28 November 2024: Trotskyist Platform has just updated the About section of our website with an up to date and much more detailed statement of what our group stands for.
Today, the world is at a crossroads. Capitalist rule in Australia and around the world is bringing ever more poverty, job insecurity, economic stress, social division, racist oppression, misogyny and imperialism-driven wars. On the other hand, socialistic China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries and the example of continued socialistic success that she provides both present a medium-term existential threat to imperialist domination of the world. Moreover, the working class masses in the capitalist world are more and more discontent. However, right now, the absence of genuinely revolutionary socialist parties is allowing the dangerous Far-Right wing of the capitalist classes to gain in strength. Increasingly, the choice facing humanity is either the liberation of communism or the nightmare of the fascist form of capitalism. It is therefore urgent that politically conscious workers and other leftists build an authentic revolutionary, internationalist workers party in Australia. Trotskyist Platform is working hard to build such a party.
We believe that our What We Stand For statement provides the guide needed for those committed to the liberation of the exploited and oppressed to intervene into the events and struggles of this very high-stakes period in order to advance towards the goal of a socialist world where exploitation of labour, unemployment, racism, oppression of women and imperialist subjugation of “Third World” countries will become things of the past.
Please read our statement. With the world’s contradictions coming to a head, the entire fate of humanity may well be decided within the next two to four decades.
In addition to the above articles contained in the print version, the following important articles below also form an integral part of Issue 27. All these articles had been published as leaflets and mailed out to subscribers in the period before Issue 27 appeared in print form. They were not included in the print version only to allow space for newer articles given the large volume of articles issued in this period:
Di Sanh Duong的判决法官对一个之前没有犯罪记录的人施加了非常严厉的监禁刑罚,之所以这样说是因为所谓的“罪行”既没有暴力,也没有受害者,甚至也没有被指控造成任何损害——除非你认为帮助医院治疗COVID是有害的!相比之下,上个ANZAC日,一名布里斯班男子对中国人发表种族主义言论,并袭击了几名在码头上钓鱼的亚裔澳大利亚人,他不仅没有被判监禁,甚至没有被判有罪。相反,他只被处以一笔小额民事罚款。尽管他使用金属物体作为武器进行的袭击可能导致致命,如果他成功将受害者击倒进水中,然后通过他的武器进行一击,这个行为可能是致命的。与对Duong极端重的判决相比,对暴力反华种族主义者的轻微惩罚显示了澳大利亚法律体系和司法体系的极端反共产主义和种族主义偏见。
Photo Above: The act of charity that has seen the Australian regime disgustingly jail 68 year-old Chinese-Australian Di Sanh Duong for two years and nine months. At the height of COVID, Duong donated more than $37,000 to the Royal Melbourne Hospital to help it purchase pandemic response materials. Duong made the 2 June 2020 donation which was collected from his Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in a ceremony involving then immigration minister Alan Tudge. Photo credit: James Ross/AAP
Free Di Sanh Duong!
Free the Three Cold War Political Prisoners in Australia!
29 February 2024: Australian citizen of Chinese descent, Di Sanh Duong, today became the first person jailed under Australia’s “Foreign Interference” laws. The Australian regime sentenced 68-year-old Duong to two years and nine months jail for making a charitable donation to a Melbourne public hospital during the height of the pandemic. Yes, you read that right! The act for which Doung has been jailed is the making of a public donation to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a ceremony with then immigration minister, Alan Tudge. The Australian regime and its courts deemed this to be illegal in a largely secret trial. Their allegation boils down to a claim that by giving himself a good name through the donation, Duong was “preparing” to in future advance the interests of the Communist Party of China (CPC) – the party that administers the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). What Duong is really being punished for is the fact that although he is certainly no leftist (Duong was actually a long-time member of the Liberal Party!), the group that he led, the Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, has signed (from a Chinese patriotic point of view) public statements showing some sympathy for the PRC. By jailing Di Sanh Duong, Australia’s capitalist regime is seeking to threaten others, especially members of this country’s Chinese community, that they should not express any positive views about the PRC. They are also demonising Duong in order to try and create an anti-communist, anti-China hysteria amongst the population. The Australian ruling class wants to justify to the masses its rabidly enthusiastic participation in Western imperialism’s all-sided political, economic and military campaign to destroy socialistic rule in China.
The charge under which Duong has been jailed is so ridiculous that Duong was not even convicted of “foreign interference”. Instead, he was convicted of “preparing to commit an act of foreign interference”. As we explained in an article titled, “Resist the Cold War Repression” that was written a few months before Duong’s trial late last year:
“Federal prosecutors claim that Duong’s donation to the hospital charity was a means for him to `interfere’ with then immigration minister Tudge – presumably by presenting Duong in a good light to the minister. Yet if that logic is followed consistently, there would literally be tens of thousands of other donors being arrested: for every single person who makes a donation to a charity in a public way is doing it to win themselves credibility with others and gain the influence which that brings. Yet the Australian regime is fine with nearly all others who make public donations to charity. Indeed, when a billionaire tycoon publicly donates to a charity a tiny fraction of the wealth that they have leached from the masses, the regime gushes with praise. But when the leader of a Chinese organisation that is somewhat sympathetic to the PRC makes such a donation, Australia’s regime screams that that this is a sinister act of `foreign interference’ on behalf of the CPC. Such a claim is a crystal clear example of McCarthyism. McCarthyism, the name given to the 1950s anti-communist witch-hunt in the U.S. and Australia, is based on the premise that those who either support communism or are even mildly sympathetic to a socialistic state should be treated with suspicion and denied the rights accorded to others … in this case even the right to publicly donate to a local public hospital!”
Yet even when compared with the hysterical zealotry of the 1950s McCarthyist witch-hunt, today’s lengthy prison sentence handed down to an elderly man – who suffers from glaucoma and cataracts as well as diabetes and high blood pressure – for merely making a public donation to a hospital to aid their pandemic response comes off as especially fanatical. Today’s sentencing judgement by judge Maidment was full of vitriolic denunciations of the Chinese Communist Party and it’s supposedly “pervasive foreign influence program”. Basically the judge has decided that an Australian person, who has even vague links to organisations associated with the Chinese Communist Party, who advocates a political position and happens to take the same stance as the Chinese Communist Party is definitely engaging in “foreign interference” rather than that person happening to share the same belief on an issue as the PRC government that is led by the Chinese Communist Party. Moreover, the Cold War extremist judge’s sentencing judgement practically insists that anyone who has any relations with people who are members of the Chinese Communist Party and who does not declare those associations before making any political advocacy is engaging in “a significant breach of trust” using “covert methodology”. Do Australians who have friends in, or links with, the Liberal or Labor or Greens or One Nation parties here – or say the Republican or Democrat parties in the U.S. – always declare their friendships or connections with those parties every time that they advocate something to a political figure or community organisation?
Despite the sentencing judge’s rantings, the truth is that the Communist Party of China conducts almost no direct interference in Australia’s politics. The foreign state that interferes in Australian political processes the most is the USA. But even U.S. influence operations on Australian politics are today of secondary importance. By far the biggest interferers in Australia’s “democracy” are the wealthy capitalist tycoons and the corporations that they own. These ultra-rich capitalists make very public charity donations to gain a positive reputation in order to influence political decisions according to their agendas – as Di Sanh Duong is alleged to have done – but on a scale far, far bigger and wider than a person like Duong collecting from members of his grassroots community organisation would ever have any hope of doing. This big end of town uses far more direct and potent methods to control political life in this country to an extent that is in great disproportion to their small size. They do so through direct donations to political parties, through the corporate and bosses organisations that they fund, through the corporations that they own being able to entice politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats with the prospects of future lucrative careers in their companies, through using their control of the economy to effectively hold government and other state institutions to ransom; and through the lobbyists that they hire, the media that they own and the NGOs and “independent” think tanks that they establish (like the Lowy Institute, the Institute for Public Affairs and the Australia Institute). Many of these influence operations involve truly “covert methodology” with their media and think tanks making the completely false, lying claim that they are “independent”, unbiased publishers of news and opinion. And while some of their direct political donations are reported – albeit usually many months after they first make them thus diminishing the impact of the disclosure – much of it is concealed through paying big payments to attend super-expensive fundraising dinners or through being funnelled through third parties. Yet none of these corporate bigwigs and their henchmen are even threatened with imprisonment for engaging in such interference in this country’s political system! That is of little surprise – the ruling capitalist class always intended Australia’s “democracy” to be a “democracy” that is controlled exclusively by their class, making sure that their so-called “democratic” system was organised and administered in such a way that would be most conducive for the political interference of the rich in it to continue unabated and largely unhindered.
Resist the Cold War Repression!
Di Sanh Duong’s sentencing judge has slapped a very severe jail term on a person who has had no prior convictions for a supposed “offence” that involved no violence, had no victim and was not even alleged to have done any damage unless you believe that helping hospitals treat COVID is damaging! By contrast, last ANZAC Day when a Brisbane man shouting racist abuse against Chinese people assaulted several Asian-Australians fishing on a pier, he was not only not given a jail term but he was not even given a criminal conviction. He was, instead, merely given a small civil fine. This is despite the fact that his assault using a metal object as a weapon could have been fatal had he succeeded in knocking one of the victims into the water after debilitating them through a blow with his weapon. That slap on the wrist to a violent anti-Chinese racist when contrasted with Duong’s outrageously heavy sentence shows the extreme anti-communist and racist bias of Australia’s legal system and judiciary.
Sunny Duong, as he is affectionately known, has today become Australia’s third Cold War political prisoner. Of the other two current political prisoners, one is pilot Daniel Duggan who has been imprisoned for the last sixteen months under harsh conditions for merely training Chinese pilots to fly more than ten years ago! The Australian regime is seeking to extradite Duggan to the U.S. to face charges as nothing he did is illegal by Australian laws. Meanwhile, Alexander Csergo has been jailed for the last eleven months accused of violating Australia’s “foreign interference” laws for merely looking up open source politics and defence affairs articles on the internet and passing their contents over to a Chinese think tank!
The anti-China hysteria surrounding all this Cold War repression – especially the persecution of ethnic Chinese Di Sanh Duong – will only further inflame anti-Chinese racism in Australia. It is a call out to all the filthy racists. It will lead to more people of Chinese appearance being abused in public transport and shopping centres, being bullied at school and being physically attacked on Australia’s streets. Moreover, these Cold War prosecutions have helped produce such a “national security” obsession that it is being used to intensify the repression of those targeted for matters not directly related to the Cold War. Thus, there is no doubt that the repressive political atmosphere created by the new McCarthyist witch-hunt has contributed to the prosecution of whistle blower, David McBride. McBride was convicted last November of “unlawfully disclosing Commonwealth documents” after he gave to the media information detailing the horrific and very widespread war crimes that were being committed by the Australian regime’s forces during their participation in the NATO occupation of Afghanistan. Now, he too faces imprisonment. The entire Left and all genuine defenders of democratic rights in Australia must demand: Drop the Charges against David McBride! Free Di Sanh Duong now! Free Daniel Duggan and Alexander Csergo! Scrap Australia’s draconian “Foreign Interference” laws! Down with the new McCarthyist witch-hunt!
21 September 2023, Eastwood, Sydney: Leftists and progressive members of the Chinese community rally to oppose the Cold War Witch-Hunt in Australia and the stigmatisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. The action was initiated by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association. Below: One of the slogans carried at the action called for the scrapping of Australia’s new McCarthyist, “Foreign Interference” laws.
As part of their Cold War drive to destroy socialistic rule in China, the Australian and other imperialist ruling classes seek to attack the PRC over “human rights”. However, the truth is that unlike Australia’s capitalist regime the PRC does not jail people for donating to public hospitals! We should stress that the imprisonment of Di Sanh Duong here has very little in common with the former imprisonment of Australian citizen, Cheng Lei, in China and the current jailing of another Chinese-Australian in China, Yang Hengjun. Cheng Lei was jailed for illegally supplying state secrets overseas – a form of spying. Notably, Cheng Lei confessed to the crimes – although she has tried to walk back and obscure her confession after returning to Australia after serving her sentence. For his part, Yang Hengjun was found guilty of espionage. It is important to understand that not only were Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun convicted of offences that would be considered very serious in any country, from the point of view of the interests of the working class of Australia and the whole world their actions truly are crimes. For they weaken and undermine a workers state – a workers state in the form of socialistic China. Their actions are as abusive towards the working class masses as a person who crosses a picket line to scab on a strike but with potentially even more damaging consequences. Unlike the Cold War political prisoners that Australia has imprisoned here, Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun were not jailed for merely donating to a public hospital or teaching people (apparently civilian pilots) how to fly planes or passing on the results of Google searches!
Today, the claims of the Australian and other Western capitalist rulers that they stand for “human rights” are being thoroughly exposed by their active support for Israel’s heinous war on the Palestinian people. Through hosting and jointly operating the joint U.S.-Australia spy base at the Northern Territory’s Pine Gap – which pinpoints a large number of Israel’s air and artillery strikes on Gaza – and through joining the U.S.-led Red Sea operation against Yemeni actions in support of Gaza, the Labor Party-administeredAustralian regime is directly participating in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. This shows that whether administered by the right-wing Liberal-Nationals, the social democratic ALP or any other party, Australia’s capitalist-serving state will use the cruellest means possible to protect the interests of this country’s ruling class – that small but powerful class of people that obtain their massive wealth through exploiting the labour of others. And that includes putting people sympathetic to Red China who publicly donate to hospitals in jail!
Today’s imprisonment of Di Sanh Duong underscores the importance of the demonstration that Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association conducted in Sydney’s Eastwood last September that called to “RESIST THE COLD WAR WITCH-HUNT!” That action also opposed the marginalisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. During the protest march, we loudly chanted, “Resist, Resist, the Cold War Witch-hunt!” and “Di Sanh Duong, Drop His Charges Now!” We now need to urgently build on that action and grow and strengthen the movement. We need to build a mass united-front movement of anti-Cold War leftists, pro-PRC members of the Chinese community and the most advanced sections of the workers movement to demand: Free Di Sanh Duong! Free Australia’s three Cold War political prisoners! Scrap Australia’s draconian “Foreign Interference” laws! Down with anti-Chinese racism! Down with the Western capitalist ruling classes’ Cold War offensive against socialistic China that is the root cause of this repression!
Energetic Protest Opposes the Australian Rulers’ Cold War Witch-Hunt
26 September 2023: Two days ago, about forty people participated in a determined protest against the stigmatisation and marginalisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. Witch-hunting in Australia associated with the U.S. and Australian rulers’ new Cold War has specifically targeted that majority section of the Chinese community that has a friendly attitude towards the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Sunday’s action also opposed the broader Cold War repression in Australia. This repression is increasingly targeting even non-Chinese people who continue to maintain pragmatic relations with the PRC and her institutions. Even people with no particular political sympathy for China are being persecuted.
Sunday’s protest in the Sydney suburb of Eastwood has special importance. Since the Australian ruling class began aggressively persecuting the PRC-friendly section of the Chinese community nearly six years ago and started targeting others in this witch-hunt too, this was the very first action whose main focus was pushing back at this Cold War repression. And it was the first demonstration to in any way call-out such Cold War witch-hunting since the campaign to free pro-North Korea, then political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, culminated nearly two and a half years ago when Choi was freed from the clutches of capitalist Australia’s “justice” system.
The September 24 rally and march was reported on by the popular Chinese-language Australian news site, Sydney Today and picked up by many other Chinese-language news sites. Reflecting the deep concerns of Australia’s Chinese community, the article about the rally had one of the highest number of readers’ comments of any article published by Sydney Today on the day that the report was issued.
The main banner of the demonstration called to “RESIST THE COLD WAR WITCH-HUNT!” The other banner slogans included, “Free the People of Many Ethnicities That the Australian Regime is Cruelly Prosecuting for Merely Engaging with China’s Institutions!”, “Stop the Marginalisation of the Chinese Community!”, “Resist the Attacks on Social Organisations Friendly to China!” and “Stop the New McCarthyist Witch-hunt! `Free Speech’ Must Include the Right to Express Positive Views about Socialistic China!”
The September 24 rally was proudly multiracial in composition bringing people of white Australian background together with people from Chinese, Korean and other Asian and Middle Eastern ethnicities. It was endorsed by the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA), ourselves in Trotskyist Platform, Anti-War West Sydney and, in an individual capacity, by well-known peace activist Nick Deane who is both the convenor of the Marrickville Peace Group and a member of the Independent and Peaceful Australian Network (IPAN). For the ACWA, it took particular courage to participate in this action. Since the Cold War witch-hunt threatens all Chinese community organisations that have either a friendly or neutral attitude towards Red China – that is all Australian-Chinese groups that refuse to enlist in the capitalist rulers’ PRC-bashing campaign – the ACWA is itself one of the groups in the firing line.
Each of the endorsing entities had representatives speak at Sunday’s rally. The formal part of the demonstration began with an address by one of the two co-chairs of the event, ACWA chairman, David Chen. Introducing the action David stated:
“Thank you everyone who has come here to support this important action to oppose the marginalisation of the Chinese community in Australia and to stand up against the new Cold War witch-hunt.
“I want to start by acknowledging that we are gathering here on the land of the Wallumettagal clan of the Eora First Nations people.
“My name is David Chen and I am the chairman of the Australian Chinese Workers Association. I will be co-chairing this event together with my friend Sarah Fitzenmeyer who is the chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform, the Australian-Chinese Workers Association’s partners in initiating this event.
“My remarks will be focussed on one important symptom of the marginalisation of the Chinese community. That is Ryde City Council’s decision to name a big chunk of Eastwood without properly consulting the Chinese community or the broader community at all [Editor’s note: According to the latest census, people of Chinese ethnicity are by far the biggest ethnic group in Eastwood and make up 49% of the suburb. However, recently the local council that covers Eastwood has decided to rename a big chunk of the suburb as `Koreatown’ without consulting the Chinese community. This has provoked outrage among some who see it as a symptom of how marginalised the Chinese community in Australia has become]. Sarah and other speakers will then talk about the many other aspects of Cold War repression in Australia which has seen Chinese social organisations slandered, people of various ethnicities jailed or charged for having connections to China and violent racist forces being encouraged on the streets.”
In calling to “suspend the construction of the Koreatown project” until a proper consultation has taken place, the ACWA chairman stressed that his group’s stance has nothing to do whatsoever with rivalry with the Korean community or even disapproval of the existence of a “Koreatown” within Eastwood per se but is based on opposition to the Ryde City Council’s lack of consultation with the Chinese community and lack of openness around the Eastwood naming issue. He concluded by calling for Ryde to become “a model multicultural community where all ethnic groups live together in peace, friendship and equality.” Indeed, it was notable that several people of Korean ancestry joined the September 24 protest.
Above:Australian Chinese Workers Association chairman David Chen, one of the two rally co-chairs, makes his opening remarks to the September 24 action. Below: the Chinese language banner carried by demonstrators. It’s main slogan was “We Demand an Immediate Halt to the Marginalisation and Stigmatisation of the Australian-Chinese Community in the Context of the New Cold War“. The Chinese banner’s additional slogans were: “Free Australians of Any Ethnicity who Are Being Cruelly Imprisoned or Prosecuted for Maintaining Pragmatic Relations with China and Her Institutions!”, “Suspend the Recent Naming of a Big Part of Eastwood Which Was Rammed through without Consulting the Suburb’s Most Numerically Significant Community – the Australian-Chinese Community!”, “Stop the Attacks on Chinese Community Organisations That Exercise Their Right to Have a Sympathetic or Neutral Stance towards China!” and “Down With the New McCarthyist Witch-hunt! Stop the Attempts to Repress People who Make Social Media Comments Sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China!”
“For All Working-Class People and Nearly All Middle-Class People Too, the Cold War Witch-hunting is Completely Against Our Interests”
Next to speak, was the other rally co-chair, our Trotskyist Platform chairwoman Sarah Fitzenmeyer. Sarah began her speech by stating:
“We are gathering here today on the stolen land of the Wallumettagal clan of the Eora First Nations people. This country’s current political order is built on the brutal dispossession of Aboriginal people. Alongside this, the regime here has often engaged in persecuting Asian people – especially Chinese people. This started from the mid-19th century gold rush and then continued on into the White Australian Policy after Federation.
“Anti-Chinese racism has come back with a vengeance over the last few years – driven not only by the long-standing racist xenophobia but also the jingoism surrounding the Australian rulers’ participation in the Western regimes’ Cold War drive to destroy and ultimately annihilate socialistic rule in China. To justify their Cold War, the Australian ruling class have created a fear of China. They have been slandering sections of the Chinese community as supposed “agents” of “foreign interference” from Red China. Such propaganda inevitably creates hostility towards the Chinese community.
“To stifle any opposition to their Cold War drive, Australia’s capitalist rulers use repression to silence people – both within the Chinese community and the broader community – anyone who dares to express a positive view on the Peoples Republic of China.
“In the face of this increasing stigmatisation, we say that the Chinese community should not have to stand alone. It is the duty of Australians of other ethnicities, especially white Australians, to strongly oppose the attacks on the Chinese community and – in particular – the attacks on that large section of the Chinese community that has positive views about the Peoples Republic of China. Taking such a stance is a big part of what today’s demonstration is all about.”
Sarah then listed some of the “examples of how the Australia’s rulers’ Cold War, China-bashing campaign has caused great harm to both the Chinese and the broader community” and recalled the 1950s McCarthyist witch-hunt in the U.S. and Australia (that saw many communists and others deemed sympathetic to then most powerful socialistic state – the Soviet Union – being sacked from their jobs and in many cases imprisoned):
“Five years ago, all of Australia’s parliamentarians from all political parties voted to introduce repressive, so-called Foreign Interference laws. The true purpose of these authoritarian laws is to prevent certain groups of people from expressing views that are positive about socialistic China.
“The following year, the then NSW Liberal state government, pressured by the Greens, banned the China-connected Confucius Institutes from teaching Chinese language in NSW schools. The politicians ludicrously claimed that this language teaching would be used by China to conduct foreign interference.
