28 November 2024: Trotskyist Platform has just updated the About section of our website with an up to date and much more detailed statement of what our group stands for.
Today, the world is at a crossroads. Capitalist rule in Australia and around the world is bringing ever more poverty, job insecurity, economic stress, social division, racist oppression, misogyny and imperialism-driven wars. On the other hand, socialistic China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries and the example of continued socialistic success that she provides both present a medium-term existential threat to imperialist domination of the world. Moreover, the working class masses in the capitalist world are more and more discontent. However, right now, the absence of genuinely revolutionary socialist parties is allowing the dangerous Far-Right wing of the capitalist classes to gain in strength. Increasingly, the choice facing humanity is either the liberation of communism or the nightmare of the fascist form of capitalism. It is therefore urgent that politically conscious workers and other leftists build an authentic revolutionary, internationalist workers party in Australia. Trotskyist Platform is working hard to build such a party.
We believe that our What We Stand For statement provides the guide needed for those committed to the liberation of the exploited and oppressed to intervene into the events and struggles of this very high-stakes period in order to advance towards the goal of a socialist world where exploitation of labour, unemployment, racism, oppression of women and imperialist subjugation of “Third World” countries will become things of the past.
Please read our statement. With the world’s contradictions coming to a head, the entire fate of humanity may well be decided within the next two to four decades.
Photo Above: Uyghur people perform a Uyghur cultural performance in a square in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The Uyghur people’s rich culture is flourishing in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China’s northwest. Photo credit: China & Asia Cultural Travel website
The Firming of China’s Course Toward Socialism Improves Uyghur People’s Lives
The Regimes Joining in Israel’s Gaza Genocide Are the Only Ones Claiming That China is “Persecuting Uyghurs“
Most of the world has refused to buy into the claim that China is “persecuting Uyghurs”.
The one and only state in the entire Middle East that has signed on to this lying anti-China claim is … the truly genocidal Israeli regime!
Uyghur people’s rich culture is flourishing in socialistic China.
The political battle taking place within Xinjiang is a contest between on the one side, that small proportion of Uyghurs who are either consciously pro-capitalist or religious fundamentalist opponents of women’s rights, together with their imperialist masters; and on the other side, pro-women’s rights, pro-communist Uyghurs and their pro-communist Han Chinese allies.
China’s vocational training schools are a more humane way of dealing with those who have had illegal, low-level association with banned terrorist groups than the Australian regime’s supermax prisons.
Excessive market reforms weakened ethnic relations within China for a two decade period.
In colloquial terms, because China has – in a zig-zagging way – become “more socialist” over the last decade and a half, Uyghur people’s lives have improved and ethnic harmony has been strengthened.
The well being of Uyghur people closely depends on the well being of socialistic rule in China.
Let us mobilise with all of our energy to defend the Chinese workers state against all the all-sided attacks that the imperialist ruling classes are unleashing against her.
3 April 2024: The Israeli regime is intensifying its genocidal massacre of the Palestinian people. In just the last six months, Israeli forces have killed more than 33,000 people in Gaza and hundreds more in the West Bank. Two-thirds of the people that the Zionist military have killed are women and children. The Israeli regime would not be able to commit these crimes without the massive support that it is getting from the U.S., Australian, British, German and other Western ruling classes. Do not be deceived by these Western imperialists’ appeals to their Israeli allies to “take greater care to minimise deaths of Palestinian civilians”. The imperialist rulers do not truly care one bit about the lives of Palestinian people. Their statements of “concern” are a cynical attempt to protect their self-created image as champions of “human rights”. They worry that their horrifying brutal nature is being exposed in the eyes of much of the world. Even while engaging in such window-dressing, the Western imperialist regimes are providing the Israeli forces with ever increasing military support. The Biden regime in the U.S. has sent Israel huge new caches of 155mm artillery shells and terrifying 900kg MK84 bombs – precisely the weapons that cause greatest destruction to Palestinian civilian lives and infrastructure. For its part, the Australian regime not only maintains its military ties with Israel, but greatlyhelps Israel direct its air and artillery strikes on Gaza through jointly operating – with its U.S. allies – the Northern Territory Pine Gap ground station for U.S. spy satellites. Australian troops have also joined those from the U.S. and other U.S. allies in a Red Sea operation designed to protect the Israeli onslaught by crushing actions in solidarity with the Palestinian people by Yemeni Houthi fighters.
The truth is that the capitalist ruling classes of the U.S., Australia, Britain and other Western countries are not only supporting Israel’s massacre of Palestinian people, they are participating in it. Yet these same ruling classes have the hide to attack China for supposedly persecuting her Uyghur minority that live in China’s northwest Xinjiang region. The Uyghurs are an ethnic group who speak a Turkic language and amongst whom the main religion present is Islam. Compared with China’s East Asian-looking Han majority ethnic group, Uyghurs generally have facial features and an appearance that somewhat more closely resembles those of white Europeans than do Han Chinese. In their most extreme allegations, the very same Western imperialists who are participating in the real genocide in Gaza claim that “China is committing a genocide of Uyghurs”. So, should we believe these claims? Let’s remember that the Western ruling elites that are spearheading the campaign to accuse China of persecuting Muslim Uyghurs are the very same people who have been lying through their teeth by telling us that Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is a “legitimate act of self defence”; and by deceitfully giving the impression that Israel’s onslaught against the Palestinian people began with Hamas’ October 7 attack and not with the murderous 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land. These Western ruling classes attacking China’s treatment of Uyghurs are the same ones who brand every act of resistance of the subjugated Palestinian people as “terrorism”. Twenty one years ago, these same Western ruling elites sold the world the lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in order to justify their invasion of that oil rich country. During the course of that invasion and occupation of Iraq, the U.S., Australian, British and other Western militaries caused the deaths of over one million people. So we should not believe anything that they tell us! We should assume that everything that the Western imperialist rulers and their propagandists tell us is a lie … until proven otherwise.
It turns out that the Western capitalist rulers’ claim that “Communist China is committing a genocide of Uyghurs” has as much validity as their earlier claim that Iraq “has weapons of mass destruction”. That is none at all! China is not dropping bombs on Uyghur people, nor shooting Uyghurs. Not at all! Nor is China’s socialistic state killing Uyghur people in state custody – unlike Australia’s racist capitalist regime, whose cops and prison guards continue to kill, or otherwise cause the deaths of, Aboriginal people in custody with complete impunity. Realising that all this is obvious to most people in the world, imperialist propagandists then say that the “Communist Party of China is managing to genocide the Uyghurs without actually killing anyone.” To the people of Gaza who are actually suffering a genocide – whose children, mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers and friends are being blown to pieces by Israeli shells and bombs, whose homes are being flattened and who now face mass starvation – this line must seem especially ridiculous. Notwithstanding this, the imperialist propagandists and their puppets tell a story that “China is committing genocide by extinguishing Uyghur culture.” The truth however is that the Uyghur people’s rich culture is flourishing in socialistic China. Uyghur language, theatre, music, dance, art, wedding and funeral customs, dress and food are not only thriving in China’s northwest but are being given much state support and encouragement. Especially flourishing is the traditional Uyghur art of Muqam, which integrates songs, dances, and folk and classical music. Backed by Chinese government subsidies, Uyghur Muqam artists regularly perform during festivals and celebrations in Xinjiang, in Uyghur towns and villages and on tours to major Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Meanwhile, millions of Uyghur people have been lifted out of poverty in recent years. Indeed, right now, the economy in the majority Uyghur-parts of China (in the southern part of Xinjiang) is literally booming, with the result that the living standards of Uyghur people are now growing faster than those in the rest of China.
The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has introduced measures that give Uyghur people greater rights in some important domains than other Chinese citizens in order to make up for the historical disadvantage faced by people living in the geographically challenging, desert lands in the southern part of Xinjiang. Thus, whereas all China’s children are granted free education for the nine years of China’s compulsory education, in southern part of Xinjiang (and in the Tibet Autonomous Region) education is free for the entire 15 years of education. That means that children living in the majority Uyghur lands in the southern portion of Xinjiang have the special right to be able to attend three years of pre-school without their parents paying any fees, as well having to pay zero tuition fees if they choose to attend the three years of senior high school. Such measures are in sharp contrast to what Aboriginal people continue to face in 21st century Australia. Here there remain laws that openly discriminate against Aboriginal people – such as laws that specially restrict many people living in several areas with high concentrations of Aboriginal people from having the right to decide how they spend their own incomes. Such compulsory “income management” measures targeting Aboriginal people were first imposed through John Howard’s 2007 Northern Territory (NT) “Intervention” and then expanded to other regions. Although the current Labor government has now made the scheme voluntary in some areas, it has imposed new measures that maintain (and even expand) draconian compulsory “income management” in several areas with high proportions of Aboriginal residents – including all of the NT, Cape York and Doomadgee in Queensland, the APY lands in South Australia and the Ngaanyatjarra lands and Kiwirrkurra Community in Western Australia.
The Western capitalist rulers’ accusations that “China is committing a genocide of Uyghurs” reached its height during the pandemic. This is no accident. Worldwide travel restrictions during the pandemic meant that people were much less able to travel to Xinjiang to verify what was really going on. That made China’s enemies feel that they could get away with making any claim about what was happening in Xinjiang. But now foreign tourists are once again travelling to China’s northwest. And these visitors are seeing with their own eyes what Xinjiang is really like. All this makes it harder for the Western rulers’ to sell their accusations about China’s actions in Xinjiang. So they have quietly, largely stopped claiming that China is committing a “genocide” of Uyghurs. Instead, they claim that China is “persecuting Uyghurs with the aim of extinguishing their identity”. If that were true, why would the Chinese state make a point of highlighting the Uyghur people’s particular identity by giving Xinjiang the official name of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR)? Notably, for the last 44 years, every single chairperson of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region government has been an ethnic Uyghur. Uyghur identity is recognised in the leadership and official name of Xinjiang despite Uyghurs making up just 45% of the region’s population, with Han Chinese constituting a further 40% and non-Uyghur Turkic ethnic groups, Mongols, Persian-related Tadzhiks and the Muslim Hui group making up most of the remainder.
Above: Palestinian people observe yet another building destroyed by a deadly Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on 2 April 2024. Top: The joint U.S.-Australia spy base near Alice Springs pinpoints many of Israel’s genocidal artillery and air strikes on the people of Gaza. Through hosting and helping operate the Pine Gap satellite ground station, through contributing troops to the U.S.-led Red Sea operation against Yemeni actions in defence of Palestine and through military ties and two-way arms contracts with Israel, Australia’s ruling class is joining the U.S. and other Western powers in directly participating in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza. Despite this, these very same Western capitalist ruling classes claim that it is China that is engaging in brutal oppression – supposedly by “persecuting” her ethnic Uyghur population and other traditionally Muslim ethnic groups that live in China’s northwest and “suppressing” their cultural identities. But the reality is very different! Below: Nearly 10,000 predominantly Uyghur-speaking people dance in local Dolan Maxrap folk style during a festival in the Awat county of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Photo credit (top photo): Kristian Laemmle-Ruff @kristianlaemmleruff Photo credit (above photo): Khaled Omar/Xinhua Photo credit (below photo): China News Service
The Regimes Accusing Socialistic China of “Violating Human Rights in Xinjiang”
The regimes spearheading the condemnation of China over her alleged “violations of the human rights of Uyghurs” are truly a who’s who of the countries that are supporting Israel’s war on the Palestinian people. They include the governments of the U.S., Britain, Australia, Germany and Japan. For a more detailed comparison between the countries accusing China and the ones supporting Israel’s onslaught, we identified the governments supporting Israel by those that voted for a pro-Israel amendment to a resolution at the 27 October 2023 UN General Assembly. That amendment, which was put by Canada, explicitly condemned Hamas and not Israel and sought to blame the suffering in Gaza on Hamas rather than Israel. This amendment was a despicable attempt to whitewash Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinian people. However, the amendment failed because it did not garner the required two-thirds majority to pass. Of the UN member states, 105 states did not vote for the amendment – either voting against, abstaining or not voting – while 88 voted for the pro-Israel amendment, including Israel itself.
So how do we identify the regimes supporting the claim of the Western powers that socialistic China is “violating the rights of Uyghurs”? To identify these states, we looked at the countries that signed a joint statement condemning China’s treatment of Uyghurs that was submitted to a UN committee on 18 October 2023. The statement, which was delivered by Britain, was signed by 50 countries (Fiji had initially been arm-twisted to sign but later withdrew its signature). That means that 142 countries refused to sign the China-bashing statement. Moreover, many of the states that did sign the statement are European and other states with very small populations. In population terms, the governments that signed onto the statement accusing China represent just 14% of the world’s population. Thus, although Australia’s mainstream media like to say that “the international community has condemned China’s treatment of Uyghurs”, it turns out that governments representing 86% of the world’s population have refused to buy into these false accusations. Moreover, in comparison with the regimes that have attacked China over the Uyghur question, a far greater number of states representing a far larger number of people have positivelypraised China’s treatment of Uyghurs. Most have done so after sending fact-finding trips to Xinjiang. This includes the majority of the governments heading Muslim-majority countries. Indeed, even several governments that are largely subordinate to the U.S. imperialists have hailed China for the rights and social progress she has brought to her Uyghur minority. Delegations of the Organisation of Islamic Countries and Muslim scholars from the World Muslim Communities Council have also praised China’s treatment of Uyghurs following inspection missions to the Xinjiang region. The Arab League has also denounced the attacks on China over “human rights” in Xinjiang.
It is notable that although the Western powers condemning China’s treatment of Uyghurs do so under the guise of “defending the rights” of a Muslim people, only one solitary government of a Muslim majority country is endorsing their claims. And that is the hopelessly Western-dependent regime heading the small European country, Albania. But the most striking feature of the regimes condemning China for supposed “human rights violations in Xinjiang” is that these regimes are also the strongest supporters of Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinian people.Thus 48 of the 50 governments that signed the 18 October 2023 statement claiming that China was “violating the human rights” of Uyghur people went on to, just nine days later, vote for the pro-Israel, failed UN General Assembly amendment that disgustingly blamed Hamas and not Israel for causing the carnage.
The only two regimes that signed on to the 18 October 2023 anti-China statement that did not vote for the subsequent pro-Israel amendment at the UN were the ones heading the tiny countries of Eswatini and Liberia. It is noteworthy that the Eswatini regime is notorious for being not only the last African country to recognise Taiwan rather than the Peoples Republic of China as the legitimate rulers of China but for also being the last absolute monarchy on the continent. The last two and a half years has seen mass protests in Eswatini against the monarch – whose family live an opulent life in a poverty-stricken country where the average life expectancy is just 57 years. The Eswatini regime has attacked these protests with extreme brutality, killing over 50 protesters.
It should be noted that these only two states that signed the 18 October 2023 anti-China statement that did not also vote for the pro-Israel UN amendment did not actually vote against or abstain on that vote for the pro-Israel General Assembly amendment. Rather, they did not cast a vote at all. Given that these two regimes also did not cast a vote on the UN General Assembly resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza that was voted on immediately after the pro-Israel amendment was defeated (unlike most of the other countries that did not vote for the Canadian-put pro-Israel amendment who instead overwhelming voted in favour of the ceasefire resolution), it may well be that the lack of a vote by the Eswatini and Liberian governments on the pro-Israel amendment was due to these regimes not being able to seat a representative at the UN General Assembly at the time rather than any conscious refusal to vote for the pro-Israel amendment. In any case, if one again compares the states that voted for the joint statement accusing China of “violating human rights in Xinjiang” with those that voted for the 27 October 2023 pro-Israel amendment but this time does so from the point of view of the populations that these governments represent, then 99.4% of those that signed the statement accusing China of “violating human rights in Xinjiang” voted for the pro-Israel UN amendment that sought to condemn Palestinian resistance forces rather than Israel. In other words, for all practical purposes, one can say that those regimes that attack China over her treatment of Uyghurs are made up entirely of regimes that support Israel’s onslaught in Gaza.
Above: The voting record at the 27 October 2023 UN General Assembly on a Canadian-drafted amendment to a resolution on the war in Gaza. The failed amendment explicitly condemned Hamas and not Israel and sought to blame the suffering in Gaza on Hamas rather than Israel. By seeing who voted for this pro-Israel amendment we can see which governments are either explicitly or implicitly supporting Israel’s genocidal terror against the Palestinian people. Below: Nearly all the regimes, representing just 14% of the world’s population, that falsely accuse the Peoples Republic of China of “seriously violating the human rights of Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities in Xinjiang” voted for the 27 October 2023 UN amendment that despicably attempted to whitewash Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinian people. This includes the regime ruling the one and only Muslim-majority country whose regime has signed on to the attacks against China over treatment of Uyghurs, Albania.
Western Imperialism – Its Neo-Colonies and Semi-Colonies
It should be stressed that the fifty governments accusing China of “violating human rights in Xinjiang” is overwhelmingly made up of the Western powers in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Thus, and very tellingly, the one and only state in the entire Middle East that has signed on to this lying claim that China is persecuting Muslim Uyghurs is … the truly genocidal Israeli regime! The only other state in all of Asia to join the statement attacking China is the imperialist regime ruling Japan. In Africa, only the two previously mentioned governments of Eswatini and Liberia – who together represent less than 0.5% of Africa’s population – endorsed the statement attacking China’s human rights record in Xinjiang. Meanwhile, not one single state in South America signed onto the anti-China statement and just one state in Central America did – the U.S.-subservient regime of Guatemala. The only other states to sign onto the statement are four Pacific regimes that are neocolonial puppets of either Australian or U.S. imperialism. This includes the government of Tuvalu, which in November effectively made the country an Australian protectorate, after agreeing to give the Australian regime veto power over Tuvalu’s security arrangements with any other country. Then there are the rulers of another Australian neocolony, Nauru. Since the start of the 21st century, the Australian government has turned Nauru into an extremely brutal detention centre for refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia who sought asylum in Australia. This followed Australian and British companies destroying the island through phosphate mining during the period of direct Australian colonial rule (nominally done in concert with Britain and New Zealand). With the island thus becoming unsuitable for the islanders earlier means of subsistence through agriculture and aquaculture, the tiny country became even more dependent on Australia’s capitalist ruling class. This allowed Australia’s rulers to make islanders reliant on payments from Canberra for enforcing the mandatory detention of refugees and which, in practice, gave the Australian regime control over Nauru’s external policy (with the number of refugees coming by boat into Australia having fallen and thus the Australian regime’s use of Nauru for refugee imprisonment having diminished, the blood money that Nauru’s governemnt receives from Canberra for imprisoning refugees has recently plunged, pushing the country’s leaders to start to assert a degree of independence – we do not know whether this will later result in a change in their stance on Xinjiang but in January Nauru finally swapped its recognition as to who are the legitimate rulers of China from Taiwan to the Peoples Republic of China). The final two signatories to the statement accusing China of “violating human rights in Xinjiang” are the tiny Pacific states of Palau and Marshall Islands. These two states are basically “protectorates” of the U.S. regime and relentlessly downtrodden ones. From 1946 to 1958, the U.S. conducted massive nuclear testing on several of the islands that make up the Marshall Islands after forcing residents to leave their homes. To this very day, the U.S. uses the Marshall Islands as a major missile testing site. Both the radiation from the nuclear testing and the forced relocation caused massive damage to the health of the country’s people, resulting in them dying on average at a notably younger age than those in neighbouring Micronesia. Today, through a colonial-style arrangement, with the Orwellian title, “Compact of Free Association”, the U.S. has complete control over both the Marshall Islands and Palau’s defence and security. The Marshall Islands, Palau, Nauru and Tuvalu signing onto the 18 October 2023 condemnation of China can hardly be considered independent acts!
The number of states that voted for the 27 October 2023 pro-Israel amendment at the UN General Assembly is considerably greater than the number that have signed onto the bogus attacks on China over human rights in Xinjiang. This is because a number of states that are dependent on the Western imperial powers and can be considered their semi-colonies – like India, Brazil and Mexico – were pressed to vote for the Canadian-put, pro-Israel amendment. However, while the imperial powers have enough pull on these states to drag them into voting for an amendment that backhandedly excuses Israel’s bloodbath in Gaza, these states retain enough independence to avoid making a total mockery of themselves by signing onto an anti-China statement on Xinjiang that is so openly a load of rubbish.
Moreover, while the likes of India, Brazil and Mexico were pushed into voting for a pro-Israel amendment at the UN General Assembly, they have not been providing concrete military support to the Israeli military. The regimes providing actual material support to Israel’s war on the Palestinian people are exclusively the Western powers. These include Israel’s main backer the U.S. regime, the Australian regime, the German regime which has been providing Israel with huge stocks of arms over the last few months and the regimes participating in the U.S.-instigated Red Sea operation to protect the Israeli onslaught by attacking pro-Palestine actions by Houthi rebels. The latter include not only the U.S. and Australia but also Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Norway as well as the European Union (which includes most European states) – all of whom have forces in the Red Sea arrayed against the Houthis whether they be in concert with the U.S. or under independent national command. In summary one can say that, for all practical purposes, not only are all the regimes that falsely accuse China of persecuting Uyghurs supporters of Israel, these regimes that are spreading these anti-China lies are basically the only ones that are actually giving concrete military support to Israel’s war on Gaza. These are essentially also the very same regimes that invaded and occupied Iraq, that committed horrific war crimes during their failed two-decade occupation of Afghanistan, that brought disaster to Libya’s people through their brutal 2011 regime change war and that waged a brutal proxy war and then deadly bombing campaign in Syria. These Western regimes lying about China’s treatment of her majority Muslim, Uyghur population are also the very regimes that have regularly demonised and incited hatred against their own Muslim minorities whenever they have needed to find a scapegoat or diversion for their masses’ economic and social grievances.
What is Driving the Western Powers to Both Support Israel’s Bloodbath and to Make Lying Accusations Against China
To understand why support for Israel’s war against the Palestinian people and false accusations that China is persecuting Uyghurs go hand in hand, one has to examine the nature of the Western rulers who are guilty of both these crimes. Currently, in all the Western countries, economic and actual political power lies in the hands of a super-rich class that owns the banks, factories, mines, transport nodes, communication infrastructure and major retail and service enterprises. The wealth and power of this capitalist class is such that all the state institutions and governments serve their exclusive interests. In the modern world, the capitalists of the richer countries not only exploit the workers of their own countries but gain fabulous profits from exploiting labour in the poorer countries at an even greater rate. They loot the natural resources of these poorer countries, seize control of their markets and mercilessly leach interest payments from the peoples of these lands. Thus the ruling classes of the richer Western countries are not only capitalist ruling classes but also imperialist ruling classes. Australia’s capitalists for example gain huge profits from plundering the natural wealth of South Pacific countries and through broader profiteering in these and neighbouring southeast Asian and South Asian countries. To the most powerful imperialist ruling classes, the Middle East is especially important because of its oil wealth and its strategic location. That is why the, by far, strongest imperial power, the U.S., has enlisted Israel to be its enforcer in the Middle East. And that in turn is why the U.S. rulers back Israel. In protecting Israel they are protecting their reliable and vicious attack dog in a highly strategic region. The Australian rulers back Israel because they want to protect the power of their U.S. senior partner whose might is what underwrites Australian imperialist exploitation in the Asia-Pacific region. Similarly, smaller imperialist states such as Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Sweden are especially keen to do whatever it takes to uphold U.S. power, because not being militarily strong enough to single-handedly enforce their own imperialist plundering, they rely on U.S. might to maintain the Western-dominated world “order” that enables them to get a slice of the imperialist looting of poorer countries.
OK, so the above explains why the Western regimes back Israel. But where does China fit into all this? To answer this we first need to point out that a good part of what enables the imperial powers to rape the poorer countries is through their control of world markets, their ownership of capital and their jealously-guarded possession of the most advanced technology. This allows them to demand that developing countries hand over a big chunk of their income in order to get access to the markets, capital and technology that they so badly need to develop. And here is where China acts as a big disruptor. You see although there are unfortunately still capitalists operating within China, unlike in the West the capitalists do not rule China. Instead, albeit in an imperfect and indirect way, it is the working class that rules China – a rule that was established through a heroic toiling people’s revolution in 1949. As a result, in China, the backbone economic sectors – including all the major banks, the steel, aluminum, cement and glass industries, the energy and power sector, the major mines, the major infrastructure companies, the ports, the shipping lines, the three big telecommunications firms, the shipbuilding, train manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing and space sectors, the majority of the auto industry and more – are collectively owned by the people through public ownership. The success of China’s socialistic system means that China and her giant state-owned enterprises are increasingly able to offer developing countries the capital and technical expertise that they need, alongside access to China’s huge market. And here’s the key point, they are able to offer all this without ripping off the people of these countries. This is possible because China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises are fundamentally not profit driven. To be sure, China is not collaborating with developing countries out of charity. They benefit too from these exchanges. Chinese operations in the developing world bring additional employment prospects for Chinese engineers, technicians and skilled workers, brings opportunities for Chinese public sector enterprises to gain experience operating in different environments and allows Chinese companies to increase their scale of operations. Meanwhile, the cooperation with countries in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America helps China win more friends in the developing world. Moreover, by helping friendly poorer countries to improve their incomes, China is growing the market for its own exports while improving the capacity of these countries to supply the imports that China needs. The cooperation is indeed mutually beneficial. The key point however is that although China’s state-owned enterprises do seek benefits from their operations in developing countries, they are not pursing big profits. Indeed, many of the big infrastructure projects that China’s public sector companies have successfully delivered to developing countries have barely made any profit at all and sometimes even run at a loss. As a result, poorer countries are increasingly turning to socialistic China and her state-owned enterprises to help them develop. In doing so they are turning their backs on profit-driven Western companies or using the threat of turning to China to demand a fairer deal from Western investors. All this is causing Western corporate bigwigs, bank owners and investors to lose part of the profits that they had previously been able to plunder from developing countries. And this has these imperialist exploiters and the regimes that serve them hopping mad!
The China-caused loss of some of the exorbitant profits that they attain from plundering the poorer countries is more than annoyance to the ruling classes of the richer Western capitalist countries. With their own economies ridden by repeated crises – witness the soaring inflation and low or even negative economic growth in most of their countries right now – the imperialist rulers cannot stave off the collapse of their domestic capitalist economies without super-exploiting the developing world. Indeed, for their obsolete capitalist economic systems to survive, each of the imperialist ruling classes need to actually drastically increase the number of toilers that they exploit in the Global South and the amount of natural resources that they plunder from these lands. However, the continuation of socialistic rule within China prevents these imperialist ruling classes from exploiting workers in a country with nearly one in five of the world’s people the way that they super-exploit workers in the rest of the developing world. Therefore, whether it is through her mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries (inadvertently) obstructing imperialist looting of these countries or through its workers state preventing China itself from being turned into a giant sweatshop for exploitation by Western capitalists, socialistic rule in China presents an existential threat to the rule of the imperialist classes. And that is why the capitalist rulers in the West are working tirelessly to crush socialistic rule in China. Their means range from funding and training anti-communist forces within China, to providing propaganda support for these groups, to placing restrictions on high-tech exports to China, to provocatively sending naval armada’s into China-claimed waters in the South and East China Seas, to threateningly engaging in massive military buildups aimed against Red China. To justify amongst their own populations these highly expensive means of exerting all-sided pressure on socialistic China, the Western capitalist ruling classes use every opportunity to demonise China. Their lie that China is brutally persecuting Uyghurs is one of their key means of slandering Red China. And Australia’s ruling elite are at the very forefront of disseminating this lie. Indeed, one prominent Australian ruling class think tank, ASPI has become the international spearhead of Western imperialism’s propaganda campaign against China over the treatment of Uyghurs. The Australian ruling class’ vigour in promoting these anti-China slanders is in proportion to the resistance that they are facing to their imperialist plunder of the Pacific and Southeast Asia as a result of socialistic China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with countries in these regions.
The Capitalist Ruling Classes’ All-Sided Campaign to Denigrate Red China
There is another, still more fundamental, reason why capitalist exploiting classes seek to denigrate China. With many working-class people in Australia and other capitalist countries ground down by unaffordable rents, steeply rising prices and growing homelessness, capitalist rulers fear that these people will look favourably upon China’s socialistic system that has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty over the last few decades. Capitalist ruling classes are especially worried that workers in their own countries infuriated that their wages are not keeping up with prices will notice that, in the last fifteen years, real wages in China have almost tripled – with socialistic China’s workers enjoying a rate of real wage growth that in more than four times faster than that of any major capitalist economy! And the U.S.’s rulers, in particular, are scared that their own masses, frustrated at the high cost and inaccessibility of health care, will realise that average life expectancy in Red China is now two years higher than it is in the U.S. … after being 32 years below that of the U.S. (36 years then in China compared to 68 years then in the U.S.) at the time that China had her socialist revolution in 1949! In short, the rulers of the capitalist countries are fearful that the obvious successes of socialistic rule in China will encourage the increasingly dissatisfied masses in their own countries to demand socialism at home. That is why capitalist ruling classes look for every possible opportunity to slander China.
For example, once it became clear that socialistic China had responded far more effectively to the COVID pandemic than the capitalist countries, capitalist ruling classes and their media went on a hysterical campaign to attack China’s COVID response. They promoted the “possibility” that COVID “could have” leaked out of a Chinese lab – a nutty conspiracy theory refuted by most genuine medical experts. They alternately claimed that China’s pandemic response was either way too harsh or way too lax … and sometimes even made both claims simultaneously! They did their best to hide or downplay the truth that socialistic China’s COVID death rate per person was way lower than in nearly all the rest of the world. And when they had to grudgingly acknowledge this truth, capitalist ruling elites claimed that this was only because China had severely restricted her people’s freedoms. The truth however was that China’s COVID success was because her socio-economic system – where the key sectors are dominated by public ownership and where even larger private companies are ultimately subordinated to the workers state – was able to organise mass COVID testing of people, build brand new hospitals and makeshift hospitals and produce PPE (personal protective equipment) and other pandemic response materials far more quickly and comprehensively than in the capitalist world. As a result, although the mainstream Western media tried to give people the impression that all of China was locked down for the entire three years of the pandemic, the truth is that China was able to very effectively protect her people from COVID death while ensuring that most people in the country were locked down for far shorter periods than in either Melbourne or Sydney. Indeed, the majority of people living in two of China’s biggest cities, Beijing and Guangzhou, never had to endure a single compulsory lockdown during the entire pandemic. That is why, almost uniquely in the world, socialistic China never went into recession during the entire pandemic. More importantly, China was one of the only countries in the world where workers enjoyed significant real wage growth during the pandemic.
