From the U.S. to Australia, Let’s Fight for Revolutionary, Internationalist Leadership of our Trade Unions
Oppose the Right-Wing, Bureaucratic Attack on the Vermont AFL-CIO Union Federation
18 June 2021: In the latter part of 2019, a new slate was elected to the local leadership of the AFL-CIO (the biggest U.S. union federation – a U.S. equivalent of the ACTU) in the USA’s northeastern state of Vermont. Alongside vowing to make the union’s operations more transparent to its 10,000 rank and file members, the new leadership promised more independence from the Democrat Party, a focus on standing by migrant workers, more active support for the Black Lives Matter struggle and a greater willingness to use strikes to defend workers rights. The national leadership of the AFL-CIO, which is protectionist and conservative in its outlook and which subordinates the union movement to the capitalist Democrat Party (one of the two parties that alternately run American capitalism alongside the right-wing Republicans), met the election of the new slate in Vermont with suspicion and alarm. Before long, the national AFL-CIO leadership, headed by the federation’s president Richard Trumka, began bureaucratic manoeuvres against its Vermont branch.
Tensions between AFL-CIO national Executive Committee (henceforth referred to as National EC) and its Vermont branch (henceforth referred to as VT AFL CIO) have now reached breaking point. This follows an overwhelming vote on November 18 by delegates of the VT AFL-CIO to authorise the branch leadership to “call for a general strike of all working people in our state” should Donald Trump and his supporters seek to launch a coup for Trump to remain in the presidency despite his losing the election. After trying to stop the Vermont strike resolution at the time, four months later, Trumka went further and announced that the National EC would be investigating the “recent conduct” of the VT AFL-CIO, threatening “further action.” These are steps towards removing the elected Vermont leaders and putting the branch under the direct administration of the federation’s National EC. This bureaucratic campaign to suppress and punish class-struggle mobilisation must be defeated!
That the threat of a far-right coup in the U.S. was real was seen just a month and a half after the Vermont resolution when fascist white-supremacists and other rabid right-wingers stormed the U.S. Congress building on January 6 with the aim of restoring Trump to the presidency. The workers movement has a real interest in opposing such a far-right coup. However, opposing such a coup does not mean that one should give any support, however critical, to new president Joe Biden. Biden must be 100% opposed! The correct stance to have taken at last November’s presidential election was to oppose a vote to both Trump and Biden. Today Biden and his war-mongering secretary of state, Antony Blinken have taken off from where Trump and Mike Pompeo left off in ratcheting up the imperialist Cold War drive against socialistic China. Biden has even resuscitated a thoroughly discredited Trump-era conspiracy theory that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab, a despicable suggestion that is being used to not only whip up mass hostility to China but which is helping to incite yet more racist violence against people of Chinese and other East Asian backgrounds in the U.S., Canada and Australia. Meanwhile, under the reign of Biden and his new vice-president Kamala Harris, racist cops continue to murder black people and other people of colour throughout the USA. And Biden and Harris are overseeing the brutal incarceration of thousands of child refugees in over-crowded detention camps near the U.S.’s border with Mexico. However, should a coup to restore hard-right Trump to the presidency have succeeded, it would have necessarily been accompanied by further attacks on the democratic rights to organise of unions, black rights activists and other leftists and would have greatly emboldened violent far-right, that is fascist, forces. To prepare working class industrial action against the prospect of such a coup was a very supportable and necessary step. However, Trumka and Co. want workers to rely only on the capitalist Democratic Party to oppose the threat of far-right forces. This is a losing strategy! January 6 proved to the whole world the half-heartedness of U.S. repressive organs for opposing the threat of violent far-right groups. It also showed the downright collusion of some elements of these state organs with fascistic forces.
Neither the capitalist parties, like the Democrats, nor the organs of the capitalist state can be a force against far-right threats. This is because the mainstream capitalist parties and the U.S. state institutions both serve the same capitalist class as far-right forces. By seeking to suppress working class mobilisation against a right-wing coup, Trumka and Co. are tying the hands of the one social force with the power and consistent interest to lead resistance against far-right coups and attacks on remaining democratic rights. Therefore, Trotskyist Platform adds our voice to that of the many trade unionists and anti-fascists in the U.S. and around the world who are opposing the campaign of the national AFL-CIO Executive Committee bureaucrats against the Vermont AFL-CIO branch. We have signed on to an open protest letter to national AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, defending “the right of the VT AFL-CIO to have passed a motion authorising a General Strike if the 2020 election results had been overturned in a coup” and demanding that Trumka, “immediately drop the vindictive and retaliatory `misconduct’ investigation into the VT AFL-CIO.”
The Open Letter was initiated by the circle associated with the Australian far-left website, Class Conscious. We congratulate them on taking the initiative on this issue. Thus far, nine pro-working class organisations around the world have signed onto the Open Letter. So have dozens of individuals, many of whom are union activists. Alongside Trotskyist Platform, one other Australian group has signed onto the Open Letter, which is the leftist, anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian, Melbourne-based group, Jews Against Fascism. Trotskyist Platform calls on all trade union activists and officials who believe in class struggle and the centrality of the working class to the fight against right-wing repression, as well as all staunchly anti-fascist groups, to also sign the Open Letter to AFL-CIO national president Richard Trumka. To sign the letter use this link to go to the relevant page on the Class Conscious website: . Note that those who sign on through this link will only be endorsing the actual four-sentence Open Letter and not necessarily the preamble by Class Conscious (while this preamble makes many very good points there are aspects of its analysis that we do not fully endorse).
AFL-CIO Bureaucrats Sorry History of Supporting Counterrevolutionary Forces and Right-Wing Coups
Although we were very happy to take a stand against the bureaucratic attack on the VT AFL-CIO branch by signing the Open Letter, there was a sentence in the letter that we felt uneasy about. It said that the VT AFL-CIO motion authorising a general strike if Trump’s election defeat had been overturned in a coup, “was in the proud tradition of labor fighting together against the threat of fascism and dictatorship.” Unfortunately, the tradition of the AFL-CIO includes, under the pre-text of fighting for “democracy” and “against dictatorship,” intervening abroad to support U.S. imperialist machinations against both socialistic workers states and independent-minded governments in the “Third World”.
It was in Latin America where top AFL-CIO bureaucrats conducted their most notorious work. Their methods included training local anti-communists to gain influence within Latin American trade unions to combat the influence of leftists within the unions. These local allies would then seek to split leftist-led unions in order to build business-loyal unions that would help U.S. multinationals operating within Latin America to maximize profits by keeping wages poor. Meanwhile, working closely with some of the USA’s biggest and most notoriously anti-union mining corporations, agricultural giants, oil companies and banks, the AFL-CIO’s “American Institute for Free Labor Development” (AIFLD) would help disburse CIA and U.S. State Department funds to help the political work of anti-communist union officials, to bribe union leaders into joining the “democratic camp” and to grant affordable housing to workers who switched over to membership of anti-communist-led unions. Then, if leftist governments gained the ascendancy in Latin America, even when democratically-elected within capitalist state structures, AIFLD-backed labour groups would foment unrest and use U.S. government funds to sustain strikers. This would then help pave the way for bloody, U.S.-backed right-wing coups, which AFL-CIO local allies would then work to suppress any labour resistance to. In this way, in the name of “democracy” and stopping “communist dictatorship”, the AFL-CIO tops worked hand in glove with the CIA to bring down elected, left-leaning, or otherwise anti-colonial-minded, governments in Guatamela in 1954, Guyana, Brazil and the Dominican Republic in the early-mid 1960s and Chile in 1973. In all these cases, except to a partial degree in Guyana, the AFL-CIO aided, CIA-orchestrated overthrow of elected governments was through bloody coups that resulted in right-wing dictatorships that committed murderous terror against leftists and workers rights activists on a massive scale. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, AFL-CIO bureaucrats helped the CIA and Australia’s ASIS overseas spy agency to orchestrate a coup in 1965 that led to one of the worst slaughters in human history. The CIA/ASIS/AFL-CIO backed coup forces led by General Suharto massacred between one and two million Indonesian communists, trade unionists, women’s rights activists and ethnic Chinese people in the process of consolidating their horrific right-wing dictatorship.
The AFL-CIO bureaucrats’ most important service to U.S. imperialism was in their support for the capitalist rulers’ drive to overthrow workers states. They collaborated closely with the CIA to stir up worker unrest in state-owned enterprises in Red China, in the former Soviet Union and in the other former deformed workers states in Eastern Europe. Their operations were most successful in Poland. There, with the open backing of the Vatican and rabidly anti-union U.S. and British heads Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and with support from the pro-ALP leadership of Australia’s ACTU, the AFL-CIO tops and CIA propped up a large anti-communist “union” called Solidarnosc. In 1989-90, Solidarnosc would lead a capitalist counterrevolution in Poland that would open the door to the counterrevolutionary destruction of the Soviet Union and all the Eastern European socialistic states within the following two years.
Much of this despicable counterrevolutionary work was conducted by the AFL-CIO heads behind the backs of their membership. More recently, national AFL-CIO leaders in the post-Soviet period, including Trumka, have sought to distance themselves from the federation’s role during the anti-Soviet Cold War. In 1997, the AFL-CIO shutdown its discredited AIFLD. However, today the AFL-CIO’s National EC are back at it again! They replaced the AIFLD with a new organization called Solidarity Center that conducts much of the same work as the AIFLD. Solidarity Center is funded by USAID, the State Department and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the U.S. government’s main vehicle for open funding of counterrevolutionary and pro-imperialist movements that goes alongside their covert funding through the CIA. The NED is notorious around the world for spearheading pro-imperialist “color revolutions” and right-wing coups. In 2002, Solidarity Center-backed right-wing forces in Venezuela tried to carry out a coup to overthrow the elected, leftist Chavez government. Since then Solidarity Center has continued to nurture, train and encourage pro-imperialist opponents of the anti-colonial Venezuelan government.
Today, a main international focus of the National EC is to, under the guise of supporting “democracy,” back forces within China seeking to emulate Polish Solidarnosc – that is forces seeking to use legitimate worker grievances within China not to improve workers social position by crushing capitalist influence or by strengthening the socialist character of the workers state but to restore capitalist rule. The main organised force seeking to build such a Chinese version of Solidarnosc is the China Labour Bulletin (CLB) led by Han Dongfang. And the AFL-CIO’s National EC is right behind the CLB, even presenting Han Dongfang with its highest “human rights award.” Last year, Trumka presented this same award to Hong Kong’s Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF), the principal force in the violent, pro-colonial, anti-Beijing movement in Hong Kong. The CHRF is funded by the NED and by right-wing, Hong Kong media billionaire, Jimmy Lai, who is aptly known as “Hong Kong’s Rupert Murdoch”. The CHRF represents rabidly anti-communist members of Hong Kong’s upper-middle class and large chunks of her capitalist upper class, both of whom are nervous about losing their privilege should Beijing start to bring socialism to Hong Kong. Among the affiliates of the CHRF is the mainly (but not exclusively) white-collar, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU), the smaller of Hong Kong’s two main union federations. The HKCTU, whose leaders want it to become Hong Kong’s Solidarnosc, is not only backed by the NED and the AFL-CIO tops but by the Laborite bureaucrats heading Australia’s ACTU. Today, as Biden emulates Trump in escalating Washington’s new Cold War drive against socialistic China and Australian imperialism enthusiastically eggs him on, we can expect the AFL-CIO and ACTU heads to step up their support for capitalist counterrevolutionary labour groups within mainland China and Hong Kong unless revolutionary activists within these union federations are able to change the agenda leading our unions.
However, despite our concerns about the possible implications of that sentence in the Open Letter to AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka that lauds labor’s “tradition” of fighting against the threat of “dictatorship,” we note that this formulation did not specify or allude to any particular counterrevolutionary or pro-imperialist act by the AFL-CIO and indeed does not actually even specifically mention the AFL-CIO. Therefore, the chance that endorsement of this Open Letter would be understood as also giving support for the AFL-CIO’s continued backing of anti-communist and pro-colonial movements is small. Hence, given the importance of opposing the National EC’s right-wing bureaucratic attack on the VT AFL-CIO, we on balance decided to sign the Open Letter and are urging others within the Left and workers movement to do so as well.
In doing so we point
out that, the national AFL-CIO
leadership’s attempts to quash class struggle resistance to far-right attacks
on democratic rights within the U.S. is the domestic equivalent of their
support abroad for right-wing forces seeking to use the guise of “fighting for
democracy” to undermine socialistic states and anti-colonial governments.
Right-Wing Coups and
the Threat of Fascism
Should the fascist forces, that formed a key component of the January 6 rioters, been sufficiently large, united, disciplined and armed, then if they and their allies had been able to stage a successful overturn of the election result on January 6, this could have opened the road to the fascists making a bid to impose the fascist form of capitalist rule in the short term. Fascism is a form of capitalist rule created through the complete physical smashing of all leftist parties and independent workers organisations through right-wing terror. Such a catastrophe is possible in periods of acute capitalist economic and social crisis, when in the absence of a powerful working class struggle for socialist revolution, right-wing demagogues, backed by decisive sections of the capitalist class, are able to mobilise large chunks of the insecure and embittered middle class – alongside portions of the unemployed poor – into squads dedicated to unleashing reactionary violence.
History however proved that in early 2021, the fascists and the right-wing conservatives that then allied with them did not yet have the clout to even overturn the election result. This is because right now the bulk of the U.S. capitalist class feels that the benefits of ruling through “democratic” means, in terms of fooling the masses into believing that they have a decisive say, combined with the risk of resistance of the sort indicated by the Vermont general strike resolution should they try to impose fascist rule, outweigh the potential benefits of physically crushing the workers movement. To be sure, their deep concern about the decay of their own system, their terror over the bitter grievances of their own population, their fright about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China and their skepticism about their ability to maintain super-profits without exploiting their workforce at an even more intense level, mean that even now some sections of the American capitalist class are supporting fascist forces. Another larger section of the capitalist class, typified by Trump, have not yet definitely decided to go down the road of fascism but are ensuring that they have the option to go down that road in the future by today nurturing violent far-right forces.
Given the current balance of forces between rival sections of the American capitalist class, a more realistic possibility on January 6 than a full-blooded coup that opened the road to a short-term bid for power by fascists was the overturn of the election result in the form of some sort of compromise power-sharing arrangement between the rival bourgeois camps. Such a partial coup resulting from fascist and other far-right mobilisation would still have greatly emboldened the violent far-right forces and thus made resistance like the sort foreshadowed in the Vermont general strike motion absolutely crucial. A coup of this sort did occur in France in February 1934 when after a violent mobilisation by fascists and other reactionaries, the “progressive” liberal capitalist government headed by Daladier of the Radical Party was replaced by a right-wing, bonapartist government. That new government headed by Doumergue rested on the right leg with the fascists and on the left leg with the Radical Party. French workers responded to the coup with a general strike six days later. Although, the political and economic situation in France then was quite different to that in the U.S. today, it is worth leftists today reviewing Leon Trotsky’s brilliant analysis of the situation then in France. Trotsky pointed out that in the context of a deep economic crisis, France and its middle class were becoming deeply polarised. If the working class did not show that it can be a serious contender for power, the fascists and their seeming radicalism would win over the desperate middle class. Trotsky emphasised the need to build workers militias to defend the workers movement against fascist threats and to use the mobilisation of such militias to energise the advance towards workers revolution. Here are links to some of Trotsky’s key writings from that period:
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Today, in the U.S., some in the Far Right will be demoralized that their coup did not succeed. On the other hand, that fascists and hard-right conservatives were able to storm into the parliament building, occupy it for several hours, intimidate many congress members inside it and all the while gain assistance from some in the state organs would have given many of them great encouragement. Meanwhile, the fact that Trump had to, eventually, somewhat distance himself from the rioters will lead to some right-wing conservatives who supported the Capitol storming dispensing with their faith in parliamentary democracy and move fully in with the fascists. That the less conservative Biden has now become president will likely only accelerate this drift. More fundamentally, while plenty of temporary swings in political mood and economic conditions will occur, the long term trend of capitalism, if it is not first overthrown, is to descend into its fascist form because ultimately this is the capitalist class’ last hope of saving its own class rule in the face of the relentless decay of its own system and the rise of a socialistic giant in the form of the Peoples Republic of China. That is why we must mobilise now to oppose the fascist threat. The general strike planned by the VT AFL-CIO is certainly a powerful form of such resistance. However, most immediately we need to oppose physical attacks by fascists on their targets. Such attacks take place every single day – even when fascists are not making an immediate bid for power. Resisting such attacks is crucial to demoralising the fascists on the one hand and on the other, helping the working class to develop the organisation, discipline and activity needed to fight the new Biden administration and the U.S. capitalist class as a whole. As we emphasised in our statement following the January 6 events in Washington (see:
“… it is urgently necessary for politically aware workers, black liberation activists and leftists to organise workers at multiracial workplaces together with black communities, other non-white communities and anti-racist activists into disciplined action squads to physically resist the threat of violent attack from far-right forces.
“… Especially given that the fascists are often armed with guns, the working class-based, anti-fascist defence squads that must be built should take advantage of the right to bear arms that exists in America – as granted by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution – to acquire arms.”
Indeed, any general strike mobilisation against far-right forces like the one prepared by the VT AFL-CIO would need to be defended against physical attacks by fascists through the deployment of workers defence guards and workers militias.
From the U.S. to Australia: Let’s Fight for a Revolutionary, Internationalist Agenda to Lead Our Workers Movements
The fact that Trumka resumed his attack on the VT AFL-CIO over the general strike resolution some two months after Biden was inaugurated – and thus long after the strike resolution ceased to be potentially operational – shows that his attack is about more than the general strike resolution itself. Trumka and Co. want to bring to heel a union branch that is, in his eyes, too independent of the Democrat Party, too willing to wage strikes and too real about supporting anti-racist struggles.
However, the VT AFL-CIO leaders, while clearly more left-wing than the National EC, have a program that is still short of the revolutionary, internationalist program that the workers movement needs. Thus in their November general strike resolution, while they recognise “that democracy in the United States is hobbled by the archaic structure of the Electoral College and entrenchment of the two-party system”, they basically accept that the U.S. system is otherwise generally “democratic.” However, while any attacks on democratic rights from far-right forces, conservatives and liberals alike should be opposed, the “democracy” that exists in the U.S. is fundamentally not a democracy for all but in practice a democracy only for the capitalist exploiting class. This is because it is the capitalist class who has the means at their disposal to shape public opinion and sway elections. It is they who own the media and print houses. It is the rich capitalists who disproportionately have the money to finance political parties, pay for political advertising, set up NGOs and think tanks and hire lobbyists. In practice, “democratic elections” in the U.S. end up being a matter of different factions of the ruling class wrestling for administrative control, with the masses reduced to largely serving as voting fodder for the rival capitalist cliques. Meanwhile, no matter who wins elections, any party that wins office will be administering a state machine that has been built up and maintained for the very purpose of enforcing capitalist rule over the masses and which is controlled through thousands of strings by the capitalists. Therefore, the “democratic” form that exists in capitalist countries like the U.S, Australia, India, Brazil and South Korea masks a social order that is very much a dictatorship of the capitalist class over the working class masses.
Furthermore, while the Vermont union leaders are less willing to blindly support the Democrat Party than the National EC, they do not have a principled opposition to supporting candidates from this capitalist party. Thus the Vermont branch leadership called for support to Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential candidacy bid. But Sanders is a member of the capitalist Democrat Party, who while he wants greater social inequality accepts the sanctity of the capitalist state and thus would be incapable of achieving many of the progressive measures that he seeks. Moreover, through advocating strident trade protectionism, Sanders damages working class unity and thus undermines the class struggle resistance that could actually win gains for the working class masses. Meanwhile, like other progressive Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders fully enlists in the imperialist campaign of lies against China over Muslim Uyghurs in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and is a strident supporter of the anti-communist, anti-China opposition in Hong Kong.
However, it is significant that the VT AFL-CIO leaders have the determination to defend their more class-struggle, left-wing agenda against bureaucratic attacks from Trumka. Resisting this right-wing attack from the national AFL-CIO tops inevitably brings up a discussion about what else is wrong with the national AFL-CIO leadership’s program and opens the possibility of a more complete break with Trumka’s class-collaborationist, protectionist and pro-imperialist outlook. That is why revolutionaries should join the united front opposing Trumka’s attack on the AFL-CIO’s Vermont branch.
It is not just in the U.S. where there needs to be a new, revolutionary agenda to guide the working class movement. Here in Australia, the ACTU’s strategy of reliance on the Labor Party, divisive economic nationalism, subordination to anti-strike laws and support for Australian imperialism’s agenda has proved disastrous to the workers movement. Over the last three and a half decades the share of national income going to workers has dropped drastically in favour of ever greater profits for the capitalists. Meanwhile, more and more workers have been driven into insecure casual and gig jobs, social welfare has been slashed and rental accommodation and housing have become more unaffordable for working class people. The revolutionary, internationalist program that must guide the workers movement here includes:
Rely on strikes and picket lines, including in defiance of anti-strike laws and Arbitration courts, to defend workers rights rather than the dead end of relying on the ALP and the Greens.
Fight for permanency and all the rights of permanency for all currently casual and gig workers.
