Tag Archives: China

No Job Cuts! No Unpaid Stand Downs!

Don’t Let Rich Business Owners Make Workers Pay for the Pandemic –
Force Them to Keep Paying Wages from the Profits
They’ve Leached From Workers Over the Years!

No Job Cuts! No Unpaid Stand Downs!

3 May 2020: Australian billionaire James Packer spent much of last year cruising around in a $200 million super yacht. He is now lazing about in his $20 million holiday mansion in a U.S. resort. Packer can afford all this. This main owner of hotel and casino operator Crown Resorts has made a fortune from leaching profits out of the hard work of Crown workers. In the last five years, Crown’s owners have extracted a total profit of $4.2 billion. Yet within hours of the March 22 announcement that clubs and casinos needed to close due to COVID-19, Packer and Co. stood down without pay thousands of workers. Around 95% of the 11,500 strong Crown workforce has been cut. This is outrageous! Consider this: assuming that the average annual wage of a Crown worker is $60,000, probably an overestimate given how badly hospitality workers are paid, then Packer and the other shareholders could pay all the stood down workers their full wages for six and a half years out of the profits that they have leached from these workers’ labour in just the last five years!

Packer is hardly alone in acting this way. Right across Australia, the owners of cafes, restaurants, gyms, airlines, tourism operations and factories are throwing onto the scrap heap the very same workers who made these capitalists their fortunes. We must not stand for this! Ultra-rich business owners should not be allowed to retrench workers or stand down workers without pay. We must force them to keep on paying us in full out of the profits that they have leached from our labour over the years.

Early June 2020: James Packer aboard his $200 million superyacht. Just six weeks earlier his Crown Resorts stood down without pay over 10,000 of the very workers whose toil made this greedy, lazy billionaire his fortune. Merely selling the superyacht that he bought last year (out of the profits extracted from these workers) could alone have covered the full pay of all of Packer’s stood-down workers for nearly four months!
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It is Workers Who Are Bearing the Economic Pain of the COVID-19 Pandemic

For years, Australian governments – Liberal, ALP and ALP-Greens coalitions alike – have kept the dole at cruelly low levels. The right-wing media have “justified” this by insulting unemployed workers as lazy. However, with so many workers now thrown onto Centrelink queues it is hard to sell that lie. So, now the new line that the regime is selling us is that “everyone needs to share the economic pain” caused by the pandemic. Except it is workers who are being made to bear all that pain! Sure, there are also some small businesses that are not making a profit right now. But let’s not buy the line that those small business owners using hired labour are simply, innocent “battlers.” Many of these small business owners axing jobs now are the ones most notorious for illegally under-paying their staff and otherwise bullying their workers. And how many workers employed in small businesses see their supposed “battler” boss turn up each day in a flashy Mercedes or BMW!

Let’s remember that when any business using hired labour, big or small, winds up, the owners still have all their personal wealth that they have extracted from exploiting their workers as well as all the money that they will get from selling the equipment and other business assets that they had bought from the profits sweated out from workers’ labour over the years. Just look at how little the high-profile failure of Clive Palmer’s Queensland Nickel affected his wealth. After Palmer sacked 237 workers in early 2016, he then infamously refused to pay even the entitlements of the further 800 workers who lost their jobs when the company was liquidated shortly after. Today, despite his company’s collapse and all the pain borne by the axed Queensland Nickel workers, Palmer still manages to be Australia’s eighth richest person with nearly $10 billion in wealth!

Far from “sharing the pain”, many bosses are using the current crisis to, instead, inflict pain on their workers. Knowing that the massive job losses have left those still employed feeling insecure about their jobs and, thus, less willing to challenge bosses, business owners are ramming through attacks on working conditions. The conservative government is right behind them. Last week, industrial relations minister Christian Porter slashed the notice period that bosses have to give before making cuts to pay, penalty rates and leave entitlements to just 24 hours. Meanwhile, some corporate bigwigs are using the cover of the pandemic to push through job cuts. In March, ANZ bosses slashed 230 jobs as part of a long-plotted “cost cutting” drive.

Typical of the bosses busy retrenching workers are the ones heading major pub operator, Redcape. Redcape’s biggest stake is held by American banker, Ken Moelis, but Australian tycoon, Rhonda Wyllie, also owns a multi-millionaire dollar stake. Wyllie, whose family’s wealth is $420 million, is a politically-connected property mogul who had then foreign minister Julie Bishop at her obscenely opulent 2018 wedding. Right: Whyllie (left) and Bishop (right) at this latter event. Whyllie, Moellis and co.’s company wasted no time in responding to the pandemic restrictions by axing casual staff and standing down, without pay, most of Redcape’s permanent workers. This despite Redcape’s owners having exploited $153 million from their workers in just the last four and a half years – enough to pay the 800 cut workers in full for around five years!

Bosses Putting Workers’ Lives at Risk

Driven by this same pursuit of “cutting costs,” many business owners are putting those workers lucky enough to still have a job at risk of contracting the coronavirus. Qantas has such lax safety systems that even the limp government regulator, Safework NSW, issued the company a mandatory notice on March 2 because Qantas did not ensure that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) was provided to Sydney ground crew performing the crucial role of cleaning aircraft of wet wipes, used tissues, used face masks and sometimes even vomit and blood. Then the Transport Workers Union exposed how after a Qantas baggage handler at Adelaide Airport was found be infected with COVID-19, Qantas bosses did little to put any protections in place. As a result within 17 days, another 17 baggage handlers, three other Qantas workers and 11 close contacts became infected.

In many cases, bosses are not only putting their workers at risk but placing those they supposedly serve in danger too. At many hospitals and private aged care facilities, bosses have failed to provide workers with adequate PPE; and at best only after the virus has already spread. At a Western Sydney Anglicare nursing home, 14 residents have tragically died from COVID-19 after a worker was infected.

The higher paid strata of administrators of government-run facilities are often little better than their private sector counterparts. In Tasmania, the virus jumped from two infected North West Regional Hospital patients onto medical workers. The lack of adequate PPE, which medical workers have angrily exposed, enabled COVID-19 to then spread like wildfire amongst staff and patients at the hospital and a neighbouring private hospital. Three days ago, the twelfth person died from this particular outbreak that has infected at least 73 health workers.

Since we can’t rely on the bosses to ensure a safe workplace, the workers movement must fight for the following:

  • Union/worker safety committees at each workplace. These will struggle to ensure that each workplace is safe and has proper pandemic deterrence procedures. If any site is found to be dangerous, workers should walk off the job until the site is made safe. Workers to be fully paid during any such walk-offs.
  • Temperature testing of all workers and others entering work sites.
  • All workers at hospitals treating potential COVID-19 patients and at all aged care homes to be supplied with full head-to-toe PPE. The provision of such space-suit style PPE to nurses, janitors and doctors in China is part of why that country was so successful in responding to the COVID-19 threat.
  • All workers to be granted unlimited paid pandemic leave for COVID-19 treatment or quarantining or for caring for ill people. Instead of bosses blaming workers for outbreaks, they should pay sick leave so that workers don’t get hit with the choice between poverty and risking spreading the disease.
  • Similarly, all casual workers must be immediately granted permanency. These workers must have all the rights of permanent workers – including sick leave and guaranteed minimum work hours.

Not Bailouts of Capitalists but Jobs For All Workers At Full Pay

All of official society, business owners, media commentators, the ALP “Opposition” and even, to a significant degree, the current leaders of our trade unions – have been cheering the government’s JobKeeper scheme that pays the owners of certain businesses $1,500 per fortnight for each worker that they keep on their payrolls. However, JobKeeper does not apply to most casual workers. Yet it is precisely such workers who have suffered the biggest job cuts since they often work in the hardest hit sectors like hospitality and retail. Also, often working in these areas are international students and visa workers. Yet the scheme will not apply to them either. These people now face destitution as they are not even eligible for the dole. Despicably, Morrison’s response to their plight is to tell these people to “make your way home”! For many this is not even possible as they not only have no money to pay for airfares but often cannot do so due to travel restrictions. The workers movement must actively demand that, to the extent that JobKeeper actually helps workers keep their jobs, it should apply to all workers. Let’s stop our wages being undercut by the forcing of destitute people into illegally-low-paid jobs in the cash economy! Let’s demand:

  • Immediate permanency, with all the rights of permanent workers, for all casual employees!
  • Full citizenship rights for everyone here including international students, refugees and visa workers!

Other than those explicitly excluded from JobKeeper, there are many others that the scheme will not save the jobs of. Since it only applies to large companies that have lost more than 50% of their revenue and smaller businesses that have lost at least 30%, workers being axed by firms experiencing lesser downturns will not be helped. Moreover, since the subsidy is barely above minimum wage, many bosses are choosing not to utilise the scheme because they simply don’t want to top up any wages out of their own pockets. Other capitalists are refusing to re-hire cut workers because they wanted to “prune” staff anyway.

There is another huge problem. JobKeeper is financed not from wealthy company owners but from the public budget. And you can bet that it is working class people who are going to be made to cover most of the resulting public debt. We face cuts to public service jobs, the further sell-off of public housing, the return of the dole back to near starvation levels, more health and education services being made user pays and further privatisation. What makes this more terrible is that some of the capitalists receiving JobKeeper subsidies did not actually have plans to cut their workforce because they needed to keep exploiting their workers to protect profits or market share. Thus, many billionaire and multi-millionaire capitalists are now going to receive huge donations from the public budget that amount to a combined multi billion dollars amount. That’s why in counter-position to JobKeeper, we need to fight for jobs for all workers through forcing the bosses to retain more workers than they want to at the expense of their own profits. That requires militant, mass struggle.

Even at this time of pandemic restrictions, strike action is still possible. Last month, MUA-organised Hutchison workers walked off the job for ten days over the company’s callous indifference to the threat of a pandemic spread at its Port Botany terminal. Moreover, social distancing measures will inevitably ease, giving us more freedom to launch the mass actions so urgently needed. We should then fight to stop wealthy business owners planning to permanently shut down operations by holding mass protest occupations of their facilities (while maintaining safe social distancing) to prevent them from selling their assets. However, given that many workers being axed are at smaller sites with less industrial power, the workers movement must also unite behind common demands for laws to ensure jobs for all workers. Let us demand:

  • A ban on all job cuts or unpaid stand downs by any firm whose total profit over the previous, say seven, years exceeds any current losses.
  • A ban on all cuts to wages and conditions from pre-pandemic levels.
  • The forcing of any company still making a profit to increase its number of full-time paid employees by at least five workers for every hundred thousand dollars of monthly profit.
  • Any business that violates these measures to be confiscated and transferred into public ownership.

Workers are NOT “All in This Together” with the Greedy, Rich Bosses

To wage the desperately needed fightback, the workers movement must change the program that currently leads our unions. Right now, pro-ALP union leaders have completely bought into the “we are all in this together” mantra. They have been cheered on in this by the corporate bigwigs, the right-wing government and media commentators. The ACTU leadership has been so compliant that industrial relations minister Christian Porter called ACTU leader Sally McManus his new BFF! Even the more militant Victorian CFMEU head, John Setka, has cheered the “unprecedented co-operation” with bosses associations saying “For once, we are all in the same boat.”

But far from being “all in the same boat”, the greedy bosses are actually throwing workers off the very boats that these workers built as soon as these boats run into rough waters. It is this same “we are all in the same boat” nonsense that saw the 1980s Accord between unions, bosses and the then ALP government. The Accord was essentially a no-strike pledge by union leaders in exchange for promises of social programs. In reality, The Accord saw the then Hawke and Keating Labor governments preside over the biggest increase in inequality in Australian history. Since then a less overt, but still underlying, “all in the same boat” ideology has seen union leaders, for the most part, shy away from organising militant industrial action – a strategy that has weakened our unions and led to the undermining of working conditions and rampant casualisation of the workforce.

Central to the “we are all in this together” ideology is the myth that workers and bosses share a common “national interest” in promoting the profits of local companies. Thus, the union leadership’s long-term “strategy” to stop job cuts has been to call to protect Australian businesses from imported goods. However, the last couple of months have exposed how utterly bankrupt this protectionist strategy is. For all the recent huge job losses have absolutely nothing to do with overseas competition hurting local businesses. The job cuts have actually been concentrated in sectors – like restaurants, shops, personal care, tourism and gyms – that simply cannot by their very nature be replaced by imports or by overseas contracting. Meanwhile, not only are travel disruptions reducing imports to Australia, those cuts to imports are causing job losses here as Australian businesses are deprived of needed supplies.

So we desperately need to exorcise our union movement of the we are all in this together or common national interest myth that currently haunts it. Our unions need to be re-oriented on a program based on a clear understanding that the interests of the capitalist business owners and those of the working class are at all times counter-posed. At times of crisis, like today, this conflict of interests actually becomes even sharper. Central to such a class struggle understanding is the truth that job losses are not ultimately caused by foreign threats to local business profits but by the greed of capitalists and the irrationality of their system. Thus the fight for jobs for all requires not helping local bosses to make more profit but actually, in a sense, the very opposite: mass struggle to force these bosses to hire more workers at the expense of their profits.

One positive development that lasted for a short period is that after years of focusing on demands to keep out guest workers, our union leaders, albeit not very energetically, did rightly call for JobKeeper to be extended to visa workers and international students. However, this emphasis did not last long at all. Today, Sally McManus and some other union leaders gave legitimacy to a newspaper opinion piece by one of their ALP parliamentary mates calling to cut migration and for local workers to get a “first go at jobs.” The divisive, nationalist article was written by senior federal shadow minister, Kristina Keneally, who sounded a good deal like a Peter Dutton, Pauline Hanson or Donald Trump. Such pitting of Australian workers against international and guest workers, far from saving the jobs of local workers, only divides workers from our true allies – the workers of the world – and, thus, makes the workers movement less able to mobilise effective action to stop job slashing attacks by capitalists. It is high time that our unions strongly reject all divisive, protectionist demands that call for putting local workers ahead of our international worker comrades whether they be calls to slash immigration, demands for more “local content”, demands for “Aussie crews on Aussie ships” or calls to keep out visa workers. Instead, our unions must demand that all those working here (including on ships servicing here), no matter what their nationality, get the highest local wages and conditions, must fight to win full citizenship rights for all visa workers and international students and must make persistent efforts to unite local and international workers against job slashing bosses everywhere in the fight for jobs for all. As the threat of job losses at British magnate Richard Branson’s Virgin shows and the fact that the most powerful Australian capitalists – like James Packer, the Murdochs and Anthony Pratt – have major operations abroad highlights, we need unity and solidarity with our worker sisters and brothers around the world today more than ever.

In waging a fight for jobs for all, the working class must unite in common struggle with all downtrodden layers especially hard hit in recent weeks. Standing by those sleeping the streets, couch-surfing or struggling to pay rent, the workers movement must demand a six-month freeze to all residential rent payments, an immediate end to all public housing sell-offs and the requisitioning of all unoccupied properties of people owning more than three homes and their immediate conversion into low-rent public housing or rent-free housing for the homeless. The workers movement must also stand by Australia’s brutally oppressed Aboriginal people who face extreme racist discrimination at the best of times but who are now, with police having greater powers arising from pandemic restrictions, copping even more racist repression. That means we must strongly stand by homeless Aboriginal people being especially bullied by police. And we must join in the recent, powerful call by the families and friends of Aboriginal victims of deaths in custody to release all of our Aboriginal sisters and brothers who are languishing – now more than ever given the dangerous and repressive covid-19 conditions – in Australia’s many brutal prisons and cruel detention centres.

Don’t Let the Capitalist Rulers Blame Others
for the Suffering and Job Cuts since the Pandemic Hit

Any fightback that the workers movement tries to wage will be undermined if the ruling class succeeds in shifting the blame for the pandemic and job losses onto others. Hard right media shock jocks and coded messages from the government have despicably sought to blame Chinese people. This has led to an explosion in the already alarming number of racist attacks against people of colour in Australia. People of Chinese appearance, including medical workers, have especially been abused and violently attacked. The working class must stamp out such attacks. Workers of Asian background make up an important component of the Australian workers movement and we need to resolutely fight against racism if we are to preserve our own unity and focus the masses on who our enemy actually is. So, while workers rights activists should respect genuine social distancing regulations, when a racist attack is threatened, we should make an exception and take mass action to defend those targeted and to painfully rebuff the perpetrators.

The main way that the capitalist rulers are trying to shift blame for the deaths and economic pain caused by the pandemic is to make ridiculous smears against the People Republic of China (PRC). The fact is that China gave Australia and the world much warning about the COVID-19 threat. Indeed, Australia did not even have a single confirmed case of COVID-19 when China took the unprecedented step of shutting down a whole city of 11 million people to contain the virus. That the virus still spread so widely here is because the Liberal government, with ALP support, in order to underhandedly promote anti-China fears within the Australian population, maintained for a long period restrictions only on travellers from China (and later from South Korea too) while not taking measures then to screen and test the large number of people returning with the virus from Europe, from cruise ships and from the U.S. Furthermore, the capitalist system, in which those who control production only have things made if they can find a way to extract a profit out of it, meant that Australian manufacturers have only in a very limited way switched over to producing pandemic response items like protective suits, medical masks, infra-red thermometers and testing kits. The resulting scarcity of these items has greatly weakened Australia’ response. In the end, these shortages have only been eased after China came to the rescue in recent days with large shipments. So the attempts by Australia’s capitalist regime to blame the PRC are total rubbish. Indeed, the Liberal government’s China-bashing call for a supposed “independent inquiry” into the earliest phase of the pandemic are much like its 2014-2015 Royal Commission into the Trade Unions, a witch-hunt aimed at smearing their target and justifying attacks against it. If we allow the capitalist ruling class to deceive the population into blaming China for their current hardships then the masses will likely stay away from any attempt to resist the capitalist class’ attacks on workers’ jobs and conditions.

There is another reason why the Australian regime and their big brother allies in Washington are so hysterically attacking China over the pandemic. The PRC’s stunning success in responding to the COVID-19 threat, versus on the other hand the seriously flawed response in Australia and the catastrophically botched one in the U.S., has shown the superiority of the PRC’s socialistic system based on public ownership and working class rule. The capitalist rulers around the world are terrified that their own masses will see this and, thus, conclude that socialism is what is needed in their own countries too. Indeed, that is precisely the conclusion that we must draw! For although working class rule in China is bureaucratically deformed and threatened by the presence of a still significant capitalist class, recent events have proven that such a socialist system, even in a flawed form, is far better able to protect the interests of the masses than the chaotic capitalist system. Thus, because the key sectors of the Chinese economy are dominated by public ownership – including banking, construction, ports, airlines, heavy industry, communication and mining – China was able to switch over its economy to building brand new emergency hospitals and pandemic response items in a flash. Moreover, the fact that the Chinese working class, in as imperfect a way as it is, have control of the PRC economy through their state means that the rise in unemployment in China since the pandemic has been relatively miniscule compared to the massive wave of joblessness that we are seeing in the U.S., Europe and Australia. So, yes, we definitely do need to fight here for a system based on public ownership and working class rule. And when business owners respond to our demands for them to retain more employees than is most profitable for them by saying that “this is not practical” then the workers movement must respond: if you capitalists cannot run the economy in a way that provides jobs for all then the economy should not be in your hands, we working class people will take it off you and put it into our own, strong and able, collective hands.

