Category Archives: Communism




30 September 2019: Tomorrow marks the seventieth anniversary of the biggest revolution in human history. In 1949, hundreds of millions of exploited rural workers, poor peasants and urban workers rose up under the leadership of Mao Zedong’s Communist Party of China (CPC) to free themselves from the tyranny of China’s capitalists and landlords and from the imperialist overlords that were crushing China’s people. The revolution not only liberated the country from Western imperialist subjugation but brought the agricultural land, banks, mines and key industries under public ownership. The resulting socialistic system of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) greatly improved the lives of China’s long suffering masses. Before the founding of the PRC, China had been one of the most backward countries in the world. Tens upon tens of millions of people perished in the famines and floods that struck the country some seven to ten times in the fifty years prior to 1949. Average life expectancy was under 35 years. In a true miracle in social progress, by the time that China began its market reforms in 1978 – marking the end of the Mao era – the life expectancy of the most populous country in the world had been practically doubled to over 67 years (despite a blip during the disastrous though well intentioned plan to rapidly industrialize China during the late 1950s’ Great Leap Forward). Today, under continued socialistic rule, China’s life expectancy is just a few years from catching up to the richest countries – having reached 77 years. By another measure of people’s health, Healthy Life Expectancy – the years that a person can expect to live in good health – the UN’s World Health Organization Monitoring Health for the SDGs report (see Annex 2, Part 1 ) shows that China’s level has now even overtaken that of the United States.

Those who have gained most from the 1949 Anti-Capitalist Revolution have been Chinese women. Prior to the Revolution, a large proportion of Chinese women had their feet bound and were subjected to forced marriage, while married women were secluded in their homes and fields by bullying husbands and mothers-in-law. Through 70 years of socialistic rule, the position of Chinese women has not only advanced far past comparable countries that remained under capitalist rule – like India and Indonesia – but has arguably overtaken that of the most developed countries. In 2017, women made up 52.4 % of all public servants newly-recruited by China’s central government. Women also make up 52.5% of students in China’s higher education.

To be sure, while the masses in China now have social and economic power, the political administration of the country is monopolised by a somewhat privileged, bureaucratic layer. The guerilla war nature of the 1949 Revolution meant that it is a narrow layer of CPC leaders who are in political control of the country. Nevertheless, these leaders, whatever their individual intentions, still have to administer the country on behalf of the masses. Moreover, the pressure working class people in China can exert upon government policy is far greater than the influence that the toiling classes have in so-called “democratic” capitalist countries like Australia, India, the Philippines and the U.S. However, the ruling bureaucracy in China, while developing the socialistic economy within the country, does little to support the working class struggle for socialism within the currently capitalist countries. Instead, CPC leaders try – in vain – to soften the clash between the capitalist powers and socialistic China in the futile hope of achieving “amicable co-existence with imperialism.” In the late 1970s, under the incessant pressure of the capitalist world and the reality of capitalist control of the most developed economies, the then Deng Xiaoping-led CPC brought in market reforms that allowed a degree of capitalist intrusion. Although the resulting collaboration with capitalist firms from developed countries was in some cases beneficial in that it helped China to learn new technologies, the reforms also led to an increase in inequality and the dangerous growth of capitalist forces. Today China has a private capitalist sector and even some  billionaires (although the proportion of such billionaires to China’s huge overall population is quite small relative to the U.S. and Australia). However, unlike in the capitalist countries, it is not the tycoons that run China and China is not run for their sake. Put another way, while Australian governments kowtow to and are scared to cross the likes of billionaires Andrew Forrest, Anthony Pratt, Kerry Stokes, the Murdoch family and Gina Rinehart, in Red China it is completely the other way around. Noted capitalists in China, like China’s richest man Jack Ma, are scared of the PRC state and many say that he only retired from his company at a very young age earlier this month because of the pressure of the PRC’s push to increase control over private firms ( steered-away-china-communist-partys-clutches). Indeed, many a greedy capitalist tycoon has been jailed or even executed in China and many more have had their ill-gotten assets confiscated. The PRC remains a workers state – albeit an endangered one where the small capitalist class there is constantly lobbying for greater “freedoms” and “rights” which, once the mystifying idealism of these terms is decoded, means the unrestricted right to exploit workers that business owners enjoy in capitalist countries and that they currently also have the “right” to in the Hong Kong region of China. The continuing socialistic nature of the PRC is shown by the fact that all of her biggest ten companies remain under public ownership as well as some 85% of her top hundred firms.

That the PRC remains a workers state is apparent when one contrasts her attitude to the poor to that of the capitalist Australian regime. Here, the government of Scott Morrison cannot think of more ways to attack the rights of people on low incomes. After previous governments, with bipartisan support, rolled out schemes to subject, firstly people in NT Aboriginal communities, and then people in three other heavily Aboriginal areas to “compulsory income management” where unemployed people lose control of how they can spend large proportions of their meagre welfare payments, the conservative government now wants to put 80% of the payments of all welfare recipients under such a regime. To further stigmatise the poor, the same government is also trying to introduce mandatory drug testing for all welfare recipients. For their part, Liberal and Labor state governments alike continue to sell off public housing making renting for low income people still more unaffordable. Meanwhile, the mainstream media regularly run documentaries that insult and blame for their plight unemployed workers as well as tenants in public housing. By contrast, it would be completely unheard of for PRC state media to run documentaries mocking the poor or blaming them for their own position. Instead, PRC mainstream media very frequently run highly sympathetic stories about the poor that explain how their plight is caused by factors beyond their control. Meanwhile, PRC leaders, like president Xi Jinping, go out of their way to meet and often visit the homes of low income people on just about every regional trip that they make as well as during key public holiday periods like Chinese New Year. A cynic could call that simply good politicking. Perhaps, yet it shows the direction that the political winds blow in the PRC that Xi and Co. feel the necessity to even do this. Here, Morrison and Co. don’t think that they even need to pretend to respect, let alone listen to the concerns of those most in need. Just who Australian politicians do want and feel they need to listen to was seen in Morrison’s recent trip to the U.S. During his extravagant state dinner with U.S. president Trump, there rubbing shoulders with Morrison were most of Australia’s most prominent and richest tycoons including Anthony Pratt (Australia’s richest person), Gina Rinehart (Australia’s second richest billionaire), Kerry Stokes (owner of Channel 7), Andrew Forrest and Lachlan Murdoch (son of Rupert). We can tell you that if a Chinese leader were to fraternise with tycoons like that over a lavish dinner there would certainly be a national outcry and they would likely be purged from office! More important than the optics is that the PRC government continues to massively increase the amount of public housing for her low income people. From 2008 to 2017 alone, the PRC provided 64 million additional public housing dwellings in urban areas! As a result, while the proportion of people with access to public housing in Australia’s urban areas has fallen to just one in every thirty households, in the PRC’s urban areas around one in four people now are living in one of its various forms of public housing. Therefore, even though China’s per capita income is still six times less than resource rich Australia’s, walk through any Chinese city and you will see a far lower proportion of homeless people than you see sleeping the streets of Sydney. Most importantly, while Morrison searches for more ways to cut people off welfare payments, the main focus of the PRC over the last several years – one that has dominated her political life – has been a drive to lift every person in the country out of extreme poverty by the end of 2020. And she is well on track to achieve this! Over just the last six years, the PRC has lifted over 82 million people out of extreme poverty.


Despite the terrific social progress made over the last 70 years of socialistic rule, the PRC workers state is under great danger. Ever since China’s 1949 Revolution, some of the overthrown landlords and capitalists – many of whom fled to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Western countries to plot their comeback – and all  the imperialist powers have worked together to try and destroy the PRC workers state. Within a year after the formation of the PRC, the U.S., British and Australian imperialists and their South Korean allies invaded Red China’s neighbour and socialistic ally, North Korea, to try and crush the workers state there and threaten the PRC. The following year, the U.S. came within a whisker of unleashing nuclear weapons against the north-eastern parts of China after PRC troops heroically entered the Korean War in defence of their socialistic ally. Then, for more than two decades after the 1949 Revolution, China was subjected to sanctions and diplomatic isolation by most of the most powerful countries in the world.

The PRC’s diplomatic isolation only ended – and trade and investment exchanges with the richer countries started – after revolutionary leader Mao sold part of his communist soul in the early 1970s and agreed to join with the U.S. in its drive against the then socialistic USSR. The capitalist powers were willing to go easy on the PRC for a period while they worked on destroying the most powerful workers state at the time, the USSR. By lining up with imperialism against the USSR and her socialistic Cuban and Vietnamese allies in key hot spots of the Cold War – including in Angola, Afghanistan, Cambodia and China’s own border with Vietnam – the PRC leaders made some contribution to the counterrevolutionary destruction of the USSR. Apart from being downright treacherous to the cause of socialism, this policy pursued by Mao and Deng alike was in the end a failure even in terms of its stated intention: to reduce imperialist hostility to China. With the USSR out of the way, China quickly became the main strategic target of imperialism. And with the capitalist powers no longer having to worry about having to simultaneously squeeze both the PRC and the giant USSR at the same time, the pressure that they have been able to exert on the PRC is all the greater.

Today, the U.S. is building up its forces in the Western Pacific against Red China. It is sending its navy thousands upon thousands of kilometres from its own shores to provocatively sail through China-claimed waters in the South China Sea – not far from China’s mainland. The British and Australian ruling classes are assisting in all this. Australia is undergoing a rapid military buildup aimed against the PRC and her North Korean ally. To the same end, Australia also hosts 2,500 U.S. troops in Darwin. One should understand that the Australian rulers are joining the war drive against China not simply because they are “following the U.S.” Australia’s capitalist ruling class share the same reasons for wanting to destroy socialistic rule in China as their American counterparts. For one, these capitalist rulers understand that they can grab even more profits from turning China into a huge sweatshop of exploited labour than they can by selling exports to her. Secondly, by providing infrastructure to other developing countries on generous terms and by engaging in mutually beneficial relationships with them, the PRC is undermining the ability of both U.S. and Australian imperialism to super-exploit their former colonies and current neo-colonies – like in Australia’s case PNG, East Timor, Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. Perhaps most importantly, capitalist powers the world over know that the continued successes of socialistic rule in the world’s most populous country can encourage the masses in other developing countries to strive for socialism; and in the long term could inspire the exploited working classes in their own countries to topple them from power.

It is not only through exerting military pressure that the capitalist powers seek to undermine socialistic rule in China. They constantly badger China to privatize her socialistic state-owned enterprises and favour her capitalist private sector. One of the features of Trump’s trade war against China is that he has demanded that the PRC stop supporting her state-owned enterprises. Apart from being an implicit recognition that these socialistic enterprises are the key to China’s economic success, this push by the Washington regime is also in some part a conscious attempt to weaken socialistic rule in China. Meanwhile, all the capitalist powers and their media are waging an intensifying propaganda war against the PRC. Over the last few months, not a day can go by without the Australian mainstream media having a “new” story attacking Red China. This can range from hyped up accusations of Chinese “interference” in Australian politics  to claims of Chinese cyber-hacking to completely bogus reports of China detaining large numbers of Uyghur people in Xinjiang to totally distorted claims about the PRC “taking way the sovereignty” of other developing countries.

Perhaps the most dangerous of the methods that the capitalist powers use against socialistic China is their backing of various anti-communist forces within – or in exile from – China. Their latest favourite anti-Red China force is the anti-PRC movement in China’s Hong Kong region. The last several months has seen large protests in Hong Kong against PRC influence in the region. The movement is very violent and a hard core of masked “protesters” have brutally assaulted pro-PRC Hong Kong residents, vandalised subway stations and shops and attacked police officers with firebombs, sticks and other weapons. Hong Kong’s economy has nosedived.

The Hong Kong anti-PRC forces are openly pro-colonial. They carry not only British and American flags but the old Union Jack flag of the British colonial administration of Hong Kong . They are even holding U.S.- flag waving rallies appealing to the hard right, racist U.S. president Donald Trump to openly intervene even more into Hong Kong. Indeed, the U.S. and other capitalist powers are already fervently backing and supporting the pro-colonial movement. The U.S. government’s notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the body that helps to organise U.S. interference operations abroad – for example, backing anti-communist Cuban groups and components of the right-wing Venezuelan opposition – openly funds Hong Kong anti-PRC groups. The NED’s own website shows that in just 2018 alone, the body – which was set up to carry out partially in the open some of the functions that the CIA used to do completely covertly – gave $90,000 to the Hong Kong Justice Center and $155,000 and $200,000 to the U.S.-based groups Solidarity Center and the National Democratic Institute for their work in Hong Kong. Yet this is only the out in the open funding! Evidence has emerged that the NED is also funding six of the key groups in the Civil Human Rights Front – the outfit that organised the first mass protests.

The U.S. also maintains a massive consulate in Hong Kong with a staff of 1,000 people – many of whom are devoted to advising and directing the protests and riots. On August 6, there was a huge scandal in Hong Kong after some media there showed photographs of Julie Eadeh, chief of the US consulate’s political unit, meeting Hong Kong anti-PRC leaders Martin Lee and Anson Chan and then later in the day meeting the best known figure in the anti-communist movement, Joshua Wong. Yet it is not only through such covert actions and funding that the Western powers have buttressed the anti-PRC movement. Just six days ago, Trump used a high profile speech at the UN to attack China over Hong Kong, effectively throwing his weight behind the anti-PRC rioters. This racist bigot who locks up Central American refugee children in horrific conditions at the U.S. border, who authorized even more fearsome bombs to be used in U.S. operations in Afghanistan and the Middle East and who ordered the U.S. military to desist from calling off bombing raids in these theatres of war even when the chances of “accidentally” killing civilians is very high, demanded that the PRC honor its commitment to “Hong Kong’s freedom, legal system, and democratic ways of life.” The next day, the US House of Representatives’ committee on foreign affairs and its Senate equivalent approved a bipartisan bill that will pave the way for U.S. sanctions on Hong Kong if the U.S. determines that Hong Kong is not autonomous enough – in other words, sanctions will be imposed if the PRC moves to bring socialist influence into Hong Kong or if the pro-Beijing Hong Kong government stands up to the pro-colonial rioters. Tellingly, the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” stipulates – in a clear reference to some of the Hong Kong media’s  exposure of the chief of the  US consulate’s political unit meeting with Hong Kong anti-PRC leaders – that the US State Department should knock back visa applications of Hong Kong journalists working in the territory’s [rather few] pro- Beijing media organisations should they too harshly criticise in a targeted way U.S. diplomatic personnel and Hong Kong “democracy activists.” This is a clear attempt by these supposed believers in “democracy” and “free speech” to silence the voices of pro-PRC journalists.

Six weeks earlier, right-wing Australian prime minister Morrison made a, thinly veiled, statement in support of the right-wing, pro-colonial forces in Hong Kong, provoking a strong rebuke from China’s ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye. In comments similar in content to the ones Trump would make at the UN later, Morrison ostentatiously lectured Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam to “listen carefully” to the anti-PRC opposition, by which he means, back down to their demands! Labor’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, Penny Wong,  echoed this stance. It is striking how Western capitalist governments  and politicians are quick to attack the pro-Beijing Hong Kong authorities for allegedly “heavy-handed” repression when they have been happy to accept far harsher repression elsewhere. While the Hong Kong government has thus far not imposed a curfew or even stopped people from holding anti-government protests despite the extreme violence of the anti-PRC rioters, the capitalist Indian government is in the midst of a two month-long crackdown against its oppressed Kashmiri population which has not only involved hundreds of thousands of Indian troops occupying Kashmir and detaining thousands of opposition activists for no particular actions but has seen the Indian regime impose a harsh curfew and the cutting off of all telephone, mobile phone and internet communications. Yet, of course, there has been no condemnation of the pro-Western, Indian government by any U.S. or Australian leader.

Also throwing their weight behind the anti-China movement in Hong Kong has been the entire mainstream media in Australia and other Western countries. Junking even the pretense of being objective and neutral in their reporting, these media outlets have given blanket coverage to the anti-PRC mobilisations while giving very little or absolutely no reports of the, sometimes hundreds of thousands strong, pro-PRC rallies in Hong Kong. Anti-PRC politicians and activists are given large amounts of air time while the voices of those who support the PRC are rarely heard. Meanwhile, alongside showing Hong Kong police actions out of context to make them appear brutal, the Australian media edit out footage of the cruelest acts of violence by the Hong Kong rioters whom they lionise as “pro-democracy” activists. By contrast when trade unionists from the CFMEU or other unions defend their picket lines here or merely swear at greedy bosses, the Australian media don’t hesitate to call them “thugs.” And when anti-fascists activists defend themselves and multi-racial communities from extreme far-right activists, the Australian media label them as “violent” or “aggressive.” Can you imagine the hysterical denunciations that Australia’s big business and government-owned media would unleash if trade unionists or anti-racists here started doing what the Hong Kong rioters are doing today: like kidnapping and torturing journalists, bashing people with opposing views and beating police officers with sticks?


So what is this anti-China movement in Hong Kong that is so energetically supported by all the capitalist powers and their media. To understand what is driving this movement we first need to step back and look at what Hong Kong is. Britain stole Hong Kong during its brutal colonial, Opium Wars against China in the mid-nineteenth century. Hong Kong prospered as a base from where British drug dealers organized their pushing of large quantities of opium into China. Furthermore, because of its great natural harbour, its advantageous location that makes it ideal to serve as a conduit connecting sea lanes from Europe, America and Australia to China and its small population, Hong Kong grew wealthy as a trade and financial centre – much like Singpaore. This was especially in the first couple of decades after China began to open up to trade and investment exchanges with the outside world in the late 1970s. As in Singapore, the wealth of this enclave is thus somewhat artificially derived in the sense that it is based on the city playing an intermediary role leaching a part of the wealth produced in the much more populous neighboring region.

As a place of laissez faire capitalism on steroids, where the big end of town faces little regulation, low taxes and almost unlimited rights to exploit and speculate, Hong Kong is also one of the most unequal societies in the world. Its average income is much higher than on the mainland but it has a greater proportion of people living in extreme poverty and cruelly inadequate housing conditions. Hong Kong workers are subjected to very long working hours and are often bullied by their bosses. On the other hand, Hong Kong has a very high proportion of billionaires – much higher than in the mainland PRC. Moreover, it also has a very large upper-middle class consisting of professionals and analysts working in the finance industry, investment, trade and real estate. As a result, one of out every seven people in Hong Kong is a millionaire. Therefore when the British finally handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, Hong Kong’s large number of rich people were fearful that the socialistic PRC would eventually curb their wealth and power.

As part of the deal returning Hong Kong to China, Beijing, wrongly, agreed to maintain Hong Kong as a capitalist enclave for fifty years. This reassured many Hong Kong capitalists but not all. Many took their wealth and left – including to Australia. However, when earlier this year, the Hong Kong government under prodding from Beijing put forward a bill that would make it easier to extradite people suspected of serious crimes – including economic crimes – from Hong Kong to the mainland this triggered the worst fears of Hong Kong’s rich that Beijing would eventually move to curb Hong Kong’s laissez faire capitalism and compel them to hand over part of their wealth and power to Hong Kong’s working class and poor. So they erupted in rage at the proposed new law and at the threat of “interference” from Beijing.

Not surprisingly then it has been sections of Hong Kong’s capitalist class that have organised the movement. A key figure in the anti-PRC riots is Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, the billionaire tycoon who owns one of Hong Kong’s biggest media outlets, Next Media Group. The group runs the tabloid Apple Daily as well as several online news sites. Over the last few years, Jimmy Lai has donated huge amounts of money to anti-PRC political parties and NGOs. Today, his right-wing Apple Daily and his other outlets have been actively fomenting and even organising the anti-PRC riots. Even those other Hong Kong tycoons that have called for “calm” have tacitly been pressing the anti-PRC movement’s demands. Thus, Hong Kong’s richest man Li Ka-Shing, in an ambiguous statement, said that “both sides should try to put their feet in another’s shoes.” Yet while calling for harmony, Li pointedly called for Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed government to “show humanity” and show a “way out” for the protesters. Read between the lines and it is apparent that this shipping tycoon wants the Hong Kong government to accede to the rioters demands while urging the latter not to stage any actions that would provoke Beijing into sending in its forces and thus threatening Hong Kong’s capitalist system.

Even more fervent in joining the anti-PRC movement than Hong Kong tycoons have been Hong Kong’s upper-middle class. Since they have less means to pick up and move their capital than the ultra-rich and are less secure in their privileged financial position, the fanaticism of their fear of socialism is even greater than the tycoons’. And as we said, there are a lot of these upper-middle class people in the somewhat artificial region that is Hong Kong. There are over one million millionaires in the small region – which notably is about the maximum size of the protest movement.

The anti-PRC movement has been able to draw in less affluent sections of the middle class too – especially the youth. Although these latter types are much better off than Hong Kong’s working class and poor, the city is so expensive and housing is so unaffordable that young professionals and middle class university students feel squeezed. These people, unlike the tycoons and richer layers of the middle class whose agenda dominates the movement, have legitimate concerns. However, they wrongly blame Beijing for their problems. This is partly because they are swayed by Hong Kong’s largely anti-Beijing media and partly because they see the pro-Beijing government doing little to alleviate their plight. Yet the latter occurs precisely because the Hong Kong regional government and Beijing maintain Hong Kong’s capitalist system. Should Beijing actually move to bring the socialistic system into Hong Kong many of the middle class youth now opposing the PRC would benefit, including through more affordable housing and through more secure and less stressful employment. Another factor in pushing middle class youth into opposing the PRC is that in recent years Hong Kong’s economy has slowed – in good part because the rapid development of mainland Chinese ports and cities has seen Hong Kong eclipsed as a trading centre and port city. Since they know that Hong Kong’s economy has been performing worse since the handover back to Beijing, these youth look back favourably to the colonial days. Yet while Hong Kong’s ultra-rich and upper-middle class families tend to be united against Beijing, recent events in Hong Kong have split less rich middle class families along generational lines. Middle class parents who have experienced all the repression, humiliation and racism of British colonial rule are angry that their children could go to rallies carrying the British colonial flag.

Undoubtedly a small number of Hong Kong’s poor and working class have also joined the protests. With from a quarter to half a million Hong Kong residents living in horrific “coffin homes” – many so small that they are not able to even extend their legs – Hong Kong’s poor have a lot to be angry about. Yet even the Western media have had to admit that this is largely a middle class movement. When the smaller of the territory’s two union federations, the Western-backed Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions tried to call protest “general strikes” in recent months they have been notable flops, with few workers taking part other than for some relatively higher-paid workers like teachers. Moreover, it is important to understand that all pro-capitalist movements have always been able to draw in some layers of the less affluent middle class and some sections of even the working class masses. But their reactionary, pro-capitalist character is defined by their agenda and by which class is driving the protests. And it is definitely sections of the capitalist class and large parts of the upper-middle class who are driving the anti-PRC movement. Thus, when the extradition bill was first put forward it was Hong Kong’s capitalist business owners that led the charge against it. They understood that the law would allow for extradition of people for economic crimes to the mainland. Beijing wants to be able to do this to catch corrupt capitalists fleeing to Hong Kong. Yet Hong Kong capitalists know that in the mainland the right of capitalists to exploit is constrained and many end up facing repression and having their assets confiscated – often after popular pressure from China’s masses (which is often expressed through social media chat sites). A particular incident that scared them was the seizure by PRC authorities two years ago of greedy Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua from a Hong Kong hotel. Xiao is now in detention in the mainland facing trial. The bank that he owned, Baoshang Bank – one of the rare privately-owned banks in China – has been confiscated and brought into public ownership. All this is wonderful news for the working class masses. But it is terrifying for the capitalist exploiters. Hong Kong business bosses and their overseas counterparts conducting operations in the territory fear this could happen to them. Adding to their fears, the proposed extradition bill included an ordinance that would allow the freezing or confiscation of the suspects’ assets. Thus, virtually the entire Hong Kong capitalist class initially opposed the bill. This included even the two pro-business parties that are considered accepting of Hong Kong’s integration into China – the Business and Professionals Alliance and the Liberal Party. The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce warned against any update to the city’s existing extradition laws. Meanwhile, the proposed new laws were openly denounced by the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong which stated that the new law would damage the city’s reputation as a “secure haven for international business.” Under this pressure, the Hong Kong government harmfully backed down a little and removed some of the economic crimes that people could be extradited for. As a result, some capitalists moderated their opposition to the laws. But others, including the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong continued to oppose the bill. Meanwhile, the fears of socialist influence that the extradition bill triggered amongst the upper-middle class has continued to loom large even after Carrie Lam capitulated to the rioters and withdrew the bill.

However, the most fervent sections of the protesters – and especially their imperialist backers – don’t simply want to prevent the PRC’s socialistic system coming to Hong Kong. They want to eject this system from the mainland as well. These people must be opposed. Any threat to the socialistic system in the PRC is a threat to her working class masses. Capitalist counterrevolution in China would endanger all the wonderful achievements that the PRC has made in poverty alleviation. The PRC would be returned to a place of severe exploitation, like an Indonesia, Mexico or Philippines, where bosses retrench workers at will, children live in poverty, women are downtrodden and foreign capitalist powers subjugate the people under a system of semi-colonialism. The resulting increasing in the rate of exploitation would encourage capitalist bosses everywhere, including in Australia, to further attack the wages and rights of the working class and poor. Moreover, a defeat for socialism in the world’s most populous country would embolden capitalist exploiters and demoralise the struggle for socialism around the globe. Just like the destruction of socialistic rule in the USSR and East European countries in 1989-1991, it would throw back by decades the struggle for socialism and for the cause of the working class and downtrodden. That is why the working class and oppressed of Australia and the world must mobilise to defend the PRC workers state. We must say: Down with the pro-colonial, anti-communist movement in Hong Kong! U.S., Britain, Australia get out of the South China Sea! U.S. troops out of Darwin! Stop the Australian regime’s military build-up against the PRC! No to imperialist funding for anti-PRC “NGOs”! Down with the Cold War propaganda drive against the PRC!



It is unsurprising that it is the youth of the upper class and upper-middle class that have been most fervent in opposing the “threat” of socialist “interference” in Hong Kong. And this is not just because young people have more energy. Those young people who dream of a well-paying career or making it big in the capitalist world see “Communist China” as a threat to their aspirations. Their parents have already made their own wealth and if push comes to shove can more easily move it abroad. But the youth want to make their own mark on the capitalist world and socialism threatens their upwardly mobile dreams. Thus, during the socialist revolution in Russia, it was the younger members of the propertied classes that fought most energetically – and, indeed, from their standpoint bravely – to stop the workers’ revolution. This included young military officers – called Junkers – and college students. In the initial February 1917 Revolution that toppled the Tsar, college students participated in the Revolution. However once the revolution moved more clearly to the goal of establishing working class power, Russia’s privileged college students were on the side of the capitalist enemy. Similarly, today, the upper and middle class university students in Hong Kong are on the side of capitalism – this time not against an immediate impending socialist overturn but against the threat (as they see it) of one in the future. The ferocity of their rioting – including several horrific mob beatings of pro-PRC people (including a videotaped bashing of a man holding his children who was “guilty” only of singing the PRC national anthem) – reflects the desperate anger of propertied classes fearful of losing their dominant position.

One should understand that if the working class struggle grows in Australia and the possibility for socialist revolution becomes imminent, there will also be mass opposition to it – especially from capitalist and upper-middle class youth. Unfortunately, the resistance to an impending socialist overturn will not just come from the mythical 1%. The capitalist class is not just 1% of the population. To be sure the biggest of the capitalists do make up about 1% of the population. But then there are those capitalist business owners exploiting smaller numbers of workers, the managerial class enforcing the exploitation of workers at larger workplaces and the cops, prison guards, judiciary and upper bureaucrats who administer the state that keeps the capitalists in power. There are the upper middle class layers including successful self-employed businessmen, rich farmers and the higher paid of the professionals. Unlike the direct capitalist exploiters of labour and their enforcers, these privileged sections of the middle class do not have a direct interest in maintaining the capitalist system. In the long run they would actually benefit from the more rational and humane socialist system. However, it’s a tough job convincing most of them of this when they live a comfortable life under capitalism with negatively-geared, multiple investment properties! Meanwhile, just like the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong, the pro-capitalist resistance movement will be able to con a section of the less affluent portion of the middle class – people who would actually gain a great deal from socialism – and even some less politically conscious workers to their side. The exact balance of forces in a revolution, of course, cannot be predicted ahead of time – it depends on how the struggle plays out. However one can envisage a scenario where in a struggle for socialist revolution in Australia 15 million of its 25 million people support a socialist overturn, 5 to 7 million people are neutral and some 3 to 5 million people are against it. Of course, the victory of a socialist transformation or otherwise depends on not only how many people are on the opposing sides but how determined people on either side are to fight. Yet let’s not be naive: an imminent push towards socialist rule in Australia would face resistance from millions of people. And because an impending revolution would pose the question of which class rules in a far more immediate manner than the possibility of the PRC bringing socialism to Hong Kong, the opposition will likely be even more fanatical – and from their point of view even braver –than the resistance to the socialistic PRC of the Hong Kong anti-communist movement. Let’s not forget that following the Russian Revolution, the young workers state was not only opposed by the actual capitalists and landlords but also by rich peasant farmers and the technical-managerial layers working in factories and utilities.

Part of the opposition – especially from the middle class – that an impending socialist transformation would face in Australia will be largely due to racism. A strong movement for socialism can only develop by uniting the working class masses through positively standing against racial oppression. A movement with such an anti-racist agenda will, thus, necessarily face resistance from unreconstructed racist rednecks. In the current Hong Kong events a kind of racism has also played a factor in the resistance to socialistic China. Although Hong Kongers and mainlanders are both ethnically Chinese there is a strong nativist racism within Hong Kong that sees Hong Kong people as superior and more sophisticated than Mainlanders. In part, this comes from the impact of British colonialism that taught people that Westerners were superior to Asians. Associated with this, Hong Kongers as a people who lived longer under direct colonial rule were taught that they are more Western and more immersed in “Western values” than the “oriental” mainlanders. Helping to accentuate these myths is the greater wealth – at least for the middle and upper classes – of Hong Kong Chinese relative to their mainland counterparts. Right-wing media outlets like the ones run by Jimmy Lai – who is in so many ways an Hong Kong version of Rupert Murdoch – have excelled in portraying mainlanders entering Hong Kong as “locusts.” This is partly done for the usual capitalist divide and rule schemes which seek to channel the masses’ frustrations onto targets other than the capitalist exploiters themselves. However, Jimmy Lai also whips up such sentiments in order to use an Hong Kong nativist xenophobia to help drive the anti-PRC movement.

