28 November 2024: Trotskyist Platform has just updated the About section of our website with an up to date and much more detailed statement of what our group stands for.
Today, the world is at a crossroads. Capitalist rule in Australia and around the world is bringing ever more poverty, job insecurity, economic stress, social division, racist oppression, misogyny and imperialism-driven wars. On the other hand, socialistic China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries and the example of continued socialistic success that she provides both present a medium-term existential threat to imperialist domination of the world. Moreover, the working class masses in the capitalist world are more and more discontent. However, right now, the absence of genuinely revolutionary socialist parties is allowing the dangerous Far-Right wing of the capitalist classes to gain in strength. Increasingly, the choice facing humanity is either the liberation of communism or the nightmare of the fascist form of capitalism. It is therefore urgent that politically conscious workers and other leftists build an authentic revolutionary, internationalist workers party in Australia. Trotskyist Platform is working hard to build such a party.
We believe that our What We Stand For statement provides the guide needed for those committed to the liberation of the exploited and oppressed to intervene into the events and struggles of this very high-stakes period in order to advance towards the goal of a socialist world where exploitation of labour, unemployment, racism, oppression of women and imperialist subjugation of “Third World” countries will become things of the past.
Please read our statement. With the world’s contradictions coming to a head, the entire fate of humanity may well be decided within the next two to four decades.
In addition to the above articles contained in the print version, the following important articles below also form an integral part of Issue 27. All these articles had been published as leaflets and mailed out to subscribers in the period before Issue 27 appeared in print form. They were not included in the print version only to allow space for newer articles given the large volume of articles issued in this period:
Photo Above: The act of charity that has seen the Australian regime disgustingly jail 68 year-old Chinese-Australian Di Sanh Duong for two years and nine months. At the height of COVID, Duong donated more than $37,000 to the Royal Melbourne Hospital to help it purchase pandemic response materials. Duong made the 2 June 2020 donation which was collected from his Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in a ceremony involving then immigration minister Alan Tudge. Photo credit: James Ross/AAP
Free Di Sanh Duong!
Free the Three Cold War Political Prisoners in Australia!
29 February 2024: Australian citizen of Chinese descent, Di Sanh Duong, today became the first person jailed under Australia’s “Foreign Interference” laws. The Australian regime sentenced 68-year-old Duong to two years and nine months jail for making a charitable donation to a Melbourne public hospital during the height of the pandemic. Yes, you read that right! The act for which Doung has been jailed is the making of a public donation to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a ceremony with then immigration minister, Alan Tudge. The Australian regime and its courts deemed this to be illegal in a largely secret trial. Their allegation boils down to a claim that by giving himself a good name through the donation, Duong was “preparing” to in future advance the interests of the Communist Party of China (CPC) – the party that administers the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). What Duong is really being punished for is the fact that although he is certainly no leftist (Duong was actually a long-time member of the Liberal Party!), the group that he led, the Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, has signed (from a Chinese patriotic point of view) public statements showing some sympathy for the PRC. By jailing Di Sanh Duong, Australia’s capitalist regime is seeking to threaten others, especially members of this country’s Chinese community, that they should not express any positive views about the PRC. They are also demonising Duong in order to try and create an anti-communist, anti-China hysteria amongst the population. The Australian ruling class wants to justify to the masses its rabidly enthusiastic participation in Western imperialism’s all-sided political, economic and military campaign to destroy socialistic rule in China.
The charge under which Duong has been jailed is so ridiculous that Duong was not even convicted of “foreign interference”. Instead, he was convicted of “preparing to commit an act of foreign interference”. As we explained in an article titled, “Resist the Cold War Repression” that was written a few months before Duong’s trial late last year:
“Federal prosecutors claim that Duong’s donation to the hospital charity was a means for him to `interfere’ with then immigration minister Tudge – presumably by presenting Duong in a good light to the minister. Yet if that logic is followed consistently, there would literally be tens of thousands of other donors being arrested: for every single person who makes a donation to a charity in a public way is doing it to win themselves credibility with others and gain the influence which that brings. Yet the Australian regime is fine with nearly all others who make public donations to charity. Indeed, when a billionaire tycoon publicly donates to a charity a tiny fraction of the wealth that they have leached from the masses, the regime gushes with praise. But when the leader of a Chinese organisation that is somewhat sympathetic to the PRC makes such a donation, Australia’s regime screams that that this is a sinister act of `foreign interference’ on behalf of the CPC. Such a claim is a crystal clear example of McCarthyism. McCarthyism, the name given to the 1950s anti-communist witch-hunt in the U.S. and Australia, is based on the premise that those who either support communism or are even mildly sympathetic to a socialistic state should be treated with suspicion and denied the rights accorded to others … in this case even the right to publicly donate to a local public hospital!”
Yet even when compared with the hysterical zealotry of the 1950s McCarthyist witch-hunt, today’s lengthy prison sentence handed down to an elderly man – who suffers from glaucoma and cataracts as well as diabetes and high blood pressure – for merely making a public donation to a hospital to aid their pandemic response comes off as especially fanatical. Today’s sentencing judgement by judge Maidment was full of vitriolic denunciations of the Chinese Communist Party and it’s supposedly “pervasive foreign influence program”. Basically the judge has decided that an Australian person, who has even vague links to organisations associated with the Chinese Communist Party, who advocates a political position and happens to take the same stance as the Chinese Communist Party is definitely engaging in “foreign interference” rather than that person happening to share the same belief on an issue as the PRC government that is led by the Chinese Communist Party. Moreover, the Cold War extremist judge’s sentencing judgement practically insists that anyone who has any relations with people who are members of the Chinese Communist Party and who does not declare those associations before making any political advocacy is engaging in “a significant breach of trust” using “covert methodology”. Do Australians who have friends in, or links with, the Liberal or Labor or Greens or One Nation parties here – or say the Republican or Democrat parties in the U.S. – always declare their friendships or connections with those parties every time that they advocate something to a political figure or community organisation?
Despite the sentencing judge’s rantings, the truth is that the Communist Party of China conducts almost no direct interference in Australia’s politics. The foreign state that interferes in Australian political processes the most is the USA. But even U.S. influence operations on Australian politics are today of secondary importance. By far the biggest interferers in Australia’s “democracy” are the wealthy capitalist tycoons and the corporations that they own. These ultra-rich capitalists make very public charity donations to gain a positive reputation in order to influence political decisions according to their agendas – as Di Sanh Duong is alleged to have done – but on a scale far, far bigger and wider than a person like Duong collecting from members of his grassroots community organisation would ever have any hope of doing. This big end of town uses far more direct and potent methods to control political life in this country to an extent that is in great disproportion to their small size. They do so through direct donations to political parties, through the corporate and bosses organisations that they fund, through the corporations that they own being able to entice politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats with the prospects of future lucrative careers in their companies, through using their control of the economy to effectively hold government and other state institutions to ransom; and through the lobbyists that they hire, the media that they own and the NGOs and “independent” think tanks that they establish (like the Lowy Institute, the Institute for Public Affairs and the Australia Institute). Many of these influence operations involve truly “covert methodology” with their media and think tanks making the completely false, lying claim that they are “independent”, unbiased publishers of news and opinion. And while some of their direct political donations are reported – albeit usually many months after they first make them thus diminishing the impact of the disclosure – much of it is concealed through paying big payments to attend super-expensive fundraising dinners or through being funnelled through third parties. Yet none of these corporate bigwigs and their henchmen are even threatened with imprisonment for engaging in such interference in this country’s political system! That is of little surprise – the ruling capitalist class always intended Australia’s “democracy” to be a “democracy” that is controlled exclusively by their class, making sure that their so-called “democratic” system was organised and administered in such a way that would be most conducive for the political interference of the rich in it to continue unabated and largely unhindered.
Resist the Cold War Repression!
Di Sanh Duong’s sentencing judge has slapped a very severe jail term on a person who has had no prior convictions for a supposed “offence” that involved no violence, had no victim and was not even alleged to have done any damage unless you believe that helping hospitals treat COVID is damaging! By contrast, last ANZAC Day when a Brisbane man shouting racist abuse against Chinese people assaulted several Asian-Australians fishing on a pier, he was not only not given a jail term but he was not even given a criminal conviction. He was, instead, merely given a small civil fine. This is despite the fact that his assault using a metal object as a weapon could have been fatal had he succeeded in knocking one of the victims into the water after debilitating them through a blow with his weapon. That slap on the wrist to a violent anti-Chinese racist when contrasted with Duong’s outrageously heavy sentence shows the extreme anti-communist and racist bias of Australia’s legal system and judiciary.
Sunny Duong, as he is affectionately known, has today become Australia’s third Cold War political prisoner. Of the other two current political prisoners, one is pilot Daniel Duggan who has been imprisoned for the last sixteen months under harsh conditions for merely training Chinese pilots to fly more than ten years ago! The Australian regime is seeking to extradite Duggan to the U.S. to face charges as nothing he did is illegal by Australian laws. Meanwhile, Alexander Csergo has been jailed for the last eleven months accused of violating Australia’s “foreign interference” laws for merely looking up open source politics and defence affairs articles on the internet and passing their contents over to a Chinese think tank!
The anti-China hysteria surrounding all this Cold War repression – especially the persecution of ethnic Chinese Di Sanh Duong – will only further inflame anti-Chinese racism in Australia. It is a call out to all the filthy racists. It will lead to more people of Chinese appearance being abused in public transport and shopping centres, being bullied at school and being physically attacked on Australia’s streets. Moreover, these Cold War prosecutions have helped produce such a “national security” obsession that it is being used to intensify the repression of those targeted for matters not directly related to the Cold War. Thus, there is no doubt that the repressive political atmosphere created by the new McCarthyist witch-hunt has contributed to the prosecution of whistle blower, David McBride. McBride was convicted last November of “unlawfully disclosing Commonwealth documents” after he gave to the media information detailing the horrific and very widespread war crimes that were being committed by the Australian regime’s forces during their participation in the NATO occupation of Afghanistan. Now, he too faces imprisonment. The entire Left and all genuine defenders of democratic rights in Australia must demand: Drop the Charges against David McBride! Free Di Sanh Duong now! Free Daniel Duggan and Alexander Csergo! Scrap Australia’s draconian “Foreign Interference” laws! Down with the new McCarthyist witch-hunt!
21 September 2023, Eastwood, Sydney: Leftists and progressive members of the Chinese community rally to oppose the Cold War Witch-Hunt in Australia and the stigmatisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. The action was initiated by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association. Below: One of the slogans carried at the action called for the scrapping of Australia’s new McCarthyist, “Foreign Interference” laws.
As part of their Cold War drive to destroy socialistic rule in China, the Australian and other imperialist ruling classes seek to attack the PRC over “human rights”. However, the truth is that unlike Australia’s capitalist regime the PRC does not jail people for donating to public hospitals! We should stress that the imprisonment of Di Sanh Duong here has very little in common with the former imprisonment of Australian citizen, Cheng Lei, in China and the current jailing of another Chinese-Australian in China, Yang Hengjun. Cheng Lei was jailed for illegally supplying state secrets overseas – a form of spying. Notably, Cheng Lei confessed to the crimes – although she has tried to walk back and obscure her confession after returning to Australia after serving her sentence. For his part, Yang Hengjun was found guilty of espionage. It is important to understand that not only were Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun convicted of offences that would be considered very serious in any country, from the point of view of the interests of the working class of Australia and the whole world their actions truly are crimes. For they weaken and undermine a workers state – a workers state in the form of socialistic China. Their actions are as abusive towards the working class masses as a person who crosses a picket line to scab on a strike but with potentially even more damaging consequences. Unlike the Cold War political prisoners that Australia has imprisoned here, Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun were not jailed for merely donating to a public hospital or teaching people (apparently civilian pilots) how to fly planes or passing on the results of Google searches!
Today, the claims of the Australian and other Western capitalist rulers that they stand for “human rights” are being thoroughly exposed by their active support for Israel’s heinous war on the Palestinian people. Through hosting and jointly operating the joint U.S.-Australia spy base at the Northern Territory’s Pine Gap – which pinpoints a large number of Israel’s air and artillery strikes on Gaza – and through joining the U.S.-led Red Sea operation against Yemeni actions in support of Gaza, the Labor Party-administeredAustralian regime is directly participating in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. This shows that whether administered by the right-wing Liberal-Nationals, the social democratic ALP or any other party, Australia’s capitalist-serving state will use the cruellest means possible to protect the interests of this country’s ruling class – that small but powerful class of people that obtain their massive wealth through exploiting the labour of others. And that includes putting people sympathetic to Red China who publicly donate to hospitals in jail!
Today’s imprisonment of Di Sanh Duong underscores the importance of the demonstration that Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association conducted in Sydney’s Eastwood last September that called to “RESIST THE COLD WAR WITCH-HUNT!” That action also opposed the marginalisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. During the protest march, we loudly chanted, “Resist, Resist, the Cold War Witch-hunt!” and “Di Sanh Duong, Drop His Charges Now!” We now need to urgently build on that action and grow and strengthen the movement. We need to build a mass united-front movement of anti-Cold War leftists, pro-PRC members of the Chinese community and the most advanced sections of the workers movement to demand: Free Di Sanh Duong! Free Australia’s three Cold War political prisoners! Scrap Australia’s draconian “Foreign Interference” laws! Down with anti-Chinese racism! Down with the Western capitalist ruling classes’ Cold War offensive against socialistic China that is the root cause of this repression!
Energetic Protest Opposes the Australian Rulers’ Cold War Witch-Hunt
26 September 2023: Two days ago, about forty people participated in a determined protest against the stigmatisation and marginalisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. Witch-hunting in Australia associated with the U.S. and Australian rulers’ new Cold War has specifically targeted that majority section of the Chinese community that has a friendly attitude towards the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Sunday’s action also opposed the broader Cold War repression in Australia. This repression is increasingly targeting even non-Chinese people who continue to maintain pragmatic relations with the PRC and her institutions. Even people with no particular political sympathy for China are being persecuted.
Sunday’s protest in the Sydney suburb of Eastwood has special importance. Since the Australian ruling class began aggressively persecuting the PRC-friendly section of the Chinese community nearly six years ago and started targeting others in this witch-hunt too, this was the very first action whose main focus was pushing back at this Cold War repression. And it was the first demonstration to in any way call-out such Cold War witch-hunting since the campaign to free pro-North Korea, then political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, culminated nearly two and a half years ago when Choi was freed from the clutches of capitalist Australia’s “justice” system.
The September 24 rally and march was reported on by the popular Chinese-language Australian news site, Sydney Today and picked up by many other Chinese-language news sites. Reflecting the deep concerns of Australia’s Chinese community, the article about the rally had one of the highest number of readers’ comments of any article published by Sydney Today on the day that the report was issued.
The main banner of the demonstration called to “RESIST THE COLD WAR WITCH-HUNT!” The other banner slogans included, “Free the People of Many Ethnicities That the Australian Regime is Cruelly Prosecuting for Merely Engaging with China’s Institutions!”, “Stop the Marginalisation of the Chinese Community!”, “Resist the Attacks on Social Organisations Friendly to China!” and “Stop the New McCarthyist Witch-hunt! `Free Speech’ Must Include the Right to Express Positive Views about Socialistic China!”
The September 24 rally was proudly multiracial in composition bringing people of white Australian background together with people from Chinese, Korean and other Asian and Middle Eastern ethnicities. It was endorsed by the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA), ourselves in Trotskyist Platform, Anti-War West Sydney and, in an individual capacity, by well-known peace activist Nick Deane who is both the convenor of the Marrickville Peace Group and a member of the Independent and Peaceful Australian Network (IPAN). For the ACWA, it took particular courage to participate in this action. Since the Cold War witch-hunt threatens all Chinese community organisations that have either a friendly or neutral attitude towards Red China – that is all Australian-Chinese groups that refuse to enlist in the capitalist rulers’ PRC-bashing campaign – the ACWA is itself one of the groups in the firing line.
Each of the endorsing entities had representatives speak at Sunday’s rally. The formal part of the demonstration began with an address by one of the two co-chairs of the event, ACWA chairman, David Chen. Introducing the action David stated:
“Thank you everyone who has come here to support this important action to oppose the marginalisation of the Chinese community in Australia and to stand up against the new Cold War witch-hunt.
“I want to start by acknowledging that we are gathering here on the land of the Wallumettagal clan of the Eora First Nations people.
“My name is David Chen and I am the chairman of the Australian Chinese Workers Association. I will be co-chairing this event together with my friend Sarah Fitzenmeyer who is the chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform, the Australian-Chinese Workers Association’s partners in initiating this event.
“My remarks will be focussed on one important symptom of the marginalisation of the Chinese community. That is Ryde City Council’s decision to name a big chunk of Eastwood without properly consulting the Chinese community or the broader community at all [Editor’s note: According to the latest census, people of Chinese ethnicity are by far the biggest ethnic group in Eastwood and make up 49% of the suburb. However, recently the local council that covers Eastwood has decided to rename a big chunk of the suburb as `Koreatown’ without consulting the Chinese community. This has provoked outrage among some who see it as a symptom of how marginalised the Chinese community in Australia has become]. Sarah and other speakers will then talk about the many other aspects of Cold War repression in Australia which has seen Chinese social organisations slandered, people of various ethnicities jailed or charged for having connections to China and violent racist forces being encouraged on the streets.”
In calling to “suspend the construction of the Koreatown project” until a proper consultation has taken place, the ACWA chairman stressed that his group’s stance has nothing to do whatsoever with rivalry with the Korean community or even disapproval of the existence of a “Koreatown” within Eastwood per se but is based on opposition to the Ryde City Council’s lack of consultation with the Chinese community and lack of openness around the Eastwood naming issue. He concluded by calling for Ryde to become “a model multicultural community where all ethnic groups live together in peace, friendship and equality.” Indeed, it was notable that several people of Korean ancestry joined the September 24 protest.
Above:Australian Chinese Workers Association chairman David Chen, one of the two rally co-chairs, makes his opening remarks to the September 24 action. Below: the Chinese language banner carried by demonstrators. It’s main slogan was “We Demand an Immediate Halt to the Marginalisation and Stigmatisation of the Australian-Chinese Community in the Context of the New Cold War“. The Chinese banner’s additional slogans were: “Free Australians of Any Ethnicity who Are Being Cruelly Imprisoned or Prosecuted for Maintaining Pragmatic Relations with China and Her Institutions!”, “Suspend the Recent Naming of a Big Part of Eastwood Which Was Rammed through without Consulting the Suburb’s Most Numerically Significant Community – the Australian-Chinese Community!”, “Stop the Attacks on Chinese Community Organisations That Exercise Their Right to Have a Sympathetic or Neutral Stance towards China!” and “Down With the New McCarthyist Witch-hunt! Stop the Attempts to Repress People who Make Social Media Comments Sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China!”
“For All Working-Class People and Nearly All Middle-Class People Too, the Cold War Witch-hunting is Completely Against Our Interests”
Next to speak, was the other rally co-chair, our Trotskyist Platform chairwoman Sarah Fitzenmeyer. Sarah began her speech by stating:
“We are gathering here today on the stolen land of the Wallumettagal clan of the Eora First Nations people. This country’s current political order is built on the brutal dispossession of Aboriginal people. Alongside this, the regime here has often engaged in persecuting Asian people – especially Chinese people. This started from the mid-19th century gold rush and then continued on into the White Australian Policy after Federation.
“Anti-Chinese racism has come back with a vengeance over the last few years – driven not only by the long-standing racist xenophobia but also the jingoism surrounding the Australian rulers’ participation in the Western regimes’ Cold War drive to destroy and ultimately annihilate socialistic rule in China. To justify their Cold War, the Australian ruling class have created a fear of China. They have been slandering sections of the Chinese community as supposed “agents” of “foreign interference” from Red China. Such propaganda inevitably creates hostility towards the Chinese community.
“To stifle any opposition to their Cold War drive, Australia’s capitalist rulers use repression to silence people – both within the Chinese community and the broader community – anyone who dares to express a positive view on the Peoples Republic of China.
“In the face of this increasing stigmatisation, we say that the Chinese community should not have to stand alone. It is the duty of Australians of other ethnicities, especially white Australians, to strongly oppose the attacks on the Chinese community and – in particular – the attacks on that large section of the Chinese community that has positive views about the Peoples Republic of China. Taking such a stance is a big part of what today’s demonstration is all about.”
Sarah then listed some of the “examples of how the Australia’s rulers’ Cold War, China-bashing campaign has caused great harm to both the Chinese and the broader community” and recalled the 1950s McCarthyist witch-hunt in the U.S. and Australia (that saw many communists and others deemed sympathetic to then most powerful socialistic state – the Soviet Union – being sacked from their jobs and in many cases imprisoned):
“Five years ago, all of Australia’s parliamentarians from all political parties voted to introduce repressive, so-called Foreign Interference laws. The true purpose of these authoritarian laws is to prevent certain groups of people from expressing views that are positive about socialistic China.
“The following year, the then NSW Liberal state government, pressured by the Greens, banned the China-connected Confucius Institutes from teaching Chinese language in NSW schools. The politicians ludicrously claimed that this language teaching would be used by China to conduct foreign interference.
“Around the same time, Australia’s ASIO secret police unleashed threatening interrogations against Chinese international students who had become involved in political activity. In August 2019, the students had organised a large pro-China rally against the pro-colonial, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong. While the Australian ruling class were overtly backing the anti-communist, anti-China forces holding rallies here, when pro-Peoples Republic of China activists did the same, they were hit with terrifying intimidation by Australia’s secret police….
“In November 2020, the leader of the Chinese community group, the Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations, Di Sanh Duong, became the first person charged under Australia’s Foreign Interference laws. Ridiculously, the Australian regime claimed that the charity collection that he organised for a public hospital was an act of `Foreign Interference’. Can you believe it?
“The Cold War repression has reached such a level that many non-Chinese people are now also being targeted.
“The NSW state MP, Shaoquett Moselmane, in 2020, was subjected to an intense media attack after he made the manifestly true statement that China had responded effectively to the COVID pandemic. Both the AFP and ASIO unleashed a massive raid on Moselmane’s home to supposedly investigate `foreign interference’….
“The neo-McCarthyist witch-hunt has reached such proportions that even people without the slightest sympathy for China but who have had pragmatic relations with PRC entities are being persecuted….
“In one of the most outrageous persecutions of this entire neo-McCarthyist campaign, Australian citizen and former U.S. fighter pilot, Daniel Duggan, is facing extradition to the U.S. simply for training Chinese, most very likely civilian, pilots in South Africa …. For this Duggan has been languishing in harsh conditions in NSW prisons for the last ten months. The prosecution of the 54 year-old pilot has little to do with upholding the law. In the context of the crazed Cold War drive against socialistic China, Duggan is a convenient object for the U.S. and Australian rulers to create a show trial to hype up the supposed `Chinese military threat.’
“If we do not push back against this Cold War repression it’s going to get even more intense. Earlier this year, the Albanese government banned public sector employees from accessing the popular Chinese, short-video platform, TikTok, on government devices. Last month, a parliamentary committee further demanded that TikTok and WeChat be subjected to requirements that could provide the basis for completely banning these platforms in Australia.”
The rally co-chair stressed that “for all working-class people and nearly all middle-class people too, the Cold War witch-hunting is completely against our interests”:
“This Cold War witch-hunt is helping to foster an unhealthy, hysterical national security obsession. It is this climate that has enabled the Australian regime to persecute the courageous whistle blower, David McBride, the former Australian Army lawyer who exposed the Australian regime’s horrific war crimes in Afghanistan.
“The main aim Western rulers’ have for their new Cold War is of course to crush socialistic rule in China. This would be completely catastrophic for more than 90% of the people of Australia and the entire West. To ensure that this future does not come true what is most badly needed is for socialistic rule in China to succeed and flourish…. While people in Australia are ground down by unaffordable power, fuel and food prices because of the greed of the oil, gas and electricity company owners, we need to be able to point to the existence and reality of what public ownership is capable of [in the PRC], how China’s energy and power sectors are publicly owned and thus price gouging does not exist there.
“Sisters and brothers this is what we must do, we need to oppose in entirety the political, economic, propaganda and military campaign which is being waged against socialistic rule in China. And this means that we must oppose all Cold War witch-hunts that are being used to promote the war drive and to silence any opposition to it.”
Next to speak was anti-war activist Nick Deane. Recalling how he had campaigned against the Vietnam War and then against the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Nick Deane expressed his fear that the U.S. and its allies would actually unleash a war on China. He explained that China is no threat at all to any country and that Australia actually does not have any external threats whatsoever. Instead the real threat is the climate crisis. The peace activist emphasised the need to oppose Australia’s planned acquisition of nuclear submarines under the AUKUS pact.
Demonstrators at the September 24 action listen to a speech by anti-war activist Nick Deane.
“We Have to Resist the Coming New Fascism by Resisting the New McCarthyist Repression Today!”
Samuel Kim then spoke on behalf of Trotskyist Platform. He began by skewering the persecution of Di Sanh Duong and the so-called “Foreign Interference” laws that Di Sanh Duong has been charged under: Take the case of Melbourne Vietnamese-Chinese community leader, Di Sanh Duong, known as Sunny Duong. Three and a half years ago, Sunny arranged for a community group to collect over $37,000 for a Melbourne Hospital to treat COVID patients …. You would think that this act of charity would win Sunny’s organisation praise. Instead he has been arrested and charged with foreign interference. The reason that Sunny is being targeted is because his group has a friendly attitude towards China. Donating money to a hospital could see Sunny Duong facing up to ten years in jail!
Sunny Duong was charged under Australia’s draconian, so-called, “Foreign Interference” laws brought in five years ago. Under the cover of these authoritarian laws, a very large number of office bearers of Chinese social organisations that have a friendly attitude towards Red China have been subjected to intimidating interrogations by Australia’s ASIO secret police. This Gestapo style secret police then threaten people not to talk about the interrogations. Therefore, it is not publicly known who had been interrogated! The combined ASIO intimidation, repressive laws, and media lies have pressured many Chinese social organisations to reduce their public activities.
Samuel warned of how the new McCarthyist witch-hunt is threatening to persecute ever more people: A couple of months ago, the likes of far-right Liberal MP James Patterson and Greens MP David Shoebridge even demanded that the police arrest people who make strong social media comments defending China against anti-communist, anti-China activists. If we are not careful, in the future even people here who criticise the Cold War and extremist Sinophobes, or who advocate for the public ownership of the banks and key sectors – may be accused of “foreign interference”…. Like a cancer, the Cold War witch-hunt in Australia is spreading. The whole parliament from parties that are neo-fascist like One Nation to the Liberals, Labor and the Greens join the Cold War as they all serve the ruling class. Many non-Chinese are now also being targeted.
During his speech, Samuel Kim briefly addressed the Eastwood naming issue noting that he is a person of Korean background: With Chinese voices silenced by the Cold War no wonder that the Council renamed part of Eastwood “Koreatown” without consulting the Chinese community. As a Korean person, I was shocked, because I knew Eastwood is overwhelmingly Chinese, and not Korean. If there should be a Koreatown, it should be in the southern part of Lidcombe where Koreans are the main ethnic group. But what has happened here in Eastwood is not about Koreans. This is a symptom of the growing attacks on the Chinese community.
The Trotskyist Platform spokesman not only re-asserted the basic point that the Cold War repression in Australia is aimed at ensuring the population’s subservience to the capitalist rulers’ drive to crush socialistic rule in China but explained why the capitalist rulers are hell-bent on this quest and why we must defend socialistic rule in China: Despite China’s transition to socialism being incomplete and bureaucratically deformed from hostile pressure, China is proving that socialism can greatly improve the lives of the masses …. This will encourage the struggle for socialism here…. Capitalist rule in Australia is leading to homelessness and unaffordable rents …. Meanwhile workers real wages are plummeting, all whilst corporate profits soar, the prices of food, fuel and electricity are surging and society is becoming more toxicly racist and cannibalistic due to capitalist individualistic savagery and brutality. So it is crucial that socialistic China succeeds and societies learn from her socialist-owned banks, property, and enterprises. Working-class people here must do whatever is possible to defend socialistic rule in China. We demand U.S. and Australian navies get out of the South China Sea! Down with the acquisition of long-range missiles and nuclear subs! Scrap Western support for the anti-working class Taiwanese regime! Challenge the propaganda against China – over COVID, Hong Kong or treatment of her Uyghur minority – for they are lies like the Iraq WMD allegations that lead to war, took lives, and wasted trillions of dollars!
In the context of the Cold War repression in Australia, Samuel responded to the demands by Australia’s capitalist media that prime minister Anthony Albanese attack the PRC “over human rights” when Albanese has his expected meeting with the PRC president in China later this year: When prime minister Albanese meets Chinese president Xi Jinping later this year he has absolutely no right to criticise China about “human rights”. In fact, we appeal to Chinese president Xi Jinping to ask Albanese to scrap Australia’s draconian, so-called, Foreign Interference laws and to stop the intimidating ASIO interrogations…. We also appeal to Xi to demand that the Australian regime drop the charges against those imprisoned here or facing jail on charges related to the Cold War witch-hunt.
The Trotskyist Platform representative concluded his speech by urging resistance to the new McCarthyist witch-hunt in Australia warning that it if this Cold War repression is not resisted it could become a springboard to something even more horrifying: As the capitalist order decays, there are far-right forces strengthening who want nothing less than to impose a Nazi-style or Mussolini-style fascist version of capitalism to maximise profits and quell dissent. In the U.S., Europe and to some degree Australia, these forces are growing. We have to resist the coming new fascism by resisting the new McCarthyist repression today …. Workers, students, out-of-work people of all ethnicities, religions, and background have to step up and struggle …. Let’s demand: Stop the attacks on Chinese social organisations friendly to China! Drop the charges against Di Sanh Duong! Free Daniel Duggan! Free Alexander Csergo! Stop the Cold War marginalisation of Australia‘s Chinese community! Stand with socialistic China!
Alongside the speeches of our spokespeople and the leaflets that we distributed, Trotskyist Platform supporters promoted a perspective of working-class based opposition to the Cold War repression through the placards that we carried at the rally. Among our many signs at the demonstration were ones that called to: “Resist the Push By Australian Politicians to Repress People Who Make Strong Social Media Comments Sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China!”, “Resist the Australian Regime’s Attempts to Silence Positive Opinions About Socialistic China! With Working-Class People Here Suffering Unaffordable Rents, Insecure Jobs and Plunging Real Wages We Badly Need to Hear About China’s Socialistic Alternative” and “A Strong Socialistic China is Good for Australian Working Class People. Australian Workers: Defend the PRC Workers State!” Additionally our ethnic Korean supporters carried bilingual English and Korean placards with messages such as: “Working-Class Korean-Australians Say: Stop Discrimination Against Australia’s Chinese Community!”
Some of the rally participants gather together prior to beginning their march through the streets of Eastwood.
Sabotuers Rebuffed, the Pro-PRC Chinese Community Given Confidence, the Resistance is Energised
After several speeches in English, ACWA chairman David Chen addressed the Chinese-speaking people present at the rally by reiterating in Mandarin Chinese the points made in his initial introductory speech. The rally then marched west down Eastwood’s Rowe Street mall and then snaked through the shop-crowded streets of Eastwood in a loop that took us past the main entrance to the suburb’s railway station. Here is a video of a part of the march taken by the Australian-Chinese online newspaper, Sydney Today:
Immediately after the march, a message of solidarity to the action was read out from Wayne Sonter, the leader of activist group, Anti-War West Sydney. The messaged expressed “strong opposition to this governments attempts to intimidate and suppress all those who may have links with, or express views supportive of the PRC.” The solidarity statement stressed that:
“Anti-War West Sydney supports the concepts of a global community of nations, a global green new deal and aspirations for an ecological civilisation.
“We support and advocate a pathway to peace, progress and sustainability, not a road to endless war, destruction and catastrophe.
“We, or our governments cannot choose to do both. The Australian government, by these acts of intimidation and a host of associated commitments shows to the Australian people that it has chosen the wrong path and is on the wrong side of history”
During the march, participants loudly chanted “Resist, Resist, the Cold War Witch-hunt!” and “Di Sanh Duong, Drop His Charges Now!” Chinese-speakers on the march also chanted in Mandarin, calling to unite against the discrimination targeting the Chinese community. The march attracted a great deal of interest and sympathy from onlookers in the local Chinese community and from the broader Eastwood community. Indeed, throughout the whole event we met with few signs of hostility (aside from some drunken rednecks who chanted “We want nukes” as we marched past a pub that they were patronising).
However, in the days leading up to the demonstration, there was a concerted attempt by hostile forces to sabotage the action. A small number of representatives of two Chinese business bosses’ groups – the Eastwood Chinatown Chamber of Commerce and the Northwest Chinese Business Association – that had both hastily scrambled together their formation in the three weeks leading up to the rally, tried to bully the ACWA into pulling back from the September 24 action. Most harmfully, they spread disinformation within the Chinese community implying that Sunday’s demonstration would be deemed illegal by the police. We would not call these disgusting acts of sabotage a “betrayal”. Rather, it is a case of capitalists and their henchmen acting in their own class interests – the interests that is of a class that extracts its income from plundering the fruits of their workers’ labour. To be sure, as in every other political dispute, personal factors like ego come into the equation. However, at bottom, certain business bosses and their avaricious upper-middle class henchmen were acting against the September 24 rally because they feared that the explicitly pro-working class initiators of the action – the Australian Chinese Workers Association and Trotskyist Platform – could gain greater authority and that this could eventually lead to their own workers becoming more assertive of their rights and better connected with the broader Australian trade union movement. Or, to put it another way, a few of the local business bosses feared that the activism of the groups that spearheaded the September 24 rally could eventually threaten the level of profit that they can gain by exploiting their own workers. For in the end, a capitalist in Australia is a capitalist – regardless of whether they have white European, Chinese, Korean or any other ancestry! To be sure, even capitalist Chinese in Australia suffer discrimination as a result of the explosion of anti-Chinese sentiment incited by the Cold War witch-hunt. However, at the same time, the fact that this present socio-economic order upholds their very privileged economic and social position makes them zealously loyal to the current order and suspicious of any protest against the pro-capitalist authorities upholding it. Thus the particular capitalist elements within the Chinese community that attempted to undermine the September 24 rally objected to the “combative” approach to governments of the protest initiators. They counterposed to this their “positive” attitude to governments in dealing with both the Eastwood naming issue and the much more serious attacks faced by the Chinese community. Of course, these forces would be the first to grab for themselves any concessions to the Chinese community that the authorities make in a response to the activism of the likes of those of us who conducted the September 24 protest.
In many ways, the conduct of those upper-class elements within the Chinese community that sought to undermine the September 24 rally can be compared to the attitude that several Indian-Australian community groups took to protests in the late noughties against the wave of violent racist attacks on Indian students that were unleashed in Australia at that time. Although these Indian community groups included people in all classes within them (unlike those who sought to sabotage the September 24 action), it is upper-class and upper-middle class elements who – through their ability to make big donations and the often greater eloquence that flows from their greater opportunities to access high-quality education – have gained a stranglehold on many of these Indian-Australian community groups. As a result, even though the leaders of these groups’ own children may have been subjected to racist bullying at school – and on the streets – as part of the wave of anti-Indian violence, they downplayed the racist attacks on Indian, mainly international, students and condemned the spirited anti-racist protests of these students. They proved that they would rather accept, albeit with a heavy heart, racist attacks on Indian international students and even the threat of such attacks on their own children, than risk any damage to the authority of the social order that upholds their very privileged economic and social status. This attitude of the wealthy leaders of some Australian-Indian community groups provoked understandable outrage back in India. Today, certain of their class compatriots within the Australian-Chinese capitalist class are following in their footsteps with respect to the Cold War stigmatisation and marginalisation of the Chinese community today.
Those who sought to sabotage the September 24 action did have some success. With Australian-Chinese people who considered attending the rally only too aware that they are in the Cold War firing line of the authorities, fear of the likelihood of a police attack on the protest that was deviously spread by the saboteurs did indeed cause some Chinese people who were planning to join the action to decide to stay home. However, the saboteurs’ campaign against the 24 September action only made the core cadre in the ACWA more determined. As a result they, Trotskyist Platform and the other rally supporters were able to successfully conduct the action. The demonstration received much sympathy from onlookers who saw it and others who later heard about it, as well as important coverage in the Australian-Chinese media. Most importantly, the ethnic Chinese people who participated in the September 24 protest were invigorated by the action; as were the many non-Chinese people who took part. A huge step has been taken in conducting the very first action in Australia to directly oppose the Cold War marginalisation of the Australian-Chinese community and broader Cold War repression. Momentum for follow-up actions has inevitably been created. Those who hesitated in participating this time but heard of the successful conduct of the action, will be keen to join next time.
As rally co-chair Sarah Fitzenmeyer stressed in her concluding remarks:
“We must push back against this Cold War repression even though it is not going to be easy. The witch-hunting climate is intense and is accompanied by rabid propaganda by the mainstream media pushing the `China Threat’ and `Chinese Foreign Interference’ hoaxes. But history is made by the brave and not by the cowardly and today’s rally is an important step forward. It is indeed the very first action that has directly opposed the overall McCarthyist witch-hunt in Australia. So well done everyone who has come here to support this action….
“I hope the Chinese community, especially the section sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China, gets the message from today’s action that they are not alone. It is vitally important that those Chinese-Australians with a sympathetic view about socialistic China feel that they are not alone. Because we need you to be able to express your views …. We need you to tell other Australians about what the People’s Republic of China is really like and how much she has achieved in poverty alleviation and in improving the lives of her people. We need this because we know that this will help undercut support for the dangerous anti-China war drive that our rulers are hell-bent on pushing.
“So, with courage and perseverance, let us resist the Cold War repression in Australia and demand: End the Cold War witch-hunt! Free the Cold War political prisoners in Australia! Scrap the authoritarian foreign interference laws! Stop the ASIO raids! Stop the attempts to silence social media users sympathetic to socialistic China! Let’s resist our rulers’ political, military and propaganda campaign against socialistic China that is the root cause of this new Cold War repression!”
Above: Hundreds of people march through the street’s of New Zealand’s Auckland to protest against racist attacks on Asian background people. Photo Credit: Zhao Gang/Xinhua
Unite the Workers Movement with All Anti-Racists
Resist Anti-Asian Hate Attacks!
Oppose the Cold War Campaign against Socialistic China That Goes Hand in Hand with Anti-Asian Violence
22 April 2021: Over the last 14 months, racist rednecks in Australia have assaulted and verbally abused thousands of people of Asian background. Politicians who blame China for the pandemic are inflaming hatred against people of Chinese background and anyone else who could look Chinese to an ignorant racist. It is not just the vile Donald Trump who is guilty of this. Here, the entire capitalist establishment – from the Liberals, to the ALP, to the Greens, to all the mainstream media – is waging a Cold War propaganda campaign to demonize socialistic China and any Chinese background person who has any sympathy for the PRC. The result of their campaign is reflected in the fact that a survey conducted by the Asian Australian Alliance collected reports of over 500 incidents of COVID-19 related racism in just the last year alone.
To blame a particular ethnicity or a country for a
virus is both disgusting and anti-scientific. Viruses carry no passport! Moreover, the pandemic’s spread
into Australia did not at all come from China. Socialistic
China contained COVID so effectively that, according to data from Australian institutions, the number of
COVID infected people that arrived here from mainland China
numbered at
most just 22. And as arrivals from China were closely monitored, this
tiny number of people did not cause any
community spread within Australia. By contrast, by April last year, 1,460 infected people had already entered from Europe. Because
the Morrison government wanted to maintain travel restrictions specifically focused on China for as
long as possible – in order to whip up suspicion of Red China – they allowed
people from the virus-plagued lands of Italy, the U.S. and Britain to enter during
the early period of the pandemic with little screening.
As a result, it
was arrivals from Europe and America who brought COVID into Australia. This was, of course, no fault on
their part. But this fact makes a
mockery of both the overt racists who have attacked Asians for COVID and the covert white supremacists in
parliament and in the media who have pushed people onto this anti-Asian, racist
path by dishonestly blaming China for the pandemic.
Where Do All These Hate Crimes against People of Asian
Background Come from?
In the three years before the pandemic even began, there was a horrific series of violent
attacks on Chinese students and Asian Australians. So, why all these hate
crimes? Firstly, Australian society is extremely racist. After all, the current
“order” was founded on the murderous, racist dispossession of Aboriginal
people. As in all capitalist societies, the ruling elite and those who serve them whip up racism to divert the anger
of the masses that they exploit – anger over the serious lack of
secure jobs and the dearth of affordable housing – onto racial minorities. It is not only the right-wing Coalition
who do this. Previous NSW ALP leader, Michael Daley, incited this kind of
hatred when he disgustingly blamed young Asian migrants for taking local jobs
and pushing young people out of Sydney. The result of all this is that while Aboriginal people suffer the most extreme oppression,
other non-white communities are also targeted: from Asians to Muslims to
Africans. Attacks on Asians are especially severe due to the reality that – because of this land’s natural wealth and because Australia’s
capitalists exploit workers in our region even more cruelly than they exploit
workers here at home – this country is a relatively
rich, white-dominated enclave neighbored by billions of poorer Asians. This
allows Australia’s rulers to manufacture fears that the white masses’ standard
of living will be diluted by the entry of huge populations from neighboring
The second driver of anti-Asian hatred is economic
nationalism. Politicians call for “protecting Australian jobs” through
restricting imports. Such protectionism inevitably fuels racism as the white
masses are pushed to lump locals from Chinese, Korean and Indian backgrounds
with their compatriots abroad who are blamed (wrongly) for “taking Australian
jobs.” More than even the conservatives it is the ALP, the Greens and, sadly,
the current leaders of our trade unions who most promote protectionism. With no
program based on actual struggle and industrial action to win jobs they resort
to these schemes that set workers here against their counterparts abroad. Yet
all that protectionist measures “achieve” is to set off reciprocal measures
abroad so that, in the end, no one’s job is saved while local workers are left
divided from their crucial worker allies abroad.
Right now, the biggest cause of anti-Asian attacks is
the imperialist Cold War against socialistic China. Western populations are
being bombarded with constant anti-China propaganda: from lies about the
pandemic to the completely hysterical
claim that China is “brutally oppressing” her Muslim Uyghur minority (a claim
that most Muslim-majority countries have rejected – instead praising China’s treatment of Uyghurs).
The result of this propaganda is that there
has been a sharp spike in anti-Asian violence in countries at the forefront
of the Cold War from the U.S. to Canada to Australia. To be sure, the politicians
and media promoting anti-China hate say that they are only opposed to communist
Chinese and not to all Chinese. But they know full well that they are dog
whistling to anti-Asian xenophobia in order to strengthen their anti-communist
campaign. Meanwhile, the “academic” who has provided the “intellectual” cover
for the campaign, Clive Hamilton, has openly placed Chinese Australians in the
cross-hairs of rabid racists by claiming that many Chinese migrants are part of
a pro-communist network that is secretly “invading” Australian politics and
“civil society.”
It is not only right-wing forces who have been spearheading the anti-Red China charge. Pro-establishment “progressives” have been just as rabid. One of the most fanatical is NSW Greens MP, David Shoebridge, who has spearheaded the campaign to kick out of Australia the China-connected Chinese language institute, the Confucius Institute. Meanwhile, right-wing Chinese groups like Falun Dafa and Hong Kong pro-British-colonial outfits have, out of shared hostility to Red China, been supporting racist forces attacking Asians: from Trump to white supremacist groups. For their part, several left-wing groups – like Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance – while rightly campaigning against anti-Asian attacks have simultaneously fed into the anti-China campaign that has incited these attacks by themselves retailing anti-China propaganda over the pandemic, Uyghurs and Hong Kong. They, of course, say that they oppose the Chinese state and not the Chinese people. But ever since China’s 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, hostility to Red China and “Yellow Peril” racism have been very closely intertwined. This is because racism and opposition to socialistic China are both agendas that serve the same capitalist rulers – the latter to stop their own masses from being infected with anti-capitalist ideas. That is why, regardless of their intentions, those who feed into anti-communist propaganda against China – whether over the pandemic or over bogus “human rights” violations – are helping to fuel violence against East Asian background people. This was shown last month when, as part of “hosting a debate” over China, Socialist Alliance, in keeping with their bending to the anti-China campaign, legitimised (as a view for leftists to consider) the views of arch, “red-Chinese-under-the-beds” inciter Clive Hamilton by choosing to give space in their newspaper Green Left Weekly for Hamilton to publish an attack against those who call out anti-Chinese racism.
Fightback against Racist Attacks!
Given that the capitalist rulers are responsible for the frightening rise of anti-Asian hate, it is clear that they are not going to be the force to resist it. Nor should we expect protection from their “justice” system. In capitalist countries, all state enforcement organs from the police to the courts exist to enforce the rule of the rich exploiters over the working class. Given that racism is a key tool used by their capitalist masters to keep the exploited masses divided and weak, these organs themselves administer racist injustice. Here, police and prison guards have killed countless numbers of Aboriginal people. And look at what happened in the U.S. last month after a white man screaming “”I’m going to kill all Asians” shot dead six Asian women. The police captain overseeing the “response,” a racist who had promoted t-shirts blaming China for the coronavirus, despicably alibied the murderer by saying that the shooter was having “a really bad day.”
Fortunately, there is a powerful force that we can
look towards not only as an ally but as a spearhead of the movement and that is
the organised working class. For although the working class, like all classes, is
currently infected with the prejudices promoted by the capitalist rulers, the multi-racial
working class has an especially strong interest in combating racism. For it is
essential for workers to build the unity needed to fight back against capitalist
attacks on workers’ rights and job security. A taste of what the union movement
can do was seen on 2 May 2014 in Brisbane when unionised construction workers
joined with other anti-fascists to drive a violent white supremacist group off
the streets. To make such events the norm rather than the exception, genuine class-struggle
internationalists within the workers movement must campaign for the workers
movement to champion the struggle against racist attacks, while simultaneously
opposing the protectionism and anti-communist hostility to China promoted by
the current pro-ALP leadership of the working class.
We in Trotskyist Platform call
for the most politically aware sections of the workers movement to unite with
Aboriginal people, all people of colour and all anti-racists to wage the
following program of action:
When violent hate groups hold a public provocation, we
should unite to sweep the scum off streets. Most race hate attacks are taking place at random by
a large number of disparate racists. But by dealing severe blows to the most
extreme racists we can encourage the more numerous, garden-variety rednecks to
pull their heads in.
Oppose racist attacks on not only East Asians but on
Aboriginal people, South Asians, Africans and Muslims! Any attack on one targeted community spreads the
white supremacist virus that will eventually hurt other communities. For mass protest leading to union
industrial action to oppose state killings of Aboriginal people!
No to protectionism! Fight for secure jobs by forcing bosses
to increase hiring at the expense of their profits!
Resist the Cold War drive that is fueling anti-China
violence! Oppose the Australian regime’s military buildup against socialistic
China! Dispel the anti-China lies over the pandemic, “foreign interference” and
bogus “human rights” violations! Defend Chinese Australians and others
persecuted for expressing sympathy for China!
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We will only be able to throw racial hatred into the dustbin of history when we consign the capitalist system that fuels such prejudice into the same dustbin. Working class people and oppressed racial groups can advance towards that goal by strengthening our organisation and resolve through fighting back right now against racist attacks. Drive violent racists off the streets! Say no to economic nationalism! Resist the Cold War propaganda drive against socialistic China!
Above photo: The Christmas Island detention centre where Chinese-Australians who had recently been in Wuhan are being held.
Resist the New Strain of Anti-Chinese Racism Sweeping Through Australia
5 February 2020 – People of Chinese ethnicity in Australia are once again under attack. The latest bout of anti-Asian racism is being masked as fear of the novel coronavirus. People of East Asian appearance have been abused on public transport, at shopping centres, in schools and even at hospital waiting rooms. In a typical incident in Sydney, a white person yelled at an Asian background mother travelling on a train with her baby in a pram. The despicable racist demanded that the Asian-Australian woman go to a corner of the train because she was “spreading viruses.” Meanwhile, last Friday in Port Hedland, a Woolworths staff member threateningly ordered customers of Asian appearance out of the store over supposed virus fears.
Anti-Chinese racism is hardly new in Australia. From the time of Captain Cook’s landing 250 years ago, the colonial regime’s murderous dispossessing of Aboriginal people has infected the culture of Australian society with virulent racism. Daily nourished by the capitalist ruling class’ ever present need to divert the anger of the masses whom they exploit away from they the exploiters and onto racial minorities, the virus of white supremacy has been able to mutate into many different strains. That is why the number one migrant-based target of racist attacks will swap from Chinese migrants, to the Vietnamese community, to South Asian students, to Muslims, to African (and especially Sudanese) youth and back again to people of Chinese background. Overall, the Chinese community have probably been second only to Australia’s brutally oppressed Aboriginal people in being hit with White Australia racism. Many of the diseased racists attacking the community today are hardly genuinely concerned about the coronavirus. Indeed, some of the people they are targeting are not even of Chinese origin – let alone recent arrivals from China. But the rednecks hardly care. For them anyone of East Asian appearance and indeed any person of colour is “fair” game.
The spread of anti-Asian bigotry is being encouraged by Australia’s capitalist elite. The newspapers in Australia owned by billionaire magnates Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan have sought to spread prejudice against the Chinese community. Sydney’s The Daily Telegraph had a huge front page headline, deliberately written in bold text made to read as a command, that shouted, “China Kids Stay Home.” However, what has most spawned xenophobic fears are the actions of the right-wing Morrison government. On Saturday, they announced an outright, temporary travel ban on Chinese nationals and other non-citizens who have arrived from China. As a result over a 100,000 international students from China are not able to return for the start of classes. Many are furious at the Australian regime. And because the government’s ban was implemented without any notice, a large number of people were left stranded when they arrived in Australia only to find that a ban on them had been decreed while they were mid-flight. In Sydney airport alone, some 80 Chinese people were detained, many of whom were interrogated for hours while being denied access to food. Many of these people were either then placed into detention or were immediately deported back to China regardless of their health. The Chinese embassy has rightly condemned this outrage and called for compensation for the victims of this draconian policy.
The Australian regime’s travel ban goes directly against the recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) warning against such actions. Yesterday, the WHO head emphatically stated that:
“We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions inconsistent with the International Health Regulations.
“Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.”
Very few other countries have applied the same blanket ban on arrivals of non-citizens from China as Australia has done. Those countries that have are Trump’s United States, Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israel and Narendra Modi’s India – all countries administered by vicious, right-wing regimes – as well as the Ardern government in New Zealand, which is a coalition between the social-democratic Labour Party, the Greens and the xenophobic NZ First Party. Russia and Singapore have also imposed harsh restrictions on the entry of Chinese nationals but have not gone as far as the likes of Australia and the U.S.
Where the Australian regime is completely unique is with its quarantining of those Australian citizens evacuated from the virus epicentre of Wuhan in an immigrant detention centre 2,600 kilometres from the mainland in Christmas Island. Even the proudly racist Trump regime has not gone that far! Already many newly arrived evacuees have expressed their outrage at the conditions that they face in the detention centre which is unclean and has poor food. One evacuee, Belinda Chen, who is at the centre with two of her children, told ABC News that “the hygiene issues make it worse than a prison” and that her children were “too scared to touch their beds.” Even the mayor of Christmas Island denounced the government’s policy as “regressive colonial era ideas” that “would create a convict colony.”
The only reason that the government has implemented such outrageously heartless measures is because most of the evacuees are of Chinese ethnicity. You can bet that if the evacuees had been wealthy white businessmen they would not have been dumped in a remote detention centre. And as an Asian-Australian activist, Erin Chew, aptly said of the travel ban:
“When previous viruses happened such as mad cow disease or the swine flu, Australia didn’t ban non-citizens from Britain and the US. Nor was the blame placed on the people in [those countries].”
The Morrison government knows that its policies are doing much to nurture hostility to the Chinese community. The aim of the Liberal-National government is to send a message that it is OK to exclude Chinese and other non-white people. They want to legitimise White Australia xenophobia. Yet the Coalition is hardly alone in doing this. After initially being critical of the Christmas Island detention plan, ALP leader Anthony Albanese has now fallen right in behind the government’s travel ban policies saying yesterday that: “Australia has got to make decisions in our own national interest.” Indeed, it was actually Queensland Labor premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, who egged on the Morrison government to place the travel ban on people coming from China in the first place. Just hours before the Morrison government announced the ban, Palaszczuk called to stop all incoming flights from China and apply in Australia the same ban implemented by the Trump government. We say: Lift the Morrison/Palaszczuk/Albanese ban on arrivals from China! Support Beijing’s demand for the Australian regime to compensate arrivals from China deported due to the travel ban! Bring everyone from the Christmas Island immigration detention centre to the mainland! Let them stay in their own homes! Free too all the refugees and other immigrants detained in Christmas Island, Nauru, Manus Island, Villawood and other Australian migrant detention centres!
The Australian government’s xenophobic policies under the guise of containing the new virus outbreak have no scientific basis. In creating an irrational panic about the coronavirus, Australian mainstream politicians and media are spreading a thinly veiled racist message: that people ought to be scared about the “evils” coming from China. At the same time, the Australian regime has failed to mobilise the health and production resources needed to provide sufficient testing of people with symptoms, adequate numbers of testing kits and enough protective masks for health workers. Moreover, they have been incapable of ensuring the creation of adequate public hospital beds and spare capacity in the health system to deal with a potential rapid virus spread in this country. For the coronavirus is indeed infectious and deadly. To date 492 people have died from it worldwide.
Thanks to the swift action of the Peoples Republic of China’s (PRC) authorities and their transparency in sharing information, the spread of coronavirus outside China is at the moment – at the start of February – limited. To be sure, if the virus were to spread widely into countries with less capable health and social systems than China, the effects could be devastating. And even though Australia is a wealthier country, you can’t rule out the possibility, given that everything in capitalist societies run for the sake of profits for the big end of town, combined with the Australian regime’s tendency to swap xenophobia for sound scientific practice, that the ruling class here and similar capitalist ruling classes abroad will botch their response to the new virus.
Encouraged by the xenophobia and anti-China bias of Australia’s mainstream media, conscious white supremacists here are spreading fake news stories in order to create hostility to the Chinese community. One social media post, that went viral, masquerading as if it was from Queensland Health, warned people to avoid suburbs in Brisbane with a certain proportion of Chinese background residents in order to avoid contracting the virus.
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Meanwhile, within Chinese communities, there is widespread speculation that the new virus was spread by the U.S. regime as a New Cold War attack on Red China and to help Trump get the advantage in his trade protectionist campaign against the PRC. Unlike the racist fake news stories, this speculation is more plausible. This is because U.S. intelligence agencies have actually used such biological warfare methods in the past – namely, against socialistic Cuba. To damage the Cuban economy, the CIA once spread swine fever in Cuba causing Cuba to have to slaughter 500,000 pigs. Most seriously, in 1981, the CIA spread dengue fever in the island causing the death of 158 Cubans. What has heightened speculation about the virus outbreak were findings by Chinese scientists reported by China’s official state media seven days ago. The scientists found that contrary to interim findings that the virus had spread entirely from Wuhan’s Seafood Wholesale Market, the virus appeared to have spread from multiple locations (see: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-01/29/c_138741063.htm). In the rare case that a virus jumps from an animal to a human, it is likely that this will occur at one location and then the virus will spread from one human carrier to the next. Should multiple animal to human transmissions occur, the probability that they will take place almost simultaneously at multiple locations is tiny. So if initial transmissions to humans did, in fact, occur almost simultaneously at multiple locations, this opens up the possibility that the virus was deliberately spread. One of the telling things about the 1981 dengue fever “outbreak” in Cuba is that it started simultaneously in three different parts of the country. Nevertheless, to date, there is no direct evidence that the coronavirus was started by U.S. intelligence agencies. What there is evidence of is that while the coronavirus was first discovered in Wuhan, the human form of the virus may not have initially started in Wuhan or even in China but rather was accidentally brought there from abroad by carriers with mild symptoms and then spread rapidly once it got into the Wuhan’s Seafood Wholesale Market. Experts in Japan have suggested that a few of the 14,000 people who died of influenzalike symptoms during the last U.S. flu season may have actually died of the coronavirus rather than influenza but the U.S. health system at the time had not picked up that they were victims of a new virus.
The new strain of anti-Chinese racism spreading through Australia in recent weeks is hitting a Chinese community already under attack. From racist assaults against Chinese high-school and university students in Canberra bus stops and class rooms to violent attacks on Asian-background residents in busy Sydney suburban streets in Randwick and Burwood, the last three years have seen a wave of violence and abuse directed at people of Chinese heritage. There are three factors spawning this outbreak. First is the racist scapegoating that the capitalist rulers engage in against all people of colour in order to blame others for the social decay, lack of secure jobs for young people and lack of affordable rental accommodation caused by their system. Second is the growing economic nationalism in Australia. Those who claim to stand for workers interests (like the ALP and Greens) but who have no program for militant struggle against the real cause of unemployment, casualisation and low wages – that is, the capitalist bosses and their greed – seek to improve conditions for the masses by setting them up to support protectionist schemes against foreign guest workers and imported goods. Such economic nationalist schemes do not protect the interests of local workers. Overseas producers simply respond with their own counter-measures and all that ends up happening is that workers of different countries are set against each other leaving the Aussie bosses as well as the overseas cohort of capitalists laughing all the way to the bank. Regardless of the intentions of those who promote it, such economic nationalist schemes inevitably rebound against local migrant communities who become targeted as a fifth column of the overseas producers supposedly “stealing Aussie jobs.” Given that China is by far Australia’s largest trading partner it is inevitable that the xenophobia spawned by protectionist agendas especially targets people of Chinese background.
The biggest factor that has germinated anti-Chinese racism in recent years is the Australian ruling class’ anti-communist campaign against socialistic China. Australian politicians and mainstream media are making increasingly hyped-up claims against China. They accuse the PRC of everything from cyber-hacking, to “threatening Australia’s sovereignty,” to supposed bullying behaviour in the South China Sea. The most ridiculous claim is the one that “China is imprisoning over one million Muslim Uighurs.” This assertion has about as much credibility as the fake news stories doing the rounds saying that eating certain Asian food like fortune cookies could spread the coronavirus! The outright lie about the detention of Uighurs is spread by some of the most openly Islamophobic regimes in the world, including the Trump regime, the Morrison regime and fascist-infested governments in Switzerland and Austria. However, the lie is so grotesque that it has been completely refuted by most Muslim majority countries, not only those friendly to China like Palestine, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan but even by many Muslim-majority governments thoroughly subservient to Washington like those in Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The effect of all this anti-communist, anti-China propaganda is that backward parts of the Australian population come to see Chinese people as savage and as a “threat” to Australia’s people. This became heightened further last year during the anti-communist protests by pro-colonial, rich kids in China’s Hong Kong. While Australia’s establishment hailed students who held rallies in Australia supporting the anti-PRC rioters in Hong Kong as “expressing their right to free speech”, international students from China who expressed their right to free speech by bravely rallying in defence of Red China were pilloried for “interfering in Australia’s internal affairs.” Most sinisterly, early last spring, the Australian government announced the creation of a new Federal Government taskforce to look into “foreign interference” on Australian campuses – a move clearly aimed at intimidating pro-PRC Chinese students studying in Australia.
The anti-communist section of the Chinese community has also played an active part in the campaign against the PRC and her local Chinese and international student supporters. Even though anti-Chinese prejudice could rebound against them, they have nourished a movement that combines anti-communism with white supremacist racism. Thus, Hong Kong anti-PRC students distributed at a rally that they held in Sydney’s Martin Place last year a leaflet calling to keep out of Australia migrants from the PRC. Meanwhile, members of the far-right Chinese group Falun Dafa – that masquerades as a religious group but which has an agenda of racial segregation, the shunning of mixed race people as “subhuman,” extreme homophobia and hostility to women’s rights movements – has held joint meetings with violent Australian white supremacist forces.
China’s response to the new virus outbreak is a stunning refutation to all the propaganda spread against her. She has responded with humanity, speed and coordination. Fortunately, China has not gone down Morrison’s road of holding anyone who has been in Hubei in remote detention centres. Instead, people have been asked to self-quarantine at home and wear masks when outside. Those ill are moved into hospital and many people who are thought more likely to have been infected have been moved into hotels or newly furbished accommodation in public buildings. What has enabled China to respond so effectively is that, despite her wavering leadership having allowed too much capitalism into the economy, the PRC remains a socialistic society in which public ownership plays the dominant role. And it is the PRC’s socialistic state-owned enterprises that have been at the forefront of her response to the virus epidemic. State-owned energy companies are providing free electricity and gas supplies to makeshift new hospitals and state-owned pharmaceutical manufacturers are leading the drive to provide badly needed medical supplies. One state-owned developer even built a 1000-bed hospital in just 10 days in the virus epicentre of Wuhan. Try doing that in a capitalist country! A capitalist developer would demand a massive premium for mobilising that amount of labour and raw materials in such a short time. Here, reconstruction for most of those who lost homes in the bushfires has not even started, even for those who lost homes early in the fire season.
In capitalist countries, the system runs for the profit of the business owners. During the bushfires, many business owners and supermarkets here got away with cruelly jacking up their prices to take advantage of desperate bushfire victims. But in China, when some tried that – including outlets of French supermarket chain Carrefour – they were promptly stomped on by PRC state authorities. Meanwhile, even private business owners in China have been ordered to step up production of masks and medical kits to aid the medical emergency. This reflects the fact that the PRC – for all its bureaucratic deformations and its leaders’ concessions to world capitalism – is a workers state that was created by the 1949 revolution. One way that the PRC state has moved to limit the spread of the virus is by extending the Lunar New Year holiday. While we only get one day off for New Year, in China they already get one day off for January 1 plus five week days off for Lunar New Year (people in the PRC get a minimum of 18 workdays off for public holidays each year as opposed to 9 for most people here). Now the Lunar New Year is being extended across China by a few days and in some regions by much longer. If a government tried to do that here, the capitalists, whom the governments ultimately answer to, would have the measure stopped as they are not about to let their filthy profits plummet by giving workers longer holidays. Meanwhile, back in China, the empowerment that the masses feel in a workers state has led to a huge grassroots mobilisation to respond to the crisis. Teams of volunteers are being established to provide food for potentially infected people self-quarantining. Neighbourhood committees are organising people to go around with loudspeakers spreading scientific information about the virus. Celebrities and entertainers are providing free live streaming entertainment and exercise programs to liven up the moods of those stuck at home due to self-quarantining.
Everyone who is not blinded by either white supremacy, “First World” arrogance or anti-communist hostility can see that the PRC is doing an excellent job responding to a serious virus outbreak in a developing country with a population density fifty times greater than Australia’s. Following an inspection trip to China, WHO Director General, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus hailed China’s mobilisation:
“China identified the pathogen in record time and shared it immediately, which led to the rapid development of diagnostic tools. They are completely committed to transparency, both internally and externally….
“The fact that to date we have only seen 68 cases outside China, and no deaths, is due in no small part to the extraordinary steps the government has taken to prevent the export of cases. For that, China deserves our gratitude and respect. They’re doing that at the expense of their economy and other factors.”
Yet the capitalist-owned Western media are desperately thrashing around trying to find some angle that they can attack the PRC over. So are those sections of the Australian Left – unfortunately the majority right now – who are lined up behind the capitalist class’ Cold War drive against the PRC state. Thus, the Socialist Alternative (SAlt) group, in an article published two days ago, claimed that: “When it comes to the political system, there’s no denying that local authorities in Hubei province tried to hush up the outbreak in December. Chinese people suffer from their corrupt political leaders.” Although SAlt do also criticise the U.S. and Australian rulers as well, their attacks on the PRC are even more extreme than the mainstream media which grudgingly has had to acknowledge positive aspects of the PRC’s response to the coronavirus.
At the same time as echoing the anti-China propaganda of the Australian ruling class, SAlt are emphatic in stating opposition to anti-Chinese racism. They are part of a left social democratic and left-liberal milieu who think that it is possible to both join the Cold War crusade against Red China and stand against anti-Chinese racism. Others in this trend include other left groups like Solidarity and Socialist Alliance. The main element, however, and the one who the social democratic “far left” groups pander to is the Greens. The problem is that it is not possible to walk on both sides of the streets in this way! Ever since China’s 1949 anticapitalist revolution created near hysteria amongst the Western capitalist establishment, anti-communist hostility to the PRC has gone hand in hand with anti-Chinese xenophobia. For example, the anti-PRC, “pro-democracy” movement in Hong Kong that these groups all rabidly support, are characterised by a nativist hostility to Chinese people from mainland China. It is hard to fathom but the yuppy rioters in Hong Kong, seeped as they are in the values of the British Empire, believe that, even though they are themselves ethnic Chinese, they are superior to Mainland Chinese because they are closer to being British! No wonder Western, extreme white supremacists have been flocking to join the anti-PRC protests in Hong Kong as have more mainstream hard right forces, like Liberal MP, Tim Wilson. Wilson, who visited Hong Kong to march with the anti-PRC forces, is notorious for having been a director of the extremely conservative, Institute of Public Affairs, as well as for speaking out for the “rights” of vile racist media commentator Andrew Bolt. Today, the pro-colonial opposition in Hong Kong is demanding the complete closure of Hong Kong’s border with mainland China to keep out mainland Chinese. The likes of the Greens, SAlt and Solidarity are in a united front with people in Hong Kong – and their Hong Kong student supporters in Australia – who have as a central plank of their platform a xenophobic measure to keep out people from mainland China that is even more severe than the ones that the Australian government has implemented. Meanwhile, progressive NSW Greens senator David Shoebridge has made common cause with the most hard-right politicians in Australia in his xenophobic opposition to the China-connected Chinese language institute, the Confucius Institutes program.
Stepping back a little, the basic reason why it is not possible, regardless of ones intentions, to consistently oppose anti-Chinese racism if one is supporting the Cold War drive against Red China is that both anti-Chinese racism and hostility to the PRC are policies undertaken by the capitalist rulers because it serves their interests. Racism serves the exploiting class because it divides and diverts the masses that they exploit. Propaganda against the PRC serves Australia’s capitalist rulers because it serves to “justify” their hostile actions against Red China. These actions include a military build up targeted at China, the deployment of Australian naval vessels and aircraft thousands of kilometres away from home in waters off China and Korea and the supporting of anti-PRC Chinese exile organisations. Those actions the Australian capitalists see as necessary because they know that supporting the U.S.-led drive to undermine socialistic rule in China is in their very own interests. Although the Australian capitalists make a fortune from exporting to China, they calculate that they could make even more if socialistic rule was destroyed there so that China could be turned into a giant sweatshop and market for unrestricted capitalist exploitation. Quite bizarrely, while the Australian ruling class opposes the PRC precisely because it remains a socialistic state, groups like SAlt and Solidarity oppose the PRC because they claim that it is actually “capitalist.”
But facts speak loudly. And the fact is that China has responded to the novel coronavirus threat with compassion and with a determined mobilisation that is only possible when the decisive sectors of the economy are in the hands of the people. In contrast, the response of the Australian capitalist regime has been shaped by xenophobia and cruelty. That gives us just one more reason why we need to eradicate capitalist rule in this country: along with the need to stop union-busting attacks on workers rights, to stop the degrading treatment of unemployed workers and to bring secure, permanent jobs for all, alongside the need to end homelessness and achieve a massive increase in public housing, the need to bring true equality for women, the need to stop racist state terror against Aboriginal people and the need to stop the Australian military’s role in imperialist wars abroad and to stop the Australian capitalists raping the people of the South Pacific.
However, capitalism does not fall by people simply saying a lot of times how bad it is. It comes through the masses being trained in struggle against all the particular atrocities of capitalism and against all the contagious ideologies that the capitalist rulers seek to infect the minds of the exploited masses with. That is why we in Trotskyist Platform are proud that we not only stand against anti-Chinese racism but stand against all the different components fuelling it. Today, we fully solidarise with the stand taken by those in the Chinese community who are bravely starting to respond to the epidemic of racism that has accompanied the coronavirus outbreak. We fight for actions to demand: Immediately lift the ban on arrivals from China! Bring everyone from the Christmas Island detention centre to the mainland. Let them stay in their own homes! We also say: Down with protectionism! Down with xenophobic campaigns against Chinese imported goods and investment! Say no to campaigns to keep out guest workers – fight for full rights of citizenship, local pay rates and full union coverage for all guest workers! Very crucially right now we also fight to mobilise struggles to demand: Down with the repressive attempts to silence the political voice of pro-PRC Chinese international students! Down with the Cold War witch-hunt against the Confucius Institutes, Huawei, Chinese international students and Chinese community social groups with links to the PRC! Defend socialistic China against the U.S./Australian capitalist rulers!
We have confidence in the future success of this program, even though xenophobia and Cold War anti-communism is running rampant right now. This is for one simple reason. While this program is against the interests of Australia’s capitalist ruling class it is very good for the vast majority of this country’s people. Working class people and all the oppressed need to fight against racism and xenophobia if they are going to be able to unite into a force capable of challenging their oppressors. Defending socialistic China is in the interests of the masses because having the world’s most populous country remain under at least some sort of socialistic rule enhances the struggle for liberation of the working class and oppressed the world over. Indeed, that is partly why the Australian ruling class has been so nervous about the presence of a large number of international students from China. On the one hand they need these students as a cash cow. On the other hand they are fearful that these students might start telling their Australian class mates and friends that all that they hear from the mainstream media about China is false; and having lived in both socialistic China and one of the more developed of the capitalist countries, Australia, that they still love the PRC and still support socialism. The Australian rulers are fearful that if these pro-PRC students become involved in political activity here, what the Australian regime sees as the virus of support for socialism could spread from China and infect people in Australia too. We say let it spread rampantly! Let as many people know the benefits of socialistic rule – even when it exists in as imperfect and unfinished a form as it currently does in China! The “right to free speech” must include the right to support socialistic countries like the Peoples Republic of China! Down with anti-Chinese racism! Long live socialistic rule in China!
Above photo: February 2017, a Chinese Australian woman named Lina who was bashed by a white racist man in broad daylight near the main shopping mall in the Sydney suburb of Burwood. The attacker, who is completely unknown to Lina, started screaming racist abuse at her, yelling at Lina to ‘Get out of my country’ before punching her in the face.
Chinese Community Marks 19th Century Anti-Chinese Riots Amidst Growing Anti-Chinese Racism in Today’s Australia
28 December 2018 – Two months ago, Trotskyist Platform comrades were invited by leaders of a working class Chinese group to participate in a community event marking the second anniversary of the erection of a monument to the victims of the anti-Chinese riots during the mid-1800s Gold Rush. The October 14 commemoration was held at Rookwood cemetery in Sydney’s Western suburbs. The anti-Chinese riots that the memorial event marked were truly horrendous. The most notorious of these was the June 1861 Lambing Flat riot (near the modern NSW town of Young) when a horde of thousands of white racists violently attacked hundreds of Chinese miners and their family members and destroyed their tents and other possessions. Despite the best efforts of official Australian history to whitewash this truth, it is widely known by the Chinese community that several Chinese people were actually murdered by the racist mobs. The response of the colonial governments to these riots was not to come to the aid of the Chinese community. It was, instead, the very opposite: they enacted special legislation to exclude and discriminate against Chinese people. This was followed the next century by the White Australia Policy which excluded Chinese people as well as Indians, Indonesians, Pacific Islanders, Africans and, indeed, all people of colour from entering Australia.
An artwork depicting Chinese people fleeing during the 1861 Lambing Flat riots (near the modern NSW town of Young). The riot saw thousands of racist white gold prospectors attacking the Chinese miners and their family members, destroying their tents and murdering several Chinese people.
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Yet the significance of commemorating the 19th century anti-Chinese riots is not mainly about the past. It is about the present and the future. Whether and how we mark major events of the past is both a reflection of where we stand today and an important part of the struggle for the kind of society that we want tomorrow. Thus, it was rather concerning what a speaker from the Chinese Heritage Association of Australia pointed out at the October 14 commemoration: that study of the anti-Chinese riots has been dropped from being a mandated part of Australia’s High School intermediate years’ history syllabus. Instead, it has been relegated to an optional segment that may or may not be taught at the discretion of the teacher. The authorities’ aversion to telling the truth about anti-Chinese racism in the past can only be understood as a sign of their willingness to pander to – and even foster – anti-Chinese prejudice today. It is much like how when, four years ago, then prime minister Tony Abbott contemptuously dismissed the vibrant, pre-1788 Aboriginal societies – remarking that Sydney was “nothing but bush” prior to the arrival of the First Fleet – he was advancing the agenda of current Australian regimes to perpetuate their brutal dispossession of Aboriginal people.
The main reason why it is important to commemorate the 19th century anti-Chinese riots is because we are seeing an escalation of anti-Chinese racism in Australia today. In July last year, threatening posters appeared in the University of Melbourne and Monash University – Melbourne’s two most prestigious universities – warning Chinese students that if they entered they would be deported. Then this May, extreme racists unleashed a poster blitz in the multi-racial Sydney suburb of Ryde demanding, “No More Asians” and making a series of vile racist slurs [1]. However, most worrying are not the verbal insults and threats but the very real, racist physical violence that is being unleashed. In October last year, three Chinese high-school students were bashed by racists at a bus stop in Canberra. Two months before this, a white supremacist university student at Canberra’s ANU pulled out a baseball bat during his Statistics class and beat and tried to kill his tutor of Chinese origin and four other Chinese students. The situation has become so alarming that last December, the Chinese consulate in Melbourne felt it necessary to issue a warning to Chinese students of threats to their safety [2]. And it is certainly not only international students who are being targeted by violent racists. In May, a racist man went on a rampage in the Sydney suburb of Randwick specifically attacking any Asian looking person he could find – punching and kicking at least seven people including women and a 70 year-old man [3].
Canberra, October 2017. Left: One of two Chinese high-school students brutally bashed when they were set upon by a pack of about ten racists screaming “F….g Chinese! Go back to your country!” Right: In a separate attack in the same city around the same period, racists chased a female, young Chinese student causing her to bruise her knees after falling
The response of the Chinese community to this reality has been varied. This was evident in the speeches made at the October event marking the 19th century anti-Chinese riots. A few community members bravely spoke of the racism that Chinese and other “ethnic” communities continue to face in Australia. However, others thought it best to ignore or downplay the reality of growing anti-Chinese racism in Australia today. They spoke of anti-Chinese violence as wholly an issue of the past. At most anti-Chinese racism was referred to as something that we need to be vigilant against the return of but not something that society is currently being threatened by. These community members hope that minimizing the extent of today’s racism in their speeches and only speaking of contemporary Australia as a “wonderful, multi-cultural society” will somehow diminish the problem. They no doubt feel that by expressing their love for the current Australian social structure this will bring the Chinese community greater acceptance. History has proven however that this approach does not work. In May 1901, many members of the Chinese community in Melbourne showed their loyalty to the ruling establishment by participating in commemoration events to mark the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York to open Australia’s first national parliament. Yet just seven months later, Australia’s ruling class turned around and kicked the Chinese community in the face when they brought into force the Immigration Restriction Act. That notorious act, which formalised the White Australia Policy, provided for the exclusion of all people of colour from entering Australia and was particularly aimed against Chinese would-be migrants. It also facilitated the deportation of Chinese and other non-white people already living in Australia.
A despicable racist Australian cartoon from the late 1880s. In good part, the racist Australian establishment saw federation as a way to ensure that people from Australia’s neighbouring Asia and Pacific region – especially Chinese people – were excluded from this country.
The different responses of individuals in the Chinese community to the growing racism in contemporary Australia is shaped in good part by their own class position. Those who are wealthy business owners, affluent professionals or others who have been decorated by official Australian society are, in general, less willing to call out the intensifying racism. Although racism affects all classes within targeted groups, those doing well under the current social structure are more willing to grit their teeth and endure racist outrages because they are “grateful” to the current society for bringing them a privileged social position and don’t want to do anything to criticize or undermine a status quo that has served them very well. At the other end of the class spectrum, working class Chinese people suffering low wages and harsh working conditions in, say, the construction or retail sector or who are struggling to find any secure work at all don’t have much reason to be loyal to Australia’s current social structure. Consequently, they are, in general, less willing to absolve Australian society for any of the racist outrages that they are hit with. Meanwhile, their more vulnerable socio-economic position also makes them less able to mitigate the effects of racism. Thus, a working class Chinese person seeking to rent a home at the overcrowded low-end of the market is much more affected by the notorious discrimination in the housing market against people of Aboriginal, Asian, Middle Eastern and African heritage [4] than a wealthy Chinese person able to buy a high-end property. It is therefore telling that it was a working class Chinese organisation – having a membership policy that like our trade unions and most avowedly left-wing political parties excludes business owners using hired labour from membership – that took the initiative to spearhead the campaign for the erection of a monument to the victims of the 19th century anti-Chinese riots.
To underscore why events like the 19th century anti-Chinese riots sadly cannot be considered merely as incidents of Australia’s distant past, we only have to look back 13 years when the Sydney beachside suburb of Cronulla witnessed a mass racist riot in the style of the Lambing Flat riots. Thousands of racists savagely rampaged against people of Middle Eastern and South Asian backgrounds and, indeed, against anyone without white skin. An Aboriginal youth and many people of Afghan, Bangladeshi, Iranian and Lebanese background were amongst those brutally bashed. Indeed, anyone at the beach who did not appear White enough was attacked. Thus, among those physically attacked was at least one boy of Jewish heritage and one girl of Greek background.
Then, not much more than two years ago, a racist upsurge in the Western Australian town of Kalgoorlie-Boulder culminated in the killing of 14 year-old Aboriginal youth, Elijah Doughty. In that case, unlike at Lambing Flat and Cronulla Beach, the mass racist outpouring was not initially in the form of a physical mob but, rather, a social media lynch mob. The lynch mob masked their racist essence as opposition to the alleged theft of dirt bikes by Aboriginal youth. In the lead up to the murder of Elijah, two local community Facebook groups were not only infused with extreme racist bigotry towards Aboriginal people but included calls for violence. Just a week before Elijah’s murder, after a woman posted a claim that two Aboriginal youths had broken into a ute, a man replied, “Feel free to run the oxygen thieves off the road if you see them”, while another man wrote, “Everyone talks about hunting down these sub human mutts, but no one ever does.” Then, as racists on the social media pages continued to use derogatory terms to refer to Aboriginal people – such as “darkies” and “non-reflectives” – one user wrote: “How many human bodies would it take to fill the mineshafts around Kalgoorlie? A: We’re one theft closer to finding out!” Undoubtedly charged up by all this extreme racist bigotry, a 56 year-old white man driving in his 4WD ute, chased 14 year-old Elijah who was riding a small motorbike down a dirt track. The murderer then rammed into Elijah’s motorbike after having revved up to a speed so much faster than the child’s bike that he smashed it into three main pieces and split the Aboriginal child’s skull in two.
The Chinese community in Australia should not take any comfort that the direct targets of these contemporary versions of the Lambing Flat Riots were not people of Chinese heritage. This is not only because all attacks on people because of their race or religion are abhorrent acts. It is also because racist attacks against one targeted group inevitably inflames the white supremacist bigotry that leads to increased attacks on other victimized communities. It is worth focusing on a slightly smaller, copy-cat version of the Cronulla riot that took place just over three years after the “original” Cronulla pogrom when hundreds of white males at Manly Beach went on a rampage attacking any non-white person who was driving a car. On that 2009 “Australia Day” – which Aboriginal people and their supporters know as Invasion Day – the main targets of the racists were people of Asian appearance rather than people from the Middle East (who were the main victims of the Cronulla riot). Indeed, during the “Australia Day” Manly Beach riot, the violent racists assaulted an Asian woman so badly that she was sent to hospital in an ambulance.
In Australia, Aboriginal people continue to suffer the most all-sided racist discrimination and abuse. In the last decade alone, 147 indigenous people have died in state custody in Australia, many of whom were outright killed by racist police or prison guards. This extreme racism against Aboriginal people has a particular character because it stems, in part, from the truth that Aboriginal people are this country’s first peoples who were brutally dispossessed by murderous colonial forces. The powers that be continue to oppress and vilify the Aboriginal community in order to perpetuate and “justify” this historic dispossession. On top of all this, Aboriginal people also suffer racism simply because they are not white and such racism is also experienced by all people of colour in Australia.
Who the second most victimized ethnic community in Australia is – after Aboriginal people – seems to change almost like the whims of fashion for the racist rednecks committing the attacks. In the late 1980s and then less than a decade later, Asian origin people were especially targeted coinciding with John Howard’s push to curb Asian immigration and then Pauline Hanson’s rise to prominence. There was also a period when the Vietnamese community were singled out with hysterical media and politician hype about “Vietnamese crime gangs” making some suburbs “no go areas.” For much of the last two decades, the Muslim community have been in the cross-hairs of racist laws, police harassment, vilification from politicians and media and violent attacks on the streets. In the December 2005 Cronulla riot and the media incitement that preceded it, racists especially targeted Lebanese origin people in a lynch-mob upsurge directed, more broadly, at all non-white people. Then in the 2008 to 2010 period, there was a spate of racist assaults against Indian and other South Asian students and to a slightly lesser extent Chinese students. South Asian communities continue to be targeted by racist rednecks. Just two months ago, racist vandals set fire to the Barathiye Mandir Hindu temple in Sydney’s Regents Park. Scrolling the word “Jesus” on walls of the building, they destroyed the building’s interior [5]. Meanwhile, over the last few years, politicians, neo-Nazi gangs and the mainstream media have made hysterical claims about the supposed “threat” of Sudanese “gangs” in order to whip up racist hostility towards African origin people. This is after migrants from Africa and their children have been made to suffer decades of racist police harassment in Australia as well as blatant discrimination in employment and housing. In the last few years, racist forces have also, once again, lined up the Chinese community in their cross-hairs.
Looking back over the last 200 years as a whole – and thus including the riots against Chinese people during the Gold Rush, the 19th century anti-Chinese laws and then the 20th century White Australia Policy – it is arguable that people of Chinese background have been second only to Aboriginal people in copping racist attacks in Australia. This has a lot to do with the nature of racism: it is in good part based on irrational fear. Since Chinese people are the largest ethnic group in the Asian region that borders Australia – and indeed the largest ethnic group in the entire world – one of the darkest, White Australia racist fears is that Chinese immigrants will one day outnumber whites; and that this will lead to the tremendous natural wealth of this country having to be shared with a greater number of people which, according to the demented “logic” of xenophobia, will lead to the high standard of living in Australia being reduced to the levels of neighbouring Asia-Pacific lands.
There are three components to the fuel that is powering the resurgent anti-Chinese racism in Australia. Firstly, there is the scapegoating of migrants and all non-white ethnic groups by mainstream politicians and media for the key problems facing the masses. Australia is a country of great inequality. The richest 200 people have a total wealth of more than $282 billion [6]. Yet this country, despite its tremendous resource wealth, has a much higher proportion of homeless people than the resource-poor, Peoples Republic of China. Faced with the possibility that the dispossessed will unite to rebel against such inequality and facing mass anger about job insecurity, stagnant wages, unaffordable rents and inadequate infrastructure, the politicians and media that serve the rich business tycoons seek to blame minorities for the problems that corporate greed and the capitalist system’s failings cause. Since Chinese background people are the biggest non-white ethnic group in Australia, it is inevitable that racist scapegoating of migrants and people of colour greatly impacts the Chinese community.
Extreme right-wing politicians like Pauline Hanson, David Leyonhjelm and Fraser Anning and media shock jocks like Alan Jones are spearheading the charge against migrants and coloured ethnic communities. Right now they are especially targeting this country’s African community. However, the Liberal/National government is not far behind the most rabid racist bigots in parliament. Last month, prime mister Scott Morrison blamed migration for traffic congestion, crowded public transport and a lack of school places when he pandered to open racist forces and flagged a cut to migration numbers. What the government does not want to tell people is that migrants, by working and paying taxes, provide resources to fund schools, infrastructure and public transport and that a larger population actually makes expanding public transport more viable. Morrison and Co. don’t want people to know this or else people may realise that inadequate funds for social services and infrastructure are actually caused by governments allowing a small class of ultra-rich tycoons to hoard so much of the wealth of this country. Yet the ALP opposition has barely opposed the Liberals’ move to cut the migration intake. Bill Shorten’s response to Morrison’s migration cut plan was to say that the focus should, instead, be on cutting the number of people arriving on temporary work visas. Meanwhile, ALP leaders occasionally try to outdo their right-wing rivals in racist scapegoating. In May, then NSW Labor leader, Luke Foley, inflamed hostility to non-white migrants by claiming that refugees are swamping Western Sydney leading to a “white flight” of Anglo families from these suburbs.
The second component of the fuel powering anti-Chinese racism is economic nationalism in its various forms. One of the economic nationalist refrains chanted in recent years by the mainstream media and many politicians is the claim that Australia is “being bought up” by China. This claim is completely false and serves to get the local, all Aussie billionaires who really own this country off the hook. The truth is that Australia is not being taken over by any foreign country. The lion’s share of its wealth has been snatched by local tycoons like Anthony Pratt, Gina Rinehart and her feuding family, Andrew Forrest, the Lowys, James Packer and their ilk. Moreover, as far as foreign ownership in Australia is concerned, China is only a small player. You wouldn’t think so given the media hype but China, the world’s most populous country, is only the ninth biggest foreign investor in Australia. China makes up only a tiny 2% of all foreign investment into Australia [7].
Another mantra recited by those promoting economic nationalist “solutions” to unemployment and tepid industrial development is the notion that schemes are needed to restrict imports and to favour locally produced items in infrastructure projects. The basis of this Donald Trump-like protectionist doctrine – which in Australia often targets Chinese steel imports – is the idea that imports “steal local jobs.” The reality however is that a protectionist program does not save local jobs. For just as one country can put barriers to imports from another country the other country or third countries can do the same to the country that originally placed the restrictions. Think what would happen if protectionists had their way and curbed imports from China and China naturally responded by doing the same? Australia currently exports nearly a whopping $50 billion more goods and services to China than it imports from her [8]. Therefore, mutual trade restrictions would lead to huge job losses here. It would also cause increased prices for the smartphones, computers, TVs, whitegoods, furniture, toys and other items currently imported from China.
The economic nationalist demand most frequently promoted in recent years in Australia has been the call to restrict temporary skilled migrant workers (formerly known as 457 Visa workers) who it is claimed are “taking Aussie jobs.” Yet these workers make up only a tiny 0.5% of the total Australian workforce. What is more, like other migrants they pay taxes and spend the money they earn – thus creating as many jobs as they supposedly “take.”
Economic nationalism is not always based on open racism. Indeed, whereas it is still a minority of Australia’s population that is rabidly racist – although unfortunately quite a sizable minority – the majority of this country’s population buy into economic nationalist slogans in one form or another. However, while economic nationalism is not the same as racism it certainly fuels racist prejudice. For any policy that calls for putting the interests of (mainly white) Australian workers over (overwhelmingly coloured) lower paid workers from “Third World” countries will inevitably appeal to and reinforce White Australia xenophobic attitudes as well as “First World” arrogance. This was most evident in an ALP video advertisement boasting that they would “Employ Australians First” that had visuals where nearly all the Australians shown were white Anglos. The advertisement, which was released in May last year, had an unmistakable racist message: white people had to be supposedly protected from having their jobs taken away by non-white people. Let us not forget too that the White Australia Policy itself – including the notorious 1901 Immigration Restriction Act – was motivated in good part on economic nationalist grounds: supposedly to stop the employment of Chinese, Indian and Pacific Islander workers from undercutting the pay and conditions of white workers. Given that China is, today, Australia’s largest source of imports, the third biggest source country for temporary skilled migrant workers and mythically the country that is investing a lot in Australia, economic nationalist appeals are doing much to fuel anti-Chinese racism – just as they did in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
31 July 2015: Union-led rallies against the China Australia Free Trade Agreement (CHAFTA) were based on the divisive nationalist agenda of giving greater support to local bosses in trade and purchasing over overseas producers. The rallies were also shot through with irrational fear mongering about China as seen by this sign (Right) at the Sydney anti-CHAFTA protest. The national-chauvinist essence of the protest was indeed so strong that the fascist Party For Freedom felt comfortable enough to participate and brandish its openly racist slogans (Left). Economic nationalism fuels racial prejudice. Such divisive agendas must be driven out of our union movement in order to unify the working class, focus the masses on the necessary struggle against the job-slashing local capitalists and strengthen the ability of the union movement to wage class struggle resistance against the greedy bosses.
The most fanatical in promoting economic nationalism are the far-right parties like Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and Katter’s Australian Party. However, all the current parliamentary parties promote one form of economic nationalism or another. Thus, although the ALP has, overall, not been as strident in promoting direct anti-immigrant racism as the Liberals and although the Greens have opposed some of the most blatant anti-refugee and racist policies and statements of both major parties, the ALP and Greens have actually been even more zealous in making economic nationalist appeals than the conservative Liberal-National Coalition.
Unfortunately, the leadership of many of our trade unions have also been making economic nationalist demands on the grounds that this will help protect local jobs and wages. However, protectionism does not actually protect workers jobs and conditions. In fact, it does the very opposite. Firstly, by dividing workers across national lines – and this also causes divisions within local workers on ethnic lines as Australian workers originating from the country targeted by protectionist appeals are inevitably looked on with suspicion – economic nationalist agendas weaken the workers movement and make it less able to stand up to greedy, job-slashing bosses. Secondly, calls to favour local businesses, by making out that local capitalists are somehow benevolent, undermine workers understanding that improvements in their working conditions and stopping job cuts can only come through struggle against these local exploiters.
It is true that profit-obsessed business owners will try to use insecure, guest workers with few rights – and the constant threat of deportation hanging over them – as a source of labour that they can super-exploit (like they already do to youth workers, apprentices and many casual workers). Our unions are right to be concerned about this. However, the way to undercut bosses’ attempts to undermine working conditions is not to pit local workers against guest workers with divisive slogans, like “Keep Out 457 Visa Workers!” which many of our current union leaders promote. What is needed, instead, is to fight to ensure that guest workers are paid the same rates as local workers and to win these workers the same rights as citizens so that they are able to stand up for their rights. There are many past examples of overseas workers employed in Australia fighting for their rights and cases when these struggles won important backing from local unions. In January 1942, left-wing Chinese activists in Australia, together with the Seamen’s Union of Australia, helped organise seafarers from China working on ships docking in Australian ports into the Chinese Seamen’s Union (CSU). The Chinese and other coloured seafarers were paid much lower rates and had worse conditions than their white counterparts. However, in the same month as the CSU was formed, 500 Chinese seafarers from six ships docked in Fremantle went on strike and occupied the ships demanding equal pay as white workers and improved working conditions. The strikers bravely faced off armed troops. The Australian troops attacked the Chinese workers and killed two of the heroic strikers. Nevertheless, the brave struggle of the Chinese strikers in Fremantle and in other subsequent battles helped to eventually win pay rises for all Chinese seafarers working in Australia. Later, after racist ALP immigration minister, Arthur Calwell introduced, in 1949, the War-time Refugees Removal Act to deport current and former Chinese seafarers who had remained in Australia after being stranded during the war, Australian unions supported the campaign of the CSU and pro-communist Australian-Chinese activists against their deportation. Eventually their struggle was won and the Menzies government had to abandon Calwell’s racist Act. Today, our unions sometimes do make laudable efforts to win justice for guest workers who are being severely mistreated. However, this is undermined by many union leaders’ divisive, nationalist calls to restrict the entry of these guest workers in order to “protect local jobs.” The pro-ALP leaders of our unions look to such protectionist “solutions” to unemployment and worsening working conditions in proportion to the degree with which they bow to anti-strike laws and turn away from what is actually needed to fight for workers’ jobs security and decent wages. It is militant industrial action that is needed to win higher wages, to secure permanency for casual workers and to prevent companies slashing jobs.
The third component of the toxic cocktail fueling anti-Chinese racism is anti-communist hostility to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The last few years have seen Australian politicians, mainstream media, think tanks and so-called “experts” increasingly making up hyped-up claims against China. They accuse the PRC of everything from cyber-hacking, to interfering in Australian political life, to sending in Chinese international students to spy in Australia, to supposed bullying behaviour in the South China Sea to giving too much aid to Australia’s Pacific neighbours. This propaganda campaign waged by the Australian ruling class serves to “justify” their hostile actions against Red China. These actions include a military build up targeted at China, the stationing of U.S. troops in Darwin aimed against China and North Korea, the deployment of Australian naval vessels and aircraft thousands of kilometres away from home in waters off China and Korea and the supporting of anti-PRC Chinese exile organisations. So why do Australia’s ruling elite want to do this given that China is by far Australia’s biggest export destination and given that these exports to China have been holding up the entire Australian economy? Well, the capitalist bigwigs who run this country calculate that as much profit as they are currently making from sending exports to China and as much as the conciliatory policies of the Chinese government already allow Australian investors to make a bit of profit from some degree of exploitation of workers within China, they could make even more if China’s socialistic system were to be overthrown and the country thus turned into a giant sweatshop for unrestrained exploitation of labour. Moreover, today, by providing infrastructure and development assistance to Australia’s Pacific and Asian neighbours in a mutually beneficial way, the existence of China as a socialistic power is undermining Australia’s neo-colonial stranglehold over countries like PNG, East Timor, Fiji and Vanuatu. Hence, for the Australian government, “containing” China is a matter of protecting the super-profits of unscrupulous Australian corporations operating in neighbouring Asia-Pacific countries.
The Australian regime’s anti-China propaganda blitz causes hostility to the Chinese community within Australia. For it leads to the Chinese community inevitably becoming seen by backward elements as a fifth column serving the PRC state. This is all the more so since the Australian media and mainstream politicians have made hysterical claims that a “large number” of Chinese people in Australia are acting as agents of the PRC. As much as relatively liberal stalwarts of the anti-communist, China-bashing campaign, like Political Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald, Peter Hartcher, try to draw a distinction between China and the Australian Chinese community, the reality is that ever since the triumph of China’s 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, anti-communist hostility to Red China and “Yellow Peril” xenophobic fear of East Asian-origin people have fed into each other. Racism and anti-communist hatred of Red China are tightly intertwined because both are irrational ideologies foisted on the masses by the ruling class in order to deceive and divide the toiling masses and keep them subdued. Thus, often the most rabid in attacking the PRC are also the same ones who most fervently push racist agendas. For example the most extreme anti-PRC federal government parliamentarian is hard-right, Christian fundamentalist Andrew Hastie. It was Hastie who on May 22 used parliamentary privilege to launch a hysterical tirade accusing the Chinese Communist Party of covertly seeking to influence Australia’s media, universities and politics. A month prior to this rant, this same Liberal MP was at the forefront of the white supremacist campaign for a special race-based visa to give white South African farmers refugee status on the ridiculous basis that they are being “persecuted.” Hastie is also notorious for criticising the Islamic community in Australia. He has become a hero amongst racist media commentators like Andrew Bolt and the 2GB sty of shock jocks for his militant opposition to Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act that makes it unlawful to insult someone on the basis of their race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin. Although, since it is overseen by a legal system that itself is racist, this law has done little to protect minorities against abuse, the charge against Section 18C has become a cause celebré of extreme racists who want their “right” to offend non-white people legally enshrined.
Meanwhile, anti-communist opponents of the PRC within the Australian Chinese community have chosen to make an alliance with white supremacists. Thus, supporters of the U.S. government-funded, ultra-right wing group, Falun Gong (sometimes known as Falun Dafa) and other anti-PRC Chinese organisations have been joining Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, despite anti-Asian racism being a foundation stone of that outfit. A Falun Gong activist, Shan Ju Lin, who likes to rant that Australia is being taken over by the Communist Party of China, was even selected as a Queensland state candidate for One Nation. She endorsed her leader Pauline Hanson’s attacks on the Asian community [9]. Presumably, this first ever Asian-origin candidate for this xenophobic, anti-Asian party believes that she is a “good Asian” because she is stridently opposed to the PRC and because she “understands” why people like Pauline Hanson attack Asian migrants. Shan Ju Lin was later dis-endorsed as a One Nation candidate only when she made a homophobic comment that was so fanatical that even Pauline Hanson found it an embarrassment to her party. Meanwhile, some Falun Gong members also joined the fascist Party for Freedom. Four years ago, Falun Gong representatives were even guest speakers at a China-bashing film night in Sydney put on by this white supremacist outfit! [10]. The practice of anti-PRC activists in the Chinese community promoting extreme white supremacists is happening, too, in other Western countries. In Germany, the German-language edition of Falun Gong’s newspaper, Epoch Times, specializes in running negative stories about refugees [11] and in promoting the racist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party [12] and the even more extreme, neo-Nazi NPD party [13].
Above Left: The 8 April 2019 episode of the ABC Four Corners documentary program was devoted to hysterical claims that Communist China was “interfering” in “Australia’s democracy.” The main source for much of the material in the program was hard-right, Liberal parliamentarian Andrew Hastie, who is known for his stoking of Islamophobia. It was fitting that the China-bashing ABC documentary featuring Hastie came on exactly the first anniversary of the racist rally in Perth calling for “refugee status” for white South African farmers in which Hastie was the fêted speaker (Above Right). Shot through with racist placards (Below Left), like those calling to “Let the Right Ones In” – i.e. let in wealthy, white agricultural business owners and not dark-skinned refugees from South Asia, the Middle East and Africa – violent white supremacist activists made up a sizable proportion of this rally championed by Hastie. Below Right: A body of one of the 51 Muslim people murdered in Christchurch by an Australian white supremacist just three weeks before the Four Corners documentary featuring Andrew Hastie was aired. In Australia, anti-communist China bashing has always gone hand in hand with racist xenophobia.
Despite the fact that the Cold War-style campaign against Red China is avidly driven by hard-right racists and their allies, some nominally socialist groups in Australia, even though they are avowedly staunch opponents of racism, have joined the anti-PRC crusade. These groups such as Socialist Alternative, Solidarity, Socialist Alliance and the Melbourne-based Socialist Party are, in practice, not communists but left social-democrats. They recoil in horror at the stern measures that workers states – like the PRC – operating in a still capitalist-dominated world need to take in order to defend socialistic rule. Thus, they refuse to defend the PRC from hostile capitalist attack and invent a theory that the PRC is actually just another capitalist country (or “state capitalist”) to justify this stance. And their hostility to the PRC is so great that they are prepared to contribute to the hysteria against her even though this anti-PRC, anti-communist campaign is a part of what is fueling racist hostility to the Chinese community within Australia. Thus, they not only act in the same way as do right-wing Chinese exile groups like Falun Dafa but ally with some left-wing small-l liberal, anti-PRC elements within the Chinese community. The latter, while priding themselves on being “progressive” and “anti-colonial”, are quietly so comfortable with their upper-middle class social position that they share the same hostility to “Communist China” as the capitalist White Australia establishment that they claim to oppose. Moreover, many are hostile to the PRC for the same reasons as their more right-wing, anti-PRC allies within the Chinese community. That is, they are yuppy descendants of the former capitalist and landlord exploiting classes of China that were either kicked out of power by the 1949 anti-capitalist revolution or who fled to Taiwan to grab that island following the 1949 Communist victory on the mainland. Others descend from the criminal-infested, capitalist elite of Hong Kong – or the privileged upper middle-class layers around them – who were able to maintain their domination of that enclave through 155 years of servile collaboration with British imperialism. Although these left-liberal, ethnic Chinese opponents of the PRC have pretensions about being “progressive,” their whole outlook with respect to China is shaped by the feeling that it is still they and their ilk who have “inherited” the “right” to be the rulers of China and not the supposedly “uncouth” masses asserting “mob rule” through the Communist Party of China. If these people looked at themselves closely in the political mirror, the best, most sincerely “anti-colonial” of them would be horrified at how much their anti-PRC activism is lockstep with the agenda of Australia’s racist rulers and their far-right shock troops.
When one is aware of what is inciting anti-Chinese racism then one is able to evaluate the political groups that claim to “support the Chinese community.” A few politicians eager for votes realise that they cannot simply ignore the concerns about racism from Chinese communities given that people of Chinese background make up over 5% of Australia’s population. Thus, at the October 14 commemoration of the 19th century anti-Chinese riots there were three politicians present from the ALP (and as far as we could tell no representatives from any other political party other than ourselves). These politicians spoke at the event and condemned the past anti-Chinese riots. One of the Labor politicians even spoke about the danger of anti-Chinese racism today. That is well and good. However, that’s what these politicians were saying to an audience entirely composed of the Chinese community and their supporters. It was easy to make those comments to such an audience. The question then is what are these same politicians saying to the broader Australian population about issues connected with anti-Chinese racism? The answer is that they are part of a political party that partakes in pouring into society all three ingredients of the fuel that is powering anti-Chinese racism. The Labor Party refuses to seriously challenge the right-wing Coalition’s scapegoating of immigrants for unemployment, poor services and inadequate infrastructure; and sometimes (as in the case of Luke Foley) even tries to outdo the conservatives on this. Secondly, the ALP is at the forefront of promoting economic nationalism: especially that which is aimed against guest workers and against Chinese steel imports. Thirdly, the ALP – and the anti-PRC, nominally socialist groups that tail after them – is just as committed as the right-wing government to pursuing a policy of political and military hostility to the PRC. At times they have even been more hawkish than the Liberals in pushing for the Australian Navy to provocatively sail through PRC-claimed waters off China’s coast.
So working class Chinese people should not put their trust in the ALP. Let us never forget that the ALP was founded on the basis of ardent support for the White Australia Policy and extreme economic nationalism. However, Chinese workers in Australia, like workers of all ethnicities, certainly do need a workers party. Just not one like the ALP that accepts the capitalist order and, thus, imbibes all the reactionary ideologies that go with it. What we need instead is a party thoroughly opposed to capitalist rule. Such a party would necessarily stand by those states created through the overturn of capitalist rule – like the Peoples Republic of China. A party committed to the struggle against the capitalist order would also value above all else the unity of the working class across race and national lines. It would be fiercely internationalist, standing actively against economic nationalism and campaigning energetically against all forms of racism.
The growing number of racist attacks on the streets of Australia comes in the context of the frightening reality that racist, far-right groups have been growing throughout most of the world (China itself is actually a lone exception to this trend among large countries). In Australia, fascist groups under the banner of “Reclaim Australia” held large, race-hate rallies in 2015 and 2016. Although that movement’s main stated enemy was the Muslim community, their demonstrations were actually aimed against all non-white people. Meanwhile, the posters put up last year in Melbourne universities threatening Chinese students (referred to earlier in this article) was the work of a neo-Nazi group calling itself Antipodean Resistance. Now, in an especially worrying development, a violent white supremacist group linked to that outfit has established a paramilitary training centre in Ashfield (at 34 Thomas St), a centre of Sydney’s ethnic Chinese community [14]. This is a serious physical threat to the entire Chinese community in Sydney and, indeed, to all people of colour – especially to those living in the Inner West, Southwest and Western suburbs of Sydney.
Although people from ethnic minority groups in Australia are subject to a very large number of attacks from garden-variety, racist rednecks – that is, racists who do not necessarily consciously subscribe to a far-right political agenda – in other countries, actual far-right political movements have been growing even faster than here. In Austria, Switzerland, the U.S., Italy, Israel, Brazil, India and Hungary, hard-right forces are either in government or part of governing coalitions. Although actual fascism – which involves the violent dispersal of all independent trade unions and left-wing, pro-workers political parties and open systematic terror against minority communities – has not yet over-run these countries, the ascendancy of hard right forces there have emboldened fascists and rednecks to unleash ever more brazen racist attacks. In the U.S., for example, Trump’s rise has seen an increase in violent attacks and verbal abuse against Muslims, blacks, Asians and Hispanics. In August last year, the U.S. had a mass racist riot that could be considered a modern day, American version of Australia’s mid-19th century Lambing Flat riots. Hundreds of neo-Nazis and other extreme white racists, many armed with semi-automatic weapons, rampaged through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia chanting racist slogans and violently assaulting anti-racist counter-protesters. One of the racists participating in the far-right event deliberately rammed his car at high speed into a crowd of counter-protesters murdering anti-racist activist, Heather Heyer, and injuring 40 other people. Then, just four months ago, the German city of Chemnitz had a horrific racist riot that even more closely resembled the Lambing Flat riots. Seizing on the death in Chemnitz of a man during an alleged fight with immigrants, thousands of fascists descended on the city chanting “foreigners out” and giving Nazi salutes. The neo-Nazis rampaged through the city bashing any person of colour they could find. Terrified immigrants stayed locked in their houses for days. Although the 1990 capitalist reunification of Germany triggered an increase in neo-Nazi violence, Germany has not seen a racist rampage of the type seen in Chemnitz since the days of Hitler’s Third Reich!
August 2018, Germany: A modern day version of the Lambing Flat riots. Thousands of Neo-Nazis and other violent racists rampage through the city of Chemnitz chanting “foreigners out” and giving Nazi salutes. The neo-Nazis bashed any person of colour they could find as terrified immigrants stayed locked in their houses for days. Germany has not seen a racist rampage of the scale seen in Chemnitz since the days of Hitler’s Third Reich!
The strength of racist gangs in the Chemnitz and Charlottesville events shows that there is a real danger that in the future – likely during another serious economic crisis like the late-2000s Great Recession – we could be subject to not just more racist rampages but, in one or a number of countries, we could be hit with the actual takeover of political power by a violent racist movement; in other words the ascendancy to power of Hitler-style fascists! If far-right groups have, thus far, not grown as fast in Australia as they have in certain other countries it is only because Australia did not suffer a deep recession like much of the rest of the capitalist world during the late 2000s – early 2010s global economic crisis. Racist forces can grow quickly during such times because, if the working class movement fails to strongly put forward a program of class struggle resistance to job slashing by business owners, the far right’s false blaming of minorities for unemployment and economic insecurity can gain traction.
The sole reason that Australia did not suffer a major recession during the last global economic crisis is because of China. During that crisis, the PRC’s booming state-owned enterprises continued to purchase large amounts of Australian exports which in turn kept the whole Australian economy afloat. It is ironic, especially given the Australian ruling class’ hostility to Red China and her state-owned enterprises in particular, that it is the PRC’s socialistic public sector enterprises that are holding up Australia’s capitalist economy. Yet, this current reality will not last forever. The PRC government is deliberately moving the focus of the Chinese economy away from low-end manufacturing and fossil fuel-based power and towards services, renewable energy, high-tech industries, advanced manufacturing and information technology. Therefore, China will gradually have lower demand for Australian iron ore, coal and liquefied natural gas. Thus, should Australia remain under capitalist rule, eventually, even the PRC’s roaring socialistic economy will not be able to save it from the global economic crises that are inherent to the capitalist system – crises that are becoming noticeably deeper as the system increasingly decays. And when such a crisis hits this country, what then? Post-1788 Australia is already a country blighted by deep-seated racism and shaped by the genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people and by last century’s official White Australia Policy. In the absence of a powerful mobilisation by the working class movement to defend workers’ jobs and rights, the onset of a major economic crisis in Australia could lead to the rapid growth of extreme racist, fascist forces and eventually (perhaps two major recessions from now) … their actual coming to political power! This may seem unthinkable. However, let us not forget that this is precisely what happened in Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria at various times during the early-mid part of last century.
All the intended victims of fascists in Australia should be concerned about this possibility: Aboriginal people, people of Asian, African, Pacific Islander and Middle Eastern heritage, Muslims, Jews, LGBTI people, leftists, trade unionists, the disabled and the homeless. People of Asian background – and the Chinese community in particular – should be aware that they will likely be near the very front of the firing line (and this could be in the very literal sense!) if Hitler-style fascism were to gain the ascendancy in Australia. To know this one only has to see how much Asian-origin people – alongside Muslims and African youth – are at the centre of the hostile agitation of current Australian fascist groups.
It is worth analysing the different aspects of fascist rule and comparing how that relates to the Chinese community in today’s Australia with how it impacted on the main (but far from sole) ethnic community persecuted by Hitler’s Nazis, the Jewish people. There are four main agendas of fascist forces. Firstly, to smash all independent trade unions and all working class-based, or other left-wing, political organisations. Secondly, to use terror to drive out, if not completely exterminate, racial minorities. Thirdly, to implement extreme protectionist measures and other stern economic nationalist policies. Fourthly, to wage war to crush workers states. Let us first look at how these four aspects of the fascist program played out for the Jewish minority in Nazi Germany. The trade unions and left-wing parties crushed by Hitler were led by people of different ethnicity, mostly by ethnic Germans as they made up the overwhelming majority of the country but also by some Jewish people. So, this aspect of the Nazi program did not directly target Jewish people in particular. However, part of the Nazi’s stated reason for waging war against Jewish people was that they were considered to be prone to sympathy for the political Left. As for the second aspect of fascism, horrific terror against racial minorities, the Nazis, as is well known, particularly aimed this against the Jewish community who were the largest racial minority in the country as well as against Roma (who are commonly but inappropriately referred to as “Gypsies”), people of mixed African-German background and, later, Poles. As the Nazis and their allies took over more of Europe, they followed up their ghastly crimes within Germany with even larger-scale slaughter of Jews, Roma and Slavs throughout Europe. Now, the economic nationalist agenda of the Nazis was especially aimed against Germany’s French, British and other imperialist rivals. So this aspect of fascism did not directly fuel the war against the Jewish people. However, it did contribute to possessing a chunk of the German masses with the extreme nationalist spirit that helped push them into committing the most horrific crimes against non-German peoples. The fourth major aspect of Nazism, a fanatical drive to crush socialistic workers states, meant in practice waging war on the one workers’ state existing at the time: the Soviet Union. As Jewish people had been badly persecuted in Tsarist Russia, many Jews participated in the October 1917 Socialist Revolution in Russia that led to the creation of the Soviet workers state. The fascists thus linked communism to Jewish people. The Nazis described their war against the Soviet Union as a war against “Jew-Bolsheviks.”
Now, let us analyse how these four agendas of fascism would play out for the Chinese community here if fascist forces were to, in the future, gain the ascendancy in Australia. Firstly, as in Nazi Germany, all communist and social-democratic parties would be obliterated and all independent trade unions crushed. This would target worker and left-wing activists of all ethnicities. However, given that, even now, the Chinese community is labelled as being populated by a large number of supporters of Communist Party-run China, any war against Australian pro-communist movements would inevitably stir up particular hostility to people of Chinese ancestry. The second agenda of fascism – to drive out or exterminate racial minorities – would target Aboriginal people and all people of colour. Given that people of Chinese background make up the largest non-white ethnic minority in Australia, the fascist drive for racial “purity” would inevitably make Chinese people one of the main enemies of this crusade. The extreme protectionist agenda of fascism would hit all countries and peoples who Australia imported from, who invested in Australia or who worked here as guest workers. Given that China is the biggest source of Australian imports, is reputed to be (though this, as we have pointed out earlier, is actually far from true) the main country investing in Australia and is one of the bigger sources of temporary visa workers, the obsessive economic nationalist agenda of fascism, should it engulf Australia, would incite hatred against the Chinese community who would be linked to the “big, bad China” that will be hysterically accused of “taking away Australian jobs” and “buying up Australia.” Now, what about fascism’s compulsion to go to war to smash workers states? In today’s world, Hitler’s drive to destroy the Soviet Union, then the only workers state, would be replaced with a compulsion to destroy today’s largest socialistic state, the Peoples Republic of China. Even right now, the overwhelming majority of the capitalist ruling class in the U.S. and Australia want to see the downfall of socialistic rule in China. However, when the Western world again enters a period of deep economic crisis, precisely the period when it is possible for fascists to gain the ascendancy, the ruling class’ desperation to smash the PRC workers state would reach fever pitch. When their system is in such a crisis at home, the only way that their economy could survive is if they have access to a gigantic, new source of labour to exploit – which capitalist restoration in China would enable – and decisive control of the vast Chinese market that they thus far have not been able to dominate. Moreover, the deeper that capitalism lurches into economic crisis, the more the capitalist rulers cannot tolerate the existence of a successful socialistic model which they know would give their “own” working class masses “bad ideas” on what needs to be done to relieve the crisis. Indeed, part of the complex of circumstances that would facilitate the ascendancy of fascists would be that a section of the capitalist elite, in the midst of an economic crisis, should decide that they, albeit with many misgivings, entrust administration of their state to the fascists in order for the latter to use extreme nationalism and repression to herd the population towards military confrontation with Red China. And given that the ascendancy of fascists in Australia would likely be part of similar developments in at least a few other Western countries, including, most probably, the U.S. where it is plainly obvious that fascist forces have been gaining strength, then the alliance between the U.S. and Australia when both countries are under fascist rule would very likely lead to the ANZUS allies indeed attempting a war to destroy Red China. Such a war, or even the active preparation for one, will inevitably contribute to severe persecution of the Chinese community in Australia. Let us not forget that during World War II, the Australian government imprisoned in harsh conditions nearly all ethnic Japanese civilians living here – including many who worked in the pearl diving industry, people born in Australia and those of mixed Japanese-White Australian ancestry [15]. The Curtin Labor government imprisoned over 4,300 Japanese civilians in all, most of whom were forcibly deported to Japan after the war. And Australia was not even under fascist rule then! Given the agenda of fascists and the particular history of anti-Chinese racism in Australia, one would expect a possible future, fascist regime in Australia to persecute the Chinese community even more cruelly during the context of active preparations for a war against Red China.
There is, however, an important difference between the Jewish community in 1930s Germany and the Chinese community in today’s Australia. At the time of Hitler’s ascendancy, Jewish people only made up some 0.75% of the German population. By contrast over 5% of Australia’s residents have Chinese ancestry and nearly a quarter of Australia’s population are people of colour from various backgrounds. That naturally means that it would, theoretically, be more difficult for a future fascist regime in Australia to commit genocide against the Chinese community or other non-white communities in the way that the Nazis mass murdered the Jewish community. More difficult but, unfortunately, far from impossible. Let us not forget that as well as murdering Jews, Roma, Afro-Germans and Poles, the Nazi regime brutally persecuted and smashed the German Communist Party, the Germany Social Democratic Party and the trade unions who together had some 15 million members and supporters when Hitler came to power. The Nazis were able to carry out this repression by first targeting one group and then relying on their other intended victims remaining passive and cowered or otherwise not showing solidarity with the immediately targeted group before moving onto their next target. If the nightmare scenario of a fascist takeover in Australia eventuates, we can expect that the new fascist regime would first go after a smaller and thus more vulnerable target – like, say, the African community who are being so viciously vilified even today – and in doing so hone their methods of repression and propaganda. Hoping that their future targets – like the Chinese community and the trade unions – remain passive and cowered and fail to show active solidarity with this first targeted group, the fascists will succeed in their initial repression, strike fear in the hearts of their other intended victims and gain momentum for the smashing of their next target. That is why when facing violent racists, passivity ends up being akin to suicide. Moreover, just as fascists in power rely on passivity, cowardice and a lack of active solidarity between their intended victims to carry out their murderous agenda, they also rely on all this to come to power in the first place. That is why in a world where violent far-right groups are gaining strength, all the intended victims of the fascists must show courage by coming together in active mobilisations to stamp out fascist threats. We need to stamp them out now before we have to face an enemy that has grown terrifyingly in momentum and numbers. A good start would be for the trade union movement, leftists, the Chinese community and other non-white communities present in Western Sydney to unite in action to sweep away the military training base that the extreme racists have established in Sydney’s Ashfield.
In the face of intensifying oppression of Aboriginal people, growing anti-Chinese racism and vicious attacks against the African community, Muslims, South Asian origin people and all people of colour in Australia, we cannot leave it to the police, courts, governments or local councils to protect targeted communities. History has shown that these state bodies in Australia – no matter which party is holding government – invariably protect racist groups. We only have to look what happened today at Melbourne’s St Kilda Beach. A group of far-right extremists started threateningly videoing African youth kicking a soccer ball around and when they protested against the racists’ provocative actions, the police intervened. However, the person that the cops arrested was not one of the extreme racists but one of the African youths who was being harassed! The police, to the cheers of the far-right racists, pepper sprayed and held to the ground this African youth, causing the young man to vomit. The police had the same slant when anti-racist counter-demonstrators opposed the “Reclaim Australia” mobilisations held by extreme racists in 2015-16 when police protected the racists and violently attacked anti-racist protesters. Indeed, at the 18 July 2015 race-hate rally in Melbourne, a policeman even publicly high-fived a member of the extreme racist United Patriots Front.
The state enforcement institutions in capitalist Australia ultimately serve the ultra-rich, big end of town who need racism as it keeps the masses that they exploit divided and distracted. Moreover, as we know all too well, the government and state enforcement organs are themselves purveyors of racism. That is why it must be our multi-racial trade unions, drawing together all working class people and all the targeted communities that must act to oppose the racist attacks of today and retard the future threat of a fascist takeover. This is a matter of not only protecting communities targeted by racist violence but of defending the class interests of the working class. Racism is a mortal threat to the trade union movement and the struggle for workers’ rights. By dividing working class people racism undermines the unity which is so crucial to any working class people’s struggle for wages, improved working conditions, jobs and public housing. That is why it is in the very interests of the workers movement to be at the forefront of the struggle to oppose racist attacks and to resist the threat from violent far-right outfits.
The working class movement and racial minorities must come together with the following action program:
Mass mobilisations of trade unionists standing alongside people from Aboriginal, Chinese, other Asian, African, and Middle Eastern backgrounds as well as Muslims, Jews, LGBTIQ communities and leftists must stop the fascists when they try to mobilise in public. It is difficult to mobilise against the numerous, disparate acts of racist violence by garden-variety rednecks that occur every single day. However, by dealing severe blows in public to the politically racist elements, we can send a strong message to the unorganised racists that it is not in their interests to stick their ugly necks out and commit racist attacks. A priority right now is to get rid of the violence training base that the extreme racists have established at 34 Thomas St, Ashfield.
All racist attacks of any kind must be opposed no matter which community they target. Attacks on one community, when unopposed, give racists the taste of blood that will inevitably encourage them to target other racial minorities as well. That means there must be determined struggle against the state’s systematic oppression of Aboriginal people – oppression which leads to so many black people being killed in state custody by racist police and prison guards. We must also stand with the African communities that are being so viciously scapegoated today and with Muslim people who have been copping ongoing racist attacks over the last two decades. We must fight to free the refugees, stop all deportations and win the rights of citizenship for all refugees, guest workers and overseas students.
New, ever more repressive laws in Australia, which can be used to persecute minorities and thus further incite racist sentiments, must be opposed. These include the “foreign interference law” passed in June that aims to witch-hunt pro-PRC Chinese people, the various anti-terror laws that are so draconian that they often lead to Muslim people innocent of any crime being victimised (such as student of Sri Lankan Muslim background, Mohamed Kamer Nizamdeen, who was recently falsely imprisoned for four weeks in harsh conditions on blatantly false terrorism charges) and the myriad of measures associated with the government’s racist “Intervention” into Aboriginal communities.
We must counter the government and mainstream media’s propaganda blitz against socialistic China. This campaign of lies not only “rationalises” the ruling class’ measures against a workers state, the PRC, but inevitably ends up inciting hostility to the Chinese community in Australia as well. The anti-PRC propaganda blitz can only be effectively opposed by pointing to the class nature of the PRC as a state that, for all its deformities and harmful concessions to capitalists, serves the interests of working class people. Trotskyist Platform (TP) is proud to have built actions for public housing in Australia that have favourably pointed to the PRC’s spectacular building of public housing over the last decade as an example of what is needed here to ensure affordable rental accommodation for working class people [16]. We have promoted the slogan: “Massively Increase Public Housing – Just Like Socialistic China Is Doing!” TP has also initiated united-front eemonstrations supporting particular crackdowns by the PRC authorities on Australian capitalist exploiters operating within China. When executives – including greedy Australian bigwig Stern Hu – of part Australian-owned mining behemoth Rio Tinto were sentenced to lengthy jail terms in China in 2010 for ripping-off PRC public sector enterprises and when Aussie billionaire James Packer’s high-flying executives were prosecuted by Chinese authorities for corruption in 2017, we cheered these anti-capitalist actions [17] [18], saying “China is Cracking Down on Private Sector Corporate Greed. Working Class People: Let’s Do The Same Here!”
When the PRC succeeds in its campaign to pull all people out of extreme poverty in two years time – which it is on track to do – supporters of the PRC and opponents of anti-Chinese racism should organise demonstrations here to welcome this victory for working class people the world over. This will not only help to counter anti-PRC propaganda but, by pointing out how the PRC’s state-owned banks and state-owned enterprises and its public housing drive were key to the success of this poverty-alleviation campaign, we will help spur the badly needed struggles in Australia against privatisations, for the nationalisation of the banks and for a massive increase in public housing.
We must actively campaign against economic nationalist proposals. Protectionism does not save jobs but, instead, by pitting workers in one country against another, makes it harder for workers to unite to stop their bosses from slashing jobs. In opposition to economic nationalism we must advocate a program to save workers’ jobs that is based on class struggle actions to prevent profitable businesses retrenching workers.
There must be struggle against the conditions of unemployment, casualisation of labour and inadequacy of infrastructure that provide the climate for the growth of racist movements. To win secure, permanent jobs for all, we need to build a movement to force capitalist business owners to increase hiring of permanent employees at the expense of their fat profits. We also need to demand a massive increase in funding for public hospitals, public housing, public schools, childcare and public transport financed through confiscating the wealth of the big end of town.
All our struggles for a better life for working class people come up against the very essence of the capitalist system which operates not on what is needed by the masses but on what is most profitable for individual, wealthy business owners. Meanwhile, all struggles against racial oppression come up against state enforcement organs that were created to enforce the exploitation of the working class and to administer the racism that is needed to help ensure this. Therefore, in the course of all campaigns against racist attacks and for improvement of the conditions of working class people we need to popularise the need to replace the capitalist system with a system based on socialist, public ownership of the economy administered by a workers state.
In all these struggles, politically conscious working-class people – whether of Chinese, Aboriginal, African, Middle Eastern, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Nepalese, other Asian, Pacific Islander, Latin American or White Australian background – must be the spearhead. However, we can only implement this agenda if we simultaneously struggle for a new program to gain the ascendancy in our trade union movement and the broader working class: a program that rejects economic nationalism and that refuses to buy into illusions that the parliamentary and enforcement institutions of the current, capitalist, state can help workers win a better life. We must also turn our back on the current leadership of the workers movement’s practice of supporting the Australian capitalist ruling class’ reactionary foreign policy agenda, which ranges from hostility to socialistic states like the PRC and DPRK to supporting Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinian people. Our working class organisations need a program based on militant class struggle, on firm opposition to the racist ruling class and its domestic and international agendas and on the building of genuine unity between workers of all races: local, guest and international workers. This is what is needed to not only make our unions weapons in the fight against racism but to turn them into centres of militant class-struggle resistance against job cuts, casualisation of labour and low wages.
2 May 2014, Brisbane: Extreme racists (encircled in white) cower in the face of trade union power. A large contingent of unionised construction workers join with other anti-fascists to sweep away an attempted mobilisation by a violent racist group. Since trade union strength depends on unity above all else, the workers movement has an interest in unleashing its power to spearhead the struggle against violent racist outfits.
The fight to drive out racist and economic nationalist influences from the workers movement and the Left will be a difficult struggle requiring hard work and persistence. For what needs to be opposed are not only the most overt forms of White Australia racism but it’s slightly more disguised, yet all the more pernicious, forms. To understand this better we should look back at the event that remains iconic to the current Australian union movement: the 1854 Eureka Rebellion by gold miners in Ballarat. The rebellion is seen as a powerful example of the oppressed standing up for their rights and thus as a struggle that the union movement bases itself on. Today, many unions carry the flag used in the Eureka Stockade. The Eureka Rebellion was, indeed, overall progressive as the miners were subjected to an unfair tax and heavy repression. Taking part in the struggle alongside Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English immigrants were people from various parts of continental Europe and North America. There were also a small number of non-white people involved and two of the thirteen people who faced sedition charges after the uprising included a black Jamaican man, James McFie Campbell, and a black American man, John Joseph. The latter was deservedly given a hero’s reception – even being carried around the streets of Melbourne in a chair – by those who supported the struggle. Yet, it is telling to reflect upon the two particular ethnic groups who were not part of the Eureka Rebellion. Firstly, Aboriginal people were not part of the rebellion as they were largely prevented from being gold miners in the first place. Aboriginal people were, instead, being subjected to murderous terror at the hands of the colonial authorities. Secondly, miners from China, by far the largest group of non-white people present on the goldfields, were not brought into the struggle. At the time, there was much racist/economic nationalist hostility to the Chinese miners from many of the white miners. Thus, the rebel mine prospectors made no effort to reach out to the Chinese miners. Instead, the Ballarat Reform League that organised the Eureka Rebellion was “open to men of all nations” except Chinese [19]. In the wake of the Eureka movement, a courageous Black American rebel was rightly féted as a hero, yet the rebellion excluded the largest non-white ethnic group present on the goldfields. Here was a striking example of the more hypocritical form of white supremacy: where all races are welcome except any group large enough to present a serious threat to what is seen as the “rightful”, dominant position of white people. This very serious flaw, in the overall still supportable Eureka Stockade struggle, is why the Eureka Rebellion is celebrated not only by many unions and left-wing groups but is also, so troublingly, claimed – albeit quite dishonestly – by most extreme white-supremacist outfits.
In the Eureka Rebellion and the mid-1800s goldfields more broadly, we see how racism is heavily inter-twined with economic nationalism. Minority communities that were not large enough to be seen as a danger to the interests of the white gold prospectors were tolerated by those who were not extreme racists but the largest non-white group – and one that had, what is more, developed efficient, co-operative mining techniques – was bitterly opposed by many as a threat to their livelihoods. Fast forward now to today. Today, there are some left-wing small-l liberals and social democrats who will proudly oppose racist persecution of most oppressed racial minority groups but they will do little to oppose attacks on the largest non-white racial groups present in Australia, Asians and in particular Chinese background people. At worst these people, while proudly wearing the badge of “anti-racism,” will even buy into economic nationalist opposition to supposedly “excessive Chinese investment in Australia” and “cheap” Asian labour entering as guest workers. Yet, at the same time, these left-wing small-l liberals and social democrats will, very correctly, state opposition to the terrible racist attacks being unleashed against the African and Muslim communities. They will also be most determined to show their opposition to the horrific ongoing persecution of Aboriginal people (although how much these soft-lefts actually contribute to the struggle for Aboriginal rights is a very different story). It is kind of a form of the “anyone but the Chinese” prejudice that afflicted many gold miners in 1850s Victoria being played out today – albeit in softer form. Today’s left-wing small-l liberals and social democrats do not feel “threatened” by small minority communities like Muslims and Africans and, thus, they do sincerely defend these persecuted communities – as they certainly should – just as supporters of the Eureka Rebellion at the time embraced the black American rebel hero, John Joseph. Similarly, some left-wing small-l liberals and social democrats are happy to join with staunch Aboriginal activists and committed socialists in proclaiming slogans supporting Aboriginal sovereignty and Aboriginal leadership. These radical proclamations are, however, made in the, for these small-l liberals and social democrats, comfortable knowledge that such laudable demands are not about to be realized in the short term because genocide and severe persecution have greatly diminished both the size and the current political-economic clout of this country’s First Peoples (for this reason even opposition leader Bill Shorten feels comfortable to regularly state that Australia “is, was and always will be Aboriginal land” even while fully backing the continued theft of this Aboriginal land by mining and pastoral capitalists). Would these same elements truly support the complete smashing of the racist White Australia status quo that will finally liberate Aboriginal people from the brutal oppression that they face when, in the future, united revolutionary struggle by the multi-racial working class and Aboriginal militants makes that actually immediately achievable? A good indication of the answer to this question can be seen by examining the extent to which these progressive small-l liberals and social democrats today oppose racist attacks on that group of racial minorities – Asians (and Chinese in particular) – large enough (and linked to hundreds-of-millions-strong populations in Australia’s Asia-Pacific neighbourhood and also to a powerful home country in the case of migrants from the PRC) to right now plausibly be seen as able to disturb the supreme position of the White Australia establishment in all economic, cultural and political matters. And here we find many left-wing small-l liberals and social democrats wanting. To be sure the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of their stances on issues of racism often reflect subconscious feelings rather than a fixed, thought-through perspective. Yet it is clear that they still have a way to go to truly break from a white supremacist mentality.
However, what makes it possible to win the best layers of the working class to a truly internationalist standpoint is the fact that such an outlook is what the workers movement actually needs to advance its very own interests. The working class needs genuine unity, based on equality across race and national lines, in order to ensure it is as strong a force as possible to fight for its jobs, working conditions and social services. It is this basic truth that is the lever that an internationalist workers party uses to lift the level of fighting inter-racial and cross-border unity of the workers movement.
We need to also stress that fighting to unify the working class in today’s Australia across racial lines should be far easier than it would have been to unify the miners during the mid-nineteenth century gold rush. Why? Because although the miners of the Eureka Stockade – and the gold rush more broadly – were oppressed by heavy taxes and police bullying, they were not actual wage workers toiling together for wages from common exploiting bosses. Rather, they were self-employed producers who kept for their own selves what they produced – after paying out taxes and expenses. In effect, they were each little small businessmen. And although they united with each other – but excluded Chinese miners – during the Eureka rebellion against cruel government policies, they often also had the individualistic, self-centred outlook of small businessmen. Indeed, their economic position as individual self-employed producers also formed the material basis for the anti-Chinese racism within their numbers. To the extent that the miners did not embrace collective gold prospecting, theoretically every other gold miner working in the area that a particular miner was searching for gold in was a rival. The more other gold prospectors there were, the less gold would be left over for the miner to collect himself. This meant that any large group of miners seen as outsiders would be felt as a threat to their livelihoods. This large group of “outsiders” were, of course, the Chinese. Moreover, the fact that the co-operative mining techniques of Chinese miners made them more efficient at finding gold than their white-skinned counterparts only enraged prejudiced, white miners even more. The despicable xenophobia of the many gold prospectors who were racist was rooted in the hard economic reality that the more gold found by outsiders – and specifically the Chinese miners – the less there was left for them. However, such an equation does not exist for wage workers. Indeed for wage workers, it is the very inverse equation that holds true. Workers’ income comes from selling their physical and/or mental labour power to the business-owning capitalists for wages. Thus, very unlike the relationship between individual small businessmen participating in the same industry, wage workers are not engaged in dog-eat-dog competition with their fellow workers. If less workers are to be employed in a particular sector this will not, in the least, lead automatically to increases in the standard of living of the remaining workers. What is needed to improve the income of workers is class struggle against their bosses to force the latter to hand over a greater share of the fruit of workers’ labour back to the workers themselves rather than being plundered as profits by the business owners. To wage this class struggle, workers’ unity is the most important factor. Racial prejudice and economic nationalism – whether it is directed against Aboriginal people, against smaller racial minorities or against larger minority groups – is simply poison to the struggle for working class peoples’ rights. Put simply, whereas for the gold prospectors in 19th century Australia racially excluding any particular group of miners – which turned out to be specifically the Chinese miners – could theoretically have led to higher income for miners from the majority racial group, for wage workers in today’s Australia it is building unity across races that is needed to win higher incomes and a more secure livelihood. To be sure, there is still much racism within the workers movement in today’s Australia. However, this is not primarily an internally generated racism like it was, to a large degree, with the mid-19th century gold prospectors. Rather, it is a racism largely impregnated by ruling class politicians and the big business-owned media who are eager to divide and divert the exploited masses.
The fact that combating racial divisions is in the very material interests of workers is the reason why it is possible, through the determined and conscious effort of the most far-sighted workers and leftist intellectuals, to eventually drive out racial prejudice from the workers movement; and thus make wage workers (who make up some 65% to 70% of Australia’s workforce) into a bulwark in the struggle against racism throughout broader society. It is this material interests that workers have in inter-racial unity which is also why, even during the middle of Australia’s official White Australia Policy period, proud members of the Seamen’s Union of Australia made laudable efforts to help Chinese workers on ships frequenting Australia to establish unions and fight for their rights. These communist-inspired Australian trade unionists did this wonderful work even while the Australian union movement, as a whole, was upholding the White Australia Policy and nominally Marxist, more left-wing union leaders were less than 100% in following through on their avowed opposition to the policy.
The early-mid 20th century bonds of friendship built in struggle between Chinese seamen working on ships docking in Australian ports and the best of the Australian trade unionists who supported their brave efforts at union organising helped develop crucial links between sections of the white working class and the broader Chinese community. In the same way today, Australian trade unionists from Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Nepalese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Korean and Indonesian backgrounds can play an important role in bringing together white workers with Asian-based, migrant working class communities. These workers have much to contribute to the Australian workers movement in many other ways too. This is especially the case for workers in Australia originating from the Peoples Republic of China. Most working class immigrants from the PRC living in Australia tend to be, to a greater or lesser degree, sympathetic to Red China. Therefore, workers from a PRC background living in Australia can form an important link between the overall fight of the working class against the capitalist bosses and the badly needed struggles not only against anti-Chinese racism but against attacks on the socialistic PRC. A small example of this was seen in August 2016. It was then that ethnic Chinese workers who are members of the CFMEU construction workers union pushed for their union to take a stand against Channel 7’s blatantly anti-China bias in its coverage of the 2016 Olympics. This resulted in the CFMEU holding a small protest against Channel 7 in Sydney in which not only ethnic Chinese construction workers took part but also CFMEU officials and other construction workers. The rally did not openly state the class character of China as a socialistic workers state and identify this as the reason for the anti-China bias of Australia’s capitalist media. Nevertheless, by slamming the “ignorant and discriminatory” media coverage of China, the CFMEU’s action objectively took a stand with Red China. It was also welcome solidarity with discriminated against, Chinese-Australian workers who are being harassed by the anti-Chinese bigotry that is, in part, driven by the Australian capitalists’ hostility to the Peoples Republic of China. This was a rare example of our unions today taking an active stand against not only anti-Chinese racism but against anti-communist hostility to the PRC.
Although the August 2016 protest against Channel 7 over the Olympics was small, it showed the potential of PRC-origin workers in Australia to push the trade union movement here in the much needed, internationalist direction. Moreover, there is a particular characteristic of those who have previously been workers in the PRC, that is probably as yet unknown by most of their coworkers, which gives them the potential to influence the Australian workers movement in a really positive way. This is related to the reality that the Peoples Republic of China is a workers’ state – albeit one distorted by bureaucratic deformations and weakened by a level of capitalist intrusion. Since the toiling masses took over China in her 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, in China workers – and indeed everyone else – are taught that workers are the rulers of the country. As a result, workers in the PRC have a sense of entitlement – a justified feeling that political, economic and social affairs ought to be managed for their benefit. To be sure, wages are lower in China than they are in Australia. Yet that is only because China – due to its cruel neo-colonial subjugation by imperialist powers in its pre-1949 days – is still, per person, a much poorer country than Australia. For a country of its per capita income, wages in China are actually rather high, especially when the social wage that bosses are required to pay into Chinese workers’ accounts are taken into account (these include not only for China’s form of superannuation but funds for medical bills and housing expenses). Moreover, the PRC has had the fastest growing wages in the world over the last decade [20]. Now, as a huge and disparate country, there have been cases of bad sweatshop exploitation of workers in China’s private sector – especially in foreign-owned factories and in smaller workplaces. However, following the introduction in 2008 of a new pro-worker labour law, a further increase in an already very high rate of trade union membership, the wider penetration of Communist Party of China (CPC) cells into private businesses and spirited government “repression” against capitalist bosses who fail to follow labour laws or flout safety regulations, the workplace rights of private sector workers in China have considerably improved. Meanwhile, in socialistic state-owned enterprises, which dominate all the key sectors of the Chinese economy, working conditions, are in general, rather good. Workers in these enterprises have a high level of job security with retrenchments relatively rare. Certainly, the way bosses in Australia can often bully workers is unheard of in many of the PRC’s state-owned enterprises. Indeed, if Aussie capitalist bosses saw how relaxed at work many employees in China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises are, they would probably have a fit! To some degree the conditions that exist in China’s state-owned enterprises are replicated in China’s bigger private firms where CPC cells and the overall character of the state force the capitalist owners to maintain a decent work environment and dissuade them from carrying out mass layoffs. All this, combined with Chinese workers’ “sense of entitlement,” means that when workers in China are not happy with how their bosses are treating them they tend to not only go on strike but do so in a way quite different to most strikes in Australia. In Australia, strikes are disproportionately less likely in the private sector where the rate of trade union membership is much lower than amongst public sector workers. In contrast in the PRC, where the state-owned enterprises essentially belong to the people and hence have much better workplace conditions than in the private sector, a disproportionately high percentage of strikes occur in the private sector or in any public enterprises that are facing privatisation (although such attempted privatisations have been very rare in the last few years). However, the main difference in industrial action that occurs in China with the increasingly little that occurs here is in the types of action taken by striking workers. In Australia, a typical strike is associated with a stop-work meeting and in some cases a peaceful rally. In only a percentage of cases will a strike see a picket line established – usually if it is a longer running strike – which only in a portion of these instances will see the pickets actually physically stopping anyone trying to cross. In the PRC however, strike actions, from day one, typically involve workers asserting their domination over all the space surrounding the struck workplace. Here is where the sense of entitlement comes in. China’s striking workers not only picket work-site entrances but also block nearby roads and often occupy the workplace buildings. In some cases they even take their bosses hostage. In Australia, in the all too rare cases that workers engage in such China-style industrial action, rebelling workers always face denunciations by politicians, hysterical condemnation by the mainstream media and physical attack from police. Yet in China it is rare for the media and politicians to denounce striking workers. The PRC’s state-owned media are actually more likely to blame the bosses in any industrial dispute. As for the attitude of PRC courts to industrial action by workers, here is how a Western law firm advising bosses in China summarised it:
“There is a trend of an increasing number and scale of industrial actions, which is being used by the employees more and more often as a tool to assert its legal rights or negotiate better term of employment. Where the employees start a strike because of incompliance on the part of the company in relation to employee benefits and rights, PRC judicial bodies are usually protective of the employees and often uphold claims of termination without legal cause if the employer terminates the employees for organising or participating in the strike [21].”
In other words, completely opposite to the situation in Australia, PRC industrial courts are much more likely to favour striking workers than the bosses. Meanwhile, while on some occasions Chinese police and bureaucrats may attack militant action by workers during an industrial dispute, in other cases they may either turn a blind eye to such action or even support it! In some famous cases, Chinese police and government officials have even sided with private sector workers who have taken their bosses hostage and even tacitly joined in with workers in trying to pressure the seized capitalist to capitulate to the workers’ demands. This type of scenario was played out spectacularly in China’s most stormy dispute in the last decade, the July 2009 Tonghua steelworkers strike in northeastern China that opposed the privatisation of the enterprise. There, after thousands of workers not only occupied the plant but took the new private boss hostage and beat him to death, the government not only immediately reversed the privatisation but PRC state media mocked the greed of the killed capitalist boss while police chiefs involved made statements sympathetic to the rebelling workers! Needlessly to say, such responses by the state and their media to workers’ struggles has further amplified the sense of entitlement that workers in the PRC enjoy.
So what happens when some of these “entitled” workers from Red China go abroad. Well that was seen dramatically in Singapore in 2012. On 26 November of that year, nearly 180 bus drivers from China working for Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Corp (SMRT) went on strike over poor pay and living conditions. Many stayed out on strike the following day as well. The strike was especially daring given that these workers are constrained by the same conditions as guest workers in Australia – they can be sent home at any time if their bosses rip-up their employment contract. Moreover, the Chinese workers’ wild-cat action not only flouted Singapore’s harsh anti-strike laws but was done in defiance of Singapore’s National Trades Union Congress which pathetically condemned the strike. Five strike leaders ended up being jailed by the Singapore capitalist regime and 29 other strikers were sacked and deported [22]. The struggle did, however, force the bosses to make a few improvements to the housing conditions of the bus drivers. In a country with an extremely repressive capitalist regime, the daring strike by the Chinese workers had the political effect of an earthquake. This was the first strike in Singapore in nearly 27 years! Moreover, it seems to be the only major strike (there had been a “work to rule” industrial action by Singapore Airlines pilots in 1980) against a local Singapore-based company in the country’s entire 54-year post-independence history!
November 2012: Striking Chinese bus drivers outside their dormitories in Singapore. These Chinese guest workers waged Singapore’s first strike in 27 years! Imbued with the sense of entitlement that comes from having lived in a workers state, Chinese workers who migrate to Australia – especially those who have worked in China’s socialistic, state-owned enterprises – could also inject a badly needed shot of militancy to the working class movement in this country.
Potentially, the defiance shown by PRC bus drivers in Singapore can be brought to Australia too when people from the PRC migrate to Australia. This obviously applies mainly to those migrants who were workers when they lived in the PRC -rather than self-employed businesspeople or high-ranking professionals. The Chinese migrants who will be most imbued with a sense of entitlement as workers will be those who had worked in the PRC’s state-owned enterprises; and to a slighter lesser extent those who had worked in those larger private enterprises where the influence of Communist Party of China committees are greatest. In these state-owned enterprises and other enterprises where CPC influence is strong, the intervention of the PRC workers’ state to protect working conditions is greatest and China’s 2008 labour law, that gives workers a virtual veto over changes to workplace conditions, is most strictly enforced. These “entitled” workers, when they start working in Australia and are suddenly hit with a workplace environment where bosses often bully workers and where the courts, media, politicians and police are uniformly against them could well be prone to fighting back in outrage. Now that would inject a badly needed shot of militancy to the working class in this country! Here, anti-strike laws, increasing legal persecution of unions and a pro-ALP union leadership that for the most part is unwilling to defy the anti-union laws have all combined to cause the level of industrial action to fall to record low levels. This in turn has led to stagnant – and in many cases even falling – real wages, increasing heavy handedness by bosses and deteriorating working conditions.
One thing holding back many working-class PRC migrants from spearheading class struggle resistance in Australia are the restrictions on their rights that come from not holding citizenship. This make many of these migrants especially fearful of the consequences of being sacked or arrested by police (mind you none of this was enough to hold back the PRC bus drivers in Singapore!). Many recent migrants from the PRC are still permanent residents rather than citizens – held back from gaining citizenship by not only the four-year waiting period but by tough English language requirements – while a smaller number are guest workers. The other factor constraining working-class migrants from the PRC is the racist environment that they endure in this country. When coloured migrants cop racist abuse and hostility they feel intimidated, insecure and isolated. Such workers naturally then feel less confident to stand up for their rights at work. On the contrary, if migrants from the PRC see the Australian workers movement actively defending their rights and opposing racist attacks on them then they will feel emboldened to be at the forefront of militant struggles for workers’ rights. Our workers movement here desperately needs a big dose of the audacity and belligerence shown by PRC migrant workers in Singapore in 2012! So let’s help unleash that militancy by mobilising to defend Chinese communities against racist attacks.
[17] Trotskyist Platform, China Is Cracking Down on Corporate Greed & Corruption – When Will That Start to Happen Here?, 15 April 2010, published in Trotskyist Platform website, https://trotskyistplatform.com/Cracking. pdf
[19] Keir Reeves, Hargreaves discovers gold at Ophir: Australia’s ‘golden age’, from Turning points in Australian history (edited by Martin Crotty and David Andrew Roberts), University of New South Wales Press Ltd., 2009.
An African Person Who Studied in Russia Tells His Story: Capitalism Breeds Racism. A First Hand Account of How Russia’s Return to Capitalism Led to An Explosion of Racism.
Ugly reality after capitalist counterrevolution. Russian police detain 1,200 migrants from the Caucuses who worked at a vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo district in the south of Moscow. The October 2013 police raid followed a terrifying riot against migrants in the area by violent white supremacists. The racist police round up of the migrants thus legitimised the fascist riot.
The unemployment, economic insecurity and inequality of capitalism provides a fertile ground for the growth of racism. Racial prejudices are, in fact, consciously nurtured by the capitalist exploiting class as a way of diverting and dividing the working class masses that they exploit. Here in Australia, the big business-owned media constantly stigmatize Aboriginal people even as this country’s first peoples face racist police violence and daily discrimination in every aspect of their lives. The Liberal/National regime demonizes refugees and the ALP Opposition acquiesces to this. Then the ALP leaders divert workers’ understandable anger at unemployment and fear of losing their jobs into hostility to the presence of immigrant guest workers. Meanwhile, the dog-eat-dog mentality that naturally accompanies an economic system based on cut- throat competition means that everyone is pushed into seeing everyone else as a rival. This, inevitably, leads to divisions within capitalist society developing along racial and religious lines and people from minority ethnicities and religions are, ultimately, victimized.
In short, capitalism breeds racism. The construction of a socialist society will, on the other hand, guarantee that there is no longer a ruling class interested in dividing the masses with racism as well as other means because the very essence of socialism is the ending of the exploitation of the working class masses. Furthermore, a socialist society is based on collective ownership of the economy and economic decisions made for common needs rather than for greedy individual goals. Such a system thus naturally brings people together.
Days of the Socialistic USSR: International and local students at Novosibirsk State Technical University pose for a photo in front of a statue of Russian Revolution leader, Vladimir Lenin.
All this is not just theory. It has been proven by history. In its pre-1917 period of capitalist- feudal rule, Russia was an imperialist empire where the non-European peoples of Central Asia and the Caucuses suffered racial discrimination, Jews and Poles faced massacres by fascist gangs called the Black Hundreds and non-Russian nationalities from the Ukrainians to the Georgians to the various Central Asian nationalities faced brutal suppression of their national rights. However, the 1917 October Socialist Revolution in Russia changed all that. The victorious revolutionary workers created their own state, the Soviet Union (USSR) workers state, that over time led to a massive improvement in the status of the Kazakh, Uzbek, Tadzhik, Turkmen, Kirghiz, Georgian, Armenian, Azeri and other peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus. From the time the communist-led workers took state power, they mobilized to smash the fascist and other anti-Semitic gangs. [6]
Inspired by the Russian Revolution and incensed at the destruction and poverty that capitalist rule had brought them by the end of the inter-capitalist World War I, the years following the 1917 Revolution saw revolutionary struggles break out in Germany, Hungary, Italy and many other countries. However, the communist parties in these countries were too newly formed to lead these revolutions to a victorious conclusion in the way that Lenin and Trotsky’s Bolshevik Party (which was later renamed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) had done. As a result the young Soviet workers state remained isolated and thus faced intense external capitalist military threat and economic blockade much as North Korea faces today. Meanwhile, Russia and the other parts of the USSR were economically devastated by the World War that preceded the revolution and the four years of Civil War that followed it when the Soviet masses heroically defended their revolution against invading armies from fourteen capitalist countries and armies built by the overthrown Russian capitalists. Under these conditions of encirclement and economic scarcity and with the masses exhausted from the years of wars and demoralized by the failure of revolutions abroad, a more right-wing leadership took over administration of the USSR and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This leadership turned its back on the internationalist outlook that was key to the revolution and replaced the workers democracy that followed the revolution with an administration where career-minded bureaucrats were allowed to come to the fore.
Established in 1960 in Soviet times, tens of thousands of international students from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America studied on scholarship at the USSR’s University of the Friendship of Peoples. Although local students also studied there, the USSR established the university specifically for the purpose of providing an education to people from the ex-colonial countries. In February 1961, the university was re-named after the Congolese anti-colonial leader, as Patrice Lumumba University of the Friendship of Peoples. This re-naming of the university after Lumumba was a gesture of solidarity with the people of the world standing up to colonialism and neo-colonialism. It came only one month after Lumumba was assassinated by Belgian authorities in a plot orchestrated by the U.S. CIA and with the complicity of the UN. Top Left: First graduates at the university. Top Right: A Russian language lesson in progress. Above: Students from different countries and local students intermingle at the university.
However, despite this bureaucratic degeneration that took place in the mid- 1920s, the USSR still remained a workers state based on the socialistic, collectivized economic system that was established after the Russian Revolution. This system not only brought terrific improvements to the education, health and standard of living of the masses but brought much greater racial equality between the majority ethnic Russians and the diverse non-Russian peoples of the USSR. Although the bureaucratic rulers at various times undermined the founding ideals of the USSR by embracing a degree of ethnic Russian-centeredness, from the time the Soviet Union was able to recover from the great sacrifices and untold human and material cost of its great, heroic victory over the sinister, barbaric and uber-racist Nazi threat in World War 2 and then go on to uplift the standard of living of the masses to a decent level by the 1950s, from that time and up until the immediate lead up to the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991-92, the USSR overall truly did live up to its motto of the “Friendship of Peoples”.
September 2015: Hungarian police brutally attack refugees. Capitalist counterrevolution in Hungary has led to an explosion of racist violence by the Hungarian police and fascist paramilitary groups.
Nevertheless, the presence of a bureaucratic administration – with all its accompanying corruption and the fact that ordinary workers were not involved in decision making – prevented the socialistic economy of the USSR from reaching its full potential, something that became more pronounced the closer that the USSR actually came to catching up with the economies of the richest countries. Furthermore, the material privileges of the bureaucracy (as petty as they were compared to the exorbitant wealth of tycoons in capitalist countries) and the suppression of workers democracy depoliticized the masses and weakened their commitment to socialism – even while socialistic rule had greatly improved their lives. All this made the USSR brittle in the face of the gigantic military, economic and political pressures it faced from the capitalist powers who were/are determined to crush any workers state. When a small layer of capitalist counterrevolutionaries backed by Washington, London, Tokyo and Canberra amongst others made its bid for power in the USSR in 1991, the Soviet masses had, in fact, become so depoliticized that most of them did not resist in any effective way at all – even though many were fearful of the consequences of capitalist restoration.
If the establishment of socialistic rule in the former USSR, Yugoslavia, Cuba and China has proved the potential of socialism to eradicate racial oppression and tensions, the 1989-1992 restorations of capitalism in the USSR and East European workers states also proved how it is capitalism that does actually breed racism. Take, for instance, Hungary. In its socialistic period from the late 1940s to 1989, Hungary was known by the many international students from South Asia, the Middle East and Africa who studied there as a place where they were treated with warmth and respect. Although the workers state in Hungary was bureaucratically deformed and the government of the then Hungarian People’s Republic was far from perfect in the treatment of the country’s Indian-origin, Roma minority, Roma in the socialistic period enjoyed access to guaranteed jobs, improved housing and, most crucially, freedom from racist violence. However, following the 1989 capitalist counterrevolution, Hungary changed into an extremely racist society. Today, neo-Nazi skinhead gangs roam Hungary’s streets looking to inflict violence against Roma, Jews and international students. Several Roma have been murdered in pogroms perpetrated by organized fascists and these far-right paramilitaries often descend on neighbourhoods with significant Roma populations to terrorize Roma families with snarling dogs, whips and death threats. These attacks occur with the deliberate non- intervention and often direct connivance of the racist Hungarian police force. [7] Meanwhile, today decent people around the world are aghast at the extreme brutality of the Hungarian regime in its treatment of refugees fleeing Western-instigated violence in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.
Detail from a 1920s Soviet poster addressed to the traditionally Islamic Tatar people of the old Russian empire, now included within the ranks of the new Soviet workers’ state. Its text – on the poster written in both Russian and Tatar – reads “Tatar Women! Join the Ranks of the Women Workers of Russia. Arm-in-arm with the Proletarian Women of Russia, You will Finally Break off the Last Shackles”.
Perhaps the most striking example of how capitalism creates racism can be seen by examining the impact of the capitalist counterrevolution that swamped Russia and the rest of the former USSR in 1991-92. We are happy to present below the experiences of comrade El-Hassan who actually lived in Russia through this period – having arrived in Russia during the days of the socialistic USSR and remaining there until seven years after the counterrevolution. As a dark-skinned person of African origin, comrade El-Hassan felt the question of race relations in a very personal way. He described his experiences in a discussion with comrade Samuel Kim, excerpts of which are detailed below:
SamuelKim:El-Hassan when did you exactly first go to Russia and when were you there until?
El-Hassan: Before answering that I just want to say – since this discussion will be written up – that I think Trotskyist Platform is doing very good work in the fight against capitalism, fascism and racism. Trotskyist Platform is not just talking but actually organizing and participating in the struggles.
Now I first came to Russia in 1990.
SamuelKim:That was in the socialistic times, in the times of the USSR.
El Hassan: That’s right. I had been living in Sudan and active organizing with the Sudanese Communist Party. In 1989, I found out that I was just about to get arrested and so I fled to Egypt. There I met my brother who had studied in the USSR. Many people from Africa were given places to study in the USSR. My brother encouraged me to study there and helped me apply for a place. There were many communists from Asia and Africa that studied in the USSR. I was granted a place at Moscow State University where I studied journalism.
I studied there until 1994-95, eventually doing my Masters Degree in journalism. After that I stayed in Russia until 1998 when I came here to Australia.
SamuelKim:So you were in Russia until many years after the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution. You saw Russia in both its socialistic days and its capitalist times.
Howwereyoutreatedduring the days of the USSR?
El-Hassan: I was treated very well. All the students, professors and everyone welcomed me and all the other international students. We were very warmly welcomed and respected. I can say that I did not experience any racism at all. There was no racism against anyone.
SamuelKim:Howmuchdid you pay for your studies in the Soviet times? Hashmi PH: – 9650853499 The prostate acts as an effective pump that ejects semen and sperm through ejaculation. cheap prices for viagra Is the service affordable or beyond your limit! True that some company’s charge huge prices cialis generic viagra for their services. ED condition might be related to a physiological or psychological process, and a lack of erection upon awakening may help to differentiate between such causes. buy online viagra Most of the women climax when stimulation is applied on buy levitra http://cute-n-tiny.com/cute-animals/kitten-in-dogs-bowl/ forehead it helps to reduce fever and head ache. 4.A mixture of rose water and finely ground saffron instilled in eyes help to strengthen the vision. 5.Fry 4-5 almonds in ghee. El-Hassan: I studied for free – I was on scholarship. I also got free board and free food. I did not have to pay rent or any bills. I was given a stipend of 90 Roubles per month. This does not sound like much but things were so cheap then that it was actually a lot. I could save money with that stipend and many of my fellow international students use to send part of their stipend back to their families in their home countries.
SamuelKim:Anothercomradetoldme that international students in the Soviet Union often went to other parts of the USSR on holiday during university vacation. Is that right?
El-Hassan: Yes. We could get very cheap holiday travel. I myself went on many holidays like to Sochi on the Black Sea coast.
SamuelKim:What about student politics then?
El-Hassan: There were student groups involved in solidarity with “Third Word” countries. They showed sympathy with many struggles in Africa and around the world. They were against imperialism.
SamuelKim:What else could you say about life in the days of the Soviet Union?
El-Hassan: There was a rich social life in the USSR. It was great fun. The other important thing is that women had the same status as men then. For example many of the professors at the university were women and women lecturers were amongst my teachers.
SamuelKim:Andwhathappened after the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution?
El-Hassan: Everything changed. Nationalism became more and more prominent. People in the streets became more and more hostile to me. Later even some fellow students started being rude to me. You could tell they did not want me there. Unemployment grew quickly. People were angry and confused and they took it out on us. Many Russian people tried to escape their problems by turning to drugs.
Samuel Kim: What was the attitude of people to the capitalist counterrevolution?
El-Hassan: Many people just stood by and watched it happen and went by trying to live life as usual.
SamuelKim:Did your material circumstances change?
El-Hassan: Some of the aspects of the old system remained for a while and things took a while to collapse. But things got a lot harder. I was still able to keep my scholarship until my studies finished. However, the stipend was kept at 90 Roubles even when the prices rose very quickly. The 90 roubles was now worth nothing. You could hardly buy anything with it anymore.
After I finished my studies my scholarship ended. I was not able to get a job as a journalist and when I ran out of my money I had to stay with friends.
SamuelKim:I read that there have been over 1,000 pre-meditated racist murders committed by fascists in Russia in the last ten years. I know that you yourself was physically attacked by Russian white supremacists after the capitalist counterrevolution. Can you describe what happened?
El-Hassan: That happened in 1995 after I finished my studies. Many of my fellow international students had already been attacked by then. I had moved to Voronezh, a city which was about ten to twelve hours by train from Moscow. I was walking along the street when seven neo-Nazi skinheads on the footpath saw me. They started following me and so I walked faster. I knew I was in trouble. I headed towards the bus stop to try and catch a bus away. But they attacked me and I fought back.
Samuel Kim:Did anyone come to help you?
El-Hassan: Yes, several people around came and started shouting at the neo-Nazis to stop. They did not physically intervene but shouted at the skinheads who eventually stopped. I ended up bruised and with a black eye.
SamuelKim:What did you do for work in Russia after you finished your studies?
El-Hassan: There was a lot of unemployment and people in Russia were angry and confused. I became a worker at a store carrying cartons. But all these stores were being bullied by the mafia. The boss where I worked had to pay protection money to the mafia. I think it was something like $700 a month. The mafia threatened that if the store owners did not pay their store would go up in flames. The shop owners all feared that the criminals would carry out their threats. Russia became run by mafia.
SamuelKim:What was life like after you moved to Australia?
El-Hassan: At first I thought that my life would be very good when I got residency in Australia. But my journalism qualifications were not recognized. The racism in Australia has been getting worse and worse and in the last year it has got extremely bad. I told you what happened to me recently. I was taking a passenger [El-Hassan now works as a taxi driver] and suddenly he started threatening me. He said that you Muslims want to kill us so I am going to kill you first. I was in a bad situation as I was driving the taxi and was getting on to the M4. It would have been very dangerous to be in a fight at that moment while driving. I said no I do not want to kill anyone. He then said that if he sees me again he will cut my head off and play football with it just for fun.
Left: A young African migrant to China from the Democratic Republic of Congo with team mates in his youth soccer team in Guangzhou. Right: Debujiada Best, a migrant to China from Guinea Bissau with fellow contestants at popular Chinese dating show, If You Are the One. In 2013, the Masters of Economic student at China’s Heilongjiang University became one of the most popular contestants on the show and a social media sensation in China because of her assertiveness and expressed social values. In the socialistic Peoples Republic of China (PRC), migrants from Africa and other parts of Asia do not, in general, meet the extreme and often threatening hostility that they face in capitalist countries like Australia, France, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia etc. Some problems with racism are however still prevalent in China, where the transition to socialism is far from complete and remains tenuous. Inherited backward values from China’s pre-1949 capitalist-feudal times have not been fully overcome and market reforms exacerbate wealth and class divisions and thus recall the old stereotypes where darker skin was associated with poor peasants toiling in the fields. In terms of the times since the 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, these problems were worst in the PRC’s most right-wing period in the late 1980s, when the government toned down statements of solidarity with ex-colonial countries, when the West was glorified in many quarters and when the then rapid roll out of pro-market measures was leading to widespread economic insecurity. In late 1988- early 1989 right-wing Chinese students rioted against African students in Nanjing. The Chinese students linked protests at what they said was the Communist Party of China (CPC) favouring African students at the expense of local students to demands for “Human Rights.” These racist, pro-“Human Rights” demonstrations became the pre-cursor to the June 1989 Tiananmen Square protests that began with rallies by students linked to the liberal, right-wing of the CPC. Despite lingering problems, today, darker-skinned migrants to mainland China not only face a far lesser threat of racist violence than they do in capitalist Australia, North America, Europe and Russia but are also better treated than non-Chinese people in capitalist, ethnic Chinese-majority parts of the world like Singapore and Hong Kong. The final triumph of socialism in China and worldwide will see the creation of societies fully free of racial oppression and prejudice.
As Neo-Nazi Thugs are Emboldened by the Racist Violence of Police & the Brutal Jailers of the Nauru, Christmas & Manus Island Hell Holes…
Crush All the Violent Far Right Racists Through United Mass Action by the Workers Movement, Aboriginal People, Coloured People and the Left
Sydney: A contingent from the Nurses and Midwives Association were an enthusiastic part of the 11 October 2015 refugee rights rally in Sydney. The most conscious sections of the workers movement understand that opposing racism is a core task for the trade unions. Racism is a poison to workers unity and without workers unity the entire struggle for workers rights is doomed to failure.
Earlier, over the July 18/19 weekend, some of the most conscious vanguard of the working class had joined thousands of other anti-racists and taken to the streets to hold counter-demonstrations against racist “Reclaim Australia” rallies. The “Reclaim Australia” movement aims to stir up hatred against Muslims. This extreme right wing movement is dominated by neo-Nazis and other white supremacists who seek to fan ignorant racist fears of Muslims and asylum seekers as a way of igniting a wider firestorm of hatred against all people of colour – whether it be people of Middle Eastern origin, South Asians, East Asians, Aboriginal people or Africans
22 September 2015 – With the exception of in Queensland, in every city on July 18/19 where anti-racist counter-demonstrations were held they outnumbered the far-right rallies. The most effective counter-demonstration was the July 18 action in Melbourne where over 1,000 anti-racists dwarfed the 150 or so fascists who made it to successive “Reclaim Australia” and United Patriots Front (an even more extreme splinter from Reclaim) rallies. Most importantly, pickets established by the anti-racists in Melbourne managed to stop several dozen of the far-right thugs from even reaching their rally point. However, a massive mobilisation by the police, who were clearly siding with the fascists, ensured that the white supremacists were still able to hold their racist violence-manufacturing mobilisation. Police indiscriminately unleashed pepper spray on anti-racist protesters with around 100 anti-racists affected. One anti-racist protester had a seizure as a result, two had to be hospitalised and medics sent several activists home after they were suffering the after effects of the pepper spray. As a medic explained, these effects included, “hypothermia-like symptoms of shaking and an inability to normalise body temperature.” Meanwhile, police formed a three-deep line to give the fascists a safe escort out of the area following their mobilisation.
In Sydney, 300 anti-racists took part in a counter-demonstration double the size of the July 19 Reclaim rally. However NSW police went out of their way to facilitate the fascist rally. They provided escorts to the racist Party for Freedom to and from the Reclaim rally and kept the anti-racist counter-demonstration a large distance down the street from the Reclaim provocation. When a group that arrived early to the anti-fascist counter-demonstration attempted to establish their rally site – which was to be at the same place where the white supremacist filth were going to hold their rally – police aggressively pushed the anti-racists back down Martin Place two blocks away from where the extreme racists were going to rally. The police outrageously arrested several anti-racists – at least two of whom were charged including a 57 year-old Aboriginal man. All anti-racists and the workers movement must stand in solidarity with the arrested anti-fascists and demand the dropping of all charges.
No doubt buoyed by the police support that they received, several of the extreme racists attempted to provoke the Sydney anti-racist rally. However, when one of the violent racists tried to infiltrate into the anti-racist demonstration he was suitably dealt with by staunch anti-fascists. A more serious threat emerged when later a group of thugs from the openly Neo-Nazi group Squadron 88, wearing their paramilitary uniform, approached the anti-racist protest from the rear. In Nazi-speak, the “88” in Squadron 88 stands for “Heil Hitler” with the 8 representing the letter “H” the eighth letter of the alphabet. However, it is far from simply their name that makes Squadron 88 a menace. This group of violent racists are known to have gatherings from where they pledge to go out and violently beat a random, vulnerable person from a designated non-white race. Thus, one time they will have an “Asian-bash” day, another time an “Indian-bash” then a “N__ger bash” day etc. However, thanks to the meticulous prior research and quick on the spot thinking of a committed anti-fascist who spotted the Squadron 88 thugs as soon as they approached, some of the people in the anti-racist rally were quickly alerted to the threat. A few dozen staunch anti-fascists amongst the anti-racist rally then moved forward as a group towards the Squadron 88 members and eventually chased them away down Martin Place and around the corner into Pitt Street. Furthermore, one of the violent and racist Squadron 88 thugs was taught a painful lesson. That the anti-fascist delivering the lesson was a coloured person made this all the more satisfying a blow against “white supremacy” and the idiotic Nazi notions of a “white master race.”
Trotskyist Platform banner, placards and leaflets at the July 19, anti-racist rally in Sydney promoted the strategy of trade union contingents uniting with coloured people and anti-racists to crush the fascist scum.
Yet by and large, with support from the police, the extreme right-wing forces were able to hold their racist violence-inciting demonstration in Sydney unhindered. The same was the case throughout Australia – and partially the case even in Melbourne. Thus, while it was certainly a good thing and good for the morale of anti-racists to see that their rallies outnumbered those of the far-right, the fact is that the rabid racists will be encouraged by having gotten away with holding their racist provocations largely unhindered. Meanwhile, garden-variety bigots watching on their TV screens at home will have been radicalised by seeing the far-right racists able to openly promote extreme racism on the streets.
It is little surprise then that violent racist attacks and abuse against coloured people have continued in large numbers since the July 18/19 Reclaim rallies and anti-racist counter-demonstrations. Early this morning, the Arabella Restaurant and Bar in King Streets in the Inner West Sydney suburb of Newtown was vandalised in a racist attack. Three days earlier, the message “F— Arabs” had been etched into one of the restaurant’s window panes. The same message had been scrawled onto the restaurant’s back door weeks earlier (Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2015). Last week owner and chef, Mohamed Zouhour had also received racist threatening phone calls abusing him as “bloody Lebanese” and demanding: “Move out of the area, you can’t be in Newtown, get out.” That abusive call was part of six months of racist phone calls and racist graffiti against the restaurant. In this morning’s attack, the restaurant front windows were repeatedly bashed with a hammer. Nothing was stolen – the motivation was pure racist hostility. It was the third such physical attack on the restaurant in the last year and a half. Zouhour commented:
“I loved it here, and the locals are great, but this is too much. It’s scary, I’m scared.”
“… I find myself thinking I should take my family and go. I don’t feel protected in this country.”
– Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2015
Every ant-racist should make a stand with restaurant owner Zouhour and the workers at the Arabella Restaurant against the racist attacks that they are facing. The disgusting and terrifying attacks on the Arabella Restaurant are, however, just the tip of the iceberg. As a capitalist business owner, Zouhour has the chance of getting relatively more mainstream media and police assistance. Yet, every day working class Aboriginal, Middle Eastern, Asian and African people are getting attacked or abused on the streets, in public transport, in the school playgrounds and at nightspots with little or no official redress… and that’s when racist cops are not the actual perpetrators themselves!
For a Mass Mobilisation of Trade Unionists and Coloured People on the Tenth Anniversary of the Cronulla Riots to Finally Make Cronulla Beach Safe for People of All Colours!
Sydney, December 2005: Racist white mobs bash any coloured person they could find on Cronulla Beach. Since then coloured people have been fearful to go Cronulla Beach, which had been (due to its location near a train station) up until the riots Sydney’s most multi-racial beach. The fact that this remains the case and the effects of the riots have not been overturned is a source of inspiration for violent racists throughout Australia. On the tenth anniversary of the Cronulla riot, there needs to be a huge antiracist convoy of trade unionists, “ethnic” youth and antiracists that will travel from the multiracial, working class southwest of Sydney and ensure that Cronulla Beach can be safely accessed by coloured peoples.
With the different far-right components of Reclaim undergoing bitter factional struggle it is unclear whether the Reclaim racist rallies will continue in their current form. However, it is certain that the extreme right forces in Sydney have not been deterred by the outcome of the contest between the racist Reclaim rallies and the anti-racist counter-demonstrations. Thus, at least two fascist groups – the Party for Freedom and the United Patriots Front – are planning racist actions in Cronulla to celebrate the mid-December tenth anniversary of the horrific white supremacist riot on Cronulla Beach. To their credit some anti-racists are trying to organise a counter-action. Such a counter-action is, indeed, badly needed. Even without fascist groups planning provocations to mark the riot anniversary, the chilling effect of the 2005 racist white riot and the, as yet, lack of a counter-mobilisation powerful enough to make the beach safe for people of all colours has meant that dark-skinned people have largely stayed away from that beach. The racist filth have, in effect, succeeded in ethnically cleansing one of Sydney’s prettiest beach spots – a large beach that, with Cronulla’s rail link, is relatively easy to get to for the burgeoning multiracial population of Western Sydney. In fact, of those visiting Cronulla Beach today, over 95% are white. Reference? That is, a defacto system of apartheid exists on Cronulla Beach. This must be overturned! However, given the growing strength of the fascists, the depth of racist attitudes amongst some Cronulla residents and the overall racist climate, any counter-mobilisation must be large enough to be safe, let alone effective. In particular, a mobilisation needs to have the powerful clout of at least some sections of the organised workers movement behind it – especially given that in a standoff with extreme racists, the police’s strong tendency is to side with the racists.
Given how emboldened racist forces in Cronulla feel in the current political climate, many coloured people may not feel safe meeting up at a rally starting point in Cronulla on the day of the riot anniversary. A possible tactic, then, would be to gather at a multi-racial working class suburb in Sydney’s southwest and then move as a convoy to Cronulla. As we stated in a leaflet that we issued just days after the 2005 riot itself:
“The question of access to Cronulla Beach is not just a question of the right to use a beach. It is about whether non-white people, especially from Sydney’s poorer Western suburbs, can live in any sort of dignity and security in this country. There must be a mass mobilisation of trade unionists of all colours, alongside immigrant-derived youth, Aboriginal people and leftists, to occupy Cronulla Beach and guarantee safe access to it for people of all races. The white supremacist groups that helped instigate Sunday’s atrocity need to be given the same treatment that union militants have long reserved for filthy scabs who try to cross strikers’ picket lines. Drive them out of stolen Aboriginal land! Such firm action against hard-core violent rednecks would intimidate the more garden-variety racists into pulling their heads in.”
“Given the white racist forces seen on Sunday [i.e. on 11 December 2005], a union/immigrant mobilisation would not take place at Cronulla Beach until the forces for such an action had been adequately built up. But these forces need to be urgently strengthened right now through one, or a series of, preparatory demonstrations in the heartlands of Sydney’s multiracial working class – suburbs like Bankstown or Auburn. When our side is sufficiently strong, the decisive union-centred action at Cronulla Beach can be launched possibly via a huge cavalcade from a rallying point in Sydney’s West.”
– Trotskyist Platform leaflet, 15 December 2005
Sydney, 19 July 2015: A large police mobilisation prevents an anti-racist demonstration from being able to effectively counter a rally by the fascist “Reclaim Australia” movement. It was notable how the police and police horses faced in the direction of the anti-fascists – confirming that the police were siding with the far-right racists against the anti-racists.
Lessons from the July 19 Anti-Racist Rally in Sydney
In order to effectively organise the upcoming anti-fascist struggles that are needed, anti-racist activists need to seriously examine the lessons of the July 19 anti-Reclaim counter-demonstration in Sydney. Many activists worked tirelessly to promote the action. Yet despite these sincere efforts and despite the current reality that the far-right racists are hated by a large section of the population, the counter-action did not stop the Reclaim provocation. Understandably frustrated by this, some staunch anti-fascists have tended to blame the Socialist Alternative (SAlt) group for having gathered before other anti-racists on the day, saying that this gave the cops the chance to push back the anti-racist demonstration before its full strength had been reached. However, this criticism of SAlt is on this occasion incorrect as well as a bit unfair. The fact is that regardless of whatever tactical methods that could have been employed on the day, there did not exist sufficient enough forces at the July 19 anti-racist demonstration to stop the Reclaim rally in the face of the large police presence defending the fascists.
18 July 2015: Over a thousand anti-racists participated in this counter-demonstration to the extreme racist “Reclaim Australia” rally in Melbourne.
By lack of forces here is meant not only a question of insufficient numbers – although that is certainly important. To give anti-fascist forces serious clout requires the power of the organised working class movement. Since the trade union movement has social power and with it the ability to wage industrial action that hurts the profits of the big business bosses whom the police ultimately serve, the police are more reluctant to attack a progressive rally with a sizeable union contingent than they would otherwise be. There is, thus, the potential for an anti-fascist mobilisation with a significant workers contingent to simply compel the police to stand aside – for fear of the social and industrial relations consequences of attacking trade union contingents – while the anti-fascist demonstration marches through and routs the extreme racists. This was the case on May 2 in Brisbane last year when about 100 trade union construction workers were at the core of an anti-fascist rally that defeated a planned rally by the white supremacist Australia First Party. Reference: See “Provocation by Violent Racists Crushed in Brisbane” in Trotskyist Platform Issue 17 (https://www.trotskyistplatform.com/?p=600) Unfortunately, on July 19 in Sydney there appeared to be no organised union presence although some proud trade unionists were certainly there as individuals amongst the crowd.
The other factor that is important is not only the size and composition of an anti-fascist rally but the commitment of participants to not only protest against the white supremacist trash but to actually sweep these extreme racists off the streets. Now the July 19 anti-racist rally was largely full of decent, well-meaning people who quite rightly hate racism. Yet it is possible that over half the participants did not understand the need to actually physically stop the fascists from holding their racist, violence-manufacturing demonstration.
Thus, the question that we need to consider in reviewing the lessons of July 19 is not whether SAlt or other groups adopted bad tactics on the day but whether the very strategy that the anti-racist counter-rally was mobilised on actually advanced the cause of building working class-based actions dedicated to sweeping the extreme white supremacists off the streets. It is clear that the official call for the July 19 anti-racist counter-action did not encourage an action that would seek to actually stop the Reclaim rally. The call posed the event as simply a “peaceful” protest against the ideas of the Reclaim movement rather than an action that sought to shut the racist, violence-inciting rally down. This had the effect of guiding those planning on attending onto a certainly well-meaning but, ultimately, counter-productive pacifist path. Of course, such a call would not have affected those anti-fascists who already understand that when the fascists get away with openly rallying it simply spells more racist violence on the streets. However, it would have misled the many decent anti-racists – some attending their very first anti-fascist demonstration – who were unsure whether a pacifist approach or one based on actually stopping the violent racists is most effective. That, in the end, there didn’t in any case exist the forces to the Reclaim rally on the day does not make this misdirecting of participants any less a problem. The fact is that many passionately anti-racist youth are being led on to an ineffective, pacifist path and this weakens future anti-fascist struggles. It is SAlt’s partial responsibility for pushing this pacifist rally call – even while sometimes stating adherence to a more staunch perspective and even while many of their members on the day showed a sincere and gutsy determination to rout the far-right racists. Yet it was far from just SAlt that was responsible for the pacifist call out. The majority of those leading the organising of the antiracist action supported such a call out. The Solidarity group and Socialist Alliance pushed such a perspective even more unambiguously than SAlt and even a minority of the anarchist-minded anti-fascists acquiesced to it (though, to their credit, many of the other anarchists involved tried to argue against it in the lead up to the rally).
So a major lesson has to be learnt on this question. However, an even bigger correction needs to be made to ensure that anti-racist actions are in the future based upon a strategy that puts the mobilisation of the workers movement at its core. It is true that those organising the July 19 anti-Reclaim demonstration did make some sincere efforts to “outreach” to trade unions. However, the various reformist socialist groups largely organising the rally did not make an appeal to workers’ class interests part of the actual rally call. There was nothing in the official rally call enunciating the all-important idea that stopping the extreme racists is a key part of building the unity that the working class so badly needs to fight for its own rights. Making such an appeal is essential in order to enhance the possibility of winning class-conscious workers to joining the anti-racist struggle.
The failure to make a direct appeal to workers’ class interests in the call out for the anti-Reclaim demonstration was not simply an oversight. It was a choice. The appeal was not made because the various reformist socialist groups (and indeed many of the “non-aligned” activists involved as well) who were leading the organising of the rally feared that such an appeal would scare off other potential supporters of the anti-racist demonstration – people such as middle class intellectuals, anti-union small businessmen and establishment-oriented ethnic community groups. Indeed, an open appeal to workers’ class interests would scare off some of these people. But a choice has to be made – either one seeks to build a movement based on the working class or one builds a movement attractive to liberal elements of the capitalist class and pro-establishment middle class.
For those really serious about fighting racist violence the choice to be made is clear cut. It is the working class that has the consistent interest to fight fascism and, as events on July 19 showed, without the social power of the working class it is impossible to defeat extreme racist mobilisations when they have significant police protection and that, unfortunately, is most of the time!
Ensuring that call outs for anti-fascist mobilisations openly appeal to workers’ class interests does not, of course, guarantee that the anti-fascist action will end up attracting powerful trade union contingents. There also needs to be a struggle within the workers movement itself against the nationalism and illusions in the state – ideologies promoted by the ALP current misleaders of the workers movement – that impede a workers’ mobilisation against extreme racists. However, an open appeal to workers’ class interests helps the most politically enlightened trade union activists – who already understand the need to stop the right-wing racists – to be able to convince other workers in their own workplace and/or union into joining the anti-fascist movement. Thus, while it may not always bring instant results, an anti-fascist strategy based on open appeals to the working class helps pave the way for trade union contingents to confidently march into the ranks of the anti-fascist movement. This is what is so badly needed. Therefore, if there is just one lesson that staunch anti-racists should take away from the July 19 events it is this: that the struggle against fascism demands the mobilisation of the working class and such a perspective is only real if one is prepared to make the choice of openly appealing to workers’ class interests at the “cost” of alienating liberal, pro-capitalist establishment forces.
Sydney, 11 October 2015: Proud members of the Nurses and Midwives Association pose for a photo in Hyde Park on the day of the rally in Sydney protesting against the racist Turnbull government’s attacks on refugees.
Let’s Not Have a “One Rally Wonder” Perspective.
Ideological Preparation of the Anti-Fascist Movement is a Key Part of the Fight to Crush the Extreme Racists
Given that the forces did not exist on July 19 to shut down the Reclaim racist rally what should determined anti-fascists have been doing on that day. There did need to be work done to repulse isolated physical provocations by fascists – most seriously from the Squadron 88 group that approached from the rear. Yet dealing with these threats only took up a minority of the rally time. What about the rest of the time? Many staunch anti-fascists felt understandably frustrated at the situation and tried to think of tactics that could get the job done and compel the police to stand aside. And, afterwards, some sincere anti-fascists discussed tactics that – in hindsight – they felt could have enabled some defeats to be laid upon the Reclaim mobilisation.
Yet the long and the short of the situation was that our side simply did not have the forces to shut down the Reclaim provocation: both in numbers and composition as well as in psychological preparedness. That, however, does not mean that what one did at the anti-racist rally was of no consequence. Far from it! It is the absolute duty of those anti-fascists who understand the need to physically defeat the threat from the violent racists and who understand the need for an anti-fascist movement that openly appeals to workers’ class interests to bring that understanding to the many other decent people involved in the anti-racist campaigns. Using whatever time was available at the July 19 anti-racist rally to try and promote these perspectives was a key task for anti-fascists on the day – and doubly so given that the forces did not exist to rout the extreme racists then and there.
Any serious anti-fascist activist knows that the struggle against fascism will not end with the July 19 action. Those who only plan to be involved in anti-racist activism for a short but frenzied period (during a certain transitional stage of their lives) would naturally think that it is unimportant what particular strategies are being promoted by placards, banners, speeches, leaflets, newspapers and chants on the day. However, those in it for the long haul should be extremely interested in all these things because they determine whether anti-racist activists are guided towards an effective or an ineffective strategy for the future.
As part of attempting to shape the anti-fascist movement in the direction which we believe gives it the greatest chance of victory, Trotskyist Platform carried a banner at the July 19 Sydney demonstration that read, “A United, Multiracial & Strong Working Class Can Drive the Racists Off Our Streets.” Additionally, as well as helping to defend the anti-racist rally against fascist provocations, our comrades were busy distributing a leaflet that motivated a strategy of united mass action by the workers movement, coloured people and leftists to crush the violent far-right racists. Here is our article copied below:
Brisbane, 2 May 2014: Trade unionists from the construction industry were in the forefront of an action that swept the white supremacist Australia First Party off the streets. Mobilising trade union contingents is crucial to anti-fascist struggles. Union contingents represent social power and carry with them the implied threat of industrial action if they are attacked. Workers’ contingents at anti-fascist mobilisations have the potential to compel police intent on defending the fascists to stand aside, thus allowing the fascists to be driven off the streets.
July 12 – Four weeks ago in the U.S.A, a young white supremacist murdered nine black people when he opened fire on worshippers at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Reloading his gun five times as he murdered the black church goers, the white supremacist chillingly yelled out, “you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” This racist terrorist had been emboldened by the activities of eighteen known fascist groups operating in South Carolina, including two chapters of the Ku Klux Klan and several openly Neo-Nazi groups.
Unofficial attack dogs of official racism and xenophobia, such violent racist groups are active here in Australia too. Over the last year, these Neo-Nazi forces have grown, egged on by the bi-partisan fear campaign being whipped up against Muslims, the thinly veiled racism of a new set of draconian “anti-terror” laws and, perhaps most tellingly of all, the recent formation of the paramilitary-style Australian Border Force: a new set of black shirted jackboots whose job, as we can surmise from its website, is to patrol and enforce the continuum of the Australian border, both external and internal, in order to produce a “cohesive society” where, presumably, elements that don’t fit into their skewed, racially-charged vision (like asylum seekers and persecuted young Muslim Australians that end up angrily incoherent) are summarily shipped out.
Not surprisingly then, the growth of fascist sentiments has been accompanied by a rising tide of violent, racist assaults. In one of several reported attacks last month – each of which represents hundreds that go unreported – a 21 year-old Middle Eastern refugee was left with serious facial injuries after being attacked outside a youth centre in Wollongong on June After first being racially abused, he was then bashed by two youths who pushed him onto a motorbike. The owner of the motorbike then arrived and joined in the heinous racist assault – punching and kicking the victim. Just four days later on June 8, a 15 year old girl of Asian origin was racially abused and then bashed by an adult while on a train approaching Lidcombe station. The white attacker punched the girl several times in the face and kneed her in the body. Meanwhile, at a park in Lidcombe, two Sudanese boys going to Under 8’s soccer training were disgustingly told by an adult racist bully to get out of the park because they were not welcome there.
Capitalist rule in Australia, a brutal regime constituted by two acts of both explicit and implicit violence – the ongoing genocide of this continent’s first peoples and the White Australia Policy exclusion of neighbouring Asia-Pacific peoples – has created such a racist society. In fact, there are countless garden variety racists who could on a bad day physically lash out against a person with dark or so-called coloured skin. Yet it is also a fact that, especially in country towns, Neo-Nazi and KKK-imitating rednecks have attacked and in several cases actually murdered Aboriginal people –as in Townsville where, in 2003, a known white supremacist murdered a 15 year-old boy, Errol Wyles, by deliberately reversing his car to run over the Aboriginal youth twice. This chilling crime – and the deliberate hit and run murder of Yasman Rae Sturt eight months earlier by a white driver who dragged her with his car 100 metres – are part of a series of horrific hit and run attacks on Aboriginal people and Islanders by racist rednecks in Townsville. Meanwhile, in big cities, fascist gangs going on “Asian-bash,”“Indian-bash” and “African-bash” rampages have committed many barbaric racist attacks. Just as dangerous as the threat of such direct assaults and murders by the fascists are the many more, often unreported, attacks that their violent hate speech incites. These far-right racist extremists need to be crushed! By crushing the organised, ultra-racists we will also be sending a message to the more numerous garden variety bigots that acts of racist violence and abuse from them will not be tolerated!
Vietnamese student Minh Duong was savagely bashed in Melbourne by three Neo-Nazi skinheads in June 2012. The racist scum kicked and punched him 70 times, stabbed him, smashed a brick over his head so hard that it broke in two and then left him for dead. Fascists cannot be debated but must be crushed by mass action.
On July 19, various far-right groups calling themselves “Reclaim Australia” will be holding a rally in the heart of Sydney. The organisers, quite absurdly and with seemingly no sense of irony about the fact that they are standing on stolen Aboriginal land, say that they want to “Reclaim Australia” from Muslims and multi- culturalism. Their slogans will, sadly and inevitably, lead to yet more attacks on Muslims. However, these far right groups which have been busy spreading hate against Aboriginal people, Asians and Africans, see this as but a tactic to whip up violence against all people of colour. Anti-racists and trade unionists are mobilising a counter demonstration to this white supremacist rally. The counter-demonstration is scheduled for 10am – half an hour before the start of the fascist provocation. We add our voice to the many others building the counter-action and urge proud working class people and all the intended targets of the racist thugs – Aboriginal people, Middle Eastern people, Asians, Africans, Muslims, Jews, gays and lesbians and other members of the LGBTI community, feminists and leftists – to join us. We say that what is needed is not simply to protest against the fascists but to shut their racist violence-manufacturing demonstration down. Proud
Melbourne, May 2015: An activist with the fascist United Patriots Front (UPF) proudly brandishes Nazi symbols at their rally against communism and Islam. The UPF and Reclaim Australia are avowedly anti-Islam and anticommunist. In truth they are not only bigots opposed to Muslims but are extreme white supremacists intent on stirring up racist violence against all coloured people – they are against Aboriginal people and against people from Asian, African, Middle Eastern and Pacific Islander backgrounds.
contingents of trade union members must take the lead. Let’s be there at 10am on Sunday, July 19 at Martin Place between Pitt and Castlereagh Streets to sweep the racist filth off the streets. Let’s emulate the victory that was scored in Brisbane on May 2 last year when over a 100 construction workers (members of the CFMEU, ETU and other unions) were the vanguard of an anti-racist action that drove a neo-Nazi rally right off the streets of Brisbane.
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Every day greedy bosses are threatening workers’ hard won rights. To help them do this, corporate thugs and their lapdogs in the governments of Australia are attacking our unions. Meanwhile, Liberal and ALP federal and state regimes alike are slashing public sector jobs and undermining the services that working class people need the most like public housing and public hospitals. To defeat this many-sided offensive, we need our side to be absolutely united across different trades, ethnicities and nations. Indeed, it is only through such unity that any rights have ever been won at all.
The capitalist bosses and their politician mates know this well. That’s why they have been deliberately whipping up racism to divide the ranks of the working class and divert their fire. They have been demonising refugees and Muslims and ever more viciously vilifying and locking up Aboriginal people. Serving the exploiting class in this agenda are several extreme right-wing groups. These outfits, including open Neo-Nazis, don’t simply want to spread prejudice. They actually want to incite and unleash violent racist attacks.
Melbourne, August 2012: Mounted police attack union construction workers during a workers dispute with the greedy Grocon corporation. The organs of the state are being unleashed ever more aggressively against the union movement, targeting in particular the CFMEU construction workers union.
The rabid racist groups are the most extreme enforcers of the current capitalist order. That is hardly surprising. Any real unionist knows that the most racist person in the workplace is almost always anti-union and betrays fellow workers. The cowardly racist is often seen attacking and picking on minorities to pit worker against worker and siding with the boss when workers voice concerns in the workplace. In the same way, far right groups fanatically hate not only non-white people but also leftists who they understand are the most avowed supporters of that force which ultimately stands in the way of their fascist agenda: workers’ unity and the trade unions. The extreme right wingers follow in the footsteps of the Old Guard and New Guard organisations that had big numbers in the 1920s and 1930s and would go around attacking strike pickets and trade union activists.
It is true that the fascists, right now, do not have the strength that they had in the days of the Old and New Guards. However, their Neo-Nazi counterparts in Europe have been breeding at an alarming rate feeding off the huge unemployment and insecurity caused by decaying capitalism and its severe economic crises. Right now, white supremacist outfits are succeeding in whipping up more and more violent racist attacks on coloured individuals. Working class people cannot allow non-white members of our class to be terrorised in this way. We cannot afford to allow people from a non-white background to be so intimidated that they will be unable to undertake the crucial role that they have often played in the struggle for all of our collective rights. We cannot and will not allow Hitler-loving lunatics to divide our side with racism.
However, to date and albeit with a very small number of important exceptions, the leadership of the union movement has not seriously mobilised the workers movement to stop the fascists. This is despite union activists being amongst those at the top of the fascists’ hit list (need anyone be reminded of Anders Breivik’s murder of 69 members of the Norwegian Labour party’s youth league to demonstrate that it is not only the far left that is the political target of these insanely violent neo-Nazis). Instead, the pro-ALP union bureaucrats hope that the state will one day intervene to stop the fascists. However, the key state organs – the police and courts – have inevitably sided with the violent racists during stand-offs with anti-racist demonstrators. In Melbourne on May 31, police not only allowed the violent racist group, United Patriots Front, to march upon (in the end rather unsuccessfully) an anti-racist rally gathered outside Richmond Town Hall but actually escorted the Neo-Nazi-led outfit as they moved threateningly towards the anti-racists. In contrast, when three dozen anti-fascists attempted to march towards a rally of the extreme white supremacist Australia Defence League in July 2011, police would not allow any anti-racists to get within 100 metres of the sinister racist provocation. Meanwhile, after Neo-Nazi Scott Hasenkamp murdered Aboriginal youth Errol Wyles in Townsville in 2003, the courts sentenced the Neo-Nazi murderer to just a 15 month sentence, of which he only served two months in prison! The same pattern exists in all other capitalist countries where significant fascist forces exist. In Greece, it has emerged that members of the armed forces have been training hit squads of the Neo-Nazi, Golden Dawn party. Media reports in Greece have further exposed that the head of the police’s special forces, internal security, organised crimes, firearms and explosives divisions have been assisting Golden Dawn’s criminal activities.
The fact is that the police and judiciary in capitalist countries have far, far more in common with the racist and anti-union, far-right than they do with anti-fascists. Here in Australia, police have perpetrated the outright racist murder or manslaughter of countless young Aboriginal people in custody over the last three decades including Eddie Murray, TJ Hickey, Mulrunji Doomdagee, Kwementyaye Briscoe and Julieka Dhu. The legal system for its part – from coroner’s inquests to royal commissions – has whitewashed each of these racist crimes. The police – backed by the courts – are also notorious for harassing Asian, African, Islander and Middle Eastern youth living in working class suburbs. And the way that police have assaulted union picket lines and the manner in which the ongoing Royal Commission into Unions is squarely attacking the entire union movement is what the far right thugs are inspired by and seek to emulate in a more extreme fashion. In a capitalist society like Australia, the state and its key organs have been built up to maintain the rule of exploitation of the capitalist class over the working class – and that includes enforcing the ruling class’ racist divide-and-conquer tactics. Thus the police, courts, army and prisons serve the same exploiting class as the thugs of the far-right extremist movement. Although the bulk of the Australian ruling class don’t want to right now openly identify with such extremists, the capitalist rulers know that the far right outfits are on their side. The oh-so-civilised corporate elite wash their hands of the crude race-hatred of the far-right extremists as they know that openly associating with it is harmful to their lucrative trade and investments in Asia. Yet secretly they grin at how the far-right bigotry is helping to divide the working class and divert mass opposition away from themselves. Meanwhile, the more far-sighted of the capitalists and their political think-tanks cannot help but realise that the iron fist of the fascists are a vital force to have in reserve should the big con of parliamentary democracy lose its power to keep tricking the masses into submission. That is why so few politicians from any of the pro-capitalist parliamentary parties have been prepared to make even strong verbal denunciations of the “Reclaim Australia” racist movement.
Indian student Sukhraj Singh spent more than two weeks in a coma and sustained permanent severe brain injuries after being bashed by a gang of racist youth in the Melbourne in 2009. The racist thugs armed with wooden bars attacked an Indian grocery store in the suburb Sunshine. They indiscriminately assaulted customers as they yelled out, “bloody Indians, f— off.” The extreme racist rhetoric of far-right rallies aims to incite such racist violence on the streets.
The far-right extremists can only be effectively combated through the united mass action on the streets of all the intended victims of the fascists. Such an anti-fascist movement must be spearheaded by the organised working class – the class with both the interest and the power to stamp out the Neo-Nazi threat. When an anti-fascist mobilisation is, as is frequently the case, confronted by a large police presence defending the violent racists, it is the participation in the anti-racist movement of union contingents that can compel the police to stand aside because the trade union presence signals the threat of retaliatory industrial action should the police attack the anti-Nazi action.
There has been much debate amongst leftists and other anti-racists about how best to counter the upcoming far-right mobilisation. Various small-l liberals, including many supporters of the Greens as well as the left groups Solidarity, and Socialist Alliance want a rally that protests against the views of “Reclaim Australia” but rules out, beforehand, any action to shut down the white supremacist mobilisation even if the forces exist to do so. This strategy is wrong. Even if there is a large anti-racist rally that demonstrates widespread community opposition to the “Reclaim Australia” movement, if an attempt to stop the fascists is ruled out then the white supremacists will still be emboldened since, at the end of the day, they will have gotten away with openly fomenting their extreme race hate right in the middle of inner-city Sydney, in the case of the upcoming July 19 rally. Hardened, but presently unorganised, racists watching at home will then in turn be radicalised and encouraged to become active fascists (as some were after the first Sydney “Reclaim” rally on April 4 was not shut down). Hearing media excerpts from nice speeches by participants at the anti-racist rally will make little difference to them – they have been incubated against left wing rhetoric by the venom of the racist ravings of Alan Jones-style shock jocks as well as the barely disguised prejudice of mainstream politicians. Instead, seeing the active white supremacists get away with controlling space in an area in the very heart of Sydney – effectively making a big section of Martin Place a no-go area for coloured people, just like the Cronulla Beach riots sadly did to Cronulla Beach – this is exactly what will embolden them to commit acts of racist violence. To tell anti-racist activists to confine themselves to explaining what is wrong with racism in the face of a movement that perpetrates and incites violence is to disarm and damage the anti-racist struggle. It is following the road of the leaders of the German Social Democratic Party – then and now the biggest party within the German workers movement – who in the lead up to Hitler’s seizure of power were saying that so long as the Nazis do not quit the ground of legality, there is no room for an on the streets struggle to physically stop them!
Charleston, South Carolina, United States: Friends and relatives of victims at a ceremony to mourn the murder of nine attendees at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Unfortunately, this stance is also held by the party which in this country covets the proud title of Lenin and Trotsky’s party which not only led the world’s first successful socialist revolution in Russia in 1917 but whose USSR workers state that they led the creation of inspired the Soviet people to heroically and with great suffering withstand and ultimately crush the greatest fascist behemoth ever arrayed against the multiracial working people of the world, that is the
White supremacist activist, Dylann Roof (Right) entered the church – known as a church where black people congregated – and indiscriminately opened fire on church goers. Every Reclaim Australian and UPF rally brings Australia closer to a Charleston-style far-right terrorist massacre.
enormous Nazi army led by the genocidal maniac Adolf Hitler in World War 2. We are, of course, referring to the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) which, in their article “Lessons from Reclaim Australia protests” by Peter Mac in their newspaper The Guardian, decry the April 4 counter-action in Melbourne for being “violent” and denounce statements by an unnamed group (who happen, incidentally, to be us in Trotskyist Platform) that `the neo-Nazis … must be swept off the streets’ and that we must `drive the violent white supremacists out of stolen Aboriginal land!’ The CPA stance is representative of that of the whole liberal-pacifist wing of the anti-fascist movement. For the CPA and the small-l liberals the
model anti-fascist strategy is exemplified by the pacifist April 4 anti-”Reclaim” rally in Adelaide led by the good pastor, Brad Chilcott, and his “non-violent `subtle and symbolic’ strategies”, some of which, somewhat tellingly, he “had to abandon … because of public safety concerns“ (The Guardian, 22 April 2015) It is true that the counter-demonstrators in Adelaide were indeed “peaceful” even though it has to be noted that this Chilcott-led rally was the weakest of all the anti-Reclaim events in the capital cities on April 4 with the anti- racists outnumbered ten to one by the far-right racists. However, that does not mean there was no violence. Far from it! What the CPA did not report (and to be fair they were likely not aware of) is that following the Adelaide April 4 “Reclaim” action, some of the invigorated fascists followed a group of indigenous activists participating in the counter-protest back to their home and assaulted them. Meanwhile, the emboldening of the “Reclaim” participants – and the bigots “watching at home” – by the fact that they were able to get away with openly spewing extreme racist filth in the heart of Adelaide can only lead to more racist violence on the streets.
Fortunately, at planning meetings for the Sydney July 19 anti-racist rally those promoting the pacifist line have been outvoted by others – including Socialist Alternative supporters and anarchists – who rightly argued that the action should seek to undermine the hardcore racist demonstration by taking over the space that the white supremacists plan to gather at prior to the scheduled start of their “Reclaim” rally. However, the official call for the anti-racist action – for example on the Facebook Event page – remains flawed. For one, at the insistence of Socialist Alternative, the call insists that the anti-racist demonstration will be “peaceful.” Of course, it would be wrong to say that our action will be “violent” – it is the far-right who are the creators of racist violence while the police often use violence to attack progressive struggles – like anti-racist actions and union picket lines. But to insist that a counter-demonstration against those who are inciting, threatening and perpetrating violence against coloured people and anti-racists will be “peaceful” is like telling the Palestinian people to be “peaceful” in the face of the Israeli military’s murderous terror. Mainly white, reformist socialist groups may think that they have the luxury of decreeing that an action against violent racists shall be “peaceful,” however socially-aware coloured people know that they have little hope of deciding when or where their reality is going to be peaceful or not. Politically conscious coloured people know that they face the danger at any time of being attacked by rabid racists while on the streets, in public transport or at nightspots – not to mention when in the far more fraught situation of participating in a demonstration against extreme racists!
Today’s issue of Melbourne’s The Age newspaper reported that social media discussions amongst fascists showed that they planned to bring weapons to the Melbourne race-hate rally next weekend. Thus, for anti-“Reclaim” organisers here to lull people who are planning to join the counter-demonstration into a false sense of security that the action will necessarily be “peaceful” is highly irresponsible and potentially catastrophic. It might mean that rally attendees do not take precautions when coming to the rally. Instead of organising to come to the rally in groups with friends as they should, anti-racists may be lulled into thinking it is safe to rock up as an individual wearing anti-racist badges and t-shirts and all – a practice that could set them up to be attacked on their way in by a Neo-Nazi gang (themselves on their way to the same location for the rival mobilisation). When at the rally site itself, participants who, convinced by the rally call that the demonstration will be “peaceful” and having illusions that the police will intervene to protect them should any threat emerge, may decide to stand around in a very geographically dispersed area rather than in a tight pack with their fellow anti-fascists. This could open them up to being picked off by far- right thugs itching to unleash violence against anti-racists.
How this can play out was shown all too brutally at a stand-off between fascists and anti-racists in Melbourne on 18 March 1995. It was then that 37 members of the then most prominent fascist group in Australia, National Action (NA), rallied on the steps of Melbourne’s parliament house. They were protected from 300 anti-racist protesters by a line of police. However, the anti-racists, lulled into thinking that the police would by necessity keep the two sides apart let their guard down. A squad of NA led by their then fuehrer Michael Brander then charged towards a section of the anti-racist crowd. The police line actually opened up to let the fascists through and in the fascist attack that followed one anti-fascist was severely beaten on the head by a thick flagpole carried by the fascists. The NA squad then retreated behind the police line which closed up behind to protect them as swiftly as it had opened up to let them through. The head injuries sustained by the assaulted anti-fascist demonstrator, who had previously been a very active leftist, were so serious that it kept him out of activism for several years.
A militant strategy to stop fascism should be guided by the perspective of mass action centred on the working class rather than small gangs of committed anti-fascists attempting to deal blows to the racist thugs in a series of isolated clashes. Currently, some of the most sincere, dedicated and brave anti-fascists lean towards the latter strategy. Sometimes their actions succeed – something which all anti-fascists can only celebrate. However, the Neo-Nazis, obsessed as they are with weapons and combat training, are also capable of clever tactics. Should anti-fascists suffer a defeat in a small scale clash or be arrested by police, this would not only take out from the movement (for some period at least) some of the most committed anti-fascists but news of the setback would be seized on by small-l liberals and reformists to discredit any perspective to physically stop the far-right scum.
There is, however, a bigger problem with the specialised anti-fascist, commando- like group perspective even if the participants are fortunate enough to suffer no serious defeats. That problem is that this strategy sidesteps the working class masses whose most politically conscious layers may not even be aware that the clashes are taking place. This perspective does not seek to mobilise the working class masses but rather to substitute for the masses the heroism of the anti-fascist activists. Yet it is the working class masses that have the power to consistently deal defeats to the fascists in open confrontations – as occurred on May 2 last year in Brisbane. And although it is a blow to a Neo-Nazi to be taught a lesson by a small anti-fascist gang while walking on a street or on their way home, it is far more demoralising for the fascists – and those bigots watching at home on their TV sets – to see themselves being trounced in the open by a large crowd spearheaded by the muscle of the organised workers movement. However, those focussed on attempting to deal blows to the extreme racist thugs through small- group actions must believe, in various kinds of ways, that the working class is currently too backward to mobilise against fascism or that it takes too long to build up such mass worker mobilisations or that they themselves are personally too isolated from the workers movement to help mobilise working class-based anti-fascist struggle. Thus, these determined anti-fascists end up believing that they must forge ahead of the politically advanced layers of the working class and launch their own actions separately from any section of the masses. In effect they believe they must act as a kind of vanguard of anti-fascist action – although most of them would hate such a self-description.
In the context of a working class-centred mass movement to stop the far-right fanatics, some degree of “black ops” activities against the Neo-Nazis can play a useful supplementary role. However, right now all our energies must be devoted to building up the mass anti-fascist movement. If the very serious anti-fascists currently focussed on the hardcore, small anti-fascist group perspective were to instead immerse themselves in the workers movement and use their considerable energies and talents to winning their fellow workers to an internationalist program – a program that necessarily includes mass action to crush fascism – the anti-fascist struggle would receive a decent boost. The activists involved would have to make the leap from being the vanguard of militant anti-fascist action to being a different type of vanguard – one that does not believe it is better than the masses and rather than seeking to forge ahead of the masses seeks to bring the best layers of the masses with the This perspective will require the activists involved to clarify their own outlook into a very precise revolutionary, internationalist program as they will be stepping into an intense battle with Laborite social democracy for the hearts and minds of the workers. It will require them to undertake work that is more tedious, more patient and far less glamorous than the perspective of small group confrontations with the fascists. Nevertheless, especially now that the far-right forces have grown in Australia so much and are increasingly receiving open support from some sections of the mainstream establishment, it is only the working class that has the clout to decisively crush the fascists.
Mobilising the working class against the far-right threat is not simply a matter of contacting union officials. Organisers of most anti-fascist actions have always attempted to do this. Nor is it simply a matter of distributing anti-fascist rally leaflets to rank and file union members at worksites although this is certainly essential work. To be effective in mobilising the working class, rally calls must openly appeal to the interests that workers have in opposing the extreme racists. Unfortunately, the official call for the Sydney July 19 anti-racist action does not make such an appeal to the class interests of workers. Anti-fascists often recoil from such a call even
The student who was murdered by the white supremacist terrorist is Somali-born, 15 year-old Ahmed Hassan. Those who believe that fascists can be stopped through simply debating them are badly mistaken.
though they nominally accept the importance of the workers movement to the anti-fascist struggle. They fear that open appeals to workers class interests will put off some middle-class liberal anti-racists and sympathetic, trendy café owners (who want to be seen as progressive but don’t like unions because they fear that the workers that they exploit might one day join one!) But if appealing to workers’ class interests offends such layers, so be it! It is the working class and not small-l liberals and “small business” bosses that is the strategic force that will defeat fascism.
Sweden, 22 October: A far-right activist, Anton Lundin Pettersson dressed in a Dark Vader outfit stabs to death a student and pupil at a school in the industrial city of Trollhättan. The school was targeted because it had a high proportion of non-white migrant-background youth.
Encouragingly, a section of anti-fascist activists seem to be increasingly understanding this point. One stream of anarchists have issued a powerful poster building for the July 19 mobilisation, signed “Anti-Fascist Action,” that in calling to “Shutdown Reclaim Australia” clearly appeals to workers’ class interests in the fight to “Smash Fascists!” and “Drive Them Off Our Streets.” The poster explained that the fascists’ “hateful ideology is an attempt to divide the working class and help the bosses and landlords.”
Appealing to workers class interests is one part of the struggle to mobilise the working class against fascism. The second crucial part is the political struggle that internationalist-minded workers need to wage within their workplaces and unions against nationalist sentiments within the workers movement itself. Right now the CFMEU construction union is waging a divisive nationalist campaign raising fears that local workers will lose out because Chinese companies investing in large projects under the China Australia Free Trade Agreement may be able to bring in Chinese workers. To be sure the social democratic nationalism of the CFMEU bureaucrats is not the same as the violent racism of the fascists. The CFMEU is, after all, the union whose members were at the forefront of the powerful action in May last year that trounced the fascist Australia First Party in Brisbane. However, the economic nationalism of the pro-ALP union leadership does feed into the mainstream nationalist climate that nurtures the far-right extremists. Furthermore, by promoting in more moderate form the local worker versus overseas worker rivalry that the far-right forces spew in extreme form, the union bureaucracy is to some degree legitimising the far-right and thus diluting workers’ inherent hostility to the fascists.
Instead of the divisive and ultimately losing strategy of setting local workers up against their overseas counterparts, our unions must fight to unite all workers in the fight for improved conditions and more jobs for all workers. The fight for jobs means first and foremost an industrial action-based struggle to stop the greedy Australian capitalist bosses from retrenching workers to boost their profits. Yet bowing to the anti-union laws and chained to a strategy of relying on parliament to affect progressive change, it is precisely militant industrial action that the present union officialdom recoils from. And the more the social democratic, current union officials step back from class struggle, the more they are left with having to advance economic nationalism as the “solution” to unemployment. The struggle to purge the union movement of poisonous economic nationalism must go hand in hand with a fight to unleash the power of the working class against attacks on workers’ jobs and conditions. To fight for such a perspective an internationalist, revolutionary current within the unions must be built to challenge the failed policies of the current Laborite leadership. The growth in influence of such class-struggle union caucuses would see the union movement start to unleash its power against unemployment and casualization and thus begin to cut the ground from under the fascists. A revolutionary current within the unions, linked to a multi-racial revolutionary workers party, would also seek to unify the workers movement across racial lines by fighting to mobilise it to support Aboriginal resistance to the forced closure of remote Aboriginal communities, to ensure victory for the Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy struggle, to free the refugees and to revoke the racist anti-terror laws. In this way, by starting to dig out the racist soil that this society is built on, working class anti-racist actions like these will necessarily start to uproot the fascist filth from the putrid ground in which they are allowed to otherwise fester and grow.
Yet as today’s despicable acceptance of anti-working class austerity by the left- wing Syriza government in Greece proves, as long as the capitalist class still hold state power then the conditions of unemployment, inequality, poverty and insecurity can never be decisively swept away. No matter how left-wing or radical the
Hardcore opponent of socialistic China, Caterwood Ko is an active member of the fascist Party For Freedom (PFF). Ko has Hong Kong origins and is a staunch supporter of the right-wing, Hong Kong student protesters that oppose Red China’s influence in Hong Kong. Despite being virulent white supremacists and haters of Asian people, the Party For Freedom make an exception and embrace ethnic Chinese Ko (and the right-wing Falun Gong outfit) because they too are driven by overwhelming hatred of socialistic China and of communism more generally. Credit: Anti Fascist Action Sydney (antifascistactionsydney.wordpress.com)
government sitting in parliament is. Only the overthrow of capitalist rule through workers’ revolution and the establishment of a collectivised economy on a worldwide scale can ensure that fascism is finally consigned to where it truly belongs – the dustbin of history.
To see how capitalist economy nurtures fascism it is enough to note that in Australia a large part of the working age population are either unemployed or working far less hours than they want to or else in insecure casual jobs or worried about being retrenched. The far-right seeks to appeal to these people by offering blatantly false but simplistic analysis blaming immigrants and overseas producers for their plight. However, although unemployed and underemployed people make up some of the personnel of Neo-Nazi gangs, the main social base of the far-right are the most reactionary sections of the middle class as well as smaller scale capitalist business owners. The far-right groups aim to recruit insecure, self–employed service providers and tradies buffeted by the wild fluctuations of the capitalist “free-market” by insinuating that competition from migrants and overseas producers are undermining their businesses. Those capitalist business owners whose businesses are struggling are also open to such demagogy. That is why it is in the crisis-ridden capitalist economies of Europe where the fascists are most alarmingly gaining strength and most openly getting the backing from sizeable chunks of the big capitalists.
In capitalist society, both the middle class self-employed and capitalist small business owners are ground down by capitalist banks and big landlords as well as the tyranny of big corporate business. They are fearful of being dragged down – often back down – into the working Middle class individuals can either be won to siding with the working class against the capitalists that oppress them or, alternatively, will follow the capitalists in their push to ever more exploit the working class. Fascism is, in the main, a movement of middle class individuals fanatically mobilised against the working class whom they fear being dragged down into and whose class struggles they fear will either challenge their relatively privileged position or will challenge them in their roles as henchmen (managers, foreman, security guards etc) for the capitalists. Fear of coloured people, LGBTI people and the “other” in general naturally goes hand in hand with fear of the workers movement and its powerful, multi-racial character.
Although most of the Australian fascists revere Hitler, many of them realise that since Australia was on the opposite side to the Nazis in the bloody imperialist squabble that was World War II (with the big exception of the Soviet workers state’s heroic resistance against Nazi invasion), it does not sit well with Aussie nationalist mythology and militarism to outwardly shown any allegiance to Nazism. Today, with the mainstream pro-capitalist parties stirring up fear of Muslim people, the far-right see a chance to push their broader agenda using anti-Islam as a battering ram. They promote the notion that Australia is being taken over by Islam and Sharia Law as well as other cultures and needs to be “reclaimed” by white people. This is, of course, ridiculous. It is the Aboriginal people whose land was stolen and culture decimated – not by people coming to the country seeking to contribute to society as part of making their own lives better as today’s migrants do – but by murdering, brutal colonial conquerors. As for the notion that non-white people have taken over the economy (and there is no reason that white people should control the economy anyway!) it is worth noting that of Australia’s 50 richest people, just two, that is a measly 4% are coloured.
With just 2.2% of Australians being Muslims the idea that Sharia Law could be imposed in Australia is also complete bonkers. In fact, the real threat to secularism is from Christian fundamentalists. Not a single advocate of Sharia Law holds any elected position in state or federal parliament. In contrast, in NSW the balance of power is held by the Christian fundamentalist zealot, Fred Nile. Nile wants mothers confined to the home so much that earlier this year he railed against child care centres as “day orphanages.” Nile and his Christian Democratic Party denounces homosexuality, opposes the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, opposes giving parents the chance to allow their children to opt out of scripture classes at school and fanatically opposes women’s right to abortion. The first, non-state, terrorist murder in Australia this century was perpetrated by a far-right, Christian anti-abortion bigot, Peter Knight who in July 2001 shot dead an employee at an East Melbourne abortion clinic in what he planned would be a massacre of all the staff and patients at the clinic. Today, members of the Right to Life movement that Knight was part of as well as other cowardly, Christian-based bigots continue to harass women seeking abortions outside clinics.
Although the current main focus of the far-right is against Muslims, the ultimate main target of fascist agitation and pogroms will be Asians. Fascism is built on fear and after the white capitalist ruling class “dealt” with the “threat” from Aboriginal people by committing genocide and completely dispossessing this country’s first peoples, the main theme of racist White Australia xenophobia has been the fear of Asians – especially Chinese people. This is the fear that immigration from the populous masses of Australia’s Asian neighbours will dilute the relatively privileged economic position of resource rich and sparsely populated Australia or even threaten white domination of this country. Thus, alongside brutal prejudice against Aboriginal people, anti-Asian xenophobia has dominated Australian racism from the 1861 anti-Chinese violence on the Lambing Flats goldfield to the anti-Chinese laws of the late 1800s to the formal introduction of the White Australia Policy in 1901 and right up to today’s anti-China hysteria.
Already, the most prominent fascist parties, the Party for Freedom and the Australia First Party, devote much of their attention to opposing Asians and the Peoples Republic of China. Last month, the Party for Freedom held a rally outside the Chinese embassy opposing Chinese nationals buying real estate and blaming them for exorbitant house prices. Yet the facts show that Chinese investors spent approximately just 2% of all the money spent on purchasing residential property in Australia and most of this was spent on developing new dwellings. Indeed, for all the hype, official figures from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade show that despite having 20% of the world’s population, investment in all areas from China makes up only 1.3% of the total stock of foreign investment in Australia – 20 times less than that from the U.S.A (http://dfat.gov.au/trade/topics/investment/Pages/which-countries-invest-in-australia.aspx). Indeed, Chinese investment in Australia is nearly matched by Australian investment in China. China does not even make the top five of foreign investors in Australia and even tiny Switzerland and the Netherlands have more investments here!
Opposition to foreign investment in Australia is pushed in a rabid way by the Far Right and in a softer way by the Greens and some pro-ALP social democrats. No matter which country it is targeted at, this opposition diverts the masses from the required task of opposing the capitalist exploiters. The high-profile opposition to Chinese investment is driven by racism. As the above official figures show, despite being the most populous country in the world, China is only the seventh largest foreign investor in Australia. Chinese investment in Australia is barely above 2% of total foreign investment in Australia – ten times less than that from the U.S! Investment from mainland China is also notably less than from Chinese-majority Singapore. However foreign investment from Singapore is much less frequently targeted by right-wing groups because Singapore is capitalist and China is socialistic.
There is, however, no agitation here against foreign investment from the big, white investing countries: the U.S., Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland (nor should there be, in fact). It is bleeding obvious then that the hysterical far-right opposition to Chinese investment and the media hype directed against it is based on racist bigotry.
However, there is another aspect to the anti-China crusade. Singapore is also an ethnic Chinese majority country and investment in Australia from Singapore is almost twice that from mainland China. Why then do we not see agitation against investment into Australia by Singapore? Because Singapore is a capitalist country while the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has a socialistic system administered by a Communist party. Hostility to the PRC from both the mainstream of the ruling class and from the far-right fanatics thus combines racism with anti-communism. That is why much of the mainstream opposition to Chinese investment is focussed on the fact that most of it is from state-owned companies. Although the wavering bureaucracy that administers China has treacherously allowed a fair deal of capitalism to penetrate the PRC, in the PRC socialistic state-owned enterprises continue to dominate all the key sectors of the Chinese economy (unlike in capitalist Australia where public enterprises have only ever played a supplementary role to support a system which is based on wealthy private individuals owning the bulk of the economy).
It is worth noting that the white supremacist Party for Freedom has recruited hardline anti-communist Chinese individuals from the Falun Gong group. There is, of course, a similarity between the fascist agenda of the Party for Freedom and the ideology of the ultra-right Falun Gong group with its fascistic belief in racial purity, its disgusting notion that people of mixed race are inferior and its virulent homophobia. However, what mostly allows the white supremacists to grit their teeth and allow ethnic Chinese members into their party is their shared, extreme hostility to Red China. Fascists see communism as the greatest obstacle to their agenda. That is why the Reclaim Australia breakaway, the United Patriots Front, made its first action (on May 31 in Melbourne) a “rally against communism.
Should the fascists continue to grow, they will offer themselves up to the ruling class as the force that can stand up to Communist China just as Hitler advertised himself as the force that could destroy the USSR. And just as it took Hitler to attempt to realise the capitalist dream of wiping out the USSR, it may well take a fascist regime in the U.S. and Australia to crush the workers movements in these countries savagely enough to allow the ruling classes in these countries to launch what would necessarily be an extremely bloody war on Red China. That anyone could countenance such a catastrophic war seems insane. However, the fascists are not sane. Furthermore, even today the mainstream of the U.S. and Australian ruling classes are seeking to put military pressure on China and to begin to make war preparations, which is why there is the U.S. “pivot to Asia” and why U.S. troops are being stationed in Darwin. This drive to conflict with socialistic China is driven by the very logic of capitalism. As capitalism bounces from one economic crisis to another, the capitalist rulers fear the masses in their own countries seeing any example of workers’ rule – even one like in China that is, admittedly, bureaucratically deformed and weakened by capitalist intrusion.
Furthermore, the only way for capitalists to avert their economic crises is to open up new areas of the world to capitalist exploitation (or else to grab existing neo- colonies from their fellow, imperialist rivals). However, one in five people in the world live in a country, China, where the U.S., Australian and other capitalists’ “right” to exploit is severely restricted. Being a country with a per capita GDP several times lower than Australia (due to the resource poor country being burdened by enforced backwardness from its days of colonial subjugation which it only began to catch up from after the 1949 anti-capitalist revolution), wages in China are necessarily lower than in Australia. However, wages in China are much higher than what they would be should China have been capitalist. Thus, Chinese wages are the second highest of the developing countries in Asia. The relatively better conditions of Chinese workers relative to capitalist societies with similar per capita GDP is especially evident if one considers the high social wage Chinese workers receive – including cheap public transport, free cultural facilities and extensive low-rent public housing. Of course, in a huge and complicated country one could also find many a horror story of exploitation of workers in the private sector – especially light manufacturing industries in the Southeast region bordering Hong Kong which are dominated by foreign, private investment. However, that is increasingly becoming old news. In 2008, the PRC enacted a pro- worker Labour Law that gave workers rights unheard of for workers in Australia (such as a guarantee that long-time employees within five years of retirement cannot be retrenched for any reason). Meanwhile, a government-supported unionisation drive has seen the rate of trade union membership in China balloon. China has the fastest growing workers’ wages in the world – wages there have grown by an average of close to 12% per year over the last few years, well above the rate of growth of GDP in China. Many Western manufacturing corporations like Nike and Adidas have completely abandoned their operations in China for lower wage countries even though the infrastructure in China is much better. So, the only way left for Western capitalists to turn the world’s most populous country into the huge sweatshop for exploitation that they want and, indeed, need it to be in order to relieve the crises in their own economies – is through smashing socialistic rule in China. Far-right forces are promoting themselves as the hardcore anti-communists who can get this job done.
As the socio-political climate in Australia lurches towards one that could see new, terrifying, Cronulla-style mass racist riots, it is worth dwelling on the fact that the fascists – the most radical defenders of the current racist and exploitative social order – see communism as their main political enemy. This is because communism – a society based on collective ownership of the economy where each would contribute according to their ability and receive according to their need – would see the creation of a society where exploitation of human by human would be non-existent and discrimination on the basis of race and gender would be things of the past. Such a society, where the eventual dissipation of all class differences would also see the state itself start to wither away, would bring out the very best in humanity. It would enable all humans to live in friendship, enjoying themselves as they pick out what they want from a rich smorgasbord of cultures.
Increasingly, we are faced with the choice of either fighting for this kind of communism or being plunged into the abyss of fascist-ruled capitalism that will bring yet more racist violence, hatred, oppression of workers and catastrophic wars. The first step in the fight for a communist future is the overthrow of capitalist state power and the construction of worker states. These states would protect the newly established socialist system from the counterrevolutionary efforts of the overthrown exploiters and guide the former middle class to shake off the selfish, capitalistic spirit that they were haunted with from the previous times and, instead embrace the collectivist values of the new epoch. However, to accomplish the revolutionary seizure of state power is not an easy thing. The working class must first be trained both ideologically and practically in a series of partial struggles. An important part of this training involves the working class gaining confidence in its own power through flexing its muscles while unchaining itself from any political ties to capitalist institutions and pro-capitalist political parties. A great way to flex those muscles is to mobilise its own power – united with Aboriginal people, coloured ethnic communities and other anti-racists – to shut down the looming, far right threat. Then, using the confidence we gain from such struggles, we can launch a badly needed counter-offensive against all the greedy, exploiting bosses.
“Fascism – The Most Evil Enemy of Women. Everyone to the Struggle Against Fascism!” Poster by Nina Vatolina who asked her neighbour, whose two sons had already left for the battlefield, to model for this poster. It was published in August 1941, five weeks after the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, with an initial print run of 75,000 copies.
Protestors at the November 29 anti-imperialist rally in Ashfield, an inner western suburb of Sydney.
Protestors at the November 29 anti-imperialist rally in Ashfield, an inner western suburb of Sydney. One of the calls of the 29 November demonstration in Ashfield was to “Defend Syria against Western Imperialism and its`Rebels!’ ”. Protestors hold up a Syrian national flag at the rally.
A speaker addresses the anti-imperialist rally in the working class Sydney suburb of Ashfield.
Dozens of people rallied on November 29 in the inner-western Sydney suburb of Ashfield to oppose the U.S. and Australian military intervention in Syria and Iraq. The united front action was held under the main slogans, “Obama, Abbott and Shorten’s Military Intervention Is Bad For Working Class People – Oppose the U.S. & Australian Ruling Class and Down with Their War in the Middle East!” The demonstration called to “Defend Syria against Western Imperialism and its `Rebels!’”
In introducing the demonstration, rally chair, Sarah Fitzenmeyer, who is also the chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform, demolished the various “rationales” used by ruling class politicians to justify their war drive:
“The rulers of Australia, the United States, Britain and other Western powers are slamming bombs into Iraq and Syria. To save the world from a deadly threat or so they say. But why should working people even think of believing them? Look at what these `great leaders,’ these rulers are doing here!
“… Slamming the poor by making them pay for doctors visits.
“Increasing the cost of going to university.
“And they want to leave jobless people up to the age of 30 with absolutely no financial support whatsoever for six months every year that they’re unemployed!
“And low-income single-mothers will never forget how the last Labor government cruelly and treacherously slashed their parenting payments.
“Meanwhile, the ruling class is using a Royal Commission into our trade unions as a precursor to a full-blown union busting attack.
“In this country there is the shocking fact that not one murdering police enforcer has ever been jailed for the hundreds of Aboriginal people that have been killed in custody. In America right now our Black and Hispanic working class sisters and brothers are under a state of siege. They are under siege by a heavily militarized police force. A couple of days ago, The Sydney Morning Herald ran a picture of Ferguson, Missouri looking like some kind of snowy Fallujah at the height of the Iraq War. National guardsmen are patrolling the streets of this American mid-West town in combat gear. All in order to repress the 100% justified acts of outrage after the murder of an unarmed Black teenager, Michael Brown, and the subsequent exoneration of the racist white pig police officer, Darren Wilson, who murdered the boy.
“Sisters and brothers, the fact is that the governments involved in the U.S-led bombing campaign do not serve the interests of ordinary working class people. Capitalist institutions are the enemy of workers and the oppressed. They are the servants of the big business owners – the lackies of the capitalist big end of town. And there is no bigger, more brutal lackey and one that is more dangerous to the working people than the military machine of the capitalist state, armed to the hilt with its monstrous weapons of mass destruction.
“The war that the U.S. and Australian rulers are waging in the Middle East is not in the interests of working class people. It is in the interests of the Andrew Forrests, the Gina Rineharts, the Packers, Lowys, Murdochs and all the other corporate bigwigs. This war is against the interests of working class people, Aboriginal people and all of the oppressed.
“When the U.S. and Australian regimes act abroad, they act with the same hostility to the interests of all working class people as they do at home. But they act with even more brutality. They have arrogant contempt for the masses of the so-called `Third World.’ The big business owners, who the Washington and Canberra regimes actually serve, exploit workers at an even greater rate in the poorer, ex-colonial countries that largely make up what’s known as the `Third World.’ `Fighting terrorism’ is the pretext for looting natural resources and subjecting these countries to the tyranny of debt bondage. To further the imperialist plunder in the Middle East is the reason why they are bombing in Syria and Iraq. Enforcing their predatory, neo-colonial goals is their MAIN aim.”
The theme of the demonstration was that standing against the U.S. and Australian capitalist rulers’ war in the Middle East is part of fighting against their attacks at home on the working class, Aboriginal people, coloured “ethnic” communities, public housing tenants and all the poor. As the rally chair explained:
“It goes without saying that it is the people of the Middle East who will suffer the most from this war. But every bomb landed by the U.S.A and Australia in the Middle East will reverberate at home too. When the capitalist ruling class wages a bullying imperialist war abroad it means they also wage a war at home, a war against our trade unions, against Aboriginal people, against refugees, against single mothers and in fact against all the poor.
“Already, the war fever and the “terrorism” hysteria has helped Abbott to churn up a rabid nationalist and racist climate that has helped him to divert mass frustrations away from his government’s anti-working class budget.
”There have been so many grotesque attacks on Muslim men, women and children ….
“Racism is poison to the unity that working class people need to stand up to their exploiters. Racism is absolute poison to workers unity: an evil brew that the capitalist class likes to concoct and stirs up so intently, practically every passing hour of the working day, in order to try to divide and conquer the working masses. For the working masses of Australia, in fact of the whole world, are a people of a myriad creeds and colors who, by a singular turn of the wheel of history, now find themselves working side by side on the production line. Just as, arms linked – black to white to yellow to white and back to black again – they are fighting together on the picket line, fighting for their common rights as workers. This is the multi-racial, multi-national and united working class that the capitalist robber barons fear the most. Racism is the capitalist class’ final key, a knife that they intend to use to cut this multiracial unity of workers into countless irreconcilable, squabbling and ultimately warring pieces. Right now the bosses are gearing up for a full-scale union-busting attack on the proudly multi-ethnic CFMEU construction workers union as well as other unions. Only a united union, undivided by the scourge of racism and its nasty twin, nationalism, can hope to withstand the union-busting storm that’s on its way. The ruling corporate class wants to wage imperialist war abroad not only for their predatory search for super-profits and world domination of resources and markets but because it helps them to stir up racism and nationalism and thus to suppress the working class and anti-racist movements at home. Foreign pharmacy sells all on their viagra online website many kinds of drugs for diseases like Alcoholism, Alzheimers and Parkinsons, Analgesics, Anti-inflammatories, Antiallergic, Antibiotics, Antidepressants, Antifungals, Antivirals, Arthritis, Birth Control, Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Diuretics, Erectile Dysfunction, Hypertension, Men’s Health, Mental Disorders, Obesity, Skin Care, Surgery and Women’s Health. A chain smoker may suffer from impotency after many years of clinical validation, fuyan pill have effective treatment of oral ulcers. order levitra Another reason to use Kamagra jelly is perfect viagra pill for woman appalachianmagazine.com and suitable for the treatment of ED. Alternative Treatments For Erectile Dysfunction Many men find the old http://appalachianmagazine.com/2018/11/06/remembering-do-you-have-prince-albert-in-a-can/ viagra 100 mg fashioned idea that raising babies was the woman’s job.
“That’s why we must mobilise the working class and all the downtrodden in mass action against this latest neo-colonial war. Today marks the very beginning of the struggle to build a pro-working class movement against the neo-colonial intervention by the U.S. and Australian ruling classes in Syria and Iraq.”
In motivating the need to oppose this latest U.S.-led predatory war, rally chair Sarah Fitzenmeyer stressed that
“… a major aim of their latest intervention is to push for the overthrow of the Assad government in Syria. The Assad government is itself a capitalist government – except that it is too independent from the Western imperialist powers for the USA and its coalition of the greedy and the ruthless to tolerate.”
This latter point about how the Western powers are using the pretext of opposing ISIS to manoeuvre towards imposing regime change in Syria was explosively underscored just eight days after the Ashfield rally when Washington’s Israeli attack dogs unleashed fighter aircraft to bomb targets inside Syria including the international airport in the capital Damascus.
Addressing the November 29 rally, Behrooz, spokesman for the Supporters of the Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerrillas, also powerfully rebuffed media propaganda that the U.S.-led military intervention in the Middle East is about “fighting terrorism”:
“Is this action in response to terrorism and stopping the reactionary ISIS group, or is it a plan to dominate the Middle East by redeploying its forces in Iraq and occupying Syria?
“United States in the past three and half years actively mobilised and trained all reactionary opposition groups in Syria in cooperation with totalitarian regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, UAE and Turkey. These murderers have free movement in all of the above mentioned countries and military bases with active support of the army and full support from the USA.
“The Liberal, National and Labor governments in Australia unconditionally have supported the invasion of Iraq and destruction of Syria, Australia has aligned itself with the most jingoistic warmongers in the USA; ignoring the loss of lives and devastation of many countries such as Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, these are just a few examples in only the past few years.“
Representing the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) at the November 29 action, Wayne Sonter, Secretary of the Sydney District Committee of the CPA, convincingly took on the arguments he has heard from what he called a “Right Opposition” within the Western Left and the expatriate Syrian community. These people justify their refusal to campaign against the U.S.-led airstrikes with the argument that the Syrian government has not attempted to shoot down the Western fighter aircraft. Sonter pointed out, for one, that Syria is not in a military position to take an action which would trigger a direct war with the U.S. and its lackeys. The fact that Syria has not at this point tried to shoot down NATO aircraft does not make the U.S. empire’s blatant violation of Syrian sovereignty any less a threat to Syria and its independence. And this is a fact regardless of the Syrian government’s immediate stance towards this Western intervention. The CPA representative especially skewered those refusing to oppose the U.S.-led war drive from a seemingly opposite direction to the “Right Opposition.” He emphasised that left groups such as the Cliffite Socialist Alternative are cheerleading for imperialism when they cheer for the imperialist proxy Syrian “Rebels.”
The weekend prior to the Ashfield rally, some of the groups backing the pro-imperialist “Rebels” in Syria that the CPA spokesman referred to held a protest in Sydney’s Town Hall Square that opposed the bombing of Iraq but was pointedly silent on the imperialist intervention in Syria. These groups – like Socialist Alternative, Solidarity and Socialist Alliance – do not want to squarely oppose the imperialist intervention in Syria because, for one, a major part of that intervention is the U.S. government’s scheme to greatly increase arming and training of the pro-imperialist Syrian “Rebels” – the same ones that these left groups back. Secondly, after having said little in solidarity with the secular, Syrian-based Kurdish groups for two years when those Kurdish parties were in a defacto alliance with the Assad government against the religious fundamentalist “Rebels,” now that Syrian Kurdish factions have descended into an alliance with the U.S.-led imperialists against ISIS, the reformist left have suddenly re-discovered the cause of the Syrian Kurds and have rushed to join “Solidarity with Kobane” rallies in Australia. Not wanting to alienate their new found Kurdish allies, the soft-on-imperialism socialist groups thus refrain from opposing the U.S.-led airstrikes in Kobane and Syria more generally. Thirdly, even though some healthier gut-level impulses to oppose the U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria may exist within individuals inside these reformist left groups, they are so tainted by their years-long support for the imperialist-proxy “Rebels” in Syria and so exposed and embarrassed by the fact that NATO backing for these “Rebels” has become even more blatant that they would rather not even talk about Syria. In fact, they’d probably prefer that the very word “Syria” wasn’t mentioned in polite company at all!
The November 29 Ashfield demonstration was thus the very first action – and unfortunately as we go to press thus far the only action – in Australia to oppose the entire U.S./Australia imperialist intervention in the Middle East: from their bombing campaigns in both Iraq AND Syria to their arming of proxies in Syria. Yuri Gromov, editor of Trotskyist Platform, outlined the necessity to take such a consistent, anti-imperialist stance when in the course of motivating the need to defend Syria against imperialist-imposed regime change, he demolished the arguments used by those refusing to oppose the entire imperialist intervention:
“… most nominally left wing groups in Australia have, while correctly opposing the bombing of Iraq, failed to oppose the imperialist intervention in Syria. These groups, many of whom falsely claim some connection with the glorious program of Trotskyism, are tainted by their years-long support for the Western-backed `Rebels.’
“Unfortunately, some who have laudably defended Syria against the pro-imperialist `Rebels’ are also refusing to oppose the U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria. On this, they ironically take a similar stance to the pseudo-Trotskyist groups and use a similar rationale for their position: that is that `we can use imperialism.’ But imperialism cannot be used for progressive purposes. Never ever! There are no exceptions! If you allow imperialism to strengthen it is more readily able to carry out its predatory goals. Those who think that imperialism can be used to bolster Syrian independence by weakening ISIS are like a person in a tiger-infested village who thinks he should guide a hungry tiger to eat his cruel, hated neighbor. Except that the hungry tiger then gets a taste for human flesh … and guess who will be up next on the tiger’s menu? If the Western imperialists succeed in their current campaign it will only embolden them for an open attack on Syria. It is worth recalling that what deterred the U.S. rulers from a planned invasion of Syria ten years ago were the blows that their military was taking from insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq. The historical irony that all the insurgents striking those blows in Afghanistan and some of the ones involved in Iraq were religious fundamentalist reactionaries quite similar in ideology to the Syrian proxies backed by the West today does not change this fact. That is why it is in the interest of the Syrian people’s struggle against neocolonialism to see the U.S. and Australian regime suffer setbacks in their war that is nominally against ISIS.
“We must stand for the defeat of the U.S. and Australian capitalist rulers in their war in both Syria and Iraq. We must fight for the defence of Syria against Western imperialism and its `Rebels.’ If the imperialist-imposed regime change drive is defeated in Syria then it will spur on the Arab masses to depose the Western puppet governments in places like Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. It will encourage the Syrian working class itself to say: now that we have defeated imperialism and its open agents, we should also take away power from the half-baked, neither here nor there Baathist rulers who are themselves economically dependent on imperialism.”
Also addressing the Ashfield demonstration was Samuel Russell, a trade union activist who happens to be the UNSW Branch Secretary of the National Tertiary Education Union. Speaking at the event in a personal capacity, Russell emphasised the role that the Australian working class movement and the trade union movement in particular must play in opposing this war. He noted that there has been mass opposition to other imperialist wars. In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq there were huge protests. In that case they were not able to stop the invasion but Russell stated that the Great War (World War I) which just had its centenary was stopped largely due to workers’ strikes and mass actions in many countries – including Russia, Germany, Britain and in the colonies of the European imperial powers.
The speakers at the Ashfield demonstration were listened to by working class people who joined the rally from Western Sydney suburbs like Auburn and Parramatta as well as local people from multiracial, working-class Ashfield, Trotskyist Platform supporters and other anti-imperialist minded leftists. There was no presence at all from people from the middle class and university-based left groups/left milieus. The participants, instead, were mainly working class and/ or from Asian, Middle Eastern, African and South American backgrounds. Many locals from Ashfield passing the rally stopped to listen and take leaflets and several expressed sympathy with the action.
The important thing now is that we take the message emphasised in the Ashfield action out to people in our workplaces, trade unions, activist milieus etc and start preparing for the actions that we must build in the future to oppose the warmongering imperialists and to defend Syria against neocolonialism. As the Trotskyist Platform spokesman, Yuri Gromov, concluded in his speech, the only way we can achieve these tasks is through the methods of the class struggle:
“Some say that the problem with this war is that Canberra does not pursue an `independent foreign policy.’ However, the problem is actually much deeper. The Australian ruling class backs Washington in the Middle East because it relies on the might of its U.S. godfather to defend its own looting and jackbooting in neighbouring countries from Fiji to East Timor to PNG. Simply put, Australia’s imperialist rulers are supporting Obama’s war because it is in their interests do so. They cannot be won over to take another road. To defeat their war we need to mobilise the class whose interests lie with opposing their military adventures: the working class.
“And the interests of the exploited masses really do lie in defeating Abbott and Shorten’s war. Every bit of blood that the regime here draws in the Middle East will make them more savage in their attacks on the oppressed at home: More vicious in their bashing of our unions; still more cruel in their violent attacks on Aboriginal people; more ruthless in cutting public services like public housing, public education and women’s refuges….
“Sisters and brothers, we must understand that unleashing wars is not simply a policy decision for the greedy ruling classes. For it is part of their very DNA. They must seek out new territory to loot in order to make up for the crumbling of their capitalist system at home. From their point of view, unleashing predatory wars is something that they simply must do just as attacking our unions is also something that they must do. But from our point of view, we must wage class war on the capitalist rulers’ wars abroad just as we must wage class war on their attacks on the toilers and downtrodden at home. From the storming of Canberra’s parliament house in 1996 by trade unionists and Aboriginal people to the courageous multi-racial protests in the U.S. against the racist whitewash of the police murder of Michael Brown, we certainly see potential for such struggle. Let’s today build mass working class sentiment to the point that there can be trade union political strikes in opposition to Obama, Abbott and Shorten’s military expedition. Let’s stand for the defence of Syria against neocolonialism. Let’s reject the capitulations of ALP social democracy and Greens progressive liberalism to build a real alternative, that is a revolutionary socialist alternative, to the murderous capitalist order!”