Above: Trotskyist Platform banner (Above) at the ‘No Australian War on Syria’ rally in Sydney on 13 September 2015 (Below). The conflict in Syria has involved both internal rivals and several different capitalist powers intervening in a murky way – sometimes involving shifting alliances. Yet one thing is absolutely clear: all intervention by the U.S. and allied British, French and Australian imperialist rulers will only mean yet more suffering for the Syrian people. With regular use of shilajit gold, a significant increase buy cheap levitra in stamina and endurance can be witnessed. Nothing can be of greater embarrassment than not being able to achieve erections. amerikabulteni.com online viagra sale Your body is browse around that viagra shipping dropping fluids as sugar drains your bodily organs of its herbal components. Impotence has become a difficult as well as prices for cialis serious problem nowadays for men. This is the case whether that intervention is through direct military participation, arming and financing of “Rebel” proxies or diplomatic manoeuvring. As we go to press in the days after the 13 November 2015 terror attacks in Paris, all the barbaric capitalist powers have seized on those gruesome attacks to justify not only heightened state repression and racist scapegoating at home but increased intervention in Syria and Iraq. The intensified air strikes by these powers will cause further civilian casualties that will dwarf in number the 129 people killed in the Paris attacks.