A few days ago, Jiayang Fan, a Chinese-American staff writer at The New Yorker reported that she has been subjected to vicious threats and mob racism by anti-PRC activists while covering the Hong Kong protests (Business Insider Australia website, 22 September 2019). They referred to her as a “f-ing yellow thug.” Some of these activists would indeed love to be called white supremacists … but alas they have yellow skin. Little surprise then that white supremacists from the West have been flocking to join in the Hong Kong protests. Some of the notable extreme right-wingers who have joined the protests from abroad include the leader of the violent U.S. far right group Patriot Prayer and the despicable Islamophobic and anti-African, Australian bigot, Avi Yemini.

Little wonder then that most people in the migrant and minority communities in Hong Kong are against the anti-China movement. The nativist xenophobia of the Hong Kong anti-PRC movement is also part of the reason why the overwhelming majority of people from the Chinese mainland – including international students currently residing in Australia – oppose the anti-PRC movement. However, there is another more significant reason. The Chinese masses simply like socialistic rule. Although they have plenty of gripes about corruption, petty restrictions (like on Internet access), inequality and the like – they are happy that their wages are rapidly rising, health care is increasingly covered by public insurance, infrastructure is being improved, public transport is being expanded, cities are having more green spaces and tourist facilities – and even toilets – are being improved. They are proud of the achievements of their socialistic country in poverty alleviation and in things like the roll out of the world’s best and most extensive high speed rail network


The battle between opponents and supporters of the PRC in Hong Kong has also been played out in Australia. Anti-communist international students and migrants from Hong Kong have been joined by other Asian origin anti-communists, Australian far-right activists, mainstream conservatives, Laborites and nominally “Marxist” social democrats in demonstrations in support of Hong Kong’s anti-PRC movement. These rallies have been greatly supported and built up by the Australian capitalist media and other ruling class institutions. Thus, while police here often threaten with arrest and denounce local anti-fascists when they wear face masks to hide their identity from violent Neo-Nazis, they have had no objections to Hong Kong anti-China supporters wearing intimidating-looking masks and helmets at rallies.

Bravely, many Chinese international students have responded to such anti-PRC rallies on campuses with their own pro-PRC counter-rallies. On August 17, over 3,000 people marched through the streets of Sydney in opposition to the pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong. Despite the entire weight of the Australian media and state being on the anti-PRC side, this August 17 pro-China march was several times larger than any of the anti-PRC demonstrations held in Australia. There were some flaws in the politics of that rally that we were still in an overall way proud to enthusiastically support. The action’s main slogans were in the direction of patriotism to the Peoples Republic of China but made no appeal to the interests that the Australian working class has in defending the PRC and in standing against the opposition movement in Hong Kong. By not taking this class line, the rally could not effectively attract Australian working class people which it potentially could have if it had highlighted the socialistic character of the PRC. It is the working class and downtrodden of Australia (including Aboriginal people, lower income people from other communities subjected to racism and unemployed workers) – the people who from their own experience have most reason to distrust the line given by Australia’s capitalist politicians and big business owned media – who can and must be won to supporting Red China and its sovereignty over Hong Kong.

International students from China who have taken a pro-PRC stand have sometimes later faced threats and attacks. Despite this, the mainstream media, while fully praising those supporting the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong for “expressing their right to free speech”, have portrayed the pro-PRC students as being “undemocratic” and even accused them of “trying to suppress free speech.” More sinisterly,  in response to the brave stance taken by these students, late last month the Australian government announced the creation of a new Federal Government taskforce to look into “foreign interference” on Australian campuses – a move clearly aimed at intimidating pro-PRC Chinese students studying in Australia. The intimidation and vilification of pro-PRC students by the Australian state and media has had its desired effect. For the last month, pro-PRC Chinese students in Australia have mostly stayed away from participating in public demonstrations. We say: Stop the intimidation of pro-Red China international students! The “right to free speech” must include the right to support socialistic countries like the PRC. In the name of “defending free speech”, the Australian regime and its media are attempting to suppress the voice of those who support socialistic China.

Days after pro-PRC demonstrators outnumbered anti-China demonstrators in a heated stand-off at the University of Queensland in late July, hard right Liberal MP Andrew Hastie made a high profile rant in The Sydney Morning Herald claiming that China was threatening Australia’s “sovereignty” and “freedoms” including “in our universities.” This noted Islamophobe who has been happy to rub shoulders with extreme white supremacists at rallies supporting the provocative far-right push for special refugee status for rich, white South African farmers, had the hide to compare Red China’s rise to that of Nazi Germany.

Hastie’s tirade shows how the campaign to support the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong and to suppress the voices of those who oppose that movement is feeding into broader anti-China hysteria. Earlier this year we wrote an article that described an emerging Cold War anti-communist witch-hunt in Australia that was mixing with White Australia, anti-Chinese racism. In a way that article has become somewhat out dated. For there is nothing “emerging” about this witch-hunt now. It is roaring away at full throttle. Earlier this month, it emerged that Monash Caulfield’s student union had effectively barred international students from nominating for student elections in a bid to suppress the voice of PRC students.

How deep the Cold War, anti-China witch-hunt has become has been seen in the recent campaign by the mainstream media and Labour Party against Hong Kong born, federal Liberal MP Gladys Liu over her alleged links to “Chinese government interference organisations.” Now there is nothing we like about the politics of Gladys Liu who is a supporter of the anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong, a homophobe and a member of the anti-working class Liberal Party. Yet she is being attacked for the wrong reasons and we defend her from this Cold War persecution. It is outrageous that a person should be threatened with removal from office just because she once was a member of associations with loose links to the PRC. These associations are, like the organisations of many other ethnic communities in Australia, just social organisations including people with a diverse range of political views. True, the leaders of these organisations are fêted by Beijing and in this way China seeks to win some favour with the local Chinese community. But so what? This is really just the public relations activities that all countries engage in. Certainly all the members of these organisations do not have any commitment to promoting the views of the PRC government.

We have little concern for Gladys Liu herself. But if a right-wing politician can be targeted for being “linked” to Red China what is going to happen to working This is mandatory because generico levitra on line here the medicine needs some time to think about the type of card that would sum up your baby shower party. Prozac – Prozac is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called cialis price online selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The ceasarian section method is believed to make infants more susceptible to health problems in viagra pill price the future. Key ingredients in Mast Mood oil include buy viagra without prescription Ashwagandha, Jaiphal, Buleylu oil, Samudra Phal etc. class socialists who really do defend socialistic China? If the current witch-hunt continues, people are soon going to be targeted too for advocating “Communist China-like policies” – if they advocate things like increased public housing, nationalisation of the banks and targeted poverty alleviation schemes. Moreover, our key point is that people should have the right to support socialistic China and people of Chinese background should have the right to build and join organizations sympathetic to the PRC. After all, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is currently the most popular political organisation in that country with over 90 million members. It is natural that many immigrants from China and international students from there would also be supporters of the CPC. They should have as much right to voice their opinions as anyone else. Moreover, supporting socialistic China is what is in the interests of the overwhelming majority of Australia’s population – that is, of the working class and most middle class people.

The fact is that the PRC leadership makes no effort to “interfere” in the direction of Australian politics. Even the specific claims of “interference” labelled against China have little to do with Australia’s internal policy direction. When one examines the claims closely, it is apparent that the alleged Chinese “interference” is confined to efforts to mitigate Australia’s hostility to China or to prevent Australia being used as a base for anti-communist Chinese exile groups to launch political attacks on the PRC.

Having said the above, socialistic China actually has a duty to try to “influence” politics in Australia and other capitalist countries. Not in the covert way that the U.S., Australia and other imperialist countries are working to, for example, interfere in Hong Kong and Venezuela. Instead, the PRC should seek to advance the struggle for socialism worldwide by openly proclaiming the advantages of the socialist system and by solidarising with working class and oppressed people’s movements in capitalist countries, including Australia. Let’s not forget that soon after the 1917 Russian Revolution, Lenin, Trotsky and the other leaders of the young Soviet workers state established the Communist International for this very purpose.

The truth is that, in the end, China will only be free to carry on its socialistic course unhindered if the masses in the capitalist world mobilise to, firstly, hold back their own rulers from squeezing China; and eventually to overthrow their own capitalist exploiters. Beijing’s current policy of mutual non-interference in the affairs of other countries has been a failure. The CPC government genuinely tries not to interfere in the internal affairs of the capitalist powers. However, as we see today in the massive interference in Hong Kong by the imperialist powers, the capitalist rulers in the West do everything possible to undermine the PRC.


As a result of the continued capitalist domination there, Hong Kong really does have a lot of socio-economic problems. There are the awful coffin homes, unaffordable housing, a slowing economy, massive inequality, cruelly long working hours and terrible conditions for the over 300,000 largely Indonesian and Filipino domestic maids residing there. Yet the Hong Kong opposition movement make no socio-economic demands whatsoever. This highlights their anti-working class character – they are not interested in solving the plight of Hong Kong’s poor and exploited. Their five demands meanwhile are fashioned to appear “fair” but actually would serve to increase the grip on society of Hong Kong’s wealthy. Part of their demands are against supposed police “brutality.” However, compared to police in capitalist countries like Australia, the Hong Kong police have thus far been downright timid. Imagine how many people Australian cops – who are notorious for having murdered or otherwise caused the death of dozens of Aboriginal people over the last four decades – would have killed if they had been subjected to what the Hong Kong rioters have done to police there for four whole moths: thrown firebombs at them, beat them with sticks, threatened their children and spouses and stabbed off-duty police.

As they complain about “police brutality” in today’s Hong Kong, the anti-PRC movement hold aloft the old British colonial flag of Hong Kong and hark back to the colonial days. Yet it was the British colonial forces in Hong Kong that committed truly murderous repression. In 1967, in response to mass strikes and protests by workers and other anti-colonial leftists in Hong Kong, British colonial police launched commando raids on union offices and other leftist strongholds and on several occasions unleashed sub- machine gun fire against the activists. In the end police shot dead, or beat to death, some 30 workers and other leftists.

One of the main demands of the anti-PRC movement is for universal suffrage and parliamentary “democracy.” Yet, as in Australia, the reality of one person one vote in a society where the wealth and power is so unequally divided results only in the tyranny of the tycoons. It is the rich who disproportionately have the money to fund political parties, pay for political advertising and hire lobbyists. And it is the tycoons who own and control the media. The reality in Australia is that the most influential tycoons like Anthony Pratt or Gina Rinehart – with their direct line to the politicians and their massive political donations – each have far more influence on the direction of the country than, say, all the 400,000 people on the meagre Newstart Allowance put together! In Hong Kong where inequality is even greater, any formal parliamentary “democracy” would only reinforce still further the domination of society by the rich. Certainly the brutally exploited and often abused foreign maids in Hong Kong, many of whom are forced to sleep in corridors near the toilets and in laundries, would have little say in a Western-style “democracy.” As we have pointed out in placards at pro-PRC assemblies over Hong Kong, if the rich kid rioters in Hong Kong really care about democracy they could start by treating their domestic maids a lot better.

In the current political set up where Beijing has agreed to maintain capitalist rule over Hong Kong, domestic maids and other working class people don’t have any say either. However, the possibility of greater socialist influence of the PRC – that the pro-colonials’ call for parliamentary “democracy” is designed to impede – does give a path for greater rights for the long suffering working class masses of Hong Kong.

The democracy that working class people need is not the sham of a parliamentary “democracy” but a workers democracy based on elected workers councils that also draw in other sections of the poor. These councils, or soviets, would not be open to members of the exploiting class in order to stop them using their wealth and connections to dominate the councils. By having the working class masses organised together as a class in such councils they are able to better feel their collective strength and interests and, thereby, resist the political influence of the properties classes. However, there are two pre-conditions to such a soviet democracy exercising real power. Firstly, the state machine that these workers councils administer must be a workers state – i.e. a state built and replenished to serve working class interests. Now, because the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army base in Hong Kong is the ultimate military power in the region this has fashioned a change in the character of the Hong Kong police from the days of British colonialism. Some of the most pro-colonial cops have abandoned the force, not wanting to be subordinate to a Communist power. On the other hand, some people sympathetic to Red China have been enthusiastic to join. Moreover, every time the police are called to act against pro-colonial violence like we are seeing today, pro-colonial forces would drop off the force and be unwilling to join it while pro-PRC elements would be keen to enlist. Yet the transformation of the force is likely incomplete, not least because the property system it is enforcing in Hong Kong is still a capitalist property system. Meanwhile, the other elements of the state machinery in Hong Kong are even more based on the old colonial-capitalist machinery. Hong Kong’s judiciary remains anti-communist as shown by the way judges have been giving the right-wing rioters such lean “punishments” or often none at all. Meanwhile, even the non-repressive components of the state apparatus are still tied to the capitalist class. Hong Kong schools still teach the old pro-colonial, anti-communist curriculum. As for Hong Kong state media, its character is shown by the fact that it has been ostentatiously supporting the anti-PRC movement. That is why pro- PRC activists in Hong Kong have recently protested against the anti-China bias of Hong Kong media and against the incredible leniency that judges have shown to the pro-colonial rioters.

The second pre-condition for a workers democracy that exercises real power is that the power of the exploiting class is broken so that the working class begins to have the real economic power without which any political power can only be a fiction. To be sure, the bureaucratic leadership in Beijing, although based on a socialistic system, is not keen on workers democracy as that could undermine its somewhat privileged, middle class social position. Nevertheless, even if Beijing were to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong in its bureaucratically deformed form that would still be a massive step forward for Hong Kong’s masses. Today, such a move has become an absolute necessity not only to improve the lives of the masses but to even prevent Hong Kong’s separation or partial distancing from China. For Hong Kong capitalist tycoons and their upper middle class allies are using their enormous economic strength to fund and direct separatist activities. The power of the Jimmy Lais, the Li-Kashings and the other capitalists of Hong Kong must be broken! Their ports, media outlets, real estate property, banks and telecom firms must be stripped from their hands and brought into public ownership. This would finally enable Hong Kong’s overworked wage earners to get shorter working hours with no loss in pay and would provide the resources needed to build the public housing necessary to relieve the housing situation of those currently “living” in coffin homes. In other words, such a move toward socialism in Hong Kong would be enormously popular amongst the Hong Kong masses.

We are not naive and know that if Beijing moves to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong, the propertied classes will resist with even greater ferocity than they are now. However, currently, we have the worst of both worlds in Hong Kong. The capitalists and their upper middle class allies feel threatened by the prospect of socialism and so they are in revolt, all the while still having the economic clout to make such a revolt powerful. On the other hand, Hong Kong’s working class masses have not seen any benefits from being brought under the umbrella of a socialistic state and so are not mobilising energetically to defend the PRC. Meanwhile, those not so rich sections of the middle class who could be won to the side of socialism if the potential benefits of socialistic rule were made clear are, instead, being harnessed by the anti-communist forces.

However, Beijing is reluctant to move against the capitalist class in Hong Kong because it is obsessed with not antagonising the Western imperialist powers. Moreover, having allowed the emergence of a capitalist class within the mainland, the risk averse CPC leaders don’t want to upset stability by taking actions in Hong Kong that could frighten these capitalists into opposition. Therefore, it must be the most class conscious workers and leftists who must lead the charge for a socialist Hong Kong. In doing so they may finally pull Beijing along to do what it should. For starters, to highlight the benefits of socialistic rule, genuine leftists in Hong Kong should organise demonstrations calling for those policies and laws in the mainland that would be most beneficial to and most popular with the Hong Kong masses to be implemented there. For one, the PRC’s 2008 labour law, which has far greater protections for workers than Hong Kong laws, should be called for. Secondly, the policies that allow better conditions for domestic maids in the mainland – where they are mostly workers with their own homes rather than live in servants – should be advocated. Thirdly, pro-PRC activists should call for the right to abortion on demand, which exists in the mainland, to be brought to Hong Kong where women’s basic democratic right to abortion is greatly curtailed. Fourthly, and perhaps most crucially, leftists must push for the PRC’s “houses are for living in not speculation” policy which restricts the purchases of multiple homes by any individual to be brought into Hong Kong. Such a policy would open up immediate accommodation opportunities for those currently living in “coffin” homes, drive down the price of housing and start to challenge the power of the property tycoons that so dominate the territory

Meanwhile, pro-PRC forces should start mobilising on the streets to defend public property from the anti-communist rioters. The largest trade union federation in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU), is pro-PRC. So pro-PRC activist should agitate for unions affiliated to the HKFTU to start building such actions – defensive actions that would be quite popular as many Hong Kong people are getting sick of the random attacks of the rich-kid rioters. From there, contingents should begin to target the business bases of Jimmy Lai and other notable anti-PRC tycoons. The aim would be to eventually occupy Lai’s Apple Daily’s production base and stage an HKFTU union seizure of control of this newspaper. Meanwhile, the real estate owned by Lai and other anti-PRC tycoons should be occupied and handed over to current residents of “coffin” homes. As it becomes clearer to all that the question of PRC influence over Hong Kong versus “independence” is a question of working class interests versus capitalist interests, more working class people will be won over to the pro-PRC cause and the forces can eventually become available to demand the complete confiscation of the means of production of all the big capitalists.

If the socialistic system were to be brought to Hong Kong it would have great significance beyond the territory. It would encourage those forces fighting most consistently to maintain socialistic rule on the mainland; while demoralising the capitalists within the mainland demanding ever greater “rights” and the right-wing of the CPC bureaucracy who are only too happy to hand over to them such concessions. Meanwhile, given that no part of the world has had the socialistic system based on working class state power brought to it in over 40 years, the bringing of a system based on public ownership and proletarian rule to Hong Kong would greatly encourage the international struggle for socialist revolution. So let’s fight for one Red China – that is, for one country under one socialist system!


However, the fate of Hong Kong will not only be determined by contending forces there. What happens in Australia and other Western countries also matters a great deal. A primary source of the strength of the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong is their backing from imperialist governments and NGOs. They are greatly encouraged by demonstrations abroad that support them. So we need to mobilise to oppose support to the Hong Kong anti-communist forces from the Australian government and local NGOs. We need to build actions condemning the Hong Kong pro-colonial movement so as to boost the morale of pro-PRC activists in Hong Kong.

Trotskyist Platform (TP) was proud to have joined the large August 17 pro-PRC march in Sydney. Among the many slogans that we have carried at this and other pro-PRC actions include: “A Strong Socialistic China is Good for Australian Working Class People. Australian Workers: Defend the PRC Workers State!”, “Defend Socialistic China Against Imperialism! Resist Meddling in Hong Kong by Colonial Powers”, “Hong Kong Rioters = Rich Kid Allies or Dupes of Right-Wing Hong Kong Media Billionaire Jimmy Lai – Hong Kong’s Rupert Murdoch” and “Western-Style Democracy = Total Control By the Rich. Increase Socialist Influence of PRC to Improve Lives of Hong Kong Working Class.”

One other significant left group in Australia that has not joined the anti-PRC crusade over Hong Kong is the Communist Party of Australia (CPA). The CPA has rightly criticised the pro-imperialist character of the Hong Kong opposition movement and opposed the U.S.-Australia war drive against China. However, they have often, in their press, ducked the key issue of whether the PRC is a workers state or not – indicating that there are some people in the party who either believe that the PRC has gone capitalist or are unsure on the issue. Probably for the same reasons, the CPA, while rightly involved in actions in solidarity with socialistic Cuba, has thus far not participated on the ground in the various pro-PRC actions that have taken place recently.  Of course, leftists in Australia must stand by Cuba. However, the PRC is the socialistic country that is most targeted by imperialism and in particular by our own imperialist ruling class at home. Thus, it is somewhat easy to be active supporting Cuba while not being active defending the main target of the new anti-communist Cold War – the PRC. Let us never forget that a key reason that the former Soviet workers state ultimately succumbed to incessant imperialist pressure is that leftists in the imperialist countries – including those nominally sympathetic to the USSR – did not mobilise actual actions that squarely solidarised with the Soviet Union. This emboldened capitalist restorationist forces within the Soviet Union, while leaving genuine communists in the USSR feeling isolated and demoralised and thus less willing to fight to defend their workers state. Let us make sure the same thing never ever happens to the PRC!

Other than for TP and the CPA, all other significant left groups in Australia have lined up behind the anti-communist opposition in Hong Kong. The left groups in Australia that have been most active in supporting the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong are Socialist Alliance (SA), Solidarity and Socialist Alternative (SAlt). The latter two joined an August 30 anti-Red China rally at Sydney University where present were not only pro-imperialist Hong Kong students but other anti-communists. One of the featured speakers at the rally was prominent anti-communist, Dana Pham. A rabid opponent of women’s right to abortion, Pham is so anti-communist that she opposes even social democracy because she says that it leads to communism. So this is the sort of politics that Socialist Alternative and Solidarity are in a united front with! Now, Pham openly self-identifies as the child of former capitalists in Vietnam who were dispossessed by the heroic Vietnamese anti-capitalist revolution. Indeed, the demonstrations in Australia in support of the Hong Kong anti-communist movement is a magnet for members – and their unreconstructed descendants – of a number of different exploiting classes who are bitter that communists confiscated (or threaten to confiscate) their ill-gotten wealth and brought it into common social ownership. Many participating are, like Pham, either members of the overthrown former capitalist/ landlord ruling class of Vietnam or their children. Hence, the anti-PRC rallies have been shot through with the flags of the deposed former South Vietnamese regime. Also prominent at the anti-Red China actions have been the flags favoured by supporters of the deposed former feudal ruling class of Tibet. After Chinese and Tibetan communists united to topple that class from power in 1959 and liberate brutally subjugated Tibetan serfs, many of the former feudal elite fled into exile. Due to fervent support from the CIA and the capitalist powers some of the descendants of these former serf owners cling on to a dream of one day driving out socialist rule from Tibet and regaining their families’ former glory. Hence they rally in solidarity with their fellow “victims” of socialism. Then there are the capitalists and property owning upper-middle class types who are angry that they have had to leave Hong Kong when it was returned to China in order to avoid the risk of having their wealth redistributed to the masses. Of course, there are also some unreconstructed descendants of the former capitalist-landlord rulers of China who are furious at being toppled by the 1949 Revolution. Then there are people associated with the still ruling capitalist exploiting class in Taiwan.

All these people have a clear class reason – or at least perceived reason – for opposing socialism and for joining the local actions supporting the Hong Kong anti-communist movement. But what the hell are nominally socialist groups doing there! In joining these demonstrations, these left groups actually undermine some of the better work that they do on other issues where they are at least on the right side of the fence. For example, SA have been active in opposing the pro-imperialist, National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-backed mass protests in Venezuela. Yet if the quite similar, NED-backed pro-imperialist protests in Hong Kong that they are supporting were to achieve victories it can only encourage the pro-imperialist forces in Venezuela. Similarly, SAlt have built actions in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people. Yet they back a movement in Hong Kong that flies U.S. flags, presents the Trump regime as a potential saviour and hails the U.S. system, all of which can only undermine opposition to the U.S. imperialist state that is the key backer of Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinian people.

Something that we can give credit to SAlt over is their spearheading of a protest last month against the hard right CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) meeting in Sydney that was hosted by Andrew Cooper, the leader of the Australian far-right group, Liberty Works. TP joined SAlt in this protest. Yet at the start of this month, this same CPAC held a conference in Hong Kong that was joined by that same Andrew Cooper to support the same anti-Red China movement that SAlt also supports! The CPAC Hong Kong conference drew as its featured speaker, leading Hong Kong “independence” activist Andy Chan, the leader of the staunchly anti-PRC, Hong Kong National Party.

Indeed, the Australian actions in solidarity with the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong have been joined by not only hard conservatives but by some more extreme far-right figures. They have also been shot through with the xenophobic nativist anti-mainland Chinese racism that has typified the movement in Hong Kong itself. At one Sydney rally in Martin Place, anti-PRC activists issued a leaflet dog whistling to anti-Chinese racism by calling for restrictions on migration from China. SAlt itself have implicitly recognised the problem because they pulled out of one anti-PRC rally at the University of Queensland because it so openly pandered to anti-Chinese racism. Yet, despite their efforts to distance themselves from anti-Chinese racism, they and Solidarity and SA – all of whom are involved in legitimate anti-racist causes – nevertheless back a movement that oozes nativist anti-mainland Chinese racism and whose feeding into the anti-China hysteria in this country can only help to incite still more anti-Chinese violence on Australia’s streets. Indeed, the intersection of racism, the anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong and the anti-PRC left was played out at a Melbourne anti-Red China rally earlier this month. Joining the Hong Kong anti-communists were not only the Victorian Socialists – a coalition grouping together SAlt, SA and non-aligned leftists – but also extreme far-right racist, Avi Yemini. Spotting Yemini, a Victorian Socialist activist tries to do the right thing and warns a couple of women participants at the rally that Yemini is talking to that they should not talk to him because he is an extreme racist, a fascist and Nazi. Yet the two pro-Hong Kong anti-communists are not too concerned. Nearby is another participant draped in the Hong Kong colonial flag. When another two Victorian socialists come over to the stand off, the man draped in the colonial flag sides with Yemini and tells him that he will never trust socialists because socialism leads to communism and that he and other Hong Kong people instead like Trump and all Western countries. One could say that those at the demonstration may have been unaware of just how rabidly racist that Yemini is, yet they were quite prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and seemed to be much happier to embrace far right racists than nominal socialists. One can feel sorry for the Victorian Socialists present but their party really set them up! No real socialist should be anywhere near such anti-communist, anti-PRC rallies.

Even if it were hypothetically possible to purge the anti-PRC movement of all far-right influence and all open racism it would merely end up being a cleaned-up counterrevolutionary movement. The fundamental contradiction still exists for the socialist groups supporting it: that supporting a movement that hails the capitalist regimes in the U.S., Britain and Australia, lauds the “democracy” for the rich that exists in these countries and glorifies Western (i.e. capitalist and imperialist) values can only buttress support for the Western capitalist regimes and, thus, undermine the struggle for socialism that these groups nominally stand for.

Those leftists who have supported the Hong Kong anti-PRC opposition must urgently take a step back and consider the following points. Firstly, when does Donald Trump, Scott Morrison, CPAC, the NED, Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Stokes ever support a movement that is actually progressive? What kind of movement appeals to Donald Trump, glorifies “Western values,” carries the U.S. and British flag and harks back to colonialism? We can give some answers to that question: the 2015-2016 Islamophobic and white supremacist Reclaim Australia marches, marches by extreme anti-Palestinian activists in Israel, CPAC conferences and the recent mass anti-abortion protests in NSW. Needlessly to say, all these mobilisations are totally reactionary. Certainly protests by the oppressed Palestinian people and people of Kashmir are not hailing Trump and glorifying Western values, let alone flying the U.S. flag.


Even some of groups that claim to be more “Marxist Leninist” than the likes of SAlt, SA and Solidarity have jumped onto the anti-PRC bandwagon. Thus, the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) even while admitting that “US imperialism has directed and influenced some of the key players in the current disturbances” in Hong Kong then still leans on the side of the anti-communist movement by asserting that, “that does not mean we should support the repression of genuine protestors by the Hong Kong police, or support the Chinese government.” Meanwhile Australia’s newest left group, the Australia Communist Party (ACP), has also climbed onto the anti-PRC train. The ACP recently broke away from the CPA and it had not been clear what the actual political differences were. Now one major divergence is apparent: the ACP has moved a big step to the Right by declaring that China is now “capitalist.” This provides the rationale for the ACP to join with the Cliffite groups – SAlt and Solidarity – and SA in the anti-PRC crusade. Of course the actual capitalists in Hong Kong don’t seem to have noticed that the PRC is “capitalist”, which is why they are terrified of being subjected to PRC laws and are scared of any encroaching PRC influence!

An additional point should be made about those avowed “Marxist-Leninists,” like the ACP, who refuse to defend the PRC but are proudly pro-USSR. That is, it is rather easy to be pro-USSR today, more than 27 years after the USSR was destroyed by capitalist counterrevolution and with the Cold War against it well and truly ended. However, at the time of the 1980s Cold War against the USSR there was massive political pressure to find a reason to junk defence of the USSR – and there were many real shortcomings in the workers state that were used by opportunists to abandon defence of the USSR (the Cliffite groups simply called it “state capitalist”). The real test of where a newer group would have stood during the Cold War against the USSR is where it stands today in the midst of the Cold War taking place against socialistic China right now. Any left group that under pressure manufactures a reason to avoid defending the PRC today would surely have failed to defend the USSR when it actually existed.

With the Cold War against the socialistic PRC intensifying every day and much of the left falling over themselves to avoid defending the PRC, we call on all pro-PRC leftists and all our supporters and friends to stand rock solid in defence of Red China – despite all its deformities and harmful concessions to capitalism. During the Cold War against the USSR too, most of the Left found a way to be on the same side as the counterrevolutionary forces that opposed the USSR. Much earlier, during the Civil War that followed the 1917 Russian Revolution – when the Soviet workers state was still led by 100% genuine communists like Lenin and Trotsky – all of the Left of that time, other than the true communists, also stood opposed to the Soviet workers state at key moments in the struggle for its survival. And that’s the point! Those who, today, cannot defend the PRC workers state would not even defend an embattled workers state when it is under a truly revolutionary, internationalist leadership. But we vow to stand firm. By linking defence of the PRC workers state with the struggle against capitalist exploitation, racism and women’s oppression in this country, genuine communists will be able to show to the most politically advanced workers and youth that having the world’s most populous country remain under at least some sort of socialistic rule enhances the struggle for liberation of the working class and oppressed.

For as Russian Revolutionary leader, Leon Trotsky insisted at the start of World War II when many leftists were abandoning defence of the USSR:

The workers’ state must be taken as it has emerged from the merciless laboratory of history and not as it is imagined by a “socialist” professor,  reflectively exploring his nose with his finger.  It is the duty of revolutionists to defend every conquest of the working class even though it may be distorted by the pressure of hostile forces. Those who cannot defend old positions will never conquer new ones.