“Around the same time, Australia’s ASIO secret police unleashed threatening interrogations against Chinese international students who had become involved in political activity. In August 2019, the students had organised a large pro-China rally against the pro-colonial, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong. While the Australian ruling class were overtly backing the anti-communist, anti-China forces holding rallies here, when pro-Peoples Republic of China activists did the same, they were hit with terrifying intimidation by Australia’s secret police….
“In November 2020, the leader of the Chinese community group, the Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations, Di Sanh Duong, became the first person charged under Australia’s Foreign Interference laws. Ridiculously, the Australian regime claimed that the charity collection that he organised for a public hospital was an act of `Foreign Interference’. Can you believe it?
“The Cold War repression has reached such a level that many non-Chinese people are now also being targeted.
“The NSW state MP, Shaoquett Moselmane, in 2020, was subjected to an intense media attack after he made the manifestly true statement that China had responded effectively to the COVID pandemic. Both the AFP and ASIO unleashed a massive raid on Moselmane’s home to supposedly investigate `foreign interference’….
“The neo-McCarthyist witch-hunt has reached such proportions that even people without the slightest sympathy for China but who have had pragmatic relations with PRC entities are being persecuted….
“In one of the most outrageous persecutions of this entire neo-McCarthyist campaign, Australian citizen and former U.S. fighter pilot, Daniel Duggan, is facing extradition to the U.S. simply for training Chinese, most very likely civilian, pilots in South Africa …. For this Duggan has been languishing in harsh conditions in NSW prisons for the last ten months. The prosecution of the 54 year-old pilot has little to do with upholding the law. In the context of the crazed Cold War drive against socialistic China, Duggan is a convenient object for the U.S. and Australian rulers to create a show trial to hype up the supposed `Chinese military threat.’
“If we do not push back against this Cold War repression it’s going to get even more intense. Earlier this year, the Albanese government banned public sector employees from accessing the popular Chinese, short-video platform, TikTok, on government devices. Last month, a parliamentary committee further demanded that TikTok and WeChat be subjected to requirements that could provide the basis for completely banning these platforms in Australia.”
The rally co-chair stressed that “for all working-class people and nearly all middle-class people too, the Cold War witch-hunting is completely against our interests”:
“This Cold War witch-hunt is helping to foster an unhealthy, hysterical national security obsession. It is this climate that has enabled the Australian regime to persecute the courageous whistle blower, David McBride, the former Australian Army lawyer who exposed the Australian regime’s horrific war crimes in Afghanistan.
“The main aim Western rulers’ have for their new Cold War is of course to crush socialistic rule in China. This would be completely catastrophic for more than 90% of the people of Australia and the entire West. To ensure that this future does not come true what is most badly needed is for socialistic rule in China to succeed and flourish…. While people in Australia are ground down by unaffordable power, fuel and food prices because of the greed of the oil, gas and electricity company owners, we need to be able to point to the existence and reality of what public ownership is capable of [in the PRC], how China’s energy and power sectors are publicly owned and thus price gouging does not exist there.
“Sisters and brothers this is what we must do, we need to oppose in entirety the political, economic, propaganda and military campaign which is being waged against socialistic rule in China. And this means that we must oppose all Cold War witch-hunts that are being used to promote the war drive and to silence any opposition to it.”
Next to speak was anti-war activist Nick Deane. Recalling how he had campaigned against the Vietnam War and then against the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Nick Deane expressed his fear that the U.S. and its allies would actually unleash a war on China. He explained that China is no threat at all to any country and that Australia actually does not have any external threats whatsoever. Instead the real threat is the climate crisis. The peace activist emphasised the need to oppose Australia’s planned acquisition of nuclear submarines under the AUKUS pact.
Demonstrators at the September 24 action listen to a speech by anti-war activist Nick Deane.
“We Have to Resist the Coming New Fascism by Resisting the New McCarthyist Repression Today!”
Samuel Kim then spoke on behalf of Trotskyist Platform. He began by skewering the persecution of Di Sanh Duong and the so-called “Foreign Interference” laws that Di Sanh Duong has been charged under: Take the case of Melbourne Vietnamese-Chinese community leader, Di Sanh Duong, known as Sunny Duong. Three and a half years ago, Sunny arranged for a community group to collect over $37,000 for a Melbourne Hospital to treat COVID patients …. You would think that this act of charity would win Sunny’s organisation praise. Instead he has been arrested and charged with foreign interference. The reason that Sunny is being targeted is because his group has a friendly attitude towards China. Donating money to a hospital could see Sunny Duong facing up to ten years in jail!
Sunny Duong was charged under Australia’s draconian, so-called, “Foreign Interference” laws brought in five years ago. Under the cover of these authoritarian laws, a very large number of office bearers of Chinese social organisations that have a friendly attitude towards Red China have been subjected to intimidating interrogations by Australia’s ASIO secret police. This Gestapo style secret police then threaten people not to talk about the interrogations. Therefore, it is not publicly known who had been interrogated! The combined ASIO intimidation, repressive laws, and media lies have pressured many Chinese social organisations to reduce their public activities.
Samuel warned of how the new McCarthyist witch-hunt is threatening to persecute ever more people: A couple of months ago, the likes of far-right Liberal MP James Patterson and Greens MP David Shoebridge even demanded that the police arrest people who make strong social media comments defending China against anti-communist, anti-China activists. If we are not careful, in the future even people here who criticise the Cold War and extremist Sinophobes, or who advocate for the public ownership of the banks and key sectors – may be accused of “foreign interference”…. Like a cancer, the Cold War witch-hunt in Australia is spreading. The whole parliament from parties that are neo-fascist like One Nation to the Liberals, Labor and the Greens join the Cold War as they all serve the ruling class. Many non-Chinese are now also being targeted.
During his speech, Samuel Kim briefly addressed the Eastwood naming issue noting that he is a person of Korean background: With Chinese voices silenced by the Cold War no wonder that the Council renamed part of Eastwood “Koreatown” without consulting the Chinese community. As a Korean person, I was shocked, because I knew Eastwood is overwhelmingly Chinese, and not Korean. If there should be a Koreatown, it should be in the southern part of Lidcombe where Koreans are the main ethnic group. But what has happened here in Eastwood is not about Koreans. This is a symptom of the growing attacks on the Chinese community.
The Trotskyist Platform spokesman not only re-asserted the basic point that the Cold War repression in Australia is aimed at ensuring the population’s subservience to the capitalist rulers’ drive to crush socialistic rule in China but explained why the capitalist rulers are hell-bent on this quest and why we must defend socialistic rule in China: Despite China’s transition to socialism being incomplete and bureaucratically deformed from hostile pressure, China is proving that socialism can greatly improve the lives of the masses …. This will encourage the struggle for socialism here…. Capitalist rule in Australia is leading to homelessness and unaffordable rents …. Meanwhile workers real wages are plummeting, all whilst corporate profits soar, the prices of food, fuel and electricity are surging and society is becoming more toxicly racist and cannibalistic due to capitalist individualistic savagery and brutality. So it is crucial that socialistic China succeeds and societies learn from her socialist-owned banks, property, and enterprises. Working-class people here must do whatever is possible to defend socialistic rule in China. We demand U.S. and Australian navies get out of the South China Sea! Down with the acquisition of long-range missiles and nuclear subs! Scrap Western support for the anti-working class Taiwanese regime! Challenge the propaganda against China – over COVID, Hong Kong or treatment of her Uyghur minority – for they are lies like the Iraq WMD allegations that lead to war, took lives, and wasted trillions of dollars!
In the context of the Cold War repression in Australia, Samuel responded to the demands by Australia’s capitalist media that prime minister Anthony Albanese attack the PRC “over human rights” when Albanese has his expected meeting with the PRC president in China later this year: When prime minister Albanese meets Chinese president Xi Jinping later this year he has absolutely no right to criticise China about “human rights”. In fact, we appeal to Chinese president Xi Jinping to ask Albanese to scrap Australia’s draconian, so-called, Foreign Interference laws and to stop the intimidating ASIO interrogations…. We also appeal to Xi to demand that the Australian regime drop the charges against those imprisoned here or facing jail on charges related to the Cold War witch-hunt.
The Trotskyist Platform representative concluded his speech by urging resistance to the new McCarthyist witch-hunt in Australia warning that it if this Cold War repression is not resisted it could become a springboard to something even more horrifying: As the capitalist order decays, there are far-right forces strengthening who want nothing less than to impose a Nazi-style or Mussolini-style fascist version of capitalism to maximise profits and quell dissent. In the U.S., Europe and to some degree Australia, these forces are growing. We have to resist the coming new fascism by resisting the new McCarthyist repression today …. Workers, students, out-of-work people of all ethnicities, religions, and background have to step up and struggle …. Let’s demand: Stop the attacks on Chinese social organisations friendly to China! Drop the charges against Di Sanh Duong! Free Daniel Duggan! Free Alexander Csergo! Stop the Cold War marginalisation of Australia‘s Chinese community! Stand with socialistic China!
Alongside the speeches of our spokespeople and the leaflets that we distributed, Trotskyist Platform supporters promoted a perspective of working-class based opposition to the Cold War repression through the placards that we carried at the rally. Among our many signs at the demonstration were ones that called to: “Resist the Push By Australian Politicians to Repress People Who Make Strong Social Media Comments Sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China!”, “Resist the Australian Regime’s Attempts to Silence Positive Opinions About Socialistic China! With Working-Class People Here Suffering Unaffordable Rents, Insecure Jobs and Plunging Real Wages We Badly Need to Hear About China’s Socialistic Alternative” and “A Strong Socialistic China is Good for Australian Working Class People. Australian Workers: Defend the PRC Workers State!” Additionally our ethnic Korean supporters carried bilingual English and Korean placards with messages such as: “Working-Class Korean-Australians Say: Stop Discrimination Against Australia’s Chinese Community!”
Some of the rally participants gather together prior to beginning their march through the streets of Eastwood.
Sabotuers Rebuffed, the Pro-PRC Chinese Community Given Confidence, the Resistance is Energised
After several speeches in English, ACWA chairman David Chen addressed the Chinese-speaking people present at the rally by reiterating in Mandarin Chinese the points made in his initial introductory speech. The rally then marched west down Eastwood’s Rowe Street mall and then snaked through the shop-crowded streets of Eastwood in a loop that took us past the main entrance to the suburb’s railway station. Here is a video of a part of the march taken by the Australian-Chinese online newspaper, Sydney Today:
Immediately after the march, a message of solidarity to the action was read out from Wayne Sonter, the leader of activist group, Anti-War West Sydney. The messaged expressed “strong opposition to this governments attempts to intimidate and suppress all those who may have links with, or express views supportive of the PRC.” The solidarity statement stressed that:
“Anti-War West Sydney supports the concepts of a global community of nations, a global green new deal and aspirations for an ecological civilisation.
“We support and advocate a pathway to peace, progress and sustainability, not a road to endless war, destruction and catastrophe.
“We, or our governments cannot choose to do both. The Australian government, by these acts of intimidation and a host of associated commitments shows to the Australian people that it has chosen the wrong path and is on the wrong side of history”
During the march, participants loudly chanted “Resist, Resist, the Cold War Witch-hunt!” and “Di Sanh Duong, Drop His Charges Now!” Chinese-speakers on the march also chanted in Mandarin, calling to unite against the discrimination targeting the Chinese community. The march attracted a great deal of interest and sympathy from onlookers in the local Chinese community and from the broader Eastwood community. Indeed, throughout the whole event we met with few signs of hostility (aside from some drunken rednecks who chanted “We want nukes” as we marched past a pub that they were patronising).
However, in the days leading up to the demonstration, there was a concerted attempt by hostile forces to sabotage the action. A small number of representatives of two Chinese business bosses’ groups – the Eastwood Chinatown Chamber of Commerce and the Northwest Chinese Business Association – that had both hastily scrambled together their formation in the three weeks leading up to the rally, tried to bully the ACWA into pulling back from the September 24 action. Most harmfully, they spread disinformation within the Chinese community implying that Sunday’s demonstration would be deemed illegal by the police. We would not call these disgusting acts of sabotage a “betrayal”. Rather, it is a case of capitalists and their henchmen acting in their own class interests – the interests that is of a class that extracts its income from plundering the fruits of their workers’ labour. To be sure, as in every other political dispute, personal factors like ego come into the equation. However, at bottom, certain business bosses and their avaricious upper-middle class henchmen were acting against the September 24 rally because they feared that the explicitly pro-working class initiators of the action – the Australian Chinese Workers Association and Trotskyist Platform – could gain greater authority and that this could eventually lead to their own workers becoming more assertive of their rights and better connected with the broader Australian trade union movement. Or, to put it another way, a few of the local business bosses feared that the activism of the groups that spearheaded the September 24 rally could eventually threaten the level of profit that they can gain by exploiting their own workers. For in the end, a capitalist in Australia is a capitalist – regardless of whether they have white European, Chinese, Korean or any other ancestry! To be sure, even capitalist Chinese in Australia suffer discrimination as a result of the explosion of anti-Chinese sentiment incited by the Cold War witch-hunt. However, at the same time, the fact that this present socio-economic order upholds their very privileged economic and social position makes them zealously loyal to the current order and suspicious of any protest against the pro-capitalist authorities upholding it. Thus the particular capitalist elements within the Chinese community that attempted to undermine the September 24 rally objected to the “combative” approach to governments of the protest initiators. They counterposed to this their “positive” attitude to governments in dealing with both the Eastwood naming issue and the much more serious attacks faced by the Chinese community. Of course, these forces would be the first to grab for themselves any concessions to the Chinese community that the authorities make in a response to the activism of the likes of those of us who conducted the September 24 protest.
In many ways, the conduct of those upper-class elements within the Chinese community that sought to undermine the September 24 rally can be compared to the attitude that several Indian-Australian community groups took to protests in the late noughties against the wave of violent racist attacks on Indian students that were unleashed in Australia at that time. Although these Indian community groups included people in all classes within them (unlike those who sought to sabotage the September 24 action), it is upper-class and upper-middle class elements who – through their ability to make big donations and the often greater eloquence that flows from their greater opportunities to access high-quality education – have gained a stranglehold on many of these Indian-Australian community groups. As a result, even though the leaders of these groups’ own children may have been subjected to racist bullying at school – and on the streets – as part of the wave of anti-Indian violence, they downplayed the racist attacks on Indian, mainly international, students and condemned the spirited anti-racist protests of these students. They proved that they would rather accept, albeit with a heavy heart, racist attacks on Indian international students and even the threat of such attacks on their own children, than risk any damage to the authority of the social order that upholds their very privileged economic and social status. This attitude of the wealthy leaders of some Australian-Indian community groups provoked understandable outrage back in India. Today, certain of their class compatriots within the Australian-Chinese capitalist class are following in their footsteps with respect to the Cold War stigmatisation and marginalisation of the Chinese community today.
Those who sought to sabotage the September 24 action did have some success. With Australian-Chinese people who considered attending the rally only too aware that they are in the Cold War firing line of the authorities, fear of the likelihood of a police attack on the protest that was deviously spread by the saboteurs did indeed cause some Chinese people who were planning to join the action to decide to stay home. However, the saboteurs’ campaign against the 24 September action only made the core cadre in the ACWA more determined. As a result they, Trotskyist Platform and the other rally supporters were able to successfully conduct the action. The demonstration received much sympathy from onlookers who saw it and others who later heard about it, as well as important coverage in the Australian-Chinese media. Most importantly, the ethnic Chinese people who participated in the September 24 protest were invigorated by the action; as were the many non-Chinese people who took part. A huge step has been taken in conducting the very first action in Australia to directly oppose the Cold War marginalisation of the Australian-Chinese community and broader Cold War repression. Momentum for follow-up actions has inevitably been created. Those who hesitated in participating this time but heard of the successful conduct of the action, will be keen to join next time.
As rally co-chair Sarah Fitzenmeyer stressed in her concluding remarks:
“We must push back against this Cold War repression even though it is not going to be easy. The witch-hunting climate is intense and is accompanied by rabid propaganda by the mainstream media pushing the `China Threat’ and `Chinese Foreign Interference’ hoaxes. But history is made by the brave and not by the cowardly and today’s rally is an important step forward. It is indeed the very first action that has directly opposed the overall McCarthyist witch-hunt in Australia. So well done everyone who has come here to support this action….
“I hope the Chinese community, especially the section sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China, gets the message from today’s action that they are not alone. It is vitally important that those Chinese-Australians with a sympathetic view about socialistic China feel that they are not alone. Because we need you to be able to express your views …. We need you to tell other Australians about what the People’s Republic of China is really like and how much she has achieved in poverty alleviation and in improving the lives of her people. We need this because we know that this will help undercut support for the dangerous anti-China war drive that our rulers are hell-bent on pushing.
“So, with courage and perseverance, let us resist the Cold War repression in Australia and demand: End the Cold War witch-hunt! Free the Cold War political prisoners in Australia! Scrap the authoritarian foreign interference laws! Stop the ASIO raids! Stop the attempts to silence social media users sympathetic to socialistic China! Let’s resist our rulers’ political, military and propaganda campaign against socialistic China that is the root cause of this new Cold War repression!”
Photo Above: Last week hawkish ALP Defence Minister, Richard Marles announced a massive intensification in the Australian regime’s military build-up targeting China. This includes the spending of billions of dollars to acquire long-range missiles. The government said that it will speed up the delivery of HIMARS rocket systems (like the one shown above) and acquire other long-range missiles.
It is in Working Class People’s Interests to Stand with Socialistic China against Australia’s Capitalist Rulers
Defend Socialistic Rule in China Against the AUKUS Regimes’ Political and Military War Drive!
1 May 2023: The Labor government has escalated the scale of the AUKUS nuclear submarine project first organised by the former right wing government. Prime minister Anthony Albanese announced that the Australian regime will start receiving nuclear submarines from the U.S. from the mid 2030s and later build nuclear submarines with the technology and direction of its American and British counterparts. The official project cost is now $368 billion. But last week it was revealed that Defence had quietly provisioned an additional 50 per cent contingency for the project. This pushes the real cost up to half a trillion dollars!
Nuclear-propulsion allows submarines to operate for longer and further from shores before refueling. In other words, Australia’s capitalist rulers are not acquiring the subs for use around Australia’s shores. The nuclear submarines will be used to join the U.S., British and other Western capitalist militaries in threatening China in waters off her own coastline. The AUKUS regimes are barely doing anything to even hide this fact. All this raises the frightening possibility of the Armageddon scenario – a future U.S./British/Australian/NATO war unleashed against a country with almost 1,500 million people!
Long before the navy will receive its first AUKUS submarines in 10 to 12 years, Australia’s capitalist regime is right now engaging in a massive military build-up. Last October, it was revealed that the Labor government would allow the U.S. to deploy nuclear capable B-52 bombers in Northern Australia. The upgrading of NT bases necessary to allow for this was part of last week’s announcements by hawkish ALP Defence Minister, Richard Marles, of a huge anti-China military escalation. The plan includes the acquisition of long-range missiles. As the Albanese government made clear, the focus of the military expansion will be on projecting more power further north from Australia’s shores. In other words, the pretense of the military’s purpose being to defend Australia from invasion threats (of which none exist) will be quietly dropped in favour of openly preparing to join war moves against Red China thousands upon thousands of kilometres from Australia’s shores. Pro-war hardliners are so emboldened by the militarist political climate that the war-mongering Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) and right-wing extremist Shadow Defence Minister Andrew Hastie (who is notorious for having a few years ago spearheaded the white supremacist cause celebre’ to give special “refugee status” to rich white South African farmers) all criticised the expansion plans for not pouring even greater resources into the military build-up!
To justify their military escalation, the Australian ruling class and its Western allies have been trying to portray China as a “threat”. They rant that, “China’s military build up is now the most ambitious of any country since the end of the Second World War”, while deceptively covering up the truth that China’s annual defence spending is almost three times lower than that of the U.S. despite having more than four times as many people as the United States. Moreover, even before the sharp escalation announced by the Labor government last week and before the AUKUS expenditure comes online, Australia’s military expenditure per head of population is actually six times higher than China’s. More importantly, while over the last 40 years the U.S. and Australian imperialist regimes have together killed hundreds of thousands of people by twice invading Iraq and then later unleashing air strikes in Syria and Iraq which often “collaterally” killed large numbers of civilians, carried out the most hideous war crimes during their two decade-long occupation of Afghanistan and conducted a racist, colonial occupation of Somalia in the mid-90s, while the NT’s U.S./Australia Pine Gap spy base’s pinpointing of missile strikes helped the U.S. and NATO to bomb to death thousands of people in Serbia in 1999 and destroy Libya in 2011, while the Australian military twice occupied East Timor in order to ensure that the political order there facilitated the theft of the country’s offshore oil and gas wealth by greedy Australian corporations, while from 2003 the Australian military, police and bureaucrats carried out a more-than-decade-long, defacto neocolonial takeover of the Solomon Islands and while the Australian regime caused the death of up to 20,000 people after they orchestrated a decade-long war and blockade of the South Pacific island of Bougainville in the late 20th century after the people there rose up against the arrogant trampling of their rights by an Australian-owned mining company, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has not fought one single shooting war or engaged in one single occupation of another country during these entire last 40 years! The only concrete examples of so-called “Chinese aggression” that imperialist propagandists have been able to point to is China “invading” a few disputed, uninhabited pieces of rock off its own coast … in the South China Sea. The whole China “is increasingly aggressive” narrative is in fact complete rubbish from start to finish! We say: No to long-range missiles for the Australian military! No to the deployment of U.S. B-52s in the NT! Torpedo the AUKUS submarine deal! All U.S. troops and bases out! Close Pine Gap!
Why Are They Targeting the Peoples Republic of China?
