russia proxy war of Washington and its allies from the beginning. The U.S. and NATO provoked this war by threateningly expanding NATO eastwards towards Russia and by encouraging Ukraine’s course towards joining NATO. Then, when in the days leading up to the Russian intervention, Ukrainian president Zelensky seemed to be open to a compromise deal with Moscow facilitated by French and German diplomatic efforts, Washington and Ukraine’s influential fascist groups pressured Zelensky to walk away from the deal. The U.S. ruling class did much to provoke the Russian intervention. Indeed, part of Russia’s reason for invading Ukraine was a quite understandable wish to pre-emptively prevent NATO forces and NATO missiles being placed on her borders.
However, there were initially other more significant reasons for Russia’s February 24 intervention. For one, Russia’s rulers had faced considerable public pressure to come to the aid of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region who had been brutally oppressed by Ukraine’s military and even more cruelly by its ultra-nationalist paramilitary forces. A large chunk of the Russian-speaking population in this region had rebelled against the Kiev regime ever since anti-Russia, Ukrainian nationalist forces seized power in Kiev in a 2014 right-wing coup. However, in coming to the aid of the Russian-speaking Donbass rebels, Moscow has not merely been responding to public pressure and not simply acting out of nationalist concern for fellow Russian speakers. By either bringing the Donbass into Russia or making it an independent country close to Russia, Russia’s capitalist rulers want to secure markets and raw materials in this heavily industrialised region after having been squeezed out of access to the broader Ukrainian market following Ukraine’s pro-Western 2014 coup. Moreover, in pushing into territory in Ukraine beyond that where the mass of the population overwhelmingly wants to be part of, or associated with, Russia, Moscow is pursuing the innate capitalist drive to maximise the size of secure markets by maximising territory. Similarly, by insisting on forcibly maintaining the entire Donbass within its territory when much of the Russian-speaking population in at least large parts of this region would prefer to be part of, or associated with, Russia, the Ukrainian regime is also driven by the capitalist imperative to maximise territories. The faltering of their respective capitalist economies made this capitalist squabble for territory between Russia and Ukraine all the more desperate on both sides. Both Russia and Ukraine were beset by rampant inflation even prior to the outbreak of this war while Ukraine’s economy was actually contracting in per capita terms. Moreover, by ramping up nationalism during their respective war drives, the capitalist ruling classes in both Ukraine and Russia could divert the anger of the working class masses away from themselves. And the masses in both countries had much to be furious about. In both countries, the inability of their capitalist systems to protect their populations from COVID led to a terrible carnage many times greater than the numbers of people who have thus far died from this current war – with over 105,000 deaths in Ukraine by the start of the war and nearly 350,000 in Russia. In Ukraine, there had been such anger at persistently high unemployment, falling living standards and rampant corruption that by January last year, the opposition party advocating closer ties with Russia was leading in opinion polls in even the non-rebel held parts of the country. Meanwhile, in Russia, the capitalist regime had been on the receiving end of the people’s ongoing anger over massive inequality and over a 2019 pension reform that greatly increased the age at which Russian people can receive pensions. All these factors driving the initially squalid inter-capitalist war between Ukraine and Russia remain today. But they have now been overshadowed by the now dominant axis of the conflict – a proxy war of the Western imperialist powers aimed at bringing to heel its Russian, potential capitalist rival. What had been an important subsidiary aspect of the conflict has become the main feature of the war. Indeed in late April, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made clear that Washington’s involvement in this war was not even mainly about the Ukraine issue itself. Austin told reporters that, “we want to see Russia weakened.”
So why do the Western imperialists want to weaken Russia? The answer to this question has nothing to do with the two main rationales given by Washington, Canberra and Co. for their heavy-handed intervention into this conflict. One of these rationales is that they are seeking to protect the people of Ukraine. Yet everything that the Western capitalist ruling classes have done over the past decades has shown how little they care for the well-being of the Ukrainian masses. It was these imperialists that orchestrated the early 1990s capitalist counterrevolution there. It was that counterrevolution that directly led to the mass privatisation that devastated the living standards of Ukraine’s working class people, weakened the technological and industrial base of the country (that when part of the socialistic USSR was at such a high level that she was able to play a key role in building the world’s largest aircraft – the magnificent Antonov An-225) and paved the way for the terrifying growth of violent fascist groups. Then in 2014, the U.S., British and EU ruling classes promoted a right-wing coup that overthrew Ukraine’s elected government and brought right-wing extremists into key parts of Ukraine’s state machinery. Now the imperialists are fighting a proxy war to the last drop of Ukrainian blood in order to reinforce their tyranny over the world.
The second rationale given by the imperialists for their proxy war against Russia is the claim that they are standing up for “democracy” against “authoritarianism”. This is laughable given that the U.S., European and Australian governments have been busy censoring any voices questioning their narrative on this war, including by outright banning Russian media outlets from broadcasting in their countries. Meanwhile just yesterday, the courts of the U.S. regime – the supposed standard bearer of “liberal democracy” – made a ruling that will see women in almost half of America’s states lose one of the most basic human rights – the right to abortion. Now that is authoritarian!
As for the Ukrainian regime that is being supported by the Western imperialists, it is very far from being a bastion of “democracy” – even in the sense of being a capitalist “democracy” where certain freedoms associated with elected parliaments are mixed in with total domination of the state and politics by the wealthy capitalists. Let’s not forget that in the eight years preceding this war, the Ukrainian regime had brutally killed thousands of Russian speaking people by indiscriminately shelling territories in the country’s eastern Donbass region that were held by pro-Russia rebels. Now, they have banned nearly a dozen centrist and leftist parties including the country’s biggest opposition party: the Opposition Platform — For Life. Even in the years preceding this war, Ukrainian authorities jailed large numbers of pro-Russia and leftist opposition activists. Meanwhile, extreme Ukrainian nationalists murdered journalists, social activists and those with pro-Russia sentiments, with the perpetrators rarely identified, let alone punished. Thoroughly corrupt and dominated by powerful oligarchs, the Ukrainian capitalist order is in many ways similar to Russia’s. But it is even more repressive. For example, while demonstrations by staunch pro-communist groups have often been attacked by police in Russia, in Ukraine, absolutely all activity by the large Communist Party of Ukraine – including its participation in elections – and other pro-communist groups has been prohibited for the last several years. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian regime has introduced draconian laws that can see anyone who displays a communist or Soviet flag or sings communist or Soviet anthems jailed for five years. Moreover, while Russian government politicians have often allied with far-right politicians, in the Ukraine fascists have actually been brought into key positions in the country’s state machinery, while large neo-Nazi paramilitary groups like the Azov and Aidar battalions have been officially incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard. The racist nature of the Ukrainian state has indeed been very evident during this war. Ukrainian border guards have racially abused dark-skinned international students (from places like Nigeria, Zimbabwe and India) fleeing the war and forced international students approaching the border to alight from vehicles and walk huge distances in freezing weather to get to the border so that Ukrainians could use their vehicles instead.

So what are the real reasons for Washington and its allies’ proxy war against Russia? For one they want to maintain their prized access to the Ukrainian market. Before 2014, Russia was the main source of Ukraine’s imports. However, after Washington and the EU powers orchestrated the 2014 anti-Russia, right-wing coup in Kiev, much of Russia’s exports to Ukraine were replaced by ones from Germany, the U.S., Poland, Italy and France. Today, the capitalist rulers of these latter countries want to maintain this post-2014 status quo. They know that a sizable chunk of this market would be lost should the rich Donbass region and Ukraine’s south end up acceding to Russia or becoming pro-Moscow independent states. However as significant as this reason is – especially to EU governments – it is not the main factor driving Western ruling classes to wage a proxy war against Russia. Mainly, Washington and its allies want to prevent Russia emerging as an imperialist competitor and instead seek to reduce her to a subordinate position. Especially with their own economies faltering, the existing imperial powers cannot afford to have a new imperialist player intruding on their neocolonial exploitation of Latin America, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia and the Pacific. Moreover, not only are the existing imperialists unwilling to accept a new imperialist rival they cannot even tolerate a non-imperialist state being strong enough to obstruct their ambitions. Thus, the Western imperialists hope to not only suppress Russia’s great power aspirations but seek to weaken her through a combination of military blows from their Ukrainian proxies and grinding economic sanctions. To be sure, they know that given that Russia is a formidable military and technological power, they will not be able to lord it over Russia in the same neocolonial manner that, say, Australian imperialism subjugates Papua New Guinea or the U.S. ruling class exploits the Philippines. However, by weakening Russia, the Western imperialists hope to reduce her to the humiliated condition that she was in during the first fifteen years or so after the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution there. During those years, the U.S. and European powers were able to dictate economic policy to Russia while grabbing prized access to her markets and ownership of chunks of Russia’s industrial and mining sectors as well. Just as importantly for the Western ruling classes, a debilitated Russia would be easier for them to elbow out of the way when seeking to grab markets and trade opportunities in the ex-Soviet countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus.
Defend Socialistic China!
It is important to be aware that the imperialist proxy war against Russia is not only about Russia itself. Following their humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, the U.S. and Australian ruling classes, in particular, hope that what they intend to be a successful proxy war against Russia will restore – both in the eyes of their own populations and in the sentiments of other countries – credibility to their practice of throwing their military weight around. Most importantly for the Western ruling classes, this proxy war is meant to be an indirect slap against their main strategic target: the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The Western capitalist powers see China as the main threat to their domination of the world because, unlike Russia which is just another capitalist country, albeit one that is currently obstructive to their interests, China is a socialistic country. Even though China’s march towards socialism remains incomplete, prone to veer of course and relentlessly pelted by internal and external capitalist enemies, the imperialist ruling classes of the U.S., Britain, Germany, Australia, Japan and other Western ruling classes understand that the mere existence of such a giant and evermore successful socialistic power is an existential threat to their imperialist interests. For not only is the non-imperialist PRC’s cooperation with developing countries allowing some of these countries to, right now, uplift themselves to the extent that they can somewhat loosen the stranglehold of Western imperialism over their countries, in the longer term, China’s ever-expanding achievements made possible by her 1949 anti-capitalist revolution could encourage the masses of other ex-colonial countries to also take the path of socialist revolution to decisively free themselves from Western domination. Even more threateningly for the Western exploiting classes, as China’s per capita income heads towards approaching closer to that of their own countries in future years, the working class masses in their own countries could start to look more favourably upon the PRC and, eventually, even start demanding socialism at home too.

Photo credit (top photo): China Railway Group Limited
Photo credit: (above photo): 2merkato.com website
Photo credit (below photo): Xinhua Silk Information Service

So how does waging a proxy war against Russia advance the imperialist drive against Red China? For starters, aware that the hostility that they have unleashed – for very different reasons – against China and Russia has pushed these two non-Western powers closer together, the Western imperialists hope that their massive propaganda war launched against Russia following Putin’s Ukraine invasion will, by association, also tarnish the PRC. In this way they intend to intensify political pressure against socialistic China. Indeed, the imperialists’ increased political attacks on the PRC over the last four months have actually produced some tangible results for them. It seems to have encouraged softer-on-imperialism, more rightist factions of China’s ruling Communist Party (centred on the party’s number two ranked figure, premier Li Keqiang, and number four ranked politician, Wang Yang) to gain greater influence. In recent months they have been able to reduce the momentum of president Xi Jinping’s crackdown on greedy rich, tech-sector capitalists and slow his “common prosperity” drive to reduce inequality.
Secondly, the U.S. and its allies intend their military support to Ukraine and economic sanctions against Russia to enfeeble Russia to the point that, at minimum, she will not be able to obstruct any U.S./NATO/Australian military provocations against China. In their best case scenario, they hope that they can cause such military losses for Russia in Ukraine and such economic pain for her people that it will trigger a “colour revolution” there that will replace the Russian nationalist Putin regime with a regime subservient to Washington and its allies – that is, a pro-Western regime that may even enlist Russia in the imperialists’ Cold War drive to crush socialistic rule in China. Thirdly, in waging their increasingly all-out proxy war against Russia, the Western imperialists are trialing and perfecting the methods that they seek to one day unleash against Red China, using Taiwan or other capitalist regimes neighbouring China as their proxies.
For the very same reasons that it is in the interests of the Western capitalist exploiters to oppose the Chinese workers state it is in the interests of the working class masses in their own countries – and indeed of the entire world – to defend the PRC. The indirect weakening of imperialism’s grip over its former colonies resulting from China’s rise is not only welcome news for the peoples of the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and developing Asia it is also good for the working class people living in the imperialist centres. A reduction in the ability of Western multinational corporations to plunder “Third World” countries makes it easier for workers and unions in the West to stand up to these companies and resist their incessant drive to lower workers’ real wages. Moreover, the fact that the world’s most populous country continues to cling onto a socialistic path can only give the toiling classes in the capitalist world hope that it is indeed possible to advance toward socialism – that is, advance towards a system that will finally liberate the masses from surging rents and grocery prices, ever greater exploitation of labour by capitalist business owners, insecure forms of work, racist discrimination of First Peoples and ethnic minorities, oppression of women and imperialist war. That is why we in Trotskyist Platform completely oppose the U.S., NATO and Australian military escalation against China. We say: U.S., Australian and British warships, get out of the South China Sea! U.S. troops out of Darwin! Down with ANZUS! Down with AUKUS! Not one submarine of any type, not one missile, not one warplane, not one person for Australia’s capitalist-serving military! Australian capitalist rulers: stop your neo-colonial bullying of Pacific countries that choose to establish cooperation with the PRC!
It is not enough to oppose the direct military threats to the PRC. The Australian ruling class’ military pressure against the PRC is part of an all-sided anti-communist Cold War. This includes a relentless anti-PRC propaganda campaign, support for Chinese anti-communist groups seeking the destruction of socialistic rule and McCarthyist intimidation of Chinese international students and migrants (and even some mainstream politicians like NSW upper house Labor MP, Shaoquett Moselmane) who dare to express even the slightest sympathy for the PRC. Unfortunately, most of the other left-wing groups in Australia, such as the Solidarity group, while stating opposition to the military buildup against China, actually join in the lying attacks on China over “human rights” and actively support the very same anti-communist forces within China that are backed by Australia’s capitalist rulers and their media. In doing so the likes of Solidarity are reinforcing the propaganda used by Australia’s exploiting class to “justify” their military build-up against socialistic China. In 2019, Solidarity as well as Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance – and to a slightly lesser extent the Socialist Equality Party – rubbed soldiers with right-wing, rabid anticommunists, both of local origin and those from Hong Kong, China and Vietnam (and even some Australian white supremacist activists), in participating in a series of anti-PRC demonstrations in support of violent anti-communist riots in Hong Kong. In supporting this movement, these groups poisoned the image of the PRC in the eyes of those that they influence, which is progressive layers of society – that is precisely the section of the community that could most easily be won to opposing the Cold War drive against Red China. In doing so, these wavering socialist groups have made it much harder to build opposition to the military escalation against China and to AUKUS, which they today proclaim their intention to campaign against. At the very least they are supporting the capitalist powers’ drive to crush socialistic rule in China by non-military means – that is via Western-backed anti-communist forces within China. Let’s remember, in the final instance, socialistic rule in the former USSR was not destroyed by military attack but by internal capitalist restorationist forces backed by Western imperialism. Infuriatingly, the very same left groups that in the previous Cold War backed these counterrevolutionary forces that destroyed the gains of Russia’s 1917 socialist revolution – under their previous names Solidarity, Socialist Alternative (these two groups were the components that came from the then ISO) and Socialist Alliance (then called the DSP) supported the Washington-backed pro-capitalist movement led by Boris Yeltsin that seized power in Moscow in August 1991 – are today supporting the modern-day Chinese equivalents of these capitalist counterrevolutionary forces!
In contrast to those leftists who are being swept away with the tide of Cold War propaganda, Trotskyist Platform has been energetically campaigning – including by holding street protests – against the entire military, political and propaganda drive of the U.S. and Australian capitalist rulers against the Chinese workers state. We call on authentic leftists to join with us in saying: Down with the lying accusations that China is “violating” the human rights of Uyghurs and Tibetans! Oppose the pro-colonial, rich people’s anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong! No support to capitalist Taiwan – reunify China through spreading China’s 1949 socialist revolution to Taiwan! Down with the Greens, Liberals and ALP’s McCarthyist campaign to shutdown the PRC-linked Confucius Institute Chinese language schools!