The Western capitalist rulers are right, from their point of view, to fear that the existence of socialistic rule in the world’s most populous country is an existential threat, if only by example, to capitalist rule in their own countries. That is precisely why it is in the interests of working class people and all the oppressed here to stand by socialistic rule in China. For the existence of Red China strengthens our own struggle against capitalist exploitation. So let us oppose the Australian regime’s participation in the provocative U.S.-led naval forays through distant Chinese waters and let us oppose its fulsome political support to counterrevolutionary forces within China – like the yuppy, rich people’s opposition in Hong Kong.

May 1, U.S.A.: Workers at Amazon, Target and other retail giants stage protests and walkouts over poor pay and the companies’ failure to provide workers with adequate protective gear during the pandemic. Militant class struggle is needed here in Australia to both demand a safe working environment and to fight for jobs for all by forcing companies to retain more workers at the expense of their profits.

The Capitalists Have Waged Class War on Workers for Decades –
It’s Time to Wage Class War on Them!

For the last several years, most workers have barely received a pay rise even while rents have been rising significantly, electricity costs are climbing steeply and out of pocket medical costs are increasing. In the meantime, company profits have skyrocketed. As a result, the wealth of Australia’s richest 200 people went from $197 billion in 2016 to $342 billion in 2019 – a staggering 74% increase in just three years! But now that some of them have run into choppy waters they are dumping overboard the very workers who produced their spectacular wealth. And then they tell us that “we are all in the same boat together.” How dare they! Workers who have just been axed by their bosses must feel nauseous when they encounter such rubbish as they queue up for hours before opening time outside Centrelink offices while wealthy business owners drive past in their flashy prestige cars.

So let’s completely reject the lie that we are being sold by the big end of town, with the complicity of the current ALP leaders of the workers movement, that “we are all in this together.” Let’s never lose sight of the fact that while it is the pandemic that necessitates social distancing restrictions it is a choice of business owners to lay off or stand down workers without pay rather than pay their workers out of the profits that they have sweated out of these self same workers over many years. Let’s build mass working class struggle against the bosses to force them to re-hire retrenched or stood down without pay workers as well as all longer-term unemployed workers. And if James Packer complains that he can’t afford this, we should demand that he sell the new super yacht that he bought eleven months ago. That alone would give him enough money to fully pay all his stood-down Crown workers for nearly four months. Let’s win jobs for all through waging class war on the very exploiting class that has been waging a one-sided class war on us for the last three and a half decades!

Socialistic China is Overcoming the Corona Virus Threat

Photo Above: Medical staff in China’s Wuhan celebrate on March 9 after all COVID-19 patients at the temporary hospital that they worked at were cured and discharged from hospital.

Socialistic China is Overcoming the COVID-19 Virus Threat

30 March 2020: Over the last few days, huge crowds in Wuhan have lined the streets to thanks the nurses and doctors from other parts of the Peoples Republic China (PRC) who heroically volunteered to go to Wuhan and help treat COVID-19 patients. The medics were given honorary police escorts as they went in buses to Wuhan airport to fly back to their home provinces happy in the knowledge that, in part through their brave efforts, the people of Wuhan have, at least for now, overcome the virus threat.

Please see the following short but powerful and emotional video of the people of Wuhan thanking the medics. The nurses and doctors leaving Wuhan break down in tears of joy as they receive thanks from Wuhan residents. The video can be accessed through our Facebook post on the subject here:

or through the direct link here:  https://twitter.com/OcastJournal…/status/1243791022489882624

The people of Wuhan now feel safe to congregate together in huge numbers, confident that the virus threat has been overcome.

The Peoples Republic of China has reduced the number of community transmission cases to almost zero. This is a stunning achievement for a country with 1439 million people – that is one in five of the world’s people. There is of course still a danger of a second wave. An average of around 30 to 50 people per day infected with COVID-19 have been coming into China as large numbers of Chinese people residing in the U.S. and Europe rush back to the safety of China. However, the numbers of COVID-19 infected people arriving are tiny compared to China’s overall population. Moreover, those infected people have been quickly identified and moved into hospitals for treatment.

Unlike Australia, the U.S. and many other countries, China has not closed its borders to citizens of any country at this time, despite the main risk to China now being from imported cases. Those coming into China are required to quarantine at designated hotels but this rule applies to everyone whether they are Chinese citizens or foreign nationals. Certainly there is nothing in China like the outrageous quarantine at the Christmas Island Detention Centre that the racist Australian regime forced mainly ethnic Chinese Australians – who had left Hubei Province – to have to endure when they returned here in early February. And from accounts of foreign nationals quarantined in China, it seems that they are not subjected to the harsh conditions experienced by those recent arrivals from overseas put into compulsory quarantine in Australia who have complained about intimidating guards, bad food, no fresh towels and no cleaning done (see: https://www.sbs.com.au/…/australians-in-quarantine-at-sydne…).

When the Australian mainstream media have had to grudgingly acknowledge that China has been at this time largely able to stop further spread of the virus, they have spun the myth that this is due to “authoritarian” measures. This is a lie. Indeed the lock downs currently in place in Britain, Spain, Italy, India and many other countries are in many ways stricter than the ones that were in place in China. To be sure, Wuhan had been in a stringent, complete lock down and so were many other parts of Hubei Province. However, Hubei only makes up 4% of China’s population. To be sure, in the rest of China, schools, universities and all non-essential workplaces were also closed as the PRC authorities extended the Chinese New Year holidays that had begun when the outbreak emerged and prioritised saving lives and stopping the spread of the virus over business profits. However, in these parts of China outside Hubei, including in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, people while discouraged from unnecessary travel and required to wear masks when outside, were still able to move around. By contrast the lock downs in Britain, Spain, Italy, India and many other countries are completely nationwide.

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So why has China, at least for now, been able to achieve a victory over the COVID -19 threat? Simply, it is because of the advantages of her socialistic system based on public ownership of the economy and working class rule – despite the fact that the workers state in China is bureaucratically deformed and undermined by the wavering government having allowed too much of a capitalistic private sector. So socialistic state-owned developers in China were mobilised to build two massive brand new hospitals in Wuhan in less than two weeks. They also converted in rapid time, large numbers of public facilities like gymnasiums and cultural halls into makeshift hospitals. This meant that although Wuhan’s hospitals were at the start overwhelmed, before long all COVID-19 patients in China could actually be treated in hospitals rather than be made to self-quarantine at home, as is the case with most corona virus infected people in Australia and the U.S. deemed to be “non-serious cases.” By ensuring that all people confirmed to have COVID-19 were treated in hospital and that others suspected of being infected were moved into either hospitals or centralised quarantine, the PRC guaranteed not only the proper treatment of infected people but, through ensuring that all infected people could be guaranteed food and essentials without having to go shopping for such goods, they ensured that the quarantine of these people was total and thus that they would not spread the disease to others.

Moreover, China also had a massive mobilisation to test people for COVID-19. This included not only specific testing for the corona virus but very frequent temperature testing of people in their homes, workplaces and at public transport venues in order to identify people who were more likely to have been infected. As a result COVID-19 patients or those considered likely to be infected could be identified early and sent for treatment and quarantine.

Meanwhile, Chinese state-owned manufacturers – even aircraft manufacturers, car factories and oil giants – were quickly turned into factories making masks, ventilators, personal protective gear for medics, thermometers and testing kits. Such a mobilisation on this scale is not possible in capitalist countries because the private manufacturers here are totally driven by profit and will only agree to switch production if they can make a quick buck out of it. Similarly, if private developers in Australia had been asked to build a massive brand new hospital in ten days they would have demanded a massive premium for such an urgent construction and would have wasted days if not weeks haggling for a bloated price before even thinking about starting construction. In contrast, in the PRC, not only does the socialistic public sector put social needs above profit but because the smaller private enterprises are beholden to the large public sector that dominates the markets and supply chains and because private firms have a tenuous existence under a workers state, even some private companies felt compelled to join the mobilisation to provide for the medical relief effort.

A society dominated by a collectivist economy breeds a collectivist, community spirit amongst its people. So in China, during a crisis, people, by and large, have a sense of civic duty and community responsibility. To be sure, given that there is also a sizeable private sector in China that operates alongside the socialistic state sector and which operates largely on the capitalist mode, the dog-eat-dog mentality dominant in capitalist countries has infected Chinese society to some degree and there were some cases of selfish behaviour by individuals during the outbreak. Moreover, in a country with a population 60 times that of Australia’s, one could find a few cases too of over-zealousness by local officials. And the Western media did their best to try and find such isolated cases and deviously portray them as the norm in China. So too did Australian prime minister Scott Morrison when he deceptively claimed, at a recent news conference, that China’s response to COVID-19 was typified by welding doors shut to quarantine people (how many actual cases of that happening in China were there – like five cases in a country with a population of 1439 million!). But for all the cases of self-centred behaviour by a small number of individuals and the cases of bureaucratic heavy-handedness by a few Chinese local government officials, the big picture reality is that China’s current victory over the virus threat is in good part due to the overall community, collectivist spirit of her people – a spirit that has been created by the dominance in the PRC of the socialist economic mode. It was this spirit that led to a massive grassroots mobilisation in China to respond to the COVID-19 threat. Neighbourhood collectives, Communist Party of China local committees and volunteers organised to ensure deliveries of food and other essentials to people in lock down or quarantine as well as for vulnerable people like the elderly and disabled. They also organised frequent temperature testing for people in their own neighbourhoods. Meanwhile, they provided care for the children and even pets of nurses and doctors from other provinces who volunteered to join the emergency medical brigades to Hubei Province.

The capitalist Australian media are doing their best to mask this truth about China’s mobilisation to overcome the virus threat. Other than spreading the tale about “authoritarian methods,” the other way that the media are shrouding the truth about Red China’s stunning mobilisation is by trying to find some capitalist country that they can hold up as a positive model of successful response to the virus threat so that people don’t focus on the elephant in the room when it comes to successful response – Red China. The country that the Western media have designated to be their capitalist positive model is South Korea. Yet South Korea’s rate of COVID-19 infection among its people at 188 cases per million people is more than three times China’s and is actually in fact slightly higher than Australia’s rapidly climbing infection rate is at this point. And South Korea’s number of deaths per million people is already 35% higher than China’s and is climbing at a much higher rate than China’s death rate is climbing. This is despite China having had the added difficulty of being the country where the virus first spread in a big way (at least in terms of known spread) and thus had to not only take time to recognise and identify the threat but had to develop treatment methods from scratch. The fact is that the model of successful response to COVID-19 is socialistic China and not capitalist South Korea.

Tragically, at this time 3304 people have died from COVID-19 in China as part of the more than 35,000 people who have been killed by the disease worldwide. Our solidarity and heartfelt condolences go out to the friends, loved ones and families of all the victims of the virus in Australia, China and the entire world. But to put things in perspective, the number of deaths per million people in China from COVID-19 is not only significantly lower than in South Korea but it is already (as of 30 March) three times lower than in Germany, three and a half times lower than in the U.S., six and a half times lower than in Sweden, nine times lower than in Britain, 17 times lower than in France and nearly 85 times lower than in Italy. (see the second last column in this real time table for example: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries ). This is despite the virus having basically been contained, at least for now, in China while it is spreading at an frighteningly increasing rate in these capitalist countries.

The PRC has now moved in a big way to provide aid to other countries affected or potentially affected by the virus. In Iran, the worst hit country outside Europe and the U.S., China actually first sent in medical experts to help with the virus response on February 29, when she was still in the heaviest days of her own battle with COVID-19. In Iraq, a PRC medical team helped establish a new COVID-19 testing facility that has quadrupled the daily testing capacity of that war-torn country. Meanwhile, the PRC has sent several sets of medical experts as well as large amounts of ventilators, medical masks, testing kits, medicines and protective equipment for nurses and doctors to the country with currently the world’s highest death toll, Italy. China has also flown in medical experts and/or donated badly needed medical supplies to Cuba, Laos, Ethiopia, South Africa, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, the Philippines, Egypt, Chile, Cambodia, Serbia, Spain, France, South Korea, Japan and dozens of other countries.

That so much can be achieved by a socialistic country so squeezed by the relentless pressure of richer imperialist powers – and one which is undermined by the intrusion of capitalistic enterprises and weakened by the lack of genuine workers democracy – shows what we could achieve in a fully socialist world. At this time of public health emergency and with millions of working class people in Australia and the rest of the capitalist world being thrown out of their livelihoods every day we need to fight all the more energetically for a society based on public ownership and working class state power.

Resist the Anti-Chinese Racism Sweeping Through Australia

Above photo: The Christmas Island detention centre where Chinese-Australians who had recently been in Wuhan are being held.



Resist the New Strain of Anti-Chinese Racism Sweeping Through Australia

5 February 2020 – People of Chinese ethnicity in Australia are once again under attack. The latest bout of anti-Asian racism is being masked as fear of the novel coronavirus. People of East Asian appearance have been abused on public transport, at shopping centres, in schools and even at hospital waiting rooms. In a typical incident in Sydney, a white person yelled at an Asian background mother travelling on a train with her baby in a pram. The despicable racist demanded that the Asian-Australian woman go to a corner of the train because she was “spreading viruses.” Meanwhile, last Friday in Port Hedland, a Woolworths staff member threateningly ordered customers of Asian appearance out of the store over supposed virus fears.

Anti-Chinese racism is hardly new in Australia. From the time of Captain Cook’s landing 250 years ago, the colonial regime’s murderous dispossessing of Aboriginal people has infected the culture of Australian society with virulent racism. Daily nourished by the capitalist ruling class’ ever present need to divert the anger of the masses whom they exploit away from they the exploiters and onto racial minorities, the virus of white supremacy has been able to mutate into many different strains. That is why the number one migrant-based target of racist attacks will swap from Chinese migrants, to the Vietnamese community, to South Asian students, to Muslims, to African (and especially Sudanese) youth and back again to people of Chinese background. Overall, the Chinese community have probably been second only to Australia’s brutally oppressed Aboriginal people in being hit with White Australia racism. Many of the diseased racists attacking the community today are hardly genuinely concerned about the coronavirus. Indeed, some of the people they are targeting are not even of Chinese origin – let alone recent arrivals from China. But the rednecks hardly care. For them anyone of East Asian appearance and indeed any person of colour is “fair” game.

The spread of anti-Asian bigotry is being encouraged by Australia’s capitalist elite. The newspapers in Australia owned by billionaire magnates Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan have sought to spread prejudice against the Chinese community. Sydney’s The Daily Telegraph had a huge front page headline, deliberately written in bold text made to read as a command, that shouted, “China Kids Stay Home.” However, what has most spawned xenophobic fears are the actions of the right-wing Morrison government. On Saturday, they announced an outright, temporary travel ban on Chinese nationals and other non-citizens who have arrived from China. As a result over a 100,000 international students from China are not able to return for the start of classes. Many are furious at the Australian regime. And because the government’s ban was implemented without any notice, a large number of people were left stranded when they arrived in Australia only to find that a ban on them had been decreed while they were mid-flight. In Sydney airport alone, some 80 Chinese people were detained, many of whom were interrogated for hours while being denied access to food. Many of these people were either then placed into detention or were immediately deported back to China regardless of their health. The Chinese embassy has rightly condemned this outrage and called for compensation for the victims of this draconian policy.

The Australian regime’s travel ban goes directly against the recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) warning against such actions. Yesterday, the WHO head emphatically stated that:

“We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions inconsistent with the International Health Regulations.

“Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit.”

Very few other countries have applied the same blanket ban on arrivals of non-citizens from China as Australia has done. Those countries that have are Trump’s United States, Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israel and Narendra Modi’s India – all countries administered by vicious, right-wing regimes – as well as the Ardern government in New Zealand, which is a coalition between the social-democratic Labour Party, the Greens and the xenophobic NZ First Party. Russia and Singapore have also imposed harsh restrictions on the entry of Chinese nationals but have not gone as far as the likes of Australia and the U.S.

Where the Australian regime is completely unique is with its quarantining of those Australian citizens evacuated from the virus epicentre of Wuhan in an immigrant detention centre 2,600 kilometres from the mainland in Christmas Island. Even the proudly racist Trump regime has not gone that far! Already many newly arrived evacuees have expressed their outrage at the conditions that they face in the detention centre which is unclean and has poor food. One evacuee, Belinda Chen, who is at the centre with two of her children, told ABC News that “the hygiene issues make it worse than a prison” and that her children were “too scared to touch their beds.” Even the mayor of Christmas Island denounced the government’s policy as “regressive colonial era ideas” that “would create a convict colony.”

The only reason that the government has implemented such outrageously heartless measures is because most of the evacuees are of Chinese ethnicity. You can bet that if the evacuees had been wealthy white businessmen they would not have been dumped in a remote detention centre. And as an Asian-Australian activist, Erin Chew, aptly said of the travel ban:

“When previous viruses happened such as mad cow disease or the swine flu, Australia didn’t ban non-citizens from Britain and the US. Nor was the blame placed on the people in [those countries].”

The Morrison government knows that its policies are doing much to nurture hostility to the Chinese community. The aim of the Liberal-National government is to send a message that it is OK to exclude Chinese and other non-white people. They want to legitimise White Australia xenophobia. Yet the Coalition is hardly alone in doing this. After initially being critical of the Christmas Island detention plan, ALP leader Anthony Albanese has now fallen right in behind the government’s travel ban policies saying yesterday that: “Australia has got to make decisions in our own national interest.” Indeed, it was actually Queensland Labor premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, who egged on the Morrison government to place the travel ban on people coming from China in the first place. Just hours before the Morrison government announced the ban, Palaszczuk called to stop all incoming flights from China and apply in Australia the same ban implemented by the Trump government. We say: Lift the Morrison/Palaszczuk/Albanese ban on arrivals from China! Support Beijing’s demand for the Australian regime to compensate arrivals from China deported due to the travel ban! Bring everyone from the Christmas Island immigration detention centre to the mainland! Let them stay in their own homes! Free too all the refugees and other immigrants detained in Christmas Island, Nauru, Manus Island, Villawood and other Australian migrant detention centres!


The Australian government’s xenophobic policies under the guise of containing the new virus outbreak have no scientific basis. In creating an irrational panic about the coronavirus, Australian mainstream politicians and media are spreading a thinly veiled racist message: that people ought to be scared about the “evils” coming from China. At the same time, the Australian regime has failed to mobilise the health and production resources needed to provide sufficient testing of people with symptoms, adequate numbers of testing kits and enough protective masks for health workers. Moreover, they have been incapable of ensuring the creation of adequate public hospital beds and spare capacity in the health system to deal with a potential rapid virus spread in this country. For the coronavirus is indeed infectious and deadly. To date 492 people have died from it worldwide.

Thanks to the swift action of the Peoples Republic of China’s (PRC) authorities and their transparency in sharing information, the spread of coronavirus outside China is at the moment – at the start of February – limited. To be sure, if the virus were to spread widely into countries with less capable health and social systems than China, the effects could be devastating. And even though Australia is a wealthier country, you can’t rule out the possibility, given that everything in capitalist societies run for the sake of profits for the big end of town, combined with the Australian regime’s tendency to swap xenophobia for sound scientific practice, that the ruling class here and similar capitalist ruling classes abroad will botch their response to the new virus.

Encouraged by the xenophobia and anti-China bias of Australia’s mainstream media, conscious white supremacists here are spreading fake news stories in order to create hostility to the Chinese community. One social media post, that went viral, masquerading as if it was from Queensland Health, warned people to avoid suburbs in Brisbane with a certain proportion of Chinese background residents in order to avoid contracting the virus.

