Photo Above: On 4 February 2025 in Khan Younis, Gaza, fighters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hold a reception to honour prisoners freed as part of the ceasefire deal with Israel. Despite massive support from the U.S., Australian and other imperialist powers and despite slaughtering nearly 50,000 people – mostly women and children – the Netanyahu regime failed to achieve its war aims in Gaza. This was due to the heroism of Palestinian resistance fighters – not only from Hamas but from Islamic Jihad and secular leftist groups like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Photo credit: r/MarxistCulture
28 February 2025 – Despite massive support from the Western powers, the genocidal Israeli regime failed to achieve its Gaza war aims. This is due to the heroism of Palestinian resistance fighters and the extraordinary resilience of the Palestinian people in the face of unparalleled brutality. The continuing blows that the Gaza resistance and their Yemeni allies inflicted against the Israeli military and the dissension that this caused within Israeli society forced Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire. However, other events have emboldened the Zionist regime. Through bombarding Lebanon – assisted by parts of Taiwan’s Western-puppet rulers who supplied Israel with the pagers used in the exploding devices attack against Hezbollah – the Israeli regime has weakened Hezbollah for the present, forcing the group to pull back from the northern front against the regime. Furthermore, right-wing ISIS-linked fanatics, massively armed by the U.S. and its Turkish, Israeli, Saudi and Qatari allies and assisted in their final offensive by direct U.S. military action, have taken over a Syria that had been ground into submission by years of U.S. and Australian sanctions. Although the ousted Syrian government’s support for Palestine was partial, it nevertheless enabled the flow of arms to Hezbollah and Hamas, provided bases for Palestinian resistance groups and shunned Israel. By contrast, the new regime has vowed not “to meddle in anything that will threaten Israel’s security” and ordered Palestinian resistance groups in Syria to close their bases and disband their military forces. No wonder Netanyahu hailed the regime change in Syria as “a historic day”. Thirdly, the new far-right U.S. regime is even more intent on backing Israel’s genocidal terror than its predecessors. The previous government headed by “Genocide Joe” Biden also supported Israel to the hilt. But it tried to limit the battering of its own image that this was causing. As a result, last May it paused shipping Israel the 2,000-pound bombs that inflicted such carnage in Gaza. Now, the Trump regime has resumed shipping these weapons. Moreover, regardless of whether Trump can actually drive out Palestinians from Gaza as he plans to, or is using the threat of this to weaken Palestine in negotiations, his Gaza plan imperils the Palestinian people.
Palestinian people are still in great danger. This is the case whether the Zionist regime unleashes a new assault on Gaza’s people, or instead focuses on intensifying its terror in the West Bank, while maintaining the caged, pre-October 2023 “status quo” in a now devastated Gaza. Since the Gaza ceasefire began, Israel has greatly escalated its attacks against West Bank Palestinians. Over the last two months, Zionist forces have killed at least 13 children there. Among those that the regime murdered was two year-old Leila al Khatib, who soldiers shot while she was in her own home in Jenin. Those who survive, the Israeli military forces to flee by bulldozing their homes and smashing connecting sewerage and water pipes. More than 40,000 people have been forcibly displaced from their homes in the West Bank since the ceasefire came into force – the highest number since Israel occupied the Palestinian Territory in 1967. The Left and workers movements must escalate struggles worldwide in support of the Palestinian people. Let us mobilise mass actions to demand: No new Israeli attack on Gaza! Down with Israel’s terror in the West Bank! Israeli troops and fascist settlers get out of the West Bank, all of Gaza and Syria’s Golan Heights! Israel out of Lebanon!
We have a special responsibility here. Next to the U.S., German and British regimes, no other regime gives as much support to Israel as the Australian one. It jointly operates with the U.S. the Pine Gap spy base near Alice Springs that transmits to Israel the location of targets to bomb. Australian troops in the Middle East directly participate in attacks on Yemeni supporters of Palestine. Australian bases are facilitating air-to-air refuelling of the U.S. bombers that attack the Houthis. We need powerful actions to demand: Close Pine Gap! No refuelling or hosting of U.S. warplanes from Australian bases! Australian troops get out of the Middle East! No military sales to Israel by Australian companies!
As part of this struggle, we must resist the ruling class’s attempts to silence pro-Palestinian voices by cynically branding them as “antisemitic”. On Monday, university bosses announced a new “definition” that will label as “antisemitic” any calls for eliminating Israel as an ethnic supremacist state. The next day, police hit nurse Sarah Abu Lebdeh with severe charges for merely reacting angrily to being contacted on social media by extreme Zionist provocateur, Max Veifer. Rightly furious at Israel’s genocidal terror and justly incensed at Veifer’s blatant justification of Israel’s killing of Palestinian civilians – on the basis that the majority of Gaza’s people had voted for Hamas (!) – Abu Lebdeh and Blacktown Hospital co-worker Ahmad Rashad Nadir responded to Veifier’s baiting by making unfortunate, obviously false claims to him that they had refused to treat Israeli patients. Ruling class politicians and media seized on their retorts to hype them up and witch-hunt the nurses, causing their jobs to be suspended. Hospital and university administrations here – if they were actually controlled by the people and the workers at these institutions – would be speaking out against the killing and jailing of Palestinian doctors and nurses, and the destruction of hospitals and the entire university sector in Gaza by the genocidal Israeli state. We demand: Drop all charges against Sarah Abu Lebdeh! Reinstate her and her colleague! Junk the universities’ “antisemitic” definition that aims to silence pro-Palestine voices!
Some argue that Western powers support Israel because they are controlled by the Zionist lobby. However, this has it the wrong way around. In fact it is U.S. imperialism and its allies that are the masters – albeit ones that hold their nasty Zionist attack dogs on a long leash. Thus, Trump’s plan for the U.S. to annex Gaza in order to turn it into a resort run by American firms is a scheme to boost U.S. capitalist profits, with Zionist expansionist plans relegated to second place. U.S. rulers use Israel as an enforcer of their predatory goals in the Middle East. We saw his in Israel’s role in the West’s regime-change triumph in Syria, which Netanyahu proudly declared “is a direct result of the blows we have inflicted….” The U.S. imperialists are desperate to ensure that the Middle East is firmly in their grip. This is both to grab the region’s oil wealth and because of the region’s crucial location at the crossroads of the world. To do so, they must ensure that no government in the region pries out too much independence for itself, including through establishing strong mutually beneficial relations with socialistic China. With their Syria problem now “solved”, the U.S. is counting on their Zionist attack dogs to help maul the last remaining regime in the region not under their thumb – the Iranian one. As you can see, U.S. support for Israel has little to do with loyalty to Zionism, let alone concern for Jewish people. Indeed, the biggest player within the current U.S. administration and the world’s richest capitalist, Elon Musk, is at one and the same time a strong Israel supporter – who bans people from X if they call for “Palestine to be free from the river to the sea” – and a rabid antisemite. Musk promotes racist conspiracy theories against Jewish people nearly as much as he cheers white supremacist attacks on blacks, Muslims and other people of colour. Musk, Trump and Co. are not only prepared to facilitate the genocide of Palestinian people if it helps them enforce their class tyranny over the Middle East but to fight to the last drop of Jewish Israeli blood too.
Similarly, Australia’s ruling class only backs Israel because Israel helps enforce the power of the Zionists’ U.S. masters. Australia’s capitalist exploiting class needs this because it is the might of its U.S. godfather that protects its own mafia style plunder and tyranny over the resources and peoples of the Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia. That is why the Australian rulers’ support for Israel is so intractable, because the interests of the Zionist lobby coincide with the predatory interests of Australia’s capitalist rulers. To force a change, we need to weaken the ruling class so decisively that they are unable to hold up their Israeli allies. But how do we do this? If we only appeal to the masses’ sense of conscience to stand with Palestine, this will never be enough, given the overwhelming pro-Israel propaganda that the masses are subjected to. However, just like in the U.S., working class people here have compelling reasons to struggle against their ruling class. Capitalist rule is driving millions of people in Australia into poverty through grossly unaffordable rents, prices that have risen faster than wages and the lack of secure, permanent jobs for young workers. The ruling class here subjects Aboriginal people to violent cop attacks and racist smear campaigns. Arab and Muslim communities are furious at the racist violence and abuse they face on the streets, attacks that are being incited by the ruling class and its media’s vilification of people with a pro-Palestine sentiment; and then further inflamed by their broader racist scapegoating of migrants and refugees. Ruling class narratives are also fuelling attacks against people of East Asian, South Asian, African and other people of colour heritage. We must build struggles that unite opposition to the Australian regime’s backing for Israeli terror with the fight against racist attacks on migrants and people of Muslim, Arab, Asian and African backgrounds, with solidarity with the Aboriginal people’s struggle for liberation, with standing shoulder to shoulder with the embattled CFMEU construction workers union and supporting union strikes to win real wage rises and permanency for casuals, and with mass action to win a massive increase in low-rent public housing.
The biggest obstacle to building these struggles are the masses’ illusions that change can be achieved through merely voting at elections to shuffle which party administers the capitalist order. Of course, no genuine Palestine supporter will vote for the Liberals or for the far-right parties. But some may vote Labor on the grounds that it is “a lesser evil”. To do so is to accept defeat and to support the continuing genocide of the Palestinian people! Many will refuse to. However, it would be a tragedy if that leads to Palestine supporters voting for the Greens. Yes, the Greens do verbally oppose the most extreme aspects of Israeli terror. But the Greens back the other agendas of the Western imperialist rulers that prop up Zionist rule. The Greens rabidly supported imperialism’s proxy-war to overthrow the previous Syrian government, enlist in the Cold War big lie campaigns against socialistic China and inflame the U.S.-led war drive against Iran – often demanding that the Western powers enact tougher sanctions against Iran. Furthermore, because the Greens embrace capitalist bigwigs and their system, when they have been part of governments, the Greens inevitably yield to pressure from the capitalists. During Israel’s November 2012 war on Gaza, when the Australian regime was, as now, giving military support to Israeli terror, the Greens remained in a de facto coalition government with Labor. For their part, the Greens German counterparts hold the ministry of foreign affairs in the German coalition government that has been Israel’s most fervent supporter in Europe. That is why we urge all Palestine supporters to convince their friends not to vote at the upcoming elections for any of the parties currently in parliament – whether directly or through preferences. The more people are convinced that nothing good can come from supporting these parties, the more willing people will be to join the strikes, occupations and other militant mass actions needed to oppose the genocide-supporting Australian ruling class. And the more open they will be to building the new workers party that is ultimately needed to organise mass resistance to capitalism and imperialism.
Let’s tirelessly oppose the Australian capitalist class that is a key prop for Zionist terror! Let’s stand against the Australian imperialists and their U.S. godfather in every battle they face around the world. Let’s support the resistance that is building in Syria against the new pro-imperialist regime there! Let’s stifle the U.S.-led war drive against Iran! Most importantly, let us resist the capitalist powers’ anti-communist Cold War and defend the greatest state threat to imperialism – socialistic rule in China. When we topple U.S. and Australian imperialism, the Zionist regime that relies on it will also collapse. Then Palestinians and Jews will live happily together in a secular, socialist Palestine – from the river to the sea!
28 November 2024: Trotskyist Platform has just updated the About section of our website with an up to date and much more detailed statement of what our group stands for.
Today, the world is at a crossroads. Capitalist rule in Australia and around the world is bringing ever more poverty, job insecurity, economic stress, social division, racist oppression, misogyny and imperialism-driven wars. On the other hand, socialistic China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries and the example of continued socialistic success that she provides both present a medium-term existential threat to imperialist domination of the world. Moreover, the working class masses in the capitalist world are more and more discontent. However, right now, the absence of genuinely revolutionary socialist parties is allowing the dangerous Far-Right wing of the capitalist classes to gain in strength. Increasingly, the choice facing humanity is either the liberation of communism or the nightmare of the fascist form of capitalism. It is therefore urgent that politically conscious workers and other leftists build an authentic revolutionary, internationalist workers party in Australia. Trotskyist Platform is working hard to build such a party.
We believe that our What We Stand For statement provides the guide needed for those committed to the liberation of the exploited and oppressed to intervene into the events and struggles of this very high-stakes period in order to advance towards the goal of a socialist world where exploitation of labour, unemployment, racism, oppression of women and imperialist subjugation of “Third World” countries will become things of the past.
Please read our statement. With the world’s contradictions coming to a head, the entire fate of humanity may well be decided within the next two to four decades.
Photo Above: Israel’s thirteen month-long genocidal onslaught against the Palestinian people has reduced most of Gaza’s people to the verge of starvation; or actual starvation. Here, Palestinians wait to buy bread from the only operating bakery in the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis on 23 October 2024. Photo: Rizek Abdeljawad/Xinhua
Ten Ways that Australia’s Ruling Class Backs Israel’s Genocidal Terror
2 November 2024 – The Zionist regime’s brutality over recent weeks has exceeded even that of the crimes that they perpetrated over the preceding year. Especially targeting northern Gaza, Israel is massacring Palestinians in deliberate strikes on schools, homes and hospitals. The Israeli regime has also killed thousands in Lebanon and forced more than a quarter of that country’s people to flee their homes. This terrorism on a mass scale is based on huge support from the U.S., Australian and other imperialist regimes. But with Israel’s crimes battering their image, Western regimes started making calls for “ceasefire now” – by which they mean a ceasefire on Netanyahu’s terms. However, as brave Palestinian and Lebanese – and for their own reasons Iranian state – resistance to Israel intensifies, Western support for Israel has again become more overt. The U.S. has now sent a hundred troops to help Israel operate the THAAD missile system that the U.S. is providing them.
Australia’s capitalist ruling class is also greatly supporting Israel’s genocidal terror. They do this in ten different ways:
The Australian regime hosts and jointly operates with the U.S. the Pine Gap spy base near Alice Springs. Receiving data from two U.S. spy satellites, the base transmits to Israel the location of targets to hit with missiles and bombs. How many times have schools, hospitals, ambulances and rescue workers in Gaza been targeted with the direct assistance of the Australian regime and its Pine Gap terror installation?
Two weeks ago, when the U.S. launched a massive air strike against Yemeni supporters of the Palestinian people, the Defence Department boasted that Australia directly assisted the attack “through access and overflight for US aircraft in northern Australia”. Apparently, the Australian air bases enabled air-to-air refuelling of the U.S. bombers.
Australian troops are in the Middle East directly participating in the U.S. and British-led attacks on Yemeni supporters of Palestine who have been deterring ships linked to Israel and its allies from traversing the Red Sea.
The regime lists Hamas and Hezbollah as “terrorists”. That means that Australians who make donations to them face years in jail. Given that Hamas and Hezbollah are non-state groups based in poverty-stricken lands, these groups rely on overseas donations. Since Australia is a richer country with a large Arab diaspora, Australians could be a key source of the funds needed to support these groups’ anti-Israeli resistance. The “terror” bans are thus very harmful.
Australian companies sell military equipment and supplies to the Israeli military.
The regime backs Israel’s arms providers. In February, the Australian military awarded a nearly $917 million contract to Israel’s biggest arms producer, Elbit Systems – known for supplying Israeli forces with killer drones and mortars.
The ALP government provides diplomatic cover for Israel’s terror.
The Australian regime sanctions Iran. Sometimes, Canberra disguises these as measures against the Iranian government’s repressive and anti-women policies. But Australia’s rulers care nothing for the Iranian masses. Their real goal is to support the U.S. and Israeli drive to bring Iran to heel. This was proven a fortnight ago, when the Australian government unleashed new sanctions on Iran in response to her 100% justifiable missile strike on Israel.
From their police arresting anti-genocide protesters, to their politicians threatening Palestine activists to their universities expelling pro-Palestine students and effectively sacking pro-Palestine academics, Australia’s ruling class are trying to suppress anti-genocide protests.
Australia’s capitalist-owned media have unleashed a barrage of propaganda alibiing Israel.
Despite Australia’s rulers proving to be the enemy of Palestine, some groups keep on appealing for “the government to do more to stop the genocide”. But to say that the Labor government should “do more” is to misleadingly imply that they are actually already doing something positive! That is why the pro-ALP current leaders of our unions and other, “pro-Palestine” ALP hacks keep selling us this “do more” line. So, too, do the Greens. For, although the Greens criticise Albanese’s stance, they do not want Australia’s capitalist order, that they are ultimately loyal to, to be completely discredited. By appealing to the government “to do more” they are covering up the huge amount of harm that the ruling class is actually doing!What we do need to do is toforce the Australian ruling classto do less – that is, less participation in Israeli/U.S.-led terror. We need powerful actions to demand: Close Pine Gap! No refuelling or hosting of U.S. warplanes from Australian bases! Australian troops involved in the operation against Yemeni supporters of Palestine: Get out of the Middle East! Lift the regime’s “terror” listing of Hamas and Hezbollah! No military sales to Israel! Cancel Australian contracts to Israeli arms suppliers! Lift the sanctions on Iran! Down with the regime’s attacks on pro-Palestine activists!
17 October 2024, Yemen: Death and destruction in the capital of Yemen, Sana’a following a massive U.S. air strike using long-range B-2 bombers. The attack was aimed at quelling the heroic actions in support of the embattled Palestinian people by Yemen’s Houthi forces. The Australian regime boasted that Australian air bases assisted the attack through “through access and overflight for US aircraft in northern Australia”. Apparently, the Australian air bases enabled air-to-air refuelling of the U.S. bombers. In supporting this attack on pro-Palestinian resistance forces, the Australian regime is actively assisting the Israeli regime to conduct its genocide of the people of Gaza.
It is in the Working Class’ Own Interests to Stand with the Opponents of Zionist/Western Terror!
Apart from the Western-puppet Taiwanese ruling class (and it has now been confirmed that the Taiwanese firm that made the exploding pagers used by Israel in its Lebanon terrorist attack has long-time links with U.S. intelligence agencies), no rulers administering a population size comparable to Australia’s provide even a small fraction of the support to Israel’s terror as Australia’s rulers do. So when you hear a co-worker say that “what happens in the Middle East has nothing to do with us”, tell them that they are very mistaken! Explain too that given how much the Western regimes have invested in backing Israel, if the Zionist/Western forces were to triumph, it would embolden Western ruling classes. The victorious Australian capitalist rulers would be more confident to attack the rights of workers, Aboriginal people, refugees and all the poor. It is not completely a coincidence that the Australian ruling class launched its biggest attack on the working class in four decades – the forcing of the militant CFMEU workers union into administration – during the midst of the “national security”-obsessed climate fostered by their participation in the Gaza massacre. On the other hand, if those resisting the Zionist/Western forces could hold them off, it would damage the prestige of the Western capitalists. That would facilitate the struggles that we badly need here to defend our unions, to drive down rents, to fight for Aboriginal people’s liberation and to resist racist attacks on people of Muslim, Arab, Asian and African heritage. So it is not only a moral imperative but is in the very interests of workers and all the oppressed here to stand for the victory of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance. We must also side with Iran, Syria and Yemen against Israel and their U.S., British and Australian allies.
So why are Australia’s capitalist rulers such intractable Israel backers? It is not because of Zionists within the ruling class. Yes, there are some capitalists who are Zionists. But most are not. And most actually could not care less about the myths of Zionism. Rather they back Israel because they need U.S. power to be upheld, because that is what underwrites their own imperialist rape of the Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia. That means backing the Israeli attack dog of the U.S. in the strategically located and oil-rich Middle East. In other words, Australia’s ruling class backs Israel in order to uphold its own predatory interests. It is as simple as that! To force this exploiting class to “do this less”, we must threaten their own interests to such a level that the capitalist rulers will find it less harmful to retreat from backing Israel than to continue.
Many of the elements that we need to build a movement that can force Australia’s rulers to retreat from their support of Israeli terrorism are contained within the Palestine Action Group-organised mass protests in Sydney. Speeches by Aboriginal activists have powerfully linked the Australian ruling class’ support for Zionist settler colonialism with their own genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people. During the marches, we have shouted some apt chants, like: “Albanese – Blood on Your Hands”. But there is an, effectively opposite, political direction coexisting within the movement. One that does not oppose the ruling class as an enemy but appeals to them as a potential albeit misguided ally. When the ruling class-media reports on pro-Palestine protests, they rarely quote the hard hitting chants or most cutting speeches, lest they encourage such sentiments. Instead they quote the appeals to the ruling class to “do more”. As long as the capitalist rulers know that this is the main message issuing from the protests, they will not feel threatened by them (just annoyed). And that means they will not feel compelled to retreat from supporting Israel. This is the problem we must fix!
Those most consciously promoting appeals to the ruling class at pro-Palestine events are the Greens. For although the Greens oppose the most brutal aspects of Zionist terror, they nevertheless uphold the Australian capitalist order that benefits from Israeli aggression in the Middle East. Thus, when on the October 7 anniversary, the Albanese government put a despicable parliamentary motion proclaiming “Israel’s right to defend itself” and condemning Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran for resisting Israel, the Greens refused to oppose the motion and only abstained.
From the Greens’ perspective, Australian support for Israel’s terror is one of Australia’s political order’s few bad aberrations within an otherwise “democratic” system. Thus, when addressing the October 13 protest, Greens senator David Shoebridge contrasted the ALP government’s refusal to support Palestine refugees with what he called its correct support for Ukraine’s war against Russia. But the Western regimes back Ukraine for the same reason that they back Israel: to feed an attack dog that will enforce their world domination – in this case by trying to subordinate Russia, which, while itself under a capitalist regime, refuses to submit to Western hegemony. Every supporter of Palestine should stand for the imperialist backers of Israel to be weakened by defeats in all the theatres that they are fighting in – including in Ukraine.Most crucially, we must oppose the imperialists’ drive to destroy the main state threat to their global tyranny – the Chinese workers state.
Whether it is waging Cold War against socialistic China, arming a proxy war against Russia or backing Zionist terror and genocide, the Australian and other imperialist rulers are driven by their quest to reinforce their world “order” that facilitates their looting of the poorer countries. Far from Australian ruling class support for Israel’s Gaza genocide being an exception to the rule, it is typical of this class’ whole history. This country’s capitalist order is based on the genocide of Aboriginal people and the continued brutal oppression of this country’s First Peoples. That was highlighted by the brave and inspirational protest twelve days ago by independent senator, Lidia Thorpe, against Australia’s visiting head of state, King Charles, when the Aboriginal woman shouted: “You committed genocide against our people…. F_ck the colony!… You are not our king!” Moreover, in executing civilians, massacring onion farmers and slitting the throats of teenage boys, Australian regime forces that participated in the occupation of Afghanistan perpetrated the same type of racist crimes that Israeli troops are committing on a huge scale in Gaza. It is not only pro-Palestine protests that Australia’s rulers are trying to suppress. Politicians are threatening to throw Lidia Thorpe out of her senate seat for protesting against the blood-stained monarch, while the CFMEU union has been taken over by regime administrators for daring to stand up too staunchly for workers rights.
We must junk all illusions that we can appeal to Australia’s capitalist rulers to support Palestine or indeed support any other just cause. Such appeals are worse than futile. They are preventing the pro-Palestinian movement from becoming a force of unalloyed opposition to the ruling class that is backing Israel’s terror. Many of us have put much effort into joining pro-Palestine protests. But we want the actions to do more than make us feel good for protesting against the genocide. We need to turn the actions into ones that so implacably oppose the ruling class, so discredits them, so destabilises their political order that they will be compelled to retreat from their backing of Israeli terror. Everyone who understands this has a duty to not only join the rallies but to do so with placards that will help steer the movement in this direction. Come bearing signs like: “Resist Australia’s Capitalists and Monarchy that Supports Israel’s Terror and Brutally Oppresses Aboriginal People!”, “Stand With Palestine! Shut Down Pine Gap! Smash the U.S./Australia Attacks on Yemen!” and “Down With Support for Israel! Defend the CFMEU! For a Working-Class Intifada in Australia Against the Capitalist Elites!”
Photo Above,Yemen, January 2024: U.S and British forces, backed by the Australian, Canadian and New Zealand imperialists, hit Yemeni people and Yemen’s Houthi forces with deadly air and missile strikes. Human Rights Watch facilitated the attacks by producing a report accusing Yemen’s Houthis of “war crimes” for their laudable efforts to defend the people of Gaza through blocking Israel-linked shipping traversing through the Red Sea. By helping to attack actions in support of the Palestinian people of Gaza, Human Rights Watch is complicit in Israel’s ongoing Gaza genocide.
“Human Rights Watch” – Facilitators of Imperialist Terror, Enemies of Socialism
7 April 2024: Today, in the course of giving his Israeli ally the gentlest of slaps on its wrists for murdering aid workers, Britain’s foreign minister, David Cameron, referred to Israel as “a proud and successful democracy.” This compliment was given while Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza! And while the Israeli regime is forcing the Palestinian people in the West Bank to live under brutal Apartheid conditions! As for the capitalist ruling class of Britain itself and that of the U.S., Australia, Germany, France and other “Western democracies”, their self-description as “liberal-democracies” supposedly gave them the license to invade Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands of her people on the basis of a false pretext; and today to arm, support and help direct Israel’s genocide in Gaza. It is in the name of “standing up for democracy” that these Western ruling classes are threatening China in the waters of the South China Sea off her own coast and massively arming the anti-China, Western-puppet Taiwanese regime. And it is supposedly a quest to “defend our democratic values” that is driving the Western regimes to engage in a massive military build-up towards war against socialistic China and her North Korean socialistic ally. Here in Australia, the capitalist rulers believe that their status as a supposed “Western democracy” allows their state institutions to continue to strip Aboriginal children from their families and culture in the name of “child protection” and their governments to impose curfews and compulsory “income management” schemes discriminatorily targeting Aboriginal people. Australia’s capitalist government thinks that its self-proclaimed status as a “democracy” allows it to maintain housing policies that enable the capitalist bigwigs that they serve – and other wealthy individuals – to rip off huge fortunes from speculative property investments and exorbitant rents, while shoving millions of low-income renters into poverty and sometimes even homelessness. All of this is supposedly acceptable, because the people are said to have “freely” decided themselves through “democracy”.
However, the truth is that in these “Western-style democracies” the masses are not truly deciding. To be sure, the “democratic” form of capitalist tyranny is preferable to other, still more repressive, forms of capitalist rule. For it allows the working class masses to more easily organise resistance against their own exploitation. However, in truth, the democracy that exists in capitalist “liberal democracies” is only a “democracy” for the capitalist class. Just like other forms of capitalist rule – like fascism, military dictatorship, absolute monarchy and theocratic dictatorship – the “democratic” form of capitalism is still in essence the dictatorship of the capitalist class over working class people. For in the “democratic” form of capitalist state as in the fascist form, the enforcement arms of the state – the police, army, courts, prisons and bureaucracy – are themselves tied to the financially dominant capitalist class and inevitably serve the exclusive interests of this class. This remains the case no matter who wins elections. Moreover, although “parliamentary democracy” under capitalism allows “one person one vote”, the means to shape public opinion – and in the end that means how people vote too – overwhelmingly resides with the super-rich capitalists. It is this class that owns the media. It is they who, in great disproportion to their numbers, have the financial resources to fund political parties, pay for political advertising, hire lobbyists and establish “independent” think tanks. Whereas in the fascist and military dictatorship form of capitalist rule, capitalist interests are enforced mostly through naked force, in the “democratic” form of capitalist rule, capitalist power is, in the first instance, mostly enforced through deception (and when this doesn’t work, they can of course revert to brutal repression and, if necessary, will even seek to overthrow their own “democracy” and replace it with the fascist form of capitalist rule).
Of all the different means of deception that the capitalists have at their disposal, their most effective tools are their supposedly “independent”, “human rights organisations”. These are especially crucial for the capitalists of the richer, imperialist ruling classes to make their “own” masses support their predatory interests abroad. Among such “human rights organisations”, there is one that stands out for its level of influence, Human Rights Watch (HRW). When the mainstream Western media or a Western ruling class politician wants to attack an overseas enemy of the capitalist ruling class that they serve, the “credible source” that they will most often quote is HRW. This in turn boosts the authority of HRW.
HRW’s number one aim is to vilify the socialistic states: the Peoples Republic of China, Cuba, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK – “North Korea”), Vietnam and Laos. HRW also targets any other state that happens to be in the gun sights of the U.S.-led Western imperialists. In 2011, HRW played a key role in facilitating the NATO operation in Libya to overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi, who the Western imperialists had decided was not bowing down enough before their demands to be allowed to continue to rule such an oil-rich country. In the lead up to the NATO intervention in Libya that began on 19 March 2011, HRW unleashed a torrent of hyped-up “reports” of alleged human rights atrocities by the Libyan government that provided the “human rights cover” for NATO’s intervention. There was, for example, this “report” that HRW released just six days before NATO’s terror bombing was unleashed: Then as NATO continued to rain death upon the people of Libya, HRW produced more “reports” of supposed atrocities by Libyan government forces (for example: ) that served to justify the continuation of the blood-soaked Western imperialist, “regime-change” operation.
Tripoli, Libya, 19 June 2011: Doctors stand near the bodies of a man and a child killed when NATO destroyed yet another residential building in the Libyan capital during their neo-colonial 2011 military intervention in Libya. Through greatly hyped-up and one-sided “human rights reports” in the days leading up to the NATO attack, Human Rights Watch’s propaganda provided the “human rights” “justification” for the brutal NATO onslaught. Photo: Ivan Sekretarev/AP
The Devious Nature of Human Rights Watch’s “Even Handedness”
To give themselves credibility, HRW will occasionally also report on human rights violations by the U.S. and other Western ruling classes. But they will mostly only report problems that everyone already knows about and which have been substantiated many times over. That way their “exposés” of human rights atrocities of Western capitalist regimes do minimal damage. In contrast, when HRW launches an attack on China, Cuba or another socialistic state, or on a capitalist state that is being too independent of the Western imperialist rulers, they will produce either entirely new claims or spread, as fact, highly disputed claims made by others – most of which are usually completely unsubstantiated or simply plain lies. Moreover, whenever attacking supposed human rights violations in a workers state or other country in the firing sights of Western imperialism, HRW will not only use the most extreme language as possible but will always make their shrill statements in the context of accusing the targeted state of having an “abysmal human rights record”. By contrast, whenever HRW feels compelled to acknowledge human rights problems in Western capitalist countries they use moderate language and emphasise that the issues occur in the context of the state having an otherwise “strong record of protecting civil and political rights”. Having a “strong record of protecting civil and political rights” is precisely how the Human Rights Watch (HRW) World Report 2022 described the human rights record of Australia’s capitalist regime. The very regime whose special forces murdered dozens of Afghan civilians in cold-blooded, racist executions during their war-crime-ridden participation in the two decade-long U.S./NATO occupation, whose racist police and prison guards have killed, or otherwise caused, the deaths of hundreds of Aboriginal people in custody over the last three decades and which brutally imprisons asylum seekers in offshore hell-holes.
The full range of HRW’s methods of deception were unleashed during their propaganda campaign buttressing the 2011 NATO operation in Libya. For example, HRW acknowledged that NATO killed civilians during their Libya operation but greatly downplayed the numbers. HRW stated that NATO killed “at least 72 civilians”, when even other pro-Western sources acknowledge that the NATO airstrikes killed at least several hundred civilians – and other sources report the number of civilians killed by NATO in the thousands. In contrast, HRW greatly exaggerated the number of civilians killed by the Gaddafi government enemies of NATO.
As well as greatly downplaying the numbers of civilians killed by NATO, HRW despicably praised NATO for supposedly making genuine efforts to protect civilians during its 2011 Libya intervention! Check out this disgusting HRW apology for NATO war crimes in Libya disguised as a “criticism”:
“NATO says it took extensive measures to minimize civilian harm, and those measures seem to have had a positive effect: the number of civilian deaths in Libya from NATO strikes was low given the extent of the bombing and duration of the campaign. Nevertheless, NATO air strikes killed at least 72 civilians, one-third of them children under age 18. To date, NATO has failed to acknowledge these casualties or to examine how and why they occurred.”
“Unacknowledged Deaths”, 12 May 2012, HRW website
The truth is that the 2011 NATO regime-change operation that HRW deviously facilitated with its “human rights” reports not only directly killed thousands of civilians in air strikes but produced a horrific, new imperialist-created “order” in Libya. That “order” immediately resulted in murderous racist violence against black African residents of Libya. In the following years, it produced multi-sided sectarian violence and clashes between rival warlords that killed tens of thousands of Libyan people. Human Rights Watch has a lot of blood on its hands!
HRW followed its Libya playbook when “reporting” on the upheaval in Syria that erupted in 2011. Initially the anti-government protests in Syria had a multi-directional quality. But by early 2012, the U.S.-led imperial powers had taken effective political hegemony of the movement and turned it into an armed proxy war aimed at toppling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad government and replacing it with one more subservient to the Western imperialists. As they poured arms, intelligence and training into their armed proxies, HRW filled the information space with one-sided, hyped-up and often false reports accusing Syrian government forces of horrific crimes. Without ever openly stating their intentions, HRW were key propagandists who justified the imperial powers’ proxy war to subordinate Syria. This proxy war caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrian people and the forced displacement of millions more. HRW has much complicity in this carnage!
Today, HRW are at it again! This time they are facilitating the attacks of the U.S., British, Australian and other Western imperialists against the most effective international solidarity actions with the embattled Palestinian people over these last six months – the Yemeni Houthi actions to stop Israeli related shipping from traversing the Red Sea. As the U.S.-led imperialist powers took political steps to justify their impending air strikes against the Yemeni supporters of the Palestinian people, HRW provided the “human rights” justification for the attacks by despicably accusing the Yemeni Houthis of “war crimes” for the Houthis’ laudable actions to resist the Gaza genocide by targeting Israeli-linked shipping. To be sure, with Israel’s ongoing genocide of the people of Gaza obvious to most of the world, HRW also has to make stern criticisms of Israel. If they did not do so, they would lose all credibility and thus all ability to serve Western imperialism. However, by equating resistance actions in support of Israel’s victims with Israel’s genocidal terror, HRW is obscuring the one-sided genocide that is taking place. To facilitate attacks on pro-Palestinian resistance actions when a horrific slaughter of Palestinian people is taking place is to be complicit in the mass murder of the Palestinian people. Therefore, HRW shares responsibility for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians.
18 April 2024: Palestinian people survey the damage in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip following yet another murdering Israel strike. Photo: Xinhua
Funded and Led By Wealthy Western Capitalists and Serving Their Class Interests
Although HRW would like to portray itself as a “grassroots” organisation standing up for “human rights”, it is the very opposite of that. Headquartered in the U.S., HRW is a multi-hundred million dollar operation funded by super wealthy American and other Western donors and corporations. It is indeed run like a corporation. The outfit’s CEO, Kenneth Roth, is paid an annual salary package in excess of $A1.05 million per year (!!) … hardly the practice of an organisation that claims to be devoted to “bringing greater justice and security to the oppressed around the world”! For the last two years, HRW’s annual revenue averaged over $A163 million per year – overwhelmingly from contributions from rich donors and millions more from fundraising events.
HRW goes to great lengths to hide exactly who the wealthy donors and corporations backing it are. Despite its frequent criticism of various adversaries of Western imperialism for “lack of transparency”, HRW is itself a very shadowy organisation. One massive donor to HRW that the organisation has had to confirm is anti-communist billionaire, George Soros. In September 2010, HRW announced that Soros would be donating a massive $US100 million to the group over ten years. That means that this leaching hedge fund manager, known for his extreme criticisms of socialistic China and his earlier funding for the political forces that destroyed the East European and Soviet workers states through capitalist counterrevolution, has been providing a large proportion of HRW’s funding. Indeed, suchcorporate bigwigs also make up a big and leading part of HRW’s Board of Directors. Like Soros, many of them extracted their wealth from the especially parasitic finance sector. Thus, one of the two Co-Chairs of HRW’s Board is co-founder and General Partner of venture capitalist group Index Ventures, Neil Rimer. The other Co-Chair, Amy Rao, is a former CEO of a Silicon Valley company. Many of the Board’s Vice Chairs are also bigwigs of investment firms, including the chairman of Japanese financial services company, Monex Group, Oki Matsumoto. This HRW Vice Chair owns $A180 million of shares in his company. Another Vice Chair is Principal at financial services firm KME Consulting, Kimberly Marteau Emerson. Emerson had earlier worked in Bill Clinton’s administration as a senior political appointee and as a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department; which exemplifies the close links between the HRW and the U.S. regime. Indeed, one of the only officers in HRW’s Board who has not been a corporate bigwig is the former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria and the Republic of Congo, Robin Sanders. Meanwhile, the Australian in the HRW Board and indeed a Vice Chair of the Board, is one of the two owners and co-chairs of Australian private equity firm, CHAMP Private Equity, Joseph Skrzynski. Skrzynski, who was once also the chairman of SBS, is known for his ownership of extravagant beach-side mansions in Palm Beach and Elizabeth Bay.
Given that it is both funded by capitalist tycoons and other wealthy Western donors and led by corporate bigwigs it is little surprise that HRW takes a political line of strident opposition to the workers states created through the overthrow of capitalism. Indeed, anti-communist opposition to socialistic states goes to the very roots of HRW. HRW began in 1978 with Helsinki Watch – an organisation formed to support anti-communist forces seeking to overthrow the workers states then ruling the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. This fundamental purpose of HRW, to provide the “human rights” cover to forces seeking the counterrevolutionary overthrow of socialistic states, has not changed to this very day.
With HRW, together with the rest of the imperialist ruling classes, having succeeded in destroying the former Soviet and East European workers states, their focus has now turned to the goal of destroying the remaining workers states. That HRW has gained much greater prominence in recent years is a reflection of the increasing desperation of the imperialist rulers to achieve this goal. With socialistic China’s spectacular successes in lifting her people out of poverty and improving the economic and cultural lives of her population such a stark contrast to the periodic economic crises, stagnant real wages, growing homelessness, divided societies, social malaise and decay of the capitalist world, the imperialist rulers know that they must destroy socialistic rule in China in order to ensure their own tyrannies at home. They are looking to the likes of HRW to rise to the occasion and spearhead the “human rights propaganda” front of their all-sided Cold War against Red China and the other socialistic states. And unfortunately, HRW is indeed rising to the task! HRW has played a lead role in selling the lie that Red China is persecuting her Uyghur minority and blares anti-communist, anti-PRC propaganda over Tibet, Hong Kong, COVID and a whole lot of other matters.
It is notable that HRW lists the Ford Foundation as one of their key partners. Established in 1936 by the big-time capitalist Ford family that owned the Ford Motor company, the Ford Foundation has always been devoted to buttressing capitalist rule and opposing communism. It worked closely with the CIA to both spread anti-communist propaganda and to assist CIA covert interference operations around the world. In the 1960s, the Ford Foundation trained elite students in Indonesia in both pro-capitalist political and economic ideology and anti-communist military operations. These students would play an important role in the CIA-backed, 1965 far-right coup in Indonesia that saw the Indonesian military and anti-communist mobs slaughter between one million to two million Indonesian communists, trade unionists, women’s rights activists and members of the Chinese and other minority communities. That HRW and the Ford Foundation should today be working closely together is thus completely natural. It is a bond between organisations that serve the same masters – the U.S. and other Western capitalist classes – share the same anti-communist ideology and have similar blood-soaked histories of providing the “human rights” and “pro-democracy” cover for hideous imperialist-orchestrated terror.
Separately and Independently Serving Western Imperialist Interests
It is worth noting that the biggest single backer of HRW, liberal billionaire George Soros, happens to be a favourite hostile target of the reactionary far-right sections of the Western ruling classes. The far right of the capitalist establishment and its liberal wing, exemplified by the likes of Soros and HRW, truly hate each other on many issues. However, when it comes to China and other socialistic states, these feuding wings of the imperialist ruling classes – and the mainstream conservatives in between – unite as one to oppose these workers states.And they also unite as one to oppose most other states that refuse to submit to the “rules-based world order” – which, in practice, is really a “might is right” tyranny– created and dominated by the U.S. and its junior imperialist partners.
