Tag Archives: Public Housing

Expand Rental Supply – Confiscate Vacant Houses of the Ultra-Rich!

Photo Above: Trotskyist Platform editor, Yuri Gromov emcee’s a 15 June 2024 rally protesting against unaffordable rents in Australia. This demonstration in central Sydney called for expanding the supply of low-rent public housing through confiscating the vacant houses of the ultra-rich.

21 February 2025 – Rents are crushing working class people in Australia. Even in Western Sydney’s Auburn, the median asking rent for two bedroom units is now $600 per week. That is two-thirds of what a worker on the minimum wage gets if they are lucky enough to have a full-time job! No wonder millions are skipping meals to pay rent. The shortage of low-rent housing is caused by developers and rich investors who know that they can extract more money building homes that can be sold for high prices rather than providing homes with rents affordable by lower income people. Look at Paddington’s Selywn Street. There a developer who bought boarding houses that housed 32 people is evicting elderly tenants so that he can turn the place into luxury units intended for just eight people. This is the capitalist “free market” at work!

That is why we need more low-rent public housing. But state and federal governments of all stripes have instead been selling off public housing. We must reverse this! Let’s stop all sell-offs of public housing! Let’s also resist any moves by developers to turn low-rent boarding houses into higher-cost accommodation. Instead, let’s actively fight for a massive increase in public housing!

The rental crisis would be over if we turned this country’s one million vacant dwellings into low-rent public housing. Many of these dwellings are the ultra-rich’s holiday homes or homes that they hold for speculation. We demand that any dwelling that is unoccupied for more than two months of a year and which is owned by people with more than five million dollars of property assets be confiscated and turned into public housing. The ruling class say that such methods are not economically “rational”. But that is a lie! For in the country with the world’s fastest growing economy, China, they are increasing public housing and curbing speculation. So in China’s biggest cities, Shanghai and Beijing, families are banned from owning more than two homes. Instead of privatising housing, China is doing the very opposite. Governments and state-owned firms there are aggressively buying up private housing and converting it into low-rent public housing. Through such policies, about 25% of homes in their cities are public housing – ten times the ratio as in Australia. No wonder the proportion of homeless people in China is much lower than here! We demand that the government here, instead of always attacking China – just because her toiling classes dared to take over that country in a 1949 revolution – start applying China-style, pro-worker housing policies in Australia.

China can provide abundant public housing because under her socialistic system not only are key developers state-owned but so are her most profitable sectors. These provide the funds for public housing, cheap education and other programs to meet the real needs of youth and the elderly. We badly need to seize the most lucrative sectors here too and put them into public hands – starting with mining! Over the last year, gross profits in the Australian mining sector were more than $224 billion (!!) – much of it going to local billionaires like Gina Rinehart, Andrew Forrest and Clive Palmer. That’s 27 times the combined amount that all Australian states spend on all forms of social housing!

But who will implement the measures that we need? The ALP’s “affordable housing” pledges are so paltry that they don’t even meet the new additional demand for low-rent homes. Meanwhile, the Liberals hate public ownership while the far-right parties are downright hostile to public tenants. The Greens do promise more public housing. But most of their promises are not for public housing but for “affordable housing” that involves subsidising landlords; or for privately run “community” housing. Moreover, because the Greens must accommodate their capitalist and many upper-middle class members, they never deliver on their better promises. When they were in coalition with Labor in government in Tasmania and federally from 2010, they were complicit in undermining public housing. So we cannot rely on any of the parties currently in parliament. Instead, we need industrial action, occupations of vacant homes of the ultra-rich and other mass actions to force the rulers to accede to our demands. Let’s build these struggles by uniting the fight for public housing with the struggle to reverse the plunge in real wages and the fight to throw back Albanese’s attack on the CFMEU union. The more that working class people realise that nothing good will come from voting for any of the current parliamentary parties, the more that they will join the struggles that we need regardless of who wins the next election. So, convince your friends not to vote for any of the parties now in parliament! And fight to build the strikes, occupations and rallies necessary to win what the masses need and the organisation needed to promote such resistance.

To build this resistance, we must oppose the ruling elite’s campaign to blame migrants and foreign buyers for high rents. Migration has absolutely zero to do with the high rents and foreign investment very little. Migrants live in homes but build them and pay taxes too. The fastest rate of rent rises was in 2021, when there was no migration whatsoever (due to the pandemic)! And foreign purchasers buy just 1% of all homes! Let’s expose these truths so that we can defeat all attempts to divide us by the rich capitalists who truly cause the rental crisis! We must also demand that all visa workers, refugees and overseas students be granted the rights of citizenship so that they can feel confident enough to join in the mass struggles that we all need.

Let’s smash anything that harms the struggles that we need to increase the supply of low-rent housing and advance workers rights! Fight for a huge increase in public housing! Fight to transfer the vacant houses of the ultra-rich into public hands!

6 August 2017, Millers Point, Sydney: Houses in High St occupied by trade unionists, current and former public housing tenants and other supporters of public housing. The occupation demanded that these vacant public housing dwellings be made available to those on the public housing waiting list or the homeless. That powerful struggle gives a taste of the kind of action we need today to win a massive increase in public housing and the confiscation of the vacant homes of the ultra-rich.

Stop the Destruction
of Low-Rent Housing
in Sydney!

Photo Above: Tenants of Sydney’s Selwyn Street boarding houses and their supporters resist a developer’s moves to evict them.
Photo: Petition · Save our Boarding Houses. Protect our neighbours from homelessness. – Sydney, Australia · Change.org

Stop the Destruction of
Low-Rent Housing in Sydney!

28 December 2024 – Soaring rents and the shortage of affordable rental homes are driving millions of working-class people in Australia into poverty. A large number of people are being forced to skip meals and put off essential medical and dental treatment just to pay the rent. Walk around Sydney – not only within the city but in the suburbs – and it is unmistakable that more and more people are being pushed into homelessness. With wait times for what is left of public housing so long and many who need such housing unable to even get on the wait list, boarding houses – rental accommodation where large numbers of people share kitchen, toilet and lounge facilities – have played a role in providing modest accommodation for some of those who would otherwise be on the streets. However, even here the landlords are jacking up rents. Worse still, many low-income boarding house residents have been evicted as a result of greedy developers converting boarding houses into luxury dwellings that are completely unaffordable for the former tenants. Such eviction is what the residents of boarding houses in Selwyn Street in the inner city Sydney suburb of Paddington are facing today. This follows the purchase of the four buildings last year by LFD Developments (LFDD). Owned by a Sydney capitalist, LFDD is intent on making big bucks by converting the boarding houses that accommodated 32 men into just four luxury apartments intended for eight people. Two months ago, the developer sent tenants eviction notices ordering them to leave by February 1. But 26 people remain right now, overwhelmingly single, aged pensioners.

If the evictions are not stopped, it will be a disaster for the, mostly elderly, tenants – many of whom suffer from serious physical and/or mental health conditions (including the effects of strokes and multiple heart attacks). They will have almost zero hope of finding other affordable rental accommodation in the private rental market. According to the annual snapshot analysis performed by Anglicare, during the weekend of 16-17 March 2024, just three out of the 10,160 private rentals advertised in the entire Greater Sydney and Illawarra area could be affordable for a single person on the aged pension! Moreover, any Selwyn Street boarding house tenants who somehow manage to find suitable accommodation elsewhere surely won’t be able to find it in their current local area. According to the Domain real estate website, the median rent for a one bedroom unit in Paddington is today a whopping $623 per week. For the elderly, Selwyn Street boarding house residents who have lived in these buildings for between 10 to 56 years, any move away from the local area will be painfully disorientating. Having developed friends, support networks and familiarity with their current area, being thrown far away from home at their age and with their health conditions will be traumatic. That is if they manage to find any accommodation anywhere that they can afford! A few will probably be able to secure public housing – and even then that will mean keeping out other people desperate for affordable rental accommodation who are already on the waiting list. But the sad reality in the context of Australia’s rental affordability crisis is that, if the evictions go ahead, at least some of the elderly men will end up being forced to sleep on the streets or in parks. And that is outrageous!

However, the Selwyn Street boarding house residents, their friends in the local area, concerned local residents and others opposed to throwing vulnerable, elderly tenants out of affordable rental accommodation have waged a tireless campaign to oppose the developer’s plans. Their campaign has had an impact. On 8 December 2023, the City of Sydney local government ended up unanimously knocking back LFDD’s Development Application (DA). However, the developer is appealing the ruling. Moreover, LFDD has announced that they will be closing the boarding houses regardless of the fate of their DA. They have stated that they will be going ahead with evicting the tenants on February 1, even before the matter is scheduled to be heard in the NSW Land and Environment Court three months later although, reportedly, the City of Sydney has now obtained a legally enforceable agreement from the developer that they will keep the houses open until such time as all residents have been found safe and suitable alternative housing.

In response to the Sydney developer’s despicable agenda, those campaigning for the rights of the tenants repeatedly called for the local and/or state government to buy the buildings from the developer and run the property as government-owned rental accommodation. For months their calls were ignored. Yet as their campaign alerted more and more people to what was happening and community outrage at the developer’s plans intensified, the state and local governments were eventually compelled to act. This month, the City of Sydney mayor announced that the local government and the NSW state government would be prepared to buy out the developer if the developer sells the building for a “fair price”. This offers hope for the tenants. However, the joint state government and City of Sydney plan is contingent on a community housing provider that would run the site also buying into the project. To date, no willing community housing provider has been found. Most significantly, the Sydney developer still has to agree to sell and at a price acceptable to the two arms of government. Moreover, how high a price that the governments will end up being prepared to accept will indicate to what degree these pro-big-end-of-town politicians have been pushed into truly protecting the tenancy of the boarding house residents … as distinct from broadcasting announcements merely aimed at making themselves “seen to be” concerned about the tenants’ plight.

To date, LFDD has refused to sell the boarding houses to the governments. The campaign resisting the evictions has responded, completely correctly, by calling for the state to make a compulsory acquisition of the buildings if the developer remains unprepared to sell. Now is a critical time for the campaign resisting the evictions of the Selwyn Street boarding houses residents to be bolstered. We urge all our readers to support this community campaign that is being waged by the tenants and their local and wider supporters. For more information, go to the campaign website: https://www.change.org/p/save-our-boarding-houses-protect-our-neighbours-from-homelessness . As well as defending the Selwyn Street boarding houses residents, campaign organisers have also called to “Ban boarding house closures”, “Ban boarding house evictions”, “Freeze rent increases” on boarding houses so that residents cannot be removed due to loss of affordability and to “Immediately enforce tighter controls on adherence to safety, security and amenity standards so that residents cannot be removed due to loss of habitability.” These demands must be supported.

The evictions of the residents from the Selwyn Street boarding houses must be stopped by any means necessary! We also say that the buildings should be run as public housing and not privately-run “community housing” – for the “community housing” option makes the plan to stop the evictions contingent on a buy in from a community housing provider that may not happen. Moreover, privately-run “community housing” providers often treat tenants more harshly than public housing tenants are treated.

Turn the Vacant Homes of the Rich
into Low-Rent Accommodation –
Not the Other Way Around!

What Australian-owned LFDD is trying to do in Paddington is what many other developers are doing in the rest of Sydney and Australia as a whole. In Inner West Sydney’s Dulwich Hill for example, 75 residents of a boarding house were evicted early this year so that the dwelling could be converted into a more luxurious site charging much higher rents. And such instances are hardly just confined to boarding houses. Throughout the private rental market, developers and investors know that they can extract more money building or renovating homes that can then be sold for high prices, or rented for high rents, than they can make by maintaining homes with rents affordable by most working class and lower income people. This is simply how the capitalist “free market” “works”! That is why public housing is so needed to increase the supply of decent, low-rent accommodation. But over the last several decades, state and federal governments of all stripes – Liberal/National, Labor and Labor-Greens coalitions – have instead been selling off public housing left, right and centre. No wonder private landlords are able to put up rents … they know that renters have nowhere else to go! Meanwhile, bipartisan government policies favouring wealthy landlords and property speculators – like negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions – have driven up house prices and, therefore, rents. These are all the reasons why rents are unaffordable for most working class people in Sydney and much of the rest of this country. It has absolutely zero do with immigration or foreign property buyers. This is important to understand because the capitalist ruling class and its media are disgustingly scapegoating immigration and migrants for the rental affordability crisis.

What we need to fight for is for a complete reversal of what Australia’s governments have been doing over the last several decades. We need to stop all sell-offs of public housing. Instead, we need a massive increase in public housing. Part of the funds for this can be acquired by forcing governments to stop handing over huge amounts of money to speculators and other property investors through its negative gearing and capital gains tax concession policies. Also, all privately-owned boarding houses should be brought into public ownership. Moreover, instead of allowing developers and other landlords to drive out low-income tenants in order to supply expensive housing for the wealthy, we should fight to turn the excess, unused housing of the ultra-rich (which includes multiple holiday homes as well as homes held for property speculation) into low-rent public housing for the masses. As an urgent measure needed to address the rental affordability crisis, we demand that any dwelling owned by a household with more than five million dollars worth of property assets, and that is unoccupied for more than two months within a year, should be confiscated and turned into public housing.

But how we are going to win these demands? Determined and energetic local community campaigns can to some degree push back against especially egregious developments that threaten to drive out low-income tenants. However, to maximise the chances of success of such campaigns and to reverse the nationwide erosion of low-rent accommodation requires mobilising significant sections of the working class in mass actions. This is essential because the current, pro-speculators, pro-landlord housing policies are driven by the interests of the wealthy capitalist ruling class. Such a formidable ruling elite can only be pushed back by unleashing the potential power of the working class masses, united with other low-income tenants and all genuine opponents of poverty. To turn back the ruling class’ destruction of low-rent housing, this working class-centred force will need to unleash industrial action, protest pickets to stop evictions and resist the sell-off of public housing dwellings and mass occupations to reclaim the vacant homes of the ultra-rich for public use. To win the most politically advanced sections of the workers movement to participating in such struggle requires connecting the fight to massively increase the amount of public housing and to bring the vacant homes of the ultra-rich into the public housing supply, with the broader fight for workers rights – that is with the struggle to reverse the erosion of real wages, defend militant unions like the CFMEU and convert casual jobs into secure ones with all the rights of permanency. To unleash this necessary combined struggle in turn requires a fight to reverse the current losing Laborite strategy leading the workers movement with one that rejects seeking “common ground” with the capitalist exploiting class and, instead, is based on militant class-struggle resistance against the capitalists. Let’s all work together to show that united workers power can stick it to these filthy capitalist developers, save 32 low-income, mainly elderly Sydney residents from being thrown out onto the streets and lead the struggle toward a kinder, compassionate and prosperous future for all.

Trotskyist Platform:
What We Stand For
Statement Updated

28 November 2024: Trotskyist Platform has just updated the About section of our website with an up to date and much more detailed statement of what our group stands for.

Today, the world is at a crossroads. Capitalist rule in Australia and around the world is bringing ever more poverty, job insecurity, economic stress, social division, racist oppression, misogyny and imperialism-driven wars. On the other hand, socialistic China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries and the example of continued socialistic success that she provides both present a medium-term existential threat to imperialist domination of the world. Moreover, the working class masses in the capitalist world are more and more discontent. However, right now, the absence of genuinely revolutionary socialist parties is allowing the dangerous Far-Right wing of the capitalist classes to gain in strength. Increasingly, the choice facing humanity is either the liberation of communism or the nightmare of the fascist form of capitalism. It is therefore urgent that politically conscious workers and other leftists build an authentic revolutionary, internationalist workers party in Australia. Trotskyist Platform is working hard to build such a party.

We believe that our What We Stand For statement provides the guide needed for those committed to the liberation of the exploited and oppressed to intervene into the events and struggles of this very high-stakes period in order to advance towards the goal of a socialist world where exploitation of labour, unemployment, racism, oppression of women and imperialist subjugation of “Third World” countries will become things of the past.

Please read our statement. With the world’s contradictions coming to a head, the entire fate of humanity may well be decided within the next two to four decades.

Our new What We Stand For statement can be accessed by clicking this link or by going to the “About” section of our website.


Photo Above: Palestinians inspect the damage to buildings that were attacked by the Israeli army in the refugee camp of Tulkarm in the north of the West Bank on 12 September 2024. While carrying our a genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza, the U.S. and Australian imperialist-backed Israeli regime has been escalating its attacks on the people of the West Bank.
Photo: Nidal Eshtayeh/Xinhua



19 September 2024 – Nowhere are the Palestinian people safe in their homeland. Israel is massacring Gaza’s people in Israel’s own designated “safe zones” and in schools turned into shelters – even the ones run by the UN. Israel has also escalated its assaults in the West Bank. From its assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran to its deadly air strikes on Syria to its bombings of Lebanon’s people, Israel’s terror is expanding. The only reason that Israel’s rulers are able to do all this is because of the massive support that they receive from the U.S., Australian and British imperialists. Let us not be fooled when these imperialists call for “ceasefire now”! They are just trying to limit the damage to their battered, self-appointed, “pro-human rights” image. They truly only want a “ceasefire” that’s based on greater Israeli control of Gaza.

Their puppets are also playing a criminal role. The exploding pagers that killed dozens of Lebanese people were made by a Taiwanese firm. Given that Taiwan’s rulers have long been rabid Israel backers, it is likely that Taiwanese ruling class actors were part of the plot. During South Africa’s Apartheid era, the Taiwanese, Israeli and Apartheid regimes formed an unholy alliance that assisted the Apartheid and Israeli regimes to acquire nukes. This Taiwanese firm is especially suspicious. For its CEO’s claim that they had not made the pagers but only sold its trademark overseas has been proven to be a bald-faced lie! The “manufacturer” that the Taiwanese boss blamed was found to be a trader with no manufacturing facilities!