Given that 35% of Australia’s exports are bought up by China, many wonder why Australia’s capitalist rulers are risking such a hugely lucrative trade by antagonising their, by far, biggest customer. Some on the Left answer this question by claiming that the Australian ruling class is joining the West’s war drive against China only because it is servilely bowing to American demands. However, this is not, in fact, the case. The truth is actually even more confronting! And that reality is that Australia’s capitalist ruling class is just as committed to the political and military Cold War drive against the PRC as its U.S. senior partners and for the exact same reasons. Those reasons all stem from one fact: thatChina is a country not under capitalist rule but one under socialistic rule. Although from the early 1980s, China’s compromise-seeking rulers bent to the worldwide dominance of capitalism and allowed the capitalists to gain a dangerous foothold in the Chinese economy, the backbone sectors of her economy – including her banks, fuel, power, ports, shipping, aviation, steel and aircraft, shipbuilding, train and auto manufacturing sectors – remain under the dominance of socialistic public ownership. This system of collective ownership that favours working-class people was created by China’s toiling classes in a massive anti-capitalist revolution in 1949. Although China’s transition to socialism is fragile and incomplete and the working class hold on power there is held indirectly via a middle-class bureaucracy, the capitalist powers see the existence of a workers state in a country with nearly 1.5 billion people with all the hostility that a capitalist boss views the presence of a militant trade union in their business.
So how does socialistic rule in China threaten the interests of Australia’s capitalist ruling class and the rulers of other capitalist powers? For one, when China engages in infrastructure construction, resource development and other major projects in developing countries, it is usually China’s giant state-owned enterprises that spearhead the projects. But these socialistic enterprises are not mainly driven by profits but by broader PRC national goals – including building good relations between China and other developing countries. As a result, they offer their host countries very good terms. Although this is great for the developing countries that cooperate with China, this is very bad news for, say, the Australian capitalist corporations that had been making an absolute fortune by looting the natural resources of the likes of PNG, East Timor, Fiji, Indonesia and the Philippines and super-exploiting the toil of workers there. With China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises offering developing countries access to infrastructure development, capital and technology without ripping them off, these countries are giving some projects to China that they would previously have had to give to Australia’s plundering corporate bigwigs. Moreover, with China’s public sector firms offering such good deals, South Pacific and southeast Asian countries are using the “threat” of turning to China to claw better terms from Australian companies that continue to be granted projects. Either way, without actually meaning to do so, the PRC’s socialistic enterprises’ mutually beneficial cooperation with countries in this region is causing Australia’s capitalists to lose money –lose big money! And we know how greedy capitalists behave when their profits are threatened!
Students at Papua New Guinea’s Butuka Academy. The school was provided by China as part of part of a sister-city partnership between Port Moresby and the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. It was built by a subsidiary of PRC socialistic state-owned enterprise, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, the largest construction company in the world. Photo credit (photo on Left): Li Feng/People’s Daily Photo credit (photo on right): Lin Xin/China Plus
Secondly, as huge as the income is that Australia’s big end of town gains from trade with China, working class rule there (as tenuous and bureaucratically deformed as it is) impedes their possibility of gaining much, much greater profits from operations within that country. Currently, with China’s real wages by far the fastest growing in the world, bosses there, including foreign investors, have to pay wages that are much higher than in capitalist countries with comparable income levels. This is especially the case when one adds the extra payments that worker-hiring business owners must make in China – including not only into a collective workers’ superannuation fund but into individual accounts for workers to use to buy or rent homes and into collective medical insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity support and accident insurance funds that together add up to not just around 10% of wages as bosses’ super payments and compo insurance does here … but to some 40% of wages! Moreover, the dominance of the PRC’s socialistic public sector over the most profitable sectors – like banking and finance, oil and gas, mining, infrastructure construction, defence and telecommunications – greatly restrict the amount of profit that capitalists can make within China. However, if capitalist rule were restored to China, Australian and other rich Western capitalists would not only gain a bonanza from looting these sectors but would be able to greatly increase their extraction of profits from Chinese workers’ labour as any new capitalist regime in China would drive down real wages and workers’ conditions to satisfy its new capitalist masters. And the more that their own decaying system lurches from one economic crisis to the next, the more desperate are the capitalist powers to prop up their failing system by gouging massive super-profits via the nightmarish scenario of turning China into a giant sweatshop for capitalist exploitation – like they have already done to their existing populous, semi-colonies like the Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Brazil and Mexico.
Most worryingly for the Australian and other capitalist ruling classes, the existence of a workers state in such a large country as China – and one that has successfully lifted all her people out of extreme poverty and is rapidly improving the living standards of her people – shows the working class masses of their own countries that it is viable for them to seize state power and build a system based on socialist, common ownership of the backbone sectors of the economy. Right now, with China still catching up from the terrible poverty of her pre-1949 capitalist days when she was a cruelly subjugated neo-colony of the imperial powers, per capita incomes in China are several times below that of the richest of the capitalist countries. This, therefore, makes socialism seem less attractive to the less politically aware layers of the masses in Western countries than it otherwise would. However, the Australian and other Western capitalists know that if the PRC’s rapid socialistic development is not choked off, then living standards in China will catch up with those in even the richest of the capitalist countries within two or three decades. If and when that happens, they know that large sections of their own populations will demand socialism in their own countries. After all, if socialistic rule in a huge country can deliver average incomes comparable to even the richest of the capitalist countries, then why would the working class masses living in the capitalist countries want to tolerate a system that brings with it economic crises, lack of secure jobs, unaffordable rents, dwindling real wages, bullying bosses, social decay and disharmony and racist oppression and violence against First Nations peoples and minorities. This is why the capitalist ruling classes in Australia and other Western countries see the PRC as an “existential threat.” It is not the type of existential threat that they portray to their own masses: which is as some sort of aggressive, war-mongering power. Rather, China is an existential threat to the capitalist rule that exists in most of the world because despite China’s inward focused rulers doing nothing to consciously encourage revolutionary struggle in the capitalist world – which is an incorrect and anti-internationalist policy – the mere example provided by the successes of socialistic rule in a country with nearly one in five of the world’s people threatens to eventually inspire the masses in the capitalist world to fight for socialist revolution in their own countries. Given China’s massive population, if the PRC’s per capita GDP were to even approach that of the richest countries, then her economy would be so huge that the scale of her cooperation with developing countries would undercut the ability of the Western imperialist ruling classes to plunder these ex-colonies to such an extent that these Western capitalist rulers, who rely on such imperialist looting to prop up their decaying systems at home, would face implosion of their own economies.
Given that it is rational from the point of view of the Australian capitalist class – if any political option that an obsolete, doomed class takes can be considered “rational” – to stridently oppose socialistic rule in China, it is little surprise that virtually the entire capitalist establishment is behind the campaign to destroy the Chinese workers state. A few big-time capitalists had been softly critical of the former Morrison government’s provocative anti-China rhetoric for damaging Australian exports to China. However, they are now satisfied after the new Labor government slightly dialed down the severity of Canberra’s anti-PRC language, while continuing to intensify the anti-China military build-up and more aggressively interfere in the region to damage South Pacific countries’ mutually beneficial relations with the PRC. Amongst mainstream politicians, all agree on enmity to the PRC’s socialistic system, with just a few critical of particular aspects of the Cold War drive – like the nuclear submarine project. Former prime minister, Paul Keating, is a partial exception. Keating also opposes the PRC’s system but believes that since China’s rise as the pre-eminent Asian power is inevitable, Australian governments should accommodate this rise and try to put guardrails around it rather than try in vain to oppose it. However, the unanimity of the rest of the capitalist establishment around confronting the PRC is evident in the fact that all sections of the mainstream media – from the hard right Murdoch media to the mainstream conservative Channel 9/Sydney Morning Herald to the centrist ABC to the progressive-liberal Guardian newspaper – have been spewing out an endless torrent of ever-more rabid, anti-PRC propaganda.
This anti-PRC unanimity extends to the other imperialist countries as well. All pro-capitalist factions in all Western imperialist countries are hostile to the PRC. In the developing countries the story is different. Many governments in these countries have good relations with the PRC because her mutually beneficial cooperation with these countries is enabling them to achieve greater independence from their Western imperialist overlords. However, a few of these regimes fear the message sent to their own masses by the successes of socialistic rule in China so much that they choose to align with the anti-PRC Cold War drive. Thus, the right-wing Philippines regime led by Bongbong Marcos, son of the corrupt, hated dictator Ferdinand Marcos, is increasingly aligning itself with the U.S.-led, anti-PRC war drive. The same applies to the far-right Hindu chauvinist, Modi government in India. For India’s capitalist exploiting class, the achievements of socialistic rule in China are especially threatening. This is because, since China and India have similar huge population sizes and both were freed from colonial/neo-colonial domination around the same time – in the late 1940s – a comparison between the two countries provides the fairest assessment of the relative merits of socialism versus capitalism. Indeed, at the time of China’s 1949 Revolution, India’s per capita income was 87% higher than China’s – that is, almost double. Yet today, workers’ wages are several times greater in China than in India, life expectancy is 11 years higher and the social position of women is far better. While extreme poverty has truly been overcome throughout China, hundreds of millions of people continue to live in abject poverty in India with ramshackle housing, inadequate food and very often suffering under debt bondage to creditors. India’s capitalist ruling class are, therefore, terrified that the masses in their country will notice the much better life for the masses across the border in China and demand socialism in India too. That is why Modi has taken that country into the Quad anti-PRC alliance with the U.S., Australia and Japan.
The Imperialist Powers All-Sided Campaign to Destroy Socialistic Rule in China
No exploitative ruling class in history has lost power without using all available means to cling on to it. So it is the case with capitalist ruling classes today. When they have seen the masses threatening their rule, they have quickly switched from claiming to be “democrats” to instituting the most violent fascist or other brutal authoritarian political orders in order to protect their class rule. This is what they did, for example, when they turned to Mussolini in Italy, to Hitler in Germany, Franco in Spain, Suharto in Indonesia and Pinochet in Chile to save their rule by murderously crushing the radicalised working class masses and leftists. With the successes of socialistic rule in China undermining the ability of the imperialist rulers to super-exploit the “Third World” and on course to eventually inspire the overthrow of capitalist rule in even the richest of the capitalist countries, the Western imperialist regimes are preparing to use every means possible to crush socialistic rule in China. And that includes being prepared to risk the destruction of human civilisation as we know it by unleashing nuclear weapons. The Biden regime’s decision last week to deploy submarines armed with nuclear ballistic missiles to the Western Pacific – aimed against China and North Korea – for the first time in four decades and the U.S. and Australian governments plan to deploy nuclear armed U.S. B52s in Darwin are signs of this.
However, the capitalist powers’ preferred means to destroy the Chinese workers state is to use political and economic means to foment a capitalist counterrevolution there. At minimum they intend to squeeze China so hard with all-sided pressure that it chokes off her development. That is why Washington has restricted micro-chip and other high-tech exports to China. With this same purpose of damaging the PRC’s economy, the Australian regime has joined the U.S. and a few of its Western counterparts in using the bogus cover of national security to limit the market access in Australia of some Chinese companies and products – including Huawei and Tik-Tok – and block several Chinese investment projects. The AUKUS regimes and their imperialist allies hope too that if they can cause economic woes in China this will create dissension and revolt within her borders.
Meanwhile, the Western capitalist ruling classes are giving huge support to those outfits within China seeking to restore capitalism there. The website of the U.S. government agency for foreign interference, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), admits to giving a range of such groups nearly $17 million in funding. This includes almost $900,000 to a group called the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) – in other words the Centre for International Capitalism – and huge amounts to various Chinese groups committed to “empowering entrepreneurs to protect their property rights” – in other words, to “empower” capitalists to protect their “rights” to the fruits of their exploitation of workers’ labour in China, which fortunately is not guaranteed them in Red China. The NED also funds anti-PRC exile groups including an Australian anti-communist group called the Australia New Zealand Tibetan Youth. Yet, such open imperialist funding of capitalist counterrevolutionary groups is dwarfed by the amount of covert backing from the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies and the amount of funding provided by Western anti-communist NGOs – the latter often flush with donations from wealthy capitalists. Whenever anti-communist forces within China stage actions, Western ruling classes are quick to declare their political solidarity with them in order to encourage these movements. Last November, when small groups in China – a component of which were anti-communists openly seeking to destroy socialistic rule – held the Chinese version of the Far Right-led COVID “Freedom” rallies opposing pandemic restrictions (in the Chinese case this was mainly, nominally directed against PCR testing and mask wearing), the Albanese government effectively declared its support for the protests … despite strongly opposing such COVID “Freedom” protests in Australia. Earlier in 2019, when pro-colonial rich kids in Hong Kong attempted a violent anti-communist uprising, the right-wing Morrison government and the ALP and Greens hailed the anti-communist forces.
Shanghai, 27 November 2022: The man in the foreground holding the mobile phone starts a chant of “Down with the Communist Party!” and then “Down with Xi Jinping” at the Shanghai COVID “Freedom” protest. At the very moment that he begins the “Down with Xi Jinping”-chant, a blonde-haired Western person standing within touching distance of him turns around and smiles approvingly. She is one of the minority of protesters who fervently joins in with the two chants. Who is this person? Obviously, she can speak a fair level of Mandarin Chinese to be able to join the chants and moreover, inbound tourism into China has been stopped since COVID. The question then is, is she a member of one of the anticommunist Western NGOs operating within China under various social-work guises or is she a an attache of the nearby U.S. consulate or a manager for one of the many Western corporations that have offices in Shanghai and thus with a reason for class hostility to working-class rule in China or is she an international student? And if the Westerner was an international student, was her motivation for going to China simply to study or was she sent by a Western government agency or anticommunist NGO for the expressed purposes of quietly promoting a “democratic” capitalist counterrevolution? Including the amount that it specifically allocates for work in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Tibet and Hong Kong, the U.S. government’s arm for foreign interference, the National Endowment for Democracy openly admits to donating a total of $US11 million ($A16.5 million) to groups pushing its capitalist counterrevolutionary agenda in China. The covert financial backing given by Western intelligence agencies and the amount given by anticommunist Western NGOs, the later often funded by wealthy tycoons, is even greater.Additionally, like they provided to the anti-communist rioters in Hong Kong in 2019, Western regime agencies and NGOs provide training to anti-communist forces within China (and in exile) on protest tactics, propaganda and disinformation methods and anti-PRC-state, “direct action” strategies. Source: Still taken by Trotskyist Platform from a video posted by anti-communist Western journalist, Eva Rammeloo on her Twitter feed.
A key means that the imperialist ruling classes use to undermine socialistic rule in China is through their governments, media and NGOs saturating the world with anti-communist, anti-PRC propaganda, in the hope that some of it will make its way into China. They rant that China is “not a democracy”, while hiding the fact that the “democratic” structures in the West, which theoretically give each person equal rights, are designed to enable the rich capitalist class to – through their ownership of the media and their greatly disproportionate financial ability to fund political advertising and political parties, hire lobbyists and establish think tanks and NGOs – thoroughly dominate all political discourse to such an extent that the “democracy” is in effect only a dictatorship of the capitalist class over the working class masses. Most deceitfully, the Western ruling classes claim that China is “brutally persecuting” her more European-looking, Muslim, Uyghur minority. To justify this lie, they seize on China’s measures to curb that small section of Uyghurs – spearheaded both by capitalist Uyghurs angry that socialistic rule is curbing their ability to get even richer and a larger number of extreme religious fundamentalist elements who want to impose an ISIS-type regime and who are furious that the PRC’s secular, socialistic system has given Uyghur women too many freedoms – who are intent on overturning socialistic rule in the areas where Uyghurs reside in Northwestern China. Those measures involve putting into boarding schools for both socialist political education and vocational training those Uyghurs who have provided minor support to religious fundamentalist terrorist groups or other violent anti-communist forces. The Western propaganda deliberately ignores the truth that this practice is a very humane alternative to what happens in Australia to Islamic fundamentalists engaged in equivalent acts against the regime here – which is to be locked up for years in Goulburn Supermax prison on terrorism convictions.
Modern Day McCarthyism in Australia in the Service of the Anti-China Cold War
The imperialist rulers have another motive for their anti-PRC propaganda: to make their own populations accept their Cold War drive. To further this purpose, the Australian ruling class has a still more sinister means: to whip up fear and hatred of China by, in an ostentatious way, persecuting organisations and individuals for being supposed Chinese “agents” or “tools for Chinese foreign interference in Australia.” In the most recent case, two weeks ago Sydney man Alexander Csergo was placed into solitary confinement after being subjected to a high-profile arrest, with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) ranting about “espionage”, merely for allegedly providing, for a fee, alleged Chinese officials with open source information (that is from the media and public websites and publications) about “Australia’s national security”. If the accusation is true, this is no different to the numerous people in China hired by Western think tanks, government agencies and media organisations to collect open source information about China’s political and security matters. In another high profile case, Australian citizen and former U.S. fighter pilot, Daniel Duggan, has been imprisoned in harsh conditions here for extradition to the U.S. for allegedly training Chinese military pilots more than ten years ago – even though it is not illegal under Australian law to do so. Then, later this year, a prominent member of Melbourne’s Chinese community, Di Sanh Duong, will face trial under Australia’s authoritarian “foreign interference” laws because he committed the “dastardly act” of organising for his Chinese community organisation to … make a $37,450 donation to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, allegedly so that it will give Chinese people a good name! Meanwhile, the work of the Chinese language-teaching Confucius institutes has been curbed after Australian politicians engaged in truly bonkers accusations that the language schools were tools for Chinese “foreign interference”.
Another victim of sinister Cold-War McCarthyist witch-hunting in Australia: Di Sanh (“Sunny”) Duong is a prominent member of Melbourne’s Chinese community. An ethnic Chinese person from Vietnam and the president of the Federation of Vietnamese-Cambodian Old Chinese Organisations in Oceania, Di Sanh Duong will face trial under the charge of “preparing to commit foreign interference ” … after he organised for his Chinese community organisation to make a $37,450 donation to the Royal Melbourne Hospital and allegedly thereby influence politics through the positive impression that the donation creates! Photo credit: Sina
This modern-day McCarthyist repression has another purpose: to silence the voices of those who dare to speak positively about the PRC. In June 2020, the AFP and ASIO secret police subjected the home of then NSW state MP, Shaoquett Moselmane, to a massive raid three months after he made the manifestly true statement that China had responded effectively to the COVID pandemic. Then his own party, the ALP, followed through further on this witch-hunt by refusing to re-nominate Moselmane for his Senate position for the recent state election, effectively dumping him from parliament. The previous year, Chinese international students were subjected to an intimidating interrogation by Australia’s secret police because they organised a large march in Sydney opposing the pro-colonial, anti-China riots in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the media and the likes of ASPI have been demonising any Chinese community organisation in Australia that refuses to take an avidly anti-PRC line as a “tool of Chinese foreign interference.” There is a reason why Australia’s capitalist ruling class is especially determined to silence pro-PRC voices in the Chinese community. They know that other Australian residents will realise that Chinese international students and migrants from the PRC who have lived in both China and Australia are the best qualified to speak about the realities of life in the PRC. The capitalist class is worried that by speaking positively about life in China, these members of the Chinese community will undermine support for the anti-PRC Cold War and, moreover, could potentially “infect” others here with sympathy for socialism.
We Must Defend Socialistic Rule in China from All Aspects of the Imperialist Campaign to Destroy It
For the very same reasons that it is in the interests of the U.S. and Australian capitalist rulers to destroy socialistic rule in China, it is in the interests of the working class of this country and the world to rally to its defence. The existence of socialistic rule in China and its stunning successes in poverty alleviation gives confidence to the working class masses in the capitalist world that capitalist rule does not need to be accepted – that another alternative is possible.
That is why the workers movement and all socialists must oppose the U.S., British, Australian and other Western regimes’ all-sided campaign to destroy the PRC workers state and the other workers states in Vietnam, Laos, North Korea and Cuba. Here in Australia, we must demand: Down with the Australian regime’s aggressive military buildup against the PRC! U.S./Australian/British/French warships stay out of the South China Sea! No arms shipments to, or diplomatic contacts with, Taiwan’s anti-working class regime! Oppose the Albanese government’s neocolonial meddling in the Pacific – Down with their efforts to intimidate the Solomon Islands and other countries that choose to establish economic and security cooperation with the PRC! Stop the support for anti-communist, anti-PRC exile groups in Australia from the U.S. and Australian regimes and pro-capitalist NGOs! Lift the discriminatory restrictions on Huawei and TikTok! Down with the hysterical campaign against the Confucius Institute language schools! Free Alexander Csergo and pilot Daniel Duggan! Drop the charges against hospital donor Di Sanh Duong! Scrap Australia’s McCarthyist, anti-PRC “foreign interference” laws! Down with the persecution of those Australian Chinese community organisations that refuse to join the Cold War campaign!
If we are to be able to oppose the capitalist ruling class’ Cold War drive against Red China, we must oppose the entire propaganda campaign that is used to “justify” it. We must expose the disgusting lie spread by the Western ruling classes that the PRC is “brutally persecuting” her Uyghur Muslim minority. We must, for example, point out that countries representing 85% of the world’s population have refused to sign on to this claim and that a very large number of countries, including most Muslim-majority countries – as well as the Organisation of Islamic States – have instead praised China’s treatment of Uyghurs after sending fact-finding missions to China’s northwest.
Similarly, we must refute the claim of the imperialists and exiled, anti-communist Tibetans that China is oppressing her Tibetan minority. We must explain that at bottom the clash over Tibet is not between Tibetans and China. Rather it is between, on the one hand, the now exiled, theocratic former rulers of Tibet – and their descendants – who mercilessly exploited and punished their serfs and still long for the day when, with the help of the imperialists, they can once again lord it over the Tibetan masses and, on the other, the former Tibetan serfs – and their descendants – who eventually liberated themselves from feudal serfdom with great assistance from China’s socialist revolution and who today rule the PRC’s Tibetan Autonomous Region. We need to point out that nearly all Tibetans today, just like nearly all Uyghurs, can not only speak their own language – unlike many actually persecuted people like most of Australia’s First Nations people who have been cruelly cut off from their tongue by brutal colonial dispossession – but actually learn to read and write their own language in China’s schools (unlike in the old Tibet when nearly all the serfs who made up 90% of Tibet’s population were kept illiterate) alongside learning the country’s national language, Mandarin. We must stress too that a recent video showing the Dalai Lama, in a public event, kissing a young boy on the lips and then asking the boy to “suck my tongue”, causing the boy to soon after pull away his head, should not be seen just as an isolated, inappropriate sexualised exploitation of a child. Rather, the Dalai Lama’s behavior is a throwback to what the monk aristocratic class that he headed was doing in the old feudal Tibet. As even anti-PRC journalists sometimes have to admit, it was the norm for Tibet’s then monk rulers to rape the young boys who the serfs were forced to give up for monastic slavery.