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Meanwhile, within Chinese communities, there is widespread speculation that the new virus was spread by the U.S. regime as a New Cold War attack on Red China and to help Trump get the advantage in his trade protectionist campaign against the PRC. Unlike the racist fake news stories, this speculation is more plausible. This is because U.S. intelligence agencies have actually used such biological warfare methods in the past – namely, against socialistic Cuba. To damage the Cuban economy, the CIA once spread swine fever in Cuba causing Cuba to have to slaughter 500,000 pigs. Most seriously, in 1981, the CIA spread dengue fever in the island causing the death of 158 Cubans. What has heightened speculation about the virus outbreak were findings by Chinese scientists reported by China’s official state media seven days ago. The scientists found that contrary to interim findings that the virus had spread entirely from Wuhan’s Seafood Wholesale Market, the virus appeared to have spread from multiple locations (see: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-01/29/c_138741063.htm). In the rare case that a virus jumps from an animal to a human, it is likely that this will occur at one location and then the virus will spread from one human carrier to the next. Should multiple animal to human transmissions occur, the probability that they will take place almost simultaneously at multiple locations is tiny. So if initial transmissions to humans did, in fact, occur almost simultaneously at multiple locations, this opens up the possibility that the virus was deliberately spread. One of the telling things about the 1981 dengue fever “outbreak” in Cuba is that it started simultaneously in three different parts of the country. Nevertheless, to date, there is no direct evidence that the coronavirus was started by U.S. intelligence agencies. What there is evidence of is that while the coronavirus was first discovered in Wuhan, the human form of the virus may not have initially started in Wuhan or even in China but rather was accidentally brought there from abroad by carriers with mild symptoms and then spread rapidly once it got into the Wuhan’s Seafood Wholesale Market. Experts in Japan have suggested that a few of the 14,000 people who died of influenzalike symptoms during the last U.S. flu season may have actually died of the coronavirus rather than influenza but the U.S. health system at the time had not picked up that they were victims of a new virus.


The new strain of anti-Chinese racism spreading through Australia in recent weeks is hitting a Chinese community already under attack. From racist assaults against Chinese high-school and university students in Canberra bus stops and class rooms to violent attacks on Asian-background residents in busy Sydney suburban streets in Randwick and Burwood, the last three years have seen a wave of violence and abuse directed at people of Chinese heritage. There are three factors spawning this outbreak. First is the racist scapegoating that the capitalist rulers engage in against all people of colour in order to blame others for the social decay, lack of secure jobs for young people and lack of affordable rental accommodation caused by their system. Second is the growing economic nationalism in Australia. Those who claim to stand for workers interests (like the ALP and Greens) but who have no program for militant struggle against the real cause of unemployment, casualisation and low wages – that is, the capitalist bosses and their greed – seek to improve conditions for the masses by setting them up to support protectionist schemes against foreign guest workers and imported goods. Such economic nationalist schemes do not protect the interests of local workers. Overseas producers simply respond with their own counter-measures and all that ends up happening is that workers of different countries are set against each other leaving the Aussie bosses as well as the overseas cohort of capitalists laughing all the way to the bank. Regardless of the intentions of those who promote it, such economic nationalist schemes inevitably rebound against local migrant communities who become targeted as a fifth column of the overseas producers supposedly “stealing Aussie jobs.” Given that China is by far Australia’s largest trading partner it is inevitable that the xenophobia spawned by protectionist agendas especially targets people of Chinese background.

The biggest factor that has germinated anti-Chinese racism in recent years is the Australian ruling class’ anti-communist campaign against socialistic China. Australian politicians and mainstream media are making increasingly hyped-up claims against China. They accuse the PRC of everything from cyber-hacking, to “threatening Australia’s sovereignty,” to supposed bullying behaviour in the South China Sea. The most ridiculous claim is the one that “China is imprisoning over one million Muslim Uighurs.” This assertion has about as much credibility as the fake news stories doing the rounds saying that eating certain Asian food like fortune cookies could spread the coronavirus! The outright lie about the detention of Uighurs is spread by some of the most openly Islamophobic regimes in the world, including the Trump regime, the Morrison regime and fascist-infested governments in Switzerland and Austria. However, the lie is so grotesque that it has been completely refuted by most Muslim majority countries, not only those friendly to China like Palestine, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan but even by many Muslim-majority governments thoroughly subservient to Washington like those in Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The effect of all this anti-communist, anti-China propaganda is that backward parts of the Australian population come to see Chinese people as savage and as a “threat” to Australia’s people. This became heightened further last year during the anti-communist protests by pro-colonial, rich kids in China’s Hong Kong. While Australia’s establishment hailed students who held rallies in Australia supporting the anti-PRC rioters in Hong Kong as “expressing their right to free speech”, international students from China who expressed their right to free speech by bravely rallying in defence of Red China were pilloried for “interfering in Australia’s internal affairs.” Most sinisterly, early last spring, the Australian government announced the creation of a new Federal Government taskforce to look into “foreign interference” on Australian campuses – a move clearly aimed at intimidating pro-PRC Chinese students studying in Australia.

The anti-communist section of the Chinese community has also played an active part in the campaign against the PRC and her local Chinese and international student supporters. Even though anti-Chinese prejudice could rebound against them, they have nourished a movement that combines anti-communism with white supremacist racism. Thus, Hong Kong anti-PRC students distributed at a rally that they held in Sydney’s Martin Place last year a leaflet calling to keep out of Australia migrants from the PRC. Meanwhile, members of the far-right Chinese group Falun Dafa – that masquerades as a religious group but which has an agenda of racial segregation, the shunning of mixed race people as “subhuman,” extreme homophobia and hostility to women’s rights movements – has held joint meetings with violent Australian white supremacist forces.


China’s response to the new virus outbreak is a stunning refutation to all the propaganda spread against her. She has responded with humanity, speed and coordination. Fortunately, China has not gone down Morrison’s road of holding anyone who has been in Hubei in remote detention centres. Instead, people have been asked to self-quarantine at home and wear masks when outside. Those ill are moved into hospital and many people who are thought more likely to have been infected have been moved into hotels or newly furbished accommodation in public buildings. What has enabled China to respond so effectively is that, despite her wavering leadership having allowed too much capitalism into the economy, the PRC remains a socialistic society in which public ownership plays the dominant role. And it is the PRC’s socialistic state-owned enterprises that have been at the forefront of her response to the virus epidemic. State-owned energy companies are providing free electricity and gas supplies to makeshift new hospitals and state-owned pharmaceutical manufacturers are leading the drive to provide badly needed medical supplies. One state-owned developer even built a 1000-bed hospital in just 10 days in the virus epicentre of Wuhan. Try doing that in a capitalist country! A capitalist developer would demand a massive premium for mobilising that amount of labour and raw materials in such a short time. Here, reconstruction for most of those who lost homes in the bushfires has not even started, even for those who lost homes early in the fire season.

In capitalist countries, the system runs for the profit of the business owners. During the bushfires, many business owners and supermarkets here got away with cruelly jacking up their prices to take advantage of desperate bushfire victims. But in China, when some tried that – including outlets of French supermarket chain Carrefour – they were promptly stomped on by PRC state authorities. Meanwhile, even private business owners in China have been ordered to step up production of masks and medical kits to aid the medical emergency. This reflects the fact that the PRC – for all its bureaucratic deformations and its leaders’ concessions to world capitalism – is a workers state that was created by the 1949 revolution. One way that the PRC state has moved to limit the spread of the virus is by extending the Lunar New Year holiday. While we only get one day off for New Year, in China they already get one day off for January 1 plus five week days off for Lunar New Year (people in the PRC get a minimum of 18 workdays off for public holidays each year as opposed to 9 for most people here). Now the Lunar New Year is being extended across China by a few days and in some regions by much longer. If a government tried to do that here, the capitalists, whom the governments ultimately answer to, would have the measure stopped as they are not about to let their filthy profits plummet by giving workers longer holidays. Meanwhile, back in China, the empowerment that the masses feel in a workers state has led to a huge grassroots mobilisation to respond to the crisis. Teams of volunteers are being established to provide food for potentially infected people self-quarantining. Neighbourhood committees are organising people to go around with loudspeakers spreading scientific information about the virus. Celebrities and entertainers are providing free live streaming entertainment and exercise programs to liven up the moods of those stuck at home due to self-quarantining.


Everyone who is not blinded by either white supremacy, “First World” arrogance or anti-communist hostility can see that the PRC is doing an excellent job responding to a serious virus outbreak in a developing country with a population density fifty times greater than Australia’s. Following an inspection trip to China, WHO Director General, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus hailed China’s mobilisation:

“China identified the pathogen in record time and shared it immediately, which led to the rapid development of diagnostic tools. They are completely committed to transparency, both internally and externally….

“The fact that to date we have only seen 68 cases outside China, and no deaths, is due in no small part to the extraordinary steps the government has taken to prevent the export of cases. For that, China deserves our gratitude and respect. They’re doing that at the expense of their economy and other factors.”

Press briefing on WHO Mission to China and novel coronavirus outbreak, 29 January 2020, WHO website (see: https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/press-briefing-on-who-mission-to-china-and-novel-coronavirus-outbreak)

Yet the capitalist-owned Western media are desperately thrashing around trying to find some angle that they can attack the PRC over. So are those sections of the Australian Left – unfortunately the majority right now – who are lined up behind the capitalist class’ Cold War drive against the PRC state. Thus, the Socialist Alternative (SAlt) group, in an article published two days ago, claimed that: “When it comes to the political system, there’s no denying that local authorities in Hubei province tried to hush up the outbreak in December. Chinese people suffer from their corrupt political leaders.” Although SAlt do also criticise the U.S. and Australian rulers as well, their attacks on the PRC are even more extreme than the mainstream media which grudgingly has had to acknowledge positive aspects of the PRC’s response to the coronavirus.

At the same time as echoing the anti-China propaganda of the Australian ruling class, SAlt are emphatic in stating opposition to anti-Chinese racism. They are part of a left social democratic and left-liberal milieu who think that it is possible to both join the Cold War crusade against Red China and stand against anti-Chinese racism. Others in this trend include other left groups like Solidarity and Socialist Alliance. The main element, however, and the one who the social democratic “far left” groups pander to is the Greens. The problem is that it is not possible to walk on both sides of the streets in this way! Ever since China’s 1949 anticapitalist revolution created near hysteria amongst the Western capitalist establishment, anti-communist hostility to the PRC has gone hand in hand with anti-Chinese xenophobia. For example, the anti-PRC, “pro-democracy” movement in Hong Kong that these groups all rabidly support, are characterised by a nativist hostility to Chinese people from mainland China. It is hard to fathom but the yuppy rioters in Hong Kong, seeped as they are in the values of the British Empire, believe that, even though they are themselves ethnic Chinese, they are superior to Mainland Chinese because they are closer to being British! No wonder Western, extreme white supremacists have been flocking to join the anti-PRC protests in Hong Kong as have more mainstream hard right forces, like Liberal MP, Tim Wilson. Wilson, who visited Hong Kong to march with the anti-PRC forces, is notorious for having been a director of the extremely conservative, Institute of Public Affairs, as well as for speaking out for the “rights” of vile racist media commentator Andrew Bolt. Today, the pro-colonial opposition in Hong Kong is demanding the complete closure of Hong Kong’s border with mainland China to keep out mainland Chinese. The likes of the Greens, SAlt and Solidarity are in a united front with people in Hong Kong – and their Hong Kong student supporters in Australia – who have as a central plank of their platform a xenophobic measure to keep out people from mainland China that is even more severe than the ones that the Australian government has implemented. Meanwhile, progressive NSW Greens senator David Shoebridge has made common cause with the most hard-right politicians in Australia in his xenophobic opposition to the China-connected Chinese language institute, the Confucius Institutes program.

Stepping back a little, the basic reason why it is not possible, regardless of ones intentions, to consistently oppose anti-Chinese racism if one is supporting the Cold War drive against Red China is that both anti-Chinese racism and hostility to the PRC are policies undertaken by the capitalist rulers because it serves their interests. Racism serves the exploiting class because it divides and diverts the masses that they exploit. Propaganda against the PRC serves Australia’s capitalist rulers because it serves to “justify” their hostile actions against Red China. These actions include a military build up targeted at China, the deployment of Australian naval vessels and aircraft thousands of kilometres away from home in waters off China and Korea and the supporting of anti-PRC Chinese exile organisations. Those actions the Australian capitalists see as necessary because they know that supporting the U.S.-led drive to undermine socialistic rule in China is in their very own interests. Although the Australian capitalists make a fortune from exporting to China, they calculate that they could make even more if socialistic rule was destroyed there so that China could be turned into a giant sweatshop and market for unrestricted capitalist exploitation. Quite bizarrely, while the Australian ruling class opposes the PRC precisely because it remains a socialistic state, groups like SAlt and Solidarity oppose the PRC because they claim that it is actually “capitalist.”

But facts speak loudly. And the fact is that China has responded to the novel coronavirus threat with compassion and with a determined mobilisation that is only possible when the decisive sectors of the economy are in the hands of the people. In contrast, the response of the Australian capitalist regime has been shaped by xenophobia and cruelty. That gives us just one more reason why we need to eradicate capitalist rule in this country: along with the need to stop union-busting attacks on workers rights, to stop the degrading treatment of unemployed workers and to bring secure, permanent jobs for all, alongside the need to end homelessness and achieve a massive increase in public housing, the need to bring true equality for women, the need to stop racist state terror against Aboriginal people and the need to stop the Australian military’s role in imperialist wars abroad and to stop the Australian capitalists raping the people of the South Pacific.

However, capitalism does not fall by people simply saying a lot of times how bad it is. It comes through the masses being trained in struggle against all the particular atrocities of capitalism and against all the contagious ideologies that the capitalist rulers seek to infect the minds of the exploited masses with. That is why we in Trotskyist Platform are proud that we not only stand against anti-Chinese racism but stand against all the different components fuelling it. Today, we fully solidarise with the stand taken by those in the Chinese community who are bravely starting to respond to the epidemic of racism that has accompanied the coronavirus outbreak. We fight for actions to demand: Immediately lift the ban on arrivals from China! Bring everyone from the Christmas Island detention centre to the mainland. Let them stay in their own homes! We also say: Down with protectionism! Down with xenophobic campaigns against Chinese imported goods and investment! Say no to campaigns to keep out guest workers – fight for full rights of citizenship, local pay rates and full union coverage for all guest workers! Very crucially right now we also fight to mobilise struggles to demand: Down with the repressive attempts to silence the political voice of pro-PRC Chinese international students! Down with the Cold War witch-hunt against the Confucius Institutes, Huawei, Chinese international students and Chinese community social groups with links to the PRC! Defend socialistic China against the U.S./Australian capitalist rulers!

We have confidence in the future success of this program, even though xenophobia and Cold War anti-communism is running rampant right now. This is for one simple reason. While this program is against the interests of Australia’s capitalist ruling class it is very good for the vast majority of this country’s people. Working class people and all the oppressed need to fight against racism and xenophobia if they are going to be able to unite into a force capable of challenging their oppressors. Defending socialistic China is in the interests of the masses because having the world’s most populous country remain under at least some sort of socialistic rule enhances the struggle for liberation of the working class and oppressed the world over. Indeed, that is partly why the Australian ruling class has been so nervous about the presence of a large number of international students from China. On the one hand they need these students as a cash cow. On the other hand they are fearful that these students might start telling their Australian class mates and friends that all that they hear from the mainstream media about China is false; and having lived in both socialistic China and one of the more developed of the capitalist countries, Australia, that they still love the PRC and still support socialism. The Australian rulers are fearful that if these pro-PRC students become involved in political activity here, what the Australian regime sees as the virus of support for socialism could spread from China and infect people in Australia too. We say let it spread rampantly! Let as many people know the benefits of socialistic rule – even when it exists in as imperfect and unfinished a form as it currently does in China! The “right to free speech” must include the right to support socialistic countries like the Peoples Republic of China! Down with anti-Chinese racism! Long live socialistic rule in China!

Media Coverage of the Sydney Stabbing Attack and the New Cold War Against Red China


22 August 2019 – A day cannot go by without the Australian ruling class ratcheting up its Cold War against socialistic China. Today, the right-wing NSW government expelled the China-connected Chinese language institute, the Confucius Institutes program, from teaching at NSW schools. The decision was welcomed by ruling class politicians of all stripes. Rabid anti-China Greens MP, David Shoebridge, hailed the decision saying: “I am glad to see the department is cancelling this arrangement, it is unfortunate they can’t cancel it immediately.”

But perhaps the biggest indication of how rabid the Cold War witch-hunt of supporters of Red China is becoming can be seen in the media coverage of a seemingly unrelated event: last week’s stabbing rampage in the centre of Sydney. We know that a 24 year-old woman was stabbed to death by the attacker and a 41 year-old woman was injured after being stabbed in the back. The name of the young woman who was killed is Michaela Dunn. A former student at the University of Notre Dame, Michaela loved to travel the world. We express our deepest sympathies to her friends and family. Her mother described her as a “beautiful, loving woman.” She was much loved by her friends too who described her as “incredible”, a “true delight” and a “bright young woman.” Outrageously, much of the media only focused on Michaela’s occupation as a sex worker rather than as a whole person – thus adding to the widespread stigmatisation and dehumanising of women who work as sex workers.

But what of the woman who was stabbed but not killed? Media footage showed the woman as she was about to be taken away in an ambulance. It was apparent that she was a woman of East Asian background. However, the media revealed almost nothing about her. Later they said that her name was Linda Bo. What the mainstream Australian media hid from the public is that Linda Bo is a Chinese national – that is, a person not only of Chinese ethnicity but a citizen of the PRC (Peoples Republic of China).

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This was definitely not just an oversight by the media. In dealing with other crimes they invariably report if either the suspects or the victims are nationals of another country. Moreover, Chinese state media within hours published that the Consulate General of China in Sydney confirmed that the woman who was injured in the attack was a Chinese national (see for example: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-08/13/c_138306442.htm). And we know that the Australian mainstream media assiduously follow official Chinese media if only to disparage it.

So why did Australia’s capitalist media hide from the public that one of the stabbing victims was a Chinese national? Because to do so would have humanised people from the PRC! As part of whipping up hostility against socialistic China, the Australian government and big business media portray citizens of the PRC as brainwashed, interfering, undemocratic stooges of the Communist Party of China. To then report that a PRC citizen has been the victim of a prominent crime undermines that narrative as crime reporting so often emphasizes the common human interest aspect in stories about victims of crime (unless they happen to be sex workers!) and to portray a citizen of the PRC as a human being with family, friends, feelings and dreams just like everyone else doesn’t fit the picture of China that the mainstream media is now so focussed on drawing. The only PRC citizens who are treated like humans by the media are anti-communist activists who are, of course, lionised by the capitalist media as “brave fighters for democracy.”

It is not that there was any conspiracy involved here. The media did not all get together to secretly decide that they would not report that one of the stabbing victims was a PRC citizen. In fact, it was something even worse. All these mainstream media outlets, acting in the class interests of their capitalist owners, each independently decided to hide this fact from the Australian public. That’s how full on the Cold War campaign is against Red China and against anyone who supports – or does not oppose – it. In the face of this massive media propaganda campaign and the wide array of forces lined up behind the Cold War anti-PRC drive, those truly committed to the struggle for socialism must not flinch one bit. We must stand firm and not only take the correct position on paper in defence of the Chinese workers state (as weakened and deformed as it is by a degree of capitalist intrusion) but we need to actively fight for this line on the streets.