Refuse to accept the capitalist bosses right to sack workers. Fight to ban all profitable companies from slashing jobs and force them to increase hiring at the expense of their profits. When the capitalists inevitably scream back that such measures will lead to economic collapse, then explain to workers that, since capitalists say that their system cannot survive if the measures needed to bring jobs for all are taken, this proves that the economy needs to be ripped out of the capitalists hands and brought into public ownership under workers control.
Fight for the granting of the full rights of citizenship for all visa workers, refugees and international students.
Oppose all protectionist demands that set local workers against our working class sisters and brother abroad. For a fighting unity of workers against the capitalist exploiters everywhere!
Mobilise mass action of workers to defend Aboriginal rights and to oppose racist state terror against Aboriginal people.
The workers movement must champion the fight to enable women’s full participation in social, economic and political life: Demand free, 24-hour, public-provided childcare; free, nutritious school lunches for school students and free, after-school and holiday sporting, cultural and hobby activities for children with free public-provided shuttle services to them from school/home.
Build joint mobilisations of workers contingents, Aboriginal people, Asians, Muslims, Africans and all other people of colour together with all anti-racists to crush provocations by violent far-right forces.
Oppose any support for any pro-imperialist labour groups and anti-communist “democratic” and “human rights” forces seeking to undermine socialistic rule in China or Red China’s sovereignty over her Hong Kong territory. Stand with the Chinese, North Korean and other workers states against the U.S./Australian Cold War drive.
By standing by a leftist branch of the U.S. union movement that is resisting a bureaucratic attack from more conservative union officials we can advance the struggle to build a class struggle leadership of the American workers movement. This can only encourage the fight to build the revolutionary, internationalist leadership of the working class that we so badly need here too in Australia.
UPDATE, 30 June 2021, 10:20am (AEST): About two hours ago, the Vermont AFL-CIO and its leader David Deusen announced that the national AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka had sent its Vermont branch a formal letter stating that although its General Strike Authorization resolution was deemed “misconduct”, he would NOT be taking disciplinary action against the Vermont branch. So victory in this struggle!
Congratulations to Vermont trade unionists and all others who took a stand in this struggle. We should also note that yesterday another Australian-based pro-union group took a stand by sending a protest letter to Richard Trumka. That group is the Australian Chinese Workers Association. Below is the letter that they E-mailed to Trumka:
Letter E-mailed by the Australian Chinese Workers Association on 29 June 2021 to national AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka opposing the “misconduct” proceedings against the Vermont AFL-CIO branch.
Above: Thousands of white supremacists and other right-wing extremists storm the U.S. congress building on 6 January 2021
As a Smooth-talking Imperialist and Upholder of the Racist Capitalist Order Prepares to Replace a Brazenly Racist Billionaire as President
How to Resist the Growing Threat
of the Violent Far-Right in America
The same forces that spearheaded the January 6 riot are the very ones that have been inciting and perpetrating racist violence and abuse on the streets against black people, Chinese background people, Muslims and other people of colour.
It is urgently necessary to organise workers at multiracial workplaces together with black communities, other non-white communities and anti-racist activists into disciplined action squads to physically resist the threat of violent attack from far-right forces.
As their system decays, as they take fright at the bitter grievances of their own population and as they worry about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China, the U.S. ruling class is tearing itself to pieces as it scrambles to find a strategy that will best protect its rule of exploitation.
No to Trump! No to Biden!
America’s “Democracy” is a Dictatorship of the Capitalists, a Democracy for the Rich. But We Must Mobilise to Oppose Fascist Attacks on It.
We Can Never Rely on the Capitalist State to Stop Violent Far-Right Attacks.
The Fascist Threat Will Not End With the Departure of Trump from the Presidency.
Fascism is a mass movement of those sections of the middle class – or to use the more precise Marxist term the petit bourgeoisie – who in a time of capitalist crisis are whipped into extreme opposition to the struggles of the working class, oppressed communities and the Left.
In reality the Far Right’s “anti-establishmentarianism” is really an ultra-establishmentarianism!
Mobilising Against the Fascist Threat Will Advance the Struggle for Workers Rule.
The U.S. Capitalist “Order” Suffers a Big Blow to its International Prestige. Good!
Support the Struggle Against Fascism and Capitalism in the U.S. by Mobilising Against Australia’s Capitalist Rulers and theFascist Shock Troops That They Spawn.
11 January 2020: The storming of the U.S. congress building (known as the Capitol) five days ago by thousands of right wing extremists, including neo-Nazis, shows how emboldened violent far-right forces are in America. Some brandishing weapons, the rioters occupied the building for several hours while making death threats against politicians that they oppose. Incited by current president Donald Trump, many of the rioters thought that they could stage a coup by intimidating congress members into confirming hard-right Trump as president for another term rather than actual election winner, Democrat Joe Biden.
Even though far-right groups had made clear their intentions for weeks preceding their January 6 rampage, the police presence as they besieged the seat of the U.S. parliament was conspicuous by how strikingly light it was compared to the size of the mob. Many have contrasted the relatively gentle treatment meted out to the far-right rioters by the police with the extreme brutality that police have unleashed on those protesting against racist state attacks on black people. Indeed! But many police were not just gentle in the way that they handled the rioters. Some downright colluded with the right wing extremists! Some cops stood aside to let through the far-right forces, others assisted the rioters to climb over obstacles and barricades and some even took selfies with the rampaging extremists. Most telling were the decisions of the United States Capitol Police to reject offers of reinforcements in the lead up to the long-planned pro-Trump action and the minimal numbers that this lavishly funded and massively staffed force deployed for the event. Then even after the riot had started, Pentagon officials repeatedly delayed the deployment of the National Guard and then minimised the role it was authorised to play in quelling the riot. In short, the storming, occupation and vandalising of the Capitol could not have occurred without the complicity of significant sections of the American regime’s forces. It is evident that U.S. state agencies are deeply divided. This is just like the capitalist ruling class that they serve. As their system decays, as they take fright at the bitter grievances of their own population and as they worry about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China, the U.S. ruling class is tearing itself to pieces as it scrambles to find a strategy that will best protect its rule of exploitation.
The same forces that spearheaded the January 6 riot are the very ones that have been inciting and perpetrating racist violence and abuse on the streets against black people, Chinese background people, Muslims and other people of colour. This was evident at a far-right, pro-Trump rally in Los Angeles held at the same time as the march on the Capitol in Washington. When 25-year-old black woman, Berlinda Nibo, walked past the demonstration as part of her usual stroll through her own LA neighbourhood, some 40 of the far-right activists turned on her. They brutally assaulted and pepper sprayed her while screaming out the N-word and chanting, quite ironically, “All Lives Matter” (in opposition to the slogan of “Black Lives Matter” used by the anti-racist movement). Such white supremacist attacks, as well as far-right terror against LGBTI people, have escalated during the Trump presidency. In response to the anti-racist resistance that erupted during the U.S. summer, triggered by the horrific police murder of 46 year-old black man George Floyd, white supremacists have rammed their vehicles into anti-racist activists and even opened fire on Black Lives Matter protesters. They have murdered many anti-racist protesters. Last August, a member of a fascist militia shot dead two people, Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, who were protesting against the heinous police shooting of 29 year-old black man, Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. As with the storming of the Capitol there has been plenty of collusion between far right militias and the state enforcement organs in their attacks on the Black Lives Matter movement. Police in Kenosha encouraged the racist armed patrols of the fascist who murdered Huber and Rosenbaum by giving water bottles to him and his militia squad and by encouraging them with the words, “we appreciate you guys, we really do. ” And that was just minutes before he started shooting at the anti-racist activists!
That the fascist-led forces were able to storm into the parliament building, occupy it for several hours, intimidate many congress members inside it and all the while gain assistance from some in the state organs has given them great encouragement. This means that they will pose an even greater threat. That is why it is urgently necessary for politically aware workers, black liberation activists and leftists to organise workers at multiracial workplaces together with black communities, other non-white communities and anti-racist activists into disciplined action squads to physically resist the threat of violent attack from far-right forces. Black liberation protests must be defended! The Left and workers movement must be defended! Black communities, ethnic Chinese people, Muslim people, Jewish people, all people of colour and LGBTQI people must all be protected! All violent attacks by the Far-Right must be combated – even those on liberal and mainstream conservative politicians which if they succeed embolden the fascists to physically attack the Left even more intensely.
No to Trump! No to Biden!
Just because it is urgently necessary to mobilise
resistance to the physical attacks of fascists and other rabid Trump
supporters, that does not mean that one should give any political support to
his Democrat rivals. No political support, no matter how critical, should be
given whatsoever to the new Democrat president Joe Biden – not even on the
basis that he is a “lesser evil” to Trump. Biden must be 100% opposed! The
correct stance to have taken at last November’s presidential election was to
oppose a vote to both Trump and Biden.
To be sure many black and other people of colour, class conscious workers and progressive-minded youth voted for Biden not out of much faith for him but merely to get rid of Trump. Trump is indeed vileness personified! He is a billionaire capitalist exploiter, a racist and a misogynist who revoltingly boasts about groping women. Soon after assuming office in early 2017, Trump issued racist orders to ban people from several Muslim majority countries from entering the U.S. In the middle of 2020, as a mass movement opposed to racist police terror against black people swept the country, Trump denounced protesters and pushed for ever more brutal repression against the mobilisations. His main economic and social policy has been to cut tax rates for corporations and the rich while denying millions of poor and sick people access to medical care. Then when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, Trump resisted the social distancing, masking and lockdown measures needed to curb the pandemic. As a result the U.S. has been the worst affected country in the world from the pandemic with over 380,000 lives lost.
The Trump administration’s main “response” to the pandemic has been to blame China and Chinese people. Trump despicably called the coronavirus the “China Virus.” He and his ultra-hawkish secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and his warmongering vice president, Mike Pence, even fabricated a ridiculous conspiracy theory that the virus was deliberately leaked out of a Chinese research lab. All these claims helped incite a terrifying torrent of white supremacist attacks on ethnic Chinese people residing in the U.S. The U.S. regime also used their crackpot claims over the pandemic to further escalate their hostility to socialistic China. Even before the pandemic hit, the Trump administration had ratcheted up by several gears the regime’s Cold War drive against the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Now in the last days of the administration, Trump, Pence and Pompeo’s anti-China drive has been on super overdrive. Earlier the administration had taken measures to slap tariffs on Chinese imports, restrict Chinese companies operating in the U.S., persecute Chinese researchers and international students residing in America and block visits by members of the Communist Party of China. Meanwhile, the administration provided finance, technical aid and political support for the pro-colonial, anti-PRC rioters in Hong Kong and spread a conspiracy theory – just as ludicrous as its claims of large-scale cheating in the November elections – that Beijing was persecuting Muslim Uyghurs in the country’s northwest.
The other features of the Trump administration’s
foreign policy include a drive towards a U.S. war on Iran, increased support to
the Saudi monarchy’s brutal war on Yemen and encouragement of its Israeli ally
to conduct an even more murderously severe persecution of the Palestinian
people. Meanwhile, Trump and Co. loosened the already very nominal requirements
that U.S. pilots and drone operators had to minimise civilian casualties in air
strikes, leading to even more carnage of civilian women, children and men in
U.S. military strikes in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq and drone strikes in
Pakistan and Yemen.
Yet Biden’s planned foreign policy agenda is not fundamentally different. On the key aspect of Trump’s international agenda of Cold War against Red China, Biden is at one with Trump. The election campaign saw the two try to outbid each other in their hostile promises against the PRC. And while Biden’s China policy may end up being a little less hysterical, let’s not forget that Biden branded PRC president Xi Jinping a “thug” during the election debates – an extraordinary statement by a presidential frontrunner about the leader of a country that the U.S. is not officially at war with. In the end, U.S. foreign policy depends not primarily on the personal preferences or character of who is president but on the interests of the U.S. capitalist class that any administration serves. And America’s capitalists cannot tolerate the presence of a socialistic superpower because it undermines their ability to superexploit the peoples of the developing world and because it potentially gives their own masses “bad ideas” – that is, the knowledge that there is an alternative to the misery and insecurity that they endure under capitalism. That is why whether it is Trump or Biden or even a hypothetical more progressive president like Bernie Sanders, whoever presides over capitalist rule in the U.S. will be waging an aggressive Cold War against socialistic China. Indeed, today, the most progressive Democrats like Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fully enlist in the imperialist campaign of lies against China over Muslim Uyghurs in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and are strident supporters of the anti-communist, anti-China opposition in Hong Kong.
Left: Then Vice President under Barack Obama, Joe Biden hails the U.S./NATO regime change intervention in Libya during a speech in New Hampshire on 20 October 2011. Right: Libyan children survey the destruction to a school following a NATO air strike. The imperialist forces murdered tens of thousands of Libyan people in their 2011 operation. No less than Trump, Joe Biden is a dangerous imperialist warmonger Photo credit photo on right: Reuters/Caren Firouz
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Similarly, because Biden – and indeed the more progressive members of his party – are members of a party that embraces capitalists and is funded largely by wealthy donors, he will preside over a regime that like Trump will seek to keep employment conditions “flexible” for the bosses, while continuing to allow the capitalists the “freedom” to hire as few workers as they want and to retrench workers whenever their bottom line demands it. Although Biden has promised to roll back some of Trump’s measures further excluding the poor from health care, his platform rejects anything approaching universal, free health care. It is true that the most progressive of the Democrats do support Medicare (public health insurance) for all. However, they refuse to stand for the bringing of the health sector itself into public ownership. That means that while their proposed schemes would be a big advance on the current system where millions are denied basic health coverage, their program would mean that an even more enormous portion of the public budget would end up subsidising the infamously exorbitant profits extracted by American pharmaceutical companies and corporate X-ray, pathology, physiotherapy and medical centre operators (this corporate profiteering is so extreme that the U.S. spends a much larger proportion of its national income on health care than other wealthy countries while having inferior health outcomes). As a result, the plans of the progressive Democrats are sure to continue to incite strident opposition from taxpayers from the middle class and better-paid sections of the working class whose taxes would end up subsidising the greedy, capitalist health sector operators while the latter would continue to laugh all the way to the bank. That means that a Democrat administration, even with the maximum possible “pressure” of progressive Democrats, is unlikely to be able to push through anything much better than the half-baked reforms favoured by Biden.
Biden did distinguish himself from Trump by not outright condemning the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests and instead claimed to share concerns about racism. However, this was largely cynical politicking. Rejecting calls to defund the police, Biden even called for more funding for police during the presidential debates with Trump. Indeed, Biden has a despicable record of enforcing the racial oppression of black people. As a senator in the mid-1970s, Biden spearheaded opposition to the anti-segregation busing program to bus black kids into better-funded white schools. His racist activities helped ultimately to defeat the anti-segregation program. During a 2019 fundraiser for his presidential bid, Biden even boasted of his close relationship with two white supremacist politicians notorious for their rabid insistence on racial segregation. Inside, Biden has much of the same racist flesh that Trump is full of but masks this in order to get the black vote and to channel in support from the popular anti-racist movement. No one should be under any illusion too that more progressive and black Democrats would pressure Biden into actually doing something meaningful to alleviate the racial subjugation of black people. Following on from the horrific days of slavery, the forcible confinement of black (and increasingly brown) people today as a persecuted, largely very low-paid, last-hired, first-fired layer of the workforce provides a huge source of cheap labour to America’s capitalist bosses. The profits of big sections of the capitalist class – and indeed the economic stability of their system – relies on this racist status quo being maintained. So all parties that include capitalists, that rely on funding from the corporate bigwigs and which uphold the capitalist order – which means both the Republicans and the Democrats along with all their respective factions – are completely incapable of ending the all-sided racial subjugation of black people. During the presidency of Democrat Barack Obama, America’s only ever black president, U.S. cops killed over 1,000 people every year – disproportionately black, Hispanic and poor.
America’s “Democracy” is a Dictatorship of the Capitalists, a Democracy for the Rich. But We Must Mobilise to Oppose Fascist Attacks on It
The violent storming of the
Capitol has been described by U.S. ruling class politicians and the American and
Australian mainstream media as an “attack on America’s great democracy” and “a
violation of the people’s house.” But let’s get real! America far from being
a democracy for all is a tyranny of the tycoons. A system where all people
have equal real power would not allow a few capitalists to acquire staggering
wealth while consigning hundreds of thousands of people to sleeping on the
streets as occurs in the “United States”. America’s political system is one
that locks up poor, black and otherwise non-white skinned people in such
astounding numbers that the country has by far the greatest number of people in
prison in the world, despite having less than a quarter of China’s population. The
USA’s prison population is so huge that it is about the same as the entire
population of Brisbane!
Regardless of who wins elections, the state enforcement organs in the U.S. – the police, the National Guard, the FBI, CIA, the military, prisons, courts and the bureaucracy – are completely tied to and subordinate to the capitalist exploiters of labour. That is why these bodies attack protests for racial equality and the picket lines of striking workers. It is why the FBI and police assassinated Black Panther Party (BPP) leader, Fred Hampton, in 1969 and later dozens of other BPP activists. It is why the National Guard shot dead four Kent State University students in their 4 May 1970 massacre of students protesting against the U.S. military’s expansion of its war in Vietnam. It is why the U.S. military invades Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and many other countries in wars that help American tycoons secure greater resources and markets but which are completely against the interests of the U.S. working class – not to mention the peoples of the invaded countries. Far from being a democracy for all, democracy under capitalism is a dictatorship of the capitalist class over the toiling masses.
Theoretically in capitalist “democracies,” like the U.S., everyone has an equal right to engage in politics and an equal vote in elections. But even if that were actually the case and union, leftist and anti-racist movements were not subjected to repression, surveillance and intimidation, such a reality would still be terribly biased against working class people. For even if everyone has the same political rights, it is the rich capitalists who are able – greatly disproportionate to their numbers – to shape political opinion and swing elections through their ownership of the news media, publishing houses, movie studios and social media companies as well as through their disproportionate ability to fund political parties, pay for political advertising, finance and thus control the arts sector, hire lobbyists and fund “independent” think thanks. As in Australia, elections in the U.S. are all about big money. They are in good part decided by the relative ability of rival candidates to attract money from rich donors. In the recent runoff elections for two senate seats in Georgia alone, largely super wealthy, political donors poured in over $A570 million (i.e. $US443 million) to the Democrat and Republican parties! In practice “democracy” under capitalism is more like a million dollars for a million votes rather than one person, one vote!
So let’s be clear: although we strongly oppose the fascist-led invasion of the Capitol building that is not because we have sympathy for America’s democracy for the rich. Our opposition is entirely because the Capitol was stormed by the wrong people for the wrong reason. If instead, for example, people fighting against racist oppression of black people had stormed the Capitol we would be fully supporting and cheering such an action. Mind you, the anti-racist movement would need much greater forces and the power of the organised workers movement behind it to pull off such an action. For we sure won’t have any collusion from any of the regime forces like the far-right rioters did on January 6. Indeed, if leftist or anti-racist protesters had stormed the Capitol with just the same forces as the white supremacists did on January 6, we would likely have been massacred by the cops and National Guard.
However, we should not be indifferent to the political form through which capitalists exert their power. Parliamentary democracy under capitalism, as fraudulent is the claim that it is “a democracy for all”, does allow working class people comparatively greater freedoms than those that exist when capitalist rule is administered through a military dictatorship or outright fascism. So while the working class and oppressed are still totally disenfranchised in even the most liberal of capitalist parliamentary democracies, this particular form of capitalist rule nevertheless allows the masses relatively greater opportunities to organise to fight to defend their rights – and eventually to topple the capitalist order itself. That means that we must oppose attacks on capitalist parliamentary democracy and its institutions by the Far Right – such as when fascist-led forces on January 6 attempted to use violent intimidation to overturn the results of last November’s presidential elections. Any such trampling on capitalist democracy by extreme right-wing forces would necessarily be accompanied by a curtailing of democratic rights for the masses. It is telling that in the call outs for the January 6 right-wing mobilisation, organisers not only demanded the return of Trump as president for another four years but also demanded that Antifa (the name given to left-wing staunch anti-fascist groups) be declared a terrorist group. In other words, the January 6 rampage was in part an action pushing for a crackdown on the Left. Moreover, if Trump had been restored to presidency through the action of extreme racist forces – some of whom were carrying the Confederate flag of slavery while others sported racist tattoos and t-shirts (including ones hailing the Nazi Holocaust of Jewish people) – he would have necessarily been pushed to implement, still more savagely, the most racist aspects of his agenda. Indeed, after January 6, neo-Nazi groups that took part in the riot jubilantly declared that the action represented the “beginning of the start of the white revolution” – in other words the start of a systematic, more extreme subjugation, expulsion and mass murder of black, yellow and brown-skinned peoples.