China’s Jiangsu Xiangshui offshore wind farm built by her state-owned power giant, Three Gorges. China’s socialistic state-owned firms, in which the profit motive comes second to serving people’s needs, have spearheaded China’s transition towards renewable energy. China’s public sector enterprises along with working class state power are the bedrock of her socialistic system. However, a sizable capitalist sector remains there deforming and threatening socialist rule. Imperialist pressure against China is in part aimed at boosting those upper-middle class elements within Chinese society and more rightist groupings within the ruling Communist Party of China who argue that, given that most of the world’s powers remain capitalist, China should adapt to this reality by giving ever more “rights” to her capitalistic private sector. That is why those committed to the fight for socialism must not only oppose the imperialist military build-up against China and the imperialist-backed, anticommunist groups within China attacking the workers state but must resist the Chinese capitalists and those advocating for them who seek to expand the “rights” and strength of China’s private sector at the expense of her state sector. We say: Curb the influence of the private sector! Advance China’s socialistic state sector!
Photo credit: Three Gorges
Reformist Socialists in the Camp of Imperialism
The same wavering Australian socialist groups that have capitulated to the imperialist political war against the Chinese workers state have also enlisted in the imperialist campaign to bring “untamed” Russia to heel. Thus, all these groups have joined the likes of Anthony Albanese, Joe Biden and Boris Johnston in condemning Russia’s intervention into Ukraine and proclaiming full support for Ukraine’s war effort. It has been striking too how left-wing groups that rightly state opposition to the white supremacist far-right in Australia ape the Western media in whitewashing the level of fascist influence within the Ukrainian state forces.
Today, even as the Western capitalist rulers greatly step up their intervention into the war against Russia, the soft-on-imperialism majority of the Left have doubled down on their support to the anti-Russia war. At the Sydney May 15 Nakba Day rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people, Socialist Alternative speakers deceptively equated the Western imperialism-propped up Ukrainian war effort, that is partly aimed at crushing the aspirations for self-determination of the Donbass region’s Russian speaking population, with the Palestinian people’s completely just struggle for self-determination against an Israeli regime that is backed by the very same imperialist powers that are behind Ukraine’s war campaign. In similar vein, the June 14 issue of the Socialist Alliance’s newspaper Green Left Weekly likened Russia’s war in Ukraine with the war waged by the U.S. and its allies in Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s. But the truth is that the direct force opposing Russia today, the fanatically anti-communist Ukrainian regime that is acting as a proxy for Western imperialism, is as diametrically opposed as one can get from the Vietnamese communists that heroically defeated these very same imperialists and their local proxies in the Vietnam War.
A more valid analogy for this war would be the October 1973 Yom Kippur War. Then, Syria and Egypt, supported by Iraq and other Arab states, attacked Israel. The aim of the invading Arab armies was to recover territories seized by Israel in the 1967 Israel-Arab War. However, the Syrian and Egyptian attack was also partly unleashed with the nominal aim of liberating the Palestinian people of Gaza and the West Bank from hellish Israeli occupation – just as Russia justifies its intervention today in good part on liberating the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass. Just like Ukraine today, Israel’s war effort was greatly backed by U.S. imperialism for whom Israel was a proxy to pressure the Arab states then aligned with the socialistic USSR. However, there are also differences between the 1973 Israel-Arab war and this Ukraine-Russia war. For one, the present military balance between Russia and imperialist-backed Ukraine, at least currently, favours Russia much, much more than the then match-up between the Arab states on the one side and the Israeli war machine massively built up by U.S. imperialism on the other. On the other hand, in the 1973 war the European powers did not line up behind Washington anywhere as near to the extent as they have today over the current war. However, the biggest difference between the October 1973 War and today’s conflict is the attitude of the U.S. capitalist rulers. Although they enormously and decisively backed Israel in the Yom Kippur War, Washington also sought to moderate some of Israel’s most extreme militarist agendas as they were not then keen on having the crisis spiral into a nuclear world war between themselves and a Soviet Union that was strongly backing the Arab states. Thus, the U.S. quietly nudged their Israeli allies towards negotiations and a ceasefire. In contrast, today, the U.S. ruling class and possibly even more so the British one, keeps on fanatically egging on – and even pressuring – Ukrainian president Zelenskyy to reject peace negotiations with Russia. Yet despite this extreme and ever more aggressive intervention into this current conflict by the U.S.-led imperialist powers, many nominally socialist groups in Australia, the U.S. and Europe are on their side in this war.
The capitulatory socialist groups lined up behind their “own” capitalist rulers in this war are not only taking a terribly wrong, pro-imperialist position on this conflict. By supporting the side taken by the Australian rulers in this war, these groups are implicitly sending a message to the masses that the capitalist exploiting class that runs Australia can sometimes take the right side on major events and is, therefore, not always reactionary. This can only have the effect of dulling the masses’ opposition to their own capitalist exploiters. Yet if the working class masses are to be able to effectively defend themselves from the capitalist exploiters and eventually overthrow this ruling class through socialist revolution, they need to be animated by the most uncompromising and fervent opposition to this exploiting class. By diluting such opposition through aping the anti-Russia stance taken by this exploiting class, the soft-on-imperialism socialist groups are weakening the masses’ revolutionary sentiments. In doing so they are undermining the very struggle for socialism that they nominally stand for.
The Ukraine-Russia War and the Marxist Method of Analysis
It is not unusual for a conflict to change its character and for Marxists to have to adjust our line to the new circumstances. For example, when mass anti-government demonstrations erupted in Syria in the early part of 2011 following Arab Spring upheavals in Tunisia and Egypt, we did not then side with either the opposition forces or with Syria’s capitalist Assad government. To be sure, we were concerned that forces backed by the imperialist powers were intervening into the protests. However, initially, such forces did not have a decisive grip on the opposition movement. We therefore called for building a united-front opposition movement that was pro-working class, pro-women’s rights and anti-imperialist. The latter meant that the movement that needed to be built then in Syria needed to reject any alliance with any opposition forces that were themselves pro-imperialist or who were willing to ally with groups backed by the Western capitalist powers. Moreover, we insisted that any pro-imperialist, anti-government groups needed to not only be shunned but be stridently opposed. However, over a period of several months and as the tensions in Syria erupted into armed conflict, the groups that emerged as the dominant forces in the armed opposition became thoroughly subordinated to the ruling classes of the U.S., France and Britain. Thus by the first half of 2012, it was clear that the conflict in Syria had evolved into a war between proxies of imperialism and ex-colonial Syria. Therefore, Trotskyist Platform adjusted our line to one of defence of Syria against the “Rebel” and religious fundamentalist proxies of imperialism (we were the first Australian left group to take this position and actually the only Australian socialist group that firmly maintained such a stance).
We are able to make such adjustments to new realities because we are guided by the Marxist dialectical method. This method is based on the premise that political and economic entities are not fixed but are in constant change and must be analysed not only in their current state but in their direction of motion. Moreover, entities may be shaped by trends and forces pushing in opposite directions often with one of the trends more dominant than the other. It is therefore crucial to determine which is the dominant trend and which is the less decisive one. At certain times, piecemeal quantitative changes can build up to a qualitative change – like how the quantitative ramping up of the level of imperialist backing for Ukraine since February had by last month amounted to a qualitative change in the relationship between the imperialist powers and this war. What had started off as, overall, a squalid inter-capitalist conflict, albeit with imperialism strongly backing the Ukraine side, has turned into a proxy war of imperialist powers against not fully imperialist Russia.
The character of this war is not the only thing that has changed in the last few months. So has the relationship between Ukraine and its imperialist backers. For a long time, the Ukrainian ruling class has been a highly dependent junior partner of the Western imperialists. However, until more recently, it would not have been totally correct to describe them as complete puppets. For example in 2017, that is three years after the Maidan, anti-Russia coup, Ukraine’s government chose to join the China-driven Belt and Road Initiative. This would not have pleased Washington at all, especially since none of its other closest allies – the Australian, British, Canadian, Japanese and Israeli regimes – have joined this main foreign policy program of Beijing. However, in the course of this conflict, the Ukrainian regime has become overwhelmingly subordinated to the U.S. and British imperialist rulers. Meanwhile, the German and French imperialists, who have long sought to strike out a more independent course from their U.S. allies/rivals, have over the last four months been bowing down ever more shamelessly before Washington’s agenda. Of course, Marxists understand that such shifts do not always head continuously in one direction. It is conceivable that the continuation of Russian battlefield victories could shatter the U.S.-dictated “consensus” within the Western imperialist bloc.
The Marxist worldview is based on the understanding that capitalism has long ago outlived its usefulness and that the liberation of the exploited as well as the well-being of humanity as a whole depends on the overthrow of capitalist ruling classes by the working class-led masses. Thus, we Marxist-Leninists construct our approach to wars from the point of view of which position will strengthen the working class on the one hand and weaken the capitalist exploiters on the other. The question of which side “started” a war or “attacked first” has almost no relevance. For, grounded on the central Marxist tenet that major world events are fundamentally caused by the clash of conflicting economic interests, we understand that wars, at bottom, do not arise because some leader or government “decides to start a war” – although that is, of course, the immediate trigger – but because the clash of competing, in most cases economic, interests reach such a level that they explode into a physical conflict. Or put another way: war is politics by other means and, as Lenin insisted, politics is concentrated economics.
An integral part of this Marxist analytical outlook is the understanding that capitalist ruling classes are not driven fundamentally by ideology but by the economic interests of their class, which in turn spawns their ideology. So this war is, at bottom, not the result of Biden being a warmonger who believes in U.S. domination of the world or Putin being an authoritarian who dreams of a new Tsarist Russian empire or Zelenskyy being a weak person unwilling to defy the fascist forces within the Ukrainian state. All these things are, of course, in themselves, true and do matter. However, they are mostly only the ideological manifestations of profound economic and social interests and conflicts within U.S, Russian, Ukrainian and indeed global societies. The fundamental cause of the conflict between the U.S. and its allies on the one hand and Russia on the other are that with the decay and contradictions in the economies of the G7 capitalist “great powers” – exacerbated further during the COVID crisis – the former are unable to allow a new potential imperialist competitor to arise or to even tolerate a non-imperialist power that is not subordinated to themselves. Moreover, given the stunning rise of a socialistic giant in China, a phenomenon that endangers both the imperialists’ neocolonial plunder of their ex-colonies and ultimately their rule of exploitation at home, the imperialists cannot accept the existence of another capitalist power that does not enlist in the anti-communist crusade against Red China. The fact that these economic – and resulting political – imperatives of the nuclear-armed Western imperialists are driving them recklessly into an ever more aggressive proxy war against a nuclear-armed adversary, in Russia, proves just how irrational and deadly dangerous this capitalist system has become. The scary thing about all this is that when the imperialists face a still deeper economic crunch at home they will be driven to become even more belligerent and threatening on the global stage; and from the Great Depression to the late noughties Great Recession we know that the capitalist system inevitably produces severe economic crises.
No Illusions in Russia’s Capitalist Ruling Class!
A Marxist worldview teaches one not to view current events from an impressionistic, short-term perspective. That means while noting that Moscow is right now defying Western imperialism we should have no illusions that Russia’s capitalist rulers have any progressive essence. Russia’s rulers today stand up to a proxy war from the imperialists not because they have any commitment whatsoever to opposing imperialism. Rather, with their own economy riddled with similar contradictions to their adversaries, Russia’s capitalists cannot continue to be shoved out of markets in their own region nor can they afford to again be subordinated as they were in the first decade and a half after the destruction of the Soviet Union. It so happens that these capitalist interests have, at this moment, put the Russian ruling class into a clash with the imperialist plunderers of the world, a conflict in which the interests of the toilers of the world lie with the defeat of the imperialist side and, therefore, with the victory of the Russian side. However, in the long-term, Russia’s present rulers are no force for the liberation of the world from imperialism and capitalism. Rather, as a capitalist class, they are ultimately enemies of the working class of Russia and the world. Indeed, we communists have a specially enmity for Russia’s capitalist class. For they came to power through destroying the world’s first – and then most powerful – workers state, the Soviet Union. The current top administrator of Russian capitalism, Putin, himself played a direct role in supporting that Western-orchestrated counterrevolution. During the decisive events in 1991-92, Putin was a key aid to leading Russian counterrevolutionary politician, Anatoly Sobchak. That Putin’s lengthy address to the nation made three days before Russia’s attack on Ukraine was, in its first one-third, wholly a tirade against communism, the Soviet Union, the Bolsheviks and especially its leader Lenin, where Putin even stated his support for Ukraine’s de-communisation policy (where Ukraine fanatically purges Soviet era officials from its bureaucracy and bans communist symbols and slogans), should not come as a surprise. Like their Ukrainian enemies, Russia’s capitalist rulers run an order that is thoroughly corrupt and dominated by powerful oligarchs. Alongside Brazil, the U.S. and India, capitalist Russia has one of the highest wealth disparities of any country in the world.
To be sure it is notable that while U.S. rulers arrogantly speak about the U.S. right to police what they deviously call the “liberal, rules-based, world order” – in truth U.S.-led Western tyranny over the world – Putin and Co. speak about the need for a multi-polar, inclusive world. Yet this does not reflect any inherent ideological, let alone cultural, difference between what Moscow calls the “Anglo Saxon powers” and Russia’s own capitalist rulers. Rather, the sermonising, American-exceptionalist rhetoric of Washington is the ideology that best serves the interests of the U.S. capitalist class because it “justifies” the exploits of a predatory class powerful enough to dominate the world; whereas Moscow’s emphasis on the need for a multi-polar world conforms to the interests of an up and coming capitalist power seeking an expansion in the number of players allowed into the imperialist big league so that it can secure its own admission into this “great powers” league.
Moreover, it is not inconceivable that Moscow will in the future end up joining an alliance with one or more of the imperial powers that is currently arrayed against her. Particularly if Russia is strengthened through winning this war, European imperialist powers like Germany and France may quietly seek to move over, to a greater or lesser degree, towards an alliance with Russia. They would do so in order to both leverage Russia’s military power to pry open for themselves some space for greater independence from their U.S. allies-cum-rivals and, also, so that they can more aggressively target socialistic China. Alternatively, the dominant sections of the U.S. capitalists may resign themselves to Russia’s strength and seek to make her a capitalist ally in order to both pressure Washington’s European partners-cum-competitors and in order to isolate and further besiege socialistic China. That was, after all, what former U.S. president Donald Trump intended to do when he first came to office.
If either of these above programs were to gain traction or, alternatively, if both Washington and the EU powers sought to unite with Russia in a grand-capitalist alliance against socialistic China, Moscow would demand as a price for its admission assurances that it would be granted an unofficial license to assert its power in its region. Moscow would want guarantees that it would no longer be obstructed from pursuing its ambitions towards becoming a modern-day version of the Tsarist empire in which Russia would be the power dominating nominally independent states in the territories of the former USSR. Indeed, if Russia’s capitalist rulers were able to link themselves with the capital of richer capitalist powers – say Germany and/or France and/or the U.S. – they would be able to obtain a slice of imperialist looting through extracting a commission from these wealthier capitalists for acting as the military and bureaucratic enforcers of their investments in the Caucuses and Central Asian regions.
Trump’s plans for a Washington-Moscow alliance were never realised because they were opposed by the dominant sections of the American capitalist class. They were not willing to allow Russia to remain as any sort of power independent of the Washington-led Western bloc let alone share the profits of imperialist plunder with a new player. However, an expansion of Russian power should Moscow secure a military victory in this current war could force one or another of the Western imperialists to rethink their attitude. This is particularly the case since, even now, containing Russia runs a distant second to the main geo-strategic goal of all the imperial powers: crushing socialistic rule in China.
Of course, the above variants are less likely than the one where tensions between the Western imperialists and Russia continue to dangerously escalate. This is because there are political obstacles to an alliance being established between Russia and any of the Western powers. For one, while the capitalist bigwigs on either side are completely cynical and would have no shame in abandoning their previous claims about each other if that was what they determined to be in their own interests, it is different with the journalists, politicians, academics, lawyers, think tank staffers and “NGOs” that act as their advocates. This upper-middle class layer actually convinces themselves, or rather half convinces themselves, of the “correctness” and “morality” of the deceitful propaganda that they feed the masses. That means that the capitalist upper class will have some trouble convincing this middle-class layer, so crucial to protecting their interests, to radically change their position. For example, some of the journalists in the West would screech that it is outrageous for a “liberal-democratic” Western country to join an alliance with an “authoritarian” Russia that “violates human rights.” However, given how financially and spiritually dependent this privileged middle class layer is on the big-time capitalists, they will eventually come around, albeit with plenty of whining and tantrums, if their capitalist masters decisively believe that a change in geo-political strategy is needed.
A bigger obstacle to the emergence of any Western-Russia inter-capitalist alliance is that the Russian masses have a very understandable hatred of Western imperialism. Putin and Co. would have a hard time getting the Russian masses to accept Moscow’s entry into an alliance with a Western power. This is especially so given that being disliked for the inequality and economic hardships that they have presided over, the main source of legitimacy for the likes of Putin is that they are seen to be saving Russia from a return to her humiliated status of the post-Soviet nineties and early noughties. Moreover, in any Western country seeking a bloc with Russia, the capitalist rulers – and even more so their middle-class propagandists – would be very worried about losing all credibility with their own populations if they suddenly tell the population that an alliance with Moscow is now needed after having yesterday so rabidly demonised Russia. But here the “beauty” of parliamentary democracy as a form of rule serving the capitalists can come into play. Such “democracy” of course does not allow the working class majority of a country to share power and was never meant to. However, such “democracies” are very effective for managing differences in strategy amongst different factions of the capitalist class. Should a majority of the capitalist class think that a change in strategy on a major issue is needed they would not risk discrediting their entire system by having existing political leaders make fools of themselves by suddenly implementing policies that they had only yesterday been fervently condemning. Rather, the bulk of the capitalists would throw their support behind the propaganda and electoral campaigns of another pro-capitalist political faction less tainted with the previous policy.
Indeed, although in Australia all the pro-capitalist factions are unanimously behind Washington’s current hardline anti-Russia stance, even today there are capitalist opposition factions in both European countries and the U.S. that favour closer ties with Russia. When Biden’s $US40 billion military and economic aid package to Ukraine was voted on in the U.S. senate, a quarter of the senators from the opposition Republican Party voted against the bill. It so happens that these soft on Russia senators are from the despicably white supremacist, far-right of the Republican Party. That it is often the far-right factions of the capitalist class in both the U.S. and Europe that favour closer ties with Russia requires analysis here. One reason for this phenomenon is that these forces are so fanatically anti-communist that they are more willing to make concessions to a fellow capitalist power like Russia if that helps to isolate and counter socialistic China. However, this is not the entire story. After all, the liberal and mainstream conservative wings of the capitalist class are also intransigently opposed to the Chinese workers state. To understand further this phenomenon of the Western Far Right often being pro-Russia we need to look at the different realities faced by individual capitalists in the context of the overall decay of the capitalist order. Many capitalists in certain sectors are making huge profits and feel, moreover, that those profits are fairly stable and durable. However, other exploiters of labour feel that their position is more precarious and could be threatened by increased competition from overseas rivals, evolutions in the structure of the economy or threats to their business model posed by popular pressure to address climate change. Now the various different political factions of the capitalist class each draw support from both the capitalists that feel more secure and the ones that are insecure. However, in general, the capitalists that feel secure in their position are more likely to be “liberals” or mainstream conservatives since they are fairly content with the status quo domestically. Similarly, the middle class layers that this wing of the capitalist class rests on tend to be the more secure, often upper-middle class layers, like high-paid professionals. In contrast, the more insecure sections of the capitalist class tend to favour the Far Right, which also rests on support from the more precariously operating sections of the self-employed, business-owning middle class. Their insecurity breeds their reactionary extremism. They desire to exploit and crush the most downtrodden sections of the working class even further in order to protect their threatened positions. Significantly, the different social basis between the far-right factions of the capitalist class and their mainstream rivals affects how they see the current state of their countries. The Far Right, reflecting a base that is disproportionately among the more economically insecure layers of the capitalist exploiting class and the self-employed middle class, are far less effusive about the current reality. This is reflected in Trump’s signature slogan “Make America Great Again” which is based on the notion that America is not currently great. In contrast, the more secure sections of the capitalist class and middle class are more likely to see the current state of affairs far more positively, as reflected in their retort to Trump that “America is already great.” The latter estimation of America’s current state also affects the global outlook of the mainstream factions of the capitalist class. They feel that the U.S. is strong enough to reject any compromises with an up and coming power like Russia and is, moreover, in a position to simply push Russia back down into a subordinate position. In contrast, the extreme right of the Republican Party, with their far less optimistic estimate of America’s strength – reflecting the more precarious position of their own base – think that the U.S. must seek an accommodation with Russia.
Russia’s ruling class is well aware of the openness to an alliance with themselves on the part of far-right conservatives in both the U.S. and Europe. Therefore, while occasionally publishing a decent anti-imperialist op-ed piece from a progressive point of view, Russian state media outlets like RT often subtly promote Western Far Right parties. Moreover, they shamelessly court Western far right sentiment by publishing articles that echo the latter’s reactionary narratives. Thus, even as they denounce Nazi influence within the Ukrainian state, RT has in recent months featured op-ed pieces that disgustingly attacked the black rights movement in the U.S., apologised for the 6 January 2021 attempted far-right coup in Washington and attacked LGBT pride. A couple of weeks ago, RT even ran a piece from the Epoch Times (gloating at China’s lack of self sufficiency in iron ore), the newspaper of the fanatically anticommunist, ultra-right wing Chinese exile group, Falun Dafa.
Save Humanity from the Imperialist System through World Socialist Revolution
Although an alliance between capitalist Russia and one or more of the current imperialist powers is possible in the future, right now the imperialist powers are united in waging an uncompromising proxy war against Russia. The more intensely that the Western imperialists pursue this war – by throwing ever greater military and political resources behind their Ukrainian proxies – the more damaging to their interests would be a Russian military victory. That in turn drives the U.S. and its allies to further escalate their involvement in the conflict, which in turn makes them even less willing to accept any sort of Russian victory and so on. In this way, the nuclear-armed imperialists are spiraling towards a possible future direct clash with nuclear-armed Russia. We should all ponder the following question: if the imperialists are provocatively heading down a road that risks taking them towards a direct clash with a fellow capitalist power that is not even their main strategic enemy, what will they be prepared to do against their actual main target: socialistic China? It is increasingly clear that we need to sweep away the imperialist world order not only to ensure the well-being of humanity’s working class masses but to guarantee humanity’s very survival.
So how can we free the world from the stranglehold of the U.S.-led imperial powers? Here we must look to a solution that we can say is partly Russian. But this solution has nothing to do with Putin and his regime. Rather it is the example set by Lenin and Trotsky’s Bolshevik Party that led the working class of Russia – and behind them all of Russia’s toiling people and oppressed non-Russian national and ethnic minorities – in the overthrow of then Russian imperialism. This October 1917 Russian Revolution put an end to Russia’s participation in the World War I inter-imperialist slaughter and inspired revolutions throughout Europe that threatened to sweep away imperialist rule in Germany and beyond. The October Revolution was not only the world’s first successful socialist revolution but remains the only time that the toiling classes have toppled the ruling class of an imperialist country (subsequent great socialist revolutions in the likes of China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos overthrew capitalist rule in semi-colonial countries subjugated by imperialism). This revolution showed that it is the working class in the imperialist countries themselves – alongside we must add working-class-led, anti-imperialist resistance of the masses in the neocolonial countries as well as the inspiration provided by the existence of socialistic states where the working class already hold state power – that can and must topple the imperialist rulers from power. Therefore, to rid the world of dangerous imperialism we urgently need to advance towards modern-day versions of the October 1917 Russian Revolution in the U.S., Britain, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, France and the other imperialist countries.
The October Revolution established working class rule over one-sixth of the world’s surface and quickly granted equality and the right to self determination to all the nationalities that had been subjugated under the previous capitalist order – including to the Ukrainian people. However, the Soviet workers state immediately came under intense imperialist pressure. Under this pressure, in the mid-1920s, a bureaucratic layer took over political administration of the Soviet Union away from the revolutionary masses on a right-revisionist program of seeking accommodation with imperialism. By the late 1980s, after decades of further sustained imperialist military, economic and political pressure on the Soviet Union and its allies, the wavering bureaucracy began to buckle. By a few years later, they were completely surrendering state power, which they had been previously compelled to wield in the interests of the working class, to Western-orchestrated counterrevolutionaries. Up until this counterrevolution, the Soviet Union had remained a workers state based on a socialistic economic system. That meant that even after the Soviet Union’s bureaucratic backwards step in the mid-1920s, her system produced immense benefits for the masses. To be sure in the 1930s, the Soviet Union’s tremendous industrial development running at a rate hitherto unknown in humanity and while the capitalist world was submerged in the nightmare of the Great Depression was mixed with severe bureaucratic repression of the masses and serious backsliding on the national rights granted to the non-Russian minorities by the October Revolution. However, following the Soviet Union’s heroic victory over Nazi Germany in World War II and then a subsequent decade of rapid reconstruction after the war, the Soviet workers state was able to offer its people a rapidly rising standard of living, guaranteed employment and an array of opportunities to access entertainment facilities and participate in cultural, leisure and sporting pursuits. Moreover, in the three and half decades from this time onwards until her tragic descent towards capitalist counterrevolution in the late 1980s, there was a level of racial and ethnic harmony and equality in the multi-racial Soviet Union that was unknown in any multi-racial capitalist country. Given that the Soviet Union’s course towards socialism was as yet unfinished and given that she was saddled with the administration of a middle-class bureaucracy that kept the masses out of politics, there was neither perfect ethnic equality nor perfect ethnic harmony in the USSR. There was a degree of Russian-centredness within the state. Nevertheless, no national or ethnic group within the multinational Soviet Union could then be said to be subjugated. No ethnic or national group there in this period, including Ukrainian people, faced anywhere near the same racial or national oppression as, say, Aboriginal people suffer in Australia – or indeed Asian, African and Middle Eastern communities in this country today – or black people in the U.S., Tamils in Sri Lanka, West Papuans in Indonesia or Kashmiris, Sikhs and Muslims in India. It is telling that despite the Ukrainian lands of the Soviet Union being far less resource rich than the Russian lands, in 1989 not only was the per capita income in Soviet Ukraine on a par with that of Soviet Russia, the average life expectancy in Soviet Ukraine was two years higher than in Soviet Russia.
The dive towards capitalist counterrevolution in the former Soviet Union and then, especially, the counterrevolution itself led to a catastrophic plunge in the living standards of the masses in every part of the former Soviet Union. It also tore apart the ethnic harmony that once existed there. Decades of peace were now replaced by a series of wars in Georgia, Moldova, Chechnya, Armenia-Azerbaijan, southern Russia and then the Donbass region of Ukraine. International students from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America who in Soviet times spoke glowingly about how well they had been treated were now subjected to violent attacks from racist gangs. White supremacist forces dangerously grew in both Russia and Ukraine and in the latter gained a significant foothold in the state machinery in 2014. It is crucial to understand that all the conditions that led to this current war – the increased strength of NATO and its eastwards expansion, the drastic economic weakening of Ukraine that allowed the imperialist powers to subordinate her, the conditions of poor living standards and high unemployment out of which fascist forces were spawned, the existence of the rule of capitalist exploiters which necessitated the Ukrainian ruling class to scapegoat the Russian-speaking Donbass population and poison the Ukrainian masses with reactionary nationalism in order to ensure the masses’ subservience, the “Great Russian” chauvinism promoted by the Russian capitalist class in order to keep themselves in power and which in turn allowed Ukrainian nationalists to manipulate understandable fears of the Ukrainian people that they will once again be subjugated under Russians as in pre-Soviet times, the necessity for decaying capitalist ruling classes to expand markets by grabbing territory from each other – all these conditions were created as a result of capitalist counterrevolution in the former Soviet Union. In other words, the horrific suffering and loss of life in the Donbass war that began in 2014 and in its latest more intense phase that began with the Russian invasion this February are a result of the destruction of the workers state created by the October Revolution. This proves just how progressive the Soviet Union, with all its flaws, had been relative to capitalism and what a monumental step forward for humanity was the October 1917 Russian Revolution.

Photo credit (above photo): RIA Novosti
Photo credit (below photo): AFP/Pool/Vasily Maximov

The lessons from all this that we must draw is that we need to fight to restore working class rule to all parts of the former Soviet Union, fight for socialist revolution around the world and fight like hell to ensure that the counterrevolution that destroyed the Soviet Union does not happen in socialistic China and the other remaining workers states. Moreover, to ensure that workers states created by new October Revolutions are not again collapsed – or even pushed a step backwards through bureaucratic degeneration – by hostile capitalist pressure, we need to complete any victory achieved by a workers revolution in a particular country by fighting urgently for other such revolutions throughout the globe – above all with the aim of destroying the tyranny of the imperial powers from within their own countries. Today, as the capitalist order grinds down the masses with plummeting real wages, ever-more insecure employment forms, skyrocketing rents and surging food, electricity and fuel prices, those committed to the fight for new October Revolutions can help build popular sympathy for such radical solutions in the course of advocating and mobilising class-struggle resistance to the attacks on the working class masses’ living standards.
To march towards socialist revolutions we must do everything possible to enhance the self-confidence and class struggle sentiments of the working classes and everything possible to weaken and discredit the imperialist ruling classes. Today that means standing for the defeat of the U.S., British, Australian and EU ruling classes’ proxy war against Russia. Let’s mobilise to demand: Stop the military aid to Ukraine! End all the sanctions against Russia! Let’s oppose NATO expansion and oppose NATO itself! We must also oppose all the imperialist schemes to leverage their current proxy war to further escalate their Cold War drive against socialistic China – Let’s unconditionally defend socialistic rule in China! And let’s build parties like Lenin’s Bolsheviks that will lead the working class masses to liberate all oppressed people and humanity itself from decaying capitalism and its final, most horrific stage – imperialism.