Migrant Workers and Other Leftists March in Sydney for Socialistic China

7 October 2019, Sydney: The “Stand With Red China” demonstration held on the NSW Labour Day public holiday hailed the 70th Anniversary of the 1949 Chinese Revolution and condemned the pro-colonial, anti-communist protests in Hong Kong.

Migrant Workers and Other Leftists
March in Sydney for Socialistic China

7 October 2019: Left-wing supporters of socialistic China marched through the centre of Sydney today to “Stand With Red China.” The demonstration held on the Labour Day holiday hailed the 70th anniversary of the founding of the socialistic Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Noting that, “A Strong Socialistic China is Good for Working Class People in Australia and the World” the call-out for the action urged to “Condemn Hong Kong’s Pro-Colonial Rich Kid Rioters.”    

Today’s rally pushed back in the face of an intense Cold War anti-communist, China-bashing drive by the Australian ruling class and their media. Australia’s entire ruling class media – from that owned by the right-wing Murdoch family tycoons to that owned by billionaire Channel 7 owner, Kerry Stokes, to the ABC and SBS – owned and controlled as they are by the Australian rich people’s regime – have been running daily news articles attacking Red China whether it be via insinuations about computer hacking, lying claims of human rights abuses or even blaming the Belt and Road Initiative promoted by China for declining tiger populations! Australia’s big business and government-owned media have, of course, also strongly backed the anti-communist, anti-PRC riots in Hong Kong. So has right wing prime minister Scott Morrison along with the rest of his government, with the ALP and the Greens taking the same stance. Today, Australia’s foreign affairs minister, Marise Payne, again spoke out fervently on the side of the right wing opposition in Hong Kong, saying that she is “very concerned” by the methods used by the Hong Kong authorities to protect the city from the most violent anti-PRC forces and demanding that the Hong Kong government approved by Beijing “address the genuine concerns” of the rioters. Yesterday, hard right Liberal MP, Tim Wilson, even marched with the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong itself. Previously a director of the extreme conservative, Institute of Public Affairs, which later spoke out for the “rights” of vile racist media commentator, Andrew Bolt, Wilson had during the Occupy Melbourne protests called for water cannon to be used against protesters:

“Walked past Occupy Melbourne protest, all people who think freedom of speech = freedom 2 b heard, time wasters … send in the water cannons.”

New Matilda, 26 April 2015, https://newmatilda.com/2015/04/26/12-times-conservative-commentators-were-more-outrageous-scott-mcintyre-and-kept-their/

But of course, pro-colonial, anti-communist protests are the type of “freedom of speech” that people like Tim Wilson and the Australian government really love!

Members of the Hong Kong, anti-China opposition carry American flags and call for Donald Trump’s re-election at a protest rally in Hong Kong. The anti-PRC opposition are a right-wing, procolonial, movement.
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Yet in the face of this anti-Red China tide, around 60 people participated in today’s pro-PRC march and others joined in on the spot at the final rallying point. The majority of demonstrators were mobilised to the action by the Australian Chinese Workers Association and by Trotskyist Platform. However, there were many leftists participating today from a range of backgrounds, including several people who are not part of any particular left-wing group.

The “Stand With Red China” demonstration in Sydney held today on the Labour Day public holiday.

The Australian Chinese Workers Association contingent – mostly working class women – carried the red, five star flag of the PRC and had placards in Chinese reading: “Australian Chinese Workers Association Congratulates the Peoples Republic of China on the Celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of its Founding.” Trotskyist Platform supporters carried many placards including ones that stated: “Defend Socialistic China Against Intimidation by Capitalist Powers. Down with the Capitalist Australian State’s Military Build Up That Targets Red China!  U.S., Australian Militaries: Stay Out of the South China Sea!” and “Defend Socialistic China Against Imperialism! Resist Meddling in Hong Kong By Colonial Powers!” Our banner, which headed the march, read: “WORKING CLASS PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA & THE WORLD: STAND WITH SOCIALISTIC CHINA!”, while calling to, “DEFEAT HONG KONG’S PRO-COLONIAL, ANTI-COMMUNIST MOVEMENT!

At a couple of points during the demonstration, a few anti-communists, riding in an expensive looking black van decked in “Hong Kong independence” slogans, made a pre-planned attempt to use a sound system to suppress the voice of the pro-Red China demonstrators. However, prompt action by alert, pro-PRC socialist activists forced them to retreat.

Throughout the march, demonstrators enthusiastically chanted, “P-R-C, Is Fighting Poverty!” (see: https://youtu.be/7RxhU2ZhPDQ), “Public Housing for You and Me, Just Like in the PRC” and “One RED China” (see: https://youtu.be/erNt9jIjZd8). We also chanted and sung, “One, Two, Three, Four, Socialism is What We’re For; Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Defend the Chinese Workers State.”

Pro-PRC activists listen intently as Trotskyist Platform chairwoman Sarah Fitzenmeyer delivers her speech at today’s action commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of socialistic China.

One of the main speakers at the event was Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer. Here are some of the points that she made in her speech:

“Seventy years ago a massive revolution by the toiling masses of China won them a momentous victory. The 1949 Revolution created a workers state, the Peoples Republic of China, a workers state that has achieved a miracle in the alleviation of poverty, a feat unmatched in size and speed in all of known human history….

Yet this inspirational socialistic rule in China is under grave threat. Ever since the 1949 Revolution, some of the overthrown landlords and capitalists and all the imperialist powers have worked together to try and destroy this workers state. Under this pressure, in the late 1970s, the Chinese government began market reforms that allowed a degree of capitalist intrusion. Although this was in some cases beneficial, the reforms have led to an increase in inequality. Dangerously, there are now capitalists in China who demand more and more rights to exploit. However, the Chinese working class masses are resisting them.

The masses worked so hard to achieve liberation in 1949 and to build a socialistic society and they certainly are not about to give any of this up now. Through the peoples’ efforts, China remains a socialistic state where public ownership continues to be the backbone of her economy. Today all of China’s major banks, her major infrastructure developers, her oil and gas sectors, the bulk of her steel and cement industry, her aircraft, ship and train manufacturers, her ports, shipping lines and airlines, most of her mines and even key consumer manufacturing sectors are publicly owned.   

But the capitalist powers’ Cold War against socialistic China is getting more intense every day. The U.S. and Australian militaries are sending warships thousands of kilometres from their shores to the South China Sea in a desperate attempt to provoke China. Then there is Trump’s trade war. And let’s not forget the propaganda war. Every day brings a new hyped up anti-China story in Australia’s mainstream media. This is not simply a case of Australia’s rulers following their U.S. counterparts as the capitalist ruling classes in both countries share precisely the same goal of undermining, in every way they can, socialistic rule. Let’s not forget that the Australian regime banned Huawei even before the U.S. did. Recently, a high-level Chinese embassy delegation correctly identified Australia’s rulers as pioneers of the global anti-China campaign.

It was through combined military, economic and political pressure that the imperialist powers destroyed the former Soviet workers states. Let us make sure they are never able to do this to the inspirational workers state of socialistic China. If capitalist restoration were to take place in China it would reverse most of the huge strides made in poverty alleviation. Over the last 15 years, China has had by far the world’s fastest growing wages. They have been rising by on average some 10 to 15% per year. But if capitalist counterrevolution were to occur, China would be turned into one giant sweatshop for the mass exploitation of workers. That would allow greedy bosses to then drive down the conditions of workers here too. In contrast, if socialistic rule in China is able to grow stronger and stronger that will be good for the working class and leftists here. We can point to China’s drive to build public housing to motivate the struggle for a massive increase in public housing here. We can point to the public ownership of banks in China to strengthen our own campaign for the nationalisation of the banks where profits would be used for all rather than for the filthy coffers of the very few. We will be able to point to the successes of socialistic rule in China to motivate the struggle for socialist revolution here. That is why Trotskyist Platform calls for the working class and oppressed of Australia and the world to mobilise now so we can defend the Chinese workers state.

We say: U.S. and Australian militaries get out of the South China Sea! Stop the Australian regime’s military build-up against China! We also stand by those Chinese international students who are being so vilified by the Australian media and government alike for bravely speaking out in support of the PRC. We say the “right to free speech” must include the right to support socialistic countries like the Peoples Republic of China. 

The imperialists’ latest favourite anti-Red China force is the anti-communist movement in China’s Hong Kong. The whole Australian mainstream media is backing this violent movement. So is Donald Trump and Scott Morrison. So you know this is not a progressive movement! The pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong carry the old colonial flag of Britain. They say they are for democracy. Yet in 1967, the British colonial regime that they hail massacred and killed around 30 Hong Kong trade unionists and leftists when they rebelled against the horrors of colonial rule. And then today’s pro-colonial rioters have the hide to complain about supposed police brutality in today’s Hong Kong….

So who are these rioters in Hong Kong? They represent the interests of the upper class and upper middle class who fear that if socialistic influence from China is brought into Hong Kong they will be forced to share their wealth with the working class. Hong Kong is one of the world’s most unequal societies. And these rich kid rioters want to keep it that way! They are being backed and funded by billionaire tycoons like Jimmy Lai, a right-wing media mogul who is very much like Rupert Murdoch and his media company is helping fuel the riots….

Unfortunately, however, some people from the not so rich sections of the middle class also back the opposition movement. That’s because China and the Hong Kong government have agreed to keep Hong Kong capitalist and that capitalism is only leading to unaffordable housing and high prices for everything. That’s why Beijing must move to confiscate the wealth of the Jimmy Lais and other greedy tycoons and bring the means of production in Hong Kong into public ownership. That would take away the key source of backing for the rioters. Moreover, when the economy is in public hands and property speculators are brought to heel, housing can finally be made affordable, decent public housing can finally be provided for the hundreds of thousands of people living in the terrible so-called coffin homes and the long working hours of Hong Kong workers can be reduced with no loss in pay. If socialism is brought into Hong Kong it would be very popular with the masses. And even some of the middle class youth now in opposition will start to change their minds. For one China, under one socialist system!

Knowing all of this let’s now focus on what we need to do here. And what we can do here, matters a lot. The right-wing, pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong draw a lot of their strength from the West, including lots of funding from governments, backing from the media and support on the streets from anti-communists. We need to counteract this! We must mobilise on the streets to demand: U.S., Australia and Britain stop your support and funding for anti-China groups in Hong Kong! Stop your anti-communist interference! By mobilising on the streets to oppose the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong we will give encouragement to the pro-Peoples Republic of China masses there.

Sisters and brothers, every day the anti-communist Cold War against China is getting more and more intense. The last Cold War against the Soviet Union was won by the imperialists. Let us make sure that they do not win this war as well!

… So, my comrades, my sisters and brothers, let’s work hard to defend the Chinese workers state as part of our fight for a socialist Australia and, one fine day, a beautiful kind communist world.”




30 September 2019: Tomorrow marks the seventieth anniversary of the biggest revolution in human history. In 1949, hundreds of millions of exploited rural workers, poor peasants and urban workers rose up under the leadership of Mao Zedong’s Communist Party of China (CPC) to free themselves from the tyranny of China’s capitalists and landlords and from the imperialist overlords that were crushing China’s people. The revolution not only liberated the country from Western imperialist subjugation but brought the agricultural land, banks, mines and key industries under public ownership. The resulting socialistic system of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) greatly improved the lives of China’s long suffering masses. Before the founding of the PRC, China had been one of the most backward countries in the world. Tens upon tens of millions of people perished in the famines and floods that struck the country some seven to ten times in the fifty years prior to 1949. Average life expectancy was under 35 years. In a true miracle in social progress, by the time that China began its market reforms in 1978 – marking the end of the Mao era – the life expectancy of the most populous country in the world had been practically doubled to over 67 years (despite a blip during the disastrous though well intentioned plan to rapidly industrialize China during the late 1950s’ Great Leap Forward). Today, under continued socialistic rule, China’s life expectancy is just a few years from catching up to the richest countries – having reached 77 years. By another measure of people’s health, Healthy Life Expectancy – the years that a person can expect to live in good health – the UN’s World Health Organization Monitoring Health for the SDGs report (see Annex 2, Part 1 https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/324835/9789241565707-eng.pdf ) shows that China’s level has now even overtaken that of the United States.

Those who have gained most from the 1949 Anti-Capitalist Revolution have been Chinese women. Prior to the Revolution, a large proportion of Chinese women had their feet bound and were subjected to forced marriage, while married women were secluded in their homes and fields by bullying husbands and mothers-in-law. Through 70 years of socialistic rule, the position of Chinese women has not only advanced far past comparable countries that remained under capitalist rule – like India and Indonesia – but has arguably overtaken that of the most developed countries. In 2017, women made up 52.4 % of all public servants newly-recruited by China’s central government. Women also make up 52.5% of students in China’s higher education.

To be sure, while the masses in China now have social and economic power, the political administration of the country is monopolised by a somewhat privileged, bureaucratic layer. The guerilla war nature of the 1949 Revolution meant that it is a narrow layer of CPC leaders who are in political control of the country. Nevertheless, these leaders, whatever their individual intentions, still have to administer the country on behalf of the masses. Moreover, the pressure working class people in China can exert upon government policy is far greater than the influence that the toiling classes have in so-called “democratic” capitalist countries like Australia, India, the Philippines and the U.S. However, the ruling bureaucracy in China, while developing the socialistic economy within the country, does little to support the working class struggle for socialism within the currently capitalist countries. Instead, CPC leaders try – in vain – to soften the clash between the capitalist powers and socialistic China in the futile hope of achieving “amicable co-existence with imperialism.” In the late 1970s, under the incessant pressure of the capitalist world and the reality of capitalist control of the most developed economies, the then Deng Xiaoping-led CPC brought in market reforms that allowed a degree of capitalist intrusion. Although the resulting collaboration with capitalist firms from developed countries was in some cases beneficial in that it helped China to learn new technologies, the reforms also led to an increase in inequality and the dangerous growth of capitalist forces. Today China has a private capitalist sector and even some  billionaires (although the proportion of such billionaires to China’s huge overall population is quite small relative to the U.S. and Australia). However, unlike in the capitalist countries, it is not the tycoons that run China and China is not run for their sake. Put another way, while Australian governments kowtow to and are scared to cross the likes of billionaires Andrew Forrest, Anthony Pratt, Kerry Stokes, the Murdoch family and Gina Rinehart, in Red China it is completely the other way around. Noted capitalists in China, like China’s richest man Jack Ma, are scared of the PRC state and many say that he only retired from his company at a very young age earlier this month because of the pressure of the PRC’s push to increase control over private firms (https://www.voanews.com/east-asia-pacific/have-retired-jack-ma-alibaba- steered-away-china-communist-partys-clutches). Indeed, many a greedy capitalist tycoon has been jailed or even executed in China and many more have had their ill-gotten assets confiscated. The PRC remains a workers state – albeit an endangered one where the small capitalist class there is constantly lobbying for greater “freedoms” and “rights” which, once the mystifying idealism of these terms is decoded, means the unrestricted right to exploit workers that business owners enjoy in capitalist countries and that they currently also have the “right” to in the Hong Kong region of China. The continuing socialistic nature of the PRC is shown by the fact that all of her biggest ten companies remain under public ownership as well as some 85% of her top hundred firms.

That the PRC remains a workers state is apparent when one contrasts her attitude to the poor to that of the capitalist Australian regime. Here, the government of Scott Morrison cannot think of more ways to attack the rights of people on low incomes. After previous governments, with bipartisan support, rolled out schemes to subject, firstly people in NT Aboriginal communities, and then people in three other heavily Aboriginal areas to “compulsory income management” where unemployed people lose control of how they can spend large proportions of their meagre welfare payments, the conservative government now wants to put 80% of the payments of all welfare recipients under such a regime. To further stigmatise the poor, the same government is also trying to introduce mandatory drug testing for all welfare recipients. For their part, Liberal and Labor state governments alike continue to sell off public housing making renting for low income people still more unaffordable. Meanwhile, the mainstream media regularly run documentaries that insult and blame for their plight unemployed workers as well as tenants in public housing. By contrast, it would be completely unheard of for PRC state media to run documentaries mocking the poor or blaming them for their own position. Instead, PRC mainstream media very frequently run highly sympathetic stories about the poor that explain how their plight is caused by factors beyond their control. Meanwhile, PRC leaders, like president Xi Jinping, go out of their way to meet and often visit the homes of low income people on just about every regional trip that they make as well as during key public holiday periods like Chinese New Year. A cynic could call that simply good politicking. Perhaps, yet it shows the direction that the political winds blow in the PRC that Xi and Co. feel the necessity to even do this. Here, Morrison and Co. don’t think that they even need to pretend to respect, let alone listen to the concerns of those most in need. Just who Australian politicians do want and feel they need to listen to was seen in Morrison’s recent trip to the U.S. During his extravagant state dinner with U.S. president Trump, there rubbing shoulders with Morrison were most of Australia’s most prominent and richest tycoons including Anthony Pratt (Australia’s richest person), Gina Rinehart (Australia’s second richest billionaire), Kerry Stokes (owner of Channel 7), Andrew Forrest and Lachlan Murdoch (son of Rupert). We can tell you that if a Chinese leader were to fraternise with tycoons like that over a lavish dinner there would certainly be a national outcry and they would likely be purged from office! More important than the optics is that the PRC government continues to massively increase the amount of public housing for her low income people. From 2008 to 2017 alone, the PRC provided 64 million additional public housing dwellings in urban areas! As a result, while the proportion of people with access to public housing in Australia’s urban areas has fallen to just one in every thirty households, in the PRC’s urban areas around one in four people now are living in one of its various forms of public housing. Therefore, even though China’s per capita income is still six times less than resource rich Australia’s, walk through any Chinese city and you will see a far lower proportion of homeless people than you see sleeping the streets of Sydney. Most importantly, while Morrison searches for more ways to cut people off welfare payments, the main focus of the PRC over the last several years – one that has dominated her political life – has been a drive to lift every person in the country out of extreme poverty by the end of 2020. And she is well on track to achieve this! Over just the last six years, the PRC has lifted over 82 million people out of extreme poverty.


Despite the terrific social progress made over the last 70 years of socialistic rule, the PRC workers state is under great danger. Ever since China’s 1949 Revolution, some of the overthrown landlords and capitalists – many of whom fled to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Western countries to plot their comeback – and all  the imperialist powers have worked together to try and destroy the PRC workers state. Within a year after the formation of the PRC, the U.S., British and Australian imperialists and their South Korean allies invaded Red China’s neighbour and socialistic ally, North Korea, to try and crush the workers state there and threaten the PRC. The following year, the U.S. came within a whisker of unleashing nuclear weapons against the north-eastern parts of China after PRC troops heroically entered the Korean War in defence of their socialistic ally. Then, for more than two decades after the 1949 Revolution, China was subjected to sanctions and diplomatic isolation by most of the most powerful countries in the world.