Balance Sheet of the Finnish Events, Leon Trotsky, April 1940

Against the Right-Wing, Western-backed Protests in Hong Kong

Against the Right-Wing,
Western-backed Protests
in Hong Kong

Socialistic PRC Should Extradite Even More Tycoons to Face Justice on the Mainland and Have Their Ill-Gotten Assets Nationalised!

10 June 2019 – Australia’s big business and government-owned media have been lionising the recent, often violent, right-wing protests in Hong Kong. They report that driving the protests are businessmen, shopkeepers, lawyers and university students. This is a protest pushed by large sections of Hong Kong’s capitalist class, the upper middle-class and younger wannabe capitalists. They fear that the socialistic state ruling mainland China will gradually undermine their privileged position (see also this letter by a comrade written some five years ago which dissected similar anti-communist protests at the time:

The groups opposed to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) within Hong Kong are not only being encouraged by the mainstream Western media but are being funded by the U.S. government’s National Endowment for Democracy (here the National Endowment for Democracy’s own website lists some of the anti-PRC programs that they openly fund in Hong Kong – one of which they deviously portray as being for workers rights – , however their covert funding is many times larger). They are also being filled with cash by Hong Kong’s own capitalist class and by capitalists in mainland China. A particular reason that capitalists are up in arms over Hong Kong’s proposed new extradition law – the object of yesterday’s protests – is that it will make it easier for the PRC to continue cracking down on mainland capitalists hiding out in Hong Kong. Although, unfortunately, the compromising Beijing leadership has allowed some people to become capitalist tycoons within China, the great thing is that the PRC often comes down hard upon these capitalists. While in Australia, the likes of James Packer, Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forest are above the law, the biggest tycoons in China are often nabbed for corruption. Moreover, if their rate of exploitation has become excessive, especially in a way that puts the broader economy at risk, the PRC authorities sometimes bow to public pressure and crackdown on these hated corporate bigwigs. Sometimes they even laudably confiscate the assets of these billionaires and bring them into public ownership – i.e. carry out the socialist program.

1 July 2019: Violent, pro-colonial protesters smash into Hong Kong’s legislative building and hoist the flag of the former British colonial regime that brutally occupied Hong Kong.
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The particular incident that is driving Hong Kong’s capitalist elite and upper-middle class yuppies to oppose the planned new extradition law is the kidnapping two years ago of greedy Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua from a Hong Kong hotel by PRC authorities. That is why many of those involved in yesterday’s anti-PRC protests were carrying signs like: “no kidnapping to China.” PRC authorities ended up taking Xiao Jianhua to the mainland for questioning and detention. Xiao is now awaiting trial for corrupt activities. The PRC workers state has also taken over a bank that he owned, Baoshang Bank – one of the rare privately-owned banks in China – and given it over to state-owned banks to run. In other words, the bank has been effectively nationalised. This is fantastic! For more details on this nationalisation and the bringing down of Xiao Jianhua and other greedy billionaires in Hong Kong by Red China see the following mainstream media articles:


More Chinese capitalists hiding out in Hong Kong should be extradited and have their assets nationalised. Any real socialist would want this!

Moreover the PRC should abandon its deal with the British imperialists who stole Hong Kong in 1842. Britain seized Hong Kong after winning the Opium War against China. In winning that predatory war Britain’s capitalist rulers not only stole Hong Kong but won the “right” to turn half of China into drug addicts for the sake of their profits, the “right” to “concessions” granting them and other imperialist powers control of key parts of China and the right to control and plunder China’s markets. In the 1997 deal between China and Britain that finally returned Hong Kong to China, the PRC (wrongly) agreed to maintain Hong Kong’s capitalist system for at least 50 years. The deal meant “one country – two systems.” The PRC should renege on this deal – imperialist powers should have no right to dictate what system exists in any part of China or any other country for that matter. No more one country – two systems! It should be one country – one socialist system! That means that the assets of the Hong Kong capitalists should be confiscated and brought into public ownership. In particular, Hong Kong’s huge and vital port should be confiscated from notorious billionaire Li Ka-shing and his son, Victor Li. Li Ka-shing and Victor Li control Hutchison Port Holdings, which as well as owning Hong Kong’s ports also controls a port terminal at Sydney’s Port Botany, where they are notorious for union-busting attacks on workers jobs and working conditions (see:

If the PRC puts Hong Kong’s capitalist bigwigs out of business, the social base for the right-wing anti-PRC movement will be greatly weakened. More importantly, nationalising the businesses owned by the Hong Kong tycoons will allow the wages and working conditions of workers in Hong Kong’s ports and service sectors to be greatly improved and will provide the resources to finally improve the atrocious living conditions of the hundreds of thousands of working-class Hong Kong residents either living in cage-like “homes” or tiny slum-like apartments. In other words a move to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong would be popular amongst the working class and poor of Hong Kong. It would also illuminate – for all to see – the clear class question involved in the issue of support or opposition of PRC influence. It would become clearer to the working class masses of Hong Kong that their interests lie in being ever more closely a part of Red China. Moreover, a blow against the capitalists of Hong Kong would give confidence to those within the mainland seeking to preserve socialistic rule there. That struggle is a difficult and fraught struggle as the PRC workers state is facing aggressive pro-capitalist demands from Chinese private business owners, Western-backed “dissidents,” the imperialist rulers of Australia and the U.S. (the latter with its fervent demands during the trade disputes that China stop supporting the socialistic, state-owned enterprises that dominate her economy) and soft-on-capitalist elements within the Chinese leadership and bureaucracy itself.

Therefore anyone who supports working class people’s interests and socialism should support increased PRC influence in Hong Kong, should unequivocally oppose all anti-PRC movements there and should call for the PRC to bring Hong Kong’s economy under socialist, public ownership.

17 August 2019: A spirited, 3000 strong pro-PRC demonstration gathers outside the Sydney Town Hall. The rally opposed the anti-PRC rioters in Hong Kong.

One of the Trotskyist Platform (TP) placards at the 17th August 2019 demonstration where over 3,000 people marched through the streets of Sydney in opposition to the pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong who have been seeking to undermine the region’s incorporation into the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The march was several times larger than even the biggest of the rallies held in Sydney supporting the right-wing, pro-colonial opposition in Hong Kong. This is despite those anti-PRC actions in Australia being massively supported and built up by the entire capitalist media.

Nearly all those participating in the 17th August march were international students from China or people from the local Chinese community. However, a multi-racial group of TP supporters also joined the pro-Red China march. As well as standing in solidarity with the action, our contingent opposed the Australian ruling class’ escalating Cold War repression of supporters of socialistic China as well as other socialistic states (such as the brave pro-North Korea political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi) and emphasised that defending the PRC workers state is in the very interests of the working class and oppressed of this country. We also distributed a leaflet at the demonstration that not only opposed the anti-communist opposition in Hong Kong but called for socialistic rule to be brought to Hong Kong so that all of China can be in one country under one socialistic system.

Energetic Protest Demands Freedom for Socialist Political Prisoner in Australia

Energetic Protest Demands Freedom for
Socialist Political Prisoner in Australia

Sydney, 13 April 2019: More than 40 people participated in a united front protest action today in support of a left-wing political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi. An Australian citizen who migrated from South Korea some 31 years ago, Choi has been incarcerated for the last 16 months. The Australian authorities have refused to give him bail because of his sympathies for North Korea. They have also stripped him of many of the legal rights that should be accorded to other prisoners. The Australian regime has restricted visits to see him, cut off his phone calls, prevented his son from visiting him in jail and blocked visits by his lawyers for several months. Underscoring the reality that this cruel repression flows very much from the nature of Australia’s racist, rich people’s regime is the fact that Choi is being imprisoned in the very same wing of Sydney’s Long Bay jail where 26 year-old Aboriginal man, David Dungay, was murdered by racist prison guards on 29 December 2015.  

Choi is accused of facilitating the export of North Korea’s produce abroad in violation of United Nations economic sanctions. Despite the authorities holding this Australian citizen in harsh conditions he has remained defiant and pleaded “Not Guilty.” As the chair of today’s protest, Sarah Fitzenmeyer, who is also the chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform, stressed in introducing the protest demonstration:

“… even if these allegations against Choi turn out to be true, he is certainly no criminal from the standpoint of the working class. Quite the opposite! If Choi actually did try to broker deals to help North Korea this would simply prove that he was taking great personal risks to aid the people of North Korea who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country….”

“Choi’s opposition to the sanctions is not only based on his humanitarianism but also on his love for North Korean society’s egalitarianism and warm community spirit. Whatever one may think of North Korea’s particular leaders, North Korea is a workers state based on collective ownership of all the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. In supporting this socialistic state based on public ownership, Choi is standing by the interests of all those suffering in Australia from the effects of an economy dominated by capitalist private ownership. He is also standing by Aboriginal people, Muslim people, Asian people, African people and Middle Eastern people right here in Australia who suffer racist violence engendered by capitalist society. So the working class and downtrodden of Australia must stand by Chan Han Choi. We must demand the dropping of all charges against him now.

Photo credit: Korean Today

After the chair’s opening remarks, a message to supporters that Choi delivered in September last year was played to the rally (see: In this message, Choi not only thanks his supporters but, from jail, bravely denounces the UN economic sanctions on North Korea as “both unjust and unfair.”

The first speaker from the protest was Choi’s friend and one of his strongest supporters, Jimmy Yun, who addressed the rally in Korean. Yun emphasised that Choi is being stripped of his rights because he supports a socialistic country, North Korea. He pointed out how Choi has been denied bail and compared that with the granting of bail, prior to trial, in the two highest profile criminal cases in Australia over the last two years: those of Chris Dawson and former Catholic archbishop George Pell. Pell who was found by a jury to have cruelly sexually assaulted two children was granted bail prior to the trial that convicted him of these serious charges. For his part, Chris Dawson who is charged with murdering his ex-wife Lynette was granted bail after spending just two weeks in prison. In contrast, Choi has been denied bail for 16 months!  This comparison becomes all the more stark when one compares the very different nature of the “crimes” that Choi has been accused of as against those that Pell and Dawson were charged with. Both of the latter two cases involve serious crimes against victims: in one, murder, and in the other, sexual assault of children. In the case of Choi, who has no criminal record, he is not accused of any crime against a victim. He is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone.

In attacking the UN sanctions on North Korea, Yun also put these criminal sanctions in the context of the broader role of the UN. He explained that rather than being the “peacekeeper” that it claims to be, the UN has been a proxy for the United States that has promoted its wars from the Korean War to wars in the Middle East. He pointed out that under the watch of the UN, the people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine have endured great suffering and death.

Yun was followed by another speaker of Korean background, Samuel Kim, who is a prominent representative of Trotskyist Platform. He had worked very hard to build today’s protest action. Kim explained why Choi is being so viciously persecuted. He pointed out that the mere presence of workers states like the DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, i.e. “North Korea”), the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Vietnam, Cuba and Laos sets off the most mortal fear of capitalist rulers … that they too will be overthrown. So they persecute anyone like Choi who helps those workers states. Kim also outlined how Australia’s imperialist rulers that so brutally exploit the peoples in this region fear that the masses of PNG, East Timor, Fiji, the Philippines and Indonesia will one day also take the socialist path and give them the boot. As a result, when they see Choi’s efforts to help make the DPRK strong and thus a future beacon for the masses in other former colonies, they fear that this will lead to the potential loss of tens of billions of dollars in profit.

Kim also pointed out that the South Korean and Australian regimes had engaged in a massive spying operation against Chan Han Choi. Of course, it is not only Choi that the Australian regime has targeted. ASIO [and ASIS] spies on determined trade unionists, Aboriginal rights activists, anti-fascists and socialists and East Timorese and Indonesian politicians. But just as telling is who the Australian regime does not monitor. Australian authorities admitted that they did not have the Australian fascist who murdered 50 Muslim people last month under any surveillance despite him having often expressed extreme racial hatred online. It is apparent that the Australian regime does almost nothing to curb violent white supremacists. For the Australian state – no matter whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens who are in office – are not here to protect the majority of us. Rather they are here for the very opposite reason: to enforce the interests of the rich capitalists over the working class masses. Kim stressed, therefore, that we must rely on mass actions and building greater support for Choi within the workers movement as the way to defend Chan Han Choi.

Kim called not only for people to “work harder to build actions to win the dropping of all charges against the proud, socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi” but for support for the DPRK, the PRC and Cuba against all attempts to undermine these workers states. He stressed that, “We must demand the unconditional ejection of U.S. troops from South Korea. Australian patrol aircraft and ships get out of the waters near North Korea!”

Speakers from a range of organisations that supported the April 13 united-front action for Choi address the protest while other demonstrators listen on intently

During the April 13 protest, many passers by stopped to listen to speeches and grab leaflets related to Choi’s case. Particularly popular was a Chinese-language Trotskyist Platform (TP) leaflet locating the persecution of Chan Han Choi in the context of an emerging Cold War style witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states that has especially targeted Chinese-background residents in Australia who are sympathetic to the PRC (see: The pro-Red China section of the Australian Chinese community is now furious about the way they have been attacked by the Australian regime and the mainstream media. That is why we decided to start the April 13 protest in Sydney’s Chinatown. TP placards at the protest, written in both English and Chinese, demanded: Free pro-DPRK political prisoner Chan Han Choi! Resist the emerging Cold War repression against supporters of socialistic states! Stop the witch-hunt against the pro-PRC Chinese community!

The next speaker after Kim was Brennan, representing Aust-DPRK Solidarity. Brennan hailed Choi as “a socialist and loyal friend to all who value public ownership.” He insisted that the barbarity of the Australian ruling class’ imprisonment of Choi was not an aberration and gave examples of other cruel actions of this capitalist class: “the privatisation campaign has led to job losses for workers and more expensive and less accessible social services for working people. Wages are being stolen also by the corporations …. 7-Eleven [the convenience store chain] going even further abusing non-citizens, paying in some cases $5 an hour ….” Brennan then stressed that “by remaining vigilant in his defence of the DPRK workers state, Choi acted in support of all of us working class people here battling the effects of privatisation, theft of wage by greedy bosses and lack of job security.

Brennan also asserted that the “inhumane and degrading manner” with which the Australian regime has treated Choi “plays into a greater domain, the domain of the continuation of Cold War suppression of pro-socialist rhetoric …. The Australian people are the target of new laws, a pretext in ‘foreign interference’ allowing an undemocratic crackdown on the civil right to protest.” Mocking the claim of Australia’s capitalist rulers that they oversee a “great democracy,” Brennan gave as another example of the suppression of rights the Australian regime’s moves to silence the truth about their treatment of refugees fleeing from persecution [he was referring to the Australian government’s laws outlawing Australians working at the hell-hole offshore detention camp at PNG’s Manus Island from speaking out about the conditions of imprisoned refugees].

The protest then set-off on a march through the crowded streets of central Sydney. From Chinatown we headed north up Dixon Street, then right on Liverpool Street and then headed north up George Street past the Sydney Town Hall, finishing up in the paved area outside the QVB Building. Throughout the march we loudly chanted, “Chan Han Choi – Free this Hero Now!” and “Free Chan Choi! Lift the Sanctions Now!” The march certainly spun the heads of those walking the streets as people turned around to read the banner and placards and take photos and video of our protest. When we arrived outside QVB, a group of teenagers watching on, joined the rally for quite a while and then said to us “good on you for taking a stand on this” when they left.

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Supporters of socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi on the march during the April 13 protest.

The first speaker after we arrived outside QVB was Zach from the Stalin Society of Australia. Zach explained that:

“The allegations against Chan Han Choi are this: that he has been involved in facilitating the sale of North Korean products abroad. To this we say: so what! If this is true and he is violating United Nations sanctions we say: so what? The United Nations sanctions against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea are crimes of barbarity not against the government but against the people of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. North Korea historically never has had enough land or room to produce enough crop for their population. The UN sanctions on them are aimed at starving [them] and causing famine in the country.

“… We are here for something bigger than just Chan Han Choi …. If our government can get away with charging Chan Han Choi with the obviously phony and fake accusations, they can get away with charging anyone who supports the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea or who speaks out on American imperialism – just like Assange.”

A second recorded message from Choi was then played to the rally (see: This statement begins with Choi speaking about some of the many rights that he has been denied following his arrest. The message was introduced by Yuri Gromov – editor of The Spark, the journal of Trotskyist Platform – who detailed some of the other violations of Choi’s rights that Choi was not able to speak about in the recorded message. Yuri highlighted a sinister attempt to have Choi stripped of his legal support, when a shadowy third party – likely ASIO or the Australian Federal Police or the KCIA (South Korea’s spy agency) – pretending to be Choi sent Legal Aid a false flag communication asking for his [i.e. Choi’s] lawyers to be sacked! In this second statement, Choi not only again speaks about his opposition to the UN sanctions on North Korea but explains what it is that he likes about North Korea. He says that while in Australia, for example, it is “just money first” and if you have money you can do anything, in North Korea social life is not about money, “money is not important” it is “humans and humanism” that is first. Choi then speaks of how the genuineness of North Korea’s people gives him a “heart-warming feeling.”

The final speaker at today’s action was Peter Woods, Honorary Patron of the Australia-DPRK Friendship Society. Woods informed the rally of the persecution of another DPRK supporter – this time in France – by the name of Benoit Quennedey. Woods mocked the spurious grounds of Quennedey’s imprisonment:

“It’s important to recognise what has been happening not only here with our great Chan Han Choi but also in France where the president of the [DPRK] Friendship Association in that country, who [by chance] works for the Senate in Paris has been arrested on grounds of supposed espionage. It so happens that he’s the manager of the Parks and Gardens section. So I presume he must have been planting too many red poppies instead of white ones to be charged on this senseless claim of espionage. It’s happening everywhere!”

After Woods speech, protesters chanted “Free Chan Choi – Free Benoit Quennedey!

In his speech, Woods also rightly skewered the UN “report” attacking the human rights situation in North Korea delivered by Australian judge – and raving monarchist and idol of Tony Abbott – Michael Kirby: “the honorable judge who carried out that report didn’t go into the DPRK, didn’t interview representatives of the population and yet was able to come out with a supposed `learned’ treatise about human rights.” Woods then pointed out that the greatest abusers of human rights in North Korea are those implementing the sanctions against her. He then detailed the severity of these economic sanctions:

“There was a group of North Korean athletes who were touring New Zealand and on their way back through they bought chocolate at the Auckland airport. They were taking it back for their families. That was confiscated. Why? Because under the UN sanctions, chocolate is seen as a luxury good. You might also recognise that the sanctions mean that [medical] drugs and medical equipment cannot be taken into the DPRK. So children are suffering, the elderly are suffering and people in need of medical attention are suffering because of this.

“… Let us ensure that we support the principles that this man [pointing to the picture of Choi in the rally banner] stands for, ensure that his brave actions can be the catalyst to continue the pressure to be applied [for the lifting of the sanctions].”

In addition to the organizations that provided speakers for today’s protest, the following groups, although unable to send representatives to the action, nevertheless endorsed the protest: the Irish Republican socialist group the James Connolly Association, Young Communists – Western Sydney and the Lebanese Communist Party.

Demonstrators carry placards supporting Choi and making important related political points during the April 13 protest action in Sydney to demand freedom for Chan Han Choi and an end to the UN economic sanctions on North Korea

When the Australian authorities arrested Choi and the accusations against him were sensationalised by the media, they expected that he would have zero support. Instead, today Choi’s supporters held our second protest in his defence. And today’s action was nearly twice as large in numbers and had even more vigour than the first protest last September. Momentum in the campaign to free Chan Han Choi is clearly growing. But as the rally chairwoman stressed in her concluding remarks, repeating the point stressed earlier by TP spokesman Samuel Kim:

“… there is so much more that we need to do. There is no way the Australian courts in their standard practice will ever give Chan Han Choi a fair trial. These are, after all, pro-capitalist biased courts – and it’s no matter whether it’s the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens in office – they are part and parcel of the racist, rich people’s regime. Only mass, working class-based actions can make the authorities realise that a biased outcome would be against their political interests. So let’s take what we have learnt today from all the speeches and conversations to re-double our efforts and continue building this very important campaign. We should not rest until all charges against this brave left-wing political prisoner are dropped and the cruel, imperialist sanctions on socialistic North Korea are lifted. Free Chan Han Choi!”

For a short video made about this 13 April 2019 protest action, click on the following link:

For a more detailed exposition of Chan Han Choi’s plight, please click on the following link:


Pro-DPRK Socialist Stands Firm
despite Australian Regime Stripping Him of His Rights


22 March 2019: Four months ago, political prisoner Chan Han Choi spent his sixtieth birthday locked up in one of Australia’s harshest prison camps. An Australian citizen who migrated from South Korea 31 years ago, Choi has been imprisoned for the last 16 months. The Australian regime has denied him bail and many of the rights that should be accorded to prisoners and defendants. Why? Because of his sympathies for socialistic North Korea – that’s why!

Choi has been charged with helping North Korea to export its produce abroad in violation of United Nations economic sanctions. The Australian authorities claim that Choi attempted to broker export deals to send North Korea’s produce to entities in other Asian countries. However, despite all the pressure that has been placed on him, Choi has pleaded Not Guilty to all charges and is in jail awaiting trial.

Contrary to some media reports, none of the charges relate to Choi supporting North Korea’s development of a nuclear deterrent. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) do not even accuse him of helping North Korea to import any nuclear or missile technology. All the charges relate to the alleged export of North Korean produce except for one charge that he tried to help North Korea import petroleum products banned by UN sanctions. However, some sections of Australia’s big business-owned media have sought to sensationalise the charges in order to prejudice the public against Choi.

Although most of the “crimes” that the authorities accuse Choi of relate to the export of North Korean mineral commodities, the AFP have hyped up the case by also slapping him with two charges of “Providing Services for a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Program.” Yet the AFP do not even accuse Choi of trying to export from North Korea any actual WMD material – whether it be nuclear, biological or chemical. Rather they claim that he tried to broker the sale of North Korean short-range missiles to an entity in another Asian country. However, not only do they admit that these weapons were never actually traded, they say that the deal was cancelled at the North Korean end! Indeed, the police acknowledge that none of the charges against Choi involve trades that were actually accomplished. Moreover, in several cases the AFP accept that Choi himself cancelled the deals! So imagine this: you are a proud trade unionist working at, say, a bank and the bosses, despite making billions in profits, want to increase their profits further by retrenching a sizeable number of workers. So you and some workers plan a protest occupation of your workplace to demand no job cuts. However, because your unions’ pro-ALP leaders baulk at giving support to such militant action, you and other staunchly pro-union workers, fearing the planned action would be isolated, decide to call off the struggle. Can the cops then claim that you are guilty of a crime because you once planned an illegal action that you then called off? That would be ridiculous! In the same way, a substantial part of the AFP “case” against Choi is made up of accusations that he committed such thought crimes. And the Australian regime then has the hide to accuse North Korea of being “totalitarian”!

The more important point is that even if the allegations against Choi turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the standpoint of the working class and oppressed people of Australia and the world. Quite the opposite! If Choi did actually try to broker deals to help North Korea export items in violation of UN sanctions this would simply prove that he was taking great personal risks to aid the people of North Korea, who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country. These sanctions, which have been repeatedly tightened over the years, now ban the people of North Korea from exporting almost any goods – including clothing, manufactured items, minerals and other commodities. This prevents North Korea from having the hard currency needed to buy the food, medicine, medical instruments and machinery that her people and economy need.

Moreover, the effects of these sanctions have been compounded by the military pressure exerted against North Korea by the U.S., Australia and other imperialist powers. This includes through the presence of 30,000 U.S. troops in South Korea and through massive U.S./South Korea/Australian war games on North Korea’s border – menacing military exercises that have only recently been scaled down after North Korea’s demonstration in late 2017 that it had succeeded in developing a nuclear deterrence that finally forced Washington and Seoul into de-escalation talks. With the memory that the U.S., Australia and South Korea killed nearly one in four of their people during the 1950-53 Korean War – when these capitalist regimes repeatedly wiped out North Korea’s cities by dropping huge amounts of bombs and napalm in a genocidal “scorched earth” policy – with this all too real nightmare seared into their collective consciousness, the people of North Korea know that Trump’s tirade made less than a year and a half ago saying that he would “totally destroy North Korea” was no idle threat. All this has forced tiny North Korea to spend far more on defence than she wants to, thus draining valuable resources from her economy.

Choi has seen first-hand the suffering that the combined effects of the grinding sanctions and military pressure have caused to the people of North Korea. He speaks of a trip he made to a rural area near Sariwon city in North Korea’s North Hwanghae province around ten years ago. As a person with a strong humanitarian conscience, when Choi saw the suffering of especially children with insufficient food to eat, it broke his heart. Although North Korea’s economy has since managed to significantly improve living conditions for her people – despite all the pressure she is facing – the UN sanctions have also been greatly tightened since then. That is why even from the dungeon that he is imprisoned in, Choi has delivered a defiant message opposing the unjust sanctions (see:

Choi’s opposition to the sanctions is not only based on his humanitarianism but also on his support for the nature of North Korean society and its social system. Choi actually only became interested in North Korea about a decade and a half ago. In his student days, he had been involved in protests against the then Park Chunghee dictatorship in South Korea. However, he then became politically inactive and was not attuned to questions about North Korea. It was after meeting some pro-North Korea people amongst the Korean expatriate population in Australia that Choi started actively researching the issue. He found that North Korea had justice on its side. He then visited the country to see for himself. Choi was immediately touched by the warmth of North Korea’s people. As Choi puts it, in other countries that he has lived in – like South Korea, Australia and Singapore – it is “money first and if you have money you can do everything”, whereas in North Korea it is “not about money”, “money is not important” it is “humans and humanism that is first.” He described how in North Korea, even at times “when people have very little [due to sanctions and pressure], they will still happily share everything.” He also described heads of enterprises being humble and respectful in the way they treat their workers. Although the media like to stress that Choi is a “supporter of the Kim Jong-un regime”, Choi himself does not speak that much about North Korea’s leaders. His support for North Korea is based on loving the society’s egalitarianism and warm community spirit.

North Koreans dance in public. When Chan Han Choi visited North Korea he was touched by the warmth and humanism of the society – a product of the country’s socialistic system based on common ownership of the means of production.
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The mainstream media – dominated as it is by organisations owned by billionaire capitalists like Rupert Murdoch and Channel 7 owner Kerry Stokes – would like to present Choi as a brain-washed “supporter of the Kim Jong-un regime.” Yet Choi grew up and lived the first decades of his life in the extremely anti-communist society of South Korea. He has lived and worked in several countries including South Korea, Libya, Singapore and, for the last more than three decades, Australia. Thus, Choi is cultured and cosmopolitan in his outlook. He loves Western classical music, especially symphonies – his most loved piece being Beethoven’s famous Symphony No. 5. Meanwhile, Choi’s favorite food is Japanese food – in particular, sashimi. His concerns extend beyond issues directly connected to North Korea. One of the issues most important to him is racism. He is angry at the high rate of imprisonment of Aboriginal people. While imprisoned, he has become friends with many Aboriginal inmates as well as prisoners from other ethnic backgrounds and he says that this has taught him a lot. Choi comments that racist discrimination and lack of opportunity faced by many in the Vietnamese community has led some in that community to turn to minor drug dealing which has then led to a cycle of imprisonment and a further narrowing of job prospects. Choi himself has experienced plenty of racism in Australia. He has noticed that because of his Asian origin serving staff have sometimes been especially rude to him in cafes, representatives of utility companies have abusively sworn at him and bureaucrats have hung up the phone on him because of his accent or lack of English fluency. Choi says that, by contrast, visitors to North Korea are respectfully treated regardless of their skin colour. And this is the thing about Choi: he has experienced life in many countries, he has been influenced by people from a range of backgrounds and, yet, still he loves North Korean society. He speaks of how the genuineness of North Korea’s people gives him a “heart-warming feeling” (see:

The relative egalitarianism of North Korean society and the respectful way that workers are treated by managers there is a result of the fact that North Korea is a workers state based on collective ownership of all the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. Working class rule was established after World War II when Korean communist partisans backed by the Soviet Red Army defeated the former Japanese colonial occupiers and their collaborators in the northern part of Korea. The victorious toilers then took the agricultural land from the greedy landlords and the factories from the capitalists and brought them into social ownership. This socialistic system has meant that North Korea, whose proper name is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), has been able to give her people guaranteed jobs, free, quality education and universal access to very low-rent public housing. To be sure, working class rule is distorted and weakened in North Korea by bureaucratic privileges for state leaders (although these are small compared to the incredibly extravagant wealth of capitalist tycoons and bosses in capitalist countries) which saps support for socialism, by a personality cult around the Kim family and by the lack of workers’ democracy.

Nevertheless, up until the late 1960s, when the U.S. started pouring huge subsidies to prop up South Korea, the working class masses in North Korea enjoyed a better overall quality of life than in the capitalist South. This is despite North Korea having been totally destroyed by U.S, Australia and other imperialist powers during the 1950-53 Korean War. However, the counterrevolutionary destruction of socialistic rule in the former Soviet Union in 1991-92 left the DPRK without its main military protector. Left to face the intense threat from the U.S. and its allies – and with her socialistic Chinese ally much weaker then – the DPRK was forced to divert much resources to her military in order to protect her people from meeting the same fate that the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria have been hit with. This and the economic sanctions led to a large drop in the living standards of North Korea’s people. Nevertheless, the DPRK remains a workers state based on common ownership of the means of production. It is this system based on shared ownership and economic activities for common benefit which brings her people together and creates the warm community spirit and the honesty and genuineness of relations between her people that so warmed Choi’s heart.

In supporting a socialistic state based on public ownership, Choi is in effect standing by the interests of those in Australia suffering the effects of an economy dominated by capitalist private ownership: by those hurt by privatisation, casualisation, job slashing by greedy bosses, bullying by profit-obsessed banks and rising rents. That is, he is standing shoulder to shoulder with the working class majority of this country. He is also, in effect, standing with all the ethnic communities persecuted as a result of the need of Australia’s capitalist rulers to divide and divert the masses that they exploit. He is on the side of Australia’s deeply subjugated Aboriginal people, on the side of the brutally victimised Muslim community and on the side of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin people that are suffering racist discrimination and violence. We working class people and oppressed ethnic minorities must in turn now support Choi! We must struggle with all our energy to demand: Free Chan Han Choi! Drop all the charges now!