Yet despite all these powerful forces arrayed against them, Palestinian forces are heroically resisting. And not only in Gaza. Following on from July’s China-brokered unity agreement that brought together Fatah, Hamas, PFLP and others, Palestinian forces are fighting in the West Bank in a more united way. We have a huge responsibility to stand by this resistance given that we live under one of the regimes facilitating Israel’s tyranny. We must escalate our actions standing by the Palestinian people! Let us stand with Syria and Iran against Israel and the Western capitalist powers supporting them! Let us stand with Lebanese and Yemeni people resisting genocide! Let us demand: Israeli troops and fascist settlers get out of all of Gaza and the West Bank! Stop the Australian regime’s participation in Israel’s genocide!

A destroyed house and car in the southern Lebanon village of Chamaa where a mother and her three children were killed when an Israeli warplane fired four air-to-ground missiles at the house on 1 August 2024. In the last few days, Israel has further escalated its terror against the people of Lebanon.
Photo: Ali Hashisho/Xinhua


Huge numbers have joined weekly Sydney marches organised by the Palestine Action Group. Alongside global protests, these actions have exposed the Western regimes behind Israel and thus compelled them to make concessions – prodding Israel to murder Gaza’s people at a lower speed than it would like to. But we should not be satisfied! A slower genocide is still a horrific genocide! We must realise the Palestine movement’s potential to have a much greater impact! Now!

The problem with the movement is not that “we need to get more creative with our organising”. Indeed, the organising has been fantastic. The sole flaw of the movement that we must correct is its political direction. Actually, there are promising aspects about this. Rally chants have become more hard-hitting – especially ones like Labor Party you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide! Yet there is simultaneously a different message coming from the protests: an appeal to Australia’s rulers to support the Palestinian cause. To appeal to the ruling class as a potential friend is actually completely counterposed to condemning them as a genocide-enabling enemy that we are demanding to back off from their support for Israel. Yet, currently these two lines are co-existing in the movement. But Australia’s imperialist rulers will never support the Palestinian cause. For they are backing Israel because it is in their own predatory interests – and not just those of their U.S. allies. Australia’s capitalists not only exploit local workers but plunder even more ruthlessly the peoples of the South West Pacific and Southeast Asian region. To guarantee this neo-colonial rape, Australia’s ruling class allies with the U.S. superpower. So for the sake of their own tyranny in this region, Australia’s imperialist rulers need U.S. power to be maintained, which is why they want to protect the USA’s Israeli attack dog in the strategic Middle East.

The biggest problem with appealing to Australia’s rulers is that it makes the pro-Palestine movement far less able to arm-twist the ruling class into retreating from their support for Israel. For if the capitalist rulers are not being opposed as an implacable enemy, the movement is doing the ruling class far less political damage than it could. Such political damage is not the same as electoral damage. Sure, the ALP tops would be upset if they lost the next election. But ultimately, the main feature that defines ALP politicians and those from all the current parliamentary parties is their loyalty to the filthy rich owners of Australia’s mines, construction firms, factories, banks, agri-businesses, the power sector, tech firms and big retailers – who are the ultimate power in Australia. What would most damage this capitalist class (who can be of any race but in Australia are mainly white Protestants) and their political servants is if there is a growing movement that brands them as an unambiguous enemy and mobilises actions against them. The Palestine movement needs to urgently transform into such a movement. It is partly there. But it needs to remove all appeals to Australia’s capitalist rulers from its agenda.

Among those pushing appeals to Australia’s rulers to “act” for Palestine are the pro-ALP, ACTU union leaders. Saying that the government “should do more”, the ACTU tops call for Australia to put sanctions on Israel. This seemingly pro-Palestine slant disguises a treacherous intent – to provide an alibi for their ALP parliamentary mates. By saying that the government “should do more”, they are hiding the truth that not only is the ruling class here doing absolutely nothing to defend the Palestinian people, they are instead doing much harm: from helping operate the U.S.-Australia Pine Gap spy base that is directing Israel’s missiles, to participating in the Red Sea military operation against Yemeni opponents of Israel, to providing military supplies to Israel. Two days ago, the Australian regime joined the U.S., British, Ukrainian, South Korean, Israeli and other Western-aligned regimes in refusing to support a UN motion to end Israel’s occupation that was voted for by two-thirds of the world. True support for Palestinian people would not make futile appeals to the enemy that prettify its nature but would demand that the Australian capitalist enemy withdraw from their participation in genocide. It would demand: Close the Pine Gap spy base! U.S./Australian/British troops get out of the Red Sea! Stop Australian military supplies to Israel!

Within the Palestine movement, this diversionary, “the Australian government should do more” line is pushed by the Greens. For, although individual Greens politicians have powerfully condemned Israel’s genocide, the Greens do not consistently oppose Australian ruling class support for Israel. During the early phase of this latest Israeli war, the Greens officially took a nauseatingly, “even-handed” “condemn both sides” stance. Today, they retain elements of this stance. Moreover, ultimately, the Greens uphold the imperialist domination of the world that underpins Israel’s tyranny. They supported NATO’s 2011 “regime-change” war on Libya and imperialism’s proxy war against the not-obedient-enough Syrian government. Just a year ago, they fed into the U.S.-led war drive against Iran by pushing for the imperialist Australian regime to more harshly sanction Iran – which is very different to supporting an explicitly anti-imperialist, pro-working class opposition to the women-oppressing, Iranian capitalist regime. Today, the Greens back all the Western-backed forces seeking to undermine socialistic rule in China. For the Greens are ultimately a party that also represents the capitalist class – albeit its liberal-progressive wing, as well as the pro-capitalist sections of the progressive-minded affluent professionals. Thus, although much of the capitalist class is angered at Greens leaders speaking at pro-Palestine events, at the same time, however, the capitalist rulers remain largely reassured by this. For the movement’s links to the Greens prevent it from becoming a consistent force against Australian imperialism and the Australian capitalist ruling class. We need to urgently liberate the Palestine movement from loyalty to the Greens!


If the Palestine movement is able to transform into a movement of irreconcilable opposition to the Australian ruling class it would be able to intersect with the widespread fury at these rulers over unaffordable rents, rising living costs and racist scapegoating of migrants and refugees. Many from Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander and African backgrounds are also angry about Western neo-colonial depredations in their homelands. Right now, workers are especially furious at the regime’s takeover of the militant CFMEU union. Every genuine supporter of the Palestinian people must support worker resistance to this attack on the CFMEU as this has the potential to bash the genocide-enabling Australian capitalist class onto the back foot. We must connect the pro-Palestine movement with the resistance to this union-busting attack. Already, some speakers at Palestine rallies have proclaimed solidarity with the CFMEU. That is a start. However, the ruling class will not feel threatened unless the movement as a whole declares opposition to the regime takeover of the CFMEU. That means slogans like “Hands Off the CFMEU” must become part of the official slogans for each Palestine action and must be included on the front main rally banner alongside opposition to Israel’s genocide. However, to do this is a big political step. For one, taking such a stance implicitly means abandoning the strategy of appealing to the capitalist rulers. Secondly, taking such a clear side in the class war will necessarily put off the small number of capitalist and other strongly pro-capitalist individuals attending Palestine rallies. But so be it! Australian ruling class support for Israel’s genocide must be stopped! The Palestine movement must be turned into one that can compel the capitalist enemy here at home to end its participation in this atrocity! This is the only way.

If we do this, then pro-CFMEU actions could also take on an explicitly pro-Palestine character and pro-Palestine contingents could be arranged to join CFMEU worker strike rallies and vice versa. However, for this to be fully realised and for worker outrage at the attack on the CFMEU to turn into a powerful indefinite strike action, something else needs to happen. There needs to be built a new, militant leadership of our unions and a new workers party connected to it. This is made possible by large numbers of working class people now turning away from the ALP at disgust at both its attack on the CFMEU and its support for Israel’s genocide. However, if this support goes to the pro-imperialist and capitalist-accepting Greens, it will not be a step forward. What we must build is a workers party that will support militant class struggle and oppose every one of Australian imperialism’s actions – including its acts against Palestine. Such a party would understand that positive change will not come from gaining office to administer regime institutions serving the imperialist, exploiting class. Rather, it will come through class struggle and other progressive actions. Let’s build such a revolutionary workers party to organise this struggle. Let’s transform the Palestine movement into a force of uncompromising opposition to Australia’s imperialist rulers! Let’s build joint resistance to the war on Palestine and the war on the CFMEU!

Issue 27

Campaign to Drive Down Unaffordable Rents in Australia

“Human Rights Watch”:
Facilitators of Imperialist Terror, Enemies of Socialism

Free the Thousands of Leftist, Anti-War
and Anti-Nationalist Political Prisoners in Ukraine

Stand with the Palestinian People. Oppose the U.S. and Australian
Imperialist Backers of Israel on All Their Battlefronts!

A Call For Revolutionary Health Care Reform in Australia
For Truly Free, Universal Public Health Care in Australia

Free Di Sanh Duong!

Expand Rental Supply Now:
Confiscate Vacant Houses of the Ultra-Rich!

The Regimes Joining in Israel’s Gaza Genocide Are
the Only Ones Claiming China is “Persecuting Uyghurs”

In addition to the above articles contained in the print version, the following important articles below also form an integral part of Issue 27. All these articles had been published as leaflets and mailed out to subscribers in the period before Issue 27 appeared in print form. They were not included in the print version only to allow space for newer articles given the large volume of articles issued in this period:

Turn the Pro-Palestine Marches into a Movement of
Intransigent Opposition to the Australian Ruling Class!

U.S. and Australian Militaries: Get Out of the Red Sea!

Australia’s Subjugated First Peoples Need Real Political Power!

Energetic Protest Opposes the
Australian Rulers’ Cold War Witch-Hunt

Resist the Cold War Repression!

Defend Socialistic Rule in China Against the
AUKUS Regimes’ Political and Military War Drive!

Rally Calls to Rip the Electricity and Fuel Sectors From the Tycoons
and Bring Them Into Public Hands

Campaign Activates
to Drive Down the
Unaffordable Rents
in Australia

As Chinese Premier Arrives for Australia Visit,
Rally Demands that China’s
Pro-Working Class Housing Policies
Be Implemented Here in Australia

Campaign Activates
to Drive Down the
Unaffordable Rents
in Australia

16 June 2024: Literally millions of Australia’s working poor, old-aged pensioners and unemployed workers are being driven into hardship by soaring rents and house prices. Therefore, to re-activate with new urgency a campaign to drive down Australia’s unaffordable rents, a rally and march was conducted yesterday to demand the measures needed to drive down rents. The action called for a massive increase in public housing and for the measures needed to release into the housing supply the vacant homes of the ultra-rich. The protest was organised by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association.

Many of the measures needed here are being successfully implemented by the socialistic Peoples Republic of China to ensure adequate housing for her lower-income workers, younger workers and aged and disabled pensioners. That is why yesterday’s rally was timed to coincide with the visit to Australia of China’s premier, Li Qiang. As the call-out for yesterday’s rally put it:

“We demand that instead of delivering hypocritical lectures to China over `human rights’ and spending huge resources in a provocative military buildup targeting China, the Australian regime starts implementing China’s pro-working class housing policies. Australia’s super-rich ruling class are happy to take huge amounts of China’s money from their exports to China, we demand that they also take China’s `Houses are for living, not for speculation’-policy home!”

Yesterday’s action began with an introduction by rally emcee, Yuri Gromov, who is also the editor of The Spark – the journal of Trotskyist Platform. The following were his introductory remarks (all the speeches quoted in this article have been edited for publication):

“We are gathering here today on the stolen land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation to fight against the unaffordable rents and house prices in Australia.

“The housing affordability crisis indeed highlights the intense current and historic racist oppression that Aboriginal people face. The last census showed that the rate of homelessness for First Nations People was eight times higher than for the rest of the population.

“The lack of affordable housing and rental accommodation is hurting nearly all working class people. According to the Australian census in 2021 more than 122,000 people were officially homeless. Everyone can see from observing the streets that homelessness has surged since then. For every homeless person and for many more on the verge of becoming homeless, skipping meals and postponing essential medical and dental consultations is commonplace. Parents are faced with a terrible choice: not pay for a child’s school excursion or not to pay rent.

“The Sydney median rent is now $770 per week – 87% of the minimum wage for a full-time worker! Many younger workers are not able to get full-time work and so can’t afford rent. The rental crisis is also hurting older working class people. Many who are now living in caravans and cars are middle-aged and older single women.

“The lack of affordable accommodation is causing more domestic violence against women – many women in abusive relationships have no choice but to remain where they are to just keep a roof over their (and their children’s) heads.

“This crisis is a result of the failure of the so-called `free-market’ system. Profit-driven developers know that they can make more profit building extravagant homes for the wealthy than homes affordable to the poor. So, while the rich have many homes to buy up for themselves, there is a huge shortage of homes that working class people can afford to rent or buy.

“That is why we need public housing. Which is exactly what Australian governments of all stripes have been busy selling off. The proportion of people in public housing in Australia is now less than 3%. This proportion is half what it was 25 years ago. And this privatisation of public housing has been taking place whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or an ALP-Greens coalition in office.

“With so little public housing left, private landlords can jack up rents because tenants have nowhere else to go. So, we are here today to demand an end to all selloffs of public housing and, instead, call for a massive increase in public housing. With Australia’s capitalist government only serving the big end of town no matter which party is in office, we know that the only way we are going to win these demands is through mass struggle. Today’s rally is part of building for the type of mass class-struggle action that we need.

“With the rental crisis so severe, people need immediate relief even before more public housing can be built. Therefore, we call for measures to force the super-rich to release their vacant homes into the housing supply. The last census showed that 10% of Australia’s dwellings were unoccupied. Many of these are homes the super-rich keep just for speculation or as multiple vacation homes. Such housing speculation by the wealthy is encouraged through generous tax concessions that the government gives for negative gearing and capital gains. We say that these tax concessions should be ended and the public money that’s saved should be diverted into public housing. We demand a ban on people owning more than three homes. That way the ultra-rich will be forced to release many of their vacant homes into the housing supply. 

“Ruling class commentators say that such restrictions on the `free market’ and a focus on public housing is impractical. They say that it is outdated and that it goes against the laws of economics. However, there is a huge problem with that kind of argument. For Australia’s biggest trading partner and the number one economic success story of the 21st century, that is the Peoples Republic of China, actually does have a focus on public housing and measures to reduce housing speculation. Indeed, the official name of China’s housing policy is: `Houses are For Living, Not for Speculation.’ Under this policy many parts of China restrict the amount of homes that the wealthy can own. In her capital Beijing, for example, only residents of the city can buy homes and are restricted to owning two homes per individual or family plus an additional home in the far outer suburbs.  

“Moreover, socialistic China has focused on providing public housing for her lower-income people. More than one out of every four homes in China is now public housing. By contrast, just one out of every 36 homes in Australia belongs to the public housing stock.

“In just a few hours time, the Chinese premier Li Qiang will land in Australia for a high-profile visit. In the lead-up to the visit, the Australian media have been attacking China over supposed aggression and supposed `human rights violations’. We demand that instead of making such lying attacks on China, Australia’s capitalist rulers implement China’s pro-working class housing policies here. Working class people in Australia desperately need this.”

Rally emcee Yuri Gromov (who is also editor of the Trotskyist Platform Journal, Spark) introduces the 15 June protest action against unaffordable rents

The rally was then addressed by Chairman of the Australian-Chinese Workers Association, David Chen:

“The Australian Chinese Workers Association is proud to be one of the endorsers of this action to fight for lower rents and lower housing costs. I want to acknowledge that we are gathering here on the stolen Aboriginal land of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.

“Rents have now reached unbearable levels for working class people. Even in working class Granville in Western Sydney, an area that I am familiar with, the median rent for a two bedroom apartment is now $500 per week. That is nearly 60% of the minimum wage for a full-time worker! Like our fellow working class Australians of all ethnicities, ethnic Chinese workers in Australia have been suffering under these increasingly unaffordable rents and housing costs. Like many other workers in this country, many Australian Chinese workers are not using heaters during the cold winter to be able to pay rent.

“The solution to these problems is obvious. We need to force governments of all stripes to massively increase public housing. Secondly, we need to release into the housing supply the huge number of homes that the ultra-rich keep unoccupied for speculation. To do this, we must insist that the super-rich be banned from owning more than three homes.

“Do not let politicians and media tell you that this is not practical. I want to share our experience as immigrants from China. In our home country, the government has focused on public housing over the last sixteen years. Moreover, to ensure that homes go to those who need them rather than being kept by the wealthy for speculation, most parts of China have policies restricting how many homes the rich can own. For example, in Guangzhou, the biggest city in the southern Guangdong province that I am from, people can own at most two homes. Moreover, in this mega-city, more public housing is now being built than private housing.

“So, such measures are indeed very realistic. But with Australian governments serving only the ultra-rich big end of town, they are not going to implement the policies that we need to lower rents unless we force them to. So Australian working class people of all ethnicities must unite to fight for a massive increase in public housing and a ban on people owning more than three homes. We in the Australian Chinese Workers Association pledge to do all we can to support this crucial struggle.

Rally emcee Yuri Gromov then provided additional detail on socialistic China’s pro-working class housing policies:

“China’s push on public housing began around 2008 and saw the state provide 70 million new public housing dwellings in the space of a decade. This included both low-rent public rental housing and low-cost public housing which was sold to lower-middle income occupants for a 70 year period and which the occupants could only sell back to the state.

“Today, China is making a renewed push to increase the amount of public housing. Most of the new public housing will be public rental housing. According to the 2021-2025 Five Year Plan, which China is ahead of schedule to meet, 6.5 million new public rental housing dwellings are being provided to house 20 million people. Even accounting for China’s big population, this is a further huge boost to public housing in China. Proportionate to population it is the same as if 375,000 people were to be granted public housing in Australia within five years. That is dozens of times more than what the Albanese government is even promising to provide.

“Notably, a recent Chinese government announcement made a few weeks ago stated that Chinese local governments and state-owned enterprises would begin aggressively buying up excess private housing and turning them into public housing. This is the direct opposite of the privatisation of public housing that Australian governments have been ruthlessly engaged in.