In Australia, too, we see such collaboration between the organisations and representatives of the different ruling class-supporting factions in order to advance the interests of the capitalist class – especially when it comes to attacking the socialistic states. Thus, the ALP, the Teal “independents”, the Liberals and the Far-Right parties will openly cooperate to advance the Australian capitalist regime’s aggressive, U.S.-allied, military buildup targeting socialistic China. They also come together to push through legislation and other measures that allow the regime to forcefully repress and intimidate any people from Australia’s Chinese community and beyond who dare to make statements positive about the PRC. Often such collaboration extends to the Greens – such as in making lying attacks on China and North Korea over “human rights violations” or in preventing the PRC-sponsored, language-teaching Confucius Institutes from teaching Chinese language in Australian schools (the latter McCarthyist campaign was actually driven by Greens politician, David Shoebridge).
As well as open collaboration between the squabbling wings of Western ruling classes (and the social democratic organisations supporting them), they coordinate behind the scenes. You can bet that senior U.S. ruling class politicians and CIA and State Department officials are making clear to leaders of HRW what they would like the “independent human rights organisation” to emphasise. Often this may be done in an informal manner such as when they run into each other at social functions or at events promoting one of the political forces that they both support. However, for the most part, HRW does not take direct orders from the U.S. regime. There is no overall conspiracy as such. For HRW doesn’t need to receive direct orders! What makes HRW, other prominent Western “human rights” NGOs, all the arms of the U.S. and allied regimes, the different factions of the U.S., British, Australian and other U.S.-allied ruling classes, all the mainstream Western media and all well-funded think tanks in Western countries (like Australia’s ASPI and Lowy Institute) all sing basically the same tune is that they are all institutions ultimately controlled by, often directly funded by and always serving the interests of the very same people – that is, the closely-allied, Western imperialist exploiting classes. In other words, all these institutions and organisations are designed to serve either the U.S. capitalist class or allied capitalist ruling classes – like the Australian one. The fact that they are all not, for the most part, acting together in a giant conspiracy but rather act independently for the same cause, each with their own separate emphasis and nuances and sometimes even openly bickering with each other on the details, actually makes them all the more effective in advancing the predatory interests of the U.S., British and Australian imperialist ruling classes and their allies. For this makes it easier for the likes of HRW to claim that they are “independent”, “non-partisan” organisations.
HRW likes to present itself as a grass-roots organisation supporting the under-dog that is driven by nice, compassionate people who truly care about “human rights”. But the truth is that Human Rights Watch is an incredibly rich organisation directly funded by American and other Western capitalists and by wealthy, upper-middle class Western individuals. It is led by corporate bigwigs and dedicated to serving the predatory interests of the mass murdering, genocide-in-Gaza-supporting, U.S, British, Australian and allied imperialist ruling classes. We must push back against and discredit the extremely harmful, pro-imperialist propaganda that is being spouted out by Human Rights Watch! This includes through exposé’s of HRW’s deeds facilitating war-criminal-ridden, Western interventions in Libya and Syria; and now through providing the “human rights” cover for U.S./British/Australian/Canadian/New Zealand attacks aimed at crushing Yemeni support for the embattled Palestinian people of Gaza. We must also encourage any current, or former, volunteers and staff working for HRW, who mistakenly thought that they were joining a genuine human rights organisation and who are now disgruntled, to blow the whistle on the highly secretive organisation, expose all its funding sources and make the public aware of all of HRW’s connections to Western regime officials and unsavoury, imperialist-backed “rebel” groups in socialistic countries and other Western-targeted states. We in Trotskyist Platform also call on all genuine opponents of capitalism and imperialism to build street protests and pickets against Human Rights Watch. Let us work hard to obliterate blood-soaked Human Rights Watch through all political means available!
Photo Above: Houthi fighters on board a helicopter seize the Galaxy Leader, when the ship owned by Israeli capitalist billionaire, Abraham Ungar was passing through the Red Sea. It is in the service of Israel’s rich capitalist exploiting class, whom Ungar is part of, and their counterparts in the U.S. ruling class that the Netanyahu regime is waging its genocidal assault on the people of Gaza. Photo credit: Houthi media centre
Support the Pro-Palestine Actions of Houthi Rebels!
U.S. and Australian Militaries: Get Out of the Red Sea!
Close the Pine Gap Spy Base that’s Helping Direct Israel’s Genocidal Hellfire
10 January 2024:Israel’s rulers would not be able to massacre Gaza’s people without the support of the U.S. and Australian capitalist regimes. Even while pretending to care about “minimising Palestinian civilian deaths”, the U.S. is sending Israel huge new weapons caches. For its part, the Australian regime greatly assists Israel to direct its air and artillery strikes through helping operate the NT-based Pine Gap ground station for U.S. spy satellites. Most recently, the U.S. and its allies are insisting on “stopping the conflict from widening”. Their lying media make this seem like a “peace” initiative. But it is the very opposite! The Western powers want to protect the Israeli onslaught by preventing actions in support of the Palestinian people. The “widening of this conflict” through non-Palestinian forces supporting the Palestinian resistance is precisely what is needed! We say: Urge the intensification of attacks on the Israeli military by the Lebanese Hezbollah and Iraqi pro-Palestine groups! Welcome socialistic North Korea’s supply of weapons to the resistance! Hail the acts in solidarity with Palestine by Houthi rebels!
Houthi attacks demanding an end to Israel’s onslaught have disrupted Israel’s trade. When the Israeli rulers are massacring Palestinian people, such economic sabotage is 100% justified. For although they hurt ordinary Israeli people, they also block supplies to the Israeli military and hit the profits of Israel’s capitalist class – the class behind the genocidal regime in Israel. It is possible that some Houthi actions have inadvertently targeted ships not travelling to or from Israel. And it is bad that the resistance acts do put at risk the lives of workers on ships. However, such unwanted consequences are what inevitably happens when brave but poorly-armed resistance forces take on a much more powerful oppressor. Moreover, by forcing several Western shipping firms to redirect shipping from the Red Sea to the much longer route around the tip of Africa, Houthi actions are causing Western company owners to lose big profits. When the regimes that serve these Western capitalists are participating in the Gaza genocide, such blows against Western capitalist profits are what is needed.
To crush Houthi resistance, the U.S. has sent military forces to the Red Sea. The ALP government is dispatching eleven soldiers to back this anti-Palestinian action. We must demand: U.S./Australian military, get out of the Red Sea! We call on all maritime workers unions to refuse to load or crew any ships that shipping lines schedule to traverse through the Red Sea. This is necessary both to support the pro-Palestinian Houthi acts and to protect workers aboard the ships.
The Norwegian-flagged tanker, Strinda. On 12 December 2023, Houthi fighters damaged the tanker with an anti-ship missile after the vessel rejected several warning calls from the rebels. No crew were injured but the ship suffered significant damage. The Strinda was passing through the Red Sea to unload its cargo and then pick up oil or chemicals from a Mediterranean port for scheduled delivery to the Israeli port of Ashdod on January 4. Four days after the attack on the Strinda, the Hong Kong-based Orient Overseas Container Line, owned by one of China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises, COSCO Shipping, announced that it “will stop cargo acceptance to and from Israel with immediate effect until further notice”. The Houthi actions have affected the import of some supplies for the Israeli military and by making Israel’s imports more expense and disrupting Israel’s trade have hurt the profits of Israel’s capitalist class – the class behind the country’s mass murdering regime.
What the Australian Government’s Refusal to Send a Warship to the Red Sea Means and Doesn’t Mean
Although the ALP government is sending troops to the anti-Houthi operation, it declined Biden’s request to send a warship. Some have welcomed this as a sign of the government asserting “independence” from the U.S. and retreating from support for Israel. However, as it explained itself, the government only declined to send the warship because it wanted to concentrate its forces in this region – especially in the South and East China Seas. In plain speak, the Australian regime wants to focus on squeezing socialistic China. This is hardly a noble agenda! Nevertheless, it is good that the warship was not sent. That weakens the anti-Palestinian operation. But Albanese deserves no credit! The credit should go to Red China. For, inadvertently, socialistic China has drawn the fire of the Australian military and that has weakened the Red Sea operation. This is a symptom of a momentous change that is taking place in the world. That is that the rise of a socialistic power in China is challenging the global tyranny of the Western imperialists. Although China’s compromise-seeking rulers do not themselves want to overthrow imperialism and although China’s transition to socialism is wobbly, the successes of her system based on public ownership of key sectors and working-class state power inevitably threatens the hegemony of the Israel-supporting capitalist powers. And the imperialists know this! That is why all those on the side of the people oppressed by the Western capitalists – from the masses of the Global South to the Palestinian people to the working classes and subjugated First Peoples within the West – must unconditionally defend socialistic China. We must demand: U.S and Australian imperialists, stop your provocations against China and get out of the South and East China Seas! Down with the propaganda against China that is used to justify the war drive against her – from the slanders against her highly successful COVID response to the lie that she is persecuting Uyghurs.
Rafah, 14 December 2023: Palestinian children look through the rubble of a building destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah. On that day alone at least 111 Palestinians were killed by Israeli attacks on Gaza. Israel would not be able to carry out this genocidal terror without the massive support it is getting from the U.S., Australian, British and other Western capitalist ruling classes. Photo credit: Khaled Omar/Xinhua
For Class War against the Australian Capitalist Ruling Class That is Participating in Israel’s Genocide!
The greatest force that can topple the imperialist “order” that is massacring Palestinians is the world’s working class. Here, the working class has the power to undermine the Australian regime’s participation in Israel’s massacre through waging class war against the ultra-rich capitalist class that is behind the regime. Mobilising such struggle is possible because the Israel-supporting capitalist class is driving many workers into poverty by slashing real wages, jacking up prices and putting up rents. The fact that many trade unionists and other wage workers have been energised by the huge pro-Palestinian marches – a movement that has brought together Palestinians and other Arabs with Aboriginal people, Asians, Africans, anti-Zionist Jews and anti-racist whites – provides an important platform for building the type of actions needed.
However, for our pro-Palestine movement to be able to push the Australian regime back,we must change its direction. To be sure, there have been terrific speeches at the events – especially by Aboriginal activists – that have indentified Australia’s capitalist rulers as an enemy that needs to be defeated. However, other speeches and slogans have instead sought to win over Australia’s ruling class. Although this latter agenda is still very critical of the rulers, it blames the regime’s stance on the particular stripe of the government or on the government’s lack of courage to resist the U.S. rulers and the pro-Israel lobby. Therefore, according to this latter political line, through either appealing to the humanity of the rulers and beseeching them to show greater resolve to resist harmful influences, or through threatening to change the stripe of the government, the Australian regime can be pulled over to a more humane stance. It is this latter political line that is overall dominant at the pro-Palestine protests. The problem with this agenda is that it is not based on reality. The truth is that Australia’s capitalist ruling class – and all the parties bidding to administer their system – is inherently loyal to Israel. Hence the capitalist rulers cannot be won over. Rather, they must be compelled to retreat. However, as long as the Palestine movement appeals to them as if they could be future, at least partial, allies, the ruling class will not feel threatened by the movement … and hence will not be forced to step back from their pro-Israel stance.
Let us examine some of the flaws in our movement that need correction. Some slogans have appealed to Albanese to “grow some balls” or “get a spine”. The message is that he should follow his own “conscience” rather than being pressured by Washington or the Israel lobby. However, although those pressures exist, the reason that Albanese supports Israel is because that is what is in the interests of Australia’s capitalist class. Australia’s capitalists back Israel because Israel is the USA’s enforcer in the oil-rich Middle East. And Australia’s capitalists need U.S. dominance to be protected because they need U.S. power to both underwrite their imperialist exploitation of PNG, East Timor and other South Pacific and Southeast Asian countries and to lead the charge against socialistic China. Although the ALP has a working class base, the Labor party’s program is to bow to the capitalists on key questions. When Albanese backs Israel’s tyranny, he is merely doing what he does on all other crucial issues – serve Australia’s capitalist exploiting class.
After Canberra voted at the UN for a “humanitarian ceasefire” four weeks ago, some hailed this as the government being dragged into finally taking a more humane stance. Especially pushing this narrative is Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi – who takes a more pro-Palestine position than the Greens’ overall line which is to (despicably) equally condemn Hamas and Israel. But the truth is that the government’s December UN vote does not represent any shift towards a more humane line. Not while the regime has not pulled back one bit from directing Israeli strikes on Gaza through the Pine Gap spy base! And not while Australian troops are taking part in the Red Sea operation! The government’s UN vote was rather an attempt to protect the regime’s “human rights credentials”. They worry too that an escalation of Israel’s massacre could further expose the true colours of Western capitalism and, moreover, provoke such resistance that it destabilises Zionist rule. As both their words supporting Israel’s agenda to drive out Hamas and their actions in Pine Gap and the Red Sea show, in as much as the Albanese government actually wants a ceasefire, they want it to be on Israel’s terms.
Some speakers at the Palestine rallies have vowed to oppose Labor at the next elections. We sure agree with that! At the last elections, unlike the rest of the Left, we in Trotskyist Platform opposed a vote for any of the parties currently in parliament – whether it be the Liberals or the ALP or Greens. But many now rejecting the ALP suggest supporting the Greens. But the Greens, who embrace capitalists amongst their ranks, are just as committed to upholding the rule of the capitalists – the class whose interests lie with supporting Israel. Thus, just like their German counterparts, if the Greens were actually in government they would likely also end up backing Israel. Moreover, when the Australian ruling class sees the Palestine movement today advocating support for the Greens, it reassures them that the movement will not resist their class rule. And that gives them confidence that they do not need to retreat from their support for Israel.
Pro-Greens influence is part of the reason why the Palestine movement has thus far not made opposing the Pine Gap base a central slogan of the protests. Subconsciously in part, leading activists know that highlighting how Australia’s rulers are actually participating in Israel’s genocidal war undercuts their current agenda of trying to win overthrough pressure sections of the ruling class. They would rather be appealing to the regime to “stand up for humanity” than condemn it as the enemy. However, as we have stressed, as long as Australia’s ruling class do not see the movement opposing them as their enemy, they will not be compelled to retreat. Moreover, if we are not taking a stand on Pine Gap and the Red Sea operation, we are failing to oppose the regime here’s main role in the war on Gaza. Therefore, we make the following appeal to our fellow pro-Palestinian activists: Come to the protests bearing signs demanding the closure of the U.S.-Australia Pine Gap spy base and the removal of all U.S. and Australian forces from the Red Sea! Convince others to also carry such signs! Advocate support for the rise of socialistic China that is threatening the Israel-supporting imperialist order! Expose the Australian government’s con job with its UN “humanitarian ceasefire” vote! Expose illusions in the Greens! Work hard to turn our pro-Palestine movement into a pro-working class movement of irreconcilable opposition to the Australian ruling class that is participating in Israel’s genocide! Support the downfall of murderous Zionism by relentlessly shaking the Western imperialist branches on which it is perched!
Photo Above: Tens of thousands of people again marched in Sydney on 3 December 2023 to protest Israel’s genocidal attack on the Palestinian people of Gaza. Photo credit: Dean Sewell
Long Live the Palestinian Resistance! Don’t Be Fooled by the Powerless UN Vote! The Australian Regime is Still Participating in Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza.
Down, Down Israeli, U.S. and Australian Regimes!
Resist Imperialism through Workers Struggle and Supporting the Rise of Socialistic China!
13 December 2023: Israeli forces are continuing to massacre children and other Palestinian civilians. They have already seized large parts of Gaza. Yet the far-right Israeli regime and their Washington senior partners want to subdue through terror Palestinian people even further. That is why the U.S. vetoed last week’s UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire. Now, the UN General Assembly has just voted overwhelmingly for a ceasefire in a non-binding resolution. The only governments to oppose or abstain on the vote were those of the U.S. and some of its most obsequious allies, like Britain, Lithuania and the Ukrainian regime that is waging the U.S.’s proxy war to subdue Russia. Also refusing to back a ceasefire are a majority of those regimes that are so servile to imperialism that they recognise the rogue, Western-propped up Taiwanese regime rather than the Peoples Republic of China as the legitimate rulers of China. These include the regimes ruling Paraguay, Guatemala and Nauru as well as those running Palau and Marshall Islands, both of which are Pacific countries where the U.S. has control of their defense arrangements under a colonial-style “Compact of Free Association”, as they do with Micronesia, which also failed to vote for a ceasefire. Also refusing to support a ceasefire are most of the openly far-right governments, like those running Italy, Hungary and Argentina.
Among those that voted for last night’s ceasefire resolution were not only governments known to have a pro-Palestine position – like those of Russia and socialistic China – but even some of Israel’s staunchest backers. This includes the liberal government of Canada, the right-wing government of New Zealand and the Labor government of Australia. With much of the world horrified by Israel’s heinous cruelty, these governments knew that maintaining public opposition to a ceasefire would expose their own brutality and the hypocrisy of their claims to be guardians of “human rights.” With Australia’s capitalist rulers (and “like-minded” ruling elites) only too aware that dishonestly wielding the club of “human rights” is a vital component of their strategy to achieve their main foreign policy goal – to crush socialistic rule in China – they felt compelled to gloss up their soiled “human rights” credentials by voting for a ceasefire. However, although the Australian government had previously opposed a ceasefire, their recent vote should not be seen as a weakening of their support for Israel’s occupation. Indeed, the Australian regime also voted for a failed U.S. amendment that put the blame for the suffering on Hamas. After the vote, Australian regime representatives decried that the U.S. amendment – that aimed at whitewashing the brutality of Israel’s 75 year-long occupation – was not included in the resolution.
What most makes the Australian government’s UN vote such a cynical, window-dressing ploy is the fact that the Australian ruling class continues to militarily back Israel. Not only does the Australian regime maintain military ties with Israel, the Pine Gap U.S.-Australia joint spy base is playing a MASSIVE role in Israel’s assault on Gaza. Operated by U.S. and Australian military personnel, the base near Alice Springs downloads information from U.S. spy satellites about targets in Gaza which are analysed and passed on to Israel. This enables the Israeli military to pinpoint its missiles and artillery so that they strike actual human targets rather than empty land or structures. In other words, the Albanese Labor government is doing more than supporting genocide. Through hosting and jointly operating Pine Gap, they are actually committing genocide! And they continue to do so! No symbolic vote for a non-enforceable UN resolution will change that! Just like Netanyahu and Biden, Anthony Albanese and foreign minister Penny Wong are war criminals.
Above: The U.S.-Australia joint spy base at Pine Gap near Alice Springs. Receiving data from U.S. spy satellites monitoring the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, U.S. and Australian personnel at the base then analyse the data and pass on to Israel the geolocations of targets. This enables Israel to pinpoint air and artillery strikes to ensure that Israeli missiles, rockets, shells and bombs hit human targets rather than vacant space or empty structures. Below: Apartment blocks – and no doubt many of the Palestinian people living in them – are destroyed by yet another Israeli air strike on Gaza City.
The huge pro-Palestinian rallies have had some impact in making even Israel’s staunchest backers want to appear like they are concerned for Palestinian civilians. In Sydney, the weekly protests have had some powerful Palestinian and progressive Jewish speakers. The highlight has been many of the speeches given by Aboriginal activists. At last Sunday’s (December 10) Sydney protest, the Aboriginal speaker was especially impressive as he insightfully connected the oppressions of Aboriginal and Palestinian people and attacked capitalist rule in Australia and its window-dressing schemes. We in Trotskyist Platform encourage people to join in these weekly Sydney pro-Palestine marches organised by the hard-working Palestine Action Group (in which the Socialist Alternative group plays a prominent role). Wealsocondemn those nominal defenders of Palestinians who are discouraging participation in the protests. After all, those seeking to demoralise activists by saying that their participation is “meaningless” are only playing into the hands of the likes of Albanese, Peter Dutton and premier Chris Minns, who have all sought to sabotage the PAG-organised actions.
At the same time, the longer that this Israeli onslaught goes, the more that the current flaws in the political strategy of the PAG limits the impact that the protests can have. Thus, while many of the slogans that rally organisers have promoted correctly take an unambiguous stance in support of the Palestinian resistance – like “Intifada, Intifada” and “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!” – some take an “even-handed” position. Chief among the latter is the call for “Ceasefire Now!” To be sure, many defenders of the Palestinian people call for a “ceasefire” because what they are seeing now is a one-sided slaughter. When they demand “ceasefire”, they mean that Israel should stop firing. However, as last night’s UN vote by the likes of Australia and France shows, when Western imperialist regimes call for a “ceasefire” they mean something very different. This was made clear after the vote. Foreign minister, Penny Wong, reiterated Australia’s support for “Israel’s right to defend itself” and Australia’s UN representative, James Larsen, ranted that “Hamas must be defeated and dismantled.” In plain speak that means that they are calling for supporting the Israeli military, which is precisely what the Australian ruling class are doing! Australia’s capitalist rulers want a “ceasefire” on Israel’s terms and are working to strengthen Israel’s military campaign so that any “ceasefire” will end up as favourable to Israel as possible. They, however, worry that further Israeli murder of civilians could provoke such broad resistance that Israel and its occupation ends up weakened. Indeed, a big part of why the Australian –and several other imperialist – regimes are now calling for a ceasefire is because they believe that Israel has already sufficiently strengthened its occupation over these last two months: by landing blows against the Palestinian resistance and by annihilating Gaza’s civilian infrastructure. We must not shout slogans that can accommodate such anti-Palestine agendas! And we certainly must not pressure the Palestinian resistance to “ceasefire”! Instead, we must give 100% support to the Palestinian resistance. Hail the courage of Palestinian resistance forces and their Yemini Houthi allies! Socialistic North Korea and other countries providing arms to the resistance: increase your supply of arms! Other non-Western countries: start sending arms to Palestinian fighters – especially to those secular and leftist groups that are taking part in the Hamas-led resistance! Let us demand: Israel out of Gaza! All Israeli troops and racist settlers out of all of the West Bank. For the complete right of return of all Palestinian refugees and their descendants!
Take Mass Action against the Australian Ruling Class that is Participating in Israel’s Onslaught!
Another problem with the “Ceasefire” chant is that it makes pro-Palestinian rallies come off as half-neutral. That makes the actions less offensive to the Israeli regime and its backers and thus far less likely to compel them to retreat. It will actually take an enormous amount to compel the regimes that facilitate Israel’s terror to back off. The U.S. imperialists prop us Israel in order to have a reliable enforcer of their predatory interests in the strategically-located and oil rich Middle East. Australia’s capitalist rulers in turn back the Israeli attack dog of the USA, because they want U.S. power to be upheld. For it is U.S. power that underwrites Australian capitalists’ plunder of South Pacific and southeast Asian countries. And it is U.S. might that Australia’s rulers hope will squeeze socialistic China so tightly that she will no longer be able to obstruct imperialist exploitation of poorer countries through mutually beneficial cooperation with them. Against such over-riding self interest, we can only compel Australia’s ruling class to retreat from their participation in the Gaza slaughter if we can seriously threaten their class interests. The PAG-organised rallies are not yet doing this. For the overall line of the actions – some particular excellent speeches excluded – while rightly very critical of the Australian government, do not brand the Australian ruling class as an enemy. Thus, when the Australian ruling class see rallies mainly opposing their Israeli and U.S. allies they are angered but not politically frightened. However, if they were to instead hear tens of thousands of people saying not just “Down, Down Israel, Down, Down USA” but shouting, “Down, Down Israeli, U.S. and Australian Regimes!”, they would be truly alarmed. And, thus, far more likely to back off!
What will especially frighten the Australian ruling class is workers’ political strike action in support of the Palestinian people. With working class people suffering under falling real wages, soaring rents and unaffordable prices, there is a definite opportunity to combine opposition to capitalist profiteering by the ruling class with opposition to its participation in the massacre of Palestinian people. We support the attempted port blockades – with union approval – of Israeli Zim shipping. At the same time, we say that blockades and industrial action would be far more effective if they directly target the interests of the Australian capitalists and their regime. After all, Israel is far away. The amount that its ruling class would be frightened by action in Australia targeting Israeli companies is limited. In contrast, if actions hurt the profits of big-time Australian capitalists at home or caused their regime’s operations to be disrupted, Australia’s ruling class would be terrified. Let’s build workers industrial action – supported by pro-Palestine pickets – to target the Australian ruling class and demand: Stop Pine Gap’s participation in the Gaza massacre – Close Pine Gap! No Australian arms exports to Israel. End Australian military ties to Israel! The fact that huge numbers – including many compassionate, intelligent youth spurred into political activism for the first time – have joined the weekly rallies can provide a crucial stepping stone for building the type of actions needed. But the step up must be made! Through the placards that we carry and the leaflets that we distribute at the protests, Trotskyist Platform has been working hard to turn the rallies into a Palestine movement that is unequivocally opposed to the Australian ruling class – the type of movement that has the potential to compel the Australian capitalists to retreat from their role in the Gaza slaughter.
The reason that the PAG leadership has not sought to turn the movement in such a direction is because, no doubt with many misgivings, they are currently betting on an alternative strategy – one that seeks through pressure to win over the Australian regime. While rightly denouncing the Albanese government’s stance, PAG leaders promote the notion that that through pressure the ALP government can be partially won over; or that greater numbers for the Greens in parliament could change the regime’s stance. However, the reality is that the Australian regime’s support for Israel’s terror flows naturally from its own essence. Capitalist Australia was formed out of genocidal massacres of this country’s First Nations peoples. No amount of window dressing can cover up the fact that Australian regime forces continue to kill Aboriginal people in custody and continue to remove Aboriginal children from their families. Moreover, while today facilitating Israel’s crimes, the Australian military, earlier, directly committed war crimes during its participation in the occupation of Afghanistan. There, Australia’s elite SAS troops massacred onion farmers, executed civilians and slit the throats of children. The problem is that no matter which particular parties control parliament, the current Australian regime has been designed to serve the capitalist class. In wealthy Australia, this class – which consists of wealthy business owners of all ethnicities but in Australia is mostly made of white Christians with just a small percentage of Jewish capitalists – not only exploits workers in this country but exploits workers and plunders natural resources at an even greater rate in the South Pacific and beyond. This class has calculated that its interests lie very much with supporting its U.S. godfather’s Israeli henchman. Therefore, this Australian capitalist class, which is the ultimate power in this country that all governments must serve, will always support Israel as long as the capitalists rule this country.
Even if the Greens win office, the Australian regime will continue to support the subjugation of Palestinian and Aboriginal people and will continue to enforce the exploitation of workers. This is especially true given that the Greens include capitalists in their ranks and refuse to stand for class struggle against the capitalist class. To be sure, the Greens appear a lot better on Palestine than the ALP and the right-wing Coalition. They at least condemn Israel’s war crimes. But their support for Palestine is limited. Feeding into the imperialist narrative that downplays the impact of Israel’s brutal 75-year-long occupation of Palestine and denying the fact that Hamas’ October 7 attack included heroic blows against the Israeli military (alongside some wrong attacks on civilians that were, however, dwarfed by the Israeli military’s killing of its own civilians through carpet bombing of contested sites during the Hamas-led incursion), the Greens harmfully equate the October 7 attack with Israel’s war crimes. Thus, an October 16 Greens statement, stated that:
“We all watched in horror at the brutality and callousness of Hamas’ October 7th attacks on innocent civilians. The State of Israel’s siege and destruction of Gaza continues the cycle of violence. It is civilians in both places paying the price.
“The Greens reject and condemn all forms of violence, especially against civilians. We again call for an immediate ceasefire between the State of Israel and Hamas, an immediate halt to the forced removal and transfer of Palestinians in Gaza, a release of hostages, and an end to the military siege.”
Of course, as sly politicians looking for votes, Greens politicians make sure that they sound a lot more pro-Palestinian than their official position when they speak at pro-Palestine protests. But if one wants an idea of how the Greens in government would actually act, one should look at the governments that their overseas counterparts are part of. In Germany, Greens foreign minister Annalena Baerbock is a hardline supporter of Israel’s onslaught and is part of a coalition government with the Social Democratic Party that has banned pro-Palestine protests. In Austria, the Greens, in coalition with a conservative party, are part of a government that voted against last night’s UN ceasefire resolution from an extreme pro-Zionist standpoint. It is telling too that, reflecting the interests of Australia’s capitalist class, the Australian Greens, for their part, only call to “renegotiate” the U.S.-Australia alliance rather than to scrap it.
What we need to do to support Palestinian and Aboriginal peoples and all the downtrodden of this country is to wage mass struggle againstAustralia’s capitalist rulers with the aim of forcing them into retreats. Any illusions that the regime can be persuaded to take a more progressive stance or that it will fundamentally change if the Greens gain a greater stake in parliament obstruct such struggle. PAG leaders are hardly alone in having such illusions. False hopes in the potential future benevolence of the Australian regime and in the Greens in particular are also widespread amongst the ranks of those joining the protests. Given the weight of propaganda and nationalism, the hardest ruling class to oppose in any imperialist country is always the ruling class in one’s own country. It is far easier to brand only the Israeli and U.S. regimes as enemies, while referring to the Australian regime as a currently deviant entity that can, however, be won over. Yet such a strategy will not be effective in restraining the Australian regime’s participation in the Gaza bloodbath. The change in direction in the movement must be made! The leap in the political consciousness of the activists participating in the movement must be achieved. With the horror of Israel’s terror and the depth of Western imperialist support for it pushing many to rethink their political perspective, such a leap in consciousness is possible. Therefore, at this time, those that understand the need to turn the pro-Palestine movement into one that is unequivocally opposed to Australia’s imperialist rulers have an extra special duty to bring that understanding to their fellow activists.
Australia’s Labor prime minister, Anthony Albanese meets U.S. president Joe Biden at the White House in late October 2023 as Israeli missiles and bombs are massacring the people of Gaza. Albanese reiterated the Australian regime’s support for its U.S. ally’s Israeli henchmen in its genocidal onslaught against the Palestinian people.
Photo credit: Michael Reynolds/EPA
“Threaten” the Global Tyranny of the Imperialists who Prop Up Israel – Support the Rise of Socialistic China!
Israel’s subjugation of Palestine is set to become even more brutal. That is why supporters of Palestine must learn key lessons from these last ten, intense weeks. One lesson arises from the reality that the capitalist rulers of various Arab and Muslim majority countries – like those of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – have at this crucial moment refused to do more than lip-service to stand by Palestinian people. Indeed, especially in the case of Egypt, with its restriction of supplies to the resistance, they have even been complicit in the Israeli onslaught. All this proves the Marxist doctrine that exploiting classes ultimately act in their own material interests rather than complying with notions of ethnic or religious solidarity; and, moreover, the political imperatives of these ruling classes are what shapes religious doctrines … and not the other way around. These countries will start standing by the Palestinian people only when their toiling classes take state power and totally free these countries from the grip of Western imperialism.
The most vital lesson for activists in Australia to learn from these last weeks is that Israel is only able to get away with its terror because it has the support of the U.S. and US imperialist allies like Australia. Therefore, truly standing with the Palestinian people means opposing the Western imperialists in every battle that they are engaged in. That means that we must stand for the defence of Russia – despite its reactionary, also-capitalist rulers – against the U.S., NATO and Australian imperialists and their Ukrainian proxies. Indeed, an indication of the, at-bottom, pro-imperialist nature of the Greens is that the Greens rabidly support the U.S.-led imperialists in their proxy war against Russia. These avowed “pacifists” even support Australian arms transfers to Ukraine! Harmfully, so do two left groups that far more sincerely support the Palestinian struggle than the Greens – Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance.
The biggest state challenge to imperialism comes from socialistic China. This is despite the currently unfinished and precarious nature of China’s transition to socialism. The U.S. and Australian imperialists know that if China continues to succeed in socialistic development, this will not only obstruct their subjugation of the Global South but could eventually encourage their own masses to fight for socialism and thereby topple them from power. If this were to happen, Israel’s tyranny over Palestine will collapse. That is why all supporters of Palestine and all anti-imperialists must defend socialistic rule in China. In doing so we must draw another crucial lesson from the events of the last ten weeks: that is that the Western capitalist rulers and their media are masters of deceit. And given that while protecting Israel is an important tactic that the U.S. and its allies have for buttressing their power, crushing socialistic China is their main strategic goal, it follows that the imperialist rulers and their media are even more biased against Red China than they are against Palestine! This is indeed the case! For example, their claim that China is persecuting her more European-looking, Muslim Uyghur population in China’s northwest is a lie cut out of whole cloth. This claim has been rejected by almost every Muslim-majority country and is largely only promoted by the regimes that today support Israel’s terror.
That imperialist propaganda against the Chinese workers state is even more intense than it is against Palestine makes it much harder to stand by socialistic China than it is to stand by Palestine. Indeed, several of the groups active in building solidarity with Palestine – including the Socialist Alternative, Socialist Alliance and Solidarity groups – ape Western propaganda against China, even while opposing some of the anti-China military build up. In 2019, these groups stood with Union Jack-carrying, pro-British colonial Hong Kong expatriates in anti-communist rallies encouraged by the Australian ruling class. A year ago, these same groups hailed the small, Western-backed, “A4 protests” in China over her COVID response that were incited by overt anti-communists. In contrast, we insist that to truly oppose the imperialists, one must have the fortitude to defy the propaganda vilifying the main “threat” to their global tyranny – socialistic China. Let us demand: U.S., British and Australian imperialists (and their lackeys in the far-right, Ferdinand Marcos Junior government in the Philippines), stop your provocations against China in the South and East China Seas! Down with Western support to the anti-communist Taiwanese regime! Down with all the Western-backed forces threatening socialistic rule in China –from anti-communist, Hong Kong rich kids to the “A4” COVID conspiracy-mongers.
Hebron, 21 October 2023: Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron protest in support of the people of Gaza. Protesters carried portraits of the leader of socialistic North Korea, Kim Jong-Un. This was in honour of North Korea’s provision of arms to the Palestinian resistance and her verbal support for the Palestinian liberation struggle. Many Palestinians see North Korea as a symbol of defiance of the Western imperialists who so brutally subjugate the Palestinian people. North Korea and especially her socialistic neighbour and ally, the Peoples Republic of China are the main targets of the imperialist powers.
When the working classes and all the downtrodden of the U.S., Germany, Australia, Britain, Japan and other imperialist countries seize state power and join China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and Laos on a socialist path, brutal national and colonial oppression – like that of Palestinian, Aboriginal, Tamil, Kashmiri and Kanak peoples – will have no powerful backers. Indeed, it will have no reason for existence. We look forward to such a world. Let’s work tirelessly and unflinchingly towards its realisation. In doing so, we will never forget the horrific suffering that Palestinian people have borne over the last 75 years and especially over the last ten weeks. We look forward to the day when Netanyahu, Biden, Anthony Albanese, Penny Wong, Annalena Baerbock and Rishi Sunak will face war crimes tribunals and be given the appropriate decisive punishments. We look forward to the day when the Palestinian people will be truly free and living happily in a socialist Palestine together with their Jewish sisters and brothers.
Above photo: Thousands marched in Sydney on July 2 in protest at the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of abortion rights in America and to demand free, safe, legal, abortion on demand in Australia. The vigour and determination of the protesters reflected their understanding that those attacking abortion rights were not only opposing an absolutely crucial right for women but were attacking women’s very right to decide what they do with their own bodies and how they lives their own lives. Photo Credit: Reuters
1 July 2022: The U.S. regime struck a savage blow against women when its Supreme Court overturned its nearly 50 year old Roe vs Wade ruling that had tenuously given American women a degree of abortion rights. Now, 26 of America’s 52 states are set to deny women those rights or to severely restrict them. It will be low-income women – and because of intense racist discrimination that often means black women as well as other women of colour – who will be hit hardest. Since a women’s decision to seek an abortion is often an economic one, the majority of women who had been getting abortions in the U.S. were those below or just above the poverty line. Yet this is precisely the same group who will now find it extremely difficult to pay for the travel and accommodation – often while suffering loss of income from taking time off work – to travel to states where abortion is legal.
To make matters worse, the majority of black women, the women most hurt by the Supreme Court overturn ruling, live in the very same southern states that are now outlawing abortion. For many such black and low-income women, the stripping of abortion rights will mean that they will either be forced to continue with pregnancies that they do not want, which could well consign them and their children to further immiseration, or will be compelled to seek dangerous backyard abortions that could result in their death, or if they get caught, imprisonment. Trotskyist Platform insists that women must have the right to safe, free and widely accessible abortion on demand. We also say that there must not be any restriction on women accessing abortion care in even the later stages of pregnancy. Moreover, women must not be forced to undergo compulsory “counseling” which only adds to the stress of what can often already be an anxious time for her, when she may have to deal with pressure from husbands, boyfriends and family as well as ignorant stigma from broader society. We demand the right to abortion that is completely on demand for women in the U.S. and for women everywhere, including here in Australia.
Right now in Australia, women generally have more of the right to choose than in the United States. In recent years, important victories have been won here. In October 2019, a law came into force that finally decriminalised abortion in NSW. This is not the result of the benevolence of its pro-capitalist parliament but a product of a decades-long struggle by abortion rights activists and supporters of women’s rights, including from sections of the trade union movement. However, women are far from having the full right to abortion on demand in Australia. For example, if a woman wants a later term abortion in NSW, that is after 22 weeks of gestation, whether they will be able to go ahead is out of their hands. That decision lies with two medical practitioners who must decide whether the practice is “appropriate”. In Tasmania, such restrictions come into force after just 16 weeks of gestation. Meanwhile, Western Australia has this country’s most draconian laws. After 20 weeks gestation, abortion is basically banned, with a women only able to access services if two doctors out of a panel of six find that she or the foetus has a severe medical condition. Before this period, women can only access abortion care after first going through a “counseling” session with a doctor different to the one providing the services. We need to fight here to remove all these serious curtailments to the right to abortion in Australia. There needs to be a major struggle to ensure that whatever rights to abortion that do exist are actually accessible for working class and rural women – and especially for Aboriginal women who are often forced to live in poverty in rural areas. Many of the abortion services that are currently available are privately run and thus the procedure is often out of reach of lower income women. Thus, ensuring women’s true right to choose means not only winning the full right to abortion on demand but also requires ensuring that the procedure is a free and widely available service provided by the public health system; and it also means ensuring that lower-income women are lifted out of poverty.
Hundreds march for abortion rights in the city of St Petersburg in the U.S. state of Florida. There have been spirited and massive pro-choice demonstrations in the U.S. following the Supreme Court’s savage blow against women’s right to choose. Photo Credit: WFTS
Women’s Rights Are Workers Rights
The abortion rights in the U.S. provided by Roe vs Wade had always been partial. Indeed, Texas and Oklahoma had effectively banned abortion even before the recent court ruling by passing laws enabling civil lawsuits against women getting abortions. A notorious late 1970s law passed in the time of Democrat president, Jimmy Carter, called the Hyde Amendment, prevents federal funding for abortion. Therefore, many low-income women simply could not afford an abortion even in the time when Roe vs Wade stood. Nevertheless, the recent court decision is a huge setback for women’s rights. In response, women in the U.S., joined by men who support women’s rights, have held huge protests. Trotskyist Platform stands in urgent solidarity with those fighting on the streets of America for women’s right to choose what they do with their own bodies.
The Supreme Court decision was condemned by senior U.S. Democrat Party members including president, Joe Biden. The Democrats have been, with success, taking control of the mass protests and saying that people need to vote for them in order to push back against the attacks on abortion rights spearheaded by the reactionary Republicans. However, the Democrats’ commitment to abortion rights is at best half-hearted. Biden himself has for decades been a strong supporter of the notorious Hyde Amendment that denied women access to federal funding to pay for abortion care. He only changed his position before the 2020 presidential elections after being attacked for his stance. Meanwhile, there have been many times where there has been a Democrat president and a Democrat controlled congress, yet the party has stubbornly refused to legislate the right to abortion on demand, despite this right long being supported by a sizable majority of Americans. Although most of those on American streets marching for abortion that have illusions in the Democrats or are rank-and-file Democrat members are sincere in their support for abortion rights, many rightly suspect that many a Democrat leader is half happy at the court ruling since it enables them to win votes from the right-wing Republicans on the promise of upholding abortion rights.