Photo credit – Jesús Hellín/dpa.
Australia’s Repressive
Capitalist Regime
Releases Chan Han Choi
From Detention
Above Photo: Freed socialist political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, hours after his sentencing judgement was handed down does something that he has been prevented from doing for over three and a half years: take a walk in a park.
Choi is now busy seeking employment as well as accommodation – following through on an application for public housing, given that it is almost impossible for ex-prisoners to obtain tenancies from private landlords.
Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform
Australia’s Repressive Capitalist Regime Releases Chan Han Choi From Detention
23 July 2021: Chan Han Choi is finally free. This left-wing political prisoner in Australia had been imprisoned in especially harsh conditions for almost three years from December 2017. Then for the last eight and a half months, Choi has been under house arrest on bail. Today, Choi was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months imprisonment. It is absolutely outrageous that he should receive any punishment for what he did let alone such a tough sentence! However, given that this sentence is less than the aggregate time that he has already been jailed and under house arrest, the 62 year-old South Korean-born, Australian citizen is at long last free.
Chan Han Choi was the victim of an intense Cold War witch-hunt. He was largely imprisoned for his political sympathy for socialistic North Korea and his opposition to the cruel United Nations economic sanctions on that country. Nominally, the charges that Choi was sentenced over were that he had tried to broker deals to help the people of North Korea evade economic sanctions. However, if Choi had been sentenced fairly, even under the blatantly unfair laws enforcing the killer sanctions, he would have only received a small fine. This is because his “offending” was on the very low-end of the scale. None of the deals that Choi tried to broker ever went through. No goods or technology were exchanged and no money ever changed hands. Additionally, if the evidence had been looked at impartially, it would be apparent that in all the five proscribed trades Choi tried to broker, Choi himself cancelled the negotiations well before he was arrested.
It is telling that at the sentencing hearing, the Crown Prosecutors were unable to provide one single victim impact statement. That is because there are no victims to the “crimes” that Chan Han Choi was sentenced for! Indeed, if Choi had gone further in his “offences” and actually brokered the deals to their successful conclusion then there would have only been beneficiaries – not victims. How many lives would have been saved or made easier in North Korea had the people of North Korea been able to receive badly needed hard currency from the export deals that Choi, for a period, tried to organise?
The actual reason that Choi received such a big jail sentence today instead of a small fine is because the court politically discriminated against Choi for his pro-DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, that is North Korea) sympathies. Indeed, for the last more than three and half years, Chan Han Choi has been subjected to political persecution from a range of Australian state agencies ranging from the courts to the Commonwealth DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions), the AFP (Australian Federal Police), ASIO, “Corrective Services” NSW (the prison system), Legal Aid and Justice Health (the state agency responsible for providing medical care for prisoners).
The judge did not divide today’s judgement into a non-parole period and a period that Choi could be released on parole due to Choi having already completed the entire period of sentence. If this had not been the case and Choi had been released on bail much earlier and under normal conditions of bail then typically the non-parole period would be about 60% of the entire sentence. That would mean that today’s sentence would have likely been divided into about two years imprisonment without parole and then a further eighteen months under parole – parole which is typically nowhere as harsh as the house arrest conditions that Choi faced for the last eight and a half months. That means that Choi ended up enduring as much as a year longer in prison than he would have had he been released on bail earlier and then a further eight and a half months in much more severe conditions than typical parole. Thus, while today’s sentencing judgement is blatantly biased and outrageously severe, the fact that several judges repeatedly denied Choi bail for nearly three years prior to trial is even more despicable. The Commonwealth DPP and AFP had opposed Choi’s bail bids, in good part, on the claim that Choi’s “offending” was objectively more serious because of Choi’s political loyalty to the DPRK. In other words, they claimed that Choi’s political sympathy for the DPRK made his “offending” more serious than if he had other political sympathies or if he was purely motivated by personal economic gain. This is crystal clear, pure Cold War McCarthyism, where a person is treated worse by the law and denied rights accorded to others – in this case the right to bail before trial – on the basis of their support for socialistic states. Indeed, if there had not been such an active campaign in solidarity with Choi by leftist opponents of Cold War neo-McCarthyism in Australia, with others internationally taking a stand too, then the regime would never have given Choi bail prior to trial at all and would have sentenced him for even longer. In the early period following Choi’s arrest, before the on-the-streets campaign in his defence started mobilising and before Australia’s ruling class realised how much resulting political damage they would experience from their persecution of Choi, regime officials were speaking of locking up Choi for between 8 to 15 years. Thus today’s sentencing result reflects both a grossly unjust Cold War persecution but also the impact of the leftist, anti-Cold War defence campaign in pushing back against that persecution.
A Compassionate, Intelligent Person Motivated by
Humanitarian Concern for the People of North Korea
In February, Choi accepted a plea deal in which the Commonwealth DPP dropped some of its blatantly false, hyped-up charges. Choi in turn accepted that he had tried to help the people of North Korea organise exports of iron, coal, instrumentation and arms in violation of UN sanctions that ban almost all of North Korea’s exports. Choi had also tried to help North Korea import petrol which is also restricted by the murderous sanctions.
The trade that Choi was trying to help organise is very similar to the trade that Australia engages in. But the people of North Korea are cruelly prevented from carrying out such trade. The resulting shortages and lack of hard currency needed to import food, medicine, medical equipment and agricultural machinery causes immense suffering to North Korea’s people. An independent international report prepared by Western-based medical and aid workers titled, The Human Costs and Gendered Impact of Sanctions on North Korea, found that the UN sanctions had caused the deaths of thousands of people in North Korea – mostly children – in 2018 alone. It is out of deep humanitarian concern for the people of North Korea that Choi tried to help her people trade. At his sentencing hearing last week, Choi, while making clear that he was totally committed to, from now on, following all of Australian laws, bravely continued to expose the unjust nature of the sanctions on North Korea. He explained that he would, from now on, oppose the sanctions through protest and other legal means.

Chan Han Choi sought no personal gain from his efforts to help the people of North Korea to trade. Choi lived an austere life. When he was arrested, he lived in a modest rented apartment, owned no property, had no car and had just $6,000 in savings. At the time of his arrest, Choi was working as a hospital cleaner. Choi is really only “guilty” of doing very understandable acts. He should not have spent one second behind bars and should never have been charged in the first place!
The real criminals in this matter are the imperialist rulers who repeatedly arm twisted the world to acquiesce to successively more severe sanctions on the DPRK. Chief of these were the leaders of the United States. But they were enthusiastically supported by the Australian, Japanese, South Korean and British regimes. Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George Bush, Scott Morrison, Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Shinzo Abe: these are biggest criminals in this matter. They have helped enact sanctions on the people of North Korea that are an indirect form of mass murder. The ASIO and Australian Federal Police officers, prosecutors and judges involved in Choi’s persecution – and, thus, in enforcing these sanctions – also bear some responsibility for the death and suffering that these sanctions are causing.
For three and half years, the AFP and Commonwealth DPP pushed the line that Choi was motivated by “loyalty to the DPRK” and a higher “patriotic duty.” They said that he was an “economic agent of the DPRK.” They then opposed bail successfully for nearly three years in good part on the basis of Choi’s “loyalty to the DPRK.” Yet around three weeks ago, the Crown did a 180 degree U-turn. They started claiming that Choi was instead partly motivated by personal profit (and when that claim was exposed as false, created a really bizarre theory that Choi just wanted to deal in arms for the sake of it). The judge, in part, bought into this “personal profit” rubbish. In today’s judgement, although she accepted the truth that Choi was motivated by a desire “to assist the people of North Korea”, she also claimed that he was partly motivated by personal financial gain. The idea that Choi was seeking personal financial gain by trying to breach the sanctions is, of course, ridiculous! If one was really motivated by personal financial gain, trying to act as a broker for North Korea, especially for a person living in a country with a rabidly anti-communist regime like Australia, is the worst course to take. The sanctions on North Korea are extremely tightly policed by the U.S., Japan, Australia and other imperialist powers. Moreover, any broker on the North Korean side could never make much money from such trades because North Korea can only entice potential buyers to break the sanctions and accept North Korean produce if they offer buyers a much lower price than the world market price. If someone in Australia really wanted to make money from brokering illegal trades they would simply be a drug dealer, which Choi is definitely not. Furthermore, in the period before the sanctions reached their current level of severity, Choi focused on putting people in touch with each other so that they could themselves arrange deals – which were then legal – between themselves; so in these cases no money changed hands through Choi and, thus, he could not be making personal gain from this work.
The sudden attempt by the Crown – in part backed up by the judge – to paint Choi as someone partly motivated by personal gain is a crude, last minute, attempt by the regime to partly de-politicise a case that they have politicised from the very beginning. It is a realisation by the regime that their Cold War imprisonment of pro-DPRK political prisoner Chan Han Choi has done them a lot of political harm and now they want to do their best to show that Choi was never a political prisoner and … his prosecution was never all that much about politics after all!
Given that the Australian ruling are doing their best to obscure what actually drove Chan Han Choi and – more importantly for them – what he represents, let’s clarify who Chan Han Choi really is and what motivated his “offending” actions. Chan Han Choi is a very compassionate and polite human being. He was brought up in capitalist South Korea and then has lived the last 34 years of his life in Australia. For most of his life, Choi bought the anti-DPRK propaganda that he was fed from childhood. However, from the mid-noughties, Choi began to do his own research on the question. Then in 2007 he made his first trip to North Korea. Like many people who go to North Korea with a truly open mind and without the expressed aim of themselves adding to anti-DPRK hostility, Choi really liked North Korean society. Choi fell in love with the egalitarianism of a society where he found that workers seem to have more rights at work than factory directors, where people’s interrelationships are not driven by money and where the warmth of friendship between ordinary people is very evident. At the same time, Choi saw economic hardships caused by the effects of sanctions, economic blockade and U.S.-led military pressure – the latter forcing North Korea to divert considerable resources to self-defence in order to avoid her people meeting the same fate as Iraq’s people. So he resolved to do what he could do to help North Korea’s economy and, thereby, improve the life of her people. Choi volunteered himself as an unofficial trade representative for the DPRK’s public sector enterprises that dominate her economy (note that the label thrown around by the AFP, the Crown Prosecutors and the media that Choi is an “economic agent” of North Korea is deliberately intended to make something so very benign as being a trade representative sound sinister). Choi helped to put North Korean exporting firms together with contacts in China, South Korea and elsewhere so that the respective parties could themselves arrange deals. Partly through the efforts of people like Choi and even more so through the work of North Korea’s own people and with the help of increased trade with socialistic China’s booming economy, by the time ten years had passed since Choi’s first trip to North Korea, North Korea was actually able to better feed all her people than the majority of other developing countries in Asia. However, Choi watched with horror in 2016 and 2017 as successively more draconian sanctions were imposed on North Korea. He rightly feared that North Korea’s people would now have to endure even more hardships than those which he saw in his early trips to North Korea in the mid-late noughties. So in the latter half of 2017, Choi made a renewed push to broker trade deals for North Korea’s people. However, by then the goal posts had been moved. The deals that he had brokered previously, which had once been legal, were now proscribed by the sanctions. Worried about the plight of the people and society that he so cared about, Choi pushed through with some brokering efforts. But seeing the stringency of the imperialist policing of sanctions, Choi pulled back and cancelled the deals. This is the sum total of what Choi’s “offending” consists of and what drove it. In a fair society Choi would be given medals and awards for compassion and courage. But here he was demonised and thrown into prison.
Choi was Demonised and Persecuted to “Justify”
the Capitalist Rulers’ Cold War Drive
The obvious reason for the severity of the Australian capitalist state’s persecution of Choi is that this state is hell-bent on enforcing the sanctions on North Korea. The imperialist powers want to use these crippling sanctions to crush socialistic rule in North Korea and thus undermine socialistic rule also in North Korea’s neighbour and ally, the Peoples Republic of China, the world’s largest workers state. Although socialistic rule in North Korea and China is deformed by bureaucratic privileges and a lack of real workers democracy – and in China by the presence of a capitalist exploiting class (although fortunately one which does not hold state power as in the capitalist countries) – the existence of workers states in these countries is not only a massive advance for the working class masses but a serious challenge to the interests of imperialist ruling classes. Socialistic rule in the likes of China, North Korea and Cuba prevents those countries from being turned into giant sweatshops for Western multinationals to exploit the way that workers in, say, the Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh are. It is also an example to the toiling masses in the capitalist neo-colonial countries that could inspire them to have “bad thoughts” about throwing off their local exploiters and their American, Australian, British and Japanese overlords. Moreover, the mere existence of workers states abroad incites the greatest fear of the capitalist rulers in Australia, India, the U.S. and Brazil: that the working class masses in their own countries will see that it is possible for them to also make their own anti-capitalist revolutions and take over power.

Photo credit: Keystone/Getty Images
However, the persecution of Choi was not only about – and perhaps not even mainly about – enforcing the sanctions on the DPRK. When Choi was arrested it was accompanied by a massive attempt on the part of then prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, as well as the AFP and the mainstream media to hype up a supposed North Korean threat. As well as listing the items that Choi actually really did try to help North Korea trade – like petrol, coal and iron – the regime initially hit Choi with completely bogus charges that he had tried to assist North Korea to export Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) technology. They even sensationally claimed that Choi was trying to organise North Korean experts to help private traders to make ICBMs to sell around the world. All these claims have now been discredited. The Commonwealth DPP had to drop their bogus WMD charges, and in the face of compelling evidence, step-by-step retreated from the claim that Choi was trying to organise the export of North Korean technology for the production of any ballistic missiles, let alone ICBMs. The judge had to concede too in today’s judgement that in relation to the arms particular of one charge, it could not be established that Choi had tried to broker any more than the export of North Korean technology for the production of MANPADs (which is what Choi had admitted all along since he accepted the plea bargain) – which are small, hand-held weapons used for shooting down low-flying military aircraft and helicopter gunships. And that is a massive difference from all the earlier hype claiming that Choi had tried to broker the export of WMD and ICBM technology!
Yet all these truly fanciful – and now discredited – claims about Choi’s activities had a purpose. Australia’s imperialist ruling class want to manufacture a “North Korea” threat in order to scare us into accepting their ever more aggressive participation in the U.S.-led Cold War drive against North Korea and her giant socialistic neighbour and ally, Red China. Moreover, the capitalist rulers want to “justify” their intensification of McCarthyist repression against supporters of socialistic states at home. Since Choi’s arrest and the escalation of the anti-China Cold War, Chinese journalists have been raided by the AFP and ASIO, Chinese international students who organised a Sydney rally in support of Red China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong were subjected to a terrifying interrogation by Australian secret police and a respected member of the Indochinese-Chinese community in Melbourne has been charged under the “foreign interference” laws. Last year, even a NSW upper house MP, Shaoquett Moselmane, was hit with an intimidating 16-hour raid of his family home by the AFP and ASIO after merely stating the simple fact that China responded very effectively to the pandemic.
Meanwhile, the hysterical rubbish about a supposed “North Korea threat” that surrounded Choi’s arrest, the witch-hunt against those sympathetic to the PRC and the generally repressive Cold War climate have all combined to create such a national security obsession that even dissidents not involved in Cold War issues have been targeted by Australia’s increasingly authoritarian, capitalist regime. Within nine months of Choi’s arrest, whistle-blowers David McBride, Witness K and lawyer Bernard Collaery were all hit with serious charges – each for alleged “offences” committed several years earlier. Meanwhile, the same AFP that targeted these whistle-blowers and Chan Han Choi have also conducted intimidating raids against trade unions like the CFMEU. Moreover, it is undeniable that the national security obsession, in part churned up by the hysteria surrounding Choi’s December 2017 arrest, has made it easier for Australia’s rulers to be complicit in the horrendous persecution of Julian Assange by Canberra’s allies in Washington and London.
The political benefit that Australia’s capitalists gained from demonising Choi meant that the regime that serves them spent literally millions of dollars of public money on his prosecution. The resources that they unleashed against Choi included intercepting his phone calls for months prior to his arrest, unleashing dozens of police in the operation, hacking into Choi’s E-mails and bank records, enlisting numerous international and local “experts” and engaging for over three years a large legal team including a crack senior counsel, a reputed junior counsel, a high-powered senior solicitor and numerous legal researchers. Moreover, in mid-2018, two AFP officers, assisted by the U.S. FBI, went on a, at minimum two-week long, trip from one coast of the U.S. to the other to organise “experts” – mostly rabid, war-mongering neoconservatives – to assist in the prosecution of Choi. The cost of that trip alone to the public budget is estimated at $30,000 to $50,000. We do not know of how many other overseas trips AFP and ASIO officers went on to advance their prosecution of Choi. And yet while millions overall were spent on persecuting Chan Han Choi, today Australian governments have proved incapable and/or unwilling to provide adequate vaccines and virus testing capacity for the people and adequate PPE for health care and other at-risk workers resulting in a deadly COVID outbreak that has forced nearly 60% of this country’s people into lockdown.
This highlights the priorities, and indeed the fundamental nature, of Australia’s capitalist regime; a character trait that does not decisively change whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens who are warming the ministerial seats of governments. Just as telling as is the contrast between the prosecution of Choi and the failed pandemic response, in the period when the AFP was devoting huge resources to preparing Choi’s arrest and then his prosecution, they and ASIO were not conducting any surveillance whatsoever of the Australian white supremacist who murdered 51 people in the horrific March 2019 terror attack on two mosques in Christchurch. This is despite the fact that this fascist, who would go on to become Australia’s biggest single terrorist, made many threatening racist statements online. Persecuting and demonising supporters of socialistic states is a priority for the capitalist regime but stopping murdering racists is certainly not. Neither is holding finance sector corporate bigwigs to account. Thus, after Australia’s corporate regulator, ASIC, sent two briefs of evidence to the Commonwealth DPP last August about laying criminal charges against AMP for its notorious practice of charging customers fees for no service – that is, basically stealing from customers – the Commonwealth DPP last week declared that no charges would be laid after … “weighing the relevant public interest factors”! This is the very same Commonwealth DPP that ferociously spearheaded the prosecution of Chan Han Choi.
Choi Was Imprisoned Under Brutal Conditions
Choi’s many supporters are very happy today that Choi is finally free. However, let us not forget how much he has suffered over the last three and a half years. Choi spent most of his time in jail in one of the Australian regime’s most notorious prison camps – Long Bay. Choi was incarcerated at the very same prison and section of the jail where, in December 2015, six racist prison guards crushed to death 26 year-old Aboriginal man, David Dungay, in circumstances very similar to the infamous racist police murder of George Floyd in the USA.
Even though Choi was not accused of any violent offence, had no prior criminal record and was not even accused of any espionage, he was imprisoned as a National Security Interest (NSI) prisoner. This meant that Choi had no access to amenities, employment opportunities or educational opportunities due to his NSI classification. Moreover, prison records show that for the first 89 days of his custody, Choi was placed in “segregated custody” which is the prison system’s understated way of saying solitary confinement. Then when friends sought to visit, Corrective Services used all sorts of tricks to ensure that the visitors were delayed four and a half months before being properly approved and notified that they could visit Choi in jail. Later, for the last two years of his incarceration, the authorities prevented Choi from making telephone calls to these friends. Choi was by then only allowed to telephone his wife. However, even though Choi’s English is poor, authorities prevented Choi from his speaking on the telephone to his wife in Korean. In February 2019, Corrective Services’ intelligence officers even threatened to send Choi to Goulburn Supermax prison should be speak on the phone to his wife in Korean.
Corrective Services even obstructed Choi’s lawyers from making face to face visits to him. After an initial visit, Choi’s earlier legal team was only allowed one visit to him in a 12-month period! Moreover, language interpreters were obstructed from accompanying legal visits to such an extent that Choi did not get one single face to face visit with this legal team that was actually accompanied by an interpreter until some 17 months after they first entered the matter!
Most seriously, authorities endangered Choi’s life by repeatedly knocking back his requests to see a prison doctor as his diabetes severely deteriorated during the first eight months of 2020. Choi’s prison health records prove, as was conceded at Choi’s sentencing hearing by Dr Ette, a doctor under the pay of Justice Health, that for an eight and a half month period from mid-December 2019 to the end of August 2020, Choi, who by then was on oral diabetic medication, did not have his Blood Sugar Level (BSL) monitored even once. This is despite the fact that on the last date that his BSL was actually monitored before this period, Choi’s BSL was already too high as confirmed by Dr Ette. As a result Choi endured months of diabetic symptoms – including severe weight loss, very itchy rashes, fungal infections, urinating problems etc – with no treatment. Choi became so desperate to treat unbearably itchy skin rashes – that unknown to him at the time were diabetic-induced – that he applied on his skin the hospital grade disinfectant given to prisoners to clean their toilet bowls! By late August 2020, Choi’s diabetes was out of control. In today’s judgement, the judge conceded that “the offender was referred for ‘urgent diabetes clinical review’, which Dr Ette regarded as having become ‘urgent’ because he had not been reviewed between December 2019 and August 2020.” Indeed, Choi’s situation became so desperate that when he was finally able to see medical staff in late August 2020, he had to be given emergency doses of insulin. As his BSL swung wildly, Choi was at immediate risk of brain damage, heart failure and strokes. Moreover, the only reason that Choi finally received treatment at the end of last August was because he had weeks before (with help to write in English from fellow prisoners) sent a strongly worded protest letter to Justice Health, which his supporters then published online, saying that they are “indirectly trying to murder me” by denying him medical care. The UN states that: “The intentional withholding of medical treatment from persons in places of detention or in other State institutions such as orphanages or from persons injured by an act attributable to public officials falls within the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on torture” (https://www.bak.gv.at/en/Downloads/files/UNO/UNO_Folter_Konvention.pdf). In short, under the UN definition of torture, socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi was tortured by the Australian capitalist regime for a period of several months in 2020.

“The whole time was very stressful. I suffered three times more than other prisoners. I felt as though I was less than animal. Sub-human.”
Chan Han Choi’s Growing Number of Supporters
Today, Chan Han Choi expressed his deepest appreciation for all the people who have supported him. Everyone who supported the campaign to free Choi should be congratulated. We acknowledge the groups that supported the nine united-front street rallies and marches held in solidarity with Choi, including Anti-War West Sydney, the Australia-DPRK Friendship Society, the Communist Party of Australia – Western Sydney branch, Communist Party of Australia – Wollongong Branch, Aust-DPRK Solidarity and ourselves in Trotskyist Platform who are proud to have initiated this united-front campaign. Other groups including the Social Justice Network, the Lebanese Communist Party, the Communist League (publishers of the Militant newspaper) and the Irish Republican socialist group, the James Connolly Association, also joined in the campaign at various stages. These actions have galvanised others to show solidarity with Choi. When a protest march was conducted by Chan Han Choi’s supporters in Chester Hill last December, right at the very heart of Sydney’s multiracial working class southwest that has been so vilified by the ruling class during this recent COVID upsurge, large numbers of people tooted their horns and waved in support of the protest. Moreover, in recent months, additional groups on the Left came on board the struggle to defend Choi and issued articles demanding Choi’s freedom including Socialist Alliance through its Green Left Weekly publication and the Melbourne-based leftist website, Class Conscious. Meanwhile, significant sections of the Korean community in Sydney swung behind Choi. This was reflected in the fair coverage of the case by the main Korean language community newspaper in Australia, Hanho Daily, whose online articles have received comments that are mostly in support of Choi. Meanwhile, the most popular online Chinese language news sites in Sydney, like 今日悉尼 (Sydney Today), have covered protests in support of Choi sympathetically. Meanwhile, support for Choi has spread internationally. In Russia, articles and documentaries in support of Choi produced by a Russian-speaking journalist in Australia have gone viral in both online media and social media. Meanwhile, from New Zealand to Greece to Britain and to the U.S., groups have declared their solidarity with Choi and published articles and statements condemning his persecution.
All this growing support for Choi and the work of Choi’s supporters in exposing the injustice of his persecution meant that Australia’s capitalist rulers were paying a significant political price for every day that they continued to persecute Chan Han Choi. The capitalist regime’s claims to stand for “rule of law” and “freedom of conscience” were being starkly exposed as a fraud and their ability to meddle abroad under the guise of “human rights” was being damaged. In the end, what Choi’s supporters managed to do was to take a situation that what was heading toward an extremely, extremely horrific injustice and divert that into being just a plain horrific injustice. That may not sound like much of an achievement but to Choi it meant the difference between being imprisoned for ten to fifteen years as the regime threatened when they initially arrested him with cruel fanfare and the three years that Choi finally ended up enduring.

Moreover, the campaign to free Choi has had another important achievement. It has raised the consciousness of many people about the cruelty and injustice of the UN sanctions on North Korea. Out of Choi’s suffering, his continued outspoken condemnation of the unjust nature of the sanctions and the efforts of his supporters, the opposition to the anti-DPRK sanctions within Australia is stronger than at any previous time. Furthermore, the struggle to free Choi was implicitly a struggle against Cold War McCarthyist witch-hunting more generally. THE CAMPAIGN TO FREE CHOI WAS INDEED THE FIRST ORGANISED PUSH BACK AGAINST THE RULING CLASS’ McCARTHYIST OFFENSIVE THAT HAS SWEPT THIS COUNTRY OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS.
However, the work of Choi’s supporters remains unfinished. We are, of course, delighted that Choi is finally free, while being furious at the severity of the sentence handed down today and, indeed, angry that any punishment was decreed at all. But the immediate cause of Choi’s imprisonment, the crippling UN sanctions on the people of North Korea, remains. We need to re-double our efforts to oppose these sanctions. We can take encouragement that many countries are now openly calling for an easing of these sanctions – most notably China. Countries are also starting to vote with their feet and not police the sanctions, which is allowing some small amount of precious trade with North Korea to take place, thus saving many lives. An international movement demanding the lifting of the sanctions will encourage those countries now opposing the sanctions to more boldly take such a stance.