The Western capitalist media has now switched the main focus of their efforts to make socialistic China seem a less palatable model from attacking China’s COVID response to claiming that her economy is “in deep trouble.” They have flooded their newspapers and TV news bulletins with accounts selectively focusing on the few sectors of the Chinese economy that are doing less well, while avoiding like the plague any mention of the sectors that are truly booming in China – like electric car manufacturing, wind and solar power projects, high-speed rail construction, shipbuilding and satellite launching. Notably, these Western mainstream media somehow “report” on the Chinese economy without actually mentioning its actual GDP (gross domestic product) growth rate – which is the most commonly used measure of an economy’s strength! There is a reason for that! For contrary to capitalist media reports, China’s economy is actually growing at an excellent rate. Last year, China GDP grew by an impressive 5.2%, which is nearly twice the growth rate of the other large country with a similar per capita income to China, Brazil. China’s 2023 GDP growth rate was also more than 50 times greater than the growth rate of the stalling British economy, infinitely higher than the growth level of the German economy, which, actually went backwards last year, and three and a half times faster than the 2023 economic growth rate in Australia. Notably, per capita incomes in China grew at a rate comparable to her economy, while they actually fell in Australia and Britain, which were both only prevented from falling into an official recession by population growth. Socialistic China was able to make these economic achievements while keeping her people’s living costs under control. Average prices rose just 0.2% in China last year, compared to a 4.6% rise in Brazil, approximately 6% rises in both Australia (it is only at the end of last year that inflation here has fallen to just above 4%) and Germany and a 7.3% surge in annual average inflation in Britain. As a result, unlike in Australia and many other capitalist countries where real wages plunged downwards, workers in China continued to enjoy surging real wages in 2023.
Despite her striking successes, China is still catching up from the terrible poverty of her pre-1949, capitalist days, when she was a subjugated neo-colony exploited by the imperial powers. As a result, average incomes in China are still some three to four times lower than in the richest of the imperialist countries. While this remains the case, the attractive power of China’ socialistic example to workers in, especially, the richest countries will be less than it would otherwise be. However, what if socialistic China’s economic growth continues to outpace that of the capitalist world for the next two or three decades? Then real wages in China will catch up to or even overtake that of the richest countries. Workers in the West will then see that a socialistic state is able to lift incomes in a once poverty stricken country to amongst the highest global levels and to do it in a way that leaves no one in poverty, provides an abundance of low-rent public housing and creates a society that is far more harmonious and far more filled with hope than in the capitalist world. What worker in the West would then want capitalism with all its lack of job security, its unaffordable rents, its rising income gaps, its growing homelessness, its social decay, its divisions and its bigotry? It is the fear that their own exploited working classes will come to this conclusion that capitalism should be replaced with socialism that terrifies the capitalist ruling classes. That is why their propaganda war against Red China has taken on an increasingly desperate, panicked and hysterical character. They realise that they may have only about two decades left to either smash socialistic rule in China or greatly curb its development. The ludicrous nature of their claims about China’s treatment of Uyghurs should be seen in this context. It is not some isolated campaign by the imperial powers but part of an all-sided crusade that they are waging against China – a crusade whose frenzy is proportional to the imperialist ruling classes’ awareness that failure in this crusade will spell doom for their own tyranny.
One of the latest campaigns of the Western capitalist ruling classes to make socialistic China seem like a less attractive model to their own populations is to claim that “China’s economy is in deep trouble”. In trying to sell this narrative, their media do their best to minimise any mention of China’s actual GDP (gross domestic product) growth rate – the most commonly used measure of an economy’s health. Even less do they mention China’sgrowth rate of per capita GDP, which is a measure of the change in average incomes of people in a country. There is a good reason for that! As the chart above shows, China’s per capita income surged upwards in 2023 at a fast rate, while it dived in Britain and Germany and especially Australia.China’s growth in per capita economic output was two and a half times that of the other large country with a similar per capita income to her, Brazil; and five times the growth in per capita GDP of the USA. Yet somehow “China’s economy is in deep trouble”!
The Means Through Which Imperialist Propaganda is Disseminated
The wealthy capitalist classes ruling Australia and other imperialist countries have gigantic resources with which to spread propaganda. Firstly, they have the regimes that serve them. These capitalist regimes are not only able to disseminate propaganda through government institutions but through the schools and universities that they fund. The capitalist regime’s control of universities and thus of the staff that they hire ensures that students enrolled in subjects like politics, history, social science, journalism and economics are mostly taught by anti-communist lecturers. To maintain the pretence of balance, university administrators do hire a smaller number of nominally leftist intellectuals as well. However, control of the universities by capitalist regimes ensures that for such leftist intellectuals to hold down careers in university academia they must bend to the wishes of the capitalist class on the most crucial questions. The most effective way for a left-leaning academic in Australia, who teaches in a politics-related area, to show that they are ultimately loyal to the capitalist establishment and thus “worthy” of maintaining their well paying job is by enlisting in the imperialist propaganda campaign against socialistic China. And by giving such anti-communist propaganda a “leftist” colour – most tiresomely by denying China’s socialistic character – such nominally leftist academics can further emphasise their value to their university bosses by showing their ability to add “fresh” and “unique” perspectives to the anti-Red-China political campaign. For example, there are prominent left social-democratic academics in Australia who have been able to keep lucrative university positions and respect from the mainstream establishment, all while eking a certain political space to express a leftist viewpoint in fields not too damaging to the capitalist establishment, by proving their value to the latter through devoting themselves to “scholarly work” that helps popularize the myth that “China’s is oppressing Uyghurs.”
The capitalist regime is also able to disseminate their propaganda by the media that they own. In Australia, the regime owns SBS and ABC media outlets. The latter is notorious for recently sacking a journalist of Lebanese heritage, Antoinette Lattouf, because she merely made a social media post critical of Israel’s conduct in its war on Gaza; and for causing another of its reporters of Lebanese heritage, Nour Haydar to resign due to the broadcaster’s anti-Palestinian coverage of the war. As for the rest of the media, it is owned directly by the capitalists and often by some of its richest tycoons such as the Murdochs and Channel 7 owner Kerry Stokes. Capitalist billionaires also directly own the internet search engines and social media platforms. And given that the most used platforms – Facebook, X/Twitter, Youtube and Google – are all owned by people whose net wealth each exceeds $170 billion(!!), it is unsurprising that these platforms are biased to favour the dissemination of views favourable to the capitalist order and therefore hostile to socialistic rule in China! To be sure, these social media platforms allow some dissemination of alternate views. They do so in order to maintain their number of users. However, their algorithms are biased to favour the spread of Western imperialist propaganda and to retard the reach of ideas, information and users sympathetic to Red China. Furthermore, they ban outright many pro-China sites and postings. Meanwhile, capitalist regimes seek to censor any social media platforms that do not impose such pro-imperialist, anti-Red China bias. It is for this reason that feuding Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. are coming together to try and ban the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok. A year ago, the Albanese Labor government here banned Australia’s public sector employees from accessing TikTok on government devices. Encouraged by this censorship and Washington’s moves to ban TikTok, the right-wing Coalition is now pushing for a complete ban on the hugely popular, Chinese-owned app.
As well as through the media and social media platforms that they own, the Western capitalist classes also spread their lies through the “independent” think-tanks that they establish. In Australia, the original source for much of the attacks on socialistic China over her treatment of Uyghurs comes from these think tanks. These include the Lowy Institute controlled by billionaire Frank Lowy and his children and the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA). The latter was co-founded by Rupert Murdoch’s father in 1943 with the explicit aim of “resisting the trend towards socialism” and which in recent years has received a good part of its funding from Australia’s richest person, mining heiress Gina Rinehart. The think tank most fanatically attacking China’s treatment of Uyghurs is ASPI (the Australian Strategic Policy Institute). ASPI’s imaginative “work” in this field has made it the original source for many of the attacks on “China’s treatment of Uyghurs” by capitalist politicians and media outlets in the U.S. and other Western countries. This pro-war “independent” think tank is funded not only by the Australian and U.S. governments but by giant capitalist-owned defence corporations like Lockheed Martin, SAAB, Thales and BAE and by other capitalist companies, including Bill Gates’ Microsoft, Mark Zuckeberg’s Meta, an Australian subsidiary of the Amazon company owned by the world’s third richest billionaire Jeff Bezos, as well as by the Property Council of Australia. Yet it is not only rabid right-wing think tanks like ASPI that the capitalists fund. Australia’s most prominent “left-leaning” think tank, the Australia Institute, was also built up by filthy rich capitalists. Indeed its main source of funding was from none other than the sister of Rupert Murdoch, Anne Kantor and her children! With big-time capitalists behind it, it is little wonder that the Australia’s Institute’s “progressivism” never extends beyond schemes to tinker with the existing capitalist order. And it is also why the Australia Institute, while it may sometimes be at odds with the shrill Cold War tone of the likes of ASPI, nevertheless takes a negative attitude to Red China’s social system, including by echoing the lie that China is persecuting Uyghurs. It is telling that the founder of the Australia Institute and its head during almost the entire first half of its existence, Clive Hamilton, is today one of Australia’s most extreme China-bashing “public intellectuals”.
The role of pro-ruling class intellectuals like Hamilton in the capitalist propaganda system is enormous. Although they for the most part do not speak directly to the masses, it is they who provide the arguments and the distorted “facts” to arm the journalists, commentators, capitalist politicians and lecturers that in turn directly blast the masses with anti-communist propaganda. In return, the ruling class fetes these pro-capitalist-order intellectuals with huge “research” grants, a celebrated social status and lucrative positions in the upper ranks of think tanks, “research” institutes and university study centres. By granting such privileges, the ruling class not only rewards those who are doing great service for them but ensures that their crucial chief propagandists are kept conservatised and in the fold so that any social conscience that they may have does not lead them to politically “stray”.
These pro-capitalist-order intellectuals can be very sophisticated. The most effective make some acknowledgement of the weaknesses of the capitalist system in order to retain credibility. However, they all sell either one or both of two key points which the imperialist rulers absolutely need us to believe: that the revolutionary socialist overthrow of capitalism is either impossible or undesirable and that existing states created by the overturn of the capitalist order should not be supported. Thus a major role of these ruling-class intellectuals is to spread the blatant lie that workers revolution is “impossible” in the richer, Western countries because the masses there will supposedly always be too “comfortable” and bought off and thus their political consciousness cannot decisively change. Others focus on disseminating the line, some even while being very critical of the capitalist order, that as bad as the current system is, existing states created by the overturn of capitalism are even worse … or in fact merely a different form of capitalist state. Given that Red China is by far the biggest example of a state created through the revolutionary overthrow of capitalist rule and the one whose achievements in poverty alleviation are best known, pro-establishment intellectuals in the West are required to devote a great part of their energy to denigrating socialistic China.
Bogus “Human Rights” Organisations and Irresolute Sections of the Far Left
Of all the different type of capitalist-funded think tanks and institutes where imperialist-apologising intellectuals operate, the most devious are the supposedly “independent”, “human rights” organisations. For while the political line coming out from the likes of ASPI, the IPA and the Lowy Institute is often obvious, the capitalist ruling classes’ “human rights” organisations are more able to clothe themselves in the cover of “even handedness”. The most influential and sinister of these “human rights” NGOs is Human Rights Watch (HRW). HRW has played a lead role in selling the lie that Red China is “persecuting Uyghurs”. Although HRW would like to portray itself as a “grassroots” organisation standing up for “human rights”, it is the very opposite of that. Headquartered in the U.S., HRW is a multi-million dollar operation funded by super wealthy Americans and other Western donors and corporations whose exact identities the shadowy organisation keeps secret.
From the very beginning, HRW’s main purpose has been to provide the “human rights” cover for Western imperialism’s drive to destroy socialistic states. Today, HRW not only targets Red China and the DPRK (North Korea) but devotes much energy to attacking socialistic Cuba who they accuse of having an “abysmal human rights record”. However, to give themselves credibility, HRW will occasionally also report on human rights violations by the U.S. and other Western ruling classes. But they will mostly only report problems that everyone already knows about and which have been substantiated many times over. That way their “expose’s” of human rights atrocities of Western capitalist regimes do minimal damage. In contrast, when HRW launches an attack on China, Cuba or other socialistic states they will produce either entirely new claims or spread, as fact, highly disputed claims made by others – all of which are usually completely unsubstantiated or simply plain lies. Moreover, whenever attacking supposed human rights violations in a workers state or other country in the firing sights of Western imperialism, HRW will not only use as extreme language as possible but will always make their shrill statements in the context of accusing the targeted state of having an “abysmal human rights record”. By contrast, whenever HRW feel compelled to acknowledge human rights problems in Western capitalist countries they use moderate language and emphasise that the issues occur in the context of the state having an otherwise “strong record of protecting civil and political rights”. This is how HRW and other pro-imperialist “human rights NGOs” deceive the people of the world!
Take a look at the HRW’s statements on Israel’s heinous war on the Palestinian people. With Israel’s genocidal attacks evident to most of the world, HRW knows that it will lose all credibility as a “human rights organisation” if it does not criticise Israel. However, HRW then deliberately muddies the waters by severely attacking Palestinian resistance forces and their allies in the Middle East. In this way, HRW pushes their audience to draw the conclusion that what is needed is not solidarity with the Palestinian people but a neutrality between the Israeli occupying forces and the Palestinian resistance. In the context of Israel committing genocidal mass murder of the people of Gaza, such apparent “neutrality” in practice means acquiescence to Israel’s genocide. In fact HRW’s agenda on the Palestine issue is even worse than a “neutrality”. Thus, despicably, HRW denounced the brave pro-Palestinian actions of Yemeni Houthis (who blocked Israel-linked shipping traversing the Red Sea) as a “war crime”. In doing so they provided the “human rights”, propaganda preparation to the airstrikes that would shortly thereafter be launched on Yemeni pro-Palestine forces by the U.S., British, Australian and other imperialist regimes. By its extreme denunciations of all Palestinian and pro-Palestinian resistance forces, HRW’s actual stance on Israel’s war on Palestine is not too dissimilar to the line taken by Washington and its allies. This should be little surprise. The same wealthy capitalists and other well-heeled Americans and other Westerners funding HRW are part of the same social classes that uphold the likes of Biden and Albanese and whom the latter serve. HRW’s attacks on Yemeni pro-Palestine actions and other pro-Palestinian resistance is ultimately driven by the same interests that guide them to make lying denunciations against socialist China over her treatment of Uyghurs; and over every other issue that HRW can twist into a “human rights” attack on Red China.
Echoing the lies about China’s treatment of Uyghurs spread by the imperialist ruling classes and their media, think tanks and NGOs are Australia’s three most active far-left groups, Socialist Alternative (SAlt), Socialist Alliance (SA) and Solidarity. To excuse such capitulation to the imperialists’ anti-China Cold War, these groups ridiculously claim that China is just another “capitalist” country. Sadly, many others on the Left also make take this same claim. Thus the Socialist Equality Party (SEP), which, in contrast to the likes of SAlt and Solidarity, correctly exposes U.S. rulers for “cynical championing of `human rights’ in support of right-wing, separatist tendencies in Xinjiang”, nevertheless claims that China is engaging in a “fiction that it is building `socialism with Chinese characteristics’”. Whereas for the likes of SAlt, SA and Solidarity, the claim that China is just another capitalist state becomes an excuse to support imperialist, anti-China narratives about Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and COVID, for the SEP it is a rationale to take only a perfunctory opposition to these narratives, while giving themselves the wriggle room to capitulate to the Cold War offensive when it gets too powerful to comfortably resist. The latter was the case during the anti-China uprising by pro-colonial, rich-kids in Hong Kong in 2019. At the height of Hong Kong’s anti-China riots that were being supported and egged on by the Western ruling classes, the SEP backed the anti-communist movement – albeit with less enthusiasm than the likes of SAlt, SA and Solidarity. They even joined a 30 August 2019 rally at Sydney University in support of the anti-Red China forces in Hong Kong – a demonstration that we in Trotskyist Platform counter-protestedagainst – where the SEP distributed a leaflet providing critical support to the anti-communist Hong Kong movement. Three days later, an SEP statement on the Julian Assange case disgracefully compared China’s stance on the Hong Kong issue to the far-right Indian government’s brutal repression of the people of Kashmir, ranting that: “In China, the Stalinist regime, which defends the interests of the corporate elite and super-rich, is sending police to brutally attack protesters in Hong Kong.” It was only when the pro-colonial Hong Kong uprising started to wane and the Western propaganda hype in support of it diminished that the SEP retreated somewhat from its support to the anti-communist movement. Yet, to this very day, the SEP continues to join the imperialists in calling for “overturning the CCP regime”- which, in practical terms, means a call for the counterrevolutionary smashing of the Chinese workers state.
To be sure, those irresolute sections of the Far Left that, to a more or lesser extent, back anti-communists movements and propaganda targeting Red China do not cravenly capitulate to imperialism on every single issue. After all, if they did so they could not be considered part of the Left. For example, SAlt, SA and Solidarity, who all join the imperialist propaganda campaign against China over Uyghurs, have at the same time been working hard to build actions in support of Palestinian people against Israel’s Western-backed terror. However, by lining up behind imperialism’s political offensive against the Chinese workers state they are doing much harm to the Palestinian cause. Any weakening of socialistic China would leave the U.S.-led imperialists more unchallenged – and thus powerful – and therefore even more able to pour arms, money and political capital into their Israeli allies.
There is a reason that many Far Left groups are able to be on the right side of the fence on the Palestine struggle yet be squarely on the side of imperialism in its political war against Red China. The reason is that although Western propaganda excusing Israel’s war on the Palestinian people is thick, the political pressure pushing groups to bend to the anti-China Cold War is even stronger than that pushing them to side with the Israeli regime. For while backing their Israeli attack dog in the strategic Middle East is an important tactical imperative for the U.S.-led imperialists, crushing socialistic rule in China is an absolute necessity for these ruling classes. That is why in terms of harassment and repression that one can expect from the capitalist state, blowback from bosses (and sometimes politically backward individual workers) at the workplace and hostility from “average” public opinion – shaped as it is by the propaganda of the ruling class – it is even more difficult to be known as a supporter of the Chinese workers state than to be known as a supporter of Palestine. Yet those nominally Marxist groups who are not resolute enough to resist the anti-China Cold War pressures will have little hope of fulfilling the even more difficult mission that history has called on us Marxists to undertake – the mission to lead the toiling masses in the revolutionary overturn of capitalist rule in Australia and all other capitalist countries.
The issue of what stance groups take towards Red China is more than just a crucial test question for avowed socialists. The China question is one that will shape world history over the coming period. If the imperialist powers succeed in destroying socialistic rule in China then the worldwide struggle for socialist revolution will be set back decades. That is precisely what happened after the Soviet and East European workers states were destroyed by Western-backed capitalist counterrevolution in the 1989-1992 period. The extreme suffering that the Palestinian people are today suffering can be partly traced back to the weakening of Palestinian liberation forces and reduced international backing for the Palestinian resistance that resulted both directly and indirectly from the counterrevolutionary destruction of socialistic rule in the former Soviet Union and East Europe. On the other hand if, through solidarity from the workers movements in the capitalist world, Red China is able to resist the hostile pressure of the imperial powers and continue to catch up in economic strength with these powers, then socialistic China will become exactly what the capitalist powers fear that it will become – if only by the example of successful socialistic advancement that it provides – an existential threat to decaying, genocidal world capitalism.
Above: Activists gather on 7 October 2019 for a march through streets in central Sydney to celebrate the 70th anniversary of China’s socialist revolution. The action was held in the face of an intense anti-China propaganda campaign by the mainstream media and anti-Red China rallies held in Australia (in which irresolute sections of the Left treacherously participated in)in support of pro-colonial riots in Hong Kong spearheaded by Hong Kong rich kids. As well as calling on “Working Class People in Australia & the World to STAND WITH SOCIALISTIC CHINA!”, the 7 October 2019 march also called to “Defeat Hong Kong’s Pro-Colonial, Anti-Communist Movement!” The more than 60-strong action was built mainly by the Australian Chinese Workers Association and ourselves in Trotskyist Platform. Below: Participants at the October 2019 Sydney action listen to a speech by Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer.
The Accusations Against China Over Treatment of Uyghurs Just Don’t Stack Up
Those who have been somewhat swayed by the incessant claims by the Western ruling classes, their media and their NGOs about the situation in Xinjiang and are unsure what is really happening there should ask themselves a couple of questions. Firstly, if the PRC is so cruelly subjugating Uyghurs, why is there no propaganda from any sections of the PRC state or its broader ruling circles demonising the Uyghur people? This matters because when a ruling group oppresses a particular ethnic or community group it must both, on the one hand, incite its own state enforcement personnel to enforce this subjugation and on the other, justify this persecution amongst its own population. Therefore, no matter what the particular stripe of the rulers and the particular form of the regime that they run, they must accompany their oppression with intense racist propaganda vilifying the targeted community. For example, to motivate its horrific genocide of Jewish people, the Nazis portrayed Jews as “subhumans” responsible for all of Germany ills. Today, to justify their genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza, Israel’s leaders spout extreme racist depictions of Palestinian people. In announcing a total siege of Gaza last October, Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant branded the Palestinian people of Gaza as “human animals”. Similarly, when Australia’s colonial regime was openly mass murdering Aboriginal people through shooting massacres and poisonings it depicted Aboriginal people not as humans but as “flora and fauna”.
Today, as Australia’s ruling class continues to brutally oppress Aboriginal people, key figures and institutions of Australia’s capitalist establishment continue to portray Aboriginal people in a racist manner. Less than ten years ago, Australia’s then prime minister Tony Abbott disgustingly asserted that Sydney was “nothing but bush” prior to the arrival of the First Fleet – effectively erasing pre-1788 Aboriginal society and culture and thus implicitly justifying the genocidal colonial conquest of this land under the fiction that it had previously been “terra nullius”. During the lead-up to last year’s referendum on enshrining an Aboriginal “Voice” to parliament, right-wing forces within the ruling class hurled a torrent of disgusting racist insults at Aboriginal people. Conservative politicians and commentators in the Murdoch media used the cover of the “Voice debate” to spread, thinly veiled, racist portrayals of Aboriginal people as a people incapable of running their own affairs who are especially prone to violence against women and child abuse. At last August’s right-wing CPAC conference, attended by the leading conservative figures within Australia’s ruling class, one speaker referred to traditional Aboriginal owners of the land as “violent black men.” Meanwhile, a coronial inquest into the 2019 death of Warlpiri-Luritja Aboriginal teenager, Kumanjayi Walker, who was shot three times by a police officer revealed that not only did the police officer who killed the 19 year-old Aboriginal man make despicable racist insults against Aboriginal people in text messages, it showed that such abuse is very common within the NT Police. NT cops refer to Aboriginal people as “animals” and insultingly mock Aboriginal people by having a “Coo_ of the Year” award to officers for the “most Coo_-like behavior”!
The Australian ruling class also accompanies its oppression of other people of colour with statements and propaganda attacking those communities. In 2019, then NSW Labor leader Michael Daley incited hostility towards people of Asian heritage by dishonestly claiming that: “Our young children will flee and who are they being replaced with? They are being replaced by young people from typically Asia with PhDs … our kids are moving out and foreigners are moving in and taking their jobs.” And let us never forget how the then most listened to radio announcer in Sydney, 2GB’s Alan Jones, incited the 2005 white supremacist riot at Cronulla Beach against people of Lebanese and other non-Anglo backgrounds, even reading out a text message calling to “… get down to North Cronulla to support the L_b and w_g bashing day”. The question then is if China’s rulers are really oppressing Uyghurs, why has there never been similar calls from any section of China’s mainstream media for a “Uyghur bashing day”? Why have China’s ministers and police officers never referred to Uyghur people as “animals” or “human animals”? Why has Xi Jinping or other high-ranking Chinese politicians never blamed Uyghurs for social or economic ills or made comments erasing Uyghur people’s unique culture? You can bet that if any one of these things happened in China, even once, to the slightest degree, the Western imperialist media would be hyping it up to the maximum and reminding us of the incident in high profile pieces for months and years on end!
Instead of offending Uyghurs and other minority peoples, China’s politicians and state-owned media make it a point of emphasising the existence and contribution of “Chinese people of all ethnic groups” in all major speeches. Just as the derogatory comments and scapegoating attacks that Australia’s ruling class often unleash against Aboriginal people – and residents of Asian, Middle Eastern and African backgrounds – and the insulting racist way that Israel’s ruling class refers to Palestinian people are both an “indispensable” driver and inevitable by-product of the Australian and Israeli establishment’s racist persecution of the targeted peoples, the complete lack of any such racist propaganda against Uyghur people from China’spoliticians, media outlets, mainstream think tanks and police is a sign that racist, state-driven subjugation of Uyghur people in China simply does not exist to any sizable degree.
The second question that those who have been somewhat influenced by the imperialist narrative about China’s treatment of Uyghurs should ask themselves is, if China is in fact so brutally oppressing Uyghurs why is she encouraging people to travel to the Uyghur-majority parts of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region? If the accusations against China were in fact true, would she not instead try to hide what is happening by minimising the gaze of tourists, traders and transport workers? After all, the Australian ruling class does not encourage tourists to visit the parts of this country with high concentrations of Aboriginal people like Brewarrina, Bourke and Walgett in NSW, Cherbourg, Yarrabah and Palm Island in Queensland, the APY lands in South Australia and in NT, the Aboriginal Town Camps of Alice Springs. Australia’s capitalist rulers do not want too many people to see their failure to adequately provide these regions with the basic public facilities and services that they provide to other parts of the country. Nor do they want to draw attention to the lack of economic opportunities available to Aboriginal people and the grinding poverty with which Aboriginal people in these areas are forced to live with. If one argues that no tourist wants to see economic deprivation anyway – which is true – and that these Aboriginal-majority areas do not have much tourist facilities, then those two points are themselves a reflection of the severe oppression that Aboriginal people face.
Similarly, even before its renewed assault on Palestinian people these last six months, Israel has never sought to make Gaza or still Palestinian-occupied areas of the West bank centres of tourism! Quite obviously, they are trying to hide from the world what they are doing to the Palestinian people. And while Rafah in Gaza is usefully located as a gateway to Egypt, as is Jericho in the West Bank to Jordan, Israel has never tried to make those occupied cities centres of trade and transport. However, it is very, very different in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The PRC government made Kashgar, a city that is more than 85% Uyghur and which is considered to be the main centre of Uyghur culture, a special economic zone in 2010 – the first city in Western China to be granted this designation. Then just last November, Kashgar was made one of the three components of a new free trade zone in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. For these reasons, very large numbers of traders and transport workers flock to Kashgar from both the nine countries that border the Autonomous Region and beyond, as well as from other parts of China.
Moreover, the PRC has made the entire Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region – including its Uyghur majority areas – a centre for tourism. For example, during last year’s May Day (International Workers Day) public holiday in China, the Uyghur people’s cultural centre, Kashgar received more than a quarter of a million tourists. That means that a quantity of tourists numbering nearly one-third of the city’s entire population visited Kashgar on just one public holiday alone! Meanwhile, during China’s eight-day public holiday for Chinese Lunar New Year, the entire Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region received an average of nearly one million new tourists per day! Despite the best efforts of Western mainstream media outlets to pretend that China wants to stop them showing the “true” Xinjiang, the truth is the very opposite. The PRC is actually going to great efforts to encourage people to visit and conduct trade in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and using that to bolster the region’s anti-poverty and economic development campaigns. The PRC clearly thinks that they have nothing to hide in Xinjiang! Those swayed by imperialist propaganda about the region should go there and see for themselves!
Top: Prominent National Party then federal MP, George Christensen speaks at a Muslim-bashing “Reclaim Australia” rally in Queensland’s Mackay on 19 July 2015. At the time of this white supremacist rally, Christensen’s Nationals were part of the Coalition government administering Australia. It is such official racism from ruling class politicians and the capitalist media that has emboldened more extreme violent racists. Above: A white Australian nurtured in Australia’s racist social climate, created by the capitalist rulers and their system, attacks a mosque in New Zealand’s Christchurch on 15 March 2019. In the course of his attack on two mosques, the Australian, anti-Muslim white supremacist massacred 51 people in the worst ever terrorist attack committed by an Australian individual. It is unheard of for a senior Communist Party of China official or mainstream media outlet in the Peoples Republic of China to engage in the kind of racism-inciting rhetoric that Australian politicians and ruling class media outlets have been spewing. Below: Chinese president Xi Jinping addresses the multi-racial community of Guyuanxiang, which is made up mostly of Uyghurs and other non-Han, traditionally majority-Muslim ethnic groups, in the Tianshan District of Urumqi, capital of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. This visit was part of Xi’s July 2022 inspection tour of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Bottom: Xi poses with performers of the Manas while visiting the Museum of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The Manas are an epic poem of the Kyrgyz people, who like Uyghurs are a Turkic-based, traditionally majority-Muslim, ethnic group. Kyrgyz people are the majority ethnic group of Kyrgyzstan as well as being a sizable minority in the Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Photo credit (top photo): David Sparkes/ABC Photo credit (below and bottom photos): Xie Huanchi/Xinhua
What is Really Happening in Xinjiang?