We must also join Choi in opposing capitalist powers using sanctions to financially bully North Korea’s people into submission. They want to turn North Korea into a neo-colony the way that they have already made East Timor, PNG, the Philippines, Thailand, Mexico and so many other developing countries into their neo-colonies. The sanctions can be thought of as a giant battering ram to knock down the barriers stopping privatisation of the DPRK economy. All those opposed to privatisation, opposed to imperialist exploitation of former colonies and who stand for a system based on public ownership must demand an end to the sanctions on the DPRK. We must also stand by the DPRK against all attempts to undermine that workers state. We must demand the immediate, unconditional and verifiable ejection of all U.S. troops from South Korea and the irreversible end to all joint U.S.-South Korean-Australian military exercises. Australian patrol aircraft and ships get out of the waters near North Korea! U.S. troops stationed in Darwin – who are there to help the U.S. and Australian regimes target the DPRK and socialistic China – get out now! Close the joint U.S.-Australia spy bases at Pine Gap and Geraldton! If we fight for these demands we will be standing by the interests of the working class of Australia and the world and the necessary struggle to establish workers states based on public ownership in our own countries.


One of the rights that the Australian regime has stomped on in their dealing with the case of Chan Han Choi is the right to bail for defendants who are not an immediate threat to the community or a serious flight risk. Consider the following comparison of Choi’s case with the two most high profile cases in recent times in Australia: those of Chris Dawson and former Catholic archbishop George Pell. Pell who was found by a jury to have cruelly sexually assaulted two children was granted bail prior to the trial that convicted him of these serious charges. For his part, Chris Dawson who is charged with murdering his ex-wife Lynette was granted bail after spending just two weeks in prison. In contrast, Choi has been denied bail for 16 months! It is telling, too, that one of the magistrates at the Sydney Central court who has repeatedly knocked back bail for Choi, Robert Williams, is the very same magistrate who granted accused murderer, Chris Dawson, his bail!

This comparison becomes all the more stark when one compares the very different nature of the “crimes” that Choi has been accused of as against those that Pell and Dawson were charged with. Both of the latter two cases involve serious crimes against victims: in one, murder, and in the other, sexual assault of children. In the case of Choi, who has no criminal record, he is not accused of any crime against a victim. He is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone. Choi is also not a greedy bank boss who oversaw their corporations charging dead people bank fees (as we go to press none of those bank or insurance bigwigs are anywhere close to being sent to jail). And despite all the hype about Choi’s case being a national security one, he is not even accused of spying on Australia or, indeed, any other country. There are no actual direct victims to the “crimes” that Choi is accused of. Perhaps, one could say that the Australian mainstream media would be a direct “victim” of Choi’s alleged work to help North Korea export her produce in violation of sanctions, because by contributing to North Korean consolidated revenue the country would be better able to feed, clothe, transport, house and medically care for her people thus giving the media less opportunity to create hyped-up stories about suffering in North Korea.

However, if the deals that Choi allegedly tried to broker did go through there would have been an indirect “victim” of these “crimes.” That indirect “victim” is the wealthy eight to ten percent of the Australian population that constitutes the capitalist ruling class and its henchmen. The more that the DPRK is able to export, the better will be the lives of her people and the less able will the imperialist rulers of the U.S. and Australia be to use economic strangulation to suffocate the DPRK workers state. That means the probability that billionaire Western bankers, speculators and sweatshop bosses will be able to take over North Korea’s economy becomes reduced. Moreover, the Australian ruling class is scared of the prospect of the DPRK overcoming the sanctions and growing prosperous. Australia’s capitalist bigwigs not only exploit workers within Australia but exploit the masses of neighbouring countries at an even greater rate while plundering their natural resources and making colonial style diktats to their governments. These imperialist rulers, thus, fear the rise of independent, socialistic countries in the Asia-Pacific like the Peoples Republic of China and the DPRK because that could encourage the masses of PNG, East Timor, Fiji, the Philippines and Indonesia to think that they too should give the imperialists the boot and take up the socialist path. If that were to happen, the Australian capitalists would lose tens of billions in profit as well as the power that comes from having their own neo-colonies. Yet, a more prosperous DPRK, that Choi was trying to help bring about, would not only do no harm whatsoever to the more than nine out of ten of us who are not part of the exploiting class – and especially for the 70% of the Australian population who are either employed or unemployed wage workers – it would positively benefit our overall class interests.

The mere presence of workers states like the DPRK in this region – as bureaucratically deformed as they are and in the case of the PRC, Vietnam and Laos as weakened as they also are by a level of capitalist intrusion – sets off the most mortal fear of Australia’s capitalist rulers: that the working class masses here will be inspired by the existence of workers states abroad to sweep away their capitalist rulers from power. The ruling class are all too aware of the giant strides a victorious working class in a highly developed industrialized economy like Australia could make for the sake of all the world’s toiling masses if this powerful working class finally chose to seize state power from the greedy, cloying hands of the small but influential and corrupt class of exploiters. This fear and hatred of socialistic states, the Australian ruling class are expressing in the severity of their persecution of DPRK supporter, Chan Han Choi. They have not only denied him bail but have violated many of his other rights. For example, for the last several months Choi has been blocked from making phone calls to not only his friends but his own lawyers. Indeed, earlier, for a period of several months, the Australian regime blocked his lawyers from even visiting him! The prison authorities told his lawyers that since Choi is a “National Security Interest” they must first go through a criminal history check that could take an “indefinite” period to complete! This is despite these same lawyers having already made two previous visits to him! Finally, the authorities relented and allowed the lawyers to visit but effectively blocked translators from accompanying the lawyers into the visits as translators must now also go through a security check. This is a serious problem as Choi’s English is not fluent. Although he can comfortably converse about relatively simple matters in English, it is hard for him to communicate in English about complex legal concepts and issues. And as this article is being released, we have just learnt that the authorities are again blocking Choi’s lawyers from visiting him in prison.

The timing of when the authorities started blocking his lawyers’ visits is very telling. It was at the very time that Choi was meant to enter a plea. The Australian regime hoped to make Choi feel so isolated and so lacking in legal support that he would roll over and plead guilty. Choi also faced this same blocking of legal representation in the earlier period of his imprisonment. From a few days after being arrested, Choi had to endure an approximately 50 day period when both an earlier lawyer that he selected through community connections as well as other visitors were completely barred from visiting him. It is also very noteworthy the difference between the access allowed, on the one hand, to that earlier lawyer chosen by Choi as well as Choi’s current lawyers – who were chosen by Choi through his friends – and, on the other hand, that granted to his previous government-appointed lawyer. That Australian-regime appointed lawyer was, until the time of his sacking, able to visit Choi very frequently. This previous lawyer seemed to want to keep Choi isolated from supporters and media. Indeed, in nearly all of Choi’s court mentions in the early and mid part of last year, Choi did not even appear on video link when his own matter was being heard. This lawyer also tried to push Choi into a guilty plea as the prosecution tried to pressure Choi into accepting a “deal” where he would be declared mentally incompetent in “exchange” for gaining a reduced sentence to be served at a mental institution! This was a sinister attempt to not only push Choi into surrender but to discredit as being “insane” his laudable work in support of the socialistic DPRK. Choi is, actually, perfectly mentally competent and, indeed, highly intelligent and worldly. He was savvy enough to realise that his previous lawyer had been negotiating with the prosecution behind his back and keeping him in the dark about his own case. So, Choi sacked this lawyer. Yet even when this regime-appointed lawyer told the then presiding magistrate that he was “withdrawing from the case,” he made a passing shot, outrageously prejudicing the court by telling the magistrate that he has serious concerns about Choi’s mental competency to decide on a plea. This appeared to be a creepy attempt to open the way for a possible future attempt by the authorities to have someone else – i.e. an “independent” person ultimately paid by the Australian regime – to decide on a guilty plea on Choi’s behalf!

In a still more sinister development, last November, Choi and his lawyers received letters from Legal Aid implying that Choi had sacked his current lawyers. Yet Choi did no such thing and, indeed, had absolutely no contact with Legal Aid in that period! Legal Aid’s letter suggested that they were not keen on him sacking his existing lawyers. This suggests that a shadowy third party masquerading as Choi had sent Legal Aid a false flag communication! The Australian spy agency ASIO, the AFP and the South Korean spy agency, the KCIA, are the prime suspects.

Not only has Choi’s access to lawyers been severely restricted so has his access to his own family and supporters. His only child, a 30 year-old son, has been barred from visiting him. Choi is even prevented from making phone calls to his son. To also try and break his spirit, the authorities insist that when Choi speaks to his wife by phone – and she is now the only person that he is allowed to make phone calls to – that they speak in English and not Korean despite him not being fluent in English and his wife’s English being even more limited. On occasions when they have slipped into Korean to clarify a sentence, the authorities have cruelly cut off the call. Meanwhile, the authorities have made it almost impossible for people to visit Choi. People wanting to visit must first go through a months-long “security check” after which it is left to the discretion of the Commissioner of Corrections to decide whether a visitor should be granted access. Among those denied access was a journalist from a well-known global media outlet. The very few people able to visit Choi were only granted access after waiting some four to five months after completing the required paperwork and identity checks! When they finally visited, Choi told them that this was the first visit that he had received in five months.

Yet of all the injustices that the Australian authorities have subjected Choi to, the one that burns him the most is the way they have bullied his son. When Choi was arrested, the AFP and ASIO also raided the place where his son was living. However, they did not charge his son as there was no reason to put any charges on him. Instead the AFP told his son that he would no longer be able to work in any professional role! Choi’s son had been in a high-skilled, technical-professional role at well-known American multinational technology conglomerate, CISCO Systems. Choi is furious that the Australian authorities had his son sacked from CISCO. The company realising they were in the wrong, apparently made an arrangement where he received six months paid leave before being terminated. Choi’s son now works in a lower-skilled, lower-paying, non-professional role elsewhere. This persecution of Chan Han Choi’s son is yet another attempt by the Australian regime to break Choi’s spirit and make him capitulate.


Part of the method that the Australian regime has used to strip Choi of his rights is by classifying him in the highest risk category of prisoner. Choi has outrageously been categorised as EHR-R/NSI: that is as an Extra High Risk – Restricted/ National Security Interest (NSI) prisoner. People are only meant to be allocated to this category if they are deemed to be an extreme risk to prison security: that is, mafia bosses and those convicted of serious terrorist offences. As we stressed earlier in this article: Choi is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone. He is not even alleged to have spied on anyone. All he is accused of doing is attempting to broker deals to raise money for North Korea’s budget so as to improve her people’s livelihoods and the country’s infrastructure. Moreover, the entities he was allegedly brokering the deals with weren’t even located in Australia.

Yet, not only are Australian authorities today trampling on Choi’s rights, with the assistance of the South Korean regime, they had also engaged in a massive and expensive spying operation against him. This is clear from the “evidence” that the prosecution have brought forward. It is apparent that not only have the AFP and ASIO hacked into all of Choi’s email communications but that Australian and/or South Korean intelligence agencies also intercepted his phone and text communications in real time. This the AFP eerily refer to as LII – “Lawfully Intercepted Information”! Indeed it seems likely that the Australian and South Korean regimes are hacking into all communications to and from people with “.kp” addresses – i.e. all communications to and from Australian locals to email accounts that use the domain address of the DPRK. When former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Edward Snowden, unveiled classified documents in 2013, it was proven that the Australian spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate, was part of a sinister global surveillance apparatus, also involving the American NSA, the UK’s GCHQ, Canada’s CSEC and New Zealand’s GCSB, that harvested email contact lists, searched email content and tracked the location of cell phones of millions of everyday internet users. So, forget the Australian government and media’s completely unsubstantiated insinuations that China was “likely” behind several reported high-profile hacks; as the Snowden revelations proved and as the interception of Choi’s communications confirm, the real hacker in this region that you should be afraid of is the Australian regime itself. Of course, it is not only Choi that this regime has targeted. ASIO spies on determined trade unionists, Aboriginal rights activists, anti-fascists and socialists. Meanwhile, its overseas arm ASIS has been exposed as spying on the East Timorese government to better enable the Australian rulers to rape the impoverished Timorese people’s oil and gas resources. Just as telling is who the Australian regime does not monitor. Both Australian and New Zealand authorities have admitted that they did not have the Australian white supremacist terrorist who murdered 50 Muslim people in Christchurch last week under any sort of surveillance despite this fascist having often expressed extreme racial hatred in the online chat rooms and social media pages of violent racist outfits. It is apparent that the Australian regime does almost nothing to curb the activities of violent far-right groups. For the organs of the Australian state are not here to protect the majority of us. Rather they are here for the very opposite reason: to enforce the interests of the rich, capitalist exploiting class over the working class masses. That is why the state uses surveillance and repression against those who stand up for the rights of the working class and oppressed and those, like Choi, who stand by workers states.

An Australian racist extremist murders 51 people in a horrific attack on two mosques in Christchurch. Despite making chilling online threats and posting extreme Islamophobic and racist rants on violent white supremacist websites, the Australian security agencies chose not to put the killer under any sort of surveillance. In contrast, the Australian authorities targeted Chan Han Choi in an overwhelming spying operation despite Choi not even being suspected of conducting or planning any violent attack or even any act of espionage.

As Choi has often bluntly put it: “There are no human rights in Australia.” When it comes down to it that is basically true for the majority of people in this country – for working class people. What rights are there for the growing number of workers – especially youth and women workers as well as international students – forced to toil in insecure casual jobs where they can be sacked at will and are often paid below award wages? Or for unemployed people bullied by job search agencies and forced into unpaid work for the dole schemes? Or for refugees incarcerated in off-shore hell-hole camps? Or for Muslim people – and indeed other Asian, African and Middle-Eastern-based communities – facing vilification by governments and white supremacist terror on the streets? Or for Aboriginal people facing racist state attacks as well as daily racist discrimination in every aspect of their lives? It is telling that in the very same section of Sydney’s Long Bay jail that Choi is being detained and so grossly having his rights violated, a 26 year-old Aboriginal prisoner, David Dungay, was crushed to death by racist and sadistic prison guards three and a half years ago.

Of course, by contrast, the big end of town in Australia have every “human right” imaginable. When James Packer’s Crown Group wanted to grab public land at Sydney’s Barangaroo to build an exclusive, luxury hotel-casino, the authorities bent over backwards and ignored regulations to facilitate the billionaire’s interests, despicably driving public housing tenants out of their very homes in the nearby, proudly working class inner city suburb of Millers Point in the process. For his part, late tycoon Richard Pratt, owner of packaging corporation Visy, got away with swindling ordinary people buying soap, toothpaste, soft drinks and baked beans out of $700 million by forming a cartel with “rivals” to keep packaging prices artificially high. He finally conceded to the Federal Court that he had knowingly broken the law. Yet the rich people’s legal system is such that Pratt only received a fine. It was only seven months later that Pratt was finally hit with criminal charges. Yet the media, his own paid-for spin team and high-ranking politicians – including then prime minister Kevin Rudd and former prime minister John Howard – threw massive support behind Pratt. The prosecutor dutifully caved in to this high-level support and dropped the case on the grounds of Pratt’s ill-health! Pratt was never jailed for a single day for his huge theft from the working class masses! In contrast Choi has never cheated the public out of a solitary cent let alone $700 million, yet unlike the billionaire Pratt, Choi has been imprisoned without bail in harsh conditions! And unlike the greedy tycoon Pratt, Choi’s alleged “illegal” actions were not motivated by personal gain. Even the AFP admit that Choi’s attempts to broker trade deals for North Korea were motivated out of sympathy for the DPRK. Despite Choi having previously brokered significant trade deals for the DPRK in the period before tightening UN sanctions proscribed such trade, he lived in a rented home, owns no property and has meagre savings. It is precisely because Choi is a working-class person – having worked as a hospital cleaner at the time of his arrest – with modest means and who, what is more, supported a socialistic country that he is being treated so horribly in comparison to a billionaire business owner like Richard Pratt.


The persecution of Chan Han Choi for allegedly attempting to violate the UN sanctions on North Korea highlights the issue of the sanctions themselves. Similar sanctions imposed on Iraq caused the deaths of over 500,000 babies in just the first eight years of their implementation from 1990 onwards. Although the DPRK’s socialistic system has enabled her to avert such catastrophic consequences, the sanctions still cause much hardship to her people. To distract from the issue of the sanctions, the Australian regime have tried to hype up the issue of WMDs in Choi’s case. Yet not only is Choi not even alleged to have brokered any deals involving mass destruction material, all his charges related to WMD are based on embarrassingly thin “evidence.” For example, one of the AFP’s main arguments that Choi was trying to broker the sale of short range missiles is that he allegedly once emailed a trade contact a link to a DPRK political propaganda video which happened to include some brief clips of DPRK military exercises that in part included the firing of missiles. The AFP allege that not only is this evidence of Choi’s pride in the DPRK’s martial capability (big deal!) but an attempt to market these capabilities for sale. So, folks: don’t ever send a person a link of a video that includes any clips of a socialistic country conducting military exercises – or else you could end up being locked up for years in harsh conditions in Long Bay jail!

The U.S. rulers and their allies like the Australian regime claim that the sanctions on North Korea are merely about stopping the latter developing nuclear weapons. However, the truth is that they are means to bring the DPRK to its knees. After all, why should the DPRK which has never invaded another country or been involved in any war outside the Korean peninsula be disarmed of the few crude nuclear weapons that it has when the U.S. and Russia each have thousands of nukes? It is the U.S. that has killed millions of civilians in predatory attacks in Korea, Vietnam, Panama, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan etc. Moreover, when North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, was holding his summit with U.S. president, Donald Trump, last month in Hanoi, events not that far away were making a total mockery of Trump’s insistence that the DPRK must unilaterally give up its nuclear weapons. For at that very time, tensions between nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan dangerously turned into open military clashes with casualties on either side. Yet neither Trump nor any of the other imperialist rulers are calling for India or Pakistan to give up their nuclear weapons. This is because both countries are under capitalist rule and their regimes are anti-communist allies of the capitalist great powers whereas the DPRK is under socialistic rule and stands independently of the imperialist bullies. It is important to note, too, that while the DPRK has never killed a single person through nuclear weapons, the U.S. regime – with the backing of their Australian counterparts – actually murdered tens of thousands of innocent people by dropping atomic bombs on human beings living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The sanctions imposed upon North Korea by the imperialist powers are an act of economic terrorist blackmail. On the one hand, the DPRK can choose to continue to maintain a nuclear deterrence – which from the point of view of the interests of the toiling masses of the world it certainly has the right to do. Yet that means being subjected to the cruel economic blockade that the North Korean people endure today. On the other hand, the DPRK can capitulate and “irreversibly” disarm. Yet that would be even worse! That would leave the DPRK open to being invaded and devastated in the way that other ex-colonies that showed inadequate submissiveness have: like Iraq which the imperialists invaded because they knew she did not have WMDs, like Libya which tragically gave up her WMDs under the promise of being treated well by the Western powers and like Syria whose people have gone through enormous suffering as a result of a Western funded and backed proxy war.

U.S. and South Korean troops amass during one of the war games held in South Korea aimed at threatening socialistic North Korea. The U.S., Australian and other Western imperialists and their South Korean allies use every means possible – including military pressure, economic sanctions and incessant propaganda – to try and undermine socialistic rule in North Korea.

The Australian regime’s persecution of Chan Han Choi for allegedly breaking UN sanctions is part of their drive to tighten the sanctions and strangle the people of North Korea into committing suicide by abandoning their right to build a self-defence capability. It is part of the capitalists’ push to not only topple socialistic rule in North Korea but, more importantly for them, to isolate and smother the DPRK’s neighbour and main ally, socialistic China. Yet the Australian ruling class also have another purpose in their witch-hunt of Choi. They want to restrict the rights of people who support socialistic states. Thus the AFP’s “rationales” for arguing against bail for Choi was in large part based on his sympathy for the DPRK. This amounted to claiming that a supporter of a socialistic state should have less rights than other citizens. Such anti-communist discrimination has not only targeted Choi. Last month, the Australian regime stripped a prominent Chinese national living in Australia, Huang Xiangmo, of his permanent residency because his advocacy sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China (the PRC) was deemed a “security risk.” Meanwhile, staunchly pro-communist Chinese international students studying in Australia have been demonised by Australian media and politicians and some high-ranking academics have even practically called for them to face academic disciplinary proceedings for their pro-Red China political stance. This creeping new, Cold War-style witch-hunt comes in the context of a restricting of the right to dissent. New laws purportedly targeting “foreign interference” provide pretexts for Australian regime crackdowns on protest movements and media reporting. Most importantly, nationwide anti-union laws have curtailed the right to strike and have led to legal proceedings against over a hundred trade unionists from construction workers’ unions. However, it is not only the Australian regime that is hell-bent on persecuting Chan Han Choi but also their South Korean capitalist ally. It seems that the South Korean spy agencies were central to providing the Australian authorities with key parts of their “evidence” against Choi. Choi has stressed that it is the present Moon Jae-in administration in South Korea that took part in preparing his arrest. Sympathisers of the DPRK taken in by the presently softer approach of the current liberal South Korean government in comparison with the previous right-wing government should take note! The Seoul capitalist regime remains the mortal enemy of socialistic rule in North Korea. Let us not forget that up until the end of 2017, Moon Jae-in was joining Trump in threats and supporting terrifying war games targeting North Korea. It was only after – through successful missile and nuclear tests – the DPRK proved that it had developed a credible nuclear deterrence that Moon Jae-in realised that a purely military option would be dangerous and that the undermining of socialistic rule in North Korea would be best achieved through capitalist economic penetration and political undermining through NGOs and other “engagement.”

The capitalist ruling class of South Korea are opposed to the DPRK because in the end capitalist states and workers states cannot happily co-exist. South Korea’s capitalist rulers – whether it’s conservative wing or its liberal wing – know that if the DPRK was allowed to become a strong and prosperous workers state she could become a beacon to the working class masses in the South of the Korean Peninsula. They know that the workers state in the North of the Peninsula could thus become a political threat to the system which they oversee in the South of the Peninsula: a system where the working class masses are forced to endure long working hours, insecure forms of unemployment, persecution of trade unions, measly old-age pensions and a dog-eat-dog society that has produced one of the highest suicide rates in the world. That is why the best way that South Korean sympathisers of the DPRK can offer solidarity to the DPRK is to connect efforts to win the working class masses in South Korea to the defence of the DPRK with fulsome support to South Korean workers class struggle against their own capitalist rulers. Ultimately, only the overturn of capitalism in the South of Korea can make the embattled anti-capitalist conquests already made in the North secure.


When the Australian authorities arrested Choi and the accusations against him were sensationalised by the media, they expected he would have no support. And when they then stripped Choi of his rights, isolated him from family, supporters and even lawyers they thought that they could break his spirit and make him plead guilty or, worse still, plead insanity! Instead Choi has pleaded Not Guilty and remains defiant and proud. Furthermore, instead of being politically isolated, leftists from Australia and around the world have expressed their solidarity with Choi: from wearing “Free Chan Han Choi” t-shirts to showing support on social media. Supporters of Choi have managed to put on YouTube his statements from prison. Most importantly, last September, Trotskyist Platform supporters were joined by representatives of diverse groups – including the Irish Republican-socialist James Connolly Association, the Western Sydney Branch of the Communist Party of Australia, the Australia-DPRK Friendship Society and the Stalin Society – in a protest rally in a multiracial working class part of Sydney to demand “Free Chan Han Choi.” The action won a sympathetic write-up from the main Korean language community newspaper and even coverage in a large circulation British tabloid-Australian website.

Yet there is so much more that must be done. Even within the context of the unfair laws proscribing any trade that violates the North Korea sanctions, there is no way the Australian courts in their standard practice would afford Choi a fair trial. These are biased pro-capitalist courts that are part of a racist, rich people’s regime. Only mass actions on our part can make the authorities realise that a biased outcome would be against their political interests. That is why we must strive to build greater support for Choi within the workers movement.

Working against us is the impact of hysterical media propaganda against the DPRK. However, for the converse reason that the capitalist rulers are persecuting Choi, it is in the very, living interests of working class people to stand by him. Opposing the persecution of Choi and the denial of his rights is essential in our necessary struggle to resist the emerging Cold War-style witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states. As we stand by Choi we are also making our stand against the broader assaults going on in Australia against leftist dissent and union struggle. Most importantly, we must oppose the cruel and pro-imperialist sanctions that have been launched against brave and socialistic North Korea. Thus, we must defend a person who is being cruelly persecuted for allegedly violating these sanctions. We must defend the DPRK workers state – no matter how bureaucratically deformed it may be – against imperialist attack and capitalist counterrevolution. Just like the building of a trade union – but on a much bigger scale – when a workers state is formed it is a huge conquest for the working class masses and must be tirelessly protected.

So let’s all work as hard as we can to oppose the UN sanctions on North Korea and to free Chan Han Choi, locked up right here in the heart of the racist, capitalist Australian state. Demand the dropping of all charges against the courageous and proud, socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi.

White Supremacist Terror Attack in New Zealand

Trotskyist Platform Emergency Statement on the:

White Supremacist Terror
Attack in New Zealand

15 March 2019 – Today, white supremacists launched a horrific attack on people attending two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. The terrorists were motivated by a Nazi-like agenda of genocidal violence against Muslim people and all non-white people. The main attacker, an Australian white nationalist, shot indiscriminately at unarmed women, children and men. Two other people have so far been arrested. This cold blooded and cowardly act of terror has so far left 49 people dead – Muslim people, many of whom were also migrants and refugees. Some amongst the dozens of other gunshot victims are now fighting for their lives.

Some of the 51 people murdered in New Zealand when an Australian far-right, racist coward opened fire on people worshipping in two mosques in the city of Christchurch.

New Zealand prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, flanked in her press conference by the union jacks that sit in the corner of the New Zealand flag, symbols of brutal British colonial terror, said of the attack that “New Zealand has been chosen because we are not a place where violent extremism exists.” Many Maori people and immigrant-based communities from Asia and the neighbouring Pacific Islands may well disagree with her statement. They have often copped racist attacks from rednecks not to mention the bloody history of colonialist state terror that the Maori people have endured and continue to face, in different form, today.

However, as bad as racism is in NZ, it is much worse here in Australia. That is why it is no surprise that the main perpetrator of today’s atrocity is an Australian white supremacist. In the year 2016 alone, there were two known white supremacist murders here: the heinous deliberate running over of a 14 year-old Aboriginal child, Elijah Doughty, by a white racist in Kalgoorlie and the fire-bombing murder in Brisbane of Indian-origin bus driver, Manmeet Alisher, by a right-wing conspiracy theorist which both media and state authorities stubbornly refused to acknowledge as an act of political violence. Since then Australia has seen ongoing state and redneck attacks on Aboriginal people, repeated assaults against Muslim people, violent racist attacks on Chinese students, demonisation of African youth and the burning down of a Hindu temple in Sydney’ southwest. The danger is that the Christchurch attack will embolden Australia’s growing layer of violent white supremacists. Already people on far-right websites have been hailing today’s attack. That is why every time white supremacists go public and try to build their strength they must be shut down by mass mobilisations of trade unionists standing alongside Muslim, Aboriginal, Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin communities. This is not an issue of “free speech.” As today’s racist attack showed all too starkly it is a question of physically protecting targeted communities. The fascists are not about speech they are about organising for and perpetrating racist terror. They need to be crushed!

In the Sydney suburb of Ashfield, one of the most violent white supremacist groups has a combat training centre where they learn how to conduct acts of racist terror. Where violent racists have such a known base, we need to shut it down!

Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, while condemning In most cases, workers compensation doctors in Phoenix choose the least invasive and least painful treatments for the patient. viagra generika is another remedy used to treat this erectile dysfunction problem. However, do not worry about occasional failure of the penile can take place can take place cost of viagra canada for a variety of reasons including drinking too much alcohol may damage your blood vessels, which eventually may develop into impotence. female viagra 100mg These treatments are viewed as latent because they experts do them, patient. The fact that they are absolutely herbal makes it crystal clear that even if used in long-term, these capsules will not leave viagra discount prices any dirty footprints behind. today’s attacks said he is “shocked” by them. Yet, as an MP for the Sydney suburb of Cronulla – the very place that saw the horrific, rampaging white supremacist Cronulla Riot in 2005 – Morrison’s “shock” is blatantly disingenuous. After all, he and his right-wing government have been busy whipping up racist fears against non-white people by demonising and continuing the torturous detention and “turn back” policy against refugees. It’s hardly surprising then that it was a white, Australian man that spearheaded this horrific racist crime we witnessed with such horror today. Unfortunately, little will change no matter who wins the upcoming election. The ALP, while distancing itself from some of the most extreme anti-refugee policies of the Liberals, fully supports the racist, mandatory detention of refugees. And while the Greens have sometimes called out the racist policies of their rivals, they, like the ALP, push economic nationalist calls to restrict the entry of guest workers and to curb imports produced by foreign labour. Such economic nationalism while not always directly racist is always divisive and inevitably incites racism. Let’s note too that today’s attack occurred under the watch of a social democratic-led government in NZ. The Adern New Zealand Labour Party shares at least some of the blame for today’s attack. They took office promising to cut immigration which is why they were able to join in a coalition with the right-wing, anti-immigrant New Zealand First Party. Although New Zealand Labour motivated their anti-immigration policies in a softer way than New Zealand First, their blaming of immigration for the housing crisis and infrastructure inadequacies in New Zealand inevitably fuels racist hostility to migrants.

The problem is that the Liberal-Nationals, the ALP and the Greens all uphold the capitalist order. And because this system is less and less able to provide decent infrastructure and secure, permanent jobs for people, those that oversee the capitalist state inevitably look for scapegoats elsewhere. That is why from Trump’s America to Bolsonaro’s Brazil to the hard right-infested regimes in Austria, Hungary, Switzerland and Italy, open racists are gaining the ascendancy in capitalist countries. It is also why we can never trust the state organs administering capitalist rule to protect us from fascists – since these forces have been shaped by their role as enforcers of the inevitably racist policies associated with capitalism. How can one rely on the police and prison guards to stop violent racists when they, themselves, have far too often bashed and killed Aboriginal people in custody or covered up for their mates who have committed such horrendous, racist crimes. 