Our work in opposing McCarthyist witch-hunting is also far from over. Chan Han Choi has been the biggest single victim of Cold War witch-hunting but he certainly is not the only one. We must defend the large, pro-Red China section of the Chinese community against the hysterical attacks that they are facing for their sympathy for socialistic China. We must all stand by others being witch-hunted for similar views. We also need to defend the indirect victims of McCarthyism – those whose persecution has been indirectly facilitated by the national security obsession created by the new Cold War conditions. We must demand the dropping of all charges against David McBride and Bernard Collaery and the quashing of the sentence against Witness K. And we must call for immediate freedom for another Australian political prisoner, Julian Assange.
Most fundamentally, we must seek to dig out the root cause of Choi’s persecution – the Cold War drive of the U.S, Australian and other capitalist rulers against socialistic China and her DPRK neighbour and ally. This Cold War drive is against the interests of more than 90% of Australia and the world’s population because it attacks states based on the public ownership system that favours working class people. That is why we must urgently defend the workers states in North Korea and China as well as in Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. That means that we must resist the propaganda campaign of lies over “human rights” that is unleashed against these socialistic states.
With Choi no longer under threat of being sent back to prison, one injustice to do with Long Bay Prison “Hospital” is over. But another one has no closure. The family of Aboriginal man, David Dungay, who was killed by racist guards at that very same prison have still not received any justice. All those people who stood by Choi must urgently support the Dungay family’s struggle for justice and the fight for justice for all victims of racist state terror against Aboriginal people.
Everyone who participated in the campaign to free Chan Han Choi must draw lessons from the campaign and from his treatment. And the key lesson is that in Australia – as in all capitalist states – the police, courts, prisons, army and bureaucracy do not exist to serve the people as a whole but were created and are maintained to enforce the interests of the wealthy capitalist ruling class against the interests of the working class masses. Many people who participated in this campaign have acquired an enhanced understanding of this truth. We need to spread this understanding widely. Every struggle against injustice within capitalist society – whether it be the struggle against workplace exploitation, the fight for workers’ job security, the fight to stop the sell-off of public housing, the fight to defend Aboriginal people and people of colour against racist attack, the struggle for women’s liberation and more – can become powerful to the extent that those in struggle truly understand that the institutions of the current capitalist state can never be their allies. So out of the cruelty of the three and half years of suffering endured by Choi, let us work hard to spread this class conscious understanding as we build the basis for the fight for a future socialist Australia.
- It is out of deep humanitarian concern for the people of North Korea that Chan Han Choi tried to help her people trade in violation of UN sanctions. He sought no personal gain from these activities.
- The sanctions on North Korea are a form of “legal”, mass murder.
- Australia’s capitalist rulers persecute and slander Choi to “justify” their Cold War drive against socialistic China and socialistic North Korea.
- We must resist the tormenting of Chan Han Choi because by persecuting him for his sympathy for a socialistic state, the Australian regime is attacking the struggle for socialism and is thus attacking the interests of more than 90% of Australia and the world’s population.
- Those who are standing by Chan Han Choi are, by doing so, also resisting the Cold War McCarthyism and repression that Choi’s cruel persecution is meant to fuel.
- If in the hypothetical case that Choi is sentenced fairly, even in accordance with the unfair sanctions laws that he is prosecuted under, he would just get a small fine. None of the five deals that he tried to broker ever went through. Moreover, in all five “forbidden” trades that Choi had started to broker, Choi himself cancelled the negotiations before he was arrested.
- Chan Han Choi will not get a fair sentencing judgement.
- Prison authorities endangered Choi’s life by repeatedly knocking back his requests to see a prison doctor as his diabetes severely deteriorated during the first eight months of 2020.
- Given growing support for Choi, Australia’s ruling class is suffering considerable damage to their reputation by continuing their persecution of Choi.
- We cannot allow compassionate human being, Chan Han Choi, to be thrown back into prison again.
- Let’s fight to lift the economic sanctions that are so devastating the people of North Korea!
16 July 2021: Yesterday, the three-day long sentencing hearing of socialist political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi came to an end. The judge has reserved her decision. The judgement is expected within an approximately one to three week period. Choi had been imprisoned in extremely harsh conditions by the Australian capitalist state for three years since his arrest in late 2017. After finally being granted bail last November, Choi has been under strict house arrest for the last eight months. If Choi is sentenced to a jail period less than what he has already endured, he will finally be free. However, if he is hit with a sentence with a non-parole period greater than the imprisonment period that he has already suffered, he will be thrown back into prison.
In February, Choi accepted a plea deal in which the Commonwealth DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) dropped some of its blatantly false, hyped-up charges. Choi in turn accepted that he had tried to help the people of North Korea organise exports of iron, coal, instrumentation and arms in violation of crippling UN economic sanctions that ban almost all of North Korea’s exports. Choi had also tried to help North Korea import petrol which is also restricted by the murderous sanctions.
The trade that Choi was trying to help organise is very similar to the trade that Australia engages in. But the people of North Korea are cruelly prevented from carrying out such trade. The resulting shortages and lack of hard currency needed to import food, medicine, medical equipment and agricultural machinery causes immense suffering to North Korea’s people. It is out of deep humanitarian concern for the people of North Korea that Choi tried to help her people trade. He sought no personal gain from these activities. Choi is really only “guilty” of doing very understandable acts. Let’s fight to demand: Free Chan Han Choi! Lift the brutal sanctions on North Korea now!
At his sentencing hearing, Choi, while making clear that he was totally committed to, from now on, following all Australian laws, bravely continued to expose the unjust nature of the sanctions on North Korea. He explained that he would, from now on, oppose the sanctions through protest and other legal means.
It is telling that at the sentencing hearing, the Crown Prosecutors were unable to provide one single victim impact statement. That is because there are no victims to the “crimes” that Chan Han Choi is being sentenced for! Indeed if Choi had gone further in his “offences” and actually brokered the deals to there successful conclusion, then there would have only been beneficiaries – not victims. How many lives would have been saved in North Korea or made easier had the people of North Korea been able to receive badly needed hard currency from the export deals that Choi, for a period, tried to organise?
An independent international report prepared by Western-based medical and aid workers found that the UN sanctions had caused the deaths of nearly 4,000 North Korean people – mostly children – in 2018 from the obstruction that the sanctions caused to the work of aid organisations alone. Even more deaths resulted from the damage that the sanctions did to North Korea’s own provision of food and other basic needs for her people. This October 2019 report titled, The Human Costs and Gendered Impact of Sanctions on North Korea, also found that: “Sanctions also interfere with the ability of North Koreans to develop their economy, earn a livelihood, and attain an adequate standard of living.” Moreover, the report detailed the particular harsh suffering that the sanctions caused to North Korean women:
“Sanctions destabilize North Korean society in ways that have a disproportionate impact on women, resonating with patterns observed in other sanctioned countries….
“Sanctions are directly interfering with the livelihood of women by targeting sectors in which they are heavily represented, such as textiles (82 per cent of workers).”

Australia’s Capitalist Rulers Persecute and Slander Choi to “Justify” Their
Cold War Drive Against Socialistic China and Socialistic North Korea
Sanctions similar to the ones now arrayed against North Korea were imposed by the UN on the people of Iraq from 1990 onwards. They caused the premature deaths of half a million infants in just the first decade of their implementation! In North Korea, the sanctions are also causing terrible suffering. Fortunately, North Korea’s socialistic system allows her to better manage the scarcity resulting from the sanctions and ensure that her people do not suffer to the same degree that Iraqi children did. Even a year after the UN sanctions on North Korea became really extreme in 2016, WHO data showed that the proportion of children who are underweight in North Korea due to malnourishment is considerably lower than in many capitalist ex-colonial countries in Asia like India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Nevertheless, as the 2019 report referred to above described, the sanctions are still causing the premature death of thousands of people every year. Moreover, in the second half of 2017, the very period when Choi attempted to help the people of North Korea to evade the sanctions, the imperial powers ratcheted up the sanctions to still more brutal levels.
Yet the existence of that socialistic system that is protecting her people from suffering to the same degree that Iraqi people did when hit with similar sanctions, is precisely the reason why the imperialist powers are so determined to crush North Korea through sanctions. Although socialistic rule in North Korea is deformed by bureaucratic privileges and a lack of real workers democracy, North Korea has a system based on public ownership which her masses won in a brave struggle to defeat the landlords and capitalist exploiters. This system of collective ownership of the means of production by all of society has created a warm community spirit among North Korea’s people and a friendly society. It is this humanism and egalitarianism of North Korea that has endeared Choi (who came into political consciousness later in life and is thus not especially ideological or versed in Marxist theory) to North Korean society and her people. Yet for the capitalist powers, the existence of any workers state is a huge obstacle to furthering their interests. Washington and Canberra want to destroy socialistic rule in North Korea and thereby also strike a blow against socialistic rule in the world’s largest workers state, the Peoples Republic of China, which is North Korea’s neighbour and ally. They want to do this so that they can turn these countries into huge sweatshops where the corporate bosses that they serve can make fabulous profits from exploiting workers. Capitalist powers also hate the existence of such socialistic states because their mere existence could encourage the masses in other ex-colonial countries to think that they too should give their own Western imperialist overlords and local capitalist enforcers the boot. That would mean a huge loss in profits for the American, Australian and Japanese corporations that loot such wealth out of countries like PNG, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and East Timor.
So when Australia’s capitalist state is so cruelly persecuting Choi just for trying to help the people of North Korea to trade, what they are really trying to do is strike blows against socialism by enforcing sanctions on a socialistic state. Moreover, when Choi was arrested it was accompanied by massive hype about a supposed North Korean threat from then prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and from the mainstream media. As well as listing the items that Choi actually really did try to help North Korea trade – like petrol, coal and iron – the regime initially hit Choi with completely bogus charges that he had tried to assist North Korea to export Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) technology. At various times, the Murdoch and other media mis-reported this, almost certainly deliberately, claiming that Choi was charged with trying to help North Korea’s own WMD program. This was of course a blatant lie. Choi was never even charged with trying to import such technology into North Korea. However, equally false was the allegation that Choi had tried to help North Korea export such technology. As a result, this February, the Prosecution had to drop these bogus “WMD charges” as part of Choi’s plea deal. However, the Prosecution continued to claim that Choi had tried to help North Korea export technology for the production of ballistic missiles right up to ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles). Presented with irrefutable evidence to the contrary, the Prosecution a few months ago retreated to the claim that Choi had tried to broker the export of North Korean expertise for the production of now, short and medium range ballistic missiles. However, during Choi’s sentencing hearing, this claim also crumbled in the face of the evidence. The Crown backed off from their claim that Choi had been involved with brokering services to assist a ballistic missile program and instead retreated some distance towards the position that Choi had admitted all along since he accepted the plea bargain: that he had tried for a short period to broker North Korea’s export of technology for the production of MANPADs – which are small, hand-held weapons used for shooting down military aircraft and helicopter gunships. That is a massive difference from all their earlier hype claiming that Choi had tried to broker the export of WMD and ICBM technology!
The Crown’s now discredited assertions depended on them carefully cherry-picking their supposed technical and military “experts.” They chose, exclusively, rabid neoconservatives working for warmongering think tanks like the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism and C4ADS. Like Australia’s own Cold War fanatics in ASPI (Australian Strategic Policy Institute) these supposedly “independent” think tanks are in fact largely funded by major Western defence contractors and Western government agencies all of whom have an interest in hyping up the “threat” from socialistic countries and other “disobedient” states. The IISS was in fact the main source of the infamous “evidence” used by then British prime minister Tony Blair and then U.S. president George Bush to dishonestly claim that Iraq was an imminent WMD threat, which they then used to “justify” launching the horrific U.S./British/Australian invasion of Iraq. Therefore, through their promotion of outright lies and exaggerations about Iraq’s military capabilities and intentions, the IISS have much responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians that resulted from this brutal invasion. Over the last three years, the now-discredited IISS and other similar neoconservative “NGOs” have been at it again – this time providing “expert” evidence to support the Crown’s earlier fanciful assertions that Choi had tried to organise a handful of North Korean experts to go to an underdeveloped third country and help a private company build ICBMs and WMDs. In fact had this proposition not been used to demonise Choi and throw him into prison, then it was so ludicrous as to be of serious comic value. Just, think about it: The Crown and AFP were claiming, purely on the basis of their interpretation of code words about pine trees used by Choi in phone conversations with an East Asian-based private trader, that three to five North Korean technicians would turn up with a few drawings and help the company that this relatively small-time trader was representing to establish a factory in Cambodia for making ballistic missiles – one of the most difficult to produce items imaginable which the very few governments able to manufacture have only been able to do so after tens of thousands of their own scientists, engineers and technicians have spent decades working on their development and manufacture; and which not one single non-state entity (not even those closest to powerful states) has ever been able to manufacture! This absurdly almost implies that ballistic missiles are so easy to build that a person could say to one of his friends:
“Hey, I have some mates who know how to make ICBMs. Why don’t I ask three of them to bring a DIY (Do It Yourself) manual about how to make them down to the park on Sunday afternoon and you, me and the gang can meet them there and build us some ICBMs. By the way if I ask my mates to E-mail us a list, can you go down to Bunnings on Sunday morning and buy the parts?”
Yet all these truly fanciful – and now discredited – claims about Choi’s activities had a purpose. Australia’s capitalist ruling class want to manufacture a “North Korea” threat in order to scare us into accepting their ever more aggressive participation in the U.S.-led Cold War drive against North Korea and her giant socialistic neighbour and ally, Red China. Both the Liberals and the ALP want the masses to accept the diversion of hundreds of billions of dollars of public money – public money that should be used for badly needed public housing, public aged care centres, childcare, public transport infrastructure, TAFE, public hospitals and public schools – into the Australian regime’s ever expanding military budget. Indeed, while the Crown now has to concede that Choi was never involved with deals related to long-range missiles, the Morrison government announced a year ago that it would itself be buying large numbers of long-range missiles. Meanwhile, there are maniacs in the government like Peter Dutton and plenty more in influential right-wing think tanks likes ASPI that are actually pushing towards a hot war with China. It is hardly polite, mild-mannered Chan Han Choi that we need to be afraid of! It is Australia’s war-mongering ruling elite that we should be terrified of! The capitalist rulers are willing to drag us into a catastrophic war with China that could kill millions just to protect their mega-profits and their system of exploitation.
But while confronting North Korea and China is good for the big end of town, such Cold War attacks are harmful to 90% of this country’s – and indeed the world’s – population. For the interests of all working class people – and most middle class people too – lies with defending the socialistic rule that exists in China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos, however as yet incomplete and obstructed are their transitions to socialism. The existence of these socialistic states will inevitably strengthen the struggle here for workers rights and for a future society based on public ownership – the system that favours working class people. Only a socialist course can free working class people from the reality under capitalism of insecure jobs, bullying bosses, casualisation and unaffordable housing and will finally create the conditions for a society where women can participate fully in all economic, social and political life and where Aboriginal people, refugees, Asians, Muslims and other people of colour will no longer have to worry about the threat of racist cop and/or redneck attacks. And it is a socialist world that will ensure that the Western imperialist bombardments and war crimes that the people of Palestine, Afghanistan and the Middle East have been subjected to will finally be things of the past.
We must resist the tormenting of Chan Han Choi because by persecuting him for his sympathy for a socialistic state, the Australian regime is attacking the struggle for socialism and is thus attacking the interests of more than 90% of Australia and the world’s population. Working class people, opponents of the imperialist bullying of the former colonies, fighters against privatisation and supporters of public ownership and public housing must all stand by Chan Han Choi.
In standing by Chan Han Choi, we should also oppose the Cold War drive that his witch-hunting is designed to justify. We must defend the workers states in North Korea and China as well as in Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. That means that we must resist the propaganda campaign of lies over “human rights” that is unleashed against these socialistic states.
Escalating Cold War McCarthyism in Australia
The government, police and media hype about a supposed “North Korea threat” that accompanied Choi’s high-profile arrest was not only aimed at furthering the Australian ruling class’ Cold War drive abroad but at justifying their intensification of McCarthyist repression against supporters of socialistic states at home. Just months after Choi’s arrest, the Australian government instituted draconian laws aimed at crushing expressions of sympathy for China under the guise of opposing “foreign interference.” Meanwhile, since Choi’s arrest and the escalation of the anti-China Cold War, Chinese journalists have been raided by the AFP and ASIO, Chinese international students who organised a Sydney rally in support of Red China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong were subjected to a terrifying interrogation by Australian secret police, a respected member of the Indochinese-Chinese community in Melbourne has been charged under the “foreign interference” laws and the pro-Beijing part of Australia’s Chinese community has been intimidated. Last year, even a NSW upper house MP, Shaoquett Moselmane was witch-hunted by right-wing shock jocks and his own Labor Party for merely stating the simple fact that China responded very effectively to the pandemic. Weeks later, Moselmane was hit with an intimidating 16-hour raid of his family home by the AFP and ASIO and then subjected to months of smear and the suspension of his parliamentary seat … before the AFP finally admitted that he had no case to answer.
Meanwhile, the hysterical rubbish about a supposed “North Korea threat” that surrounded Choi’s arrest, the witch-hunt against those sympathetic to the PRC and the generally repressive Cold War climate have all combined to create such a national security obsession that even dissidents and activists not involved in Cold War issues have been targeted by Australia’s, increasingly authoritarian, capitalist regime. It is telling that, while the whistleblower Witness K – and his lawyer Bernard Collaery – who exposed the Australian regime’s spying on East Timor (to aid its despicable theft of East Timor’s gas resources) were first raided by ASIO in 2013, the Commonwealth DPP did not feel confident that they could actually get away with charging the pair until some five years later in June 2018, which was just six months after the high-profile arrest of Chan Han Choi. Then just three months later, David McBride, the former military lawyer who exposed horrific war crimes by the Australian military in Afghanistan, was charged for his whistleblowing acts done in 2016. Meanwhile, the same AFP that targeted these whistleblowers and Chan Han Choi have also conducted intimidating raids against trade unions like the CFMEU. Those who are standing by Chan Han Choi, are by doing so, also resisting the new McCarthyism and repression that Choi’s cruel persecution is meant to fuel.
Chan Han Choi Will Not Get a Fair Sentencing Judgement
Choi’s sentencing hearing took place by Audio Visual Link as the city where the hearing took place has been put into lockdown as a result of a massive COVID spread. Therefore, the Sydney protest rally demanding Chan Han Choi’s freedom that Choi’s supporters had organised to coincide with the start of his sentencing hearing had to be put off. Today, literally half of this country’s population has had to be locked down. This is in good part because of the shambolic vaccine rollout by the Morrison government. Despite this, the Liberal government keeps on telling us that Australia’s pandemic response has been “world-beating”. This is actually a blatant lie! It is true, that benefitting from Australia’s very low population density and by implementing an authoritarian fortress strategy that has virtually banned international travel, Australia so far has a lower death rate from the virus than the U.S. and most of Europe. However, Australia’s death rate per person is eleven times higher than socialistic China’s and 65 times higher than in socialistic Laos. Moreover, the regime here has had to turn to lockdowns far more often than China has, where none of her 1.4 billion people are currently under any sort of lockdown. Furthermore, even numerous capitalist countries like Nigeria, the Ivory Coast and Uzbekistan have much lower death rates than here. In this country, the response is hampered by the failure of the regime and the system to ensure adequate protective clothing (PPE) for cleaners, nurses, paramedics and other crucial frontline workers and enough COVID testing services, especially in the multi-racial working class suburbs where many frontline workers live. As a result, on Tuesday, the first day of Choi’s sentencing hearing, residents in Sydney’s Fairfield Local Government Area, which happens to be where Choi is staying during his house arrest, had to queue for up to six hours just to get tested for COVID!
Yet, while the Australian capitalist regime has failed to provide the masses with adequate vaccines, COVID testing services and PPE it has succeeded in mobilising massive resources to persecute Chan Han Choi – from intercepting Choi’s phone calls prior to his arrest, to unleashing dozens of police in the operation, to the hacking into of Choi’s E-mails and bank records, to the enlistment of numerous international and local “experts” to the engagement of a large team of crack barristers, lawyers and researchers. What all this indicates is that the Australian regime is far more interested in enforcing the interests of the small capitalist exploiting class – a class whose immediate interests lie with crushing workers states through sanctions and Cold War – than it is in protecting the people. In all capitalist countries, the prisons, the courts, the police, the military and the bureaucracy were created – and are daily replenished – for the specific purpose of enforcing the interests of the capitalist business owners against those of the working class and their supporters. This is the case here whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens who are in office. That is why greedy construction bosses get away with no criminal punishment for getting workers killed by neglecting workplace safety. Yet representatives from the construction workers unions, like the CFMEU, get hit with criminal convictions just for supposedly, “illegally,” inspecting unsafe work sites.
Now it is true that when Australia’s legal system hears say a murder or assault matter which does not have a political dimension to it, it is quite possible that the matter will indeed be dealt with under the “rule of law” principle that the capitalist rulers claim to stand by. However, even in these cases, this is only provided that the matters don’t intersect with questions of class and race. In the latter cases, the anti-working class and racist bias of the system distorts the “rule of law.” That is after all why not one single cop or prison guard has ever been convicted for killing an Aboriginal person in custody despite hundreds of such racist killings in Australia over the last several decades. Moreover, if a case is political, especially where on one side lies the interests of the working class and on the other the capitalists and their regime, the political bias of the racist, rich people’s regime becomes overwhelming. Furthermore, the bigger and higher profile the case, the greater the bias. And one cannot get a higher profile case where the interests of the capitalists and those of the working class are clearly on opposite sides, than the one of Chan Han Choi. Capitalist interests lie with the Crown prosecution and their push to enforce the killer sanctions on the people of a workers state and to incite Cold War hostility to socialistic countries, while the side of the working class and most middle class people lies with Choi. That is why Choi’s sentencing outcome will be decided at least 90% by politics and at most 10% by the law. That is why there is no way that Choi will get a fair sentencing result.
Everything that has happened to Choi since his arrest in 2017 confirms that the regime will not sentence him fairly, even under the unfair laws that he is convicted under. The courts repeatedly rebuffed Choi’s bail bids after the Crown opposed the bail applications, in good part, on the basis of Choi’s political sympathy for the DPRK. This is chemically pure McCarthyism, where a person is denied rights on the basis of their support for socialistic states. In jail, authorities placed special restrictions on Choi – obstructing visits to him by lawyers, translators and friends. For large periods, they even outright blocked visits. Even though Choi was not accused of any violent offence, had no prior criminal record and was not even accused of any espionage, he was imprisoned as a National Security Interest (NSI) prisoner. This meant especially brutal conditions of imprisonment. As an affidavit by the Governor of the prison that Choi spent most of his custody in admitted, Choi had no access to amenities, employment opportunities or educational opportunities due to his NSI classification. Moreover, Choi, whose English is poor, could not even speak on the phone in his native Korean unless he got special permission. Yet when he made a written application to speak to his wife in Korean in the first few months of his imprisonment, the regime rejected this. As a result, Choi could not communicate with his wife properly on the phone, even though by December 2018 she became the only family member or friend that the regime would allow him to telephone. Most seriously, authorities endangered Choi’s life by repeatedly knocking back his requests to see a prison doctor as his diabetes severely deteriorated during the first eight months of 2020. During examination at Choi’s sentencing hearing, a doctor under the pay of Justice Health – the NSW government authority charged with providing medical care to prisoners – Jacques Ette, who incredibly claimed in an earlier written submission that Choi was provided proper medical care while imprisoned, admitted that for an eight and a half month period from mid-December 2019 to the end of August 2020, Choi, who by then was on oral diabetic medication, did not have his Blood Sugar Level (BSL) monitored even once. This is despite the fact that on the last date that his BSL was actually monitored before this period, on 12 December 2019, Choi’s BSL by Dr Ette’s admission was already too high. Dr Ette further admitted under oath that the reason that Choi’s diabetes was out of control by late August 2020 was because his diabetes had not been monitored in the earlier period. Indeed, Choi’s situation became so desperate that when he was finally able to see medical staff in late August 2020, he had to be given emergency doses of insulin – medication that he had previously never needed. His BSL then swung wildly for several days from extremely high to very low thus putting him at immediate risk of brain damage, heart failure, strokes and other life threatening conditions.
Choi’s “Offending” is at the Very Low End –
Even within the Unfair Laws that He is Prosecuted Under
If in the hypothetical case that Choi is sentenced fairly, even in accordance with the completely unfair sanctions laws that he is prosecuted under, he would just get a small fine. And given that he has already done nearly three years in prison and eight months under strict house arrest, the fine would not need to be paid. The reason that Choi should only get a small fine is because all his “offences” were at the very bottom of the range within the laws that he is prosecuted under. Even the judge who despicably knocked back Choi’s second bail bid alluded to this in his December 2019 bail judgement. In the judgement, Justice Harrison conceded that: “… there is a possibly of a fine as a complete substitute for the s 11 offences, if he were convicted or pleaded guilty. The same position applies to the other offences with which he is charged.” Moreover, that was when Choi was facing eight charges. Now he is being sentenced on just two of the charges with both the totally bogus WMD charges and a coal export deal to Vietnam charge completely dropped and three of the other charges rolled into one. Therefore, there is even more reason for Choi to get a very low penalty than there was when Harrison made his bail judgment.
Choi’s “offending” is on the very low end of the sanctions laws because none of the five deals that he tried to broker ever went through. Nothing was ever traded. Moreover, as became clear in the sentencing hearing, in four of the five deals, Choi himself cancelled the negotiations before he was arrested. Although the Prosecution claims that Choi only “suspended” the trades, Choi in fact quashed the deals because the imperial powers were policing the sanctions too tightly; and has he told the court on Wednesday, only intended to try and re-broker the trades once a partial easing of sanctions made the deals legal again. In the other matter, that of a navigation system known as an IMU, which can be used for both civilian ships, planes and drones as well as military applications, Choi’s sum total of “brokering” consisted of forwarding the rough specifications for the device from the inquiring trader to North Korean companies along with the specifications for a much lower quality, civilian-only device that (slipping through the cracks of the draconian sanctions laws) happened to be one of the very few products that the DPRK is actually allowed to legally export. Choi then stopped trying to broker the proscribed type of device and instead sought to organise for the DPRK to export technology to make the product still permissible under the sanctions laws (unfortunately due to the highly deceptive misinterpretation of Choi’s intercepted E-mails and phone calls by the Crown and completely wrong technical evidence by the Crown’s star “expert” witness this truth was obscured from the court). In other words, in all five “forbidden” trades that Choi had started to broker, Choi himself cancelled the negotiations before he was arrested. If one wants an analogy, consider this. Imagine that you drive to a party where you plan to drink alcohol at the party and then drive home. However, at the end of the night, after you get into your car to drive home drunk, you realise that there will be police everywhere and at the last minute you change your mind and call a cab instead. Are you then still guilty of drink driving?
Pushing Back Against the Bias of the Capitalist Legal System
Although Chan Han Choi will not be sentenced fairly, even under the unfair sanctions laws that he is charged under, there are limits as to how much Australia’s authoritarian capitalist regime can persecute him. You see, when the regime first arrested Choi and it and the tycoon and regime-owned media subjected him to a campaign of demonisation, the ruling class expected that most people would hate Choi and he would have no support. Yet nine months later, a protest movement in support of Choi began holding its first actions. Since then the united-front movement demanding freedom for Choi has grown in strength and recognition. Eight further street actions have since been conducted in support of Choi including marches through the city. Although not huge, the street actions in support of Choi have actually been the largest protests in support of any person facing criminal charges in Australia since the movement leading up to the 2008 trial and sentencing of Aboriginal resistance hero Lex Wotton, the leader of the 2004 Palm Island uprising that responded to the horrific racist killing of 36 year-old Mulrunji Doomadgee by a Queensland police officer. Alongside ourselves in Trotskyist Platform, among the groups that have participated in, or supported, the street protests demanding freedom for Choi are Anti-War West Sydney, the Australia-DPRK Friendship Society, the Communist Party of Australia – Western Sydney branch, Communist Party of Australia – Wollongong Branch, Aust-DPRK Solidarity, Social Justice Network and the Irish Republican socialist group, the James Connolly Association. These actions have galvanised others to show solidarity with Choi. When a protest march was conducted by Chan Han Choi’s supporters in Chester Hill last December, right at the very heart of Sydney’s multiracial working class southwest that has been so vilified by the ruling class during this recent COVID upsurge, the overwhelming response from passers by was sympathy. Large numbers of people tooted their horns and waved in support of the protest. Moreover, in recent months, additional groups on the Left have also issued articles expressing their support for Choi including Socialist Alliance through its Green Left Weekly publication. Meanwhile, significant sections of the Korean community in Sydney have swung behind Choi. This has been reflected in the fair coverage of the case by the main Korean language community newspaper in Australia, Hanho Daily, whose online articles have received comments that are mostly in support of Choi. This Korean New Year (which is at the same time as Chinese New Year), Choi was delivered a special New Year’s food gift to his house arrest address from a Korean community cultural association. Meanwhile, sizable chunks of the Chinese community are also behind Choi. The most popular online Chinese language news sites in Sydney, like 今日悉尼 (Sydney Today), have covered protests in support of Choi sympathetically. Meanwhile, support for Choi has spread internationally. From Genoa, Italy, proudly pro-class struggle dock workers asked us to send the design of “Free Chan Han Choi” t-shirts so that they could print out and wear them around Genoa. In Russia, articles and documentaries in support of Choi produced by a Russian-speaking journalist in Australia have gone viral in both online media and social media – with hundreds of thousands of views and tens of thousands of likes and overwhelmingly sympathetic comments. Meanwhile, from New Zealand to Greece to Britain to the U.S., groups have declared their solidarity with Choi and published articles and statements condemning his persecution. Meanwhile, even those not wholly in solidarity with Choi’s pro-DPRK stance have expressed outrage at the violations of his human rights by the Australian regime.
As a result, Australia’s capitalist rulers are paying a significant political price for their persecution of Chan Han Choi. One way that they are doing so stems from the fact that this ruling class is seeking to be at the very forefront of the U.S.-led Cold War against socialistic China and North Korea. To wage this Cold War – which some fanatics in their ranks even want to be a hot war – the regime needs complete unity at home behind this anti-working class campaign. They cannot tolerate even small cracks in this consensus given that they are trying to wage this campaign against the world’s most populous country and one which moreover buys some 40% of this country’s exports. Yet their persecution of Chan Han Choi is already causing cracks in this consensus. Unexpectedly for the ruling class, people are solidarsing with Choi. And in standing by a pro-DPRK political prisoner and opposing the economic sanctions on North Korea, people are implicitly also opposing the entire Cold War against North Korea and by extension that against her giant neighbour and ally, the PRC. Secondly, the cruelty of their persecution of Choi has made many question the claims of the ruling class to stand for “democracy” and “rule of law.” For others already suspicious of these claims, becoming aware of this persecution of a left-wing political prisoner has destroyed their last vestiges of hope in Australia’s state machinery. Thirdly, exposure of the regime’s persecution of Chan Han Choi has undermined the Australian ruling class’s reputation abroad. This is especially harmful since, like other Western imperialist powers, the Australia’s capitalist rulers seek to use “human rights” – invariably in a bogus way – as a stick with which to strike political blows against their adversaries. The fact that the political prisoner that they are tormenting happens to be sympathetic to the DPRK, one of the main targets of Australian and U.S. “human rights” attacks, makes the exposure of their persecution of Choi all the more embarrassing.