Faced with obvious truths about life in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, more sophisticated, left-leaning opponents of the PRC will concede the China does not persecute Uyghurs in the brutal way that the Israeli regime subjugates the Palestinian people or the Australian regime oppresses Aboriginal people. However, they then claim that the PRC is quietly oppressing Uyghurs by trying to extinguish their ethnic and cultural identity as a people distinct from the ethnic Han majority of China. However, this claim also turns out to be false when one actually explores the real situation in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Take the crucial question of the status of Uyghur language. The fact is that all Uyghurs living in China’s northwest are able to speak their own language. Furthermore, as part of a bilingual education system, Uyghur children are thought their language in all schools in the southern Xinjiang region of China where most Uyghurs live. This is very different to capitalist Australia where the very real genocidal subjugation of Aboriginal people has meant that most Aboriginal people have been cut off from their own tongue and only a small percentage of Aboriginal children have the opportunity to learn their own languages at school. By contrast, China has several TV channels broadcasting in Uyghur language as well as dozens of newspapers, magazines and book publishers publishing in Uyghur. Indeed, even outside of the Uyghur people’s traditional homeland in China’s northwest, shop signs and other street signs (like signs pointing to the location of mosques) in those parts of China frequented by Uyghurs can be seen in the Uyghur language, which is written in a modified Arabic-derived writing system.
We should add here a little anecdote that gives a sense of the status of the Uyghur language in China. In all of China’s currency notes, Uyghur writing is used in the notes (to identify the issuer of the currency – the Peoples Bank of China), alongside that of Han Chinese and three other minority languages in China: Mongolian, Tibetan and Zhuang (the latter is a language related to Thai and Laotian spoken by the Zhuang people who live in the southern part of China). This is despite China’s Uyghur population of around 12 million making up less than one percent of the country’s entire population. By comparison, around 4% of people in Australia speak Chinese at home, 1.4% Arabic, 1.3% Vietnamese and nearly 1% Punjabi. But you won’t find any of those languages in any of Australia’s currency! Meanwhile, in the U.S., over 13% of the population are native Spanish speakers. Yet you won’t find a word of Spanish in any U.S. currency notes! But this doesn’t stop the U.S., Australian and other Western capitalist regimes ranting that “China is suppressing the Uyghur language”.
Even more significant than the recognition of the Uyghur language in Chinese currency is the fact that Uyghur (alongside Mandarin Chinese) is an official language of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. That means that Uyghur is used in not only schools but in government departments and courts. Indeed, if one wants to speak of people not having language rights in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, then this would definitely not be true of the Uyghur people but rather of the ethnicities with much smaller populations in the region. Due to their very small populations, these ethnic groups living in Uyghur majority parts of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region – like Tajiks, Xibo, Uzbeks and Russians – are often “forced” to learn the Uyghur language at school or to use Uyghur language when interacting with government departments.
Claims by China’s enemies that she suppresses the rights of Uyghur Muslims to adhere to their religion also do not stack up. Those Uyghurs who are pious Muslims are able to go to mosques and practice their religion; and that is what they indeed do. To be sure, the Chinese workers state is a secular state. Very correctly, no religion is thought in Chinese public schools. All religions in China are pushed to adapt to her socialistic society by shedding those fundamentalist practices that contradict socialist principles of egalitarianism, unity between people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds and equality between women and men. The PRC state applies these policies with the assistance of the pro-socialist religious groups and congregations that exist amongst all the main religious denominations present in China – Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. The policies are applied to all religions in China – for example Christian churches are prevented from teaching Chinese children the anti-scientific myth of creationism.
Any truly unbiased observer who visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region would realise that accusations that China has suppressed the rights of Muslims to practice their religion are false. For such an observer would immediately be struck by the widespread presence of mosques in the region. It is notable too that in Xinjiang, the government of the Autonomous Region has made four days official public holidays for the whole region to mark Muslim celebrations. Thus in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a one day public holiday is stipulated for the end of Ramadan Eid al-Fitr celebration (also known by Muslims in China as the Rouzi Festival), while people are given a whole three days off work and classes for Eid al-Adha (also known by Muslims in China as the Corban Festival).
It is worth comparing the language, autonomy and religious public holiday rights enjoyed by China’s, mostly Muslim, Uyghur minority with the situation in one of the Western countries accusing her of “violating the human rights of Uyghurs”, Bulgaria. The comparison between Bulgaria and China is made here because, alongside tiny North Macedonia, Bulgaria is the only country accusing China of “violating the human rights of Uyghurs” that like China also has a historically Muslim, ethnic minority that forms a large proportion of the population in a particular geographical region/s of the country. That is if we leave out Israel (i.e. occupied Palestine) … and we all know what happens there! Like with China’s Uyghurs, in Bulgaria the predominantly Muslim ethnic group that forms a big proportion of the population in a part of the country is also a Turkic-based people – the Bulgarian Turks. Thus a comparison between the respective treatments of the geographically concentrated, predominantly Muslim, ethnic minorities in Bulgaria and China is an effective way to rate how well the Western capitalist regimes accusing China of “violating the human rights” of her Uyghur people treats its own minorities in comparison with socialistic China. So what is the situation in Bulgaria? In two provinces of Bulgaria, Razgrad and Kardzhali, Bulgarian Turks form an absolute majority of the population. Yet in neither of these provinces does the pro-Western Bulgarian regime grant the Turkish language any official status whatsoever. Unlike in China’s Xinjiang, where Uyghur is an official language used in schools, courts and government departments, Turks in even the provinces and muncipalities of Bulgaria where they are a majority of the population must use Bulgarian. This is despite Turks making up over 8% of Bulgaria’s overall population in comparison to the less than 1% of the Chinese population made up by Uyghurs. Needless to say, Bulgaria’s Turks have no autonomy rights in even the provinces where they form an absolute majority of the population, whereas Uyghurs who make up only a plurality and not a majority of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’s population have special autonomy rights. Indeed Bulgaria’s constitution specifically states that “no autonomous territorial formations shall be allowed to exist.” It follows that, unlike in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, there are no public holidays for Muslim festivals in even the majority Muslim provinces of Bulgaria. Yet the Western-aligned, Bulgarian capitalist regime and its bosses in Washington and Berlin have the hide to accuse China of “violating the human rights of Uyghurs”. Then again if the genocidal Israeli regime and the Australian ruling class that so brutally oppresses Aboriginal people – and causes much of this country’s First Peoples to live in poverty – can make this accusation against Red China … so can anyone!
Opponents of Socialistic Rule Within the Uyghur Population
Anti-communists claim that most of the Uyghur population resents being part of China and hates “Communist rule.” There is some opposition to the PRC within the Uyghur population. However such sentiments are present in only an ever dwindling minority of the Uyghur people. To this fact, Western propagandists retort that the existence of any significant opposition to PRC rule from within the Uyghur population is a sign that they are being “cruelly oppressed”. However, the truth is that these forces oppose the PRC not because Uyghur people are being oppressed but because they resent socialistic rule. The demand for separation from China is just a cover for these right-wing forces within the Uyghur population. What is really driving them is opposition to socialism. Thus, to the extent that they actually want to separate from the multi-ethnic PRC and establish a Uyghur state – or what they call East Turkestan – these anti-PRC forces want to do so mainly in order to escape from socialistic rule and establish acapitalist state. And for the majority of these anti-communist forcestheir aim isto establish a specifically, anti-secular, religiously fundamentalist form of capitalist state. For this quest they are getting massive backing from the imperialist ruling classes.
The Western capitalists will do anything to weaken socialistic rule in China and to exacerbate internal tensions within the workers state. The U.S. regime’s agency for foreign interference, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), openly admits to providing some $A4 million every year to fund several “East Turkestan” anti-communist groups. This NED backing is dwarfed by the covert funding given to these groups by the U.S. and other imperialist states and by the even huger amounts directly poured into these counterrevolutionary groups by capitalist bigwigs around the world and by anti-communists within the affluent upper-middle classes of Western countries. Then there is the gigantic propaganda support that imperialist ruling classes provide to the “East Turkestan” anti-communist groups. This is not only through the media, think tanks and “human rights” NGOs that they own but through sinister, covert “misinformation” operations. Just three weeks ago, the pro-imperialist Reuters news agency had to admit that in 2019, Donald Trump ordered the CIA to conduct a covert campaign to turn public opinion against China. Three former U.S. officials proudly told Reuters that the CIA created a team of operatives who used bogus internet identities to spread harmful stories about the PRC government. They would also leak anti-China information to overseas news outlets using false covers. The operation not only sought to create hostility to the PRC state within China but targeted public opinion in Southeast Asia, Africa and the South Pacific. The CIA operation especially disseminated lies against China’s Belt and Road initiative claiming that it was a “debt trap”. You can bet that misinformation about “China persecuting Uyghurs” is also high on the list of the lies spread by this massive CIA operation. Reuters reported that two intelligence historians told them that when the White House grants the CIA covert action authority through an order known as a presidential finding, it often remains in place across administrations. In plain speak, this CIA operation to covertly spread lies that demonise Red China continues today under Biden.
Given how beholden the entire “East Turkestan” anti-communist movement is to imperialist support, you can be that if these forces succeeded in creating an “independent”, capitalist East Turkestan it would be hopelessly subordinated to the U.S. and other Western powers – just like for example Palau, Marshall Islands, Eswatini and Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s Philippines is. Thus the main question posed for the Uyghur people in northwestern China is not whether they will be part of China or nominally “independent”. Rather it is whether they will continue to live within a socialistic state – moreover one that has successfully lifted all Uyghur people (and all China’s other people) out of extreme poverty – or whether, through a capitalist counterrevolution in the region where they reside, they end up living in a pseudo-independent, imperialist-puppet, capitalist state, where millions would be returned to poverty and the social position of women would be cruelly driven back. We say that working-class rule, as incomplete and insecure as it currently is within China, must be defended within all parts of the PRC through any means necessary. The question of whether Uyghur people choose to live as part of socialistic China or in an independent Uyghur workers state is secondary. We defend the right of peoples to self determination, including the right of a geographically-concentrated minority people within a workers state to separate from that state and form their own workers state. However, this is not in the least what the imperialist-sponsored, current Uyghur separatist forces want. They are entirely about overthrowing socialistic rule. In that light, to raise the issue of national self determination when speaking about the current situation in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region can only divert from what the dispute between the PRC and the imperialist-backed “East Turkestan” anti-communists is actually about. To raise the issue of “national self determination’ in this context would only play into hands of those seeking capitalist counterrevolution.
It should be said that the Chinese government’s rhetoric has sometimes unwittingly helped anti-communist propagandists obscure what the quarrel between the PRC and the imperialist-backed “East Turkestan” groups is all about. For although Beijing very rightly points to the economic and social achievements made in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region since the founding of the PRC, the Chinese government has sometimes also posed opposition to the “East Turkestan” anti-communist forces as a question of “opposing separatism.” Similarly, in defending PRC rule over all of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the PRC government points to evidence of the area being historically part of China. However, to authentic communists – that is true Leninists – whose goal is the worldwide triumph of socialism and who defend the right to national self determination, whether or not a region was historically part of a particular state has no relevance whatsoever. And we have absolutely no objection per se to “separatism” – that is to a minority people living in a particular geographic area of another state wanting to breakaway and establish their own state. What we object to is to those seeking capitalist counterrevolution in a region of a workers state using the cover of “national independence” to push to breakaway in order to form a separate, capitalist state. That is what today’s East Turkestan “separatists” are all about! And that is the reason – and indeed the sole reason – why they must be resolutely opposed. Therefore, we call on the PRC government to present the question of the fate of the Xinjiang region entirely as a question of, socialism versus capitalism; and more precisely as one of, socialism versus anti-secular, imperialist-subjugated capitalism. The Chinese government’s sometimes incorrect presentation of the question is largely an attempt to win the acceptance of overseas capitalist states for PRC rule over the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. By not posing the issue as one of defending socialistic, working class-rule and instead speaking of opposing “separatism”, they hope not to offend capitalist regimes worldwide and gain the approval of these regimes. However, in doing so, they obstruct politically aware working-class activists worldwide – including in the imperialist countries – from being won to the defence of PRC-administered, socialistic rule over the Xinjiang region. Moreover, the PRC government’s wish to sometimes present the Xinjiang – and also Tibetan (Xizang) and Hong Kong – questions as matters of opposing “separatism” leads them to a wrong international policy of opposing “separatist” movements worldwide. This standpoint not only violates Lenin’s insistence on socialists defending the right to national self determination (provided the application of that right does not harm the overall interests of the international working class) but leads Beijing to wrongly oppose several just national liberation movements within capitalist countries – like that of the Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Catalans in Spain and the Kurdish people in Turkey. Most harmfully, by sometimes posing the question of what’s at stake in Xinjiang without making the class line clear (that is the line between a working-class ruled socialistic path and the tyranny of a small number of wealthy, imperialist-beholden capitalists) the Chinese government’s presentation makes the Uyghur masses more susceptible to being swayed, on a nationalist basis, by the propaganda of the counterrevolutionary “East Turkestan” forces. This danger is accentuated by Beijing’s assertions about the area being historically part of China. Such rhetoric can be offensive to Uyghur people, because it identifies with pre-1949, capitalist-semi-feudal Chinese rulers who – themselves subservient to the then Western imperialist overlords of China – often truly did treat minorities as second-class citizens. In contrast, if the PRC government made it clearer to Uyghur workers and cooperative and small individual farmers that their interests as a class – separate from and opposed to the class interests of Uyghur capitalists and would-be capitalists and their imperialist masters – lie with defending socialist rule, the Uyghur masses would be won over even more decisively to supporting PRC-administered, socialistic rule.
Anti-Communist “Separatism” and Capitalist Counterrevolution
The use of the cover of “national independence” by those seeking to undermine a multi-ethnic workers state is far from a new strategy. It goes back to the days of the former Soviet workers state. Even in the early years of the Soviet workers state, when it was led by Lenin, Trotsky and other truly internationalist communists who fiercely opposed any concessions to “Great Russian” chauvinism, counterrevolutionary forces within minority ethnicities used the cover of “national independence” to try and restore capitalist rule to the areas where “their” people resided. They and their imperialist backers seized on the inequalities inevitably present in a country just beginning its path to socialism to win support for their cause. And they manipulated the mutual hostilities remaining from the earlier capitalist times, when the non-Russian peoples were indeed brutally subjugated by the racist, “Great Russian”-based, capitalist regime. Like their “Great Russian”-based counterparts, these counterrevolutionaries were mostly defeated by the Soviet Red Army during the 1918-1921 Civil War that followed Russia’s October 1917 socialist revolution. However, they gained a new relevance from the mid-1920s onwards when, under intense capitalist pressure on the Soviet Union, a more conservative layer was squeezed up into the political administration of the workers state and went on to implement more Russian-centred policies than the revolutionary internationalists whom they displaced. After this bureaucratic degeneration of the Soviet workers state, anti-communist “separatist” movements were able to point to – fluctuating – degrees of Russian-centredness in the Soviet government to build support for their cause. This is despite the fact that even post-1924, the Soviet workers state had a level of ethnic equality and harmony – especially in the three decades from the mid-1950s onwards – greater than any comparable capitalist country. From the late 1980s onwards, as the Soviet workers state started crumbling under decades of relentless imperialist pressure, the inequalities engendered by new pro-capitalist economic policies re-ignited long-suppressed feuds between ethnic groups. This enabled “Great Russian” chauvinists within the ethnic Russian population and anti-communist separatists within non-Russian peoples – like the Ukrainian Rukh movement and the Baltic separatist movements that harked back to the Nazi-aligned regimes that were swept away by the Soviet Red Army at the end of World War II – to become key forces in the drive for capitalist counterrevolution. With massive assistance from the U.S. and other imperialist powers, this push for capitalist restoration culminated in the destruction of the Soviet workers state in 1991-92. Similarly, extreme nationalists based on the different peoples of the former Yugoslavia became the main forces that destroyed the workers state there, while themselves becoming the putrid by-products of the counterrevolution. Meanwhile, in the former East European workers states, capitalist counterrevolutionary forces used the call for “independence” from the Soviet Union, which led the Warsaw Pact bloc of the East European and Soviet workers states, as one of the main mantras of their movements.
The U.S., Australian, British and other Western imperialist rulers are now using the same playbook that they used to destroy the Soviet and East European workers states in their drive to destroy socialistic rule in China. After Tibetan and Chinese communists and the PRC workers state helped Tibet’s serfs to overturn the brutal feudal system that existed in the previous Dalai Lama-run Tibet and liberate themselves in 1959, the CIA armed Tibet’s overthrown feudal exploiting class to wage an armed struggle to retake power. After this armed campaign was defeated, the Western imperialists funded and organised the overthrown serf owners and their descendants to wage a political campaign to regain power under the slogan of “Tibetan independence.” Meanwhile, ever since Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, the Western imperialists have been backing “Hong Kong separatists” and those in Hong Kong who demand greater autonomy from China. These pro-colonial forces represent those sections of Hong Kong’s upper class and wanna-be-capitalist, upper-middle class youth who fear that the PRC workers state will eventually start implementing socialist measures in Hong Kong. Australia’s capitalist ruling is very active in backing these forces. This includes through media support, statements of encouragement by Australian government leaders – with a few visiting Australian politicians even marching in the anti-communist protests in Hong Kong – backing for exile Hong Kong, anti-PRC groups based in Australia and repression of pro-PRC Chinese students that campaign against the anti-Red China forces.
The Two Components of the “East Turkestan” Anti-Communist Forces
Over the last decade, alongside the Hong Kong anti-PRC movement, the “East Turkestan” counterrevolutionaries have been the anti-communist force opposed to the PRC that has received the greatest level of imperialist backing. This force consist of two main trends that are united by their common hostility to socialism. One trend is relatively less religiously fundamentalist than the other. It is led by big-time Uyghur capitalist exploiters and would-be capitalists who long to overthrow socialistic rule over the Uyghur-majority parts of China so that they can become the capitalist overlords of their “own” people. The main organisation representing this faction of the “East Turkestan” anti-communists is the NED-funded World Uyghur Congress (WUC). By far the most prominent and main leader of the WUC is filthy rich capitalist, Rebiya Kadeer. Rebiya Kadeer is a favourite of former U.S. president and war-criminal, George W Bush. Through her real-estate and multinational trading conglomerate that was based in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Rebiya Kadeer leached an absolute fortune. She became China’s richest woman and one of her richest people overall. She was China’s Gina Rinehart! But given that the PRC is a workers state, Rebiya Kadeer – like other capitalists in China – came under pressure from PRC state authorities to give more back to the community, including by paying more tax and by reducing the amount of extreme profiteering in her business activities. This angered her and sent her into opposition to the PRC state. It made Rebiya Kadeer realise that attaining the full “freedom” for Uygur “entrepreneurs” to exploit the masses like capitalists have in capitalist states would require PRC rule over southern Xinjiang to be overthrown, or at least greatly weakened. She ended up in exile in the USA from where she led the WUC and received enormous backing from the U.S. and other Western ruling classes.
Ironically, Rebiya Kadeer is a walking refutation of her own claims. For example, despite the fact that Uyghur and other minorities were always allowed to have more children without financial penalty than China’s Han majority during the period of China’s one-child policy (now a three child policy), she claims that the PRC especially restricted the birth of Uyghur children through that policy. Except, Rebiya Kadeer herself has … eleven children! And all her eleven children were born in China! So much for that claim! Rebiya Kadeer also claims that the PRC suppresses the Uyghur language and forces Uyghurs to learn Mandarin Chinese instead. Yet Rebiya Kadeer herself, who grew up in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, can speak Uyghur fluently but only speaks Mandarin in a broken way! As for her claim that Uyghur people face severe discrimination in China, that is undercut by the fact that she, a Uyghur person who cannot speak fluent Mandarin Chinese, was able to become China’s richest woman. Could you imagine say an Arab background woman here, who cannot speak fluent English, displacing Gina Rinehart to become Australia’s richest woman? Or could you imagine an Aboriginal woman who can speak Walpiri (the language of an Aboriginal people whose traditional land is in the Northern Territory area north and west of Alice Springs) perfectly but who is not fluent in English similarly becoming Australia’s richest woman? Very unlikely! Not given the racist nature of Australia’s capitalist society and the lack of economic opportunity that the Walpiri and other Aboriginal peoples have today! Much of Rebiya Kadeer’s life actually shows how much better the relative social status of Uyghur people in China is compared to that of Aboriginal people in this country.
The second component of the “East Turkestan” anti-communist forces are extreme religious fundamentalists. The main reason that they want to secede from the PRC is because they oppose the secularism of the socialistic PRC and to the high status that it gives to women. They hate the reality that in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region women participate in mixed gender schools with their male counterparts, are able to attend universities, can choose to dress “immodestly” if they so choose, generally have full legal equality with men and can attain high office in government and industry. These ultra-right-wing reactionaries would be incensed by the fact that right now the highest government position in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region – the Director of the Standing Committee of the region’s People’s Congress – is held by a woman, Zumret Obul, who is a Uyghur native of Kashgar. They would no doubt be livid too that, like in the rest of China and unlike in some bordering countries, in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region women have the right to abortion on demand and lesbians and gays are able to conduct sexual activity according to their inclination without facing any criminal penalties. Moreover, the extreme anti-secular wing of this anti-communist movement opposes many of the expressions of Uyghur culture that are widely practiced in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region – including Uyghur traditional and street dancing, Uyghur music and Uyghur Muqam – especially when they are performed by women. All these they consider heretic. So much for the “East Turkestan” anti-communists’ claims to be defenders of Uyghur culture!
As the above makes clear, the political battle that is – and mostly we can now say was – taking place in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is very different from how Western propagandists would like to present the issue: a clash between Uyghurs and the PRC state. Rather it is a struggle between on the one hand, those Uyghurs who are either consciously pro-capitalist or anti-secular opponents of women’s rights and on the other hand, communist Uyghurs. Or more fully we can say that the political battle taking place within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is a contest between on the one side, that small proportion of Uyghurs who are either consciously pro-capitalist or religious fundamentalist opponents of women’s rights, together with their imperialist masters and their anti-communist Han Chinese allies; and on the other side, pro-women’s rights, pro-communist Uyghurs and their pro-communist Han Chinese allies.Ultimately this is a clash between conflicting class interests. The anti-communist side is fighting for the immediate economic interests of capitalist and wanna-be capitalist Uyghurs and most of all their imperialist masters; and the pro-communist side represents the interests of working-class Uyghurs and cooperative and small farmer Uyghurs, alongside with working-class Chinese people of all ethnicities.
Above: Director of the Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Peoples Congress, Zumret Obul presides over a meeting of Communist Party of China members group of the Peoples Congress standing committee. Note the use of both Uyghur and Han Chinese writing in the title board of the meeting room. Zumret Obul is a Uyghur women and native of the city of Kashgar. The position that she holds is the highest-ranked official position in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. That a woman holds this position would be intolerable to the biggest faction of the “East Turkestan” anti-communist “separatists”, who are extreme religious fundamentalist opponents of women’s rights. Below: Zumret Obul during a supervision trip within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Photo Credit: Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Peoples Congress website
Imperialists Back Extreme Opponents of Women’s Rights
The most prominent group within the religious fanatic wing of the “East Turkestan” anti-communist forces is the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)/ Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP). The ETIM has long-time close links with Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda and bin Laden provided much of the initial funding for the organisation. The ETIM/TIP later became an Al Qaeda affiliate. In a high-profile speech in 2016, then Al Qaeda leader, bin Laden’s successor Ayman al-Zawahiri, hailed the ETIM’s activities and urgent them to wage terrorist attacks on the PRC in order to combat “communist occupants” and a “torrent of atheism”. The ETIM/TIP also had one-time close ties with the Afghan Taliban and remains closely linked with the Pakistani Taliban, the latter having its stronghold in northwest Pakistan’s North Waziristan District that borders Afghanistan. It is important to recall that Al Qaeda is a creation of Washington and its Saudi allies that was built up in 1988 to organise religious fundamentalists from Arab countries and beyond to join the Western-funded war against the then leftist Afghan government and its Soviet allies. The Taliban were one faction that emerged from this Mujahideen that turned on the other Mujahideen factions and seized power in Afghanistan in 1996. Thus the ETIM/TIP has been very closely associated with forces built up by the U.S. and other Western imperialist powers from the very start.
Then, as is well known, for a several-year period before and after the 11 September 2001 attack in New York and the Pentagon, the interests of Al Qaeda – and with it their then Taliban allies – clashed with those of their creators in the CIA. When the U.S., NATO and their Australian imperialist allies used the September 11 attacks as an excuse to seize Afghanistan, they ended up fighting against not only the Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda but also to a small degree with the ETIM forces that the latter groups had been hosting and training in Afghanistan. The U.S. captured twenty-two Uyghur ETIM members and sent them to the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. Under China’s pressure, the U.S. Treasury department finally listed the ETIM as a terrorist organisation in 2002. Twenty-two years ago, when the PRC’s economy was much weaker relative to that of the richest capitalist countries than it is now, the imperialist ruling classes did not fear the rise of socialistic China anywhere near to the same extent that it does now.
However, before long, Washington was reversing back towards support to the ETIM. Prisoners of the group were given favourable treatment at Guantanamo Bay. Instead of the ETIM prisoners being extradited back to China, within a few years they were cleared of all terrorism charges and set free in either the U.S. or allowed to go to Albania, Bermuda, Palau, Switzerland and Pakistan. Then came a pivotal event that shaped the attitude of the capitalist powers towards Red China – the late noughties Great Recession. That financial crash led to a deep recession in all the major capitalist economies. In contrast, the PRC stormed through the crisis with just a small temporary blip in her economy, achieving a fast annual GDP growth rate. The socialistic PRC’s strength relative to the capitalist powers gained a big boost. This reality, together with the glaring contrast between the performance of the capitalist and socialistic states during the crisis, made the imperialist ruling classes realise that the rise of the socialistic PRC and the potential that has to shape the political attitudes of the masses of the world would in future present an existential threat to their domination of the world – and indeed their own rule at home. Meanwhile, the fact that the PRC strengthened the socialist aspects of her economy in order to defy the Great Recession made imperialist strategists realise that their previous hopes that China would organically evolve in a capitalist direction were misplaced and that extreme pressure needed to be applied upon the PRC if socialistic rule was to be crushed there. Thus by the end of the noughties, imperialism’s new Cold War against the PRC was ramped up several notches. Alongside this, they returned more quickly towards support for the ETIM/TIP.
Alongside this, important events were happening in the Arab world in parallel. Following protests against the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad in 2011, the U.S., France, Britain and other imperialist powers turned the initially diverse, multi-directional protests into an armed, imperialist proxy war to subjugate Syria – the least subordinated to Western imperialism and most pro-Palestinian of the Arab states. Initially, the Western imperialists backed the Free Syrian Army and other relatively less, religiously fundamentalist sections of the anti-government forces. But these forces were largely defeated in battles with the Syrian Army and proved to be ineffectual. The main military forces opposed to the Syrian government became extreme religious fundamentalists – in particular the Al Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra) and their allies and the ISIS breakaway from Al Qaeda. Washington and Co. therefore provided huge amounts of weapons and training to allies of the Al-Nusra Front and sometimes, very secretly, to the Al Qaeda affiliate itself. Australia’s imperialist rulers provided political and diplomatic support for this proxy war against Syria. Meanwhile, longtime ETIM/TIP fighters and those in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region that they managed to newly recruit flocked to Syria’s northwest to fight alongside the Al-Nusra Front in imperialism’s proxy war against Syria. The ETIM/TIP’s participation in imperialism’s proxy war against Syria allowed the U.S. and its allies to more and more directly back these extreme right-wing, anti-PRC reactionaries. Given that much of the Western imperialists’ meddling in the Middle East and Asia was being done under the cover of the “war on terror” this is not something that they wanted to publicly broadcast. However, by the time that COVID ravaged the world – and the PRC’s far greater success than the capitalist countries in protecting her people (and economy) from the disease clearly revealed for all thinking people to see – the capitalist powers had become so terrified by socialistic China’s rise and therefore escalated their anti-PRC propaganda offensive to such a degree that they felt that they could justify supporting any anti-China force. Thus, in October 2020, the U.S. formerly dropped their designation of the ETIM as a terrorist organisation – a reflection of the reality that they had already been covertly backing the group for years. Here in Australia, the regime also does not proscribe the ETIM/TIP as a terrorist group. Instead, the Australian imperialist regime bans as “terrorist” two groups that, while we have a vastly different political outlook to them, we recognise as waging a just armed resistance against Israel’s genocidal subjugation of Palestine and violent meddling in Lebanon – Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah. The Australian capitalist state similarly also proscribes the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is waging a just struggle against the brutal national oppression of the Kurdish people by the NATO-inhabiting Turkish regime.
Western backing for the ETIM/TIP makes a mockery of these imperialist regimes’ complaints today about the oppression of women and minorities by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Given their stated positions and their affiliation with Al Qaeda, if the ETIM/TIP and their ilk were to seize power in what is today China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, they would even more brutally subjugate women and non-Sunni Muslims than the Afghan Taliban. However, such hypocrisy is the norm rather than the exception for these imperialist ruling classes! In 2011, among the most prominent of the forces that NATO brought to power when they violently overthrew the Gadaffi government were extreme religious fundamentalists and Al Qaeda supporters. Then, from 2012 onwards, they provided massive support to extreme anti-woman reactionaries in their proxy war against the secular Syrian government. And as for Afghanistan, the Western ruling classes only started pretending to be concerned about women’s rights there when their interests started clashing with those of the Taliban. They are the ones mainly responsible for the brutal oppression that Afghan women suffer today and have indeed endured for the last 32 years. In 1978, when the leftist Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) seized power in Afghanistan, they enacted not only land reforms in defence of the poor but instituted measures to protect women from forced marriage and to enable girls to be educated. Afghan women and girls then truly had hope in a brighter future. But the U.S. and other Western imperialists and their allies ruling conservative Arab states poured massive amounts of arms and money to back an insurgency against the PDPA government by fanatical, woman-hating reactionaries and big landowners who were incensed at both the advances made for women’s rights and the progressive land reforms. When the Soviet Union responded to a desperate request from the PDPA and rightly sent troops to back up the embattled leftist government, the imperial powers and their allies increased their support for the anti-woman fundamentalists even further. After the Soviet leadership sold out Afghan women and poor tenant farmers when they withdrew their troops in 1989, the Afghan leftists held on for a further three years. However, starved of all material support after the Soviet Union started fully collapsing in August 1991, the leftists were defeated by the Western-backed, Mujahideen reactionaries in 1992. This resulted in a gigantic deterioration in the social position of Afghan women – even before the Taliban faction of the Mujahideen gained the ascendancy four years later. Even after the U.S, NATO and Australian imperialists overthrew the Taliban in 2001 and occupied the country, most women remained cruelly subjugated in Afghanistan. After all, the Western powers had merely brought back the non-Taliban factions of the woman-oppressing, former Mujahideen to power. Yes, in some urban areas, largely for show, the imperialist occupiers and the puppet regime enacted some modest measures that improved the position of women relative to what it had been under the Taliban. However, in most of the country there was no improvement from the Taliban days. Moreover, the extreme cruelty of the war-crime-ridden Western occupying forces and the rampant corruption of the puppet regime caused many Afghan women to suffer even more than they did during the 1996-2001 Taliban regime. The imperialist occupying forces turned a blind eye as corrupt police and officials – and the warlords and big landowners that they protected – seized many young women to be sex slaves and bought and kept adolescent boys for sex and entertainment in the notorious ancient practice called bacha bazi that flourished during both the periods of pro-Western, Mujahideen rule.