The very partial nature of the Democrats’ commitment to abortion rights flows from the fact that no less than the conservative Republicans, the Democrats are a party dominated by capitalists. The capitalist system in turn is tied up with an obsession on insisting that everyone conforms to the traditional family structure, in particular as a family economic unit. The wealthy capitalists have an attachment to this structure because they are fixated with passing on their property to, usually male, heirs. However, so as to be sure that their wealth isn’t claimed by the patriarch of another family, they want their property to be passed on to heirs who are indisputably theirs. This obsession with handing down their property to their own heirs and, thus, with ensuring that their wives do not bear children to other men drive rich propertied males’ compulsion to socially – and, thus, economically – isolate their wives. Yet the capitalists want everyone else to also adhere to the same structure that serves their needs, even the working class who own no commodity-producing property. This is because capitalists see the division of the masses into separate family economic units as being useful to, on the one hand, preventing workers from uniting against them and on the other hand with helping them to instill discipline and conservative values in the next generation. Moreover, greedy capitalist ruling classes do not want to actually pay people to conduct the essential tasks of housework and child rearing. And so it is held incumbent upon women to, without any pay, conduct these important social functions; work that in original human civilisations – including those of most of Australia’s Aboriginal nations – had humanely and quite rightly been carried out as the collective responsibility of whole communities. Given that the capitalists’ interests are in forcing everyone into economic units based on the traditional family structure, they view with hostility anything that deviates or challenges this, whether it be independent women empowered by the right to decide what to do with their own bodies, lesbian and gay relationships or trans people. Thus, women in leading positions in the Democrat party, which given the nature of the party means that they are either directly from the ruling class or are otherwise pro-capitalist in their politics, are torn between wanting their own personal freedoms and rights as female human beings on the one hand and, on the other, as capitalists, wanting to do everything possible to herd everyone into nuclear family units through measures that necessarily oppress women.
Yet for the same reasons that even progressive-minded women from the capitalist class are limited in their ability to stand for women’s rights, it is the united working class – in which history has destined working class women to play the lead role – that has a strong interest in spearheading the struggle for women’s emancipation. The workers movement needs working class women to have the right to control their bodies so that they will be feisty and independent and can, thus, play a leading role in uniting all their class to struggle for workers rights against the capitalist exploiters. Or as the peak trade union body in the north-eastern U.S. state of Vermont, the Vermont State Labor Council AFL-CIO, put it: Women’s Rights Are Workers Rights! Moreover, through their power to turn on and off production, the workers movement has not only the interests to stand up for women’s rights but the power to force the ruling class to concede rights to women through strike action and other mass actions. However, industrial action necessarily hurts the profits of all the capitalists, whether they are open right-wing reactionaries or supposed “progressives.” That is why the struggle to mobilise working class power in support of the struggle for women’s liberation will be a struggle that must be waged against all wings of the capitalist class – even its most progressive members. The extent to which working class power in the U.S. can today be unleashed in the urgent fight for abortion rights depends on the extent to which the workers movement can be unchained from its present subordination to the capitalist Democratic Party.
Here, mobilising the workers movement to support women’s full right to choose and to support the broader struggle for women’s emancipation requires breaking the stranglehold of the Labor Party – and pro-ALP and pro-Greens agendas – on the workers movement. Although most individuals in the ALP support abortion rights, the party’s stance is half-hearted given that it includes staunch anti-abortion elements within its leading layers. As a party that seeks to reconcile workers’ interests with those of the capitalist exploiters, the ALP parliamentary and union tops seek to restrict industrial action to being a supplementary add-on to their main parliamentary game rather than fighting for a program that fully unleashes the power of our unions in an all out struggle for workers’ and women’s rights. Meanwhile, although more progressive on social questions than the ALP, like the ALP the Greens are also congenitally opposed to a program of militant class struggle. For unlike even the ALP, whose ranks are largely workers, the Greens actually include significant numbers of actual capitalist exploiters in their ranks and this party is politically dominated by upper-middle class elements loyal to capitalism.
Anti-abortion politician Claire Scriven is a cabinet member in the South Australian Labor government and the state’s Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development and Minister for Forest Industries. On July 2, Scriven joined politicians from the Liberal Party and the hard right Family First party in an anti-abortion propaganda training seminar. The event was held five days before South Australia’s law decriminalising abortion in the state finally goes into force and provocatively went ahead after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling gutting already limited abortion rights in America. The fact that the ALP includes such hardline opponents of women’s right to choose shows that it is an obstacle to mobilising the workers movement in support of women’s rights. Photo Credit: South Australia ALP website
What Do You Mean That America is a “Liberal Democracy”?
The overturning of the already limited abortion rights in the U.S. has made a mockery of the U.S. ruling class’ claim to be the bastion of “liberal democratic values.” Of course, this was always a lie. Both the U.S. and Australia are neither truly “democratic” nor “liberal.” Their “democracies” are dominated by capitalist oligarchs who own and control the media, use their wealth and ownership of the economy to control state institutions by thousands of threads and use their billions to dominate political narratives by disproportionately funding political parties, paying for political advertising, establishing think tanks and “independent” NGOs and hiring lobbyists. As for “liberal values”, the U.S. has the world’s largest prison population and jails its people at a rate six time higher than in China. Moreover, both the anti-abortion Republicans and the more “progressive” Democrats supported the U.S. training and arming – and now hailing as valiant war heroes – of Ukraine’s ultra-right wing Azov Regiment, which along with other violent fascist groups there, have not only attacked Roma, leftists, Jews and pro-Russia activists over the last eight years but have conducted violent assaults on Ukraine’s LGBTIQ+ community and women’s rights activists; including simultaneously attacking, in several cities of Ukraine, participants in the 2018 International Women’s Day rallies. Meanwhile, here, the capitalist regime kills Aboriginal people in state custody, imprisons refugees in hell-hole camps and in Afghanistan committed horrific racist war crimes.
The claims of Washington and Canberra to be champions of “liberal democracy” are mainly used to justify their meddling in countries around the world and especially to sell their intensifying Cold War drive against socialistic China. However, undermining the mantras of Western governments is the fact that China has one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. Article 19 of the Population and Family Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China grants the unrestricted right to contraception and abortion and Article 21 stipulates that these rights should be enjoyed for free.
Anti-communist propagandists have long sought to denigrate China’s liberal anti-abortion laws as merely a means to enforce a one-child policy. However, that policy was long ago abandoned and China is now actively trying to increase the country’s birth rate. Yet the liberal abortion laws remain. China’s liberal abortion laws were, indeed, confirmed in an amended version of her Population and Family Planning Law that was passed just ten months ago. There are, however, two small autonomous parts of China where abortion on demand does not exist: that is in Macau and in Hong Kong (as well as in the rogue capitalist Chinese region of Taiwan). This is a legacy of laws brought in by the former Western “liberal, democratic” colonial rulers of these territories. In both these regions, abortion is considered a crime which is only allowed as an exception when two doctors determine that there is a serious risk to the physical or mental health of a woman (the Macau law is stricter than the Hong Kong one). As a result of lingering influence of Christian churches and Christian schools from the British colonial times, there is often a terrible stigma against Hong Kong women obtaining abortion care. Furthermore, in Hong Kong it is hard to access abortion services from public providers, meaning that the right to choose is out of reach for lower-income women. For these reasons, many Hong Kong women travel to Mainland China to access abortion services. Unfortunately, because the Beijing government has accommodated the Western imperialists and the local capitalists dominating Hong Kong and Macau by granting these regions a high degree of autonomy under a “one country, two systems” formula, it has not thus far moved to overturn the colonial-era restrictions on abortion in these regions. We call on the Chinese government not to bend to the sensibilities of those demanding the “two systems” part of “one country, two systems” and to instead move to bring the right to free abortion on demand overwhelmingly enjoyed by women in the socialistic mainland of China to the regions of Macau and Hong Kong.
It is telling too that the biggest ever blow to a women’s right to choose – even greater in scale than what has just happened in the U.S. – occurred as a result of a triumph of “liberal democracy”, by which the Western powers really mean capitalism. In her socialistic days, women in Poland had enjoyed the right to abortion on demand. However, soon after Poland became the first country in the former Soviet bloc to be swept away by capitalist counterrevolution, women’s right to choose became severely restricted in 1990. Today, women in Poland can only obtain abortion care if their physical health is seriously endangered by continuing the pregnancy or if she is raped – and even in the latter case she can only have the abortion up to 13 weeks’ gestation.
June 1987, Poland: Right-wing then pope, John Paul II very publicly gives his blessing to the then leader of Poland’s anticommunist forces, Lech Walesa. Walesa’s anti-secular, capitalist counterrevolutionary movement known as Solidarnosc (“Solidarity”) was also rabidly backed by the then conservative leaders of the U.S. and Britain, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher as well as by the Hawke Labor government in Australia. Upon seizing power and restoring capitalist rule, the new Solidarnsoc government followed through on its reactionary platform and wasted no time in carrying out mass privatisations and overturning the liberal abortion rights that women had previously enjoyed during the period of socialistic rule in Poland. The triumph of Poland’s Pope-backed capitalist counterrevolutionaries, which Western capitalist regimes had dubbed “a victory for liberal democracy”, was in fact the greatest setback to women’s control over their own bodies in any country since World War II (now, the recent U.S. Supreme Court has made the U.S. the country to have the second biggest rollback of those rights). As the chant popular with women standing for abortion rights goes: “Keep your rosaries off my ovaries!” Photo credit: Arturo Mari/AFP
The Terrifying Rise of Far-Right Reaction in the Capitalist World
Right-wing forces wildly celebrated the court decision overturning Roe vs Wade. The momentum that these forces have been given could threaten women’s right to choose in even those American states that currently allow abortion. This terrible setback to women’s right to choose is indeed closely related to the growth of hard-right forces. The Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe vs Wade had been stacked with hardline conservative judges by racist former Republican Party president, Donald Trump. Trump celebrated the court ruling as did his estranged ex-vice president, Mike Pence. Now with the Democrat administration overseeing plummeting workers’ real wages and rampant inflation, the increasingly right-wing Republican Party is leading in polls for November’s mid-term congressional elections. Here too in Australia, far-right forces have been gaining ground. Along with the ever clearer right-wing trajectory of the Liberal Party, signified by the ascendancy of racist hardliner, Peter Dutton, to its leadership, forces even further to the right have increased their influence. At the recent federal elections, such far-right parties increased their votes by almost 60%, allowing them to gain almost one in eight votes. As well as the senate seats retained by One Nation, the United Australia Party, led by greedy billionaire Clive Palmer and rabid right-wing former Liberal Parry politician, Craig Kelly, was able to win a senate seat in Victoria after having won no seats in the previous elections.
Moreover, the growth of parliamentary based far-right parties has inevitably been associated with the strengthening of violent fascist gangs on the streets. Let’s remember, that it was less than a year and a half ago when far-right mobs incited by Trump tried to stage a right-wing coup in America. Then, just six weeks ago, a white supremacist, shouting racial slurs, shot dead ten black people in a mass shooting at a supermarket frequented by predominantly black people in New York state’s Buffalo. In March 2019, an Australian neo-Nazi, raised in Australia’s racist environment, murdered 51 Muslim people in a shooting rampage at two mosques in New Zealand’s Christchurch. Meanwhile, every day in Australia, violent bigots and those incited by them harass, abuse and physically attack Aboriginal people and people of Chinese background, as well as other people of colour and those from LGBTIQ+ communities. Emboldened by the recent U.S. court ruling, the growing Australian right-wing extremist forces are now likely to unleash more intense harassment and violence against women entering abortion clinics.
So why, in the 21st century, is all this bigotry rising in places like the U.S., Australia, France and Germany? In short it is because of the increasing decay of the capitalist order. To understand how capitalist decay spawns right-wing reaction, one needs to examine the social base of the Far Right. The stronghold of extreme right-wing forces is amongst economically insecure layers of the self-employed middle class – which includes farmers, self-employed tradies and contractors, owner truck drivers and small business owners (in short the class that we Marxists refer to as the petit bourgeoisie) – as well as smaller-scale members of the actual capitalist exploiting class. Now when the working class moves powerfully to challenge the capitalist exploiters, the best of the petit bourgeoisie will identify their interests with those of the workers movement. However, when the workers movement is on the back foot, the most insecure and reactionary members of the self-employed middle class, the petit bourgeois, will be manipulated by capitalist demagogues to turn their frustrations against those doing it harder than them. Instead of seeking to join with the working class to jointly seize the best parts of the cake stolen by the big end of town they will be mobilised to fight against the rest of the masses for the crumbs. In this way, sections of the self-employed middle class are being manipulated to obsess about maintaining their social position one or two rungs above the working class by seeking to push down those from the working class seeking to expand their rights – especially if they are from its most downtrodden layers like Aboriginal people, women workers seeking equal pay, unemployed workers and people of colour. Since the self-employed are essentially small businessmen, divided by the reality that everyone else operating in their market is an economic rival, they can easily fall prey to divisive racist rhetoric. Since they share the capitalists’ same pre-occupation with passing on productive property to male heirs – and sometimes they are even more obsessive about this than the big capitalists given that their businesses are much smaller and, thus, all the more precious and precarious – the insecure self-employed can easily fall for extreme “family values” agendas and, consequently, anti-abortion ones. Moreover, not brought together with others at the point of production like wage workers and hopelessly dependent on both the elements (the weather in the case of farmers) and big capitalist-generated market forces beyond their control, the isolated and precariously operating petit bourgeoise is especially susceptible to the influence of rabid religious forces.
So why then is middle class reaction becoming ever stronger. There are three closely related reasons. For one, the size of the self-employed layer has actually increased in countries like the U.S. and Australia over the last few decades. Theoretically, this should not be happening. Smaller scale production of goods and services is usually less efficient than large-scale production. However, the capitalists artificially propped up the size of this class by laying off workers from maintenance, courier, trucking, cleaning and other jobs and rehiring these workers as contractors. The corporate bosses made these moves because, although the new arrangement led to a loss of technical efficiency, it undercut union organising. So the social class on which right-wing reaction is based has actually grown in the U.S., Australia and other capitalist countries.
However, this would not have automatically led to such a rise in right-wing reaction if the workers movement had been active and determined enough to fight for its rights so decisively that it drew in the self-employed behind it. That this has not thus far happened is the fault of the social democratic current leaders of the workers movement, which in Australia means the ALP. Meanwhile, the reason that sections of the insecure middle class have moved from supporting traditional conservative politics to backing aggressive far-right agendas, is that the decay of the capitalist system and its repeated economic crises have increased economic insecurity. Today, it is surging fuel and other raw material prices that are buffeting the self-employed layers as they are all the masses. Furthermore, the more that the capitalists need to exploit to keep their system afloat, the more that its representatives promote racism, bigotry and extreme religion to divide the masses that they exploit.
What all this means is that even though the U.S. Democrats and the Australian ALP – and still more strongly the Greens – reject the agendas of the Hard Right, their loyalty to the capitalist order means that they uphold the very system that is spawning right-wing reaction. That is why one cannot resist the Far Right by supporting the Democrats in the U.S. or the ALP and Greens in Australia. After all, it was eight years of the relatively liberal Obama administration which, incapable of providing economic security to the masses, created the conditions for the rise of right-wing reaction that led to Trump’s ascendancy. Similarly, if Albanese’s ALP is allowed to carry out its pro-capitalist agenda, it will allow Dutton or others even more extreme to eventually gain the ascendancy. This is doubly so since right now the masses’ living standards are plummeting and there are even signs that we are headed towards yet another deep global capitalist economic crisis.
The force that can resist right-wing reaction and the socio-economic conditions which breed it is the multi-racial working class. However, it can only do this by opposing all the representatives of the capitalist class in unleashing struggles for secure jobs for all through forcing bosses to increase hiring at the expense of their profits and by stopping rampant inflation through winning the confiscation of the greedy oil, gas and power corporations and their transfer into public ownership. At the same time the workers movement must oppose the turning of its ranks into self-employed contractors by fighting for contractors and gig workers to be hired – and often rehired – by companies into jobs with high wages and all the rights of permanency. When the working class decisively challenges the capitalists in this way and fights for additional measures that are both in the interests of themselves and those of the middle class – like nationalising the banks and lowering power prices – then it can draw in the self-employed middle class behind them and make the latter realise that it is possible to fight against the exploiters above them rather than cowardly kicking those in a social position below them. Recent strike action by NSW nurses, rail and bus workers and teachers give a small taste of the potential for working-class resistance. However, to unleash the power of the workers movement requires replacing the pro-ALP social democratic leadership dominating the working class and its unions with one that stands for uncompromising opposition to the capitalist order.
The revolutionary party of the working class that we need, in which women and people of colour will necessarily play a dominant role, would champion the cause of all the oppressed. It would unite with all the oppressed in mobilising mass action to physically defend Aboriginal people, targeted ethnic communities, LGBTIQ+ people and abortion clinics from violent right-wing forces. It would also struggle for the complete liberation of women through fighting for women’s complete economic independence. This means standing for equal pay for equal work, guaranteed permanent jobs for all, a massive increase in low-rent public housing and free around the clock childcare. We also fight for a system that will deliver free pre-school education, free school lunches at all schools and after-school sports, music and cultural activities provided for free by the state alongside free transport from school to and from these activities. The struggle to implement and provide the resources for all these measures poses the need to strip the economy away from the filthy rich capitalist exploiters and place it into socialist, public ownership under a workers government. When such socialist revolutions place economies into the collective hands of the masses on a global scale, the capitalist decay and economic insecurity that breeds far-right forces will be done away with and racist, male chauvinist and homophobic bigotry will finally be consigned to the dustbin of history.
Photo Above: Firefighters put out flames in buildings in the central Maisky market in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk hit by shelling from Ukrainian forces on 13 June. Five people were killed in the Ukrainian attack including one child. Residential areas, hospitals and markets in the city, which is controlled by pro-Russian separatists, have been repeatedly hit by Ukrainian artillery attacks over the last eight years. Such attacks have escalated this month causing dozens of civilians to be killed. Photo credit: Stringer/Reuters
Don’t Let the Western Capitalist Rulers Reinforce Their Tyranny Over the World!
Defeat U.S., British, Australian and German Imperialism’s Proxy War to Weaken and Stifle Russia!
26 June 2022: Last month U.S. president Joe Biden signed a law granting Ukraine $US40 billion in military supplies and economic aid in order to sustain its war against Russia. The package is so huge that the direct military component of it amounts to almost five times Ukraine’s total 2020 defence expenditure! Many U.S. allies, including Britain, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, Norway, Estonia, Sweden and the Czech Republic have also been rapidly increasing their military support to Kiev. Here, the former Morrison Liberal government and the current Labor Albanese government have sent Ukraine’s authoritarian regime hundreds of millions of dollars of military equipment including howitzers (long-range artillery) and dozens of armored vehicles.
The level of backing to Ukraine by the Western imperialist ruling classes has risen dramatically since the early weeks of the Russian intervention. In our statement written thirteen days after the Russian invasion, we stated that: “The West’s aid to Ukraine is not at a level aimed at achieving total Ukrainian victory but rather at bleeding Russia over a long period. Thus, much of the weaponry that the Western imperialists have supplied to Ukraine, like hand-held missiles and rockets, is most suitable for a guerilla war against Russia… Currently therefore, we cannot say that the large amounts of Western support to Ukraine is equivalent to the U.S., NATO and Australia being directly at war with Russia.” We qualified that observation by stating that, “It is, of course, possible that the West could qualitatively change their level of assistance.” Well, what we labelled then as a possibilityhas now become the reality. High on their own propaganda that they have been feeding the masses that Kiev is actually winning the war, Washington and its allies have been pumping the Ukrainian regime’s war campaign with ever greater military assistance. In the wake of the U.S. congress passing the $US40 billion aid package to Ukraine, the politically connected American think tank, Centre for Strategic & International Studies, stated that:
“For the first five weeks of the conflict, military support to Ukraine averaged about $30 million a day (excluding economic and humanitarian support and the costs of U.S. forces deployed to Europe for the crisis). In April, a series of $800 million aid packages implied a level of $100 million a day. This package increases the aid level to $135 million a day.”
It is not just the level of military assistance that has changed but the character of it. Washington and Co. have been sending ever heavier and more sophisticated weapons to the Ukrainian regime. This includes anti-aircraft batteries, advanced long-range anti-ship missiles, drones, tanks and self-propelled howitzers. Most notably, this month the Biden administration started sending the Ukrainian regime advanced HIMARS multiple-launch guided rocket systems that have much greater range than Ukraine’s existing artillery systems. Meanwhile, as well as providing crucial intelligence assistance to Ukraine and training large numbers of Ukrainian troops in bases in Germany, Britain and France, Western imperialist militaries now have troops on the ground in Ukraine directly training and organising Kiev’s forces. Several Western mainstream media outlets reported that in mid-April British special forces moved into Kiev to assist the Ukrainian military. CIA spies are also reportedly now operating within Ukraine as are U.S. commandos.
The HIMARS guided rocket artillery system. The advanced HIMARS system has significantly greater range than the Ukrainian military’s existing artillery. This month the U.S. started sending the HIMARS to Ukraine as part of its markedly increased participation in this war. Photo credit: Markus Rauchenberger
Alongside their stepped up military intervention, the Western imperialists have greatly ramped up their economic sanctions on Russia. They have also dialed up the intensity of their propaganda war. Initially the tycoon-owned and government-run media outlets in the U.S., Europe and Australia, as part of their anti-Russia war propaganda, claimed that Russia was killing many civilians by accident in the course of air and artillery strikes on military targets. Later, the Western media started lying through their teeth by claiming that Russia was deliberately bombing residential areas, schools and hospitals. Then they escalated their propaganda still further by working with the Ukrainian regime and Western “NGOs”, intelligence agencies and public relations consultants to claim that Russian troops had senselessly massacred a large number of Ukrainian civilians while withdrawing from towns north of Kiev, like Bucha. Given that the Russian withdrawal from this region was planned and announced days beforehand as part of her military’s overall strategic plan, the Western media’s claims are extremely hard to believe. Why would Russian troops making an orderly withdrawal, in which they were able to take all their working heavy weapons with them, choose to leave behind supposedly indiscriminately slaughtered civilians on the side of the road in the perfect position to be used as propaganda against them?
When it comes to lying propaganda, the most rabid outlets have been the BBC, the Australia regime’s ABC and the German government’s Deutsche Welle – the latter spewing out propaganda with all the zeal and dishonesty of their political forebears in Joseph Goebbels’ Nazi propaganda machine. In the first few weeks after Russia began its operation on February 24, these news outlets, while bombarding their populations with blanket anti-Russia propaganda, on rare occasions did made oblique references as to why many Russian speaking people in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region were welcoming of the Russian intervention. On still rarer occasions they did mention the fact that many Russia-speaking people had been killed during the course of an eight year regional conflict that preceded the Russian intervention. A very small number of outlets briefly also reported, while downplaying the significance of these crimes, that Ukrainian soldiers had been abusing and torturing Russian prisoners of war. Yet in the weeks since, even the smallest pretense of balanced reporting has disappeared entirely from the Western media. Any, even limp, criticism of the Ukrainian regime and its military has been completely purged from all reports. The fact that Ukrainian troops and fascist paramilitaries have been shelling residential areas in Donbass cities held by pro-Russian forces has been completely whitewashed. So has the overwhelming evidence that Ukrainian forces have been using civilians as human shields by hiding in residential areas, schools and hospitals; and by preventing civilians from leaving the underground bunkers where Ukrainian forces established bases in their now defeated strongholds of Mariupol and Severodonetsk.
The intensifying character of the Western imperialists’ intervention into Ukraine can be gleaned by examining their media’s coverage of Ukraine’s fascist paramilitary forces. After Ukraine had a U.S.-backed right-wing coup in 2014 and war erupted in the eastern part of the country, the Western mainstream media did their best to downplay the spearhead role played by fascist forces in both the coup and the ensuing war. Nevertheless, there were occasional reports in the Western media highlighting the extreme white supremacist and anti-Semitic character of Ukraine’s Azov paramilitaries and the surge in racist violent attacks by such forces against Ukraine’s Roma community, pro-Russia activists and feminists. However, after Russia’s February 24 intervention such reports largely vanished. The executions of pro-Russia civilians by the likes of the Azov regiment was simply not reported by the Western media. Instead of the Azov being described as what they are – neo-Nazi fascists – the Western media used the less damning and vaguer term, “far right.” Then, as the U.S. and its allies stepped up their support for Ukraine by several gears, even that latter description was dropped. The likes of the BBC even started claiming that statements about the racist and neo-Nazi character of the Azov “have been widely discredited” … even though outlets such as their own did at one time occasionally make such “discredited” reports themselves! Most recently, when large numbers of the Mariupol-based Azov soldiers were trapped (along with an apparently smaller number of regular Ukrainian troops) in underground bunkers in a Mariupol steel works, the supposedly “democratic” Western media started positively lionizing the Azov white supremacists as heroes!
Left: Some of the nearly 2,500 Ukrainian combatants that surrendered to Russian forces in Mariupol are taken away by bus to their place of detention. The majority of those that surrendered were members of the white supremacist Azov regiment. A lesser number of regular Ukrainian troops also surrendered. Their surrender led to Russia’s complete victory in the large southern Donetsk port city of Mariupol. Right: Some of the fascist tattoos on a captured Azov fighter including Nazi swastikas, the Nazi black sun symbol (a yellow version of which formed part of the Azov emblem until they very recently changed their emblem in an attempted rebranding following their Mariupol mass surrender) and the Celtic cross symbol popular with KKK groups, neo-Nazis and other white supremacists. Photo credit for photo on Left: Alexei Alexandrov/The Associated Press
The Changed Character of This Conflict
In summary, since late March, America’s rulers and their allies have greatly ramped up their military, economic and political support to Ukraine in its war against Russia. We can now clearly say that this Ukraine-Russia war has effectively become an indirect war of the U.S. rulers and their NATO, Australian, Japanese and New Zealand imperialist allies against Russia, with Ukraine acting as the proxy. The same Western capitalist ruling classes waging a proxy war against Russia are the biggest bullies and oppressors of the world’s peoples. It is they who destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, devastated Syria through a years-long proxy war, killed thousands of civilians in their 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, occupied and terrorised the people of Somalia and in the specific case of Australia’s rulers, caused the death of up to 20,000 people after they orchestrated a decade-long war and blockade of the South Pacific island of Bougainville in the late 20th century after the people there rose up against the arrogant trampling of their rights by an Australian-owned mining company. Therefore, it is in the interests of the working class of the world and all the people subjugated by imperialism to see the Western imperialists and their Ukrainian proxies defeated in this war. Such a defeat would weaken the ability of the imperialists to mobilise further predatory interventions abroad. It would also deter their plans to use Taiwan as a proxy to pressure socialistic China or even to incite a world war against the socialistic giant. Moreover, any setback for the U.S. imperialists and their allies in this proxy war would give encouragement to the resistance struggles of all those being subjugated by the U.S. and its allies elsewhere, like the Palestinian people suffering under incessant Israeli terror. More generally, a defeat for the Western powers in their Ukraine proxy war could only encourage the toiling masses of Africa, Latin America, the South Pacific and most of Asia to resist in their own lands the various Western capitalists that super-exploit labour, plunder natural resources, leach loan interest repayments, seize markets and manipulate and stand over governments. Within the Western countries themselves, a defeat for the capitalist ruling classes in their proxy war would weaken their authority. It would thus open opportunities for the working class and oppressed to wage mass resistance against soaring rents and food and fuel prices, plummeting real wages, the incessant expansion of insecure work forms and brutal racist oppression of persecuted communities. Therefore, the workers movement in Australia and other imperialist countries must stop the military aid to Ukraine and demand the lifting of all sanctions against Russia!
Somalia, 1993: Occupying U.S., Australian and other Western imperialist forces terrorised and bullied the local population. In the countries of Africa, Latin America, the South Pacific and most of Asia, the various Western capitalists super-exploit labour, plunder natural resources, leach loan interest repayments, seize markets and manipulate and stand over governments. This tyranny is enforced by their governments, in good part, through the use or threatened use of military power.
To be sure, Russia is also ruled by a greedy capitalist class. Moreover, economic realities drive this class to seek to be an imperialist ruling class – that is a capitalist class that not only extracts profits from exploiting workers in their own country but which also reaps substantial wealth through the super-exploitation and economic domination of poorer countries. Yet, although being the world’s number two military power and with a strong industrial and technological base inherited from the days of the USSR, currently the Russian ruling class neither fully has the level of capital needed to displace the current imperialist players as the main subjugators of “Third World” economies nor the close relationship with an existing imperialist player that would allow them to prise their way into the imperialist big league without the possession of such a huge level of capital. That is why, although Russia’s capitalist ruling class has, to a limited extent, aspects of an imperialist country-dependent country relationship with certain neighbouring ex-Soviet countries, it is overwhelmingly not Russian capitalists but American, British, German, Japanese, Australian, French, Canadian and other Western bankers, mining bosses and owners of industrial and agricultural corporations that plunder and leach from the poorer countries of developing Asia, the South Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America (note that although mutually antagonistic, Russia’s relationship with Ukraine prior to the current war was not an imperialist country-dependent country one and, just like Russia, Ukraine also inherited a good chunk of the industrial, technological and military might of the former Soviet Union and the highly educated, technically literate population nurtured in the Soviet Union). And it is the Western states enforcing the interests of its capitalists, rather than the Russian state, that have been muscling in on the state affairs of dependent and neo-colonial countries, orchestrating “color revolutions” to overthrow disobedient governments there and threatening dissident countries with outright invasion. Let us not lose sight of the fact that it is the U.S and its allies and not Putin’s Russia that invaded and devastated Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and Libya and which is propping up Israel’s bloody war on the Palestinian people and Saudi Arabia’s war on the people of Yemen. All this is why, as reactionary as Russia’s capitalist rulers are, a victory for Russia against the Western ruling classes and the latter’s Ukrainian proxy will encourage anti-imperialist struggles by the masses in the “Third World” countries, alongside spurring class struggle by the working class within the West against their own capitalist rulers. Whereas Russia’s defeat at the hands of the Western powers and their Ukrainian proxy will embolden the Western imperialists to further subjugate the peoples of developing Asia, the South Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America and to, at home, more aggressively attack workers’ real wages and the rights of persecuted minority communities.
For socialists based in Western countries, the changed character of the Ukraine-Russia war does not substantially affect our main tasks. From the very start of the Russian intervention, the response of leftists in the West needed to be guided by the understanding that it is the Western imperialist rulers and not Putin’s ambitious capitalist regime who are the main tyrants lording it over the world’s peoples. Moreover, based on the Leninist principle that the main enemy of the working class in an imperialist country are their own capitalist rulers, socialists in Australia would have to focus on opposing the intervention of the Australian ruling class into this war and on opposing first and foremost the side in this war that these imperialist rulers’ are supporting, which is Ukraine. Sticking by these principles, Trotskyist Platform statements written early on in the war had as their main headline: “Oppose Western Imperialism’s Provocative and Hypocritical Interference in Ukraine and Oppose Sanctions Against Russia! No to NATO Expansion! No U.S./Australian arms to Ukraine!” These remain the punchlines of the stance that needs to be taken by the Left and workers movement in Australia.
Where the changed character of the conflict does make a clear practical difference is in the work required of leftists in Russia. In our statement written in the early days of the conflict, we called for the working classes of Ukraine and Russia to unite to oppose the war campaign of each of their respective rulers, while simultaneously insisting that communists in Russia should be intransigently opposed to any pro-NATO or other pro-Western “anti-war” groupings and should keep any of their anti-war actions strictly separate from such forces. Today, in the wake of the changed character of the war, we of course still say that the workers of Ukraine should struggle against the war campaign of their own capitalist rulers. However, given that this war has become a proxy war of the united imperialist powers to bring to heel a mostly non-imperialist power in Russia, a war in which the working class of the world has a side against the imperialists, then we say that the Russian working class should no longer oppose the war campaign of their own ruling class. They should of course continue the class struggle and advance towards the future overthrow of the Russian capitalist exploiting class, which remains no less their enemy, but they should ensure that any such struggle does not disrupt the war effort against the U.S.-led imperialists and their Ukrainian proxies.
Although the changed nature of the war means that Russian leftists should no longer oppose Russia’s war campaign, we say that they should not positively support it either. For Russian leftists to actively support the war campaign of their own rulers – for example by participating in pro-Russian Army rallies – would associate the Left with Russian nationalism and patriotism. Although patriotic sentiments in Russia in part arise from the unfair treatment of Russia by Western imperial powers and from the masses’ resentment at the devastation and diminished status that Russia was pushed into following the Western-orchestrated destruction of the Soviet Union, Russian patriotism damages working-class struggle. For it ties workers to their ambitious capitalist exploiters on the basis of a non-existent “common national interest.” Such Russian patriotism is therefore overall reactionary, which is why Russian revolutionary leader Lenin fought tooth and nail against it in the years leading up to the 1917 October socialist revolution. Lenin’s anti-patriotic stance remains valid today because although Russia is not a full-fledged imperialist power as it was in pre-Soviet times, it is also not simply a semi-colonial or dependent country subjugated by imperialism as say Iraq, Syria, Libya and Somalia were (and still are today). Therefore a victory for Russia in this war would have a very different effect on Russia’s working class than the impact on, say, the Iraqi toiling masses had they been able to resoundingly defeat the 2003 U.S., British and Australian invasion. Such an outcome in the Iraq War would have generated a resounding sentiment among the Iraqi toilers that: “we have just beaten off a direct invasion from the imperialist overlords, it is time for us to finish off the local capitalist ruling class that are so dependent on and economically tied to these imperialists.” In contrast, a Russian victory in this current war would give the Russian capitalist ruling class renewed authority, while reinforcing Great Russian chauvinism and all manner of social reaction. This has already been evident in the last few weeks coinciding with increasing Russian battlefield victories. Some nationalist Russian celebrities like famous actress and media personality, Maria Shukshina, have felt emboldened to denounce Russia’s national minorities. Meanwhile, earlier this month, Russian politicians introduced a homophobic bill to parliament that will unleash draconian fines for people “promoting non-traditional sexual relations” (a bill that spits on the traditions of Russia’s 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that had made Russia the first large country in the world to decriminalise all gay and lesbian sexual activity).
Therefore, while Russian communists should not oppose Russia’s war efforts they must oppose any Great Russian chauvinism and social reaction inflamed by Russia’s battlefield successes. They must also insist that in Donbass territories conquered by Russian troops and their local Donetsk and Luhansk republic allies, the terms of oppression are not simply reversed. In other words where it was formerly Russian speakers who were oppressed, Ukrainian speakers should not now be discriminated against. That means that Russian communists should insist on Ukrainian becoming a joint official language in all the Russian-controlled Donbass territories and that those people who choose to live in the Russian-controlled territories for political or economic reasons but who wish to retain their links to Ukrainian language and culture are fully able to do so. Moreover, Russian leftists should stand for the expulsion of all Russian fascists from the Donbass. Although the component of fascists within the pro-Russia Donetsk and Luhansk forces is far less than in the Ukrainian forces, Russian fascists like the Russian National Unity group have had a presence. Authentic Russian communists should also oppose any internal party witch-hunts and state repression against several parliamentarians from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) who have defied their party’s line and opposed Russia’s war campaign. Russian leftists should salute the internationalist instincts of these dissenting CPRF members and their courage in opposing their own capitalist ruling class, while patiently explaining to these comrades why their stance is mistaken given that this has become an imperialist proxy war against, largely, non-imperialist Russia.
At the same Russian communists should oppose and mercilessly condemn any pro-NATO/pro-Western opponents of the war campaign – like supporters of jailed opposition politician Alexei Navalny. For while a Russian military victory would inflame social reaction within Russia, a victory for NATO’s Ukrainian proxies would also be harmful to the class struggle in Russia. Such an outcome would demoralise the masses, greatly embolden the pro-imperialist wing of the Russian capitalist ruling class and may well lead to the Russian working class not only having to face their own local exploiting class but Western imperialists again able to place their dirty paws upon Russia (as they did in the first decade and a half after the early 1990s capitalist counterrevolution that destroyed socialistic rule in Russia, Ukraine and the other parts of the former USSR). The reality is that while a victory for Russia in this war would be in the interests of the working class and oppressed in all of the rest of the world, any outcome to this war will be harmful to the working class movement in Russia – other than if victory for Russia is partly or mostly achieved as a result of the anti-imperialist mobilisation of the working class in the imperialist centres and/or significant resistance by a section of the Ukrainian masses against their own capitalist rulers and its war campaign. Hence our position that while in the rest of the world the workers movement should energetically work for the defeat of the Western imperialists and their Ukrainian proxy, within Russia the working class should continue the class struggle and the building of a revolutionary socialist movement without either impeding or supporting Moscow’s war effort. The best way for workers and leftists in Australia to assist the class-struggle of the Russian working class and to promote internationalist sentiments amongst the Russian masses is to mobilise against the proxy war that our “own” rulers are waging against Russia.
We are well aware that the stance that we advocate for Russian communists does not fit neatly into either the position of revolutionary defensism that Leninists advocate for semi-colonial and other dependent countries in wars with imperialist power/s or the stance of revolutionary defeatism that Leninists call for, either in a clash between rival imperialist powers or in a war between non-imperialist states of a similar level of development. Our position however flows from the unique nature and history of today’s Russia. Prior to the 1917 Russian Revolution, capitalist Russia was an imperialist “great power” but the most economically backward of the imperialist powers. She was able to grab a share of the bounty of imperialist exploitation largely by acting as the enforcers in the East of the capital investments of wealthier imperialist powers like Britain and France. After the 1917 socialist revolution, Russia not only ceased to be ruled by capitalists but she, therefore, also ceased to be an imperialist exploiter. Indeed just like today’s Red China, the socialistic USSR that Soviet Russia was part of provided great economic and development assistance to ex-colonial countries – in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and South Asia in particular – that allowed them to achieve a certain independence from Western imperialism that they would not have otherwise had. The advantages of the USSR’s socialist system meant that Russia, as part of the USSR, not only rose to become the world’s equal first military power but also became an industrial and scientific powerhouse much closer to the level of the most advanced countries than Russia had been in pre-1917 times. Therefore, when capitalist rule was re-established in Russia in the early 1990s, theoretically the new Russian capitalist class was in a position to play a relatively bigger role in imperialist looting than their pre-1917 forebears were able to do. However, the capitalist counterrevolution led to a shocking economic decline in Russia and the stunning weakening of her Soviet-inherited industrial base. This only started to be turned around in the twenty-first century after a sharp rise in oil prices greatly boosted the export income of energy-rich Russia and after the Russian capitalist ruling class got their act together somewhat and reduced their previously rampant level of personal mafia-like criminality for the sake of the overall interests of their class. However, Russia’s post-Soviet capitalist rulers face a still greater obstacle to their wish to re-build a version of the Tsarist empire. For the domination of most of the world has already been divided up amongst pre-existing imperial powers. Facing this situation, the new Russian capitalist class does not quite possess the capital required to shove aside existing players and muscle themselves into an imperialist position. Moreover, none of the existing imperialist powers has been willing to partner with Russia. With senile capitalism in economic decline, none of these imperialists is willing or able to afford to share a significant part of the imperialist loot with Russia should they agree to partner with her. Thus, the Russian capitalist class’ other route to sharing in imperialist plunder is, for the moment, also blocked. We are left with a country that matches the U.S. in nuclear weapons strength, which possesses considerable remnants of the industrial and technological strength inherited from Soviet times and that has a per capita income (in PPP terms) within 20% of that of imperialist Portugal but which is still not currently a full fledged imperialist power and yet clearly cannot be considered an imperialist-dependent or subjugated country either.
It should be noted that, in some sense, our exposition of the tasks of leftists in Russia is somewhat academic. We have no base there and little ability to influence the politics of communists in that country. However, stating the line that we believe should be taken by Russian socialists in the wake of the changed character of this current war does, in passing, help to make clearer the stance that must be taken by leftists in Australia. In particular it helps to underscore how urgent it is that socialists in Australia and other imperialist countries mobilise to oppose their regimes’ massive war assistance to Ukraine.
What is Driving the Western Imperialists to Wage a Proxy War on Russia?