In the end the Australian regime will decide whether they should send Choi back to prison by weighing the political benefits of such a course versus the political costs. An indication of the regime’s ambivalence on the issue was seen by the fact that at the sentencing hearing, while the Crown was pushing very hard and certainly was not saying that Choi had already served his sentence, nevertheless did not explicitly call for Choi to be thrown back into prison. Instead they insisted only that his overall sentence (backdated from the time of his 2017 imprisonment) be a full-time custodial sentence, with a large proportion of it non-parole.
As different components and factions of the Australian regime debate what to do about Chan Han Choi’s sentencing they are very much in agreement on one very crucial point – they all want to discredit Choi and, more crucially for them, what Choi represents. This is seen by the dramatic about face done by the Crown on what Choi’s motivations were. For three and half years, the AFP and Commonwealth DPP pushed the line that Choi was motivated by a “higher patriotic duty” and by “loyalty to the DPRK.” They said that he was an “economic agent of the DPRK.” They then opposed bail successfully for nearly three years in good part on the basis of Choi’s “loyalty to the DPRK.” Yet just over two weeks ago, the Crown did a 180 degree U-turn. They started claiming that Choi was instead motivated by personal profit. This is of course ridiculous! If one was really motivated by personal financial gain, trying to act as a broker for North Korea, especially for a person living in a country with a rabidly anti-communist regime like Australia, is the worst course to take. The sanctions on North Korea are extremely tightly policed by the U.S., Japan, Australia and other imperialist powers. Moreover, any broker on the North Korean side could never make much money from such trades because North Korea can only entice potential buyers to break the sanctions and accept North Korean produce if they offer buyers a much lower price than the world market price. If someone in Australia really wanted to make money from brokering illegal trades they would simply be a drug dealer, which Choi is definitely not. The sudden attempt by the Crown to paint Choi as someone motivated by personal gain is a crude, last minute, attempt by the regime to de-politicise a case that they have politicised from the very beginning. It is a realisation by the regime that their Cold War imprisonment of pro-DPRK political prisoner Chan Han Choi has done them a lot of political harm and now they want their best to show that Choi was never a political prisoner and … his matter was never about politics!
At the sentencing hearing, Choi emphatically stated that none of the commissions that he was slated to receive were going to be used for his own personal benefit. He clearly explained how any commissions that he was to have received were to be put back into helping develop new trade for the DPRK. Choi was able to point to the Crown’s own evidence which included an E-mail detailing how Choi was to use money made from the proposed coal export deal to Indonesia to pay for a delegation from North Korea for another of the planned deals. As a result of the sanctions – and due to over compliance by banks seeking to avoid regulatory punishment –it is very hard for the DPRK to send money out. Moreover foreign hotels and airlines are reluctant to receive payment sent out from North Korea. As a result, foreigners like Choi need to pay for any trade delegations from the DPRK. Moreover, that Choi was not seeking personal profit from his brokering work for North Korea is confirmed by the fact that, although Choi brokered some pretty big, commodities export contracts for North Korea in the period when ever-tightening sanctions had not yet proscribed such trade, Choi lived an austere life. When he was arrested, he lived in a modest rented apartment, owned no property, had no car and had just $6,000 in savings. At the time, Choi was working as a hospital cleaner.
In the face of this truth, the Prosecution came up with a third and most bizarre theory about Choi’s motivations. Speaking about one of the particulars of one of the charges, the prosecution quietly backed away from claiming that Choi was seeking personal gain from the once-planned deal but also insisted that the DPRK would not benefit from the deal either! Instead they claimed that Choi just wanted to deal in arms – implying, but not quite saying, that Choi was akin to an evil villain in a James Bond-type movie who seeks destruction for destruction’s sake. Cross-examining Choi, the lead prosecutor put to Choi that he had no regard for the deaths that would be caused by the arms deal that he had once tried to broker. Choi calmly responded that unfortunately all arms can kill people and it does not matter which country makes them. We should add that it is extremely hypocritical for the Australian regime to complain about people trying to trade arms. In July 2017, Australia’s then defence industry minister announced that he wants Australia to become one of the top arms exporters in the world. By then Australian had already become the world’s 20th largest weapons exporter (https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/defence-industry-minister-christopher-pyne-wants-australia-to-become-major-arms-exporter-20170715-gxbv4m.html) despite only being the world’s 53rd most populous country. Over the last few years, Australian arms manufacturers have been exporting large quantities of weapons to Saudi Arabia and UAE who are both engaged in a bloody war in Yemen that has created the world’s worst humanitarian disaster (https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/jul/25/australian-weapons-shipped-to-saudi-and-uae-as-war-rages-in-yemen). We could further add that given that the countries causing most of the death and destruction in the world – that is the Western imperialist powers and their proxies, the ones who killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan (including the Australian special forces in Afghanistan who on many occasions tortured and murdered Afghan farmers and prisoners and who shot dead all the Afghan farmers in one neighbourhood just to ensure no witnesses to one of their earlier murders), who regularly unleash terror against the Palestinian people, who destroyed Libya, who are devastating the people of Yemen etc – are always able to get their own sources of weapons, it is possible that arms manufactured by smaller entities may actually find their way into forces fighting genuine liberation struggles. Palestinian liberation fighters, as well as Kashmiri people standing up to India’s murderous occupation of their land, sure do need weapons to defend their people. Had the Palestinian people of Gaza had effective MANPADs, would the Israeli military be so unrestrained in launching air strikes against Gaza’s residential apartment blocks? More importantly, given that the extreme tightening of sanctions against North Korea in 2017 threatens wholesale immisiration of many of her people, it is morally and politically justifiable for North Korea to try and sell almost anything to get the hard currency needed to meet her people’s basic needs. For the actual killing is not being done right now by any weapons that North Korea may manage to sell but by the heinous sanctions against her people. The sanctions on North Korea, like the ones on Iran, are a form of “legal”, mass murder. And the real killers are the imperialist rulers who repeatedly arm twisted much of the world to acquiesce to successively more severe sanctions. The ASIO and AFP officers, prosecutors and judges involved in Choi’s persecution and thus in enforcing these sanctions also bear some responsibility for the death and suffering that these sanctions have caused.
Throughout the sentencing hearing, it seemed that although the Crown was pushing extremely hard to hit Choi with as tough a sentence as possible, they were perhaps even more obsessed with trying to destroy Choi’s reputation. The judge too got in the act. Towards the very end of the hearing, she made an intervention to this effect from left field, after all the witnesses had already given their testimony. Despite Choi never raising mental health as a factor that should influence his sentencing and despite the Prosecution, in this case actually quite correctly, submitting that a psychiatric report performed weeks before the hearing found that Choi had no “mental illness or disorder as contributing to the commission of the offence”, the judge suggested that maybe mental health issues were a factor. She pointed to an old report done by a doctor in April 2020 which assessed that while Choi was fit for trial and even to self-represent at a trial, also claimed that Choi had symptoms of a “delusional disorder.” However, what the doctor described as “delusions” may have more to do with difficulties in translation and the doctors’ own frank admission that he had “difficulty following his [i.e. Choi’s] account due to a combination of cultural factors, language and likely my limited understanding of the political landscape about which I am no expert.” Moreover, that April 2020 report was based on interviews with Choi when he was still in custody under brutal conditions and in a very poor emotional state. Choi was at the time furious about his repeated requests to see a prison doctor being rejected. Unknown to him at the time, Choi’s then physical symptoms which he sought treatment for were caused by his diabetes condition badly deteriorating. Uncontrolled diabetes is known to cause intense mood swings. When the same doctor assessed Choi weeks after he was granted bail and after his diabetes had been brought under control, the doctor concluded that “I would not diagnose him with a psychiatric condition.” Then the report performed by another doctor, weeks prior to Choi’s sentencing, found not only that “Mr Choi does not have any cognitive impairment and does not have a mental illness or mental disorder” but that Choi is “functional intelligent.” So why would the judge then even mention mental health in relation to Choi’s matter? Well it seems like the judge was laying the basis to, in her final judgement, raise the possibility (she will not be able to go any further than this given the overwhelming evidence given by doctors to the contrary) that Choi’s actions were, in part, influenced by a “delusional disorder.” That way the judge – who while being a woman of considerable intellect and no doubt personal integrity too is well-known to be a political conservative, that is a right-winger – can impute that people wanting to help North Korea breach economic sanctions and anyone having solidarity with the DPRK and her system are pushed to such a stance by their own mental illness. That may end up being part of the judge’s means to “solve” an issue that has troubled the ruling class from about 24 hours after they, with great sensationalism and hype, arrested Chan Han Choi in 2017: How do we respond to the inevitable reality that people are going to ask themselves why a person who has lived in both South Korea and Australia would have such sympathy for North Korea and her people that they would want to put their own freedom at great peril to help North Korea trade in violation of economic sanctions? Australia’s capitalist rulers fear that other “functional intelligent” people exploring what could be Choi’s motives will break through the wall of anti-DPRK propaganda and themselves realise that a lot of what capitalist powers say about North Korea is a lie; and that the economic sanctions on North Korea are murderously cruel measures that are not only unjust but are causing enormous suffering to North Korea’s people.
From the Crown’s spectacular, eleventh-hour gymnastic performance of flips and backflips as to Choi’s motivation to the judge’s last minute lobbing of mental health as a factor, the Australian ruling are doing their best to obscure what actually drove Chan Han Choi and – more importantly for them – what he represents. So let’s clarify who is Chan Han Choi and what motivated his “offending” actions. Chan Han Choi is a very compassionate and polite human being. He grew up in capitalist South Korea and then has lived the last 34 years of his life in Australia. At the time of his arrest he was an Australian citizen. Choi has worked as a civil engineer on major construction projects and as an engineering consultant on housing and smaller-scale developments. He has also worked as a cleaner. For most of his life, Choi bought the anti-DPRK propaganda that he was fed from childhood. However, from the mid-noughties, Choi began to do his own research on the question. Then in 2007 he made his first trip to North Korea. Like many people who go to North Korea with a truly open mind and without the expressed aim of themselves adding to anti-DPRK hostility – which is certainly why mainstream Western journalists go to North Korea – he really liked North Korean society. Choi fell in love with the egalitarianism of a society where he found that workers seem to have more rights at work than factory directors, where people’s interrelationships are not driven by money and where the warmth of friendship between ordinary people is very evident. At the same time, Choi saw economic hardships caused by the effects of sanctions, economic blockade and U.S.-led military pressure – the latter forcing North Korea to divert considerable resources to self-defence in order to avoid her people meeting the same fate as Iraq’s people. The suffering seen in one journey to a rural area during Choi’s first trip to North Korea had a particularly profound effect on him. He resolved to do what he could do to help North Korea’s economy and thereby improve the life of her people. Choi volunteered himself as an unofficial trade representative for the DPRK’s public sector enterprises that dominate her economy (note the label thrown around by the AFP, the Crown Prosecutors and the media for three and a half years, that Choi is an “economic agent” of North Korea, is deliberately intended to make something so very benign as being a trade representative sound sinister. After all, are Australia’s own trade representatives and those of her capitalist corporations ever referred to as “economic agents”?). Choi had considerable success in brokering trade deals for North Korea, deals which at the time were legal. Bank records and E-mails hacked into by the police after they arrested Choi showed that in a two-month period in 2008 alone, Choi organised two export deals for the sale of North Korean coal and pig iron respectively that were together worth $US1.3 million. Later Choi helped to put North Korean exporting firms together with contacts in China, South Korea and elsewhere so that the respective parties could themselves arrange deals. He also brokered bartering deals where North Korea coal, iron and other commodities would be directly exchanged for rice and corn from China. Partly through the efforts of people like Choi and even more so through the work of North Korea’s own people and with the help of increased trade with socialistic China’s booming economy, by ten years after Choi’s first trip to North Korea, North Korea was actually able to better feed all her people than the majority of other developing countries in Asia. However, Choi watched with horror in 2016 and 2017 as successively more draconian sanctions were imposed on North Korea. He rightly feared that North Korea’s people would now have to endure even more hardships than that which he saw in his early trips to North Korea in the mid-late noughties. So in the latter half of 2017, Choi made a renewed push to broker trade deals for North Korea’s people. However, the goal posts had moved. The deals that he had brokered previously, which had once been legal, were now proscribed by the sanctions. Worried about the plight of the people and society that he so cared about, Choi pushed through with some brokering efforts. But seeing the stringency of the imperialist policing of sanctions, Choi pulled back and cancelled the deals. This is the sum total of what Choi’s “offending” consists of and what drove it. In a fair society Choi would be given medals and awards for compassion. But here he was demonised and thrown into prison in especially brutal conditions for three years.
We cannot allow this compassionate human being, Chan Han Choi, to be thrown back into prison again. And we cannot allow them to prolong Choi’s suffering by hitting him with a period of parole either. In the last few days before the sentencing judgement is handed down and while the regime weighs up its political benefits versus political costs of prolonging Choi’s suffering, let us do our best to increase those political costs by building more support for Choi and popularising knowledge of the cruel violations of his rights while imprisoned. In doing so, let’s simultaneously resist the anti-working class, Cold War drive that the demonisation of Choi was designed to “justify”! And let’s fight to lift the economic sanctions that are so devastating the people of North Korea!
Choi’s Efforts to Help the People of North Korea Evade Killer Sanctions Were Heroic
Free Chan Han Choi – Socialist Political Prisoner in Australia
Choi’s Efforts to Help the People of North Korea Evade Killer Sanctions Were Heroic
The Imperialist Warmongers Who Crafted the Sanctions Are the Real Criminals!
- Chan Han Choi accepts plea deal.
- Choi tried to broker import of oil to North Korea and export of North Korean coal, pig iron and other items.
- Prosecution withdraws bogus charges about brokering assistance to WMD programs.
- Choi no longer charged with brokering export of missiles but accepts charge of export of arms.
- It was to help the people of North Korea provide for themselves that Choi brokered deals to help them trade in violation of the cruel economic sanctions.
- Lift the starvation sanctions on the people of North Korea!
- The sentencing hearing will not be fair! All organs of the Australian capitalist state discriminate against Choi because of his sympathy and allegiance to the socialistic DPRK.
- McCarthyist repression in Australia threatens the workers movement, whistleblowers and democratic rights.
- In supporting a socialistic system, Choi is also standing by the more than 90% of Australia’s and the world’s population who would benefit from such a system. We must now stand by him.
- Let’s demand: No criminal conviction at all for Chan Han Choi!
- In a fair society Choi would be given not jail time but showered with awards and medals for heroism and compassion!
10 February 2021– Chan Han Choi today pleaded guilty to two charges of attempting to broker trade deals that would have violated crippling United Nations economic sanctions on the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, i.e. North Korea). This followed a plea deal with the Australian regime which saw the capitalist regime withdraw its two most sinister sounding charges against Choi. Those charges had alleged that Choi tried to broker deals to help the DPRK export items that could help a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program. As we have long said, those WMD charges were thrown in purely to hype up the case and build up public hostility against Choi. They never had a factual basis. The regime’s dropping of these two charges confirms the witch-hunting motivation behind their inclusion in the original indictment.
Sixty-two year-old Choi will soon face a sentencing hearing. This will likely be within two to four months. He had already been imprisoned for nearly three years from the time of his arrest in December 2017 until he was finally granted bail last November. Even when Choi was granted bail, the bail conditions imposed on him were one of house arrest. So even as Chan Han Choi heads into his sentencing hearing, this Australian citizen, who migrated from South Korea 33 years ago, remains a left-wing political prisoner in Australia. Now prosecutors want to throw Choi back into jail arguing that the three years in prison is not enough.
Today the Australian regime’s prosecutors tried to have Choi’s bail revoked in the lead up to his sentencing hearing. However, the judge rejected their bid. The prosecutors’ main argument was the same wacko conspiracy theory that they had pushed at all his earlier bail hearings: that North Korean agents would sneak into Australia and secretly spirit Choi away. Like the creators of the loony, far-right, QAnon “theory”, the Australian regime does not itself believe this conspiracy theory that it is spreading.
In today’s deal, Choi pleaded guilty to trying to broker the export of coal from the DPRK to an entity in Indonesia. The other charge Choi pleaded guilty to sees several attempted deals brokered by Choi rolled into a single charge – the import of petroleum products from Iran to the DPRK, the export of DPRK inertial measurement units (used for steering aircraft, drones and other items) and the export of arms from the DPRK. An additional concession by Choi was that he attempted to broker the sale of pig iron from North Korea to a company in South Korea. This brokering service will, however, (as per a schedule pursuant to Section 16BA of the Crimes Act) not receive a separate sentence but may be taken into account at his sentencing on the two actual charges.
Lift the Starvation Sanctions on the People of North Korea!
The capitalist regime and the big business and regime-owned media have tried to hype Choi’s case by focusing on one of the original charges that the regime alleged against Choi – that he attempted to broker the export of North Korean missiles abroad. The prosecution ended up making a concession on this by modifying the charge to one of brokering the sale of arms rather than missiles. What these arms actually are is being contested between the prosecution and defence. But most of the deals Choi tried to organise are ironically some of the very same quantities that form the bulk of Australia’s own trade. He tried to organise the exports from the DPRK of iron and coal and the import of petroleum products. Yet, while entities in Australia are able to engage in huge amounts of such trade, the people of North Korea are prohibited from engaging in any such trade by the UN sanctions. Indeed, the sanctions are so severe that they ban almost all of North Korea’s exports. Given that North Korea is a country with steep mountains and harsh winters with a population almost identical to that of Australia’s, while having a 64 times smaller area, the country must import food and medicines to feed and provide health care for her people. Thus, by cutting off her exports and thus her ability to acquire the hard currency needed to buy food, medicines and other essential items for her people, the UN sanctions are causing the premature deaths of tens of thousands of Korean people. The sanctions imposed upon the people of North Korea are the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any people of any country. Less severe sanctions imposed on the people of Iraq from 1990 onwards caused the premature deaths of some 1.7 million people. Even the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), an agency under the very same United Nations that imposed the sanctions on Iraq, admitted that in the first ten years of the sanctions about half a million Iraqi children under age of five had been killed by the sanctions (see: https://www.independent.ie/world-news/sanctions-have-killed-500000-iraqi-children-26114461.html).Although the DPRK’s economic system based on public ownership and socialist planning is better able to manage the extreme scarcity caused by sanctions than capitalist Iraq was, the sanctions still cause enormous suffering to her people.