The 1990s, Noughties and Early 2010s – The High-Point of Anti-Communist Forces Inside the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Given the unpalatable nature of the religious fundamentalist wing of the anti-communist forces in Xinjiang, imperialist regimes, media outlets and NGOs try to downplay their significance. Indeed, they like to pretend that this wing of the anti-PRC movement does not even exist. However, the fanatically anti-secular factions of the Uyghur anti-communists have greater support than their, nominally, more secular counterparts. During the hay day of the anti-communist forces inside the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the 1990s, noughties and early 2010s, it was the extreme religious fundamentalists who were more active. Among their actions were the assassination of communist Uyghur officials and the murder of Uyghur imams who did not adhere to their fanatical and warped interpretation of Islam. The ETIM and their ilk also carried out random terrorist acts on civilians – including through bombing buses, exploding car bombs and knife attacks. In the worst of the latter type of attack, in March 2014 a knife-wielding gang of religious fundamentalist, Uyghur anti-communists went on a rampage stabbing to death 33 people at a railway station in the southwest Chinese city of Kunming in Yunnan province. However, it was billionaire Rebiya Kadeer’s, nominally more secular, WUC that launched the biggest single act of terror against the people of China and her Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. In July 2009, they incited right-wing thugs and supporters of the extreme fundamentalist wing of the anti-communist movement to unleash a horrific rampage against non-Uyghur civilians living in the region’s capital Urumqi. These rioters murdered over 150 civilians. The anti-communist rioters not only killed Han Chinese people but slaughtered at least eleven members of another Muslim minority in China, the Hui.
However, over the last fifteen years, the anti-communist forces have progressively lost more and more support amongst the Uyghur people. They have gone from having the allegiance of a significant minority of the Uyghur people to having the support of only a tiny minority of Uyghurs living in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Today, most of their support amongst actual Uyghurs is based on the Uyghur populations living in exile in Afghanistan and in Western countries. However, these exile populations are very small. This is despite the much more favourable treatment that Uyghur anti-communists seeking asylum and residency in the West are given compared to Tamil, Palestinian, Afghan, Iraqi, Somali and Sudanese asylum seekers. The last Australian census in 2021 found that there were only 1,674 people identifying as being of Uyghur ancestry living in the whole of Australia. Thus, despite the number of Uyghurs living in China being more than double the number of Palestinians living in Palestine and more than five times the number of Eelam Tamils living in Sri Lanka, the number of people in Australia identifying as being Uyghur is more than nine times less than the number of people identifying as being Palestinian and around 30 times fewer than the number of Eelam Tamils in Australia. The relatively tiny size of the Uyghur populations living in exile in the West – despite the huge size of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’s external boundary with neighbouring countries that makes travel for those who want to leave China from the region very easy – is itself an indication that most Uyghurs living in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region either actively support, or accept, being part of the socialistic PRC.
Notably, there has not been a single terrorist attack in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region for the last more than seven years. One reason – although not the most important one – for this is that the PRC has implemented a successful program to re-orient and integrate into the PRC’s socialistic society those Uyghurs susceptible to religious fanaticism and other forms of anti-communist extremism. Those enrolled in the courses are taught the fundamentals of China’s pro-socialist constitution and secular and socialist values – including gender equality, egalitarianism, anti-colonialism, loyalty to the socialistic PRC and the need to treat with respect people who are either atheist or who have a different religious persuasion or different interpretation of Islam. Participants in the program are housed in boarding schools for the duration of the course and enjoy sporting and leisure pursuits as well as cultural activities involving both secular Uyghur culture and broader Chinese culture. As well as values education, a key aspect of the program involves providing vocational training to the students to improve their career prospects. The PRC, quite correctly, sees economic hardships and the lack of career prospects as a key factor that was driving some Uyghurs into the arms of the anti-communist, anti-PRC forces. Those participating in the constitution education and vocational training schools are also taught the national language of China – Mandarin – since this increases the opportunities for participants to both get jobs outside Uyghur-majority areas of the country and land jobs that require communication with firms and departments in non-Uyghur parts of China. It should be noted that the fact that many attendees even need to be taught Mandarin Chinese makes a mockery of the claim by anti-PRC propagandists that Uyghurs in China are prevented from learning their own language and as a result are only able to speak Mandarin Chinese.
January 2023: Thirty Muslim scholars from 14 Muslim-majority countries conduct an inspection of a constitution education and vocational training centre in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The scholars praised the work of the centres and found that they were not at all “detention centres”. They found that the centres housed the students in good conditions and a supportive environment. Every single international delegation that has inspected the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’s constitution education and vocational training centres with an open mind has come to the same conclusion – including every delegation made up predominantly of Muslims or participants from non-Western countries.
China’s Constitution Education and Vocational Training Schools Versus Australia’s Supermax Prisons
The imperialist ruling classes have created and spread a big lie that the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’s constitution education and vocational training schools are like prisons. However, every international delegation that has visited these schools without a pre-prejudiced mind has found the very opposite. These include representatives from the Organisation of Islamic Countries who visited China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region last August; and a World Muslim Communities Council delegation of thirty Muslim scholars from fourteen Muslim-majority countries that conducted an inspection tour fourteen months ago. They have found that the schools house students in good, supportive conditions and allow students much freedom – including the opportunity to travel homes on weekends and receive visits from family members at any time. Most of the schools are headed by ethnic Uyghur principals.
Western governments, mainstream media and ruling class-funded “NGOs” promote the lie that participants in the constitution education and vocational training centres are “forced” into the program. However, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of participants enrol in the programs voluntarily. To be sure, many participants have experienced much pressure on them to attend the courses. However, this pressure comes not from the threat of legal persecution but from the considerable social and moral pressure that can be exerted by family members, friends, neighbours, Imams, teachers and community leaders. This is not fundamentally different to the social and family pressure that youth seen as wayward in any country may experience pushing them to finish school or attend vocational training colleges. Many who joined the courses did so after their family members, friends, neighbours or teachers determined them at high risk of being recruited into religious extremist terrorist groups after they exhibited behavior such as, preventing their children from joining singing and dancing activities at school, or, in the case of husbands, uncompromisingly forcing their wives to stay at home and not work. Many referred to the constitution education and vocational training centres had committed acts that are illegal under PRC law – like withdrawing their daughters from school (on religious extremist grounds) and preventing their wives from going outside their homes without being accompanied by them.
There is a small minority of participants in China’s training centres who are indeed forced to attend. These are people who have committed low-level, terrorism-related offences. They have not committed actual acts of terror (in which case they who would be imprisoned) but have instead committed relatively minor deeds in support of terrorist groups – such as donating to the groups, spreading their propaganda online or attending meetings of the banned terror groups. PRC authorities give such people the opportunity to avoid imprisonment by instead successfully completing a constitution education and vocational training course. Such forced “admission” into the training centres is actually a more humane “punishment” than the harsh sentences meted out to people who commit equivalent offences in imperialist countries. In Australia, many religious fundamentalist Muslims who have not committed or planned to commit any terrorist acts whatsoever but who associate with groups deemed terrorist – or provide them with low-level material or moral support – are being locked up for years in harsh conditions. Many are imprisoned at the notorious “supermax” prison in the NSW Southern Tablelands town of Goulburn. Most of these prisoners have been jailed for showing support for groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS – that is the very same groups that the Uyghur-based ETIM/TIP terrorists are linked with. Many of these Muslim prisoners in Australia endure jail for periods much longer than their formal sentence, through the Australian regime’s use of an authoritarian Continuing Detention Orders (CDOs) scheme that allows courts to potentially lock up prisoners indefinitely through repeated imposition of CDOs. Others are subjected to repeated imprisonment through being hit with highly restrictive Control Orders when they are released from jail. These draconian Control Orders then provide trip wires for their subsequent imprisonment. For example, a 23 year-old Toongabbie man who was jailed for 18 months in 2019 for simply associating with ISIS – despite not having participated in any actual or planned terrorist attack – was re-arrested, only days after his release at the end of his sentence, because he allegedly breached a Control Order by merely browsing on the internet material deemed to be “violent extremist”. The man was then sentenced to a new term of two years and three months in prison. In China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region such a person might not have spent even a week in prison. Instead he would have been referred for “forced” admission to a constitution education and vocational training school.
The comparatively harsher treatment that the Australian regime gives to Islamic fundamentalists who commit minor acts in support of terrorist groups compared to what the PRC does is one aspect of the discrimination that Muslim people are facing in Australia. Australia’s ruling class and its enforcers – from its politicians, to its media, to its police and ASIO secret police – often insinuate that Australia’s entire Muslim community are either especially prone to terrorism or are not doing enough to combat it. The Australian regime is subjecting Muslim people and organisations with absolutely zero connection to violent religious fundamentalism to over-bearing surveillance and infiltration.
The bias of Australia’s legal system against Muslim people is evident by comparing the sentences and judgements that alleged Islamic fundamentalist extremists have been hit with versus those meted out to violent far-right white supremacists. To illustrate this point, we compare some specific cases. In 2004, Australian Muslim man Faheem Lodhi was arrested and eventually convicted of terrorism offences for possessing a document in the Urdu language about how to make bombs, collecting two maps of the electrical supply system in Sydney and collecting information about the availability of materials that could allegedly be used to make bombs. He did not actually conduct any attack or make or acquire any bombs. If one was to accept the Australian regime’s contention that he intended to actually carry out an attack, it is apparent that this was to be an act of economic sabotage rather than an action aimed at killing civilians. Yet Faheem Lodhi was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Let us compare his sentence with that given to two of the neo-Nazi racists who have been charged with similar acts. One of the latter is white supremacist Michael Holt. Holt, who was arrested in 2015, had stockpiled a large number of firearms and other weapons and openly stated his wish to carry out racist violence and mass shootings at shopping centres and other sites. Despite making threats to directly murder large numbers of people, unlike Lodhi who only allegedly wished to damage infrastructure; and despite collecting a large arsenal of weapons – unlike Lodhi who only researched materials that could be used to make weapons – Australia’s courts handed neo-Nazi Holt less than one-third of the sentence that they hit Faheem Lodhi with. Indeed, Holt was not even charged under terrorism laws. Instead, he received a six year sentence under firearms laws (his total sentence was seven years due to an additional child pornography offence). Then last Thursday, Cameron Brodie-Hall, an Adelaide man known for making Nazi salutes and being part of a violent far-right group dedicated to “preserving white Australia” and who was found by police to be in possession of a book that detailed how to conduct assassinations and terror bombings was acquitted by a magistrate of one count of possessing a document for terrorist acts and one count of possessing extremist material. So while Muslim fundamentalist Faheem Lodhi received ten years jail out of his total 20 year sentence for possessing a document about how to make bombs, Nazi-supporting white supremacist Brodie-Hall got absolutely zero punishment for possessing a book that even more explicitly explains how to kill people through terrorist attacks.
The discriminatorily severe treatment being meted out in Australia to Islamic fundamentalists and the broader Muslim community is a reflection of not only the racist nature of the Australian regime but the very purpose of the Australian ruling class’ anti-terror measures. This purpose is quite different to the aims of the PRC’s crackdown on anti-communist terrorists in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. For the PRC, its measures against the likes of the ETIM/TIP and its constitution education and vocational training centres are aimed at protecting people against terror attacks, defeating threats to ethnic harmony, rehabilitating those who have been drawn into the terrorist groups, preserving China’s territorial integrity and protecting the PRC’s socialistic system. In Australia, part of the regime’s crackdown on extreme Islamic fundamentalists is indeed aimed at stopping terror attacks. However, the Australian regime’s “war on terror” also has a very sinister purpose. By using the pretext of opposing the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS to greatly strengthen repressive laws and boost the powers of the police and ASIO secret police, Australia’s ruling class is building up its weapons for future attacks against its main targets: militant workers rights activists and leftist opponents of capitalism and racist oppression. Already, the anti-terror laws that the Australian regime nominally brought in to combat violent Islamic fundamentalists has been used to convict three supporters of a progressive group: the Tamil Tigers. Although we have very different politics from the Tamil Tigers we acknowledge that they have waged a just struggle for the liberation of the oppressed Tamil nation living in the north and east of Sri Lanka.
The Australian regime’s high-profile crackdown on so-called “Islamic terrorism” is also in large part driven by the Australian ruling class’ wish to demonise the entire Muslim and Arab communities. Australia’s capitalist rulers want to divert the masses frustrations over unaffordable rents, insecure jobs and the high cost of living away from themselves and onto soft targets. Their regime’s overbearing “anti-terror” surveillance of the entire Muslim community and the excessively severe punishments it gives to those within the Muslim community with even a low-level association with terror groups cannot be separated from the plethora of statements made by ruling class politicians attacking the Muslim community and other Middle Eastern, Asian and African communities. Let us recall how opposition leader Peter Dutton, when he was immigration minister in the previous Liberal government, whipped up hatred against Muslim and Arab communities by disgustingly saying that it was a mistake to allow Lebanese Muslims to migrate into Australia.
All this official racism and discrimination against Muslim and Arab communities has incited more extreme, violent racists on the streets. This is what happened on 11 December 2005, when some 10,000 screaming racists at southern Sydney’s Cronulla Beach went on a rampage brutally bashing anyone of Middle Eastern or South Asian appearance that they could find. NSW Police, who today mobilise in huge numbers to violently protect Israel’s ZIM Shipping against pro-Palestinian protesters holding actions at Sydney’s docks, were conspicuous by their failure to mobilise adequate resources to protect non-white beach goers – despite it being obvious to all at the time that huge numbers of racists would be gathering that day with the intent of unleashing violence against darker-skinned people. About a decade after the Cronulla riot, white supremacists started holding hundreds-strong “Reclaim Australia” rallies throughout Australia that vilified Muslim people and other non-white communities. Several prominent parliamentarians from the then ruling Liberal-National Coalition and the far-right parties participated in – and even spoke at – the demonstrations.
The remorseless attacks that the Australian and other Western ruling classes have unleashed against the Muslim and minority communities in their own countries – and around the world – has not stopped them one bit from slandering the PRC’s treatment of Muslim Uyghurs. Their favourite refrain is that China is “forcibly imprisoning” a huge number of Uyghurs in re-education “camps”. As the imperialists become more and more desperate to vilify Red China, they keep on increasing the number of Uyghur people that they claim are “detained” in the “camps”! They have gone from saying that “hundreds of thousands” are detained there, to saying “one million” are detained to sometimes even, “two million”. These claims are completely ridiculous! The amount of Uyghur people whom the imperialists claim are being “detained” in the re-education and vocational training centres amount to between 10% and 20% of the entire population of Uyghur people within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It would be simply impossible to forcibly detain such a high proportion of any particular ethnic group in areas of a country where they form the majority of the population – as Western propagandists claim that China is doing in the southern part of Xinjiang – without the practice leading to a revolt, or at least a massive social upheaval. This would be the case no matter which country this was happening in and irrespective of its political system. Yet during the last several years, which is when the imperialists say that such huge numbers of Uyghurs have been detained, there has been no sign of revolt or upheaval within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Moreover, if such a gigantic proportion of the working-age population were truly detained in “forced-attendance” schools it would lead to economic collapse – not only because of the huge numbers of people taken out of productive work but because of the gigantic number of personnel and resources needed to detain between 10% and 20% of the Uyghur population. This is doubly so because the main parts of the region’s economy – cotton farming, sheep herding, grain crops, oil and gas production, mining, metal smelting and pressing, renewable energy production and services – are sectors where labour and production cannot be carried out within campus grounds. However, the economy of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has been undisputedly booming over the last several years. This fact itself makes the imperialists’ claim that ten to twenty percent of the Uyghur population is being detained in re-education camps completely implausible.
By the end of 2019, most of the students at the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’s constitution education and vocational training schools had completed their courses, found meaningful work and been successfully re-integrated into the broader Uyghur community and Chinese society. Most of the schools have since been closed but a few continue to operate to re-orient and train new participants. It is useful comparing this reality with what is happening here in Australia. Details about the number of people jailed in Australia under accusations of involvement in Islamic fundamentalist terrorism are very hard to find. The justice system in supposedly “democratic” Australia is very opaque! However, a document released by the Australian government two years ago, titled Australia’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy 2022, indicated that at the time there were around 100 people in Australian prisons convicted or charged with terrorism offences – and we know that nearly all these people are people accused of involvement in Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. The Australian regime does not make available compiled statistics as to what proportion of these detainees are being jailed under accusation of the kind of very low-level association with terror groups that in China would allow them to attend a constitution education and vocational training school as an alternative to prison. However, an examination of a 2013 study by a University of New South Wales researcher that was published in the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy showed that of the 26 people up to then convicted of terrorism-related offences in Australia, 11 had been convicted of only either being a member of a banned group or of providing funds to such a groups. They had not been involving in conducting or even preparing any terrorist attack. They made up just over 42% of the people convicted then. If we apply that same percentage to the approximately 100 people in Australia’s jails today accused of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism-related offences, then we can estimate that around 42 inmates are accused of these lower grade offences. Given that the people accused of such offences have varying degrees of involvement with the proscribed groups, we cannot say for sure that all of the estimated 42 such prisoners in Australia accused of these lower level terrorism-related offences would in China be given the option of avoiding prison through enrolment in a constitution education and vocational training centre. However, even if half would be given such an opportunity, we can estimate that there are about 21 Muslim fundamentalist people accused of very low-level association with terror groups who are languishing in Australia’s jails who in China could avoid jail through participation in a constitution education and vocational training course. And given that the total population of Muslim background people in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is around 20 times that of the total population of Muslims in all of Australia, this number of about 21 Islamic fundamentalist prisoners unnecessarily imprisoned in Australia is in proportionate terms equivalent to 420 people in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region who would avoid prison through instead being “forcibly” admitted to a constitution education and vocational training school. It is very unlikely that this number is any less than the number of remaining students in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’s constitution education and vocational training schools who are actually forced to attend. And these people in China who have committed offences of very low-level association with terror groups are only made to attend boarding schools – where they have the right to go home on weekends and holidays, the right to receive visits at other times, abundant sporting, leisure and cultural participation opportunities – whereas their counterparts in Australia are locked up under extremely harsh conditions in supermax jails.
Above: An inmate is locked in a cage in order to be allowed to make a phone call at Australia’s Goulburnsupermax prison in southern NSW. Among those imprisoned for years in the Goulburn hell-hole are Muslims who have only had very minor alleged association with terror groups. In China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, such people would be given the opportunity to attend a constitution education and vocational training school as an alternative to prison – where they would study alongside the voluntary participants that make up the vast majority of enrolled students. Below: Students at a Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region constitution education and vocational training school in Kashgar during a Mandarin language class. Note that the photo was taken by a journalist from the U.S. government-controlled NPR news outlet who visited the school with the pre-determined intention to vilify the school as a “detention centre” and spread anti-communist, anti-China propaganda. Nevertheless, what the photo shows clearly looks like a typical classroom and not a detention centre! Note that one of the students at the front of the photo is wearing traditional Uyghur/Central Asian clothing as well as a nice-looking watch. Unlike any prison, the classes are mixed gender and students are wearing a variety of casual clothing rather than any uniform. Photo Credit (above photo): website named “Criminal” Photo Credit (below photo): Rob Schmitz/NPR
Excessive Market Reforms Weakened Ethnic Relations Within Socialistic China for a Two Decade Period
Enemies of socialistic China would argue that no matter how reactionary may be the anti-PRC forces within China’s Uyghur population, the fact that these forces have been able to win any significant popular support is itself a sign that Uyghurs are oppressed within China. However, such a line of argument has become, in good part, outdated. Much of the support that the anti-communist, anti-China groups had within the Uyghur population has disappeared. Nevertheless, it is true that the significant degree of support that anti-PRC forces once had within a significant minority of the Uyghur population reflected real grievances felt by a portion of the Uyghur population – grumblings that right-wing forces were able to exploit. Those grievances felt by some Uyghur people were mainly disgruntlement at the poverty and lack of decent job opportunities that they had and anger at their lower standard of living compared to other residents of China.
To understand why such economic hardships and inequality were faced by Uyghur people, we have to understand the political and economic course of the entire PRC. China’s toiling classes seized state power in a heroic anti-capitalist revolution in 1949. At the time, China was one of the poorest countries in Asia. More than hundreds years of subjugation by imperial powers and a form of capitalist rule impacted by many remaining elements of feudalism had combined to keep the Chinese masses in poverty, oppression and backwardness. In 1949, per capita income in China was only 53% of the per capita income of India. However, through building an economy centred on public ownership and central planning, the workers state created by the 1949 Revolution was able to greatly improve the lives of the Chinese masses. This is despite two periods of sharp economic setbacks – the late 1950s-early 1960s Great Leap Forward disaster and the most frenetic two years of the Cultural Revolution in 1967-8. By 1978, socialistic China had achieved a miracle in social progress. In less than three decades she had almost doubled her people’s life expectancy from 36 years in 1949 to 67 years. By 1978, average per capita income in China had caught up to that of India’s, while socialistic China had far surpassed that of capitalist India in terms of literacy of the people, average life expectancy, social position of women and level of industrial development. At the time, despite the bureaucratic deformations of the workers state, China, in terms of material standard of living, was then one of the most egalitarian societies (other than for hunter-gatherer tribal societies) that has ever existed in human history.
However, the PRC still faced big political challenges then. The lack of genuine workers democracy in the socialistic state stifled the creativity of workers. It also made it harder to motivate workers to work hard for the socialistic society – especially given that workers knew that the workers state was (rightly) guaranteeing every one of them a secure full-time job. Moreover, in the absence of socialist revolution having spread by then to the richest countries, the disastrous Sino-Soviet split had cut-off the PRC from access to advanced technology via the Soviet bloc. In response to these challenges, the bureaucracy administering the workers state decided to introduce pro-market reforms at the end of 1978 in a policy dubbed “reform and opening up.” To stimulate innovation and hard work, greater income differentials were to be permitted. Each workplace and region would be able to keep more of the income generated in their terrain for themselves rather than returning it to the public coffers for shared use by the entire socialistic society. The emergence of a limited capitalist private sector was allowed. Eventually foreign capitalists were allowed to set up factories within China, initially in joint ventures with PRC state-owned firms and later, in some cases, wholly by themselves.
The bureaucrats decision to introduce pro-market reforms in the late 1970s was not entirely driven by the desire to boost the productivity of the Chinese economy. They also knew that given their privileged position they and their children would be in prime position to take advantages of the greater inequality being permitted by the reforms and the limited allowance of capitalists that the reforms allowed. Nevertheless, the “reform and opening up” policy did to some degree spur production. However, it is very wrong for some to claim that China’s economic miracle is only because of the pro-market reforms. Indeed, in the two years leading up to the start of the reforms being implemented in 1979, China’s GDP grew at a very fast 7.6% and 11.7 % per annum respectively – faster than her economy grew in the first several years after the pro-market reforms commenced. Nevertheless, the reforms did bring benefits. In particular, the factories established by the capitalists from the richer countries allowed the workers and technical staff of China to acquire new skills and for the PRC to gradually learn the technology of the more advanced imperialist countries.
The cost of the “reform and opening up” was much greater inequality within China. Moreover, the emergence of a small new class of capitalists as well as a layer of executives and managers who had acquired affluence through being the enforcers of the interests of Western, Hong Kong and Taiwanese factory owners within China, created a social stratum that pushed for still greater openings for capitalist investors. Backed by right-wing sections of the CPC bureaucracy closest to them, this layer managed to push the reforms further than they had originally been intended to go and certainly much further than was needed for the social and political health of the workers state. To be sure, China remained a workers state – as it still is today – where the backbone sectors of her economy are still under socialistic state public ownership. But unemployment had re-emerged in China as had the exploitation of workers in some enterprises. Moreover, while overall the PRC continued to pull people out of poverty as she had been doing since 1949, smaller numbers of other people were now being pushed into extreme poverty.
The increased role of the market in determining production and investment meant that areas with favourable geography got richer in comparison with other areas. In particular, coastal areas, with their more moderate climate and their easier access to shipping to bring in raw materials and transport finished products, got richer than more remote interior areas. The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region was the latter and so became poorer relative to coastal and other parts of China with a more favourable geography. In 1992, before the market reforms had taken their full effect, socialist planning, which favoured more disadvantaged regions, had ensured that the average per capita income in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region was actually 6% higher than the average for all of China. However, as figures from China’s National Bureau of Statistics show, by 2009 average per capita incomes in the autonomous region had fallen to 25% below that of China as a whole. Moreover, even within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region the market reforms increased disparities in wealth depending on how favourable is the geography and climate. These natural conditions are unkind to the economic well being of the Uyghur people, who have always mostly lived in the southern part of the region, where the desert landscape dominated by the Taklamakan Desert is even drier and with fewer river sources of water than the northern part of the autonomous region, where a greater proportion of Han Chinese, Hui Muslims and Kazakhs live. As a result, relative to other ethnic groups within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the standard of living of the Uyghur people fell. For example, in the poorest of the Uyghur majority prefectures (districts), Hotan, the average per capita income relative to that of the Han-majority prefecture that includes the regional capital of Urumqi, fell from nearly 30% of Urumqi prefecture incomes in 2005 (the earliest year that we could find statistics for) to around 24% of Urumqi prefecture incomes in 2011.
To be sure, Uyghur people as a whole were still slowly being lifted out of poverty during this period. However, especially given that a sizable proportion of the Uyghur people still lived in poverty by the late noughties, the market reform-caused, growing inequality in standard of living within both the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and within all of China led to the lower-income Uyghur people developing resentments towards the Han, Hui Muslim and other better off ethnic groups. These were seized upon by anti-communist groups brandishing the banners of “East Turkestan independence” or extreme religious fundamentalism. Still more harmfully, as is the case all over the world when there are marked differences in economic strength of people of different ethnic groups, the deteriorating relative economic position of Uyghurs led to better-off ethnic groups developing a condescending and arrogant attitude towards the Uyghur people. Han chauvinist attitudes towards Uyghur people among China’s Han Chinese majority emerged. Meanwhile, the fact that there was now less job security than in pre-“reform and opening up” China and the fact that the atmosphere in the new, profit-driven private sector was less friendly only heightened the intensity of mutual suspicions and resentments.
It was indeed an awful display of Han chauvinism that was the trigger for the horrific July 2009 Urumqi riot by far-right Uyghur gangs. In late June, a false rumour that Uyghur workers at a Hong Kong-owned toy factory in the southern Chinese city of Shaoguan had raped a young Han co-worker was spread online by a Han man disgruntled that he had been turned down for a job in the factory and that hundreds of Uyghur workers from Xinjiang had instead been given jobs in the factory at the insistence of CPC authorities. The false rumour led to a despicable attack on Uyghur workers by some prejudiced Han Chinese workers. In the ensuing brawl, two Uyghur workers were killed and dozens of workers of both ethnicity injured. Capitalist tycoon Rebiya Kadeer and her World Uyghur Congress greatly exaggerated the death toll and spread the lie that PRC police had refused to protect the Uyghur workers. The WUC used such means to help them prepare and incite the July 2009 Urumqi slaughter of Han Chinese and Hui Muslim people. In fact, completely contrary to the WUC’s claims, PRC police stopped the Shaoguan factory attacks soon after they arrived on the scene and cracked down hard against the rampaging Han Chinese attackers. One of the offending Han workers was later executed, another Han worker given a life sentence and others given lengthy jail sentences. Nevertheless, the Shaoguan toy factory incident showed the extent to which the pro-market reforms and the intrusion of a degree of capitalism into the Chinese workers state had harmed ethnic relations, fostered Han Chinese chauvinism and played into the hands of right-wing counterrevolutionary forces within the Uyghur community. Moreover, although the CPC does make efforts to curb Han chauvinism within the PRC government machinery, given that these efforts are not high profile, public campaigns and given that the CPC’s membership makes up almost one in ten of China’s adult population, it is inevitable that Han chauvinist attitudes within the broader Han population, to some degree, seep into the CPC and into PRC state organs.
Uyghur Peoples’ Lives Improve and Ethnic Unity Strengthens As China Becomes “More Socialist”
The most dangerous aspect of the excessive implementation of the PRC’s “reform and opening up” was that it strengthened the forces pushing for outright capitalist restoration in China. A new class of capitalist exploiters had been created in China who constantly lobby for the “right” to freely exploit as in other “normal” – that is capitalist – countries. Alongside them, a bigger upper middle class layer has emerged who have benefited from the inequality fostered by the market reforms – many of whom want further reforms allowing still greater inequality. This layer includes managers, lawyers and financial advisers working for Western, Hong Kong, Taiwanese and local capitalists, self-employed brokers, lawyers and accountants whose practices have been lucky enough to succeed; and those academics, economists and other “experts” close to or in awe of the new capitalists and their affluent, upper-middle class side-kicks. Indeed, if the PRC leadership’s pro-market reforms had gone unchallenged it would have already led to a capitalist counterrevolution in China. This is not because those implementing the policies actually wanted capitalist restoration. No, the PRC’s leaders saw pro-market reforms, at least to some extent, as an indirect means to enhance China’s drive towards socialism. However, by creating a class of capitalists and a larger, pro-capitalist upper-middle class layer surrounding this new class, excessive market reforms created the social forces that were pushing for still greater openings to capitalism. With every concession to the demands of these forces their numbers and influence would have increased, allowing them to lobby still harder for more pro-capitalist policies. Just as happened in the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a downward spiral strengthening pro-capitalist forces would have occurred that would have eventually allowed them to grab state power.