To some degree, this war has been an anti-Russia proxy war of Washington and its allies from the beginning. The U.S. and NATO provoked this war by threateningly expanding NATO eastwards towards Russia and by encouraging Ukraine’s course towards joining NATO. Then, when in the days leading up to the Russian intervention, Ukrainian president Zelensky seemed to be open to a compromise deal with Moscow facilitated by French and German diplomatic efforts, Washington and Ukraine’s influential fascist groups pressured Zelensky to walk away from the deal. The U.S. ruling class did much to provoke the Russian intervention. Indeed, part of Russia’s reason for invading Ukraine was a quite understandable wish to pre-emptively prevent NATO forces and NATO missiles being placed on her borders.
However, there were initially other more significant reasons for Russia’s February 24 intervention. For one, Russia’s rulers had faced considerable public pressure to come to the aid of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region who had been brutally oppressed by Ukraine’s military and even more cruelly by its ultra-nationalist paramilitary forces. A large chunk of the Russian-speaking population in this region had rebelled against the Kiev regime ever since anti-Russia, Ukrainian nationalist forces seized power in Kiev in a 2014 right-wing coup. However, in coming to the aid of the Russian-speaking Donbass rebels, Moscow has not merely been responding to public pressure and not simply acting out of nationalist concern for fellow Russian speakers. By either bringing the Donbass into Russia or making it an independent country close to Russia, Russia’s capitalist rulers want to secure markets and raw materials in this heavily industrialised region after having been squeezed out of access to the broader Ukrainian market following Ukraine’s pro-Western 2014 coup. Moreover, in pushing into territory in Ukraine beyond that where the mass of the population overwhelmingly wants to be part of, or associated with, Russia, Moscow is pursuing the innate capitalist drive to maximise the size of secure markets by maximising territory. Similarly, by insisting on forcibly maintaining the entire Donbass within its territory when much of the Russian-speaking population in at least large parts of this region would prefer to be part of, or associated with, Russia, the Ukrainian regime is also driven by the capitalist imperative to maximise territories. The faltering of their respective capitalist economies made this capitalist squabble for territory between Russia and Ukraine all the more desperate on both sides. Both Russia and Ukraine were beset by rampant inflation even prior to the outbreak of this war while Ukraine’s economy was actually contracting in per capita terms. Moreover, by ramping up nationalism during their respective war drives, the capitalist ruling classes in both Ukraine and Russia could divert the anger of the working class masses away from themselves. And the masses in both countries had much to be furious about. In both countries, the inability of their capitalist systems to protect their populations from COVID led to a terrible carnage many times greater than the numbers of people who have thus far died from this current war – with over 105,000 deaths in Ukraine by the start of the war and nearly 350,000 in Russia. In Ukraine, there had been such anger at persistently high unemployment, falling living standards and rampant corruption that by January last year, the opposition party advocating closer ties with Russia was leading in opinion polls in even the non-rebel held parts of the country. Meanwhile, in Russia, the capitalist regime had been on the receiving end of the people’s ongoing anger over massive inequality and over a 2019 pension reform that greatly increased the age at which Russian people can receive pensions. All these factors driving the initially squalid inter-capitalist war between Ukraine and Russia remain today. But they have now been overshadowed by the now dominant axis of the conflict – a proxy war of the Western imperialist powers aimed at bringing to heel its Russian, potential capitalist rival. What had been an important subsidiary aspect of the conflict has become the main feature of the war. Indeed in late April, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made clear that Washington’s involvement in this war was not even mainly about the Ukraine issue itself. Austin told reporters that, “we want to see Russia weakened.”
So why do the Western imperialists want to weaken Russia? The answer to this question has nothing to do with the two main rationales given by Washington, Canberra and Co. for their heavy-handed intervention into this conflict. One of these rationales is that they are seeking to protect the people of Ukraine. Yet everything that the Western capitalist ruling classes have done over the past decades has shown how little they care for the well-being of the Ukrainian masses. It was these imperialists that orchestrated the early 1990s capitalist counterrevolution there. It was that counterrevolution that directly led to the mass privatisation that devastated the living standards of Ukraine’s working class people, weakened the technological and industrial base of the country (that when part of the socialistic USSR was at such a high level that she was able to play a key role in building the world’s largest aircraft – the magnificent Antonov An-225) and paved the way for the terrifying growth of violent fascist groups. Then in 2014, the U.S., British and EU ruling classes promoted a right-wing coup that overthrew Ukraine’s elected government and brought right-wing extremists into key parts of Ukraine’s state machinery. Now the imperialists are fighting a proxy war to the last drop of Ukrainian blood in order to reinforce their tyranny over the world.
The second rationale given by the imperialists for their proxy war against Russia is the claim that they are standing up for “democracy” against “authoritarianism”. This is laughable given that the U.S., European and Australian governments have been busy censoring any voices questioning their narrative on this war, including by outright banning Russian media outlets from broadcasting in their countries. Meanwhile just yesterday, the courts of the U.S. regime – the supposed standard bearer of “liberal democracy” – made a ruling that will see women in almost half of America’s states lose one of the most basic human rights – the right to abortion. Now that is authoritarian!
As for the Ukrainian regime that is being supported by the Western imperialists, it is very far from being a bastion of “democracy” – even in the sense of being a capitalist “democracy” where certain freedoms associated with elected parliaments are mixed in with total domination of the state and politics by the wealthy capitalists. Let’s not forget that in the eight years preceding this war, the Ukrainian regime had brutally killed thousands of Russian speaking people by indiscriminately shelling territories in the country’s eastern Donbass region that were held by pro-Russia rebels. Now, they have banned nearly a dozen centrist and leftist parties including the country’s biggest opposition party: the Opposition Platform — For Life. Even in the years preceding this war, Ukrainian authorities jailed large numbers of pro-Russia and leftist opposition activists. Meanwhile, extreme Ukrainian nationalists murdered journalists, social activists and those with pro-Russia sentiments, with the perpetrators rarely identified, let alone punished. Thoroughly corrupt and dominated by powerful oligarchs, the Ukrainian capitalist order is in many ways similar to Russia’s. But it is even more repressive. For example, while demonstrations by staunch pro-communist groups have often been attacked by police in Russia, in Ukraine, absolutelyall activity by the large Communist Party of Ukraine – including its participation in elections – and other pro-communist groups has been prohibited for the last several years. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian regime has introduced draconian laws that can see anyone who displays a communist or Soviet flag or sings communist or Soviet anthems jailed for five years. Moreover, while Russian government politicians have often allied with far-right politicians, in the Ukraine fascists have actually been brought into key positions in the country’s state machinery, while large neo-Nazi paramilitary groups like the Azov and Aidar battalions have been officially incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard. The racist nature of the Ukrainian state has indeed been very evident during this war. Ukrainian border guards have racially abused dark-skinned international students (from places like Nigeria, Zimbabwe and India) fleeing the war and forced international students approaching the border to alight from vehicles and walk huge distances in freezing weather to get to the border so that Ukrainians could use their vehicles instead.
London, April 2019: British police seize Australian journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy. They threw Assange into prison where he has been kept incarcerated in extremely brutal conditions ever since. British authorities are conspiring with the U.S. state, with the complicity of the Australian regime, to extradite Assange to the U.S. on charges that could see him imprisoned for life. Assange is being cruelly persecuted by the AUKUS (Australia, UK, U.S.) imperialist powers for exposing their horrific war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their brutal persecution of Assange’s journalism makes a mockery of their claims to be upholders of “freedom” and “democracy” against “authoritarianism”. Moreover, their efforts to intimidate other journalists who may expose their war crimes, through their extreme persecution of Assange, shows that the Western imperialists intend to commit future war crimes in their efforts to defend their tyranny over the world. No doubt they are hoping that such intimidation will ensure that the very small number of more honest, principled journalists will todayavoid exposing any war crimes by their Ukrainian proxies, their own special forces troops operating undercover in Ukraine and mercenaries participating in their proxy war against Russia.
So what are the real reasons for Washington and its allies’ proxy war against Russia? For one they want to maintain their prized access to the Ukrainian market. Before 2014, Russia was the main source of Ukraine’s imports. However, after Washington and the EU powers orchestrated the 2014 anti-Russia, right-wing coup in Kiev, much of Russia’s exports to Ukraine were replaced by ones from Germany, the U.S., Poland, Italy and France. Today, the capitalist rulers of these latter countries want to maintain this post-2014 status quo. They know that a sizable chunk of this market would be lost should the rich Donbass region and Ukraine’s south end up acceding to Russia or becoming pro-Moscow independent states. However as significant as this reason is – especially to EU governments – it is not the main factor driving Western ruling classes to wage a proxy war against Russia. Mainly, Washington and its allies want to prevent Russia emerging as an imperialist competitor and instead seek to reduce her to a subordinate position. Especially with their own economies faltering, the existing imperial powers cannot afford to have a new imperialist player intruding on their neocolonial exploitation of Latin America, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia and the Pacific. Moreover, not only are the existing imperialists unwilling to accept a new imperialist rival they cannot even tolerate a non-imperialist state being strong enough to obstruct their ambitions. Thus, the Western imperialists hope to not only suppress Russia’s great power aspirations but seek to weaken her through a combination of military blows from their Ukrainian proxies and grinding economic sanctions. To be sure, they know that given that Russia is a formidable military and technological power, they will not be able to lord it over Russia in the same neocolonial manner that, say, Australian imperialism subjugates Papua New Guinea or the U.S. ruling class exploits the Philippines. However, by weakening Russia, the Western imperialists hope to reduce her to the humiliated condition that she was in during the first fifteen years or so after the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution there. During those years, the U.S. and European powers were able to dictate economic policy to Russia while grabbing prized access to her markets and ownership of chunks of Russia’s industrial and mining sectors as well. Just as importantly for the Western ruling classes, a debilitated Russia would be easier for them to elbow out of the way when seeking to grab markets and trade opportunities in the ex-Soviet countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus.
Defend Socialistic China!
It is important to be aware that the imperialist proxy war against Russia is not only about Russia itself. Following their humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, the U.S. and Australian ruling classes, in particular, hope that what they intend to be a successful proxy war against Russia will restore – both in the eyes of their own populations and in the sentiments of other countries – credibility to their practice of throwing their military weight around. Most importantly for the Western ruling classes, this proxy war is meant to be an indirect slap against their main strategic target: the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The Western capitalist powers see China as the main threat to their domination of the world because, unlike Russia which is just another capitalist country, albeit one that is currently obstructive to their interests, China is a socialistic country. Even though China’s march towards socialism remains incomplete, prone to veer of course and relentlessly pelted by internal and external capitalist enemies, the imperialist ruling classes of the U.S., Britain, Germany, Australia, Japan and other Western ruling classes understand that the mere existence of such a giant and evermore successful socialistic power is an existential threat to their imperialist interests. For not only is the non-imperialist PRC’s cooperation with developing countries allowing some of these countries to, right now, uplift themselves to the extent that they can somewhat loosen the stranglehold of Western imperialism over their countries, in the longer term, China’s ever-expanding achievements made possible by her 1949 anti-capitalist revolution could encourage the masses of other ex-colonial countries to also take the path of socialist revolution to decisively free themselves from Western domination. Even more threateningly for the Western exploiting classes, as China’s per capita income heads towards approaching closer to that of their own countries in future years, the working class masses in their own countries could start to look more favourably upon the PRC and, eventually, even start demanding socialism at home too.
The Addis Ababa – Djibouti railway was jointly built by Ethiopian and Chinese workers and technicians working for two Chinese state-owned companies: the China Railway Group Limited and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. The railway connects the capital of Ethiopia with the Port of Djibouti in Djibouti. It has allowed land-locked Ethiopia to have a connection with a port on the Red Sea. The railway, which began operations in 2018, has proved extremely popular with passengers in Ethiopia and Djibouti and with those transporting freight. The railway has slashed the travel time between the cities from the three days that it took previously to just twelve hours. Top: Ethiopian and Chinese construction workers and engineers celebrate a milestone during the construction of the railway. Above: A train on the railway, which uses locomotives and passengers cars made by state-owned China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation. The railway will be fully taken over by a joint bi-national body of the Ethiopian and Djibouti railway operators from the start of 2024. Currently, it is being operated by the two Chinese state-owned constructors while they train local staff so that they can fully takeover by the start of 2024. Below: A conductor checks tickets as passengers board an Addis Ababa – Djibouti train. Unlike profit driven corporations from the capitalist countries which exploit and plunder from the peoples of the ex-colonies to the extent possible, China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises overwhelmingly operate on a mutually beneficial basis in their projects in the developing world. After having been so subjugated by Western colonialism and then Western economic neocolonialism, the railway and other similar mutually beneficial cooperation projectsbetween Ethiopia and Djibouti on the one hand and socialistic China on the other has enabled Ethiopia and Djibouti to achieve a slightly greater level of economic independence from the imperialists. This and similar cooperation between Red China and other countries in Africa, the South Pacific, Latin America and developing Asia has – to a degree – retarded the ability of the Western imperialists to exploit these countries, causing the enraged capitalist powers to intensify their Cold War against socialistic rule in China. Photo credit (top photo): China Railway Group Limited Photo credit: (above photo): website Photo credit (below photo): Xinhua Silk Information Service
So how does waging a proxy war against Russia advance the imperialist drive against Red China? For starters, aware that the hostility that they have unleashed – for very different reasons – against China and Russia has pushed these two non-Western powers closer together, the Western imperialists hope that their massive propaganda war launched against Russia following Putin’s Ukraine invasion will, by association, also tarnish the PRC. In this way they intend to intensify political pressure against socialistic China. Indeed, the imperialists’ increased political attacks on the PRC over the last four months have actually produced some tangible results for them. It seems to have encouraged softer-on-imperialism, more rightist factions of China’s ruling Communist Party (centred on the party’s number two ranked figure, premier Li Keqiang, and number four ranked politician, Wang Yang) to gain greater influence. In recent months they have been able to reduce the momentum of president Xi Jinping’s crackdown on greedy rich, tech-sector capitalists and slow his “common prosperity” drive to reduce inequality.
Secondly, the U.S. and its allies intend their military support to Ukraine and economic sanctions against Russia to enfeeble Russia to the point that, at minimum, she will not be able to obstruct any U.S./NATO/Australian military provocations against China. In their best case scenario, they hope that they can cause such military losses for Russia in Ukraine and such economic pain for her people that it will trigger a “colour revolution” there that will replace the Russian nationalist Putin regime with a regime subservient to Washington and its allies – that is, a pro-Western regime that may even enlist Russia in the imperialists’ Cold War drive to crush socialistic rule in China. Thirdly, in waging their increasingly all-out proxy war against Russia, the Western imperialists are trialing and perfecting the methods that they seek to one day unleash against Red China, using Taiwan or other capitalist regimes neighbouring China as their proxies.
For the very same reasons that it is in the interests of the Western capitalist exploiters to oppose the Chinese workers state it is in the interests of the working class masses in their own countries – and indeed of the entire world – to defend the PRC. The indirect weakening of imperialism’s grip over its former colonies resulting from China’s rise is not only welcome news for the peoples of the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and developing Asia it is also good for the working class people living in the imperialist centres. A reduction in the ability of Western multinational corporations to plunder “Third World” countries makes it easier for workers and unions in the West to stand up to these companies and resist their incessant drive to lower workers’ real wages. Moreover, the fact that the world’s most populous country continues to cling onto a socialistic path can only give the toiling classes in the capitalist world hope that it is indeed possible to advance toward socialism – that is, advance towards a system that will finally liberate the masses from surging rents and grocery prices, ever greater exploitation of labour by capitalist business owners, insecure forms of work, racist discrimination of First Peoples and ethnic minorities, oppression of women and imperialist war. That is why we in Trotskyist Platform completely oppose the U.S., NATO and Australian military escalation against China. We say: U.S., Australian and British warships, get out of the South China Sea! U.S. troops out of Darwin! Down with ANZUS! Down with AUKUS! Not one submarine of any type, not one missile, not one warplane, not one person for Australia’s capitalist-serving military! Australian capitalist rulers: stop your neo-colonial bullying of Pacific countries that choose to establish cooperation with the PRC!
It is not enough to oppose the direct military threats to the PRC. The Australian ruling class’ military pressure against the PRC is part of an all-sided anti-communist Cold War. This includes a relentless anti-PRC propaganda campaign, support for Chinese anti-communist groups seeking the destruction of socialistic rule and McCarthyist intimidation of Chinese international students and migrants (and even some mainstream politicians like NSW upper house Labor MP, Shaoquett Moselmane) who dare to express even the slightest sympathy for the PRC. Unfortunately, most of the other left-wing groups in Australia, such as the Solidarity group, while stating opposition to the military buildup against China, actually join in the lying attacks on China over “human rights” and actively support the very same anti-communist forces within China that are backed by Australia’s capitalist rulers and their media. In doing so the likes of Solidarity are reinforcing the propaganda used by Australia’s exploiting class to “justify” their military build-up against socialistic China. In 2019, Solidarity as well as Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance – and to a slightly lesser extent the Socialist Equality Party – rubbed soldiers with right-wing, rabid anticommunists, both of local origin and those from Hong Kong, China and Vietnam (and even some Australian white supremacist activists), in participating in a series of anti-PRC demonstrations in support of violent anti-communist riots in Hong Kong. In supporting this movement, these groups poisoned the image of the PRC in the eyes of those that they influence, which is progressive layers of society – that is precisely the section of the community that could most easily be won to opposing the Cold War drive against Red China. In doing so, these wavering socialist groups have made it much harder to build opposition to the military escalation against China and to AUKUS, which they today proclaim their intention to campaign against. At the very least they are supporting the capitalist powers’ drive to crush socialistic rule in China by non-military means – that is via Western-backed anti-communist forces within China. Let’s remember, in the final instance, socialistic rule in the former USSR was not destroyed by military attack but by internal capitalist restorationist forces backed by Western imperialism. Infuriatingly, the very same left groups that in the previous Cold War backed these counterrevolutionary forces that destroyed the gains of Russia’s 1917 socialist revolution – under their previous names Solidarity, Socialist Alternative (these two groups were the components that came from the then ISO) and Socialist Alliance (then called the DSP) supported the Washington-backed pro-capitalist movement led by Boris Yeltsin that seized power in Moscow in August 1991 – are today supporting the modern-day Chinese equivalents of these capitalist counterrevolutionary forces!
In contrast to those leftists who are being swept away with the tide of Cold War propaganda, Trotskyist Platform has been energetically campaigning – including by holding street protests – against the entire military, political and propaganda drive of the U.S. and Australian capitalist rulers against the Chinese workers state. We call on authentic leftists to join with us in saying: Down with the lying accusations that China is “violating” the human rights of Uyghurs and Tibetans! Oppose the pro-colonial, rich people’s anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong! No support to capitalist Taiwan – reunify China through spreading China’s 1949 socialist revolution to Taiwan! Down with the Greens, Liberals and ALP’s McCarthyist campaign to shutdown the PRC-linked Confucius Institute Chinese language schools!
China’s Jiangsu Xiangshui offshore wind farm built by her state-owned power giant, Three Gorges. China’s socialistic state-owned firms, in which the profit motive comes second to serving people’s needs, have spearheaded China’s transition towards renewable energy. China’s public sector enterprises along with working class state power are the bedrock of her socialistic system. However, a sizable capitalist sector remains there deforming and threatening socialist rule. Imperialist pressure against China is in part aimed at boosting those upper-middle class elements within Chinese society and more rightist groupings within the ruling Communist Party of China who argue that, given that most of the world’s powers remain capitalist, China should adapt to this reality by giving ever more “rights” to her capitalistic private sector. That is why those committed to the fight for socialism must not only oppose the imperialist military build-up against China and the imperialist-backed, anticommunist groups within China attacking the workers state but must resist the Chinese capitalists and those advocating for them who seek to expand the “rights” and strength of China’s private sector at the expense of her state sector. We say: Curb the influence of the private sector! Advance China’s socialistic state sector! Photo credit: Three Gorges
Reformist Socialists in the Camp of Imperialism
The same wavering Australian socialist groups that have capitulated to the imperialist political war against the Chinese workers state have also enlisted in the imperialist campaign to bring “untamed” Russia to heel. Thus, all these groups have joined the likes of Anthony Albanese, Joe Biden and Boris Johnston in condemning Russia’s intervention into Ukraine and proclaiming full support for Ukraine’s war effort. It has been striking too how left-wing groups that rightly state opposition to the white supremacist far-right in Australia ape the Western media in whitewashing the level of fascist influence within the Ukrainian state forces.
Today, even as the Western capitalist rulers greatly step up their intervention into the war against Russia, the soft-on-imperialism majority of the Left have doubled down on their support to the anti-Russia war. At the Sydney May 15 Nakba Day rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people, Socialist Alternative speakers deceptively equated the Western imperialism-propped up Ukrainian war effort, that is partly aimed at crushing the aspirations for self-determination of the Donbass region’s Russian speaking population, with the Palestinian people’s completely just struggle for self-determination against an Israeli regime that is backed by the very same imperialist powers that are behind Ukraine’s war campaign. In similar vein, the June 14 issue of the Socialist Alliance’s newspaper Green Left Weekly likened Russia’s war in Ukraine with the war waged by the U.S. and its allies in Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s. But the truth is that the direct force opposing Russia today, the fanatically anti-communist Ukrainian regime that is acting as a proxy for Western imperialism, is as diametrically opposed as one can get from the Vietnamese communists that heroically defeated these very same imperialists and their local proxies in the Vietnam War.
A more valid analogy for this war would be the October 1973 Yom Kippur War. Then, Syria and Egypt, supported by Iraq and other Arab states, attacked Israel. The aim of the invading Arab armies was to recover territories seized by Israel in the 1967 Israel-Arab War. However, the Syrian and Egyptian attack was also partly unleashed with the nominal aim of liberating the Palestinian people of Gaza and the West Bank from hellish Israeli occupation – just as Russia justifies its intervention today in good part on liberating the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass. Just like Ukraine today, Israel’s war effort was greatly backed by U.S. imperialism for whom Israel was a proxy to pressure the Arab states then aligned with the socialistic USSR. However, there are also differences between the 1973 Israel-Arab war and this Ukraine-Russia war. For one, the present military balance between Russia and imperialist-backed Ukraine, at least currently, favours Russia much, much more than the then match-up between the Arab states on the one side and the Israeli war machine massively built up by U.S. imperialism on the other. On the other hand, in the 1973 war the European powers did not line up behind Washington anywhere as near to the extent as they have today over the current war. However, the biggest difference between the October 1973 War and today’s conflict is the attitude of the U.S. capitalist rulers. Although they enormously and decisively backed Israel in the Yom Kippur War, Washington also sought to moderate some of Israel’s most extreme militarist agendas as they were not then keen on having the crisis spiral into a nuclear world war between themselves and a Soviet Union that was strongly backing the Arab states. Thus, the U.S. quietly nudged their Israeli allies towards negotiations and a ceasefire. In contrast, today, the U.S. ruling class and possibly even more so the British one, keeps on fanatically egging on – and even pressuring – Ukrainian president Zelenskyy to reject peace negotiations with Russia. Yet despite this extreme and ever more aggressive intervention into this current conflict by the U.S.-led imperialist powers, many nominally socialist groups in Australia, the U.S. and Europe are on their side in this war.
The capitulatory socialist groups lined up behind their “own” capitalist rulers in this war are not only taking a terribly wrong, pro-imperialist position on this conflict. By supporting the side taken by the Australian rulers in this war, these groups are implicitly sending a message to the masses that the capitalist exploiting class that runs Australia can sometimes take the right side on major events and is, therefore, not always reactionary. This can only have the effect of dulling the masses’ opposition to their own capitalist exploiters. Yet if the working class masses are to be able to effectively defend themselves from the capitalist exploiters and eventually overthrow this ruling class through socialist revolution, they need to be animated by the most uncompromising and fervent opposition to this exploiting class. By diluting such opposition through aping the anti-Russia stance taken by this exploiting class, the soft-on-imperialism socialist groups are weakening the masses’ revolutionary sentiments. In doing so they are undermining the very struggle for socialism that they nominally stand for.
The Ukraine-Russia War and the Marxist Method of Analysis
It is not unusual for a conflict to change its character and for Marxists to have to adjust our line to the new circumstances. For example, when mass anti-government demonstrations erupted in Syria in the early part of 2011 following Arab Spring upheavals in Tunisia and Egypt, we did not then side with either the opposition forces or with Syria’s capitalist Assad government. To be sure, we were concerned that forces backed by the imperialist powers were intervening into the protests. However, initially, such forces did not have a decisive grip on the opposition movement. We therefore called for building a united-front opposition movement that was pro-working class, pro-women’s rights and anti-imperialist. The latter meant that the movement that needed to be built then in Syria needed to reject any alliance with any opposition forces that were themselves pro-imperialist or who were willing to ally with groups backed by the Western capitalist powers. Moreover, we insisted that any pro-imperialist, anti-government groups needed to not only be shunned but be stridently opposed. However, over a period of several months and as the tensions in Syria erupted into armed conflict, the groups that emerged as the dominant forces in the armed opposition became thoroughly subordinated to the ruling classes of the U.S., France and Britain. Thus by the first half of 2012, it was clear that the conflict in Syria had evolved into a war between proxies of imperialism and ex-colonial Syria. Therefore, Trotskyist Platform adjusted our line to one of defence of Syria against the “Rebel” and religious fundamentalist proxies of imperialism (we were the first Australian left group to take this position and actually the only Australian socialist group that firmly maintained such a stance).
We are able to make such adjustments to new realities because we are guided by the Marxist dialectical method. This method is based on the premise that political and economic entities are not fixed but are in constant change and must be analysed not only in their current state but in their direction of motion. Moreover, entities may be shaped by trends and forces pushing in opposite directions often with one of the trends more dominant than the other. It is therefore crucial to determine which is the dominant trend and which is the less decisive one. At certain times, piecemeal quantitative changes can build up to a qualitative change – like how the quantitative ramping up of the level of imperialist backing for Ukraine since February had by last month amounted to a qualitative change in the relationship between the imperialist powers and this war. What had started off as, overall, a squalid inter-capitalist conflict, albeit with imperialism strongly backing the Ukraine side, has turned into a proxy war of imperialist powers against not fully imperialist Russia.
The character of this war is not the only thing that has changed in the last few months. So has the relationship between Ukraine and its imperialist backers. For a long time, the Ukrainian ruling class has been a highly dependent junior partner of the Western imperialists. However, until more recently, it would not have been totally correct to describe them as complete puppets. For example in 2017, that is three years after the Maidan, anti-Russia coup, Ukraine’s government chose to join the China-driven Belt and Road Initiative. This would not have pleased Washington at all, especially since none of its other closest allies – the Australian, British, Canadian, Japanese and Israeli regimes – have joined this main foreign policy program of Beijing. However, in the course of this conflict, the Ukrainian regime has become overwhelmingly subordinated to the U.S. and British imperialist rulers. Meanwhile, the German and French imperialists, who have long sought to strike out a more independent course from their U.S. allies/rivals, have over the last four months been bowing down ever more shamelessly before Washington’s agenda. Of course, Marxists understand that such shifts do not always head continuously in one direction. It is conceivable that the continuation of Russian battlefield victories could shatter the U.S.-dictated “consensus” within the Western imperialist bloc.
The Marxist worldview is based on the understanding that capitalism has long ago outlived its usefulness and that the liberation of the exploited as well as the well-being of humanity as a whole depends on the overthrow of capitalist ruling classes by the working class-led masses. Thus, we Marxist-Leninists construct our approach to wars from the point of view of which position will strengthen the working class on the one hand and weaken the capitalist exploiters on the other. The question of which side “started” a war or “attacked first” has almost no relevance. For, grounded on the central Marxist tenet that major world events are fundamentally caused by the clash of conflicting economic interests, we understand that wars, at bottom, do not arise because some leader or government “decides to start a war” – although that is, of course, the immediate trigger – but because the clash of competing, in most cases economic, interests reach such a level that they explode into a physical conflict. Or put another way: war is politics by other means and, as Lenin insisted, politics is concentrated economics.
An integral part of this Marxist analytical outlook is the understanding that capitalist ruling classes are not driven fundamentally by ideology but by the economic interests of their class, which in turn spawns their ideology. So this war is, at bottom, not the result of Biden being a warmonger who believes in U.S. domination of the world or Putin being an authoritarian who dreams of a new Tsarist Russian empire or Zelenskyy being a weak person unwilling to defy the fascist forces within the Ukrainian state. All these things are, of course, in themselves, true and do matter. However, they are mostly only the ideological manifestations of profound economic and social interests and conflicts within U.S, Russian, Ukrainian and indeed global societies. The fundamental cause of the conflict between the U.S. and its allies on the one hand and Russia on the other are that with the decay and contradictions in the economies of the G7 capitalist “great powers” – exacerbated further during the COVID crisis – the former are unable to allow a new potential imperialist competitor to arise or to even tolerate a non-imperialist power that is not subordinated to themselves. Moreover, given the stunning rise of a socialistic giant in China, a phenomenon that endangers both the imperialists’ neocolonial plunder of their ex-colonies and ultimately their rule of exploitation at home, the imperialists cannot accept the existence of another capitalist power that does not enlist in the anti-communist crusade against Red China. The fact that these economic – and resulting political – imperatives of the nuclear-armed Western imperialists are driving them recklessly into an ever more aggressive proxy war against a nuclear-armed adversary, in Russia, proves just how irrational and deadly dangerous this capitalist system has become. The scary thing about all this is that when the imperialists face a still deeper economic crunch at home they will be driven to become even more belligerent and threatening on the global stage; and from the Great Depression to the late noughties Great Recession we know that the capitalist system inevitably produces severe economic crises.
No Illusions in Russia’s Capitalist Ruling Class!
A Marxist worldview teaches one not to view current events from an impressionistic, short-term perspective. That means while noting that Moscow is right now defying Western imperialism we should have no illusions that Russia’s capitalist rulers have any progressive essence. Russia’s rulers today stand up to a proxy war from the imperialists not because they have any commitment whatsoever to opposing imperialism. Rather, with their own economy riddled with similar contradictions to their adversaries, Russia’s capitalists cannot continue to be shoved out of markets in their own region nor can they afford to again be subordinated as they were in the first decade and a half after the destruction of the Soviet Union. It so happens that these capitalist interests have, at this moment, put the Russian ruling class into a clash with the imperialist plunderers of the world, a conflict in which the interests of the toilers of the world lie with the defeat of the imperialist side and, therefore, with the victory of the Russian side. However, in the long-term, Russia’s present rulers are no force for the liberation of the world from imperialism and capitalism. Rather, as a capitalist class, they are ultimately enemies of the working class of Russia and the world. Indeed, we communists have a specially enmity for Russia’s capitalist class. For they came to power through destroying the world’s first – and then most powerful – workers state, the Soviet Union. The current top administrator of Russian capitalism, Putin, himself played a direct role in supporting that Western-orchestrated counterrevolution. During the decisive events in 1991-92, Putin was a key aid to leading Russian counterrevolutionary politician, Anatoly Sobchak. That Putin’s lengthy address to the nation made three days before Russia’s attack on Ukraine was, in its first one-third, wholly a tirade against communism, the Soviet Union, the Bolsheviks and especially its leader Lenin, where Putin even stated his support for Ukraine’s de-communisation policy (where Ukraine fanatically purges Soviet era officials from its bureaucracy and bans communist symbols and slogans), should not come as a surprise. Like their Ukrainian enemies, Russia’s capitalist rulers run an order that is thoroughly corrupt and dominated by powerful oligarchs. Alongside Brazil, the U.S. and India, capitalist Russia has one of the highest wealth disparities of any country in the world.
To be sure it is notable that while U.S. rulers arrogantly speak about the U.S. right to police what they deviously call the “liberal, rules-based, world order” – in truth U.S.-led Western tyranny over the world – Putin and Co. speak about the need for a multi-polar, inclusive world. Yet this does not reflect any inherent ideological, let alone cultural, difference between what Moscow calls the “Anglo Saxon powers” and Russia’s own capitalist rulers. Rather, the sermonising, American-exceptionalist rhetoric of Washington is the ideology that best serves the interests of the U.S. capitalist class because it “justifies” the exploits of a predatory class powerful enough to dominate the world; whereas Moscow’s emphasis on the need for a multi-polar world conforms to the interests of an up and coming capitalist power seeking an expansion in the number of players allowed into the imperialist big league so that it can secure its own admission into this “great powers” league.
Moreover, it is not inconceivable that Moscow will in the future end up joining an alliance with one or more of the imperial powers that is currently arrayed against her. Particularly if Russia is strengthened through winning this war, European imperialist powers like Germany and France may quietly seek to move over, to a greater or lesser degree, towards an alliance with Russia. They would do so in order to both leverage Russia’s military power to pry open for themselves some space for greater independence from their U.S. allies-cum-rivals and, also, so that they can more aggressively target socialistic China. Alternatively, the dominant sections of the U.S. capitalists may resign themselves to Russia’s strength and seek to make her a capitalist ally in order to both pressure Washington’s European partners-cum-competitors and in order to isolate and further besiege socialistic China. That was, after all, what former U.S. president Donald Trump intended to do when he first came to office.
If either of these above programs were to gain traction or, alternatively, if both Washington and the EU powers sought to unite with Russia in a grand-capitalist alliance against socialistic China, Moscow would demand as a price for its admission assurances that it would be granted an unofficial license to assert its power in its region. Moscow would want guarantees that it would no longer be obstructed from pursuing its ambitions towards becoming a modern-day version of the Tsarist empire in which Russia would be the power dominating nominally independent states in the territories of the former USSR. Indeed, if Russia’s capitalist rulers were able to link themselves with the capital of richer capitalist powers – say Germany and/or France and/or the U.S. – they would be able to obtain a slice of imperialist looting through extracting a commission from these wealthier capitalists for acting as the military and bureaucratic enforcers of their investments in the Caucuses and Central Asian regions.
Trump’s plans for a Washington-Moscow alliance were never realised because they were opposed by the dominant sections of the American capitalist class. They were not willing to allow Russia to remain as any sort of power independent of the Washington-led Western bloc let alone share the profits of imperialist plunder with a new player. However, an expansion of Russian power should Moscow secure a military victory in this current war could force one or another of the Western imperialists to rethink their attitude. This is particularly the case since, even now, containing Russia runs a distant second to the main geo-strategic goal of all the imperial powers: crushing socialistic rule in China.
Of course, the above variants are less likely than the one where tensions between the Western imperialists and Russia continue to dangerously escalate. This is because there are political obstacles to an alliance being established between Russia and any of the Western powers. For one, while the capitalist bigwigs on either side are completely cynical and would have no shame in abandoning their previous claims about each other if that was what they determined to be in their own interests, it is different with the journalists, politicians, academics, lawyers, think tank staffers and “NGOs” that act as their advocates. This upper-middle class layer actually convinces themselves, or rather half convinces themselves, of the “correctness” and “morality” of the deceitful propaganda that they feed the masses. That means that the capitalist upper class will have some trouble convincing this middle-class layer, so crucial to protecting their interests, to radically change their position. For example, some of the journalists in the West would screech that it is outrageous for a “liberal-democratic” Western country to join an alliance with an “authoritarian” Russia that “violates human rights.” However, given how financially and spiritually dependent this privileged middle class layer is on the big-time capitalists, they will eventually come around, albeit with plenty of whining and tantrums, if their capitalist masters decisively believe that a change in geo-political strategy is needed.
A bigger obstacle to the emergence of any Western-Russia inter-capitalist alliance is that the Russian masses have a very understandable hatred of Western imperialism. Putin and Co. would have a hard time getting the Russian masses to accept Moscow’s entry into an alliance with a Western power. This is especially so given that being disliked for the inequality and economic hardships that they have presided over, the main source of legitimacy for the likes of Putin is that they are seen to be saving Russia from a return to her humiliated status of the post-Soviet nineties and early noughties. Moreover, in any Western country seeking a bloc with Russia, the capitalist rulers – and even more so their middle-class propagandists – would be very worried about losing all credibility with their own populations if they suddenly tell the population that an alliance with Moscow is now needed after having yesterday so rabidly demonised Russia. But here the “beauty” of parliamentary democracy as a form of rule serving the capitalists can come into play. Such “democracy” of course does not allow the working class majority of a country to share power and was never meant to. However, such “democracies” are very effective for managing differences in strategy amongst different factions of the capitalist class. Should a majority of the capitalist class think that a change in strategy on a major issue is needed they would not risk discrediting their entire system by having existing political leaders make fools of themselves by suddenly implementing policies that they had only yesterday been fervently condemning. Rather, the bulk of the capitalists would throw their support behind the propaganda and electoral campaigns of another pro-capitalist political faction less tainted with the previous policy.
Indeed, although in Australia all the pro-capitalist factions are unanimously behind Washington’s current hardline anti-Russia stance, even today there are capitalist opposition factions in both European countries and the U.S. that favour closer ties with Russia. When Biden’s $US40 billion military and economic aid package to Ukraine was voted on in the U.S. senate, a quarter of the senators from the opposition Republican Party voted against the bill. It so happens that these soft on Russia senators are from the despicably white supremacist, far-right of the Republican Party. That it is often the far-right factions of the capitalist class in both the U.S. and Europe that favour closer ties with Russia requires analysis here. One reason for this phenomenon is that these forces are so fanatically anti-communist that they are more willing to make concessions to a fellow capitalist power like Russia if that helps to isolate and counter socialistic China. However, this is not the entire story. After all, the liberal and mainstream conservative wings of the capitalist class are also intransigently opposed to the Chinese workers state. To understand further this phenomenon of the Western Far Right often being pro-Russia we need to look at the different realities faced by individual capitalists in the context of the overall decay of the capitalist order. Many capitalists in certain sectors are making huge profits and feel, moreover, that those profits are fairly stable and durable. However, other exploiters of labour feel that their position is more precarious and could be threatened by increased competition from overseas rivals, evolutions in the structure of the economy or threats to their business model posed by popular pressure to address climate change. Now the various different political factions of the capitalist class each draw support from both the capitalists that feel more secure and the ones that are insecure. However, in general, the capitalists that feel secure in their position are more likely to be “liberals” or mainstream conservatives since they are fairly content with the status quo domestically. Similarly, the middle class layers that this wing of the capitalist class rests on tend to be the more secure, often upper-middle class layers, like high-paid professionals. In contrast, the more insecure sections of the capitalist class tend to favour the Far Right, which also rests on support from the more precariously operating sections of the self-employed, business-owning middle class. Their insecurity breeds their reactionary extremism. They desire to exploit and crush the most downtrodden sections of the working class even further in order to protect their threatened positions. Significantly, the different social basis between the far-right factions of the capitalist class and their mainstream rivals affects how they see the current state of their countries. The Far Right, reflecting a base that is disproportionately among the more economically insecure layers of the capitalist exploiting class and the self-employed middle class, are far less effusive about the current reality. This is reflected in Trump’s signature slogan “Make America Great Again” which is based on the notion that America is not currently great. In contrast, the more secure sections of the capitalist class and middle class are more likely to see the current state of affairs far more positively, as reflected in their retort to Trump that “America is already great.” The latter estimation of America’s current state also affects the global outlook of the mainstream factions of the capitalist class. They feel that the U.S. is strong enough to reject any compromises with an up and coming power like Russia and is, moreover, in a position to simply push Russia back down into a subordinate position. In contrast, the extreme right of the Republican Party, with their far less optimistic estimate of America’s strength – reflecting the more precarious position of their own base – think that the U.S. must seek an accommodation with Russia.
Russia’s ruling class is well aware of the openness to an alliance with themselves on the part of far-right conservatives in both the U.S. and Europe. Therefore, while occasionally publishing a decent anti-imperialist op-ed piece from a progressive point of view, Russian state media outlets like RT often subtly promote Western Far Right parties. Moreover, they shamelessly court Western far right sentiment by publishing articles that echo the latter’s reactionary narratives. Thus, even as they denounce Nazi influence within the Ukrainian state, RT has in recent months featured op-ed pieces that disgustingly attacked the black rights movement in the U.S., apologised for the 6 January 2021 attempted far-right coup in Washington and attacked LGBT pride. A couple of weeks ago, RT even ran a piece from the Epoch Times (gloating at China’s lack of self sufficiency in iron ore), the newspaper of the fanatically anticommunist, ultra-right wing Chinese exile group, Falun Dafa.