Above: The Dalai Lama caused a scandal when, in a grossly sexualised way, he kissed a young boy on the lips and then asked the boy to suck his tongue at a public event in India in February 2023. His abusive behavior gives a small sense of what the monk aristocratic class that he headed was doing in the old feudal Tibet, when Tibet’s then monk rulers used to rape most of the the young boys that the serfs were forced to give up for monastic slavery. Top: A serf in the time of the lama-ruled feudal Tibet. The aristocrats held many serfs in chains to prevent them escaping. It was in 1959, ten years after China’s anti-capitalist revolution, that Tibetan and Chinese communists with the crucial backing of the Chinese workers state liberated the serfs that made up 90% of Tibet’s population from the horrific oppression of serfdom. Below: Liberated serfs and their descendants celebrate the 60th anniversary of the emancipation of serfs in Tibet at a ceremony at the Potala Palace square in Lhasa, capital of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region. Bottom: Primary school children in the Tibet Autonomous Region at a class learn to read and write in Tibetan language. Tibetan children in China are taught both Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese in school. Photo credit (Top photo): Tibet.cn website Photo credit (below photo): Xinhua
We need to also explain that the anti-PRC attempted revolt in Hong Kong in 2019 was not a struggle for genuine democracy for all but an attempt by Hong Kong’s upper class and upper middle-class rich kids to maintain their privileged position in the face of their fears that the PRC would gradually bring aspects of socialism to Hong Kong. These pro-colonial rich kids and their U.S., British and Australian backers only wanted Western-style “democracy” because they knew that such a system would enable them to leverage their wealth to dominate all political discourse and elections – just like their class does in Western capitalist “democracies.”
We must also refute the positive portrayal given by capitalist politicians and media to Taiwan’s rulers. We must point out that the Taiwanese regime are the political descendants of the murderous deposed capitalist rulers of China who fled to the island with their ill-gotten wealth following China’s 1949 anti-capitalist revolution and who took over the island in order to use it as a base to foment capitalist restoration in all of China. This is equivalent to Andrew Forrest, Gina Rinehart, the Murdochs and their ilk fleeing the mainland to Tasmania in the wake of a workers revolution here and taking over Tasmania in order to retain it as a capitalist foothold in Australia. As for the so-called “democracy” in Taiwan that the Australian ruling class rave about, it is just like here – in practice only a democracy for the rich. Moreover, in the case of Taiwan, this “democracy” was built on the White Terror period during the first four decades of Taiwan’s existence, when the capitalist regime there carried out a reign of bloody political repression that saw them murder thousands upon thousands of communists and other leftists and imprison hundreds of thousands more. Today, Taiwan’s “democracy” continues to repress the workers movement, with large sections of Taiwan’s working class banned from taking industrial action. Taiwanese workers are subjected to long working hours and harsh military-style regimentation. As a result, suicide rates in capitalist Taiwan are two and a half times what they are in the socialistic mainland of China. The most brutally exploited workers in Taiwan are migrant workers from countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Especially for those migrant workers toiling as domestic maids or in Taiwan’s huge deep sea fishing industry, Taiwan’s “democracy” means very low pay, over 100 hours of work per week and, for many, “debt bondage” and working conditions close to slavery. The PRC is completely justified in wanting to reunify China by reincorporating the rogue province of Taiwan. The mistake of the PRC leadership is that they promise to accommodate Taiwan’s capitalist class in doing so under the “one country, two systems” formula. Instead, we say that the PRC must foment socialist revolution in Taiwan in order to liberate the island’s cruelly exploited working class. For one China under one socialist system!
To oppose the Western imperialists’ war drive against socialistic China we must also stand for the defeat of their proxy war to subordinate Russia. Although Russia is itself ruled by a capitalist exploiting class and although the escalation of the war in Ukraine in February last year was initially mostly a squalid inter-capitalist battle for territory in which the working class had no side, the U.S., Australia and other Western powers intervened into the conflict to such an extent that quickly the war’s initial content was overshadowed by the conflict between the imperialist powers that dominate the world and an economically weaker Russia that they are determined to further weaken and stifle. If their proxy war can be defeated, the Western regimes will be significantly weakened and their ability to mobilise support for their campaign against Red China will be undermined. That is why it is important that we stand for the defence of Russia in this war. We must demand the ending of all arms shipments to Ukraine, the end to all U.S./British/Australian/German training of Ukrainian troops and the lifting of all sanctions against Russia.
Supporting the Imperialist Political and Propaganda War against the PRC Means Fueling the War Drive against Her
Despite the incessant anti-China propaganda, there is much opposition to the AUKUS nuclear submarine project amongst some sections of the masses. Some of this is due to the gigantic cost of the scheme, especially when the government claims that it can’t find funding for a desperately needed increase in public housing, adequate funding for the NDIS and public hospitals and resources for a meaningful across the board increase in Jobseeker. There are also worries about nuclear accidents and the submarines displacing a civilian port where they are based, alongside fears that the submarine base will become a target for military attack, all of which are fueling understandable local opposition to the prospect of the submarines being based in the NSW South Coast’s Port Kembla, which is said to be one of three to five sites under consideration as a possible base site. Then there is opposition to provoking a war against China. As a result of such sentiments, many unions and even ALP branches have declared their opposition to the nuclear submarine project.
Aware of this opposition, the Greens have come out against the nuclear submarine project and the open drive towards military conflict with China. At the same time the Greens fully support the political and propaganda war against the PRC. Thus, they joined the rest of the parliamentary parties in strongly backing the 2019 attempted anti-communist uprising by the pro-colonial, Hong Kong rich kids. It is notable too that the Greens most outspoken opponent of AUKUS, senator David Shoebridge has been at the same time the most avid promoter of anti-communist hostility to the PRC. He has joined extreme right-wing, former Liberal MP (and now leader of the far right United Australia Party) Craig Kelly in supporting the claims of the far-right, extreme-homphobic, Chinese pseudo religious group, Falun Dafa that China has been executing Falun Dafa prisoners in order to harvest their organs. Given that Falun Dafa says that heaven is segregated into separate sections for White, Yellow and Black races in which people of mixed race have no place, avidly supported Donald Trump and promoted nutty COVID and anti-Vax conspiracy theories, anyone who is not prejudiced by their own hostility to the PRC workers state would deduce that Falun Dafa’s claims about organ harvesting are as bonkers as the rest of their right-wing extremist assertions. But that does not include Shoebridge! Also, it was Shoebridge who spearheaded the McCarthyist witchhunt that expelled the Confucius Institutes from teaching the Chinese language at NSW schools. Mixing rabid anti-communism with nationalist xenophobia, as he attacked the then NSW Coalition government from the right, Shoebridge outdid the likes of a Peter Dutton, an Andrew Hastie or an ASPI fanatic when he ranted that:
“Under the arrangement there are Chinese government appointees working directly inside the NSW Education Department. No foreign government officials should be inside the NSW government….
“This is a pretty stunning example of the NSW Government selling access to NSW school kids, and this time selling that access to the Government of a one-party state.
“The secrecy behind this program just increased the concern about inappropriate foreign influence, and now we see why.”
Greens NSW website, 23 Aug 2019
Moreover, while stating opposition to the drive towards war with China, Shoebridge and the Greens as a whole are fully on the side of Western imperialism in their proxy war against Russia. Yet if the Western imperialist powers triumph in their proxy war against Russia, they will be emboldened to escalate their war drive against socialistic China.
Like the Greens, the far-left groups Socialist Alternative (SAlt) and Socialist Alliance (SA) also back Western imperialism’s proxy war against Russia. Both even support Ukraine getting Western arms. In supporting the imperialist proxy war against Russia, SAlt and SA are on the side of an outcome in this Ukraine war that can only encourage the Western imperialist war drive against China – a war drive that they nominally oppose.
Still more harmfully, SAlt, SA and the Solidarity group – tragically alongside many others on the Left – back the forces seeking to destroy the Chinese workers state from within. Thus, all three groups joined the Albanese government, the Biden regime and all the capitalist media in hailing last November’s Chinese version of the Far Right-led, anti-COVID response “Freedom” protests (known as the A4 protests for the blank A4 pieces of paper held by many protesters), in which outright capitalist counterrevolutionaries were a significant component – as were a larger component of those with dangerous illusions in Western-style “democracy” who were not necessarily open anti-communists. Indeed, Solidarity and SAlt both cheered the most outright counterrevolutionary aspect of these A4 protests: that a section of the Shanghai protest started chanting, “Communist Party! Step down! Xi Jinping! Step down!” Earlier in 2019, all these groups, alongside to a lesser degree the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), enthusiastically supported the Hong Kong pro-colonial, rich people’s attempted uprising against the PRC. They even marched in joint demonstrations in Sydney with extreme anti-communists and right-wingers (as did on at least one occasion the Socialist Equality Party) in support of Hong Kong’s imperialist-backed anti-PRC movement. In doing so these groups are not only treacherously on the side of the forces seeking to destroy the world’s largest workers state, they are also undermining the campaign against the military aspect of the war drive against China – a protest campaign that they are actively part of. For by teaching the people that they influence, primarily leftist-minded people, who are thus amongst the people who could be most easily won to the struggle against the anti-China war drive, that the PRC state is a force for reaction, it makes their leftist audience much less willing to make the effort to join actions opposing the war moves against this very same state. Indeed, one can say that the likes of SAlt, SA and Solidarity have so energetically and effectively convinced leftist youth that the PRC state should be opposed that they are now having trouble building the movement against the anti-China war drive. Yet these groups are still at it today! They ape the lying imperialist propaganda that China is brutally oppressing Uyghurs and Tibetans and unjustly repressing Hong Kong people.
Melbourne, 17 August 2019: One of a number of rallies that were held in Australia in support of the 2019 violent, attempted pro-colonial uprising by Hong Kong rich kids. The Australian demonstrations brought together anti-PRC Hong Kong international students, hardline anti-communist supporters of the deposed, murderous, South Vietnamese regime – brandishing the yellow with three red stripes flag of that overthrown U.S.-puppet regime – that fled Vietnam following her 1975 socialist revolution, Australian white supremacists and other far-right anti-communists. Criminally, these protests were not only promoted by all the mainstream media but were also supported by the Australian socialist groups, Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance, all of whom took part in several of the anti-communist rallies.
Bogus Theories Used to Justify Capitulation to Movements Seeking to Destroy the PRC Workers State
Those far-left groups that back the forces seeking to destroy socialistic rule in China excuse their stance by claiming that the PRC is just another capitalist state. The breadth of left groups pushing such “theories” range from SAlt to Solidarity to SA to the Socialist Equality Party to the Australian Communist Party to the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist). Their “China is capitalist” “theories” are all just simply plain wrong! After all, if the PRC is just another capitalist country, why are Australia’s capitalist rulers at the very forefront of the imperialist drive to crush the PRC when the Australian capitalists reap such huge profits from trade with China? Now, one could incorrectly claim that the Australian capitalists are being pressured by the U.S. to act against their own interests by joining the anti-China war drive. However, the main proponents of the “China is capitalist” “theories” themselves acknowledge, quite correctly, that the Australian capitalist class is a junior imperialist ruling class in its own right and, thus, acts in its own class interests rather than that of its U.S. senior partners. So why the hell would they want to risk losing such huge profits from trade with China by antagonising the latter if it is capitalist? The capitalists are very greedy but they are not stupid – they are all-too conscious of what is in their interests! Even if Australia’s capitalist rulers had other reasons for wanting to maintain their alliance with the U.S., if China were indeed “capitalist” and an imperialist rival to the U.S., the Australian ruling class would be doing everything possible to reduce tensions between the U.S. and China in order to protect their lucrative trade with the latter. But today, the Australian ruling class, both under Morrison and Albanese, have been egging on its senior partners to be ever more hostile to the PRC. The ONLY way that one can explain why an independent imperialist country whose ruling class reaps such massive benefits from trade with China would want to wage an all-sided military and political Cold War against her is because the PRC is indeed not “capitalist” but actually a workers state.
If the PRC is actually an “imperialist” power how did it get to be so? A key plank of Trotskyist theory which has been confirmed time and time again by history is that it is impossible for the colonial and semi-colonial countries subjugated by imperialism to truly free themselves from imperialist domination unless the working class leads all the downtrodden people in the seizure of state power. Now, no leftist would contest that China before 1949 was a brutally subjugated neocolony of the imperialist powers. How then has this former neocolony “under capitalist rule” not only completely freed itself from imperialist subjugation but caught up and overtaken so many other countries in development that it is now itself, supposedly, an “imperialist” power. Trotskyist and indeed Leninist theory – and the whole course of world history – say that this is just plain impossible!
The “China is capitalist” “theories” are just an adaptation of “theory” by those leftists seeking a justification to allow them to avoid the difficult task of having to defend the PRC workers state against all forms of attack. We should add that there is a self-fulfilling aspect to their stance. For by supporting forces seeking to destroy the PRC state under the rationale that the PRC state is in fact “capitalist”, these forces are emboldening pro-capitalist elements within the PRC state bureaucracy. For example, it is apparent that last November’s anti-communist-influenced A4 protests in China have handed the right-wing of the bureaucracy and the Communist Party of China (CPC) a stick with which to beat Xi Jinping and more so the more staunchly pro-communist, left-wing of the CPC and state institutions. The right factions would have been able to argue, “the recent measures to reduce inequality (dubbed “common prosperity” measures in China) pushed by Xi have angered some of the upper middle class in our country (who were the main strata participating in the A4 protests). We don’t want to make them our enemies. We need to pull back from some of these measures – they have gone too far” and “Look how powerful the Western powers are: they can even help incite protests here within China. We cannot thumb our noses at these powerful forces – they are too strong. We need to accommodate their concerns and meet them half-way in order to mollify them.” Indeed, it seems that although the A4 protests were small, they have pushed the political mood in China slightly to the right: there is less talk now of “curbing the disorderly expansion of capital” under which the PRC was cracking down on bigshot tech and real estate capitalists and slightly more statements calling for greater efforts to specially support the private, that is capitalist, sector. To be sure, overall, the PRC’s political atmosphere is still somewhat in a more socialist direction than it had been, say, five years ago. However, by supporting last November’s anti-communist influenced A4 protests, those far-left groups claiming that the PRC is “capitalist” have actually helped the soft-on-capitalism forces within the PRC state to gain greater sway than they previously had.
In contrast, we in Trotskyist Platform have influenced the intense political battle going on in China in favour of those who want to strengthen the PRC’s socialist foundations and the socialistic public sector of her economy. We have done so by initiating and building several united front actions openly in solidarity with the PRC workers state. When the 70th anniversary of the PRC occurred in 2019 during the midst of the anti-PRC, rich kid revolt in Hong Kong, we joined with the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA) in building an action that saw over 60 people march through the streets of Sydney behind the slogans: “Working Class People in Australia & the World: Stand With Socialistic China!” and “Defeat Hong Kong’s Pro-Colonial, Anti-Communist Movement!” When word and photos of the action found their way back to communists in the North-western Chinese city of Xian, they were thrilled to see that people in Australia would openly take such a stance. In this way, we uplifted the spirits of staunch communists committed to the defence of socialism and demoralised those seeking an accommodation with capitalism.
Above and Below: Participants listen to a speech by Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer, during the 7 October 2019 demonstration calling on “Working Class People in Australia & the World” to “Stand With Socialistic China.” The united-front action was built primarily by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association. This rally and march through the centre of Sydney city also called to “Defeat Hong Kong’s Pro-Colonial, Anti-Communist [Opposition] Movement!”
Given that there are wealthy capitalists within China itching to gain greater “rights” so that they can in the future make a bid for state power, we say thatit is crucial to weaken the power of the capitalists within China. We call to confiscate capitalist-owned enterprises in the sectors of China where the capitalist private sector is strongest – that is in the tech, real estate, big retail and light manufacturing sectors – and bring them into public ownership. For state takeover of promising small private enterprises that are in financial trouble – not tax concessions for them! Advance China’s socialistic state sector! We also say that China needs genuine workers democracy in order to make the PRC’s state economic sector more efficient and creative. The closer the PRC catches up with the technological level of the richest of the capitalist countries, the more crucial this will be in order to foster independent innovation in the socialist sector. However, we only have a right to make such calls for workers democracy in China and for the curbing of the private sector because we are resolutely fighting here in imperialist Australia to oppose all political, military, propaganda and economic attacks on socialistic rule in China.
The Danger that the “No War on China” Movement Is Diverted into A Movement Appealing to the Australian Ruling Class to Be More “Independent” of the U.S.
Given how determined the Australian rulers are to be part of the Cold War drive against Red China the slogans of any movement opposing this war drive must be carefully chosen. Local opposition to having the nuclear submarines based in Port Kembla has galvanised around the slogan “Port Kembla: No Place For a Nuclear Base.” The problem is that a movement centred on this demand will at best succeed in changing the location of the submarine base and causing inconvenience to the regime. But it will not substantially weaken the overall war drive against China. That is why Port Kembla locals initially mobilised around the possible local location of the submarine base must then be won to an understanding of the need to defend the socialistic PRC against the entire political, military, economic and propaganda campaign against her. This means that NSW South Coast-based activists that already understand the need to take this stance must not get caught up in promoting the “No Place For a Nuclear Base” agenda. Instead, they must help win others to a deeper commitment to oppose the all-sided anti-PRC Cold War drive.
There is, however, a much broader danger to the “No War on China” campaign. Given that a considerable amount of leftists believe that the only reason that Canberra is supporting the anti-China war drive is because the Australian ruling class are “compradors” of their U.S. “masters” who are “selling out” “Australia’s national interest” to Washington, there is a danger that the movement is organised around slogans calling for “Australia to break free from U.S. diktats and act independently”. Such an agenda would seem attractive to sell and a line of least resistance because it could appeal to “little Australia” nationalism and appeal to a section of the capitalist class and pro-capitalist sections of the middle class. The narrative such an agenda is based on is indeed a version of what Paul Keating outlined in his opposition to AUKUS. The problem is that this whole narrative is simply not true. As we have pointed out, Australia’s capitalist rulers are just as committed to destroying the PRC workers state as their U.S. senior partners are. Indeed, often the Australian capitalists are even more fanatical in their hostility to the PRC than their U.S. counterparts. This is because since the PRC is a workers state in Asia, her win-win cooperation with developing countries is often focused on the very same countries that the Australian imperialists consider in their “backyard”. In this way the PRC, without meaning to, greatly disrupts the ability of Australian capitalists to ravage these very countries for their imperialist super-profits. By contrast, the U.S. superpower has imperialist interests all over the world. It is notable that rather than the U.S. pressuring Australia to accept nuclear submarines, it was the Australian regime that for years lobbied the U.S. and Britain to assist it in acquiring nuclear subs. Appeals to the Australian ruling class to “act independently from the U.S.” and “refuse to be part of the buildup towards war with China” will, thus, largely fall on deaf fears. The bulk of the Australian capitalist class are committed to the campaign to destroy socialistic rule in China because they have calculated that this is in their interests. The section of the capitalist establishment represented by Paul Keating is, in fact, tiny.
There is another more fundamental problem with this approach. Even if a movement built on the line of appealing for “Australia to break free from U.S. diktats and act independently” were to mobilise a huge number of people it will not halt the war drive against China. Gven that the strategic justification for the nuclear submarines is tenuous it is quite possible that Australian governments may downsize the program, or even scrap it, in favour of acquiring other war machines – like more surface ships, more long range naval missiles and B21 nuclear-capable bombers. Yet that would hardly be a step forward for the campaign to oppose the drive towards war with China. The reason why even a huge movement based on appealing to the ruling class to change its policy because it is not in the “national interests” will not deter the capitalist class’ war drive against China is because such a movement does not politically threaten or scare the capitalists. After all, the movement will only be proposing what it thinks is good for the capitalists themselves (along with the rest of the “nation”). The capitalist class will understand that such a movement is not a step towards rebellious hostility towards them. Hence they will not be scared by the movement … they will simply ignore it!
To explain this point further, it is worth going back to one of the largest rallies in Australian history. In mid-February 2003 some half a million people marched through the streets of Sydney against the impending war on Iraq. For those who participated, the sheer size of the action was a buzz. However, the dominant political line of the march was that though this war was wrong and bad for Australia, if the shooting started then “we will support our troops” – that is, support the Australian imperialist military against the Iraqi people. Many participants did have a better, more anti-imperialist, line. But the overall line of the movement was so acceptable to the ruling class that some Liberal Party politicians participated in the protest. As a result, the movement did not scare the capitalists at all. They simply ignored the protest, despite its gigantic size, and carried on with their role in the heinous U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Soon, the ruling class’ decision to be unruffled by the protest was proven correct. Once the shooting started, the movement collapsed in size in accordance with its capitalist state-loyal line.
We should note that the Australian ruling class will be even more determined to see off any protests against the Cold War drive against the PRC than they were over the Iraq invasion. In Iraq, Australia’s interests in the war were only to ensure the success of their great power protector. In contrast, today, Australia’s capitalist rulers, like their AUKUS, Quad and other allies, see the matter of crushing socialistic rule in China as an existential question. Even if two million people are on the streets appealing to the ruling class to change their policy for the sake of its own “national interests”, the capitalist rulers will ignore it. By contrast, if even a much smaller, but still sizable, number of people are marching through the streets saying that they oppose the war drive against China because they stand with socialistic China against capitalist threats, the capitalist rulers would be terrified! For such a movement solidarising with a workers state against the capitalist rulers inevitably poses a future leap to a movement fighting for a workers state right here. Such a movement could, therefore, actually win concessions from the frightened capitalist class in the form of a scaling back of their war drive. This is the kind of movement that we need!
One of the most successful sets of anti-imperialist movements in history were the workers’ protests in Western countries like Britain and France that followed the 1917 Russian Revolution and that opposed the sending of troops to crush the young Soviet Russian workers state. Although several powers did send troops, the level of intervention was much less than the imperial powers wanted. For they feared that if they tried to send bigger contingents it could trigger not only mutinies but revolutions that would overthrow them. The fact that the imperial powers could not send the level of forces that they wanted to in order to aid Russian counterrevolutionaries allowed the heroic Soviet Red Army to win the Civil War against the capitalist restorationist forces.