However, politically aware Chinese workers and leftist intellectuals within the CPC had other ideas. When the CPC leadership began a scheme of mass privatisations of smaller and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in the mid-late 1990s, workers unleashed a wave of strikes and protest against the privatisations and against the job cuts and loss of pension benefits that resulted from them. Many of the protest marches were headed up by portraits of Chairman Mao, reflecting workers nostalgia for the pre-reform period of greater job security and more favourable workplace culture for workers. As a result of these actions, the PRC bureaucracy did not go as far in the privatisations as their more right-wing elements wanted. Then in May 1999, after the U.S. bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Chinese leftists within and outside the CPC held mass protests within China. They not only denounced the bombing but denounced the Western imperialists and any softness towards them. As a result, the influence of those Chinese leaders seen as accommodating of the Western capitalists and of capitalism more generally was weakened – especially that of China’s then number three-ranked leader, rightist premier Zhu Rongji. Five years later, agitation by Chinese leftists within the CPC and academia resulted in an important victory: the PRC government headed by Hu Jintao banned management buyouts of state-owned enterprises, which had often been the main means of privatisation.
The tide was turning in China. By the mid noughties, the pace of the rightist economic reforms had slowed. Nevertheless, there remained a slow growth in the size of China’s capitalistic private sector relative to that of the socialistic state sector. However by the end of the noughties that trend started to reverse and the PRC moved decisively to the left. There were multiple reasons for this – each feeding into each other. For one, when anti-communists in Western countries held anti-PRC protests to disrupt parades of the Olympic torch relay for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, tens of thousands of PRC international students in Australia, Britain and other countries mobilised to defend the torch relay. This gave encouragement to leftists within China. Then the PRC ‘s successful hosting of the 2008 Olympics and her continuing economic resilience in the face of the capitalist world diving into their deep, late noughties Great Recession increased the confidence of Chinese communists in the socialist path. Moreover, in order to protect China’s economy from the global economic crisis, the PRC leadership was compelled to enact measures – like increasing investment by state-owned enterprises and greatly boosting state-led infrastructure construction – that had the effect of strengthening the socialist foundations of her economy. However, what most pushed PRC government policy in a pro-socialist direction in this period were several militant, mass struggles by workers against privatisation. Most spectacularly, when there was a July 2009 attempt to privatise a steel plant in the city of Tonghua in northern China’s Jilin Province, thousands of workers took over the factory in protest and beat the greedy new capitalist boss to death, leading to the cancellation of the privatisation.
By the late noughties, all significant privatisation in China had stopped. When the U.S.-based Carlyle private equity group bought out a PRC state-owned construction machinery manufacturer, Xugong, opposition by Chinese leftists within the CPC – which we in Trotskyist Platfom are proud to say that we took action here in solidarity with – revoked the privatisation. What started happening in China instead of privatisation was significant nationalisation – and often renationalisation – of private-owned firms. Such nationalisations especially took place in the coal-mining, steel and dairy industries. For a period of several years from the late noughties onwards, it was the PRC’s socialistic state-owned enterprises that were growing relative to that of the capitalistic, private sector. Meanwhile, the Hu Jintao government’s massive program to increase the amount of low-rent and low-cost public housing was significantly improving the lives of low-income, urban dwellers.
However, in 2012, buoyed by the partial recovery of major capitalist economies, right-wing factions within the CPC pushed back. They were able to get the most openly leftist, CPC Politburo member, the CPC leader of the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing, Bo Xilai removed from office on corruption claims. The Right within the PRC bureaucracy seized on Bo’s public humiliation to begin to reverse the leftist course of the previous few years. The right-wing inclination continued into the first few years of Xi Jinping’s leadership of the party that began in late 2012. The entry of minority private stakes into state-owned enterprises was then being pushed.
But in the mid-noughties a new strike wave by workers in private and Western and Japanese-owned factories started to reverse the political direction once again. At the CPC party congress conducted at the end of 2017, the mood was noticeably to the left of the congress held five years earlier. Reducing the income gap and accelerating the drive to reduce poverty were emphasised. To achieve both these goals, the socialistic state sector was called on to play the lead role. The system of “pairing” – where particular large state-owned enterprises were made responsible for poverty alleviation in particular regions of poverty – was given extra emphasis and political support. Without being openly stated, this represented the PRC’s reversion to greater use of socialist planning as opposed to allocation of resources on largely market – that is profit – principles. Given that the rates of poverty were higher in the Uyghur-majority areas of the southern part of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region than the average in China, the Uyghur people especially benefitted from the “pairing” and poverty alleviation campaigns. Sacrificing the opportunities for greater profits elsewhere, the PRC’s state-owned firms established numerous urban and rural industrial operations in southern Xinjiang as well as Uyghur cultural and handicraft enterprises. Similarly, the PRC’s giant state-owned policy and commercial banks financed infrastructure construction, water conservation, renewable energy and housing development projects in the Uyghur majority areas of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Meanwhile, given that a main route of the PRC’s Belt and Road Initiative to establish infrastructure connectivity with, especially developing, countries to China’s west passed through Uyghur-majority cities like Kashgar, Uyghur-majority cities were especially boosted by the state-led investment associated with the Belt and Road Initiative.
Through these socialist methods, China successfully lifted all her people – including all her Uyghur people – out of extreme poverty by the end of 2020. Meanwhile, the absolute standard of living of the Uyghur masses, alongside that of the rest of the Chinese masses, continued to improve. By 2022, average real wages in urban workplaces of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region had more than tripled from what they were just fourteen years earlier. With the most basic needs of nearly all Uyghur people now being met and Uyghur youth now having hope in their future career prospects and confidence that their standard of living would continue to improve, resentments and grievances amongst Uyghur people naturally became less intense. Crucially, the PRC’s greater emphasis on poverty alleviation and the increased relative economic role of her socialistic state sector over the last few years has also reduced income disparities. Uyghur people have especially been the beneficiaries. This can be seen by comparing the change in average GDP incomes in the three prefectures of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region where most Uyghurs live relative to that in the rest of China. In the poorest of these three prefectures, Hotan, the average income has gone from just 16% of average incomes in all of China in 2008 to 22% of China-wide incomes in 2021 (the last year that figures are available) and on a decidedly upward trend. In the most populous of the Uyghur-majority prefectures, Kashi, the average income has gone from 26% of average incomes in China in 2008 to 36% in 2021. And in the wealthiest of the Uyghur-majority prefectures, Asku, the average income has gone from 47% of average incomes in China in 2008 to 77% in 2021. Notably, the average income in the Uyghur majority, Aksu prefecture (which has a population of over 2.7 million) has now caught up with that in the Han-majority, Urumqi prefecture that includes Xinjiang’s thriving regional capital. It is this dramatic, both absolute and relative, improvement in the standard of living of the Uyghur people and the greater hopes that they have in their future prospects that has most undercut the support for anti-communist forces operating within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The PRC’s constitution education and vocational training centres have also played a role but only a supplementary one. Put in crude, colloquial terms, because China has become – in a zig-zagging way – “more socialist” over the last decade and a half, ethnic harmony has been strengthened.
The per capita GDP of Aksu Prefecture, one of the three main Uyghur-majority prefectures in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, relative to that of the per capita GDP in all of China. Market reforms excesses led to the economy of the prefecture falling backwards relative to that of the rest of China in the 1990s and earlier part of the noughties. However, as leftist Chinese workers and CPC members became more assertive in the late noughties, the role of state-owned enterprises and socialist planning was boosted. This reduced income gaps. This trend was someone reversed when rightist forces pushed back hard in 2012, with the right-leaning momentum continuing for another few years. Some right-wing economic reforms were again implemented. However, by the middle of the last decade, the political winds again reversed direction. By 2017, the role of state-owned enterprises and socialist planning was again emphasised and a renewed focus was given to poverty alleviation and the egalitarian drive for “common prosperity”. As a result the relative standard of living in Aksu prefecture and other poorer parts of China again grew sharply. The absolute and relative improvement in the standard of living of the Uyghur people and the greater hopes that they have in their future prospects has undercut support for anti-communist forces operating within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, undermined Han chauvinist attitudes and improved ethnic harmony within China.
The Well Being of Uyghur People and the Well Being of Socialistic Rule in China
It should be noted that the relative economic standard of living of Uyghur workers is better than per capita GDP income figures for Uyghur-majority prefectures show. The outsize role of the PRC’s socialistic, state enterprises in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region’s development means that workers’ wages relative to that of per capita GDP is higher in the region than in the rest of China. Thus, while per capita income in the whole of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is about 18% below that of the China-wide average, average urban workers’ wages in the region are just 10% below that in all of China. Notably, in the poorest of the Uyghur-majority prefectures, Hotan, although per capita GDP was 22% of the China average in 2021, average Hotan workers wages in the same year were 81% of average wages in all of China. Nevertheless, the figures comparing the average per capita GDP for the Uyghur-majority prefectures with that of the China-wide average also show that there remains a long way to go to achieve complete regional and ethnic, economic equality in China. And as long as there are significant differences between the standard of living of different ethnic groups – in other words as long as China has not reached complete socialism – then there will not be complete ethnic harmony within China.
At the same time, given that China is not ruled by an exploiting class that has an interest in scapegoating minorities for the hardships caused by their own exploitation, as long as the socialist foundations of China’s economy continue to be strengthened and income disparities thus continue to be reduced, ethnic harmony in China should continue to improve. However, whether this more strongly pro-socialist course will continue is a question that is still being fought out in an intense political contest. This is a bout with many rounds left to go! Even in the last four years this contest has swung from one side to the other. In mid-late 2020, the PRC moved decisively even further to the left in the start of an exciting new period. The PRC’s much greater success in protecting her people from COVID than the capitalist countries, the fact that she had been able to do so, almost uniquely, without going into recession and the key role that state-owned enterprises had played in the COVID response effort gave much encouragement to Chinese leftists. They called for curbing profiteering by capitalist corporations and restricting exploitation of workers in the tech sector. The PRC top leadership responded to these calls. They launched a crackdown on prominent capitalists in the tech sector. This included a famous bringing to heel of one of China’s richest people, Alibaba founder Jack Ma. The PRC hit privately owned tech companies with huge fines and restrictions on their operations. Meanwhile, several years before Australian governments even mooted such measures, the PRC instituted laws guaranteeing a minimum wage and greater rights for food delivery workers and other gig economy workers in China. The slogans of the CPC leadership was then, “curbing the irrational expansion of capital”, which meant restricting excessive profiteering and influence of Chinese capitalist firms; and “common prosperity”, which meant boosting the incomes of lower-income groups and curbing excessive incomes of the super-rich. However, by early 2022, the right-wing of the PRC establishment – including private sector bosses, liberal academics and pro-private sector elements within the CPC – pushed backed hard. They demanded that “unfair” prosecutions of private sector “entrepreneurs” stop. They also called for a “level playing field” for private firms with that of state-owned firms – which to us communists is an obscene concept since privately owned companies operating for the profits of a few wealthy individuals should never be considered the equal of state-owned enterprises in a workers state that are collectively owned by all the people. But the right-wing push back had some success. The PRC leaders quietly dropped the call to “curb the irrational expansion of capital” and now speak less often of “common prosperity”.
The content of the PRC’s annual parliamentary sitting of the National Peoples Congress a few weeks ago showed that the two basic sides in China – the one’s pushing for a stronger pro-socialist orientation and the other for greater openings to the private sector – are at the moment fighting each other to a stalemate. The outcome of the congress had measures that both sides could take comfort from. For the Right, there was a promise to allow a “level playing field” for the private sector and greater openings for this sector. For the Left, there were measures to significantly boost state-led investment and a further emphasis on public housing as well as a promise to support rural collectively-owned enterprises. Overall, given the previous pro-socialist measures, the trend in the PRC is still towards the strengthening of the socialistic state sector relative to the capitalistic private sector. For 2022, the last year that figures are available for, the revenue of state-owned firms listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (which made up 83% of the revenue of the listed firms) grew by 7% as against 5% for privately owned listed firms. Today, these socialistic state-owned enterprises continue to outgrow their private counterparts. Thus, for the first two months of this year, total fixed asset investment by the PRC’s state firms grew by 7.3% year on year, as against just 0.4% for the private sector. Moreover, the dominance of the socialistic enterprises in the real estate sector has been consolidated. Just two years ago, although state-owned enterprises made up six of the ten biggest real estate enterprises in China, private firms took up three of the top five positions, including the top two. Today, state-owned enterprises make up eight of the top ten real estate firms, including all the six biggest ones.
Nevertheless, as long as their remains a significant private sector in China and as along as the richest countries of the world remain under capitalist rule there is an imminent danger that China’s course towards socialism could be reversed and, more disastrously, that outright capitalist counterrevolution could occur. That is why we call for staunch communists in China to fight for urgent measures to decisively strengthen the socialistic state sector at the expense of the private sector. Although a limited private sector can be utilised in some sectors during the transition to socialism – especially in order to learn new technology from investments by high-tech firms from more advanced countries – the private sector should be limited to those areas where they are absolutely needed. We say that the internet, big retail and light manufacturing sectors should be confiscated from the capitalists and brought them into public ownership. No more tax and financial concessions for private capitalists! For state takeover of promising small enterprises in financial trouble!
The increased role of the socialistic sector, with its focus on serving the people, will necessarily reduce income disparities and thus improve ethnic relations. However, this alone will not be sufficient. The PRC also needs to wage a conscious and very public crackdown against any signs of Han chauvinism. Those committing harmful acts of Han chauvinism should face harsh punishment and others committing more minor offences should be admitted into political re-education schools. In this way the PRC will not only curb the form of ethnic chauvinism – which as the chauvinism of the majority ethnic group – that is the most harmful but also gain the authority among ethnic minorities to more firmly stop anti-communist groups claiming to stand for them (like the World Uyghur Congress and the ETIM).
The Fate of Chinese Socialism and the Uyghur People Will Be Ultimately Decided in the International Arena
For leftists in Australia and other imperialist countries concerned about the wellbeing of Chinese socialism and the rights of workers and ethnic minorities in China, our number one task is not the advocacy of particular policies within China – as much as it is an internationalist duty for communists everywhere to take an interest in what policies communist abroad should fight for. Rather, our central task is to relieve the immense hostile pressure being exerted on China from the capitalist classes that rule our “own” countries. The best way to do this is by advancing towards the removal from power of these imperialist ruling classes by the revolutionary action of the working class. On the way to doing so, we must do everything possible to counteract the hostile external capitalist pressure bearing upon China and to support committed Chinese communists in their endeavours to defend socialistic rule. We in Trotskyist Platform are working hard to fulfill this mission. When the 70th anniversary of the PRC occurred in 2019, during the midst of the anti-PRC, rich kid revolt in Hong Kong and massive anti-PRC propaganda in the mainstream media, we joined with the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA) in building an action that saw over 60 people march through the streets of Sydney behind the slogans: “Working Class People in Australia & the World: Stand With Socialistic China!” and “Defeat Hong Kong’s Pro-Colonial, Anti-Communist Movement!” When Chinese communists hear of such solidarity it gives them greater strength and confidence to push for a strengthening of China’s course towards socialism.
On the other hand, every bit of hostility that socialistic China receives from abroad, strengthens those internal forces within China seeking to steer her away from a socialist path. For it allows right-wing elements within and outside the CPC to say: “See, if we keep to our same course we will be surrounded by hostile forces – we cannot continue on the same path, we must accommodate the powerful capitalists that rule the world.” Any greater influence gained by such forces would hurt especially hurt the Uyghur masses. For the resulting weakening of socialistic state-owned enterprises and the undermining of planning of production based on need would lead to greater income disparities, a rollback in anti-poverty measures and setbacks for regions – like southern Xinjiang – faced with unfavourable geography. Many Uyghur people would be driven back into poverty and their standard of living relative to other people in China would fall. As a result, Han chauvinist attitudes towards Uyghur people would increase. Moreover, in order to present the Uyghur question in a manner that accommodates the now more powerful Chinese capitalists, the Chinese state would be compelled to refer less to the advances made by socialistic rule in Xinjiang and to instead appeal more to pure, non-socialist-based Chinese nationalism – which given that China is more than 90% populated by the Han people will inevitably be alienating to Uyghurs and other minority peoples. All this means that the imperialists – and the irresolute sections of the Far Left echoing them – who use feigned concerned about Uyghur people to attack the PRC are in fact exerting anti-communist pressure that would actually worsen the position of the Uyghur people.
More fundamentally, if hostile imperialist pressure and the agitation of China’s own internal capitalists succeeds in destroying the Chinese workers state, it will not only be a disaster for all the masses of China but be an especially awful catastrophe for the Uyghur people. While a small number of filthy rich capitalist Uyghurs like Rebiya Kadeer would re-enter the region and make a greater fortune by buying up big chunks of her economy, huge numbers of the Uyghur masses would be thrown back into poverty. And most of the economy of Uyghur majority regions would end up being taken over by the Western imperialists, who would again become the defacto masters of all of China as in the pre-1949 days. Meanwhile, ethnic and national oppression of Uyghur people would greatly intensify. We only have to look at the fate of national and ethnic minorities in Asia’s other hugely populous country in Asia, capitalist India, to see this.
In capitalist India, the Sikh people living in the north are denied their right to self determination. Although Sikhs form an absolute majority of the population of the Indian provincial state of Punjab, there is no Sikh autonomous region in India unlike the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomus Region for Uyghur people in China. In 1984, the Indian Army, with secret assistance by British imperialism, infamously stormed the holiest site of the Sikh people, the Golden Temple in the city of Amritsar to target Sikh activists. India’s military killed thousands of civilian Sikh pilgrims in the attack. Then four months later, after two of the then Indian prime minister, Indira Gandhi’s Sikh bodyguards assassinated her in protest at the attack on the Golden Temple pilgrims, racist gangs in Delhi and other parts of India went on a killing spree against any Sikh people they could find. Incited and organised by leaders of the ruling Indian Congress Party and supported by the police, the mobs slaughtered over 10,000 Sikh people. Very, very few of the perpetrators were ever punished. Today, the Sikh people continue to be brutally oppressed by India’s capitalist rulers.
India’s Kashmiri people have faced still more violent oppression. Like the Uyghur people in the southern part of China’s Xinjiang, India’s Kashmiri people are a Muslim-majority ethnic group in a non-Muslim majority country, who have their own distinct language and who form a majority of the population in a particular region of the country that they reside in. Therefore, understanding the plight of the Kashmiri people in capitalist India is important for understanding the fate that awaits the Uyghur people should capitalist counterrevolution occur in China. The Indian regime has responded to the decades-long struggle by the Kashmiri people for independence from India with extreme brutality. On 21 January 1990, Indian paramilitary troops opened fire on unarmed Kashmiri protesters who were shouting pro-independence slogans. The troops killed over 100 people in what became known as the Gawkadal massacre, which triggered the start of a civil war in the region. The Indian regime followed up this crime with several other horrific massacres in subsequent years. Then in 2019, to further subjugate the Kashmiri people, the Indian capitalist regime revoked the partial autonomy that the Kashmiri people previously had in the provincial state of Jammu and Kashmir. The region was put under the direct rule of the Indian central government. To quell unrest to the draconian move, the Indian regime imposed a stay at home curfew in the region, cutoff phone communications and completely cutoff the internet – the blackout lasting for a year and a half! During the course of the Kashmiri people’s 35 year-long militant independence struggle, India’s security forces have killed some 50,000 Kashmiri civilians – many of whom have been shot execution style and then dumped in unmarked graves. This is where the real genocidal oppression of a Muslim-majority people in Asia (if one excludes Israel) is occurring – not in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region!
Although the Muslim-majority Kashmiri people are oppressed in India as an ethno-linguistic group, other Muslims in capitalist India also face discrimination and violence. Just four years ago, far-right thugs incited by India’s ruling Hindu chauvinist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) attacked Muslim shops and neighbourhoods in Delhi, shooting, hacking and burning to death up to 50 Muslim people. India’s police largely stood by as the slaughter took place and in some cases even joined in. Exploiting their own toiling classes and acting as agents for the powerful Western imperialists who exploit Indian labour and manipulate the markets for both Indian exports and imports, India’s capitalist rulers seek to make Muslims the scapegoat for the extreme poverty and economic despair that their rule causes. India’s current prime minister Narendra Modi, when he was chief minister of Gujarat state, personally encouraged and abetted India’s worst anti-Muslim pogrom – the 2002 Gujarat riot. Then fascistic Hindu mobs beat and burned to death over 2,000 Muslim people as police looked on or assisted the attackers. They committed the most horrific atrocities during this highly organised pogrom. Shouting Hindu chauvinist slogans, the far-right thugs burnt a large number of Muslim children alive and conducted mass gang rapes of Muslim women before burning to death their victims. Ten years earlier, the BJP and its even more extreme allies led a large group of Hindu fanatics to tear down the 16th-century Babri Masjid mosque in the northern Indian city of Ayodhya. This sparked inter-communal rioting between Hindus and Muslims in which thousands of, mainly, Muslims were killed in highly organised pogroms launched by fascistic Hindu parties. Now, a lavish Hindu temple has been built on the site of the demolished mosque. In January, in a move that highlights the brutal oppression that Muslims in today’s India face, prime minister Modi opened the new Hindu temple in a reception featuring some of India’s best known tycoons, Bollywood stars and cricket legends. Effectively, they were celebrating the tearing down of the mosque and the horrific anti-Muslim slaughter that occurred 32 years earlier!
In Asia’s next most populous country, Muslim-majority Indonesia, it is Christians and other non-Muslims who face persecution and violence. Also especially targeted is Indonesia’s Chinese minority. In May 1998, after the then Suharto government was rocked by huge protests against food shortages, massive unemployment and corruption, Indonesia’s ruling capitalist elite moved to make the Chinese minority the scapegoat. They organised for thugs to go on a rampage killing Chinese people and burning Chinese homes, shops and religious shrines. Over a thousand ethnic Chinese people were killed and over 400 Chinese women and girls raped. Indonesia’s current president elect, Prabowo Subianto, when he was head of the Indonesian Army Strategic Reserve Command, was the main person who facilitated the anti-Chinese pogrom. Meanwhile, in a manner similar to India’s subjugation of Kashmir, the Indonesian capitalist regime cruelly oppresses the independence-seeking Melanesian people of the West Papua region. This includes through the large-scale torture and execution of Papuan youth and children and the burning of homes, crops and livestock in villages accused of having sympathy for the Papuan rebels.
Regardless of which particular religious or ethnic group is in the majority, capitalist rule spells brutal persecution of minority ethnic groups and nationalities. When the perpetrating regimes are acting as agents or part-agents for the rich Western imperialist overlords, their terror is all the more ruthless. In Buddhist majority Sri Lanka, it is non-Buddhists who are persecuted – often in violence partly incited by Buddhist monks. The most violently oppressed community there are the Tamils living in the island’s north and east. In the mid-1950s, fearing a powerful and burgeoning multi-ethnic working-class and socialist movement, Sri Lanka’s capitalist rulers consciously created a plan to divide the country’s working-class by setting the majority Sinhalese community against the Tamil people. Their governments introduced laws that very openly discriminated against Tamils in language, employment and education. When Tamil people resisted – eventually through fighting for a separate Tamil state – the Sri Lankan regime put down the struggle with heinous terror. They killed some 150,000 Tamil civilians during the course of the country’s 26 year-long civil war that erupted after the July 1983, regime-incited anti-Tamil pogrom.
Even in Asia’s richest country, Singapore, ethnic and racial oppression takes place. There it is non-Chinese people – especially the Indian and other South Asian communities – who face discrimination in the Chinese-majority country. To be sure, Singapore’s fortuitous wealth – that comes from being a country with a tiny population whose location allows it to become a shipping, banking and tourism hub that creams off part of the wealth generated by workers in neighbouring populous countries – does round off the sharpness of ethnic conflicts. Nevertheless, in capitalist Singapore the country’s Indian and other South-Asian based communities face discrimination in hiring, job promotion and housing. As a result, they have a second-class economic and social status despite living in the same geographical area as the majority Chinese community. Ten years ago, this oppression led hundreds of Singaporean and migrant labourers of Indian and Bangladeshi background to rise up in militant actions against Singapore police after an Indian construction worker was run over and killed by a bus in Singapore’s Little India district.
The brutal oppression of Kashmiris and Muslims in capitalist India, West Papuans in capitalist Indonesia and Tamils in capitalist Sri Lanka give a taste of what the Uyghur people would face should capitalism be restored in China. Even if capitalist counterrevolution in China were to be accompanied by a break-up of China into separate countries along ethnic lines, this would hardly mean peace for the Uyghur and other peoples of the region. Instead, each of the new, inevitably Western-subordinated, ruling classes would need to whip up aggressive nationalism and xenophobia against both neighbouring states and their own internal minorities in order to deflect mass grievances over the poverty caused by the new system based on capitalist exploitation. This would lead to fratricidal war between neighbouring states and pogroms against internal minorities – just like the horrific wars and inter-ethnic bloodbaths that erupted in the former Yugoslavia and the former Soviet Union as a result of the early 1990s capitalist counterrevolutions there. Moreover, given that Uyghur people are far outnumbered by Han Chinese, a future separate Uyghur capitalist state would be on the losing end of any conflict with a future Han Chinese capitalist state.
So there are very good reasons why many Uyghur people in China support socialistic rule and proudly call themselves communists. We must stand with them and with all the people of China fighting to defend socialistic rule. Capitalist counterrevolution and all the poverty, inequality, wars and inter-ethnic violence that it will bring must be prevented. Our role as leftists living in an imperialist country is critical in this regard. Despite the PRC’s huge population and growing strength, the reality is that if the international working class does not relieve the intense imperialist pressure on the workers state through either sweeping away capitalist rule in their own countries or seriously counteracting the capitalist pressure on the PRC, then China will succumb to capitalist counterrevolution – just like the also once powerful Soviet Union did.On the other hand, if the workers in the imperialist countries can come to the defence of the Chinese workers state and thus allow the PRC to catch up to the per capita incomes of the imperialist countries, then, just as the Western rulers fear, socialistic rule in China and the example it will offer will make her an immediate existential threat to capitalist rule. We badly need such an existential threat to capitalism! The Western-supported genocidal massacre of the Palestinian people in Gaza, the plunder of the ex-colonial countries by the Western imperialists, the brutal oppression of Kashmiris, Sikhs and Muslims in the world’s now most populous country, capitalist India and the skyrocketing rents, unaffordable prices and lack of secure jobs for youth in Australia, all prove this.
So let us mobilise with all of our energy to defend the PRC workers state against all the all-sided attacks that the imperialist ruling classes are unleashing against her. Let us build mass actions to demand: U.S./British/Australian militaries get out of the South China Sea! End Western military assistance to China’s rogue, capitalist-ruled province of Taiwan! Down with the U.S./Australia military build up targeting China! U.S. bases out of Darwin! Scrap AUKUS! End imperialist funding and assistance for forces opposing socialistic rule in China – whether they be anti-communist, pseudo-“pro-democracy” activists, Hong Kong pro-colonial anti-PRC forces or the WUC and TKIP Uyghur anti-communists. Down with the lying imperialist propaganda vilifying China over Taiwan, her treatment of Uyghurs, Hong Kong, COVID, Tibet and a whole lot of other issues!
27 Jan 2022:Uyghur people perform the Muqam at the International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, capital of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The Muqam, is a marvellous, traditional Uyghur art form that integrates songs, dances and folk and classical music. Backed by support from the PRC workers state and boosted by a now booming economy in the Uyghur-majority parts of China, the Uyghur people’s rich and distinct culture is thriving in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Photo Credit -Photos/VCG
Photo Above: The act of charity that has seen the Australian regime disgustingly jail 68 year-old Chinese-Australian Di Sanh Duong for two years and nine months. At the height of COVID, Duong donated more than $37,000 to the Royal Melbourne Hospital to help it purchase pandemic response materials. Duong made the 2 June 2020 donation which was collected from his Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in a ceremony involving then immigration minister Alan Tudge. Photo credit: James Ross/AAP
Free Di Sanh Duong!
Free the Three Cold War Political Prisoners in Australia!
29 February 2024: Australian citizen of Chinese descent, Di Sanh Duong, today became the first person jailed under Australia’s “Foreign Interference” laws. The Australian regime sentenced 68-year-old Duong to two years and nine months jail for making a charitable donation to a Melbourne public hospital during the height of the pandemic. Yes, you read that right! The act for which Doung has been jailed is the making of a public donation to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a ceremony with then immigration minister, Alan Tudge. The Australian regime and its courts deemed this to be illegal in a largely secret trial. Their allegation boils down to a claim that by giving himself a good name through the donation, Duong was “preparing” to in future advance the interests of the Communist Party of China (CPC) – the party that administers the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). What Duong is really being punished for is the fact that although he is certainly no leftist (Duong was actually a long-time member of the Liberal Party!), the group that he led, the Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, has signed (from a Chinese patriotic point of view) public statements showing some sympathy for the PRC. By jailing Di Sanh Duong, Australia’s capitalist regime is seeking to threaten others, especially members of this country’s Chinese community, that they should not express any positive views about the PRC. They are also demonising Duong in order to try and create an anti-communist, anti-China hysteria amongst the population. The Australian ruling class wants to justify to the masses its rabidly enthusiastic participation in Western imperialism’s all-sided political, economic and military campaign to destroy socialistic rule in China.