Save Humanity from the Imperialist System through World Socialist Revolution
Although an alliance between capitalist Russia and one or more of the current imperialist powers is possible in the future, right now the imperialist powers are united in waging an uncompromising proxy war against Russia. The more intensely that the Western imperialists pursue this war – by throwing ever greater military and political resources behind their Ukrainian proxies – the more damaging to their interests would be a Russian military victory. That in turn drives the U.S. and its allies to further escalate their involvement in the conflict, which in turn makes them even less willing to accept any sort of Russian victory and so on. In this way, the nuclear-armed imperialists are spiraling towards a possible future direct clash with nuclear-armed Russia. We should all ponder the following question: if the imperialists are provocatively heading down a road that risks taking them towards a direct clash with a fellow capitalist power that is not even their main strategic enemy, what will they be prepared to do against their actual main target: socialistic China? It is increasingly clear that we need to sweep away the imperialist world order not only to ensure the well-being of humanity’s working class masses but to guarantee humanity’s very survival.
So how can we free the world from the stranglehold of the U.S.-led imperial powers? Here we must look to a solution that we can say is partly Russian. But this solution has nothing to do with Putin and his regime. Rather it is the example set by Lenin and Trotsky’s Bolshevik Party that led the working class of Russia – and behind them all of Russia’s toiling people and oppressed non-Russian national and ethnic minorities – in the overthrow of then Russian imperialism. This October 1917 Russian Revolution put an end to Russia’s participation in the World War I inter-imperialist slaughter and inspired revolutions throughout Europe that threatened to sweep away imperialist rule in Germany and beyond. The October Revolution was not only the world’s first successful socialist revolution but remains the only time that the toiling classes have toppled the ruling class of an imperialist country (subsequent great socialist revolutions in the likes of China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos overthrew capitalist rule in semi-colonial countries subjugated by imperialism). This revolution showed that it is the working class in the imperialist countries themselves – alongside we must add working-class-led, anti-imperialist resistance of the masses in the neocolonial countries as well as the inspiration provided by the existence of socialistic states where the working class already hold state power – that can and must topple the imperialist rulers from power. Therefore, to rid the world of dangerous imperialism we urgently need to advance towards modern-day versions of the October 1917 Russian Revolution in the U.S., Britain, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, France and the other imperialist countries.
The October Revolution established working class rule over one-sixth of the world’s surface and quickly granted equality and the right to self determination to all the nationalities that had been subjugated under the previous capitalist order – including to the Ukrainian people. However, the Soviet workers state immediately came under intense imperialist pressure. Under this pressure, in the mid-1920s, a bureaucratic layer took over political administration of the Soviet Union away from the revolutionary masses on a right-revisionist program of seeking accommodation with imperialism. By the late 1980s, after decades of further sustained imperialist military, economic and political pressure on the Soviet Union and its allies, the wavering bureaucracy began to buckle. By a few years later, they were completely surrendering state power, which they had been previously compelled to wield in the interests of the working class, to Western-orchestrated counterrevolutionaries. Up until this counterrevolution, the Soviet Union had remained a workers state based on a socialistic economic system. That meant that even after the Soviet Union’s bureaucratic backwards step in the mid-1920s, her system produced immense benefits for the masses. To be sure in the 1930s, the Soviet Union’s tremendous industrial development running at a rate hitherto unknown in humanity and while the capitalist world was submerged in the nightmare of the Great Depression was mixed with severe bureaucratic repression of the masses and serious backsliding on the national rights granted to the non-Russian minorities by the October Revolution. However, following the Soviet Union’s heroic victory over Nazi Germany in World War II and then a subsequent decade of rapid reconstruction after the war, the Soviet workers state was able to offer its people a rapidly rising standard of living, guaranteed employment and an array of opportunities to access entertainment facilities and participate in cultural, leisure and sporting pursuits. Moreover, in the three and half decades from this time onwards until her tragic descent towards capitalist counterrevolution in the late 1980s, there was a level of racial and ethnic harmony and equality in the multi-racial Soviet Union that was unknown in any multi-racial capitalist country. Given that the Soviet Union’s course towards socialism was as yet unfinished and given that she was saddled with the administration of a middle-class bureaucracy that kept the masses out of politics, there was neither perfect ethnic equality nor perfect ethnic harmony in the USSR. There was a degree of Russian-centredness within the state. Nevertheless, no national or ethnic group within the multinational Soviet Union could then be said to be subjugated. No ethnic or national group there in this period, including Ukrainian people, faced anywhere near the same racial or national oppression as, say, Aboriginal people suffer in Australia – or indeed Asian, African and Middle Eastern communities in this country today – or black people in the U.S., Tamils in Sri Lanka, West Papuans in Indonesia or Kashmiris, Sikhs and Muslims in India. It is telling that despite the Ukrainian lands of the Soviet Union being far less resource rich than the Russian lands, in 1989 not only was the per capita income in Soviet Ukraine on a par with that of Soviet Russia, the average life expectancy in Soviet Ukraine was two years higher than in Soviet Russia.
The dive towards capitalist counterrevolution in the former Soviet Union and then, especially, the counterrevolution itself led to a catastrophic plunge in the living standards of the masses in every part of the former Soviet Union. It also tore apart the ethnic harmony that once existed there. Decades of peace were now replaced by a series of wars in Georgia, Moldova, Chechnya, Armenia-Azerbaijan, southern Russia and then the Donbass region of Ukraine. International students from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America who in Soviet times spoke glowingly about how well they had been treated were now subjected to violent attacks from racist gangs. White supremacist forces dangerously grew in both Russia and Ukraine and in the latter gained a significant foothold in the state machinery in 2014. It is crucial to understand that all the conditions that led to this current war – the increased strength of NATO and its eastwards expansion, the drastic economic weakening of Ukraine that allowed the imperialist powers to subordinate her, the conditions of poor living standards and high unemployment out of which fascist forces were spawned, the existence of the rule of capitalist exploiters which necessitated the Ukrainian ruling class to scapegoat the Russian-speaking Donbass population and poison the Ukrainian masses with reactionary nationalism in order to ensure the masses’ subservience, the “Great Russian” chauvinism promoted by the Russian capitalist class in order to keep themselves in power and which in turn allowed Ukrainian nationalists to manipulate understandable fears of the Ukrainian people that they will once again be subjugated under Russians as in pre-Soviet times, the necessity for decaying capitalist ruling classes to expand markets by grabbing territory from each other – all these conditions were created as a result of capitalist counterrevolution in the former Soviet Union. In other words, the horrific suffering and loss of life in the Donbass war that began in 2014 and in its latest more intense phase that began with the Russian invasion this February are a result of the destruction of the workers state created by the October Revolution. This proves just how progressive the Soviet Union, with all its flaws, had been relative to capitalism and what a monumental step forward for humanity was the October 1917 Russian Revolution.
Above: Life in Russia in Soviet times. Students and teachers in the Soviet Union’s legendary Patrice Lumumba University of the Friendship of Peoples celebrate an occasion. Established in 1960, tens of thousands of international students from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America studied on scholarship there, alongside local students. In February 1961, the university was re-named after the Congolese anti-colonial leader, as Patrice Lumumba University of the Friendship of Peoples. This re-naming of the university after Lumumba was a gesture of solidarity with the peoples of the world standing up to colonialism and neo-colonialism. It came only one month after Lumumba was assassinated by Belgian authorities in a plot orchestrated by the U.S. CIA and with the complicity of the UN. International students at the Patrice Lumumba University and other Soviet universities spoke glowingly at how warmly and hospitably they were treated by the local population. However, the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution led to an explosion in racist attacks against international students, non-white immigrants and ethnic minorities in Russia, Ukraine and other parts of the former USSR. Below: Post-Soviet capitalist Russia. Russian fascists, brandishing white supremacist flags, march in Moscow on 4 November 2016. They were participating in the annual, extreme nationalist “Russia March” held on Russia’s National Unity Day. Photo credit (above photo): RIA Novosti Photo credit (below photo): AFP/Pool/Vasily Maximov
The lessons from all this that we must draw is that we need to fight to restore working class rule to all parts of the former Soviet Union, fight for socialist revolution around the world and fight like hell to ensure that the counterrevolution that destroyed the Soviet Union does not happen in socialistic China and the other remaining workers states. Moreover, to ensure that workers states created by new October Revolutions are not again collapsed – or even pushed a step backwards through bureaucratic degeneration – by hostile capitalist pressure, we need to complete any victory achieved by a workers revolution in a particular country by fighting urgently for other such revolutions throughout the globe – above all with the aim of destroying the tyranny of the imperial powers from within their own countries. Today, as the capitalist order grinds down the masses with plummeting real wages, ever-more insecure employment forms, skyrocketing rents and surging food, electricity and fuel prices, those committed to the fight for new October Revolutions can help build popular sympathy for such radical solutions in the course of advocating and mobilising class-struggle resistance to the attacks on the working class masses’ living standards.
To march towards socialist revolutions we must do everything possible to enhance the self-confidence and class struggle sentiments of the working classes and everything possible to weaken and discredit the imperialist ruling classes. Today that means standing for the defeat of the U.S., British, Australian and EU ruling classes’ proxy war against Russia. Let’s mobilise to demand: Stop the military aid to Ukraine! End all the sanctions against Russia! Let’s oppose NATO expansion and oppose NATO itself! We must also oppose all the imperialist schemes to leverage their current proxy war to further escalate their Cold War drive against socialistic China – Let’s unconditionally defend socialistic rule in China! And let’s build parties like Lenin’s Bolsheviks that will lead the working class masses to liberate all oppressed people and humanity itself from decaying capitalism and its final, most horrific stage – imperialism.
Madrid, Spain, 26 June 2022: Spanish leftists march against NATO war-mongering in the leadup to the recent NATO summit. The Spanish language banner translates to “No to NATO!” As well as showing opposition to NATO, socialists in Europe, the U.S. and Australia must oppose the sending of arms to Ukraine by the each of their “own” capitalist rulers, oppose the sanctions on Russia and stand for the defence of Russia against the Western imperialists and their Ukrainian proxies. Photo credit – Jesús Hellín/dpa.
Photo Above: 15 May 2022, Ramallah, West Bank, Occupied Palestine: Thousands of Palestinians protest on Nakba (the Catastrophe) Day, the 74th anniversary of Israel’s murderous ethnic cleansing of three quarter of a million Palestinian people from their homes. Photo Credit: Ayman Nobani/Xinhua
12 May 2022: Yesterday, the Israeli military demolished several homes of Palestinian residents in the Masafer Yatta region south of the West Bank city of Hebron. This atrocity is part of Israel’s plan to evict some 1,000 residents from the area. If Israel is able to get away with this, it would be one of the biggest single expulsions of Palestinians since Israel seized the West Bank and Gaza in 1967. Palestinian families are being driven from homes and lands that they have lived, farmed and herded on for generations – going back long before Israel’s murderous ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was unleashed in the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe). Simultaneously, Israel is accelerating the construction of Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank in order to further displace Palestinian people and undermine their just demands for statehood. Today, the regime announced that it would be building an additional 4,300 Jewish-only housing units in the West Bank.
The U.S. and Australian-backed Israeli regime is subjugating Palestinian people in an ever more brazen way. During the recent Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Israeli forces repeatedly carried out violent raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, one of Islam’s holiest sites. They injured hundreds of Palestinian worshippers as they unleashed volleys of rubber bullets, tear gas cannisters and stun grenades. Israeli state forces are being encouraged to commit ever more cruel acts by increasingly active fascist groups amongst the Jewish “settlers” that have gone to colonise the West Bank. These fascist mobs have not only spearheaded the attacks on Al Aqsa and threateningly marched on Palestinian villages but have beaten and murdered Palestinian residents, torched their homes and cut down their food crops. Israeli forces have murdered over 50 Palestinian people in 2022 alone.
The working class and all oppressed of Australia and the world and all opponents of national oppression must stand with the persecuted Palestinian people. We must demand: Israel and its far-right “settlers” get out of all of the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza! For the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their pre-Nakba homes and lands! Let us support the Palestinian resistance against the murdering Israeli security forces and the fascist “settler” groups!
Israel is only able to subjugate Palestinian people because it receives massive military, economic and diplomatic backing from the U.S. imperialist superpower and the Americans’ closest allies, like Australia, and because of the complicity of the other Western imperialist powers likes Britain, Germany and Japan. That is why supporters of Palestinian rights in Australia must oppose the Australian rulers’ backing of Israel and must fight against the Australian ruling class’ support for the U.S. juggernaut that underpins Israel’s terror. Down with Canberra’s military cooperation and diplomatic backing of Israel! U.S. troops out of Darwin! Close the Pine Gap spy base and all the joint U.S.-Australia military bases in Australia! Down with the ANZUS Alliance! Down with AUKUS – Down with the new Cold War drive against socialistic China!
Although there are powerful pro-Israel lobbies in the U.S. and Australia, this is not the main reason why Washington and Canberra uphold Israel’s persecution of Palestinian people. The U.S. and Australian capitalist ruling classes uphold Israel’s tyranny because this is in their own class interests. The ultra-rich owners of the U.S. and Australia’s mines, banks, factories, agribusiness, transport operations and service sector firms not only exploit workers in their own countries but also exploit workers at an even more intense rate in the ex-colonial countries of the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific, Africa and Latin America where they also loot the natural resources and seize control of markets. To enforce this tyranny, these imperialist powers use not only their own militaries but also those of various “deputy sheriffs” who they back to enforce their interests in return for a share of the imperialist loot. Israel is the Middle East deputy sheriff of U.S. imperialism. Along with the Saudi regime, Israel was built up as the enforcer in the oil-rich Middle East of the imperialist powers’ drive against the USSR-led socialistic bloc during the Cold War. Today, Israel is both a strategically located ally of Western imperialism in their new Cold War drive against socialistic China and a henchman against local forces that dare not bow down enough to the Western imperialist tyrants, whether they be groups in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq or “disobedient” countries like Syria and Iran. For playing this role, Israel’s powerful U.S. godfathers are happy to uphold its subjugation of Palestinian people and to turn a blind eye (or more cynically, give meaningless, gentle slaps on the wrist) to its most heinous atrocities. This is similar to how Washington covers up the Australian ruling class’ horrendous oppression of Aboriginal people and its brutal persecution of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African refugees in recognition of the crucial role that the Australian rulers play as America’s deputy sheriff in the South Pacific.
Given the interests that Australia’s imperialist ruling class has in propping up Israel’s tyrannical role in the Middle East, it is unsurprising that all the pro-capitalist parties in Australia, which includes all the parties currently in parliament, defend Israel. To be sure The Greens, unlike the right-wing Liberals or the ALP, do call out Israel’s worst atrocities. However, their position of “condemning violence on all sides”, which disgustingly equates the violence of the Israeli oppressors with the just resistance of a subjugated people, is far from genuine solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for self-determination. Moreover, while Greens politicians do attend pro-Palestinian rallies in Australia, one can be suspicious that this is mostly a vote gathering practice, given that nowhere in The Greens official foreign policy election platform – that is in what they present to everyone as opposed to what they promise to known Palestinian supporters – do they even mention support for the Palestinian national liberation struggle. Instead, while they call to “renegotiate” Australia’s alliance with the U.S., they nevertheless uphold this alliance, and thereby uphold a pact that strengthens the U.S. imperialist superpower that props up Israel.
Alongside the geostrategic interests that the U.S., Australian, Canadian and New Zealand ruling classes have in backing Israel, all these capitalist rulers feel a connection with Israel’s rulers because, like the latter, their own rule was also founded on the colonial dispossession and murderous subjugation of the peoples living on the lands that they now lord over. If one sees the way that Australian state forces brutalise Aboriginal adults and children in custody and then cover up these crimes – like how a racist white police officer killed an unarmed Aboriginal man Kumanjayi Walker by shooting him three times at close range yet was two months ago acquitted of murdering the Aboriginal teenager by the Northern Territory courts – it has many similarities to Israel’s heinous persecution of Palestinian people.
Given their ideological affinity with the Israeli ruling class and more significantly, the interests that they have in upholding Israel’s strength, it is impossible to make the capitalist rulers of the U.S. or Australia an ally of the Palestinian people. However, what we can do is to force these imperialists to back off their level of support for Israel. Such a perspective is, however, undermined to the extent that many supporters of Palestinian rights continue to believe that it is possible to win over Australia’s ruling class to the side of the Palestinians. For the latter notion falsely implies that what we need to do is to appeal to Australia’s capitalist rulers when what we must do is the very opposite: we need to punish the ruling class for their backing of Israel’s reign of terror. One cannot appeal to the conscience of Australia’s capitalist class as they are not driven by conscience but by the drive to expand profits and to shape the world order in such a way that their profits both at home and abroad are secured and maximised. Instead, we must threatenthe profits and political authority of Australia’s capitalist rulers to such an extent that the harm that they would thereby suffer outweighs the geostrategic benefits that they gain from upholding the Israeli, Middle East deputy sheriff of their American godfathers. The key force for achieving this perspective is the organised workers movement. Trade union political strikes here in protest at the Australian regime’s support for Israel would hurt the profits of Australia’s capitalist rulers and could, therefore, arm-twist them to dial back their support for Israel.
Union action against Israel’s tyranny is possible because not only is such struggle vitally needed it is also in the very interests of the workers movement. By striking economic and political blows against a key deputy sheriff of U.S. and allied imperialism, the workers movement would be landing punches against the U.S. and Australian imperialist ruling classes themselves. In other words they would be weakening the very same capitalist rulers who at home are driving down workers’ real wages, jacking up rents and prices, pushing ever more workers into precarious gig and casual jobs and who in their efforts to prevent the masses uniting to resist their ever greater exploitation of working class people are scapegoating Aboriginal First Peoples and people of Asian, Muslim, African, Middle Eastern and Islander backgrounds. Any damage done to the strength of the Australian ruling class by weakening its international position will necessarily aid the struggle against exploitation and racism at home.
A small number of the left-wing led unions have indeed shown some solidarity with the Palestinian cause by attending pro-Palestinian rallies in Australia. However, such acts are undercut by the fact that the workers movement in Australia is currently led by the Labor Party, a party that from its support for anti-strike laws, to its fulsome backing of the Cold War drive against socialistic China to its defence of Israel is determined to prove to Australia’s ruling class that it is as reliable a defender of the capitalist class’ key interests as the right-wing Liberal-National Coalition are. The struggle to mobilise the working class in support of the Palestinian people is thus closely bound up with the struggle to reorient the workers movement onto a new truly anti-capitalist agenda – an agenda that is needed to not only ensure working class support for oppressed peoples like Aboriginal people and the Palestinians but which is essential to the fight for the working-class’ own rights.
An example of just how emboldened Israel is right now to crush the Palestinian people was seen yesterday when the Israeli military murdered American-Palestinian, Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in a targeted assassination. Of course this is hardly Israel’s first murder of journalists and certainly not of Palestinian people more generally. However, Abu Akleh was not only a Palestinian journalist but a citizen of the United States, the main country that is propping up Israel. Moreover, unlike American student Rachel Corrie who was a leftist opponent of U.S. imperialism when she was murdered by the Israeli military in 2003 while courageously helping to protect Palestinian homes in the Gaza strip from demolition, Abu Akleh worked for a news organization that while covering Palestinian issues more fairly is overall a rabid promoter of U.S. imperialism – from its support for the Western imperialist agenda in the Syrian and Ukraine Wars to its retailing of anti-China, anti-communist propaganda.
Part of the reason why the Israeli regime thinks it can now get away with acting even more brazenly than in the past has to do with the context of the Ukraine-Russia War. In order to prevent Russia emerging as a potential capitalist competitor and to push her back down to the humiliated position that she had in the first decade after the destruction of the USSR, the U.S.-led Western imperialists are throwing huge amounts of arms, money and propaganda into supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia. The Western imperialists are so driven by this agenda that they are more than willing to abandon any minor disputes they may have had with any force that contributes to this anti-Russia campaign. For example, the Western mainstream media had in the past occasionally reported on the influence in the Ukrainian state of brutal fascist paramilitary groups like the white supremacist Azov Battalion. Even as the U.S. military trained the Azov forces, Washington was worried that too open support for such avowed neo-Nazis would constitute a bad look. However, today such misgivings have been totally abandoned. Western regimes and media openly hail the “resistance” of the Mariupol-based Azov regiment and completely whitewash both its ultra-racist, Nazi character and its torture and murder of pro-Russia civilians. Similarly, in the past, the likes of France and Germany had made mild criticisms of the extreme hostility to dark-skinned refugees, persecution of LGBTIQ+ people and authoritarian repression of dissent by the hard right government in Poland. The EU powers were worried that the openness of these repressive policies was undermining the EU’s claims to uphold “democracy.” However, today as the Polish government has put itself up as an extreme frontline opponent of Russia, these mild rebukes of her by her Western allies have softened into total silence. Israel is now also a crucial part of the anti-Russia campaign. Not only do the far-right infested Ukrainian and Israeli regimes enthusiastically support each other, Israel has also recently played a headline role in the propaganda campaign against Russia by accusing Russia of committing war crimes in Ukraine and by fanatically attacking Moscow’s basically correct point (albeit distracted by her foreign minister Lavarov’s false and hurtful claim – for which Putin later apologised – that Hitler had Jewish roots) that just because Ukrainian president Zelenskyy is Jewish does not change the fact that the neo-Nazis play a significant role in the Ukrainian regime. Aware of its importance to the anti-Russia campaign of its Western imperialist backers, Israel knows that its allies will tolerate it acting in an even more heinously cruel manner than usual. And the Palestinian people are the victims of this.
Unfortunately, the murdering Israeli regime’s calculation has thus far proven correct. It was striking how the U.S. State Department responded to the questions about the impartiality of the “investigation” into the murder of Abu Akleh announced by Israel. State Department spokesman Ned Price kept on insisting that Israel has the “wherewithal and the capabilities to conduct a thorough, comprehensive investigation” and rejected calls for an independent probe. In other words, the U.S. imperialists are willing to accept the whitewash of the murder of their own citizen by the Israeli regime even though she worked for a thoroughly pro-Western news organisation in Al Jazeera. Earlier, as anti-Russian propaganda ramped up in the tense days leading up to the Ukraine-Russia War, the Australian government further boosted its support for Israel by outrageously designating Hamas in its entirety to be a “terrorist” organisation (in contrast to the previous stance that only recognized the group’s military wing as such).
Some pro-Palestinian groups in Australia, like the Socialist Alternative group, claim that the West is not being consistent by supporting Ukraine against Russia while refusing to support the Palestinian cause. However, the truth is that the Palestinian people’s completely justified resistance against Israeli occupation has very little in common with Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. For one, a major trigger of the Russian intervention was Ukraine’s brutal persecution of Russian-speaking people living in the eastern Donbass region of Ukraine over the last eight years. The post-2014 Ukrainian regime threatened these peoples’ language and cultural rights. When the Russian-speaking people protested, they were brutally attacked by fascist Ukrainian paramilitary groups that have many similarities to the far-right settler groups in the West Bank. In the eight years prior to the current escalation of the conflict, Ukrainian state forces and their fascist paramilitaries killed around 10,000 of the Russian speaking people in the Donbass who were struggling for their self-determination. In that sense, it is more Ukraine rather than Russia that has been mirroring the oppressive terror of Israel. To be sure, in sending Russian forces into Ukraine, Moscow’s agenda is more than merely defending the persecuted Russian-speaking populations in the East and South of Ukraine and pre-emptively pushing back NATO’s threatening eastwards expansion to her borders. Moscow also seeks to quench the capitalist thirst for ever greater access to guaranteed markets by grabbing more territory and simultaneously advancing her quest to become a new imperial power. However, by violently resisting the wish of many Russian-speaking people in the south and east of Ukraine to either join Russia or have closer ties with her, the Ukrainian regime is also driven by the capitalist push to maximise their own country’s territories.
The Western imperialists say that Russia’s intervention into Ukraine is “threatening the rules-based international order.” But this order is a brutal, oppressive one where the U.S. ruling class and its allied counterparts in the likes of Britain, Australia and Germany set the “rules” which they then make everyone else follow … except themselves! This “rules-based” order has seen the U.S., British and Australian imperialists brutally invade and ravage Iraq twice, devastate Afghanistan during a cruel twenty year occupation, NATO destroy Libya through a bloody 2011 regime change invasion, the devastation of Syria in a Western proxy war, the killing of large numbers of Pakistani people in U.S. drone strikes, the brutal U.S./Australian colonial occupation of Somalia, the 1999 NATO terror bombing of Yugoslavia, the bloody Western-backed Saudi war on Yemen, etc, etc. Moreover, it is this Western imperialist-dominated “rules-based world order” that sustains Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinian people.
The significance of the Ukraine-Russia conflict to the Western-dominated “world order” and therefore to the Palestinian cause has grown markedly over the last two and a half months. When the Russian troops first intervened, the Western powers, while supporting Ukraine, shied away from providing her with the heavy weapons needed to really take on Russia. However, drunk with their own war propaganda, the Western imperialists have now drastically increased their level of military support to Ukraine – including the provision of heavy weapons, direct training of Ukrainian soldiers and the actual presence of Western special forces’ advisers in Ukraine. Having now invested far more in this conflict than they previously had, the outcome of this war will in turn affect far more the U.S., Australian and other Western imperialists. Should their Ukrainian allies triumph it would embolden Western imperialism and thus intensify the subjugation of Palestinian people, increase the Cold War threats to socialistic China and North Korea, increase the dangers faced by “disobedient” countries like Iran, Venezuela and Syria and intensify Western imperialist exploitation of the developing countries. On the other hand, while a Russian military victory would encourage reactionary nationalism within Russia and boost the authority of Russia’s capitalist exploiting class, it would weaken the U.S., British, Australian, German, Japanese and other Western imperialists who have so avidly backed the other side. This would be a good thing for all those subjugated by Western imperialism and its proxies, including the Palestinian people. Therefore, while Russian anti-capitalists would have to oppose their own ruling class while explicitly opposing NATO and refusing to ally with pro-Western pacifists, opponents of imperialism and capitalism in the rest of the globe, especially in the Western imperialist countries themselves, must campaign for the defeat of the Western imperialist-backed side in this war and oppose the growing intervention of the U.S., Australian and other imperial ruling classes into the conflict. That is why we in Trotskyist Platform say: Let’s oppose all the economic sanctions on Russia! Let’s campaign to stop all Western military supplies to the Ukrainian military! Let’s undermine the Western-imperialist controlled “world order” that underpins Israel’s brutal subjugation of the Palestinian people!
Unfortunately, most of the rest of the Left in Australia have taken the opposite position. The Socialist Alternative, Solidarity and Socialist Alliance groups are all backing the U.S., Australian and Israeli-backed Ukraine side in this war. The Australian Communist Party (ACP) formally takes a position of opposing both sides in the conflict but by proudly stating that “the ACP condemns the attack by the forces of the Russian Federation on Ukraine” the ACP in practice gravitates towards supporting imperialist-backed Ukraine. Although the members of all these groups sincerely hold their support for the Palestinian cause, by backing the side of the Western imperialists in the Ukraine-Russia conflict they are supporting the forces that uphold Israel’s tyranny over Palestine. Most of these groups – in particular the Socialist Alternative, Solidarity and Socialist Alliance groups – similarly backed the side of Western imperialism during the Syrian war when they supported imperialism’s Syrian proxies against the Syrian government; and in doing so also put themselves in a de facto military bloc with the Israeli regime that launched hundreds of airstrikes against Syrian government positions.
We insist that true solidarity with the Palestinian people and all those suffering under the direct and indirect tyranny of Western imperialism means slashing back at the U.S., Australian, British, German, Japanese and other Western imperialist ruling classes in every single field where they extend their claws. That means that as well as opposing Western imperialist intervention into the Ukraine conflict and their support for Israel, we must stand for: All U.S. and allied forces out of Iraq, Syria and all the Middle East! Down with the imperialist threats to Iran! Down with all imperialism’s proxies in Syria! U.S. troops out of the Korean Peninsula! Australian imperialist rulers: Get your bullying hands off the Solomon Islands and the rest of the South Pacific! Down with the cruel imperialist-driven sanctions against North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and Afghanistan!
The U.S., Australian and other imperial ruling classes see a far greater threat to their domination of the world than the one posed by their would-be Russian competitor. And that is the threat to imperialist domination of the world posed by the rise of China. Unlike Russia, which is today just another capitalist country, China is a workers state formed when the toiling classes grabbed state power in a giant anti-capitalist revolution in 1949 and which continues to have an economy centred on socialist, public ownership of key sectors. Of all the main powers in the world, including Russia, the Peoples Republic of China currently takes the strongest position in support of Palestine. However, China’s support remains far below what it should be. China’s compromising leaders take a narrow, national-centred approach to foreign policy where they seek to build socialism only in China while trying to ensure “peaceful coexistence” with the capitalist world by avoiding any aggressive involvement in any issues abroad that do not very directly affect China’s interests. This policy is a flawed response to the immense hostile pressure that China faces from the capitalist powers. China’s leaders hope that should they avoid threatening capitalist interests abroad, the capitalist powers will in turn avoid attacking China. However, this policy has been a failure. Whereas, China indeed does little to actively promote anti-capitalist struggle abroad, the imperialist powers are doing everything possible to strangle socialistic rule in China. However, should greater solidarity with Red China from working class people around the world arise, stauncher communists within China would get a greater hearing when they push for China to take a much stronger stance in opposing capitalism and imperialism abroad. This can only be a good thing for the Palestinian people.
Moreover, even though the current Beijing leadership does not seek to challenge Western imperialism’s domination over the world, the mere existence of China as a socialistic power is slowly undermining the grip of imperialism over the ex-colonial countries. China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with the Global South is allowing countries in the Pacific, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to access capital, modern technology, training and a large market in China without having to subordinate their country to the imperial powers or their agencies like the IMF. This is what is driving Australia’s capitalist rulers mad as countries in the South Pacific like the Solomon Islands and Fiji slowly exert greater independence from their Australian imperialist overlords. Eventually, some Arab countries may even finally start exerting greater independence from Washington and its allies, which can only be a good thing for the Palestinian struggle.
Furthermore, the capitalist powers are terrified that even though Beijing does nothing to explicitly promote socialist revolution, the mere example presented by the most populous country in the world continuing to adhere to a socialistic course, while successfully lifting her people out of poverty and providing rapidly rising real wages, wide access to low-rent public housing and ever improving infrastructure, public transport and cultural opportunities for her masses, will encourage working class people in the capitalist world to themselves start agitating for socialism. That is why the Western ruling classes see the rise of socialistic China as an “existential threat.” Of course, if their worst fears are indeed confirmed and the working classes in the West, inspired by socialistic China’s successes, overturn capitalist rule in their own countries that could very quickly open the road to the liberation of Palestine.
More immediately, if solidarity from the masses around the world is able to protect socialistic China such that she is allowed to continue to rapidly rise, this will inevitably loosen the grip of the U.S., Australian and other Western imperialists over the world. That will in turn naturally weaken the Washington-propped up Israeli regime and bring more opportunities for the Palestine liberation cause as well as for the struggles of all people living under the tyranny of the imperial powers. Therefore, all consistent supporters of the Palestinian struggle, all opponents of imperialism and all supporters of working class interests must stand for the unconditional defence of the Chinese workers state against imperialist threats and internal pro-capitalist forces. Down with the lying propaganda war against Red China over Taiwan, Uyghurs, Tibet, Hong Kong, the COVID response and the Pacific! U.S./ British/Australian navies get out of the South China Sea! Oppose the Australian capitalist regime’s anti-China military build up: no to nuclear submarines, no to missiles! For the right of the Solomon Islands and any other country to engage in military and economic cooperation with Red China to the extent that they see fit!
Occupied East Jerusalem, Friday, May 13, 2022: Israeli police horrifically attack mourners as they carry the casket of slain Palestinian-U.S. journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who was shot dead during an Israeli military raid in the West Bank town of Jenin last Wednesday. Under the cover of the war in Ukraine, the brutal, occupying ethno-nationalist Israeli regime has been given the green light from its big brother in Washington to even more brazenly attack the long suffering Palestinian people and their brave struggle of resistance. Working class people of all colours, nationalities and religions must join together with all oppressed peoples to resist the bloody, U.S.-led capitalist world order & extend sororal & fraternal comradely hands of friendship and encouragement to the workers state in China which – despite capitalist encroachment into her economy and imperialist pressure from abroad – remains, alongside the international working class, the only world power that can truly stand up to the imperialists and stop the dead hand of Washington and Canberra et al dragging us all into an ever broadening, greed-driven downwards spiral of oppression, poverty and racism.
Recent weeks have confirmed that while Israel spells murderous subjugation for Palestinian people it cannot even deliver on the main promise that Zionist leaders use to sell Israel: that it will be a secure homeland for Jewish people. The building of an ethno-religious state through murderous ethnic cleansing of another people and through ongoing murderous terror against the dispossessed people inevitably provokes resistance and violent responses. Most of the Palestinian armed resistance takes the form of completely justified blows against the Israeli security forces and fascist settler groups. A small number of desperate Palestinians also lash out in pointless and harmful to their cause attacks on Israeli civilians. That is the byproduct of the brutal Israeli subjugation of Palestine. Although far more Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli security forces, 19 Israelis have also been killed in 2022 in occupation-connected violence including several police officers, a security guard, two Israeli troops killed in an accidental attack by a nervous fellow soldier and several civilians. Moreover, although massive backing from Washington allows Israelis to enjoy a higher standard of living than neighbouring peoples, life in an ethnic supremacist garrison state is not exactly great: youth are required to undergo long periods of forced military conscription and the reality of Israel’s brutal subjugation of Palestinian people means that Israelis are sometimes consigned to life in bomb shelters to protect themselves from counterattack. Yet Israel’s capitalist ruling class does not have the interests of the Jewish masses as their real concern… and never did! What they really want is a guaranteed market and a state compacted together by extreme nationalism that will allow them to exploit the labour of fellow Jewish, Hebrew-speaking people and to con such Jewish working-class people into feebly accepting this exploitation out of nationalist devotion to the ethno-religious state. Indeed, Israel’s most dramatic intervention into the Ukraine-Russia War has confirmed how little its rulers are truly devoted to the well-being of Jewish people. In slamming Moscow for pointing out that Ukrainian president Zelenskyy’s Jewish heritage does not prevent neo-Nazis from playing a significant role in the Ukrainian state, the Israeli regime covered up the large presence of neo-Nazi groups like the Azov and Aidar regiments in the Ukrainian paramilitary forces and inhabitation of virulently anti-Semitic, fascist individuals in parts of Ukraine’s military and police top brass; while whitewashing the reality that the Ukrainian state glorifies as national heroes two Nazi-collaborating, anti-Soviet, Ukrainian World War II paramilitary groups (Stepan Bandera’s UPA and OUN). During World War II, the UPA and OUN between them murdered tens of thousands of Jewish people and over 100,000 Polish people, while helping their Nazi allies to carry out the Holocaust.
It is crucial that a far-sighted section of the Jewish working class in Israel sees the futility and injustice of the Zionist project and comes over to the side of the subjugated Palestinian people. There are some brave Israelis who do protest the worst excesses of the regime’s anti-Palestinian terror but these individuals need to come over fully to opposing the Israeli state and to standing squarely in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s resistance. They must see that the implicitly ethnic supremacist ideology of Zionist nationalism serves to obscure the fact that Jewish working class people in Israel are being exploited by Jewish capitalists and that Israeli capitalism has left the masses with a poor welfare system, the single highest rate of poverty in the OECD and unaffordable rents and house prices (which the regime has cynically manipulated to encourage people to become West Bank settlers with the promise of cheap land in a strategy typical of all settler colonialist regimes). What is needed is for a slice of the Jewish working class to break from Zionist nationalism and unite with the Palestinian people in toppling the Israeli capitalist state. Such a socialist revolution would produce a binational workers state that would ensure equal rights for people of all ethnicities, would annihilate the fascist Settler forces and would guarantee the right to return of all Palestinian refugees.
Given the national chauvinism that currently infects much of the Israeli population, such a solution presently remains distant. By allowing them a relatively privileged economic position in comparison with neighbouring Arab peoples, massive imperialist aid to Israel has tied much of its masses to the illusions and prejudices of Zionism. But any weakening of Western imperialism and its domination over the world would cut the ground from under the feet of Israel’s capitalist rulers and necessarily stir upheavals amongst the Israeli masses. So let us relentlessly resist the Western imperialist domination of the world that underpins Israel’s subjugation of the Palestinian people! Down with all Western imperialist military aid and sanctions over the Ukraine-Russia War! Stand with socialistic China against imperialist threats and anti-communist forces! Oppose the ANZUS and AUKUS alliances that strengthen the imperialist powers that back Israel’s tyranny! For workers’ industrial action to oppose U.S. and Australian backing for Israel! Let’s resist the U.S. and Australian regimes that support Israel’s terror! Let us make the nest of Zionist expansionism fall by vigorously shaking the imperialist branches on which it is perched and which give it support!
Photo Above: Family members view the wreckage of a car destroyed in a U.S. drone strike on a residential neighbourhood of Kabul on 29 August 2021. The U.S. attack killed ten civilians including an employee of a U.S.-based aid organisation as well as seven children – the youngest being two, two year-old girls. The U.S., British, Australian, French and German imperialists killed tens of thousands of Afghan civilians during their invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Russia’s and Ukraine’s ruling classes are certainly oppressive capitalist exploiting classes. But it is the U.S., British, Australian and other Western ruling classes that are the world’s biggest bullies and the ones that are subjugating most of the world’s people. Photo credit: Wakil Koshar – AFP
Bougainville, Iraq, Somalia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Palestine: Victims of U.S., Australian, NATO and Allied War Machines
The Main Threat to the World’s People and the Main Enemy of the Australian Working Class isNot Putin’s Ambitious Capitalist Regime But the U.S., Australian and Other Western Imperialists
Stop Morrison and Albanese from Escalating Their War Drive against Socialistic China!
9 March 2022: Thirteen days ago, Russian troops began an operation with the stated aim of supporting Russian-speaking rebels in the Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine. The rebels have waged an uprising in the districts of Donetsk and Luhansk ever since right-wing nationalists in Ukraine seized power in a 2014 coup and unleashed language discrimination and ethnic terror against the Russian-speaking peoples of the Donetsk and Luhansk districts (known collectively as the Donbass). The rebels have increasingly called for independence for these districts from their Ukrainian oppressors. On 21 February, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced that Russia was recognising the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk. Now he is enforcing that with military intervention and extending Russian forces into whole swathes of Ukrainian territory.
It is not yet known what the Russian administration’s final goal is. However, what is clear is that part of Putin’s agenda is to prevent Ukraine from becoming a staging post for NATO troops and nuclear missiles aimed against Russia. Ukraine had been working toward joining NATO. Russia’s use of military might in a way that has impinged on the sovereignty of one of NATO’s allies and trampled on the interests of Western imperial powers has horrified Western leaders. They are, after all, so used to being the ones that use violence to bully others into submission! Now they are getting a taste of what they have been dishing out to hundreds of millions of people over the years. Indeed, certain reports coming out of Ukraine, like the one that Russia’s incursion had caused the embassy staff representing the Canadian imperialist regime to flee the country in tears, would have triggered celebration among anti-imperialists around the world. Many know all too well how the Canadian imperialists, their senior partners in the U.S. and their other imperialist allies – like the Australian regime – have been brutally riding roughshod over large numbers of the world’s people with almost complete impunity. It is nice to see their interests now being harshly violated! However, there is another side to Russia’s intervention. Although in part a pre-emptive defense measure against NATO, Russia’s capitalist rulers also seek to advance their project to establish a capitalist sphere of influence over the territories of the former USSR. Moreover, in both the actions of Russia which is pushing further into Ukraine than just the majority ethnic-Russian areas and those of Ukraine, which refuses to recognise the right to self-determination of majority Russian areas in the Donbass, the innate capitalist drive to maximise the size of secure markets by maximising territory is all too evident. The imperialist-backed, Ukrainian capitalist regime that brutally persecutes the ethnic Russian people in the Donbass and the ambitious Russian capitalist regime are fighting a reactionary war on both sides. A war that is causing much suffering and death.