Today, if we are to push back the U.S. and Australian imperialists’ war drive against Red China we too must build a movement that can scare the hell out of the capitalist rulers. However, to be realistic, given that the imperialist ruling classes understand that the continuing successful development of socialistic China is an existential threat to their own rule, to actually end the Western imperialist drive towards war with China will take nothing short of the overthrow of capitalism in one or a number of Western countries. That is why every move that we make in the campaign against AUKUS and the struggle against the drive towards war with China must advance the struggle towards socialist revolution. For starters that means we must never appeal to any section or party of the capitalist class, because the understanding that no section of the capitalist class can be allies of the toiling people’s struggle for liberation is key to advancing the revolutionary political consciousness of the masses. Therefore, Paul Keating can do his own thing. If he creates some dissension within the capitalist establishment well and good. Even here it is a double-edged sword. For Keating is known by politically aware workers for having presided over privatisations, the introduction of enterprise bargaining and anti-strike laws, the weakening of the union movement and the redistribution of income from the poor to rich. His speaking out against AUKUS could actually tarnish the campaign against AUKUS in the eyes of some. But the most important thing is that we must not alter the slogans of the movement to appeal to the likes of Keating. We need to, instead, set the slogans to appeal to the class interests of the working class and the pro-worker section of the middle class. What better way to do this than to appeal to the class interests that the working class have in defending a state – the PRC – that is centred on collective public ownership of the backbone economic sectors: the form of economic organisation that favours the working class masses. This too is the way to build a movement that can scare the capitalists and push them into potential backdowns. Building such a movement means taking head-on the anti-communist propaganda against Red China. No serious movement against the drive towards war against China can be built without challenging this incessant anti-PRC propaganda. So while it is correct to participate in anti-AUKUS and anti-Quad protests that have been called on other slogans, all our work in these actions should be directed towards the purpose of building a movement that openly fights for the defence of socialistic rule in China against U.S./British/Australian/NATO political, military, economic and propaganda attacks.
Beijing, 25 June 2017: Workers at state-owned CRRC (China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation) gather for a ceremony to mark the launch of a new model of high-speed train called “Rejuvenation”. China has nearly three-quarters of the world’s entire length of high-speed rail lines. The country’s magnificent high-speed rail system is a triumph of her socialistic state-owned enterprises. The high-speed trains are designed and manufactured by CRRC, the trains are operated by China State Railway Group Company and the network and infrastructure is constructed by state-owned constructions companies like the China Railway Construction Corporation. The successes in development and poverty alleviation of China’s socialistic system based on working-class rule (albeit administered indirectly by a middle-class bureaucracy) and the dominant role of public ownership is an existential threat to capitalist ruling classes around the world because of the example that it sets. For the very same reason, the existence of socialistic rule in China is a great advance for not only the masses of China but for all working-class people of the world. This massive conquest for the toiling classes – and for humanity – must be defended intransigently!
The Question of Defence of Socialistic Rule in China is Not a Question That We Can Agree to Disagree On
Other than for ourselves in Trotskyist Platform, there is one other significant Left group involved in anti-AUKUS protests that also supports socialistic rule in China. That is the Communist Party of Australia (CPA). Unfortunately, the CPA largely confines its solidarity with the PRC as a workers state to the pages of its newspaper. In protests and meetings against AUKUS and the war drive against China, the CPA largely avoids solidarising with the PRC as a workers state and refuses to expose other movement participants that echo the imperialist propaganda against the PRC. No doubt, some CPA comrades would argue that this is for the sake of the united front against AUKUS. But such a stance is flawed. For one, it is precisely the effect of the massive propaganda war against the PRC that makes it harder to build movements against the military buildup against her. The need to oppose that anti-communist propaganda must be motivated to all that want to oppose the anti-China military escalation.
As severe as the military threats are to the PRC, the biggest threat to the workers state is not from direct military attack but from internal counterrevolution. The military pressure, of course, encourages and strengthens the forces of capitalist restoration. However, it is counterrevolutionaries themselves that are the most dangerous direct threat. Let us not forget that the Soviet workers state was in the end not destroyed by military attack but by the internal counterrevolutionary forces funded and directed by Western imperialism. To argue that opposition to capitalist counterrevolutionary forces threatening the Chinese workers state should be foregone for the sake of building a united front with anti-PRC forces on the basis of only opposing some of the military escalation against the PRC, is to fail to properly stand in solidarity with socialistic China.
As important as is the struggle against the nuclear submarine project, the overall need to defend the PRC workers state is far more important. Consider the enormous cost of the nuclear submarine deal, which will likely end up as much as at least half a trillion dollars. However, should capitalist rule be restored in China it will not only be a disaster for the Chinese masses but, by drastically driving down the wages and conditions of hundreds of millions of Chinese workers, it will lead to a race to the bottom that will send the wages and conditions of workers in Australia and the rest of the world into a tailspin. Meanwhile, the capitalists worldwide, triumphant after the defeat of working class rule in such a huge country, would feel emboldened to further attack the rights of the working class and the poor at home. This is just like how the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution in the former Soviet Union led to a huge increase in the rate of exploitation of workers in Australia and the rest of the world. In the end, the loss in Australian workers’ living standards that would result from the PRC workers state being drowned in capitalist counterrevolution will dwarf the gigantic costs that workers will have to bear to fund the nuclear submarine program. In summary, the need to defend the PRC workers state from internal and external threats cannot be excused on an argument that the issue of the PRC’s class character should be shelved for the sake of the “unity” of the movement against the nuclear subs.
The capitalist rulers of Australia, the U.S., Britain and other imperialist countries know that the survival of their own system demands the crushing of socialistic rule in China. To resist this drive we need to build a powerful movement that openly calls for the defence of socialistic rule in China against capitalist attack, that opposes the political and propaganda attacks on the PRC as much as the military ones, that appeals to the workers’ class interests rather than the “national interests” of Australia’s capitalist class and that advances the future struggle for socialist revolution in Australia. In order to urgently begin building such a movement, we advocate that the following central slogans be raised at protests against AUKUS and the Quad:
Defend socialistic rule in China against the U.S./Australian/NATO rulers’ war drive and their political and propaganda attacks!
Stand with socialistic China to stand by working-class interests!
Stop the Attacks on Anti-Racist Struggles in the U.S. and Australia! Down With McCarthyist Repression!
Support Anti-Racist Organisers Imprisoned in Denver, USA!
The following letter of solidarity was sent to the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), a leftist group in the U.S. whose members were charged and imprisoned (they have now been released on bail) for organising anti-racist protests demanding justice for Elijah McClain, a 23 year-old black man murdered by racist police.
We encourage other organisations in the anti-racist movement, Left and workers movement in Australia to also support the campaign to defend the persecuted activists. Send letters of solidarity to the PSL to the following E-mail address: info@pslweb.org
Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Party for
Socialism and Liberation,
Trotskyist Platform sends our support, from
here in Australia, to the anti-racist organisers who were arrested in Denver,
Colorado on September 17. We understand that four of the six arrested activists
are members of your group, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL). We
therefore also send our solidarity to you in the PSL. We are in full solidarity
with the arrested activists because they are being persecuted for doing very
worthy work: organising protests demanding justice for Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old
black man murdered last year by racist police when he was walking home from a
convenience store. It is outrageous that the arrested organisers have been hit
with completely bogus charges, including one of “kidnapping”; and that they now
face the threat of being imprisoned for years.
The arrests of the Denver anti-racists is
part of the vicious repression of Black Lives Matter struggles that has been
ordered by the divisive White nationalist in the White House, Donald Trump. Yet
it is telling that the District Attorney (DA) Dave Young who filed charges
against the activists is a Democrat. He is the very same DA who refused to lay
charges against the cops who killed Elijah McClain. All this confirms that it
will be bad news whether it is the Republican Trump or the Democrat Biden who
wins next month’s presidential election. It is the working class masses, with
doubly oppressed black workers in the lead, united with all the downtrodden
that is the force that can push back against racist violence, job slashing and
capitalist exploitation of workers.
Here in Australia, the racist rich people’s
regime has overseen the deaths of more than 450 Aboriginal people in state
custody in just the last three decades. This regime incarcerates Aboriginal
people at a rate even higher than that which the U.S. rulers imprison black
people. Meanwhile, just as in the U.S., the capitalist rulers here repress
anti-racist struggles. Police here have used the need for social distancing
during the pandemic as an excuse to crush several rallies protesting against
the racist murders of Aboriginal people by police and prison guards.
Australia’s authorities have attacked the demonstrations despite protest
organisers’ strenuous efforts to ensure COVID-safe events and even while the
regime allows crowding of people in dangerously virus-spreading, indoor
commercial environments. Tellingly too, rallies that fall in behind the
Australian capitalist regime’s agenda have conspicuously been allowed to take
place even while Black Lives Matter actions have been attacked. The very day
before police shut down a July 27 Sydney rally demanding justice for David
Dungay – a 26 year-old Aboriginal man suffocated to death by prison guards in
circumstances eerily similar to the murder of George Floyd – police facilitated
an anti-communist rally outside the Chinese Consulate in Sydney held by the New
Federal State of China, an outfit spearheaded by Trump’s fascistic former
campaign adviser, Steve Bannon.
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The attacks on anti-racist protest
organisers in the U.S. and repression in Australia are also part of an alarming
rise in McCarthyist attacks on leftists in both countries. The more that the
capitalist system is unable to provide secure jobs for workers and the more
that downtrodden communities resist the brutal racist oppression that is
characteristic of capitalist societies, the more the U.S. and Australian rulers
crack down on conscious opponents of capitalist rule. Meanwhile, with the
world’s largest socialistic power – the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) –
continuing to grow in strength and with its system having shown to the world
its superiority over capitalism when it comes to handling the COVID-19 threat,
the U.S. and Australian regimes have cranked up their Cold War drive against
the PRC. This has been accompanied at home here in Australia by authoritarian
persecution of both, on the one hand, Chinese migrants, international students
and scholars sympathetic to the PRC and, on the other, non-Chinese people who
make even the slightest comments sympathetic to the PRC and her allies. It is
perhaps no coincidence that the group targeted as part of the Denver arrests,
your group the PSL, happens to be one of the all too few socialist
organizations in the U.S. with enough political courage to oppose the Cold War
attacks on the PRC. Here, Australia’s ASIO secret police have carried out
terrifying raids on the homes of Chinese journalists working in Australia; and
subjected to threatening interrogations Chinese international students who
organised a Sydney rally in August last year opposing the pro-colonial,
anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, in June, a NSW upper house parliamentarian,
Shaoquett Moselmane, was subjected to a draconian raid by Australian regime
forces after he had the temerity to praise China’s response to the pandemic. As
a result of the accompanying political and media witch hunt, the elected state
senator was prevented from sitting in state parliament for nearly four months
until ASIO had to finally admit that he was not the focus of a “foreign
interference investigation”. Meanwhile, a sympathizer of the PRC’s socialistic
ally, North Korea, has been imprisoned here in harsh conditions for the last
nearly three years. Chan Han Choi has been charged with trying to broker deals
to assist the people of North Korea to evade cruel economic sanctions but has
been denied bail, as he awaits trial, largely on the basis of his avowed
sympathies for the socialistic country. All this Cold War repression has
created such a national security obsession that it has allowed the Australian
regime to repress other dissidents and whistleblowers who have no direct
connection with Cold War issues. Thus, a military lawyer David McBride is being
threatened with 50 years in prison after being charged with disclosing to the
media details of heinous war crimes by Australian special forces troops in
Afghanistan. Meanwhile, another whistleblower along with his lawyer, Bernard
Collaery, are being persecuted in the courts for revealing to the world the
spying on East Timor’s government by Australia’s overseas spy agency as part of
this regime’s neocolonial drive to steal impoverished East Timor’s energy
Especially given the commonalities between
the attacks on anti-racist organisers and PSL activists in the U.S. and racist
and right-wing repression in this country, we will do what we can to promote
solidarity with the Denver anti-racists within the Australian anti-racist and
Left movements. We demand: Stop the
attacks on anti-racist struggles in the U.S. and Australia! Drop all the
charges against the Denver anti-racist organisers! Justice for Elijah McClain, David Dungay and all victims of racist,
capitalist state terror! Free and drop all charges against Chan Han
Choi! Down with the growing Cold War McCarthyist repression in the U.S. and
Step Up
Our Struggle to Free Socialist
Political Prisoner in Australia Chan Han Choi
8 June 2020: Left-wing political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi continues to languish in prison. He has been jailed since December 2017 on charges of trying to help the people of North Korea to evade UN economic sanctions. Even if the claims against him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint. Quite the opposite! It would simply prove that he is a great humanitarian aiding people who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, life for all prisoners has become even tougher. For the last nearly three months all visits to NSW prisoners have been blocked. This has been especially tough on Choi as the prison system has specifically banned him from making telephone calls to his friends. This is supposedly on “national security” grounds. The only person Choi is permitted to call is his wife. However, the authorities have stipulated that all conversations must be in English. But since his wife speaks little English and Choi’s English is also limited, in practice he cannot speak to his wife either. He long ago stopped calling her after authorities threatened that if they broke into Korean in conversation on the phone he would be transferred to Goulburn Supermax prison! Thus, for over two months, Choi was effectively prevented from having any contact with any family or friends. Finally, two weeks ago, Choi’s friends have started being able to speak to him again in a limited way. Authorities have now allowed prisoners to receive AVL (Audio Visual Link) “visits” as a substitute for physical, contact visits. However, these weekly AVL “visits” are only for 25 minutes, whereas the usual physical visits were for two hours per weekly visit.
Today, at the Long Bay Prison Hospital where Choi is imprisoned, we saw both the stress that prisoners are under since their visits have been blocked and the brutality that they face from guards. Aerial media footage from helicopter shows guards unleashing tear gas and attack dogs against prisoners in a yard. The footage then shows the guards moving into another yard where all the inmates were lying face down on the ground at the command of guards and totally compliant. However, apparently for sadistic pleasure, guards begin throwing tear gas at the motionless prisoners lying on the ground and then start ferociously clubbing some of the inmates with batons. One prisoner is meanwhile bitten by a dog. We do not know if Choi was one of the prisoners assaulted. Prison authorities claim that the guards were reacting to a fight between prisoners over drugs but the footage does not show any skirmish. Instead, the media footage taken from helicopter shows six prisoners using materials to spell out “BLM”, which stands for Black Lives Matter. It is thus possible that the authorities attacked the prisoners because they expressed their political support for the struggle against racist oppression. On its Facebook page, the Abolitionist and Transformative Justice Centre (an alliance of lawyers, social workers and activists in support of Indigenous Australians) called it an “ongoing Black Lives Matter uprising”. “There is massive resistance,” their post said.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic means that the health of all prisoners are at great risk. In the conditions of a prison, where many people are indoors together, a virus outbreak could spread like wildfire. Inmates like Choi are especially vulnerable as he is over 60 years of age and has a major pre-existing medical condition that has become more serious while imprisoned.
Chan Han Choi had been set to go on trial on March 9. Supporters of Choi organised a protest rally outside court to mark this trial commencement. However, at the last moment, the trial was postponed. As rally organisers were unable to contact everyone who was planning to attend, some of Choi’s core supporters went ahead with the rally anyway and were joined by some of the other supporters who were not able to be notified of the trial postponement. We print below, in lightly edited and condensed form, the speeches of two of the speakers at the demonstration: rally mc Sarah Fitzenmeyer, who is also the Chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform and Samuel Kim a leading Trotskyist Platform activist. Comrade Kim is of Korean background.
Sarah Fitzenmeyer (rally introduction): Thank you to everyone who has come here to support today’s action which is calling for freedom for left-wing political prisoner right here in Australia, Chan Han Choi. Choi has been imprisoned for two years and three months for his sympathy for socialistic North Korea. Today was to be a huge day for Choi because it was supposed to be the start of his trial but at the last minute it has been postponed…. This, however, certainly isn’t any reason for us not to be here today protesting loudly against an injustice that really needs to be condemned each and every day. Indeed, we won’t stop protesting until our brave socialist comrade, Chan Han Choi, a heroic political prisoner right here in racist, capitalist Australia is finally set free!
Firstly, let us acknowledge that we are on stolen Aboriginal land. This is the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. Aboriginal people continue to suffer in this country. And in standing by a victim of persecution today, Chan Han Choi, it is our duty to also commit to stand by the Aboriginal people’s struggle for liberation. In the very same wing of the prison that Chan Han Choi is incarcerated in, the Prison Hospital wing of Long Bay Jail, a 26 year-old Aboriginal man, David Dungay, was crushed to death by six racist prison officers four years ago. David Dungay’s family still have not received justice. Neither have any of the other families of Aboriginal people who have been killed in state custody by racist state personnel. The same racist, rich people’s regime that unleashes brutal terror against Aboriginal people is today persecuting socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi.
Han Choi was arrested for allegedly trying to organise deals to help the people
of North Korea evade crippling United Nations economic sanctions. But the
reason that he is still in jail is because of his political views and the fact
that he proudly continues to maintain his opposition to the sanctions against North
Korea. The Australian Federal Police in their submission to the courts openly
gave as one of their reasons for opposing bail the fact that Choi has made
defiant statements from prison identifying the economic sanctions on North
Korea as being unjust and unfair. So for expressing his opposition to these cruel
sanctions, Choi is stripped of his human rights and kept languishing, locked up
in jail.
Choi’s entire experience being locked up over the last two years has been one of discrimination because of his political stance. Choi has been denied many of the rights that should be accorded to all prisoners. Most concerning has been the obstructing of legal access to him. When Choi had a government-appointed lawyer who was pressuring Choi to plead “Guilty,” that lawyer had ready access to Choi. But after Choi sacked this lawyer and found alternate representation, the new lawyers’ access to Choi became obstructed once it became clear to authorities that they were not going to pressure him into pleading “guilty.” Even after Choi’s legal team could finally see him, suitably qualified Korean-English interpreters were still blocked from accompanying legal visits. This lack of access to interpreters was the main grounds for Choi’s second bail application that was heard on December 20. The judge again denied bail but said that if an interpreter was not found by December 31, bail would become highly likely. Suddenly, however, after a few days, Corrective Services NSW granted access to an interpreter. So after qualified interpreters were completely blocked for over 16 months, suddenly one was cleared to come and translate for him within days! This was organised with such speed simply to ensure that Choi would not get bail! That shows how corrupt and biased the Australian regime agencies are. This is the same Corrective Services NSW that took over four months to approve visits to Choi from his friends.
the eight charges against Choi relate to alleged brokering of the export of
produce from North Korea to entities in third countries, except for one of the
charges, which alleges that Choi attempted to broker the import of petroleum
products from Iran to the DPRK. Choi
has pleaded not guilty to all the eight charges. Yet even if the claims against
him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint.
Quite the opposite! It would simply prove that he was aiding people who are
being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed. Similar sanctions
imposed on Iraq caused the deaths of over 500,000 babies in just the first
eight years of their implementation from 1990 onwards. Although the DPRK’s
socialistic system has enabled her to avert such catastrophic consequences, the
sanctions still cause terrible hardship to her people.
Choi is a humanitarian who has seen the suffering that the sanctions have caused. He is also a socialist who sympathises with North Korea because he likes the society’s egalitarianism. Whatever one thinks of North Korea’s leaders, the fact is that her people have built a system based upon public ownership of the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. It is a state that was won by the masses in brave struggle to defeat the former capitalists and landlords. In supporting such a socialistic system, Choi is also standing by the interests of those in Australia hurt by the capitalist system – that is, those suffering from the effects of privatisation, casualisation of employment, job slashing by bosses, bullying by banks, sell-offs of public housing and rising rents. Choi can be considered an anti-privatisation warrior and a champion of public ownership – a champion of a system that would favour the working class majority of this country and the world. Working class people must in turn now stand by him!
Our next speaker is Samuel Kim representing Trotskyist Platform, the group that has initiated today’s united front action. Samuel has worked as hard as anyone over the last couple of years in the campaign to free Chan Han Choi.
23 November 2019, Sydney: Supporters of socialist political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, rally to demand his freedom.
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Samuel Kim: So far Choi has been jailed in Sydney’s notorious
maximum security prison for the last 27 months. But what is our friend Chan Han
Choi accused of? He is a peaceful man who never assaulted anyone, he did not
steal from anyone, he is softly spoken, and he was a humble working class
hospital cleaner at the time of his arrest. All Choi is accused of doing is
arranging trade deals to help the people of North Korea to evade cruel UN
economic sanctions. These sanctions ban nearly all of North Korea’s exports and
many imported items too. It means that the people of North Korea do not have
the hard currency needed to buy food, medicines and medical equipment. The
sanctions on North Korea are so extreme that even the Red Cross said that the
outbreak of the coronavirus would hurt North Korea without temporary sanctions
relief. Today sanctions are preventing North Korea from getting urgently needed
testing kits and protective gear.
If Choi turns out to be “guilty” as charged that means that he sacrificed his freedom to help the people of North Korea bypass these killer sanctions. That would make him a great humanitarian. A humanitarian who should be freed from prison immediately. And if he is found not guilty, he should never have been imprisoned in the first place.
not being accused of a single crime against a victim, Chan Han Choi has been
refused bail. In contrast many people charged with even murder get bail. So why
has Choi been refused bail? The prosecution opposed bail claiming that Choi’s
supposed offending is objectively serious because of his loyalty to the DPRK.
In other words because of Choi’s political views the Australian regime say his
alleged offences should be considered more serious. This is blatant political
Choi has had many of his rights as a prisoner and defendant stripped. To this day Choi is still not allowed to make telephone calls to his friends. He has even been refused the right to call his daughter-in-law and therefore to speak to his infant grandchildren. The Australian capitalist class say that they run a “democratic” system. They say that everyone has the same rights here regardless of their political views. But Choi had his bail opposed because of his sympathies for a socialistic state and because he has spoken out from prison against the cruel sanctions on North Korea. The Australian regime and their media say that they respect “human rights” but human rights are routinely violated and ignored by the government and corporate media.