It is now time more than ever that we, the working class masses of the world, embracing and drawing behind us all those targeted by the fascists, spearhead the drive to smash the white supremacists once and for all. It is in the very interests of the multi-ethnic working class to crush the divisive, racist forces for only then can we build the inter-racial unity so necessary to fight back against the greedy, capitalist exploiters. Racism is not innate to our human nature – it is purely and simply a disgusting, murderous weapon wielded in the cynical hands of our capitalist exploiters for the one single purpose of keeping our fighting ranks divided. What the bullying bosses across the capitalist world are most afraid of is the mighty, unstoppable power of the united working class. Their biggest fear is that we working class sisters and brothers will lead all the world’s oppressed in a struggle against their brutal system that, ultimately, only brings low wages, insecure jobs, economic crises, unaffordable rents and as we saw today: terrible, racist, right wing terror. Forward to a socialist world that will be free of racism, unemployment, poverty and war! As Marx and Engels wrote in The Communist Manifesto: “Then the world will be for the common people, and the sounds of happiness will reach the deepest spring. Ah! Come! People of every land, how can you not be roused?



2019年2 月–七个月前, 澳大利亚政府批准了一位加拿大白人至上主义者的签证, Lauren Southern 来澳进行演讲之旅。 Southern 叫嚣着要对亚非国家来的人关上国门。 2017年底, 政府还允许种族主义挑衅者Milo Yiannopoulos访澳。 Yiannopoulos 利用这次旅行诋毁土著居民创造的艺术品, 说它们 “真的像臭屎”。 然而, 虽然政府允许像Southern, Yiannopoulos 这样的人入澳, 但在几周前, 他们却禁止澳中商人黄向墨先生 再次进入澳大利亚。与澳洲政府允许进入的极右翼人士不同的是, 黄先生 并没有煽动种族仇恨。事实上, 他一直参与族群团结的活动。那么为什么黄先生受到了比这些种族分裂的传播者还糟糕的待遇?

那么为什么莫里森政府–工党没有发声- 取消了一个没有犯刑事罪的人的永久居留权呢? 这是因为黄先生发表了赞同中华人民共和国 (中国) 的声明。  澳洲安全情报组织这个间谍机构以他过去曾领导的澳大利亚中国和平统一促进会–一个与北京在台湾、香港和西藏问题上的持相同观点的团体–作为下令取消黄的居留权主要根据,。媒体对黄做了不能令人信服的指陈, 说黄利用大量的政治捐款推动了这一 亲中政治议题。即使这是真的…..。那又怎样!对北京的政治立场表示赞同并不违法,持那些观点的人士进行政治捐赠也不违法。以他们提倡红色中国的立场为由剥夺永久居民的居留权,是对民权的一个无耻的攻击。  政府的决定就像是在告诉大家对一个社会主义国家表示赞同或同情的人不应该被赋予其他居民的权利。 右翼政客和主流媒体在捍卫极端种族主义分子的 权利以煽动对种族和宗教少数群体的仇恨时, 将永远呼吁保护言论自由然而他们要遏制涉及到赞同或同情对中华人民共和国自由言论!

现在我们对作为一个亿万富翁资本家的黄几乎不敢兴趣。 然而, 黄肯定不会因为是资本家而受到澳大利亚统治阶级的攻击。 远不是这样! 黄受到迫害的原因正相反–因为出于他自己的原因, 他选择表达对一个社会主义国家的某些目标的赞同或同情。因此我们也一起说出我们的诉求, 要求政府恢复黄被取消的永久居留权。

大家应该意识到, 如果他们能如此明目张胆地践踏一个与政治精英有如此关系的人的权利, 那么他们会怎么对付我们那些谈论支持中国的只是工薪阶层的中国同胞呢?而且, 澳大利亚政府对黄采取行动的时机似乎是有恐吓的动机。剥夺他的永久居民签证是在社区庆祝农历新年的时候宣布的!

事实上, 撤销黄的居留权是统治阶级对澳大利亚华人中亲中群体不断升级的政治迫害事件。澳大利亚媒体在对黄的迫害事件中, 受到遭泄露的提供给ASIO(澳大利亚安全情报机构)和澳大利亚联邦警察 (AFP) 中匿名人士的报告的刺激。 说到 “暗地里施加影响”! 他们引用ASIO影子间谍等人的有关亲中的华人通过“污蔑”来使反华势力“的声音被压制”。对于 ASIO 间谍而言,抱怨 “声音被压制”虚伪到极点的事情 这是一个恐怖的组织, 有利用渗透和破坏来颠覆左派持不同政见者、土著活动家和其他进步团体和反种族主义势力者的活动的历史


抨击华人社区的主要目标是来自中国的亲中国留学生。政府官员们几乎不加掩饰地威胁中国学生不要传播宣传或 “盲目谴责” 那些抨击中国的人。可笑的是, 他们对中国学生的抨击是以维护澳大利亚所谓的 “开放和言论自由” 的名义进行的 — 要么中国学生不应该对中国说任何积极的话, 要么暴露了那些反华舆论攻势论点中缺陷。

令人担忧的是, 针对亲华学生的运动开始从谴责转向镇压。澳洲国立大学教授 Geremie Barme进行了几乎不加掩饰的呼吁, 要求国立大学 学生雷希英(音译)面对纪律处分。为什么?因为雷制作了一系列被人疯传的热情支持红色中国的视频。想想雷似乎被追猎的待遇与国家党参议员Barry O’Sullivan从他卑劣言论中轻描淡写地脱身相比,两者有天壤之别。两天前,参议员评论到:“一些可恶的中国佬从他们的底裤前面带来他们喜爱的肉肠,违反了我们的生物安全条规”。对于这种种族主义的诽谤, 这位参议员只受到了首相的温和指责。与此相反, 当年轻的学生雷制作本分的、支持社会主义的视频时, 教授们却呼吁对他进行制裁。 与此同时, 一系列严厉的 “外来干涉法” 现在正在生效。 大家都知道, 这些法律是针对中国支持者的。这些法律可能被用来监禁那些主张北京政治立场的人。如果澳大利亚目前的进程不被抵制, 一些中国社区组织和学生团体的领导人今后很可能面临刑事起诉。


统治阶级反对亲中华人的运动肯定有种族主义的一方面。这是一种类似于种族主义土澳分子的说法, “我们让你进入这个国家, The wholesale cialis price seeds of drumstick help to eradicate intestinal worms. If the problem is led to by diseases like urethritis, seminal vesiculitis, or prostatitis, you can choose herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory viagra prescription free Pill to cure the disease. Men with ED online viagra prescription often feel depressed and do not enjoy their sexual life. Kamagra tablets, usa cheap viagra , cialis etc. are some of the various kinds of the pouches which you can get when you go out globally to buy packets. 所以你至少可以做的是……”[闭嘴, 远离政治!] “接下来, 还有哪些少数族群将成为他们的目标, 因为他们表达了澳大利亚政权认为不遵从他们规定的 “澳大利亚价值观” 的观点 — 抗议华盛顿和堪培拉在委内瑞拉煽动右翼政变努力的拉美裔人士?

澳大利亚政府试图剥夺华人社区中一大部分人应和其他人一样正享有的政治权利的行为与澳大利亚政府给北领地土著人制定的歧视性法律一样, 被相同的白人至上主义方式玷污了。现在,肯定不止是北领地地区,澳大利亚的某些其他地区一样因为这些歧视性的法律使他们无法获得与其他公民相同的社会福利。同时, 主流媒体对亲中社区组织和学生的政治迫害, 与他们对穆斯林和非洲族群的种族主义污蔑是分不开的。

然而, 种族主义并不是这里的唯一因素。毕竟, 如果一个香港背景的亲帝国主义人士表示反对香港重新回归中国, 他的居留资格会被取消吗?没有可能!你看, 试图压制华人社区亲中的群体不仅是种族歧视, 而且是反共。这是澳大利亚政权试图压制任何捍卫社会主义中国或任何其他工人国家而发表的言论。现在, 黄先生作为一个资本主义商人几乎不可能是共产主义者。然而, 即使是黄和前工党 参议员萨姆·达斯特亚里这样的人士也可能受到迫害, 这表明了真正左派今天面临的危险。事实上, 他们因对中国共产党表现出最轻微的 “亲昵” 而受害的方式, 让人想起了20世纪40年代末和50年代澳洲和美国发生的冷战政治迫害 (在那里被称为麦卡锡主义)。那时, 任何对当时最强大的社会主义国家–苏联–不够不满的人, 或者与当地共产党的人有任何联系的人, 都会被贴上卖国贼的标签, 被赶出工作岗位或入狱。

有一个因素使正在出现的冷战政治迫害可能比其早期版本更加危险。这就是反华种族主义在今天新的麦卡锡主义中起着更大作用。对红色中国的反共敌意和白澳种族主义的结合, 已经导致针对中国背景居民的种族主义暴力激增。2 0 1 7年 1 0月, 3名中国高中生在堪培拉公交站遭到种族主义分子的人身攻击。在这之前两个月, 澳洲国立大学 的一名白人至上主义学生在上课时掏出一个棒球棒, 殴打并试图杀死他的中国裔助教和另外四名中国学生。

澳大利亚正在出现的冷战政治迫害开始扩大, 已经不仅仅针对中国的支持者。这一点在澳大利亚亲朝鲜的社会主义政治犯Chan Han Choi的案件中很为明显。在过去14个月中, 他被无耻地拒绝保释, 部分原因是他是朝鲜支持者, 对此,检方声称这意味着他对澳大利亚没有忠诚。因此, 就像诽谤亲华学生一样, 又发生了人们因赞同或同情社会主义国家而被剥夺权利的案件。


今天, 华人社区中的亲华群体不仅面临着重新兴起的针对这个国家所有有色人的白澳种族主义, 而且还面临着在正在出现的新冷战时期对社会主义中国支持者的政治迫害环境下的特意污蔑。这需要通过大规模动员群众,走上街头来抵制。然而, 这不仅是华人社区的任务, 也是澳大利亚整个左翼和工人阶级运动的任务。因为澳大利亚政府对华人社区中很大一部分人的攻击是对所有工人阶级的攻击。首先, 政府煽动的种族主义, 分化工人阶级从而削弱了我们团结起来为我们的权利而战的能力。其次, 对红色中国支持者的迫害很可能变成对工会会员和左派的更广泛的政治迫害。第三, 美澳对中华人民共和国帝国主义式的打击是不符合工人阶级利益的。尽管北京政府已经允许了太多的对中国的资本入侵, 但中国仍然是一个工人国家, 在那里所有关键部门都归公有。这对世界上所有必须得到保护的工人和被压迫者来说是巨大的财富。和中华人民共和国一条阵线,保卫并加强中国的社会主义制度!

反抗对亲中华人社区的种族主义、扣赤色分子帽子式的政治迫害!反对澳大利亚政府对土著居民、穆斯林、非洲裔青年和难民的所有种族主义攻击!捍卫中华人民共和国的支持者表达我们的观点的权利! 为营救澳州政治犯社会主义者Chan Han Choi而斗争!抵制对左派进行新的冷战政治迫害的黑流!

Cold War Witch-Hunting Returns … Mixed With White Australia Racism

From Labelling Chinese Students as Communist “Spies” to
Persecuting a Socialist Political Prisoner:

Cold War Witch-Hunting Returns
… Mixed With White Australia Racism

21 February 2019 – Seven months ago, the Australian government granted a visa for Canadian white supremacist, Lauren Southern, to come here on a speaking tour. Southern calls to keep out people from Asia and Africa, ridiculously claiming that immigration leads to “white genocide.” In late 2017, the government also allowed racist provocateur, Milo Yiannopoulos, to tour. A misogynist who calls for women to be banned from driving, Yiannopoulos used this tour to brand Muslims as “rapists” and to insult the art produced by Aboriginal people as “really shit.” Emboldened by his rants, neo-Nazi groups unleashed violent assaults against the African community living in the Kensington suburb where his Melbourne event was held. Yet while the government has allowed the likes of Southern and Yiannopoulos to enter, two weeks ago they banned Chinese-Australian businessman, Huang Xiangmo, from re-entering Australia. Unlike the far-right figures that the Australian regime have allowed in, Mr Huang, has not been inciting racial hatred. In fact, he has been involved in events supporting racial unity. Moreover, while the likes of Southern and Yiannopoulos have no residency status here, Huang is actually a permanent resident of Australia – one whose wife and son live here. So why is Mr Huang being treated much worse than purveyors of racial division have been?

For the Australian government to revoke the permanent residency of a person who has committed no criminal offence is not only highly unusual: it is, perhaps, completely unprecedented. So why has the Morrison government – with the ALP’s acquiescence – banned Huang? It is because he has made statements sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The ASIO spy agency cited his past leadership of the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Re-unification of China – a group that shares Beijing’s views on the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tibet issues – as one of the main reasons why it ordered the cancellation of Huang’s residency. The media claim that Huang has used large political donations to push this pro-PRC agenda. Even if that were actually true – and it is far more likely that Mr Huang’s donations are merely yet another case of wealthy businessmen protecting their interests by currying favour with politicians – then so what! It is not illegal to express sympathy for political positions held by Beijing and it is not illegal for people who hold those views to make political donations. To strip a person of permanent residency based on their advocacy for positions held by Red China is an outrageous attack on democratic rights. The decision amounts to asserting that a person who expresses sympathy for a socialistic country should not be accorded the rights of other residents. Right-wing politicians and the mainstream media will speak forever about protecting “freedom of speech” when they defend the “right” of extreme racists to whip up hatred against racial and religious minorities. Yet they want to curb any “free speech” that involves sympathy for the Peoples Republic of China! There is another irony to this saga. The PRC is, by far, Australia’s largest source of export income.  Yet, while the ruling class is happy to make a fortune selling goods to the PRC they are determined to stop anyone saying anything positive about her! 

Now as a billionaire businessman Huang Xiangmo is hardly our cup of tea. All capitalist businessmen – including Mr Huang – are the class enemies of working class people. However, Huang is certainly not being attacked by the Australian ruling class because he is a capitalist exploiter (or else it would be the likes of Andrew Forest, Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer who would have had their rights stripped long ago). Far from it! Mr Huang is being persecuted, in fact, in the opposite way – because for his own reasons he has chosen to express sympathy for certain goals of a socialistic country. In short, he is being attacked for the wrong reasons by the wrong people. Therefore, we add our voice to those demanding that Huang Xiangmo’s cancelled permanent residency be immediately restored.

While welcoming prominent overseas racists like Milo Yiannopoulos and Canadian white supremacist, Lauren Southern, to enter Australia and spread their racist filth, in February the Australian government banned permanent resident Huang Xiangmo from re-entering Australia because of his participation in groups sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China. Above: Huang Xiangmo at an October 2017 gala event of the Australian Council for Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, which he then headed, to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the implementation of Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act. The Sydney event which united 2,000 people from different races featured performers from more than thirty different ethnicities including from Indian, Korean, Arabic, European and Chinese backgrounds. A month after this event organised by Huang Xiangmo’s group, despicable Milo Yiannopoulos was allowed to enter Australia for a speaking tour which he used to brand Muslims as “rapists” and to insult the art produced by Aboriginal people as “really shit.” Below: Milo Yiannopoulos enters a speaking event at parliament house where he gave encouragement to this country’s most extreme racist politicians. Waiting to listen are One Nation senators Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts in the front row, fascist Fraser Anning in the second row on the left and bigoted Nationals MP George Christensen elsewhere in the audience.

Of course, the government knows that the masses – for good reason – dislike billionaires. That is why it is convenient for them to ratchet up their attacks on pro-PRC Chinese people by targeting a person like Mr Huang. Yet what others should realise is that if they can so blatantly trample on the rights of a person with such connections to the political elite then what are they going to do to working class people of Chinese background who speak positively about the PRC? The Australian regime’s timing of their move against Huang seems to be designed to intimidate. The ripping up of his permanent resident’s visa was announced right when the community were marking New Year’s Day! The message has not been lost on the community who to their credit have refused to take this attack lying down. There is a small anti-communist part of the Chinese community who hate the PRC because their landlord/capitalist ancestors were deposed from their tyrannical domination of China by the 1949 Revolution or because they are linked to the capitalist classes who still rule Taiwan and Hong Kong and these people celebrated the attack on Huang. However, 128 Chinese community organisations signed a statement declaring that, “What happened to Mr Huang Xiangmo today may happen to any of us tomorrow.” The statement rightly insisted that:

“The unfair treatment suffered by Mr Huang has dealt a heavy blow to the legitimate political participation of people from Chinese or other ethnic minorities. It made the underprivileged people from the Chinese community and other ethnic minorities even more vulnerable.”

Indeed, the revoking of Mr Huang’s residency is but the latest event in the ruling class’ escalating witch-hunt against the large, pro-PRC portion of Australia’s Chinese community. Mainstream media are running hysterical articles condemning local Chinese organisations, student groups and Chinese-language media for supposedly “threatening Australian sovereignty” by “covertly exerting influence” as proxies of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Ironically, the media group spearheading the claim that most of Australia’s Chinese media are not independent and, instead, are covertly controlled by Beijing is the itself not at all independent ABC which is owned and thus controlled by the Australian capitalist state! Not surprisingly, the ABC’s board of directors is dominated by corporate bigwigs and heads of business associations. The ABC and other media have, as in the persecution of Mr Huang, been spurred on by leaked statements from anonymous figures in ASIO and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) as well as “senior diplomatic figures.” Talk about “covertly exerting influence”! Shadowy ASIO spies and others are quoted complaining about pro-PRC Chinese “silencing” anti-PRC forces through “vilification.” For ASIO spies to complain about “voices being silenced” is the height of hypocrisy.  This is a feared organisation with a history of using infiltration and sabotage to disrupt the activities of leftist dissidents, Aboriginal rights activists and other progressive and anti-racist forces.

Pro-PRC Students Targeted

The main target of attacks on the Chinese community have been pro-PRC international students from China. They have not only been slandered by the media but have faced attacks from the likes of, now former, foreign minister Julie Bishop and Australia’s highest-ranked foreign affairs bureaucrat, Frances Adamson. These officials have made thinly veiled threats warning Chinese students not to spread propaganda or “blindly condemn” those within university circles who attack the PRC. Laughably, their attacks on Chinese students have been made in the name of upholding Australia’s supposed “openness and freedom of speech.” Except that Chinese students are not supposed to say anything positive about the PRC or to expose the flaws in the arguments of anti-PRC crusaders.

Worryingly, the campaign against pro-PRC students is starting to move from denunciations to repression. ANU Professor, Geremie Barme, made a thinly veiled call for ANU student, Lei Xiying, to face disciplinary action. Why? Because Lei made a series of passionately pro-Red China videos that went viral. Consider the difference with the way Lei has been hounded with how lightly Nationals senator Barry O’Sullivan has gotten off for his despicable comment two days ago about “us having a biosecurity breach from some bloody old Chinaman that brings in his favourite sausage down the front of his undies.” Meanwhile, a package of draconian “foreign interference laws” are now going into force that everyone knows are aimed at supporters of China. The laws could be used to jail those who advocate political positions held by Beijing. If Australia’s current course is not resisted, some leaders of Chinese community organisations and student groups could well face criminal prosecution in the future.

The Beginning of a New McCarthyism and
the Resurgence of White Australia Racism

There definitely is a racist aspect to the ruling class campaign against pro-PRC Chinese people. It is an expression of the refrain of racist rednecks that “we let you into the country so the least you could do is … [shut up and stay out of politics!]” It amounts to making people of Chinese background second-class citizens. Which other ethnic minority will next be targeted for expressing a view that the Australian regime deems to not adhere to what they decree to be “Australian values”? Palestinian community members who campaign for the liberation of Palestine? People from Latin American backgrounds who protest against Washington and Canberra’s efforts to incite a right-wing coup in Venezuela?

The Australian government’s attempts to deny a big part of the Chinese community the political rights formally accorded to others is stained with the same white supremacist methodology as the discriminatory laws it has placed on Aboriginal people in the NT – and now certain other parts of Australia – that prevent them having the same access to social welfare as other citizens. Moreover, the mainstream media’s witch-hunting of Chinese community organisations and PRC international students cannot be separated from their racist vilification of the Muslim community and African youth. Similarly, the Australian regime’s demonisation of Huang Xiangmo and their cancellation of his visa has parallels to the way that Peter Dutton brands refugees as “rapists”; and to the way that both the Liberals and ALP insist on denying these persecuted refugees residency in Australia.

However, racism is not the only factor here. After all would a pro-imperialist person of Hong Kong background have his residency cancelled if he expressed opposition to Hong Kong’s re-integration into China? Not a chance! The attempts to silence the pro-PRC part of the Chinese community is not only racist, it is anti-communist. It is an attempt by the Australian regime to gag any voice speaking in defence of socialistic China or any other workers state. Now Mr Huang, as a capitalist businessman is hardly a communist. Rather, knowing that the right to capitalist exploitation is not guaranteed in Red China – a reality that is good for China’s masses – Huang and some other Chinese capitalists seek to stave off their businesses from being nationalised by trying to ingratiate themselves with the CPC. Similarly, former Labor senator Sam Dastyari, who was unfairly witch-hunted out of politics for having once made the patently true statement that the South China Sea issue is China’s internal affair, is no revolutionary. Yet, that even Huang and Dastyari could be persecuted shows the dangers that actual leftists and supporters of the PRC workers state face today. Indeed the way that they were victimised for the slightest displays of “softness” on the CPC is reminiscent of the Cold War witch-hunt in late-1940s and 1950s Australia and the U.S. (where it became known as McCarthyism). Back then anyone not critical enough of the then most powerful socialistic state – the USSR – or who had any They suffer in silence and follow cialis samples the point to ‘keep quiet and carry on’. Suffering from erectile dysfunction once or twice is 25mg barato viagra bad enough that they are suffering from this disease in private now they have to discuss it with people and explain what’s wrong with them. For instance, 10 mg tablets of Lipitor for a 30 day supply may cost you $80 or more in America but only $40 or viagra fast less in Canada. How does it work? This is cialis viagra canada a common question heard from people across the world. connection with people in the local communist parties was branded a traitor and driven out of their job. In Australia, several Communist Party of Australia (CPA) leaders were jailed alongside communist trade unionists. In a witch-hunting atmosphere that almost saw the CPA banned in 1951, the government even raided CPA offices. 

Is this what is going to happen again? Ten screenwriters and directors in the U.S. and their families protest their impending imprisonment. The people, who became known as the Hollywood 10, were jailed by the American regime in 1948 for up to a year for refusing to answer questions about their possible communist sympathies. The late 1940s-1950s anti-communist witch-hunt saw hundreds of Hollywood actors, writers and directors driven out of their jobs and blacklisted. Thousands upon thousands of teachers, wharfies, seamen, university academics and government employees also lost their jobs on the basis of the slightest alleged sign of communist association. Meanwhile, hundreds of communists and alleged communists were jailed. In Australia, several Communist Party of Australia leaders were imprisoned alongside communist trade unionists.

Anyone who thinks that such an anti-communist witch-hunt could never happen again because “society has progressed” should look around the world and think again. Less than five years ago, South Korea’s capitalist regime banned the country’s third largest parliamentary party (the Unified Progressive Party) and jailed several of its leaders, because that party was not hostile enough to North Korea. In the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania laws are in force banning people from displaying communist symbols. In the Ukraine, these laws are used to prevent the country’s pro-communist parties from standing in elections. Moreover, in the Australian state’s latest attacks on pro-PRC Chinese, the methods of 1950s McCarthyism are being re-deployed. This is seen in the line spun by ASIO that they knows things about Mr Huang but can’t tell us … because it’s secret so you just have to believe them! This apes FBI director J. Edgar Hoover’s “Loyalty Security Reviews” during the U.S. Cold War witch-hunt where suspected communists were not allowed to know who was accusing them and were often not even told what they were accused of! Meanwhile, the media’s branding of PRC students as “spies for the Communist Party of China,” Canberra’s exclusions of Chinese tech giant Huawei because of “security concerns” and the media’s ritual blaming of China for every cyber hack without any evidence all have more than a whiff of an impending McCarthyite witch-hunt.

There is a factor that makes this impending Cold War witch-hunt potentially more dangerous than its earlier version. That is the fact that the main country targeted by today’s Red Scare is an Asian one (rather than the majority white Soviet Union) and the fact that there is a large diaspora from that country living here. This makes White Australia racism even more a component of today’s new McCarthyism than its earlier variety – all the more so because it dovetails with a period of increasing racist attacks on all people of colour. Already, the combination of anti-communist hostility to Red China and White Australia racism have led to a surge in racist violence against Chinese background residents. In October 2017, three Chinese high-school students were bashed by racists at a Canberra bus stop. Two months before this, a white supremacist student at ANU pulled out a baseball bat during a lesson and beat and tried to kill his tutor of Chinese origin and four other Chinese students. Especially when one knows the post-1788 history of this country – from the Gold Rush anti-Chinese pogroms to the 19th century anti-Chinese laws to the White Australia Policy – it is understandable why some people of Chinese descent are fearful.

The emerging Cold War witch-hunt in Australia is starting to expand beyond targeting supporters of the PRC. This is seen most clearly in the case of Chan Han Choi, a socialist political prisoner in Australia. Choi is facing charges of helping the DPRK to export its produce in violation of cruel UN economic sanctions which if true would only make him a great humanitarian and partisan of socialism. He has outrageously been denied bail over the last 14 months, in part, on the grounds that he is a DPRK supporter, which the prosecution claims means that he has no loyalty to Australia. Thus this is, as with the persecution of Mr Huang and the slandering of pro-PRC students, yet another case of people being denied the rights accorded to others on the basis of their sympathy for a socialistic state.

13 April 2019, Sydney: A placard at the rally in defence of socialist political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, connects Choi’s imprisonment with the broader emerging new Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states.

The Real Truths About “Democracy” and “Foreign Interference”

Supporters of socialistic states have always faced the threat of repression in capitalist countries. For they embody the greatest fear of capitalist rulers: that the exploited masses will unite to depose them from power. If in many periods, socialists have been able to operate legally in Australia it is only because the ruling class thinks that it is more effective to rule the masses by maintaining a facade of “democracy.” Yet no one should be fooled into thinking that the Australian government democratically represents the needs of the majority. Under this country’s current system it is the big business owners who, through their ownership of the media and their huge resources to fund political parties, pay for political advertising, establish think tanks and hire lobbyists who thoroughly shape political discourse. The whole state machinery – including ASIO, police and bureaucrats – has been created for enforcing the rule of the capitalist exploiters at home and enforcing the superexploitation of the peoples of Australia’s neo-colonies abroad (ASIS the overseas operation’s counterpart of the ASIO organisation that is targeting the pro-PRC Chinese community at home has for example been involved in spying on East Timorese officials during negotiations over the Australian ruling class’ attempts to normalise its plunder of Timorese oil resources). That is why no matter who wins elections, the resulting governments always enable tycoons to leach incredible wealth while overseeing a large amount of homelessness, poor living conditions for so many Aboriginal people and the frequent throwing of large numbers of workers out of their livelihoods at the whim of greedy bosses. Today, these same governments – as well as top bureaucrats and ASIO spies – are warning Chinese students that their political discourse must comply with what they deem to be “Australian values.” However, a state machine that does not govern for the interests of the majority should have no right to determine which values people are supposed to adhere to. So we hope that more people – both citizens and international students – will refuse to be bound by the values decreed by a regime that only governs for the interests of the greedy, big end of town.

The Australian ruling class is actually not even truly wedded to the notions of “free speech” and “democracy” that it claims to be defending against Red China’s influence. To be sure, they do find it easier to rule by maintaining some formalities of “democracy.” Yet when they feel the need to dispense with these – as they did during the late 1940s and early 1950s – they will not hesitate to try and do so. Today, we are again entering such a period. The ruling class is slowly moving away from the norms of “free speech” and “democracy” (all in the name of saving these!) because they are shaken by a crisis of confidence. The Great Recession that struck the capitalist world a decade ago really did damage the self-belief of the capitalist ruling classes of the world. Although Australia did not suffer a recession, Australia’s capitalist rulers know that their economy was only saved by exports to China’s booming, socialistic state-owned enterprises. Meanwhile, capitalist rulers around the world see growing resentment amongst the masses. Although, at the moment, mass disgruntlement has led more to support for far-right forces and only to some degree to a leftist radicalisation, the exploiting classes know that this could quickly change. Moreover, they see a socialistic power in China going from strength to strength – and it terrifies them!  Very immediately, the influence of a socialistic power in the South Pacific is enabling countries like PNG, Fiji and Vanuatu to start to free themselves from Australian imperialist domination.

In this context, the Australian ruling class has an interest in manufacturing a “China threat” and an “agents of Chinese influence” scare. This helps them to “justify” to the public an expensive military build-up aimed against socialistic China and North Korea, aggressive policies against Chinese assistance to South Pacific countries and greater political support to anti-communist movements within the PRC. On the other hand, the Red China scare also enables the Australian regime to defend moves to curb leftist dissent and civil liberties within Australia. Moreover, their vilification of a big chunk of the Chinese community helps them to divert the working class masses that they exploit away from the real source of the masses’ troubles. Although much of their scare-mongering about CPC interference is contrived, to some degree they are also truly concerned about the influence of PRC students in Australia. For example, what happens when the Australian class mates of these students find out that these PRC students, who they know have experienced life in both the PRC and Australia, actually like the PRC and don’t feel repressed there? How will the Australian ruling class be able to justify a hostile policy against its biggest trading partner then? And what if the friends and classmates of some Chinese students even start thinking that China’s socialistic system has certain advantages? Heaven forbid!

Although the Australian ruling class is today hyping up the issue of “foreign interference” they actually have no specific stance on the issue per sé. They are hostile to pro-socialist influence but welcome any foreign interference that serves their capitalist interests. Thus, the ruling class welcomes U.S. interference as they need U.S. power to guarantee their predatory neo-colonial subjugation of South Pacific countries. The Australian state welcomes large numbers of U.S. troops in Darwin, hosts U.S. military bases at several locations and established the U.S. Studies Centre at Sydney University to promote U.S. influence in Australia.