We Can Never Rely on the Capitalist State to Stop Violent Far Right Attacks
Left: A policeman poses for a selfie with one of the far-right rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol building. The storming, occupation and vandalising of the Capitol could not have occurred without the complicity of some sections of the American regime’s forces. Right: In contrast to the way that they dealt with the fascist and ultra-conservative Capitol rioters, U.S. police are notorious for unleashing savage violence against black rights protesters. Here police place Nakia Wallace, an organiser with Detroit Black Lives Matter movement, in a chokehold during a 10 July 2020 protest. Photo credit for photo on right: Adam J. Dewey
With the type of extreme right-wing forces that stormed the Capitol expected to attempt new attacks over the coming days on the institutions, symbols and representatives of capitalist democracy, politically aware workers, black liberation activists and leftists must organise to oppose these attacks. We cannot rely on the capitalist state to resist these attacks. We saw where that leads on January 6! The biggest factions of the capitalist class were stunned by the events of January 6 and are now determined to more forcefully defend their own institutions against their own fascist attack dogs. However, the will and ability of capitalist state institutions to oppose fascist violence is severely undermined by the presence of a large number of far-right rednecks within the police, National Guard and military. Although people join U.S. enforcement institutions for a variety of reasons, a good number enlist because they are racist reactionaries who want a chance to be able to attack leftists and beat – and even kill – black, brown and yellow-skinned people in a “legal” way. More fundamentally, the mainstream capitalist state institutions serve the same capitalist class just like the fascists do. That is the main reason why the state organs are so soft on violent far-right forces. Imagine an owner of two big attack dogs. One is his currently preferred dog who he keeps on a very long leash. This dog is cute looking but terrifyingly cruel when the owner sets it upon his opponents. The other is an ugly, fierce and nasty dog that gives him a bad name with other dog owners. This dog the owner keeps on a short leash for the moment. The owner still wants to have this nasty dog in case he is feeling vulnerable and his favoured dog is unable to attack his enemies savagely enough. The owner is analogous to the mainstream of the capitalist class and their regime, the dog on the very long leash to the institutions of capitalist “democracy” and the nasty dog on the short leash is like the fascists. Now if the nasty dog turns on the owner’s presently favoured dog, the owner will of course want to break up the fight between his dogs. However, although he would be most concerned to ensure that his currently favoured dog is not hurt at all he would still also do everything possible to ensure that his nasty dog in reserve is not injured too badly either. Such is the attitude of the capitalist class and their state to the fascists.
Given that, to the extent that they do not actually
collude with the fascists, the American state enforcement organs will be
arrayed to restrain fascist attacks on “democratic” institutions over the
coming weeks, the worker/black/brown/Asian/leftist defence guards that must be
mobilised to oppose the fascist threat should seek to take a military
non-aggression posture towards these state organs. We would seek to avoid a
physical clash with these enforcement organs while we and they are – somewhat nominally
in their case – mobilised to protect the institutions of capitalist democracy
from the fascists. At the same time we must ensure that our mass anti-fascist
contingents remain completely independent from these state enforcement organs
both politically and organisationally.
Especially given that the fascists are often armed with guns, the working class-based, anti-fascist defence squads that must be built should take advantage of the right to bear arms that exists in America – as granted by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution – to acquire arms. Such multi-racial, workers-organised militias should coordinate with the left-wing and black militias that already exist. Building worker/black/people of colour militias is not only a task for the able-bodied people able to bear arms. Rather it is a political task requiring a mass mobilisation. For starters there needs to be a campaign of mass agitation to motivate the need to build armed militias to defend workers and oppressed peoples from fascist forces. Then people need to organise to reliably supply the guns, ammunition and other provisions needed to equip those carrying the guns in the multi-racial, anti-fascist militias. Others need to be involved in organising and communicating patrol and training rosters. Although, right now, anti-fascists outnumber the fascists in America, the latter are far better organised for physical combat, better trained and better armed. This needs to change fast!
Of course, we should also understand that the situation is highly fraught right now. We should avoid suicidally deploying contingents to areas where we would be outnumbered or outgunned by the fascists. The police, National Guard and military sure can’t be trusted to protect anti-fascists from fascists! Therefore, we should carefully select, from among the many sites where fascist provocations are planned, a few locations where we can concentrate our forces and be confident that we can mobilise sufficient strength to outnumber and outgun the fascist presence at those sites.
Now some social democrat leftists and progressive liberals would respond that our proposal is a bad strategy because it would divert the ruling class from targeting the violent Far Right at a time when the capitalist rulers are incensed with the July 6 far right riot. Such reformist leftists would no doubt argue too that pursuing the course that we are advocating would also allow the capitalist rulers to paint anti-fascists as being “as bad as” the fascists and would thus enable them to target the Left. However, such arguments are deeply flawed. For they assume that the capitalist rulers actually want to crush the fascists which, as we have explained, is definitely not the case. Moreover, if we lie low when the fascists confront the institutions of capitalist “democracy” and hope that this will ensure that the state enforcement organs do not target the Left, the very opposite will actually happen. Let’s take a reality check! All the current mobilisation of state forces in the U.S., the new restrictions on where “extremist” protests can be held, the precedents set in terms of “special” regulations and curfews and even the social media censorship, all of which are today nominally aimed against violent far-right forces will tomorrow be used against the Far Left, the staunch wing of the BLM movement and the workers movement. After all we constitute the main target of the capitalist state! In as much as the U.S. regime is seeking to put its fascist dogs back on their leashes and confine them to their designated spaces for the time being, it is merely a question of the capitalist rulers trying to put their own camp in order. But they are trying to put their camp in order so as to better attack our camp! So rather than doing nothing, if the workers movement, black liberation movement and Left mobilise our own forces to stop the expected fascist assaults on capitalist democratic institutions in the coming period then we can improve our level of organisation, self activity and militancy all the better to resist the coming crackdown on working class and progressive movements. Moreover, such activity will also improve our preparedness to defend black and other non-white minorities, LGBTIQ people, the BLM movement, our unions and the Left when the violent Far Right realise that they do not yet have the forces to displace mainstream state institutions and will return their focus back to their stock in trade of racist terror and violent attacks on the BLM movement and the Left.
The Fascist Threat Will Not End With the Departure of Trump from the Presidency
The fascists and extreme conservatives did not have the forces to pull off their wished for coup on January 6. But if more sections of the capitalist class were behind them and they had larger, more centralised militias, then the January 6 coup could have been a step towards outright fascist rule. Fascism is a form of capitalist rule involving the complete smashing of all parties and organisations of the Left and working class (like trade unions). Beginning with a coup on January 6 that overturns the November election result and then bans “Antifa” (i.e the Far Left), fascist militias could then have started cracking down on broader and broader sections of the Left and then moved onto breaking up our trade unions (or imposing fascist leaders on these unions and thus converting them into completely pliant bodies unrecognisable from their current state). Let’s recall that Hitler’s Nazis began turning their parliamentary influence into fascist rule by first brutally smashing the Communist Party of Germany and then attacking more moderate left parties, the trade unions and Jewish, Roma and other ethnic minorities.
As events in the days following January 6 have shown, at the moment the majority of the capitalist exploiting class in the U.S. do not want to abandon parliamentary democracy in favour of the fascist form of capitalist rule. Even as trust in government evaporates, the pretensions of “democracy” remain an effective way for the capitalist exploiting class to trick the masses into believing that they actually have influence on the direction of society. Additionally, should the U.S. capitalists embrace the fascist form of rule it would undermine their ability to meddle in countries abroad under the pretext of fighting for “democracy.” Moreover, if the bulk of the capitalist class were to try to impose fascist rule it entails great risks for them. For such an attempt could provoke staunch resistance from the working class masses that could end up with the capitalists being toppled from power!
It is only when they feel especially vulnerable that the capitalists begin to consider abandoning the “democratic” form of their rule over the masses. A crisis of capitalism indeed exists right now, which is why some sections of the capitalist class are supporting far-right forces. These are frequently the capitalists who feel most insecure in their social and economic position. They are often smaller-scale bosses exploiting a lesser number of – and in some cases just a tiny handful of – workers. They feel that to make a decent profit they need wages and workers’ conditions driven down even further which can only be achieved by crushing union and leftist organising. Moreover, they want to super-exploit low-paid, black and immigrant labour even more, which requires black and brown people to be terrorised by more severe racist attacks and more open discrimination in order to make black and migrant workers fearful and compliant enough to accept still crueller working conditions. Meanwhile, even though the national-centred leaders of socialistic China do little to support the class struggle in the U.S. and other capitalist countries, capitalists are all too aware that the mere presence of such a large state where workers rule – in however deformed a way – and where socialistic public ownership plays the dominant role is a threat to both their own rule at home and their ability to exploit the peoples of South and Central America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Some U.S. capitalists have thus concluded that they need to be even more aggressive in their Cold War – or even launch a hot war – against Red China, which they know can only be prosecuted by unleashing fiercer repression of the Left at home in order to ensure that there is complete domestic unanimity for the difficult task of confronting a workers state that happens to be the most populous country in the world.
For all of the above reasons, some in the capitalist class are providing violent far-right groups with money and other forms of material support, while some sections of the capitalist media legitimise them. Some of the capitalists backing extreme right-wing forces have not yet decisively decided to go down the road of fascism but are ensuring that they have the option to go down that road in the future. Trump is an example of and a representative of this section of the capitalist class. From his statement that there were “very fine people” among the white supremacist thugs who murderously rampaged in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 to his legitimisation of attacks on BLM protests by Proud Boys fascist militia, to his incitement of the January 6 riot to his praise of the fascist-led rioters that “we love you, you’re very special,” Trump has certainly appealed to and sought to ally himself with fascist forces. He has been more than flirting with the idea of ditching the norms of capitalist democracy – including by trying to stay in the presidency after losing last November’s elections. However, as his later condemnation of the January 6 rioters showed, Trump is not yet willing to irrevocably turn his back on using capitalist “democracy”. In a way, Trump’s schizophrenic attitude to capitalist democracy personifies the vicious internal conflicts within the U.S. ruling class. The capitalist rulers are split between, on the one end, those like Biden and the Democrats who still basically advocate parliamentary democracy and, on the other end, a smaller section who want outright fascism. In between these ends, there are numerous intermediate positions respectively held by various members of the capitalist elite, including the one occupied by the hard-right, influential owner of Fox News, Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch.
Beijing, June 2017: China’s next generation “Fuxing” bullet train at Beijing South Railway Station about to make its debut into service. China has the world’s best and fastest high speed rail system whose length of high speed rail lines makes up 60% of the world’s entire high speed rail. As they worry about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China, as their own system decays and as they take fright at the bitter grievances of their own population, the U.S. ruling class is tearing itself to pieces as it scrambles to find a strategy that will best protect its rule of exploitation.
After the January 6 storming of the Capitol failed to put Trump back in the presidency, Trump and the hard-right section of the ruling class have been on the back foot in the face of a political offensive by liberal and mainstream conservative members of the Congress, of the corporate elite and of the media. These factions of the ruling class as well as many honest liberal and left-leaning people amongst the masses hope that the coming end of Trump’s presidency will see the demise of the hard-right politics pushed by Trump. Unfortunately, this will not happen. As we have explained, the rise of extreme right-wing movements comes from the crisis of capitalism itself. This will not change no matter what happens to Trump personally.
Who Are the Mass Base of the Far Right?
August 2017: Violent racists rampage through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia. In the present absence of a powerful revolutionary working class movement, the decay of U.S. capitalism and the consequent insecurity of the middle classes are leading to the frightening growth of fascist forces in the USA. The rise of these fascists preceded the advent of Trump to the presidency but accelerated during his term in office.
In order to impose fascist rule on a country, those sections of the capitalist class that choose to go down that road cannot do it by themselves. They are too small in number for that. In “normal” times the capitalists have their state organs to enforce their rule. Their cops, courts, National Guard, military, prisons and spy agencies are effective tools to murderously enforce their interests abroad and to suppress the resistance of the masses at home. However, under fascist rule the working class and oppressed and their struggles will not just be repressed: all their organisations will be violently smashed. The existing state organs are not fully up to such a task. After all, while enforcing capitalist exploitation, “democratic” capitalist state organs still have to pretend that they are there “to serve all the people” in an “impartial” manner. To wage a brazen class war against the organisations and activists of the working class and other subjugated sections of society, the exploiting class need an additional, more fanatical force. That mass force is provided by fascist militias consisting primarily of backward, ultra-reactionary members of the middle class.
In summary, fascism as a movement (rather than when the word is used to describe a form of political rule) is a mass movement of those sections of the middle class – or to use the more precise Marxist term, the petit bourgeoisie – who in a time of capitalist crisis are whipped into extreme opposition to the struggles of the working class, oppressed communities and the Left. The petit bourgeois are members of that class of society who are neither exploiters of labour – i.e. they are not capitalists – nor are they people whose labour is directly exploited by capitalists (in other words they are not wage workers). This very diverse class includes not only people who are traditionally thought of as “middle class” – small business owners not using hired labour, accountants, doctors, low-level managers, architects, engineers, self-employed computer programmers, lawyers and farmers – but also other self-employed people who are often colloquially referred to as “working class” but who are actually part of the petit bourgeoisie because of their self-employed/contracting means of earning an income. The latter include those “tradies” (plumbers, electricians, handymen, carpenters, tilers etc) who are self-employed, as well truck drivers owning their own truck and self-employed cleaners, hairdressers and landscape gardeners. Due to their often intermediate position within the class conflict between capitalist bosses and workers, members of the petit bourgeoisie can end up lining up behind either one of these two main classes.
For much of the petit bourgeoisie, especially lower income sections of this class, it is overwhelmingly in their interests to stand behind the working class struggle against capitalism. After all, they are hurt by capitalism in many ways. If they are self employed they are often bullied by the banks or the big landlords from whom they rent their business premises from. Skilled personnel (or, for instance, owner truck drivers) having their own business and relying on contracts from corporations for their income are often ripped off by the latter. Meanwhile, capitalism creates economic instability and crises which causes great hardships for many parts of the petit bourgeoisie. The children of the petit bourgeoisie can often end up being part of the exploited working class. However, in “normal” times the petit bourgeoisie tend to be conservative and follow the capitalist class. Here, in Australia, the petit bourgeoisie overwhelmingly vote for the Liberal-National Party or parties further to the right. In the U.S. they have been largely backing Trump. Because this class does not have much social power – it is hard for them, for example, to unite like workers at a workplace to stand up to a capitalist boss – they tend to follow the main class that is stronger at any given time. Many a petit bourgeois self-employed business owner hopes to gain enough profits to one day hire labour – i.e. become a capitalist – and make still greater profits from exploiting these workers. Meanwhile, the higher income sections of the petit bourgeoisie have enough money to invest in shares and, therefore, see their interests as being aligned with the big capitalist shareholders of corporations.
There are also some sections of the petit bourgeoisie – including highly educated sections working in “intellectual” pursuits – who are currently more small-l liberal in their outlook. Take, for example, the accountant at a manufacturing company who gets on well with the shop-floor process workers and secretly despises the greedy business owner and the arrogant top managers who act as the owner’s henchmen. However, when there is conflict between the unionised workers and the boss, the accountant does not want to openly side with the workers fearing that she will lose her relatively well-paying job. So the accountant stays quiet and wishes, quite hopelessly, that “everyone can get on” and there will be peace between the bosses and the factory workers, so that she is not squashed in the middle. Such is the economic basis for the small-l liberal outlook within some sections of the educated petit bourgeoisie.
Today the petit bourgeoisie is suffering from much insecurity. The deep recession triggered by the pandemic has ruined many a small business in the U.S. – and to some extent Australia too – and brought many more to the brink of ruin. Even before the pandemic hit, the truth is that the capitalist economies never fully recovered from the late noughties Global Recession and many a self-employed person has been terrified by such an economic collapse ever since. Meanwhile, a large number of self-employed “tradies” have stopped receiving enough contracts from corporations to make ends meet. Far-right demagogues have been able to exploit all these insecurities to mobilise the most politically backward section of the petit bourgeoisie into a fanatical hatred of the struggles and advocacy organisations of the working class, oppressed black people and the Left. Since it is far harder for the petit bourgeoisie to kick upwards at the powerful capitalists – whose system is the real cause of their hardships – reactionary sections of the petit bourgeoisie are led to kick downwards savagely at the working class and oppressed below them. Workers’ strikes, climate change direct actions, BLM struggles and other staunch left-wing street protests are blamed for impeding the flow of supplies and products to their businesses, for increasing their insurance costs and for otherwise disrupting their operations. Meanwhile, they are whipped into an irrational frenzy against overseas producers, against supposedly “unfair” competition from China and against racial minorities and refugees – all of whom are scapegoated for the petit bourgeoise’s economic difficulties or blamed for soaking up their tax dollars. Those vulnerable to such demagogy include former wage workers who have been retrenched from their jobs and have now been involuntarily forced into opening self-employed businesses or contracting in order to make ends meet. Vulnerable in their new vocation, some a few years after being retrenched and many episodes of watching Fox-News-documentaries later, forget that it was capitalists who initially put them in their precarious current position; and consequently – especially since their new self-absorption in their own individual business has gradually thinned their ties with their former worker mates and drawn them ever more into an individualistic, self-obsessed outlook – fall for crazy claims blaming oppressed communities, imported goods and that all purpose bogey man, Red China, for their precarious situation.
One crucial reason that the frustrations of the middle class can be channelled against the working class and other oppressed sectors is that the petit bourgeois fears that if those below them demand and win greater rights, they will lose their relatively privileged position in comparison with these layers and even end up being plunged into the same social position that working class people currently endure. Although union struggles for workers rights are, at the moment, at an all too low level in the U.S., struggles for black liberation have a similar effect upon reactionary parts of the white petit bourgeoisie. This is especially the case since black people are not only a community facing racist persecution but are, in their majority, a group forcibly pushed to the lowest income layers of the working class. Insecure petit bourgeois right-wingers irrationally fear that if black people are able win greater rights and are able to free themselves from discrimination, the white middle class will end up not only being displaced from their current social position but will be forced to replace working class blacks at the bottom of society. Hence the obsession of the Far Right with ridiculously asserting that as a result of “reverse discrimination” it is white middle class people who are actually oppressed!
There is a particular feature of the contemporary Far Right that is more pronounced than in earlier fascist movements. And that is that they are a very male movement not just in composition but in prejudices. Petit bourgeois males have their economic insecurities magnified by fears that the privileged position of men over women in capitalist societies is threatened by women’s rights movements and anything that smacks of giving women greater rights: from abortion rights to affirmative action programs to women fighting back against workplace sexual harassment. Thus similar to, albeit less fanatical than, their hostility to black liberation struggles, the right-wing portion of the male petit bourgeoisie is fervently opposed to women’s rights movements which they fear will plunge them down to the oppressed position of women.
In addition to reactionary sections of the petit bourgeoisie, there are two other components of the mass base of fascists. One is those sections of the impoverished, unemployed population who are isolated from the working class movement. This especially includes former self-employed petit bourgeois or even small-scale capitalist exploiters whose businesses have gone bust and are now forced to join the ranks of the unemployed. Then there are skilled professionals and former lower and middle managers who because of their relatively high pay have been among the first to be laid off when companies decide to downsize. Since all these layers would likely never have had a pro-working class outlook, they are prone to somehow blame the working class and oppressed communities for their plight. In contrast, those newly unemployed workers who retain ties to the union movement or to current wage workers are more likely to blame the bosses and the corporations for their situation. However, some longer term unemployed workers who have gradually been isolated over the years from existing wage workers can easily fall prey to demagogues blaming racial minorities for “taking our jobs.”
Like the petit bourgeoisie, isolated unemployed people can often be influenced by right-wing conspiracy theories. Whereas workers, especially those at bigger worksites, have their trusted co-workers to bounce ideas off several times a week and through collective in-person discussion weed out theories that are obviously whacko, isolated unemployed people and self-employed petit bourgeois often do not have the chance to have such frequent in-person discussions with large numbers of trusted people. Their source of ideas and discussion is the internet and social media intercourse rather than real world discussion with people that they actually know well in the real world. Naturally then, crazy conspiracy theories that would not hold up to serious scrutiny in the real world can infect their minds.
A final group that adds to the mass base of the Far
Right are current and retired police, prison guards, military soldiers and
National Guard troops. Extreme right-wing ideologies give these people solace
by “justifying” their repression of workers struggles, the black rights
movement and the Left at home and, in the case of military personnel, their
participation in the Cold War drive against socialistic China. Moreover, by
fanatically opposing those leftists and black rights activists who protest
police, prison guard and military atrocities, fascists gain favour with these
state enforcement personnel.
Right-wing sections of the petit bourgeoisie, current and former police, soldiers and prison guards, smaller-scale capitalist exploiters and those sections of the unemployed isolated from the workers movement, these were indeed the mass base of Hitler’s Nazis. And today they are the mass base of fascist movements in both the U.S. and Australia. This is confirmed by information trickling out about those arrested in the July 6 far-right riot. They include several small business owners, a CEO of a small company, a self-employed furniture maker married to a doctor, a real estate broker, an insurance company’s lawyer, a West Virginia politician, a lecturer, the son of a retired local supreme court judge, an army captain, a retired Air Force officer, a former Navy SEAL and two currently serving police officers.
Since the embittered petit bourgeoisie mobilised behind extreme right-wing movements have much anger at the current state of society, far-right demagogues must espouse an “anti-establishmentarianism” to win the trust of their base. Trump promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington, a term he used to signal opposition to corrupt high-ranking government bureaucrats. Often outright fascist leaders also appeal to the petit bourgeoisie’s and small-scale capitalists’ fury at being bullied by the banks and big capital by promising to the curb the power of finance capital. Hitler claimed hostility to the banks. However, given that it is only the working class that has the power to successfully fight against the most powerful capitalists – the finance capitalists – and given that fascist movements are all about smashing working class political action, anti-working class mass movements of the petit bourgeoisie, i.e. fascist forces, have no ability to resist the power of finance capital. Moreover, in the absence of the working class leading a struggle to overthrow the capitalists, both the petit bourgeoisie and small-scale capitalist exploiters – the people who make up the mass base of the fascists – despite all their resentment about the banks, are economically dependent on the finance capitalists. As a result, fascist movements promising their base that they would both, on the one hand, crush the workers movement and oppressed peoples and, on the other hand, bring finance capitalists into line, are left only being able to deliver on their first promise and far from being able to deliver on their second one, end up being the most extreme enforcers of the interests of all the capitalists – including the bankers, fund managers and insurance bosses. In the end, the supposed “anti-establishmentarianism” of the Far Right is actually an opposition to the “establishment” making any concession, however small, to the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples. It is the “rebelliousness” of carrying the Confederate flag which is a “rebellion” against any move to reduce the discrimination and segregation suffered by black people and in literal terms actually a “rebellion” against the ending of slavery! It is an “anti-government” opposition to governments collecting taxes to fund even the most minimal medical insurance for some of the poor. In reality the Far Right’s “anti-establishmentarianism” is really an ultra-establishmentarianism!
Mobilising Against the Fascist Threat Will Advance the Struggle for Workers Rule
Although those capitalists moving towards opting for the fascist road do currently back violent far-right groups, the two components leading towards fascism – the movement of a section of the capitalist class towards support for ruling through the fascist form and the assembly of a mass fascist base centred on the reactionary portion of the petit bourgeoisie – can develop somewhat independently. Fascist leaders may for a while be able to sell to their petit bourgeois and small-scale capitalist base that they are independent of the big capitalists. However, at a certain point, when decisive sections of the capitalist class decide that they have no option but to take the fascist path, the anti-democracy wing of the capitalist class comes together with the fascist mass movement based on the petit bourgeoisie. Thus an important step in the ascendancy of Hitler’s Nazis to power was when in November 1932, twenty-two leading German finance, industrial and agricultural capitalists signed a petition – the infamous Industrielleneingabe – demanding that then German president Hindenburg make Nazi head, Hitler, the chancellor.
Right now in the U.S., the amount of workers struggle has not reached a level that could either scare the majority of the capitalist class to abandon support for capitalist “democracy” or to drive the mass of the embittered petit bourgeoisie into supporting fascist movements. However, this could change very quickly. Moreover, as we saw on January 6, the crisis of capitalism is at such a level that it has already driven a sizeable minority of the petit bourgeoisie, smaller-scale capitalists and state enforcement personnel into extreme right-wing movements. And Joe Biden becoming president is not going to change this! Although the Democrats now securing control of the Senate will allow the incoming Biden administration to pass a big stimulus bill and the roll out of vaccines will gradually ease the suffering caused by the pandemic, the deeper, longer term crisis of capitalism remains. This crisis will continue to threaten the livelihoods of not only the working class and the very poor but also self-employed people. Meanwhile, with Biden, or even the most progressive Democrats, having no program whatsoever to stop capitalists from retrenching workers at will or from confining their hiring to casual positions, more and more workers unable to gain secure wage-earning jobs will be pushed into establishing unviable new businesses in order to have a hope of gaining a livelihood. All this will ensure that there will be plenty of insecure self-employed business owners and smaller-scale capitalists heading into the ranks of fascist outfits. The fact that Biden, who fully supports capitalism, will not be able to fundamentally close the massive gap in wealth between the rich and poor in America will mean that the capitalists and their media will need to promote racism and protectionism in order to divide and divert the exploited masses and stop them uniting against their common capitalist enemy. Such propaganda will serve to legitimise fascist movements.
Indeed, the fact that Trump will no longer be president will likely accelerate the conversion of right-wing conservatives into outright fascists. With right-wing conservatives now seeing that they have no vehicle for their agenda through the “democratic” process they are more likely to resort to violent means. This trend will be further intensified by the reality that many far-right activists feel betrayed by Trump who, under pressure from leaders of his own Republican Party, eventually condemned the January 6 rioters. This is likely to lead to many extreme conservatives concluding that even their best-case president could not satisfy their “aspirations” and that, therefore, democracy should be completely rejected and the full fascist agenda should be embraced.
However, it does not need to be this way. When the working class show that they are able to not only protest and strike for better rights but are strong enough to actually challenge for political power, the petit bourgeois now streaming towards the fascists will think twice. When they see that it is possible to challenge the big capitalist oppressor they will start to see that their fanatical squabbling with – and bullying of – layers of the oppressed more subjugated than them is pretty pointless. Why fight over crumbs when big slices of the cake are going to be retrieved for the benefit of all from the very few that were hoarding them! The formerly far-right portions of the petit bourgeoisie will then start to become politically neutral. Meanwhile, the more progressive sections of the petit bourgeois masses will rush enthusiastically into open support for the insurgent working class. The worker-friendly accountant who we spoke about earlier will now feel confident enough to openly declare her support for the workers struggle at her workplace and with delight will be able to finally show her capitalist boss what she really thinks of this greedy exploiter.
To finally get rid of the threat of a new Nazi-style regime gaining the ascendancy in the U.S., Australia or any other capitalist country we need to sweep away capitalist rule for good through socialist revolution. When we have a system of workers rule based on socialist public ownership of the means of production we will be able to put an end to unemployment, insecure work, inequality and economic crises. In other words we will be liberated from the economic conditions that spawn racism and fascism.
A socialist revolution cannot be prepared by mere propaganda or organised from scratch. It is prepared through the working class and other oppressed groups being mobilised in many partial struggles and in the course of these strengthening their unity, gaining greater confidence in their own power and, with the assistance of a revolutionary party, learning to distrust all parties and political institutions of the capitalist class and to, instead, see the need for themselves to collectively seize political power. This is why mobilising mass worker/black/leftist action against fascist attacks is especially crucial. For not only does such action resist the fascist threat, it also helps us to develop the organisation, discipline and activity needed to fight the incoming Biden administration and the capitalist class as a whole. Fascists still only make up a minority – albeit a quite significant one – of Trump’s supporters and a smaller minority of the whole population. They are still deeply hated by the majority of the population. So our trade unions, the black liberation movement and the Left have certain political space to develop and use certain means against the fascists – including armed militias and mass direct action to disperse fascist assemblies – that we cannot at this time use against the capitalist state. However, in unleashing such actions against the fascists we are organising and preparing ourselves for future staunch action to defend ourselves against the capitalist regime. It is worth noting that the immediate prelude to the October 1917 Russian socialist revolution was the Bolshevik-led workers mobilising direct action to defeat a far-right military coup led by general Lavr Kornilov. Because the active sections of the working class defeated the coup by their own mass action they gained the confidence in their own power, unity and organisational strength needed to seize state power less than two months later.
Of course, mobilising against the fascist threat is just one crucial component of the resistance that we must wage in the coming period. There also needs to be powerful class struggle action against job slashing by capitalist corporations. We must struggle for secure jobs for all workers by fighting to force all profitable companies to increasing hiring at the expense of their profits. Counterpoised to the Democrats minimal promised medical insurance reforms, we must demand completely free, high-quality public health care for all. Crucially, the workers movement must mobilise its industrial power to back black people’s struggle against racist state terror. We must build on the powerful action by U.S. dock workers on June 19 last year when they shut down all West Coast ports in solidarity with the BLM movement; and with the action of tens of thousands of fast food, ride-share, nursing home and airport workers in more than 25 cities who walked off the job on July 20 in opposition to racist police brutality.
Led by determined and capable black activists, the massive – and at times very militant – BLM protests in the U.S. summer of last year show the potential for staunch resistance against the racist, capitalist order in America. However, like other worker and progressive movements, the BLM movement dwindled as the election approached and waned further after Biden’s election. This shows how much illusions in the Democrats harm the struggle against exploitation and racism. Therefore, even as we need to mobilise to physically resist attacks from fascists who right now have Democrats as one of their main targets, we need to fight for a complete political break of the workers movement, the BLM movement and all progressive movements from the Democrats.
The U.S. Capitalist “Order” Suffers a Big Blow to its International Prestige? Good!
The shock waves from the dramatic events of January 6 have reverberated around the world. The deep – and indeed violent – divisions within the U.S. ruling class have been exposed for the whole world to see. Although overall the January 6 riot is a terrible event in that it shows how emboldened violent far-right forces are, one important positive to take from the events is that it has been a blow to the prestige of America’s capitalist rulers. Their supposed “democratic” system has been proven to be weak, damaged and crisis ridden. This undermines their ability to meddle in other countries under the guise of “promoting democracy.” The Chinese government has rightly pointed out the hypocrisy of U.S. House speaker Nancy Pelosi who, while denouncing the January 6 rioters, had earlier praised the anti-PRC rioters [from the pro-colonial, rich people’s opposition in Hong Kong] storming and vandalising the Hong Kong parliament building as a “beautiful sight.”
Australia’s capitalist rulers are very worried that all this damage to the U.S. regime’s prestige will harm their own interests. The Australian capitalist class superexploits the peoples of the South Pacific and plunders their natural resources. However, they rely on the power of their U.S. big brother allies to guarantee this tyranny. Over the last few years, the Australian regime has chosen to put itself at the very forefront of the Western capitalist Cold War drive against socialistic China. They did so, however, on the premise that Washington would be right behind them. Now with Red China, by far Australia’s largest source of export income, finally pushing back, Australia’s rulers look at their rear view mirror for backing from their American big brothers… only to find that their big brothers are too busy beating each other up to stand up for their Aussie capitalist mates! Australia’s ABC News reported that when the January 6 riot was taking place, Australian politicians and foreign policy bureaucrats were glued to their televisions watching the events in horror.
Perth, 8 April 2018: Hard-right Liberal MP, Andrew Hastie, heads a rally calling for special refugee status for rich, white South African farmers. Not only was the demonstration attended by some of Australia’s most notorious far-right racists it was littered with openly white supremacist slogans including ones demanding, “Let the Right Ones In”, which is meant to mean to let only white people in and not dark-skinned refugees. Hastie is lionised by fascist groups for his championing of this white supremacist cause celebré (which was also championed by proudly racist, former federal MP, Fraser Anning), for his attacks on Australia’s Muslim community, for his fanatical opposition to Red China and for his strident calls to completely remove laws proscribing racist hate speech. And now the Morrison government has chosen this same Andrew Hastie to head an inquiry that is supposed to look into right-wing extremism in Australia! All he needs is a mirror!
Trump’s incitement of the January 6 riot and the thuggish behaviour of his supporters who invaded the Capitol have politically damaged many pro-Trump movements around the world. This includes the hard-right government of India led by Hindu chauvinist and mass murderer of Muslims, Narendra Modi. Another largely pro-Trump force is the pro-colonial, supposedly “pro-democracy,” opposition in Hong Kong. Many in this movement have carried pro-Trump slogans and most wanted Trump to win the November elections. The key figure and financier of the movement is far-right media billionaire, Jimmy Lai, known as Hong Kong’s Rupert Murdoch, whose news outlets have been unashamedly pro-Trump. Especially in the wake of the January 6 riots, the ardent support of the bulk of Hong Kong’s anti-PRC opposition to Trump exposes the fraudulent nature of their “pro-democracy” pretensions. Another fervently pro-Trump movement is the far-right Chinese pseudo-religious organisation, Falun Dafa, and its newspaper outlet, Epoch Times. Epoch Times has become a main force spreading all of Trump’s most ridiculous conspiracy theories from ones about the origins of COVID-19 to the one that helped incite the January 6 riot: that Trump was cheated out of victory in last November’s election. Indeed, the claims of Falun Dafa’s Epoch Times have been so ludicrous that even Youtube recently suspended for two weeks its Hong Kong edition, despite Falun Dafa’s fervently pro-Western agenda. People who recognise the completely fake nature of their conspiracy theories about the U.S. presidential elections should distrust all the other assertions pushed by Falun Dafa and Epoch Times – including the whacko claim that the Chinese government executed Falun Dafa prisoners to harvest organs for sale.
Support the Struggle Against Fascism and Capitalism in the U.S. by Mobilising Against Australia’s Capitalist Rulers and the Fascist Shock Troops That They Spawn
As the Australian regime’s main ally, events in the U.S. have a major effect on Australian politics. Current Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, and many of Australia’s most powerful capitalists including Gina Rinehart and Anthony Pratt are close to Trump. It is undoubted that the advent of Trump to the presidency and the rise of the Far Right in America has emboldened fascist groups in Australia. Far-right MPs in Australia’s ruling Liberal-National coalition have been openly cheering Trump. Today these government politicians like George Christensen and Craig Kelly repeat many of the lies peddled by Trump – including claiming that the November election was stolen from him as well as repeating Trump’s earlier anti-scientific opposition to mask wearing as a means to slow the spread of the pandemic. Prime minister Morrison has pointedly refused to condemn these MPs for their statements. Meanwhile, deputy – and currently acting – prime minister, Michael McCormack, sought to downplay the January 6 riots and despicably equated this rampage by white supremacists with the BLM anti-racist protests.
Yet progressive struggles in the U.S. also shape this
country. The BLM struggle in the U.S. in the middle of last year inspired the
antiracist movement in this country. The weekend of June 6-7 saw the biggest
anti-racist protests in Australia in a long time. Tens of thousands of people marched
through Australian cities not only in solidarity with the BLM struggle in the
U.S. but in opposition to racist state murders of Aboriginal people in custody.
The working class and oppressed of Australia face many similar lessons to our sisters and brothers in the USA. One lesson is the simple truth that capitalism breeds fascism. Although fascist forces here are currently not as organised as they are in the U.S., they are nevertheless already a substantial threat. They help incite the thousands of violent and verbal racist attacks that are perpetrated by garden-variety racists all the time in this country. Moreover, less than two years ago, an Australian white supremacist who was nurtured in the racist climate created by Australia’s capitalist society murdered 51 Muslim people in New Zealand’s Christchurch in the biggest single terrorist attack ever committed by an Australian individual.
Melbourne, April 2020: Despicable racist graffiti targets Australia’s Chinese community. Like in the U.S., middle class insecurity, mass unemployment and Cold War nationalism are fuelling the growth of violent racist forces. The last few years have seen a spate of attacks on Australia’s Chinese and other East Asian communities. Such attacks intensified further during the last year as the U.S.-Australia Cold War drive against socialistic China cranked up several gears.
Another crucial lesson that we should learn from U.S. events is that one cannot rely on the capitalist state to repulse the fascist threat, as was proven during the January 6 storming of the Capitol. There has been ample evidence of this here too. The Australian white supremacist shooter who perpetrated the Christchurch massacre was never monitored by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) or ASIO despite being very active online spewing racist filth and making threats. Instead the AFP and ASIO have been busy intimidating and raiding the offices of our trade unions – including the AWU and the CFMEU – and arresting whistleblowers who expose the atrocities of the Australian regime, including David McBride the former military lawyer who exposed the horrific war crimes by Australian troops in Afghanistan. They were also engrossed in persecuting socialist political prisoner, Chan Han Choi, who spent three years in prison without trial due to his sympathy for socialistic North Korea and is now under house arrest facing trial on charges of trying to organise trade deals to help the people of North Korea avoid cruel economic sanctions. It was a political choice by the AFP and ASIO to target the union movement, Chan Han Choi, whistleblowers and even journalists, rather than monitor the rabid white supremacist who would end up murdering 51 people.
Based on this recent history and examining the January 6 riot in Washington, we should have zero confidence that the inquiry into “extremist” groups in Australia that was reluctantly announced last month by the right-wing Morrison government will do anything meaningful to curb far-right violence in Australia. That inquiry was enacted by hard-right home affairs minister, Peter Dutton – the very same Peter Dutton who has been greatly responsible for inflaming racist sentiments through his overseeing of Australia’s cruel incarceration of refugees in offshore detention camps, through his statements inciting fear of African youth and by his rant that it was a mistake to let Lebanese Muslim migrants into Australia. Even more tellingly, the person chosen to head this inquiry is far-right Liberal MP, Andrew Hastie. This is the same Andrew Hastie who has criticised Australia’s Muslim community and who was lionised by fascist groups for his strident calls to completely remove laws proscribing racist hate speech. Moreover, this same Andrew Hastie champions the white supremacist cause celebre pushing for special refugee status for white South African farmers; a “cause” based on the racist myth that these farmers – often notorious for their brutal and sometimes murderous exploitation and repression of black farm workers – are facing “white genocide.” “Adolf” Hastie even led rallies demanding fast tracked visas for these rich white farmers. At these events, Hastie rubbed shoulders with some of Australia’s most notorious and violent fascists who, in turn, carried despicable white supremacist placards like, “Let the Right Ones In” [i.e. white South African farmers and not dark-skinned refugees] and “White Lives Matter.” And now this Andrew Hastie is heading an inquiry that is supposed to look at right-wing extremism in Australia! All he needs is a mirror! As in the U.S., we must not rely at all on capitalist politicians, capitalist institutions or the capitalist state to defeat the threat posed by violent far-right forces. We must rely only on mass mobilisations of the working class united will all the intended targets of the fascists.
Just as progressive struggles in the U.S. inspire struggles in Australia, if we mobilise actions here against fascist threats, against racist state terror against black people in this country, for increased hiring of workers at the expense of capitalist profits and against the U.S./Australia Cold War drive against socialistic China then this will encourage similar struggles in America. As black and brown people in the U.S., alongside Chinese people, Muslims, Jews, the workers movement and the Left face a heightened threat of fascist terror to go along with mass unemployment, low wages and the carnage caused by the American regime’s fatally flawed “response” to the pandemic, the best solidarity we can offer to our embattled sisters and brothers in the U.S. is to intensify our struggle here against the capitalist ruling class of Australia and the fascist shock troops that serve their interests.
Sydney, 8 February 2020: Workers at British-owned food delivery service, Hungry Panda, demonstrate against wage cuts and the sacking of workers who complained about poor treatment. The demonstrations and strikes by these workers, many of whom are of ethnic Chinese background, is one of the first examples of industrial action by gig economy workers in Australia. The united, multi-racial working class is not only the force that has the ability to resist capitalist exploitation but is the class that has both the necessity and power to smash the violent racist forces.
15 March 2019 – Today, white supremacists launched a horrific attack on people attending two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. The terrorists were motivated by a Nazi-like agenda of genocidal violence against Muslim people and all non-white people. The main attacker, an Australian white nationalist, shot indiscriminately at unarmed women, children and men. Two other people have so far been arrested. This cold blooded and cowardly act of terror has so far left 49 people dead – Muslim people, many of whom were also migrants and refugees. Some amongst the dozens of other gunshot victims are now fighting for their lives.
Some of the 51 people murdered in New Zealand when an Australian far-right, racist coward opened fire on people worshipping in two mosques in the city of Christchurch.
New Zealand prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, flanked in her
press conference by the union jacks that sit in the corner of the New Zealand
flag, symbols of brutal British colonial terror, said of the attack that “New
Zealand has been chosen because we are not a place where violent extremism
exists.” Many Maori people and immigrant-based communities from Asia and the
neighbouring Pacific Islands may well disagree with her statement. They have often
copped racist attacks from rednecks not to mention the bloody history of
colonialist state terror that the Maori people have endured and continue to
face, in different form, today.
However, as bad as racism is in NZ, it is much worse here
in Australia. That is why it is no surprise that the main perpetrator of
today’s atrocity is an Australian white supremacist. In the year 2016 alone,
there were two known white supremacist murders here: the heinous deliberate
running over of a 14 year-old Aboriginal child, Elijah Doughty, by a white
racist in Kalgoorlie and the fire-bombing murder in Brisbane of Indian-origin
bus driver, Manmeet Alisher, by a right-wing conspiracy theorist which both
media and state authorities stubbornly refused to acknowledge as an act of
political violence. Since then Australia has seen ongoing state and redneck
attacks on Aboriginal people, repeated assaults against Muslim people, violent
racist attacks on Chinese students, demonisation of African youth and the
burning down of a Hindu temple in Sydney’ southwest. The danger is that the
Christchurch attack will embolden Australia’s growing layer of violent white
supremacists. Already people on far-right websites have been hailing today’s
attack. That is why every time white
supremacists go public and try to build their strength they must be shut down
by mass mobilisations of trade unionists standing alongside Muslim, Aboriginal,
Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin communities. This is not an issue of
“free speech.” As today’s racist attack showed all too starkly it is a question
of physically protecting targeted communities. The fascists are not about
speech – they are about organising
for and perpetrating racist terror. They need to be crushed!
In the Sydney suburb of Ashfield, one of the most violent white
supremacist groups has a combat training centre where they learn how to conduct
acts of racist terror. Where violent
racists have such a known base, we need to shut it down!
Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, while condemning
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of Cronulla – the very place that saw the horrific, rampaging white supremacist
Cronulla Riot in 2005 – Morrison’s “shock” is blatantly disingenuous. After all,
he and his right-wing government have been busy whipping up racist fears
against non-white people by demonising and continuing the torturous detention
and “turn back” policy against refugees. It’s hardly surprising then that it
was a white, Australian man that spearheaded this horrific racist crime we
witnessed with such horror today. Unfortunately, little will change no matter
who wins the upcoming election. The ALP, while distancing itself from some of
the most extreme anti-refugee policies of the Liberals, fully supports the
racist, mandatory detention of refugees. And while the Greens have sometimes called
out the racist policies of their rivals, they, like the ALP, push economic
nationalist calls to restrict the entry of guest workers and to curb imports produced
by foreign labour. Such economic nationalism while not always directly racist
is always divisive and inevitably incites racism. Let’s note too that today’s
attack occurred under the watch of a social democratic-led government in NZ.
The Adern New Zealand Labour Party shares at least some of the blame for
today’s attack. They took office promising to cut immigration which is why they
were able to join in a coalition with the right-wing, anti-immigrant New
Zealand First Party. Although New Zealand Labour motivated their
anti-immigration policies in a softer way than New Zealand First, their blaming
of immigration for the housing crisis and infrastructure inadequacies in New
Zealand inevitably fuels racist hostility to migrants.
The problem is that the Liberal-Nationals, the ALP and the
Greens all uphold the capitalist order. And because this system is less and
less able to provide decent infrastructure and secure, permanent jobs for
people, those that oversee the capitalist state inevitably look for scapegoats
elsewhere. That is why from Trump’s America to Bolsonaro’s Brazil to the hard
right-infested regimes in Austria, Hungary, Switzerland and Italy, open racists
are gaining the ascendancy in capitalist countries. It is also why we can never
trust the state organs administering capitalist rule to protect us from
fascists – since these forces have been shaped by their role as enforcers of
the inevitably racist policies associated with capitalism. How can one rely on
the police and prison guards to stop violent racists when they, themselves,
have far too often bashed and killed Aboriginal people in custody or covered up
for their mates who have committed such horrendous, racist crimes.
It is now time more than ever that we, the working class masses
of the world, embracing and drawing behind us all those targeted by the fascists,
spearhead the drive to smash the white supremacists once and for all. It is in
the very interests of the multi-ethnic working class to crush the divisive,
racist forces for only then can we build the inter-racial unity so necessary to
fight back against the greedy, capitalist exploiters. Racism is not innate to
our human nature – it is purely and simply a disgusting, murderous weapon
wielded in the cynical hands of our capitalist exploiters for the one single
purpose of keeping our fighting ranks divided. What the bullying bosses across
the capitalist world are most afraid of is the mighty, unstoppable power of the
united working class. Their biggest fear is that we working class sisters and
brothers will lead all the world’s oppressed in a struggle against their brutal
system that, ultimately, only brings low wages, insecure jobs, economic crises,
unaffordable rents and as we saw today: terrible, racist, right wing terror.
Forward to a socialist world that will be free of racism, unemployment, poverty
and war! As Marx and Engels wrote in The Communist Manifesto: “Then
the world will be for the common people, and the sounds of happiness will reach
the deepest spring. Ah! Come! People of every land, how can you not be roused?”
Ruling Class Politicians & Media
Manipulate Crime Reports, Bolster Racial Hatred
United Action by Multi-Racial Working Class will Stop
Racist Attacks of Australian Regime & Far Right Thugs
29 August 2018: On the 4th of August, Abdullah Qaiser was on his way to a library in Newcastle. But what had seemed to be just another evening for this student from Pakistan turned sinister when a group of people surrounded his car to rob him. And when they realised that he was a person of colour, the situation became life threatening. The white-skinned, racist criminals suddenly turned very violent. They called the student a “terrorist.” One attacker shouted at the 21 year-old, “Go back to your f**king country, you do not belong over here” and then punched Abdullah Qaiser with a knuckle duster so hard that he blanked out. Now, he requires surgery.
The worst thing about this racist attack is that it is far from being rare. On May 17, for example, a 25 year-old man went on a rampage in the Sydney suburb of Randwick specifically honing in on any Asian background person he could see ( html). He punched and kicked at least seven people of Asian appearance including several women and a 70 year-old man. For every such incident there are hundreds more occurring in this country that never make the news: instances of racist rednecks terrorising Aboriginal children, ripping off the headscarves of Muslim women, calling African people the N-word and bashing South Asian, Chinese and other East Asian-origin residents and international students.
The racist rants of ruling class politicians and the mainstream media are inciting this violence. One of their means of stirring up poisonous nationalism is to ridiculously hypeup claims that China is “buying up” and “interfering” in Australia. Actual facts mean little to these hate mongers! Perhaps their most tried and tested method of sowing division is to brand various racial minorities as being especially prone to crime. Their latest favourite targets are African youth “gangs” – especially those made up of South Sudanese youth – who they label a “grave threat.” It is the hard right-wing Home Affairs minister, Peter Dutton – who last week came within a whisker of becoming prime minister – who is leading this hate-fest. His claims, which were backed by then prime minister Turnbull, are as ridiculous as they are vile. The truth is that crime committed by South Sudanese youth makes up just a tiny proportion of all crime. But that won’t stop the racist radio shock jocks at 2GB from amplifying Dutton’s claims.
Even less xenophobic media outlets, like the ABC, engage in the racist reporting of crime by only publicising the ethnicity of perpetrators when they happen to be people of colour! If one is consistent in noting the ethnicity of criminals then – even if we exclude the Australian state’s horrific massacres of Aboriginal people – one would find that the majority of Australia’s most ghastly crimes have been committed by people of white European heritage. Australia’s biggest mass murder since World War II, the 1996 Port Arthur shooting massacre of 35 people, was perpetrated by the blonde-haired white guy, Martin Bryant. The most deadly shooting since then was the Margaret River massacre perpetrated by another white man, Peter Miles, just three months ago when Miles heinously shot dead his wife, daughter and four grandchildren. All this does not at all mean that white people have a greater propensity to commit murders – since they do make up a majority of this country’s population. But it does show how deceitful it is for politicians and shock jocks to brand various non-white ethnic groups as being especially prone to crime.
Australia’s State Authorities:
Covering Up Racist Hate Crimes, Perpetrating Racist Brutality
The racial background of those who commit unwarranted acts of violence against others is, in fact, irrelevant. The one exception to this is when the crime is actually racially motivated. Yet, it is precisely in these cases that the mainstream media, police and courts suddenly insist that race is irrelevant to the crime! Take, for instance, the attack on Abdullah Qaiser. Incredibly, NSW Police released a media statement claiming that the attack was not racially motivated. Understandably, Abdullah Qaiser was perplexed:
An even starker case was the murder in Brisbane of Indian-origin bus driver, Manmeet Alisher, by white man, Anthony O’Donohue. On October 28, 2016, O’Donohue boarded Manmeet’s bus and threw a firebomb at the immigrant. The murderer was noted for ultra-right-wing conspiracy theories and he had an extreme hatred of trade unions. Most significantly, two other Indian-origin bus drivers told of how O’Donohue had previously made racist remarks about them. And yet the presiding judge, Jean Dalton, not only decided that O’Donohue was not mentally fit to stand trial – thus, enabling the murderer to get away with a shorter sentence in a mental facility – but outrageously declared that the attack was not racist. The mainstream media, including supposedly “progressive” types like the ABC and The Guardian, followed suit. Yet, Manmeet’s family and friends who held a protest rally outside the court were not buying it. Feeling a strong sense of injustice, they insisted that the murder was racist. As family spokesman, Winnerjit Goldy, stated:
It is little surprise that the police and courts would seek to whitewash the racist nature of hate crimes. For the Australian state authorities are themselves the biggest perpetrators of racist violence. The Australian regime brutally persecutes refugees in hell-hole prison camps. And video footage that was finally released last month showing how six heavy set prison guards brutalised to death 26 year-old Aboriginal inmate, David Dungay, illustrates the horror that cops and screws are unleashing against Aboriginal people. Racist state oppression, in its turn, incites redneck terror on the streets. Today marks the second anniversary of the murder of the 14 year-old Aboriginal child, Elijah Doughty, who was chased and deliberately run over by a 55 year-old racist white man in WA’s Kalgoorlie-Boulder region. Can any sane person deny that the racist rants of ruling class politicians and media hounds and the fact that state authorities are brutalising Aboriginal people – and getting away with it – without a doubt fuelled the racist, social media frenzy against Aboriginal youth in that town that culminated in this hate crime.
Keep Them Separated – Dividing the Masses is
Good for the Big End of Town Capitalist Exploiters
It is rabid right-wingers like Katter’s Australian Party and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation who are driving the racist offensive. But they are definitely not alone. In May, NSW Labor leader, Luke Foley, inflamed hostility to migrants by claiming that refugees are swamping Western Sydney leading to a “white flight” of Anglo families from these suburbs and a shortage of jobs and infrastructure. The ALP’s agenda was evident in January, too, when Dutton was spreading nonsense that Victorians are “scared to go out to restaurants” because of “African gang violence.” The day before Dutton’s racist outburst, Deputy Labor leader and supposed “Labor Left,” Tanya Plibersek claimed that it was “undoubted that many Australians aren’t feeling safe” and that people in Victoria particularly “feel that there is a risk that they will be the victim of gang-related violence” (https://www.theguardian. com/australia-news/2018/jan/03/peter-dutton-says-victorians-scared-togo-out-because-of-african-gang-violence). She then went on to criticise the right-wing government for not giving more funding to the Federal Police! In other words, ALP leaders were pushing, at best, a slighter softer version of the Hard Right’s anti-African hysteria.
The current politicians sow racial divisions because they all ultimately serve, with more or less enthusiasm, the capitalist big end of town. The capitalists – from billionaires like Andrew Forrest and Gina Rinehart to smaller-scale business owners – make huge profits from paying workers far less than they are entitled to for the actual productivity of their labour. This is the basic tactic capitalists have employed since the start of the Industrial Revolution to ensure their filthy profits by underpaying the working masses. From the vast surplus value of the workers of the world’s exploited and accumulated labour are built the now unimaginably enormous pyramids of stolen gold from atop of which the ruling class of capitalists rule most of the Earth. Quite naturally, this small class of exploiters fears that the masses of the world’s working class people will one day seek to unite against them. Indeed, they need politicians to divide the exploited working class and divert their growing frustration into self-destroying channels. Frustration over lack of job security, low wages and unaffordable rents is diverted onto innocent targets like Aboriginal people, other coloured ethnic communities and people who are toiling, just like we working class people are in Australian are but only abroad. The exploiters want workers to be divided so that we do not unite to resist the capitalist governments’ attacks on militant workers’ unions like the CFMEU. The media, from Channel 7 which is owned by the billionaire, Kerry Stokes, to Sky TV and The Australian and Daily Telegraph newspapers owned by the Murdoch family are always ready and willing to scapegoat racial minorities. And perpetrating racist divide and conquer schemes is easy for the Liberals, Nationals and even more right-wing parties since these parties are, themselves, dominated by capitalist business owners as well as wannabe capitalists. For the ALP it is more complicated. The Labor Party is, in its actual composition, a party made up of workers and some leading ALP figures even originally got involved in politics for the sake of improving the lot of the masses. Yet, the ALP seeks to improve workers’ position within the current capitalist order. That means that they not only chase corporate funding but, more broadly, seek the acceptance, or at least acquiescence, of the big end of town. ALP hacks are for ever looking over their shoulder, fearful that the demands that they place upon the capitalists will backfire on them and overly annoy the capitalist class and its all powerful media. Thus, ALP politicians not only invariably capitulate to the sentiments created by the racist, capitalist media but, moreover, the more that they recoil from a perspective of workers’ struggle against the capitalist exploiters the more they seek to “satisfy” the frustrations of their mass base by advocating a divisive agenda to favour the majority, local white workers over and against refugees, migrants and our producer sisters and brothers abroad.
Financially insecure small businessmen and self-employed contractors, whose economic position naturally means that everyone else in the market, including counterparts from other ethnicities, are seen as competitors, can be especially prone to buying into racist appeals. To a lesser extent, so too can workers at tiny workplaces who are largely not organised into unions and are often isolated from fellow workers. Many smaller-scale capitalist exploiters, a chunk of the middle class self-employed and a few workers from smaller workplaces are, thus, moving towards the ultra-racist, Far Right.
All this is pulling the mainstream conservative parties ever further to the right. Of course, there are “liberal” capitalists who worry about the overt nature of the Hard Right’s racism. The pursuit of international trade, investment and predatory imperialist interventions in the Asia-Pacific region lead bourgeois liberals like Turnbull, Julie Bishop and Christopher Pyne to favour a more disguised form of white supremacist rule than the openly proud, xenophobic “conservatives” do. This is the essence of last week’s leadership brawl in the Liberal Party. Although the Hard Right who toppled Turnbull did not succeed in getting their man Dutton into the prime ministership, the new prime minister, Scott Morrison, is almost as openly bigoted. As a minister in the former Abbott government, it was Morrison who drove the brutal military-led “turn back the boats” policy against refugees.
This movement further and further to the right of conservative parties is occurring worldwide. The hard right Donald Trump seized the leadership of the U.S. Republican Party and now, as President of the U.S.A, is administering an ultra-racist agenda. This has incited an escalation in racist violence – something that was already all too present during the rule of earlier administrations. Last year, people inspired by the racist Alt Right alone murdered 17 people in the U.S.; and that does not even include any of the racist murders committed by rednecks who aren’t overtly political. Just like in the U.S. and Australia, conservative parties administering governments in Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere are also lurching further to the right. Meanwhile, in Italy, Switzerland and Austria, far-right parties are actually major parts of governing coalitions. In countries like Canada, Sweden and France where hard right parties are not in government, racist terror on the streets is also escalating. Even in developing capitalist countries, racist forces are gaining ground. India’s prime minister is a Hindu fundamentalist who, earlier, as chief minister of Gujarat province not only promoted school textbooks that glorified Nazism but also incited a horrific anti-Muslim pogrom that killed over 2,000 people. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, far-right extremists have been ever more viciously attacking the country’s Chinese and Christian minorities.
Thankfully, there is one huge exception to this alarming trend of growing racist reaction. In the world’s most populous country, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), a person from one of that nation’s numerous ethnic minorities or an international student can be almost certain that they are not going to be attacked or abused on the streets just because of their ethnicity. It is no accident that this big exception to the rule happens to be the only large country in the world which is not under capitalist rule. Although capitalists have been allowed to gain a significant place in the Chinese economy, the PRC still represents a fundamentally different system and continues to be dominated by socialistic, state-owned enterprises. The Chinese working class, albeit in a deformed way, continues to cling onto state power and that makes a world of difference.
For Militant Anti-Racist Struggle Driven by
Multi-Racial Working Class & Minority Communities
The danger facing racial minorities in most of the world was made all too clear in the German city of Chemnitz over the last few days. Seizing on the death there of a man during a fight with immigrants, thousands of fascists descended on the city chanting “foreigners out” and giving Nazi salutes. The neo-Nazis rampaged through the city bashing any person of colour they could find. Terrified immigrants stayed locked in their houses for days. Although the 1990 capitalist reunification of Germany was associated with a resurgence of far-right violence, Germany has not seen such a huge unleashing of fascist terror since the end of Nazi rule. The fact is that if the decaying capitalist system is allowed to run its course and the far-right resurgence is not combated immediately, a number of countries may well experience an outright takeover by Hitler-style fascists within the next decade.
The multi-racial working class must be mobilised to protect targeted communities from the rising tide of racist reaction. This is a matter of self-defence for the workers movement. By terrifying ethnic minority workers, racist attacks intimidate this crucial section of the working class and, thus, damage the capacity of the entire workers movement to resist the exploiters. Moreover, racism harms workers unity and the ability of workers to fight against the ever-increasing attacks on their wages and unions. Therefore, the working class movement must spearhead the following action program:
Mass mobilisations of trade unionists standing alongside people from African, Asian, Middle Eastern and Aboriginal backgrounds as well as Muslims, Jews, LGBTIQ communities and leftists must stop the fascists when they try to mobilise in public. Similar mobilisations must over-run any training centre or bunker that violent white supremacists seek to establish. It is difficult to mobilise against the numerous, disparate acts of racist violence by garden variety rednecks that occur every single day. However, by dealing severe blows in public to the extreme, politically racist elements, we can send a strong message to the unorganised racists that it is not in their interests to stick their ugly necks out and commit racist attacks.
All racist government policies must be opposed. We must fight to free the refugees, stop all deportations and win the rights of citizenship for all refugees, guest workers and overseas students.
The workers movement must be mobilised to support Aboriginal people’s struggle for justice and demand an end to the state’s systematic oppression which leads to so many black people being killed in state custody by racist police and prison guards. This perspective must seek to build towards trade union industrial action in support of justice for victims of racist state terror.
Economic nationalist schemes must be rejected – protectionism does not save jobs but, instead, by pitting workers in one country against another, makes it harder for workers to unite to stop their bosses slashing jobs. What we need in order to fight for secure, permanent jobs for all is class struggle action demanding that capitalist business owners increase hiring at the expense of their fat profits all around the globe.
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In waging such struggles we must be aware that as long as capitalism with its social decay, unemployment and need for racist divide and conquer schemes continues to rule the roost, racist violence and the threat of a full-on fascist takeover will be ever present. However, to advance towards the socialist revolution that is needed to sweep away the capitalist order, we must unite working class people and teach them to understand their own power through mobilising actions right now against racist and anti-union attacks. That means we need to struggle for a new program to gain the ascendancy in our trade union movement: a program that rejects the currently dominant agenda of Laborism with its false hopes in salvation through parliament and its divisive economic nationalism. More than ever, we need a program based on militant class struggle and the building of genuine unity between workers of all races, local, guest and international workers.
Concerned Progressive Small-l Liberals & Social
Democrats Powerless to Stop Right-Wing Racist Reaction
Many small-l liberals and respectable “dissenting voices” have expressed alarm at the increased incitement of racial, misogynist and homophobic hatred by mainstream figures. Their concern is genuinely felt. However, because they are part of the capitalist establishment that is the root cause of the growing social reaction, they are powerless to resist the Far Right or to even identify the factors behind its growth. Thus, we see fair-minded, middle class commentators in the media, academia and NGO milieu tying themselves up in knots as they try to explain away the rise of the Extreme Right by pointing, variously, to things like automation of production, social media culture causing people to not listen to each other, a lack of education about democracy, contemporary leaders being not what their forebears were … indeed just about anything but the plain truth that those at the top of the decaying capitalist order actually need to promote racism and other forms of bigotry for the sake of dividing and diverting the masses that they exploit.
Some ALP, and more often Greens, politicians do sometimes rebuff the most extreme statements from hard right-wing politicians. However, such resistance tends to be weak or inconsistent because the ALP and The Greens, themselves, uphold the racist capitalist order. When you do hear Greens – and less often Labor – politicians speaking out strongly against bigotry is when they are speaking to a particular, sympathetic audience, like at an anti-racism rally, in which case they work hard to get all the votes they can get! Yet, rarely will you hear them emphasising the same message to the general public – for example in their election platforms.
Unlike the “progressive” mainstream politicians chasing the perks and fame of a parliamentary career, anti-racist activists from the Far Left are, for the most part, idealistic people driven by a genuine hatred of racism. However, most of the avowedly socialist groups tail after the ALP and The Greens. Though these groups often do make correct criticisms of these parties, their basic strategy for social change revolves around campaigning to elect ALP/Greens governments and then hoping to use mass pressure to push these governments to the left. The most shameless about following this perspective is the Solidarity group but the strategy of Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative is, in essence, the same. At the rally held in Sydney on the day Scott Morrison became prime minister, leading members of the Solidarity group openly urged the pro-refugee activists gathered to campaign at the next elections for the ALP and Greens … and, yes, to also pressure these parties to be fairer to refugees. These “far left” rally organisers allowed an ALP youth leader to speak and put forward an ALP election pitch without making anything, even nearing, a commitment to opposing the imprisonment of refugees on Manus and Nauru and without having to face any criticism from rally organisers.
How bankrupt this “campaign for the ALP/Greens and push them to the left” strategy is can be seen by recalling that it was the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor regime in its final months that introduced the heinous policy that every asylum seeker arriving by sea will be imprisoned in an off-shore camp with no chance of residency in Australia. Now, Shorten’s ALP is descending even further into White Australia chauvinism. Last year, the Labor Party ran a video saying that it would “Employ Australians First” with visuals where nearly all the Australians shown were white Anglos. The ALP advertisement’s unmistakable racist message – that white people had to be supposedly protected from having their jobs taken away by non-white people – was so blatant that even right-wing politicians attacked it for dog whistling to racism!
The Greens have, by contrast, sometimes spoken out against such overt White Australia racism. Yet, The Greens simultaneously push divisive economic nationalist appeals – for example, by calling for tougher restrictions on guest workers and schemes to restrict steel imports. Such policies that call for putting the interests of (mainly white) Australian workers over (overwhelmingly coloured) workers from “Third World” countries inevitably reinforce White Australia xenophobic prejudices. NSW Greens senator, David Shoebridge, who, to his credit, has sometimes spoken out in support of Aboriginal victims of state violence, has been coming to the aid of the far-right Chinese-based group, Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa are characterised by extreme homophobia, a fascistic urge for racial segregation and a belief that mixed-race people are inferior. They have even held joint meetings with the white supremacist Party for Freedom and several of their members are One Nation supporters, including former One Nation candidate, Shan Ju Lin, who was later dumped as a candidate because her Falun Dafa-style homophobia was so extreme that it was an embarrassment even to Pauline Hanson, herself!
The support of a progressive Greens parliamentarian for the racist and homophobic Falun Dafa typifies more broadly why the Greens and the ALP can never be an effective force against bigotry. Shoebridge defends Falun Dafa because he shares that outfit’s anti-communist hostility to Red China. This flows from an outlook which, like that of the rest of the ALP and Greens, is based on accepting the existing capitalist order whilst seeking to make some progressive reforms to it through parliament. Greens and ALP politicians understand all too well that winning parliamentary seats and gaining acceptance of any reforms made there requires winning the confidence, or at least the acceptance, of the capitalist bigwigs who shape elections and parliaments through their domination of the media, NGO think thanks and political donations. The Greens and ALP will, inevitably, continue to kowtow to the capitalist ruling class in all major areas, be it their hostility to socialistic China or their need to divert the exploited masses with reactionary nationalism. No amount of left-wing pressure is going to fundamentally change this. Indeed, even a party that is substantially more left-wing than either the ALP and The Greens but which still acquiesces to capitalist state power cannot deliver serious relief from racist reaction and union-busting. Just look at Greece. To the cheers of Australian left groups like Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative, the radical left-wing party, Syriza, gained strength and eventually won Greek elections in 2015. Yet, in government they are administering anti-working class austerity measures that are as savage as did the conservative governments before them. Today, racist and homophobic violence in Greece continues to be on the increase.
Instead of looking for salvation through parliament, we fight for mass actions to force capitalist governments to grant concessions – such as pulling back from anti-working class and racist measures. Such gains can be won not because of the virtues of a particular party holding government office but when the masses have mobilised strongly enough to force the enemy to grant a concession. Illusions that progressive change can come through electing ALP or ALP-Greens governments is one of the biggest obstacles to such militant, mass struggle. For such illusions make the working class and the oppressed falsely believe that the capitalist state can be their friend and that progressive change does not require the arduous and often hazardous road of extra-parliamentary struggle.
As the federal elections draw near and reformist left groups divert well-meaning youth into the dead end “campaign for the ALP/ Greens and push them to the left” strategy, we will be working harder than ever to warn of the hopelessness of such a parliamentary-based strategy as part of our fight to mobilise the working class and all the oppressed in mass actions against racist violence and against the racist policies of capitalist governments. Let’s organise powerful actions of workers and “ethnic” communities to defend targeted minorities from violent far-right scum. Let’s join together to over-run and smash to smithereens the bunkers and training gyms of white supremacist paramilitary groups! Let’s build mass struggle – that will lead to workers’ industrial action – and demand justice for Aboriginal victims of racist state violence, the closure of the Manus and Nauru hell-hole detention camps, an end to all deportations and full citizenship rights for all refugees, guest workers and international students. The time is right – not just in words but in real, on the street, militant action – for workers from all countries to unite and fight!
As Neo-Nazi Thugs are Emboldened by the Racist Violence of Police & the Brutal Jailers of the Nauru, Christmas & Manus Island Hell Holes…
Crush All the Violent Far Right Racists Through United Mass Action by the Workers Movement, Aboriginal People, Coloured People and the Left
Sydney: A contingent from the Nurses and Midwives Association were an enthusiastic part of the 11 October 2015 refugee rights rally in Sydney. The most conscious sections of the workers movement understand that opposing racism is a core task for the trade unions. Racism is a poison to workers unity and without workers unity the entire struggle for workers rights is doomed to failure.
Earlier, over the July 18/19 weekend, some of the most conscious vanguard of the working class had joined thousands of other anti-racists and taken to the streets to hold counter-demonstrations against racist “Reclaim Australia” rallies. The “Reclaim Australia” movement aims to stir up hatred against Muslims. This extreme right wing movement is dominated by neo-Nazis and other white supremacists who seek to fan ignorant racist fears of Muslims and asylum seekers as a way of igniting a wider firestorm of hatred against all people of colour – whether it be people of Middle Eastern origin, South Asians, East Asians, Aboriginal people or Africans
22 September 2015 – With the exception of in Queensland, in every city on July 18/19 where anti-racist counter-demonstrations were held they outnumbered the far-right rallies. The most effective counter-demonstration was the July 18 action in Melbourne where over 1,000 anti-racists dwarfed the 150 or so fascists who made it to successive “Reclaim Australia” and United Patriots Front (an even more extreme splinter from Reclaim) rallies. Most importantly, pickets established by the anti-racists in Melbourne managed to stop several dozen of the far-right thugs from even reaching their rally point. However, a massive mobilisation by the police, who were clearly siding with the fascists, ensured that the white supremacists were still able to hold their racist violence-manufacturing mobilisation. Police indiscriminately unleashed pepper spray on anti-racist protesters with around 100 anti-racists affected. One anti-racist protester had a seizure as a result, two had to be hospitalised and medics sent several activists home after they were suffering the after effects of the pepper spray. As a medic explained, these effects included, “hypothermia-like symptoms of shaking and an inability to normalise body temperature.” Meanwhile, police formed a three-deep line to give the fascists a safe escort out of the area following their mobilisation.
In Sydney, 300 anti-racists took part in a counter-demonstration double the size of the July 19 Reclaim rally. However NSW police went out of their way to facilitate the fascist rally. They provided escorts to the racist Party for Freedom to and from the Reclaim rally and kept the anti-racist counter-demonstration a large distance down the street from the Reclaim provocation. When a group that arrived early to the anti-fascist counter-demonstration attempted to establish their rally site – which was to be at the same place where the white supremacist filth were going to hold their rally – police aggressively pushed the anti-racists back down Martin Place two blocks away from where the extreme racists were going to rally. The police outrageously arrested several anti-racists – at least two of whom were charged including a 57 year-old Aboriginal man. All anti-racists and the workers movement must stand in solidarity with the arrested anti-fascists and demand the dropping of all charges.
No doubt buoyed by the police support that they received, several of the extreme racists attempted to provoke the Sydney anti-racist rally. However, when one of the violent racists tried to infiltrate into the anti-racist demonstration he was suitably dealt with by staunch anti-fascists. A more serious threat emerged when later a group of thugs from the openly Neo-Nazi group Squadron 88, wearing their paramilitary uniform, approached the anti-racist protest from the rear. In Nazi-speak, the “88” in Squadron 88 stands for “Heil Hitler” with the 8 representing the letter “H” the eighth letter of the alphabet. However, it is far from simply their name that makes Squadron 88 a menace. This group of violent racists are known to have gatherings from where they pledge to go out and violently beat a random, vulnerable person from a designated non-white race. Thus, one time they will have an “Asian-bash” day, another time an “Indian-bash” then a “N__ger bash” day etc. However, thanks to the meticulous prior research and quick on the spot thinking of a committed anti-fascist who spotted the Squadron 88 thugs as soon as they approached, some of the people in the anti-racist rally were quickly alerted to the threat. A few dozen staunch anti-fascists amongst the anti-racist rally then moved forward as a group towards the Squadron 88 members and eventually chased them away down Martin Place and around the corner into Pitt Street. Furthermore, one of the violent and racist Squadron 88 thugs was taught a painful lesson. That the anti-fascist delivering the lesson was a coloured person made this all the more satisfying a blow against “white supremacy” and the idiotic Nazi notions of a “white master race.”
Trotskyist Platform banner, placards and leaflets at the July 19, anti-racist rally in Sydney promoted the strategy of trade union contingents uniting with coloured people and anti-racists to crush the fascist scum.
Yet by and large, with support from the police, the extreme right-wing forces were able to hold their racist violence-inciting demonstration in Sydney unhindered. The same was the case throughout Australia – and partially the case even in Melbourne. Thus, while it was certainly a good thing and good for the morale of anti-racists to see that their rallies outnumbered those of the far-right, the fact is that the rabid racists will be encouraged by having gotten away with holding their racist provocations largely unhindered. Meanwhile, garden-variety bigots watching on their TV screens at home will have been radicalised by seeing the far-right racists able to openly promote extreme racism on the streets.
It is little surprise then that violent racist attacks and abuse against coloured people have continued in large numbers since the July 18/19 Reclaim rallies and anti-racist counter-demonstrations. Early this morning, the Arabella Restaurant and Bar in King Streets in the Inner West Sydney suburb of Newtown was vandalised in a racist attack. Three days earlier, the message “F— Arabs” had been etched into one of the restaurant’s window panes. The same message had been scrawled onto the restaurant’s back door weeks earlier (Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2015). Last week owner and chef, Mohamed Zouhour had also received racist threatening phone calls abusing him as “bloody Lebanese” and demanding: “Move out of the area, you can’t be in Newtown, get out.” That abusive call was part of six months of racist phone calls and racist graffiti against the restaurant. In this morning’s attack, the restaurant front windows were repeatedly bashed with a hammer. Nothing was stolen – the motivation was pure racist hostility. It was the third such physical attack on the restaurant in the last year and a half. Zouhour commented:
“I loved it here, and the locals are great, but this is too much. It’s scary, I’m scared.”
“… I find myself thinking I should take my family and go. I don’t feel protected in this country.”
– Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2015
Every ant-racist should make a stand with restaurant owner Zouhour and the workers at the Arabella Restaurant against the racist attacks that they are facing. The disgusting and terrifying attacks on the Arabella Restaurant are, however, just the tip of the iceberg. As a capitalist business owner, Zouhour has the chance of getting relatively more mainstream media and police assistance. Yet, every day working class Aboriginal, Middle Eastern, Asian and African people are getting attacked or abused on the streets, in public transport, in the school playgrounds and at nightspots with little or no official redress… and that’s when racist cops are not the actual perpetrators themselves!
For a Mass Mobilisation of Trade Unionists and Coloured People on the Tenth Anniversary of the Cronulla Riots to Finally Make Cronulla Beach Safe for People of All Colours!
Sydney, December 2005: Racist white mobs bash any coloured person they could find on Cronulla Beach. Since then coloured people have been fearful to go Cronulla Beach, which had been (due to its location near a train station) up until the riots Sydney’s most multi-racial beach. The fact that this remains the case and the effects of the riots have not been overturned is a source of inspiration for violent racists throughout Australia. On the tenth anniversary of the Cronulla riot, there needs to be a huge antiracist convoy of trade unionists, “ethnic” youth and antiracists that will travel from the multiracial, working class southwest of Sydney and ensure that Cronulla Beach can be safely accessed by coloured peoples.
With the different far-right components of Reclaim undergoing bitter factional struggle it is unclear whether the Reclaim racist rallies will continue in their current form. However, it is certain that the extreme right forces in Sydney have not been deterred by the outcome of the contest between the racist Reclaim rallies and the anti-racist counter-demonstrations. Thus, at least two fascist groups – the Party for Freedom and the United Patriots Front – are planning racist actions in Cronulla to celebrate the mid-December tenth anniversary of the horrific white supremacist riot on Cronulla Beach. To their credit some anti-racists are trying to organise a counter-action. Such a counter-action is, indeed, badly needed. Even without fascist groups planning provocations to mark the riot anniversary, the chilling effect of the 2005 racist white riot and the, as yet, lack of a counter-mobilisation powerful enough to make the beach safe for people of all colours has meant that dark-skinned people have largely stayed away from that beach. The racist filth have, in effect, succeeded in ethnically cleansing one of Sydney’s prettiest beach spots – a large beach that, with Cronulla’s rail link, is relatively easy to get to for the burgeoning multiracial population of Western Sydney. In fact, of those visiting Cronulla Beach today, over 95% are white. Reference? That is, a defacto system of apartheid exists on Cronulla Beach. This must be overturned! However, given the growing strength of the fascists, the depth of racist attitudes amongst some Cronulla residents and the overall racist climate, any counter-mobilisation must be large enough to be safe, let alone effective. In particular, a mobilisation needs to have the powerful clout of at least some sections of the organised workers movement behind it – especially given that in a standoff with extreme racists, the police’s strong tendency is to side with the racists.
Given how emboldened racist forces in Cronulla feel in the current political climate, many coloured people may not feel safe meeting up at a rally starting point in Cronulla on the day of the riot anniversary. A possible tactic, then, would be to gather at a multi-racial working class suburb in Sydney’s southwest and then move as a convoy to Cronulla. As we stated in a leaflet that we issued just days after the 2005 riot itself:
“The question of access to Cronulla Beach is not just a question of the right to use a beach. It is about whether non-white people, especially from Sydney’s poorer Western suburbs, can live in any sort of dignity and security in this country. There must be a mass mobilisation of trade unionists of all colours, alongside immigrant-derived youth, Aboriginal people and leftists, to occupy Cronulla Beach and guarantee safe access to it for people of all races. The white supremacist groups that helped instigate Sunday’s atrocity need to be given the same treatment that union militants have long reserved for filthy scabs who try to cross strikers’ picket lines. Drive them out of stolen Aboriginal land! Such firm action against hard-core violent rednecks would intimidate the more garden-variety racists into pulling their heads in.”
“Given the white racist forces seen on Sunday [i.e. on 11 December 2005], a union/immigrant mobilisation would not take place at Cronulla Beach until the forces for such an action had been adequately built up. But these forces need to be urgently strengthened right now through one, or a series of, preparatory demonstrations in the heartlands of Sydney’s multiracial working class – suburbs like Bankstown or Auburn. When our side is sufficiently strong, the decisive union-centred action at Cronulla Beach can be launched possibly via a huge cavalcade from a rallying point in Sydney’s West.”
– Trotskyist Platform leaflet, 15 December 2005
Sydney, 19 July 2015: A large police mobilisation prevents an anti-racist demonstration from being able to effectively counter a rally by the fascist “Reclaim Australia” movement. It was notable how the police and police horses faced in the direction of the anti-fascists – confirming that the police were siding with the far-right racists against the anti-racists.
Lessons from the July 19 Anti-Racist Rally in Sydney
In order to effectively organise the upcoming anti-fascist struggles that are needed, anti-racist activists need to seriously examine the lessons of the July 19 anti-Reclaim counter-demonstration in Sydney. Many activists worked tirelessly to promote the action. Yet despite these sincere efforts and despite the current reality that the far-right racists are hated by a large section of the population, the counter-action did not stop the Reclaim provocation. Understandably frustrated by this, some staunch anti-fascists have tended to blame the Socialist Alternative (SAlt) group for having gathered before other anti-racists on the day, saying that this gave the cops the chance to push back the anti-racist demonstration before its full strength had been reached. However, this criticism of SAlt is on this occasion incorrect as well as a bit unfair. The fact is that regardless of whatever tactical methods that could have been employed on the day, there did not exist sufficient enough forces at the July 19 anti-racist demonstration to stop the Reclaim rally in the face of the large police presence defending the fascists.
18 July 2015: Over a thousand anti-racists participated in this counter-demonstration to the extreme racist “Reclaim Australia” rally in Melbourne.
By lack of forces here is meant not only a question of insufficient numbers – although that is certainly important. To give anti-fascist forces serious clout requires the power of the organised working class movement. Since the trade union movement has social power and with it the ability to wage industrial action that hurts the profits of the big business bosses whom the police ultimately serve, the police are more reluctant to attack a progressive rally with a sizeable union contingent than they would otherwise be. There is, thus, the potential for an anti-fascist mobilisation with a significant workers contingent to simply compel the police to stand aside – for fear of the social and industrial relations consequences of attacking trade union contingents – while the anti-fascist demonstration marches through and routs the extreme racists. This was the case on May 2 in Brisbane last year when about 100 trade union construction workers were at the core of an anti-fascist rally that defeated a planned rally by the white supremacist Australia First Party. Reference: See “Provocation by Violent Racists Crushed in Brisbane” in Trotskyist Platform Issue 17 ( Unfortunately, on July 19 in Sydney there appeared to be no organised union presence although some proud trade unionists were certainly there as individuals amongst the crowd.
The other factor that is important is not only the size and composition of an anti-fascist rally but the commitment of participants to not only protest against the white supremacist trash but to actually sweep these extreme racists off the streets. Now the July 19 anti-racist rally was largely full of decent, well-meaning people who quite rightly hate racism. Yet it is possible that over half the participants did not understand the need to actually physically stop the fascists from holding their racist, violence-manufacturing demonstration.
Thus, the question that we need to consider in reviewing the lessons of July 19 is not whether SAlt or other groups adopted bad tactics on the day but whether the very strategy that the anti-racist counter-rally was mobilised on actually advanced the cause of building working class-based actions dedicated to sweeping the extreme white supremacists off the streets. It is clear that the official call for the July 19 anti-racist counter-action did not encourage an action that would seek to actually stop the Reclaim rally. The call posed the event as simply a “peaceful” protest against the ideas of the Reclaim movement rather than an action that sought to shut the racist, violence-inciting rally down. This had the effect of guiding those planning on attending onto a certainly well-meaning but, ultimately, counter-productive pacifist path. Of course, such a call would not have affected those anti-fascists who already understand that when the fascists get away with openly rallying it simply spells more racist violence on the streets. However, it would have misled the many decent anti-racists – some attending their very first anti-fascist demonstration – who were unsure whether a pacifist approach or one based on actually stopping the violent racists is most effective. That, in the end, there didn’t in any case exist the forces to the Reclaim rally on the day does not make this misdirecting of participants any less a problem. The fact is that many passionately anti-racist youth are being led on to an ineffective, pacifist path and this weakens future anti-fascist struggles. It is SAlt’s partial responsibility for pushing this pacifist rally call – even while sometimes stating adherence to a more staunch perspective and even while many of their members on the day showed a sincere and gutsy determination to rout the far-right racists. Yet it was far from just SAlt that was responsible for the pacifist call out. The majority of those leading the organising of the antiracist action supported such a call out. The Solidarity group and Socialist Alliance pushed such a perspective even more unambiguously than SAlt and even a minority of the anarchist-minded anti-fascists acquiesced to it (though, to their credit, many of the other anarchists involved tried to argue against it in the lead up to the rally).
So a major lesson has to be learnt on this question. However, an even bigger correction needs to be made to ensure that anti-racist actions are in the future based upon a strategy that puts the mobilisation of the workers movement at its core. It is true that those organising the July 19 anti-Reclaim demonstration did make some sincere efforts to “outreach” to trade unions. However, the various reformist socialist groups largely organising the rally did not make an appeal to workers’ class interests part of the actual rally call. There was nothing in the official rally call enunciating the all-important idea that stopping the extreme racists is a key part of building the unity that the working class so badly needs to fight for its own rights. Making such an appeal is essential in order to enhance the possibility of winning class-conscious workers to joining the anti-racist struggle.
The failure to make a direct appeal to workers’ class interests in the call out for the anti-Reclaim demonstration was not simply an oversight. It was a choice. The appeal was not made because the various reformist socialist groups (and indeed many of the “non-aligned” activists involved as well) who were leading the organising of the rally feared that such an appeal would scare off other potential supporters of the anti-racist demonstration – people such as middle class intellectuals, anti-union small businessmen and establishment-oriented ethnic community groups. Indeed, an open appeal to workers’ class interests would scare off some of these people. But a choice has to be made – either one seeks to build a movement based on the working class or one builds a movement attractive to liberal elements of the capitalist class and pro-establishment middle class.
For those really serious about fighting racist violence the choice to be made is clear cut. It is the working class that has the consistent interest to fight fascism and, as events on July 19 showed, without the social power of the working class it is impossible to defeat extreme racist mobilisations when they have significant police protection and that, unfortunately, is most of the time!
Ensuring that call outs for anti-fascist mobilisations openly appeal to workers’ class interests does not, of course, guarantee that the anti-fascist action will end up attracting powerful trade union contingents. There also needs to be a struggle within the workers movement itself against the nationalism and illusions in the state – ideologies promoted by the ALP current misleaders of the workers movement – that impede a workers’ mobilisation against extreme racists. However, an open appeal to workers’ class interests helps the most politically enlightened trade union activists – who already understand the need to stop the right-wing racists – to be able to convince other workers in their own workplace and/or union into joining the anti-fascist movement. Thus, while it may not always bring instant results, an anti-fascist strategy based on open appeals to the working class helps pave the way for trade union contingents to confidently march into the ranks of the anti-fascist movement. This is what is so badly needed. Therefore, if there is just one lesson that staunch anti-racists should take away from the July 19 events it is this: that the struggle against fascism demands the mobilisation of the working class and such a perspective is only real if one is prepared to make the choice of openly appealing to workers’ class interests at the “cost” of alienating liberal, pro-capitalist establishment forces.
Sydney, 11 October 2015: Proud members of the Nurses and Midwives Association pose for a photo in Hyde Park on the day of the rally in Sydney protesting against the racist Turnbull government’s attacks on refugees.
Let’s Not Have a “One Rally Wonder” Perspective.
Ideological Preparation of the Anti-Fascist Movement is a Key Part of the Fight to Crush the Extreme Racists
Given that the forces did not exist on July 19 to shut down the Reclaim racist rally what should determined anti-fascists have been doing on that day. There did need to be work done to repulse isolated physical provocations by fascists – most seriously from the Squadron 88 group that approached from the rear. Yet dealing with these threats only took up a minority of the rally time. What about the rest of the time? Many staunch anti-fascists felt understandably frustrated at the situation and tried to think of tactics that could get the job done and compel the police to stand aside. And, afterwards, some sincere anti-fascists discussed tactics that – in hindsight – they felt could have enabled some defeats to be laid upon the Reclaim mobilisation.
Yet the long and the short of the situation was that our side simply did not have the forces to shut down the Reclaim provocation: both in numbers and composition as well as in psychological preparedness. That, however, does not mean that what one did at the anti-racist rally was of no consequence. Far from it! It is the absolute duty of those anti-fascists who understand the need to physically defeat the threat from the violent racists and who understand the need for an anti-fascist movement that openly appeals to workers’ class interests to bring that understanding to the many other decent people involved in the anti-racist campaigns. Using whatever time was available at the July 19 anti-racist rally to try and promote these perspectives was a key task for anti-fascists on the day – and doubly so given that the forces did not exist to rout the extreme racists then and there.
Any serious anti-fascist activist knows that the struggle against fascism will not end with the July 19 action. Those who only plan to be involved in anti-racist activism for a short but frenzied period (during a certain transitional stage of their lives) would naturally think that it is unimportant what particular strategies are being promoted by placards, banners, speeches, leaflets, newspapers and chants on the day. However, those in it for the long haul should be extremely interested in all these things because they determine whether anti-racist activists are guided towards an effective or an ineffective strategy for the future.
As part of attempting to shape the anti-fascist movement in the direction which we believe gives it the greatest chance of victory, Trotskyist Platform carried a banner at the July 19 Sydney demonstration that read, “A United, Multiracial & Strong Working Class Can Drive the Racists Off Our Streets.” Additionally, as well as helping to defend the anti-racist rally against fascist provocations, our comrades were busy distributing a leaflet that motivated a strategy of united mass action by the workers movement, coloured people and leftists to crush the violent far-right racists. Here is our article copied below:
Brisbane, 2 May 2014: Trade unionists from the construction industry were in the forefront of an action that swept the white supremacist Australia First Party off the streets. Mobilising trade union contingents is crucial to anti-fascist struggles. Union contingents represent social power and carry with them the implied threat of industrial action if they are attacked. Workers’ contingents at anti-fascist mobilisations have the potential to compel police intent on defending the fascists to stand aside, thus allowing the fascists to be driven off the streets.
July 12 – Four weeks ago in the U.S.A, a young white supremacist murdered nine black people when he opened fire on worshippers at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Reloading his gun five times as he murdered the black church goers, the white supremacist chillingly yelled out, “you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” This racist terrorist had been emboldened by the activities of eighteen known fascist groups operating in South Carolina, including two chapters of the Ku Klux Klan and several openly Neo-Nazi groups.
Unofficial attack dogs of official racism and xenophobia, such violent racist groups are active here in Australia too. Over the last year, these Neo-Nazi forces have grown, egged on by the bi-partisan fear campaign being whipped up against Muslims, the thinly veiled racism of a new set of draconian “anti-terror” laws and, perhaps most tellingly of all, the recent formation of the paramilitary-style Australian Border Force: a new set of black shirted jackboots whose job, as we can surmise from its website, is to patrol and enforce the continuum of the Australian border, both external and internal, in order to produce a “cohesive society” where, presumably, elements that don’t fit into their skewed, racially-charged vision (like asylum seekers and persecuted young Muslim Australians that end up angrily incoherent) are summarily shipped out.
Not surprisingly then, the growth of fascist sentiments has been accompanied by a rising tide of violent, racist assaults. In one of several reported attacks last month – each of which represents hundreds that go unreported – a 21 year-old Middle Eastern refugee was left with serious facial injuries after being attacked outside a youth centre in Wollongong on June After first being racially abused, he was then bashed by two youths who pushed him onto a motorbike. The owner of the motorbike then arrived and joined in the heinous racist assault – punching and kicking the victim. Just four days later on June 8, a 15 year old girl of Asian origin was racially abused and then bashed by an adult while on a train approaching Lidcombe station. The white attacker punched the girl several times in the face and kneed her in the body. Meanwhile, at a park in Lidcombe, two Sudanese boys going to Under 8’s soccer training were disgustingly told by an adult racist bully to get out of the park because they were not welcome there.
Capitalist rule in Australia, a brutal regime constituted by two acts of both explicit and implicit violence – the ongoing genocide of this continent’s first peoples and the White Australia Policy exclusion of neighbouring Asia-Pacific peoples – has created such a racist society. In fact, there are countless garden variety racists who could on a bad day physically lash out against a person with dark or so-called coloured skin. Yet it is also a fact that, especially in country towns, Neo-Nazi and KKK-imitating rednecks have attacked and in several cases actually murdered Aboriginal people –as in Townsville where, in 2003, a known white supremacist murdered a 15 year-old boy, Errol Wyles, by deliberately reversing his car to run over the Aboriginal youth twice. This chilling crime – and the deliberate hit and run murder of Yasman Rae Sturt eight months earlier by a white driver who dragged her with his car 100 metres – are part of a series of horrific hit and run attacks on Aboriginal people and Islanders by racist rednecks in Townsville. Meanwhile, in big cities, fascist gangs going on “Asian-bash,”“Indian-bash” and “African-bash” rampages have committed many barbaric racist attacks. Just as dangerous as the threat of such direct assaults and murders by the fascists are the many more, often unreported, attacks that their violent hate speech incites. These far-right racist extremists need to be crushed! By crushing the organised, ultra-racists we will also be sending a message to the more numerous garden variety bigots that acts of racist violence and abuse from them will not be tolerated!
Vietnamese student Minh Duong was savagely bashed in Melbourne by three Neo-Nazi skinheads in June 2012. The racist scum kicked and punched him 70 times, stabbed him, smashed a brick over his head so hard that it broke in two and then left him for dead. Fascists cannot be debated but must be crushed by mass action.
On July 19, various far-right groups calling themselves “Reclaim Australia” will be holding a rally in the heart of Sydney. The organisers, quite absurdly and with seemingly no sense of irony about the fact that they are standing on stolen Aboriginal land, say that they want to “Reclaim Australia” from Muslims and multi- culturalism. Their slogans will, sadly and inevitably, lead to yet more attacks on Muslims. However, these far right groups which have been busy spreading hate against Aboriginal people, Asians and Africans, see this as but a tactic to whip up violence against all people of colour. Anti-racists and trade unionists are mobilising a counter demonstration to this white supremacist rally. The counter-demonstration is scheduled for 10am – half an hour before the start of the fascist provocation. We add our voice to the many others building the counter-action and urge proud working class people and all the intended targets of the racist thugs – Aboriginal people, Middle Eastern people, Asians, Africans, Muslims, Jews, gays and lesbians and other members of the LGBTI community, feminists and leftists – to join us. We say that what is needed is not simply to protest against the fascists but to shut their racist violence-manufacturing demonstration down. Proud
Melbourne, May 2015: An activist with the fascist United Patriots Front (UPF) proudly brandishes Nazi symbols at their rally against communism and Islam. The UPF and Reclaim Australia are avowedly anti-Islam and anticommunist. In truth they are not only bigots opposed to Muslims but are extreme white supremacists intent on stirring up racist violence against all coloured people – they are against Aboriginal people and against people from Asian, African, Middle Eastern and Pacific Islander backgrounds.
contingents of trade union members must take the lead. Let’s be there at 10am on Sunday, July 19 at Martin Place between Pitt and Castlereagh Streets to sweep the racist filth off the streets. Let’s emulate the victory that was scored in Brisbane on May 2 last year when over a 100 construction workers (members of the CFMEU, ETU and other unions) were the vanguard of an anti-racist action that drove a neo-Nazi rally right off the streets of Brisbane.
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Every day greedy bosses are threatening workers’ hard won rights. To help them do this, corporate thugs and their lapdogs in the governments of Australia are attacking our unions. Meanwhile, Liberal and ALP federal and state regimes alike are slashing public sector jobs and undermining the services that working class people need the most like public housing and public hospitals. To defeat this many-sided offensive, we need our side to be absolutely united across different trades, ethnicities and nations. Indeed, it is only through such unity that any rights have ever been won at all.
The capitalist bosses and their politician mates know this well. That’s why they have been deliberately whipping up racism to divide the ranks of the working class and divert their fire. They have been demonising refugees and Muslims and ever more viciously vilifying and locking up Aboriginal people. Serving the exploiting class in this agenda are several extreme right-wing groups. These outfits, including open Neo-Nazis, don’t simply want to spread prejudice. They actually want to incite and unleash violent racist attacks.
Melbourne, August 2012: Mounted police attack union construction workers during a workers dispute with the greedy Grocon corporation. The organs of the state are being unleashed ever more aggressively against the union movement, targeting in particular the CFMEU construction workers union.
The rabid racist groups are the most extreme enforcers of the current capitalist order. That is hardly surprising. Any real unionist knows that the most racist person in the workplace is almost always anti-union and betrays fellow workers. The cowardly racist is often seen attacking and picking on minorities to pit worker against worker and siding with the boss when workers voice concerns in the workplace. In the same way, far right groups fanatically hate not only non-white people but also leftists who they understand are the most avowed supporters of that force which ultimately stands in the way of their fascist agenda: workers’ unity and the trade unions. The extreme right wingers follow in the footsteps of the Old Guard and New Guard organisations that had big numbers in the 1920s and 1930s and would go around attacking strike pickets and trade union activists.
It is true that the fascists, right now, do not have the strength that they had in the days of the Old and New Guards. However, their Neo-Nazi counterparts in Europe have been breeding at an alarming rate feeding off the huge unemployment and insecurity caused by decaying capitalism and its severe economic crises. Right now, white supremacist outfits are succeeding in whipping up more and more violent racist attacks on coloured individuals. Working class people cannot allow non-white members of our class to be terrorised in this way. We cannot afford to allow people from a non-white background to be so intimidated that they will be unable to undertake the crucial role that they have often played in the struggle for all of our collective rights. We cannot and will not allow Hitler-loving lunatics to divide our side with racism.
However, to date and albeit with a very small number of important exceptions, the leadership of the union movement has not seriously mobilised the workers movement to stop the fascists. This is despite union activists being amongst those at the top of the fascists’ hit list (need anyone be reminded of Anders Breivik’s murder of 69 members of the Norwegian Labour party’s youth league to demonstrate that it is not only the far left that is the political target of these insanely violent neo-Nazis). Instead, the pro-ALP union bureaucrats hope that the state will one day intervene to stop the fascists. However, the key state organs – the police and courts – have inevitably sided with the violent racists during stand-offs with anti-racist demonstrators. In Melbourne on May 31, police not only allowed the violent racist group, United Patriots Front, to march upon (in the end rather unsuccessfully) an anti-racist rally gathered outside Richmond Town Hall but actually escorted the Neo-Nazi-led outfit as they moved threateningly towards the anti-racists. In contrast, when three dozen anti-fascists attempted to march towards a rally of the extreme white supremacist Australia Defence League in July 2011, police would not allow any anti-racists to get within 100 metres of the sinister racist provocation. Meanwhile, after Neo-Nazi Scott Hasenkamp murdered Aboriginal youth Errol Wyles in Townsville in 2003, the courts sentenced the Neo-Nazi murderer to just a 15 month sentence, of which he only served two months in prison! The same pattern exists in all other capitalist countries where significant fascist forces exist. In Greece, it has emerged that members of the armed forces have been training hit squads of the Neo-Nazi, Golden Dawn party. Media reports in Greece have further exposed that the head of the police’s special forces, internal security, organised crimes, firearms and explosives divisions have been assisting Golden Dawn’s criminal activities.
The fact is that the police and judiciary in capitalist countries have far, far more in common with the racist and anti-union, far-right than they do with anti-fascists. Here in Australia, police have perpetrated the outright racist murder or manslaughter of countless young Aboriginal people in custody over the last three decades including Eddie Murray, TJ Hickey, Mulrunji Doomdagee, Kwementyaye Briscoe and Julieka Dhu. The legal system for its part – from coroner’s inquests to royal commissions – has whitewashed each of these racist crimes. The police – backed by the courts – are also notorious for harassing Asian, African, Islander and Middle Eastern youth living in working class suburbs. And the way that police have assaulted union picket lines and the manner in which the ongoing Royal Commission into Unions is squarely attacking the entire union movement is what the far right thugs are inspired by and seek to emulate in a more extreme fashion. In a capitalist society like Australia, the state and its key organs have been built up to maintain the rule of exploitation of the capitalist class over the working class – and that includes enforcing the ruling class’ racist divide-and-conquer tactics. Thus the police, courts, army and prisons serve the same exploiting class as the thugs of the far-right extremist movement. Although the bulk of the Australian ruling class don’t want to right now openly identify with such extremists, the capitalist rulers know that the far right outfits are on their side. The oh-so-civilised corporate elite wash their hands of the crude race-hatred of the far-right extremists as they know that openly associating with it is harmful to their lucrative trade and investments in Asia. Yet secretly they grin at how the far-right bigotry is helping to divide the working class and divert mass opposition away from themselves. Meanwhile, the more far-sighted of the capitalists and their political think-tanks cannot help but realise that the iron fist of the fascists are a vital force to have in reserve should the big con of parliamentary democracy lose its power to keep tricking the masses into submission. That is why so few politicians from any of the pro-capitalist parliamentary parties have been prepared to make even strong verbal denunciations of the “Reclaim Australia” racist movement.
Indian student Sukhraj Singh spent more than two weeks in a coma and sustained permanent severe brain injuries after being bashed by a gang of racist youth in the Melbourne in 2009. The racist thugs armed with wooden bars attacked an Indian grocery store in the suburb Sunshine. They indiscriminately assaulted customers as they yelled out, “bloody Indians, f— off.” The extreme racist rhetoric of far-right rallies aims to incite such racist violence on the streets.
The far-right extremists can only be effectively combated through the united mass action on the streets of all the intended victims of the fascists. Such an anti-fascist movement must be spearheaded by the organised working class – the class with both the interest and the power to stamp out the Neo-Nazi threat. When an anti-fascist mobilisation is, as is frequently the case, confronted by a large police presence defending the violent racists, it is the participation in the anti-racist movement of union contingents that can compel the police to stand aside because the trade union presence signals the threat of retaliatory industrial action should the police attack the anti-Nazi action.
There has been much debate amongst leftists and other anti-racists about how best to counter the upcoming far-right mobilisation. Various small-l liberals, including many supporters of the Greens as well as the left groups Solidarity, and Socialist Alliance want a rally that protests against the views of “Reclaim Australia” but rules out, beforehand, any action to shut down the white supremacist mobilisation even if the forces exist to do so. This strategy is wrong. Even if there is a large anti-racist rally that demonstrates widespread community opposition to the “Reclaim Australia” movement, if an attempt to stop the fascists is ruled out then the white supremacists will still be emboldened since, at the end of the day, they will have gotten away with openly fomenting their extreme race hate right in the middle of inner-city Sydney, in the case of the upcoming July 19 rally. Hardened, but presently unorganised, racists watching at home will then in turn be radicalised and encouraged to become active fascists (as some were after the first Sydney “Reclaim” rally on April 4 was not shut down). Hearing media excerpts from nice speeches by participants at the anti-racist rally will make little difference to them – they have been incubated against left wing rhetoric by the venom of the racist ravings of Alan Jones-style shock jocks as well as the barely disguised prejudice of mainstream politicians. Instead, seeing the active white supremacists get away with controlling space in an area in the very heart of Sydney – effectively making a big section of Martin Place a no-go area for coloured people, just like the Cronulla Beach riots sadly did to Cronulla Beach – this is exactly what will embolden them to commit acts of racist violence. To tell anti-racist activists to confine themselves to explaining what is wrong with racism in the face of a movement that perpetrates and incites violence is to disarm and damage the anti-racist struggle. It is following the road of the leaders of the German Social Democratic Party – then and now the biggest party within the German workers movement – who in the lead up to Hitler’s seizure of power were saying that so long as the Nazis do not quit the ground of legality, there is no room for an on the streets struggle to physically stop them!
Charleston, South Carolina, United States: Friends and relatives of victims at a ceremony to mourn the murder of nine attendees at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Unfortunately, this stance is also held by the party which in this country covets the proud title of Lenin and Trotsky’s party which not only led the world’s first successful socialist revolution in Russia in 1917 but whose USSR workers state that they led the creation of inspired the Soviet people to heroically and with great suffering withstand and ultimately crush the greatest fascist behemoth ever arrayed against the multiracial working people of the world, that is the
White supremacist activist, Dylann Roof (Right) entered the church – known as a church where black people congregated – and indiscriminately opened fire on church goers. Every Reclaim Australian and UPF rally brings Australia closer to a Charleston-style far-right terrorist massacre.
enormous Nazi army led by the genocidal maniac Adolf Hitler in World War 2. We are, of course, referring to the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) which, in their article “Lessons from Reclaim Australia protests” by Peter Mac in their newspaper The Guardian, decry the April 4 counter-action in Melbourne for being “violent” and denounce statements by an unnamed group (who happen, incidentally, to be us in Trotskyist Platform) that `the neo-Nazis … must be swept off the streets’ and that we must `drive the violent white supremacists out of stolen Aboriginal land!’ The CPA stance is representative of that of the whole liberal-pacifist wing of the anti-fascist movement. For the CPA and the small-l liberals the
model anti-fascist strategy is exemplified by the pacifist April 4 anti-”Reclaim” rally in Adelaide led by the good pastor, Brad Chilcott, and his “non-violent `subtle and symbolic’ strategies”, some of which, somewhat tellingly, he “had to abandon … because of public safety concerns“ (The Guardian, 22 April 2015) It is true that the counter-demonstrators in Adelaide were indeed “peaceful” even though it has to be noted that this Chilcott-led rally was the weakest of all the anti-Reclaim events in the capital cities on April 4 with the anti- racists outnumbered ten to one by the far-right racists. However, that does not mean there was no violence. Far from it! What the CPA did not report (and to be fair they were likely not aware of) is that following the Adelaide April 4 “Reclaim” action, some of the invigorated fascists followed a group of indigenous activists participating in the counter-protest back to their home and assaulted them. Meanwhile, the emboldening of the “Reclaim” participants – and the bigots “watching at home” – by the fact that they were able to get away with openly spewing extreme racist filth in the heart of Adelaide can only lead to more racist violence on the streets.
Fortunately, at planning meetings for the Sydney July 19 anti-racist rally those promoting the pacifist line have been outvoted by others – including Socialist Alternative supporters and anarchists – who rightly argued that the action should seek to undermine the hardcore racist demonstration by taking over the space that the white supremacists plan to gather at prior to the scheduled start of their “Reclaim” rally. However, the official call for the anti-racist action – for example on the Facebook Event page – remains flawed. For one, at the insistence of Socialist Alternative, the call insists that the anti-racist demonstration will be “peaceful.” Of course, it would be wrong to say that our action will be “violent” – it is the far-right who are the creators of racist violence while the police often use violence to attack progressive struggles – like anti-racist actions and union picket lines. But to insist that a counter-demonstration against those who are inciting, threatening and perpetrating violence against coloured people and anti-racists will be “peaceful” is like telling the Palestinian people to be “peaceful” in the face of the Israeli military’s murderous terror. Mainly white, reformist socialist groups may think that they have the luxury of decreeing that an action against violent racists shall be “peaceful,” however socially-aware coloured people know that they have little hope of deciding when or where their reality is going to be peaceful or not. Politically conscious coloured people know that they face the danger at any time of being attacked by rabid racists while on the streets, in public transport or at nightspots – not to mention when in the far more fraught situation of participating in a demonstration against extreme racists!
Today’s issue of Melbourne’s The Age newspaper reported that social media discussions amongst fascists showed that they planned to bring weapons to the Melbourne race-hate rally next weekend. Thus, for anti-“Reclaim” organisers here to lull people who are planning to join the counter-demonstration into a false sense of security that the action will necessarily be “peaceful” is highly irresponsible and potentially catastrophic. It might mean that rally attendees do not take precautions when coming to the rally. Instead of organising to come to the rally in groups with friends as they should, anti-racists may be lulled into thinking it is safe to rock up as an individual wearing anti-racist badges and t-shirts and all – a practice that could set them up to be attacked on their way in by a Neo-Nazi gang (themselves on their way to the same location for the rival mobilisation). When at the rally site itself, participants who, convinced by the rally call that the demonstration will be “peaceful” and having illusions that the police will intervene to protect them should any threat emerge, may decide to stand around in a very geographically dispersed area rather than in a tight pack with their fellow anti-fascists. This could open them up to being picked off by far- right thugs itching to unleash violence against anti-racists.
How this can play out was shown all too brutally at a stand-off between fascists and anti-racists in Melbourne on 18 March 1995. It was then that 37 members of the then most prominent fascist group in Australia, National Action (NA), rallied on the steps of Melbourne’s parliament house. They were protected from 300 anti-racist protesters by a line of police. However, the anti-racists, lulled into thinking that the police would by necessity keep the two sides apart let their guard down. A squad of NA led by their then fuehrer Michael Brander then charged towards a section of the anti-racist crowd. The police line actually opened up to let the fascists through and in the fascist attack that followed one anti-fascist was severely beaten on the head by a thick flagpole carried by the fascists. The NA squad then retreated behind the police line which closed up behind to protect them as swiftly as it had opened up to let them through. The head injuries sustained by the assaulted anti-fascist demonstrator, who had previously been a very active leftist, were so serious that it kept him out of activism for several years.