The PRC’s diplomatic isolation only ended – and trade and investment exchanges with the richer countries started – after revolutionary leader Mao sold part of his communist soul in the early 1970s and agreed to join with the U.S. in its drive against the then socialistic USSR. The capitalist powers were willing to go easy on the PRC for a period while they worked on destroying the most powerful workers state at the time, the USSR. By lining up with imperialism against the USSR and her socialistic Cuban and Vietnamese allies in key hot spots of the Cold War – including in Angola, Afghanistan, Cambodia and China’s own border with Vietnam – the PRC leaders made some contribution to the counterrevolutionary destruction of the USSR. Apart from being downright treacherous to the cause of socialism, this policy pursued by Mao and Deng alike was in the end a failure even in terms of its stated intention: to reduce imperialist hostility to China. With the USSR out of the way, China quickly became the main strategic target of imperialism. And with the capitalist powers no longer having to worry about having to simultaneously squeeze both the PRC and the giant USSR at the same time, the pressure that they have been able to exert on the PRC is all the greater.

Today, the U.S. is building up its forces in the Western Pacific against Red China. It is sending its navy thousands upon thousands of kilometres from its own shores to provocatively sail through China-claimed waters in the South China Sea – not far from China’s mainland. The British and Australian ruling classes are assisting in all this. Australia is undergoing a rapid military buildup aimed against the PRC and her North Korean ally. To the same end, Australia also hosts 2,500 U.S. troops in Darwin. One should understand that the Australian rulers are joining the war drive against China not simply because they are “following the U.S.” Australia’s capitalist ruling class share the same reasons for wanting to destroy socialistic rule in China as their American counterparts. For one, these capitalist rulers understand that they can grab even more profits from turning China into a huge sweatshop of exploited labour than they can by selling exports to her. Secondly, by providing infrastructure to other developing countries on generous terms and by engaging in mutually beneficial relationships with them, the PRC is undermining the ability of both U.S. and Australian imperialism to super-exploit their former colonies and current neo-colonies – like in Australia’s case PNG, East Timor, Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. Perhaps most importantly, capitalist powers the world over know that the continued successes of socialistic rule in the world’s most populous country can encourage the masses in other developing countries to strive for socialism; and in the long term could inspire the exploited working classes in their own countries to topple them from power.

It is not only through exerting military pressure that the capitalist powers seek to undermine socialistic rule in China. They constantly badger China to privatize her socialistic state-owned enterprises and favour her capitalist private sector. One of the features of Trump’s trade war against China is that he has demanded that the PRC stop supporting her state-owned enterprises. Apart from being an implicit recognition that these socialistic enterprises are the key to China’s economic success, this push by the Washington regime is also in some part a conscious attempt to weaken socialistic rule in China. Meanwhile, all the capitalist powers and their media are waging an intensifying propaganda war against the PRC. Over the last few months, not a day can go by without the Australian mainstream media having a “new” story attacking Red China. This can range from hyped up accusations of Chinese “interference” in Australian politics  to claims of Chinese cyber-hacking to completely bogus reports of China detaining large numbers of Uyghur people in Xinjiang to totally distorted claims about the PRC “taking way the sovereignty” of other developing countries.

Perhaps the most dangerous of the methods that the capitalist powers use against socialistic China is their backing of various anti-communist forces within – or in exile from – China. Their latest favourite anti-Red China force is the anti-PRC movement in China’s Hong Kong region. The last several months has seen large protests in Hong Kong against PRC influence in the region. The movement is very violent and a hard core of masked “protesters” have brutally assaulted pro-PRC Hong Kong residents, vandalised subway stations and shops and attacked police officers with firebombs, sticks and other weapons. Hong Kong’s economy has nosedived.

The Hong Kong anti-PRC forces are openly pro-colonial. They carry not only British and American flags but the old Union Jack flag of the British colonial administration of Hong Kong . They are even holding U.S.- flag waving rallies appealing to the hard right, racist U.S. president Donald Trump to openly intervene even more into Hong Kong. Indeed, the U.S. and other capitalist powers are already fervently backing and supporting the pro-colonial movement. The U.S. government’s notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the body that helps to organise U.S. interference operations abroad – for example, backing anti-communist Cuban groups and components of the right-wing Venezuelan opposition – openly funds Hong Kong anti-PRC groups. The NED’s own website shows that in just 2018 alone, the body – which was set up to carry out partially in the open some of the functions that the CIA used to do completely covertly – gave $90,000 to the Hong Kong Justice Center and $155,000 and $200,000 to the U.S.-based groups Solidarity Center and the National Democratic Institute for their work in Hong Kong. Yet this is only the out in the open funding! Evidence has emerged that the NED is also funding six of the key groups in the Civil Human Rights Front – the outfit that organised the first mass protests.

The U.S. also maintains a massive consulate in Hong Kong with a staff of 1,000 people – many of whom are devoted to advising and directing the protests and riots. On August 6, there was a huge scandal in Hong Kong after some media there showed photographs of Julie Eadeh, chief of the US consulate’s political unit, meeting Hong Kong anti-PRC leaders Martin Lee and Anson Chan and then later in the day meeting the best known figure in the anti-communist movement, Joshua Wong. Yet it is not only through such covert actions and funding that the Western powers have buttressed the anti-PRC movement. Just six days ago, Trump used a high profile speech at the UN to attack China over Hong Kong, effectively throwing his weight behind the anti-PRC rioters. This racist bigot who locks up Central American refugee children in horrific conditions at the U.S. border, who authorized even more fearsome bombs to be used in U.S. operations in Afghanistan and the Middle East and who ordered the U.S. military to desist from calling off bombing raids in these theatres of war even when the chances of “accidentally” killing civilians is very high, demanded that the PRC honor its commitment to “Hong Kong’s freedom, legal system, and democratic ways of life.” The next day, the US House of Representatives’ committee on foreign affairs and its Senate equivalent approved a bipartisan bill that will pave the way for U.S. sanctions on Hong Kong if the U.S. determines that Hong Kong is not autonomous enough – in other words, sanctions will be imposed if the PRC moves to bring socialist influence into Hong Kong or if the pro-Beijing Hong Kong government stands up to the pro-colonial rioters. Tellingly, the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” stipulates – in a clear reference to some of the Hong Kong media’s  exposure of the chief of the  US consulate’s political unit meeting with Hong Kong anti-PRC leaders – that the US State Department should knock back visa applications of Hong Kong journalists working in the territory’s [rather few] pro- Beijing media organisations should they too harshly criticise in a targeted way U.S. diplomatic personnel and Hong Kong “democracy activists.” This is a clear attempt by these supposed believers in “democracy” and “free speech” to silence the voices of pro-PRC journalists.

Six weeks earlier, right-wing Australian prime minister Morrison made a, thinly veiled, statement in support of the right-wing, pro-colonial forces in Hong Kong, provoking a strong rebuke from China’s ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye. In comments similar in content to the ones Trump would make at the UN later, Morrison ostentatiously lectured Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam to “listen carefully” to the anti-PRC opposition, by which he means, back down to their demands! Labor’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, Penny Wong,  echoed this stance. It is striking how Western capitalist governments  and politicians are quick to attack the pro-Beijing Hong Kong authorities for allegedly “heavy-handed” repression when they have been happy to accept far harsher repression elsewhere. While the Hong Kong government has thus far not imposed a curfew or even stopped people from holding anti-government protests despite the extreme violence of the anti-PRC rioters, the capitalist Indian government is in the midst of a two month-long crackdown against its oppressed Kashmiri population which has not only involved hundreds of thousands of Indian troops occupying Kashmir and detaining thousands of opposition activists for no particular actions but has seen the Indian regime impose a harsh curfew and the cutting off of all telephone, mobile phone and internet communications. Yet, of course, there has been no condemnation of the pro-Western, Indian government by any U.S. or Australian leader.

Also throwing their weight behind the anti-China movement in Hong Kong has been the entire mainstream media in Australia and other Western countries. Junking even the pretense of being objective and neutral in their reporting, these media outlets have given blanket coverage to the anti-PRC mobilisations while giving very little or absolutely no reports of the, sometimes hundreds of thousands strong, pro-PRC rallies in Hong Kong. Anti-PRC politicians and activists are given large amounts of air time while the voices of those who support the PRC are rarely heard. Meanwhile, alongside showing Hong Kong police actions out of context to make them appear brutal, the Australian media edit out footage of the cruelest acts of violence by the Hong Kong rioters whom they lionise as “pro-democracy” activists. By contrast when trade unionists from the CFMEU or other unions defend their picket lines here or merely swear at greedy bosses, the Australian media don’t hesitate to call them “thugs.” And when anti-fascists activists defend themselves and multi-racial communities from extreme far-right activists, the Australian media label them as “violent” or “aggressive.” Can you imagine the hysterical denunciations that Australia’s big business and government-owned media would unleash if trade unionists or anti-racists here started doing what the Hong Kong rioters are doing today: like kidnapping and torturing journalists, bashing people with opposing views and beating police officers with sticks?


So what is this anti-China movement in Hong Kong that is so energetically supported by all the capitalist powers and their media. To understand what is driving this movement we first need to step back and look at what Hong Kong is. Britain stole Hong Kong during its brutal colonial, Opium Wars against China in the mid-nineteenth century. Hong Kong prospered as a base from where British drug dealers organized their pushing of large quantities of opium into China. Furthermore, because of its great natural harbour, its advantageous location that makes it ideal to serve as a conduit connecting sea lanes from Europe, America and Australia to China and its small population, Hong Kong grew wealthy as a trade and financial centre – much like Singpaore. This was especially in the first couple of decades after China began to open up to trade and investment exchanges with the outside world in the late 1970s. As in Singapore, the wealth of this enclave is thus somewhat artificially derived in the sense that it is based on the city playing an intermediary role leaching a part of the wealth produced in the much more populous neighboring region.

As a place of laissez faire capitalism on steroids, where the big end of town faces little regulation, low taxes and almost unlimited rights to exploit and speculate, Hong Kong is also one of the most unequal societies in the world. Its average income is much higher than on the mainland but it has a greater proportion of people living in extreme poverty and cruelly inadequate housing conditions. Hong Kong workers are subjected to very long working hours and are often bullied by their bosses. On the other hand, Hong Kong has a very high proportion of billionaires – much higher than in the mainland PRC. Moreover, it also has a very large upper-middle class consisting of professionals and analysts working in the finance industry, investment, trade and real estate. As a result, one of out every seven people in Hong Kong is a millionaire. Therefore when the British finally handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, Hong Kong’s large number of rich people were fearful that the socialistic PRC would eventually curb their wealth and power.

As part of the deal returning Hong Kong to China, Beijing, wrongly, agreed to maintain Hong Kong as a capitalist enclave for fifty years. This reassured many Hong Kong capitalists but not all. Many took their wealth and left – including to Australia. However, when earlier this year, the Hong Kong government under prodding from Beijing put forward a bill that would make it easier to extradite people suspected of serious crimes – including economic crimes – from Hong Kong to the mainland this triggered the worst fears of Hong Kong’s rich that Beijing would eventually move to curb Hong Kong’s laissez faire capitalism and compel them to hand over part of their wealth and power to Hong Kong’s working class and poor. So they erupted in rage at the proposed new law and at the threat of “interference” from Beijing.

Not surprisingly then it has been sections of Hong Kong’s capitalist class that have organised the movement. A key figure in the anti-PRC riots is Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, the billionaire tycoon who owns one of Hong Kong’s biggest media outlets, Next Media Group. The group runs the tabloid Apple Daily as well as several online news sites. Over the last few years, Jimmy Lai has donated huge amounts of money to anti-PRC political parties and NGOs. Today, his right-wing Apple Daily and his other outlets have been actively fomenting and even organising the anti-PRC riots. Even those other Hong Kong tycoons that have called for “calm” have tacitly been pressing the anti-PRC movement’s demands. Thus, Hong Kong’s richest man Li Ka-Shing, in an ambiguous statement, said that “both sides should try to put their feet in another’s shoes.” Yet while calling for harmony, Li pointedly called for Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed government to “show humanity” and show a “way out” for the protesters. Read between the lines and it is apparent that this shipping tycoon wants the Hong Kong government to accede to the rioters demands while urging the latter not to stage any actions that would provoke Beijing into sending in its forces and thus threatening Hong Kong’s capitalist system.

Even more fervent in joining the anti-PRC movement than Hong Kong tycoons have been Hong Kong’s upper-middle class. Since they have less means to pick up and move their capital than the ultra-rich and are less secure in their privileged financial position, the fanaticism of their fear of socialism is even greater than the tycoons’. And as we said, there are a lot of these upper-middle class people in the somewhat artificial region that is Hong Kong. There are over one million millionaires in the small region – which notably is about the maximum size of the protest movement.

The anti-PRC movement has been able to draw in less affluent sections of the middle class too – especially the youth. Although these latter types are much better off than Hong Kong’s working class and poor, the city is so expensive and housing is so unaffordable that young professionals and middle class university students feel squeezed. These people, unlike the tycoons and richer layers of the middle class whose agenda dominates the movement, have legitimate concerns. However, they wrongly blame Beijing for their problems. This is partly because they are swayed by Hong Kong’s largely anti-Beijing media and partly because they see the pro-Beijing government doing little to alleviate their plight. Yet the latter occurs precisely because the Hong Kong regional government and Beijing maintain Hong Kong’s capitalist system. Should Beijing actually move to bring the socialistic system into Hong Kong many of the middle class youth now opposing the PRC would benefit, including through more affordable housing and through more secure and less stressful employment. Another factor in pushing middle class youth into opposing the PRC is that in recent years Hong Kong’s economy has slowed – in good part because the rapid development of mainland Chinese ports and cities has seen Hong Kong eclipsed as a trading centre and port city. Since they know that Hong Kong’s economy has been performing worse since the handover back to Beijing, these youth look back favourably to the colonial days. Yet while Hong Kong’s ultra-rich and upper-middle class families tend to be united against Beijing, recent events in Hong Kong have split less rich middle class families along generational lines. Middle class parents who have experienced all the repression, humiliation and racism of British colonial rule are angry that their children could go to rallies carrying the British colonial flag.

Undoubtedly a small number of Hong Kong’s poor and working class have also joined the protests. With from a quarter to half a million Hong Kong residents living in horrific “coffin homes” – many so small that they are not able to even extend their legs – Hong Kong’s poor have a lot to be angry about. Yet even the Western media have had to admit that this is largely a middle class movement. When the smaller of the territory’s two union federations, the Western-backed Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions tried to call protest “general strikes” in recent months they have been notable flops, with few workers taking part other than for some relatively higher-paid workers like teachers. Moreover, it is important to understand that all pro-capitalist movements have always been able to draw in some layers of the less affluent middle class and some sections of even the working class masses. But their reactionary, pro-capitalist character is defined by their agenda and by which class is driving the protests. And it is definitely sections of the capitalist class and large parts of the upper-middle class who are driving the anti-PRC movement. Thus, when the extradition bill was first put forward it was Hong Kong’s capitalist business owners that led the charge against it. They understood that the law would allow for extradition of people for economic crimes to the mainland. Beijing wants to be able to do this to catch corrupt capitalists fleeing to Hong Kong. Yet Hong Kong capitalists know that in the mainland the right of capitalists to exploit is constrained and many end up facing repression and having their assets confiscated – often after popular pressure from China’s masses (which is often expressed through social media chat sites). A particular incident that scared them was the seizure by PRC authorities two years ago of greedy Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua from a Hong Kong hotel. Xiao is now in detention in the mainland facing trial. The bank that he owned, Baoshang Bank – one of the rare privately-owned banks in China – has been confiscated and brought into public ownership. All this is wonderful news for the working class masses. But it is terrifying for the capitalist exploiters. Hong Kong business bosses and their overseas counterparts conducting operations in the territory fear this could happen to them. Adding to their fears, the proposed extradition bill included an ordinance that would allow the freezing or confiscation of the suspects’ assets. Thus, virtually the entire Hong Kong capitalist class initially opposed the bill. This included even the two pro-business parties that are considered accepting of Hong Kong’s integration into China – the Business and Professionals Alliance and the Liberal Party. The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce warned against any update to the city’s existing extradition laws. Meanwhile, the proposed new laws were openly denounced by the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong which stated that the new law would damage the city’s reputation as a “secure haven for international business.” Under this pressure, the Hong Kong government harmfully backed down a little and removed some of the economic crimes that people could be extradited for. As a result, some capitalists moderated their opposition to the laws. But others, including the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong continued to oppose the bill. Meanwhile, the fears of socialist influence that the extradition bill triggered amongst the upper-middle class has continued to loom large even after Carrie Lam capitulated to the rioters and withdrew the bill.

However, the most fervent sections of the protesters – and especially their imperialist backers – don’t simply want to prevent the PRC’s socialistic system coming to Hong Kong. They want to eject this system from the mainland as well. These people must be opposed. Any threat to the socialistic system in the PRC is a threat to her working class masses. Capitalist counterrevolution in China would endanger all the wonderful achievements that the PRC has made in poverty alleviation. The PRC would be returned to a place of severe exploitation, like an Indonesia, Mexico or Philippines, where bosses retrench workers at will, children live in poverty, women are downtrodden and foreign capitalist powers subjugate the people under a system of semi-colonialism. The resulting increasing in the rate of exploitation would encourage capitalist bosses everywhere, including in Australia, to further attack the wages and rights of the working class and poor. Moreover, a defeat for socialism in the world’s most populous country would embolden capitalist exploiters and demoralise the struggle for socialism around the globe. Just like the destruction of socialistic rule in the USSR and East European countries in 1989-1991, it would throw back by decades the struggle for socialism and for the cause of the working class and downtrodden. That is why the working class and oppressed of Australia and the world must mobilise to defend the PRC workers state. We must say: Down with the pro-colonial, anti-communist movement in Hong Kong! U.S., Britain, Australia get out of the South China Sea! U.S. troops out of Darwin! Stop the Australian regime’s military build-up against the PRC! No to imperialist funding for anti-PRC “NGOs”! Down with the Cold War propaganda drive against the PRC!



It is unsurprising that it is the youth of the upper class and upper-middle class that have been most fervent in opposing the “threat” of socialist “interference” in Hong Kong. And this is not just because young people have more energy. Those young people who dream of a well-paying career or making it big in the capitalist world see “Communist China” as a threat to their aspirations. Their parents have already made their own wealth and if push comes to shove can more easily move it abroad. But the youth want to make their own mark on the capitalist world and socialism threatens their upwardly mobile dreams. Thus, during the socialist revolution in Russia, it was the younger members of the propertied classes that fought most energetically – and, indeed, from their standpoint bravely – to stop the workers’ revolution. This included young military officers – called Junkers – and college students. In the initial February 1917 Revolution that toppled the Tsar, college students participated in the Revolution. However once the revolution moved more clearly to the goal of establishing working class power, Russia’s privileged college students were on the side of the capitalist enemy. Similarly, today, the upper and middle class university students in Hong Kong are on the side of capitalism – this time not against an immediate impending socialist overturn but against the threat (as they see it) of one in the future. The ferocity of their rioting – including several horrific mob beatings of pro-PRC people (including a videotaped bashing of a man holding his children who was “guilty” only of singing the PRC national anthem) – reflects the desperate anger of propertied classes fearful of losing their dominant position.