Aboriginal people know all too well what the Australian regime’s talk of “human
rights” actually means: in the last three decades 450 indigenous people have
died in state custody, many simply killed by racist police or prison guards.
U.S. and Australian imperialist rulers and their South Korean allies say that
the sanctions are needed to stop the supposed nuclear threat from North Korea.
But we ask what threat? It is not North Korea that criminally nuked the people
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it is not North Korea that killed hundreds of
thousands of people in invading Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Nor is it North
Korea that is today threatening a bloody assault against the people of Iran. No
that is the work of the very people who have imposed sanctions upon her.
real reason that the capitalist powers have imposed sanctions upon North Korea
is that they want to starve her people into abandoning their socialistic
system. Although socialistic rule in North Korea is deformed by bureaucratic
privileges and a lack of real workers democracy, North Korea has a system of
public ownership that was won in the struggle against landlords and capitalist
exploiters. Capitalist powers hate the DPRK workers state because its mere
existence could inspire the masses of other former colonies to engage in rebellious
struggles against exploitation and neo-colonial subjugation. That would mean a
huge loss in profits for the American, Australian, British and Japanese
corporations that loot wealth from the Philippines, Indonesia, East Timor,
Thailand, PNG and Fiji.
By targeting North Korea, the capitalist powers are also squeezing her neighbour and ally, the Peoples Republic of China. Washington and Canberra want to smash socialistic rule in these countries so that they can turn them into huge sweatshops where the corporate bosses that they serve can make fabulous profits from exploiting workers.
But while attacking North Korea and China is good for the big end of town, it is harmful to the interests of 90% of this country’s population. The existence of socialistic states strengthens the struggle here for workers rights, and helps create a movement for a future society based on public ownership. By standing by a society based on public ownership, Choi is in effect standing by working class people and by most middle class people as well. Working class people in Australia, opponents of imperialism, fighters against privatisation and supporters of public ownership have a strong interest in standing by Chan Han Choi. We must demand the immediate dropping of all charges against him. It is also in our interests to defend socialistic rule in North Korea and China – however far from the ideal it may be – as well as to defend socialistic rule in Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. We must demand an end to all sanctions on North Korea as well as an end to the U.S. blockade on Cuba. We need to oppose the U.S. and Australian regimes’ military build up against North Korea and China. We must also oppose their propaganda campaign of lies against these socialistic countries.
North Korean children at a fun park. These are some of the millions of people in that country hurt by cruel economic sanctions.
struggle to free Choi is especially crucial because he is not the only person
being persecuted for their sympathy for a socialistic state. Today, the
Australian regime is waging a McCarthyist type witch-hunt which especially
targets supporters of the most powerful socialistic country, the People’s
Republic of China. International students from China who express their support
for Red China are being demonised. Last Spring, the Australian government
announced the creation of a new taskforce to attack pro-Red China students
under the guise of looking into supposed “foreign interference” on campuses.
democracy in this country is only a democracy for the ultra-rich, big end of
town. The prisons, the courts, the police and the state bureaucracy in a
capitalist country exist to enforce the interests of the capitalist business
owners against those of the working class masses and their supporters. This is
the case whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens who are in office.
That is why construction bosses get away with industrial murder of workers. Every
year, over 30 construction industry workers are killed on the job. Yet
construction unions are the ones getting hit with criminal convictions just for
protesting and inspecting unsafe work sites.
is no way that this capitalist legal system is going to give a hospital cleaner
who was charged with illegally standing up for a workers state a fair hearing. The only force that can bring justice for
Choi is good people taking action. We need mass actions consisting of
politically aware working class people and our allies. We cannot trust these
racist, rich people’s courts that do not represent the labouring and ordinary
people. The legal system is filled with bias, the system is rigged for the
ruling class. Free Chan Han Choi! Down with the cruel sanctions on the people
of North Korea! Resist the Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of
socialistic states!
Sarah Fitzenmeyer (interim remarks): I want to tell you a bit about political prisoner Chan Han Choi. He was born in capitalist South Korea and migrated here 32 years ago. He is an Australian citizen who is 61 years old. When he was arrested he was a hospital cleaner living in a modest rented apartment. He is a husband, a proud father of a son in his mid 30s and a proud grandfather to two infant grand-daughters. He likes Western classical music and Japanese food.
of the very worrying things about Choi’s persecution is that it is part of a
pattern of growing political repression in Australia. In the first place this
repression targets supporters of socialistic states, that is supporters of the
DPRK like Choi but mostly supporters of the world’s biggest socialistic state,
the Peoples Republic of China. Increasingly over the last period, supporters of
socialistic China living or studying in Australia have been demonised and
the repression in Australia is going even beyond that. The same AFP [Australian
Federal Police] and Commonwealth DPP [Director of Public Prosecutions] who are
prosecuting Choi are also prosecuting Witness K, the former Australian
intelligence agent who revealed to journalists how the ASIS spy agency had
bugged East Timorese government buildings in order to give the Australian
government and corporations the advantage in oil resource negotiations with
East Timor. Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, today face imprisonment
for their decent act of revealing to the world this bullying, colonialist
outrage. The same forces persecuting Choi, Witness K and Collaery are also
prosecuting David McBride, the military lawyer who blew the whistle on war
crimes by Australian troops in Afghanistan. We should fight for the dropping of all charges against Chan Han Choi,
David McBride and Witness K!
it is not only the AFP that is engaged in repressing whistleblowers and
dissidents. The whole Australian capitalist regime is being unleashed. A key
victim of growing repression in Australia are trade unionists. Anti-union laws
have curtailed the right to strike and have led to repeated fines and
prosecutions of scores of representatives of construction workers’ unions. Last
year, the ABCC so-called “independent” construction industry watchdog slapped
99.2% of its huge $4.25 million in fines on workers and their union and just
0.08% on the filthy rich and notoriously criminal-infested construction
industry bosses! Now, the government is trying to push through the Ensuring Integrity Bill, extreme
legislation that will make it easier for the government to deregister militant
trade unions and drive out staunch unionists from leadership positions.
The workers movement, supporters of
workers states, anti-racist activists, whistle-blowers and those concerned
about the environment all have an interest in resisting growing repression in
this country. And that means we must all stand with Chan Han Choi against the
political persecution that he is facing.
Sarah Fitzenmeyer (rally conclusion): All working class people, whistle-blowers and opponents of imperialism have an interest in standing by Chan Han Choi. But given the Australian regime’s manifestly political persecution of him, there is no way that Choi can get a fair trial. The courts are themselves biased and are a core part of the brutal racist state that is designed to enforce the interests of the capitalist big end of town at the expense of working class people. That is why we are here today. To send a message that there are many people supporting Choi and watching what the court does. And we and many more will not tolerate the continued Cold War, McCarthyist political persecution of Chan Han Choi.
Let’s intensify our struggle to free
Chan Han Choi and to abolish the murderously cruel sanctions on the people of
North Korea.
Photo Above: Shaoquett Moselmane with students and teachers from a Riverwood language school
Condemn the Witch-Hunt of NSW Upper House MP Shaoquett Moselmane
Cold War Repression in Australia Gets Even More Vicious
26 June 2020: Today, Cold War repression in Australia dramatically escalated. Around a dozen officers of Australia’s ASIO secret police and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) made an hours-long raid on the home of NSW Labor Party upper house MP, Shaoquett Moselmane. The raid was made under the ridiculous claim that “Chinese government agents” had infiltrated his office and were using him as part of a “foreign interference” operation. Moselmane has not been charged and the claims against him are completely fabricated. Moselmane is being witch-hunted because he has had the temerity to praise China’s achievements in poverty alleviation and because he more recently dared to speak positively about China’s successful response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to rightly call out the Australian media for inciting racist attacks on people of Chinese background.
Sources say that today’s terrifying raid took place with Moselmane’s wife and son at home in the residence. The duration of the ASIO/AFP attack went over a period of some 12 to 16 hours. Today’s raids are a despicable attack on democratic rights and a further constriction of the right to progressive dissent in Australia. These raids, made with the assistance of draconian “foreign interference” laws imposed two years ago with bi-partisan support, are designed to intimidate anyone from speaking positively about socialistic China or to advocate socialist solutions to the grave problems faced by the working class masses and oppressed Aboriginal and other non-white communities in Australia.
All trade unionists, supporters of workers rights, defenders of civil liberties and opponents of racism and all genuine leftists must condemn these raids! We must cry: down with the witch-hunt of Shaoquett Moselmane!
Outrageously, NSW Labor leader Jodi McKay wasted no time in joining the attack on Moselmane. She has suspended him from the ALP.
The mainstream media and right-wing politicians, with the acquiescence of Moselmane’s Labor colleagues, had been building up towards today’s authoritarian attack. Several weeks ago there was a hysterical witch-hunt against Moselmane that saw him driven from his post as the deputy president of the NSW upper house. Below is the article that we wrote in response to that witch-hunt. Given today’s raid, all the conclusions made in this article are magnified many times over in their urgency.
6 June 2020: The ruling classes in the capitalist world are rather nervous at how much dissatisfaction there is within their own countries. Working class youth are frustrated that they are likely to only get insecure, casual jobs where they are often arrogantly bullied by their bosses. Lower income people are angry that affordable rental accommodation is so hard to find. After COVID-19 hit, huge numbers of workers are seething that they have lost their jobs after the very company owners who had made fortunes out of their workers’ labour did not hesitate to retrench these workers as soon as there was any drop in business revenue. Now, the brutal police murder of an unarmed black man in America, George Floyd, has ignited explosive anger amongst black people and other people of colour throughout the Western world at the all-sided racist oppression that they endure. In the U.S., there have been huge, sometimes militant, protests with elements of an uprising. Today in Australia, there were massive solidarity protests with America’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations. These marches focused on opposition to the horrific killings of Aboriginal people by racist police and prison guards.
At least until the recent Black Lives Matter protests, mass grievances have not led to a left-wing radicalisation within Western countries. Instead, in Australia for example, the capitalist rulers have to some degree succeeded in shifting mass frustrations into blaming immigration, guest workers, Aboriginal people, Asians, African youth, Muslims, refugees, unemployed people, climate change concerns and militant unions. Yet the capitalist exploiters remain worried that eventually sizable sections of the working class masses will again look to communism as an alternative to their current predicament. Compounding these fears is the reality that while their own economies have barely been treading water since the late noughties global recession, the world’s biggest socialistic country – the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) – relentlessly grows in economic strength, continues to lift her own people out of the poverty of China’s pre-1949 capitalist days and steadily gains greater prestige and diplomatic clout in the former colonial countries of Africa, South America, the Middle East, Asia and the South Pacific. The richer capitalist powers are not only worried that this is “interfering” with their “right” to “freely” super-exploit their former colonies. They are terrified that some of their “own” masses will start to look favourably upon socialistic China and thus conclude that capitalist rule in their own countries needs to be deposed. As a result, across the capitalist world the rulers and their media have been churning out an anti-communist, China-bashing propaganda campaign.
In the U.S. and Australia, this new Cold War campaign has also involved intimidation and even repression. In Australia, this often takes the form of the witch-hunting of any public figure, and increasingly anyone else, who has any contact with social organisations with even the vaguest links to the PRC; or who dares to make any comment praising the PRC. Such witch-hunting has intensified over the last few years and has reached new levels of hysteria since the COVID-19 pandemic struck. The latest victim is NSW Labor upper house MP, Shaoquett Moselmane. Now Moselmane is no communist. He is, after all, a member of the anticommunist, social democratic ALP. However, Moselmane was witch-hunted for pointing out what is demonstrably true: PRC authorities and her people had taken “timely and effective countermeasures” that had “fought and contained” the COVID-19 threat. For having the temerity to state these plain facts, Moselmane was subjected to a shrill campaign of denunciations and insults from the mainstream media, right-wing politicians and leaders of his own Labor Party. Media shock jocks branded Moselmane a “jerk”, “a train wreck”’, “a lunatic”, “a low filthy bludger” and more. They even made despicable slanders about his wife, lying that she has a material interest in him making positive comments about China. Encouraged by all these insults, rednecks and far right idiots made chilling threats against Moselmane on social media. To his credit, however, in the face of all this intimidation and demands that he resign from parliament, Moselmane has thus far refused to “apologise” for saying what he knows to be completely true. As a result, on April 6, he was forced to step down from his position as assistant president of the NSW Legislative Council. Moselmane had been elected to this position, signifying that he was the highest-ranked ALP upper house MP in NSW, less than a year earlier.
A team of Chinese medical experts and Bangladeshi officials take a group photo upon the team’s arrival in Bangladesh. Even as the Peoples Republic of China was still completing her own initial battle against the pandemic, she sent experts with experience in responding to COVID-19 to many other countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Southern and Eastern Europe to assist with their struggles against the pandemic.
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for Telling the Truth
So what did Shaoquett Moselmane exactly
say that so infuriated Australia’s ruling class establishment? The campaign
against him cranked into high gear after the 30 March issue of the Sydney Morning Herald attacked him for writing
on his personal website that China had made an “emphatic” and “decisive”
response to the COVID-19 threat. Moselmane pointed out that China needed
“tough, unswerving leadership, focused on the mammoth task ahead” in
order to contain the virus’ spread. The Labor MP explained that: “For the
Peoples Republic of China, President Xi stepped up and provided that
leadership. He mustered the resources of the nation and together with the great
people of China – fought it and contained it…. The combined phenomenal effort
of the state and the people in the fight to contain the virus was breath
taking.” Moselmane also contrasted China’s effective response to “the
slow, and at times baffling and confused messaging by the Morrison federal
What Moselmane said was simply fact. Despite being the first country in the world to detect the new virus and despite having a rapid spread of the deadly virus in Wuhan before their own scientists or any other country in the world understood the coronavirus or could ascertain just how deadly it was, the PRC so effectively responded to the threat that the proportion of China’s huge population that have died from the virus is significantly lower than Australia’s. Moreover, while Australia is just starting to open up again following stay-at-home measures and now faces the risk of a second-wave, the PRC so effectively suppressed the virus and reduced new cases to such tiny levels that for the last two months her tourist spots, cafes and restaurants have been gradually filling up with people and her streets and public transport networks are again buzzing with lively crowds.
Although Moselmane focuses a fair bit on Xi Jinping’s leadership, we understand that the main factor behind the PRC’s breath taking response to the virus was the country’s socialistic system. It was this system in which public ownership plays the backbone role and in which the economy is controlled by a state under workers rule that enabled the PRC to concentrate resources so effectively for the pandemic response. Thus, the PRC was able to, in a matter of days, both build brand new infectious disease hospitals and to convert other facilities into makeshift hospitals. It was also this people’s control of the economy that enabled the PRC to provide space suit style protective gear for her medical workers and janitors as well as large quantities of urgently needed ventilators, testing kits, infra-red thermometers and masks. Meanwhile, the PRC’s economic system – in which collective ownership and control plays the basic role – has created a more collectivist outlook in the Chinese masses that led them to, on the one hand, be overall more willing to comply with pandemic response restrictions than their counterparts in, say, the U.S. and Australia and, on the other hand, be more motivated to mobilise in grassroots campaigns to conduct pandemic response measures.
Nevertheless, leadership was also a factor in determining how countries responded to the COVID-19 threat. Just as the likes of Scott Morrison, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson and Vladimir Putin are shaped by their role at the head of states designed to serve the capitalist big end of town, Xi Jinping’s actions are shaped and, indeed, constrained by his role at the head of a workers state that was created to ensure the interests of working class people. That meant that while the leaders of the capitalist countries put the fate of their stock markets and corporate profits first, China’s president Xi, for all his faults, did put the interests of people first in responding to the virus outbreak. So Moselmane is quite factually correct when he stated that “President Xi stepped up.” Within hours of Chinese scientists confirming that human to human transmission of the virus can occur, Xi made a high profile order on January 20 for Communist Party of China (CPC) committees and governments at all levels to put people’s safety and health as the top priority and take effective measures to curb the spread of the virus. Chinese state media reported on the same day that:
“Xi ordered all-out efforts to treat patients, identify the causes of the virus infection and spread at an earlier date, strengthen monitoring and standardize treatment procedures.
“Xi spoke of the need for the timely release of information and the deepening of international cooperation.”
The PRC acted early. At the time Xi made this announcement, just three people had died of the virus in a country with a population of nearly 1.5 billion people. Overseas countries then reported just a total of four cases, two in Thailand, one in South Korea and one in Japan. Just two days after Xi’s orders were broadcast, Wuhan took the unprecedented step of announcing that from the following morning all public transportation in the city of 11 million people would be suspended, all movement out of the city through airports and railway stations would be temporarily cut off, all large-scale activities were suspended and everyone was ordered to wear masks in public. These and additional decisive measures taken by the PRC in the ensuing days became a template for the social distancing measures that many other countries, albeit often very belatedly, took.
Medical staff in China’s Wuhan celebrate on March 9 after all COVID-19 patients at the temporary hospital that they worked at were cured and discharged from hospital.
At the time that the PRC shut down Wuhan, Australia had not confirmed one single case of the new virus. Yet, by contrast to the PRC’s quick response, it took the Australian government a whole 50 days from the time that the first coronavirus case in this country was detected on January 25 until the first – and rather limited – social distancing measures were implemented on March 15. This despite having already seen how deadly the virus had been in other countries. The only early “measure” that the Morrison government took was to enact a travel ban on non-residents entering from China – which had more to do with encouraging fears of Red China than being a genuine health measure – and then enacting later bans on arrivals from Iran and then South Korea. Yet, even after China had effectively suppressed the virus, the Morrison regime maintained its politically-motivated, China-specific travel ban while for several weeks enabling people from the U.S., Italy, Spain, France, Germany and cruise ships to enter without proper testing and quarantining even after the pandemic had spread like wildfire in those places. As a result, not only was the virus allowed to spread within Australia through infections brought in overwhelmingly from the U.S., Europe and cruise ships but those infected people from these regions were not given the timely diagnosis and treatment that they needed.
Indeed, Moselmane’s comparison of the PRC’s excellent response to the new virus with “the slow, and at times baffling and confused messaging by the Morrison federal government” is actually rather understated. That has not stopped the Morrison government and this country’s top health bureaucrats from endlessly praising themselves. They have only been able to get away with this because the “response” in the likes of Trump’s America, Johnson’s Britain and Bolsonaro’s Brazil have been so frighteningly disastrous and because the mainstream media have done their best to hide and distort the successful response by the PRC and to minimize coverage of the successes of other countries that have taken effective measures to curb the virus spread, like socialistic Vietnam.
Peter Costello’s Sydney Morning Herald Leads the Charge, Hard-Right Shock Jocks Follow
It is little surprise that it was the Sydney Morning Herald that cast the first stone in the attack against Moslemane. This paper had been targeting Moslemane ever since he made a 2018 speech hailing China’s lifting of 800 million people out of poverty. In that speech, Moselmane spoke of the need for China to gain greater influence in the global media given that this media is currently in the hands of China’s Western opponents. Moslemane pointed out how the Arab world has seen the power of Western propaganda in manipulating the public, leading to death and destruction. Alarmed that a mainstream politician had the audacity to so openly challenge the Cold War drive against the PRC and to so bluntly call out the pernicious role of Western mainstream media, the SMH looked for a way to discredit Moselmane. The best exposé that they could come up with was one seven months ago that in classic Cold War McCarthyist shock-horror fashion “exposed” how a staffer who works one day a week for Moslemane’s office once attended a training course at the Chinese Academy of Governance which the SMH says also “trains senior cadres of the Chinese Communist Party.” Big deal! What are they going to dig up next: that one of Moslemane’s staffers once ate at a Chinese restaurant where a member of the Chinese community, who had once met with a visiting Chinese Communist Party leader, once also ate at?
Led by its fanatically anti-communist Political and International editor, Peter Hartcher, the SMH has, in fact, been spearheading the Cold War fear campaign against socialistic China. It is ably assisted in this by its sister media organisations like Channel 9 and the hard right radio “news” station 2GB, all of which are part of the very same corporation that owns the SMH: Nine Entertainment Limited. The biggest stake in Nine Entertainment is held by filthy rich media mogul Bruce Gordon, with other major shareholdings owned by various wealth management funds and private equity groups. Needless to say, a media organisation owned by ultra-rich capitalists is inevitably going to produce content favourable to the political interests of the capitalist exploiting class and, thus, hostile to socialistic China. And in case anyone falls for the “balanced”, “independent” pretensions of the SMH, it is worth pointing out who the chairman of this corporation that runs it is: none other than the Treasurer in the right wing, former Howard government, Peter Costello!
The SMH journalists working under editor Peter Hartcher delight in buttressing their China-bashing propaganda by “unofficially” quoting as “sources” their mates in ASIO and other sinister Australian spy agencies. Meanwhile, Hartcher works closely in promoting anti-China hostility with Beverley O’Connor’s The World program on the ABC News channel. Peter Costello’s boy, Peter Hartcher, is also a Visiting Fellow at the Lowy Institute, the right-wing think tank that has a major influence in shaping Australian public opinion. Formed and led by Australian billionaire, Frank Lowy, and with a Board of Directors dominated by Lowy and his sons, as well as other capitalists like the chairman of the ANZ bank, the Lowy institute naturally promotes the interests of Australia’s big end of town exploiting class and, thus, is known for aggressively promoting an anti-China and broadly war-mongering agenda.
With the Lowy Institute providing the academic “expertise” and the likes of Peter Hartcher’s SMH and Beverley O’Connor’s The World providing overall political direction and a “centrist”, “liberal” cover, right-wing politicians, the Murdoch media and 2GB shock jocks are then all stocked up to sell the masses the anti-PRC agenda in sensationalist and extremist forms. And so it was with the campaign against Moselmane. In the days following the SMH’s exposé, the anticommunist uproar against Moselmane that Peter Hartcher and Co. had hoped for duly erupted. Egged on by rabid right-wing presenters Alan Jones and Ray Hadley from 2GB and Peta Credlin from Sky News, extreme right wing politicians queued up to denounce Moselmane. Federal Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton demanded Moselmane’s removal from parliament. NSW leader of the far right One Nation party, Mark Latham, attacked Moselmane’s stance as “disgusting and indefensible.” Credlin and Hadley basically accused Moselmane of treason for simply praising another country’s response to the virus threat and for criticizing the Australian prime minister’s response. The Murdoch print media and the Daily Mail soon joined the witch-hunt too, of course. So too did hardline supporters of Israel’s genocidal oppression of Palestinian people who saw an opportunity to go after an MP known for his sympathy for the Palestinian liberation struggle. Moselmane was born in South Lebanon, the part of the Lebanon that has suffered most from the Israeli regime’s expansionist aggression.