It was to help the people of North Korea feed and provide for themselves that Choi organised deals to help them trade with people abroad in violation of the cruel economic sanctions. Choi was motivated by a compassionate desire to help the people battered by sanctions and not at all by personal gain. Especially after seeing first hand the suffering of people living in rural areas caused by both the sanctions and the military pressure that the U.S.-led imperial powers have imposed on North Korea (which has forced North Korea to divert much greater resources to defence than she would want to), Choi resolved to do whatever he could to help the people.

Choi’s actions can be compared to that of a handful of Solomon Islanders and Australians who in the 1990s used speedboats to run a blockade of Bougainville Island and smuggle in medicines to the people of the island. The people of the PNG island of Bougainville had risen up in the late 1980s after Australian-owned mining giant CRA (now part of Rio Tinto) arrogantly refused to compensate the Bougainville people for destroying a large part of the island through a massive copper and gold mine. In order to protect the super profits of CRA’s corporate bosses, the Australian regime provided arms, training, mercenaries and military advisers to its PNG puppets in order to get them to wage war on Bougainville’s people. The blockade alone killed some 15,000 people. However, the actions of the heroes who violated the blockade to provide medicines to the Bougainville people saved the lives of so many who would have otherwise also died.
Chan Han Choi’s efforts to help the people of North Korea evade sanctions can also be compared to those people who during the Nazi regime in Germany and the Nazi occupation of other countries risked their own lives to provide sanctuary to communists, Jews, Roma and gays and lesbians being hunted down by the fascist regime. Like the deeds that Choi has pleaded guilty to, their actions were also illegal but completely correct, heroic and compassionate.

Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform
Although we completely defend and honour Choi’s brave efforts to help the people of North Korea evade crippling sanctions, we strongly urge people in Australia not to themselves attempt such actions. For although such deeds would be completely correct from a moral point of view, the chances of getting caught are way too high. When one is aware of the massive policing and spy resources unleashed in the surveillance, arrest and prosecution of Choi – including intercepts of phone calls – it becomes obvious just how focused the Australian regime is on persecuting supporters of socialistic states. After all, the police and spy agencies in capitalist countries like Australia exist not to defend the interests of the masses but only those of a small wealthy exploiting class. And part of enforcing the interests of the capitalist exploiting class is to attack those states formed from the overthrow of capitalism – like the DPRK, Cuba and the Peoples Republic of China. We do not want other kind-hearted people who see the cruelty of the sanctions on the people of North Korea to suffer the way that Choi has. Let’s not forget that Choi was not only imprisoned for three years but made to endure especially harsh conditions in jail. Choi spent most of his time in prison in one of the Australian regime’s most notorious prison camps – Long Bay Prison “Hospital.” This was the very same prison and section of Long Bay jail where six racist prison guards crushed to death 26 year-old Aboriginal man, David Dungay, in circumstances very similar to the infamous racist police murder of George Floyd in the U.S. in May of last year.
We in Trotskyist Platform believe that the best strategy to serve the interests of working class people is not individual covert action – however heroic – but open, collective, mass action. We call on all those who see the terrible cruelty of the sanctions on the DPRK to join the political campaign to get the sanctions lifted. And here again Chan Han Choi is significant. Because by standing strong on his political opposition to the sanctions and even bravely denouncing these sanctions while in prison (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTlumqtaguo), Choi has inspired opposition to these sanctions. Choi’s brave stance combined with the political movement in his defence, which has from the start combined the demand to free Choi with the call for the lifting of the economic sanctions on North Korea, has meant that the campaign against the sanctions is now stronger in Australia than it has ever been. And with China now openly calling for the easing of the sanctions on North Korea, a determined global activist campaign against these sanctions can have a serious impact.
The Real Criminals and What Drives Them
The list of real criminals involved in Choi’s matter definitely does not include Chan Han Choi himself. The biggest criminals involved are the imperialist rulers who repeatedly arm twisted the world to acquiesce to successively more severe sanctions on the DPRK. Chief of these were the leaders of the United States. But they were enthusiastically supported by the Australian, Japanese, South Korean and British regimes. Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George Bush, Scott Morrison, Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Shinzo Abe: these are biggest criminals in this matter. They have helped enact sanctions on the people of North Korea that are an indirect form of murder. The ASIO and Australian Federal Police officers, prosecutors and judges involved in Choi’s persecution – and, thus, in enforcing these sanctions – also bear some responsibility for the death and suffering that these sanctions have caused.
The excuse that the imperialist rulers make for imposing sanctions on the people of North Korea is that it is punishment for the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program. This is breathtaking hypocrisy! The U.S. has 5,800 nuclear warheads, France 290, Britain 215, India 150 and Israel 90 while the DPRK has just 30 to 40. Meanwhile, just two weeks ago, Australia joined with other countries most opposed to the DPRK like the U.S., Britain, France, Japan and South Korea in refusing to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Let’s never forget too that it is not the DPRK that has dropped atomic weapons on human beings. It was the U.S. regime that did that when they heinously dropped nuclear weapons on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Indeed, completely contrary to all the Western propaganda about North Korea, the DPRK is no military threat to any peoples. The DPRK and the PRC are, in fact, the only two nuclear powers that have not been involved in any wars over the last forty years. It is not North Korea’s army that killed hundreds of thousands of people by invading and occupying first Afghanistan and then Iraq. That was the American, British and Australian regimes that committed those crimes.
The DPRK’s development of nuclear weapons is not for predatory imperialist purposes but as deterrence against attack from the capitalist powers. Their aim is to protect the people of socialistic North Korea from a capitalist attack like that seen during the 1950-1953 Korean War. That war resulted in some two to three million North Korean people perishing when the DPRK was attacked by a combined force of the U.S., Australia, South Korea and other U.S. allies who heinously and repeatedly obliterated entire North Korean cities by burning them to the ground with napalm dropped from the air (the DPRK with the PRC’s assistance did heroically manage to fight the invading armies to a standstill in that war).
The DPRK’s intentions are proven by what happened soon after the DPRK achieved a demonstrable nuclear deterrence capability at the end of 2017. The DPRK’s development of a deterrence capability actually quickly led to greater stability in the region – at least in the short and medium terms. The U.S. and South Korean regimes realized that the DPRK could not be bullied as easily as previously. The South Korean capitalist regime went from joining the U.S. and Australia in massive threatening war games against North Korea to jointly fielding an ice hockey team with their North Korean counterparts at the February 2018 Winter Olympics – the first time that the two Koreas have ever fielded a joint team at an Olympic Games. Two months later – just five months after North Korea’s last and most successful intercontinental ballistic missile test – the first summit in 11 years between the leaders of North and South Korea was held. A further six weeks later, the first ever summit between a leader of North Korea and a president of the U.S. was held – which was less than nine months after then U.S. president Trump had threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea.
So why are the rulers of the U.S., Japan, Australia and certain other countries so hell-bent on squeezing the people of North Korea? There are two closely related reasons. Firstly, the DPRK is a socialistic state where the working class masses hold state power – albeit in a bureaucratically deformed manner. Secondly the DPRK is a neighbour and ally of the world’s most powerful socialistic state, the Peoples Republic of China. By putting the squeeze on the people of North Korea through severe economic sanctions, the capitalist powers hope to undermine socialistic rule in both North Korea and China. They want to do this for three reasons. Firstly, as long as the working class hold state power in China and North Korea – in however an imperfect and tenuous form – the powerful capitalists who dominate the economies of the richer countries are not able to “freely”exploit the working class masses of these countries the way that their corporations superexploit and plunder the capitalist developing countries in Asia like the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Indonesia. Secondly, the mere existence of states like the DPRK and PRC that have freed themselves from domination by wealthy Western and Japanese capitalists frightens the imperialist rulers of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Britain. For they fear that this could encourage the masses of the ex-colonial countries to themselves give the imperialists the boot. Thirdly, there is the U.S. and Australian capitalists’ still greater fear. That is that if socialistic rule succeeds in the likes of China, North Korea and Cuba, workers in their own countries will be inspired to themselves start to challenge capitalist rule. When they see threats to their profits, the greedy capitalists will not recoil from using any means – even if that involves starving people through killer economic sanctions.
In that light, it is not at all wrong for a workers state whose people are being strangled by sanctions to raise money by selling arms. Choi’s attempts to raise badly needed hard currency for the people of North Korea by brokering the sale of arms is actually a life-saving act. Moreover, it is the height of hypocrisy for the Australian regime to be repressing others for allegedly selling weapons. The right-wing Coalition has openly proclaimed its intention to make Australia a top ten global arms exporter. Meanwhile, as an exposé by The Guardian revealed, Australian company Electro Optics Systems (EOS) has shipped large quantities of weapons to the militaries of Saudi Arabia and the UAE – the very militaries which have been spearheading the brutal Saudi-led war on Yemen that has killed over 233,000 people, displaced another three million people and brought mass starvation in what is today the world’s worst humanitarian disaster (see: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/jul/25/australian-weapons-shipped-to-saudi-and-uae-as-war-rages-in-yemen). Among the weapons that Canberra allows EOS to sell to the murderous Saudi and UAE militaries is the R400s weapons station for remotely operating missile launchers and cannons.

To be sure weapons do kill. However, the fortunate thing about any arms sold by the DPRK is that because the most dangerous imperialist warmongers are also the DPRK’s greatest enemies, one can be confident that any arms sold by the DPRK do not end up being used in the most hideous imperialist invasions and acts of national oppression. So we can be confident that DPRK arms will not end up in the hands of the troops that torture and massacre unarmed Afghan peasants and civilians (Australia’s SAS special forces), the forces that committed unspeakable atrocities in their invasion of Iraq (the U.S.-British-Australian forces), the militaries that killed tens of thousands of Libyan people and sent Libya into bloody turmoil ever since through their 2011 regime-change invasion (the U.S./NATO militaries) and the army that murderously oppresses the Palestinian people (the Israeli military). Instead, DPRK arms could actually end up with genuine liberation forces like Palestinian resistance movements.
Let’s Demand: No Criminal Conviction for Chan Han Choi!
None of the deals that Choi has pleaded guilty to brokering were actually finalised let alone proceeded to the actual trade of goods. In nearly all, if not all, the brokering that Choi did, even the prosecutors acknowledge that Choi himself cancelled the deals before he was arrested by police. If one wants an analogy, consider this. Imagine that you drive to a party where you plan to drink alcohol at the party and then drive home. Your friends tell you during the party that you should stop drinking because you plan to drive home. But you rebuff them. At the end of the night you get into your car to drive home drunk but at the last minute you change your mind and call a cab instead. Are you guilty of drink driving? No! But Choi is deemed guilty of brokering services because the laws enforcing the sanctions on the DPRK are so severe that even if you once try to broker a deal that you then cancel, that is deemed an offence. Of course the above analogy has limitations. Drink driving can be dangerous and can cause accidents that in the worst case can be fatal. In complete contrast, if Choi went ahead with the deals and was able to bring them to fruition he would have brought scarce hard currency to the consolidated revenue of the DPRK which would have enabled her to buy desperately needed food, medicine, fuel and agricultural machinery for her people. This would have actually saved people’s lives.
Given that what Choi is accused of are largely thought crimes and that none of the deals he brokered for a period actually came to fruition his offending is on the very low end of the laws that he has been prosecuted under. Moreover, Chan Han Choi has no prior criminal record whatsoever. All this means that even under the profoundly unjust laws that he is charged under, Choi should not get any punishment approaching a custodial sentence, let alone one in excess of three years that he has already been imprisoned for. Choi should only get a modest fine. However, that is only if the sentencing hearing is fair – notwithstanding the unfair laws that he is being charged under. The problem is that the sentencing hearing will not be fair! Everything that has happened to Choi since his December 2017 arrest proves that all organs of the Australian capitalist state discriminate against Choi because of his sympathy and allegiance to the socialistic DPRK. As Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer, stated about Choi’s period in jail at a February 1 rally held in Choi’s defence:
“Prison authorities obstructed Choi’s access to legal representation. His previous legal team was not able to make a physical visit to Choi for almost a whole year. Furthermore Korean-English interpreters were not allowed to accompany legal visits for a period of 16 months. The prison system also specially blocked Choi from being able to make phone calls to friends and even some family members. They also obstructed visits to Choi. They used dirty tricks to do this. For example, when friends first applied to visit Choi, Corrective Services for weeks said that they were processing the applications but then suddenly no applications could be found in their system. The following year when a key friend who was finally able to visit had to renew his annual permit to visit Choi, Corrective Services conveniently claimed to have again lost the application.
“The worst example of the discrimination that Choi has faced from the Australian regime occurred when prison health authorities refused his repeated written appeals to see a prison doctor over more than an eight month period. Choi’s health was deteriorating. He was suffering from severe unintended weight loss, stomach problems, rampant rashes and more. He was only finally seen by a doctor after he wrote a letter to Justice Health saying that they are indirectly trying to murder me and his supporters published this letter online. When finally he was allowed to receive treatment for this [it became apparent that] his diabetes had spiraled out of control. They found that this was the cause of most of his symptoms. The medical staff found that Choi’s blood sugar level had reached emergency levels. He needed emergency doses of insulin. However, he should have been receiving insulin treatment much earlier. The simple fact that he did not receive such treatment put him at great risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke. Even the United Nations states that the withholding of medical treatment from persons in places of detention is a form of torture.”
Meanwhile, for nearly three years, the capitalist regime rejected bail for Choi largely not because of the actual charges that he was facing but on the basis of the prosecution’s insistence that his political sympathy for the DPRK and his outspoken opposition to the cruel sanctions on the people of North Korea were a reason to reject bail. In other words, Choi’s imprisonment was a classic case of Cold War McCarthyist witch-hunting where a person’s sympathy for a socialistic state is deemed enough of a reason to deny that person’s rights – in this case the right to bail – that is otherwise afforded to others. Then when Choi went on trial last week (today’s plea deal ended the trial part-way through), he faced a playing field sloped steeply against him. Despite the research needed to address the complex technical aspects of his case, Legal Aid only allowed funding for Choi to have one barrister (who only came aboard in recent weeks after Legal Aid restored the funding that they had earlier cut off); while the regime arrayed massive resources dedicated to persecuting Choi including a legal team consisting of two barristers and an instructing solicitor who have spent years on the case; as well as a large number of police who have spent more than three years collecting “evidence” and seeking out “expert” witnesses. During the trial, the prosecution sought to sway the jury by slickly appealing to anti-communist prejudices that have been stirred up amongst the population by government and mainstream media and also by calling as witnesses war-mongering “experts” belonging to neo-conservative think tanks. Rather than exposing the obvious political bias of these “experts,” Choi’s Legal Aid-organised then barrister joined with the neo-conservatives in attacking North Korea and thus further prejudicing the jury against Choi. Due to a non-publication order imposed by the judge, we are unable to report why this barrister and Choi parted company two days ago. The judge ordered that the trial was to re-commence today at 10am after a new legal representative later announced to the court that he had taken up Choi’s case. However, the plea deal negotiated by Choi’s new legal representative and the Prosecutors went through this morning instead. The judge has censored all reporting of the circumstances that provided particular challenges to Choi’s new legal representative who took up the case just yesterday. However, we can report that these difficulties influenced Choi’s decision to accept a plea bargain on the eve of the trial’s scheduled re-commencement this morning.
In addition to the particular features of the way that Choi’s aborted trial proceeded there is over-riding political bias in the entire Australian court system. The courts are key organs of a capitalist state – that also includes the police, military, spy agencies, prisons and bureaucracy – that was created and is maintained for enforcing the interests of the numerically small, labour-exploiting class against the gigantic masses of the working class. A person could not rise to become a judge – especially a Supreme Court judge – unless they had already proven their loyalty to the capitalist order countless times on their way up. Although judges may preside over, let us say, a complicated murder trial in a fine way provided that the case does not intersect the questions of class and race, whenever a case touches these questions or, more so, when a case sees the interests of the working class and capitalist class arrayed on opposing sides, then the pro-capitalist bias of the judiciary comes to the fore. Chan Han Choi’s case is entirely a political one. And as a sympathiser of a socialistic state prosecuted for his acts in support of that state, Choi is fully on the receiving end of the pro-capitalist bias of the courts.
The capitalist regime really wants to impose a severe penalty on Choi. For one they want to deter others from helping the people of North Korea evade crippling sanctions. However, the regime’s main motivation to hype up Choi’s “offences” is to create an irrational fear of North Korea and by extension her PRC neighbor and ally. The Australian ruling class wants to use such fears to justify to the masses their incessant Cold War drive against the PRC and DPRK. They want us to wear the $270 billion of public funds that could be used for badly needed public housing, public aged care, TAFE and childcare being diverted into the purchase of new long-range missiles and other weapons. They want us to accept ever more repressive laws justified on the basis of “protecting national security” – like the draconian “foreign interference” laws. And they want us to acquiesce to a witch-hunt against other supporters of socialistic states – particularly sympathizers of Red China within Australia’s Chinese community.
Fortunately, there are also factors that give the Australian regime pause in how aggressively they hound Choi. For by engaging in an obviously political persecution of Chan Han Choi, the capitalist regime exposes the fraudulence of its stated commitment to the “rule of law” and “democracy.” This in turn undermines the ability of the regime to meddle abroad and attack its Cold War enemies on the basis of supposed “human rights” concerns. This is doubly so when one of the people that they are persecuting at home happens to be a supporter of one of the main targets of their [false] attacks over “human rights”. None of this bothered the capitalist regime when they first arrested Choi in December 2017. They expected that he would have no support and that the whole population would follow their demonisation of Choi like sheep. However, much to the Australian capitalist ruling class’ surprise things have turned out quite differently. A determined and active united front protest movement has been built in defence of Choi. The movement has exposed to people at home and abroad the ways that Choi’s rights have been violated and has brought to the fore the injustice inherent in the prosecution of a person trying to help people evade starvation sanctions. Now there is a political cost to the regime if it engages in the further persecution of Chan Han Choi. In the end that is why they had to reluctantly grant him bail last November. However, we defenders of Chan Han Choi should not rest on our laurels. The political climate can turn for the worse quickly and significant components of the capitalist regime are still hell bent on sending Choi to prison again.

That is why in the lead up to Choi’s sentencing we must intensify our agitation and action in his defence. Let us build on the united front rally that we held early in the morning of February 1 in the lead up to Choi’s pre-trial hearing (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hup24xnKxUQ). We need to especially look to mobilize politically aware workers behind the campaign. This is very possible because defending Chan Han Choi is definitely in the interests of working class people. For one, as well as being a great humanitarian, Choi is a socialist who sympathises with North Korea because he likes that society’s egalitarianism. Whatever one thinks of North Korea’s leaders, the fact is that her people have built a system based upon socialist public ownership of the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. In supporting a socialistic system, Choi is also standing by the more than 90% of Australia’s and the world’s population who would benefit from having such a system themselves. To those hurt by the present capitalist system that causes such economic insecurity for working class people, that denies millions of youth stable, permanent jobs and that inflames such racist far-right violence and such turmoil in the U.S., Australia, India, Israel and other capitalist countries, we say that Choi has stood by you. We must now stand by him!
By defending Choi we are opposing the imperialist Cold War drive that his persecution is meant to fuel. The Australian capitalist regime’s Cold War drive is squarely against working class people’s interests. In targeting workers states abroad, this Cold War drive will inevitably be accompanied by attacks on workers’ unions and other workers’ organizations at home – just like the last Cold War against the Soviet Union. We don’t want exports to China that provides every Australian household with $17,000 extra in income on average to be disrupted because of the capitalist class’ obsession with crushing socialistic states.
What is also at stake in Choi’s trial is the future of the Australian regime’s anti-communist witch-hunt that Choi’s own persecution is very much part of. Many supporters of socialistic China have also been targeted in this McCarthyist witch-hunt. After organising a mass rally in Sydney in August 2019 that supported Red China’s sovereignty over its Hong Kong autonomous region, Chinese international students were subjected to threatening interrogations by ASIO. Even a NSW ALP politician was witch-hunted merely for praising China’s response to the pandemic. Meanwhile, Cold War repression has created such a national security obsession that it has made it easier for the Australian regime to persecute others with no direct connection to Cold War issues. Within nine months of their arrest of Choi, the Australian capitalist regime charged whistleblowers Bernard Collaery and Witness K for exposing the Australian state’s spying on East Timor and then David McBride for revealing the extent of Australia’s brutal and so shameful war crimes in Afghanistan. At the same time the national security obsession has enabled the Federal Police to conduct intimidating raids on trade unions like the CFMEU and the AWU. It has also made it easier for the regime to abet the U.S. and Britain’s persecution of Julian Assange.
McCarthyist repression in Australia threatens the workers movement, whistleblowers and democratic rights. Let’s strike a blow against it by defending its biggest victim: socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi. Let’s also strike a blow against the Cold War drive more broadly – a war drive that is completely against the interests of more than 90% of Australia and the world’s people. And let’s strengthen the movement against the cruel economic sanctions on the people of North Korea. Let’s do all this by mobilizing with great energy to stand by compassionate human being, Chan Han Choi, in the lead up to his upcoming sentencing hearing. Chan Han Choi must not receive any criminal record whatsoever let alone be thrown back into prison for trying to help the people of North Korea evade killer sanctions. In a fair society Choi would be given not jail time but showered with awards and medals for heroism and compassion!
Step Up Our Struggle to Free Socialist Political Prisoner in Australia Chan Han Choi
Step Up
Our Struggle to Free Socialist
Political Prisoner in Australia Chan Han Choi
8 June 2020: Left-wing political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi continues to languish in prison. He has been jailed since December 2017 on charges of trying to help the people of North Korea to evade UN economic sanctions. Even if the claims against him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint. Quite the opposite! It would simply prove that he is a great humanitarian aiding people who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, life for all prisoners has become even tougher. For the last nearly three months all visits to NSW prisoners have been blocked. This has been especially tough on Choi as the prison system has specifically banned him from making telephone calls to his friends. This is supposedly on “national security” grounds. The only person Choi is permitted to call is his wife. However, the authorities have stipulated that all conversations must be in English. But since his wife speaks little English and Choi’s English is also limited, in practice he cannot speak to his wife either. He long ago stopped calling her after authorities threatened that if they broke into Korean in conversation on the phone he would be transferred to Goulburn Supermax prison! Thus, for over two months, Choi was effectively prevented from having any contact with any family or friends. Finally, two weeks ago, Choi’s friends have started being able to speak to him again in a limited way. Authorities have now allowed prisoners to receive AVL (Audio Visual Link) “visits” as a substitute for physical, contact visits. However, these weekly AVL “visits” are only for 25 minutes, whereas the usual physical visits were for two hours per weekly visit.
Today, at the Long Bay Prison Hospital where Choi is imprisoned, we saw both the stress that prisoners are under since their visits have been blocked and the brutality that they face from guards. Aerial media footage from helicopter shows guards unleashing tear gas and attack dogs against prisoners in a yard. The footage then shows the guards moving into another yard where all the inmates were lying face down on the ground at the command of guards and totally compliant. However, apparently for sadistic pleasure, guards begin throwing tear gas at the motionless prisoners lying on the ground and then start ferociously clubbing some of the inmates with batons. One prisoner is meanwhile bitten by a dog. We do not know if Choi was one of the prisoners assaulted. Prison authorities claim that the guards were reacting to a fight between prisoners over drugs but the footage does not show any skirmish. Instead, the media footage taken from helicopter shows six prisoners using materials to spell out “BLM”, which stands for Black Lives Matter. It is thus possible that the authorities attacked the prisoners because they expressed their political support for the struggle against racist oppression. On its Facebook page, the Abolitionist and Transformative Justice Centre (an alliance of lawyers, social workers and activists in support of Indigenous Australians) called it an “ongoing Black Lives Matter uprising”. “There is massive resistance,” their post said.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic means that the health of all prisoners are at great risk. In the conditions of a prison, where many people are indoors together, a virus outbreak could spread like wildfire. Inmates like Choi are especially vulnerable as he is over 60 years of age and has a major pre-existing medical condition that has become more serious while imprisoned.
Chan Han Choi had been set to go on trial on March 9. Supporters of Choi organised a protest rally outside court to mark this trial commencement. However, at the last moment, the trial was postponed. As rally organisers were unable to contact everyone who was planning to attend, some of Choi’s core supporters went ahead with the rally anyway and were joined by some of the other supporters who were not able to be notified of the trial postponement. We print below, in lightly edited and condensed form, the speeches of two of the speakers at the demonstration: rally mc Sarah Fitzenmeyer, who is also the Chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform and Samuel Kim a leading Trotskyist Platform activist. Comrade Kim is of Korean background.
Sarah Fitzenmeyer (rally introduction): Thank you to everyone who has come here to support today’s action which is calling for freedom for left-wing political prisoner right here in Australia, Chan Han Choi. Choi has been imprisoned for two years and three months for his sympathy for socialistic North Korea. Today was to be a huge day for Choi because it was supposed to be the start of his trial but at the last minute it has been postponed…. This, however, certainly isn’t any reason for us not to be here today protesting loudly against an injustice that really needs to be condemned each and every day. Indeed, we won’t stop protesting until our brave socialist comrade, Chan Han Choi, a heroic political prisoner right here in racist, capitalist Australia is finally set free!
Firstly, let us acknowledge that we are on stolen Aboriginal land. This is the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. Aboriginal people continue to suffer in this country. And in standing by a victim of persecution today, Chan Han Choi, it is our duty to also commit to stand by the Aboriginal people’s struggle for liberation. In the very same wing of the prison that Chan Han Choi is incarcerated in, the Prison Hospital wing of Long Bay Jail, a 26 year-old Aboriginal man, David Dungay, was crushed to death by six racist prison officers four years ago. David Dungay’s family still have not received justice. Neither have any of the other families of Aboriginal people who have been killed in state custody by racist state personnel. The same racist, rich people’s regime that unleashes brutal terror against Aboriginal people is today persecuting socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi.
Chan Han Choi was arrested for allegedly trying to organise deals to help the people of North Korea evade crippling United Nations economic sanctions. But the reason that he is still in jail is because of his political views and the fact that he proudly continues to maintain his opposition to the sanctions against North Korea. The Australian Federal Police in their submission to the courts openly gave as one of their reasons for opposing bail the fact that Choi has made defiant statements from prison identifying the economic sanctions on North Korea as being unjust and unfair. So for expressing his opposition to these cruel sanctions, Choi is stripped of his human rights and kept languishing, locked up in jail.
Choi’s entire experience being locked up over the last two years has been one of discrimination because of his political stance. Choi has been denied many of the rights that should be accorded to all prisoners. Most concerning has been the obstructing of legal access to him. When Choi had a government-appointed lawyer who was pressuring Choi to plead “Guilty,” that lawyer had ready access to Choi. But after Choi sacked this lawyer and found alternate representation, the new lawyers’ access to Choi became obstructed once it became clear to authorities that they were not going to pressure him into pleading “guilty.” Even after Choi’s legal team could finally see him, suitably qualified Korean-English interpreters were still blocked from accompanying legal visits. This lack of access to interpreters was the main grounds for Choi’s second bail application that was heard on December 20. The judge again denied bail but said that if an interpreter was not found by December 31, bail would become highly likely. Suddenly, however, after a few days, Corrective Services NSW granted access to an interpreter. So after qualified interpreters were completely blocked for over 16 months, suddenly one was cleared to come and translate for him within days! This was organised with such speed simply to ensure that Choi would not get bail! That shows how corrupt and biased the Australian regime agencies are. This is the same Corrective Services NSW that took over four months to approve visits to Choi from his friends.
All the eight charges against Choi relate to alleged brokering of the export of produce from North Korea to entities in third countries, except for one of the charges, which alleges that Choi attempted to broker the import of petroleum products from Iran to the DPRK. Choi has pleaded not guilty to all the eight charges. Yet even if the claims against him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint. Quite the opposite! It would simply prove that he was aiding people who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed. Similar sanctions imposed on Iraq caused the deaths of over 500,000 babies in just the first eight years of their implementation from 1990 onwards. Although the DPRK’s socialistic system has enabled her to avert such catastrophic consequences, the sanctions still cause terrible hardship to her people.
Choi is a humanitarian who has seen the suffering that the sanctions have caused. He is also a socialist who sympathises with North Korea because he likes the society’s egalitarianism. Whatever one thinks of North Korea’s leaders, the fact is that her people have built a system based upon public ownership of the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. It is a state that was won by the masses in brave struggle to defeat the former capitalists and landlords. In supporting such a socialistic system, Choi is also standing by the interests of those in Australia hurt by the capitalist system – that is, those suffering from the effects of privatisation, casualisation of employment, job slashing by bosses, bullying by banks, sell-offs of public housing and rising rents. Choi can be considered an anti-privatisation warrior and a champion of public ownership – a champion of a system that would favour the working class majority of this country and the world. Working class people must in turn now stand by him!
Our next speaker is Samuel Kim representing Trotskyist Platform, the group that has initiated today’s united front action. Samuel has worked as hard as anyone over the last couple of years in the campaign to free Chan Han Choi.