The charge under which Duong has been jailed is so ridiculous that Duong was not even convicted of “foreign interference”. Instead, he was convicted of “preparing to commit an act of foreign interference”. As we explained in an article titled, “Resist the Cold War Repression” that was written a few months before Duong’s trial late last year:
“Federal prosecutors claim that Duong’s donation to the hospital charity was a means for him to `interfere’ with then immigration minister Tudge – presumably by presenting Duong in a good light to the minister. Yet if that logic is followed consistently, there would literally be tens of thousands of other donors being arrested: for every single person who makes a donation to a charity in a public way is doing it to win themselves credibility with others and gain the influence which that brings. Yet the Australian regime is fine with nearly all others who make public donations to charity. Indeed, when a billionaire tycoon publicly donates to a charity a tiny fraction of the wealth that they have leached from the masses, the regime gushes with praise. But when the leader of a Chinese organisation that is somewhat sympathetic to the PRC makes such a donation, Australia’s regime screams that that this is a sinister act of `foreign interference’ on behalf of the CPC. Such a claim is a crystal clear example of McCarthyism. McCarthyism, the name given to the 1950s anti-communist witch-hunt in the U.S. and Australia, is based on the premise that those who either support communism or are even mildly sympathetic to a socialistic state should be treated with suspicion and denied the rights accorded to others … in this case even the right to publicly donate to a local public hospital!”
Yet even when compared with the hysterical zealotry of the 1950s McCarthyist witch-hunt, today’s lengthy prison sentence handed down to an elderly man – who suffers from glaucoma and cataracts as well as diabetes and high blood pressure – for merely making a public donation to a hospital to aid their pandemic response comes off as especially fanatical. Today’s sentencing judgement by judge Maidment was full of vitriolic denunciations of the Chinese Communist Party and it’s supposedly “pervasive foreign influence program”. Basically the judge has decided that an Australian person, who has even vague links to organisations associated with the Chinese Communist Party, who advocates a political position and happens to take the same stance as the Chinese Communist Party is definitely engaging in “foreign interference” rather than that person happening to share the same belief on an issue as the PRC government that is led by the Chinese Communist Party. Moreover, the Cold War extremist judge’s sentencing judgement practically insists that anyone who has any relations with people who are members of the Chinese Communist Party and who does not declare those associations before making any political advocacy is engaging in “a significant breach of trust” using “covert methodology”. Do Australians who have friends in, or links with, the Liberal or Labor or Greens or One Nation parties here – or say the Republican or Democrat parties in the U.S. – always declare their friendships or connections with those parties every time that they advocate something to a political figure or community organisation?
Despite the sentencing judge’s rantings, the truth is that the Communist Party of China conducts almost no direct interference in Australia’s politics. The foreign state that interferes in Australian political processes the most is the USA. But even U.S. influence operations on Australian politics are today of secondary importance. By far the biggest interferers in Australia’s “democracy” are the wealthy capitalist tycoons and the corporations that they own. These ultra-rich capitalists make very public charity donations to gain a positive reputation in order to influence political decisions according to their agendas – as Di Sanh Duong is alleged to have done – but on a scale far, far bigger and wider than a person like Duong collecting from members of his grassroots community organisation would ever have any hope of doing. This big end of town uses far more direct and potent methods to control political life in this country to an extent that is in great disproportion to their small size. They do so through direct donations to political parties, through the corporate and bosses organisations that they fund, through the corporations that they own being able to entice politicians and high-ranking bureaucrats with the prospects of future lucrative careers in their companies, through using their control of the economy to effectively hold government and other state institutions to ransom; and through the lobbyists that they hire, the media that they own and the NGOs and “independent” think tanks that they establish (like the Lowy Institute, the Institute for Public Affairs and the Australia Institute). Many of these influence operations involve truly “covert methodology” with their media and think tanks making the completely false, lying claim that they are “independent”, unbiased publishers of news and opinion. And while some of their direct political donations are reported – albeit usually many months after they first make them thus diminishing the impact of the disclosure – much of it is concealed through paying big payments to attend super-expensive fundraising dinners or through being funnelled through third parties. Yet none of these corporate bigwigs and their henchmen are even threatened with imprisonment for engaging in such interference in this country’s political system! That is of little surprise – the ruling capitalist class always intended Australia’s “democracy” to be a “democracy” that is controlled exclusively by their class, making sure that their so-called “democratic” system was organised and administered in such a way that would be most conducive for the political interference of the rich in it to continue unabated and largely unhindered.
Resist the Cold War Repression!
Di Sanh Duong’s sentencing judge has slapped a very severe jail term on a person who has had no prior convictions for a supposed “offence” that involved no violence, had no victim and was not even alleged to have done any damage unless you believe that helping hospitals treat COVID is damaging! By contrast, last ANZAC Day when a Brisbane man shouting racist abuse against Chinese people assaulted several Asian-Australians fishing on a pier, he was not only not given a jail term but he was not even given a criminal conviction. He was, instead, merely given a small civil fine. This is despite the fact that his assault using a metal object as a weapon could have been fatal had he succeeded in knocking one of the victims into the water after debilitating them through a blow with his weapon. That slap on the wrist to a violent anti-Chinese racist when contrasted with Duong’s outrageously heavy sentence shows the extreme anti-communist and racist bias of Australia’s legal system and judiciary.
Sunny Duong, as he is affectionately known, has today become Australia’s third Cold War political prisoner. Of the other two current political prisoners, one is pilot Daniel Duggan who has been imprisoned for the last sixteen months under harsh conditions for merely training Chinese pilots to fly more than ten years ago! The Australian regime is seeking to extradite Duggan to the U.S. to face charges as nothing he did is illegal by Australian laws. Meanwhile, Alexander Csergo has been jailed for the last eleven months accused of violating Australia’s “foreign interference” laws for merely looking up open source politics and defence affairs articles on the internet and passing their contents over to a Chinese think tank!
The anti-China hysteria surrounding all this Cold War repression – especially the persecution of ethnic Chinese Di Sanh Duong – will only further inflame anti-Chinese racism in Australia. It is a call out to all the filthy racists. It will lead to more people of Chinese appearance being abused in public transport and shopping centres, being bullied at school and being physically attacked on Australia’s streets. Moreover, these Cold War prosecutions have helped produce such a “national security” obsession that it is being used to intensify the repression of those targeted for matters not directly related to the Cold War. Thus, there is no doubt that the repressive political atmosphere created by the new McCarthyist witch-hunt has contributed to the prosecution of whistle blower, David McBride. McBride was convicted last November of “unlawfully disclosing Commonwealth documents” after he gave to the media information detailing the horrific and very widespread war crimes that were being committed by the Australian regime’s forces during their participation in the NATO occupation of Afghanistan. Now, he too faces imprisonment. The entire Left and all genuine defenders of democratic rights in Australia must demand: Drop the Charges against David McBride! Free Di Sanh Duong now! Free Daniel Duggan and Alexander Csergo! Scrap Australia’s draconian “Foreign Interference” laws! Down with the new McCarthyist witch-hunt!
21 September 2023, Eastwood, Sydney: Leftists and progressive members of the Chinese community rally to oppose the Cold War Witch-Hunt in Australia and the stigmatisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. The action was initiated by Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association. Below: One of the slogans carried at the action called for the scrapping of Australia’s new McCarthyist, “Foreign Interference” laws.
As part of their Cold War drive to destroy socialistic rule in China, the Australian and other imperialist ruling classes seek to attack the PRC over “human rights”. However, the truth is that unlike Australia’s capitalist regime the PRC does not jail people for donating to public hospitals! We should stress that the imprisonment of Di Sanh Duong here has very little in common with the former imprisonment of Australian citizen, Cheng Lei, in China and the current jailing of another Chinese-Australian in China, Yang Hengjun. Cheng Lei was jailed for illegally supplying state secrets overseas – a form of spying. Notably, Cheng Lei confessed to the crimes – although she has tried to walk back and obscure her confession after returning to Australia after serving her sentence. For his part, Yang Hengjun was found guilty of espionage. It is important to understand that not only were Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun convicted of offences that would be considered very serious in any country, from the point of view of the interests of the working class of Australia and the whole world their actions truly are crimes. For they weaken and undermine a workers state – a workers state in the form of socialistic China. Their actions are as abusive towards the working class masses as a person who crosses a picket line to scab on a strike but with potentially even more damaging consequences. Unlike the Cold War political prisoners that Australia has imprisoned here, Cheng Lei and Yang Hengjun were not jailed for merely donating to a public hospital or teaching people (apparently civilian pilots) how to fly planes or passing on the results of Google searches!
Today, the claims of the Australian and other Western capitalist rulers that they stand for “human rights” are being thoroughly exposed by their active support for Israel’s heinous war on the Palestinian people. Through hosting and jointly operating the joint U.S.-Australia spy base at the Northern Territory’s Pine Gap – which pinpoints a large number of Israel’s air and artillery strikes on Gaza – and through joining the U.S.-led Red Sea operation against Yemeni actions in support of Gaza, the Labor Party-administeredAustralian regime is directly participating in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. This shows that whether administered by the right-wing Liberal-Nationals, the social democratic ALP or any other party, Australia’s capitalist-serving state will use the cruellest means possible to protect the interests of this country’s ruling class – that small but powerful class of people that obtain their massive wealth through exploiting the labour of others. And that includes putting people sympathetic to Red China who publicly donate to hospitals in jail!
Today’s imprisonment of Di Sanh Duong underscores the importance of the demonstration that Trotskyist Platform and the Australian Chinese Workers Association conducted in Sydney’s Eastwood last September that called to “RESIST THE COLD WAR WITCH-HUNT!” That action also opposed the marginalisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. During the protest march, we loudly chanted, “Resist, Resist, the Cold War Witch-hunt!” and “Di Sanh Duong, Drop His Charges Now!” We now need to urgently build on that action and grow and strengthen the movement. We need to build a mass united-front movement of anti-Cold War leftists, pro-PRC members of the Chinese community and the most advanced sections of the workers movement to demand: Free Di Sanh Duong! Free Australia’s three Cold War political prisoners! Scrap Australia’s draconian “Foreign Interference” laws! Down with anti-Chinese racism! Down with the Western capitalist ruling classes’ Cold War offensive against socialistic China that is the root cause of this repression!
Photo Above: Thousands march in Sydney to protest against the racist oppression of Aboriginal people on Invasion Day, 26 January 2023. The main banner of the demonstration and all the Aboriginal speakers who addressed the issue condemned the government’s “Voice” to parliament proposal as a powerless sham. They called for a NO vote (from a progressive, black liberation direction) in the referendum. Photo credit: Robert Wallace/ AFP
Stand with the Staunch Aboriginal Rights Warriors – For a Progressive NO!
Australia’s Subjugated First Peoples NeedReal Political Power!
Expose the Racist Lies of the Official NO to the Voice Camp!
No to Albanese’s Powerless, Window-Dressing, “Voice” Con-Job!
For United Action of Anti-Racist Workers, First Nations People and Other People of Colour to: Stop the State Murder of Black People in Custody, Stop the Forced Removals of Aboriginal Children, Win Aboriginal Land Rights and Win Decent Housing and Services for All!
1 October 2023: The lead-up to the constitutional referendum over an Aboriginal “Voice” to parliament has brought to the fore the deep racism of all wings of Australia’s ruling class – and the virulent racism of the society that they have created. On the one side is the official No to the Voice campaign. It is headed by the conservative Coalition led by hard-right-wing Liberal leader Peter Dutton. This movement is supported by all manner of openly racist, far-right forces from Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party to violent white supremacists. They deny that Aboriginal people suffer any oppression. This is even though racist policing, prejudiced courts and economic disadvantage combine to result in Australia’s “justice” system imprisoning First Nations peoples at a rate 17 times higher than they jail others. The conservative No campaign spread their ridiculous claims despite the truth that more than 500 Aboriginal people have died in custody since 1991 – many of whom were killed by racist police or prison guards. The official No camp claim that Aboriginal people no longer face any ongoing effects of colonisation despite the reality that the Australian regime is creating new Aboriginal Stolen Generations. Aboriginal children are being stolen this time not under an officially declared forced Assimilation policy but through the regime’s agencies forcibly ripping huge numbers of indigenous children from their families under the pretext of “child welfare” and fostering them out to non-indigenous families.
Even though the proposed Voice will be a toothless advisory body, the establishment No campaign claims that the Voice would “unfairly” grant Aboriginal people a great deal of power. They spread this myth to promote their lying narrative that the Voice is yet another example of Aboriginal people supposedly receiving “favoured treatment”. This is despite the reality that black people face extreme racist discrimination when trying to get jobs or secure tenancies and despite the truth that areas with high concentrations of First Nations people are often not provided with the basic public services (including medical, ambulance and postal services) granted to others, let alone decent housing – thus forcing many Aboriginal people into living arrangements where ten to twenty people squeeze into modest-sized homes.
Inevitably, it is the lies of the conservative No campaign that have incited an explosion of vile, anti-Aboriginal racism from both avowed white supremacists and everyday rednecks. Yet, although the Yes camp has not been ostentatiously feeding racist sentiment, leading the Yes camp are major current and former administrators of the very system that subjugates First Nations peoples, from Anthony Albanese’s Labor government to Liberal Party Tasmanian premier Jeremy Rockliff to former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull.Among these forces are many of the main beneficiaries of Australia’s racist current order – that is the bigwigs of Australia’s biggest corporations. For these sections of ruling class behind the Yes camp the point of the “Voice” proposal is to maintain the current status quo that sees Aboriginal people suffer all-sided racist oppression. Albanese and Co. have convinced many decent people who truly want to see Aboriginal people win justice that the Voice will deliver “historic change”. However, herein lies the huge con job that Labor, the Greens and the pro-Voice conservatives in the Yes camp are engaged in. For the Voice will be a purelyadvisory body. The parliament and the ministry do not have to listen at all to the advice of any such Voice. Indeed, Albanese himself has stressed this many times. In other words, the Voice will not grant Aboriginal people any political power whatsoever – absolutely nothing at all!
The reality is that Australian governments have had many Aboriginal advisory bodies over the years. These bodies have been either hand-selected by governments to ensure that they do not provide advice that seriously challenges the interests of the wealthy capitalist class that the governments serve; or have had their process for selection determined by the government to ensure that their composition is disproportionately stacked with pro-establishment elements. The Voice will be no different. As the referendum question itself makes clear, it is the parliament – and thus not Aboriginal people but the party in government with a majority in parliament – that will have the power to make laws with respect to the “composition, functions, powers and procedures” of the Voice. And to the extent that any Voice advocates for measures that would truly benefit First Nations peoples, as even the government’s hand-picked advisory bodies have sometimes done in the past, they will be ignored. We were recently given a preview of how this will play out. Six weeks ago, Annastacia Palaszczuk’s Queensland Labor government rammed through measures that will allow police to lock up children in both police watch houses and adult prisons. The move will expose children to harmful behaviour from adults and prevent the children from getting rehabilitative support. The measures are so extreme that the Labor government had to override the state’s own Human Rights Act to implement them. Given that nearly two out of every three children in detention in Queensland are either Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, it will be indigenous children who will be the biggest victims of the Queensland government’s newly amended laws. In deciding to implement these measures, the Palaszczuk government has completely ignored the voices of Aboriginal people’s representatives and social scientists who have all spoken out against harsh imprisonment of children in adult jails and called instead for community-run rehabilitation, diversionary programs and anti-poverty measures to rehabilitate children. Yet this very same Queensland Labor government that has so blatantly disregarded Aboriginal voices on this central issue is a strong supporter of the proposed Voice. There is no contradiction in this. For the proposed constitutional amendment will not in the least prevent federal governments from ignoring any such Voice, just like Australian governments of all stripes have been ignoring Aboriginal voices over the last two centuries! As Aboriginal activists have eloquently put it: “We have a voice already and have been using it. It’s just that governments have not been listening!”
The Third Side in This Referendum Battle – the Progressive NO Side
Fortunately, there are not two sides in this referendum contest but three. Opposing both the establishment No and the Yes camps is the Progressive No side. This camp consists of staunch Aboriginal rights activists and their supporters. Whereas the official No side opposes the Voice because they oppose granting Aboriginal people anything that could even appear to be a political means to resist their oppression – even if it is a completely token one like the Voice – the Progressive No side rejects the Voice precisely because it will give Aboriginal people no actual power. Among the leading voices in the Progressive No side is federal senator Lidia Thorpe – who to her great credit had quit the Greens earlier this year in order to unleash her struggle for Aboriginal rights. A July 18 press release on the website of this courageous Djab Wurrung, Gunnai, and Gunditjmara woman included many powerful points:
“The case produced by the Yes campaign reveals just how little substance there is in what they are proposing….
“It is utterly shameful that they could write 2,000 words about ‘fixing the Aboriginal problem’ and not once mention deaths in custody, child removals or destruction of Country. The war on our people continues and this whole Voice business is nothing but a smoke screen to cover up the continued process of the violent colonisation of this country….”
Lidia Thorpe is part of the Blak Sovereign Movement, a group that includes some of Australia’s most respected fighters for Aboriginal people’s liberation. They have produced a pamphlet explaining why they have “been consistent in our opposition to constitutional recognition and the Voice to Parliament.” Summing up their stance, the Blak Sovereign Movement makes the following points:
“It is not an invitation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
“It is not a step in the right direction: just another powerless advisory body.
“It is a destructive distraction, absolving the government of its continued crimes.
“Recognition of Sovereignty and Truth-telling are the key to real change.”
As the one side in this referendum that does not represent the interests of any faction of Australia’s big end of town ruling class, the Progressive No side does not have access to the huge financial resources of the other two camps. And the media have tried to ignore their voices. However, these Aboriginal liberation warriors have been speaking out so strongly that their voices are now being heard. The mainstream media is finally having to admit that the Progressive No camp includes not only Lidia Thorpe but many other Aboriginal activists, elders, academics and community workers. Both the hard right Murdoch media and the “centrist” ABC had to report on a sizable event held last Saturday by one of the Aboriginal grassroots groups on the Progressive No side, the Black People’s Union (BPU). The BPU insists that:
“The national liberation of the First Nations people in Australia against Colonial-Capitalist rule and remaining colonial practices is intrinsically tied with the common call of the working class internationally, that is the call for land, peace and bread.”
“The Voice is an attempt by the Australian government to maintain its control over Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, our territories and our future, and to silence any voices in opposition to the never-ending colonial violence wrought upon us. It is a form of co-option that seeks to undermine our resistance and activism by offering us token representation in the illegitimate colonial government, to be hand-picked by that illegitimate colonial government.
“We reject the proposal!”
The arguments made against the Voice constitutional amendment by the Progressive No side are substantially correct. We should stand with these staunch Aboriginal activists! Trotskyist Platform members will all be voting No at the referendum from a progressive point of view. We urge all our sympathisers and readers of our press to do the same. To show the election scrutineers going over the ballot papers from what direction our No is coming from, we also encourage people to write slogans on the ballot paper indicating our antiracist stance. Slogans such as: “Down with the State Murder of Aboriginal People in Custody! We Will Not Let the Racist Regime Divert the Struggles for This Through Their Powerless `Voice’ Scheme.” Most importantly, regardless of the referendum result, we call on our supporters and readers to mobilise in support of on-the-streets actions to oppose racist state violence against Aboriginal people, to stop the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families, to win genuine Aboriginal land rights and to win decent housing, medical care and other basic social services for all. The meaningless clash between the two official camps in the Voice referendum has distracted from and diverted the energy from these important struggles – let’s reinvigorate them!
Both the Rival Ruling-Class Camps Falsely Claim to Represent Grassroots Aboriginal People
Despite the white supremacist essence of the official No to the Voice campaign, they claim to have the support of grassroots Aboriginal people. To sell this narrative, they have made two Aboriginal people their key spokespeople – corporate bigwig Warren Mundine and shadow Indigenous affairs minister Jacinta Price. Mundine and Price have gained wealth and a privileged social standing by providing a black cover to the white racist agenda of the right-wing of the capitalist ruling class. Yet they have almost no support amongst Aboriginal people and most people know this.
With more success, the Yes camp also claims the support of most Aboriginal people. They point to the Voice proposal coming out of the 2017 First Nations National Constitutional Convention in the NT’s Uluru. Yet the delegates to that convention were drawn out of a very limited number of meetings run by a Referendum Council hand-picked by then Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and ALP opposition leader Bill Shorten. That Referendum Council consisted of former Liberal, ALP and Democrats politicians, corporate bigwigs, a former High Court chief justice, a prominent supporter of the Israeli regime (which subjugates Palestinian people in a way that has similarities to how the Australian regime oppresses Aboriginal people) and several pro-establishment indigenous figures. This council could hardly claim to be a representative of grassroots Aboriginal people! Not surprisingly, the Uluru convention that it organised was stacked in favour of conservative blacks and high-ranking Aboriginal public servants. Only a small number of staunch black activists were selected to be delegates. However, their attempts to express their views were disrespectfully silenced by the convention organisers causing dozens of attendees to walk out. Among those who walked out were some of the most respected, long-time Aboriginal activists. They included founder of the former Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Jenny Munro, one of the founders of Redfern’s Block, Lyall Munro, Lidia Thorpe and her uncle and mentor, Robbie Thorpe. Meanwhile, inside the convention, the Referendum Council organisers ensured that all calls for more than a purely advisory voice were diluted into meaningless abstract rhetoric.
The main operator pulling the strings at the convention was conservative Referendum Council member, Noel Pearson. Today, it is Noel Pearson and Aboriginal academic Marcia Langton who are main faces of the Yes Campaign. It is therefore crucial to note that Noel Pearson and Marcia Langton had been the Warren Mundine and Jacinta Price of five to twenty years ago. They did what Mundine and Price do most rabidly now: blame their fellow Aboriginal people for the hardships that Aboriginal communities endure. Pearson and Langton were the most avid supporters of the despicable NT Intervention. They cheered its destruction of the limited Aboriginal control of community affairs that once existed and its imposition of compulsory income management on Aboriginal welfare recipients. As a result, they were the darlings of conservatives and the Murdoch media. If that has somewhat changed in the last few years, it is mostly not because Pearson and Langton have shifted but because the Murdochs and the rest of the right-wing of the ruling class have become even more extreme – and thus required still more right-wing Aboriginal frontpeople. Indeed, Pearson is still an ardent supporter of compulsory income management and recently joined Jacinta Price in opposing the ending of the hated Cashless Debit Card scheme.
Not surprisingly, Noel Pearson and Marcia Langton were once as despised by most black people as Warren Mundine and Jacinta Price are today. And a great deal of suspicion towards Pearson and Langton remains. Therefore, the claim that the Voice campaign that they are fronting has widespread support amongst Aboriginal people is highly dubious. That being said, the question of what percentage of Aboriginal people support the Voice should not be over-emphasised. Since, just like everyone else, Aboriginal people are bombarded by the propaganda of the capitalist-owned media and influenced by political campaigning dominated by those with the financial resources to print glossy brochures and hire canvassers, there are different levels of political understanding amongst Aboriginal people. This is the same as with all oppressed groups in society. What is most important to note about Aboriginal people’s attitude to the Voice is that the overwhelming majority of those Aboriginal groups and individuals who have been, and are today, active in the grassroots struggles against racist oppression are either resolutely in the Progressive No camp or are – in the case of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy and highly-respected long-time militants Lyall Munro and Gary Foley – planning to abstain on the vote. A 20 June statement by the Blak Sovereign Movement “saying NO to the referendum and NO to the Voice” was signed by sixteen of the most well-known First Nations activists including Lidia Thorpe, Jenny Munro and long-time Tasmanian Aboriginal rights militant, Michael Mansell. Notably too, at January’s Invasion Day rally in Sydney, every single Aboriginal activist that addressed the issue – including leading activists Gwenda Stanley and Lizzy Jarrett – condemned the “Voice” and “Constitutional Recognition”. Indeed, the main banner that the thousands-strong demonstration marched behind read: “VOTE NO TO REFERENDUM. WE DESERVE MORE THAN A VOICE.”
20 June 2023, Canberra: Independent senator and brave advocate for Aboriginal rights, Lidia Thorpe, flanked by other members of the Blak Sovereign Movement (BSM), speaks at a press conference of the BSM. On that day, sixteen well-known Aboriginal activists signed a statement of the BSM “saying NO to the referendum and NO to the Voice.” Among them were some of the most highly respected, long-time Aboriginal activists including Lidia Thorpe, Jenny Munro, long-time Tasmanian Aboriginal rights militant Michael Mansell, Marianne Yoorgabilya Mackay and Walpiri elder Ned Hargraves. Photo credit: Lukas Coch/AAP
The Progressive NO Side is Diametrically Opposed to the Official NO Camp
The Yes campaign has deviously tried to portray the Progressive No advocates as de facto allies of the conservative No camp. This is despite all the Progressive No activists making it clear that they come from a diametrically opposite stance to the official No side. Lidia Thorpe, for example, has rightly denounced the establishment No campaign as racist. In a sense, it is indeed true that there are just two basic camps in this political contest. But not at all in the way that the Yes camp presents it! For the two basic camps are on the one hand those who refuse to accept the racist political order, which is the Progressive No side, and on the other, those who want to preserve the current racist order – with or without some cosmetic changes – which is the agenda of the official Yes and official No groups. Indeed, if the referendum was hypothetically voting on measures that would actually grant some real political power to Aboriginal people – like a decent number of reserved seats for Aboriginal people in parliament – then we can be sure that Albanese and Dutton would be united as one against the proposal.
Even in the bedrock of their positions on the current Voice, there is large common ground between the two official camps. For although many who will be voting Yes do acknowledge the deep racism that Aboriginal people face, the basis of the Albanese government’s promotion of a powerless Voice is the notion that racial oppression is not the main cause of Aboriginal people’s difficulties, which is precisely the main claim of the conservative No side. Rather, the entire basis of the Yes camp’s advisory Voice proposal is that problems have been caused by a lack of a mechanism to hear Aboriginal people’s voices. By thus reducing problems to a technical/organisational issue, the ruling class factions behind the Yes camp engage in a disgusting whitewash of the intense racist discrimination that Aboriginal people face from state institutions, bosses, landlords and everyday rednecks and the ongoing trauma caused by genocidal colonisation. It is little wonder then that Albanese’s ALP have refused to condemn the inherent racism of the mainstream of the official No movement – only occasionally calling out the bigotry of the most extreme, fringe elements allied with the camp.
Why Do They Want a Voice Enshrined in the Constitution?
Given that there have been so many Aboriginal advisory bodies in the past, why does the Labor government, the Greens, the pro-Voice conservatives and the bosses of Australia’s big banks, largest mining companies and other corporate giants want to, for the first time, enshrine such a body into the constitution? The reason is that they want to look like the racist Australian political order is doing something to improve the lot of Aboriginal people. Or as veteran Aboriginal activist Gary Foley so aptly put it, they want to “put lipstick on a pig.” One reason that they are so obsessed right now with glossing up the image of the regime is because there has emerged a new and highly capable layer of young Aboriginal activists fighting for their people’s liberation along with growing support for the Aboriginal rights struggle from wider sections of society. Over the last few years, Invasion Day protest rallies in Sydney have been tens of thousands strong – several times larger than the same actions just a decade ago. By trying to appear that they are concerned about the well-being of Aboriginal people, a big chunk of the ruling class hopes to dissipate the energy of these movements. That is why the very corporate bosses who have been most callously trampling over the rights of Aboriginal people are amongst the biggest supporters of the Voice. Take for instance the bigwigs of Rio Tinto, the company that three years ago disgustingly blew up two ancient rock shelters at a mine site in WA’s Juukan Gorge – despite traditional owners warning the company of the site’s great significance – and which nine days ago again damaged Aboriginal people’s ancient rock shelters. The bosses of this same Rio Tinto are backing the Yes camp with a massive $2 million donation!
Australia’s capitalist ruling class have another reason for wanting to “put lipstick on the pig”. They know that prettifying their image is essential to furthering their ambitions to intervene more aggressively in the Asia-Pacific region. In particular, they understand that it is key to advancing their goal to destroy socialistic rule in China with the help of their U.S. senior partners. Much of the Australian ruling class understands that progressive sections of society are reluctant to support the Australian regime’s aggressive interventions abroad let alone volunteer to fight in a potential future war against China because they feel hesitant to actively support a regime that has so cruelly subjugated its First Nations people. Ruling class strategists hope that the improved image provided by measures like the Voice will make these sections of society more loyal to the Australian regime. Moreover, Australia’s imperialist ruling class understand the particular need to improve their image in the Pacific where they are worried that Red China’s mutually beneficial cooperation with Pacific countries is undercutting their ability to ride roughshod over these countries the way that they have been doing for decades. With people in the Pacific only too aware of the racism of Australia’s political order, Australian officials and certain Canberra-loyal Pacific leaders have in recent days openly expressed their hopes for a Yes win in the referendum. More generally, Australia’s ruling class know that improving their image is necessary for them to be able to better wield the club of alleged “human rights” abuses against those that they are targeting abroad. Of course, when they and their media denigrate socialistic China over “human rights” they do so with as much as validity as their attacks denigrating Aboriginal people at home. However, Australia’s rulers are not even able to get away with such bogus attacks when China and other targeted countries can – and indeed have – very accurately pointed to the Australian ruling class’ brutal oppression of Aboriginal people. Therefore, the ruling class tries to put as much lipstick on the pig as possible!
We say: Wipe the lipstick off the pig! Let all decent people in Australia, the people of the Pacific and the masses of the world fully see the true racist nature of the Australian regime! Australia’s capitalist rulers have no right to make their lying attacks on socialistic China over “human rights”. Instead, when Albanese has his expected meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping later this year, we appeal to Xi to aggressively call out and condemn the Australian regime’s continued brutal oppression of Aboriginal people and its failure to meet the housing needs of this country’s growing number of homeless people.
The Obstacles to Aboriginal People Winning Justice – Lessons from the Saga over WA’s Aboriginal Heritage Laws
Much can be understood about the Voice by looking at what happened in WA in the wake of Rio Tinto destroying Aboriginal cultural sites at Juukan Gorge. The atrocity sparked angry protests by Aboriginal people and other anti-racists. Under this pressure, the WA government enacted an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act which came into force on July 1. The measures were weak and fell far short of any land rights. But they were a minor step forward in that they required some landowners to check for the presence of cultural heritage before conducting any activities that may compromise Aboriginal cultural sites. However, even these minimal measures provoked a powerful outcry from pastoralists, mining companies and big property interests. Within five weeks of the laws coming into force, the WA Labor government capitulated and announced that it would be scrapping the laws! It is not that Aboriginal voices on the issue were not being heard – they were. It is just that those voices were ultimately rebuffed in order to satisfy more powerful interests. And here we come to the key obstacle facing the advancement of Aboriginal people – it is not the lack of Aboriginal voices but the fact that very powerful interests, the interests of the wealthy capitalist class, are counterposed to the interests of most Aboriginal people. In particular, the mining company owners, pastoralists, property developers and big property owners know that their enormous wealth is extracted from stolen Aboriginal land and that any meaningful Aboriginal land rights can only come at their own economic expense. Therefore, these sections of the capitalist class are the most fervent opponents of Aboriginal people. The father of Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, and the source of her enormous inherited wealth, mining magnate Lang Hancock, infamously called for the chemical sterilisation of Aboriginal people.
