Oppose All NATO/Australia Diplomatic, Military & Political Intervention in Syria!
No to Neo-Colonialism: Defend Syria against the Pro-Imperialist “Rebels”
July 27 – It was disturbing footage. Picked up by Reuters and then shown on SBS and ABC News, the video which they noted on the side, “could not be independently verified,” claimed to show supposed Syriansoldiers beating captured anti-government protesters. There was a problem, however! An email to the ABC program Media Watch noted that the accents of the troops shown in the footage were Lebanese not Syrian, that the car shown in the background had a Lebanese number plate and that the soldiers were not even wearing Syrian army uniforms. After some research Media Watch independently verified that this was indeed not footage from Syria but from Lebanon (http://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/s3218415.htm). The clip that had claimed to show Syrian Army brutality turned out to be taken from a YouTube posting of a couple of Lebanese militias bragging about their actions. What is more, the original posting to YouTube took place several years earlier in August 2008! Such is the deception being spread by the pro-Western Syrian Opposition forces. Continue reading Oppose All NATO/Australia Diplomatic, Military & Political Intervention in Syria! No to Neo-Colonialism: Defend Syria against the Pro-Imperialist “Rebels”