Samuel Kim: So far Choi has been jailed in Sydney’s notorious maximum security prison for the last 27 months. But what is our friend Chan Han Choi accused of? He is a peaceful man who never assaulted anyone, he did not steal from anyone, he is softly spoken, and he was a humble working class hospital cleaner at the time of his arrest. All Choi is accused of doing is arranging trade deals to help the people of North Korea to evade cruel UN economic sanctions. These sanctions ban nearly all of North Korea’s exports and many imported items too. It means that the people of North Korea do not have the hard currency needed to buy food, medicines and medical equipment. The sanctions on North Korea are so extreme that even the Red Cross said that the outbreak of the coronavirus would hurt North Korea without temporary sanctions relief. Today sanctions are preventing North Korea from getting urgently needed testing kits and protective gear.
If Choi turns out to be “guilty” as charged that means that he sacrificed his freedom to help the people of North Korea bypass these killer sanctions. That would make him a great humanitarian. A humanitarian who should be freed from prison immediately. And if he is found not guilty, he should never have been imprisoned in the first place.
Despite not being accused of a single crime against a victim, Chan Han Choi has been refused bail. In contrast many people charged with even murder get bail. So why has Choi been refused bail? The prosecution opposed bail claiming that Choi’s supposed offending is objectively serious because of his loyalty to the DPRK. In other words because of Choi’s political views the Australian regime say his alleged offences should be considered more serious. This is blatant political persecution!
Choi has had many of his rights as a prisoner and defendant stripped. To this day Choi is still not allowed to make telephone calls to his friends. He has even been refused the right to call his daughter-in-law and therefore to speak to his infant grandchildren. The Australian capitalist class say that they run a “democratic” system. They say that everyone has the same rights here regardless of their political views. But Choi had his bail opposed because of his sympathies for a socialistic state and because he has spoken out from prison against the cruel sanctions on North Korea. The Australian regime and their media say that they respect “human rights” but human rights are routinely violated and ignored by the government and corporate media.
Many Aboriginal people know all too well what the Australian regime’s talk of “human rights” actually means: in the last three decades 450 indigenous people have died in state custody, many simply killed by racist police or prison guards.
The U.S. and Australian imperialist rulers and their South Korean allies say that the sanctions are needed to stop the supposed nuclear threat from North Korea. But we ask what threat? It is not North Korea that criminally nuked the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it is not North Korea that killed hundreds of thousands of people in invading Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Nor is it North Korea that is today threatening a bloody assault against the people of Iran. No that is the work of the very people who have imposed sanctions upon her.
The real reason that the capitalist powers have imposed sanctions upon North Korea is that they want to starve her people into abandoning their socialistic system. Although socialistic rule in North Korea is deformed by bureaucratic privileges and a lack of real workers democracy, North Korea has a system of public ownership that was won in the struggle against landlords and capitalist exploiters. Capitalist powers hate the DPRK workers state because its mere existence could inspire the masses of other former colonies to engage in rebellious struggles against exploitation and neo-colonial subjugation. That would mean a huge loss in profits for the American, Australian, British and Japanese corporations that loot wealth from the Philippines, Indonesia, East Timor, Thailand, PNG and Fiji.
By targeting North Korea, the capitalist powers are also squeezing her neighbour and ally, the Peoples Republic of China. Washington and Canberra want to smash socialistic rule in these countries so that they can turn them into huge sweatshops where the corporate bosses that they serve can make fabulous profits from exploiting workers.
But while attacking North Korea and China is good for the big end of town, it is harmful to the interests of 90% of this country’s population. The existence of socialistic states strengthens the struggle here for workers rights, and helps create a movement for a future society based on public ownership. By standing by a society based on public ownership, Choi is in effect standing by working class people and by most middle class people as well. Working class people in Australia, opponents of imperialism, fighters against privatisation and supporters of public ownership have a strong interest in standing by Chan Han Choi. We must demand the immediate dropping of all charges against him. It is also in our interests to defend socialistic rule in North Korea and China – however far from the ideal it may be – as well as to defend socialistic rule in Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. We must demand an end to all sanctions on North Korea as well as an end to the U.S. blockade on Cuba. We need to oppose the U.S. and Australian regimes’ military build up against North Korea and China. We must also oppose their propaganda campaign of lies against these socialistic countries.

The struggle to free Choi is especially crucial because he is not the only person being persecuted for their sympathy for a socialistic state. Today, the Australian regime is waging a McCarthyist type witch-hunt which especially targets supporters of the most powerful socialistic country, the People’s Republic of China. International students from China who express their support for Red China are being demonised. Last Spring, the Australian government announced the creation of a new taskforce to attack pro-Red China students under the guise of looking into supposed “foreign interference” on campuses.
The democracy in this country is only a democracy for the ultra-rich, big end of town. The prisons, the courts, the police and the state bureaucracy in a capitalist country exist to enforce the interests of the capitalist business owners against those of the working class masses and their supporters. This is the case whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens who are in office. That is why construction bosses get away with industrial murder of workers. Every year, over 30 construction industry workers are killed on the job. Yet construction unions are the ones getting hit with criminal convictions just for protesting and inspecting unsafe work sites.
There is no way that this capitalist legal system is going to give a hospital cleaner who was charged with illegally standing up for a workers state a fair hearing. The only force that can bring justice for Choi is good people taking action. We need mass actions consisting of politically aware working class people and our allies. We cannot trust these racist, rich people’s courts that do not represent the labouring and ordinary people. The legal system is filled with bias, the system is rigged for the ruling class. Free Chan Han Choi! Down with the cruel sanctions on the people of North Korea! Resist the Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states!
Sarah Fitzenmeyer (interim remarks): I want to tell you a bit about political prisoner Chan Han Choi. He was born in capitalist South Korea and migrated here 32 years ago. He is an Australian citizen who is 61 years old. When he was arrested he was a hospital cleaner living in a modest rented apartment. He is a husband, a proud father of a son in his mid 30s and a proud grandfather to two infant grand-daughters. He likes Western classical music and Japanese food.
One of the very worrying things about Choi’s persecution is that it is part of a pattern of growing political repression in Australia. In the first place this repression targets supporters of socialistic states, that is supporters of the DPRK like Choi but mostly supporters of the world’s biggest socialistic state, the Peoples Republic of China. Increasingly over the last period, supporters of socialistic China living or studying in Australia have been demonised and targeted.
However, the repression in Australia is going even beyond that. The same AFP [Australian Federal Police] and Commonwealth DPP [Director of Public Prosecutions] who are prosecuting Choi are also prosecuting Witness K, the former Australian intelligence agent who revealed to journalists how the ASIS spy agency had bugged East Timorese government buildings in order to give the Australian government and corporations the advantage in oil resource negotiations with East Timor. Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, today face imprisonment for their decent act of revealing to the world this bullying, colonialist outrage. The same forces persecuting Choi, Witness K and Collaery are also prosecuting David McBride, the military lawyer who blew the whistle on war crimes by Australian troops in Afghanistan. We should fight for the dropping of all charges against Chan Han Choi, David McBride and Witness K!
Yet, it is not only the AFP that is engaged in repressing whistleblowers and dissidents. The whole Australian capitalist regime is being unleashed. A key victim of growing repression in Australia are trade unionists. Anti-union laws have curtailed the right to strike and have led to repeated fines and prosecutions of scores of representatives of construction workers’ unions. Last year, the ABCC so-called “independent” construction industry watchdog slapped 99.2% of its huge $4.25 million in fines on workers and their union and just 0.08% on the filthy rich and notoriously criminal-infested construction industry bosses! Now, the government is trying to push through the Ensuring Integrity Bill, extreme legislation that will make it easier for the government to deregister militant trade unions and drive out staunch unionists from leadership positions.
The workers movement, supporters of workers states, anti-racist activists, whistle-blowers and those concerned about the environment all have an interest in resisting growing repression in this country. And that means we must all stand with Chan Han Choi against the political persecution that he is facing.
Sarah Fitzenmeyer (rally conclusion): All working class people, whistle-blowers and opponents of imperialism have an interest in standing by Chan Han Choi. But given the Australian regime’s manifestly political persecution of him, there is no way that Choi can get a fair trial. The courts are themselves biased and are a core part of the brutal racist state that is designed to enforce the interests of the capitalist big end of town at the expense of working class people. That is why we are here today. To send a message that there are many people supporting Choi and watching what the court does. And we and many more will not tolerate the continued Cold War, McCarthyist political persecution of Chan Han Choi.
Let’s intensify our struggle to free Chan Han Choi and to abolish the murderously cruel sanctions on the people of North Korea.
释放Chan Han Choi – 一位在澳大利亚的社会主义者政治犯!
释放Chan Han Choi –

2019年4月13日,Chan Han Choi,这位在澳大利亚的社会主义者政治犯的支持者举行了第二次抗议行动,要求政府给他自由。 Choi是一名澳大利亚公民,从韩国移民过来差不多已经有31年了。过去16个月一直被澳大利亚政府监禁。由于他对朝鲜的同情,澳大利亚当局拒绝让他保释。
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除了拒绝Choi保释外,澳大利亚政府还限制支持者访问他,切断他的电话,阻止他的儿子去监狱里探望他,并阻止他的律师去访问。剥夺他的权利以及基于他对朝鲜的支持而否决他的保释是澳大利亚新兴的冷战式政治迫害社会主义国家支持者的一部分。这种逐渐侵入的麦卡锡主义也出现在澳大利亚华人社区的成员和中国国际学生中,他们被澳大利亚国家和媒体妖魔化,只是为了他们对红色中国的同情, 现在也受到了迫害 。这就是为什么今天行动的组织者决定在悉尼唐人街举行4月13日的抗议游行。
4月13日的抗议行动参加人数几乎是去年9月Choi的第一次集会的人数的两倍,而且更加活跃。但还有很多事情需要做。世界各地的所有人都反对帝国主义的欺凌行为,那些代表基于社会主义公有制的制度的人和反对冷战式政治迫害左翼的人有必要参加竞选活动,以要求释放Chan Han Choi。我们还有必要与Choi一起反对资本主义大国,利用制裁来对朝鲜人民进行经济恐吓,使他们默许资本主义征服,以及亿万富翁,西方银行家,房地产投机商和血汗工厂老板的收购。帝国主义对朝鲜的压力最终也是为了破坏其邻国和盟国中国的社会主义政权。
Pro-DPRK Socialist Stands Firm
despite Australian Regime Stripping Him of His Rights
22 March 2019: Four months ago, political prisoner Chan Han Choi spent his sixtieth birthday locked up in one of Australia’s harshest prison camps. An Australian citizen who migrated from South Korea 31 years ago, Choi has been imprisoned for the last 16 months. The Australian regime has denied him bail and many of the rights that should be accorded to prisoners and defendants. Why? Because of his sympathies for socialistic North Korea – that’s why!
Choi has been charged with helping North Korea to export its produce abroad in violation of United Nations economic sanctions. The Australian authorities claim that Choi attempted to broker export deals to send North Korea’s produce to entities in other Asian countries. However, despite all the pressure that has been placed on him, Choi has pleaded Not Guilty to all charges and is in jail awaiting trial.
Contrary to some media reports, none of the charges relate to Choi supporting North Korea’s development of a nuclear deterrent. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) do not even accuse him of helping North Korea to import any nuclear or missile technology. All the charges relate to the alleged export of North Korean produce except for one charge that he tried to help North Korea import petroleum products banned by UN sanctions. However, some sections of Australia’s big business-owned media have sought to sensationalise the charges in order to prejudice the public against Choi.
Although most of the “crimes” that the authorities accuse Choi of relate to the export of North Korean mineral commodities, the AFP have hyped up the case by also slapping him with two charges of “Providing Services for a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Program.” Yet the AFP do not even accuse Choi of trying to export from North Korea any actual WMD material – whether it be nuclear, biological or chemical. Rather they claim that he tried to broker the sale of North Korean short-range missiles to an entity in another Asian country. However, not only do they admit that these weapons were never actually traded, they say that the deal was cancelled at the North Korean end! Indeed, the police acknowledge that none of the charges against Choi involve trades that were actually accomplished. Moreover, in several cases the AFP accept that Choi himself cancelled the deals! So imagine this: you are a proud trade unionist working at, say, a bank and the bosses, despite making billions in profits, want to increase their profits further by retrenching a sizeable number of workers. So you and some workers plan a protest occupation of your workplace to demand no job cuts. However, because your unions’ pro-ALP leaders baulk at giving support to such militant action, you and other staunchly pro-union workers, fearing the planned action would be isolated, decide to call off the struggle. Can the cops then claim that you are guilty of a crime because you once planned an illegal action that you then called off? That would be ridiculous! In the same way, a substantial part of the AFP “case” against Choi is made up of accusations that he committed such thought crimes. And the Australian regime then has the hide to accuse North Korea of being “totalitarian”!
The more important point is that even if the allegations against Choi turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the standpoint of the working class and oppressed people of Australia and the world. Quite the opposite! If Choi did actually try to broker deals to help North Korea export items in violation of UN sanctions this would simply prove that he was taking great personal risks to aid the people of North Korea, who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country. These sanctions, which have been repeatedly tightened over the years, now ban the people of North Korea from exporting almost any goods – including clothing, manufactured items, minerals and other commodities. This prevents North Korea from having the hard currency needed to buy the food, medicine, medical instruments and machinery that her people and economy need.
Moreover, the effects of these sanctions have been compounded by the military pressure exerted against North Korea by the U.S., Australia and other imperialist powers. This includes through the presence of 30,000 U.S. troops in South Korea and through massive U.S./South Korea/Australian war games on North Korea’s border – menacing military exercises that have only recently been scaled down after North Korea’s demonstration in late 2017 that it had succeeded in developing a nuclear deterrence that finally forced Washington and Seoul into de-escalation talks. With the memory that the U.S., Australia and South Korea killed nearly one in four of their people during the 1950-53 Korean War – when these capitalist regimes repeatedly wiped out North Korea’s cities by dropping huge amounts of bombs and napalm in a genocidal “scorched earth” policy – with this all too real nightmare seared into their collective consciousness, the people of North Korea know that Trump’s tirade made less than a year and a half ago saying that he would “totally destroy North Korea” was no idle threat. All this has forced tiny North Korea to spend far more on defence than she wants to, thus draining valuable resources from her economy.
Choi has seen first-hand the suffering that the combined effects of the grinding sanctions and military pressure have caused to the people of North Korea. He speaks of a trip he made to a rural area near Sariwon city in North Korea’s North Hwanghae province around ten years ago. As a person with a strong humanitarian conscience, when Choi saw the suffering of especially children with insufficient food to eat, it broke his heart. Although North Korea’s economy has since managed to significantly improve living conditions for her people – despite all the pressure she is facing – the UN sanctions have also been greatly tightened since then. That is why even from the dungeon that he is imprisoned in, Choi has delivered a defiant message opposing the unjust sanctions (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTlumqtaguo).
Choi’s opposition to the sanctions is not only based on his humanitarianism but also on his support for the nature of North Korean society and its social system. Choi actually only became interested in North Korea about a decade and a half ago. In his student days, he had been involved in protests against the then Park Chunghee dictatorship in South Korea. However, he then became politically inactive and was not attuned to questions about North Korea. It was after meeting some pro-North Korea people amongst the Korean expatriate population in Australia that Choi started actively researching the issue. He found that North Korea had justice on its side. He then visited the country to see for himself. Choi was immediately touched by the warmth of North Korea’s people. As Choi puts it, in other countries that he has lived in – like South Korea, Australia and Singapore – it is “money first and if you have money you can do everything”, whereas in North Korea it is “not about money”, “money is not important” it is “humans and humanism that is first.” He described how in North Korea, even at times “when people have very little [due to sanctions and pressure], they will still happily share everything.” He also described heads of enterprises being humble and respectful in the way they treat their workers. Although the media like to stress that Choi is a “supporter of the Kim Jong-un regime”, Choi himself does not speak that much about North Korea’s leaders. His support for North Korea is based on loving the society’s egalitarianism and warm community spirit.