It is not only Aboriginal land rights that the mining company owners, pastoralists and property developers are hostile to. They fear that any semblance of self-determination being won by Aboriginal people or any advancement in First Nations Peoples’ wellbeing could make Aboriginal people better able to challenge their stolen land holdings. Given the structure of the Australian economy, these capitalists make up the dominant section of the ruling class and are closely tied up with finance capital too. Thus, four of Australia’s five richest billionaires – including the top two on the list – come from this portion of the capitalist class. With their enormous ability to make big donations to political parties and establish “independent” political think tanks, this dominant section of the capitalist class can impose its racist, anti-Aboriginal outlook on the rest of society. One way they do this is by spreading the lie that Aboriginal land rights threatens the homes of ordinary people. The truth is that, especially given Australia’s huge land area, there is more than enough living space here for all. Yet while mining company owners, pastoralists, property developers and big property holders face a very real threat to their own profits and excessive property holdings from the Aboriginal land rights struggle they divert and distract the masses by peddling the lie that it is ordinary people’s modest property that’s at stake.
The Liberation of Aboriginal People Can Only Come in Struggle Against the Entire Capitalist Class
It is not only the mining magnates, pastoralists and big property holders – and other capitalists that they are associated with through finance capital – whose interests are counterposed to the advancement of Aboriginal people. So are the interests of the remainder of the capitalist class. First Nations Peoples have been so brutally subjugated and impoverished by Australia’s ruling class that it will take large amounts of economic resources to lift Aboriginal people out of poverty and provide quality jobs, housing and medical services for all Aboriginal people. However, the greedy capitalists are not willing to pay for this through taxes and other means – especially when their economy is lurching from one crisis to the next. Secondly, Australia’s ruling class do not want a serious and complete truth telling about the ongoing history of their brutal oppression of Aboriginal people. They fear that if the masses know the full history of the genocide, theft, sexual violence, discrimination and abuse that Aboriginal people have been subjected to, the masses will be reluctant to accept falling living standards in the name of the so-called “national interest”; and will be unwilling to support the capitalist regime in its imperialist agenda abroad. Thirdly, especially with the masses seething over unaffordable living costs and inadequate infrastructure, Australia’s capitalist rulers need to scapegoat Aboriginal people in order to divert mass hostility away from themselves.
Therefore, the struggle for Aboriginal people’s liberation is very much linked to the struggle to break the power of the capitalist ruling class. As a step towards this, there needs to be a struggle for the confiscation of the mines, the pastoral holdings and big private property holdings and their transfer into public hands. But where will the force to win such measures come from? Aboriginal people make up just around 3% of the population. Thankfully, it turns out that the working class masses also have an overwhelming interest in challenging the same capitalist class that subjugates First Nations Peoples. Thus, confiscation from the capitalists of the oil and gas sector – and the wind and solar farms too – is needed not only to facilitate Aboriginal land rights and protect Aboriginal cultural sites, it is needed to also drive down the unaffordable cost of fuel and electricity for the masses and, thus, of transport, food and groceries too. Similarly, the confiscation of the pastoral holdings is needed not only to facilitate Aboriginal land rights but to ensure decent wages and conditions for workers at the sites. Moreover, the measures needed to end the high-levels of homelessness faced by Aboriginal people – including a massive increase in public housing and the confiscation of the vacant homes of the ultra-rich and their transfer into the public housing stock – is precisely what is also necessary to end homelessness in the broader population and alleviate the extreme shortage in low-rent accommodation.
Furthermore, the same capitalist system that brutally oppresses Aboriginal people brings the entire working-class falling real wages, unaffordable rents, lack of secure jobs and ultimately the threat of being dragged into another major war. These are all crucial truths. For if the long-term interests of Australia’s working class masses were counterposed to the struggle for Aboriginal people’s liberation then it would be impossible to achieve this liberation. History has proven that it is only ever a minority of people who out of a sense of justice will support a cause that is not in their economic interests; and even less who will support a cause that is positively against their economic interests. However, the working class’ interests definitely are aligned with standing shoulder to shoulder with Aboriginal people in the struggle against the exploiting class.
Coming to understand the need to support the struggles of Australia’s downtrodden First Nations Peoples is a crucial part of the working class gaining the political clarity needed to fight for its own liberation. In capitalist Australia, most white workers have a relatively privileged position compared with most Aboriginal people (though not compared with the Warren Mundines, Jacinta Prices, Linda Burneys, Noel Pearsons and Marcia Langtons!). The ideology that the ruling class poisons the white working class with – and to a lesser extent the non-white, non-Aboriginal masses too – is that this privilege is deserved and should be protected. However, this relative privilege is like a crown of thorns for white workers. For, to the extent that it is happily accepted, it blinds white workers to the reality that all the working class masses are exploited and trampled on by the super-rich capitalist class.
There is another crucial reason why the workers movement must support Aboriginal people’s struggle for justice. As the most downtrodden section of society, working class Aboriginal people are destined to be the bravest, most determined opponents of the current social order. Already, today, grassroots Aboriginal people are on average far more politically engaged than the rest of the population. Once politically advanced workers link up with Aboriginal people’s struggles, this will enable Aboriginal liberation struggles to energise the entire fight against the racist, exploitative capitalist order. This was seen most clearly in one of the most audacious mass struggles in Australian history. On 19 August 1996, tens of thousands of trade unionists and Aboriginal people converged in Canberra to protest against the then Howard Liberal government’s anti-union legislation, cuts to Aboriginal services and racist attacks on Aboriginal communities. After determined Aboriginal contingents at the front of one of the marches refused to kowtow to police provocatively attempting to block their path, construction workers and other trade unionists came to the defence of the Aboriginal contingent and together they ended up spearheading the storming of the entrance to the Australian parliament building by thousands of protesters. Frightened, John Howard complained of being under “duress”, while tourists looked on, amazed at the bold action. That incredible day 27 years ago gave an indication of the real social forces and their interconnections that will make Australia’s future anti-capitalist revolution – the revolution that will liberate the working class, Aboriginal people and all the other downtrodden in society.
However, while the interests of the working class very much lie with standing with Aboriginal people in a joint struggle against the capitalist big end of town, the working class as a whole is currently far from conscious of this truth. Racist attitudes, while most prevalent amongst the self-employed middle class, are present amongst many politically backward workers too. The blame for this lies not only with the racist propaganda of the ruling class but also with the current pro-ALP leaders of the workers movement. By actively campaigning for a Yes vote in the referendum, the ACTU leaders of our unions have been teaching workers to accept the current, racist status quo. At the same time, these ACTU tops have been directing workers to largely kowtow to the Labor government that oversees their own exploitation – only seeking to mobilise workers behind tame efforts to press the Albanese government for minor concessions. Therefore, the struggle to build a workers’ leadership that will truly support Aboriginal people’s struggle for liberation is one and the same as the struggle to build a union leadership that will unleash workers power against the capitalist exploiters and the regime serving it. Aboriginal workers will surely play a disproportionately large role in building such a militant union leadership and in building the revolutionary workers party that it would be linked to.
Canberra, August 1996: Tens of thousands of trade unionists and Aboriginal people (top) converged in Canberra to protest against the then Howard Liberal government’s anti-union legislation, cuts to Aboriginal services and racist attacks on Aboriginal communities. After determined Aboriginal contingents at the front of one of the marches refused to kowtow to police provocatively attempting to block their path, construction workers and other trade unionists came to the defence of the Aboriginal contingent and together they ended up spearheading the storming of the entrance to the Australian parliament building by thousands of protesters (above and below). This 100% supportable struggle was one of the most audacious progressive struggles in all of Australia’s post-1788 history. It gave an indication of the real social forces and their interconnections that will make Australia’s future anti-capitalist revolution – the revolution that will liberate the working class, Aboriginal people and all the other downtrodden in society.
For a New Aboriginal Chamber of Parliament with Full Veto Powers of the Senate!
The lead up to the Voice referendum has illuminated the truth that, aside from the notable exception of Lidia Thorpe, all the factions in parliament are hostile to the struggle for Aboriginal people’s liberation. This has in turn highlighted the need for Aboriginal representation in the political process. Therefore, in counterposition to the powerless proposed Voice, we call for what Albanese has been at pains to make clear that the Voice will not be: a new Aboriginal chamber of parliament with the full veto power of the current Senate. Of course, upholders of the status quo will scream that this demand is an outrageous attack on Australia’s “democracy”. But what is “democratic” about a political order that so brutally oppresses its First Nations Peoples! The notion that Australia’s current political system is truly “democratic” is a complete myth. For it is the super-rich capitalists who own the media and disproportionately have the financial resources to control political discourse through funding political parties, hiring lobbyists and establishing campaign groups. As a result, in terms of political sway, the system runs not on “one person, one vote” but on “one dollar, many votes.” Being economically marginalised and suffering racist oppression, Australia’s First Peoples have the least means to directly exert political power. A new Aboriginal chamber of parliament is a step towards giving some power back to this country’s subjugated First Nations Peoples.
However, the establishment of such an indigenous chamber of parliament would be far from a panacea. It would only be a modest step forward. For the election of its members would be shaped by the same realities that distort the elections to the House of Representatives and the Senate – the domination of society by a small, super-wealthy class. Therefore, it would inevitably be wealthy Aboriginal people or those serving their interests and the interests of the broader capitalist class that would ultimately dominate an Aboriginal chamber of parliament. Moreover, the state institutions that the entire parliament administers would still be the racist institutions first created to enforce the genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people and built up ever since to serve the exclusive interests of the capitalist class. Therefore, the main value of an Aboriginal parliamentary chamber is not so much the modest reforms that it may institute but the fact that the experience of it would convince Aboriginal activists and other supporters of Aboriginal rights that the liberation of First Nations people will not be possible within the bounds of the current political order – that it would require the sweeping away of the existing state institutions and the seizure of the key sectors of the economy from the capitalists. Following such a revolution, power would be held by elected councils of workers and Aboriginal people who would run an economy based on collective ownership of the land and other means of production. When such socialist revolutions occur around the globe, it will lay the basis for societies free from exploitation, racism, colonialism and the oppression of women. Australia would be returned to having the largely collectivist, compassionate and classless societies that existed in most parts of this land before 1788 – but now underpinned by all the comforts, medical care and material abundance that modern technology can provide.
We Cannot Approach This Referendum from the Standpoint of Fear of the Right-Wing Gaining From its Defeat
The Yes camp have been arm-twisting progressive opponents of the Voice into voting Yes on the grounds that a defeat of the proposal would embolden the right-wing opponents of it. However, if the Voice gets up, right-wing racists will be on the warpath. They will turn the Voice into a scapegoat for all the hardships of the masses. Aboriginal people will end up with an institution that would be the worst of both worlds – a powerless body but one that provokes racist attacks. Let us be aware too that the root cause of the growth of the Far Right is not the Voice referendum per se. Rather it is the reality that sections of the upper class have been able to mobilise the middle class and some politically backward workers, enraged at the high cost of living and insecure about their economic position, into a jealous rage against any group below them on the social scale – whether it be Aboriginal people, low-income single mothers, refugees or the unemployed – that strives to improve its social standing. This will not change regardless of the referendum outcome. The Far Right will not be deterred by a victorious referendum vote. What will undercut them is the working class mobilising with such strength against the big end of town that the enraged middle class sees the possibility of joining the workers in kicking upwards at the real cause of their difficulties – rather than cowardly kicking down at those below them in a selfish struggle to keep most of the crumbs doled out by the upper class for themselves.
Especially with the Progressive NO side cutting through into the political discourse more and more prominently, the right-wing opponents of the Voice will not be able to legitimately claim that a defeat of the Voice proposal is their exclusive victory. This will be even truer if in the last few days before the referendum vote, we in the Progressive No camp speak out more and more loudly.
More fundamentally, we must address issues in terms of where we stand on them rather than where the right-wing stands. As an analogy, consider the issue of the war in Ukraine. This has become a proxy war that the Western imperialists are waging against Russia in order to bring to heel a country that is independent of them and reinforce their tyranny over the world. The correct position to take is to oppose this proxy war and to oppose the Australian government’s transfer of arms to Western imperialism’s Ukraine proxies. However, the Far Right for very different reasons also oppose this proxy war on Russia. One of their key motivations is based on a hope that improving relations with Moscow can entice Russia into a grand-capitalist alliance with the West against socialistic China. Currently, this Far Right opposition to the proxy war on Russia is much stronger than the left-wing opposition. It would of course be very wrong for us to join any actions called by the Far Right against the proxy war or to seek common ground with them. But it would also be wrong to abandon our stance on the war just because the Far Right come to similar conclusions about the war based on what are, in substance, opposite reasons. Similarly, it would be very harmful for the Progressive No side to join events of the racist opponents of the Voice or to seek common ground with them. And no one in the Progressive No camp has done this. However, it would also be wrong for us to abandon our position out of (understandable) revulsion at the thought of casting the same vote as the hard-right conservatives.
If we understand that the struggle for Aboriginal people’s liberation will come through mass struggle rather than through any vote then what matters most is not the mood of right wingers but the political understanding of those sympathetic to Aboriginal people’s struggles for justice. To the extent that such people have illusions in the Voice, they will be diverted from joining anti-racist struggles on the streets should a Voice be instituted. On the other hand, every supporter of First Nations Peoples’ rights who is won to rejecting the Voice because they have come to understand that the Aboriginal people’s cause will not in the least be advanced by a powerless body operating within the racist, capitalist political order, has been won to a higher level of political clarity. They will thus become far more likely to support Aboriginal rights struggles on the ground no matter who wins the referendum. So let us promote this clarity! Let us vote down this Voice con-job so that anti-racists will not be diverted from joining the mass struggles on the streets needed to advance the liberation of Australia’s subjugated First Nations. Let us build united action of anti-racist workers, First Nations People and other people of colour to: Win justice for Kumanjayi Walker, David Dungay, TJ Hickey, Rebecca Maher and the many other Aboriginal people killed in custody by Australia’s racist, rich people’s regime! Stop the forced removals of Aboriginal children from their families! Win Aboriginal land rights! Win decent services in remote black communities paid for by confiscating the assets of the greedy mining and pastoral bosses! Stop the rising homelessness of Aboriginal people – massively increase public housing so that every Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal person who wants it has access to quality, low rent accommodation! Boost the stock of public housing by seizing the vacant unused homes of the ultra-rich!
The explosion of racist abuse in the lead-up to this referendum not only indicates the deep-going racism within Australia’s capitalist society but shows what fraught times we are living in. With large parts of society hurting from falling real incomes, unaffordable housing and increasing economic insecurity, far-right forces have been able to whip up parts of the self-employed population and other sections of the middle-class and beyond into a racist rage against Aboriginal people and also against people of Chinese, other Asian, African and Middle Eastern backgrounds. However, the difficult conditions that the Far Right are seizing on are one and the same conditions that could be used to mobilise the working class, Aboriginal people and all the oppressed in a struggle against the capitalist order that is the fundamental cause of both the masses’ economic hardships and the brutal subjugation of Aboriginal people. Let us urgently build such a struggle!
Energetic Protest Opposes the Australian Rulers’ Cold War Witch-Hunt
26 September 2023: Two days ago, about forty people participated in a determined protest against the stigmatisation and marginalisation of Australia’s Chinese community that has accompanied the ruling class’ Cold War drive against socialistic China. Witch-hunting in Australia associated with the U.S. and Australian rulers’ new Cold War has specifically targeted that majority section of the Chinese community that has a friendly attitude towards the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Sunday’s action also opposed the broader Cold War repression in Australia. This repression is increasingly targeting even non-Chinese people who continue to maintain pragmatic relations with the PRC and her institutions. Even people with no particular political sympathy for China are being persecuted.
Sunday’s protest in the Sydney suburb of Eastwood has special importance. Since the Australian ruling class began aggressively persecuting the PRC-friendly section of the Chinese community nearly six years ago and started targeting others in this witch-hunt too, this was the very first action whose main focus was pushing back at this Cold War repression. And it was the first demonstration to in any way call-out such Cold War witch-hunting since the campaign to free pro-North Korea, then political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, culminated nearly two and a half years ago when Choi was freed from the clutches of capitalist Australia’s “justice” system.
The September 24 rally and march was reported on by the popular Chinese-language Australian news site, Sydney Today and picked up by many other Chinese-language news sites. Reflecting the deep concerns of Australia’s Chinese community, the article about the rally had one of the highest number of readers’ comments of any article published by Sydney Today on the day that the report was issued.
The main banner of the demonstration called to “RESIST THE COLD WAR WITCH-HUNT!” The other banner slogans included, “Free the People of Many Ethnicities That the Australian Regime is Cruelly Prosecuting for Merely Engaging with China’s Institutions!”, “Stop the Marginalisation of the Chinese Community!”, “Resist the Attacks on Social Organisations Friendly to China!” and “Stop the New McCarthyist Witch-hunt! `Free Speech’ Must Include the Right to Express Positive Views about Socialistic China!”
The September 24 rally was proudly multiracial in composition bringing people of white Australian background together with people from Chinese, Korean and other Asian and Middle Eastern ethnicities. It was endorsed by the Australian Chinese Workers Association (ACWA), ourselves in Trotskyist Platform, Anti-War West Sydney and, in an individual capacity, by well-known peace activist Nick Deane who is both the convenor of the Marrickville Peace Group and a member of the Independent and Peaceful Australian Network (IPAN). For the ACWA, it took particular courage to participate in this action. Since the Cold War witch-hunt threatens all Chinese community organisations that have either a friendly or neutral attitude towards Red China – that is all Australian-Chinese groups that refuse to enlist in the capitalist rulers’ PRC-bashing campaign – the ACWA is itself one of the groups in the firing line.
Each of the endorsing entities had representatives speak at Sunday’s rally. The formal part of the demonstration began with an address by one of the two co-chairs of the event, ACWA chairman, David Chen. Introducing the action David stated:
“Thank you everyone who has come here to support this important action to oppose the marginalisation of the Chinese community in Australia and to stand up against the new Cold War witch-hunt.
“I want to start by acknowledging that we are gathering here on the land of the Wallumettagal clan of the Eora First Nations people.
“My name is David Chen and I am the chairman of the Australian Chinese Workers Association. I will be co-chairing this event together with my friend Sarah Fitzenmeyer who is the chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform, the Australian-Chinese Workers Association’s partners in initiating this event.
“My remarks will be focussed on one important symptom of the marginalisation of the Chinese community. That is Ryde City Council’s decision to name a big chunk of Eastwood without properly consulting the Chinese community or the broader community at all [Editor’s note: According to the latest census, people of Chinese ethnicity are by far the biggest ethnic group in Eastwood and make up 49% of the suburb. However, recently the local council that covers Eastwood has decided to rename a big chunk of the suburb as `Koreatown’ without consulting the Chinese community. This has provoked outrage among some who see it as a symptom of how marginalised the Chinese community in Australia has become]. Sarah and other speakers will then talk about the many other aspects of Cold War repression in Australia which has seen Chinese social organisations slandered, people of various ethnicities jailed or charged for having connections to China and violent racist forces being encouraged on the streets.”
In calling to “suspend the construction of the Koreatown project” until a proper consultation has taken place, the ACWA chairman stressed that his group’s stance has nothing to do whatsoever with rivalry with the Korean community or even disapproval of the existence of a “Koreatown” within Eastwood per se but is based on opposition to the Ryde City Council’s lack of consultation with the Chinese community and lack of openness around the Eastwood naming issue. He concluded by calling for Ryde to become “a model multicultural community where all ethnic groups live together in peace, friendship and equality.” Indeed, it was notable that several people of Korean ancestry joined the September 24 protest.
Above:Australian Chinese Workers Association chairman David Chen, one of the two rally co-chairs, makes his opening remarks to the September 24 action. Below: the Chinese language banner carried by demonstrators. It’s main slogan was “We Demand an Immediate Halt to the Marginalisation and Stigmatisation of the Australian-Chinese Community in the Context of the New Cold War“. The Chinese banner’s additional slogans were: “Free Australians of Any Ethnicity who Are Being Cruelly Imprisoned or Prosecuted for Maintaining Pragmatic Relations with China and Her Institutions!”, “Suspend the Recent Naming of a Big Part of Eastwood Which Was Rammed through without Consulting the Suburb’s Most Numerically Significant Community – the Australian-Chinese Community!”, “Stop the Attacks on Chinese Community Organisations That Exercise Their Right to Have a Sympathetic or Neutral Stance towards China!” and “Down With the New McCarthyist Witch-hunt! Stop the Attempts to Repress People who Make Social Media Comments Sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China!”
“For All Working-Class People and Nearly All Middle-Class People Too, the Cold War Witch-hunting is Completely Against Our Interests”
Next to speak, was the other rally co-chair, our Trotskyist Platform chairwoman Sarah Fitzenmeyer. Sarah began her speech by stating:
“We are gathering here today on the stolen land of the Wallumettagal clan of the Eora First Nations people. This country’s current political order is built on the brutal dispossession of Aboriginal people. Alongside this, the regime here has often engaged in persecuting Asian people – especially Chinese people. This started from the mid-19th century gold rush and then continued on into the White Australian Policy after Federation.
“Anti-Chinese racism has come back with a vengeance over the last few years – driven not only by the long-standing racist xenophobia but also the jingoism surrounding the Australian rulers’ participation in the Western regimes’ Cold War drive to destroy and ultimately annihilate socialistic rule in China. To justify their Cold War, the Australian ruling class have created a fear of China. They have been slandering sections of the Chinese community as supposed “agents” of “foreign interference” from Red China. Such propaganda inevitably creates hostility towards the Chinese community.
“To stifle any opposition to their Cold War drive, Australia’s capitalist rulers use repression to silence people – both within the Chinese community and the broader community – anyone who dares to express a positive view on the Peoples Republic of China.
“In the face of this increasing stigmatisation, we say that the Chinese community should not have to stand alone. It is the duty of Australians of other ethnicities, especially white Australians, to strongly oppose the attacks on the Chinese community and – in particular – the attacks on that large section of the Chinese community that has positive views about the Peoples Republic of China. Taking such a stance is a big part of what today’s demonstration is all about.”
Sarah then listed some of the “examples of how the Australia’s rulers’ Cold War, China-bashing campaign has caused great harm to both the Chinese and the broader community” and recalled the 1950s McCarthyist witch-hunt in the U.S. and Australia (that saw many communists and others deemed sympathetic to then most powerful socialistic state – the Soviet Union – being sacked from their jobs and in many cases imprisoned):
“Five years ago, all of Australia’s parliamentarians from all political parties voted to introduce repressive, so-called Foreign Interference laws. The true purpose of these authoritarian laws is to prevent certain groups of people from expressing views that are positive about socialistic China.
“The following year, the then NSW Liberal state government, pressured by the Greens, banned the China-connected Confucius Institutes from teaching Chinese language in NSW schools. The politicians ludicrously claimed that this language teaching would be used by China to conduct foreign interference.
“Around the same time, Australia’s ASIO secret police unleashed threatening interrogations against Chinese international students who had become involved in political activity. In August 2019, the students had organised a large pro-China rally against the pro-colonial, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong. While the Australian ruling class were overtly backing the anti-communist, anti-China forces holding rallies here, when pro-Peoples Republic of China activists did the same, they were hit with terrifying intimidation by Australia’s secret police….
“In November 2020, the leader of the Chinese community group, the Oceania Federation of Chinese Organisations, Di Sanh Duong, became the first person charged under Australia’s Foreign Interference laws. Ridiculously, the Australian regime claimed that the charity collection that he organised for a public hospital was an act of `Foreign Interference’. Can you believe it?
“The Cold War repression has reached such a level that many non-Chinese people are now also being targeted.
“The NSW state MP, Shaoquett Moselmane, in 2020, was subjected to an intense media attack after he made the manifestly true statement that China had responded effectively to the COVID pandemic. Both the AFP and ASIO unleashed a massive raid on Moselmane’s home to supposedly investigate `foreign interference’….
“The neo-McCarthyist witch-hunt has reached such proportions that even people without the slightest sympathy for China but who have had pragmatic relations with PRC entities are being persecuted….
“In one of the most outrageous persecutions of this entire neo-McCarthyist campaign, Australian citizen and former U.S. fighter pilot, Daniel Duggan, is facing extradition to the U.S. simply for training Chinese, most very likely civilian, pilots in South Africa …. For this Duggan has been languishing in harsh conditions in NSW prisons for the last ten months. The prosecution of the 54 year-old pilot has little to do with upholding the law. In the context of the crazed Cold War drive against socialistic China, Duggan is a convenient object for the U.S. and Australian rulers to create a show trial to hype up the supposed `Chinese military threat.’
“If we do not push back against this Cold War repression it’s going to get even more intense. Earlier this year, the Albanese government banned public sector employees from accessing the popular Chinese, short-video platform, TikTok, on government devices. Last month, a parliamentary committee further demanded that TikTok and WeChat be subjected to requirements that could provide the basis for completely banning these platforms in Australia.”
The rally co-chair stressed that “for all working-class people and nearly all middle-class people too, the Cold War witch-hunting is completely against our interests”:
“This Cold War witch-hunt is helping to foster an unhealthy, hysterical national security obsession. It is this climate that has enabled the Australian regime to persecute the courageous whistle blower, David McBride, the former Australian Army lawyer who exposed the Australian regime’s horrific war crimes in Afghanistan.
“The main aim Western rulers’ have for their new Cold War is of course to crush socialistic rule in China. This would be completely catastrophic for more than 90% of the people of Australia and the entire West. To ensure that this future does not come true what is most badly needed is for socialistic rule in China to succeed and flourish…. While people in Australia are ground down by unaffordable power, fuel and food prices because of the greed of the oil, gas and electricity company owners, we need to be able to point to the existence and reality of what public ownership is capable of [in the PRC], how China’s energy and power sectors are publicly owned and thus price gouging does not exist there.
“Sisters and brothers this is what we must do, we need to oppose in entirety the political, economic, propaganda and military campaign which is being waged against socialistic rule in China. And this means that we must oppose all Cold War witch-hunts that are being used to promote the war drive and to silence any opposition to it.”
Next to speak was anti-war activist Nick Deane. Recalling how he had campaigned against the Vietnam War and then against the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Nick Deane expressed his fear that the U.S. and its allies would actually unleash a war on China. He explained that China is no threat at all to any country and that Australia actually does not have any external threats whatsoever. Instead the real threat is the climate crisis. The peace activist emphasised the need to oppose Australia’s planned acquisition of nuclear submarines under the AUKUS pact.
Demonstrators at the September 24 action listen to a speech by anti-war activist Nick Deane.
“We Have to Resist the Coming New Fascism by Resisting the New McCarthyist Repression Today!”
Samuel Kim then spoke on behalf of Trotskyist Platform. He began by skewering the persecution of Di Sanh Duong and the so-called “Foreign Interference” laws that Di Sanh Duong has been charged under: Take the case of Melbourne Vietnamese-Chinese community leader, Di Sanh Duong, known as Sunny Duong. Three and a half years ago, Sunny arranged for a community group to collect over $37,000 for a Melbourne Hospital to treat COVID patients …. You would think that this act of charity would win Sunny’s organisation praise. Instead he has been arrested and charged with foreign interference. The reason that Sunny is being targeted is because his group has a friendly attitude towards China. Donating money to a hospital could see Sunny Duong facing up to ten years in jail!
Sunny Duong was charged under Australia’s draconian, so-called, “Foreign Interference” laws brought in five years ago. Under the cover of these authoritarian laws, a very large number of office bearers of Chinese social organisations that have a friendly attitude towards Red China have been subjected to intimidating interrogations by Australia’s ASIO secret police. This Gestapo style secret police then threaten people not to talk about the interrogations. Therefore, it is not publicly known who had been interrogated! The combined ASIO intimidation, repressive laws, and media lies have pressured many Chinese social organisations to reduce their public activities.
Samuel warned of how the new McCarthyist witch-hunt is threatening to persecute ever more people: A couple of months ago, the likes of far-right Liberal MP James Patterson and Greens MP David Shoebridge even demanded that the police arrest people who make strong social media comments defending China against anti-communist, anti-China activists. If we are not careful, in the future even people here who criticise the Cold War and extremist Sinophobes, or who advocate for the public ownership of the banks and key sectors – may be accused of “foreign interference”…. Like a cancer, the Cold War witch-hunt in Australia is spreading. The whole parliament from parties that are neo-fascist like One Nation to the Liberals, Labor and the Greens join the Cold War as they all serve the ruling class. Many non-Chinese are now also being targeted.
During his speech, Samuel Kim briefly addressed the Eastwood naming issue noting that he is a person of Korean background: With Chinese voices silenced by the Cold War no wonder that the Council renamed part of Eastwood “Koreatown” without consulting the Chinese community. As a Korean person, I was shocked, because I knew Eastwood is overwhelmingly Chinese, and not Korean. If there should be a Koreatown, it should be in the southern part of Lidcombe where Koreans are the main ethnic group. But what has happened here in Eastwood is not about Koreans. This is a symptom of the growing attacks on the Chinese community.