“China’s policies to stop housing speculation go beyond just the restrictions on the number of homes that people can buy. For example, China’s banks are not allowed to providing housing loans to people who already own two homes. Moreover, depending on the city, laws are made to discourage the purchase of second homes. Thus, in China’s biggest city, Shanghai, people seeking to buy a second home must pay a 35% deposit on the price, much higher than the deposit needed for people buying a first home.”

Next to address the demonstration was Trotskyist Platform central committee member, Samuel Kim. He has personally felt the sharpness of Australia’s rental affordability crisis, with his landlord recently putting up his rent by around 25% in one hit. Samuel Kim began his speech by detailing the suffering caused by rising rents: “Sisters and brothers, today over 400,000 women over 45 are at risk of homelessness according to the Housing for the Aged Action Group.”

The Trotskyist Platform representative then outlined a class-struggle strategy to fight for lower rents:

“Let’s make the rich sell off their excess homes! Housing is for living in, not for speculating! Australian billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes owns $350 million worth of property – consisting of several unoccupied lavish mansions and holiday homes. That is why we in Trotskyist Platform demand that any dwelling owned by a household with more than five million dollars worth of property assets, and is unoccupied for more than two months within a year, should be confiscated and turned into public housing.

“But how are we going to win these demands? The Liberals, Far-Right parties and Teals/independents openly serve rich property speculators. Many of these politicians themselves own multiple properties. The ALP for its part always bows to this big end of town. And these ALP politicians also own multiple properties – Albanese personally once owned four properties and Tony Burke and Linda Burney both own five properties. The Greens do offer more for renters. But the Greens’ plans are not exclusively for public housing but will see public money handed over to private landlords for so-called “affordable housing”– money that should be used to build up public housing. Moreover, because the Greens accept the dominance of the capitalist economy, the Greens never deliver on their progressive promises.

“The only way we are going to win the measures needed is through mass struggle that can force the ruling class to grant us concessions. We must especially mobilise the industrial power of the union movement in this struggle. When governments attempt to sell off public housing this should be stopped through protest occupations – like the 6 August 2017 occupation of a block in Millers Point by leftists, trade unionists and other supporters of public housing. Similarly, we should build towards mass direct actions to requisition the unoccupied housing of the ultra-rich into the public housing stock. We should build a true workers party to organise such militant struggles and to build a class struggle fight for the conversion of all gig jobs into secure, permanent ones. 

“If we are to succeed in such struggles, we must oppose the ruling class’ attempts to scapegoat migrants. It is a complete lie that migration is to blame for rising rents. After all the steepest rent rises were in 2021 when there was absolutely zero migration due to COVID travel restrictions. To stop the ruling class getting itself off the hook through diverting people’s frustrations onto others, we must go out of our way to defend the targeted groups. We must call for the full rights of citizenship for all migrants, refugees and international students. We must demand that the refugees imprisoned in PNG and Nauru be brought here and freed. And we must oppose all racist scapegoating of Aboriginal people.

“Sisters and brothers, the right to housing is one of the most basic of human rights. Yet the capitalist regime in this country, which poses such a threat to this right, also claims to be the guardian of `human rights’. In the lead-up to the Chinese premier Li Qiang’s visit, which will begin shortly, the ruling class media and politicians have been calling on Albanese to attack China forcefully over `human rights’ when he meets Li Qiang. But Albanese has no right to! For socialistic China does a far better job in ensuring housing for its masses than the capitalist rulers here. Thus, to ensure that the homes built there go to the masses, many parts of China have restrictions on the amount of homes that the rich can own. For example, in China’s biggest city, Shanghai, families and individuals are restricted to owning at most two homes. Furthermore, China has focused on providing public housing for her lower-income people. Today about 2.5% of housing in Australia is public housing, whereas in China it’s over 25%.

“So, actually, we say that it is Li Qiang who should be condemning the Australian regime for its appalling human rights failure – its failure to provide housing for all its people. And while he is at it, he should also demand that Australia’s capitalist rulers stop participating in Israel’s genocide of Palestinian people, stop its state forces from killing Aboriginal people in custody and free Australia’s four political prisoners.

“The differences in housing policy between Australia and China indeed highlight why our rulers constantly attack Australia’s biggest trading partner. For Australia’s capitalist rulers fear that the working class masses here will be inspired by socialistic China’s policies to start demanding China-style, pro-public housing policies in this country … and eventually to demand socialism as well!

“To be sure, pressured by a capitalist-dominated world and by the existence of capitalists within China, China’s transition to socialism is still unfinished, uncertain and deformed. Recently, under pressure from struggling privately-owned developers, Chinese cities have loosened, somewhat, anti-speculation policies. We say that there must be no loosening. Instead, the remaining major capitalist developers should be nationalised. There is no room for profiteers in a sector so connected with people’s well-being. This must be part of a broader program to further strengthen China’s socialistic public sector.

“For working class people here, it is important that China’s pro-working class housing direction and public sector-dominated economy remain in place. For the existence of that socialistic system strengthens our struggles for a housing and economic system in Australia that will finally look after working class people’s needs. That is why it is in the interests of working class people in Australia to oppose all the political, propaganda and military attacks against socialistic rule in China. Let’s oppose the U.S. and Australian regimes’ massive military buildup targeting China and its provocative naval missions in China-claimed waters in the East and South China Seas.

“It is important to know that Red China is able to provide large amounts of public housing for her people not only because of her policies. Her state is able to fund public housing because her economy’s most profitable sectors like energy, finance and mining are in public hands rather than being owned by wealthy tycoons. And because the majority of China’s big developers are state-owned, rather than profit-centred, public housing budgets actually go into providing public housing rather than into the pockets of wealthy capitalist contractors. Meanwhile, the fact that all China’s major banks are publicly owned means that these banks readily provide credit for public housing projects. So, a key part of fighting for the massive increase in public housing that we need here is to fight for the nationalisation of the banks and for the confiscation of Australia’s big construction and mining companies and their transfer into public hands. That in turn poses the need to struggle for an overall system based on collective ownership of the economy under the control of a workers government.

“The struggle for such a system that will meet the needs of all and not just the wealthy few will be built up through mass struggles for what working class people need right now. So, sisters and brothers: let’s work hard to build up a class struggle fight for a massive increase in public housing, for a ban on the ownership of more than three homes and for the confiscation of the unoccupied homes of the ultra-rich.”

Protesters then conducted a lively march through the streets of Sydney from Chinatown to the QVB. During the march we chanted: “More Public Housing!”, “Houses Are for Living – Not for Speculation!” and “Public Housing for You and Me – Just Like in the PRC!”.

15 June 2024: Demonstrators march through the streets of Sydney in opposition to unaffordable rents. Protesters demanded a massive increase in public housing and advocated particular measures that will forcibly release the vacant homes of the ultra-rich into the housing supply.

Outside the QVB Building, in front of a large bronze statue of Queen Victoria, that symbol of brutal British colonial power, rally emcee Yuri Gromov reiterated that the lack of affordable accommodation in Australia has nothing to do with immigration:

“The ruling class and the politicians, the media and the commentators who serve them are trying to get their capitalist system off the hook by blaming migrants. But more migrants means more people to build homes and more people to pay taxes to pay for building new homes. Migrants are not to blame for the housing crisis. Our working class sisters and brothers from all around the world are part of the solution. The rental crisis is caused by the failure of the capitalists and their so-called `free market’ system to meet the housing needs of the multicultural masses. The blame sits squarely on the shoulders of the pro-capitalist, pro-speculation policies of our governments and the massive selloff of public housing undertaken by successive Australian governments of all stripes.”

The final speaker at the action was activist Peter Butler, who has been fighting for decades for affordable rents and housing justice as a community worker, researcher and as a tenant himself. Peter Butler outlined how he saw the consequences of when local public housing estates around Campbelltown began to be sold off to private developers around the 1990s. He described the terrible effect this selloff had on many tenants, who then had nowhere to live. This was the result of neo-liberal policies, when housing became a source of profit, rather than a basic human right necessary for people’s security. Since then, things have gotten worse, with homelessness increasing, along with rental costs and shortages. Sydney is now the second-most expensive city in the world!

Now, a volunteer at a community food van, Peter Butler described the impact he has seen Australia’s rental affordability crisis have on many of his clients, with increasing pressure, especially on the most vulnerable. By comparison, in China, public housing is a common government provision.

Peter Butler noted that on the way to the rally, he saw several homeless people in the cold and rain, begging on the streets. He asked rhetorically: “Where would you rather live – in a secure apartment, even if it was small, or out on the streets?” Peter Butler insisted: “We need to return to more government provision of public housing for these people, instead of the emphasis of housing for the profit of a few.”

In his concluding remarks, rally emcee Yuri Gromov explained that: “the only way that we are going to win the housing policies that we need is through mass, class-struggle action. Today’s rally was aimed at building towards the type of action needed.” Indeed, the June 15 rally received much sympathetic interest from bystanders and passersby – many of whom stopped to pick up leaflets and listen to speeches.  The demonstration was also sympathetically covered by an article in the Australian Chinese-language newspaper Sydney Today and re-published in Chinese-language news sites in Canada and China.

Buoyed by the spirited nature of the June 15 demonstration and the impact that it had, Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association have vowed to intensify their campaign to fight for lower rents. We intend to organise follow-up actions to demand a massive increase in public housing, a ban on the ownership of more than three homes and other measures to forcibly release into the housing supply the multiple homes kept vacant by the ultra-rich. 

Massively Increase Public Housing! Expand Rental Supply Now – Confiscate Vacant Houses of the Ultra-Rich!

Photo Above: Six years ago, scores of current and former public housing tenants, trade unionists from the Maritime Union of Australia, Trotskyist Platform supporters, staunch anti-fascist activists and other supporters of public housing carried out a powerful occupation of vacant public housing dwellings at 78 to 80 High St, in inner city Sydney’s Millers Point to oppose the slated sell-off of these properties to wealthy speculators and capitalist developers. The powerful 6 August 2017 occupation demanded that these vacant public housing dwellings be made available to those on the public housing waiting list or the homeless. We urgently need such actions now on a huge scale to not only oppose all privatisation of public housing but to fight for the confiscation of the vacant homes of the ultra-rich so that they can be used for low-rent public housing.

Drive Down Rents by
Massively Increasing Public Housing!

Expand Rental Supply Now –
Confiscate Vacant Houses of the Ultra-Rich!

16 June 2023: Skyrocketing rents in Australia are driving working class people into poverty. Over the last year, rents for new leases surged by an incredible 20% in capital cities. Alongside the prices of food, electricity and fuel rising much more quickly than modest wage increases, surging rents are forcing millions of people to skip meals, stop buying fresh food, forego visits to dentists and specialists and avoid using heaters during the frigid winter, just to try and get by.

Unaffordable rents are the result of the capitalist “free market”. Developers shy away from building affordable homes because they know that they can make more profit by building expensive homes for the affluent or for wealthy investors looking to buy up houses for speculation. As a result, there is such a shortage of affordable rentals that not only are landlords able to jack up rents but low income tenants are not able to move into cheaper homes to escape soaring rents in their existing tenancies. A recent rental affordability snapshot found that just eight out of every 1000 available properties were affordable for a single person on the minimum wage lucky enough to have a full-time job! At the time of the 2021 census, over 122,000 people were homeless in Australia. Since then, the number of homeless people has skyrocketed – many of whom have jobs. Meanwhile, more and more low income women who are financially dependent on abusive partners are being hit with the terrible “choice” of either dumping their abusers and becoming homeless or trying to endure the abuse just to keep a roof over their – and often their children’s – heads.

The inevitable failure of profit-driven developers to provide affordable accommodation is compounded by the policies of federal and state governments. Not only have they favoured landlords and investors over low income tenants, they have instituted tax policies that have skewed the housing market towards speculators. Most damagingly, these governments have gutted public housing. As a result, the percentage of people in public housing in Australia has nearly halved over the last 25 years! By 2021, the proportion of public housing had plunged to just one in every 36 dwellings.

Some of the public housing sold off by governments has been turned into “community housing”. Still, over the last 25 years, Australia’s governments have slashed the total amount of “social housing” – which includes both public and “community” housing – by a quarter. Moreover, “community housing” is not public housing. “Community housing” landlords are private entities notorious for their high-handed bullying of tenants. Furthermore, because “community housing” operators are driven to either make a profit or, if they are a charity, “break even”, they bias their tenancy allocation towards those who can afford higher rents. Thus, the proportion of well-off people housed in “community housing” is nearly three times higher than in “public housing.” On average, “community housing” operators allocate one in eight tenancies to those who are in the highest 60% of income earners – many low income households thus  missing out when public housing is converted into “community housing”. Moreover, the proportion of community housing” that is tenanted by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is 20% lower than in public housing. We say: No to privatisation by stealth – Stop the sell-off of public housing to private “community housing” operators!

Bulli (NSW South Coast), 11 October 2014: Supporters of public housing from the Illawara and Sydney protest the sell-off of yet another public housing dwelling as real estate agents conducting the auction look on. The bottom slogan (which is slightly obscured in this photo) of the Trotskyist Platform banner reads: “MASSIVELY INCREASE PUBLIC HOUSING – JUST LIKE WHAT CHINA IS DOING”.
Photo credit: Adam McLean

What is needed is to massively increase the amount of low-rent public housing. This does not only mean greatly boosting the public housing budget. Currently, at every level, capitalist contractors engaged to build and maintain public housing leach off as profit a big part of housing budgets. State-owned firms must be set up to take over these tasks so that more public housing can be built for the same spending. However, all this alone will no longer be able to relieve the hardships of those hit by soaring private rents. Not only is the public housing waiting list too huge, many others eligible have not put their names on the list only because they know about the ten plus years they may need to wait to finally get a tenancy. Moreover, the criteria to even get on the list is so stringent that many who desperately need public housing can’t even get wait listed. Thus, a full-time, minimum wage worker is not even close to being eligible for public housing. To immediately boost the supply of public housing, some of the more than one million unoccupied homes (!) in Australia must be requisitioned. Many of them are owned by the super-rich who use them as holiday homes or as speculative investments. We say that any dwelling owned by a household with more than five million dollars worth of property assets that is either unoccupied or underutilised for one month – or for a total of more than two months within a year – should be confiscated and turned into public housing. Since such dwellings are often large mansions, they can be turned into dwellings for multiple households. And to the extent that the ultra-rich will let out their properties to avoid such confiscation that will, at least, reduce the demand – and hence rents – for other dwellings.

For Working Class Protest Action to Win Low-Rent Housing for the Masses

To institute the housing measures that are urgently needed, it is not only the right wing Liberals that stand in the way. All the parties currently in parliament are complicit in undermining public housing. In just the five years up to 2021, the state Labor government in Victoria slashed the proportion of public housing dwellings there by nearly 14%. For their part, the Greens, in a coalition with Labor in Tasmania in the early 2010s, were part of a state government that drastically cut the proportion of public housing dwellings, alongside slashing public housing maintenance.

Parramatta, Western Sydney, May 2012: Rally opposes the undermining of public housing by the then Labor-Greens federal government and the right-wing, Coalition state government. The demonstration instead demanded a massive increase in public housing. From our first action on the question held on 5 November 2009 outside the office of the then federal housing minister in the Rudd government (Tanya Plibersek) onwards, Trotskyist Platform has, over the last 13 years, initiated several protests (mainly in Western Sydney) opposing the erosion of public housing by successive Labor, Labor-Greens and Liberal federal and state governments. Today, with decades of erosion of public housing having done much to cause the present rental affordability crisis, the urgency of fighting for public housing is now understood by broader sections of the Left and workers movement.
Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform

Today, with a widely acknowledged rental affordability crisis, the ALP and the Greens are now keen to portray themselves as supporters of “social housing”. Labor promises 30,000 new “social and affordable” housing dwellings over five years. However, the new “social housing” will not be public housing but “community housing”. The “affordable housing” component involves subsidising landlords to offer rents 20% lower than the market rate. Yet with market rents so obscenely high, such “affordable” homes will remain out of reach for most low-paid workers and part-time workers, let alone unemployed workers and students. Moreover, as the Greens have rightly pointed out, the 30,000 “social and affordable” dwellings that Labor pledges, will not even meet half the increased need for low-rent accommodation during the next five years. The ALP’s plan is a recipe for driving even more low income renters into poverty – albeit at a slightly slower pace! The Greens plan offers more, promising $2.5 billion a year on low-rent housing. However, this is still wholly inadequate to address the huge shortfall in low-rent accommodation. This is especially so given that the Greens, as a party which accepts the dominance of the capitalist economy, has no plan for bringing the actual construction and maintenance of public housing under public ownership, thus allowing a big chunk of the housing budget to continue to be gouged away by the bosses of capitalist contracting firms. Moreover, the Greens plan is not exclusively for public housing but also for “community” and “affordable” housing. Thus, in good part, the Green’s proposals, like the ALP government’s entire plan, will see public money handed over to private landlords – money that should be used to build up public housing. The Greens do call for a freeze on rents – a measure that we support. However, such rent controls will only work if they are accompanied by measures to restrict landlords from removing properties from the rental market and skimping on repairs – measures that the Greens do not advocate. Most notably, the Greens do not even promise the housing measure that is most urgently needed: the confiscation of the vacant homes of the ultra-rich and their transfer into the public housing stock.