The PRC actually goes out of its way to avoid interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. Even all but the most extreme anti-China hawks in Australia do not claim that the PRC is actually trying to change Australia’s political system. Supposed PRC “interference” is at most aimed at ameliorating Canberra’s hostility to the PRC and at opposing anti-communist Chinese groups exiled in Australia. However, the assumptions behind Beijing’s attempted “non interference” policy is flawed for a couple of key reasons. For one, all countries – and key events within them – inevitably affect other countries whether it is by design or not. On the negative side, for example, the rise of extreme right-wing forces around the globe has definitely encouraged fascist groups within Australia. This is partly through white supremacists here being emboldened by seeing the ascendancy of Trump and far-right parties in the likes of Italy and Austria and partly through Australian speaking tours by interfering far-right bigwigs like Southern and Yiannopoulos. On the other hand, the Aboriginal rights struggle in Australia drew inspiration from the militant black liberation movement in the U.S. and vice versa.

The second problem with Beijing’s policy of “non interference” is that it is premised on the expectation that if the PRC does not interfere in the affairs of capitalist countries, the latter will, in turn, not interfere in China’s internal affairs. However such a reality is not what is happening! Although the PRC genuinely does not seek to threaten the social system in the capitalist countries, the capitalist powers do everything possible to undermine socialistic rule in China. Washington – with Canberra’s support – provides massive financial, media and political support to anti-communist groups within China from “pro-democracy” neo-liberals to yuppy Hong Kong students sympathetic to British colonialism to a tiny but violent minority within the Uighur community of right-wing anti-communist, religious extremists. That is why the PRC should take the gloves off and abandon the CPC leadership’s failed policy of “non interference.” It should seek to influence events in the capitalist world – not by covert methods – but by openly proclaiming the advantages of the socialist system, by attributing its own economic successes to socialistic public ownership and by supporting the struggles of the working class and oppressed in the capitalist world. A powerful example of the latter was when the PRC, in the early 1970s, twice feted delegations of some of Australia’s leading Aboriginal rights activists (see:

One thing that the rising tensions between the PRC and capitalist Australia have proved is that no matter how much the PRC tries to avoid interfering in the affairs of an imperialist country, she will still face prejudice and accusations of “interference”. That is why, in a sense, the PRC has nothing to lose if it were to start openly and aggressively promoting the socialist cause within countries like Australia. If she did so she would start to win significant sympathy amongst Australia’s working class people. For example, if the Australian masses, angry at the greed of the local banks, heard that the PRC has a sound financial system based on public ownership of all its key banks, they would find that rather attractive. And it would provide badly needed encouragement to their own struggle for socialism.

Resist the Attacks on the Pro-PRC Chinese Community!
Resist the New McCarthyism!

Today, the pro-PRC section of the Chinese community is facing not only the resurgent White Australia racism that is targeting all people of colour in this country but particular vilification in the context of an emerging, new Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of the socialistic PRC. This needs to be resisted by mass mobilisations on the streets. However, this is the task of not only the Chinese community but the entire left-wing and working class movement in Australia. For the Australian regime’s attacks on a large section of the Chinese community is an attack on all working class people. For one, the racism that this campaign is inciting divides working class people and thus weakens our ability to unite to fight for our rights. Secondly, the persecution of supporters of Red China could well turn into a broader witch-hunt against trade unionists and leftists. The McCarthyite witch-hunt in the U.S. first began with persecution of supporters of the USSR and then progressed to repression against all communists and eventually targeted people who advocated for social welfare and public health which were seen as communist policies. In Australia, the late 1940s and 1950s Cold War witch-hunt saw the regime first attacking communists and then using that to target all trade union militants. If the Australian ruling class’ current campaign against PRC supporters is not pushed back we can imagine that soon all avowed communists within Australia will face persecution; and later trade union militants and those who advocate policies that are also pursued by Beijing – such as extensive public housing and public ownership of key industries – will be targeted. Thirdly, the U.S. and Australian imperialist drive against the PRC is against the interests of working class people. Although the PRC’s government has allowed too much capitalist intrusion into China, the PRC remains a workers state where all the key sectors are under public ownership. This is a great treasure for all the workers and downtrodden of the world that must be protected.

With the capitalist rulers increasingly insecure, ever more worried about their system’s decay and ever more fearful about the stunning development of socialistic China we will only be able to put an end to racist scapegoating and Cold War-style witch-hunting when we sweep away this capitalist system for good. However, to advance the struggle towards that goal we need to fight right now to resist racist attacks on any victimised community and to oppose all crackdowns on pro-socialist political expression. And our struggle for workers liberation here will surely be stronger if we can ensure that the world’s most populous country continues to remain a workers state.

Fight back against the racist, red-baiting witch-hunt against the pro-PRC Chinese community! Oppose all the Australian regime’s racist attacks on Aboriginal people, Muslims, youth of African descent and refugees! Defend the right of supporters of the PRC to express our views! Resist the drift towards a new Cold War witch-hunt against leftists! Fight to free socialist political prisoner in Australia Chan Han Choi! Stand by the PRC defend and strengthen socialistic rule in China!

Cold War Witch-Hunting Returns … Mixed With White Australia Racism

From Labelling Chinese Students as Communist “Spies” to
Persecuting a Socialist Political Prisoner:

Cold War Witch-Hunting Returns
… Mixed With White Australia Racism

21 February 2019 – Seven months ago, the Australian government granted a visa for Canadian white supremacist, Lauren Southern, to come here on a speaking tour. Southern calls to keep out people from Asia and Africa, ridiculously claiming that immigration leads to “white genocide.” In late 2017, the government also allowed racist provocateur, Milo Yiannopoulos, to tour. A misogynist who calls for women to be banned from driving, Yiannopoulos used this tour to brand Muslims as “rapists” and to insult the art produced by Aboriginal people as “really shit.” Emboldened by his rants, neo-Nazi groups unleashed violent assaults against the African community living in the Kensington suburb where his Melbourne event was held. Yet while the government has allowed the likes of Southern and Yiannopoulos to enter, two weeks ago they banned Chinese-Australian businessman, Huang Xiangmo, from re-entering Australia. Unlike the far-right figures that the Australian regime have allowed in, Mr Huang, has not been inciting racial hatred. In fact, he has been involved in events supporting racial unity. Moreover, while the likes of Southern and Yiannopoulos have no residency status here, Huang is actually a permanent resident of Australia – one whose wife and son live here. So why is Mr Huang being treated much worse than purveyors of racial division have been?

For the Australian government to revoke the permanent residency of a person who has committed no criminal offence is not only highly unusual: it is, perhaps, completely unprecedented. So why has the Morrison government – with the ALP’s acquiescence – banned Huang? It is because he has made statements sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The ASIO spy agency cited his past leadership of the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Re-unification of China – a group that shares Beijing’s views on the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tibet issues – as one of the main reasons why it ordered the cancellation of Huang’s residency. The media claim that Huang has used large political donations to push this pro-PRC agenda. Even if that were actually true – and it is far more likely that Mr Huang’s donations are merely yet another case of wealthy businessmen protecting their interests by currying favour with politicians – then so what! It is not illegal to express sympathy for political positions held by Beijing and it is not illegal for people who hold those views to make political donations. To strip a person of permanent residency based on their advocacy for positions held by Red China is an outrageous attack on democratic rights. The decision amounts to asserting that a person who expresses sympathy for a socialistic country should not be accorded the rights of other residents. Right-wing politicians and the mainstream media will speak forever about protecting “freedom of speech” when they defend the “right” of extreme racists to whip up hatred against racial and religious minorities. Yet they want to curb any “free speech” that involves sympathy for the Peoples Republic of China! There is another irony to this saga. The PRC is, by far, Australia’s largest source of export income.  Yet, while the ruling class is happy to make a fortune selling goods to the PRC they are determined to stop anyone saying anything positive about her! 

Now as a billionaire businessman Huang Xiangmo is hardly our cup of tea. All capitalist businessmen – including Mr Huang – are the class enemies of working class people. However, Huang is certainly not being attacked by the Australian ruling class because he is a capitalist exploiter (or else it would be the likes of Andrew Forest, Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer who would have had their rights stripped long ago). Far from it! Mr Huang is being persecuted, in fact, in the opposite way – because for his own reasons he has chosen to express sympathy for certain goals of a socialistic country. In short, he is being attacked for the wrong reasons by the wrong people. Therefore, we add our voice to those demanding that Huang Xiangmo’s cancelled permanent residency be immediately restored.

While welcoming prominent overseas racists like Milo Yiannopoulos and Canadian white supremacist, Lauren Southern, to enter Australia and spread their racist filth, in February the Australian government banned permanent resident Huang Xiangmo from re-entering Australia because of his participation in groups sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China. Above: Huang Xiangmo at an October 2017 gala event of the Australian Council for Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, which he then headed, to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the implementation of Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act. The Sydney event which united 2,000 people from different races featured performers from more than thirty different ethnicities including from Indian, Korean, Arabic, European and Chinese backgrounds. A month after this event organised by Huang Xiangmo’s group, despicable Milo Yiannopoulos was allowed to enter Australia for a speaking tour which he used to brand Muslims as “rapists” and to insult the art produced by Aboriginal people as “really shit.” Below: Milo Yiannopoulos enters a speaking event at parliament house where he gave encouragement to this country’s most extreme racist politicians. Waiting to listen are One Nation senators Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts in the front row, fascist Fraser Anning in the second row on the left and bigoted Nationals MP George Christensen elsewhere in the audience.

Of course, the government knows that the masses – for good reason – dislike billionaires. That is why it is convenient for them to ratchet up their attacks on pro-PRC Chinese people by targeting a person like Mr Huang. Yet what others should realise is that if they can so blatantly trample on the rights of a person with such connections to the political elite then what are they going to do to working class people of Chinese background who speak positively about the PRC? The Australian regime’s timing of their move against Huang seems to be designed to intimidate. The ripping up of his permanent resident’s visa was announced right when the community were marking New Year’s Day! The message has not been lost on the community who to their credit have refused to take this attack lying down. There is a small anti-communist part of the Chinese community who hate the PRC because their landlord/capitalist ancestors were deposed from their tyrannical domination of China by the 1949 Revolution or because they are linked to the capitalist classes who still rule Taiwan and Hong Kong and these people celebrated the attack on Huang. However, 128 Chinese community organisations signed a statement declaring that, “What happened to Mr Huang Xiangmo today may happen to any of us tomorrow.” The statement rightly insisted that:

“The unfair treatment suffered by Mr Huang has dealt a heavy blow to the legitimate political participation of people from Chinese or other ethnic minorities. It made the underprivileged people from the Chinese community and other ethnic minorities even more vulnerable.”

Indeed, the revoking of Mr Huang’s residency is but the latest event in the ruling class’ escalating witch-hunt against the large, pro-PRC portion of Australia’s Chinese community. Mainstream media are running hysterical articles condemning local Chinese organisations, student groups and Chinese-language media for supposedly “threatening Australian sovereignty” by “covertly exerting influence” as proxies of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Ironically, the media group spearheading the claim that most of Australia’s Chinese media are not independent and, instead, are covertly controlled by Beijing is the itself not at all independent ABC which is owned and thus controlled by the Australian capitalist state! Not surprisingly, the ABC’s board of directors is dominated by corporate bigwigs and heads of business associations. The ABC and other media have, as in the persecution of Mr Huang, been spurred on by leaked statements from anonymous figures in ASIO and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) as well as “senior diplomatic figures.” Talk about “covertly exerting influence”! Shadowy ASIO spies and others are quoted complaining about pro-PRC Chinese “silencing” anti-PRC forces through “vilification.” For ASIO spies to complain about “voices being silenced” is the height of hypocrisy.  This is a feared organisation with a history of using infiltration and sabotage to disrupt the activities of leftist dissidents, Aboriginal rights activists and other progressive and anti-racist forces.

Pro-PRC Students Targeted

The main target of attacks on the Chinese community have been pro-PRC international students from China. They have not only been slandered by the media but have faced attacks from the likes of, now former, foreign minister Julie Bishop and Australia’s highest-ranked foreign affairs bureaucrat, Frances Adamson. These officials have made thinly veiled threats warning Chinese students not to spread propaganda or “blindly condemn” those within university circles who attack the PRC. Laughably, their attacks on Chinese students have been made in the name of upholding Australia’s supposed “openness and freedom of speech.” Except that Chinese students are not supposed to say anything positive about the PRC or to expose the flaws in the arguments of anti-PRC crusaders.

Worryingly, the campaign against pro-PRC students is starting to move from denunciations to repression. ANU Professor, Geremie Barme, made a thinly veiled call for ANU student, Lei Xiying, to face disciplinary action. Why? Because Lei made a series of passionately pro-Red China videos that went viral. Consider the difference with the way Lei has been hounded with how lightly Nationals senator Barry O’Sullivan has gotten off for his despicable comment two days ago about “us having a biosecurity breach from some bloody old Chinaman that brings in his favourite sausage down the front of his undies.” Meanwhile, a package of draconian “foreign interference laws” are now going into force that everyone knows are aimed at supporters of China. The laws could be used to jail those who advocate political positions held by Beijing. If Australia’s current course is not resisted, some leaders of Chinese community organisations and student groups could well face criminal prosecution in the future.

The Beginning of a New McCarthyism and
the Resurgence of White Australia Racism

There definitely is a racist aspect to the ruling class campaign against pro-PRC Chinese people. It is an expression of the refrain of racist rednecks that “we let you into the country so the least you could do is … [shut up and stay out of politics!]” It amounts to making people of Chinese background second-class citizens. Which other ethnic minority will next be targeted for expressing a view that the Australian regime deems to not adhere to what they decree to be “Australian values”? Palestinian community members who campaign for the liberation of Palestine? People from Latin American backgrounds who protest against Washington and Canberra’s efforts to incite a right-wing coup in Venezuela?

The Australian government’s attempts to deny a big part of the Chinese community the political rights formally accorded to others is stained with the same white supremacist methodology as the discriminatory laws it has placed on Aboriginal people in the NT – and now certain other parts of Australia – that prevent them having the same access to social welfare as other citizens. Moreover, the mainstream media’s witch-hunting of Chinese community organisations and PRC international students cannot be separated from their racist vilification of the Muslim community and African youth. Similarly, the Australian regime’s demonisation of Huang Xiangmo and their cancellation of his visa has parallels to the way that Peter Dutton brands refugees as “rapists”; and to the way that both the Liberals and ALP insist on denying these persecuted refugees residency in Australia.

However, racism is not the only factor here. After all would a pro-imperialist person of Hong Kong background have his residency cancelled if he expressed opposition to Hong Kong’s re-integration into China? Not a chance! The attempts to silence the pro-PRC part of the Chinese community is not only racist, it is anti-communist. It is an attempt by the Australian regime to gag any voice speaking in defence of socialistic China or any other workers state. Now Mr Huang, as a capitalist businessman is hardly a communist. Rather, knowing that the right to capitalist exploitation is not guaranteed in Red China – a reality that is good for China’s masses – Huang and some other Chinese capitalists seek to stave off their businesses from being nationalised by trying to ingratiate themselves with the CPC. Similarly, former Labor senator Sam Dastyari, who was unfairly witch-hunted out of politics for having once made the patently true statement that the South China Sea issue is China’s internal affair, is no revolutionary. Yet, that even Huang and Dastyari could be persecuted shows the dangers that actual leftists and supporters of the PRC workers state face today. Indeed the way that they were victimised for the slightest displays of “softness” on the CPC is reminiscent of the Cold War witch-hunt in late-1940s and 1950s Australia and the U.S. (where it became known as McCarthyism). Back then anyone not critical enough of the then most powerful socialistic state – the USSR – or who had any The other typical terms of this generic drugs the most effective drug to cure men’s erection issues. prices cialis Kamagra is an anti-ED solution that helps with hardening of the erection and maintaining the same for a period of three times each viagra rx online day. For soft viagra tabs urine pH level has close relation to excessive stress. Raising your hormone level with testosterone buy cialis online may improve your libido and thus erections will improve as well. connection with people in the local communist parties was branded a traitor and driven out of their job. In Australia, several Communist Party of Australia (CPA) leaders were jailed alongside communist trade unionists. In a witch-hunting atmosphere that almost saw the CPA banned in 1951, the government even raided CPA offices. 

Is this what is going to happen again? Ten screenwriters and directors in the U.S. and their families protest their impending imprisonment. The people, who became known as the Hollywood 10, were jailed by the American regime in 1948 for up to a year for refusing to answer questions about their possible communist sympathies. The late 1940s-1950s anti-communist witch-hunt saw hundreds of Hollywood actors, writers and directors driven out of their jobs and blacklisted. Thousands upon thousands of teachers, wharfies, seamen, university academics and government employees also lost their jobs on the basis of the slightest alleged sign of communist association. Meanwhile, hundreds of communists and alleged communists were jailed. In Australia, several Communist Party of Australia leaders were imprisoned alongside communist trade unionists.

Anyone who thinks that such an anti-communist witch-hunt could never happen again because “society has progressed” should look around the world and think again. Less than five years ago, South Korea’s capitalist regime banned the country’s third largest parliamentary party (the Unified Progressive Party) and jailed several of its leaders, because that party was not hostile enough to North Korea. In the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania laws are in force banning people from displaying communist symbols. In the Ukraine, these laws are used to prevent the country’s pro-communist parties from standing in elections. Moreover, in the Australian state’s latest attacks on pro-PRC Chinese, the methods of 1950s McCarthyism are being re-deployed. This is seen in the line spun by ASIO that they knows things about Mr Huang but can’t tell us … because it’s secret so you just have to believe them! This apes FBI director J. Edgar Hoover’s “Loyalty Security Reviews” during the U.S. Cold War witch-hunt where suspected communists were not allowed to know who was accusing them and were often not even told what they were accused of! Meanwhile, the media’s branding of PRC students as “spies for the Communist Party of China,” Canberra’s exclusions of Chinese tech giant Huawei because of “security concerns” and the media’s ritual blaming of China for every cyber hack without any evidence all have more than a whiff of an impending McCarthyite witch-hunt.

There is a factor that makes this impending Cold War witch-hunt potentially more dangerous than its earlier version. That is the fact that the main country targeted by today’s Red Scare is an Asian one (rather than the majority white Soviet Union) and the fact that there is a large diaspora from that country living here. This makes White Australia racism even more a component of today’s new McCarthyism than its earlier variety – all the more so because it dovetails with a period of increasing racist attacks on all people of colour. Already, the combination of anti-communist hostility to Red China and White Australia racism have led to a surge in racist violence against Chinese background residents. In October 2017, three Chinese high-school students were bashed by racists at a Canberra bus stop. Two months before this, a white supremacist student at ANU pulled out a baseball bat during a lesson and beat and tried to kill his tutor of Chinese origin and four other Chinese students. Especially when one knows the post-1788 history of this country – from the Gold Rush anti-Chinese pogroms to the 19th century anti-Chinese laws to the White Australia Policy – it is understandable why some people of Chinese descent are fearful.

The emerging Cold War witch-hunt in Australia is starting to expand beyond targeting supporters of the PRC. This is seen most clearly in the case of Chan Han Choi, a socialist political prisoner in Australia. Choi is facing charges of helping the DPRK to export its produce in violation of cruel UN economic sanctions which if true would only make him a great humanitarian and partisan of socialism. He has outrageously been denied bail over the last 14 months, in part, on the grounds that he is a DPRK supporter, which the prosecution claims means that he has no loyalty to Australia. Thus this is, as with the persecution of Mr Huang and the slandering of pro-PRC students, yet another case of people being denied the rights accorded to others on the basis of their sympathy for a socialistic state.

13 April 2019, Sydney: A placard at the rally in defence of socialist political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, connects Choi’s imprisonment with the broader emerging new Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states.

The Real Truths About “Democracy” and “Foreign Interference”

Supporters of socialistic states have always faced the threat of repression in capitalist countries. For they embody the greatest fear of capitalist rulers: that the exploited masses will unite to depose them from power. If in many periods, socialists have been able to operate legally in Australia it is only because the ruling class thinks that it is more effective to rule the masses by maintaining a facade of “democracy.” Yet no one should be fooled into thinking that the Australian government democratically represents the needs of the majority. Under this country’s current system it is the big business owners who, through their ownership of the media and their huge resources to fund political parties, pay for political advertising, establish think tanks and hire lobbyists who thoroughly shape political discourse. The whole state machinery – including ASIO, police and bureaucrats – has been created for enforcing the rule of the capitalist exploiters at home and enforcing the superexploitation of the peoples of Australia’s neo-colonies abroad (ASIS the overseas operation’s counterpart of the ASIO organisation that is targeting the pro-PRC Chinese community at home has for example been involved in spying on East Timorese officials during negotiations over the Australian ruling class’ attempts to normalise its plunder of Timorese oil resources). That is why no matter who wins elections, the resulting governments always enable tycoons to leach incredible wealth while overseeing a large amount of homelessness, poor living conditions for so many Aboriginal people and the frequent throwing of large numbers of workers out of their livelihoods at the whim of greedy bosses. Today, these same governments – as well as top bureaucrats and ASIO spies – are warning Chinese students that their political discourse must comply with what they deem to be “Australian values.” However, a state machine that does not govern for the interests of the majority should have no right to determine which values people are supposed to adhere to. So we hope that more people – both citizens and international students – will refuse to be bound by the values decreed by a regime that only governs for the interests of the greedy, big end of town.

The Australian ruling class is actually not even truly wedded to the notions of “free speech” and “democracy” that it claims to be defending against Red China’s influence. To be sure, they do find it easier to rule by maintaining some formalities of “democracy.” Yet when they feel the need to dispense with these – as they did during the late 1940s and early 1950s – they will not hesitate to try and do so. Today, we are again entering such a period. The ruling class is slowly moving away from the norms of “free speech” and “democracy” (all in the name of saving these!) because they are shaken by a crisis of confidence. The Great Recession that struck the capitalist world a decade ago really did damage the self-belief of the capitalist ruling classes of the world. Although Australia did not suffer a recession, Australia’s capitalist rulers know that their economy was only saved by exports to China’s booming, socialistic state-owned enterprises. Meanwhile, capitalist rulers around the world see growing resentment amongst the masses. Although, at the moment, mass disgruntlement has led more to support for far-right forces and only to some degree to a leftist radicalisation, the exploiting classes know that this could quickly change. Moreover, they see a socialistic power in China going from strength to strength – and it terrifies them!  Very immediately, the influence of a socialistic power in the South Pacific is enabling countries like PNG, Fiji and Vanuatu to start to free themselves from Australian imperialist domination.

In this context, the Australian ruling class has an interest in manufacturing a “China threat” and an “agents of Chinese influence” scare. This helps them to “justify” to the public an expensive military build-up aimed against socialistic China and North Korea, aggressive policies against Chinese assistance to South Pacific countries and greater political support to anti-communist movements within the PRC. On the other hand, the Red China scare also enables the Australian regime to defend moves to curb leftist dissent and civil liberties within Australia. Moreover, their vilification of a big chunk of the Chinese community helps them to divert the working class masses that they exploit away from the real source of the masses’ troubles. Although much of their scare-mongering about CPC interference is contrived, to some degree they are also truly concerned about the influence of PRC students in Australia. For example, what happens when the Australian class mates of these students find out that these PRC students, who they know have experienced life in both the PRC and Australia, actually like the PRC and don’t feel repressed there? How will the Australian ruling class be able to justify a hostile policy against its biggest trading partner then? And what if the friends and classmates of some Chinese students even start thinking that China’s socialistic system has certain advantages? Heaven forbid!

Although the Australian ruling class is today hyping up the issue of “foreign interference” they actually have no specific stance on the issue per sé. They are hostile to pro-socialist influence but welcome any foreign interference that serves their capitalist interests. Thus, the ruling class welcomes U.S. interference as they need U.S. power to guarantee their predatory neo-colonial subjugation of South Pacific countries. The Australian state welcomes large numbers of U.S. troops in Darwin, hosts U.S. military bases at several locations and established the U.S. Studies Centre at Sydney University to promote U.S. influence in Australia.

The PRC actually goes out of its way to avoid interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. Even all but the most extreme anti-China hawks in Australia do not claim that the PRC is actually trying to change Australia’s political system. Supposed PRC “interference” is at most aimed at ameliorating Canberra’s hostility to the PRC and at opposing anti-communist Chinese groups exiled in Australia. However, the assumptions behind Beijing’s attempted “non interference” policy is flawed for a couple of key reasons. For one, all countries – and key events within them – inevitably affect other countries whether it is by design or not. On the negative side, for example, the rise of extreme right-wing forces around the globe has definitely encouraged fascist groups within Australia. This is partly through white supremacists here being emboldened by seeing the ascendancy of Trump and far-right parties in the likes of Italy and Austria and partly through Australian speaking tours by interfering far-right bigwigs like Southern and Yiannopoulos. On the other hand, the Aboriginal rights struggle in Australia drew inspiration from the militant black liberation movement in the U.S. and vice versa.

The second problem with Beijing’s policy of “non interference” is that it is premised on the expectation that if the PRC does not interfere in the affairs of capitalist countries, the latter will, in turn, not interfere in China’s internal affairs. However such a reality is not what is happening! Although the PRC genuinely does not seek to threaten the social system in the capitalist countries, the capitalist powers do everything possible to undermine socialistic rule in China. Washington – with Canberra’s support – provides massive financial, media and political support to anti-communist groups within China from “pro-democracy” neo-liberals to yuppy Hong Kong students sympathetic to British colonialism to a tiny but violent minority within the Uighur community of right-wing anti-communist, religious extremists. That is why the PRC should take the gloves off and abandon the CPC leadership’s failed policy of “non interference.” It should seek to influence events in the capitalist world – not by covert methods – but by openly proclaiming the advantages of the socialist system, by attributing its own economic successes to socialistic public ownership and by supporting the struggles of the working class and oppressed in the capitalist world. A powerful example of the latter was when the PRC, in the early 1970s, twice feted delegations of some of Australia’s leading Aboriginal rights activists (see:

One thing that the rising tensions between the PRC and capitalist Australia have proved is that no matter how much the PRC tries to avoid interfering in the affairs of an imperialist country, she will still face prejudice and accusations of “interference”. That is why, in a sense, the PRC has nothing to lose if it were to start openly and aggressively promoting the socialist cause within countries like Australia. If she did so she would start to win significant sympathy amongst Australia’s working class people. For example, if the Australian masses, angry at the greed of the local banks, heard that the PRC has a sound financial system based on public ownership of all its key banks, they would find that rather attractive. And it would provide badly needed encouragement to their own struggle for socialism.

Resist the Attacks on the Pro-PRC Chinese Community!
Resist the New McCarthyism!

Today, the pro-PRC section of the Chinese community is facing not only the resurgent White Australia racism that is targeting all people of colour in this country but particular vilification in the context of an emerging, new Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of the socialistic PRC. This needs to be resisted by mass mobilisations on the streets. However, this is the task of not only the Chinese community but the entire left-wing and working class movement in Australia. For the Australian regime’s attacks on a large section of the Chinese community is an attack on all working class people. For one, the racism that this campaign is inciting divides working class people and thus weakens our ability to unite to fight for our rights. Secondly, the persecution of supporters of Red China could well turn into a broader witch-hunt against trade unionists and leftists. The McCarthyite witch-hunt in the U.S. first began with persecution of supporters of the USSR and then progressed to repression against all communists and eventually targeted people who advocated for social welfare and public health which were seen as communist policies. In Australia, the late 1940s and 1950s Cold War witch-hunt saw the regime first attacking communists and then using that to target all trade union militants. If the Australian ruling class’ current campaign against PRC supporters is not pushed back we can imagine that soon all avowed communists within Australia will face persecution; and later trade union militants and those who advocate policies that are also pursued by Beijing – such as extensive public housing and public ownership of key industries – will be targeted. Thirdly, the U.S. and Australian imperialist drive against the PRC is against the interests of working class people. Although the PRC’s government has allowed too much capitalist intrusion into China, the PRC remains a workers state where all the key sectors are under public ownership. This is a great treasure for all the workers and downtrodden of the world that must be protected.

With the capitalist rulers increasingly insecure, ever more worried about their system’s decay and ever more fearful about the stunning development of socialistic China we will only be able to put an end to racist scapegoating and Cold War-style witch-hunting when we sweep away this capitalist system for good. However, to advance the struggle towards that goal we need to fight right now to resist racist attacks on any victimised community and to oppose all crackdowns on pro-socialist political expression. And our struggle for workers liberation here will surely be stronger if we can ensure that the world’s most populous country continues to remain a workers state.

Fight back against the racist, red-baiting witch-hunt against the pro-PRC Chinese community! Oppose all the Australian regime’s racist attacks on Aboriginal people, Muslims, youth of African descent and refugees! Defend the right of supporters of the PRC to express our views! Resist the drift towards a new Cold War witch-hunt against leftists! Fight to free socialist political prisoner in Australia Chan Han Choi! Stand by the PRC defend and strengthen socialistic rule in China!

What a Comparison between Red China & Capitalist Countries Says About: Socialism vs Capitalism

What a Comparison between Red China & Capitalist Countries Says About:

Socialism vs Capitalism

15 May 2018 – When Donald Trump grabbed hold of the U.S. presidency some 15 months ago, he promised to “make America great again” through a program of racism, protectionism and tax cuts for the rich. Having slandered Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals,” a central part of his platform was and continues to be to build a “great, big wall” to keep Mexicans out. Since taking office, he has encouraged U.S. border authorities to be even more brutal in attacking would be migrants from Latin America. As neo-Nazis and other rabid white supremacists cheer him on from the sidelines, he has promised measures to keep out Muslim migrants. Indeed, Trump has already implemented executive orders that greatly restrict visits from several Muslim-majority and other non-white majority countries. Today we saw the fruits of another election promise that he has just fulfilled – to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to the expected capital of the proposed re-born Palestinian state: Jerusalem. The move was meant to be a message to the Israeli regime that they can do anything they want to the subjugated Palestinian people and the U.S. superpower will be openly behind them. The Israeli authorities certainly got the message! They have proceeded today to open fire on Palestinian protesters, massacring over 60 people so far and injuring well over a thousand people. Meanwhile, Trump’s defining legislative victory in his first year in office is a tax plan that cuts taxes for corporations and the very rich while throwing 13 million lower income people off from access to health insurance and forcing spending cuts that will hurt the working class and poor the most.