Russia’s actions have been denounced by the U.S. rulers and their European NATO and Australian allies. These Western regimes have imposed stiff new sanctions on Russia. The Australian imperialists are eagerly part of these moves. The right-wing Liberal government and the Labor opposition have been tripping over each other to be the first to advocate ever more provocative actions against Russia. Meanwhile, Western capitalist leaders have reiterated their “right” to provocatively extend NATO to Ukraine to further encircle Russia. They are also sending even more military hardware to their Ukrainian allies. This includes Javelin hand-held anti-tank missiles and Stinger hand-held anti-aircraft missiles. Three days ago, Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison boasted that, “Our missiles are on the ground now [in Ukraine].” In other words, the U.S., European and Australian imperialists are pouring even faster into the cauldron the very same fuel that ignited the conflict in the first place.
In lockstep with his senior partners in Washington, Morrison ranted that Russia’s rulers are “thugs and bullies.” Ever eager to prove his loyalty to the U.S.-Australia alliance that Australia’s capitalist bigwigs insist on, ALP leader Anthony Albanese joined in too, denouncing Russia as the “aggressor.” So did the Greens. The following day, Morrison condemned Russia for an “unprovoked and “brutal invasion”. Hang on! Is it not the U.S. and Australian regimes that conducted a completely unprovoked and heinously brutal invasion of Iraq in 2003 in the course of which they killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians? Interviews by Australian regime-controlled media, like the ABC, with understandably worried residents in Kiev only highlights that these media never broadcast such interviews from Iraqi cities when the U.S./Australian/British imperialist forces were terror bombing the people of that country during their 2003 invasion; or during their earlier 1991 assault on Iraq.
Alongside their first 1991 attack on Iraq the, now known as, AUKUS powers spearheaded the enactment of severe United Nations economic sanctions on the people of Iraq. Those sanctions would end up causing the premature deaths of over 1.7 million Iraqi children from a lack of medicine and adequate nutrition! Yet it is hardly only in Iraq that the Western capitalist regimes have acted as “thugs and bullies.” In 1989, Canberra directed and armed PNG to carry out a brutal war against rebels on the island of Bougainville who had risen up against the arrogant destruction of their land by Australian-owned mining giant CRA (now part of Rio Tinto). Australia sent “ex-”SAS mercenaries to fly helicopter gunships. These Australian pilots unleashed some of most hideous massacres of Bougainville civilians. Canberra then helped impose a murderous blockade of the island to starve the people into submission. All up some 15,000 to 20,000 people in Bougainville were killed as a result of the thuggery of Australian imperialism.
Then in 1999, Australian regime forces led a military occupation of East Timor – supposedly to protect people from pro-Indonesian forces that had been staging brutal attacks. But Canberra’s real aim was to establish a political order in East Timor that would allow Australian companies to exploit Timorese labour and loot its rich gas resources. When the East Timorese government nevertheless resisted Australian demands to hand over its oil and gas wealth, the Australian regime planted covert listening devices in the Timorese prime minister’s office so that they could gain the advantage in negotiations over the division of Timor’s seabed gas resources. Then as the East Timorese government continued to not be subservient enough, Canberra again sent in “peacekeepers” in 2006 to manipulate events so that the then government would be overthrown in a coup and replaced by one more compliant to Australia’s capitalists. If that is not “bullying”, we don’t know what is!
Earlier in 1993, again under the guise of “peacekeeping,” the U.S. and Australia sent troops to Somalia to exert their influence over the strategic horn of Africa region. In doing so they unleashed brutal and often racist terror against the local people. It is only the brave resistance of the Somali people, who managed to bring down several U.S. helicopter gunships that finally saw an end to the occupation. Then in 1999, NATO unleashed a 78 day bombing campaign against Serbia, killing thousands of civilians as their bombs and missiles struck apartments, civilian buses, factories, refugee convoys, a packed civilian passenger train and most notoriously the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. Two years later, the U.S., backed by Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Germany, Canada and France and other NATO countries, invaded Afghanistan. They callously killed 30,000 Afghan civilians – mostly through “accidental” air strikes on wedding parties, hospitals and homes. The Australian regime’s SAS special forces committed many of the worst war crimes. They murdered unarmed Afghan peasants, tortured and executed prisoners and slit the throats of young boys. One of their worst atrocities was their 15 December 2012 massacre of at least thirteen Afghan onion farmers and their children. The Australian forces unleashed this massacre after an SAS patrol commander “accidentally” shot one of the farmers and then the patrol decided to murder all the witnesses to cover up the initial crime.
In the middle of their brutal twenty year occupation of Afghanistan, Western forces invaded Libya and overthrew the Gaddafi government there for the “crime” of refusing to totally align his policies with their predatory designs over Libya’s and Africa’s economy. The Pine Gap, U.S./Australia joint spy base in Australia’s Northern Territory worked over time to pinpoint NATO’s air and missile strikes in Libya. The Australian-backed NATO invaders ended up killing tens of thousands of Libyan civilians. They imposed a regime change that not only resulted in ten years of bloody infighting amongst NATO’s puppets installed into power but triggered the racist slaughter of thousands of black-skinned Libyans and migrant workers from Chad, Niger, Somalia and Nigeria. To all this we must add Western imperialism’s proxy war on Syria which killed hundreds of thousands of people, the mid-2010s U.S./British/Australian bombing campaign over Syria and Iraq which killed over ten thousand more innocent people in “accidental” air strikes, the killing of thousands of civilians in U.S. drone strikes in Northwest Pakistan, America’s provocative assassination of a top Iranian general in January 2020, the tens of thousands made to die prematurely as a result of starvation Western-initiated sanctions on the people of North Korea, Iran, Syria and Venezuela, Israel’s Washington and Canberra-backed genocidal terror on the Palestinian people and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states’ terrifying U.S.-orchestrated war in Yemen. Meanwhile, here in Australia, the sovereignty and rights of Aboriginal people continue to be brutally crushed by Australia’s racist ruling class.
Some of the seven children killed in a U.S. drone strike on a residential neighbourhood of Kabul on 29 August 2021. From left to right are: Binyamen age 3, Armin, age 4 and Sumaya age 2. The attack also killed three adult civilians. The rocket attack was one of the last deeds of the U.S. occupation forces in Afghanistan. During their occupation of Afghanistan, the U.S., British, Australia, French and German imperialists repeatedly chose to attack targets that they knew had a high probability of actually being civilians or in which they knew civilians could get killed in the course of the attack. For the Western imperialists the lives of darker-skinned peoples, especially those living in the “Third World” are expendable.
So for the Western regimes to now condemn Russia for violating the sovereignty of another country is the vilest hypocrisy. For them to claim that Russia’s operation in Ukraine has disrupted an otherwise “peaceful world order” is the most revolting lie. Tell that to the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, Serbia, Bougainville, Iran, Syria, etc, etc! The fact is that the U.S., British, Australian, German, Canadian and French regimes disrupt world peace and make new violations upon the sovereignty of other countries more frequently than most people change their toothbrushes! And they have been unleashing air or ground attacks on peoples around the world more often than we clean our teeth! What is driving their murderous actions is neither sadism nor irrationality, although the capitalist system certainly does attract into leading positions irrational and sadistic people. Rather, the actions of these Western regimes flow quite logically from their roles as enforcers of the interests of the capitalist big business owners of their respective countries. In capitalism’s current, final phase, the capitalists of the richest countries not only exploit their own workers but exploit at an even more severe rate the toiling classes of the poorer countries, while plundering the natural resources of these countries and grabbing control of markets there. It is not a choice of these capitalists of the richer countries whether or not to act in this imperialist way. For them it is a necessity. The capitalist system at its advanced stage has outgrown national boundaries. Unless the capitalists of the wealthier nations engage in this imperialist robbery of the poorer countries, capitalist economies will implode under the weight of their own internal contradictions.
We should add here that being a big country with a powerful army that sends it forces abroad does notnecessarily make one an imperial power. India for example, with its huge army and aggressive capitalist ruling class, is not an imperialist country but remains a semi-colonial victim of imperialism, thoroughly exploited, manipulated by and financially subservient to the real imperialists. Imperialism rather means the capitalists of the richer countries super-exploiting the masses of the ex-colonies in Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Middle East and South and Central America through the export of capital and by using the threat of cutting off access to capital, markets and technology as a means to blackmail the peoples of the poorer countries into submission. It also means the regimes that serve these rich country capitalists unleashing horrendous violence against the peoples of their neo-colonies and semi-colonies in order to enforce this robbery.
Russia’s capitalist rulers dream of using their military and technological strength inherited from the Soviet Union to once again become a fully-fledged imperialist power, as they were in Tsarist times. Yet, although future events could change this, currently, Russia’s capitalists don’t quite yet have the economic strength or the capital provided by a richer imperial ally to seriously displace Western capital from their domination over the “Third World”. Right now, it is not Russia, but the U.S., Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Canada and their ilk who are the thugs bullying and exploiting much of the world’s people. Over the last 33 years, these Western capitalist regimes – and their Saudi and Israeli allies – have together killed more than FOUR MILLION people around the world through imperialist invasions, terror bombing, proxy wars, war crimes, drone strikes and sanctions. When the Western powers interfere into the current conflict in Ukraine by increasing military aid to Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russia and bullying diplomacy, it is with the sole purpose of fortifying this bloody tyranny over much of the world. In particular, by punishing Russia – and in the process causing great suffering to her people through economic sanctions – the Western imperialists want to send a message to both Russia and other powers that no one should ever again dare to take any military action that harms their interests. We should not allow the U.S., British, Australian and other Western imperialist regimes to in this way reinforce their supremacy over the world and their monopoly over the use of violence in international relations. We should not allow them to pour more oil on the flames of the bloody conflict in Ukraine. The working class of the world, the billions of people suffering under Western imperial domination and all opponents of imperialism must demand: Western imperialism stop your aggressive intervention into the Ukraine conflict! No to your sanctions on Russia! Stop your flow of arms to Ukraine! Down with your plans to extend NATO eastwards! Down with NATO! Down with your schemes to seize on this war to whip up a “national security” obsession at home so that you can escalate your Cold War drive against socialistic China! We must understand that it is only the Russian and Ukrainian working classes who can end this war in a progressive manner by uniting with each other against each of their own aggressive capitalist ruling classes.
Pisa, Italy: Airport workers, members of the Unione Sindacale di Base (USB), one of Italy’s biggest trade unions, demonstrate. In mid-March, these workers loading what they thought was humanitarian aid for Ukraine’s people at the civilian airport at Pisa found that amongst the cargo were crates of weapons, ammunitions and explosives. In a powerful action, the workers then refused to load the military cargo. In a press release, their union the USB firmly stated: “We strongly denounce this genuine forgery, which cynically uses `humanitarian’ cover to continue fueling the war in Ukraine.” The union called on “workers to continue to refuse to load weapons and explosives that feed a spiral of war” and called for a demonstration in front of the airport to condemn the “flights of war.” Bravo, Pisa airport workers! We need similar actions both here, to disrupt the Australian regime’s weapons supplies to its Ukrainian counterparts, and in all the other Western imperialist countries that are up to their necks in pouring oil onto the flames of this war.
The Main Enemy is the Capitalist Ruling Class At Home
To understand that the Western capitalist ruling classes are by far the biggest oppressors of the world’s peoples does not mean that we need to prettify Russia’s capitalist ruling class – nor Ukraine’s. Putin and Zelensky can be thought of as the Scott Morrisons or indeed the Peter Duttons of Russia and Ukraine. However, unlike Morrison, Putin does not represent a regime that is part of the most powerful imperialist bloc in the world. Moreover, as nasty as the Russian capitalist ruling class is, it is not the main enemy of the working class and oppressed of Australia. The reason that 300,000 people were homeless in Australia at some point during last year is not because of Putin but because anti-working class Australian governments have sold off so much public housing that rental accommodation has become ever more unaffordable for lower-income workers and unemployed workers. It is telling too that just four days before Morrison ranted that Russia’s rulers were “thugs and “bullies”, yet another Aboriginal youth died as the result of a police action in Australia. Sixteen year-old electrician apprentice, Jai Wright, was killed in inner city Sydney after the trail bike he was riding was hit by a police car. The killed youth’s family have exposed how the police have told them two completely contradictory stories about how the crash occurred. The death of Jai Wright is showing all the hallmarks of the notorious 2004 police murder of 17 year-old Aboriginal youth, TJ Hickey, who was killed not far from where Jai Wright was hit when he was rammed by a police vehicle sending him flying onto a fence that impaled him. Since 1991, over 500 Aboriginal people have died in state custody. Many of the victims, like TJ Hickey, Mulrunji Doomadgee and David Dungay, were simply murdered by racist cops or prison guards. And the rivals of Australia’s ruling class thousands of kilometres away in Russia have nothing to do with these atrocities. These are wholly the crimes of the racist, rich people’s regime right here… the same one that has today been sanctimoniously attacking Russia!
It needs to be pointed out too that even as Australia’s rulers shed crocodile tears over the suffering brought by the war in Ukraine, here they have caused nearly 3,300 people to die from COVID in 2022 alone because they callously allowed COVID to rip while undermining testing and tracing services. This cruel policy, driven by their intent to put the interests of capitalist business owners above the welfare of the masses, has disproportionately hit low-paid frontline workers and their families – many of whom are from Middle Eastern, Asian and African backgrounds. In pursuing this profits-first policy, Australia’s ruling class has caused dozens of times more people to die from COVID here in 2022 than the number of civilians who have thus far perished in the bloody conflict in Ukraine.
However, there has also been resistance against the oppressors at home. Angered by the fact that their wages have barely risen while prices have surged, workers have waged more strike action over the last year than in quite a while. And with the NSW Liberal state government refusing to hire enough workers to staff key public sector roles, the last few months has seen nurses, rail workers, bus drivers and teachers unleash a wave of industrial action. However, such resistance will be weakened and the authority of the increasingly distrusted, rich people’s regimes will be restored to the extent that working class people buy the lie that they need to unite with the capitalist rulers against supposed external foes – in Russia and socialistic China. If the masses fall for this swindle, it will enable the capitalist regime to attack working class and other progressive struggles as “unpatriotic acts” that “endanger national security.” We will then see more outrages like the one unleashed by NSW transport minister, David Elliot, two weeks ago when he accused rail workers of “terrorist-like activity” for merely engaging in low-level industrial action. That is why politically aware workers must convince their co-workers that the main enemy of working class people here is not far away in Moscow but is rather the capitalist ruling class right here. They must explain that we should NOT unite with this Australian ruling class to defend “national security.” When the ruling class talk “national security” they only mean the “security” of their predatory interests and their capitalist system of exploitation. So rather than being sucked into helping our exploiters and oppressors fight their overseas foes, let us wage class war against these capitalist exploiters! Let’s fight for big wage rises, for a guaranteed minimum wage and all the rights of permanency for all gig and casual workers, for a massive increase in public housing, for union action to oppose racist state terror against Aboriginal people and for the rights of citizenship for all guest workers, international students and refugees.
15 February, Sydney: Thousands of NSW nurses strike for a higher nurse to patient ratio and better pay. The strike was hugely popular amongst the public. However, class struggle is threatened by the “natural security” obsession that Australia’s ruling class have been trying to reinforce in the wake of the Ukraine conflict – an obsession that will be used to condemn class struggle as a threat to “national unity.”
The Roots of the Conflict in Ukraine
The 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution that destroyed working class rule in Russia and the other lands of the former Soviet Union (USSR) was thoroughly backed, and indeed brains trusted, by U.S. imperialism and allies. Therefore, these Western powers had enormous sway over the new capitalist states that emerged over the lands of the former USSR. To be sure, given the enormous economic development and technical progress of the peoples of the region during Soviet times, the Western imperialists were not able to turn these countries into neocolonies that are plundered in the same way that, say, Australian capitalists rob the people of PNG and East Timor today or the way that American, Japanese, British and Australian capital super-exploits the toiling classes of Indonesia and the Philippines. Nevertheless, Washington and to a lesser extent other Western regimes grabbed control of the markets in these countries, dictated to the fledgling new capitalist leaders, forced them to implement privatisation schemes even more rapidly than even they wanted and treated the peoples of these countries in a patronising way. In some ways the relationship between the Western powers and the countries of the former USSR was like the relationship between the U.S. and, say, South Korea, which is not a superexploited economic semi-colony of Western imperialism but is nevertheless dictated to and bullied by Washington.
For the first decade after their restoration to power, the capitalist rulers in the biggest and most powerful of the ex-Soviet countries, Russia, grudgingly accepted this subordinate status. However, after they stabilised their rule and after surging oil prices at the start of 21st century flushed these rulers of oil-rich Russia with new wealth, Russia’s capitalist rulers began to push back against high-handedness from Washington and her European NATO allies. Moreover, Russia’s increasingly ambitious rulers began to pursue their dream of becoming the imperialist top dogs of the ex-Soviet region. Washington and the West European imperialists resisted this new-found assertiveness of their former Russian underlings. They sought to push Russia’s down into the subordinate status that it had during the 1990s. This sharp clash over what Russia should be, between on the one hand, the U.S.-led drive to return her to being a patronised, Western-dependent country and on the other, the Russian ruling class’ ambitions to become a new imperial power, is the underlying conflict from which arises all disputes between the NATO powers and Russia’s rulers.
The Western mainstream media have very inaccurately portrayed the project to restore Russia’s Tsarist imperial “glory” as a personal project of Putin. In fact, it is an ambition supported by the majority of Russia’s capitalist class. That is why Putin’s military intervention into Ukraine was overwhelmingly supported by the Russian parliament. The change in attitude of Russia’s ruling class did not come with Putin acquiring the presidency in 1999. It is worth noting that in the mid and late 1990s, Putin was a loyal functionary of then president Boris Yelstin, when the latter ran an administration that accepted Russia’s subordinate position to the U.S. and Germany. What changed was not Putin but the economic and political conditions – not least the world oil price.
Being a country that is not at this stage a fully-fledged imperialist power, there remains a wing of the Russian capitalist class that thinks that their interests would be better served if Russia were to again become a subordinate partner to the NATO powers. Today, many in this wing of the Russian elite support the prominent Western-backed opposition figure, Alexei Navalny. The Western media would like to portray Navalny and other pro-Western forces as “liberals” as opposed to pro-Putin “authoritarians”. However, the pro-Western wing of the Russian capitalist class is not necessarily more “democratic” than the dominant, independent wing. If the pro-Westerners make demands opposing government censorship it is largely only because they are out of political power and want more space to gain the ascendancy. But it is very important to note that Navalny has marched in extreme right-wing anti-immigrant marches and has demanded in the past that migrants be deported from Russia. Hardly a true “liberal democrat”!
4 November 2011: The most prominent pro-Western Russian opposition figure, Alexei Navalny participates in a racist, anti-immigrant march. The black, yellow and white flags seen in this “Russia march” is the late 19th Tsarist flag favoured today by extreme right-wing, Great Russian chauvinists. Navalny, the darling of the Western imperialists, is no “liberal democrat.”
Western ruling classes are also divided about what attitude they should take towards Russia. In the U.S. there is a wing of the capitalist class that believes that Washington should accommodate to a degree Moscow’s concerns and ambitions. They hope for a U.S.-Russia capitalist super-power alliance against their main enemy: socialistic China. They also see the possibility of using Russian military might as a counter-weight to the economic strength of their German and French allies cum competitors. This is the agenda that hard right former U.S. president Donald Trump originally wanted to pursue but was blocked by a wall of opposition from other wings of the American capitalist class. Even Biden, when he first took office, signaled the possibility of improving U.S. relations with capitalist Russia in order to isolate the Chinese workers state. However, moves to improve Washington-Moscow relations became unstuck because capitalist economic realities drove the two regimes apart. Especially given the growing contradictions in capitalist economies and now hit by COVID, the American and other Western capitalists need to increasingly exploit the poorer countries and further dominate their markets. They simply cannot allow a new imperial power to emerge and contest for the markets and resources that they have so jealously apportioned for themselves. Meanwhile, Russian capitalism with its own economic woes cannot afford to see itself being further displaced by Western capitalists from the huge market for its exports that existed in Ukraine and other former Soviet lands. Thus, although it is not impossible that capitalist enmity to socialism could in the future still unite Washington and Moscow into a grand capitalist alliance against Red China, right now, like the inevitable clash between existing Mafia godfathers and a new kid in the block gang that they seek to contain and subordinate, the conflict between the most powerful Western imperialist robbers and their emerging Russian rival has reached breaking point.
Ukraine has been a key battleground of this clash. In the 1990s when Russian capitalism was subordinated to the Western powers, Washington, Berlin, Paris and London were relatively content to allow Kiev to have amicable relations with Moscow. However, as Russia became more independent and self-confident during the 21st century, the Western powers pushed for Ukraine to move away from Russia and give them prized access to the Ukrainian market for their exports. As a result, the issue of whether Ukraine should be more closely aligned with, on the one hand, the U.S. and Europe or, on the other, Russia, became the defining issue in Ukrainian political life. At the 2002 parliamentary elections, parties favouring closer ties with Russia were voted in. Two years later, despite blatant interference by Washington in support of the pro-Western candidate, the pro-Russia candidate Viktor Yanukovych won presidential elections. However, spurred on by Washington, the defeated forces challenged the validity of the results through street protests. The parties and NGOs leading these protests were funded directly by the U.S. government and its various agencies like Freedom House as well as by pro-imperialist American “NGOs”. Meanwhile, these American agencies and NGOs provided training on rebellion tactics to their Ukrainian allies. The U.S. campaign in the end succeeded. In a coup, dubbed the “Orange Revolution”, Yanukovych’s election victory was annulled and the pro-Western candidate arose to the presidency. However, at subsequent elections, the parties brought to power by the Washington-backed “Orange Revolution” were voted out by the people. Ukrainian administrations became a revolving door as neither the pro-Western wing of the capitalist elite nor its pro-Moscow wing could satisfy the aspirations of the masses.
In late 2013, then president Yanukovych backed away from signing an agreement for closer integration with the European Union. Ukraine had asked the EU for a loan to make up for the cost of making changes to her economy required by the agreement. The EU and the IMF demanded that Ukraine implement neoliberal changes to her economy as the price for any loans – such as removing gas subsidies. Fearing unrest from implementing such policies, the Yanukovych administration instead looked towards closer ties with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Pro-Western parties responded with a campaign of street protests that were again funded and “advised” by U.S. government agencies and NGOs. They were aided in mobilising these protests by widespread anger at the government over rampant corruption and falling living standards. This was the “Orange Revolution” Version 2. However, things were different this time around. The U.S. involvement was even more overt. Especially with their own economy weakened following the Great Recession, the American ruling class really needed to get a greater share of the Ukrainian market, which at that time was still dominated by exports from Russia. Meanwhile, the polarisation within Ukraine had also become more intense. Nourished by this polarisation and the ongoing misery caused by the late noughties recession, the far-right had become a major factor in Ukraine. The main activist force behind the anti-government movement, dubbed Euromaidan, was now the extreme right-wing Svoboba Party, an outfit that espouses hatred of Russians, Jews and immigrants. Forming the shock troops of Euromaidan was the even more extreme Pravy Sektor (Right Sector), a neo-Nazi paramilitary group which had already become notorious for attacks on international students and immigrants. As a result, by early 2014, the “protests” became increasingly violent. Rioters assaulted – and in some cases murdered – opponents of the movement. The increasingly influential fascist factions opposed any compromise deal with Yanukovych. As a result, Yanukovych was deposed. His administration was replaced by a coalition dominated by right-wing conservatives and the fascistic Svoboda party. What happened in early 2014 was like last year’s January 6 far-right uprising in Washington, with the crucial difference that in Ukraine the right-wing forces actually triumphed. For the second time in a decade an elected Russia-friendly president in Ukraine had been overthrown in a U.S.-backed coup.
Popular Sentiment in Eastern Ukraine and Russia against the Euromaidan Regime
After the Euromaidan coup, Ukraine became even more polarised geographically between the West of the country and the South and East of Ukraine, with its high percentage of Russian speakers and minorities. In the West, the mood was pro-Western and Ukrainian nationalist, with the areas being strongholds of the pro-EU conservatives and the Far Right. The South and the East of Ukraine, however, wanted closer ties with Russia and supported Yanukovych’s Party of Regions or the Communist Party of Ukraine. This polarisation deepened still further when just two days after the coup, the new nationalist government voted to repeal a language law that allowed Russian – and in some smaller areas Hungarian, Moldovan and Romanian – to be used as a regional second language in schools and government institutions in those areas where there is a high proportion of speakers of these languages. This repeal, the coup toppling the pro-Russian president, violent attacks on opponents of the anti-Russia forces during Euromaidan and the presence of extreme anti-Russian figures in the new regime led to angry protests in the South and East. In the Crimean Peninsula, where the population was overwhelmingly Russian, large demonstrations started to call for withdrawal from Ukraine and accession to Russia. Then following a referendum where Crimea voted 95% for seceding from Ukraine and joining Russia – with an 83% voter turnout – Russia annexed Crimea.
In the majority Russian-speaking Donetsk and Luhansk districts, the Euromaidan coup triggered a rebellion against the new regime. This was met with brutal repression by the Ukrainian military and far-right volunteer paramilitary organisations. Many of the latter have been funded by Ukrainian oligarchs, like Ukraine’s second richest billionaire, Ihor Kolomoyskyi. Most prominent among these paramilitaries is the Azov Battalion. As well as recruiting Ukrainian right-wing extremists, Azov has been a magnet for white supremacists from Sweden, Spain, the U.S., Croatia and Italy. Azov has conducted brutal attacks on leftists and minorities – especially targeting Roma people. Within Donetsk and Luhansk, Azov and the other fascist paramilitary outfits have committed the most horrific atrocities including murdering civilians and raping and torturing detainees. These crimes have hardened the resolve of the Russian-speaking rebels. Initially they mostly demanded greater autonomy. Now, most of the ethnic Russians – and even many Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainians – in these districts want independence.
The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion at a march in Kiev. The Azov and other far-right paramilitary groups allied with the Ukrainian military have committed the most horrendous crimes against the Russian-speaking people in the Donbass region. The militia is based in the city of Mariupol in the south of the Donetsk district on the coast of the Sea of Azov.Over the last few days, many people have reported that the Azov Battalion have been killing residents if they try to leave this city that has been encircled by Russian troops – basically forcing residents to be their human shields.
The struggle for self-determination of the Russian-speaking people of Donetsk and Luhansk is a just struggle, in essence similar to the Palestinian people’s struggle, the Tamil struggle for national self-determination in Sri Lanka and struggle for independence of the people of West Papua. It is also somewhat different to these struggles in that in the case of the Donbass, adjacent to the people demanding self-determination exists, in the form of Russia, a powerful neighbour dominated by a people based on the same ethnicity/language group. As a result there is a Russian chauvinist strain within the rebellion. Worryingly, Russian rightwing extremists from outfits like the Russian National Unity group have come from Russia to join the movement and some of these fascists have also committed attacks on Roma. Additionally, the Hungarian neo-Nazi Jobbik Party, the Serbian far-right, anti-communist Chetniks and the fascist British National Party are also backing the Donbass rebellion and Australian white supremacist parties have given moral support. At the same time, it should be noted that the fascist component of the Donbass rebellion seems smaller than in the Ukrainian paramilitary irregulars opposing them. Moreover, given the just character of the Donbass people’s demands, leftist groups have also formed a component of the Donbass uprising.
Other than the issue of language and ethnic persecution, there is another aspect to the hostility to the Kiev regime within the East of Ukraine. Not only is the East, where ethnic Russians mix together with both Russian-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians, Belarussians, Jews and Greeks, more cosmopolitan than the West of the country, its population has a higher percentage of wage workers – especially blue collar workers – due to the area being more industrialised. As a result, a large chunk of the population there has sympathy for socialism and is nostalgic for the much better life that they had in Soviet times. Therefore, when the post-Euromaidan regime began knocking down monuments to the Soviet Union and to the Red Army’s heroic victory over Nazi Germany, this provoked outrage amongst many in Eastern Ukraine. This sentiment was reinforced, when in 2015, the Ukrainian regime despicably made two Nazi-collaborating, anti-Soviet Ukrainian paramilitary groups (the UPA and the OUN), “heroes of Ukraine.” During World War II, the UPA and OUN between them murdered 100,000 Polish people and tens of thousands of Jewish people, while helping their Nazi allies to carry out the Holocaust.
Through the many family and other personal connections that people in the East of Ukraine have with those in Russia, their hostile feelings towards the Ukrainian regime became known to people inside Russia. Meanwhile, reports of the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian military and especially its far-right paramilitary auxiliaries against Russian-speaking people caused disgust within Russia. As a result, although Putin’s decision to unleash the Russian military against the Ukrainian regime reflects the interests of the Russian capitalist class that he serves, Putin was, to some degree, egged on by popular hostility to the Kiev authorities amongst some Russians.
Ukraine post-Russian invasion 2022? No! This is Ukraine in 2014! A woman walks past an apartment block in the Russian-speaking city of Snizhne that was destroyed by a Ukrainian air strike on 15 July 2014. The city is located in the Eastern part of the Donetsk district and is a stronghold of the pro-Russia rebels. The eight year-old conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine has taken 14,000 lives. To some degree, the Russian intervention represents an extension of an existing ongoing war. Photo Credit: Mauricio Lima
Washington Provoked This Conflict
The weeks leading up to the Russian intervention saw meetings between Russian and Western leaders. The main issue was Russia’s demand that NATO give guarantees that it would not expand further eastwards into Ukraine, that is, not expand right up to Russia’s western border. Russia, quite understandably, sees that prospect as threatening. As part of the then Soviet Union, the people of Russia lost some 20 million of their compatriots when Germany invaded the Soviet Union from the west during World War II. Washington and the mainstream Western media denounced Russia’s demands saying it is outrageous and unprecedented for a government to be demanding that a government of a neighbouring country not undertake the security arrangement of its own choosing. Unprecedented? Really? Well in October 1962, then U.S. president John F. Kennedy came within a hairsbreadth of starting World War 3 when he took military action to stop socialistic Cuba from deploying missiles belonging to her Soviet ally on her own territory. Cuba had quite correctly asked for the Soviet missiles to protect her from a future U.S. invasion following the United States’ failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of their island country the year before. After the Soviets began setting up the missiles, the U.S. carried out a provocative naval blockade of Cuba. An all out nuclear war between the superpowers was only averted after the Soviets backed down.
Although Washington completely rejected Moscow’s concerns there were signs from some of its allies of some degree of willingness to negotiate with Moscow. As few as ten days before the Russian intervention, Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky made a partial concession to Russia by playing down the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO, describing it as a remote “dream” that is out of the question for the foreseeable future. He also suggested a willingness to compromise on the Donbass issue. However, under pressure from both the American regime and Ukraine’s own Far Right and pushed by Washington’s hardline refusal to give even the most minimal security guarantees to Russia during their negotiations with Moscow, Zelensky changed his tune and again thumbed his nose at Moscow’s demands.
Even Washington’s European NATO partners showed some willingness to be flexible. German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, stated that, “The question of [Ukrainian] membership in alliances is practically not on the agenda.” Meanwhile, French president Emmanuel Macron sought to reach a Western compromise with Russia. Up until now, the German and French imperialists have taken a less hardline stance against Russia than their American NATO counterparts. This is because these European powers are quietly keeping in reserve the possibility of, in the future, aligning themselves with capitalist Russia in a pan-European-Eurasian capitalist alliance that would, with the political leverage provided by Russian military might, enable the French and German imperialists to flip their current subordinate position in their relationship with their American ally-cum-competitor. However, Washington is only too aware of all this. So, they poured scorn on Macron’s efforts to seek a compromise with Putin. Furthermore, just as they pressured Zelensky to abandon his overtures to Moscow, they aggressively pushed Berlin to take a harder line against Russia. Biden was assisted in exerting this pressure on Social Democrat chancellor Scholz by the latter’s own partner in coalition government, the war-mongering German Greens (whose foreign policy is very similar to that of U.S. neo-conservatives like John Bolton … albeit with a “progressive liberal” and green face!). Thus, the U.S. imperialists ensured that there would be no compromise. Meanwhile, as Ukraine-Russia tensions escalated over the last year, the U.S. rulers poured oil into the fire at an even greater rate by stepping up arms supplies to Ukraine. In many different ways, they provoked this war!
However, just like their European counterparts, Washington has had its imperialist interests violated by Russia’s military operation. So why then did Biden and Co. provoke the Russian invasion? For one, although the U.S. capitalist class’ interests in Ukraine have been threatened by Russia’s intervention, those interests are far less than those of the European imperialists. It is the German and other European capitalists, rather than their U.S. counterparts, who gained the greatest share of the Ukrainian market following the Euromaidan coup. Moreover, given their location, it is the European imperialists who are most buffeted by Moscow pushing back against NATO in Russia’s neighbouring region. Furthermore, not only have the U.S. imperialists lost less than their European counterparts as a result of Putin’s intervention, they have gained far more. To see why, we should look closely at the shifts that have taken place over the two weeks. Firstly, U.S. leadership over other NATO countries has been reinforced – at least for the time being. Given that the U.S. is by far the strongest military power in NATO, another power taking military action that harms NATO interests naturally brings the question of military power to the fore and highlights U.S. pre-eminence in this area. So to Washington’s delight, the events of the last few days have caused Berlin and Paris to bow down to Washington and put back in their draws, at least for the moment, their plans to stride out on a more independent course. The U.S. rulers have long wanted to shore up their leadership position over the West so that they can sometimes elbow out their European allies-cum-rivals in competition over markets in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and the developing world.
Secondly, the U.S. hopes to now use military aid to Ukraine and sanctions on Russia to slowly bleed its Russian capitalist rival. Washington hopes that by tying down Russia in a war and its aftermath in Ukraine, Russia will not be able to impede Western military pressure against China. Although all the Western powers broadly share such an outlook, the economic costs to the U.S. of sanctions on Russia is far less than those that will be borne by Germany and other European powers. The U.S. is far, far less dependent on Russian energy imports and trade with Russia than their West European counterparts. Thirdly, after the horrifyingly brutal invasions that it led in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and many other places, the U.S. now hopes that the Russian intervention in Ukraine will allow Washington to cynically portray itself to the world as, quite unbelievably, the leading protector of countries’ sovereignty! Moreover, it hopes to not only bring widespread condemnation upon its Russian adversary but by association hopes to discredit China, given that the latter is a world power that has friendly relations with Russia. Fourthly, chest beating over the war in Ukraine has enabled America’s capitalist rulers to divert attention away from the worsening condition of the masses in the USA. Workers there are furious that their wages have failed to keep up with price increases, which soared by 7.5% over the last year. Meanwhile, despite using less overtly racist rhetoric than the previous Trump administration, the Biden presidency oversees continued racist police terror against black people and other people of colour as well as brutal repression against Latin American migrants seeking entry into the US.
Lastly, by provoking military action by a NATO adversary right on Europe’s doorstep, the U.S. rulers have managed to push some of the major European NATO members to commit to increased military spending. Although the U.S. ruling class sees the German-led European capitalists as competitors, as well as current allies, it has long sought to prod these European NATO members to increase their defence budgets. Expecting that it will be able to continue to maintain its leadership over NATO, Washington wants European powers to play a bigger role in both U.S.-led military adventures in the ex-colonial countries and in “maintaining peace and security in Europe”, by which they mean confronting countries in that region that refuse to adhere to the Western-dominated world “order” – like Russia and Belarus today and Serbia in 1999. This push for European powers to play a bigger military role in U.S.-led operations is aimed in good part in freeing the U.S. to concentrate greater forces against its main target: socialistic China. Moreover, the U.S. hopes that better armed European NATO powers will themselves play a bigger role in squeezing China. There is also another obvious reason why the U.S. regime want European NATO powers to increase their defence spending. It is because U.S. corporations are by far the world’s biggest defence contractors. The filthy rich capitalists that own American defence giants like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon are set to make an absolute fortune from the increased European military spending that is resulting from this war that has been provoked by their government in Washington.
Washington and its allies have seized on the Russian intervention that they provoked to launch an aggressive diplomatic campaign to isolate Russia and refurbish their own authority. Many countries have been outraged at the bullying nature of this campaign. On March 6, Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan accused EU countries, Australia, Japan and Canada of treating Pakistan like slaves after they tried to arm twist her into abandoning her neutral position on the conflict. Nevertheless, this diplomatic pressure has worked to some degree. On 2 March, 141 countries voted for a Western-pushed motion at the UN General Assembly opposing the Russian intervention and supporting the Ukrainian regime, with five countries voting against, 35 abstaining and 11 countries effectively abstaining by not voting (see Above). However, when one looks at the populations of countries involved in the vote, then the isolation of Russia is far less clear cut. This is because many of the countries that voted for the Western-pushed resolution are European countries with very small populations or tiny countries that are unfortunately thoroughly under the thumb of imperialists – like Nauru which, after Australian imperialism destroyed by mining phosphate in an especially callous way during its direct colonial domination of the island, has now turned into Canberra’s giant concentration camp for refugees. By contrast many of those that refused to vote for the motion are very populous countries. Thus, the by far most populous two countries in the world, China and India, where nearly three out of every eight of the world’s people live, abstained on the motion. So did the fifth and eighth most populous countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh. And of the ten most populous African countries, six did not vote for the motion. They are Ethiopia, South Africa, Tanzania, Algeria, Sudan and Uganda. All up, governments representing 55% of the world’s people refused to vote for the resolution opposing Russia and supporting Kiev – by either abstaining, not voting or voting against – while governments representing 45% of the world’s people voted for the Western resolution. Source of Voting Record: Al Jazeera
Stand With Socialistic China – The Main Target of U.S. and Australian Imperialism
Unlike their U.S. and West European allies, the Australian imperialists have few economic interests in the former Soviet countries. So why then is the Australian regime getting involved in the sanctions against Russia and the arms flow to Ukraine? We know that this has nothing to do with defending a people’s right to sovereignty. After all, the current political order here was formed from the genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people, a crime which the Australian regime continues to base itself upon. For Canberra, their response to the Ukraine conflict is overwhelmingly about backing their U.S. and British allies. Australian capitalists have an interest in maintaining the U.S.-led Western domination of the world. It is U.S. might that provides the shield for Australian imperialism to exploit, rob and bully the masses of this region – the peoples of PNG, East Timor, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc. Thus, the Australian regime supports the U.S. everywhere in the same way that a local mafia boss always defends the supremacy of the particular big-time mafia godfather that is guaranteeing his local tyranny.
At the same time, Australian regime officials have previously urged their U.S. allies in private not to be distracted with Russia. The Australian imperialists want their senior partners focused on targeting Red China. Whereas Australia’s capitalist rulers have been joining anti-Russia actions out of their need to back their U.S. godfather, when it comes to attacking China, Canberra has actually been egging on Washington to be ever more aggressive. Today, Australia’s rulers are working their hardest to give their stance on Ukraine an anti-China bent. Indeed, Morrison and his hard rightwing defence minister, Peter Dutton, seem to be spending even more time attacking China than Russia. Morrison ranted against China for not condemning Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Yet, notably, he had no criticism of his Quad partner India also abstaining on the Western-orchestrated UN resolutions attacking Russia. Meanwhile, Australian politicians and media have been trying to equate China with Russia, suggesting that Putin’s intervention might encourage China to “threaten” countries in the Asia-Pacific. Of course, in spreading this lie of a Chinese military “threat”, they avoid mentioning that not only is China the only world power not to have fought a shooting war against an overseas country in the 21st century, she has actually not participated in a single such war in 44 years. Indeed, the deadly fighting raging today in Ukraine – not to mention the horrific results of the Western interventions in Bougainville, Iraq, Somalia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Palestine and Yemen – make a mockery of the Australian regime’s attempts to produce concrete evidence of a Chinese “threat”. Three weeks ago, however, Morrison and Albanese thought that they could finally produce such a smoking gun… or rather a shining light! They ranted that China had committed a terrible act of “aggression” when, in international waters, the Chinese Navy had… pointed a light, a laser, on an Australian warplane (that it turns out had been buzzing provocatively close to a Chinese warship). Shock horror!