However, it was not just the hard conservatives who went after Moselmane. The most extreme attack on him came from a minister in the former Rudd government, Stephen Conroy. Speaking on Peta Credlin’s Sky News program, Conroy branded Moselmane “an absolute disgrace to the Labor Party,” adding that it is “astonishing he’s still in parliament.” Meanwhile, NSW Labor leader Jodi McKay stabbed her upper house colleague in the back by not only refusing to defend Moselmane from the witch-hunt but, instead, fully joining in. In an interview with 2GB’s Ray Hadley, McKay viciously attacked Moselmane:
“I can assure you… he will never be in the shadow cabinet….
“His actions have been appalling, I can’t say that to you enough.”
Moselmane’s factional ally in the ALP, shadow minister for transport and corrections, Chris Minns, and Labor shadow treasurer, Walt Secord, also both joined in the attacks, respectively branding Moselmane’s comments as “inappropriate” and “extremely stupid.”
Top Scientists and Public Health Officials Sing the Same Tune as Moselmane on China’s Response
The way that the “centrist” SMH set up Moselmane to be savaged by the Hard Right can be compared to that of the villain in an action movie who inflicts a wound on a captive and then leaves them to bleed in shark-infested waters knowing that the victim’s blood will attract killer sharks. While their sharks did their expected savaging, the SMH pretended to be serious in their coverage. To try and give authority to their attacks on Moselmane, they claimed that, “China has been widely criticised by academics and health experts for downplaying the extent of the outbreak in Wuhan.” Of course, academics and health experts are like everyone else subject to political influences. Being a middle class layer, scientists, doctors and top level academics, like other middle class layers in these reactionary times, can be quite conservative and many identify their interests with those of the ruling capitalist class. Thus, mainstream media seeking to attack Red China would no doubt always be able to find a few health experts willing to sing the tune that they would like to see amplified. Yet many serious scientists are driven by dedication to their work and to their areas of research. As a result, contrary to the misleading assertions of the SMH, the truth is that, in the face of anticommunist pressure, the majority of top Western infectious disease scientists and public health specialists have actually praised China’s response to the virus outbreak. On 19 February, 27 eminent scientists, academics, infectious disease specialists and public health officials from the U.S., Britain, Australia, Germany, The Netherlands and other regions published a “Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19” in the prestigious, peer-reviewed British medical journal, The Lancet [1]. The statement lauded China’s efforts to suppress the COVID-19 threat:
“We have watched as the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China, in particular, have worked diligently and effectively to rapidly identify the pathogen behind this outbreak, put in place significant measures to reduce its impact, and share their results transparently with the global health community. This effort has been remarkable.”
This, too, was the finding of a WHO investigation into China’s response to COVID-19 led by Canadian epidemiologist, Bruce Aylward, and consisting of 25 international experts from the U.S., Germany, Japan, Singapore, Nigeria, China, South Korea and Russia. The report by the investigative mission found that [2]:
“In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history.
“Achieving China’s exceptional coverage with and adherence to these containment measures has only been possible due to the deep commitment of the Chinese people to collective action in the face of this common threat. At a community level this is reflected in the remarkable solidarity of provinces and cities in support of the most vulnerable populations and communities. Despite ongoing outbreaks in their own areas, Governors and Mayors have continued to send thousands of health care workers and tons of vital PPE supplies into Hubei province and Wuhan city.”
Indeed, in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, ABC News reporters were constantly disappointed as they posed leading questions to infectious disease specialists inviting them to attack China’s response only for the experts to respond with praise for China’s pandemic suppression efforts. Thus, the Australian government-funded broadcaster was forced to hop from interviewing one medical expert to the next in search of someone who would feed into their Cold War agenda. Yet the Australian government’s own top health bureaucrats also lauded China’s efforts. And let’s note that these are highly-paid government bureaucrats who have worked closely with the right wing Morrison government and have supported most of the Liberal government’s pandemic response strategies – including its initial politically-directed travel bans specifically focused on – and restricted to – the Australian regime’s adversaries. So they are hardly communist sympathizers! Yet, in a media conference on January 30 alongside health minister Greg Hunt, Australia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, responded to a journalist’s question about whether Australia’s case numbers would stay at the then low level by saying [3]:
“It depends a lot on what happens in relation to China getting this under control, and they are doing a marvellous job at the moment and it’s a very different approach to what we experienced with SARS some years ago.”
Australia’s chief medical officer, Brendan Murphy, also hailed China’s efforts to stem the virus spread in an interview the following day [4]:
“Clearly, it is not yet contained in China. But they are making Herculean efforts to do so.”
Of course, Australia’s capitalist media ensured that the live interviews where these comments were made were the first and last time that these statements were aired. And they sure weren’t going to report on these comments praising China from Australia’s top public health officials! Yet it was not just senior public health officials and infectious disease specialists who were saying the same things that Moselmane would later say about China’s response to the coronavirus. None other than U.S. president, Donald Trump, the person who has most viciously been trying to blame China for the pandemic over the last few weeks and the man who is the talisman of the extreme right-wing shock jobs who savagely attacked Moselmane, heaped praise on China in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak. Thus, in a tweet on January 24, Trump said [5]:
China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!
So why did Trump praise China and President Xi’s response to the coronavirus in late January and why was Moselmane witch-hunted for giving similar credit to China and Xi just two months later? Well, when Trump was commending China’s response, not only he but nearly the entire capitalist ruling classes in the U.S., Europe and Australia believed their own propaganda that their social system was superior to China’s and, thus, they would be little affected by the virus then ravaging China. They expected that the damage caused by the coronavirus in China would hurt her prestige, undermine the credibility of her socialist system and weaken her economy. Trump believed that he would be facing a weakened PRC opponent in political conflicts and trade disputes and it would, therefore, pay him to sound magnanimous. Two months later the reality turned out very different. The virus caused far more death and economic damage per capita to the U.S., Britain, France, Germany and Australia than it did to China. China, on the other hand, had been able to suppress the virus spread so effectively that she was now giving huge amounts of aid to developing countries to assist them with their pandemic response. This infuriated the rulers of imperialist countries like the U.S. and Australia. For it reinforced a trend where China’s mutually beneficial relations with countries in the South Pacific, Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and the Middle East was enabling these countries to eke out some greater independence from the plundering Western powers. Moreover, far from showing the relative weaknesses in the PRC’s system, the much more successful response of China to the virus threat in comparison with the capitalist countries has shown the superiority of her socialistic system. As far as the capitalist elite in the West are concerned, for anyone to point this out is taboo. For one it would make it harder to sell to their own masses their Cold War drive to “contain” and strangle socialistic rule in China. Furthermore, for anyone to highlight China’s superior response to the pandemic touches off the greatest of all fears of the rulers of Australia and other capitalist countries: that the masses in their own countries will draw the conclusion from this that they need to get rid of the capitalist system and bring socialism to their own countries. Thus, by late March, for Shaoquett Moselmane or any other high-profile person to praise China’s response to the pandemic simply became intolerable for the capitalist ruling classes. Just as significantly, those who sought to score political points against China over the pandemic hoped that by late March, the population would have forgotten all the praise heaped upon China’s response two months earlier by scientists, Australia’s top public health officials and, of all people, Donald Trump.
Some of the medical experts who, in the early days of the pandemic, praised China’s response to the coronavirus. Left: Australia’s then Deputy Chief Medical Officer (now Acting Chief Medical Officer) Paul Kelly. On January 30, he responded to a question about Australia’s future case numbers by saying that, “it depends a lot on what happens in relation to China getting this under control, and they are doing a marvellous job at the moment ….” Centre: Australia’s then Chief Medical Officer, Brendan Murphy. On January 31, Murphy stated in an interview about the epidemic that, “clearly, it is not yet contained in China. But they are making Herculean efforts to do so.” Right: Canadian epidemiologist, Bruce Aylward, who led a team of 25 international experts in a WHO investigation into China’s response to COVID-19. In a 24 February 2020 press conference reporting on the mission, Aylward informed that: “In the face of a previously unknown disease, China has taken one of the most ancient approaches for infectious disease control and rolled out probably the most ambitious, and I would say, agile and aggressive disease containment efforts in history. China took old-fashioned measures, like the national approach to hand-washing, the mask-wearing, the social distancing, the universal temperature monitoring. But then very quickly, as it started to evolve, the response started to change. And it moved from this sort of one-size-fits-all approach to a science-and-risk-based approach, which was really tailored to allow it to use different containment approaches and measures, depending on the context, the capacity and really the nature of the coronavirus circulation…. they took this old approach and then turbo-charged it with modern science and modern technology in a way that was unimaginable even a few years ago…. What they’ve done has only been possible because of tremendous collective commitment and will of the Chinese people from the most bottom-level community leaders we met and talked to, to the governors at the top. It was an extraordinary, what we call all-of-government, all-of-society approach ….” However, as Moselmane found out, by late March, once it became clear just how poorly the capitalist countries had responded to the pandemic compared to China, any doctor, politician or other public figure praising China’s response was likely to be demonised and pilloried by Western ruling classes and their media hounds.
“Revelations” of Moselmane’s Calling Out of White Australia Racism Takes Witch-Hunt to White Heat
A week after their original exposé of Moselmane’s statements lauding China’s effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SMH had a new revelation. They reported that in a February 5 opinion piece for the East China Normal University, Moselmane had attacked the Australian mainstream media for having “publicly played racist cards, offending and insulting many Australian citizens, especially Chinese residents” in actions that “further deepened the already great suffering of the victim.”
the obsolete scum of ‘white Australia’ is once again flooding, and the theory
of yellow fever has once again surfaced,” Moselmane wrote.
mainstream media have bred and spread these racial viruses in our multicultural
community with the purpose of inciting hatred.
media xenophobia and full-scale war against China have become the norm.”
Again Moselmane’s statements are a rather accurate description of what is happening on the ground. One has to be blind to reality or in complete denial to not know that Chinese and other East Asian background people in Australia have been subjected to numerous horrific racist attacks by “the obsolete scum of ‘white Australia’” over the last few months. People of Chinese appearance have been bashed in the streets, at supermarkets and on public transport. They have had threatening racist graffiti scrawled on their homes, had rocks thrown through their house and shop windows, been verbally abused, spat and coughed on and been ordered out of shops and other public places [6] [7] [8]. Racist scum have even abused nurses, doctors and other essential service workers (like bus drivers) of East Asian background and in some cases stalked them in a threatening manner [9] [10] [11]. It is therefore very understandable – and indeed completely necessary – that China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism last night issued an urgent alert warning Chinese tourists not to travel to Australia. The alert correctly informed that “racial discrimination and acts of violence against Chinese and Asians in Australia have increased significantly.”
Resist the Despicable Racist Attacks against Ethnic Chinese People!
Horrific racist graffiti and death threat sprayed on the home of a Chinese-Australian family in the Melbourne suburb of Knoxfield. On another night, racist scum also threw a large rock smashing the family home’s window. As Moselmane correctly pointed out, some mainstream media have incited racial hatred by breeding and spreading racial viruses.
It is undoubtedly true that the attacks on Chinese and other Asian people have been fueled by the mainstream media and by the anti-China rants of the likes of Peter Dutton, Pauline Hanson, far right Coalition MPs George Christensen and Andrew Hastie (both of whom have previously spoken at racist rallies infested by Neo-Nazis and other white supremacists and anti-Semites) and rabid anti-PRC Labor MP, Anthony Byrne. This is proven by the fact that many of those committing racist attacks on the streets have done so while repeating the same anti-Chinese and anti-China diatribes as the right wing shock jocks and the rabid anti-China politicians [12] [13] [14].
Yet it is not only the most rabidly anti-China politicians and the most openly racist-inciting media presenters that bear responsibility for the renewed escalation of racist attacks on Asian background people over the last few months. The more “moderate” politicians in the Liberal Party and the ALP, who largely all support the Cold War drive against the PRC, and the “centrist”, liberal media who promote hostility to Red China, like the SMH and the ABC, are also guilty of breeding and spreading racial viruses. There have always been broadly two types of white supremacists in Australia. The first type are the openly rabid ones that can scarcely hide their hostility to all non-white skinned people. The second type are the more disguised types. They claim to be, or even consider themselves, non-racist and describe themselves as “centre-right”, “liberal” or even “progressive.” Many of them even like to make themselves feel good by expressing sympathy for people of colour when the latter are victims of racism. Yet, when a non-white people organise themselves into a militant anti-racist resistance force or into a powerful country, like the PRC, that challenges Western domination of the world then they think that this is absolutely unacceptable and you see all their latent prejudice oozing out. The “liberal” and “centrist” Australian media and the mainstream Australian politicians are of this second type of white supremacist. Of course, the mainstream media and politicians attacking China are not simply driven by racism. An even bigger factor is their hostility to socialistic states. Yet ever since the 1949 Chinese Revolution brought the toiling masses to power, hostility to China in the U.S. and Australia has combined anti-communist Red Peril fears with racist Yellow Peril xenophobia.
ABC and SMH journalists nevertheless insist that being anti-PRC does not mean that one is anti-Chinese. They are fond of claiming the authority of “experts” to push their Cold War agenda against the PRC. Yet many of the world’s leading scientists have drawn a direct link between the recent political attacks on China over the coronavirus and the racist attacks on Chinese people on the streets. Thus, a strongly worded editorial titled, “Stop the coronavirus stigma now” in the 7 April issue of the British scientific journal, Nature, the most prestigious scientific journal in the world, stated [15]:
“US President Donald Trump has repeatedly associated the virus with China. Brazilian lawmaker Eduardo Bolsonaro — the son of President Jair Bolsonaro — has called it `China’s fault’. Politicians elsewhere, including in the United Kingdom, are also saying that China bears responsibility.
“Continuing to associate a virus and the disease it causes with a specific place is irresponsible and needs to stop….
“Failing to do so has consequences. It’s clear that since the outbreak was first reported, people of Asian descent around the world have been subjected to racist attacks, with untold human costs — for example, on their health and livelihoods.”
Scott Morrison, Anthony Albanese and the “centrist”/liberal SMH and ABC have been just as guilty as Trump, Bolsonaro and many British politicians in promoting the “China’s fault” theory. They are, thus, just as guilty for inciting racist attacks on people of Asian descent. Of course these politicians and journalists would react with outraged denial if they were confronted with this truth. Yet they know full well that when they incite hostility to socialistic China they are doing it in a way that appeals to – and hence breeds – Yellow Peril racist fears. Afterwards they rub their sullied hands thoroughly with liberal doses of hand sanitiser and then, with all the “honesty” of Donald Trump, smugly express “shock” and “anger” when the rabid rednecks that they have just incited carry out racist attacks. But let us not be fooled by the “moderate” pretensions of the likes of SMH’s Peter Hartcher or the ABC’s Beverley O’Connor. Alongside their shock jock counterparts, the ruling class Australian politicians and the inherently divisive, dog-eat-dog nature of the capitalist system, these liberal media commentators share much responsibility for the terrifying rise in racist attacks on people of Chinese appearance over the last few months. Individually each of them may be personally responsible for just one or two percent of the racist attacks that have taken place. Yet given that there have been literally thousands of such attacks (most racist assaults and verbal threats are never reported but one Asian-Australian site collected details of over 300 separate attacks in just 5 weeks), each anti-China journalist or politician can be personally blamed for causing many individual attacks that would not have occurred had they not made their own contribution to the total dose of Red Peril and Yellow Peril hysteria. Put another way, several racist attacks would not have taken place had, say Peter Hartcher, not added to the incessant anti-PRC, “China is to blame” propaganda. We should keep this in mind when determining the methods by which we must resist these filthy, anti-China scum in the mainstream media.
Left: Political editor of The Sydney Morning Herald, Peter Hartcher, speaks at a forum of the right wing think tank, The Sydney Institute. With his fanatical anti-communist attacks on Red China, Hartcher has done as much as anyone in the media to incite anti-Asian violence in Australia. Right: One example of the result of the “blame China for the pandemic” propaganda spewed by the likes of Hartcher, the Murdoch media, 2GB and the Australian government and ALP “opposition”. One of the two white racist rednecks, screaming that Asians brought “corona here,” in the process of abusing, kicking and spitting on two Asian sisters in the Sydney suburb of Marrickville on 30 March 2020. Of course, the oh-so-“respectable” “centrist”, Hartcher, claims that he is only attacking the Communist Party of China and actually “abhors” racist violence. However, the truth is that he and his ilk know full well that when they incite hostility to socialistic China they are doing it in a manner that harnesses – and hence encourages – Yellow Peril racist prejudices.
Yet when Moselmane exposed media xenophobia against China and how Australia’s mainstream media “have publicly played racist cards”, he put his finger on a really raw, infected wound. Although capitalist rule in Australia has created one of the most racist societies on the planet, the ruling class insists on denying this. One reason is that they are well aware that their rule over this land was established through genocidal dispossession of this country’s first peoples, the Aboriginal people. They know that this truth is recalled whenever people like Moslemane, regardless of the context, speak too starkly about the reality of racism in Australia. They know that recalling this truth in turn damages the “legitimacy” of the Australian nationalist myths that they so depend on to bind the working class masses that they exploit to their self-seeking, ruling class agenda. Secondly, unlike their Western European counterparts, the immediate overseas neighbours of Australia’s ruling class are hundreds and hundreds of millions of non-white skinned peoples in the Pacific and Asia. These are the people that Australia’s imperialist rulers need for both trade and for labour to be exploited by Australian-owned multinational corporations. Any exposure of racist xenophobia within Australia damages the corporate elite’s lucrative business operations in the Asia-Pacific and their imperialist meddling in this region. For these reasons, the ruling class considers it almost as much an act of “treason” for a mainstream politician to bluntly call out White Australia racism as it is for a politician to make comments favourable to the PRC workers state. So when Moselmane’s comments attacking the mainstream media’s role in inciting racial hatred were publicised, the witch-hunt against him reached white heat. Within hours, Moslemane was forced to step down from his position as deputy president of the NSW upper house. He remains a seated member of the upper house.
The Years-Long
Re-Emergence of Cold War McCarthyism
Today’s anti-China witch-hunt is, if anything, even broader in who it targets than the 1950s McCarthyist witch-hunt in the U.S. and Australia against anyone suspected of pro-communist sympathies. One does not even have to be branded a communist to be attacked today, as Moselmane found out. One has only to be a public figure who says anything positive about socialistic China. Two and a half years ago, former Labor federal senator Sam Dastyari was driven out of parliament following a 17 month-long witch-hunt for simply once saying that the South China Sea issue is an internal issue for China. However, whereas Moselmane has, to date, courageously stood by his factually correct statements applauding China’s pandemic response success, Dastyari apologised for saying what is true about the South China Sea issue and today cravenly condemns his past actions as he seeks to climb his way back into the political establishment. Yet Dastyari’s apologies at the time were not enough to stop the rabid anti-communists from howling him out of his senate seat.
Last year, there was an even more bizarre witch-hunt. The target, Gladys Liu, a Hong Kong Chinese woman is someone who is not only not a communist but actually a member of the conservative Liberal-National federal government; and a person with some pretty reprehensible right wing views to boot. Liu’s supposed “crime” is that she had once been a member of Chinese community organisations in Australia which apparently have members who are also members of other organisations that have loose ties to the Communist Party of China. For this she was viciously attacked by the media and by the ALP – the very same party that stabbed Moselmane in the back. Indeed ,the witch-hunt became so intense that members of the right wing, rabidly anti-communist Morrison government, eager to preserve their thin parliamentary majority, were able to correctly brand the ALP’s attacks on Liu as being racially-motivated and even McCarthyist.
In this stultifying anti-PRC atmosphere it is hardly just politicians who are being targeted. The capitalist media and politicians have been attacking any Chinese social organisation perceived as being sympathetic to the PRC or, otherwise, including members who are fond of Red China. In reality this means that just about any community organisation consisting of immigrants from mainland China could be targeted since the majority of migrants from mainland China are sympathetic to the PRC.
Last year, Cold War witch-hunting increasingly targeted international students from the PRC. Especially attacked were those Chinese students who dared to express their sympathies for Red China, especially in regards to the Hong Kong events. These brave students were slandered by the mainstream media. Rabidly anti-communist academics even called for those international students that too strongly promote solidarity with China to face academic disciplinary proceedings. Then, last spring, in a move squarely aimed at silencing through repression the voice of pro-Red China international students, the Australian government announced the creation of a new taskforce to look into “foreign interference” on Australian campuses.
What do all these attacks on Australian-Chinese community organisations, pro-Red China international students and the likes of Moselmane say about the supposed “right to free speech in Australia”? Actually, attacks on dissent and whistleblowers in Australia extend beyond the persecution of those accused of being soft on socialistic China. Today, a former Australian spy, known only as “Witness K,” is facing imprisonment for having revealed that Australia had planted huge numbers of listening devices in East Timorese government buildings in order to give the Australian government the advantage in a dispute with East Timor over gas resources [16]. The Australian regime is also prosecuting Witness K’s lawyer, Bernard Collaery, and two weeks ago Collaery faced a sinister, secret pre-trial hearing [17]. Yet another whistleblower that the Australian regime is persecuting is former military lawyer, David McBride [18]. McBride faces up to 50 years in prison for leaking to the ABC details of horrific war crimes by Australian troops in Afghanistan – including the murder of unarmed civilians and children. Last June, the Australian Federal Police even raided the offices of the tame, government-funded media channel, the ABC, simply because the ABC had publicised the information from McBride [19]. It is clear that the “right to free-speech” in Australia exists in name only!