One should understand that if the working class struggle grows in Australia and the possibility for socialist revolution becomes imminent, there will also be mass opposition to it – especially from capitalist and upper-middle class youth. Unfortunately, the resistance to an impending socialist overturn will not just come from the mythical 1%. The capitalist class is not just 1% of the population. To be sure the biggest of the capitalists do make up about 1% of the population. But then there are those capitalist business owners exploiting smaller numbers of workers, the managerial class enforcing the exploitation of workers at larger workplaces and the cops, prison guards, judiciary and upper bureaucrats who administer the state that keeps the capitalists in power. There are the upper middle class layers including successful self-employed businessmen, rich farmers and the higher paid of the professionals. Unlike the direct capitalist exploiters of labour and their enforcers, these privileged sections of the middle class do not have a direct interest in maintaining the capitalist system. In the long run they would actually benefit from the more rational and humane socialist system. However, it’s a tough job convincing most of them of this when they live a comfortable life under capitalism with negatively-geared, multiple investment properties! Meanwhile, just like the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong, the pro-capitalist resistance movement will be able to con a section of the less affluent portion of the middle class – people who would actually gain a great deal from socialism – and even some less politically conscious workers to their side. The exact balance of forces in a revolution, of course, cannot be predicted ahead of time – it depends on how the struggle plays out. However one can envisage a scenario where in a struggle for socialist revolution in Australia 15 million of its 25 million people support a socialist overturn, 5 to 7 million people are neutral and some 3 to 5 million people are against it. Of course, the victory of a socialist transformation or otherwise depends on not only how many people are on the opposing sides but how determined people on either side are to fight. Yet let’s not be naive: an imminent push towards socialist rule in Australia would face resistance from millions of people. And because an impending revolution would pose the question of which class rules in a far more immediate manner than the possibility of the PRC bringing socialism to Hong Kong, the opposition will likely be even more fanatical – and from their point of view even braver –than the resistance to the socialistic PRC of the Hong Kong anti-communist movement. Let’s not forget that following the Russian Revolution, the young workers state was not only opposed by the actual capitalists and landlords but also by rich peasant farmers and the technical-managerial layers working in factories and utilities.

Part of the opposition – especially from the middle class – that an impending socialist transformation would face in Australia will be largely due to racism. A strong movement for socialism can only develop by uniting the working class masses through positively standing against racial oppression. A movement with such an anti-racist agenda will, thus, necessarily face resistance from unreconstructed racist rednecks. In the current Hong Kong events a kind of racism has also played a factor in the resistance to socialistic China. Although Hong Kongers and mainlanders are both ethnically Chinese there is a strong nativist racism within Hong Kong that sees Hong Kong people as superior and more sophisticated than Mainlanders. In part, this comes from the impact of British colonialism that taught people that Westerners were superior to Asians. Associated with this, Hong Kongers as a people who lived longer under direct colonial rule were taught that they are more Western and more immersed in “Western values” than the “oriental” mainlanders. Helping to accentuate these myths is the greater wealth – at least for the middle and upper classes – of Hong Kong Chinese relative to their mainland counterparts. Right-wing media outlets like the ones run by Jimmy Lai – who is in so many ways an Hong Kong version of Rupert Murdoch – have excelled in portraying mainlanders entering Hong Kong as “locusts.” This is partly done for the usual capitalist divide and rule schemes which seek to channel the masses’ frustrations onto targets other than the capitalist exploiters themselves. However, Jimmy Lai also whips up such sentiments in order to use an Hong Kong nativist xenophobia to help drive the anti-PRC movement.

A few days ago, Jiayang Fan, a Chinese-American staff writer at The New Yorker reported that she has been subjected to vicious threats and mob racism by anti-PRC activists while covering the Hong Kong protests (Business Insider Australia website, 22 September 2019). They referred to her as a “f-ing yellow thug.” Some of these activists would indeed love to be called white supremacists … but alas they have yellow skin. Little surprise then that white supremacists from the West have been flocking to join in the Hong Kong protests. Some of the notable extreme right-wingers who have joined the protests from abroad include the leader of the violent U.S. far right group Patriot Prayer and the despicable Islamophobic and anti-African, Australian bigot, Avi Yemini.

Little wonder then that most people in the migrant and minority communities in Hong Kong are against the anti-China movement. The nativist xenophobia of the Hong Kong anti-PRC movement is also part of the reason why the overwhelming majority of people from the Chinese mainland – including international students currently residing in Australia – oppose the anti-PRC movement. However, there is another more significant reason. The Chinese masses simply like socialistic rule. Although they have plenty of gripes about corruption, petty restrictions (like on Internet access), inequality and the like – they are happy that their wages are rapidly rising, health care is increasingly covered by public insurance, infrastructure is being improved, public transport is being expanded, cities are having more green spaces and tourist facilities – and even toilets – are being improved. They are proud of the achievements of their socialistic country in poverty alleviation and in things like the roll out of the world’s best and most extensive high speed rail network


The battle between opponents and supporters of the PRC in Hong Kong has also been played out in Australia. Anti-communist international students and migrants from Hong Kong have been joined by other Asian origin anti-communists, Australian far-right activists, mainstream conservatives, Laborites and nominally “Marxist” social democrats in demonstrations in support of Hong Kong’s anti-PRC movement. These rallies have been greatly supported and built up by the Australian capitalist media and other ruling class institutions. Thus, while police here often threaten with arrest and denounce local anti-fascists when they wear face masks to hide their identity from violent Neo-Nazis, they have had no objections to Hong Kong anti-China supporters wearing intimidating-looking masks and helmets at rallies.

Bravely, many Chinese international students have responded to such anti-PRC rallies on campuses with their own pro-PRC counter-rallies. On August 17, over 3,000 people marched through the streets of Sydney in opposition to the pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong. Despite the entire weight of the Australian media and state being on the anti-PRC side, this August 17 pro-China march was several times larger than any of the anti-PRC demonstrations held in Australia. There were some flaws in the politics of that rally that we were still in an overall way proud to enthusiastically support. The action’s main slogans were in the direction of patriotism to the Peoples Republic of China but made no appeal to the interests that the Australian working class has in defending the PRC and in standing against the opposition movement in Hong Kong. By not taking this class line, the rally could not effectively attract Australian working class people which it potentially could have if it had highlighted the socialistic character of the PRC. It is the working class and downtrodden of Australia (including Aboriginal people, lower income people from other communities subjected to racism and unemployed workers) – the people who from their own experience have most reason to distrust the line given by Australia’s capitalist politicians and big business owned media – who can and must be won to supporting Red China and its sovereignty over Hong Kong.

International students from China who have taken a pro-PRC stand have sometimes later faced threats and attacks. Despite this, the mainstream media, while fully praising those supporting the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong for “expressing their right to free speech”, have portrayed the pro-PRC students as being “undemocratic” and even accused them of “trying to suppress free speech.” More sinisterly,  in response to the brave stance taken by these students, late last month the Australian government announced the creation of a new Federal Government taskforce to look into “foreign interference” on Australian campuses – a move clearly aimed at intimidating pro-PRC Chinese students studying in Australia. The intimidation and vilification of pro-PRC students by the Australian state and media has had its desired effect. For the last month, pro-PRC Chinese students in Australia have mostly stayed away from participating in public demonstrations. We say: Stop the intimidation of pro-Red China international students! The “right to free speech” must include the right to support socialistic countries like the PRC. In the name of “defending free speech”, the Australian regime and its media are attempting to suppress the voice of those who support socialistic China.

Days after pro-PRC demonstrators outnumbered anti-China demonstrators in a heated stand-off at the University of Queensland in late July, hard right Liberal MP Andrew Hastie made a high profile rant in The Sydney Morning Herald claiming that China was threatening Australia’s “sovereignty” and “freedoms” including “in our universities.” This noted Islamophobe who has been happy to rub shoulders with extreme white supremacists at rallies supporting the provocative far-right push for special refugee status for rich, white South African farmers, had the hide to compare Red China’s rise to that of Nazi Germany.

Hastie’s tirade shows how the campaign to support the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong and to suppress the voices of those who oppose that movement is feeding into broader anti-China hysteria. Earlier this year we wrote an article that described an emerging Cold War anti-communist witch-hunt in Australia that was mixing with White Australia, anti-Chinese racism. In a way that article has become somewhat out dated. For there is nothing “emerging” about this witch-hunt now. It is roaring away at full throttle. Earlier this month, it emerged that Monash Caulfield’s student union had effectively barred international students from nominating for student elections in a bid to suppress the voice of PRC students.

How deep the Cold War, anti-China witch-hunt has become has been seen in the recent campaign by the mainstream media and Labour Party against Hong Kong born, federal Liberal MP Gladys Liu over her alleged links to “Chinese government interference organisations.” Now there is nothing we like about the politics of Gladys Liu who is a supporter of the anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong, a homophobe and a member of the anti-working class Liberal Party. Yet she is being attacked for the wrong reasons and we defend her from this Cold War persecution. It is outrageous that a person should be threatened with removal from office just because she once was a member of associations with loose links to the PRC. These associations are, like the organisations of many other ethnic communities in Australia, just social organisations including people with a diverse range of political views. True, the leaders of these organisations are fêted by Beijing and in this way China seeks to win some favour with the local Chinese community. But so what? This is really just the public relations activities that all countries engage in. Certainly all the members of these organisations do not have any commitment to promoting the views of the PRC government.

We have little concern for Gladys Liu herself. But if a right-wing politician can be targeted for being “linked” to Red China what is going to happen to working This is mandatory because generico levitra on line here the medicine needs some time to think about the type of card that would sum up your baby shower party. Prozac – Prozac is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called cialis price online selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The ceasarian section method is believed to make infants more susceptible to health problems in viagra pill price the future. Key ingredients in Mast Mood oil include http://cute-n-tiny.com/cute-animals/happy-thanksgiving-2/ buy viagra without prescription Ashwagandha, Jaiphal, Buleylu oil, Samudra Phal etc. class socialists who really do defend socialistic China? If the current witch-hunt continues, people are soon going to be targeted too for advocating “Communist China-like policies” – if they advocate things like increased public housing, nationalisation of the banks and targeted poverty alleviation schemes. Moreover, our key point is that people should have the right to support socialistic China and people of Chinese background should have the right to build and join organizations sympathetic to the PRC. After all, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is currently the most popular political organisation in that country with over 90 million members. It is natural that many immigrants from China and international students from there would also be supporters of the CPC. They should have as much right to voice their opinions as anyone else. Moreover, supporting socialistic China is what is in the interests of the overwhelming majority of Australia’s population – that is, of the working class and most middle class people.

The fact is that the PRC leadership makes no effort to “interfere” in the direction of Australian politics. Even the specific claims of “interference” labelled against China have little to do with Australia’s internal policy direction. When one examines the claims closely, it is apparent that the alleged Chinese “interference” is confined to efforts to mitigate Australia’s hostility to China or to prevent Australia being used as a base for anti-communist Chinese exile groups to launch political attacks on the PRC.

Having said the above, socialistic China actually has a duty to try to “influence” politics in Australia and other capitalist countries. Not in the covert way that the U.S., Australia and other imperialist countries are working to, for example, interfere in Hong Kong and Venezuela. Instead, the PRC should seek to advance the struggle for socialism worldwide by openly proclaiming the advantages of the socialist system and by solidarising with working class and oppressed people’s movements in capitalist countries, including Australia. Let’s not forget that soon after the 1917 Russian Revolution, Lenin, Trotsky and the other leaders of the young Soviet workers state established the Communist International for this very purpose.

The truth is that, in the end, China will only be free to carry on its socialistic course unhindered if the masses in the capitalist world mobilise to, firstly, hold back their own rulers from squeezing China; and eventually to overthrow their own capitalist exploiters. Beijing’s current policy of mutual non-interference in the affairs of other countries has been a failure. The CPC government genuinely tries not to interfere in the internal affairs of the capitalist powers. However, as we see today in the massive interference in Hong Kong by the imperialist powers, the capitalist rulers in the West do everything possible to undermine the PRC.


As a result of the continued capitalist domination there, Hong Kong really does have a lot of socio-economic problems. There are the awful coffin homes, unaffordable housing, a slowing economy, massive inequality, cruelly long working hours and terrible conditions for the over 300,000 largely Indonesian and Filipino domestic maids residing there. Yet the Hong Kong opposition movement make no socio-economic demands whatsoever. This highlights their anti-working class character – they are not interested in solving the plight of Hong Kong’s poor and exploited. Their five demands meanwhile are fashioned to appear “fair” but actually would serve to increase the grip on society of Hong Kong’s wealthy. Part of their demands are against supposed police “brutality.” However, compared to police in capitalist countries like Australia, the Hong Kong police have thus far been downright timid. Imagine how many people Australian cops – who are notorious for having murdered or otherwise caused the death of dozens of Aboriginal people over the last four decades – would have killed if they had been subjected to what the Hong Kong rioters have done to police there for four whole moths: thrown firebombs at them, beat them with sticks, threatened their children and spouses and stabbed off-duty police.

As they complain about “police brutality” in today’s Hong Kong, the anti-PRC movement hold aloft the old British colonial flag of Hong Kong and hark back to the colonial days. Yet it was the British colonial forces in Hong Kong that committed truly murderous repression. In 1967, in response to mass strikes and protests by workers and other anti-colonial leftists in Hong Kong, British colonial police launched commando raids on union offices and other leftist strongholds and on several occasions unleashed sub- machine gun fire against the activists. In the end police shot dead, or beat to death, some 30 workers and other leftists.

One of the main demands of the anti-PRC movement is for universal suffrage and parliamentary “democracy.” Yet, as in Australia, the reality of one person one vote in a society where the wealth and power is so unequally divided results only in the tyranny of the tycoons. It is the rich who disproportionately have the money to fund political parties, pay for political advertising and hire lobbyists. And it is the tycoons who own and control the media. The reality in Australia is that the most influential tycoons like Anthony Pratt or Gina Rinehart – with their direct line to the politicians and their massive political donations – each have far more influence on the direction of the country than, say, all the 400,000 people on the meagre Newstart Allowance put together! In Hong Kong where inequality is even greater, any formal parliamentary “democracy” would only reinforce still further the domination of society by the rich. Certainly the brutally exploited and often abused foreign maids in Hong Kong, many of whom are forced to sleep in corridors near the toilets and in laundries, would have little say in a Western-style “democracy.” As we have pointed out in placards at pro-PRC assemblies over Hong Kong, if the rich kid rioters in Hong Kong really care about democracy they could start by treating their domestic maids a lot better.

In the current political set up where Beijing has agreed to maintain capitalist rule over Hong Kong, domestic maids and other working class people don’t have any say either. However, the possibility of greater socialist influence of the PRC – that the pro-colonials’ call for parliamentary “democracy” is designed to impede – does give a path for greater rights for the long suffering working class masses of Hong Kong.

The democracy that working class people need is not the sham of a parliamentary “democracy” but a workers democracy based on elected workers councils that also draw in other sections of the poor. These councils, or soviets, would not be open to members of the exploiting class in order to stop them using their wealth and connections to dominate the councils. By having the working class masses organised together as a class in such councils they are able to better feel their collective strength and interests and, thereby, resist the political influence of the properties classes. However, there are two pre-conditions to such a soviet democracy exercising real power. Firstly, the state machine that these workers councils administer must be a workers state – i.e. a state built and replenished to serve working class interests. Now, because the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army base in Hong Kong is the ultimate military power in the region this has fashioned a change in the character of the Hong Kong police from the days of British colonialism. Some of the most pro-colonial cops have abandoned the force, not wanting to be subordinate to a Communist power. On the other hand, some people sympathetic to Red China have been enthusiastic to join. Moreover, every time the police are called to act against pro-colonial violence like we are seeing today, pro-colonial forces would drop off the force and be unwilling to join it while pro-PRC elements would be keen to enlist. Yet the transformation of the force is likely incomplete, not least because the property system it is enforcing in Hong Kong is still a capitalist property system. Meanwhile, the other elements of the state machinery in Hong Kong are even more based on the old colonial-capitalist machinery. Hong Kong’s judiciary remains anti-communist as shown by the way judges have been giving the right-wing rioters such lean “punishments” or often none at all. Meanwhile, even the non-repressive components of the state apparatus are still tied to the capitalist class. Hong Kong schools still teach the old pro-colonial, anti-communist curriculum. As for Hong Kong state media, its character is shown by the fact that it has been ostentatiously supporting the anti-PRC movement. That is why pro- PRC activists in Hong Kong have recently protested against the anti-China bias of Hong Kong media and against the incredible leniency that judges have shown to the pro-colonial rioters.

The second pre-condition for a workers democracy that exercises real power is that the power of the exploiting class is broken so that the working class begins to have the real economic power without which any political power can only be a fiction. To be sure, the bureaucratic leadership in Beijing, although based on a socialistic system, is not keen on workers democracy as that could undermine its somewhat privileged, middle class social position. Nevertheless, even if Beijing were to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong in its bureaucratically deformed form that would still be a massive step forward for Hong Kong’s masses. Today, such a move has become an absolute necessity not only to improve the lives of the masses but to even prevent Hong Kong’s separation or partial distancing from China. For Hong Kong capitalist tycoons and their upper middle class allies are using their enormous economic strength to fund and direct separatist activities. The power of the Jimmy Lais, the Li-Kashings and the other capitalists of Hong Kong must be broken! Their ports, media outlets, real estate property, banks and telecom firms must be stripped from their hands and brought into public ownership. This would finally enable Hong Kong’s overworked wage earners to get shorter working hours with no loss in pay and would provide the resources needed to build the public housing necessary to relieve the housing situation of those currently “living” in coffin homes. In other words, such a move toward socialism in Hong Kong would be enormously popular amongst the Hong Kong masses.

We are not naive and know that if Beijing moves to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong, the propertied classes will resist with even greater ferocity than they are now. However, currently, we have the worst of both worlds in Hong Kong. The capitalists and their upper middle class allies feel threatened by the prospect of socialism and so they are in revolt, all the while still having the economic clout to make such a revolt powerful. On the other hand, Hong Kong’s working class masses have not seen any benefits from being brought under the umbrella of a socialistic state and so are not mobilising energetically to defend the PRC. Meanwhile, those not so rich sections of the middle class who could be won to the side of socialism if the potential benefits of socialistic rule were made clear are, instead, being harnessed by the anti-communist forces.

However, Beijing is reluctant to move against the capitalist class in Hong Kong because it is obsessed with not antagonising the Western imperialist powers. Moreover, having allowed the emergence of a capitalist class within the mainland, the risk averse CPC leaders don’t want to upset stability by taking actions in Hong Kong that could frighten these capitalists into opposition. Therefore, it must be the most class conscious workers and leftists who must lead the charge for a socialist Hong Kong. In doing so they may finally pull Beijing along to do what it should. For starters, to highlight the benefits of socialistic rule, genuine leftists in Hong Kong should organise demonstrations calling for those policies and laws in the mainland that would be most beneficial to and most popular with the Hong Kong masses to be implemented there. For one, the PRC’s 2008 labour law, which has far greater protections for workers than Hong Kong laws, should be called for. Secondly, the policies that allow better conditions for domestic maids in the mainland – where they are mostly workers with their own homes rather than live in servants – should be advocated. Thirdly, pro-PRC activists should call for the right to abortion on demand, which exists in the mainland, to be brought to Hong Kong where women’s basic democratic right to abortion is greatly curtailed. Fourthly, and perhaps most crucially, leftists must push for the PRC’s “houses are for living in not speculation” policy which restricts the purchases of multiple homes by any individual to be brought into Hong Kong. Such a policy would open up immediate accommodation opportunities for those currently living in “coffin” homes, drive down the price of housing and start to challenge the power of the property tycoons that so dominate the territory

Meanwhile, pro-PRC forces should start mobilising on the streets to defend public property from the anti-communist rioters. The largest trade union federation in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU), is pro-PRC. So pro-PRC activist should agitate for unions affiliated to the HKFTU to start building such actions – defensive actions that would be quite popular as many Hong Kong people are getting sick of the random attacks of the rich-kid rioters. From there, contingents should begin to target the business bases of Jimmy Lai and other notable anti-PRC tycoons. The aim would be to eventually occupy Lai’s Apple Daily’s production base and stage an HKFTU union seizure of control of this newspaper. Meanwhile, the real estate owned by Lai and other anti-PRC tycoons should be occupied and handed over to current residents of “coffin” homes. As it becomes clearer to all that the question of PRC influence over Hong Kong versus “independence” is a question of working class interests versus capitalist interests, more working class people will be won over to the pro-PRC cause and the forces can eventually become available to demand the complete confiscation of the means of production of all the big capitalists.