In contrast, when Xi Jinping was re-elected chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at its five yearly congress last November and when the CPC outlined its vision for the future at the meeting, the agenda could not have been more different to that of America’s capitalist rulers. A central aspect of the congress was to re-assert the CPC’s drive to make sure that no person in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is living in abject poverty by 2020. The congress’ other stated policy goals were to increase social welfare coverage, curb property speculation, reduce the income gap and reduce pollution. The overall vision presented was to make China a “modern socialist country” that is “prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful” by 2050.

The very different agendas presented by the leaders of the U.S., the world’s most powerful capitalist country, and the PRC, the world’s most powerful socialistic country, says a lot. It says a lot about the contrast between societies where it is the capitalists who rule and those societies which are based on socialistic rule. In the next, main part of this article we present some hard facts comparing socialistic China with the capitalist countries.

However, we must note here that while capitalist rule was smashed in China through its 1949 Revolution and while a new workers state has been built with an economy in which socialistic public sector enterprises form the backbone, China is still not yet a fully socialist society. A fully socialist society is one where not only have the capitalists been deposed from power and where the working class masses have built an economy based on socialistic state-owned enterprises but one where people are actually paid according to the work that they do. Over a period of time, such a socialist society will eventually progress to a communist one. A communist society is a community where people receive payment for their work according to their needs and where all social inequalities between different layers of the population have been overcome as everyone’s manifold and varied abilities are, quite naturally, given equal value and respect without the need of a state or any kind of administrative or bureaucratic mechanism to maintain order over society from above. The leaders of the CPC do not claim that China is already communist. Indeed, they state that the PRC is still a long way from even fully accomplishing the stage of socialism. Socialism can only be reached when the capitalists have been completely vanquished and the exploitation of workers by private business owners no longer exists. However, in China, alongside the dominant public sector, a significant private sector exists where capitalists exploit workers’ labour. Of course, these capitalists in China cannot operate with the “freedom” that they do in countries where it is the capitalists that have state power. In the PRC it is the toilers who, even if in a deformed way, through the CPC, hold social power. Hence we use the description “socialistic China.” This description alludes to the fact that in a sense China is in a transition from capitalism towards socialism. Yet, this is only in a sense. For although China has definitely moved in the direction of socialism since 1949, this movement has not always been in this forward direction over the last 68 years. What is more, there is no guarantee that China will progress all the way to socialism instead of falling back into the abyss of capitalism like the former USSR eventually, sadly, did.

For the private sector bosses that exist in China are not satisfied with their present lot where they are allowed to make capitalist profits in some industries but where their rights to make such profits are not only restricted but are always somewhat tenuous. So these capitalists – and the much larger layer of managers, lawyers, economists and journalists who cosy up to them – are constantly pressing for greater “rights” for capitalist exploiters. Most significantly, so too are elements within the right-wing of the CPC and the government – the sections of the ruling bureaucracy who are closest to the capitalists. Many in this entire pro-private sector layer are actually hell-bent on outright capitalist counterrevolution. However, given the current balance of forces, they often dare not openly promote such an agenda. Instead, they lobby for right-wing reforms that would increase the economic clout and social weight of private sector capitalists and, hence, their ability to push for outright capitalist restoration in the future. Batting in the same direction are the capitalist powers around the globe who use military, political and diplomatic pressure to batter socialistic rule in China from the outside. Inevitably then the threat of capitalist counterrevolution in China is all too real.

The PRC’s course towards socialism will only be assured once capitalist rule is overthrown in the most powerful capitalist countries around the world. That would relieve the military pressure bearing down upon the PRC and remove the main source of backing for the counterrevolutionary “dissidents” and NGOs operating within China. The deposing of capitalist rule in the West and Japan would also allow China to get access to the generally more advanced technology of the richer countries without having to allow excessive investment into China from capitalist corporations from these countries. Marx and Lenin always insisted that socialism can only be securely built on the basis of a productivity of labour higher than that of capitalism. Once the working class have secured state power in the most technologically advanced countries through revolutionary uprisings this will become possible: not only in these countries but in China and, indeed, the rest of the world too.

Given that the richest countries in the world currently remain under capitalist rule, it is not yet possible for the PRC or the other four workers states – Vietnam, Cuba, the DPRK (North Korea) and Laos – to progress all the way to complete socialism. Indeed, for this reason
a fully socialist society – and therefore a communist one – has not yet existed in this world. Nevertheless, the 1949 Chinese Revolution, like the October 1917 Russian Revolution, the Cuban Revolution and the Vietnamese Revolution, represents a terrific victory for the toilers and downtrodden of the world. They have not yet been able to produce fully socialist societies but they have, nevertheless, made massive leaps in the direction of socialism. By comparing these socialistic societies with capitalist ones we can get some sense of how very different a future socialist world will be from the current capitalist dominated one that we live in.

Prior to China’s 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, the masses there suffered terrible exploitation and hardships. This photos shows peasants having to carry over 300 pounds of tea on a journey of over 180 kilometres.

When we do a comparison between China and the capitalist countries in terms of indicators of socioeconomic structure, social progress and social ills, it will become obvious just how different the PRC is to actual capitalist countries. However, we cannot make such a comparison between China and the imperialist, rich capitalist countries like the U.S. and Australia. For at the time that China’s heroic toiling masses pulled her up onto a socialistic path in 1949, China was in a vastly inferior position to countries like the U.S.A and Australia. Prior to its 1949 Revolution, China had suffered over one hundred years of humiliation at the hands of Western and Japanese imperialism. After the British imperialist drug pushers crushed China’s resistance to their “right” to turn half that country’s people into opium addicts, the British forced China to cede its strategically located port city, Hong Kong, in the 1842 Treaty of Nanjing that followed the Opium War. This “treaty” also opened the way for the British to be granted “extraterritoriality” – meaning that its citizens residing in China were exempted from being subjected to Chinese law! Subsequent acts of imperialist aggression by Britain and other colonial powers forced China to later also concede extraterritoriality to the U.S., France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, pre-1917 capitalist Russia and Japan. All this bullying and unequal treaties enabled the colonial powers to bleed China dry by dominating its markets and by brutally exploiting its workers in “concession” zones in key cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou (then called Canton). In contrast, colonial powers like Britain, the U.S.A and Australia grew fat from exploiting not only China but most of the rest of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the South Pacific and South America. Meanwhile, U.S. capital was partly amassed through slave labour exploitation of black people. Australia’s crucial agricultural sector was, for its part, built on the back of severe exploitation of Aboriginal workers who were largely denied access to their own wages as well as semi-slave exploitation of kidnapped Melanesian and Polynesian labourers from Pacific lands like Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

By the time of the foundation of the revolutionary PRC in 1949, the richer capitalist countries like the U.S. and Australia were in a far different position to that of China. At that time, Australia had an average per capita income nearly 17 times larger than that of China. The U.S. for its part had a per capita income over 21 times higher than China’s. Needless to say, given their vastly different starting points in 1949, it would be extremely unreasonable to make a comparison of indicators of social well-being between China and the richer capitalist powers. This is doubly so when it comes to any comparison between China and Australia, given that Australia has 50 times as much land per person as does China; and has much, much greater land, energy, mineral and water resources per person than China. To be sure, since the Chinese toilers pulled the country onto a socialistic path in 1949, China has made a lot of headway in catching up to the richest of the capitalist countries. While its income per person is still several times below that of the most economically advanced of the capitalist countries it has almost caught up in areas like literacy and life expectancy and even surged ahead in some areas like public transport and renewable energy.

China Then and Now. Left: Many women in pre-1949 China were subjected to the barbaric practice of foot-binding. For supposedly aesthetic reasons, young girls had their feet bound tight until their toe bones were broken so that their feet could be put into a cone shape. This left women crippled and with greatly reduced mobility for life. Right: Women acrobatic fighter pilots in the Peoples Republic of China. The 1949 anti-capitalist revolution and the resultant creation of a workers state greatly improved the position of Chinese women.

To fairly compare China with a capitalist country we need to compare it with a capitalist country that is not only similarly populous but one that at the time that China was launched onto a socialistic path was at a similar level of development. We find such a capitalist country in India. Although the Indian working class, poor peasants and working class women have waged brave struggles against the greedy capitalists and rural landlords that subjugate them, thus far the Indian exploiting classes have managed to hold on to power. India is yet to be uplifted by its own anti-capitalist revolution.

Capitalist rule in India has left hundreds of millions of its people suffering horrific poverty.

Like China, India had been raped by colonialism. India gained its formal independence from Britain in 1947, while China was ripped free from neocolonial domination through its 1949 Revolution. At this time, India was actually in a far more favourable position than China. Not only was it not burdened with the international isolation that came from being a socialistic country but its per capita income was over 87% higher than that of China’s (see figures from Maddison Project Database 2018, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, University of Groningen, However, by the time that China first announced pro-market reforms in the late 1970s, 30 years of socialistic rule had enabled her to catch up with and overtake (by over 45%) India in terms of per capita income and shoot way past India in areas like health care and education. Today, after nearly 70 years of socialistic development versus continued capitalist rule in India, China is way ahead by every measure of social progress. This is evident by looking at Table 1 below – a comparison which uses figures from largely UN or Western sources. The indicators which especially show how much more progressive the socialistic society in China is over the capitalist one in India are those related to the status of women and to poverty levels. As the table shows, China has at least a ten times lower proportion of people in poverty than India. Furthermore, the figures used in this comparison actually underestimates this difference since the figures for India are quite current while those for China are many years old – and since then China has made huge advances in uplifting people from poverty.

When the working class of India unite all that country’s oppressed – from impoverished landless tenant farmers, to low-caste people, to the Muslim religious minority, to subjugated nationalities like the Kashmiris to the downtrodden women of India – to make a socialist revolution, then the Indian masses will also rapidly pull themselves out of poverty and subjugation.

Socialism Works!

What Table 1 above shows is not only how much socialistic rule has enabled the PRC to improve the lives of its people but also how different her economic structure is compared to a capitalist, ex-colonial country like India. Thus, in socialistic China all urban land is publicly owned and all rural land is owned by collectives of the rural community. Although China’s post 1978 reforms greatly weakened the practice of agricultural production through collectives by the granting of 30 year “use rights” to individual farmers, the continued collective ownership of agricultural land has protected farmers from the return of landlordism. By contrast, most agricultural land in India remains owned by wealthy landlords and capitalist plantation owners, resulting in a life of terrible hardship for poor tenant farmers and agricultural labourers.

Most notably, Table 1 shows the dominant position of state-owned enterprises in China. Actually, if anything, the figures tend to underestimate the dominance of public ownership amongst the PRC’s biggest companies. Over the last few years several of China’s biggest state corporations have merged. This has resulted in a smaller number of state-owned companies but ones of even more gigantic size. In the PRC, publicly-owned enterprises dominate all the strategic economic sectors including steel, oil/ gas, power, banking, insurance, aluminium, mining, telecommunications, automotive, aviation, rail, shipping, ports, shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, train manufacturing, defence, space, robotics, high-end computing, wind turbines, electronics components, media, cinema, publishing, building materials, infrastructure construction and computer chip manufacturing. Even many consumer sectors have socialistically-owned enterprises playing a key role in them. Thus, China’s biggest real estate developer is state-owned Vanke, its main TV manufacturers and exporters are state-owned Hisense and TCL, its biggest air-conditioner producer is state-owned Gree, its huge whitegoods manufacturer is collectively-owned Haier, its biggest liquor producer is state-owned Kweichow Moutai, its largest food processor, manufacturer and trader is state-owned COFCO, its biggest mobile phone manufacturer is majority state-owned BBK Electronics (producer of the Vivo, OPPO and OnePlus brands) and state-owned enterprises even play key roles in hotels, tourism, department stores and supermarkets. Unfortunately, there are some big capitalist players present in areas like retail, property, internet, e-commerce and light manufacturing. Yet even some of China’s most well-known “private” brands like computer producer, Lenovo, are actually state-controlled and have state-owned companies as their biggest shareholders. Meanwhile, another of the most prominent “private” Chinese brands, Huawei, is avowedly employee-owned with many believing that this company headed by a former Peoples Liberation Army officer is actually a state corporation hiding its true ownership to avoid facing restrictions from Western governments.

In contrast, state-owned enterprises play a much, much smaller role in capitalist India than they do in Red China. Nevertheless, for a capitalist country, India has a relatively large state sector. However, in a capitalist society, such state-owned companies are not socialistic enterprises or even a step towards this. In a capitalist country, a state-owned company is an enterprise owned by a state that exists to serve the big end of town capitalists. In particular, state-owned enterprises in a country like India serve to ensure that sectors necessary for the overall functioning of the economy are adequately covered so that the capitalist private business owners can make huge profits elsewhere or through corrupt association with the supposedly “public sector” firms. In contrast, in a socialistic country like China, the state firms are administered by a workers state. They are not there to assist the capitalists to make profits but to form the backbone of the entire economy and to dominate the economy’s most lucrative sectors.

Rather than operating purely according to the profit motive, state-owned enterprises in socialistic China are often guided to meet broader social goals including boosting of employment, training of skilled workers, creation of opportunities for the disabled and pioneering development of new industries deemed to be important for the whole society and her economy. Most importantly, these socialistic state enterprises have played the decisive role in China’s poverty alleviation drive. Acting contrary to the capitalist practice of choosing investments according to which venture will bring the highest rate of profit, China’s state-owned enterprises have been directed to build up industries and create jobs in the most poverty-stricken parts of China. This has played a key role in enabling the PRC to lift nearly 70 million people out of poverty (as defined by its poverty line based on the World Bank definition of abject poverty) in just the last five years. As far as low-income people are concerned, socialism simply works! This is the case even when it is applied in a state where its practice is deformed and uneven.

Hyderabad, India, 2 September 2016: Trade unionists march during a massive general strike by 150 million Indian workers for higher wages. When the Indian working class – with doubly oppressed women at the forefront – lead the poor peasants, downtrodden castes, subjugated nationalities and the destitute of that country in socialist revolution, the Indian toiling classes will rip themselves free from exploitation and poverty in the same spectacular way that the Chinese masses have.

Apologists for capitalism will, of course, try to avoid dealing with a comparison between socialistic China and capitalist India by insisting that China be compared with the wealthiest of the large capitalist countries. They would say that since China is the most powerful of the socialistic countries and the U.S. is the most powerful of the capitalist countries, it is the U.S. that China should be compared with. No doubt they would also argue that since China is the most populous of the socialistic countries it should be compared to the most populous of the richer, “successful” capitalist countries: which is the U.S.A again. As we have noted earlier, given China’s vastly inferior position to the U.S. at the time that its revolutionary masses pulled it up onto the socialistic path in 1949, such a comparison would be very unfair and misleading. However, while we cannot compare China and the U.S. in areas directly affected by the level of economic development where the imperialist U.S.A’s massively advantageous position in 1949 allows it to still retain an edge, we can compare the two countries in areas like economic structure, social realities, social problems and government policy direction. Table 2 below shows that comparison.

In Table 2 we also compare socialistic China with another populous capitalist country in addition to the U.S.: Russia. We have chosen to include Russia in this comparison partly because she is the world’s number two capitalist military power (indeed, Russia is the world’s number two military power full stop, second only to the U.S. and not too far behind in this regard). Much more significantly, Russia is a capitalist power that is not part of the NATO fold and currently not at all a U.S. ally – indeed, right now Russia is being ostracised by most Western powers. Furthermore, we have chosen to include Russia in this comparison partly because the particular structure of capitalism in Russia is somewhat different to that in the U.S. Russia has, compared to the U.S., a relatively large state sector. As Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky noted during Soviet times: if in the tragic case that capitalist counterrevolutionaries were to destroy the Soviet workers state, the new counterrevolutionary regime would maintain a large, nationalised sector for a long time. Although the 1990s “shock therapy” saw massive privatisation in, the then, newly capitalist Russia and although the Putin government is today embarking on a renewed privatisation program, Russia’s state sector remains larger than that in, say, the U.S.A or Australia. A look at Tables 1 and 2 show that capitalist Russia’s state sector has approximately the same relative size as that in capitalist India. This is, of course, still much smaller than the relative size of the public sector in the socialistic PRC. Furthermore, as in India, the state-owned enterprises in Russia are administered by a state serving the interests of the capitalists, a state notorious for siphoning off the profits and assets of “public sector” enterprises to crony capitalists.

Table 2 below illustrates the proverbial “Great Wall” that separates socialistic China from both the U.S. and Russia when it comes to economic structure, distribution of economic power and state policy direction. The table shows that despite China having a lower per capita income, its society is far freer from social ills like violent racism, suicide and murder than either capitalist America or capitalist Russia. Furthermore, the PRC government’s policy direction is far more favourable to low-income people. Table 2 also proves that the argument that “at least people have more freedom” under capitalism is bogus. A resident of the U.S.A is nearly six times more likely to be imprisoned than a resident of China, while a resident of Russia is more than three and a half times as likely to be incarcerated as a resident of the PRC. Moreover, a person living in the leading country of the “free world”, the United States of America, is 136 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a person living in China!

The Fight For Socialism and the 1917 Russian and 1949 Chinese Revolutions

In summary what Table 2 shows is that whether we are comparing Red China with the U.S. or with a current capitalist rival to the U.S.A like Russia, whether we are comparing the socialistic giant with a capitalist country with a relatively small state sector or a capitalist country with a relatively large state sector, as far as the interests of the masses are concerned socialistic rule is far better and more humane than capitalist rule. And if we make the fair comparison between countries that were at similar levels of development at the time that they diverged in political direction – which we do in Table 1 where we compare India and China – we see that socialistic rule – even if in a deformed form – delivers a far better life for the working class masses than does capitalism.

If a socialistic state burdened by excessive capitalist intrusion and bureaucratic deformations can achieve so much then it indicates the tremendous benefits that healthy workers states administered by democratic workers councils will bring in the future. However, this poses a question: Why is the workers state in China – as great as its achievements have been – bureaucratically deformed and corroded today by a significant capitalist sector? To begin to answer this question we need to go back to China’s heroic 1949 revolution and examine how it was different to the October 1917 Russian Revolution. There is an important difference between the October 1917 Revolution and the other great anti-capitalist revolutions that have been accomplished – including the 1949 Chinese Revolution. The social force that spearheaded the 1917 Russian Revolution was the urban working class which led the other oppressed masses of the cities and rural areas. These workers were brought together by collective labour in large workplaces and by the reality that any defence of their interests against their exploiting bosses could only come through their collective efforts. To be sure, it still took the tireless efforts of a determined communist party to solidify the workers together. However, the production and economic interest imperatives pulling workers together made it possible to unite this revolutionary class through its own organizations, the factory committees and soviets, and it was these elected workers organizations that exercised power in a truly sovereign way immediately after the 1917 Revolution. In contrast, the anti-capitalist revolutions in China, Vietnam and Cuba were spearheaded by poor tenant farmers and rural workers. Like the urban working class of Russia in 1917, these toilers had to fight with great heroism and self-sacrifice to achieve these tremendous revolutionary victories for the downtrodden. However, unlike the urban working class, the tenant farmers worked as individuals (albeit ones forced to hand over a big chunk of their produce to their landlords) operating separately from and even in direct market competition with each other. This mode of production inevitably had its reflection in the way the farmers related to each other. Thus, at times the tenant farmers had to be held together somewhat artificially from above by the more politically aware communist cadres. During the revolutionary wars, the burning necessity to defeat the landlords kept the poor farmers together but afterwards, especially, party cadres were required to smother centrifugal tendencies that would otherwise have torn the unity of the farmers apart. As a result, unfortunately, the workers states produced by these revolutions were not based on truly democratic mass organisations of the toilers but on organisations in which the party leadership had to bureaucratically hold things together from above. In such a structure, especially once the fervent idealism of the actual revolution inevitably dissipated, those exerting bureaucratic control inevitably secured privileges for themselves. Their privileged position, in turn, had a conservativising influence upon them. In China, the ruling bureaucracy instituted pro-market reforms from the late 1970s onwards that, while they have, to a degree, stimulated economic growth, have increased inequality and dangerously allowed the capitalist private sector to gain greater influence.

Today, for China and the remaining workers states to progress further along the path to socialism, they need not only the assistance of workers’ revolutions in the richer countries but, also, a domestic transformation supplemental to the toiling people’s revolutions that created these workers states in the first place. They need the working class masses to thoroughly defeat emerging capitalist-restorationist forces and push aside those individuals within the bureaucracy and the more right-wing factions of the Communist Party of China who are bending to these capitalist elements. The working class masses will have to assume administrative control of society in the form of democratically elected workers councils. Such a movement would likely be led by genuine communist working class elements within – but possibly also outside – the CPC. Unfortunately, the program of the current CPC left – which tends to be based on a section of the middle-class bureaucracy rather than the working class masses themselves – is quite flawed and largely accepts the general thrust of the current government’s excessive tolerance of a capitalist sector. However, when strongly communist workers take the lead, this would likely spark – if not, actually, be led by – a left-wing, communist revival within the CPC itself. So, when a resurgent Chinese working class moves to defeat emerging capitalist-restorationist forces, one would expect the left-wing of the CPC and a chunk of the bureaucracy to follow or, more often, simply accept (even if somewhat grudgingly) the new reality rather than oppose it. It would, likely, only be right-wing factions of the CPC and the bureaucracy that would actually join the capitalists in actively opposing such a progressive transformation.

In contrast to the difficult birth of the revolution in China, the urban working class-led, October 1917 Revolution that overturned the bourgeois-landlord Russian Empire produced a workers state with a political structure and direction that, if only in its early days had it been buttressed by the support of sweeping revolutions abroad, would have been sufficient to one day carry the USSR all the way to complete socialism. However, the failure of the young communist parties in Europe to take advantage of revolutionary opportunities in the period immediately after the 1917 Revolution left the young Soviet workers state terribly isolated. Meanwhile, Russia and the other parts of the USSR were economically devastated by, firstly, the World War that preceded the revolution and, then, the four years of Civil War that followed when the Soviet masses had to defend their revolution from the overthrown and, yet, still ruthless and resurgent Russian capitalists along with all their international allies. Under these conditions of encirclement and economic scarcity and with the masses exhausted from years of wars, a bureaucratic layer that had emerged to manage the scarcity and help oversee the rebuilding of the young workers state was allowed to come to the fore and take over the political administration of the country. This was achieved by squeezing out the more revolutionary, internationalist wing of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union whose ranks had, tragically, been diminished as so many of the finest and most idealistic of the communist workers had, naturally, been amongst the first to leap to the revolution’s defence and so perished on the Civil War’s many frontlines. However, despite this bureaucratic degeneration that took place in the mid-1920s, the USSR still remained a workers state based on the socialistic, collectivized economic system that was established after the Russian Revolution. This system brought terrific improvements to the education, health, cultural life and standard of living of the masses. Nevertheless, the presence of a bureaucratic administration – with all its accompanying corruption and lack of real worker involvement in decision making – prevented the socialistic economy of the USSR from reaching its full potential and made the masses cynical about politics. All this made the USSR brittle in the face of the gigantic military, economic and political pressures it faced from the capitalist powers who were and still are determined to crush any workers state. When a small layer of capitalist counterrevolutionaries backed by Washington and Canberra, amongst others, made its bid for power in the USSR in 1991, the Soviet masses had, in fact, become so depoliticized that most of them did not resist in any effective way at all – even though many were, in truth, fearful of the consequences of capitalist restoration.

The Significance of Socialistic China’s Success in Poverty Alleviation

When the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution destroyed the former Soviet workers state, propagandists for capitalism around the world declared that this was “proof” of the “superiority of capitalism over communism.” Indeed the big business-owned media, school curricula and mainstream politicians were so incessantly drumming this message that even many self-declared progressive-minded people would parrot the refrain that “communism is a great idea but it doesn’t work.” Most distressingly, they would parrot this supposed “theory” as if it were their own profound revelation! Yet the effects of capitalist restoration in the former USSR and the Eastern European countries demonstrate the complete opposite. Capitalist counterrevolution led to an unprecedented drop in the life expectancy of the people, the reemergence of mass unemployment and a sharp drop in industrial output. The position of women dived in all the countries where capitalism was restored and the relative ethnic harmony of the peoples that existed in the socialistic days was replaced by inter-ethnic blood feuds and the growth of murderous, far-right racist gangs. What all this actually proved is how much more progressive the former socialistic system had been in comparison with the restored capitalist rule. This is the case even though the workers states that had existed prior to counterrevolution were – as the PRC is today – bureaucratically deformed.

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Having suffered so badly under neo-colonial domination, China was at the time of its 1949 Revolution massively poorer and more backward than the richest capitalist countries. Over the following seven decades she has caught up greatly but still has a per capita income some seven times lower than the U.S. Nevertheless in areas like health care and education for the masses, the Peoples Republic of China has almost completely caught up. In other areas like public transportation, socialistic China has surged ahead. Left: A typical long-distance train in today’s U.S. Right: One of the many high-speed trains that today criss-cross throughout the extent of China. Red China has not only the fastest trains in the world but her high-quality, high-speed rail system is by far the most extensively used and longest high-speed network in the world with a length of over 25,000 km.

The capitalist media have had a great deal of trouble “dealing” with the PRC’s obvious successes. They always try to find something on which to attack “Communist China.” One area that they thought they were on a winner on is pollution. China is the world’s biggest emitter of carbon dioxide gases. But this is only because China has the most number of people in the world! Per person, China’s emission of CO2 gases is actually nearly two and a half times less than both the U.S. and Australia’s (see: ). Then there is the obvious reality that while the PRC is diligently instituting policies to reduce pollution like promoting electric cars, favouring renewable energy and further expanding public transport, the leader of the capitalist “free world” rants – and tweets – that the concept of global warming is … a conspiracy created by China!

At other times, the propagandists for capitalism have to grudgingly accept China’s development successes. Yet when they admit this they suddenly stop referring to “Communist China” but, instead, claim that these successes are due to “Chinese capitalism” or more recently to “state capitalism Chinese style.” As part of this big lie, they claim that China only started making progress after it started instituting market reforms in the late 1970s, which the Western media, when they need to, deceitfully equate with capitalist restoration. However, the truth is that the achievements that the PRC has made over the last four decades have been based on the terrific advances in health care, education and heavy industry development during the first three decades of its existence. Thus, in the period from the founding of the socialistic PRC to the time that the pro-market, “reform and opening up” policy was first instituted, China achieved a miracle in health care improvement unprecedented in the rest of the world. In just these 29 years, the PRC increased the average life expectancy of its people from 34 years to over 67 years … and this in the world’s most populous country!

What has made it easier for the Western media to avoid crediting socialism for China’s obvious success in poverty alleviation is the PRC leadership’s own reticence to stress the PRC’s socialistic character in international forums and meetings. As part of its policy of pursuing “friendly relations with all countries irrespective of their social system” – i.e. of attempting to have “friendly coexistence” with capitalist powers – China’s ruling bureaucracy seeks to avoid “offending” the capitalist rulers of the U.S.A, Australia and all the rest of them by speaking too proudly about its socialistic system in the international arena. Instead, they seek to stress any “common” features that China shares with the capitalist countries. They have tried to show that China, her system and her corporations are not all that different to those in capitalist societies.

Fortunately, this practice is starting to change to some degree. For the recent 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth, China donated a giant bronze statue of Marx to his hometown of Trier in western Germany. The anniversary itself was given a very high profile by the Chinese government and official media. This included a grand commemoration meeting involving all of China’s top leaders at the Great Hall of People. Speaking in front of a giant portrait of Marx that faced his audience of 3,000 participants, PRC leader Xi Jinping stressed the importance of maintaining Marxism as China’s guiding ideology. He also called for Chinese communists to study, learn and practice Marxism. Furthermore, one of the notable aspects of the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China congress that was held late last year was that it signalled that the PRC’s ruling party would start speaking more proudly about its socialistic course in the international arena. Indeed, official Chinese statements have, for the first time in decades, even advocated the path of “socialism with Chinese characteristics” as a model for other countries – albeit only for other “developing countries.” This is still a long way from an internationalist policy of supporting revolutionary class struggle of the working class masses in the capitalist countries. Nevertheless, what this partial shift means is that it will now be harder for the capitalist-owned media to insinuate that China’s social achievements have no connection to socialism.

Moreover, as the open hostility to China of the U.S. and Australian ruling classes intensifies, the mainstream Western media and capitalist politicians have themselves found it more necessary to speak of “Communist China” as they launch one anti-China scare campaign after another. Despite this, most of the socialist left in Australia – including the three biggest far-left groups: Socialist Alliance, Socialist Alternative and Solidarity – claim that the PRC is just another capitalist country. This bogus “analysis” forms a convenient excuse for these groups to avoid the difficult and often unpopular task of defending the PRC against capitalist attacks. Instead, the “China is capitalist” “analysis” enables these groups to join the U.S. and Australian rulers in supporting anti-communist, anti-PRC movements. For example, Socialist Alternative’s report on the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China (see: attacks the PRC with many of the same arguments used by the most right-wing Murdoch media hacks.  They cover the anti-socialist essence of their position by, of course, claiming that China is just conducting another form of capitalism. Yet they can’t help exposing the fundamentally right-wing content of their stance. For example, their article hails the now dead, Western media-lionised, neo-conservative “dissident” Liu Xiaobo and his wife. An ardent supporter of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, Liu Xiaobo’s Charter 08 calls for the privatisation of China’s dominant state-owned enterprises, while masking the capitalist restorationist essence of his platform with calls for “democracy” – “democracy” intended to enable pro-capitalist forces to gain greater “rights” to leverage their wealth to grab back power. Indeed, the article published by Socialist Alternative attacks the imperialist powers for not having done enough to back Liu Xiaobo and his ilk. More generally, sounding like hard right-wing neo-cons themselves, they berate Western capitalist governments and media for not standing up to China and even for “political subservience” to her! Let’s get real! Western capitalist regimes have been sending their war ships thousands of kilometres from their own shores to provoke China in waters near her coast. They have provided massive funding for anti-communist Chinese NGOs, “dissidents” and exile groups and given huge arms shipments to the anti-PRC, capitalist Chinese enclave of Taiwan. In Australia, joint U.S.-Australia spy bases and the U.S. military base in Darwin, as well as Australia’s own military build up are aimed largely against the PRC and her socialistic North Korean neighbour and ally. Meanwhile, the mainstream Western media have launched one anti-China propaganda campaign after another – most recently focussing on buttressing the Turnbull government’s claim that China is “interfering” in Australian affairs. And yet we have supposedly socialist groups claiming that Western capitalist governments and media are “politically subservient” to China and her ruling Communist Party. Those sort of loony claims would make outright fascist groups like Jim Saleam’s Australia First Party or Nick Folkes’ Party for Freedom proud!