A militant strategy to stop fascism should be guided by the perspective of mass action centred on the working class rather than small gangs of committed anti-fascists attempting to deal blows to the racist thugs in a series of isolated clashes. Currently, some of the most sincere, dedicated and brave anti-fascists lean towards the latter strategy. Sometimes their actions succeed – something which all anti-fascists can only celebrate. However, the Neo-Nazis, obsessed as they are with weapons and combat training, are also capable of clever tactics. Should anti-fascists suffer a defeat in a small scale clash or be arrested by police, this would not only take out from the movement (for some period at least) some of the most committed anti-fascists but news of the setback would be seized on by small-l liberals and reformists to discredit any perspective to physically stop the far-right scum.
There is, however, a bigger problem with the specialised anti-fascist, commando- like group perspective even if the participants are fortunate enough to suffer no serious defeats. That problem is that this strategy sidesteps the working class masses whose most politically conscious layers may not even be aware that the clashes are taking place. This perspective does not seek to mobilise the working class masses but rather to substitute for the masses the heroism of the anti-fascist activists. Yet it is the working class masses that have the power to consistently deal defeats to the fascists in open confrontations – as occurred on May 2 last year in Brisbane. And although it is a blow to a Neo-Nazi to be taught a lesson by a small anti-fascist gang while walking on a street or on their way home, it is far more demoralising for the fascists – and those bigots watching at home on their TV sets – to see themselves being trounced in the open by a large crowd spearheaded by the muscle of the organised workers movement. However, those focussed on attempting to deal blows to the extreme racist thugs through small- group actions must believe, in various kinds of ways, that the working class is currently too backward to mobilise against fascism or that it takes too long to build up such mass worker mobilisations or that they themselves are personally too isolated from the workers movement to help mobilise working class-based anti-fascist struggle. Thus, these determined anti-fascists end up believing that they must forge ahead of the politically advanced layers of the working class and launch their own actions separately from any section of the masses. In effect they believe they must act as a kind of vanguard of anti-fascist action – although most of them would hate such a self-description.
In the context of a working class-centred mass movement to stop the far-right fanatics, some degree of “black ops” activities against the Neo-Nazis can play a useful supplementary role. However, right now all our energies must be devoted to building up the mass anti-fascist movement. If the very serious anti-fascists currently focussed on the hardcore, small anti-fascist group perspective were to instead immerse themselves in the workers movement and use their considerable energies and talents to winning their fellow workers to an internationalist program – a program that necessarily includes mass action to crush fascism – the anti-fascist struggle would receive a decent boost. The activists involved would have to make the leap from being the vanguard of militant anti-fascist action to being a different type of vanguard – one that does not believe it is better than the masses and rather than seeking to forge ahead of the masses seeks to bring the best layers of the masses with the This perspective will require the activists involved to clarify their own outlook into a very precise revolutionary, internationalist program as they will be stepping into an intense battle with Laborite social democracy for the hearts and minds of the workers. It will require them to undertake work that is more tedious, more patient and far less glamorous than the perspective of small group confrontations with the fascists. Nevertheless, especially now that the far-right forces have grown in Australia so much and are increasingly receiving open support from some sections of the mainstream establishment, it is only the working class that has the clout to decisively crush the fascists.
Mobilising the working class against the far-right threat is not simply a matter of contacting union officials. Organisers of most anti-fascist actions have always attempted to do this. Nor is it simply a matter of distributing anti-fascist rally leaflets to rank and file union members at worksites although this is certainly essential work. To be effective in mobilising the working class, rally calls must openly appeal to the interests that workers have in opposing the extreme racists. Unfortunately, the official call for the Sydney July 19 anti-racist action does not make such an appeal to the class interests of workers. Anti-fascists often recoil from such a call even
The student who was murdered by the white supremacist terrorist is Somali-born, 15 year-old Ahmed Hassan. Those who believe that fascists can be stopped through simply debating them are badly mistaken.
though they nominally accept the importance of the workers movement to the anti-fascist struggle. They fear that open appeals to workers class interests will put off some middle-class liberal anti-racists and sympathetic, trendy café owners (who want to be seen as progressive but don’t like unions because they fear that the workers that they exploit might one day join one!) But if appealing to workers’ class interests offends such layers, so be it! It is the working class and not small-l liberals and “small business” bosses that is the strategic force that will defeat fascism.
Sweden, 22 October: A far-right activist, Anton Lundin Pettersson dressed in a Dark Vader outfit stabs to death a student and pupil at a school in the industrial city of Trollhättan. The school was targeted because it had a high proportion of non-white migrant-background youth.
Encouragingly, a section of anti-fascist activists seem to be increasingly understanding this point. One stream of anarchists have issued a powerful poster building for the July 19 mobilisation, signed “Anti-Fascist Action,” that in calling to “Shutdown Reclaim Australia” clearly appeals to workers’ class interests in the fight to “Smash Fascists!” and “Drive Them Off Our Streets.” The poster explained that the fascists’ “hateful ideology is an attempt to divide the working class and help the bosses and landlords.”
Appealing to workers class interests is one part of the struggle to mobilise the working class against fascism. The second crucial part is the political struggle that internationalist-minded workers need to wage within their workplaces and unions against nationalist sentiments within the workers movement itself. Right now the CFMEU construction union is waging a divisive nationalist campaign raising fears that local workers will lose out because Chinese companies investing in large projects under the China Australia Free Trade Agreement may be able to bring in Chinese workers. To be sure the social democratic nationalism of the CFMEU bureaucrats is not the same as the violent racism of the fascists. The CFMEU is, after all, the union whose members were at the forefront of the powerful action in May last year that trounced the fascist Australia First Party in Brisbane. However, the economic nationalism of the pro-ALP union leadership does feed into the mainstream nationalist climate that nurtures the far-right extremists. Furthermore, by promoting in more moderate form the local worker versus overseas worker rivalry that the far-right forces spew in extreme form, the union bureaucracy is to some degree legitimising the far-right and thus diluting workers’ inherent hostility to the fascists.
Instead of the divisive and ultimately losing strategy of setting local workers up against their overseas counterparts, our unions must fight to unite all workers in the fight for improved conditions and more jobs for all workers. The fight for jobs means first and foremost an industrial action-based struggle to stop the greedy Australian capitalist bosses from retrenching workers to boost their profits. Yet bowing to the anti-union laws and chained to a strategy of relying on parliament to affect progressive change, it is precisely militant industrial action that the present union officialdom recoils from. And the more the social democratic, current union officials step back from class struggle, the more they are left with having to advance economic nationalism as the “solution” to unemployment. The struggle to purge the union movement of poisonous economic nationalism must go hand in hand with a fight to unleash the power of the working class against attacks on workers’ jobs and conditions. To fight for such a perspective an internationalist, revolutionary current within the unions must be built to challenge the failed policies of the current Laborite leadership. The growth in influence of such class-struggle union caucuses would see the union movement start to unleash its power against unemployment and casualization and thus begin to cut the ground from under the fascists. A revolutionary current within the unions, linked to a multi-racial revolutionary workers party, would also seek to unify the workers movement across racial lines by fighting to mobilise it to support Aboriginal resistance to the forced closure of remote Aboriginal communities, to ensure victory for the Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy struggle, to free the refugees and to revoke the racist anti-terror laws. In this way, by starting to dig out the racist soil that this society is built on, working class anti-racist actions like these will necessarily start to uproot the fascist filth from the putrid ground in which they are allowed to otherwise fester and grow.
Yet as today’s despicable acceptance of anti-working class austerity by the left- wing Syriza government in Greece proves, as long as the capitalist class still hold state power then the conditions of unemployment, inequality, poverty and insecurity can never be decisively swept away. No matter how left-wing or radical the
Hardcore opponent of socialistic China, Caterwood Ko is an active member of the fascist Party For Freedom (PFF). Ko has Hong Kong origins and is a staunch supporter of the right-wing, Hong Kong student protesters that oppose Red China’s influence in Hong Kong. Despite being virulent white supremacists and haters of Asian people, the Party For Freedom make an exception and embrace ethnic Chinese Ko (and the right-wing Falun Gong outfit) because they too are driven by overwhelming hatred of socialistic China and of communism more generally. Credit: Anti Fascist Action Sydney (
government sitting in parliament is. Only the overthrow of capitalist rule through workers’ revolution and the establishment of a collectivised economy on a worldwide scale can ensure that fascism is finally consigned to where it truly belongs – the dustbin of history.
To see how capitalist economy nurtures fascism it is enough to note that in Australia a large part of the working age population are either unemployed or working far less hours than they want to or else in insecure casual jobs or worried about being retrenched. The far-right seeks to appeal to these people by offering blatantly false but simplistic analysis blaming immigrants and overseas producers for their plight. However, although unemployed and underemployed people make up some of the personnel of Neo-Nazi gangs, the main social base of the far-right are the most reactionary sections of the middle class as well as smaller scale capitalist business owners. The far-right groups aim to recruit insecure, self–employed service providers and tradies buffeted by the wild fluctuations of the capitalist “free-market” by insinuating that competition from migrants and overseas producers are undermining their businesses. Those capitalist business owners whose businesses are struggling are also open to such demagogy. That is why it is in the crisis-ridden capitalist economies of Europe where the fascists are most alarmingly gaining strength and most openly getting the backing from sizeable chunks of the big capitalists.
In capitalist society, both the middle class self-employed and capitalist small business owners are ground down by capitalist banks and big landlords as well as the tyranny of big corporate business. They are fearful of being dragged down – often back down – into the working Middle class individuals can either be won to siding with the working class against the capitalists that oppress them or, alternatively, will follow the capitalists in their push to ever more exploit the working class. Fascism is, in the main, a movement of middle class individuals fanatically mobilised against the working class whom they fear being dragged down into and whose class struggles they fear will either challenge their relatively privileged position or will challenge them in their roles as henchmen (managers, foreman, security guards etc) for the capitalists. Fear of coloured people, LGBTI people and the “other” in general naturally goes hand in hand with fear of the workers movement and its powerful, multi-racial character.
Although most of the Australian fascists revere Hitler, many of them realise that since Australia was on the opposite side to the Nazis in the bloody imperialist squabble that was World War II (with the big exception of the Soviet workers state’s heroic resistance against Nazi invasion), it does not sit well with Aussie nationalist mythology and militarism to outwardly shown any allegiance to Nazism. Today, with the mainstream pro-capitalist parties stirring up fear of Muslim people, the far-right see a chance to push their broader agenda using anti-Islam as a battering ram. They promote the notion that Australia is being taken over by Islam and Sharia Law as well as other cultures and needs to be “reclaimed” by white people. This is, of course, ridiculous. It is the Aboriginal people whose land was stolen and culture decimated – not by people coming to the country seeking to contribute to society as part of making their own lives better as today’s migrants do – but by murdering, brutal colonial conquerors. As for the notion that non-white people have taken over the economy (and there is no reason that white people should control the economy anyway!) it is worth noting that of Australia’s 50 richest people, just two, that is a measly 4% are coloured.
With just 2.2% of Australians being Muslims the idea that Sharia Law could be imposed in Australia is also complete bonkers. In fact, the real threat to secularism is from Christian fundamentalists. Not a single advocate of Sharia Law holds any elected position in state or federal parliament. In contrast, in NSW the balance of power is held by the Christian fundamentalist zealot, Fred Nile. Nile wants mothers confined to the home so much that earlier this year he railed against child care centres as “day orphanages.” Nile and his Christian Democratic Party denounces homosexuality, opposes the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, opposes giving parents the chance to allow their children to opt out of scripture classes at school and fanatically opposes women’s right to abortion. The first, non-state, terrorist murder in Australia this century was perpetrated by a far-right, Christian anti-abortion bigot, Peter Knight who in July 2001 shot dead an employee at an East Melbourne abortion clinic in what he planned would be a massacre of all the staff and patients at the clinic. Today, members of the Right to Life movement that Knight was part of as well as other cowardly, Christian-based bigots continue to harass women seeking abortions outside clinics.
Although the current main focus of the far-right is against Muslims, the ultimate main target of fascist agitation and pogroms will be Asians. Fascism is built on fear and after the white capitalist ruling class “dealt” with the “threat” from Aboriginal people by committing genocide and completely dispossessing this country’s first peoples, the main theme of racist White Australia xenophobia has been the fear of Asians – especially Chinese people. This is the fear that immigration from the populous masses of Australia’s Asian neighbours will dilute the relatively privileged economic position of resource rich and sparsely populated Australia or even threaten white domination of this country. Thus, alongside brutal prejudice against Aboriginal people, anti-Asian xenophobia has dominated Australian racism from the 1861 anti-Chinese violence on the Lambing Flats goldfield to the anti-Chinese laws of the late 1800s to the formal introduction of the White Australia Policy in 1901 and right up to today’s anti-China hysteria.
Already, the most prominent fascist parties, the Party for Freedom and the Australia First Party, devote much of their attention to opposing Asians and the Peoples Republic of China. Last month, the Party for Freedom held a rally outside the Chinese embassy opposing Chinese nationals buying real estate and blaming them for exorbitant house prices. Yet the facts show that Chinese investors spent approximately just 2% of all the money spent on purchasing residential property in Australia and most of this was spent on developing new dwellings. Indeed, for all the hype, official figures from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade show that despite having 20% of the world’s population, investment in all areas from China makes up only 1.3% of the total stock of foreign investment in Australia – 20 times less than that from the U.S.A ( Indeed, Chinese investment in Australia is nearly matched by Australian investment in China. China does not even make the top five of foreign investors in Australia and even tiny Switzerland and the Netherlands have more investments here!
Opposition to foreign investment in Australia is pushed in a rabid way by the Far Right and in a softer way by the Greens and some pro-ALP social democrats. No matter which country it is targeted at, this opposition diverts the masses from the required task of opposing the capitalist exploiters. The high-profile opposition to Chinese investment is driven by racism. As the above official figures show, despite being the most populous country in the world, China is only the seventh largest foreign investor in Australia. Chinese investment in Australia is barely above 2% of total foreign investment in Australia – ten times less than that from the U.S! Investment from mainland China is also notably less than from Chinese-majority Singapore. However foreign investment from Singapore is much less frequently targeted by right-wing groups because Singapore is capitalist and China is socialistic.
There is, however, no agitation here against foreign investment from the big, white investing countries: the U.S., Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland (nor should there be, in fact). It is bleeding obvious then that the hysterical far-right opposition to Chinese investment and the media hype directed against it is based on racist bigotry.
However, there is another aspect to the anti-China crusade. Singapore is also an ethnic Chinese majority country and investment in Australia from Singapore is almost twice that from mainland China. Why then do we not see agitation against investment into Australia by Singapore? Because Singapore is a capitalist country while the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has a socialistic system administered by a Communist party. Hostility to the PRC from both the mainstream of the ruling class and from the far-right fanatics thus combines racism with anti-communism. That is why much of the mainstream opposition to Chinese investment is focussed on the fact that most of it is from state-owned companies. Although the wavering bureaucracy that administers China has treacherously allowed a fair deal of capitalism to penetrate the PRC, in the PRC socialistic state-owned enterprises continue to dominate all the key sectors of the Chinese economy (unlike in capitalist Australia where public enterprises have only ever played a supplementary role to support a system which is based on wealthy private individuals owning the bulk of the economy).
It is worth noting that the white supremacist Party for Freedom has recruited hardline anti-communist Chinese individuals from the Falun Gong group. There is, of course, a similarity between the fascist agenda of the Party for Freedom and the ideology of the ultra-right Falun Gong group with its fascistic belief in racial purity, its disgusting notion that people of mixed race are inferior and its virulent homophobia. However, what mostly allows the white supremacists to grit their teeth and allow ethnic Chinese members into their party is their shared, extreme hostility to Red China. Fascists see communism as the greatest obstacle to their agenda. That is why the Reclaim Australia breakaway, the United Patriots Front, made its first action (on May 31 in Melbourne) a “rally against communism.
Should the fascists continue to grow, they will offer themselves up to the ruling class as the force that can stand up to Communist China just as Hitler advertised himself as the force that could destroy the USSR. And just as it took Hitler to attempt to realise the capitalist dream of wiping out the USSR, it may well take a fascist regime in the U.S. and Australia to crush the workers movements in these countries savagely enough to allow the ruling classes in these countries to launch what would necessarily be an extremely bloody war on Red China. That anyone could countenance such a catastrophic war seems insane. However, the fascists are not sane. Furthermore, even today the mainstream of the U.S. and Australian ruling classes are seeking to put military pressure on China and to begin to make war preparations, which is why there is the U.S. “pivot to Asia” and why U.S. troops are being stationed in Darwin. This drive to conflict with socialistic China is driven by the very logic of capitalism. As capitalism bounces from one economic crisis to another, the capitalist rulers fear the masses in their own countries seeing any example of workers’ rule – even one like in China that is, admittedly, bureaucratically deformed and weakened by capitalist intrusion.
Furthermore, the only way for capitalists to avert their economic crises is to open up new areas of the world to capitalist exploitation (or else to grab existing neo- colonies from their fellow, imperialist rivals). However, one in five people in the world live in a country, China, where the U.S., Australian and other capitalists’ “right” to exploit is severely restricted. Being a country with a per capita GDP several times lower than Australia (due to the resource poor country being burdened by enforced backwardness from its days of colonial subjugation which it only began to catch up from after the 1949 anti-capitalist revolution), wages in China are necessarily lower than in Australia. However, wages in China are much higher than what they would be should China have been capitalist. Thus, Chinese wages are the second highest of the developing countries in Asia. The relatively better conditions of Chinese workers relative to capitalist societies with similar per capita GDP is especially evident if one considers the high social wage Chinese workers receive – including cheap public transport, free cultural facilities and extensive low-rent public housing. Of course, in a huge and complicated country one could also find many a horror story of exploitation of workers in the private sector – especially light manufacturing industries in the Southeast region bordering Hong Kong which are dominated by foreign, private investment. However, that is increasingly becoming old news. In 2008, the PRC enacted a pro- worker Labour Law that gave workers rights unheard of for workers in Australia (such as a guarantee that long-time employees within five years of retirement cannot be retrenched for any reason). Meanwhile, a government-supported unionisation drive has seen the rate of trade union membership in China balloon. China has the fastest growing workers’ wages in the world – wages there have grown by an average of close to 12% per year over the last few years, well above the rate of growth of GDP in China. Many Western manufacturing corporations like Nike and Adidas have completely abandoned their operations in China for lower wage countries even though the infrastructure in China is much better. So, the only way left for Western capitalists to turn the world’s most populous country into the huge sweatshop for exploitation that they want and, indeed, need it to be in order to relieve the crises in their own economies – is through smashing socialistic rule in China. Far-right forces are promoting themselves as the hardcore anti-communists who can get this job done.
As the socio-political climate in Australia lurches towards one that could see new, terrifying, Cronulla-style mass racist riots, it is worth dwelling on the fact that the fascists – the most radical defenders of the current racist and exploitative social order – see communism as their main political enemy. This is because communism – a society based on collective ownership of the economy where each would contribute according to their ability and receive according to their need – would see the creation of a society where exploitation of human by human would be non-existent and discrimination on the basis of race and gender would be things of the past. Such a society, where the eventual dissipation of all class differences would also see the state itself start to wither away, would bring out the very best in humanity. It would enable all humans to live in friendship, enjoying themselves as they pick out what they want from a rich smorgasbord of cultures.
Increasingly, we are faced with the choice of either fighting for this kind of communism or being plunged into the abyss of fascist-ruled capitalism that will bring yet more racist violence, hatred, oppression of workers and catastrophic wars. The first step in the fight for a communist future is the overthrow of capitalist state power and the construction of worker states. These states would protect the newly established socialist system from the counterrevolutionary efforts of the overthrown exploiters and guide the former middle class to shake off the selfish, capitalistic spirit that they were haunted with from the previous times and, instead embrace the collectivist values of the new epoch. However, to accomplish the revolutionary seizure of state power is not an easy thing. The working class must first be trained both ideologically and practically in a series of partial struggles. An important part of this training involves the working class gaining confidence in its own power through flexing its muscles while unchaining itself from any political ties to capitalist institutions and pro-capitalist political parties. A great way to flex those muscles is to mobilise its own power – united with Aboriginal people, coloured ethnic communities and other anti-racists – to shut down the looming, far right threat. Then, using the confidence we gain from such struggles, we can launch a badly needed counter-offensive against all the greedy, exploiting bosses.
“Fascism – The Most Evil Enemy of Women. Everyone to the Struggle Against Fascism!” Poster by Nina Vatolina who asked her neighbour, whose two sons had already left for the battlefield, to model for this poster. It was published in August 1941, five weeks after the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, with an initial print run of 75,000 copies.
Sydney, January 16: Police attack protesters demonstrating against a racist mural in Newtown.
Drive Violent Racists Off The Streets Now!
On January 16 one hundred anti-racists of all colours held a determined anti-fascist rally in Newtown. Starting from the Hub opposite Newtown railway station, demonstrators marched upon a shopfront racist mural on Station Street. The anti-Muslim mural has become a magnet for extreme white supremacists. Continue reading Drive Violent Racists Off The Streets Now!→