If the socialistic system were to be brought to Hong Kong it would have great significance beyond the territory. It would encourage those forces fighting most consistently to maintain socialistic rule on the mainland; while demoralising the capitalists within the mainland demanding ever greater “rights” and the right-wing of the CPC bureaucracy who are only too happy to hand over to them such concessions. Meanwhile, given that no part of the world has had the socialistic system based on working class state power brought to it in over 40 years, the bringing of a system based on public ownership and proletarian rule to Hong Kong would greatly encourage the international struggle for socialist revolution. So let’s fight for one Red China – that is, for one country under one socialist system!


However, the fate of Hong Kong will not only be determined by contending forces there. What happens in Australia and other Western countries also matters a great deal. A primary source of the strength of the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong is their backing from imperialist governments and NGOs. They are greatly encouraged by demonstrations abroad that support them. So we need to mobilise to oppose support to the Hong Kong anti-communist forces from the Australian government and local NGOs. We need to build actions condemning the Hong Kong pro-colonial movement so as to boost the morale of pro-PRC activists in Hong Kong.

Trotskyist Platform (TP) was proud to have joined the large August 17 pro-PRC march in Sydney. Among the many slogans that we have carried at this and other pro-PRC actions include: “A Strong Socialistic China is Good for Australian Working Class People. Australian Workers: Defend the PRC Workers State!”, “Defend Socialistic China Against Imperialism! Resist Meddling in Hong Kong by Colonial Powers”, “Hong Kong Rioters = Rich Kid Allies or Dupes of Right-Wing Hong Kong Media Billionaire Jimmy Lai – Hong Kong’s Rupert Murdoch” and “Western-Style Democracy = Total Control By the Rich. Increase Socialist Influence of PRC to Improve Lives of Hong Kong Working Class.”

One other significant left group in Australia that has not joined the anti-PRC crusade over Hong Kong is the Communist Party of Australia (CPA). The CPA has rightly criticised the pro-imperialist character of the Hong Kong opposition movement and opposed the U.S.-Australia war drive against China. However, they have often, in their press, ducked the key issue of whether the PRC is a workers state or not – indicating that there are some people in the party who either believe that the PRC has gone capitalist or are unsure on the issue. Probably for the same reasons, the CPA, while rightly involved in actions in solidarity with socialistic Cuba, has thus far not participated on the ground in the various pro-PRC actions that have taken place recently.  Of course, leftists in Australia must stand by Cuba. However, the PRC is the socialistic country that is most targeted by imperialism and in particular by our own imperialist ruling class at home. Thus, it is somewhat easy to be active supporting Cuba while not being active defending the main target of the new anti-communist Cold War – the PRC. Let us never forget that a key reason that the former Soviet workers state ultimately succumbed to incessant imperialist pressure is that leftists in the imperialist countries – including those nominally sympathetic to the USSR – did not mobilise actual actions that squarely solidarised with the Soviet Union. This emboldened capitalist restorationist forces within the Soviet Union, while leaving genuine communists in the USSR feeling isolated and demoralised and thus less willing to fight to defend their workers state. Let us make sure the same thing never ever happens to the PRC!

Other than for TP and the CPA, all other significant left groups in Australia have lined up behind the anti-communist opposition in Hong Kong. The left groups in Australia that have been most active in supporting the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong are Socialist Alliance (SA), Solidarity and Socialist Alternative (SAlt). The latter two joined an August 30 anti-Red China rally at Sydney University where present were not only pro-imperialist Hong Kong students but other anti-communists. One of the featured speakers at the rally was prominent anti-communist, Dana Pham. A rabid opponent of women’s right to abortion, Pham is so anti-communist that she opposes even social democracy because she says that it leads to communism. So this is the sort of politics that Socialist Alternative and Solidarity are in a united front with! Now, Pham openly self-identifies as the child of former capitalists in Vietnam who were dispossessed by the heroic Vietnamese anti-capitalist revolution. Indeed, the demonstrations in Australia in support of the Hong Kong anti-communist movement is a magnet for members – and their unreconstructed descendants – of a number of different exploiting classes who are bitter that communists confiscated (or threaten to confiscate) their ill-gotten wealth and brought it into common social ownership. Many participating are, like Pham, either members of the overthrown former capitalist/ landlord ruling class of Vietnam or their children. Hence, the anti-PRC rallies have been shot through with the flags of the deposed former South Vietnamese regime. Also prominent at the anti-Red China actions have been the flags favoured by supporters of the deposed former feudal ruling class of Tibet. After Chinese and Tibetan communists united to topple that class from power in 1959 and liberate brutally subjugated Tibetan serfs, many of the former feudal elite fled into exile. Due to fervent support from the CIA and the capitalist powers some of the descendants of these former serf owners cling on to a dream of one day driving out socialist rule from Tibet and regaining their families’ former glory. Hence they rally in solidarity with their fellow “victims” of socialism. Then there are the capitalists and property owning upper-middle class types who are angry that they have had to leave Hong Kong when it was returned to China in order to avoid the risk of having their wealth redistributed to the masses. Of course, there are also some unreconstructed descendants of the former capitalist-landlord rulers of China who are furious at being toppled by the 1949 Revolution. Then there are people associated with the still ruling capitalist exploiting class in Taiwan.

All these people have a clear class reason – or at least perceived reason – for opposing socialism and for joining the local actions supporting the Hong Kong anti-communist movement. But what the hell are nominally socialist groups doing there! In joining these demonstrations, these left groups actually undermine some of the better work that they do on other issues where they are at least on the right side of the fence. For example, SA have been active in opposing the pro-imperialist, National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-backed mass protests in Venezuela. Yet if the quite similar, NED-backed pro-imperialist protests in Hong Kong that they are supporting were to achieve victories it can only encourage the pro-imperialist forces in Venezuela. Similarly, SAlt have built actions in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people. Yet they back a movement in Hong Kong that flies U.S. flags, presents the Trump regime as a potential saviour and hails the U.S. system, all of which can only undermine opposition to the U.S. imperialist state that is the key backer of Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinian people.

Something that we can give credit to SAlt over is their spearheading of a protest last month against the hard right CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) meeting in Sydney that was hosted by Andrew Cooper, the leader of the Australian far-right group, Liberty Works. TP joined SAlt in this protest. Yet at the start of this month, this same CPAC held a conference in Hong Kong that was joined by that same Andrew Cooper to support the same anti-Red China movement that SAlt also supports! The CPAC Hong Kong conference drew as its featured speaker, leading Hong Kong “independence” activist Andy Chan, the leader of the staunchly anti-PRC, Hong Kong National Party.

Indeed, the Australian actions in solidarity with the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong have been joined by not only hard conservatives but by some more extreme far-right figures. They have also been shot through with the xenophobic nativist anti-mainland Chinese racism that has typified the movement in Hong Kong itself. At one Sydney rally in Martin Place, anti-PRC activists issued a leaflet dog whistling to anti-Chinese racism by calling for restrictions on migration from China. SAlt itself have implicitly recognised the problem because they pulled out of one anti-PRC rally at the University of Queensland because it so openly pandered to anti-Chinese racism. Yet, despite their efforts to distance themselves from anti-Chinese racism, they and Solidarity and SA – all of whom are involved in legitimate anti-racist causes – nevertheless back a movement that oozes nativist anti-mainland Chinese racism and whose feeding into the anti-China hysteria in this country can only help to incite still more anti-Chinese violence on Australia’s streets. Indeed, the intersection of racism, the anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong and the anti-PRC left was played out at a Melbourne anti-Red China rally earlier this month. Joining the Hong Kong anti-communists were not only the Victorian Socialists – a coalition grouping together SAlt, SA and non-aligned leftists – but also extreme far-right racist, Avi Yemini. Spotting Yemini, a Victorian Socialist activist tries to do the right thing and warns a couple of women participants at the rally that Yemini is talking to that they should not talk to him because he is an extreme racist, a fascist and Nazi. Yet the two pro-Hong Kong anti-communists are not too concerned. Nearby is another participant draped in the Hong Kong colonial flag. When another two Victorian socialists come over to the stand off, the man draped in the colonial flag sides with Yemini and tells him that he will never trust socialists because socialism leads to communism and that he and other Hong Kong people instead like Trump and all Western countries. One could say that those at the demonstration may have been unaware of just how rabidly racist that Yemini is, yet they were quite prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and seemed to be much happier to embrace far right racists than nominal socialists. One can feel sorry for the Victorian Socialists present but their party really set them up! No real socialist should be anywhere near such anti-communist, anti-PRC rallies.

Even if it were hypothetically possible to purge the anti-PRC movement of all far-right influence and all open racism it would merely end up being a cleaned-up counterrevolutionary movement. The fundamental contradiction still exists for the socialist groups supporting it: that supporting a movement that hails the capitalist regimes in the U.S., Britain and Australia, lauds the “democracy” for the rich that exists in these countries and glorifies Western (i.e. capitalist and imperialist) values can only buttress support for the Western capitalist regimes and, thus, undermine the struggle for socialism that these groups nominally stand for.

Those leftists who have supported the Hong Kong anti-PRC opposition must urgently take a step back and consider the following points. Firstly, when does Donald Trump, Scott Morrison, CPAC, the NED, Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Stokes ever support a movement that is actually progressive? What kind of movement appeals to Donald Trump, glorifies “Western values,” carries the U.S. and British flag and harks back to colonialism? We can give some answers to that question: the 2015-2016 Islamophobic and white supremacist Reclaim Australia marches, marches by extreme anti-Palestinian activists in Israel, CPAC conferences and the recent mass anti-abortion protests in NSW. Needlessly to say, all these mobilisations are totally reactionary. Certainly protests by the oppressed Palestinian people and people of Kashmir are not hailing Trump and glorifying Western values, let alone flying the U.S. flag.


Even some of groups that claim to be more “Marxist Leninist” than the likes of SAlt, SA and Solidarity have jumped onto the anti-PRC bandwagon. Thus, the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) even while admitting that “US imperialism has directed and influenced some of the key players in the current disturbances” in Hong Kong then still leans on the side of the anti-communist movement by asserting that, “that does not mean we should support the repression of genuine protestors by the Hong Kong police, or support the Chinese government.” Meanwhile Australia’s newest left group, the Australia Communist Party (ACP), has also climbed onto the anti-PRC train. The ACP recently broke away from the CPA and it had not been clear what the actual political differences were. Now one major divergence is apparent: the ACP has moved a big step to the Right by declaring that China is now “capitalist.” This provides the rationale for the ACP to join with the Cliffite groups – SAlt and Solidarity – and SA in the anti-PRC crusade. Of course the actual capitalists in Hong Kong don’t seem to have noticed that the PRC is “capitalist”, which is why they are terrified of being subjected to PRC laws and are scared of any encroaching PRC influence!

An additional point should be made about those avowed “Marxist-Leninists,” like the ACP, who refuse to defend the PRC but are proudly pro-USSR. That is, it is rather easy to be pro-USSR today, more than 27 years after the USSR was destroyed by capitalist counterrevolution and with the Cold War against it well and truly ended. However, at the time of the 1980s Cold War against the USSR there was massive political pressure to find a reason to junk defence of the USSR – and there were many real shortcomings in the workers state that were used by opportunists to abandon defence of the USSR (the Cliffite groups simply called it “state capitalist”). The real test of where a newer group would have stood during the Cold War against the USSR is where it stands today in the midst of the Cold War taking place against socialistic China right now. Any left group that under pressure manufactures a reason to avoid defending the PRC today would surely have failed to defend the USSR when it actually existed.

With the Cold War against the socialistic PRC intensifying every day and much of the left falling over themselves to avoid defending the PRC, we call on all pro-PRC leftists and all our supporters and friends to stand rock solid in defence of Red China – despite all its deformities and harmful concessions to capitalism. During the Cold War against the USSR too, most of the Left found a way to be on the same side as the counterrevolutionary forces that opposed the USSR. Much earlier, during the Civil War that followed the 1917 Russian Revolution – when the Soviet workers state was still led by 100% genuine communists like Lenin and Trotsky – all of the Left of that time, other than the true communists, also stood opposed to the Soviet workers state at key moments in the struggle for its survival. And that’s the point! Those who, today, cannot defend the PRC workers state would not even defend an embattled workers state when it is under a truly revolutionary, internationalist leadership. But we vow to stand firm. By linking defence of the PRC workers state with the struggle against capitalist exploitation, racism and women’s oppression in this country, genuine communists will be able to show to the most politically advanced workers and youth that having the world’s most populous country remain under at least some sort of socialistic rule enhances the struggle for liberation of the working class and oppressed.

For as Russian Revolutionary leader, Leon Trotsky insisted at the start of World War II when many leftists were abandoning defence of the USSR:

The workers’ state must be taken as it has emerged from the merciless laboratory of history and not as it is imagined by a “socialist” professor,  reflectively exploring his nose with his finger.  It is the duty of revolutionists to defend every conquest of the working class even though it may be distorted by the pressure of hostile forces. Those who cannot defend old positions will never conquer new ones.

Balance Sheet of the Finnish Events, Leon Trotsky, April 1940

Workplace Safety Now Better in China than in Australia

Australian Rulers’ Union Busting Drive against the CFMEU Union Threatens Construction Workers’ Lives

22 November 2016: Remember the days when hardly a fortnight would go by without the Australian media reporting a major work accident in China that killed dozens of workers? To be sure, China is the world’s most populous country – with about 60 times the population of Australia – so everything both bad and good necessarily happens on a huge scale. Furthermore, the mainstream Western media have always been looking for any means to paint a bad picture of the socialistic Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Nevertheless, it is true that China did have poor workplace safety. The country is industrialising and developing so fast that there was a period when the technological level and safety systems simply did not keep up – leading to dangerous workplace environments. Furthermore, the late 1980s, 1990s and first couple of years of this century was a period when China’s private sector expanded in influence relative to the state-owned sector which, nevertheless, to this day still dominates the pillars of the PRC’s economy. But it is in the private sector where workplace safety is at its worst including in the foreign-invested industries owned by Hong Kong, Taiwanese, American, Singaporean, Japanese and Australian bosses.

Workplace Safety Now Better in China than in Australia
Despite technological improvements that improve workplace safety and despite the shift in employment in Australia from heavy industry and manufacturing to less hazardous jobs in the service and IT/digital sectors, reduction in workplace deaths have been relatively modest here. In contrast, socialistic China has dramatically improved workplace safety over the last fifteen years.

Thankfully, all this is becoming in significant part old news. Through a combination of nationalisation of formerly privately owned mines, the closure of smaller, unsafe private-sector mines, a 2008 pro-worker industrial relations law, increased government emphasis on workplace safety and spirited repression of greedy bosses responsible for workplace accidents, the Peoples Republic of China has dramatically reduced deaths from workplace accidents over the last 15 years. China’s workplace safety issue is still serious and, as a gigantic country with often large-size operations, when China does have work accidents they are often on a huge scale. Yet, the PRC’s achievements in improving workplace safety are so dramatic and the failure of greedy Aussie bosses to provide a safe workplace here so harmful that it is now safer to be a worker in China than it is to be one in Australia.

So what are the hard facts on this comparison of workplace safety in Australia and the PRC. There are some complications in comparing statistics because each country lists workplace deaths in different ways. In particular, in China, a death in a traffic accident has long been listed as a ‘workplace death.’ The inclusion of traffic accidents Continue reading Workplace Safety Now Better in China than in Australia

Defend Socialistic China Against Military Intimidation By Capitalist Powers

Down with Capitalist Australia’s Military Build Up!
U.S., Australian Militaries: Stay Out of the South China Sea!

26 February 2016 – In October 2015, the U.S. warship, the USS Lassen destroyer (pictured above) sailed through waters, not far from mainland China, that are claimed by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) as its territorial waters. This provocative action in the South China Sea was fully backed by the right-wing Australian government and the ALP Opposition. Moreover, yesterday’s Defence White Paper released by the Turnbull government announced a massive military buildup for the Australian Defence Forces (ADF) which the White Paper could not hide was squarely targeted at China. The government “defence” plan announced that the ADF would have its troop numbers boosted to 62,400 in five years. That means that the Australian military as a percentage of the population will be over 60% larger than the PRC’s military which, in contrast, is in the process of reducing troop numbers by 15%.

The White Paper also announced the ADF’s massive expansion of military hardware including the acquisition of 12 new submarines, 9 warships, 12 patrol vessels, 75 joint strike fighters, two fleets of drones and additional helicopters for special forces troops. Excited by this announcement, racist former defence minister in the Abbott government, Kevin Andrews called for Australia to join the U.S. in sending warships into China’s claimed territorial waters in the South China Sea. Yet it is not only hardline right-wingers like Kevin Andrews who are demanding such aggressive actions. Months earlier, Labor shadow defence minister Stephen Conroy started demanding the same thing(5). Meanwhile, Liberal defence minister, Marise Payne yesterday refused to rule out the possibility that the Australian Navy may take such incendiary action in the future. Continue reading Defend Socialistic China Against Military Intimidation By Capitalist Powers

An African Person Who Studied in Russia Tells His Story

An African Person Who Studied in Russia Tells His Story: Capitalism Breeds Racism. A First Hand Account of How Russia’s Return to Capitalism Led to An Explosion of Racism.

Ugly reality after capitalist counterrevolution. Russian police detain 1,200 migrants from the Caucuses who worked at a vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo district in the south of Moscow. The October 2013 police raid followed a terrifying riot against migrants in the area by violent white supremacists. The racist police round up of the migrants thus legitimised the fascist riot.
Ugly reality after capitalist counterrevolution. Russian police detain 1,200 migrants from the Caucuses who worked at a vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo district in the south of Moscow. The October 2013 police raid followed a terrifying riot against migrants in the area by violent white supremacists. The racist police round up of the migrants thus legitimised the fascist riot.

The unemployment, economic insecurity and inequality of capitalism provides a fertile ground for the growth of racism. Racial prejudices are, in fact, consciously nurtured by the capitalist exploiting class as a way of diverting and dividing the working class masses that they exploit. Here in Australia, the big business-owned media constantly stigmatize Aboriginal people even as this country’s first peoples face racist police violence and daily discrimination in every aspect of their lives. The Liberal/National regime demonizes refugees and the ALP Opposition acquiesces to this. Then the ALP leaders divert workers’ understandable anger at unemployment and fear of losing their jobs into hostility to the presence of immigrant guest workers. Meanwhile, the dog-eat-dog mentality that naturally accompanies an economic system based on cut- throat competition means that everyone is pushed into seeing everyone else as a rival. This, inevitably, leads to divisions within capitalist society developing along racial and religious lines and people from minority ethnicities and religions are, ultimately, victimized.