So why are they manufacturing this Chinese “threat”? The answer is simple. The capitalist regimes’ hostility to China is based on the fact that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a socialistic state. Although China allowed in a fair degree of capitalism from the 1980s onwards, the working class continues to cling onto power in the PRC and ensures that the backbone role in her economy is formed by socialist public ownership – the mode of economic organisation that favours the working class. Thus, the Western capitalist regimes oppose the PRC for the very same reason that capitalist owners of a company oppose a militant trade union active at their workplace. They know that the existence of the Chinese workers state is a threat to their interests. They fear that the mere fact of working class rule in China will, in the future, entice working class people in the capitalist countries to also want to seize state power. This is especially the case because although China’s transition towards socialism is both fraught and far from complete, it is very easy to see the benefits that socialistic rule has brought to the Chinese masses in terms of poverty alleviation, infrastructure construction, pandemic response and improvement in social status of women.
Therefore, although socialistic China is no military threat to the people of Australia, she is by her very existence as a workers state a political threat to the system of capitalist exploitation here. However, for the very same reason that the Chinese workers state politically threatens the interests of Australia’s ruling class she is a great asset for the working class masses of Australia and the world. That is why we must stand in defence of socialistic rule in China against all the threats that she faces. We must demand: Down with the U.S./Australia/Britain military build-up against the PRC and her socialistic North Korean ally! No nuclear submarines for the Australian regime! Down with the lying “human rights” propaganda attacks on China over Uyghurs, Tibet and Hong Kong!
Capitalism Leads to Catastrophic Wars
The events of the last two weeks show what a dangerous world we live in. It is not only the bloody fighting in Ukraine. It is also the fact that the most deadly forces on the planet, the U.S., British, West European and Australian ruling classes, have used this conflict to stir up militarism at home to frightening levels. Seemingly “liberal” Australian media outlets celebrate reports – possibly faked – of Ukrainian pre-school age children wanting to kill Russians and hail Australians, likely admirers of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, volunteering to fight on the side of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Western ruling class “NGO” think tanks and strategists casually speak of waging all out war on their main target, Red China, as they debate whether it is worth committing forces to contain Russia given that, as they blithely put it, “a missile used in Europe can’t be used in Asia”!
It is highly unlikely, however, that this current conflict will spiral directly into World War 3. One reason is that so soon after their humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, the Western imperialists will find it difficult to con their populations into accepting direct participation in a new war, especially one against a military superpower. Secondly, the U.S., British and Australian imperialists want to save their forces for use against their main target: socialistic China. Thirdly, precisely because Russia is not at this point a fully-fledged imperialist power, the compulsion of the real imperialist powers to wage war on her is of a less intense scale. In other words, given that the markets and spheres of exploitation controlled by Russian capitalists are mostly at a regional, rather than a widespread global level, the amount of added imperialist exploitation that the richer Western capitalists could open up should Russia be defeated is relatively moderate in scale. Given that Russia is the world’s number two military power, the massive military cost that the Western imperialists would bear in trying to defeat Russia exceeds the economic gain that they would achieve from crushing her. This is how logical imperialist exploiters would think. At the same time we should realise that the capitalist ruling classes do not always act logically. Each of them are cruel and dying beasts that have long outlived their useful life. As these dying beasts thrash around desperately trying to cling onto life at the expense of those around them and often in conflict with each other, they are each capable of sometimes whipping themselves up into such a frenzy and panic that they act against their own logical interests. That is why, while it is highly unlikely that the Western imperialists will inflame this conflict still further until it blows up into World War 3… it is not 100% impossible that we will head straight to the next horrifying World War!
Right now, however, the most likely route to World War 3 is an imperialist attack on China. Of course, such an agenda is not entirely logical from even a capitalist point of view. If much of humanity is destroyed in a nuclear Armageddon there are less workers for capitalists to exploit and a smaller market to sell to. However, the economic forces driving capitalist powers into conflict with socialistic China are very strong. To make up for the internal contradictions of their economies at home, capitalists in the richer countries can only stay afloat if they increase the rate at which they loot the countries of the developing world. However, through both her aid programs and her mutually beneficial relations with developing countries, Red China is impeding the ability of the rich country capitalists to carry out the imperialist exploitation of these poorer countries. Moreover, the existence of working class rule in China is preventing the Western and Japanese capitalists from turning China into a huge sweatshop for them to exploit the way that they have already transformed large swathes of the likes of Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Facing deep going economic problems at home, these imperialists simply cannot afford to allow the labour force of a country with one in five of the world’s people to be kept away from their exploitation and a market of nearly 1.5 billion people to be free from their domination. Put simply, the very solvency of the richest capitalist powers demands their destruction of socialistic rule in China… by any means necessary.
The other most likely path to humanity’s destruction in a world war is a conflict between the imperialist powers themselves. To be sure, over the last few days the different competing imperial powers have come together behind Washington against the dissident capitalist power, Russia. However, this present unity could be short-lived. Berlin and France have different interests on what the future of their ties with Moscow should be than Washington does. What’s more, the European powers are suffering much greater economic pain from the breakdown in the West’s relations with Russia than the U.S. is. Therefore, when serious negotiations progress to end this conflict – whether it is in the wake of a complete or partial Russian victory or an apparent stalemate – sharp differences could emerge between a Washington insistent that Ukraine should fight to the last drop of her own people’s blood and German-led European powers more willing to reach a compromise. Such tensions at the end of this war could then pave the way several years later for a more dangerous ramping up in inter-imperialist rivalry. Then there are the Japanese imperialists waiting in the wings. Although seemingly content today to play second fiddle to their U.S. allies, the Japanese ruling class, only too aware of their long-stagnant economy, have been aggressively promoting militarism in an effort to counter the deep pacifist sentiments amongst large parts of her population.
Given the disastrous consequences to all that would follow, it would seem crazy that capitalist powers would yet again drag humanity into another world war. Yet, as the way that the U.S. rulers have provoked this current war has shown, this is where this capitalist system leads to. In particular, because there is only a finite amount of labour, raw materials and markets in the poorer countries for the capitalists of the richer countries to grab, these imperialists are inevitably drawn into fierce conflict with each other for the “right” to subjugate the different developing countries. That is why only the sweeping away of the capitalist world disorder through socialist revolution can ensure humanity’s continued survival.
April 1999, Serbia: The charred remains of a civilian passenger train destroyed by two missiles fired by a U.S. Air Force pilot. Between 55 and 60 passengers were killed in the war crime that was committed some 300 kilometres south of the Serbian capital, Belgrade. The attack came during NATO’s 78 day bombing campaign against Serbia. This assault makes a mockery of the claim made by Western regimes and media that Russia’s recent attack on Ukraine has threatened peace in Europe for the first time since World War II. Apart from the factually incorrect nature of the claim, there is a rather racist notion behind it. That somehow the Western imperialist invasions of Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and Libya do not really count because they are just wars in “Third World” countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East where non-white skinned people supposedly “fight all the time” unlike in supposedly “civilised” Europe. Europe. In spinning this line, the fact that it was European and American imperialists that brought us the most destructive wars in human history last century is conveniently forgotten. The truth is that it is the capitalist system, especially in its final “imperialist” stage, that leads to catastrophic wars. Photo Credit: Emil Vas/Reuters
Socialism and War
The attitude of us communists to war is not based on the meaningless slogan of “No War”, which every side in any war can claim to stand on providing that “peace” is achieved on their terms. Rather we understand that both lasting world peace and an end to all exploitation and oppression can only come about through the overturn of the capitalist system that breeds war. Therefore, our entire policy on war is based on advancing the struggle for socialist revolution. We do so by adhering to long established Leninist principles on what attitude should be taken to each of the different types of war. We apply these principles rigidly. There can be no exceptions. Seeking exceptions on Leninist principles on war inevitably means capitulating to the nationalism and propaganda of one or another capitalist camp in a war. Given that we are entering a dangerous period where wars and the threat of wars will be even more likely, we below outline the Leninist principles on war.
The first type of war that there can be is a class war between the forces of the capitalist exploiting class – and in some cases its rural landlord allies – on the one side and the forces of the working class and other exploited classes on the other. Such class wars can take two forms. In one form, the exploiting class is in power and wages war against the exploited classes seeking their liberation. Such a war was the 1946-49 Chinese Civil War between the Chinese capitalist-landlord exploiting class and the Communist-led poor peasants and workers. In such wars we must stand unconditionally for the victory for the exploited classes fighting for their liberation. That means we would have been full-on on the side of the Communist Party of China-led toiling classes in the Chinese Civil War. Today, despite differences in political strategy, we stand for the defence of the New Peoples Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines – standing for the rural exploited classes there – in their battles against the Philippines regime that upholds the interests of the capitalists and the agricultural landlord exploiters.
The other form of class war is a conflict between the working class already holding state power on the one side and, on the other, either internal forces of capitalist restoration or external capitalist states. In such wars, we stand unconditionally on the side of the workers state. That is why Trotskyists stood 100% for the victory of the Soviet workers state against Nazi-ruled capitalist Germany during World War II. During the 1950-53 Korean War, genuine Trotskyists stood in solidarity with the North Korean workers state and her socialistic Chinese allies against the South Korean capitalist regime and it’s U.S., Australian and other imperialist allies. Today, if a war were to break out between the Chinese workers state and the imperialist-backed Taiwanese capitalist state, the working class must stand completely on the side of socialistic China. This will be the case regardless of how the conflict begins.
30 April 1975: A tank of the North Vietnamese workers state smashes through the gates of capitalist South Vietnam’s presidential palace in Saigon confirming the victory of North Vietnam and its communist Vietcong allies against U.S. and Australian imperialism and their South Vietnamese puppets. This was a class war between on the one hand, a workers state and communist-led guerilla forces representing workers and poor peasants and on the other, the imperialist oppressors of Vietnam and a state enforcing the interests of the capitalists, landlords and imperialists. In such a war genuine communists would not be neutral nor would we call for “peace”. Rather we would be 100% for the victory of the workers state and its insurgent poor peasant and worker allies.
A second type of war is one between an imperialist country and a weaker capitalist country subjugated by imperialism. Lenin outlined the position that revolutionary Marxists should take in such a conflict in his crucial 1915 work Socialism and War (note that this was written before the 1917 Russian Revolution so that is when Russia was still an imperialist state):
“ … if tomorrow, Morocco were to declare war on France, India on England, Persia or China on Russia, and so forth, those would be `just,’ `defensive’ wars, irrespective of who attacked first; and every Socialist would sympathise with the victory of the oppressed, dependent, unequal states against the oppressing, slaveowning, predatory `great’ powers.”
That means we were, for example, for the defence of Iraq against U.S., British and Australian imperialism. If in future there was war between Iran and the U.S. and its allies, the Left and workers movement must stand for the victory of Iran, in Lenin’s words, “irrespective of who attacked first.”
Another related type of war is one between an oppressed people fighting for the right to self-determination and the capitalist ruling class of the oppressor nation seeking to forcibly maintain the downtrodden people in their existing state. Leninists stand with the oppressed people seeking to defend their right to self-determination in any conflict with the oppressor state. Therefore, we stand by Palestinian resistance groups in any clashes with the Israeli military. It also meant that we stood with the Russian-speaking rebels in the Donbass region fighting for self-determination.
What happens, however, if another capitalist country intervenes into a conflict between an oppressed people fighting for self determination and the state oppressing them under the guise of supporting the oppressed people? Well, if that intervening regime is an imperialist power and it intervenes into a semi-colonial or otherwise dependent country, then the character of the conflict would change. The imperialist power by its nature would only be intervening to advance its predatory agenda. The question of self-determination of the oppressed nation would be subsumed by the more fundamental issue of imperialist subjugation of poorer countries. We would in this case stand for the defence of the dependent, weaker state being intervened into – and, yes, the one that is itself oppressing the people fighting for self-determination – against the imperialist power.
But what if the capitalist state intervening into a conflict between an oppressed people fighting for self determination and the capitalist state oppressing them is a non-imperialist state? An example of this would be, say if, in the future, Syria and/or Jordan were to send its forces to help the Palestinian people of the West Bank gain independence from Israel. Of course, capitalist regimes are not interested in such liberation. The history of Arab capitalist regimes has largely been one of assisting in the subjugation of the Palestinian people. The scenario we described above could only be possible in rare circumstances. One could be when an Arab capitalist regime is highly unpopular and in danger of being toppled and, thus, seeks to recover its authority by putting itself forward as the champion of the Arab national cause. If an Arab capitalist army did send its forces into Israel promising support for the Palestinian cause, Marxists would examine the particular circumstances before determining our line. We would not ourselves promote illusions in any capitalist regime by calling for such intervention but if it actually did occur we may well accept the intervention. This scenario has relevance for the Ukraine situation today. For if Putin had sent in the Russian troops into only the areas of the Donbass controlled by the separatist rebels or at most only into areas of the Donbass where the majority of people clearly wanted independence from Ukraine, it would have been correct for Marxists to cautiously accept such an intervention. For such an intervention would have had the effect of supporting a just struggle for self determination. However, today the Russia-Ukraine conflict has extended far beyond this scenario. The all out war between Ukraine and Russia has subsumed the issue of the right to self determination of the people of Donetsk and Luhansk.
As one can see from the above, unlike the Leninist position on class war which is always unconditional support to rebelling workers and poor peasants fighting against capitalist regimes and unconditional defence of workers states, the Leninist stance on wars over the right to self-determination has always been conditional on the broader context of the conflict. Importantly, we must oppose forces intent on bringing capitalist counterrevolution to portions of current workers states disguising their agenda as one of national self-determination. For example, there was a right-wing, anti-secular terrorist movement, thankfully now largely defeated, operating in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. That movement called for the formation of an independent country for ethnic Uyghurs in that region as a means to pull that part of China into an extreme, religious fundamentalist form of capitalist rule. We Trotskyists are 100% opposed to that movement.
On the issue of separatism we once again see the blatant hypocrisy of the imperialists. They denounced Russia for its support for the forces in Donetsk and Luhansk seeking independence from Ukraine. Yet with large amounts of money, training and propaganda support, the U.S. and other imperialist regimes have supported forces in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong demanding independence from China. These movements only demanded independence from the Chinese workers state as a means to overthrow socialistic rule in their regions. That is why the imperialists supported these particular separatists. For the imperial powers, the issue of whether to support separatist movements or not is completely subordinate to their drives to protect their domination of the world and destroy workers states. In the diametric opposite way, we Leninists, while strongly supporting the right of oppressed nations to self determination, subordinate the question of self-determination to the overall struggle against capitalism and the need to defend existing workers states.
A fourth type of war is a war between rival imperialist powers in competition for spheres of exploitation. World War I was such an inter-imperialist slaughter. So was that component of World War II in which U.S., British and French imperialism eventually fought with their Germany imperialist rivals and when U.S. and Australian imperialism fought with Japanese imperialism (the biggest conflict during World War II however was a class war between the Soviet workers state and Nazi Germany and there was also a massive national liberation war fought by the leftist-led Chinese and Korean peoples against Japanese imperialism). In inter-imperialist wars, communists on all sides insist: the main enemy is at home. That means Leninists in each country mobilise the working class against the capitalist rulers and war effort of first and foremost their own imperialist country. Our end goal is to put an end to the imperialist war through socialist revolutions in each of the belligerent countries. We take an identical revolutionary-defeatist position too on a fifth type of war: that is a war between non-imperialist, capitalist states of broadly similar levels of economic strength. The squalid 1980s Iran-Iraq War is an example of this latter type of war.
Capitalism in Russia and Ukraine since the Destruction of the Soviet Union
As you can see from the above exposition of the Leninist position on wars, our stance on any war is not dependent on which side fires the first shot. We Marxists understand that wars arise when tensions between competing classes, social forces and states reach such a point that violent conflict becomes inevitable. Therefore, the particular trigger for the conflict or which side appears to be the “aggressor” is of little significance. Rather, Leninists base our position on the competing classes, social forces and states underlying the conflict. We do so from the premise that the sole path to both lasting peace and the liberation of the exploited is socialist revolution and any war policy taken must help advance towards that goal.
So what then are the competing social forces underlying the war between Ukraine and Russia and which of the type of wars that we have discussed above is today’s war in Ukraine most like? To answer this question we need to explore what type of capitalist countries are both contemporary Russia and Ukraine. Before the October 1917 socialist revolution, Russia was not only a capitalist country but an imperialist one. Yet Russia was then the most economically backward of the imperialist countries. She relied on her huge army to make it into the ranks of the imperial powers. In particular, the Tsarist regime acted as the enforcers guarding the interests of British and French capital invested via Russia into the Middle East, East Europe and the Caucasus. For playing this henchman role, the Russian capitalists were awarded with a slice of the super-profits exploited out of the masses of Russia’s neighbouring region and beyond. But the 1917 revolution put an end to this imperialism by smashing Russian capitalism. Through socialistic rule, the whole of the USSR, including both Russia and Ukraine, became an industrial and military power. However, capitalism was restored to both Russia and Ukraine in 1991-92. Nearly seventy five years of socialistic rule meant that the new capitalist Russia emerged stronger relative to the Western imperialists than she had been in Tsarist times. Therefore, the new Russian capitalist ruling class had high hopes that Russia would again become one of the world’s imperial powers. However, the restoration of capitalism led to a gigantic economic collapse throughout most of the former USSR. By 1995, Russia’s per capita GDP had plummeted more than 30% from what it had been five years earlier in Soviet times! Russia was reduced to a subordinate status to Western imperialism. Capitalist Russia’s imperial ambitions had a second problem. Spheres of exploitation within the developing world had already been divided up amongst the existing imperialist powers. There was no room for another capitalist regime to break into the game. The existing powers did their best to constrain Russia’s rise. Not one of them was willing to commit to being a reliable ally of ambitious Russian capitalism that would provide the capital required such that Russia could leverage its military power to gain a serious share of imperialist loot. The arrangement in the Tsarist times could not be simply re-created eight decades later. The Russian ruling class had a third problem. The system of socialist central planning during the Soviet days had enabled the non-Russian parts of the Soviet Union – that in pre-Soviet times had been so looted by Russian imperialism – to catch up in economy and development with that of the Russian part of the USSR. That meant that post-Soviet Russia’s capitalist ruling class could not plunder the non-Russian peoples of the former Soviet Union the way that their class ancestors in Tsarist Russia had.
As the 21st century progressed, there were important changes in the environment that Russian capitalism faced. For one, capitalist restoration hit even harder the poorer parts of the former USSR than it hit Russia. For example, per capita income in Tajikistan that in the last period of the Soviet Union was one-third that of Soviet Russia, is today just one-eighth that of Russia. This meant that Russian capital now had greater opportunities to throw around its weight in the region. Moreover, surging energy prices filled the bank accounts of Russian tycoons. Russian oligarchs splashed their capital around the world and did now make some of their income from the export of capital.
So does all this make Russia now an imperialist country or is she still a semi-dependent capitalist country that she was in the nineties? In reality, Russia is somewhere in between a dependent capitalist country and an imperialist one with some features of both. Why that matters is in what attitude one should take to a potential conflict between Russia and a fully fledged imperialist power. If Russia were to be considered an imperialist country, then Leninist principles, reflecting the interests of the class struggle, mandate that socialists must oppose both sides in any conflict between the Western imperialists and Russia regardless of the particular circumstances in which the conflict arises. On the other hand, if Russia were to be considered a country dependent on and bullied by imperialism, then the interests of the working class stand in defending Russia against the Western imperialists in any conflict regardless of the context in which the war arises. Given, however, that capitalist Russia is somewhere intermediate between a dependent country and an imperialist power, our stance in the event of a war between Russia and the fully fledged imperialist powers actually does depend on the context in which the conflict arises. For example, if a conflict between a Western imperialist power and Russia were to take place around Libya where various capitalist powers – including the U.S., France, Italy and Russia – are today engaged in multi-sided proxy wars, full of shifting alliances, aimed at grabbing for themselves control over Libya’s massive oil wealth, the international workers movement would have no side in that conflict. We would be defeatist on all sides. However, should a war between Russia and one or many of the Western imperialist powers take place within Russia, or its neighbouring region, this conflict would likely then have a very different character. For example, if the NATO powers were to directly intervene into the current Ukraine war, that would transform the character of this war. Regardless of how the conflict initially began, the war from the point of view of the Western imperialists would become one aimed at expanding the power and reach of NATO, deepening the economic subordination of Russia and sending a message to the world that anyone who dares defy Western imperialism will be mercilessly smashed. In that case, socialists must stand for the defence of Russia. However, the current conflict is not one of Western imperialism versus Russia. It is a war between Ukraine backed by the Western powers and Russia.
Could it be then argued that in this case Russia is the predatory imperialist power seeking to exploit the people of Ukraine? The answer is no! To see why, it is important to note that even before the 2014 Euromaidan coup, when the Ukrainian economy was closely integrated with Russia’s, Ukraine was not, in a sizable way, the victim of Russian imperialist exploitation. To be sure, Russian billionaires did invest in Ukraine and make big profits there. However, there was no sign of Russian capitalism arm-twisting Ukraine into undertaking economic reforms that would enable Russian capital to take over her economy. Nor was there the pressure of Russian capital forcing Ukraine to change the structure of her economy to provide goods for Russia at substandard prices. And Russia did not push Ukraine to accept gas and other goods from Russia at inflated prices. Today, Ukraine is not fighting this war to either free itself from exploitation by Russian capital or to avert the threat of such exploitation from Russia in the future.
It should be noted that although capitalist counterrevolution has caused terrible economic devastation to Ukraine, certain gains from the socialistic era take a long time to erode. Although her people’s living standards are now low by world standards, Ukraine continues to have a technically literate and highly skilled workforce and retains some of her high-tech manufacturing industries from Soviet days. What this means is that overseas capital from the likes of Russia is not able to use the necessity of providing technical expertise as a means to demand a high rate of return from investments in Ukraine. That is why no capitalist power – not even the Western imperialists – is able to exploit Ukraine with the same ferocity that they exploit their neo-colonies and semi-colonies in the so-called “Third World”. Most of Ukraine’s biggest companies and key industries remain owned by local Ukrainian capitalists – usually billionaire oligarchs – rather than overseas capitalists. Nevertheless, the Western powers have made Ukraine militarily and economically dependent on them and have been dictating to Ukraine in a high-handed, paternalistic manner. They have done so by turning on and off the tap to something that they have a lot more of than Russia, loads of capital. In classic imperialist fashion, the Western powers, via the IMF that they dominate, have been using the threat of cutting off Ukraine’s access to their capital as a means to blackmail her into instituting neoliberal economic reforms – like land privatisation. Thus, to the extent that Ukraine is under imperialist subjugation it is from the likes of Germany, the U.S., Italy and France. Yet that is not who Ukraine’s regime is fighting a war against! Rather, the Ukrainian regime is fighting a war with Russia precisely in order to maintain its relationship with Western imperialism. That is why this Ukraine-Russia war cannot be seen as an anti-imperialist war on the part of Ukraine. Rather, this Ukraine-Russia war is a squalid war between two capitalist countries whose levels of development are of roughly the same order of magnitude. Such a war is one in which the working class of each country and the world have no side.
Ukrainian and Russian Workers: Unite to Wage Class War against Each of Your Capitalist Rulers!
The character of the Ukraine-Russia war will be clearer if we examine what each side is fighting for. The imperialist-dependent Ukrainian regime wants to join NATO. It also wants to maintain an economy integrated with the EU despite being subjected to a subordinate position within its relationship with the EU. Furthermore, the Ukrainian regime wants to forcibly and brutally cling on to all of the Donbass, despite the majority of people in a sizeable portion of that region wanting independence from Ukraine. That is hardly surprising. What drives capitalist ruling classes is maximising profits. And having control of the markets and natural resources in as large a territory as possible gives them the greatest opportunity to maximise profits.
For the very same reason, the regime serving the Russian capitalist class wants to maximise the territory under its control – whether that be through a Donbass that in the future accedes to Russia or an independent one that is very much dependent on and aligned with Russia. In pursuing this goal, the Russian regime will in the process be liberating from national/cultural-linguistic oppression those people in the Donbass who were facing brutal persecution by the Ukrainian regime. At the same time however, Moscow seeks territory extending into areas where the majority of people do not want independence from Ukraine – including into particular areas of the region where the overwhelming majority of the population are ethnic Ukrainians. In those latter areas, should the Russian operation achieve its goals, it will then be these ethnic Ukrainians who will have their right to self-determination violated. Meanwhile, another key aim of Moscow is to stop the threatening expansion of NATO onto its borders.
Lastly, the Russian capitalist class hopes to restore their level of access and penetration of the Ukrainian market to at least the level that existed before the 2014 Euromaidan coup and preferably well beyond that level. Success on this score would not be at the expense of the Ukrainian people but at the expense of Germany, other EU powers and the U.S. who have all gained a much greater share of the Ukrainian market over the last eight years. To a partial degree then, this war is the continuation of the conflicts within Ukraine since the start of this century over whether Ukraine should link her economy and security with the West or with Russia. The U.S.-led Western regimes intervened into this dispute with huge amounts of covert political funding, NGOs, propaganda, training of unarmed and armed proxies and arming of far-right paramilitaries like the Azov Brigade. Without the same financial resources as the West, lacking the level of sophistication in propaganda campaigns and without the same level of experience in the skillful use of NGOs as proxies, Russia is now responding to that earlier Western interference with military power.
That this dispute over who Ukraine will align her economy and defence with has now reached such a severity that it has contributed to an outright war shows just how desperate all of the sides have now become in the context of faltering capitalism. We oppose the efforts of Western imperialism to subordinate the peoples of Ukraine and Russia but in the greedy capitalist competition between the Western powers and Russia over who will dominate trade with Ukraine, the working class actually do not have a side – just like we do not have a side in the war that has ensued in some part because of this squabble.
Meanwhile, part of what fueled the drive to war, is that both the Ukrainian and Russian regimes have been increasingly unpopular at home and hence desperately in need of a nationalist diversion. In Ukraine there has been widespread anger with the government at persistently high unemployment, rampant corruption, falling living standards and a response to the pandemic so calamitous and so indifferent to people’s lives that wellover a hundred thousand Ukrainians have died from COVID – hundreds of times more than the current civilian death toll from this current war. As a result, by January last year, the pro-Russia successor party to Yanukovych’s Party of Regions, called Opposition Platform — For Life, was actually leading opinion polls for Ukraine’s parliamentary elections. The Ukrainian regime responded with repression. In February last year, they imposed economic sanctions on a leading Opposition Platform — For Life politician and businessman, Viktor Medvedchuk, as well as other members of his party. Later Medvedchuk was placed under house arrest. Meanwhile, Zelensky consciously whipped up anti-Russian nationalism. Ukrainian troops became increasingly aggressive in the Donbass. Then, last June, Zelensky ratcheted up tensions with Moscow by imposing severe economic sanctions on Russian companies. Later, after Moscow responded with a military build-up along the Ukrainian border, the Ukrainian government – egged on by Washington – engaged in dangerous brinkmanship with Russia as a diversion from their economic and pandemic-response failures. For its part, Russia’s capitalist regime has been on the receiving end of the people’s ongoing anger over Moscow’s 2019 pension reform, a measure which greatly increased the age at which Russian people can receive pensions. Then Russia’s pandemic response ended up as disastrous as Ukraine’s. Meanwhile, especially as inflation has been soaring, there is fury at the continued massive inequality within Russia which has one of the world’s greatest levels of wealth disparity amongst large countries alongside Brazil, the U.S. and India. As a result, there has been a surge in support for far-left groups. Putin’s escalation of tensions with Ukraine and the national chauvinist upsurge that he knew would inevitably accompany it is in part aimed at refurbishing the authority of the Russian ruling class.
In summary, rival unpopular regimes whipping up rabid nationalism to ensure their own survival and prosecuting conflicting predatory claims issued by the needs of their decaying capitalist systems – mixed with the U.S. provoking Russia and pressuring the Kiev regime into a more extreme anti-Russia stance – have driven Ukraine and Russia into a disastrous war. What the working classes of Ukraine and Russia must now do is unite to oppose the war campaign of each of their respective rulers. Let’s turn this inter-capitalist war into a class war by the working class of Ukraine against the Ukrainian ruling class and by the Russian working class against Russia’s capitalist rulers! Where Russian troops and Ukrainian regular soldiers – and not the far-right paramilitary groups allied with them – are meant to be engaged in battles, there should be fraternisation between the troops in order to organise to turn the guns the other way against their own respective rulers.
For communists in each of Ukraine and Russia there are some special tasks particular to the work in each of their countries. Communists in Ukraine must make clear that they recognise the right to independence of Russian-majority areas of Donetsk and Luhansk. They must also stir up opposition to the Kiev regime’s declaration of martial law and opposition to the regime’s ban on adult males under sixty leaving the country. Meanwhile, with authorities in Ukraine handing out guns to civilians, communists should seize the opportunity to get themselves armed. Working together with trusted, non-communist class-conscious workers, they should form armed, anti-racist militias to defend minority populations like Roma, Jews, Tartars, Russians, Belarussians and Greeks that are being threatened by fascist Ukrainian paramilitary groups. Meanwhile, revolutionary socialists should take advantage of the disruption of Ukrainian state power resulting from this war. For example, where there are concentrations of politically conscious workers – and there are large numbers of pro-Soviet workers in especially Eastern Ukraine who are sympathetic to socialism and believe in social ownership of industry – and where Ukrainian state forces are especially distracted by the war with Russia, like right now in Kharkiv, Ukrainian socialists should organise workers to confiscate particular factories, warehouses and mines from their capitalist owners and transfer them into collective ownership of workers and the neighbouring community. Large mansions of the ultra-rich should be seized and used to house the homeless and those whose homes have been destroyed in the fighting. Meanwhile, when fascist paramilitaries are pre-occupied with looking out for Russian troops at their front, leftist militias should take the chance to strike blows against these fascists from the rear.
For their part, Russian communists must oppose discrimination against Roma, Ukrainians and Jews in the Donbass areas currently occupied by pro-Russian separatists or Russian forces. They must also insist that in these areas, Ukrainian has the status as one of the official languages. Those Russian leftists located within these Donbass territories should mobilise joint action with politically aware workers and other anti-racists to drive out fascists from Russia and abroad who have come to the Donbass to fight with the pro-Russian forces. Meanwhile, Russian communists must denounce Putin’s 21 February speech where he, in effect, denied the right to statehood of the Ukrainian people. Russian workers must today make clear that should the regime that rules over them win an all out military victory over Ukraine and in the, perhaps unlikely, event that it then decides to occupy or annex all of, or a large part of, Ukraine, then they the Russian toilers will then support any struggle of Ukrainian people for independence from Russia in any areas of present-day Ukraine where the majority want Ukrainian statehood – provided that such a struggle does not end up subordinate to Western imperialist interests. However, for pro-communist workers in Russia to take such a position requires political firmness. A weakness of the Russian Far Left over these last three decades, even of many of the best tendencies – that is the ones to the left of the misnamed, Russian nationalist, Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) – is that they have failed to clearly insist on the right to self determination of the non-Russian peoples of the former USSR. Instead, they have adhered to Russian patriotism. In part this is a bending to Russian nationalist moods amongst the masses. However, it also comes from not coming to terms with the fact that the Soviet Union no longer exists. In Soviet times, patriotism to the state – that is to the Soviet Union – was progressive, since the Soviet Union was a workers state. However, now Russia is capitalist. That means that patriotism to the Russian state is reactionary. Similarly, during the last period of Soviet times, separatist demands made by some Ukrainians was usually disingenuous. It was a demand made by those who wanted a separate Ukrainian country only so that they could break away from the Soviet workers state in order to restore capitalism. However, today, Ukrainian people’s wish to be in their own country independent of Russia, which is itself capitalist, has a different basis. To be sure, there remains a strong strain in Ukrainian nationalism that, following on from the capitalist counterrevolutionaries who in the last days of the Soviet Union spearheaded Ukrainian separatism, is celebratory of the Nazi-collaborating Stepan Bandera tradition and based on fierce anticommunist hatred of the socialistic USSR and its “friendship of peoples” motto. Yet there is also another strain of Ukrainian people’s wish to live in their own state that is based on legitimate fear that they will again be subjugated as second class citizens by Russians as they were in pre-Soviet Russia. This experience remains very much in her people’s collective consciousness, including through oral accounts passed on from generation to generation. The greater part of Russia’s communists have thus far failed to accept this second, very legitimate basis for Ukrainian people’s wish for national self-determination. Russian communists must rediscover the fierce opposition to Great Russian chauvinism of the Bolsheviks and especially it’s relentlessly internationalist leader, Vladimir Lenin. Here is what Lenin had to say about the Ukrainian people in Tsarist Russia:
“Accursed tsarism made the Great Russians executioners of the Ukrainian people, and fomented in them [the Ukrainian people] a hatred for those who even forbade Ukrainian children to speak and study in their native tongue.
“Russia’s revolutionary democrats, if they want to be truly revolutionary and truly democratic, must break with that past, must regain for themselves, for the workers and peasants of Russia, the brotherly trust of the Ukrainian workers and peasants. This cannot be done without full recognition of the Ukraine’s rights, including the right to free secession.”
At the same time, in opposing their own capitalist rulers, Russian leftists must be very careful not to, even in the slightest way, align themselves with the wing of the Russian capitalist class, represented by Alexei Navalny, who are opposing this war only because they believe in cosying up to the Western imperialists. This wing of the capitalist class is typified by the greedy billionaires, Vagit Alekperov and Leonid Fedun, that own the bulk of Russian oil giant Lukoil and who have come out against the war. Russian socialists must not participate in any joint protests with Navalny supporters and other pro-imperialist opponents of the war. Any actions that they take against the war campaign of their own rulers must be clearly formulated on a pro-working class agenda. And to keep out pro-imperialists, they should ensure that the slogan of “Down with NATO” is a very prominent part of their slogans for any actions that they mobilise.
The above matters are important considerations for socialists in Russia and Ukraine. However, for partisans of the working class and oppressed in Australia our tasks are in a sense simpler and more obvious. Living in an imperialist country and under a regime that is a junior partner of the world’s sole imperialist superpower, any intervention by the Australian regime abroad will necessarily be predatory and against the interests of the toiling classes of Australia and the world. Therefore, we must oppose every single intervention that Australian imperialism makes into any crisis abroad whether that be a military, political or diplomatic intervention. We do that in a proudly “knee-jerk” – that is, principled – manner. Today that means we must oppose the aggressive interference of Australian imperialism and its Western allies in the Ukraine-Russia war and resist their efforts to use this conflict to justify increased militarism at home and further escalation of their Cold War drive against socialistic China.
An Australian soldier shoots dead an unarmed Afghan prisoner in cold-blood. One of the huge number of war crimes committed by the Australian military during its occupation of Afghanistan. Now the Morrison government has seized on the Russian intervention into Ukraine and the subsequent “national security” obsession that they helped to whip up to announce a massive expansion in the size of the Australian military. The force serving the international interests of Australia’s capitalist exploiters will get an additional 18,500 uniformed personnel and will grow to its largest size since the Vietnam War. We say: Not one person, not one submarine, not one cent for the Australian imperialist military!
Is There a Case for Supporting Russia in This Present War?
There are a very small number of leftists in the West who believe that Russia should be outright supported in this war as distinct from our position of opposition to both Ukraine and Russia combined with staunch opposition to all forms of Western imperialist intervention into this conflict. Given that these leftists are standing diametrically opposite to the position taken by their own rulers, their arguments should be taken seriously. However, it needs to be explained why their stance is nevertheless mistaken.
One of the arguments raised by those socialists that support Russia is that the Russian intervention will, in Putin’s words, “de-Nazify Ukraine” – referring to the presence of Stepan Bandera-admiring right-wing extremists within parts of the Ukrainian state machinery and the prominent role played by fascist paramilitaries. Given that the Ukrainian fascists are extreme anti-Russian chauvinists in addition to being white supremacists, then the Russian advance is indeed likely to deal a blow to these forces. However, it is almost certain that the fascists that have flocked from Russia and some Western countries to support the pro-Russia Donbass separatists will not be suppressed. Meanwhile, promises by Putin to “de-Nazify Ukraine” ring hollow given that the Russian regime has itself allowed fascists to operate within Russia and make their way into the upper echelons of the state apparatus. Fascist ideologues like Aleksandr Dugin even became key advisers to leading Russian government officials. To be sure, most such fascists are not neo-Nazis in that they do not claim to be replicating the agenda of Hitler’s Nazis. Given that Russia was invaded by the Nazis during World War II and given that Hitler’s forces committed such horrific crimes against the peoples of the Soviet Union, any viable Russian fascist movement will not claim the tradition of the Nazis. Rather, they will like Dugin, represent a specifically Russian and Slavic form of extreme reactionary nationalism. Yet this does not make them any less destructive to the workers movement and minorities. Since capitalist counterrevolution, Russian fascists have murdered literally hundreds of immigrants, Roma, people with backgrounds from the Caucuses and Central Asia, gay people and anti-fascists. You can bet that these fascists are being emboldened by Russia’s military advances and will be swept up still further by the nationalist wave that will sweep the country should Russia win the war.
Secondly, although the Russian operation will land blows against the likes of the Azov in areas where it advances, Russian intervention into majority ethnic Ukrainian areas will surely breed sympathy for Ukrainian fascists. Capitalist forces like the Russian state cannot crush fascism because fascist forces are themselves a product of decaying capitalism – especially when that capitalism is in a particularly crisis-ridden condition. When fascists becomes a powerful movement, they consist of self-employed business owners, other sections of the middle class and a portion of the desperate unemployed population mobilised in extreme hostility to the workers movement, the Left and minorities. During a time of economic crisis, in the absence of the working class making a viable struggle to take power, the fascist forces can completely crush the workers movement and Left and institute the fascist form of capitalist rule. That is what occurred in Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany. Ukraine has not been under this form of capitalist rule but fascists are present in sizeable numbers within the Ukrainian military, courts and police.
Now some could argue that: Did not the Allied forces de-Nazify the Western part of Germany at the end of World War II, even though they were capitalist forces? The truth is that these forces did not de-Nazify Germany. Sure, they did replace the fascist form of capitalism in the Western part of Germany with the parliamentary “democratic” form. This was because they knew that thoroughly discredited German capitalism could only survive if it made this transformation. However, unlike the Soviet-liberated East of Germany, the Allies only purged the very top echelons of the German state apparatus of Nazis. Within most of the remainder of the West German judiciary, police and military, the same officials that administered the horrors of Nazi rule were now allowed to administer “democratic” West German capitalism. Meanwhile, the Allies spirited away fascists from Central and Eastern Europe – including from the Ukraine – considered crucial to the fight against communism to sanctuary in the U.S., Australia, South America and Canada. The Allies can hardly be considered to have carried out a de-Nazification! In many ways post-war West Germany ended up like the Ukraine was at the outbreak of this war, a nominal parliamentary democracy but with a fair portion of their state apparatus infested by Nazis, albeit in Germany’s case mostly nominal “ex”-Nazis now claiming to be “democrats.” Let’s not forget that this supposedly “democratic” German state carried out fierce repression of the Left and banned the Communist Party of Germany outright in 1956. It is true that overall West Germany probably ended up with more of the trappings of a parliamentary capitalist “democracy” than today’s Ukraine, which is even more authoritarian. But that is only because massive amounts of U.S. Marshall Plan aid – aimed at heading off the strong support for communism that existed throughout Europe – allowed the Allies and the German capitalist class the opportunity to buy greater social stability within Germany. However, should Russia win this war, Moscow simply does not have the financial resources to do the same to Ukraine today even if it wanted to. A post Russian victory in Ukraine will less resemble post World War II West Germany than it will post World War I Germany, where Germany’s humiliation in World War I and the injustices – and perceived injustices – of the post World War I Versailles Treaty upon Germany generated huge resentment within the German people that fueled the rise of the Nazis.
It is only a socialist revolution or the intervention of a socialistic state that can “de-Nazify” a country. This is what the Soviet Union did to Eastern Europe and the Eastern part of Germany following World War II. However, capitalist Russia is not the Soviet Union and the army of capitalist Russia is not the heroic Soviet Red Army.
The second argument raised by leftists who support Russia in this war is that Western support for Ukraine has effectively turned this war into a war between the Western imperialists and Russia. The imperial powers certainly are giving lots of assistance to Ukraine. However, it is not at a level where one can say that the U.S., British, German and Australian regimes are effectively at war with Russia. To see more clearly why, we should compare this war with another war, the post-2011 Syrian War. In that case the U.S. and its allies intervened to a degree that it can be fully said that they were waging a proxy war against Syria. From 2012 to 2017, the U.S. directly, and through its allies in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, gave billions of dollars of weapons to anti-government “Rebels” in Syria – including to ISIS. Britain and France joined in with their own support. Meanwhile, the CIA directly trained the “Rebels” along the Turkish-Syria border, Jordan and Qatar. This was supplemented by training operations run by Turkey and other U.S. allies. U.S. and British special forces also directly took part in operations against the Syrian Army. On 20 July 2017, the Washington Post reported that: “One [American] knowledgeable official estimates that the CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies over the past four years”! Even after the West turned its focus against their former ISIS proxies in late 2014, they still targeted Syria. Several Western airstrikes in the campaign nominally directed against ISIS hit the Syrian Army and Syrian government infrastructure like oil installations. Meanwhile, although the NATO powers did strike ISIS targets, they mostly simply herded the ISIS forces away from their Kurdish and other “Rebel” allies and towards Syrian government targets. Then in 2017, the U.S. launched a massive missile strike on Syria. For their part, Washington’s Israeli allies have launched hundreds of air strikes on Syria over the years. This was fully a proxy war, in that the viability of the Syrian “Rebels” depended entirely on support from the Western powers and their allies. Given the much weaker strength of the Syrian military relative to Russia’s, the Western intervention was of a scale sufficient to mean that the prospect of the “Rebels” winning the war and over-running the Syrian capital was real. In contrast, while Western military support to Ukraine is large, relative to the awesome power of the Russian military it is nothing like the scale that would allow Ukraine to win her war with Russia and see Ukrainian forces storming in to take the centre of Moscow. The West’s aid to Ukraine is not at a level aimed at achieving total Ukrainian victory but rather at bleeding Russia over a long period. Thus, much of the weaponry that the Western imperialists have supplied to Ukraine, like hand-held missiles and rockets, is most suitable for a guerilla war against Russia. It is, of course, possible that the West could qualitatively change their level of assistance. One reason that they have not thus far is that, unlike Syria, Russia has the capacity to strike the Western powers – not just in the Ukraine but in the U.S., Britain, Australia and Germany’s own territories – should she deem that Western support to Ukraine has reached such a level that the West is directly at war with Russia. Currently therefore, we cannot say that the large amounts of Western support to Ukraine is equivalent to the U.S., NATO and Australia being directly at war with Russia.
The third – and at first glance most compelling – argument for why Russia should be outright supported in this war is the notion that a Russian victory would be a blow against imperialism. In one sense it will indeed be. Given that the Western imperialists are clearly backing Ukraine in this war, a defeat for the imperialists’ Ukraine ally may encourage others to defy the imperialists. Some of the people in Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Middle East and South and Central America who are being so cruelly subjugated by various Western neo-colonial powers will take heart that Western imperialism has had a setback and that the side that it so clearly backed in this war has been defeated. It would also be a blow to the morale of the Western imperialists and bring a degree of self-doubt and loss of confidence to their own ranks. However, unlike the case where the imperialists are directly involved in the war, this would not have the same impact in terms of deterring future imperialist military actions. A Russian victory in this war would not have the same impact as, say, the humiliating defeat that the U.S., NATO and Australian regimes suffered in Afghanistan. That is why it really does matter that the Western imperialists are not, at this stage, directly participating in this war. Moreover, in the event of a Russian military victory, given that it will mean that their ally has been defeated by an invading force of a major military power, the imperialists will seize on it to whip up a national security obsession and a massive arms build up. This especially matters because this reactionary consequence of a Russian victory will not be countered by any inspirational effect of that victory upon active workers and leftists within the imperialist centres. This will be then be very different to the impact of the Vietnam War when communist-led Vietnamese revolutionaries defeated U.S. and Australian imperialism. That struggle greatly energised working class and leftist struggles worldwide and prevented the rulers of the defeated imperialist countries from using the defeat to stir up increased militarism.
To get a strong sense of how a Russian victory would affect the political climate, we merely need to observe the political winds over the last two weeks. Far from the working class masses and leftists being energised by the Russian advance, it is the imperialist regimes that have been filled with renewed confidence, including here in Australia. They have used the Russian intervention to divert attention from falling living standards at home, incite militarism, cynically paint themselves on the world stage as the defenders of weaker countries and “justify” ramping up still further their campaign against their main target: Russia’s friendly partner, the PRC. The German ruling class have used the war to justify radically increasing the country’s defence budget. Washington has, meanwhile, been skillfully getting the leaders of Eastern European regimes to “request” increased American troop deployments in their own countries. All this is, after all, why Washington provoked the Russian invasion in the first place. If Russia ends up winning the war, all these political winds will blow still stronger.
Overall, should Russia win the war, there will be some negative consequences and some positive ones for workers movements and leftist forces around the world. What is clear is that there will be no clear-cut raising of the consciousness of the working class should Russia win the war. And it is the working class of the world – and not emerging capitalist powers – that is the force that alone can smash imperialism.
Although the effect of a potential Russian victory on the position of the working class in the imperialist centres is somewhat ambiguous, the impact of such an outcome on Russia is very clear cut. It will strengthen the capitalist regime, electrify Great Russian chauvinism and embolden far-right forces. Ominously, during Putin’s crucial 21 February speech, he threw his support behind the Ukrainian regime’s “decommunisation” policy involving the persecution of communists and the banning of communist parties. Should capitalist Russia’s forces win the war, expect Putin to go after the Left, especially targeting those tendencies that are more internationalist and closer to being authentically communist than the patriotic CPRF.
4 November 2016, Moscow: Russian fascists, brandishing white supremacist flags, take part in the annual, extreme nationalist “Russia March” held on Russia’s National Unity Day. If Russia were to win this war, it is undoubted that the Russian Far Right would be emboldened and Great Russian chauvinism would surge. Photo Credit: AFP/Pool/Vasily Maximov
This War is the Result of Capitalist Counterrevolution in the Former Soviet Union
Our insistence that it is capitalism that breeds war is proven by one very obvious fact: this Ukraine-Russia war would not be occurring if it was the working class that ruled Russia and Ukraine – as in the days of the former Soviet Union. The Soviet workers state was created by the 1917 socialist revolution led by the Bolsheviks. Key to the Bolsheviks success was their intransigent defence of the rights of all the minority nationalities oppressed under the Tsarist Empire. It was only in this way that they were able to unite the workers and poor peasants of the whole country. The Bolsheviks’ Central Committee that led the party’s work during the Revolution was itself disproportionately made up from the country’s minorities, including Ukrainians. Even after the Revolution, Lenin and Trotsky’s Bolsheviks took great pains to insist on the national rights of peoples who had been downtrodden in Tsarist times by the “Great Russians” (as ethnic Russians were then formally referred to): This was typified in a 1919 letter that Lenin wrote when the young workers state was in the midst of a Civil War against the overthrown capitalists trying to recapture power under the leadership of former Tsarist generals like Anton Denikin:
“… The independence of the Ukraine has been recognised both by the All-Russia Central Executive Committee of the R.S.F.S.R. (Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic) and by the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). It is therefore self-evident and generally recognised that only the Ukrainian workers and peasants themselves can and will decide at their All-Ukraine Congress of Soviets whether the Ukraine shall amalgamate with Russia, or whether she shall remain a separate and independent republic, and, in the latter case, what federal ties shall be established between that republic and Russia.
“How should this question be decided insofar as concerns the interests of the working people and the promotion of their fight for the complete emancipation of labour from the yoke of capital?
“In the first place, the interests of labour demand the fullest confidence and the closest alliance among the working people of different countries and nations. The supporters of the landowners and capitalists, of the bourgeoisie, strive to disunite the workers, to intensify national discord and enmity, in order to weaken the workers and strengthen the power of capital….
“Secondly, the working people must not forget that capitalism has divided nations into a small number of oppressor, Great-Power (imperialist), sovereign and privileged nations and an overwhelming majority of oppressed, dependent and semi-dependent, non-sovereign nations. The arch-criminal and arch-reactionary war of 1914-18 still further accentuated this division and as a result aggravated rancour and hatred. For centuries the indignation and distrust of the non-sovereign and dependent nations towards the dominant and oppressor nations have been accumulating, of nations such as the Ukrainian towards nations such as the Great-Russian….
“Experience has shown that this distrust wears off and disappears only very slowly, and that the more caution and patience displayed by the Great Russians, who have for so long been an oppressor nation, the more certainly this distrust will pass….
“If a Great-Russian Communist insists upon the amalgamation of the Ukraine with Russia, Ukrainians might easily suspect him of advocating this policy not from the motive of uniting the proletarians in the fight against capital, but because of the prejudices of the old Great-Russian nationalism, of imperialism. Such mistrust is natural, and to a certain degree inevitable and legitimate, because the Great Russians, under the yoke of the landowners and capitalists, had for centuries imbibed the shameful and disgusting prejudices of Great-Russian chauvinism….
“Consequently, we Great-Russian Communists must repress with the utmost severity the slightest manifestation in our midst of Great-Russian nationalism, for such manifestations, which are a betrayal of communism in general, cause the gravest harm by dividing us from our Ukrainian comrades and thus playing into the hands of Denikin and his regime….“
V.I.Lenin, Letter to the Workers and Peasants of the Ukraine, 28 December 1919, Lenin’s Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965, Volume 30, pages 291-297
Since it was based on socialist, collective ownership of the means of production, the Soviet economic system naturally brought people together, including people of different ethnicities. Meanwhile, Ukrainian literature and culture like that of many other minority peoples was promoted and flourished during the first fifteen years of the Soviet workers state in a way that was completely unheard of in the capitalist times. The use of Ukrainian language and its teaching in school was massively expanded within the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the Soviet federation. However, the young Soviet workers state also faced immense challenges. The defeats of the revolutions that she inspired abroad left the workers state isolated and besieged by imperialism. Under these pressures, the Soviet workers state was pushed a big step backwards in the mid-1920s. The Soviet Union remained a workers state based on socialist property forms embodying terrific gains for the masses. But a more conservative, right-ward moving faction, representing the bureaucracy that emerged atop the workers state, took over the party and suppressed the workers democracy that had enlivened the first few years of the workers state. The new Soviet leadership slid backwards in many areas including on its attitude to minority peoples. Concessions were made to Great Russian chauvinism. Certain former Tsars and Tsarist military leaders were now portrayed favourably. In 1933, there was a partial roll back in the policy of enthusiastically developing Ukraine’s own distinct culture. For a period, from the mid-1930s to the mid-1940s, some nationalities were treated harshly by Stalin’s government in a way that echoed the Tsarist times. However, overall, the minority nationalities’ position improved greatly. The peoples who were poorest and most subjugated in Tsarist times, including the peoples of Soviet Central Asia, gained the most from the Russian Revolution.
Following the continued rapid advancement of the Soviet economy after World War II, the material basis for the repressive administration of the bureaucracy – that is scarcity – weakened. Consequently, in the mid-1950s, the Soviet Union’s bureaucratic rulers had to relax rigid controls. Along with this they righted most of the wrongs done to certain nationalities during the second half of Stalin’s reign. They also reversed the notion of Great Russians as the natural leader of the Soviet peoples pushed in that period. The culture of the minority nationalities of the socialistic USSR again flourished with renewed vigour along with the economic standard of living of their peoples. For the following three decades, the different ethnicities of the socialistic USSR lived in greater harmony and with more genuine friendship amongst her different peoples than in any other heavily multi-ethnic country in the world. To be sure, since the Soviet Union’s transition to full socialism could not be completed while the pressure of the richest countries in the world remaining capitalist continued to exist, racial and ethnic prejudices could not be completely eliminated. There remained a degree of Russian centredness within the Soviet Union. However, in no way can it be said that the minority nations of the USSR were exploited by the ethnic Russian nation as in pre-Soviet times. So much so that in 1990, just before the destruction of the Soviet Union, per capita income was not only higher in the Baltic republics of the USSR than in Soviet Russia but also higher than in Soviet Russia in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union – a region that had been extremely poor in Tsarist times. Meanwhile, in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, per capita income was roughly the same as that in Soviet Russia (just 5% lower), while average life expectancy was nearly a year and a half higher than in Soviet Russia.
However, the closer that the Soviet Union came to catching up in economy with the richer of the capitalist countries, the more that the lack of workers democracy impeded the development of her planned economy. As a result and with her economy strained by trying to keep up with a massive U.S. military build up, the Soviet economy started to stagnate by the early 1980s. This stagnation and the combined effect of intense imperialist military, economic and political pressure led to the ascendancy of more rightist elements to the Soviet leadership in the mid-1980s. This new Soviet leadership, headed by Mikhail Gorbachev, embarked on market reforms to try and spur the economy. But these reforms increased income inequality. This encouraged pro-capitalist tendencies within sections of the most educated youth who believed that they would gain from capitalist restoration. This layer pushed for yet more right-wing economic reforms which increased inequality still further and that in turn further nourished the rise of pro-capitalist forces. The USSR was spiraling towards capitalist counterrevolution.
The emerging pro-capitalist forces espoused nationalism as a way to get broader layers of the population behind them. In the Ukraine, these counterrevolutionaries formed a Ukrainian Popular Front, called the Rukh, to call for Ukraine’s separation from the Soviet workers state as a means to achieve capitalist restoration. The Rukh is the spiritual father – and sometimes the actual source – of today’s pro-Western, Ukrainian nationalists. During the last days of the USSR, although the Rukh were able to point to a degree of Russian centredness within the Soviet system to gain support, their far more persuasive pitch was to point to growing Great Russian nationalism within Russia. One manifestation of this was the emergence of the extreme Great Russian chauvinist group, Pamyat. The rise of such Russian fascists naturally engendered fears amongst Ukrainians and other minority nationalities that they could again be subjugated by the Russians as in Tsarist times. The primary factor driving increased reactionary nationalism in the final period of the USSR was the increased inequality and competition between the different regions of the USSR spurred by Gorbachev’s market reforms, which allowed each republic to keep more of the wealth generated in its own area rather than be re-directed for the benefit of the whole USSR. This growing ethnic nationalism sparked by market reforms and by the increasing weight of pro-capitalist forces was a driving force for capitalist counterrevolution throughout the USSR. Nevertheless in March 1991 when a referendum was held on preservation or not of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, more than 71% of Ukrainians voted for maintaining the USSR, in an election with a voter turnout of 83% in the Ukraine.
Although a very small number of people became very rich out of the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution, it was a disaster for the overwhelming majority of people of the former USSR. This was true too for the people of Ukraine. Capitalist restoration led to economic collapse. To see how much this is the case we will compare the Ukraine with a country that remained under socialistic rule: China. In 1989, the year before Ukraine and the rest of the USSR started sliding rapidly towards capitalist counterrevolution, her average life expectancy was 70.5 years, one and a half years higher than in Red China. However by 2019, her life expectancy was five years lower than in China. Even more striking is a comparison of per capita income. In 1990, the average per capita income in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was nearly eight times higher than in the PRC. However, by 2020, capitalist Ukraine’s per capita income was 25% lower than in socialistic China.
By 1989 pro-capitalist reforms were in full swing in Soviet Ukraine and capitalist counterrevolutionaries took state power in 1991-92. In contrast, socialistic China has remained a workers state to this very day. Therefore a comparison between Ukraine and China provides a good indicator of the effects of capitalist restoration on the people of Ukraine. Above: A plot generated from the World Bank’s database comparing life expectancy in China and Ukraine since 1989. In 1989, the life expectancy in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union was one and a half years higher than in China. However, by 2019 (the last year that data is available), life expectancy in now capitalist Ukraine was more than five years lower that in socialistic China. Below: A comparison of per capita income shows the effect of the capitalist counterrevolution even more starkly. In 1990, per capita income in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was nearly eight times higher than in China, which then had only had four decades to catch up from the terrible poverty of her capitalist days. However, by the last year that World Bank data is available (2020), per capita income in now capitalist Ukraine was 25% lower than in still socialistic China. Moreover, the rise in average per capita income in the Ukraine in 32 years was very modest. Given that Ukraine’s wealth was now much less evenly distributed than in Soviet times, much of Ukraine’s working class actually have a lower standard of living today than they had 32 years ago – despite all the advances in human technology that should have made the opposite true. In short, capitalist counterrevolution has been an absolute calamity for the people of Ukraine.
In order to divert the masses from the truth that they were now being exploited by a section of their own people, the new capitalist regimes that rose to power through destroying the socialistic USSR blamed other nations and ethnic groups for the devastation of living standards in their own countries and regions. In this way, they tore apart peoples who had for decades lived together in peace and friendship and re-ignited long dormant, ancient prejudices and grievances. Just like in the former Yugoslavia, which underwent capitalist counterrevolution around the same time, the drive to capitalist restoration and its aftermath sparked bloody ethnic and national conflicts in the former USSR. In wars in Armenia-Azerbaijan, Chechnya, the Transnistria region of Moldova and the South Ossetian and Abkhazia regions of Georgia, between 160,000 to 200,000 former Soviet residents were killed. In subsequent phases of most of these wars and in the 2008 Russia-Georgia War, a further 65,000 to 80,000 people were killed in total.
As all this conflict raged in their neighbouring region, the new capitalist leaders of the two biggest countries that emerged out of the Soviet Union, Russia and Ukraine, gradually pulled their people apart as they both pushed nationalism as a means to hold their societies together in the face of the hardships caused by capitalist restoration. And the more corrupt their rule and the more furious the masses grew at the fact that they were undergoing economic hardships while a few had become obscenely rich, the more that the capitalist rulers of Ukraine and Russia promoted aggressive national chauvinism and hostility to each others’ counntries. The aggressive nationalism of the official leaders in turned spawned the rise of far-right groups in both countries who in turn pushed for a still more confrontationist stand against each country’s rival nation. Throw in plenty of aggressive meddling, manipulation and provocation by Washington and now we have this disastrous war. “This is like what happened in the former Yugoslavia played out in slow motion”, stated with great sadness Yuri Gromov, editor of Trotskyist Platform, who was born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic of the USSR and like so many people from the former USSR is of mixed ethnic heritage – part Roma, part Jewish and part Ukrainian and Russian.
Given that the current war and the other deadly wars in the former USSR over the last three or so decades are the direct product of capitalist counterrevolution and the drive towards it, it is obvious what the solution is: the restoration of working class rule! Should the working class again come to power in some or all of the former Soviet countries, whether or not some or all of the new workers states choose to join together in a new version of the Soviet Union is a question for the masses of each country. However, that really is a secondary question. The main point is the need for new Great October Socialist Revolutions in the lands of the former USSR. However, to ensure that these new workers states do not again degenerate and crumble under hostile imperialist pressure, we must fight for socialist revolutions in the imperialist centres – that is in the likes of the U.S., Britain, Australia and Japan.
Then and Now in Ukraine. Above: Then. A scene from the 1980s in the Soviet Union’s Artek summer camp for children. The camp was located in the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea in the then Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. As well as bringing together children from different parts of the Soviet Union, the camp also included visitors from various parts of the world including from many countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America. At the camp, youth took part in sports and activities and generally had a great time while building strong friendships with people of different races and ethnicities. Below: Today’s Ukraine. In Kiev, just a few hundred kilometres north from where Artek had been located, vacationing school children undergo military training and indoctrination in white supremacist and anti-Russian hatred at a base of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Photo Credit (above photo): Vintage Everyday Photo Credit (below photo): Sergei Supinsky/AFP
The Myth of a Clash Between “Democracy” and “Authoritarianism”
The biggest lie told by imperialist regimes about this current war is that this war is part of a broader “conflict between democracy and authoritarianism.” However, the Western “democratic” powers really have little commitment to “democracy” in even the very limited sense that they mean by the word. Washington and its allies back one of the most brutally authoritarian regimes in the world, Saudi Arabia, in its murderous war against the people of Yemen. What makes the way that they have framed the current conflict especially dishonest is that while the capitalist Putin regime is indeed “authoritarian”, the Kiev one that they are backing is even more so. Not only has the Ukrainian regime been murderously persecuting those seeking independence in the Donbass, it has jailed large numbers of pro-Russian and leftist opposition activists throughout the country. Opposition politicians, especially those expressing pro-Russia views, have been hit with bogus charges and arrested. As part of this repressive policy, the regime has not only enacted laws mandating the firing of all civil servants who were senior officials during the Soviet days but also all those who were employed during Yanukovych’s presidency. This is equivalent to the current Liberal government in Australia sacking all senior public servants who were in office during the previous Labor administration. By one year after the implementation of this purge, the Ukrainian capitalist state purged 700 senior public servants. Many more resigned themselves. Meanwhile, through its “decommunisation” policy, the Kiev regime has prevented the Communist Party of Ukraine – which in the elections immediately preceding Euromaidan received more than 13% of the vote – from standing in elections. The measures also mean that anyone who displays a communist or Soviet flag, sings the communist Internationale song or the Soviet anthem can be jailed for five years. Similarly, those who question the “heroism” of the Nazi-collaborating Ukrainian paramilitary groups – including the Ukrainian division that was formally incorporated into the Nazis Waffen-SS – are jailed! Meanwhile, books with even the slightest criticism of these Holocaust-participating groups have been banned in Ukraine.
Top: Terrifying! Ukrainian fascists pose with copies of the Ukrainian translation of the manifesto of the Australian white supremacist who murdered 51 Muslim people in his horrific 15 March 2019 massacre (Above) at two mosques in New Zealand’s Christchurch. Below: The bloodied clothes of a heroic massacre survivor who saved many lives, Imam Alabi Lateef Zirullah. While the Kiev regime has outlawed the unfurling of Soviet and communist symbols and the singing of communist songs and has banned books that contradict their warped version of history, they have allowed neo-Nazi organising, agitation and literature to flourish. Photo Credit (bottom photo): Stuff
The Ukrainian capitalist state’s embrace of fascist elements extends well beyond ideology and symbols. In late 2014, the Ukrainian National Guard incorporated into its ranks the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (a militia so extreme in its white supremacy that the Australian fascist who murdered 51 Muslims in New Zealand in March 2019 wore on his flak jacket the symbol most closely associated with this militia whom he also hailed in his manifesto). This is the same as if the U.S. were to incorporate the Ku Klux Klan into its National Guard! With such official sanction and with individual fascists in leading positions within the state machinery, Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary groups have felt emboldened to murder several members of the Roma community, burn synagogues and attack the LGBTIQ community. In 2018, they conducted simultaneous violent attacks on International Women’s Day rallies in several Ukrainian cities. These far-right terrorists are rarely ever prosecuted for such crimes – they seem to have impunity. So too do those who murder dissident journalists and social activists in Ukraine. In April 2015, pro-Russia journalist, Oles Buzina, was shot dead. The following year, investigative journalist, Pavel Sheremet, was killed in a car bomb. Then in July 2018, anti-corruption campaigner and local council member, Kateryna Handzyuk, was murdered in a terrifying acid attack.
Among the most extreme cases of the Ukrainian regime abetting far-right terror was seen in the multi-ethnic city of Odessa on 2 May 2014. There Ukrainian fascists attacked a protest by anti-government and pro-Russian activists. When the activists took sanctuary in the city’s Trade Union Hall, the fascists set the building alight and beat those who managed to escape the flames. The Ukrainian police simply stood aside and watched the activists get murdered and allowed the fascists to block firefighters from using their equipment. In all, Ukrainian fascists, abetted by the police, murdered 45 anti-Euromaidan activists that day.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainian capitalist regime is so racist that Ukrainian border guards have prevented international students (from places like Nigeria, Zimbabwe, India and Morocco) fleeing the recent war from boarding trains to exit Ukraine. The guards have given preference to Ukrainians, racially abused dark-skinned students and forced international students approaching the border to alight from vehicles and walk huge distances in freezing weather to get to the border so that Ukrainians could use their vehicles instead. Moroccan student Amani al-Attar told Al Jazeera news the experience that she and her friends had trying to cross the border into Poland from Ukraine. She says that she saw Ukrainian troops beat some international students with batons or the butts of rifles. “The army differentiated between people depending on their skin colour and gender,” said al-Attar. The Al Jazeera report continued:
“Also, the darker your skin the worse and longer the wait,” al-Attar told Al Jazeera, adding Black people and Asians were beaten and sent to the back of the queues.
“At this point, people were splayed on the ground with hypothermia. Others were collapsing from exhaustion. But that was just us Arabs, Black people and Asians. Ukrainians got through in minutes,” she said.
So much for the basic democratic principle that everyone is equal before the law that the Western powers are supposedly fighting to defend by backing Ukraine in this war!
As for the so-called “democracy” that the Western capitalist powers claim to practice, this is not a democracy for all the people but in practice only a democracy for the rich. For although everyone can vote in their “democracies”, the whole political atmosphere is shaped by heavily funded political parties, electoral advertising, lobbying and privately funded think tanks, all of which the ultra-rich have a greatly disproportionate ability to finance. Therefore it is they the rich capitalists who entirely dominate political life. Meanwhile, it is they, or the government that serves them, that own all the major media, thus ensuring that the capitalists’ “democratic” grip over public opinion is super tight. Meanwhile, which ever party wins elections, they administer a state whose judges, police, military officers and other top personnel are tied by thousands of threads to the powerful big end of town. Therefore, what we have in capitalist “democracies” is a tyranny of the tycoons. In Australia, the right to strike is so severely restricted that it would make any “authoritarian regime” proud. Meanwhile, the Australian regime has hit David McBride, one of the people who exposed the military’s horrific war crimes in Afghanistan, with charges that could see him imprisoned for 50 years for his whistleblowing. As for the “leader of the democratic world”, the U.S. regime, it is the world’s biggest jailer. The number of people that the U.S. jails is equal to 80% of the entire population of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev! Moreover, it is not only in interventions abroad that the Western “democratic” regimes commit heinous crimes. Racist U.S. police shoot dead on average more than one thousand people every year – disproportionately black and other people of colour. Here, the regime not only murders Aboriginal people in state custody but removes Aboriginal children from their families with all the intensity of the Stolen Generations period but with more “democratic” cover.
Above: Kumanjayi Walker, the 19 year-old Aboriginal youth who was killed in a racist murder on 9 November, 2019, in the remote Northern Territory community of Yuendumu. The killer, white policeman Zachary Rolfe, shot Kumanjayi Walker three times, the last two from close range and the third a whole three seconds after the first shot. Yet on 11 March 2022, Rolfe was not only acquitted of murder but cleared of two alternative charges of manslaughter and engaging in a violent act causing death. There has not ever been a single police officer or prison guard convicted of murder or manslaughter for the killing of an Aboriginal person. This is despite 500 Aboriginal people dying in state custody in the last 31 years alone – many simply murdered by racist cops and prison guards. Far from being a democracy for all as the regime and the mainstream media claim, the Australian regime is only a democracy for the rich capitalist exploiters while it enforces the exploitation of working class people and brutal racist terror against Aboriginal people.
It is true that there is right now a bit more space for anti-government protests in some Western “democracies” than there is in Russia – and certainly much more than in the Ukraine. Yet, this is only because right now their rule is more stable than in either Russia or Ukraine due to these rich country capitalists being able to pacify a sizable chunk of their middle class and a better paid section of their working class by giving them a small share of the massive profits that these imperialists reap from exploiting the peoples of the “Third World”. However, whenever they are afraid of significant opposition, these Western “democrats” throw out their own supposed “democratic principles” in a flash. Thus, afraid that opposition to their dangerous interference in the Ukraine-Russia war will emerge, the Western powers are violating all their claims to stand for “free speech” by censoring pro-Russia voices. The European Union banned Russian media outlets RT and Sputnik from broadcasting in the bloc. In Australia, an audience member in the ABC’s Q + A current affairs program who asked a question that called out media bias in reporting the conflict, was summarily expelled from the program by its presenter! Meanwhile, the Australian government is pushing Facebook, Twitter, Google, TikTok, Reddit and other digital platforms to block content generated by Russian media. This will mean that individuals who express views agreeing with those made by Russian media on some issues will inevitably also be censored
Worried about the growing strength of socialistic China, the “democratic” Western rulers are actually becoming increasingly authoritarian. Here, they have not only witch-hunted members of the Chinese community and other public figures that have dared to show sympathy towards China but have also unleashed threatening police raids against such individuals – as they did to a NSW Labour MP who in 2020 dared to praise China’s successful response to the pandemic. When they see a powerful challenge emerging to their rule, as it inevitably will, these “democrats” will not hesitate to use the most brutal authoritarian methods to try and crush opposition forces. Let us remember that the big time German capitalists who ended up supporting Hitler were one time “liberal democrats”! What the Western capitalist ruling classes, like all capitalists, really care about are not any abstract principles of “democracy” but preserving their rule of exploitation and expanding their super-profits. These are the reasons why they participate in wars and provoke wars fought by others. Capitalist rulers – whether from imperialist countries or dependent ones – have never fought or supported an external war for the sake of “democracy” … and they never will!
The main reason that the imperial powers want to frame the current war as a “contest between democracy and authoritarianism” is that they want to utilise public anger at Russia over this war to motivate their Cold War against socialistic China. To do this they seek to put China in the same boat as Russia. On Monday, Morrison blustered that Australia and the world were being challenged by an “arc of autocracy” involving Russia and China. Yet the truth is that China has maintained a strictly neutral position on this war. Although she has not condemned Russia’s intervention, she has not endorsed it either. China maintains friendly relations with Russia not out of any shared belief in “autocracy” or “authoritarianism,” as the imperialist regimes would have us believe, but firstly, because both are being targeted (albeit for very different reasons), by Western imperialism and secondly, in order to pursue mutually beneficial trade relations and technology exchanges.
Media propaganda has been so desperate to link Russia and China together that they have even, quiet ridiculously, portrayed Putin as some sort of unconscious, semi-communist. They keep on referring to Putin saying 17 years ago that, “the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century.” But Putin was not here referring to the collapse of socialistic rule in the Soviet Union. After all he personally played an active part in the capitalist counterrevolution that destroyed the Soviet workers state. During the counterrevolution, Putin was an adviser to then Leningrad/St Petersburg mayor Anatoly Sobchak, who was the second most prominent force in Russia promoting the capitalist counterrevolution next to Boris Yeltsin. What Putin was lamenting was only the breakup of a unitary state encompassing the region of much of the pre-Soviet Tsarist empire. This is clear if one reads what he said immediately after that often quoted phrase:
“As for the Russian nation, it became a genuine drama. Tens of millions of our co-citizens and co-patriots found themselves outside Russian territory. Moreover, the epidemic of disintegration infected Russia itself.”
It is clear that what Putin was lamenting was that Russians were no longer in a unitary state and had lost power. Putin had hoped that the socialistic Soviet Union would be replaced by a capitalist Russian-dominated empire on the territory of the old Soviet Union. Putin’s goal is definitely not a new Soviet workers state but a new Russian empire like the Tsarist one. To get a sense of Putin’s ideology, one has only to read his 21 February address to the Russian nation, the speech where he announced the recognition of the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk. The entire first one-third of the speech was a tirade against communism, the Soviet Union, the Bolsheviks and especially its leader Lenin. Putin particularly takes aim at the Bolshevik policy of upholding the right to self determination of the non-Russian peoples of the Soviet Union. All this should not be one bit surprising. This ideology is entirely consistent with the practice of a long-time administrator of Russian capitalism who seeks a new Russian sphere of influence within the territory of the former Soviet Union.
In actual fact there is a political Great Wall that separates China from Putin’s Russia. China is a socialistic state. Russia in contrast is a capitalist country, just like the U.S, Australia, Ukraine, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. The Western ruling classes are antagonistic towards Russia only because their predatory capitalist interests happen to clash with the interests of the Russian capitalist class. It has nothing to do with “democracy versus authoritarianism” or “democracy versus autocracy”. The hostility of the Australian and American capitalist rulers towards China also has nothing to do with “democracy versus autocracy.” However, it is for a very different reason to their opposition to Russia. Their enmity towards the PRC is all about the enmity of capitalist rulers towards socialistic states.
It is true that the Chinese workers state does not presently operate in the ideal form of a workers state, which is workers democracy – where political power is exercised by elected councils of workers and their allies in which all those who uphold working class rule will be able to freely debate and decide on matters. Instead, the working class hold power in China in an indirect manner with political administration monopolised by a middle class bureaucracy that administers the socialistic economy, while bending to the pressures of both world imperialism and China’s small capitalist class. That true workers democracy is not dominant in China weakens the workers state and makes it less resistant to attack from capitalist counterrevolutionaries claiming to stand for “democracy”. Therefore, we stand for workers democracy to be achieved in China in the course of the working class mobilising in action to confiscate China’s tech, real estate and retail sectors from the hands of the capitalists and placing it into the hands of the workers state. We want the Chinese workers state to be strengthened and for her progress towards socialism to be accelerated. However, the current lack of genuine workers democracy in China is hardly why Scot Morrison and Co. are hostile to the PRC! After all they have no wish to strengthen the Chinese workers state!
The Australian ruling class’ talk of opposing “authoritarianism” and “autocracy” when “explaining” their opposition to China and their lumping in of China with capitalist Russia are part of a conscious attempt by them to deceive the masses about the real reason for their hostility to China. That real reason is simply the enmity of the capitalist class to states ruled by the working class. Australia’s capitalist rulers know all too well that if the working class here understands the true reason for the ruling class’ hostility to the PRC, large parts of the working class would choose to side with workers China.
Above: A factory in the Chinese city of Changsha manufactures high-tech maglev (magnetic levitation) trains. The factory is owned by China’s giant train manufacturer CRRC. Like most of China’s biggest companies in key sectors, CRRC is state-owned. In China, public ownership, the form of property that favours working class people, plays the backbone role. In this property form not only does the profits of any firm go back to all the people but the type of production and the degree and form of employment can by set to meet overall social goals. For example, China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises typically keep workforces much larger than would capitalist companies conducting similar scale operations. This is in order to maximise employment for the masses in secure, permanent, good quality jobs. Below: A CRRC maintenance base for trains in the northwestern Chinese city, Xian. The capitalist ruling classes in the West are terrified that as socialistic China more and more improves the lives of her people, the working class masses in their own countries will eventually also want socialism.
Let Us Learn from the Bolsheviks
In the face of the intense propaganda campaign being waged by the imperialist powers and their media about this war, it is necessary for socialists to stand firm and advocate the line that expresses the interests of the workers and all the oppressed. Unfortunately, much of the Left have not stood firm. They have capitulated to the propaganda of the ruling class and more precisely to the middle class “public opinion” that this propaganda has created. Thus, the article on the conflict in the website of the Socialist Alternative (SAlt) group calls for solidarity and support to “the Ukrainians who are bravely fighting against Russian invasion.” Although SAlt criticises the West for not showing similar support to the Palestinians as they are to the Ukrainians, what SAlt here are doing is giving “solidarity and support” to the side in this inter-capitalist war that is being supported by the West. In other words these socialists are on the same side in this war as the racist capitalist ruling class at home.
Similarly, Socialist Alliance, Solidarity and other left groups organised a march held in Sydney last Sunday under the main slogan, “Russia Out of Ukraine.” The event was sponsored by the Sydney Stop the War Coalition, IPAN and also by two groups in which the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) play leading roles: Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition and the Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition. Video footage of the event shows the rally emcee making clear in her opening remarks that the rally was supporting Ukraine in this war. In other words, the mobilisation was supporting the same side in the war as Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese. The featured speaker at the event, Greens upper house NSW MP David Shoebridge, even went on a neoconservative rant implying that sanctions on Russia should have been implemented two decades earlier (!!) by criticising the West for buying Russian oil during that period. To be sure, video footage of the event also showed that some other speakers did rightly condemn Western imperialist interventions in other conflicts as well as oppression by the ruling class at home. However, such remarks and the small sub-slogan on the main rally banner, “No to NATO expansionism”, are almost meaningless when the main call of the rally is one supporting the military side taken by NATO and the Australian imperialists. Despite what may be said in some of the speeches, a mobilisation in Australia calling for “Russia Out of Ukraine” can only validate the push by Australia’s capitalist rulers and their U.S. senior partners to escalate their anti-Russia intervention into the war. It can only help them to “justify” intensifying their cruel sanctions against the people of Russia and embolden them to step up their supply of weapons to the Ukrainian regime. Therefore, in as much as it had an impact, this March 6 rally assisted the Western imperialists to pour more oil onto the flames of this conflict.
Below is the Call-Out for the March 6 Rally That We Boycotted
The call out for the objectively pro-imperialist rally on March 6 with a list of the rally sponsors.
Consider what people in the city would think when they see hundreds of people march by behind a big banner screaming, “Russia Out of Ukraine” (the very small slogan underneath it against NATO expansionism would be almost lost to them). They would conclude: a lot of people agree with Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese about this war. Thus the rally acted in the direction of boosting the authority of Australia’s warmongering ruling class. That can only help them in their drive to use this conflict to intensify their Cold War drive against socialistic China.
Therefore, we urge our readers NOT to participate in any future actions similar to the “Russia Out of Ukraine” action held on March 6. Please also do NOT participate in any other actions mobilised on the basis of support to Ukraine in this war. Instead, do your best to dissuade any of your friends from joining such actions.
In resisting the international agenda of our own imperialists we must learn from Lenin’s Bolsheviks. At the outbreak of World War I there was massive pressure on Russian socialists to support the war efforts of their own rulers. Patriotic fervor was intense. Besides, it was said that Austria-Hungary and its German allies had “started” the war. The Bolsheviks insisted that it does not matter who “starts” the war – this is a reactionary war between rival imperialist powers. They called to turn the inter-imperialist war into a class war against the capitalist rulers of each of the warring parties. The main enemy is at home, they insisted. Their stance provoked outrage in Russia. The Bolsheviks faced much, much more pressure to adapt to the war agenda of their own rulers than we face today. Workers who had bought the propaganda violently attacked the Bolsheviks in the factories, hurling bits of metal at them to drive them out. Not only did the Bolsheviks lose a lot of support, many of their own weaker members quit the movement. Meanwhile, leading members of the party were arrested, convicted of high treason and banished to Siberia. Yet the party stuck to the line that they knew was correct. Eventually, as the war progressed and the terrible suffering that it caused became evident, workers slowly realised that the Bolsheviks had been right all along. That they had stood firm on the unpopular stance that they took at the start of the war later gave the party immense authority amongst the most politically aware sections of the working class. With this authority that came from standing firm in very difficult times, the Bolsheviks were able to lead the workers, poor peasants and oppressed nationalities of Russia to power just three years after they had been harshly ostracised.
Today, we need to build a communist party that will stand firm like Lenin’s Bolsheviks. We fight to advance towards that goal by today insisting that the main enemy of the working class and downtrodden of Australia is not Putin’s capitalist regime but the capitalist rulers of Australia and its U.S. and NATO allies. We stand for building actions that will say: No to sanctions on Russia! Oppose U.S. and Australian arms grants to Ukraine! Down with NATO! No to escalation of the Cold War drive against socialistic China! No nuclear submarines for the Australian military! Stand with socialistic China to stand by working class interests!
If we take such a firm stand against our own capitalist exploiters, then we may well help inspire leftists and workers in Ukraine and Russia to oppose the war drive of each of their own respective capitalist rulers and wage class war against these oppressors.
27 March 2011, Sydney: The first action in Australia opposing NATO’s war on Libya after NATO began bombing Libya. The united-front protest stood with the people of Libya against both NATO and their “Rebel” proxies. The action also opposed all forms of U.S. and Australian regime intervention into the Middle East whether that be military, political or diplomatic. At the time of the rally there was an overwhelming, mainstream media propaganda campaign lionising the “Rebels” and hysterically demonising Libya’s government. The united-front protest was initiated and built by Trotskyist Platform.