Ultimately, all the current parliamentary parties have no program that can truly solve the rental and homelessness crisis because they all uphold the big end of town’s “right to dispose of their property as they see fit”. To win the housing measures needed, workers, unemployed workers, low income youth, activists opposing domestic violence against women and leftists must all unite in militant protest action. There need to be mass protest occupations to stop any privatisation of public housing and to requisition the vacant homes of the super-rich into the public housing supply. In recent years there have been some actions that can inspire us on this course. On 6 August 2017, scores of current and former public housing tenants, trade unionists from the Maritime Union of Australia, Trotskyist Platform supporters and staunch anti-fascist activists carried out a powerful occupation of vacant public housing dwellings at 78 to 80 High St, in inner city Sydney’s Millers Point to oppose the slated sell-off of these properties to wealthy speculators and capitalist developers. Although after about five hours, van loads of riot police brutally broke up the action and arrested four of the activists involved, including two main organisers of the occupation – a respected long-time Millers Point tenant who had then recently been cruelly evicted from public housing there and one of our own Trotskyist Platform comrades – the action scared the then NSW Coalition government enough to temporarily restrain their broader state-wide public housing selloff. This can be seen by looking at the numbers of public housing dwellings in NSW over the last decade (see Table 18A.3, Report on Government Services 2022, Australian Government Productivity Commission). They show that during each year, the number of public housing dwellings either decreased or barely changed. The one exception is for the financial year that includes the eleven month period that followed the August 2017 Millers Point occupation – when total public housing numbers in NSW increased by over 1,100 homes. Then just last week, about two dozen people occupied the common areas of a public housing block in 82 Wentworth Park Rd, Glebe to oppose the NSW state government’s plan to demolish the block and turn the site into a larger “mixed” housing block with the public housing turned into privately-run “community housing”. The protest action, which was deemed legal by the authorities because none of the vacant units were occupied, lasted five days. It was organised by Action for Public Housing and the Anti-Poverty Centre and was supported by various socialist groups as well as by left-wing anarchists and other staunch antifascists who did much of the hard work of staffing the protest site during the nights. The action had an impact. The housing minister in the new NSW state Labor government has now promised that the site will remain entirely devoted to public housing (but without any evidence of an actual change to the formal development plan activists are rightly sceptical of this promise). 

9 June 2023, Glebe, Inner-city Sydney: Supporters of public housing protest the NSW state government’s plan to demolish the public housing complex at 82 Wentworth Park Rd, Glebe and replace it with “mixed housing” in which the existing public housing would be privatised into “community housing”. The day before, several activists began a legal, five-day occupation of the common areas of the site to help press the protesters demands.
Photo Credit: Action For Public Housing Facebook page

Yet, given the severity of the long-brewing rental affordability crisis, we need mass action on a scale and intensity much greater than anything we have seen. In particular, the power of the organised working class movement must be brought to bear. Class-struggle action to win the measures needed to provide low-rent accommodation must be combined with demands for a big increase in workers’ wages, for the conversion of casual jobs into secure ones with all the rights of permanency and for the confiscation of the power and fuel sectors and their transfer into public hands in order to drive down unaffordable living costs. To unleash the kind of struggle needed, it is not enough to energetically advocate for it. We must knock down the political obstacles that stand in the way of such struggle. Chief among these is the reality that the current leadership of the workers movement are supporters of the ALP. Especially with an ALP federal government and wall to wall Labor state governments across the mainland, they are reluctant to organise truly concerted struggle against any government policy. Instead, they tell their working class base that the ALP in office is the best that they can hope for and nothing should be done that could damage the ALP’s re-election prospects. These officials sell their ranks the lie that the ALP’s program of seeking “win-win” collaboration with the big end of town is workers’ only effective path to improving their lives. Currently, many workers grudgingly accept these claims. That is why, the struggle to mobilise determined action against soaring rents must be accompanied by a political campaign to explain that, when in government, the ALP, in the end, operates a state machine hard wired to the capitalists that is programmed to serve the big business and big property owners. In opposition to the program of the Labourites, we must win the most politically advanced workers to the understanding that the interests of working class people can only advance at the expense of the economic interests of the capitalist big-end-of-town.

Hopes in the Greens are also an obstacle to the struggle that is needed. Since the Greens do at least loudly advocate for public housing, such illusions in the Greens do exist – especially amongst progressive-minded youth. Should the Greens want to support a particular protest action in defence of public housing, they are of course free to do so. However, activists must point out not only the Greens’ own tarnished record on public housing when they have been in coalition government with the ALP in Tasmania and federally in the early 2010s but the fact that this is inevitable for any party that seeks to manage the capitalist order. Most importantly, the demands and direction of struggles must not be curtailed to win the acceptance of the Greens. We must not shy away from militant protest occupations that impinge on official capitalist “property rights” or recoil from raising the urgently needed demand to confiscate the vacant homes of the ultra-rich because we know that both these courses will scare off the Greens, who after all include wealthy capitalists amongst their ranks and their donors as well as plenty of upper middle-class, multiple property owners. Just as importantly, we must not avoid openly framing our housing struggle as one that is being waged in the class interests of working class people against the class interests of the super-rich, big property-owning class for fear of “putting off the Greens”. If we were to in this way dilute and shroud the class-struggle content of our movement it would make the movement less attractive to militant workers – the very people whose participation is key to winning victories. For the movement against unaffordable rents to acquire the pro-working class orientation, militant character and anti-capitalist demands that can make it a serious factor, the movement must be freed from all subordination to the agenda of the “progressive” wing of the big end of town, represented by the Greens. All promotion of the Greens by groups within the movement – for example, by advocacy of a vote for the Greens at elections – must be challenged.

There is another, very sinister, political challenge that faces any movement to drive down unaffordable rents. That is the fact that the capitalist class, including most blatantly the capitalist media and Peter Dutton’s Liberal Party, are increasingly seeking to blame migration for the rental affordability crisis. Their claims are a complete pack of lies. The lack of affordable accommodation is solely the result of the capitalist free market in housing and decades of government policy favouring landlords and speculative investors over tenants and low income home buyers. The ruling class wants the masses to blame anyone but themselves! We cannot let them get away with this! To the extent that the masses buy the capitalist rulers’ propaganda, it will not only divert away the movement against unaffordable rents but by inciting racist hostility to migrants and people of colour, it will divide and weaken the workers movement and its capacity to resist capitalist attacks on its living standards. That is why the workers movement and all supporters of public housing must not only oppose any scapegoating of migrants for the housing crisis but must positively mobilise to defend targeted communities against any racist, and other bigoted, attacks. We must demand freedom for and the bringing here of all refugees from PNG and Nauru. We must build mass action to defend Aboriginal people, Asians, other people of colour and the LGBTIQ community against violent far-right forces. And to stop people, vulnerable because of their insecure visa status, being especially ripped off by greedy landlords, which helps push up rents for everyone, we must fight to win the full rights of citizenship for all visa workers, international students and refugees.

The Example of Socialistic China’s Housing Policy:
“Houses Are for Living, Not for Speculation”

Those opposing an emphasis on public housing and strict controls on the housing market argue that such an agenda does not work in practice. They say it is outdated and goes against the world trend of privatisation, “user-pays” and neo-liberal deregulation. There is a huge problem with that argument, however. In Australia’s largest trading partner, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the direction over the last decade and a half has been explicitly towards public housing and strict regulation of the housing sector. In the decade from 2008, the PRC provided 70 million additional public housing dwellings for her low and lower-middle income people. Proportionate to population size, China delivered in ten years, one and a half times the amount of public housing as what the Greens promise to provide in low-cost accommodation over twenty years. As a result, today, the percentage of China’s urban population in public housing is nearly ten times higher than Australia’s. Moreover, the PRC’s public housing drive continues. Last year, the PRC provided an additional two and a half million public rental dwellings for her people. In percentage terms, this is equivalent to 45,000 dwellings here. That means proportionate to population size, Red China in just one year provided one and a half times as much public housing as what the Albanese government promises to deliver in privately-owned “social and affordable” housing over five years. And unlike here, China does not have a homelessness crisis. Despite China (which is still trying to pull herself up from her impoverished pre-1949, capitalist days) having a per capita income some three to five times lower than Australia’s, Chinese international students entering Australia, the U.S. and Western Europe are shocked at the level of homelessness in these richer countries compared with their socialistic homeland.

Beijing, China: Tenants of a public housing complex in the Chinese capital hang out.
Photo credit: Zhu Yumeng

The PRC’s public housing drive is part of Beijing’s official housing policy that is aptly titled; “Houses are for living, not for speculation.” The PRC takes the opposite stance towards housing speculation compared to successive Australian governments. For example, most Chinese cities ban households from buying more than two homes. Needless to say, Australia’s big end of town hate the PRC’s policies. That is why their media seek to denigrate it at every possible instance. Last year, they seized on the troubles of a Chinese capitalist developer hit by the anti-speculation campaign to claim that the PRC’s “Houses are for living, not for speculation”-policy was soon going to cause the Chinese economy to collapse. Needless to say, that never happened! Today, while the capitalist Australian, American, British and German economies are either in recession or on the verge of one, the PRC’s economy surged by 4.5% last quarter. More importantly, socialistic China’s workers continue to enjoy, by far, the world’s fastest growth rate in real wages. All this is why the Western capitalist powers see China as an “existential threat.” They fear that the successes of China’ socialist alternative will encourage their own masses to also demand a system that puts the masses’ needs above big end of town profits. Frankly, that is the kind of “threat” that working class people in the capitalist West need! Let’s help “infect” Australia’s working class population with sympathy for Red China’s “Houses are for living, not for speculation” policy and her system that underpins it. The fact that China’s transition to socialism is incomplete, bureaucratically distorted and endangered by hostile elements – including by the capitalist powers internationally and by its own capitalists who long to have the right to “freely” exploit as in “normal” (that is capitalist) countries and who have a layer of academics, lawyers, journalists and politicians in the right wing of the ruling Communist Party of China doing their bidding – actually makes socialistic rule in China more in need of defence, not less. Let’s oppose the U.S. and Australian regime’s military build up against the PRC! Let’s refute their lying propaganda attacks against China! And let’s oppose the anticommunist groups within China that they support in their quest to destroy socialistic rule there!

Sydney, 2 April 2022 – Demonstrators march to demand that the measures China is using to beat poverty be applied here – including a massive increase in public housing, a guaranteed minimum wage for food delivery riders and the nationalisation of the banks. The action was built by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association.
Photo credit: Demi Huang/New Impressions Media

The PRC’s public housing drive has been made possible not only by official policy. It is also made possible by the fact that the developers building the public housing, the steel, cement, glass and other factories providing the materials for the constructions and the banks whose loans provided part of the finance for the projects are all, overwhelmingly, under public ownership. So the PRC is able to build more public housing without having a good part of the budget leached away by capitalist profiteers. China’s system centred on public ownership was created in an inspirational revolution in 1949 that brought the toiling classes to power – albeit a power administered in an imperfect, indirect way via a middle-class bureaucracy. To ensure a system here where not only housing but also health care, aged care, education, industry, agriculture, science and culture operate for the people’s needs and not the profits of a super-rich few, the working class here will also need to take power. Let’s advance towards that goal by enhancing working class peoples’ unity, confidence in their own power and distrust of all the parties and institutions serving the capitalist class (and all its wings) in the course of hard-fought struggles to radically drive down rents, stop the plunge in the masses’ living standards and reverse the decline in workers’ real wages. Let’s build militant struggles to win a massive increase in public housing and the confiscation of the vacant homes of the ultra-rich for transfer into low-rent housing.


Above photo: Lebanese cucumbers selling for all most $12 a kilogram at a Woolworths supermarket in an Inner West Sydney suburb on 22 July 2022. Food prices in Australia and other capitalist countries have been surging, while wage increases have been small.
Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform




15 July 2022: Food prices are surging. The price of lettuce has more than doubled over the last year. Beef is 12% dearer. And then there are the skyrocketing electricity and fuel costs. Yet while everything is getting more expensive, wages have barely risen. That means that even while the rich business owners extract ever more exorbitant profits from their workers’ labour, workers’ living standards are plummeting. It is of zero comfort to Australia’s working class masses that bankers, corporate bosses, politicians and media “experts” celebrate that the economy is undergoing a “strong expansion” when their own lives are getting ever harder.

Prime minister Albanese stated that it was “absolutely welcome” that the “Fair Work Commission” (FWC) recently set the annual increase in the minimum wage at 5.2%, basically matching the official inflation rate. It is true that unlike the former government, which refused to back a pay rise, the ALP government did call for a minimum wage rise that matched official inflation. Yet not only does the 5.2% increase not make up for the fact that this minimum wage had not kept pace with inflation in the preceding period, it will not match price increases in the coming period, which even the Reserve Bank has conceded will reach 7%. Moreover, as FWC president Iain Ross admitted, the prices of non-discretionary items like food are rising much faster than official inflation, especially hurting those on low incomes. Most low-paid workers are renters and Australia’s rents soared by 9.5% over the last year. Therefore, the actual cost increases endured by low-income workers are closer to 10% and rising fast. In other words, last month’s FWC ruling cheered by Albanese actually means a sizable cut to the real income of minimum wage workers. And other workers will suffer an even bigger cut. The FWC only gave award workers a 4.6% increase – less than even official inflation. Meanwhile, public sector workers are being hit still harder. The right wing NSW government has restricted public sector wage rises to just 3%. Gig workers are suffering the biggest cut in real income. Especially for food delivery workers and taxi and Uber drivers, surging petrol costs are ripping away their net incomes.


Australia is not alone in having soaring living costs. This is happening throughout the capitalist world. A poll found that one in six Germans are now skipping meals to get by! In the U.S. the annual inflation rate is 9.1%. Moreover, the crisis extends to the poorer countries. In India, inflation is over 7%, in Brazil it is nearly 12%. In Turkey, the inflation rate is nearly 80%!

So what is causing this crisis? When capitalist countries plunged into the late noughties’ Great Recession, governments found that they could only make their economies recover through flooding them with cheap credit and debt-financed spending. Even after that crisis waned, capitalist economies were so fragile that governments were never able to take their economies fully off of these life-supports. Then after COVID hit, capitalist governments dialled up the intensity of such pump priming “solutions”. The problem is that in the capitalist system, where the economy is in the hands of profit-driven bosses, excess money supply leads the corporate bigwigs to drive up prices. To ensure that the resulting increased revenue flows into their own pockets and not that of their workers, business owners avoid increasing wages knowing full well that soaring prices means that they are effectively slashing their workers’ pay. As a result, workers’ real wages in Australia are now 8% lower than they were six years ago!

This increasing exploitation has been going on under Liberal, Labor and Labor/Greens governments alike. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data show that bosses are now exploiting their workers 22% more than they were 36 years ago. As a result, ABS figures show that for every $100,000 of value added by workers – that is after all material, property and interest costs have been paid – at a capitalist business (one using hired labour) about $50,000 is gouged by the business owners as profit and only $50,000 is given back in wages! And given that the ABS classifies the fat salaries of CEOs and managers as “wages and salaries”, the reality is that, on average, workers in Australia are now receiving back as wages far less than half of the fruits of their own labour.

Therefore, the measures needed to defend workers’ living standards must be based on drastically increasing the share of the fruits of workers’ labour going back to workers at the expense of the amount that is leached away by the capitalists as profits. For starters that means that the workers movement must fight for huge wage increases. We must also specially defend the most precariously employed workers by demanding guaranteed wages, holiday pay and all the other rights of permanency for all those currently employed on a casual or gig basis. To make it easier to unleash the trade union industrial action needed to win such gains, we must demand the abolishing of all anti-strike laws and all laws restricting union access to workplaces.

Whenever workers demand improvements in their wages, the capitalists scream that this will cause job losses. But such job cuts will only occur if we let these exploiters carry out retrenchments and if we let them retain as few workers as is necessary to maximise their profits. Instead of doing that, we must force the capitalist bosses to hire more workers than they want to at the expense of their profits. We must demand a ban on job cuts by all profitable firms and must demand that all companies making a profit be required to increase their number of full-time, permanent employees by at least twenty-five workers for every one million dollars of quarterly profit.

The already most poverty stricken people are being hardest hit today. Due to entrenched gender inequality, sectors where women workers predominate have especially low wages. It is crucial that the workers movement as a whole demands equal pay for equal work for women workers. Meanwhile, unemployed workers are having to make do with cruelly low social security payments. This is not only driving unemployed workers into extreme poverty but has made the prospect of losing one’s job so scary that it is helping bosses to intimidate some employed workers into avoiding joining workers’ rights struggles. That is why it is especially important to fight for a doubling of the Jobseeker payment. Surging prices also mean that, even though old-age pensioners receive higher payments than unemployed workers, many working class pensioners are facing homelessness. The current system where a meagre pension is combined with individual superannuation carries into old age the inequality that workers faced when at working age. CEOs receive huge superannuation while low-paid workers receive little and gig workers and the unemployed nothing at all. Our unions must demand that the current superannuation system be replaced with one where bosses pay super into a common fund that will be used to help equally pay all a pension equal to the minimum wage.


What is making plunging living standards especially unbearable for many working class people is the lack of affordable rental accommodation. Even in the lower income, Western Sydney suburb of Auburn, the median weekly rent for two bedroom units available for lease is right now $435. That’s well over half the minimum wage! And given that so many are working in casual jobs where they receive far less than the minimum full-time wage, it is clear why so many people are only able to pay rent by skipping meals and avoiding using the heater right now at the height of winter. Moreover, there are very few affordable properties available to lease. So people struggling with rising costs are not even able to move into rougher but cheaper dwellings to get by.

The capitalist “free market” is failing to make available enough affordable accommodation – providing such housing is simply not profitable enough for wealthy investors and real estate speculators. What is therefore needed is much more low-rent public housing. Instead, Liberal, Labor and Labor/Greens federal and state governments have overseen a big public housing sell-off over the last few decades. Some of that involves governments handing over public housing to private operators and passing off the resulting “community housing” as also being part of “social housing.” However, the private operators of such “community housing” are notorious for skimping on repairs and skewing their allocations towards higher-rent paying tenants at the expense of the most hard-up. Thus, the proportion of tenants paying more than a quarter of their income in rent is almost eight times as high in “community housing” as it is in public housing.

Even over the last five years, governments have eroded public housing to the extent that the proportion of Australian dwellings that are public housing has been slashed by a further 10%. Today, just one out of every 34 dwellings in Australia belongs to public housing of some form. Yet governments are still continuing on the same course. Let’s stop all sell-offs – let’s fight for a massive increase in public housing instead! And for all public housing properties to be properly repaired! Let’s stop governments from driving tenants out of public housing by allowing properties to become so neglected that they become unfit for habitation!


Many working class people hoped that with the despised Morrison government finally gone, their needs would be addressed. However, the new ALP government also has no commitment to the measures needed to reverse the decline in working class people’s living standards. This was clear even before the elections. To reassure the big end of town that it would not be taking decisive moves to redistribute income from the rich to the poor, the ALP announced that it would ape the conservatives in refusing to lift dole payments. They also made clear that they would not abolish anti-strike laws. That is little surprise. Nearly all these laws had been accepted by previous ALP governments and a few of the rules – such as the Keating government’s 1993 measure restricting strike action to limited bargaining periods – were actually first brought in by Labor. Meanwhile, the ALP’s housing affordability plan will not increase public housing but rather promises funds for just a modest increase in privately-operated “community housing”.

To be sure, ALP leaders would like to improve the lives of their working class base. However, the ALP social democrats are unwilling to seriously challenge the power of the capitalist bigwigs who use their enormous wealth and ownership of the media and economy to thoroughly dominate political life and state institutions. Given their acquiescence to these oligarchs and given that the interests of these capitalists and those of its working class base are counterposed, the Labor Party always ends up betraying its base. Meanwhile, although more progressive on social questions, the Greens too accept the domination of the capitalists. For unlike even the ALP, whose ranks are largely workers, the Greens include significant numbers of actual capitalist exploiters in their ranks and is politically dominated by upper-middle class elements loyal to capitalism.

This means that plunging workers’ living standards are not going to be reversed by the agenda of either the new government or by any of the parties currently in parliament. The way that working class people can advance their interests is through mass action, especially through strikes and other class struggle action by our trade unions. It is through such struggle that working class people have won whatever rights they still have today. In recent months, there have been strikes by NSW train and bus drivers, nurses and teachers that give a small taste of the kind of struggle needed. However, the current pro-ALP union leaders see such actions as supplementary to their main strategy of herding workers into supporting the election and maintaining of Labor governments that they hope will uphold workers’ interests. As we have outlined, this is a losing strategy.

Therefore, we need a new agenda to guide our workers movement. One that rather than seeking collaboration with the capitalist class by limiting demands to what is tolerable to them, will mobilise the working class in an all out struggle against the capitalist exploiters to fight for what the masses actually need. That means not only unleashing struggles for secure jobs for all and big pay rises but also demanding free provision of the social services most needed by the masses. Despite ruling class politicians constantly congratulating themselves about the existence of Medicare, truly free healthcare does not exist in Australia. Currently, the out-of-pocket expenses that a sick person has to cover for specialist fees above what Medicare reimburses can be debilitating. And as governments increasingly underfund the health system, these out-of-pocket expenses are growing. Meanwhile, the lack of Medicare coverage of dental expenses means that large chunks of the working class simply avoid going to the dentist until their teeth deteriorate to the point of an emergency. Similarly, many are foregoing needed specialist visits. This is all the more damaging because COVID in 2022 has been killing people in Australia at the highest rate during this pandemic and hundreds of thousands are suffering Long Covid. Moreover, the inequality of healthcare is so large that those who cannot afford private insurance must wait long periods to receive treatment for debilitating conditions. For example, the current median wait time for a public patient who needs knee replacement surgery to enable them to walk properly again is around eight months!

That is why we must demand truly free health care – that means that Medicare should fully cover all specialist visits, all surgeries, all essential medicine and all dental care and that there should be no long waiting times. Similarly, we need to fight for free education, which means no fees and no HECS debt for TAFE and university. We must also demand free, 24-hour childcare. This is not only a crucial cost of living measure but would help enable women’s full participation in economic life. That in turn is vital for advancing women’s economic independence, without which many women being battered by violent, or otherwise abusive, partners could be coerced by financial necessities into remaining with such abusers.

Striking nurses march in Sydney. NSW nurses, rail workers, bus drivers and teachers have held a series of stop works and strikes over the last several months to demand increased hiring to cope with excessive workloads and to defend their wages and conditions. These actions give a small taste of the kind of militant class struggle needed to reverse the plunge in working class people’s living standards.
Photo credit: Tim Swanston/ABC News



A major reason for the cost of living crisis are the surging fuel prices. These prices are being driven up by the sanctions imposed on Russia by Washington, Canberra and other U.S. allies that back Ukraine in its war with Russia. We must oppose these sanctions! This is necessary not only to protect our living standards. For the Ukraine war has become a proxy war of the Western imperial powers to unjustly drive their would-be Russian rival down to the subordinate condition that she had been in during the first fifteen years after her devastating 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution. Australian governments have sent Ukraine’s authoritarian regime hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment, including howitzers (long-range artillery) and dozens of armoured vehicles, to add to the billions of dollars of increasingly heavy and sophisticated weapons sent to Kiev by Washington and its European allies, including anti-aircraft batteries, advanced long-range anti-ship missiles, drones, tanks and advanced HIMARS multiple-launch guided rocket systems. Although Russia is also ruled by an ambitious capitalist class, her lack of economic strength means that it is the U.S, British, Australian, German, Japanese and other Western ruling classes and not, for the most part, the Russian one that are superexploiting and often simply steamrolling through brutal military power (as they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia) the peoples of Asia, the Pacific, Africa and Latin America. That is why if the Western proxy war on Russia is defeated it would be great for the peoples subjugated by imperialism. Such a serious setback to the authority of Australia’s capitalist rulers can only strengthen the ability to resist them. So we must demand: No military aid to Ukraine! Lift the sanctions on Russia!

However, the sanctions on Russia are not the only cause of soaring fuel and energy prices. Although the majority of Australia’s petroleum is imported, Australian corporate oil producers contribute to the high pump prices by selling fuel at the obscenely high world price. This is quadruply so with gas, which Australia is a major exporter of. Greedy Australian energy giants are selling gas at such a high price that it is not only sending residential heating costs through the roof but is driving up manufacturing and electricity prices that are flowing through the rest of the economy as well as pushing up home electricity bills. Meanwhile, power cuts have been threatened because profit-driven generator companies are trying to avoid selling electricity at the capped price when their fuel costs are so high. That is why all oil, gas and electricity corporations must be immediately placed under strict public control. Fuel and power costs must be driven down at the expense of the profits of energy corporations!


The bulk of Australia’s energy sector is owned by super-rich, Australian shareholders. Among them is Mike Cannon-Brookes who owns the largest stake in electricity and gas giant AGL. Australia’s third richest tycoon with a $28 billion fortune, Cannon-Brookes is known for his obscenely extravagant lifestyle. Four years ago, he paid the highest amount ever for a house when he bought a Sydney estate for $100 million! The fact that we need to take control of energy industries away from the hands of such people inevitably poses the question: why should these filthy rich capitalists be owning such key sectors at all? We should fight to confiscate the oil, gas and power sectors from their big shareholders and place them into public ownership. Similarly, we need to bring all the key social service sectors into public ownership. Part of why we are being hit with such high out of pocket health costs is that so much of the Medicare budget goes into the pockets of the rich tycoons owning private hospitals, pathology and radiology services and pharmacies – like Sonic Healthcare big shareholder, Michael Boyd, and billionaire Chemist Warehouse owners, Jack Gance and Mario Verrocchi. As a result, the service outcomes produced by each dollar of public money that’s spent is severely truncated. The same applies to childcare, where government subsidies end up feeding the profits of the companies that operate the sector. In public housing too, a good part of the budget ends up in the bank accounts of the owners of construction firms and maintenance contractors – including corporate giants like Downer and Ventia. So let us struggle to ensure that all parts of the operation of healthcare, education, public housing, childcare and aged care are brought into public ownership.

To ensure that all these social services are provided for free, more public funds do need to be allocated to them. But where will the money come from ask neoliberal apologists. It will come from confiscating the most profitable sectors of the economy from the capitalists, starting with the mining industry. Mining profits are so huge that the wealth of just the five richest of Australia’s mining billionaires increased by a staggering $19 billion in just the last year – more than three and a half times what all governments spent on public housing! However, to bring the mining, energy and social service sectors into public ownership requires taking on the tyranny of the oligarchs that own these sectors – oligarchs like Cannon-Brookes, Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest – who leverage their enormous wealth to keep state institutions under their control and who disproportionately fund political advertising, political parties, think tanks and lobbyists. Therefore, to bring substantial sectors into the collective hands of the people requires the working class to sweep away the whole capitalist-dominated bureaucratic and political machinery and to construct a new workers state. Based on democratically elected working class people’s councils, such a state would bring all significant parts of the economy into the people’s common, that is socialist, ownership and thereby enable the building of a society that would guarantee secure jobs, improving living standards and free quality social services for all. In doing so it would lay the economic basis for dissipating the inequality faced by women and minorities.

We have living proof that such a socialist system indeed works. For in the world’s most populous country, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), socialistic rule has ensured that she is the one large country whose masses have not been hit by rising food prices. Although China’s transition to socialism is incomplete and deformed and threatened by intense hostile capitalist pressure, the fact that all her major oil and gas, power, food processing and warehousing, shipping, banking and stevedoring firms are under public ownership has enabled her to not only have an inflation rate of just 2.5% but to have actually falling food prices. And even while ensuring that her people have a COVID death rate per person that is 112 times less than Australia’s, the PRC’s socialistic system has ensured that, unlike here, her workers’ real wages have continued to rise during the pandemic. Indeed, for the last 15 years, the PRC has been enjoying the world’s fastest growing real wages. She has ensured that the proportion of her population suffering homelessness is much lower than in Australia through giving her people eight times greater access to public housing than we who live here in Australia. By curbing capitalist pre-school and tuition firms and replacing them with public and non-for profit childcare and children’s leisure activity services, the PRC has reduced her masses’ financial costs of raising children.

Yet, these achievements of socialistic rule and the fact that China continues to gradually lift herself up from the terrible poverty of her pre-1949 capitalist times is what terrifies the world’s capitalist powers. For not only are they enraged that the PRC’s cooperation with developing countries is impeding their economic rape of these countries, the capitalist powers fear that the PRC’s course will eventually incite their own working classes to demand that their economies also be brought under social ownership. Yet that is precisely why the working class in Australia and the other capitalist countries must stand with socialistic China. Let’s advance the struggle for working class ownership of the economy here by defending the existence of such a system in the world’s most populous country! Let’s oppose the U.S./Australia military build up against socialistic China! No to the lying “human rights” propaganda attacks on the PRC over Uyghurs, Tibet and Hong Kong!

If we can protect the PRC’s advance on the socialist course set by her 1949 toiling people’s revolution and if we can popularise knowledge of the benefits provided by her socialistic system, even in the partial form that it exists in, we can promote the need for a system based on public ownership in this country. The plunging living standards, unaffordable housing and lack of economic security of the capitalist system is pushing the masses to seek anti-capitalist solutions. However, in response, capitalist ruling classes are spreading racism to divide and divert the masses that they exploit. That is why racist far right forces have been growing in the U.S., Germany, India and here. To build the inter-racial unity necessary to fight the powerful capitalists, we must consciously oppose racist influence by mobilising the working class in defence of targeted ethnic groups. For union action to support Aboriginal people’s struggle against racist state terror and all-sided oppression! For workers’ struggle to demand the rights of citizenship for all guest workers, international students and asylum seekers! Bring the long-suffering Nauru refugees here! For united mass action of our workers movement and people of colour communities to crush violent white supremacist forces! Let’s also reject those who say that we can protect living standards by favouring Australian businesses over their overseas rivals. Such agendas only set local workers against their worker sisters and brothers overseas while obscuring workers from the truth that they can only defend their conditions by struggling against the local bosses that exploit them. Let’s understand that the main call of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, “Workers of All Countries Unite”, remains as crucial today as it was when the Manifesto was first issued.

Another famous line of our Manifesto – that “the spectre of communism” is haunting the capitalist world – also rings loud today. The escalating economic crisis in the capitalist world, the social decay of capitalist societies, the capitalist powers’ horror at the successes of socialistic rule in China and the terrifying extent to which the imperialist regimes are willing to risk World War III by waging a proxy war on fellow capitalist Russia in good part because they want to weaken her ability to obstruct their war plans against Russia’s socialistic Chinese, friendly neighbour proves this. The Communist Manifesto’s main agenda is to replace the rule of the capitalist class with the rule of the working class. We have made good progress in this task in countries that make up one in five of the world’s people. But we have much work to do! We need to speed up the completion of the Manifesto’s tasks because it is increasingly clear that decaying capitalism not only threatens the masses’ living standards but humanity’s very existence.

The Communist Manifesto made clear that the seizure of political power by the working class is preceded by a period of “more or less veiled civil war, raging within existing society” where the working class “now and then” are victorious in defending their living standards against the capitalists but the “the real fruit of their battles lies, not in the immediate result, but in the ever expanding union of the workers”. To build the unity, strength, self-confidence, organisation and political awareness that’s needed so we can advance towards the working class rule that we so badly need, we must, right now, mobilise militant class struggle to fight for huge wage rises, the rights of permanency for gig workers, a massive increase in low-rent public housing and the nationalisation of the oil and gas, power and social service sectors. Let’s build a party to spearhead the fight for this Communist Manifesto agenda! As Marx and Engels pronounced at the end of their famous tract: Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

Rally Opposes Privatisation and Exploitation, Demands that
China-Style, Anti-Poverty Measures Be Applied in Australia

Photo Above: Sydney, 2 April 2022 – Demonstrators march to demand that the measures China is using to beat poverty be applied here.
Photo Credit: Demi Huang/New Impressions Media

Rally Opposes Privatisation and
Exploitation in Australia,
Demands that the Measures

China is using to Beat Poverty
Be Applied Here

5 April 2022: Last Saturday, supporters of workers rights from a broad range of racial backgrounds came together in spirited protest against privatisation and the growing exploitation of working class people in Australia. To inspire the struggle to win anti-poverty measures here in Australia, the Sydney rally highlighted the anti-capitalist and other pro-worker measures being taken right now in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). At its height, the April 2 protest was some 70 strong, although one of the community media sites reporting on the protest puts its size at “nearly one hundred.”

The united-front protest began with the rally emcee, Yuri Gromov, who is also the editor of Trotskyist Platform’s journal, The Spark, introducing the purpose of the action:

“While the business owners who make their money from exploiting workers’ labour are getting richer and richer, the poor are getting poorer. Prices are soaring but workers’ wages have barely risen. The living standards of low paid workers has been falling.

“Bosses are driving more and more workers into casual and gig jobs with no job security. A huge number of workers do not know how many hours of work they will get from week to week. Having so little job security, it’s easy for capitalist bosses to force us into accepting terrible working conditions. In the food delivery sector, many drivers and riders are doing deliveries all day and not even making the minimum wage.

“Australian governments of all stripes are carrying out policies that are making life harder for working class people. They have been selling off public housing like crazy. Much of the public sector has now been privatised and this always leads to job losses, attacks on workers’ conditions and higher prices for consumers. Federally, the Morrison government is now set on privatising the NBN. Here in NSW the state government continues its surreptitious, gradual privatisation of bus and rail services.

“We are here today to push back against all this. We demand a guaranteed minimum wage for all food delivery and other gig workers. We demand that the sell-off of public housing stop now and that instead there be a massive increase in public housing. We demand an end to all privatisation. Instead of privatisation we call for the nationalisation of the banks. That is the way to ensure that credit is allocated to areas of public need like poverty alleviation projects rather than a crazy huge amount of money being siphoned off as bank loans to housing speculators, a truly horrendous waste of funds which is only pushing house prices up and up and making life harder for working class families struggling to keep up their rent and mortgage payments alike.

“…Today, we want to highlight something positive that can inspire our fight against poverty and exploitation. There is one particular country that has been heading in the opposite direction to the agenda of privatisation and neo-liberal attacks on workers rights that has been happening throughout the capitalist world. And this country headed in the opposite direction is not just any country. It is in fact the most populous country in the world with a fifth of the earth’s people: the Peoples Republic of China.

“Last year the PRC not only decreed that food delivery platform companies must ensure that all food delivery drivers and riders always get at least the minimum wage but started expanding those protections to all gig workers. At the same time, China has been on an intense campaign to provide public housing to her low and lower-middle income population. Moreover, rather than carrying out large-scale privatisations, all of China’s banks and most of her other key sectors remain under public ownership.

“Therefore, socialistic China’s path can be an inspiration to the struggle for working class people’s rights in Australia. That is why Australia’s capitalist regime and pro-capitalist media are doing everything they possibly can to denigrate the PRC. They don’t want the masses here to be inspired to resist privatisation and exploitation. We need to condemn these lying propaganda attacks against China as part of standing up for working class people’s rights in Australia….”

Rally participants listen to an address to the demonstration by rally emcee, Yuri Gromov.
Photo credit (above photo): Demi Huang/New Impressions Media
Photo credit (below photo): Sydney Today APP

Last Saturday’s demonstration was jointly initiated by the Australian Chinese Workers Association and ourselves in Trotskyist Platform. It was additionally endorsed by the Communist Party of Australia’s Wollongong Branch and by the group, Communists West Sydney. Representatives of all the endorsing groups as well as other individuals addressed the united front rally. Chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform, Sarah Fitzenmeyer stressed in her speech the need for a class struggle strategy for defending working class people’s rights. She also emphasised that the fight against capitalist exploitation in Australia requires solidarity with socialistic rule in China:

“The fact is that during the last few decades, Australia’s capitalist business owners have increased the rate at which they exploit workers’ labour….

“Today, while Morrison’s Liberals have made it clear that they want to sell off the NBN, the only response from the ALP is to say that they oppose an immediate privatisation while leaving the door open to a sell-off in the future. The only way we can push back against privatisation and the ever growing exploitation is through mass struggle and workers’ industrial action. This is how the working masses have always won whatever rights we still have left now. The more that working class people understand that nothing can or will be gained through supporting any of the parliamentary parties at the upcoming election, the more determined we the working class people will be to build the mass actions that are needed.

“… In February last year, guest workers from China spearheaded the first ever strike by gig workers in Australia when they and other food delivery riders took action against British-owned company Hungry Panda and WON! However, we must be very wary that such struggles are not undermined and workers don’t buy into the national security obsession being promoted by the Australian ruling class. This national security propaganda deceptively claims that workers and the capitalists who exploit them have a common national interest. Now, in the name of national security, Australia’s capitalist regime has joined the U.S. in aggressively interfering into the Ukraine-Russia War with sanctions and arms grants. The regime here has also used the war to further ramp up their Cold War drive against China.

“Trotskyist Platform says that when Australia’s capitalist ruling class push `national security’ they only mean the `security’ of their profits and their system of exploitation. However, the current leaders of the workers movement, the Labor Party, joins the Liberals in fully supporting the ruling class’ so-called `national security’ agenda. In doing so they are obscuring the need for workers to resist the local, all Australian, capitalist exploiters who are undermining the security of our living standards in the capitalists’ drive for ever greater profits.

“We need a new agenda to guide our workers movement. An agenda driven by us, the workers, fighting for what we actually need….

“Whenever such a pro-working class agenda is promoted, the ruling elite screams that such violations of free-market principles are `impractical’. But this is a lie because many of the things we are calling for here today are actually being quite successfully implemented right now in the Peoples Republic of China.

“The reason that China is able to carry out such policies is that it is the working class who hold the power there. The toiling classes grabbed power through a massive revolution in 1949….

“China’s success makes Australia’s capitalist regime very fearful. They are petrified that the masses here will look at the great gains of the working masses in China and decide that they too need to fight for socialism here. That is why the rulers of Australia and other powerful capitalist countries are intent on crushing socialistic rule in China. We must NOT allow the imperialist powers to succeed!

“…it is in the interests of at least 90% of Australia’s population to uncompromisingly defend socialistic rule in China. We must oppose the U.S. and Australian military build up aimed against socialistic China. Just as importantly, we must rebuff the lying Western propaganda attacks on the PRC over Uyghurs, Tibet and Hong Kong!

“It is true that China’s victory over capitalism is incomplete. China’s anti-capitalist crackdown does need to go much further. The PRC’s march towards `common prosperity’ – if it is to truly succeed – requires that the tech, real estate and light manufacturing sectors be confiscated from China’s tycoons and brought into public ownership as well. And this is why we need more solidarity actions with socialistic rule in China right here and all across the world. Solidarity from comrades abroad will give confidence to staunch socialists within China to defy the hostile pressure coming from the capitalist world.  Solidarity with the PRC will help to drive them towards complete socialism.

“If socialistic rule in China continues to strengthen, it will embolden the struggle against capitalist exploitation in this country. Right now, let’s use the fact that the world’s most populous country is successfully operating a system based on public ownership to inspire our own fightback against privatisation and exploitation in Australia. Let’s start working towards common prosperity here in Australia by advancing the struggle for working class rule.”

Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer speaks at the April 2 demonstration.
Photo credit: Demi Huang/New Impressions Media

Speaking to the media during the rally, Jenny Zeng, general secretary of the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA) called for improvements in people’s livelihoods in Australia that will “allow everyone to have jobs and food, without having to worry about life.” The ACWA is a group that organises Australian-Chinese workers to defend their workplace conditions and assert their rights to access social services. As part of their contribution to the April 2 action, the ACWA’s art troupe put on a captivating cultural performance. This included a drum performance in the classical style of North China, a classical dance routine paying tribute to China’s long history and a classical dance performance in the style of China’s Tibetan Autonomous Region signifying blue sky and a happy life.

Top and Above: Signs carried by the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA) at the April 2 action.
Below: The ACWA’s art troupe gave a wonderful cultural performance as part of their contribution to the protest rally.

Photo credit (top photo): Trotskyist Platform
Photo credit (above photo): Demi Huang/New Impressions Media
Photo credit (below photo): Demi Huang/New Impressions Media

Also addressing last Saturday’s demonstration was long-time community activist Peter Butler. He powerfully motivated the need for public housing and for other measures that put the needs of the masses first. Peter Butler also attacked the Australian media’s portrayal of the troubles of large Chinese real estate developer, Evergrande. He pointed out that the media wanted to portray Evergrande’s crisis as a sign of China’s supposed impending doom but had hidden the most important aspect of the events surrounding Evergrande: wealth and power were being transferred out of the hands of Evergrande’s greedy billionaire owner and into the hands of the public. In this he was referring to the fact that not only were Evergrande’s troubles the result of the PRC’s moves to curb housing speculation in order to make housing more affordable for the masses and not only had Chinese authorities forced Evergrande’s owner Hui Ka Yan to sell some of his personal assets – including two private jets, several mansions, expensive art works and shares –  to ensure that Evergrande’s workers keep on getting paid but they have pushed Evergrande to sell off to PRC public sector enterprises at low price a number of property assets, while the PRC state has also confiscated parcels of land and other assets owned by Evergrande. Indeed, as in the recent cases of financial conglomerate Tomorrow Holdings, former insurance behemoth Anbang and the real estate and airport operations of the now defunct, giant conglomerate HNA Group, the PRC state has handled the collapse of large private sector corporations in China in such a way that it leads to the transfer of assets from the hands of tycoons into the collective hands of all the people.

For his part, Zac, representing the Wollongong Branch of the Communist Party of Australia, concluded his speech by stressing that unlike what the mainstream media say, China is no military threat whatsoever to the people of Australia. Rather China is winning out in economic competition with capitalism through its own system. Zac emphasised that it is this system of China’s, a system of socialism, which is what Australia’s capitalist rulers really fear.

After several speeches and the cultural performance, the rally marched southwards through city streets from its starting point in Sydney’s Chinatown. Marchers energetically chanted: “More public housing”, “Public housing for you and me – Just like in the PRC”, “Hey ho, hey ho, privatisation has got to go”, “Stop privatisation – Nationalise the Banks” and “P-R-C, Is fighting poverty!”

Some of the Trotskyist Platform placards at the April 2 united-front demonstration against privatisation and exploitation of workers in Australia.
Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform

The final part of the action was a picket outside the offices of the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) to protest anti-PRC bias in the Australian media. About one-third of the participants from the main part of the rally joined this brief protest picket. As demonstrators approach the ABC’s premises they chanted, “A-B-C: Always Bashing China!” As rally emcee, Yuri Gromov explained:

“… because the PRC’s socialistic system favours working class people, the capitalist ruling classes in the likes of the U.S.A, Australia and India see the mere existence of such a system as a threat. Hence the media owned or controlled by capitalist tycoons have been waging non-stop propaganda attacks against China. The ABC – which let’s be honest forms the propaganda department of the Australian capitalist state – is one of the worst but will be even worse, if you can imagine it, if it ever becomes privatised itself. In attacking the PRC, the ABC and other media outlets are necessarily denigrating China’s anti-capitalist and pro-working class measures. The media are therefore undermining support for the type of measures needed in Australia to alleviate poverty and combat exploitation of workers.”

Demonstrators picket the ABC to protest the mainstream media’s extreme anti-PRC bias
Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform

The April 2 demonstration was intensively covered by two of the most popular Chinese language media sites in Australia: New Impressions Media (which runs the website Australian Impression and the Sydney Impression WeChat site) and Sydney Today. On the latter site, there was a hot debate amongst readers with 42 readers comments: most sympathetic to the demonstration but a few hostile as well.

Saturday’s action concluded with the rally emcee thanking participants for braving not only the pandemic but the hysterical China-bashing political climate. However as the rally chair pointed out: “with poverty, homelessness and exploitation in Australia ever increasing and with new rounds of privatisation looming we all have a massive amount of work to do.” In carrying out this work to build class struggle resistance against exploitation and privatisation in Australia we are inspired by the anti-capitalist and pro-working class measures being implemented in the world’s most populous country.

The main rally banner summarised the agenda of the April 2 demonstration.
Photo credit: Demi Huang/New Impressions Media

Welcome China’s AntiCapitalist Crackdown! Let’s Use it to Inspire Resistance Against Privatisation and Exploitation in Australia

Above Photo: Workers at the General Mills food processing factory in Sydney’s west do a shift on the picket line during their weeks-long June 2021 strike for improved wages and better job security. The workers resolve and courage won them some important gains. If unshackled from the dead-end Laborite program of seeking common ground with the capitalist bosses on the basis of a mythical “common national interest”, the workers movement will be able to wage powerful class struggle that can push back against the nearly four decades of increased capitalist exploitation of workers in Australia.
Photo credit: United Workers Union Twitter page

Welcome China’s Anti-Capitalist Crackdown! Let’s Use it to Inspire Resistance Against
Privatisation and Exploitation in Australia

7 February 2022: There has been carnage in Australia. In just the first 38 days of 2022, over two thousand people have died here of COVID. Like previous pandemics, this COVID one is a natural disaster. But the catastrophic number of deaths in Australia two years into this pandemic is an entirely man-made calamity. The right-wing federal government and nearly all Liberal and ALP state governments alike chose to let COVID rip. Then they and profit-driven pathology companies and retailers intensified the virus spread by failing to ensure adequate PCR testing and affordable RAT test kits. However, decades before they let COVID rip, Australia’s rulers let another pandemic rip, the pandemic of poverty amongst low-paid workers and the unemployed. Australia’s billionaire-owned media have hidden the true extent of the suffering from this poverty pandemic. Low-income working class people were expected to “learn to live” with poverty and the terrible suffering which that brought. Today the attitude of the mainstream media is little different. Although, in 2022, people have been dying from COVID at nearly twenty times the rate that they have been dying from road deaths, the media have conspicuously avoided showing the pain of family and loved ones after COVID deaths that they often show following fatal traffic accidents. The capitalist media are trying to deceive us into “learning to live” with this COVID carnage.

The underlying force driving Australia’s governments, top bureaucrats and media to cause widespread poverty on the one hand and enable the COVID catastrophe on the other is one and the same: their intent to put the profits of wealthy business owners ahead of the well-being of the masses. In the case of the poverty pandemic, it is specifically the result of the ruling elite’s determination to help the capitalists that they serve increase their rate of exploitation of workers. Now the COVID pandemic has inflamed a new wave in this poverty pandemic. Latest ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) figures show that even as average prices rose by 3.5% last year, hourly wages increased just 0.1%. Moreover, it is the most exploited who have had their pay fall behind the most. Thus, over the last year, the hourly wages of women workers has actually fallen. Meanwhile, the weekly wage of a worker in the lowest bracket of earners (mainly part-time workers) fell by $29 per week. When one combines that with the reality that average rents rose by $30 per week in the same period (and don’t even mention fuel costs!), it is obvious why more and more people – including many who have some type of job – are being plunged into homelessness. Nearly three hundred thousand residents of Australia were homeless at some point last year!

Above: The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures available show that in the previous twelve months hourly wages rose just 0.1% (while actually falling for women workers) whereas prices surged by 3.5% (Below) and increased by an annualised rate of 5.2% (1.3% in a quarter) over the last quarter. That means workers real wages are being reduced even after the federal government granted billions in Jobkeeper grants to bosses who were extracting increasing profits.
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The rate at which workers are being exploited has actually been increasing for decades. This is reflected in an index published by the ABS called the Unit Labour Cost, which tracks changes in the proportion of the fruits of workers labour that workers actually receive payment for. Well over the last 35 years this Unit Labour Cost has plummeted by 20%. In other words, Australian capitalists are now exploiting workers an average of 20% more than they were in 1986. This increase in exploitation took place firstly under the Hawke/Keating Labor government, further deepened during the Howard and Rudd/Gillard years and has intensified still further under the current right-wing government. Therefore, even as technological advances have made Australian workers more productive than ever, the living standard of large numbers of lower-paid workers has not risen for decades! This is the case not only in Australia but in much of the capitalist world. In the U.S. for example, real minimum wages have actually crashed 30% over the last 50 years! 

The increased exploitation of workers has caused the share of income in Australian employee-hiring businesses going to wages and salaries – as opposed to capitalist profits – to plummet from 64% twenty years ago to just 52% today. Given that obscenely high CEO and director incomes are also classified as “wages and salaries”, this means that the share of business income going to actual workers is now likely less than 50% – that is less than half! In other words, in an average labour-using Australian private sector enterprise – small or corporate – for every $100,000 of value added by workers, less than $50,000 goes to pay those who actually do the work, while over $50,000 is diverted as profits to the plundering rich owners/shareholders. To add insult to injury, the capitalists then leach tens of billions of more dollars from us through the interest payments and fees of the banks that they own. They and upper-middle class layers also rip off the increasing number of us who do not own our homes by making us pay ever higher rents.

The Methods that Capitalists Use to Increase Their Exploitation of Workers

Being increasingly exploited not only brings financial hardship to workers. Many of us are also finding that our work lives have become ever more stressful. For capitalists and their manager henchmen are implementing schemes to not only bully workers into toiling longer for the same pay but to set worker against worker so that we are less united and able to resist our exploitation. Meanwhile, the governments and media that serve the capitalists use racist scapegoating to divert anger over the economic insecurities caused by increased capitalist exploitation onto minorities and First Peoples. The result of all this propaganda is reflected in a survey conducted last year: 42% of Australians were found to have “very negative” or “somewhat negative” feelings towards Iraqi Australians, 43% held such attitudes towards Chinese-Australians and 46% held these views towards people of Sudanese descent. In other words, about one out of every two Australians is now consciously prejudiced against one or several ethnic communities. Or put another way, a full half of this country is now openly racist! What this means on the ground is that people from vilified minorities are more and more often attacked on the streets, public transport, bars and schools. In particular, thousands of East Asian-origin people have been assaulted and verbally abused by extreme racists over the last two years. Such attacks have been incited by ruling class politicians and media disgustingly blaming China for the pandemic. Yet the pandemic has also destroyed many a racist myth. For one, it has demolished the claim that immigration is responsible for housing unaffordability. For during the pandemic, immigration into Australia has stopped and international student numbers have plummeted, yet house prices have risen at their fastest rate ever, soaring by 22% in the last year alone.

Spreading racism is one of the most powerful means that those who oversee capitalism use to suffocate resistance to exploitation. Yet it is hardly their only method. Over the last few decades, Labor and Liberal governments alike have ever more tightly restricted the right to strike. Meanwhile, capitalists have also forced huge numbers into insecure forms of employment. This facilitates increased exploitation, because without job security workers are more reluctant to stand up to greedy bosses. Now, the capitalists are driving large numbers, especially youth and international students, into a form of casual employment that gives workers even less security: gig work. Laboring in areas like food delivery, gig workers are often so exploited that they can toil long hours without making even the minimum wage.

To facilitate the capitalist drive to keep down wages, governments of all stripes have been hacking at the social safety net. By making life miserable for those who end up without a job, the ruling class want to intimidate those workers with jobs into submitting to attacks on their wages and conditions. That is why governments have kept unemployment payments at cruelly low levels and subjected the unemployed to ever more humiliating “activity tests”. Meanwhile, they have chipped away at the coverage that Medicare gives and have sold off so much public housing that the proportion of people living in public housing is now only half of what it was two decades ago. The dearth of public housing has in turn caused private rents to soar to such levels that last year not one single rental in Australian cities was affordable for a single or pensioner couple, an unemployed person, or a single part-time working parent.

One of the tens of thousands of people forced to sleep the streets in Australia. As a result of the sell-off of public housing, the casualisation of the workforce and housing policies presided over by both Liberal and ALP governments that greatly favour landlords over tenants, homelessness is on the increase in Australia. Last year, nearly 300,000 people were homeless in Australia for some period of time (Photo Credit: National Indigenous Times).

Another key tool in the capitalist profit drive is privatisation. Over the last three decades, governments have sold off a large chunk of this country’s state-owned assets. To be sure, one should have no illusions that in countries presided over by a capitalist state, state-ownership genuinely means public ownership. In Australia, state-owned entities have failed to even provide basic services like post and electricity to many rural Aboriginal communities. Nevertheless, privatisation results in assets that could have been producing state revenue that would partly go into social services needed by the masses end up in the hands of private owners intent on using their newly acquired monopolistic control of strategic assets to extract super-profits. Most significantly, because private capitalists face even less scrutiny than governments, they are more easily able to slash workers jobs and rip off consumers. Therefore privatisation is always accompanied by attacks on workers rights and higher prices while delivering massive profits for the new owners. That is why governments run by all the different pro-capitalist parties have overseen privatisation. The Hawke/Keating ALP began the privatisation wave by selling off the Commonwealth Bank and Qantas. Then the Howard Coalition began privatising Telstra in 1997 – a sell-off completed by the Gillard Labor-Greens government in 2011. Most recently, Morrison’s conservatives have made clear that they intend to sell-off the NBN. The ALP “Opposition’s” tepid response has been only to object to an immediate sale, while leaving the door wide open to future NBN privatisation.