In short, capitalism breeds racism. The construction of a socialist society will, on the other hand, guarantee that there is no longer a ruling class interested in dividing the masses with racism as well as other means because the very essence of socialism is the ending of the exploitation of the working class masses. Furthermore, a socialist society is based on collective ownership of the economy and economic decisions made for common needs rather than for greedy individual goals. Such a system thus naturally brings people together.

Days of the Socialistic USSR: International and local students at Novosibirsk State Technical University pose for a photo in front of a statue of Russian Revolution leader, Vladimir Lenin.
Days of the Socialistic USSR: International and local students at Novosibirsk State Technical University pose for a photo in front of a statue of Russian Revolution leader, Vladimir Lenin.

All this is not just theory. It has been proven by history. In its pre-1917 period of capitalist- feudal rule, Russia was an imperialist empire where the non-European peoples of Central Asia and the Caucuses suffered racial discrimination, Jews and Poles faced massacres by fascist gangs called the Black Hundreds and non-Russian nationalities from the Ukrainians to the Georgians to the various Central Asian nationalities faced brutal suppression of their national rights. However, the 1917 October Socialist Revolution in Russia changed all that. The victorious revolutionary workers created their own state, the Soviet Union (USSR) workers state, that over time led to a massive improvement in the status of the Kazakh, Uzbek, Tadzhik, Turkmen, Kirghiz, Georgian, Armenian, Azeri and other peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus. From the time the communist-led workers took state power, they mobilized to smash the fascist and other anti-Semitic gangs. [6]

Inspired by the Russian Revolution and incensed at the destruction and poverty that capitalist rule had brought them by the end of the inter-capitalist World War I, the years following the 1917 Revolution saw revolutionary struggles break out in Germany, Hungary, Italy and many other countries. However, the communist parties in these countries were too newly formed to lead these revolutions to a victorious conclusion in the way that Lenin and Trotsky’s Bolshevik Party (which was later renamed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) had done. As a result the young Soviet workers state remained isolated and thus faced intense external capitalist military threat and economic blockade much as North Korea faces today. Meanwhile, Russia and the other parts of the USSR were economically devastated by the World War that preceded the revolution and the four years of Civil War that followed it when the Soviet masses heroically defended their revolution against invading armies from fourteen capitalist countries and armies built by the overthrown Russian capitalists. Under these conditions of encirclement and economic scarcity and with the masses exhausted from the years of wars and demoralized by the failure of revolutions abroad, a more right-wing leadership took over administration of the USSR and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This leadership turned its back on the internationalist outlook that was key to the revolution and replaced the workers democracy that followed the revolution with an administration where career-minded bureaucrats were allowed to come to the fore.

Established in 1960 in Soviet times, tens of thousands of international students from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America studied on scholarship at the USSR’s University of the Friendship of Peoples. Although local students also studied there, the USSR established the university specifically for the purpose of providing an education to people from the ex-colonial countries. In February 1961, the university was re-named after the Congolese anti-colonial leader, as Patrice Lumumba University of the Friendship of Peoples. This re-naming of the university after Lumumba was a gesture of solidarity with the people of the world standing up to colonialism and neo-colonialism. It came only one month after Lumumba was assassinated by Belgian authorities in a plot orchestrated by the U.S. CIA and with the complicity of the UN. Top Left: First graduates at the university. Top Right: A Russian language lesson in progress. Above: Students from different countries and local students intermingle at the university.
Established in 1960 in Soviet times, tens of thousands of international students from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America studied on scholarship at the USSR’s University of the Friendship of Peoples. Although local students also studied there, the USSR established the university specifically for the purpose of providing an education to people from the ex-colonial countries. In February 1961, the university was re-named after the Congolese anti-colonial leader, as Patrice Lumumba University of the Friendship of Peoples. This re-naming of the university after Lumumba was a gesture of solidarity with the people of the world standing up to colonialism and neo-colonialism. It came only one month after Lumumba was assassinated by Belgian authorities in a plot orchestrated by the U.S. CIA and with the complicity of the UN. Top Left: First graduates at the university. Top Right: A Russian language lesson in progress. Above: Students from different countries and local students intermingle at the university.

However, despite this bureaucratic degeneration that took place in the mid- 1920s, the USSR still remained a workers state based on the socialistic, collectivized economic system that was established after the Russian Revolution. This system not only brought terrific improvements to the education, health and standard of living of the masses but brought much greater racial equality between the majority ethnic Russians and the diverse non-Russian peoples of the USSR. Although the bureaucratic rulers at various times undermined the founding ideals of the USSR by embracing a degree of ethnic Russian-centeredness, from the time the Soviet Union was able to recover from the great sacrifices and untold human and material cost of its great, heroic victory over the sinister, barbaric and uber-racist Nazi threat in World War 2 and then go on to uplift the standard of living of the masses to a decent level by the 1950s, from that time and up until the immediate lead up to the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991-92, the USSR overall truly did live up to its motto of the “Friendship of Peoples”.

September 2015: Hungarian police brutally attack refugees. Capitalist counterrevolution in Hungary has led to an explosion of racist violence by the Hungarian police and fascist paramilitary groups.
September 2015: Hungarian police brutally attack refugees. Capitalist counterrevolution in Hungary has led to an explosion of racist violence by the Hungarian police and fascist paramilitary groups.

Nevertheless, the presence of a bureaucratic administration – with all its accompanying corruption and the fact that ordinary workers were not involved in decision making – prevented the socialistic economy of the USSR from reaching its full potential, something that became more pronounced the closer that the USSR actually came to catching up with the economies of the richest countries. Furthermore, the material privileges of the bureaucracy (as petty as they were compared to the exorbitant wealth of tycoons in capitalist countries) and the suppression of workers democracy depoliticized the masses and weakened their commitment to socialism – even while socialistic rule had greatly improved their lives. All this made the USSR brittle in the face of the gigantic military, economic and political pressures it faced from the capitalist powers who were/are determined to crush any workers state. When a small layer of capitalist counterrevolutionaries backed by Washington, London, Tokyo and Canberra amongst others made its bid for power in the USSR in 1991, the Soviet masses had, in fact, become so depoliticized that most of them did not resist in any effective way at all – even though many were fearful of the consequences of capitalist restoration.

If the establishment of socialistic rule in the former USSR, Yugoslavia, Cuba and China has proved the potential of socialism to eradicate racial oppression and tensions, the 1989-1992 restorations of capitalism in the USSR and East European workers states also proved how it is capitalism that does actually breed racism. Take, for instance, Hungary. In its socialistic period from the late 1940s to 1989, Hungary was known by the many international students from South Asia, the Middle East and Africa who studied there as a place where they were treated with warmth and respect. Although the workers state in Hungary was bureaucratically deformed and the government of the then Hungarian People’s Republic was far from perfect in the treatment of the country’s Indian-origin, Roma minority, Roma in the socialistic period enjoyed access to guaranteed jobs, improved housing and, most crucially, freedom from racist violence. However, following the 1989 capitalist counterrevolution, Hungary changed into an extremely racist society. Today, neo-Nazi skinhead gangs roam Hungary’s streets looking to inflict violence against Roma, Jews and international students. Several Roma have been murdered in pogroms perpetrated by organized fascists and these far-right paramilitaries often descend on neighbourhoods with significant Roma populations to terrorize Roma families with snarling dogs, whips and death threats. These attacks occur with the deliberate non- intervention and often direct connivance of the racist Hungarian police force. [7] Meanwhile, today decent people around the world are aghast at the extreme brutality of the Hungarian regime in its treatment of refugees fleeing Western-instigated violence in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.

Detail from a 1920s Soviet poster addressed to the traditionally Islamic Tatar people of the old Russian empire, now included within the ranks of the new Soviet workers’ state. Its text - on the poster written in both Russian and Tatar - reads “Tatar Women! Join the Ranks of the Women Workers of Russia. Arm-in-arm with the Proletarian Women of Russia, You will Finally Break off the Last Shackles”.
Detail from a 1920s Soviet poster addressed to the traditionally Islamic Tatar people of the old Russian empire, now included within the ranks of the new Soviet workers’ state. Its text – on the poster written in both Russian and Tatar – reads “Tatar Women! Join the Ranks of the Women Workers of Russia. Arm-in-arm with the Proletarian Women of Russia, You will Finally Break off the Last Shackles”.

Perhaps the most striking example of how capitalism creates racism can be seen by examining the impact of the capitalist counterrevolution that swamped Russia and the rest of the former USSR in 1991-92. We are happy to present below the experiences of comrade El-Hassan who actually lived in Russia through this period – having arrived in Russia during the days of the socialistic USSR and remaining there until seven years after the counterrevolution. As a dark-skinned person of African origin, comrade El-Hassan felt the question of race relations in a very personal way. He described his experiences in a discussion with comrade Samuel Kim, excerpts of which are detailed below:

Samuel Kim: El-Hassan when did you exactly first go to Russia and when were you there until?

El-Hassan: Before answering that I just want to say – since this discussion will be written up – that I think Trotskyist Platform is doing very good work in the fight against capitalism, fascism and racism. Trotskyist Platform is not just talking but actually organizing and participating in the struggles.

Now I first came to Russia in 1990.

Samuel Kim: That was in the socialistic times, in the times of the USSR.

El Hassan: That’s right. I had been living in Sudan and active organizing with the Sudanese Communist Party. In 1989, I found out that I was just about to get arrested and so I fled to Egypt. There I met my brother who had studied in the USSR. Many people from Africa were given places to study in the USSR. My brother encouraged me to study there and helped me apply for a place. There were many communists from Asia and Africa that studied in the USSR. I was granted a place at Moscow State University where I studied journalism.

I studied there until 1994-95, eventually doing my Masters Degree in journalism. After that I stayed in Russia until 1998 when I came here to Australia.

Samuel Kim: So you were in Russia until many years after the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution. You saw Russia in both its socialistic days and its capitalist times.

How were you treated during the days of the USSR?

El-Hassan: I was treated very well. All the students, professors and everyone welcomed me and all the other international students. We were very warmly welcomed and respected. I can say that I did not experience any racism at all. There was no racism against anyone.

Samuel Kim: How much did you pay for your studies in the Soviet times?
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El-Hassan: I studied for free – I was on scholarship. I also got free board and free food. I did not have to pay rent or any bills. I was given a stipend of 90 Roubles per month. This does not sound like much but things were so cheap then that it was actually a lot. I could save money with that stipend and many of my fellow international students use to send part of their stipend back to their families in their home countries.

Samuel Kim: Another comrade told me that international students in the Soviet Union often went to other parts of the USSR on holiday during university vacation. Is that right?

El-Hassan: Yes. We could get very cheap holiday travel. I myself went on many holidays like to Sochi on the Black Sea coast.

Samuel Kim: What about student politics then?

El-Hassan: There were student groups involved in solidarity with “Third Word” countries. They showed sympathy with many struggles in Africa and around the world. They were against imperialism.

Samuel Kim: What else could you say about life in the days of the Soviet Union?

El-Hassan: There was a rich social life in the USSR. It was great fun. The other important thing is that women had the same status as men then. For example many of the professors at the university were women and women lecturers were amongst my teachers.

Samuel Kim: And what happened after the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution?

El-Hassan: Everything changed. Nationalism became more and more prominent. People in the streets became more and more hostile to me. Later even some fellow students started being rude to me. You could tell they did not want me there. Unemployment grew quickly. People were angry and confused and they took it out on us. Many Russian people tried to escape their problems by turning to drugs.

Samuel Kim: What was the attitude of people to the capitalist counterrevolution?

El-Hassan: Many people just stood by and watched it happen and went by trying to live life as usual.

Samuel Kim: Did your material circumstances change?

El-Hassan: Some of the aspects of the old system remained for a while and things took a while to collapse. But things got a lot harder. I was still able to keep my scholarship until my studies finished. However, the stipend was kept at 90 Roubles even when the prices rose very quickly. The 90 roubles was now worth nothing. You could hardly buy anything with it anymore.

After I finished my studies my scholarship ended. I was not able to get a job as a journalist and when I ran out of my money I had to stay with friends.

Samuel Kim: I read that there have been over 1,000 pre-meditated racist murders committed by fascists in Russia in the last ten years. I know that you yourself was physically attacked by Russian white supremacists after the capitalist counterrevolution. Can you describe what happened?

El-Hassan: That happened in 1995 after I finished my studies. Many of my fellow international students had already been attacked by then. I had moved to Voronezh, a city which was about ten to twelve hours by train from Moscow. I was walking along the street when seven neo-Nazi skinheads on the footpath saw me. They started following me and so I walked faster. I knew I was in trouble. I headed towards the bus stop to try and catch a bus away. But they attacked me and I fought back.

Samuel Kim: Did anyone come to help you?

El-Hassan: Yes, several people around came and started shouting at the neo-Nazis to stop. They did not physically intervene but shouted at the skinheads who eventually stopped. I ended up bruised and with a black eye.

Samuel Kim: What did you do for work in Russia after you finished your studies?

El-Hassan: There was a lot of unemployment and people in Russia were angry and confused. I became a worker at a store carrying cartons. But all these stores were being bullied by the mafia. The boss where I worked had to pay protection money to the mafia. I think it was something like $700 a month. The mafia threatened that if the store owners did not pay their store would go up in flames. The shop owners all feared that the criminals would carry out their threats. Russia became run by mafia.

Samuel Kim: What was life like after you moved to Australia?

El-Hassan: At first I thought that my life would be very good when I got residency in Australia. But my journalism qualifications were not recognized. The racism in Australia has been getting worse and worse and in the last year it has got extremely bad. I told you what happened to me recently. I was taking a passenger [El-Hassan now works as a taxi driver] and suddenly he started threatening me. He said that you Muslims want to kill us so I am going to kill you first. I was in a bad situation as I was driving the taxi and was getting on to the M4. It would have been very dangerous to be in a fight at that moment while driving. I said no I do not want to kill anyone. He then said that if he sees me again he will cut my head off and play football with it just for fun.

Left: A young African migrant to China from the Democratic Republic of Congo with team mates in his youth soccer team in Guangzhou. Right: Debujiada Best, a migrant to China from Guinea Bissau with fellow contestants at popular Chinese dating show, If You Are the One. In 2013, the Masters of Economic student at China’s Heilongjiang University became one of the most popular contestants on the show and a social media sensation in China because of her assertiveness and expressed social values. In the socialistic Peoples Republic of China (PRC), migrants from Africa and other parts of Asia do not, in general, meet the extreme and often threatening hostility that they face in capitalist countries like Australia, France, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia etc. Some problems with racism are however still prevalent in China, where the transition to socialism is far from complete and remains tenuous. Inherited backward values from China’s pre-1949 capitalist-feudal times have not been fully overcome and market reforms exacerbate wealth and class divisions and thus recall the old stereotypes where darker skin was associated with poor peasants toiling in the fields. In terms of the times since the 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, these problems were worst in the PRC’s most right-wing period in the late 1980s, when the government toned down statements of solidarity with ex-colonial countries, when the West was glorified in many quarters and when the then rapid roll out of pro-market measures was leading to widespread economic insecurity. In late 1988- early 1989 right-wing Chinese students rioted against African students in Nanjing. The Chinese students linked protests at what they said was the Communist Party of China (CPC) favouring African students at the expense of local students to demands for “Human Rights.” These racist, pro-“Human Rights” demonstrations became the pre-cursor to the June 1989 Tiananmen Square protests that began with rallies by students linked to the liberal, right-wing of the CPC. Despite lingering problems, today, darker-skinned migrants to mainland China not only face a far lesser threat of racist violence than they do in capitalist Australia, North America, Europe and Russia but are also better treated than non-Chinese people in capitalist, ethnic Chinese-majority parts of the world like Singapore and Hong Kong. The final triumph of socialism in China and worldwide will see the creation of societies fully free of racial oppression and prejudice.
Left: A young African migrant to China from the Democratic Republic of Congo with team mates in his youth soccer team in Guangzhou. Right: Debujiada Best, a migrant to China from Guinea Bissau with fellow contestants at popular Chinese dating show, If You Are the One. In 2013, the Masters of Economic student at China’s Heilongjiang University became one of the most popular contestants on the show and a social media sensation in China because of her assertiveness and expressed social values. In the socialistic Peoples Republic of China (PRC), migrants from Africa and other parts of Asia do not, in general, meet the extreme and often threatening hostility that they face in capitalist countries like Australia, France, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia etc.
Some problems with racism are however still prevalent in China, where the transition to socialism is far from complete and remains tenuous. Inherited backward values from China’s pre-1949 capitalist-feudal times have not been fully overcome and market reforms exacerbate wealth and class divisions and thus recall the old stereotypes where darker skin was associated with poor peasants toiling in the fields. In terms of the times since the 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, these problems were worst in the PRC’s most right-wing period in the late 1980s, when the government toned down statements of solidarity with ex-colonial countries, when the West was glorified in many quarters and when the then rapid roll out of pro-market measures was leading to widespread economic insecurity. In late 1988- early 1989 right-wing Chinese students rioted against African students in Nanjing. The Chinese students linked protests at what they said was the Communist Party of China (CPC) favouring African students at the expense of local students to demands for “Human Rights.” These racist, pro-“Human Rights” demonstrations became the pre-cursor to the June 1989 Tiananmen Square protests that began with rallies by students linked to the liberal, right-wing of the CPC.
Despite lingering problems, today, darker-skinned migrants to mainland China not only face a far lesser threat of racist violence than they do in capitalist Australia, North America, Europe and Russia but are also better treated than non-Chinese people in capitalist, ethnic Chinese-majority parts of the world like Singapore and Hong Kong. The final triumph of socialism in China and worldwide will see the creation of societies fully free of racial oppression and prejudice.


One of China’s many new public housing complexes. Last year China started construction of over ten million new public housing dwellings.


5 June 2012 – More and more of Australia’s poor are skipping meals because they can’t afford to pay for the food. In an annual survey by the Salvation Army of those who have sought its help, more than half the respondents admitted to skipping meals in order to pay for other necessities (ABC News Website, 16 May.) Other startling findings were that a third of those surveyed could not afford heating and a third could not afford medicine prescribed by their doctor.

Charities are reporting that an increasing number of people are seeking their help. Low-income people are being crippled by punishing rents and utility charges. And job slashing by business bosses are hitting working class people hard. The official spin about the supposedly low unemployment rate masks the reality that about 600,000 people are officially unemployed in this country. However, perhaps an even greater number of people are not recorded in official unemployment figures only because long-term lack of success in finding a job has discouraged them from looking for work or because they are a single parent unable to find affordable childcare. Meanwhile, one and a half million people are not able to get as many hours of work as they want to. They are not counted in the deceitful, official unemployment figures as those figures will not classify a person as unemployed if they obtain as little as one hour of work in a week. The drive of the business owners to maximize profits is forcing more and more workers into tenuous, low-wage casual jobs. That is why charities are reporting that an increasing proportion of those seeking help are not unemployed people but the working poor. These are typically people with young children who just can’t get enough hours in part-time jobs to get by or can’t make ends meet on the paltry minimum wage. Continue reading MASSIVELY INCREASE PUBLIC HOUSING! SOCIALISTIC CHINA IS DOING THAT SO LET’S FIGHT FOR THE SAME HERE!