The mainstream media – dominated as it is by organisations owned by billionaire capitalists like Rupert Murdoch and Channel 7 owner Kerry Stokes – would like to present Choi as a brain-washed “supporter of the Kim Jong-un regime.” Yet Choi grew up and lived the first decades of his life in the extremely anti-communist society of South Korea. He has lived and worked in several countries including South Korea, Libya, Singapore and, for the last more than three decades, Australia. Thus, Choi is cultured and cosmopolitan in his outlook. He loves Western classical music, especially symphonies – his most loved piece being Beethoven’s famous Symphony No. 5. Meanwhile, Choi’s favorite food is Japanese food – in particular, sashimi. His concerns extend beyond issues directly connected to North Korea. One of the issues most important to him is racism. He is angry at the high rate of imprisonment of Aboriginal people. While imprisoned, he has become friends with many Aboriginal inmates as well as prisoners from other ethnic backgrounds and he says that this has taught him a lot. Choi comments that racist discrimination and lack of opportunity faced by many in the Vietnamese community has led some in that community to turn to minor drug dealing which has then led to a cycle of imprisonment and a further narrowing of job prospects. Choi himself has experienced plenty of racism in Australia. He has noticed that because of his Asian origin serving staff have sometimes been especially rude to him in cafes, representatives of utility companies have abusively sworn at him and bureaucrats have hung up the phone on him because of his accent or lack of English fluency. Choi says that, by contrast, visitors to North Korea are respectfully treated regardless of their skin colour. And this is the thing about Choi: he has experienced life in many countries, he has been influenced by people from a range of backgrounds and, yet, still he loves North Korean society. He speaks of how the genuineness of North Korea’s people gives him a “heart-warming feeling” (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3RkGojbgY).
The relative egalitarianism of North Korean society and the respectful way that workers are treated by managers there is a result of the fact that North Korea is a workers state based on collective ownership of all the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. Working class rule was established after World War II when Korean communist partisans backed by the Soviet Red Army defeated the former Japanese colonial occupiers and their collaborators in the northern part of Korea. The victorious toilers then took the agricultural land from the greedy landlords and the factories from the capitalists and brought them into social ownership. This socialistic system has meant that North Korea, whose proper name is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), has been able to give her people guaranteed jobs, free, quality education and universal access to very low-rent public housing. To be sure, working class rule is distorted and weakened in North Korea by bureaucratic privileges for state leaders (although these are small compared to the incredibly extravagant wealth of capitalist tycoons and bosses in capitalist countries) which saps support for socialism, by a personality cult around the Kim family and by the lack of workers’ democracy.
Nevertheless, up until the late 1960s, when the U.S. started pouring huge subsidies to prop up South Korea, the working class masses in North Korea enjoyed a better overall quality of life than in the capitalist South. This is despite North Korea having been totally destroyed by U.S, Australia and other imperialist powers during the 1950-53 Korean War. However, the counterrevolutionary destruction of socialistic rule in the former Soviet Union in 1991-92 left the DPRK without its main military protector. Left to face the intense threat from the U.S. and its allies – and with her socialistic Chinese ally much weaker then – the DPRK was forced to divert much resources to her military in order to protect her people from meeting the same fate that the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria have been hit with. This and the economic sanctions led to a large drop in the living standards of North Korea’s people. Nevertheless, the DPRK remains a workers state based on common ownership of the means of production. It is this system based on shared ownership and economic activities for common benefit which brings her people together and creates the warm community spirit and the honesty and genuineness of relations between her people that so warmed Choi’s heart.
In supporting a socialistic state based on public ownership, Choi is in effect standing by the interests of those in Australia suffering the effects of an economy dominated by capitalist private ownership: by those hurt by privatisation, casualisation, job slashing by greedy bosses, bullying by profit-obsessed banks and rising rents. That is, he is standing shoulder to shoulder with the working class majority of this country. He is also, in effect, standing with all the ethnic communities persecuted as a result of the need of Australia’s capitalist rulers to divide and divert the masses that they exploit. He is on the side of Australia’s deeply subjugated Aboriginal people, on the side of the brutally victimised Muslim community and on the side of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin people that are suffering racist discrimination and violence. We working class people and oppressed ethnic minorities must in turn now support Choi! We must struggle with all our energy to demand: Free Chan Han Choi! Drop all the charges now!
We must also join Choi in opposing capitalist powers using sanctions to financially bully North Korea’s people into submission. They want to turn North Korea into a neo-colony the way that they have already made East Timor, PNG, the Philippines, Thailand, Mexico and so many other developing countries into their neo-colonies. The sanctions can be thought of as a giant battering ram to knock down the barriers stopping privatisation of the DPRK economy. All those opposed to privatisation, opposed to imperialist exploitation of former colonies and who stand for a system based on public ownership must demand an end to the sanctions on the DPRK. We must also stand by the DPRK against all attempts to undermine that workers state. We must demand the immediate, unconditional and verifiable ejection of all U.S. troops from South Korea and the irreversible end to all joint U.S.-South Korean-Australian military exercises. Australian patrol aircraft and ships get out of the waters near North Korea! U.S. troops stationed in Darwin – who are there to help the U.S. and Australian regimes target the DPRK and socialistic China – get out now! Close the joint U.S.-Australia spy bases at Pine Gap and Geraldton! If we fight for these demands we will be standing by the interests of the working class of Australia and the world and the necessary struggle to establish workers states based on public ownership in our own countries.
One of the rights that the Australian regime has stomped on in their dealing with the case of Chan Han Choi is the right to bail for defendants who are not an immediate threat to the community or a serious flight risk. Consider the following comparison of Choi’s case with the two most high profile cases in recent times in Australia: those of Chris Dawson and former Catholic archbishop George Pell. Pell who was found by a jury to have cruelly sexually assaulted two children was granted bail prior to the trial that convicted him of these serious charges. For his part, Chris Dawson who is charged with murdering his ex-wife Lynette was granted bail after spending just two weeks in prison. In contrast, Choi has been denied bail for 16 months! It is telling, too, that one of the magistrates at the Sydney Central court who has repeatedly knocked back bail for Choi, Robert Williams, is the very same magistrate who granted accused murderer, Chris Dawson, his bail!
This comparison becomes all the more stark when one compares the very different nature of the “crimes” that Choi has been accused of as against those that Pell and Dawson were charged with. Both of the latter two cases involve serious crimes against victims: in one, murder, and in the other, sexual assault of children. In the case of Choi, who has no criminal record, he is not accused of any crime against a victim. He is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone. Choi is also not a greedy bank boss who oversaw their corporations charging dead people bank fees (as we go to press none of those bank or insurance bigwigs are anywhere close to being sent to jail). And despite all the hype about Choi’s case being a national security one, he is not even accused of spying on Australia or, indeed, any other country. There are no actual direct victims to the “crimes” that Choi is accused of. Perhaps, one could say that the Australian mainstream media would be a direct “victim” of Choi’s alleged work to help North Korea export her produce in violation of sanctions, because by contributing to North Korean consolidated revenue the country would be better able to feed, clothe, transport, house and medically care for her people thus giving the media less opportunity to create hyped-up stories about suffering in North Korea.
However, if the deals that Choi allegedly tried to broker did go through there would have been an indirect “victim” of these “crimes.” That indirect “victim” is the wealthy eight to ten percent of the Australian population that constitutes the capitalist ruling class and its henchmen. The more that the DPRK is able to export, the better will be the lives of her people and the less able will the imperialist rulers of the U.S. and Australia be to use economic strangulation to suffocate the DPRK workers state. That means the probability that billionaire Western bankers, speculators and sweatshop bosses will be able to take over North Korea’s economy becomes reduced. Moreover, the Australian ruling class is scared of the prospect of the DPRK overcoming the sanctions and growing prosperous. Australia’s capitalist bigwigs not only exploit workers within Australia but exploit the masses of neighbouring countries at an even greater rate while plundering their natural resources and making colonial style diktats to their governments. These imperialist rulers, thus, fear the rise of independent, socialistic countries in the Asia-Pacific like the Peoples Republic of China and the DPRK because that could encourage the masses of PNG, East Timor, Fiji, the Philippines and Indonesia to think that they too should give the imperialists the boot and take up the socialist path. If that were to happen, the Australian capitalists would lose tens of billions in profit as well as the power that comes from having their own neo-colonies. Yet, a more prosperous DPRK, that Choi was trying to help bring about, would not only do no harm whatsoever to the more than nine out of ten of us who are not part of the exploiting class – and especially for the 70% of the Australian population who are either employed or unemployed wage workers – it would positively benefit our overall class interests.
The mere presence of workers states like the DPRK in this region – as bureaucratically deformed as they are and in the case of the PRC, Vietnam and Laos as weakened as they also are by a level of capitalist intrusion – sets off the most mortal fear of Australia’s capitalist rulers: that the working class masses here will be inspired by the existence of workers states abroad to sweep away their capitalist rulers from power. The ruling class are all too aware of the giant strides a victorious working class in a highly developed industrialized economy like Australia could make for the sake of all the world’s toiling masses if this powerful working class finally chose to seize state power from the greedy, cloying hands of the small but influential and corrupt class of exploiters. This fear and hatred of socialistic states, the Australian ruling class are expressing in the severity of their persecution of DPRK supporter, Chan Han Choi. They have not only denied him bail but have violated many of his other rights. For example, for the last several months Choi has been blocked from making phone calls to not only his friends but his own lawyers. Indeed, earlier, for a period of several months, the Australian regime blocked his lawyers from even visiting him! The prison authorities told his lawyers that since Choi is a “National Security Interest” they must first go through a criminal history check that could take an “indefinite” period to complete! This is despite these same lawyers having already made two previous visits to him! Finally, the authorities relented and allowed the lawyers to visit but effectively blocked translators from accompanying the lawyers into the visits as translators must now also go through a security check. This is a serious problem as Choi’s English is not fluent. Although he can comfortably converse about relatively simple matters in English, it is hard for him to communicate in English about complex legal concepts and issues. And as this article is being released, we have just learnt that the authorities are again blocking Choi’s lawyers from visiting him in prison.
The timing of when the authorities started blocking his lawyers’ visits is very telling. It was at the very time that Choi was meant to enter a plea. The Australian regime hoped to make Choi feel so isolated and so lacking in legal support that he would roll over and plead guilty. Choi also faced this same blocking of legal representation in the earlier period of his imprisonment. From a few days after being arrested, Choi had to endure an approximately 50 day period when both an earlier lawyer that he selected through community connections as well as other visitors were completely barred from visiting him. It is also very noteworthy the difference between the access allowed, on the one hand, to that earlier lawyer chosen by Choi as well as Choi’s current lawyers – who were chosen by Choi through his friends – and, on the other hand, that granted to his previous government-appointed lawyer. That Australian-regime appointed lawyer was, until the time of his sacking, able to visit Choi very frequently. This previous lawyer seemed to want to keep Choi isolated from supporters and media. Indeed, in nearly all of Choi’s court mentions in the early and mid part of last year, Choi did not even appear on video link when his own matter was being heard. This lawyer also tried to push Choi into a guilty plea as the prosecution tried to pressure Choi into accepting a “deal” where he would be declared mentally incompetent in “exchange” for gaining a reduced sentence to be served at a mental institution! This was a sinister attempt to not only push Choi into surrender but to discredit as being “insane” his laudable work in support of the socialistic DPRK. Choi is, actually, perfectly mentally competent and, indeed, highly intelligent and worldly. He was savvy enough to realise that his previous lawyer had been negotiating with the prosecution behind his back and keeping him in the dark about his own case. So, Choi sacked this lawyer. Yet even when this regime-appointed lawyer told the then presiding magistrate that he was “withdrawing from the case,” he made a passing shot, outrageously prejudicing the court by telling the magistrate that he has serious concerns about Choi’s mental competency to decide on a plea. This appeared to be a creepy attempt to open the way for a possible future attempt by the authorities to have someone else – i.e. an “independent” person ultimately paid by the Australian regime – to decide on a guilty plea on Choi’s behalf!
In a still more sinister development, last November, Choi and his lawyers received letters from Legal Aid implying that Choi had sacked his current lawyers. Yet Choi did no such thing and, indeed, had absolutely no contact with Legal Aid in that period! Legal Aid’s letter suggested that they were not keen on him sacking his existing lawyers. This suggests that a shadowy third party masquerading as Choi had sent Legal Aid a false flag communication! The Australian spy agency ASIO, the AFP and the South Korean spy agency, the KCIA, are the prime suspects.
Not only has Choi’s access to lawyers been severely restricted so has his access to his own family and supporters. His only child, a 30 year-old son, has been barred from visiting him. Choi is even prevented from making phone calls to his son. To also try and break his spirit, the authorities insist that when Choi speaks to his wife by phone – and she is now the only person that he is allowed to make phone calls to – that they speak in English and not Korean despite him not being fluent in English and his wife’s English being even more limited. On occasions when they have slipped into Korean to clarify a sentence, the authorities have cruelly cut off the call. Meanwhile, the authorities have made it almost impossible for people to visit Choi. People wanting to visit must first go through a months-long “security check” after which it is left to the discretion of the Commissioner of Corrections to decide whether a visitor should be granted access. Among those denied access was a journalist from a well-known global media outlet. The very few people able to visit Choi were only granted access after waiting some four to five months after completing the required paperwork and identity checks! When they finally visited, Choi told them that this was the first visit that he had received in five months.
Yet of all the injustices that the Australian authorities have subjected Choi to, the one that burns him the most is the way they have bullied his son. When Choi was arrested, the AFP and ASIO also raided the place where his son was living. However, they did not charge his son as there was no reason to put any charges on him. Instead the AFP told his son that he would no longer be able to work in any professional role! Choi’s son had been in a high-skilled, technical-professional role at well-known American multinational technology conglomerate, CISCO Systems. Choi is furious that the Australian authorities had his son sacked from CISCO. The company realising they were in the wrong, apparently made an arrangement where he received six months paid leave before being terminated. Choi’s son now works in a lower-skilled, lower-paying, non-professional role elsewhere. This persecution of Chan Han Choi’s son is yet another attempt by the Australian regime to break Choi’s spirit and make him capitulate.
Part of the method that the Australian regime has used to strip Choi of his rights is by classifying him in the highest risk category of prisoner. Choi has outrageously been categorised as EHR-R/NSI: that is as an Extra High Risk – Restricted/ National Security Interest (NSI) prisoner. People are only meant to be allocated to this category if they are deemed to be an extreme risk to prison security: that is, mafia bosses and those convicted of serious terrorist offences. As we stressed earlier in this article: Choi is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone. He is not even alleged to have spied on anyone. All he is accused of doing is attempting to broker deals to raise money for North Korea’s budget so as to improve her people’s livelihoods and the country’s infrastructure. Moreover, the entities he was allegedly brokering the deals with weren’t even located in Australia.
Yet, not only are Australian authorities today trampling on Choi’s rights, with the assistance of the South Korean regime, they had also engaged in a massive and expensive spying operation against him. This is clear from the “evidence” that the prosecution have brought forward. It is apparent that not only have the AFP and ASIO hacked into all of Choi’s email communications but that Australian and/or South Korean intelligence agencies also intercepted his phone and text communications in real time. This the AFP eerily refer to as LII – “Lawfully Intercepted Information”! Indeed it seems likely that the Australian and South Korean regimes are hacking into all communications to and from people with “.kp” addresses – i.e. all communications to and from Australian locals to email accounts that use the domain address of the DPRK. When former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Edward Snowden, unveiled classified documents in 2013, it was proven that the Australian spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate, was part of a sinister global surveillance apparatus, also involving the American NSA, the UK’s GCHQ, Canada’s CSEC and New Zealand’s GCSB, that harvested email contact lists, searched email content and tracked the location of cell phones of millions of everyday internet users. So, forget the Australian government and media’s completely unsubstantiated insinuations that China was “likely” behind several reported high-profile hacks; as the Snowden revelations proved and as the interception of Choi’s communications confirm, the real hacker in this region that you should be afraid of is the Australian regime itself. Of course, it is not only Choi that this regime has targeted. ASIO spies on determined trade unionists, Aboriginal rights activists, anti-fascists and socialists. Meanwhile, its overseas arm ASIS has been exposed as spying on the East Timorese government to better enable the Australian rulers to rape the impoverished Timorese people’s oil and gas resources. Just as telling is who the Australian regime does not monitor. Both Australian and New Zealand authorities have admitted that they did not have the Australian white supremacist terrorist who murdered 50 Muslim people in Christchurch last week under any sort of surveillance despite this fascist having often expressed extreme racial hatred in the online chat rooms and social media pages of violent racist outfits. It is apparent that the Australian regime does almost nothing to curb the activities of violent far-right groups. For the organs of the Australian state are not here to protect the majority of us. Rather they are here for the very opposite reason: to enforce the interests of the rich, capitalist exploiting class over the working class masses. That is why the state uses surveillance and repression against those who stand up for the rights of the working class and oppressed and those, like Choi, who stand by workers states.

As Choi has often bluntly put it: “There are no human rights in Australia.” When it comes down to it that is basically true for the majority of people in this country – for working class people. What rights are there for the growing number of workers – especially youth and women workers as well as international students – forced to toil in insecure casual jobs where they can be sacked at will and are often paid below award wages? Or for unemployed people bullied by job search agencies and forced into unpaid work for the dole schemes? Or for refugees incarcerated in off-shore hell-hole camps? Or for Muslim people – and indeed other Asian, African and Middle-Eastern-based communities – facing vilification by governments and white supremacist terror on the streets? Or for Aboriginal people facing racist state attacks as well as daily racist discrimination in every aspect of their lives? It is telling that in the very same section of Sydney’s Long Bay jail that Choi is being detained and so grossly having his rights violated, a 26 year-old Aboriginal prisoner, David Dungay, was crushed to death by racist and sadistic prison guards three and a half years ago.
Of course, by contrast, the big end of town in Australia have every “human right” imaginable. When James Packer’s Crown Group wanted to grab public land at Sydney’s Barangaroo to build an exclusive, luxury hotel-casino, the authorities bent over backwards and ignored regulations to facilitate the billionaire’s interests, despicably driving public housing tenants out of their very homes in the nearby, proudly working class inner city suburb of Millers Point in the process. For his part, late tycoon Richard Pratt, owner of packaging corporation Visy, got away with swindling ordinary people buying soap, toothpaste, soft drinks and baked beans out of $700 million by forming a cartel with “rivals” to keep packaging prices artificially high. He finally conceded to the Federal Court that he had knowingly broken the law. Yet the rich people’s legal system is such that Pratt only received a fine. It was only seven months later that Pratt was finally hit with criminal charges. Yet the media, his own paid-for spin team and high-ranking politicians – including then prime minister Kevin Rudd and former prime minister John Howard – threw massive support behind Pratt. The prosecutor dutifully caved in to this high-level support and dropped the case on the grounds of Pratt’s ill-health! Pratt was never jailed for a single day for his huge theft from the working class masses! In contrast Choi has never cheated the public out of a solitary cent let alone $700 million, yet unlike the billionaire Pratt, Choi has been imprisoned without bail in harsh conditions! And unlike the greedy tycoon Pratt, Choi’s alleged “illegal” actions were not motivated by personal gain. Even the AFP admit that Choi’s attempts to broker trade deals for North Korea were motivated out of sympathy for the DPRK. Despite Choi having previously brokered significant trade deals for the DPRK in the period before tightening UN sanctions proscribed such trade, he lived in a rented home, owns no property and has meagre savings. It is precisely because Choi is a working-class person – having worked as a hospital cleaner at the time of his arrest – with modest means and who, what is more, supported a socialistic country that he is being treated so horribly in comparison to a billionaire business owner like Richard Pratt.
The persecution of Chan Han Choi for allegedly attempting to violate the UN sanctions on North Korea highlights the issue of the sanctions themselves. Similar sanctions imposed on Iraq caused the deaths of over 500,000 babies in just the first eight years of their implementation from 1990 onwards. Although the DPRK’s socialistic system has enabled her to avert such catastrophic consequences, the sanctions still cause much hardship to her people. To distract from the issue of the sanctions, the Australian regime have tried to hype up the issue of WMDs in Choi’s case. Yet not only is Choi not even alleged to have brokered any deals involving mass destruction material, all his charges related to WMD are based on embarrassingly thin “evidence.” For example, one of the AFP’s main arguments that Choi was trying to broker the sale of short range missiles is that he allegedly once emailed a trade contact a link to a DPRK political propaganda video which happened to include some brief clips of DPRK military exercises that in part included the firing of missiles. The AFP allege that not only is this evidence of Choi’s pride in the DPRK’s martial capability (big deal!) but an attempt to market these capabilities for sale. So, folks: don’t ever send a person a link of a video that includes any clips of a socialistic country conducting military exercises – or else you could end up being locked up for years in harsh conditions in Long Bay jail!
The U.S. rulers and their allies like the Australian regime claim that the sanctions on North Korea are merely about stopping the latter developing nuclear weapons. However, the truth is that they are means to bring the DPRK to its knees. After all, why should the DPRK which has never invaded another country or been involved in any war outside the Korean peninsula be disarmed of the few crude nuclear weapons that it has when the U.S. and Russia each have thousands of nukes? It is the U.S. that has killed millions of civilians in predatory attacks in Korea, Vietnam, Panama, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan etc. Moreover, when North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, was holding his summit with U.S. president, Donald Trump, last month in Hanoi, events not that far away were making a total mockery of Trump’s insistence that the DPRK must unilaterally give up its nuclear weapons. For at that very time, tensions between nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan dangerously turned into open military clashes with casualties on either side. Yet neither Trump nor any of the other imperialist rulers are calling for India or Pakistan to give up their nuclear weapons. This is because both countries are under capitalist rule and their regimes are anti-communist allies of the capitalist great powers whereas the DPRK is under socialistic rule and stands independently of the imperialist bullies. It is important to note, too, that while the DPRK has never killed a single person through nuclear weapons, the U.S. regime – with the backing of their Australian counterparts – actually murdered tens of thousands of innocent people by dropping atomic bombs on human beings living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The sanctions imposed upon North Korea by the imperialist powers are an act of economic terrorist blackmail. On the one hand, the DPRK can choose to continue to maintain a nuclear deterrence – which from the point of view of the interests of the toiling masses of the world it certainly has the right to do. Yet that means being subjected to the cruel economic blockade that the North Korean people endure today. On the other hand, the DPRK can capitulate and “irreversibly” disarm. Yet that would be even worse! That would leave the DPRK open to being invaded and devastated in the way that other ex-colonies that showed inadequate submissiveness have: like Iraq which the imperialists invaded because they knew she did not have WMDs, like Libya which tragically gave up her WMDs under the promise of being treated well by the Western powers and like Syria whose people have gone through enormous suffering as a result of a Western funded and backed proxy war.

The Australian regime’s persecution of Chan Han Choi for allegedly breaking UN sanctions is part of their drive to tighten the sanctions and strangle the people of North Korea into committing suicide by abandoning their right to build a self-defence capability. It is part of the capitalists’ push to not only topple socialistic rule in North Korea but, more importantly for them, to isolate and smother the DPRK’s neighbour and main ally, socialistic China. Yet the Australian ruling class also have another purpose in their witch-hunt of Choi. They want to restrict the rights of people who support socialistic states. Thus the AFP’s “rationales” for arguing against bail for Choi was in large part based on his sympathy for the DPRK. This amounted to claiming that a supporter of a socialistic state should have less rights than other citizens. Such anti-communist discrimination has not only targeted Choi. Last month, the Australian regime stripped a prominent Chinese national living in Australia, Huang Xiangmo, of his permanent residency because his advocacy sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China (the PRC) was deemed a “security risk.” Meanwhile, staunchly pro-communist Chinese international students studying in Australia have been demonised by Australian media and politicians and some high-ranking academics have even practically called for them to face academic disciplinary proceedings for their pro-Red China political stance. This creeping new, Cold War-style witch-hunt comes in the context of a restricting of the right to dissent. New laws purportedly targeting “foreign interference” provide pretexts for Australian regime crackdowns on protest movements and media reporting. Most importantly, nationwide anti-union laws have curtailed the right to strike and have led to legal proceedings against over a hundred trade unionists from construction workers’ unions. However, it is not only the Australian regime that is hell-bent on persecuting Chan Han Choi but also their South Korean capitalist ally. It seems that the South Korean spy agencies were central to providing the Australian authorities with key parts of their “evidence” against Choi. Choi has stressed that it is the present Moon Jae-in administration in South Korea that took part in preparing his arrest. Sympathisers of the DPRK taken in by the presently softer approach of the current liberal South Korean government in comparison with the previous right-wing government should take note! The Seoul capitalist regime remains the mortal enemy of socialistic rule in North Korea. Let us not forget that up until the end of 2017, Moon Jae-in was joining Trump in threats and supporting terrifying war games targeting North Korea. It was only after – through successful missile and nuclear tests – the DPRK proved that it had developed a credible nuclear deterrence that Moon Jae-in realised that a purely military option would be dangerous and that the undermining of socialistic rule in North Korea would be best achieved through capitalist economic penetration and political undermining through NGOs and other “engagement.”
The capitalist ruling class of South Korea are opposed to the DPRK because in the end capitalist states and workers states cannot happily co-exist. South Korea’s capitalist rulers – whether it’s conservative wing or its liberal wing – know that if the DPRK was allowed to become a strong and prosperous workers state she could become a beacon to the working class masses in the South of the Korean Peninsula. They know that the workers state in the North of the Peninsula could thus become a political threat to the system which they oversee in the South of the Peninsula: a system where the working class masses are forced to endure long working hours, insecure forms of unemployment, persecution of trade unions, measly old-age pensions and a dog-eat-dog society that has produced one of the highest suicide rates in the world. That is why the best way that South Korean sympathisers of the DPRK can offer solidarity to the DPRK is to connect efforts to win the working class masses in South Korea to the defence of the DPRK with fulsome support to South Korean workers class struggle against their own capitalist rulers. Ultimately, only the overturn of capitalism in the South of Korea can make the embattled anti-capitalist conquests already made in the North secure.
When the Australian authorities arrested Choi and the accusations against him were sensationalised by the media, they expected he would have no support. And when they then stripped Choi of his rights, isolated him from family, supporters and even lawyers they thought that they could break his spirit and make him plead guilty or, worse still, plead insanity! Instead Choi has pleaded Not Guilty and remains defiant and proud. Furthermore, instead of being politically isolated, leftists from Australia and around the world have expressed their solidarity with Choi: from wearing “Free Chan Han Choi” t-shirts to showing support on social media. Supporters of Choi have managed to put on YouTube his statements from prison. Most importantly, last September, Trotskyist Platform supporters were joined by representatives of diverse groups – including the Irish Republican-socialist James Connolly Association, the Western Sydney Branch of the Communist Party of Australia, the Australia-DPRK Friendship Society and the Stalin Society – in a protest rally in a multiracial working class part of Sydney to demand “Free Chan Han Choi.” The action won a sympathetic write-up from the main Korean language community newspaper and even coverage in a large circulation British tabloid-Australian website.
Yet there is so much more that must be done. Even within the context of the unfair laws proscribing any trade that violates the North Korea sanctions, there is no way the Australian courts in their standard practice would afford Choi a fair trial. These are biased pro-capitalist courts that are part of a racist, rich people’s regime. Only mass actions on our part can make the authorities realise that a biased outcome would be against their political interests. That is why we must strive to build greater support for Choi within the workers movement.
Working against us is the impact of hysterical media propaganda against the DPRK. However, for the converse reason that the capitalist rulers are persecuting Choi, it is in the very, living interests of working class people to stand by him. Opposing the persecution of Choi and the denial of his rights is essential in our necessary struggle to resist the emerging Cold War-style witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states. As we stand by Choi we are also making our stand against the broader assaults going on in Australia against leftist dissent and union struggle. Most importantly, we must oppose the cruel and pro-imperialist sanctions that have been launched against brave and socialistic North Korea. Thus, we must defend a person who is being cruelly persecuted for allegedly violating these sanctions. We must defend the DPRK workers state – no matter how bureaucratically deformed it may be – against imperialist attack and capitalist counterrevolution. Just like the building of a trade union – but on a much bigger scale – when a workers state is formed it is a huge conquest for the working class masses and must be tirelessly protected.
So let’s all work as hard as we can to oppose the UN sanctions on North Korea and to free Chan Han Choi, locked up right here in the heart of the racist, capitalist Australian state. Demand the dropping of all charges against the courageous and proud, socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi.