Solidarity with the Uprising Against
Racist Police Murder of Black People in the U.S.
Racism, Capitalism and Pandemic in Australia
The Last Cold War Against the Soviet Union
and the New One Against Socialistic China
No Job Cuts! No Unpaid Stand Downs!
China’s Socialistic System Enables Her People to Achieve Victory Over Virus Threat
After Decades of Struggle, Abortion Decriminalised in NSW
Cold War Repression in Australia Gets Even More Vicious
Migrant Workers and Other Leftists
March in Sydney for Socialistic China
Step Up Our Struggle to Free Socialist
Political Prisoner in Australia Chan Han Choi
In addition to the above articles contained in the print version, the following important articles below also form an integral part of Issue 24. All the articles below had been published as leaflets and mailed out to subscribers in the period before Issue 24 appeared in print form. They were not included in the print version only to allow space for newer articles given the large volume of articles issued in this period.
Working Class People in Australia & the World: Stand With Socialistic China!
Defeat the Morrison Regime’s War Against Welfare Recipients!
Defend Iran Against Imperialist Attacks!
Racist, Rich People’s Court Whitewashes State Killing of David Dungay
Corporate Bosses Endanger Workers’ Lives Even More During COVID-19 Epidemic