In order to mobilise support for its drive to help put the military and political screws on socialistic China, the right-wing Australian government have been running a scare campaign to accuse the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) of “interfering” in Australian politics. As we go to press, the Liberal-National coalition and the ALP have agreed to ram through draconian new anti-“foreign interference” legislation. This legislation will not only threaten most people’s rights, but will especially target anyone with sympathies for Red China, while at the same time ensuring that anti-PRC NGOs and activists harboured and nurtured by Australian and U.S. authorities face minimal opposition. As has always been the case, those most rabid in leading the anti-communist scare campaign have often been the same politicians in the forefront of spreading racism and hostility to workers unions. Thus spearheading the anti-China drive is Liberal MP Andrew Hastie. On May 22, Hastie used parliamentary privilege to launch a hysterical rant accusing the Chinese Communist Party of covertly seeking to influence Australia’s media, universities and politics. This same Andrew Hastie, was the previous month at the forefront of the hard-right, racist campaign for a special intervention to give white South African farmers refugee status on the ridiculous basis that they are being “persecuted.” Not only do these white farmers not suffer a rate of criminal attack any more than other people in South Africa, they are also a capitalist layer notorious for brutal exploitation of black farm workers on land that had been earlier stolen from the black people of that country. Some of these privileged farmers also form the key support base of the terrorist, South African fascist group the AWB and other, even more violent white supremacist extremists. Right: Last year two white South African farmers were found guilty of attempted murder and kidnapping after video emerged showing them forcing a terrified young black man into a coffin and threatening to set him alight as they closed the coffin lid on him. Left: Lakelands, WA: Andrew Hastie warmly greets racist supporters of “refugee status” for white South African farmers at a forum he organised to support their “cause.


Let’s Worker Harder to Advance the Struggle For Socialism!

The success of the Peoples Republic of China in lifting people out of poverty and improving their lives is undeniable. The capitalist media try to distract from this by attacking China over any issue they can dredge up. As a huge country with one in five of the world’s people and one where the basic socialistic order is contradicted by insurgent capitalist elements, one can of course find many true, negative stories about China. Indeed, you could probably find tens of millions of them. Yet, one will find hundreds of millions of positive stories! When the capitalist media and governments are forced to acknowledge the positive social advances in China they try to credit “capitalism” or “Chinese-style state capitalism” for it. Those wavering socialist groups that claim that China is capitalist in order to avoid having to defend her are actually helping the capitalist media in this bid to promote the capitalist system. They are saying that the hundreds of millions of people so quickly pulled out of poverty by China, the provision of low-rent public housing to tens of millions of Chinese people over the last few years and the roll-out of an excellent country-wide high-speed rail system by a country that 70 years ago was one of the poorest on earth have all been achieved … under capitalism!

Yet as people say: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And as Tables 1 and 2 above prove, if we test what China’s society has produced versus what capitalist societies have, we see not only how much better China’s system is for the masses but how different it is to that of comparable capitalist societies.

So what conclusions should we draw from these comparisons in terms of our practical work? Firstly, we must acknowledge that these comparisons prove that the ascendancy of a workers state in China in 1949 represents a great advance for the masses relative to capitalism. Therefore, the working class of the world must unconditionally defend China and the other socialistic states (Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea and Laos) – as bureaucratically deformed and/or weakened by capitalist intrusion as they are – against capitalist military threats and pro-capitalist political and economic forces. Secondly, the comparisons show that, even when in a distorted and incomplete form, socialistic rule is far more progressive than capitalism. That proves how much better a fully socialist world will be for the masses than the capitalist-dominated one that we live in today. So, from Australia to Indonesia to India to Russia to the United States, let’s re-double our efforts to fight for world socialist revolution!



References for What a Comparison between Red China & Capitalist Countries Says About: Socialism vs Capitalism:

  1. Based on Forbes Global 500 list: , Retrieved on 8 Nov 2017. Figures exclude Hong Kong companies.
  2. MoneyControl site, Top Companies in India by Net Sales – BSE, , Retrieved 13 December 2017.
  3. World Health Organization, World Health Statistics 2016: Monitoring health for the SDGs, Annex B: tables of health statistics by country, WHO region and globally, , Retrieved 21 December 2017.
  4. World Health Organization, Global Health Observatory data repository, Children aged <5 years wasted, Data by country, , Retrieved 21 December 2017.
  5. World Health Organization, Global Health Observatory data repository, Children aged <5 years underweight, Data by country, , Retrieved 21 December 2017.
  6. World Bank, Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population), (then Download data tables), Retrieved 21 December 2017.
  7. Wikipedia, List of countries by literacy rate, (based on UNESCO data), , retrieved 21 December 2017.
  8. United Nations Office on Drug and Crime site, UNODC Statistics, Intentional homicide, counts and rates per 100,000 population, for 2014 – latest year available when retrieved 21 December 2017, (then click “Crime and Criminal Justice” and then “Homicides” and then “Homicide Counts and Rates” and then search by country criteria entering China as the country).
  9. United Nations Office on Drug and Crime site, UNODC Statistics, Intentional homicide, counts and rates per 100,000 population, for 2014 – latest year available when retrieved 21 December 2017, (then click “Crime and Criminal Justice” and then “Homicides” and then “Homicide Counts and Rates” and then search by country criteria entering India as the country).
  10. World Health Organization site, Suicide rates, age-standardized Data by country, , Retrieved 11 December 2017 (for the year 2015 – latest year that data is available for).
  11. World Bank, Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate), , retrieved 21 December 2017.
  12. World Bank, Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate), , retrieved 21 December 2017.
  13. Based on Forbes Global 500 list: , Retrieved on 8 Nov 2017. Figures for China exclude Hong Kong companies.
  14. “РБК 500: Крупнейшие компании России”,, Retrieved 8 Nov 2017.
  15. Number of billionaires from Forbes, The World’s Billionaires 2017 Ranking, billionaires/list/#version:static, Retrieved 11 December 2017; population numbers from Worldometers, Countries in the world by population (2017),
  16. As Russia has only a monthly minimum wage and the U.S. only hourly minimum wages, while China has both, two comparisons of relative minimum wages are given (one between China and the U.S. and the other between China and Russia). The two comparisons lead to quite different numbers for China, as China’s hourly minimum wages are per capita relatively much higher than those based on its monthly minimum wage, as the authorities set higher hourly wages to protect incomes of part-time workers. Note the figures actually greatly underestimate Chinese effective wages as Chinese employers are in addition to the actual wage required to put into various employee funds a further amount equivalent to around 50% of their direct wage payments – including medical insurance, old age insurance, unemployment insurance, a housing fund and accident insurance.
  17. Minimum wages for China and Russia were taken from, .
  18. Minimum wages for the U.S. were taken from United States Department of Labour site, Minimum Wage Laws in the States – September 30, 2017,, Retrieved 11 December 2017
  19. For China given that wages vary from province to province and within different areas of the province, figures are based on dividing the annual minimum wage of areas by the per capita GDP for the particular area as given by Wikipedia, List of Chinese administrative divisions by GDP per capita, , Retrieved 11 Dec 2017 for the year 2016. The lowest ratio shown in the table is for the Shanghai region for the calculations based on hourly minimum wage and for Beijing for the calculations based on the monthly minimum wage; and the highest is for the Tibetan Autonomous Region for both comparisons.
  20. For the U.S., given that wages vary from state to state, figures were based on dividing the annual minimum wage of states by their per capita GDP for the state as given by Bureau of Economic Analysis site, Regional Data – Per capita real GDP by state, cfm?reqid=70&stepnum=11&AreaTypeKeyGdp=1&GeoFipsGdp=XX&ClassKeyGdp=naics& ComponentKey=1000&IndustryKey=1&YearGdp=2016&YearGdpBegin=-1&YearGdpEnd=-1&UnitOfMeasureKeyGdp=levels&RankKeyGdp=1&Drill=1&nRange=5, Retrieved 11 December 2017.The lowest figure is for District of Columbia (with a similar figure for Wyoming) and the highest is for Arizona.
  21.  The figure is based on dividing Russia’s annualised minimum wage by per capita GDP calculated based on a gross GDP for 2016 given by Fact Sphere – Project Russia site, Russian GDP Volume, http://www., and a 2016 population given by Worldometers, Russia Population,
  22. World Prison Brief, Highest to Lowest – Prison Population Rate, , Retrieved 11 December 2017.
  23. Total number of killings taken from Wikipedia, List of killings by law enforcement officers in China,, Retrieved 11 December 2017.
  24. Guardian, The Counted – People Killed By Police in the U.S. (2015), , Retrieved 11 December 2017.
  25. United Nations Office on Drug and Crime site, UNODC Statistics, Intentional homicide, counts and rates per 100,000 population, for 2014 – latest year available when retrieved 21 December 2017, (then click “Crime and Criminal Justice” and then “Homicides” and then “Homicide Counts and Rates” and then search by country criteria entering China as the country).
  26. United Nations Office on Drug and Crime site, UNODC Statistics, Intentional homicide, counts and rates per 100,000 population, for 2014 – latest year available when retrieved 21 December 2017, (then click “Crime and Criminal Justice” and then “Homicides” and then “Homicide Counts and Rates” and then search by country criteria entering U.S. as the country).
  27. United Nations Office on Drug and Crime site, UNODC Statistics, Intentional homicide, counts and rates per 100,000 population, for 2014 – latest year available when retrieved 21 December 2017, (then click “Crime and Criminal Justice” and then “Homicides” and then “Homicide Counts and Rates” and then search by country criteria entering Russia as the country).
  28. World Health Organization site, Suicide rates, age-standardized Data by country,, Retrieved 11 December 2017 (for the year 2015 – latest year that data is available for).
  29. These figures exclude the many hate-crime murders (about which statistics are hard to find) in Russia and the U.S. by people without direct connection to the Far Right.
  30. The Western mainstream media which is ever eager to find negative stories on China has been able to report no case of a hate crime murder in China (other than that committed by anti-communist forces based on ethnic minorities – like Uyghur-based religious fundamentalists – against members of the majority Han ethnic group).
  31. Total number of far-right murders taken from Slatest, The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing,, Retrieved 11 December 2017.
  32. Total number of far-right murders taken from SOVA site, Old Problems and New Alliances: Xenophobia and Radical Nationalism in Russia, and Efforts to Counteract Them in 2016, , Retrieved 11 December 2017.
  33. Федеральный закон от 07.02.2017 № 8-ФЗ, О внесении изменения в статью 116 Уголовного кодекса Российской Федерации,, Retrieved 12 December 2017
  34. Reuters, Putin opens monument to Stalin’s victims, dissidents cry foul, 31 October 2017, , Retrieved 12 December 2017.
  35. Workers World, Police attack anti-capitalist march in Moscow, 8 October 2017,, Retrieved 12 December 2017.
  36. Persian Gulf War I (1991), intervention in Somalia (1992-1995), Intervention in Haiti (1994-1995), intervention in Bosnian War (1994-1995), bombing of Yugoslavia (1999), invasion of Afghanistan (2001-present), invasion of Iraq (2003 – ), war on Libya (2011), U.S. drone strikes in North-West Pakistan (2004-present), American-led intervention in Iraq-Syria (2014-present), U.S.-led involvement in Yemeni War (2015-present).
  37. Involvements in wars in Georgia and Abkhazia (1991-1993), intervention in Transnistria War (1992), intervention in Tajikistan Civil War (1992-1997), First Chechen War (1994-1996), Second Chechen War (1999-2009), Russia-Georgia War (2008), intervention in Syria (2015-present).
  38. Wikipedia, List of countries with overseas military bases,, Retrieved 12 December 2017.
  39. International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons site, Nuclear arsenals,, Retrieved 12 December 2017.


Male Chauvinism Creeps into Every Corner of Capitalist Australian Society



Those serious about opposing the oppression of women are aware of the overall picture in Australia. How women are paid on average 23% less than men. How women’s right to abortion is at best tenuous, curtailed and under attack. How domestic violence, bullying and abuse of women is rife. Yet, the reality of women’s oppression in capitalist Australia is made up of millions of personal stories. Stories of subjugation, humiliations, abuse, received threats and dashed hopes.

Some women’s experiences are worse than others. A working class or other low-income woman tends to cop the worst of male chauvinism because her subordinated and vulnerable socio-economic position leaves her open to misogynist attacks from male bosses, landlords, welfare/ public housing bureaucrats, debt collectors and cops. If a low-income, working class woman is of a coloured “ethnic” background and even more so if she is Aboriginal, the racist oppression she can suffer only magnifies her subjugation as a woman and as a working class person. In contrast, women from rich ruling class and upper-middle class backgrounds, generally, have greater means to evade the full force of misogyny within society. This can sometimes apply, too, to others lucky enough to get a good education and have promising career prospects. Yet, even some of these women can be unfortunate enough to suffer cruel oppression. We present here the story of one highly educated, once theoretically “upwardly mobile,” professional woman whose career was crushed under the weight of Australia’s misogynist society. Her work life was turned from great hopes to torment and finally exclusion. This woman, “Rozita H” (not her real name), wants us to tell her story. We here oblige her wishes not only because she fully deserves to be able to air her sufferings but because her experiences help shine a light on the inner workings of this misogynist, capitalist society and the types of people who occupy the echelons of its “respected” classes.

Rozita was born in Iran and migrated to Australia in the 1980s in her late teens. She had wanted to get a high quality education and that time in Iran universities were closed. From watching movies during the era of the U.S.-backed Shah of Iran’s rule (which ended in 1979), she had thought that Western countries were places of “advanced science”, “freedom” and “democracy.” In time this would all prove to be a cruel illusion.

Rozita put herself through university in Australia, often working ten hour shifts in coffee shops and in aged care to gain the income needed to get by. She eventually graduated with an architecture degree from one of Sydney’s most prestigious universities. Rozita wanted to live the life of a skilled professional. Don’t get her wrong, she did not have ambitions of being a high-flying capitalist exploiter. Even from that age she was a leftist and, for instance, participated in protests against the first U.S./Australian war on the Iraqi people in 1990/91. However, what Rozita hoped for was an interesting, fulfilling and well-paying job as a professional woman. When you meet her you realise that she really has a lot going for her in addition to the potential benefits that a prestigious degree could be expected to bring her. Rozita is both technically and artistically talented, beautiful, bi-lingual and with an allround razor sharp mind. Theoretically, according to the if you are capable and work hard… principle that capitalist societies supposedly operate according to – the mythical “meritocracy” which even if it were real is still a flawed and anti-egalitarian principle – she was more than on her way to realising her dreams. Indeed, for a while it seemed to Rozita that she was on a pleasant path to success. After qualifying with her Architecture degree she found work in her field. Meanwhile, as she puts it, she enjoyed living the Bohemian inner city life of art and culture, following intellectual pursuits and socialising. However, before long, the reality of being a non-white woman in a racist and male chauvinist society started to come crashing down around her.

The fact that a misogynist who openly bragged about groping women could be elected U.S. president shows how much male chauvinist attitudes dominate capitalist societies. Trump’s election in turn serves to reinforce anti-women bigotry.



Rozita’s first job was in the public sector. However, she soon found that her abilities were not recognised. It was a boys club running the show. Indeed, Rozita points out that, in her experience, having worked in several jobs in the architecture sector, only around 10% of architects are women and the directors and senior architects are always men.

Frustrated at the doors being shut in her face in her public sector role, Rozita moved to the private sector. This proved to be a case of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. She was simply not accepted into the workforce. Instead, at some workplaces, her bosses sent the message – slimily packaged in “coded” language to enable them to evade responsibility – that she needed to have sex with them if she was to get a foot up into real projects. Indeed, one male architect she once worked with explained the deal to her with brutally “honest” bigotry:

Men have designed, built and managed buildings and construction for over 5,000 years. What, do you think we are going to let girls in? We only let girls in to fu_k them!

Due to this misogynist pressure, Rozita moved jobs several times. She jumped from one “reputable” architecture firm to another but could not escape from a noxious male chauvinist environment. In one of the last firms that she worked at, the misogynist climate was especially severe. One of the directors of the firm was a big bully who she asked us to refer to as “Roy.” Roy’s stock in trade was screaming his head off at female employees. He and several other male architects in the firm also made unwanted, overbearing sexual advances at Rozita while being sly enough to cover themselves by thinly veiling their forays. From soon after she joined this firm, Roy made clear to Rozita – as he did to other female employees – that he owned her. His “justification” being, “I bring in millions of dollars to this firm so ….” On one occasion after word had got back to Roy that Rozita was seen at a nightclub dancing with a guy, Roy called in Rozita to tell her that he had heard this and then made clear that if she danced with another guy … she ought to submit to him!

Because she refused to succumb to the demands of her male bosses, Rozita was excluded from opportunities to use her architectural skills. Instead, she was given tedious draughting tasks that required her to work from 8am to 11pm, five days a week. Exhausted, Rozita told her “superiors” that she needed a break from that work and wanted the opportunity to get involved in an actual architecture project where she could utilise her training. The response from a male director was a series of clearly coded messages such as: “How about mixing business and pleasure?”

Rozita turned to the Human Resources Department hoping for some respite. She explained that she was being treated arrogantly and denied the opportunity to be involved in actual architectural projects and asked whether there was any problem with the quality of her work. The answer from the Human Resources Manager went something like this:

No, it has nothing to do with the work you are doing. Roy is very ambitious and if he does not get what he wants he will start screaming.

As Rozita puts it, the Human Resources Department acted as pimps for the firm’s directors. The Human Resources Manager was basically telling Rozita that she ought to submit to Roy saying that “Roy brings in millions of dollars to the firm and Roy always gets what he wants.” Eventually, Rozita ended up in a situation where she was not only discriminated against and harassed but felt physically threatened. Roy put her on practically meaningless tasks that required her to repeatedly stay back working late. He then, himself, hung around after work doing almost nothing except to invade Rozita’s personal space and slouch around in sexually suggestive postures. Knowing how aggressively and abusively Roy had behaved towards her and other female employees, Rozita feared that Roy would one day rape her. She had to get out! And she did.

Rozita is rightly proud that she always maintained her dignity and refused to submit to the pressure of her despicable male chauvinist “superiors”. She points out that several other female employees at various firms that she worked at did succumb to the wishes of their male bosses – although Rozita does not judge them. She, herself, has had to pay a heavy price for maintaining her integrity and standing by her principles. The architecture world is dominated by an elite clique of male mates. If word gets out that you are a woman who refuses to play the game and what’s more has the audacity to defy the big boys then doors are literally shut in your face. As a result, Rozita has been excluded from work in her field. It has been thirteen years since she has had a secure job in the architecture sector. This has been wholly demoralising. It also means that she does it really hard financially. The whole experience has taken a huge financial and emotional toll on Rozita. Fortunately, because of her considerable artistic talents she is able to fall back on art as a pursuit. Others not so lucky to have been endowed with her talents would have found it much harder to cope.


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Then there is that most obvious aspect of what Rozita endured – male chauvinism. Discrimination against women and misogyny are fundamental features of all capitalist societies. Marxists understand that the particular form of social organisation that we call the state – with its standing army and police forces, prisons, legal system and bureaucracy – first made its appearance on Earth only once human societies began to divide into mutually exclusive and opposing classes of exploiters and exploited, rich and poor, powerful rulers and oppressed subjects who are ruled over. The ruling class has always, necessarily, been made up of a smaller number of privileged people than the masses whom they exploit and so, in order to maintain their wealth, status and power this ruling class requires the use of all the various mechanisms of state from the big stick that their bully boys wield to the propaganda penned by their faithful scribes in the media. This has been true all through the ever evolving history of the state from its origins in ancient slave-owning societies such as in Greece and Rome, through to the medieval, feudal period with its “divine right” of kings and robber barons to rule over peasants and serfs and then on to our “modern” period where it is the capitalists, the merchants, bankers and traders who have gained ascendancy over the mass of workers and who extract their wealth, primarily, through the wage labour system.

But before the advent of these various systems of mass exploitation and the state which maintains such patently unfair social organisations in place, human societies – such as was in the case in Australia before British invasion, for instance – were, generally, organised into a federation of clan groups. And such societies, based on systems of kinship and kindness, knew nothing of exploitation,  the discrimination against women or misogyny. The oppression of women was given birth to when society was first divided into classes of exploiters and exploited – and capitalism, we Marxists know, will be the last form of class society.

Part of the essence of class-divided societies like capitalism is that land and means of production, rather than being the common property of all, are owned by some private individuals while many others own no such productive property at all. For those lucky enough to own productive property – no matter how small – a key part of their existence is driven by a preoccupation with passing on their property to male heirs. However, so as to be sure that their wealth isn’t claimed by the patriarch of another family, these males want their property to be passed on to heirs who are indisputably theirs. This obsession with handing down their property to their own heirs and, thus, with ensuring that their wives do not bear children to other men drive these propertied males’ compulsion to socially – and, thus, economically – isolate their wives. Meanwhile, the greedy ruling class under capitalism does not want to actually pay people to conduct the essential tasks of housework and child rearing. And so it is held incumbent upon women to, without any pay, conduct these important social functions; work that in original human civilisations – including those of most of Australia’s Aboriginal nations – had humanely and quite rightly been carried out as the collective responsibility of whole communities. The combined result of women being almost exclusively burdened with doing unpaid housework and the partial – or in worst cases almost complete – straightjacketing of women by their husbands results in women’s (on average) greatly reduced opportunity to participate equally in economic life. Herein lies the material basis for women’s subjugation under capitalism. When a woman, because of her burdens and restrictions, is financially reliant on a male partner, she is almost inevitably going to have an unequal relationship with him. In the worst cases it means that if that partner is violent or otherwise abusive, she is presented with the agonising “choice” between leaving that partner and living an impoverished life (along with her children if she is a mother) or suffering under the tyrant at home. [See “The Struggles of a Single Mother Living in Sydney’s West: Kushi Demands Justice and a Better Life” in Trotskyist Platform Issue 12 which can be found at].

The reality of economic and social subjugation of women breeds a foul male chauvinist ideology that reflects this oppressive reality. This ideology, expressed in mainstream attitudes, media, government, religion and all sorts of social taboos, customs and “social norms” in turn “rationalises”, perpetuates and reinforces women’s second class status. Even compared to other capitalist societies, misogyny is especially vile in Australia. The brutal nature of capitalist White Australia’s foundation as a convict colony and the ongoing violent dispossession of and horrific acts of genocide against Australia’s First Peoples has, necessarily, brutalised all aspects of this society ever since – including gender relations. Women who are doing it hard financially and who are dependent on male partners or family are most vulnerable in such a violently misogynist society. Yet, just like relatively wealthy, dark-skinned people are not immune to the horror of White Australia racism, even financially independent women with good economic prospects can be bowled over in this capitalist society by powerful blasts of misogyny.

Cadet journalist, Amy Taeuber, was cruelly sacked by Channel 7 after she made a sexual harassment complaint against an older male reporter over a series of incidents where he allegedly made disparaging remarks about her marital status and appearance and mockingly labelled her sexual preference. Sexist bullying of women workers is rife in Australian workplaces.


Rozita was not financially dependent on a male partner or other male family members. However, she was in economic terms at the mercy of other men – her male bosses at the architecture firms she worked at. They had the “right” under this system to determine what work she got and didn’t get and the power to sack her. That’s why it took such strong principles on her part to defy them. In a formal sense these bosses were not called “bosses.” In the architecture world, as in many other lofty professions, they were known as “partners” and “directors.” However, the reality is that in big architectural firms, the labour of junior and other non-partner architects like Rozita – in this case their intellectual labour – was exploited by the partners in order to generate profit for themselves. The junior and other non-partner architects are, thus, denied part of the fruit of their own labour. In that sense, those in Rozita’s position are no different to process workers at a factory, construction workers at a building site or mine workers at a mine. Increasingly in today’s economy there are many workers whose main form of labour is intellectual – like many IT help desk and support staff, laboratory workers and CAD draughties – who are exploited just like other workers in the so-called blue collar workplace.

However, there is an important difference between the position of junior and other non-partner architects in big architectural consulting firms and that of, say, factory workers. And that is that many of the non-partner architects have hopes of, one day, becoming a “partner” themselves: that is, a small-scale, capitalist boss. What’s more, they not only have the education to one day become a “boss” too but have, moreover, even some probability of one day “rising” to such a position. It is this – and not their pay levels – which makes junior architects and others in similar positions in other professions more middle class in their reality and outlook. Working class people have a much lower probability – and, hence, less hope – of one day becoming a capitalist profiteer. What working class people do have, however, that most of those in middle class professions often don’t even realise that they are missing, is the very real chance to solidarize shoulder to shoulder in a powerful and organized collective unity alongside their working class comrades. And it is this factor that is the very key to the future of society.


Ironically, the very same reason that even junior architects are considered privileged and middle class with respect to proletarian workers also makes them, at the same time, more vulnerable to being bullied by their bosses. The hopes of one day becoming a partner in the firm gnaw away at bonds of solidarity between mistreated and exploited junior professionals. Many seek to nudge each other out of the way in their rival bids to reach the top. That is why non-partner architects are not, at this time, in droves forming themselves into unions to collectively fight for their rights. It would not be until a mass working class upsurge emerges for union consciousness to widely seep into these layers of society. The ambitious, middle class outlook of even exploited non-partner architects in the current period meant that Rozita never had anyone to really stand up for her – or even offer meaningful moral support – in all the times she suffered at various architectural firms. This is quite different to what could happen if she was one of a group of proletarian workers at a workplace. Especially if there is a workplace with a strong union presence, workers may well stand together to try and challenge sexual or other harassment of a co-worker by a boss. A genuine class struggle union leadership would be prepared to unleash union industrial action to punish the bosses for any sort of bullying of any worker. If the harassment came from a co-worker they would organise for all the other workers to drag this worker aside and resolutely reprimand and, if necessary, even severely punish him.

Union nurses and midwives march in Melbourne. Women employed in working class jobs are able to unite in unions with each other and with their male co-workers to stand up against both exploitation and sexist bullying and harrassment by bosses.


That is why it is the working class – with women workers at the forefront – that will lead the struggle for women’s liberation. We saw glimpses of this in the hundreds of proud women trade unionists who formed the backbone of the 2017 and 2018 International Women’s Day marches in Sydney. The organised working class will be the spearhead of the struggle for women’s emancipation and not only because workers’ solidarity, expressed through workers’ unions, can stand up to sexist bullying at work and demand equal pay for women workers. The working class’ interests lie in seeing the overthrow of the capitalist system – the system under which workers’ labour is exploited by business owners and under which many workers are condemned to economic insecurity and unemployment – and its replacement with the system that embodies workers’ interests, socialism. In fighting for such a revolutionary change, the working class is simultaneously struggling against the system upon which women’s oppression is based and for a system that will lay the basis for women’s emancipation. Socialism will enable women to win full economic independence by providing jobs for all workers for as many hours as each worker needs and by making the society and community responsible for the crucial tasks of housework and child rearing that are today, still, largely performed by women as unpaid labour. Thus, a socialist society would provide free pre-school education, free 24-hour childcare, free school lunches at all schools as well after-school sports, music and cultural activities provided for free by the state alongside free transport from school to and from these activities. It is simply natural for a socialist society to take these measures needed to enable women’s full participation in social and economic life since that participation maximises production and enriches society culturally. To not utilise women’s full potential is not only unfair and oppressive – it is also a terrible waste! However, the capitalist system does not operate on such rational considerations as the maximisation of total society-wide economic and artistic output. It operates solely on the basis of what is most profitable for the individual private bosses who run society.

The social and industrial power of women workers to fight for both women’s equality and workers’ rights comes as part of a united class that also, of course, includes male workers. However, male workers are shaped by a society whose media, customs, organised religion and social norms are flooded with male chauvinist attitudes. Furthermore, in this class society, where hierarchical relations between people are normalised and even celebrated, many a male worker who is exploited and bullied by his boss at work finds “solace” in being a tyrant to his female partner at home. Needless to say, such male chauvinism within the workers movement is not only poisonous to a working class fight for women’s rights but to the unity needed for workers to fight for their jobs, wages and conditions. There needs to be a determined struggle by the most conscious, enlightened workers to drive out such male chauvinism from the workers movement. This struggle is part of a broader fight to turn the working class from what it currently is – a class shaped by all the backwardness imparted into it by capitalist society – into a class that becomes aware of what it needs to do to liberate itself and all the oppressed and look with clear, unfettered eyes toward a brighter future. It is a struggle to not only purge the workers movement of male chauvinism but also of racism, nationalism and the corrosive illusions in capitalist “democracy.” It is a struggle to build a revolutionary workers party that will unite the working class, make it champion the cause of all the downtrodden and lead it in struggles that will culminate in the overturn of capitalism and the commencement of the construction of a new socialist society. When a future socialist society enables women to have complete economic independence then this will, over time, drastically change society’s attitudes, customs and behaviour.

The revolutionary party of the masses indispensable to this triumph of socialism and women’s liberation will oblige those who take the responsibility of putting themselves in the vanguard of the struggle to stand with the greatest courage, never sell out their principles under pressure and not fear making enormous sacrifices for the cause. We should be confident that many will flock to this task – especially from amongst the most oppressed sections of the masses including women, Aboriginal people, persecuted migrant-derived “ethnic” groups, LGBTI people and the lowest paid workers. As Rozita has shown, there are indeed strong people out there who are prepared to stand their ground in the face of the oppressors and refuse to compromise on their principles.