Ironically, the extreme right wing media commentators who attacked Moselmane most savagely claim to be the most strident defenders of “free speech,” especially whenever the Racial Discrimination Act is brought up. Yet the “free speech” that these people want is only the “freedom” to vilify Aboriginal people, Africans, Muslims, Asians, LGBTI communities and women’s rights activists. They want the “freedom” to incite racist riots the way that Alan Jones incited the horrific December 2005 white supremacist riot at Cronulla Beach. At the same time these shock jocks want to completely silence anyone who dares to say anything positive about socialistic China.
The truth is that the “right to free speech” in Australia has become more like the “right” to say what is tolerable to the capitalist ruling class. True, theoretically one can say what one wants… as long as one is not a whistle blower! And for people whose voice is not heard by too many people, this right can even sometimes exist in practice. But for people with a high enough profile that their voice will be heard by many, anything that they say that cuts against the exploiting class’ interests too sharply – for example, by praising socialistic China or calling out White Australia racism too bluntly – will see them vilified, threatened, hounded and ultimately driven out of their positions. Look at the way that not only Moslemane has been witch hunted but the way that Sudanese Australian media presenter, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, was abused and hounded out of this country three years ago after she made an ANZAC Day post linking the phrase “Lest we forget” to the horrific oppression of refugees in Australian detention camps at Nauru and Manus and to the brutal oppression of Palestinian people.
In many ways, the “right to free speech” in this country exists in much the same way as “democratic rights for all” does. Theoretically, everyone has an equal vote and say in “democratic Australia.” Yet in practice, under this country’s capitalist system, it is the ultra-rich big business owners who are able to mould “public opinion” and control society through their ownership of the media, through their ability to disproportionately fund political parties, pay for political advertising, finance think tanks and hire lobbyists and through their numerous ties to the upper echelons of all key state and bureaucratic institutions. And whenever their domination meets a significant challenge, they don’t hesitate to throw out any coverings of “democracy” and rely on naked state repression. This is just like how their American capitalist counterparts are today unleashing riot cops and the National Guards to viciously attack those taking part in the ongoing anti-racist resistance there.
At the same time, in a society where workers are exploited and Aboriginal people, ethnic minorities, women and LGBTI communities face such oppression, it is vital that we defend whatever limited democratic rights that we do actually have. For it is the working class masses united with all the downtrodden that is the only force that can fight against exploitation and oppression in this country. That is why it is high time that we confront the growing McCarthyist madness and rebuff the attacks on basic democratic rights. Let us say: Down with the witch-hunt of Shaoquett Moselmane! No to the targeting of Australian-Chinese community organisations! Stop the persecution of pro-PRC Chinese international students! The right to free speech must include the right to praise – and indeed support – socialistic countries like the PRC! Drop all charges against whistle blowers David McBride, Witness K and Bernard Collaery!
Racism and Anti-PRC
As with almost everything else that is negative in Australian society, anti-Red China witch-hunting feeds off and accentuates White Australia racism: that very same racial virus infecting Australia that Moselmane dared to identify. So how did this racial virus spread? For starters, one should understand that the disease of racism is actually widespread within most capitalist societies. Exploiting classes breed racism to divide multiracial working classes. They also inflame racism in order to divert mass frustrations onto racial minorities and, thus, away from the capitalist rulers themselves. Moreover, in imperialist countries like Australia, a racial superiority mentality is transmitted in order to enlist the population behind ruling class acts of military intervention, plunder and paternalism in the poorer “Third World” countries. In Australia there is also a big additional factor spawning racism. That is the fact that capitalist rule here was founded on the genocidal dispossession of this country’s indigenous first peoples, a crime that could only be organised and “justified” by spreading the most extreme form of white supremacist prejudice imaginable.
Today, it is telling that the three politicians who have been most intensely witch-hunted in recent times for supposedly being soft on China – Shaoquett Moselmane, Gladys Liu and Sam Dastyari – are all among the very few politicians in this country from people of colour backgrounds. People who are not white simply have less leeway in this racist society. While hardcore white supremacists are opposed to all people of colour all the time, the more insidious, mainstream form of white supremacy embraced by the bulk of the ruling elite sees non-white people as acceptable until they do something which is deemed “wrong”, in which case all the prejudice gushes out and they will be attacked far more severely than a white person doing the same thing. Yassmin Abdel-Magied certainly copped that when she was cruelly driven out of the country in a barely disguised, racist and misogynist witch-hunt.
All this shows the limits of “multiculturalism” as it is practiced by the ruling class. In their warped version, people from non-Anglo backgrounds are free to practice their own cultures as long as they all accept Western domination of the world and the current social order in Australia where the capitalist big end of town rules and Aboriginal people remain dispossessed. Any non-white person who does, or even says, anything even slightly contradicting this status quo is deemed disloyal and “ungrateful.” We let you into the country so the least you could do is to… such is the attitude of ruling class-created “public opinion” towards people of colour who dare question, in even the most minimal way, the myths of the current social order. All the while this mainstream still claims to stand by “multiculturalism.” This shows that, in practice, the official form of Australian “multiculturalism” sees people of colour confined to a second class status. It is far, far from a genuinely egalitarian and anti-racist multi-racialism.
The same implicit, underlying racism that added to the severity of the campaign against Moslemane has also been evident in a vicious campaign against WHO leader Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, again for having the temerity to praise China’s effective response to the coronavirus outbreak. Dr Ghebreyesus, a microbiologist of Ethiopian background, is the first WHO chief from Africa. As far as unashamed racists are concerned, Africans are not meant to hold such senior positions in international organisations. More liberal, mainstream racists could tolerate Dr Ghebreyesus in this role as long as he did not do anything that contradicted Western imperialist agendas. When Dr Ghebreyesus simply stated the facts by praising the PRC’s response to the virus, all the underlying racism gushed out and he was subjected to incredible abuse and death threats. Although the WHO is an agency under the imperialist dominated UN, Dr Ghebreyesus has shown considerable courage to stand up to racism and colonialist attitudes. When two of France’s most senior doctors despicably called on national TV for testing COVID-19 treatments on Africans [20], Dr Ghebreyesus rightly slammed the remarks as “racist” and a “hangover from a colonial mentality” [21]. Just like when it was revealed that Moselmane had called out White Australia racism, Dr Ghebreyesus’ strong stand against racism only intensified the attacks against him. Yet he stood firm against these racist attacks too and called them out:
“I can tell you personal attacks that have been going on for more than two, three months. Abuses, or racist comments, giving me names, black or Negro. I’m proud of being black, proud of being Negro.
“I don’t care, to be honest … even death threats. I don’t give a damn.
Dr Ghebreyesus also called out that many of the attacks had been associated with supporters of Donald Trump’s favourite regime, Taiwan [22]:
“Three months ago, this attack came from Taiwan. We need to be honest. I will be straight today. From Taiwan.
“And Taiwan, the Foreign Ministry also, they know the campaign. They didn’t disassociate themselves. They even started criticizing me in the middle of all that insult and slur, but I didn’t care.”
by all the attacks on Dr Ghebreyesus, the African Union came to his defence
[23]. A statement released by the African Union on the very same day that Dr
Ghebreyesus called out Taiwanese racism, emphasised that:
“… the Chairperson of the African Union and President of the Republic of South Africa, HE Cyril Ramaphosa reaffirms his appreciation for the exceptional leadership of the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, from the very earliest stages of this unprecedented global health crisis.
“The African Union has also commended the management of Dr Tedros in leading the global response to the pandemic.”
As an aside, we must note that it should be little surprise that many of the racist attacks on Dr Ghebreyesus should come from supporters of the Taiwanese regime, with the implicit support of the regime itself. Taiwan was created as a de facto state when leaders of the right-wing former Kuomintang regime and members of the deposed landlord-capitalist exploiting class of China fled that country’s 1949 anti-capitalist revolution and set up base in Taiwan. Since then, the Taiwanese regime has been a stalwart of support for reactionary causes. Taiwan was one of the strongest supporters of the former Apartheid regime in South Africa. Backing the Apartheid regime against those fighting for black liberation, Taiwanese ambassador to Apartheid South Africa, H. K. Yang, stated that: “South Africa and my country are joined in the fight against communism. We are in favour of free enterprise, democracy and freedom” [24]. Taiwan, the former Apartheid rulers of South Africa and the murderously racist Israeli regime established a triangular axis of collaboration on developing nuclear weapons [25]. Taiwan was instrumental in enabling the former Apartheid regime to acquire nuclear weapons.
Cold War Witch-hunting Will Lead to Greater Repression of All Progressive Forces
The Australian ruling class has already harnessed its drive against those accused of being “soft” on Red China to power its push to constrict the rights of broader sections of society. Thus, two years ago, under the cover of contrived fears about “Chinese interference” and the supposed “threat” posed by the activities of pro-PRC members of Australia’s Chinese community, the Liberal government, with ALP support, rammed through two new laws targeting “foreign interference” that will provide pretexts for Australian regime crackdowns on protest movements and media reporting. Then, in the midst of the Australian ruling class spearheading outrageous attacks on China over the virus outbreak, last month Peter Dutton introduced into parliament the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment Bill 2020. The proposed new laws will give the regime the “right” to prevent a person under ASIO investigation from contacting their lawyer, allow ASIO to expel an interrogated person’s lawyer if they deem the lawyer to be “interrupting questioning”, gives ASIO the power to question 14 year-old children and grants them the “right” to track people without the need for a warrant [26].
The Australian regime’s drive against Red China and those deemed to be sympathetic to her at home has fuelled a “national security” obsession that has in turn made it easier for the Australian regime to target dissenters who have no direct connection with Cold War issues. It is telling that although those who blew the whistle on the Australian state’s spying in East Timor were first raided in 2013, the Australian regime did not feel that it could get away with actually laying charges on the two whistle blowers – Witness K and Bernard Collaery – until a whole five years later. Although the anti-China crusade and the suppression of those exposing the crimes of the Australian regime in East Timor are not directly connected, it is undoubted that the “national security” fixation created by the escalation of anti-PRC witch-hunting over the last few years made the government feel more confident to pursue the prosecution of whistle blowers in 2018 than they did in 2013. It is notable too that the very same Peter Dutton who demanded Moselmane’s removal from parliament was just weeks later demanding the sacking of Victoria’s Deputy Chief Health Officer, Dr Annaliese van Diemen, for merely making a very insightful tweet comparing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to the suffering of Aboriginal people caused by colonial invasion [27]:
“Sudden arrival of an invader from another land, decimating populations, creating terror. Forces the population to make enormous sacrifices & completely change how they live in order to survive. COVID19 or Cook 1770?”
The obsession with “protecting national interests” that the Australian ruling class have whipped up through their Cold War drive is also being used by them to justify repressive measures and laws targeting workers’ industrial action and more militant unions, both of which are branded as harmful to “national interests.”
Bottom: Some of the Trotskyist Platform placards at the 17 August 2019 demonstration in Sydney against the pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong included messages warning that the Australian ruling class’ campaign against socialistic China is fuelling a “national security” obsession that would be used to attack people and movements not even directly connected to the Cold War drive. Top: 18 July 2019, Canberra: David McBride, the whistleblower who revealed to the media details of horrific war crimes committed by Australian troops in Afghanistan speaks at a rally in his defence. The Australian regime is prosecuting McBride with charges that could see him jailed for 50 years for his brave exposure of “the Australian Defence Force’s unethical, harmful and highly politicised leadership.” There is no doubt that McBride as well as other persecuted whistleblowers, dissident lawyers and investigative journalists are victims of the “national security” hysteria largely created by the Cold War McCarthyist witchhunt against anyone deemed to be a supporter of Red China.
More insightful people, even those who do not necessarily have sympathy for socialistic China are starting to see the threat of broader repression posed by Cold War witch-hunting. Thus, although no mainstream politician from any party and not a single journalist, that we know of, from the main media outlets have had the courage to publicly defend Moselmane, there were prominent community voices that did protest against his witch-hunt. Prominent left-liberal Stuart Rees, an Emeritus Professor at the University of Sydney and the founder director of the Sydney Peace Foundation issued a statement condemning the witch-hunt [28]. In it, Rees insisted that:
“Mosselmane was the victim of character assassination for questioning anti-Chinese sentiment and for praising Chinese leadership’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan.”
article in the April 10 issue of the Australian
Muslim Times newspaper also condemned the witch-hunt of Moselmane [29],
noting that:
“The weak-kneed response of this onslaught against a colleague by the NSW Labor leader Jodi McKay MP is highly disappointing and shown to be a leader incapable of standing up for her colleagues and for what’s right.”
The article also quoted a protest letter to the NSW ALP leader by Chinese Community Council of Australia’s Dr Anthony Pun, where Pun stated that:
“…we are indebted to the Hon Shaoquett Moselmane MLC, who have shown empathy and compassion to our difficulties, particularly to racists taunts, racially vilification and hate speech…. We are aware of the recent media attempting to discredit him and saying that his remarks on China was inappropriate was unwarranted and simply wrong.”
Australian Muslim Times article also
reported on the statements of others who opposed the witch-hunt of Moselmane:
“Mr Bashir Sawalha, President of United Australian Palestinian Workers Association (UAPWA) has condemned the spiteful media attacks on Mr Moselmane and has also criticised the lack of support for him by Ms McKay.”
We welcome the fact that such a broad range of voices have condemned this McCarthyist witch-hunt. There needs to the broadest possible united-front push back against the Cold War persecution of people who make positive comments about the PRC or express support for her. And we need to the resist the broader attacks on democratic rights that such McCarthyist persecution is driving.
Ditch the ALP – Let’s Build a Workers Party That Will Actually Stand Up to the Capitalists and their Media
Despite being stabbed in the back multiple times by his own ALP colleagues, Shaoquett Moselmane has reaffirmed his commitment to the Labor Party. He released a statement that, while expressing deepest gratitude to those who offered solidarity with him against the recent attacks, asserted that “it is through the Australian Labor Party that we can advance the wellbeing and welfare of all Australians” [30]. Yet many of the supporters of Moselmane, who is rather popular amongst working class communities of Middle Eastern, African, Asian and South American origins, may have other thoughts. They would have been horrified at how the ALP leadership joined in the witch-hunt of the person they see as the spokesman for their concerns and would have noted how few – perhaps none (!) – of his Labor parliamentary colleagues actually publicly came to his defence in a forceful, high-profile manner.
Some of Moselmane’s supporters are likely amongst the many working class people who support the ALP through gritted teeth. Such people have long ago lost faith in the Labor Party’s commitment, let alone ability, to deliver meaningful social change. Many of these people have seen Labor Party leaders time and again betray promises privately made to them to make greater efforts to reduce inequality, ease the shortage of affordable rental accommodation and genuinely oppose racist attacks on non-white communities. Nevertheless these people, many from migrant backgrounds or lower-paid workers, cling on to the ALP because they hope that a few good people there can at least make some headway in changing the ALP’s stance, however minimally, on a few issues: perhaps make the ALP take a stronger stand on opposing job slashing by bosses, more truly stand for genuine multiculturalism, curb its strident support for Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine and wind back its fulsome adherence to the U.S.-led Cold War drive against China. Yet, as the witch-hunt of Moselmane again confirms, these have proven to be false hopes. Despite the sincerity of rank and file ALP supporters who hold these illusions, the truth is that the ALP has never sought to curb the “right” of even profitable companies to slash jobs whenever that is what it takes to further boost their own filthy profits. And the Labor Party is just as rabid in supporting Israel’s murderous oppression of Palestinian people as the Tories are and just as fervent in lining up behind the Cold War drive against socialistic China. And as for the type of “multiculturalism” envisaged by the ALP, one has only to look at the actions of the previous two leaders of the NSW ALP. At a meeting in the Blue Mountains in September 2018, former ALP leader Michael Daley incited racial prejudice when he disgustingly blamed migrants – especially from Asia – for taking local jobs and pushing young people out of Sydney [31]. Four months earlier, Daley’s predecessor Luke Foley also inflamed hostility to people of colour by despicably claiming that refugees are swamping Western Sydney leading to a “white flight” of Anglo families from these suburbs [32]. Meanwhile, just last month, the last ALP NSW premier, Kristina Keneally, now a senior member of federal Labor’s shadow ministry, was blowing out of the same dog whistle to racism as Daley and Foley as she called for a cut to migration and for local workers to get a “first go at jobs” [33].
To all those disillusioned with the ALP because it fails to actually stand up to the big end of town and refuses to fully shed its own white nationalist prejudices let alone challenge these notions, we say that it is high time to throw the ALP into the non-recyclable bin. The ALP is useless as an instrument for progressive change. And the problem is not merely that the ALP has lost its way. The bitter truth is that the ALP was never on the right track. Let’s remember that the Labor Party was founded on the principle of the White Australia Policy exclusion of Asian and other non-white immigrants. It is true that in certain periods – like the Whitlam years – the ALP oversaw some progressive reforms. But these were only ceded because the ruling class was in a weakened position –it was losing the Vietnam War to the heroic Vietnamese communists during the Whitlam period and facing a resurgent left and workers movement – and needed to grant the masses some concessions. These measures were taken by the ALP in order to stave off a much more deep-going working class radicalisation that could have conquered still greater gains for the masses. Yet, even at the best of times, the ALP’s approach has always been to try and make some piecemeal reforms for workers while retaining the acceptance of the capitalist bigwigs. This program has been a failure because the interests of the working class and those of the capitalist business owners are completely counter-posed. Every time that ALP leaders kowtow before the capitalist class and their media, they make this ruling class stronger, which in turn puts the ALP under even greater pressure to prostrate before these bigwigs. Such is logic of the ALP’s irreversible spiral downwards. For example, by pandering to the Murdoch and Fairfax media and the likes of Hadley and Credlin in their attacks on Moselmane, NSW ALP leader Jodi McKay strengthened the authority of these capitalist media outfits. So when the Murdoch media went on a crusade against today’s Black Lives Matter protests, McKay was under more pressure to bow to the wishes of Murdoch’s media than she otherwise would have been. This she duly did. Yesterday, Jodi McKay attacked Liberal premier Gladys Berejiklian from the right for not having then banned the planned protest. “Is (Premier Berejiklian) really giving her approval for a mass rally with potentially thousands of participants, when the maximum number of people allowed to visit a private home remains just five,” McKay told Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph [34]. It was this white supremacist-pandering attack by the NSW Labor leader on Berejiklian’s supposed softness on the protest that then pushed the conservative premier to move to ban today’s antiracist demonstration.
What we need is a workers party that in direct contrast to the ALP is not interested in gaining the approval or even the tolerance of any section of the capitalist class. Such a party would be based on the understanding that the interests of the working class masses can only be advanced through consistent opposition to the entire capitalist class. It would fight to restrict the “right” of capitalist bosses to slash jobs and fight for laws that would force company owners to increase their hiring of permanent workers at the expense of their profits. The workers party that we need would understand that advancing the masses interests can only come through building genuine workers unity. That means replacing the ALP’s hypocritical platitudes to “multiculturalism” and “reconciliation” with a merciless war against all outbreaks of white supremacy. It would fight for mass union/Aboriginal/Asian/Muslim/African mobilisations to crush violent redneck attacks, for the immediate jailing of all police and prison guards responsible for the deaths of Aboriginal people in custody and for the granting of all the rights of citizenship to all refugees, guest workers and international students. Such a party would also stand by all the peoples of the world subjugated by the same Australian capitalist class that exploits workers here at home, by the peoples subjugated by Canberra’s Washington big brother ally and by all those downtrodden by the reactionary regimes supported by these U.S. and Australian imperialists. That means it would oppose Australian imperialist plunder and paternalist bullying in the South Pacific and would demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. and Australian troops from Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf and all of the Middle East. It would also oppose all U.N. and U.S. economic sanctions on the peoples of North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Iran. A true workers party would also demand the removal of all Israeli troops and settlers from all of the West Bank and Gaza and fight for the destruction of the racial-supremacist Israeli state and its replacement by a bi-national, secular workers state where Jews and Palestinians will live together in socialist harmony. Most crucially, the international policy of a party that truly defends workers interests would emphasise the unconditional defence of socialistic rule in China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos against imperialist military pressure, lying propaganda campaigns and Western-backed anti-communist forces. This policy is essential despite the bureaucratic deformations and capitalist intrusions that distort socialistic rule in these countries. In short, what we need is a party that will defend the states where workers have achieved power abroad while fighting for workers rule here in Australia.
From causing a growing gap between rich and poor to its inability to provide secure, permanent jobs to its flawed response to the pandemic to the racist state brutality that it administers, capitalist rule is every day making life more miserable for the masses. The widespread revelations of racist state terror against black people and the brutal response of police to Black Lives Matter protests not only shows the true nature of capitalist “democracy” but exposes the blatant hypocrisy of capitalist regimes when they make allegations against the PRC, DPRK and other socialistic states over “human rights”. Now in the U.S., many working class people are questioning their faith in capitalist “democracy” and for the first time in a long while have begun to take the political offensive. Here in Australia, today’s mass anti-racist protests are a sign of the potential to turn around the ruling class’ decades-long offensive against Aboriginal people, other people of colour and the broader working class masses. Yet, as we look to possibly move onto the front foot, we need to guard our rear against attack. The more that we resist, the more that the exploiting class will fear the spectre of communism and, thus, the more that they will resort to Cold War witch-hunting and propaganda campaigns. That makes it doubly important to resist the Cold War attacks on those who sympathise with, or praise, the PRC and other socialistic countries. Let us condemn the witch-hunt of Shaoquett Moselmane and demand: No to the targeting of Australian-Chinese community organisations! Stop the persecution of pro-PRC Chinese international students! Rebuff the all-sided attacks on democratic rights that the McCarthyist anti-PRC witch-hunt is fuelling!
Charles Calisher, Dennis Carroll, Rita Colwell, Ronald B Corley, Peter Daszak, Christian Drosten, Luis Enjuanes, Jeremy Farrar, Hume Field, Josie Golding, Alexander Gorbalenya, Bart Haagmans, James M Hughes, William B Karesh, Gerald T Keusch, Sai Kit Lam, Juan Lubroth, John S Mackenzie, Larry Madoff, Jonna Mazet, Peter Palese, Stanley Perlman, Leo Poon, Bernard Roizman, Linda Saif, Kanta Subbarao and Mike Turner, Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19 (published 19 February 2020), The Lancet, Volume 395, Issue 10226, E42-E43, 7 March 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30418-9