Fight for a New, Class-Struggle Agenda to Guide the Workers Movement

Ongoing strikes by NSW rail workers, rolling action by southwest Sydney bus drivers and the partially victorious, strike last June by food processors – many of whom were women and men from various Asian backgrounds – at western Sydney’s General Mills factory all give a glimpse of what is needed to smash the bosses’ incessant campaign to drive down wages. So does the inspirational February 2021 struggle by workers toiling for British-owned food delivery company, Hungry Panda. That partially victorious struggle, which was spearheaded by riders from the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) who had come here as visa workers or students, was the first strike in Australia’s history by gig workers. Yet such resistance is hampered by the social-democratic perspective of the current ALP leaders of the workers movement. According to this outlook, while more extreme attacks on workers should be resisted, the capitalist order as a whole is tolerable or, if not, then it is nevertheless too powerful to oppose. Therefore all factions of the ALP claim that while class struggle methods like strikes can sometimes be used, the main means to defend workers rights is to elect an ALP government to administer the current, capitalist, order in a fairer way for workers while ensuring that the system itself is strengthened. However, knowing how able the corporate bigwigs are to use their fabulous wealth to swing public opinion, the ALP leaders ensure that any opposition that they take to particular attacks on workers will not be strong enough to make the capitalists so outraged that they will campaign against the ALP. Yet it is simply impossible to both truly defend working class people’s rights and avoid getting into a head-on clash with the capitalist class. This is because, as founder of the communist movement, Karl Marx insisted, the capitalist system cannot survive without the capitalists seeking an ever greater rate of exploitation. Marx explained that the total profits that the capitalists as a whole extract depends on the proportion of the fruits of workers labour that they can seize for themselves. However, as these capitalists spend more and more on building up capital (which today includes buildings, equipment and IT infrastructure), they can only maintain the same percentage return on their now bigger capital outlays if they can increase the amount of profit that they extract – in other words if they grab a greater share of the value added by workers mental and manual labour. Thus accepting the needs of the capitalist system means accepting the increasing exploitation of workers. That is why ALP governments over the last nearly four decades have carried out much the same agenda as the openly capitalist Liberals/Nationals – privatisation, casualisation, public housing sells off, attacks on the unemployed – albeit with a “nicer” tone. Today, Albanese’s ALP is following this same path more than ever. At the upcoming elections, the working class should not put their trust in the ALP anymore than they should support any of the non-working class-based capitalist parties: the Liberals, the Nationals, the Greens, One Nation or the United Australia Party.

Although the strategy of the pro-ALP union leadership and their Labor parliamentary mates has on occasion retarded attacks on the working class, overall this program has allowed the capitalists to increase their exploitation of the masses. Over the last nearly four decades, our unions have been weakened, working conditions have been eroded, jobs have become more insecure, housing has become more unaffordable and to facilitate all this the ruling class has made society more racist and ugly. In short, the Laborite program has been a disaster for the working class masses. Unable to effectively defend workers against the class war of the capitalists, the ALP and other pro-capitalist parties that sometimes claim to stand by workers, like the Greens, are left with advocating schemes to restrict imports in order to favour local producers at the expense of producers abroad. However, such protectionist schemes only result in governments abroad taking reciprocal measures to favour their own producers against Australian-made exports. The end result is that no workers benefit while Australian workers are left divided from their overseas worker sisters and brothers leaving both sets of workers less able to mount resistance against their own exploiters.

In opposition to Laborism, we need a new agenda to guide our workers movement. Instead of our demands being curtailed to avoid angering the capitalists, the working class must fight for it actually needs. That means demanding huge wage rises to make up not only for rising costs but for the ever lower share of income going to workers over the last three decades. We also need to put a halt to all privatisation. Rip up the underhanded plans to sell off Australia Post! No to privatisation of the NBN! Instead of privatisation, we need to bring the extreme profits in sectors like mining and banking into the public budget by ripping these sectors out of the hands of billionaires like Andrew Forest, Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer. That is the way towards acquiring the public finances needed to provide more nurses and hospital beds for our badly strained public hospitals, the extra teachers that we desperately need for our public schools and better funding for TAFE and universities. Most urgently, we need to fight for the confiscation of private aged-care homes from profit-making companies and their placing into public hands. These capitalists have already caused thousands of our elderly to die from this pandemic by, in their quest to maintain exorbitant profits, neglecting to provide adequate PPE for staff, refusing to hire adequate staff numbers and failing to follow basic pandemic safety protocols. We need to put a stop to this profit-driven carnage immediately!

An anti-privatisation agenda is urgent because the fact that large chunks of the “public” health system are actually in private hands is exacerbating the COVID crisis. Profit-driven pathology operations have not only negligently given hundreds of people the wrong COVID test results but have closed down dozens upon dozens of PCR testing sites … just when they were needed most! That is why pathology services must be nationalised right now. In China, whenever there is tiny outbreak in a city, their public-ownership dominated system is enabling them to PCR test the entire population of cities with over ten million people every two days (!) – usually with people only having to queue for less than 15 minutes. We need the same here! As well as fighting for a truly public health system, we need to demand the placing of all banks under state control. This is essential to directing credit for urgent pandemic response measures.

Our sole means to effectively fight for these demands are industrial action and other mass action by the working class and its allies. Therefore anything that harms such struggle must be flung out of the way. Anti-union laws must be opposed. Protectionist demands, which divide workers across national lines while undermining workers opposition to their bosses by encouraging the false notion that Australian workers have a common “national interest” with their local bosses, must be rejected. The poison of racism that the ruling class pours into society must be cleansed away. This can only be done by mobilising the workers movement to oppose racist atrocities from both governments and rednecks. The workers movement must support Aboriginal people’s struggle against the murder of black people by racist cops and prison guards. It must demand freedom for the refugees and the bringing here of all asylum seekers in Nauru and PNG with the full rights of citizens. Meanwhile, open provocations by violent racist groups must be shut down by mass mobilisations of trade unionists united with people of colour and all anti-racists. And in cases where the location and intended victims of potential redneck attacks are known – such as when an ethnic Chinese family has their home daubed with threatening graffiti – workers-led defence guards must patrol to prevent further attacks.

To strengthen their class struggle, the workers movement must draw into the struggle unemployed workers and the millions more enduring temporary employment or just a few hours of work a week. We must address the needs of these most vulnerable layers of the working class, including low-income single mothers, by demanding: Double the payments to the unemployed! Abolish all punitive “activity tests” on unemployed workers! For a guaranteed minimum wage for food delivery and other gig workers. For permanency, guaranteed minimum hours, leave and all the rights of permanency for all gig and other casual workers. Stop the sell-off of public housing – massively increase low-rent public housing instead! For free, nutritious lunches for all school students! For free, 24-hour childcare!

Whenever our unions ask for higher wages, the capitalists respond that this will lead to job losses. However, that is only true, if we allow them to employ as few workers as they want to. The bosses only employ as many workers as that which allows them to maximise profits. They keep their workforce ultra-lean. That is why when some workers are now off sick with COVID there are such shortages of food and other essentials. Moreover, even as they complain about a labour shortage, the capitalist bosses don’t want to hire any inexperienced workers because these greedy exploiters don’t want to pay a full wage to workers who will initially be not as productive as experienced staff. That is why we need to force the capitalists to increase hiring at the expense of their fat profits. Let’s force all companies making a profit to increase their number of full-time, permanent employees by at least twenty-five workers for every one million dollars of quarterly profit! The capitalist rulers will no doubt scream that this is “impractical.” We say that if it is “impractical” for the capitalists to utilise every labour resource available and provide those who labour with both job security and decent working conditions, then the means of production and distribution need to be ripped from their hands and brought into public ownership under workers control.

The Peoples Republic of China Heads in the Opposite Direction

The capitalist class and their economic “experts” would have you believe that there is no alternative to the agenda of privatisation, pro-landlord housing policies and “economic freedom” of capitalists to do whatever it takes to maximise profits. We are told Australia is merely headed down the path of “like-minded countries”. But there is a country that is actually headed in the opposite direction. And that country happens to be the world’s most populous country, the PRC. Last July, the PRC ordered food delivery companies to ensure that their delivery riders are always paid above the minimum wage and are additionally provided social insurance to cover these gig workers in case of loss of income from illness or unemployment. The companies were also ordered to provide workers with rider rest stations. The pro-worker measure had such an impact that it immediately wiped more than $A56 billion off the share market value of China’s leading food delivery platform. Indeed, the PRC is not shy of hurting rich capitalists to defend the interests of the masses. Last July, in order to protect parents from having to fork out ever larger amounts for their children’s after-school tutoring in an education rat race against other parents’ kids, the PRC dramatically banned all tutoring firms from making a profit. The new requirements caused the billionaire owner of one of China’s biggest tutoring firms, Gaotu to have $A21 billion almost instantly wiped off his wealth. However, Beijing’s measures to stop education being “hijacked by capital” are very popular with parents and students. Alongside the widespread rollout by Chinese schools of low-cost, school holiday daycare (which cost at most $A25 a week) involving extra-curricular programs in music, sport, dance, games and art, the measures suppressing capitalist tutoring firms are also aimed at giving kids a happier, less-stressful childhood.

Red China’s moves against profit-driven education firms are part of its broader moves – moves which it greatly accelerated from mid-2020 onwards – to clamp down on the “disorderly expansion of capital” and pursue “common prosperity.” The latter Beijing explains, involves curbing excessive incomes of the very rich and increasing the income of low-income groups. As a result, whereas in Australia it has been workers who have frequently been hit with fines and restrictions for standing up for their rights while tycoons like Gerry Harvey have been given huge payouts through Jobkeeper and other schemes, in China it has been the other way around. Last year, PRC authorities hit e-commerce giant Alibaba, one of the two main companies owned by China’s once richest man, Jack Ma, with a massive $A4 billion fine for monopoly behavior. They also forced the other of Ma’s main companies to restructure in a way that will greatly curb its profits. Companies owned by China’s other tech tycoons have also been hit with large fines and sanctions for suppression of consumer choice and unauthorised use of customer’s personal data, while being pressured to improve their workers’ rights. Meanwhile, the PRC has been vigorously pushing bosses to increase workers wages. As a result, the Global Wage Report 2020-21 produced by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) showed that Chinese workers enjoyed by far the fastest growing wages of any major economy. Although as a country catching up from the terrible poverty of her neo-colonial days, China’s per capita income and hence wages are still a fair bit lower than Australia’s, in the 2008-2019 period examined by the ILO, real wages in China not only more than doubled but were by 2019 approximately 2.3 times what they were in 2008 – a wage growth rate close to treble that in India and about twelve times that in Australia.

Another area in which the PRC is headed in the opposite direction to the capitalist countries is on the issue of privatisation. Over the last decade and a half, far from engaging in privatisation, the PRC has actually been carrying out some nationalisations. In the late noughties, China began re-nationalising privately owned mines in her coal sector by forcing greedy coal barons to sell their mines to the state for very low prices. The primary goal was to improve workplace safety. Private firms putting profits before workers’ lives had caused large numbers of workers to die in mining accidents. China’s nationalisations have indeed dramatically improved workplace safety. Last year, the number of deaths in China’s coal mining sector was 36 times lower than in 2002, despite production being two and a half times as high. More recently, the PRC has brought into public ownership several insurance companies, mid-size steel producers, property assets and one of China’s biggest mobile phone brands (Honor). Meanwhile, the PRC’s existing public sector firms continue to thrive through innovation in high-tech areas like high-speed rail and new energy. As a result, last year the revenue of China’s state-owned enterprises soared by more than two and half times the growth rate of her overall economy – indicating that the public sector has increased its weight in the Chinese economy.

A particular area where the PRC has been heading in the diametric opposite direction to privatisation is in the housing sector. In the decade from 2008 onwards, China provided an incredible 70 million new public housing dwellings to her low and lower-middle income people. This emphasis continues today. China’s 2021-2025 Five Year Plan has stipulated that a further 6.5 million new low-rent public housing units shall be built alongside millions of other types of public housing. Already, more than one in four of China’s households are living in public housing – a proportion eight times higher than in Australia. Meanwhile, the PRC has been administering her overall housing policy according to the motto: “Houses are for living in not for speculation.” Therefore, rather than giving huge negative gearing tax concessions to speculative landlords as occurs here, the PRC’s provincial governments have been curbing housing speculation through measures like bans on households buying more than two homes. This crackdown and the PRC’s emphasis on public housing are two of the reasons why, despite her per capita GDP still being some three to five times lower than Australia’s, China has a far lower rate of homeless than this country. Indeed, youth from the PRC who come to Australia for study are shocked at the level of homelessness that they see when they arrive here.

A public housing complex in China’s Shanghai. Over the last fourteen years, China has embarked on a massive program to provide her low and lower-middle income people with access to public housing. As a result, one in four of China’s housing dwellings are public housing dwellings and this proportion is rising every year (Photo Credit: Wei Li). The proportion of China’s housing stock that is public housing is now eight times higher than in Australia.

What China’s Reaction to the Woes of a Billionaire-Owned Developer
Says about the Path that She is Headed On

The direction that China is travelling in shows that the tyranny of the tycoons, privatisation and erosion of workers’ rights rampant in Australia is not the “natural order” of things. There is another alternative! And that alternative is being implemented quite successfully in Australia’s biggest trading partner. The working class and other low-income groups must fight to open up such an alternate path here! It is precisely this prospect of the toiling classes looking at China’s direction and demanding a similar path in their own countries that spooks the capitalist rulers of Australia and other “like-minded countries.” Aghast at the speed that China has been travelling on this roughly anti-capitalist road since mid-2020, a terrified major American news site complained in an article headlined, “Xi Jinping’s Capitalist Smackdown Sparks a $1 Trillion Reckoning”, that “true to their Communist roots, China’s leaders have no problem trampling on the interests of venture capital, private equity or stock investors when they conflict with its long-term development plan” (Bloomberg, 2 August 2020). Around the same time, a report from U.S. banking giant Goldman Sachs whinged that, “Chinese authorities are prioritizing social welfare and wealth redistribution over capital markets in areas that are deemed social necessities and public goods” (CNN website, 4 August 2021).

Desperate to stop the Chinese road inspiring working class people in their own countries, capitalist ruling classes have been doing everything possible to discredit the PRC’s latest measures. Thus when it became clear that a major Chinese property developer, Evergrande was in financial trouble, the capitalist media triumphantly declared that this was a sign that the Chinese economy was in deep crisis. Their barely disguised message was: if you crack down on the “free-market” in housing, this will lead to economic doom. To sell their narrative that an Evergrande collapse threatens a broader economic implosion in China, Western mainstream media deliberately hid the fact that China’s housing industry is in fair part driven by public housing construction and state-owned developers rather than being solely dependent on private housing built by tycoon-owned companies likes Evergrande. Yet they were not the only media engaged in such deception. So were the media of those nominally socialist groups that have enlisted in the propaganda campaign against Red China. Thus, an article last October in the Socialist Equality Party’s (SEP) World Socialist Website cheered that, “the feverish property development and build-up of debt [in China] have created the conditions for a major financial crisis”. Not to be outdone, the Australian left group “Solidarity” also sounded much like the Murdoch media when they headlined, “Evergrande crisis shows Chinese growth figures built on sand.” Lying that China’s high growth rates were the result of debt-fuelled speculation, Solidarity excitedly claimed that “the Evergrande crisis is a major thorn in the side of President Xi Jinping’s government” (Solidarity website, 15 October 2021). The only difference between Solidarity’s article and the capitalist media line is that the former claimed that Evergrande’s troubles are a product of “Chinese capitalism”, whereas the real capitalists, rather more accurately, identified Evergrande’s plunge as a result of the PRC’s crackdown on capitalism. Whereas the mainstream media seek to intensify enmity to Red China from pro-capitalist sections of the population, “Solidarity” mobilises such anti-PRC hostility from anti-capitalists. To do so, Solidarity claim that “Chinese capitalism” is going through typical capitalist boom-bust cycles, with the Evergrande demise the result. They could only sell this fiction by hiding the truth that even while the capitalist world was plunging into the troughs of its boom-bust cycles, the PRC has not had any cyclic economic busts – not even during the mid-late 1990s Asian Financial crisis or the late noughties Great Recession. This is because the capitalist mode is not dominant in China.

By the start of this year, all those predicting and wishing for China’s economic collapse had … egg on their face! The PRC’s economic growth rate for last year came in at a whopping 8.1%. So just like umpteen other “predictions” of China’s demise over the last 25 years, the hopes of Western capitalists – and the half-baked socialists that capitulate to the latter’s anti-communist drive – went unrealised! As a result, the anti-PRC media switched focus to selling the line that the plummeting share price of Evergrande is a serious problem in itself as is the (very slight) fall in Chinese house prices over recent months. These anti-communist propagandists deliberately avoided mentioning that the PRC’s authorities have actually been intentionally curbing house prices in order to make homes more affordable for the masses – unlike Morrison’s conservatives who wants to drive up house prices to please their wealthy mates and Albanese’s ALP which lacks the courage to defy them. As for fact that the PRC’s measures to stop housing speculation is causing Evergrande’s billionaire majority owner, Hui Ka Yan – and some other property tycoons – to lose the majority of their wealth, this is entirely aligned with the PRC’s drive to “stop the disorderly expansion of capital” and curb excessively high incomes in order to uplift the position of lower and middle income groups.

The manner in which the PRC has responded to Evergrande’s liquidity crisis is also consistent with her “common prosperity” agenda. The PRC state has effectively taken over the restructuring of the struggling corporation and they have used that control to make clear that all the company’s moves must firstly guarantee the wages and jobs of their workers and the promised homes of their customers, while the interests of rich investors must come last. Already, PRC authorities have pressured Hui Ka Yan to sell over $A1.5 billion of his personal assets – including two private jets, several mansions, expensive art works and shares – to help pay off some of the company’s debt. Meanwhile, the PRC looks to be driving Evergrande down a similar path that it took another privately-owned conglomerate that was mired in debt, HNA Group. In that case, the PRC state re-allocated the company assets to several state-owned companies and private corporations in a way that has kept workers in their jobs, while HNA’s [ex-]billionaire main owners lost nearly all their assets. Already, Evergrande and some smaller developers in distress have sold off a number of property assets to PRC state-owned enterprises, while the state has also confiscated parcels of land and other assets owned by Evergrande. Just like the real estate and airport operations of HNA, Evergrande is set to end up in good part becoming yet another chapter in China’s post-noughties nationalisation story. That will be bad news for Hui Ka Yan and other filthy rich investors but more great news for China’s working class and middle class masses.

Socialism Works!

The reason that the PRC is able to push back wealthy business owners in order to decisively improve the rights of gig works, raise wages and defend housing accessibility for low income groups is because capitalists do not rule in China. You see, China is not a “like-minded country” to the likes of Australia, India, Indonesia and the USA! In 1949, the toiling classes of China seized power in the most massive revolution in human history. Although the Chinese working class exercises its power in an indirect manner through a middle class bureaucracy that controls political administration and although that bureaucracy’s pro-market reforms have allowed capitalists to gain a sizable foothold in parts of the Chinese economy since the 1980s, it is the public ownership system favouring working class people that continues to be the backbone of Chinese society. Although capitalists are very prevalent in retail, internet and light manufacturing, all of China’s strategic sectors including banking, oil and gas, steel, mining, power, infrastructure, ports, auto, train and aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, space technology, telecommunications, airlines, food processing, computer chips and pharmaceuticals – as well as many consumer sectors like movies, whitegoods and flat screen TV manufacturing – are dominated by socialistic state-owned enterprises. It is this socialistic system that enabled China to complete lifting all its residents out of extreme poverty by the end of 2020. This is a stunning achievement because before China was steered onto the socialist path 72 years ago she had been so subjugated by neo-colonialism that her per capita income was barely more than half that of India’s. It is the PRC’s public sector that played the key role in achieving her anti-poverty triumph. Over-riding the imperative to maximise profits at all costs, the PRC’s giant state-owned enterprises established industries in poorer parts of China and often hired workforce numbers far in excess of what would be most profitable for their operations. This socialist sector was also key to ensuring the Chinese economy’s great resilience during the pandemic. Thus during the worst period of the pandemic in China, the first seven months of 2020, the PRC’s state-owned enterprises actually increased their investment in fixed assets by nearly 4%, even as private sector investment collapsed by close to 6%. Meanwhile, the PRC’s public sector boosted its hiring of new graduates by a whole one-third in order to make up for decreased job opportunities in the capitalistic private sector.

20 July 2021, Qingdao, China: The world’s first 600 km/hr (!!) Maglev train is unveiled by CRRC, China’s giant state-owned train manufacturer. This Maglev train will now undergo testing and validation. CRRC is the producer of China’s famous high-speed trains as well as her cargo trains, subway trains and trams. Like CRRC, other PRC state-owned enterprises have led China’s innovation in many key high-tech areas including renewable energy, space and satellite technology, supercomputers, speech recognition, artificial intelligence, bridge and tunnel building, computer chips and flat screen televisions. Putting social needs above profit goals, these socialistic enterprises were key to China’s historic victory over extreme poverty and her stunning success in protecting her population from COVID.

Among the public sector enterprises most crucial to Red China achieving her social goals have been her banks. In China, alongside her three 100% state-owned policy banks specifically charged with advancing social development agendas, all her big six commercial banks as well as nearly all her medium-sized banks are majority state-owned. Very different to the notorious greed of banks in capitalist countries, the PRC’s socialistic banks have often foregone lending that would bring them higher returns in order to prioritise credit for areas like uplifting of impoverished areas, public housing, renewable energy and environmental protection. They also played a vital role in China’s pandemic response, helping provide the funding that enabled manufacturers, pharma-biotech firms and developers to quickly switch over their operations to the delivery of PPE, COVID testing kits and makeshift hospitals.

The work of the PRC’s public sector in responding to the pandemic have produced stunning results. The PRC has the lowest death rate per person from COVID of any country in the world with a population of more than one million people. Twelve days ago, she achieved an incredible milestone: Mainland China went through a whole year without a single COVID related death! And this in a country with one in five of the world’s people! Of course, the capitalist media have denigrated this success by lying that China’s suppression of COVID is only the result of widespread continuing lockdowns. Yet today, not one large city in China is under a city-wide lockdown. Indeed, a large proportion of China’s residents have never had to endure a full lockdown during the entire pandemic. Even China’s best known megacities Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Shenzhen have, at most, only ever had lockdowns in small proportions of their giant cities but never a citywide, Sydney or Melbourne-style lockdown. Moreover, in rare cases when an outbreak did cause a whole Chinese city to lockdown, like Xian, which eased out of lockdown a few weeks ago, the lockdowns have been much shorter than the three to four months that Sydney and Melbourne residents endured in the middle of last year. Thus, even the worst hit parts of Xian were released from lockdown within 32 days. Over the last few days, although the PRC has had to take measures to prevent Winter Olympic teams from highly infected countries like Australia and Britain bringing the virus into China in big numbers, well over 99.5% of mainland China’s people enjoyed their seven-day (!) public holiday for Chinese New Year with more social freedoms than people have here. People packed into tourist spots and literally millions of people travelled on China’s famous high-speed trains every day. Nearly all of China has no restrictions on dancing and singing at clubs as we have in most Australian cities. Although the Chinese workers state has sometimes taken strict measures – putting the masses lives before business profits – China’s success in responding to the pandemic is not mainly because of this. What has separated the PRC’s response from all the capitalist countries is the ability of her socialistic system – where not only is the public sector the backbone but where private companies are subordinated to the workers state – to provide massive testing of people in COVID-affected cities, to move every COVID-affected person into medical care and quarantine in an existing or makeshift hospital and to give all hospital workers, aged care workers and other exposed workers full coverage PPE.

Socialistic Rule in China: Terrible for Capitalist Exploiters Worldwide,
Great for the Working Classes of the World

It is not only China’s pandemic response and her common prosperity drive that Western capitalist ruling classes are seeking to denigrate. They, their media and the “independent” “human rights” NGOs that they fund are looking for every possible angle to attack the PRC. One of the main fronts in their propaganda offensive is over the situation of the Muslim Uyghur minority in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). The U.S., Australian and other Western imperialist regimes – the same ones who destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen through either direct invasion or proxy wars, who committed the most hideous war crimes in the countries that they invaded or bombed and who prop up Israel’s murderous oppression of Palestinian people – claim that China is committing “genocide” against Muslim Uyghurs. They make this ridiculous claim even while largely admitting that China is somehow committing this “genocide” without actually killing any Uyghurs??!! Instead they claim that China is supposedly imprisoning millions of Uyghurs in re-education camps. This is a truly whacko conspiracy theory on par with some of the nuttiest Q-Anon “theories”. To try and give some “credence” to this conspiracy theory, the capitalist powers have relied on the fabricated “accounts” of those under the influence of either, ultra-rich capitalist Uyghurs who want to overturn socialistic rule in the XUAR, or extreme religious fundamentalists who want to turn the XUAR into a version of ISIS’ Caliphate. However, Western regimes’ claims that Uyghurs are being subjugated by China have been strongly rejected by the overwhelming majority of Uyghurs living in Xinjiang who are instead proud of their anti-poverty advances – especially over the last twelve years – and who are freely enjoying the rich Uyghur language, music and dance. The section of the Uyghur community that most strongly opposes anti-PRC propaganda and the increasingly small number of right-wing Uyghur terrorists are Uyghur women. These women are terrified at the prospect of having their current secular lifestyle and freedoms inside the PRC being taken away and their status being thrown back to the much lower position endured by women in most of the neighbouring non-socialist countries to their west; which includes Afghanistan where both under the Western occupation and now under the Taliban, women are subjugated in a way that the religious fundamentalist component of anti-communist Uyghur forces would like to see.

Furthermore, the accusations against China over Uyghurs have been rejected by most of the world. The only countries to sign-up to these claims are the Western powers – the very same ones that have been subjecting their own Muslim communities to racist stigmatisation and heavy-handed policing – and a handful of ground down neocolonies, like Nauru, whose Australian imperialist overlords have turned into a concentration camp for refugees. In all, those regimes making the claims of Uyghur oppression rule over only one in eight of the world’s people. Notably, not one Muslim-majority country has consistently signed onto these anti-PRC claims. Indeed, with the exception of Japan, not a single country in all of Asia, the Middle East, Africa or South America has signed on. Instead, far, far more countries have signed statements that not only denounced “the groundless accusations against China based on disinformation” but which positively “commends the efforts of the People’s Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens” in the XUAR. As a small number of Western mainstream media outlets have had to report, at UN meetings, around 70 countries have signed statements lauding China’s treatment of Uyghurs and in all around 90 countries have openly weighed in behind China on the issue. Notably, this includes the vast majority of the world’s Muslim-majority countries, including those as different from each other as Palestine, Pakistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Turkmenistan and Qatar. Indeed the claims about China subjugating Muslim Uyghurs are so ridiculous that even thoroughly U.S.-allied Muslim-majority countries like the UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan have rejected the anti-China claims and instead praised China’s advancement of Uyghur human rights through development.

It is no surprise that capitalist ruling classes would do everything possible to vilify the PRC. After all, we know how viciously capitalists, their media and their governments attack trade unions that staunchly defend workers rights like the construction workers CFMEU – and especially its militant Victorian branch. Therefore we can expect that the capitalist class will be even more fanatical in attacking organisations – like the Chinese workers state – formed when the toiling classes not only assembled to fight for improved rights but actually united to takeover a country. After all, the existence of the PRC workers state is greatly impeding the ability of the powerful “multinational” capitalists of the richer countries to exploit a workforce of some 800 million people! Moreover, the existence of a workers state in the world’s most populous country provokes the greatest fear of the capitalist rulers of Australia and other “like-minded countries”: that the working class of their own countries will look at China and decide that they also want to grab state power. The fact that the PRC state has been more clearly showing its pro-working class character of late by cracking down on greedy capitalists and improving the rights of gig workers makes capitalist ruling classes the world over all the more nervous.

For the very same reason that capitalist exploiting classes fear and loathe the socialistic PRC, the working class must hail and defend its existence. For the very existence of working class rule in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba and North Korea – in however a fragile and incomplete form – gives confidence to the toiling classes in Australia and other capitalist countries that they do not have to accept capitalist rule and all that it brings – bullying bosses, economic insecurity, growing racism and a society that puts the profits of wealthy business owners above the lives of workers, our parents and our grandparents. That is why the workers movement and Left must unconditionally stand with socialistic China and the other workers states against every form of attack that they face – whether that be military, economic or propagandistic. Down with the U.S./Australia/Britain military build-up against the PRC and North Korea! No nuclear submarines for the Australian regime – No to AUKUS! U.S./NATO/Australia out of the South China Sea! Rebuff the lying “human rights” attacks on the PRC over Uyghurs, Tibet and Hong Kong! Oppose U.S. funding for capitalist counterrevolutionary groups in China!

China’s Socialist Advances Face Serious Threats –
All the More Reason to the Defend the Workers State

The pro-working class measures that are being implemented within China are meeting much resistance – even from certain elements within the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC). China’s capitalists hate the recent measures with a vengeance. But they dare not say so openly. So they get establishment bodies like their All China Federation of Industry and Commerce to lobby behind the scenes for “respect” for the “rights” of capitalist exploiters. Meanwhile, various experts, economists and academics that are close to these capitalists, like liberal Peking University economics professor Zhang Weiying, have been speaking out against the common prosperity drive. Given that the CPC is the only truly mass party in China, it is inevitable that the party would house those holding a range of viewpoints – including those that are protective of the capitalists. Indeed, even China’s number two, premier Li Keqiang seems to be quietly obstructing president Xi Jinping’s common prosperity push by favouring the private sector – as opposed to the socialistic public sector – in his tax policies and statements. In the face of this blowback, there was some retreat by the PRC leadership in their public stance about the crackdown on “disorderly expansion of capital.” PRC officials sought to reassure domestic capitalists and foreign investors that there were limits to how far the recent moves would go.

On the other hand, the Chinese masses have been egging on the PRC’s crackdown on big-time capitalists. Chinese workers and youth have, quite correctly, flooded social media with posts calling out Jack Ma as an “evil capitalist” and a “bloodsucker”. A commentator who cheered that “Ma will definitely be hung from the lamppost” received well over a hundred thousands likes for that post! Pushed by such mass sentiment, last August, some of the biggest Chinese state media outlets chose to run an article by popular leftist blogger Li Guangman that encouraged the crackdown on capitalists to deepen, calling them a forerunner of “profound revolutions” that would see a “return to the original intentions and quintessence” of socialism. Meanwhile, despite right-wing sections of the CPC having made headway in lobbying for legal guidelines stipulating that economic transgressions by “entrepreneurs” (by which they mean capitalists) will in future be dealt with as civil matters rather than jail-carrying crimes, major sections of the PRC state are not relenting on their moves to bring aggressive capitalists and those that protect them to heel. Last September, after HNA’s state administrators had wiped out their wealth, the now ex, billionaire former owners of HNA Group, its ex-chairman and ex-CEO, were arrested. Then, last week, the CPC expelled from the party and handed over to prosecutors the recent, former CPC chief of Hangzhou city, Zhou Jiangyong for not only taking bribes but for having “colluded with some capital elements and backed the runaway expansion of capital”. Sensationally, Hangzhou is the city where Jack Ma’s corporations are based. Speculation is mounting that among the “capital elements” that Zhou colluded with in backing “the runaway expansion of capital” is none other than Jack Ma himself. Many in China are excited that Zhou’s downfall will be the prelude to the final takedown of China’s most well-known capitalist exploiter, Jack Ma.

In summary, there is a fierce tug of war going on between on the one end, the Chinese working class and its allies both within and outside the CPC and on the other, the capitalist class and those upper middle class elements and groupings within the CPC aligning themselves with the private “entrepreneurs.” In some sense this is no different to the class conflict taking place in the capitalist world. However, the big difference between the contest running in China and that in the capitalist world, is that in China, the seizure of state power by the toiling masses in 1949 and the resulting emergence of a society centred on working-class, that is collectivised, property forms has given the working class the decisive advantage in the class war. However, they have far from achieved final victory. The excessive openings to capitalists made by the CPC from the mid-1980s to the mid-noughties greatly strengthened the pro-capitalist side. Most importantly, capitalist restorationist forces within China are boosted by the fact that all the most powerful countries in the world, other than for China itself, remain under capitalist rule. Their presence not only emboldens Chinese capitalists to demand ever more “rights” but helps rightist sections within the CPC to prosecute the case that with such strong external forces opposing socialist rule, Beijing has no choice but to “compromise” with and “adapt” to global capitalism. This is another reason why those particular socialists (in Australia this includes Solidarity, Socialist Alternative, the Australian Communist Party, Socialist Alliance and the SEP) who use the existence of a degree of capitalism within China as an excuse to support anti-communist forces attacking the PRC state – like Hong Kong’s pro-colonial, rich people’s opposition – are actually helping strengthen pro-capitalist forces within the PRC establishment. By increasing the hostile pressure on the workers state, they are helping empower Chinese “Gorbachevs” who should they gain the ascendancy would open the gates for outright capitalist counterrevolutionaries to storm through and take power.

In contrast to those leftists who capitulate to the anti-PRC Cold War, we in Trotskyist Platform work hard to mobilise active solidarity with the Chinese workers state. In October 2019, we joined together with the Australian Chinese Workers Association and others to build a united-front action that saw 70 people march through Sydney city calling to “Stand with Socialistic China.” When word got back to China about this action, those staunch Chinese communists who heard about it were thrilled. We need more of and more powerful such actions! For these actions not only inspire anti-capitalist workers within China to resist the capitalists and their advocates but emboldens them to push for the crackdown on “the disorderly expansion of capital” to intensify. And China’s anti-capitalist crackdown does need to go much further than president Xi wants. To fortify working class rule and ensure the PRC’s further progress towards “common prosperity”, the power of Jack Ma and his ilk needs to be smashed. The tech, real estate and light manufacturing sectors need to confiscated from these capitalists and brought into public ownership. The danger of the socialistic economy being white anted by a large number of smaller-scale capitalists needs to be averted by ending premier Li Keqiang’s concessions to small and medium sized private “entrepreneurs”. Rather than rescuing such private enterprises by giving them handouts, promising such enterprises should be nationalised when in trouble. Let’s help advance China’s socialistic public sector! Let’s do so by mobilising in solidarity with the PRC here in Australia!

Above and Below: The 7 October 2019 demonstration calling on “Working Class People in Australia & the World” to “Stand With Socialistic China.” This united-front action was built primarily by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association. This rally and march through the centre of Sydney city also called to “Defeat Hong Kong’s Pro-Colonial, Anti-Communist [Opposition] Movement!” 

Let’s Seize on China’s Anti-Capitalist Measures to
Motivate the Struggle Against Australia’s Capitalist Exploiters

We should point to the existence of socialistic rule in China to not only popularise the need for a future socialist revolution here in Australia but to motivate a fightback right now against growing exploitation and privatisation. Every time that we demand any serious measures to restrict the “right” of capitalists to “freely” exploit it poses the questions: how far are such restrictions going to go and what should be done if such measures cause the capitalist engine to grind to a halt. The current pro-ALP leadership of the workers movement responds to these questions by telling the masses that while there should be restrictions on capitalist exploitation such measures should be mild so that they allow the current (that is capitalist) system to function properly. However, the fact that a socialistic system is operating in the world’s most populous country and running rather successfully – even though the workers state there is weakened and distorted by hostile pressure and capitalist intrusion -shows that the workers movement does not have to moderate our demands to ensure the success of capitalism. The dead end of Laborism can be rejected. The working class can and should fight for what it actually needs! For if making headway on those demands causes the capitalist order to start coming apart – as it inevitably will – then so be it; that is no issue because replacing capitalist rule with socialistic working class rule has been proven to work in China and is what we desperately need. Through our publications and discussions with the masses, through seeking to steer progressive struggles in a direction that enhances the working class’ trust in their own power and diminishes their illusions in any wing of the capitalist class and in any organ of the capitalist state and through ourselves initiating actions with the same purpose, Trotskyist Platform works hard to win broader and broader layers of the working class to the need for a future workers conquest of state power, while advancing the building of the revolutionary workers party that would spearhead the struggle for such a socialist revolution. We understand that the struggle for a socialist Australia will be advanced today by the working class fighting through class-struggle methods for what it needs. That is why we draw the Australian working class’ attention to the anti-capitalist measures being taken in China and seek to use that to inspire workers to mobilise right now in action to demand: A guaranteed minimum wage and all the rights of permanency for all gig workers! For big wage rises! For a massive increase in public housing! No to privatisation of the NBN – stop all privatisations! Nationalise the banks, aged care sector and pathology services!