The Trotskyist Platform spokesman not only re-asserted the basic point that the Cold War repression in Australia is aimed at ensuring the population’s subservience to the capitalist rulers’ drive to crush socialistic rule in China but explained why the capitalist rulers are hell-bent on this quest and why we must defend socialistic rule in China: Despite China’s transition to socialism being incomplete and bureaucratically deformed from hostile pressure, China is proving that socialism can greatly improve the lives of the masses …. This will encourage the struggle for socialism here…. Capitalist rule in Australia is leading to homelessness and unaffordable rents …. Meanwhile workers real wages are plummeting, all whilst corporate profits soar, the prices of food, fuel and electricity are surging and society is becoming more toxicly racist and cannibalistic due to capitalist individualistic savagery and brutality. So it is crucial that socialistic China succeeds and societies learn from her socialist-owned banks, property, and enterprises. Working-class people here must do whatever is possible to defend socialistic rule in China. We demand U.S. and Australian navies get out of the South China Sea! Down with the acquisition of long-range missiles and nuclear subs! Scrap Western support for the anti-working class Taiwanese regime! Challenge the propaganda against China – over COVID, Hong Kong or treatment of her Uyghur minority – for they are lies like the Iraq WMD allegations that lead to war, took lives, and wasted trillions of dollars!
In the context of the Cold War repression in Australia, Samuel responded to the demands by Australia’s capitalist media that prime minister Anthony Albanese attack the PRC “over human rights” when Albanese has his expected meeting with the PRC president in China later this year: When prime minister Albanese meets Chinese president Xi Jinping later this year he has absolutely no right to criticise China about “human rights”. In fact, we appeal to Chinese president Xi Jinping to ask Albanese to scrap Australia’s draconian, so-called, Foreign Interference laws and to stop the intimidating ASIO interrogations…. We also appeal to Xi to demand that the Australian regime drop the charges against those imprisoned here or facing jail on charges related to the Cold War witch-hunt.
The Trotskyist Platform representative concluded his speech by urging resistance to the new McCarthyist witch-hunt in Australia warning that it if this Cold War repression is not resisted it could become a springboard to something even more horrifying: As the capitalist order decays, there are far-right forces strengthening who want nothing less than to impose a Nazi-style or Mussolini-style fascist version of capitalism to maximise profits and quell dissent. In the U.S., Europe and to some degree Australia, these forces are growing. We have to resist the coming new fascism by resisting the new McCarthyist repression today …. Workers, students, out-of-work people of all ethnicities, religions, and background have to step up and struggle …. Let’s demand: Stop the attacks on Chinese social organisations friendly to China! Drop the charges against Di Sanh Duong! Free Daniel Duggan! Free Alexander Csergo! Stop the Cold War marginalisation of Australia‘s Chinese community! Stand with socialistic China!
Alongside the speeches of our spokespeople and the leaflets that we distributed, Trotskyist Platform supporters promoted a perspective of working-class based opposition to the Cold War repression through the placards that we carried at the rally. Among our many signs at the demonstration were ones that called to: “Resist the Push By Australian Politicians to Repress People Who Make Strong Social Media Comments Sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China!”, “Resist the Australian Regime’s Attempts to Silence Positive Opinions About Socialistic China! With Working-Class People Here Suffering Unaffordable Rents, Insecure Jobs and Plunging Real Wages We Badly Need to Hear About China’s Socialistic Alternative” and “A Strong Socialistic China is Good for Australian Working Class People. Australian Workers: Defend the PRC Workers State!” Additionally our ethnic Korean supporters carried bilingual English and Korean placards with messages such as: “Working-Class Korean-Australians Say: Stop Discrimination Against Australia’s Chinese Community!”
Some of the rally participants gather together prior to beginning their march through the streets of Eastwood.
Sabotuers Rebuffed, the Pro-PRC Chinese Community Given Confidence, the Resistance is Energised
After several speeches in English, ACWA chairman David Chen addressed the Chinese-speaking people present at the rally by reiterating in Mandarin Chinese the points made in his initial introductory speech. The rally then marched west down Eastwood’s Rowe Street mall and then snaked through the shop-crowded streets of Eastwood in a loop that took us past the main entrance to the suburb’s railway station. Here is a video of a part of the march taken by the Australian-Chinese online newspaper, Sydney Today:
Immediately after the march, a message of solidarity to the action was read out from Wayne Sonter, the leader of activist group, Anti-War West Sydney. The messaged expressed “strong opposition to this governments attempts to intimidate and suppress all those who may have links with, or express views supportive of the PRC.” The solidarity statement stressed that:
“Anti-War West Sydney supports the concepts of a global community of nations, a global green new deal and aspirations for an ecological civilisation.
“We support and advocate a pathway to peace, progress and sustainability, not a road to endless war, destruction and catastrophe.
“We, or our governments cannot choose to do both. The Australian government, by these acts of intimidation and a host of associated commitments shows to the Australian people that it has chosen the wrong path and is on the wrong side of history”
During the march, participants loudly chanted “Resist, Resist, the Cold War Witch-hunt!” and “Di Sanh Duong, Drop His Charges Now!” Chinese-speakers on the march also chanted in Mandarin, calling to unite against the discrimination targeting the Chinese community. The march attracted a great deal of interest and sympathy from onlookers in the local Chinese community and from the broader Eastwood community. Indeed, throughout the whole event we met with few signs of hostility (aside from some drunken rednecks who chanted “We want nukes” as we marched past a pub that they were patronising).
However, in the days leading up to the demonstration, there was a concerted attempt by hostile forces to sabotage the action. A small number of representatives of two Chinese business bosses’ groups – the Eastwood Chinatown Chamber of Commerce and the Northwest Chinese Business Association – that had both hastily scrambled together their formation in the three weeks leading up to the rally, tried to bully the ACWA into pulling back from the September 24 action. Most harmfully, they spread disinformation within the Chinese community implying that Sunday’s demonstration would be deemed illegal by the police. We would not call these disgusting acts of sabotage a “betrayal”. Rather, it is a case of capitalists and their henchmen acting in their own class interests – the interests that is of a class that extracts its income from plundering the fruits of their workers’ labour. To be sure, as in every other political dispute, personal factors like ego come into the equation. However, at bottom, certain business bosses and their avaricious upper-middle class henchmen were acting against the September 24 rally because they feared that the explicitly pro-working class initiators of the action – the Australian Chinese Workers Association and Trotskyist Platform – could gain greater authority and that this could eventually lead to their own workers becoming more assertive of their rights and better connected with the broader Australian trade union movement. Or, to put it another way, a few of the local business bosses feared that the activism of the groups that spearheaded the September 24 rally could eventually threaten the level of profit that they can gain by exploiting their own workers. For in the end, a capitalist in Australia is a capitalist – regardless of whether they have white European, Chinese, Korean or any other ancestry! To be sure, even capitalist Chinese in Australia suffer discrimination as a result of the explosion of anti-Chinese sentiment incited by the Cold War witch-hunt. However, at the same time, the fact that this present socio-economic order upholds their very privileged economic and social position makes them zealously loyal to the current order and suspicious of any protest against the pro-capitalist authorities upholding it. Thus the particular capitalist elements within the Chinese community that attempted to undermine the September 24 rally objected to the “combative” approach to governments of the protest initiators. They counterposed to this their “positive” attitude to governments in dealing with both the Eastwood naming issue and the much more serious attacks faced by the Chinese community. Of course, these forces would be the first to grab for themselves any concessions to the Chinese community that the authorities make in a response to the activism of the likes of those of us who conducted the September 24 protest.
In many ways, the conduct of those upper-class elements within the Chinese community that sought to undermine the September 24 rally can be compared to the attitude that several Indian-Australian community groups took to protests in the late noughties against the wave of violent racist attacks on Indian students that were unleashed in Australia at that time. Although these Indian community groups included people in all classes within them (unlike those who sought to sabotage the September 24 action), it is upper-class and upper-middle class elements who – through their ability to make big donations and the often greater eloquence that flows from their greater opportunities to access high-quality education – have gained a stranglehold on many of these Indian-Australian community groups. As a result, even though the leaders of these groups’ own children may have been subjected to racist bullying at school – and on the streets – as part of the wave of anti-Indian violence, they downplayed the racist attacks on Indian, mainly international, students and condemned the spirited anti-racist protests of these students. They proved that they would rather accept, albeit with a heavy heart, racist attacks on Indian international students and even the threat of such attacks on their own children, than risk any damage to the authority of the social order that upholds their very privileged economic and social status. This attitude of the wealthy leaders of some Australian-Indian community groups provoked understandable outrage back in India. Today, certain of their class compatriots within the Australian-Chinese capitalist class are following in their footsteps with respect to the Cold War stigmatisation and marginalisation of the Chinese community today.
Those who sought to sabotage the September 24 action did have some success. With Australian-Chinese people who considered attending the rally only too aware that they are in the Cold War firing line of the authorities, fear of the likelihood of a police attack on the protest that was deviously spread by the saboteurs did indeed cause some Chinese people who were planning to join the action to decide to stay home. However, the saboteurs’ campaign against the 24 September action only made the core cadre in the ACWA more determined. As a result they, Trotskyist Platform and the other rally supporters were able to successfully conduct the action. The demonstration received much sympathy from onlookers who saw it and others who later heard about it, as well as important coverage in the Australian-Chinese media. Most importantly, the ethnic Chinese people who participated in the September 24 protest were invigorated by the action; as were the many non-Chinese people who took part. A huge step has been taken in conducting the very first action in Australia to directly oppose the Cold War marginalisation of the Australian-Chinese community and broader Cold War repression. Momentum for follow-up actions has inevitably been created. Those who hesitated in participating this time but heard of the successful conduct of the action, will be keen to join next time.
As rally co-chair Sarah Fitzenmeyer stressed in her concluding remarks:
“We must push back against this Cold War repression even though it is not going to be easy. The witch-hunting climate is intense and is accompanied by rabid propaganda by the mainstream media pushing the `China Threat’ and `Chinese Foreign Interference’ hoaxes. But history is made by the brave and not by the cowardly and today’s rally is an important step forward. It is indeed the very first action that has directly opposed the overall McCarthyist witch-hunt in Australia. So well done everyone who has come here to support this action….
“I hope the Chinese community, especially the section sympathetic to the People’s Republic of China, gets the message from today’s action that they are not alone. It is vitally important that those Chinese-Australians with a sympathetic view about socialistic China feel that they are not alone. Because we need you to be able to express your views …. We need you to tell other Australians about what the People’s Republic of China is really like and how much she has achieved in poverty alleviation and in improving the lives of her people. We need this because we know that this will help undercut support for the dangerous anti-China war drive that our rulers are hell-bent on pushing.
“So, with courage and perseverance, let us resist the Cold War repression in Australia and demand: End the Cold War witch-hunt! Free the Cold War political prisoners in Australia! Scrap the authoritarian foreign interference laws! Stop the ASIO raids! Stop the attempts to silence social media users sympathetic to socialistic China! Let’s resist our rulers’ political, military and propaganda campaign against socialistic China that is the root cause of this new Cold War repression!”
From the U.S. to Australia, Let’s Fight for Revolutionary, Internationalist Leadership of our Trade Unions
Oppose the Right-Wing, Bureaucratic Attack on the Vermont AFL-CIO Union Federation
18 June 2021: In the latter part of 2019, a new slate was elected to the local leadership of the AFL-CIO (the biggest U.S. union federation – a U.S. equivalent of the ACTU) in the USA’s northeastern state of Vermont. Alongside vowing to make the union’s operations more transparent to its 10,000 rank and file members, the new leadership promised more independence from the Democrat Party, a focus on standing by migrant workers, more active support for the Black Lives Matter struggle and a greater willingness to use strikes to defend workers rights. The national leadership of the AFL-CIO, which is protectionist and conservative in its outlook and which subordinates the union movement to the capitalist Democrat Party (one of the two parties that alternately run American capitalism alongside the right-wing Republicans), met the election of the new slate in Vermont with suspicion and alarm. Before long, the national AFL-CIO leadership, headed by the federation’s president Richard Trumka, began bureaucratic manoeuvres against its Vermont branch.
Tensions between AFL-CIO national Executive Committee (henceforth referred to as National EC) and its Vermont branch (henceforth referred to as VT AFL CIO) have now reached breaking point. This follows an overwhelming vote on November 18 by delegates of the VT AFL-CIO to authorise the branch leadership to “call for a general strike of all working people in our state” should Donald Trump and his supporters seek to launch a coup for Trump to remain in the presidency despite his losing the election. After trying to stop the Vermont strike resolution at the time, four months later, Trumka went further and announced that the National EC would be investigating the “recent conduct” of the VT AFL-CIO, threatening “further action.” These are steps towards removing the elected Vermont leaders and putting the branch under the direct administration of the federation’s National EC. This bureaucratic campaign to suppress and punish class-struggle mobilisation must be defeated!
That the threat of a far-right coup in the U.S. was real was seen just a month and a half after the Vermont resolution when fascist white-supremacists and other rabid right-wingers stormed the U.S. Congress building on January 6 with the aim of restoring Trump to the presidency. The workers movement has a real interest in opposing such a far-right coup. However, opposing such a coup does not mean that one should give any support, however critical, to new president Joe Biden. Biden must be 100% opposed! The correct stance to have taken at last November’s presidential election was to oppose a vote to both Trump and Biden. Today Biden and his war-mongering secretary of state, Antony Blinken have taken off from where Trump and Mike Pompeo left off in ratcheting up the imperialist Cold War drive against socialistic China. Biden has even resuscitated a thoroughly discredited Trump-era conspiracy theory that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab, a despicable suggestion that is being used to not only whip up mass hostility to China but which is helping to incite yet more racist violence against people of Chinese and other East Asian backgrounds in the U.S., Canada and Australia. Meanwhile, under the reign of Biden and his new vice-president Kamala Harris, racist cops continue to murder black people and other people of colour throughout the USA. And Biden and Harris are overseeing the brutal incarceration of thousands of child refugees in over-crowded detention camps near the U.S.’s border with Mexico. However, should a coup to restore hard-right Trump to the presidency have succeeded, it would have necessarily been accompanied by further attacks on the democratic rights to organise of unions, black rights activists and other leftists and would have greatly emboldened violent far-right, that is fascist, forces. To prepare working class industrial action against the prospect of such a coup was a very supportable and necessary step. However, Trumka and Co. want workers to rely only on the capitalist Democratic Party to oppose the threat of far-right forces. This is a losing strategy! January 6 proved to the whole world the half-heartedness of U.S. repressive organs for opposing the threat of violent far-right groups. It also showed the downright collusion of some elements of these state organs with fascistic forces.
Neither the capitalist parties, like the Democrats, nor the organs of the capitalist state can be a force against far-right threats. This is because the mainstream capitalist parties and the U.S. state institutions both serve the same capitalist class as far-right forces. By seeking to suppress working class mobilisation against a right-wing coup, Trumka and Co. are tying the hands of the one social force with the power and consistent interest to lead resistance against far-right coups and attacks on remaining democratic rights. Therefore, Trotskyist Platform adds our voice to that of the many trade unionists and anti-fascists in the U.S. and around the world who are opposing the campaign of the national AFL-CIO Executive Committee bureaucrats against the Vermont AFL-CIO branch. We have signed on to an open protest letter to national AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, defending “the right of the VT AFL-CIO to have passed a motion authorising a General Strike if the 2020 election results had been overturned in a coup” and demanding that Trumka, “immediately drop the vindictive and retaliatory `misconduct’ investigation into the VT AFL-CIO.”
The Open Letter was initiated by the circle associated with the Australian far-left website, Class Conscious. We congratulate them on taking the initiative on this issue. Thus far, nine pro-working class organisations around the world have signed onto the Open Letter. So have dozens of individuals, many of whom are union activists. Alongside Trotskyist Platform, one other Australian group has signed onto the Open Letter, which is the leftist, anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian, Melbourne-based group, Jews Against Fascism. Trotskyist Platform calls on all trade union activists and officials who believe in class struggle and the centrality of the working class to the fight against right-wing repression, as well as all staunchly anti-fascist groups, to also sign the Open Letter to AFL-CIO national president Richard Trumka. To sign the letter use this link to go to the relevant page on the Class Conscious website: https://classconscious.org/2021/05/17/sign-open-letter-to-richard-trumka-againt-themisconduct-investigation-into-vermont-afl-cio-defend-labors-right-to-fight-against-fascism-and-dictatorship/ . Note that those who sign on through this link will only be endorsing the actual four-sentence Open Letter and not necessarily the preamble by Class Conscious (while this preamble makes many very good points there are aspects of its analysis that we do not fully endorse).
AFL-CIO Bureaucrats Sorry History of Supporting Counterrevolutionary Forces and Right-Wing Coups
Although we were very happy to take a stand against the bureaucratic attack on the VT AFL-CIO branch by signing the Open Letter, there was a sentence in the letter that we felt uneasy about. It said that the VT AFL-CIO motion authorising a general strike if Trump’s election defeat had been overturned in a coup, “was in the proud tradition of labor fighting together against the threat of fascism and dictatorship.” Unfortunately, the tradition of the AFL-CIO includes, under the pre-text of fighting for “democracy” and “against dictatorship,” intervening abroad to support U.S. imperialist machinations against both socialistic workers states and independent-minded governments in the “Third World”.
It was in Latin America where top AFL-CIO bureaucrats conducted their most notorious work. Their methods included training local anti-communists to gain influence within Latin American trade unions to combat the influence of leftists within the unions. These local allies would then seek to split leftist-led unions in order to build business-loyal unions that would help U.S. multinationals operating within Latin America to maximize profits by keeping wages poor. Meanwhile, working closely with some of the USA’s biggest and most notoriously anti-union mining corporations, agricultural giants, oil companies and banks, the AFL-CIO’s “American Institute for Free Labor Development” (AIFLD) would help disburse CIA and U.S. State Department funds to help the political work of anti-communist union officials, to bribe union leaders into joining the “democratic camp” and to grant affordable housing to workers who switched over to membership of anti-communist-led unions. Then, if leftist governments gained the ascendancy in Latin America, even when democratically-elected within capitalist state structures, AIFLD-backed labour groups would foment unrest and use U.S. government funds to sustain strikers. This would then help pave the way for bloody, U.S.-backed right-wing coups, which AFL-CIO local allies would then work to suppress any labour resistance to. In this way, in the name of “democracy” and stopping “communist dictatorship”, the AFL-CIO tops worked hand in glove with the CIA to bring down elected, left-leaning, or otherwise anti-colonial-minded, governments in Guatamela in 1954, Guyana, Brazil and the Dominican Republic in the early-mid 1960s and Chile in 1973. In all these cases, except to a partial degree in Guyana, the AFL-CIO aided, CIA-orchestrated overthrow of elected governments was through bloody coups that resulted in right-wing dictatorships that committed murderous terror against leftists and workers rights activists on a massive scale. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, AFL-CIO bureaucrats helped the CIA and Australia’s ASIS overseas spy agency to orchestrate a coup in 1965 that led to one of the worst slaughters in human history. The CIA/ASIS/AFL-CIO backed coup forces led by General Suharto massacred between one and two million Indonesian communists, trade unionists, women’s rights activists and ethnic Chinese people in the process of consolidating their horrific right-wing dictatorship.
The AFL-CIO bureaucrats’ most important service to U.S. imperialism was in their support for the capitalist rulers’ drive to overthrow workers states. They collaborated closely with the CIA to stir up worker unrest in state-owned enterprises in Red China, in the former Soviet Union and in the other former deformed workers states in Eastern Europe. Their operations were most successful in Poland. There, with the open backing of the Vatican and rabidly anti-union U.S. and British heads Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and with support from the pro-ALP leadership of Australia’s ACTU, the AFL-CIO tops and CIA propped up a large anti-communist “union” called Solidarnosc. In 1989-90, Solidarnosc would lead a capitalist counterrevolution in Poland that would open the door to the counterrevolutionary destruction of the Soviet Union and all the Eastern European socialistic states within the following two years.
Much of this despicable counterrevolutionary work was conducted by the AFL-CIO heads behind the backs of their membership. More recently, national AFL-CIO leaders in the post-Soviet period, including Trumka, have sought to distance themselves from the federation’s role during the anti-Soviet Cold War. In 1997, the AFL-CIO shutdown its discredited AIFLD. However, today the AFL-CIO’s National EC are back at it again! They replaced the AIFLD with a new organization called Solidarity Center that conducts much of the same work as the AIFLD. Solidarity Center is funded by USAID, the State Department and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the U.S. government’s main vehicle for open funding of counterrevolutionary and pro-imperialist movements that goes alongside their covert funding through the CIA. The NED is notorious around the world for spearheading pro-imperialist “color revolutions” and right-wing coups. In 2002, Solidarity Center-backed right-wing forces in Venezuela tried to carry out a coup to overthrow the elected, leftist Chavez government. Since then Solidarity Center has continued to nurture, train and encourage pro-imperialist opponents of the anti-colonial Venezuelan government.
Today, a main international focus of the National EC is to, under the guise of supporting “democracy,” back forces within China seeking to emulate Polish Solidarnosc – that is forces seeking to use legitimate worker grievances within China not to improve workers social position by crushing capitalist influence or by strengthening the socialist character of the workers state but to restore capitalist rule. The main organised force seeking to build such a Chinese version of Solidarnosc is the China Labour Bulletin (CLB) led by Han Dongfang. And the AFL-CIO’s National EC is right behind the CLB, even presenting Han Dongfang with its highest “human rights award.” Last year, Trumka presented this same award to Hong Kong’s Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF), the principal force in the violent, pro-colonial, anti-Beijing movement in Hong Kong. The CHRF is funded by the NED and by right-wing, Hong Kong media billionaire, Jimmy Lai, who is aptly known as “Hong Kong’s Rupert Murdoch”. The CHRF represents rabidly anti-communist members of Hong Kong’s upper-middle class and large chunks of her capitalist upper class, both of whom are nervous about losing their privilege should Beijing start to bring socialism to Hong Kong. Among the affiliates of the CHRF is the mainly (but not exclusively) white-collar, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU), the smaller of Hong Kong’s two main union federations. The HKCTU, whose leaders want it to become Hong Kong’s Solidarnosc, is not only backed by the NED and the AFL-CIO tops but by the Laborite bureaucrats heading Australia’s ACTU. Today, as Biden emulates Trump in escalating Washington’s new Cold War drive against socialistic China and Australian imperialism enthusiastically eggs him on, we can expect the AFL-CIO and ACTU heads to step up their support for capitalist counterrevolutionary labour groups within mainland China and Hong Kong unless revolutionary activists within these union federations are able to change the agenda leading our unions.
However, despite our concerns about the possible implications of that sentence in the Open Letter to AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka that lauds labor’s “tradition” of fighting against the threat of “dictatorship,” we note that this formulation did not specify or allude to any particular counterrevolutionary or pro-imperialist act by the AFL-CIO and indeed does not actually even specifically mention the AFL-CIO. Therefore, the chance that endorsement of this Open Letter would be understood as also giving support for the AFL-CIO’s continued backing of anti-communist and pro-colonial movements is small. Hence, given the importance of opposing the National EC’s right-wing bureaucratic attack on the VT AFL-CIO, we on balance decided to sign the Open Letter and are urging others within the Left and workers movement to do so as well.
In doing so we point
out that, the national AFL-CIO
leadership’s attempts to quash class struggle resistance to far-right attacks
on democratic rights within the U.S. is the domestic equivalent of their
support abroad for right-wing forces seeking to use the guise of “fighting for
democracy” to undermine socialistic states and anti-colonial governments.
Right-Wing Coups and
the Threat of Fascism
Should the fascist forces, that formed a key component of the January 6 rioters, been sufficiently large, united, disciplined and armed, then if they and their allies had been able to stage a successful overturn of the election result on January 6, this could have opened the road to the fascists making a bid to impose the fascist form of capitalist rule in the short term. Fascism is a form of capitalist rule created through the complete physical smashing of all leftist parties and independent workers organisations through right-wing terror. Such a catastrophe is possible in periods of acute capitalist economic and social crisis, when in the absence of a powerful working class struggle for socialist revolution, right-wing demagogues, backed by decisive sections of the capitalist class, are able to mobilise large chunks of the insecure and embittered middle class – alongside portions of the unemployed poor – into squads dedicated to unleashing reactionary violence.
History however proved that in early 2021, the fascists and the right-wing conservatives that then allied with them did not yet have the clout to even overturn the election result. This is because right now the bulk of the U.S. capitalist class feels that the benefits of ruling through “democratic” means, in terms of fooling the masses into believing that they have a decisive say, combined with the risk of resistance of the sort indicated by the Vermont general strike resolution should they try to impose fascist rule, outweigh the potential benefits of physically crushing the workers movement. To be sure, their deep concern about the decay of their own system, their terror over the bitter grievances of their own population, their fright about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China and their skepticism about their ability to maintain super-profits without exploiting their workforce at an even more intense level, mean that even now some sections of the American capitalist class are supporting fascist forces. Another larger section of the capitalist class, typified by Trump, have not yet definitely decided to go down the road of fascism but are ensuring that they have the option to go down that road in the future by today nurturing violent far-right forces.
Given the current balance of forces between rival sections of the American capitalist class, a more realistic possibility on January 6 than a full-blooded coup that opened the road to a short-term bid for power by fascists was the overturn of the election result in the form of some sort of compromise power-sharing arrangement between the rival bourgeois camps. Such a partial coup resulting from fascist and other far-right mobilisation would still have greatly emboldened the violent far-right forces and thus made resistance like the sort foreshadowed in the Vermont general strike motion absolutely crucial. A coup of this sort did occur in France in February 1934 when after a violent mobilisation by fascists and other reactionaries, the “progressive” liberal capitalist government headed by Daladier of the Radical Party was replaced by a right-wing, bonapartist government. That new government headed by Doumergue rested on the right leg with the fascists and on the left leg with the Radical Party. French workers responded to the coup with a general strike six days later. Although, the political and economic situation in France then was quite different to that in the U.S. today, it is worth leftists today reviewing Leon Trotsky’s brilliant analysis of the situation then in France. Trotsky pointed out that in the context of a deep economic crisis, France and its middle class were becoming deeply polarised. If the working class did not show that it can be a serious contender for power, the fascists and their seeming radicalism would win over the desperate middle class. Trotsky emphasised the need to build workers militias to defend the workers movement against fascist threats and to use the mobilisation of such militias to energise the advance towards workers revolution. Here are links to some of Trotsky’s key writings from that period:
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Today, in the U.S., some in the Far Right will be demoralized that their coup did not succeed. On the other hand, that fascists and hard-right conservatives were able to storm into the parliament building, occupy it for several hours, intimidate many congress members inside it and all the while gain assistance from some in the state organs would have given many of them great encouragement. Meanwhile, the fact that Trump had to, eventually, somewhat distance himself from the rioters will lead to some right-wing conservatives who supported the Capitol storming dispensing with their faith in parliamentary democracy and move fully in with the fascists. That the less conservative Biden has now become president will likely only accelerate this drift. More fundamentally, while plenty of temporary swings in political mood and economic conditions will occur, the long term trend of capitalism, if it is not first overthrown, is to descend into its fascist form because ultimately this is the capitalist class’ last hope of saving its own class rule in the face of the relentless decay of its own system and the rise of a socialistic giant in the form of the Peoples Republic of China. That is why we must mobilise now to oppose the fascist threat. The general strike planned by the VT AFL-CIO is certainly a powerful form of such resistance. However, most immediately we need to oppose physical attacks by fascists on their targets. Such attacks take place every single day – even when fascists are not making an immediate bid for power. Resisting such attacks is crucial to demoralising the fascists on the one hand and on the other, helping the working class to develop the organisation, discipline and activity needed to fight the new Biden administration and the U.S. capitalist class as a whole. As we emphasised in our statement following the January 6 events in Washington (see: https://www.trotskyistplatform.com/how-to-resist-the-growing-threat-of-the-violent-far-right-in-america/):
“… it is urgently necessary for politically aware workers, black liberation activists and leftists to organise workers at multiracial workplaces together with black communities, other non-white communities and anti-racist activists into disciplined action squads to physically resist the threat of violent attack from far-right forces.
“… Especially given that the fascists are often armed with guns, the working class-based, anti-fascist defence squads that must be built should take advantage of the right to bear arms that exists in America – as granted by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution – to acquire arms.”
Indeed, any general strike mobilisation against far-right forces like the one prepared by the VT AFL-CIO would need to be defended against physical attacks by fascists through the deployment of workers defence guards and workers militias.
From the U.S. to Australia: Let’s Fight for a Revolutionary, Internationalist Agenda to Lead Our Workers Movements
The fact that Trumka resumed his attack on the VT AFL-CIO over the general strike resolution some two months after Biden was inaugurated – and thus long after the strike resolution ceased to be potentially operational – shows that his attack is about more than the general strike resolution itself. Trumka and Co. want to bring to heel a union branch that is, in his eyes, too independent of the Democrat Party, too willing to wage strikes and too real about supporting anti-racist struggles.
However, the VT AFL-CIO leaders, while clearly more left-wing than the National EC, have a program that is still short of the revolutionary, internationalist program that the workers movement needs. Thus in their November general strike resolution, while they recognise “that democracy in the United States is hobbled by the archaic structure of the Electoral College and entrenchment of the two-party system”, they basically accept that the U.S. system is otherwise generally “democratic.” However, while any attacks on democratic rights from far-right forces, conservatives and liberals alike should be opposed, the “democracy” that exists in the U.S. is fundamentally not a democracy for all but in practice a democracy only for the capitalist exploiting class. This is because it is the capitalist class who has the means at their disposal to shape public opinion and sway elections. It is they who own the media and print houses. It is the rich capitalists who disproportionately have the money to finance political parties, pay for political advertising, set up NGOs and think tanks and hire lobbyists. In practice, “democratic elections” in the U.S. end up being a matter of different factions of the ruling class wrestling for administrative control, with the masses reduced to largely serving as voting fodder for the rival capitalist cliques. Meanwhile, no matter who wins elections, any party that wins office will be administering a state machine that has been built up and maintained for the very purpose of enforcing capitalist rule over the masses and which is controlled through thousands of strings by the capitalists. Therefore, the “democratic” form that exists in capitalist countries like the U.S, Australia, India, Brazil and South Korea masks a social order that is very much a dictatorship of the capitalist class over the working class masses.
Furthermore, while the Vermont union leaders are less willing to blindly support the Democrat Party than the National EC, they do not have a principled opposition to supporting candidates from this capitalist party. Thus the Vermont branch leadership called for support to Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential candidacy bid. But Sanders is a member of the capitalist Democrat Party, who while he wants greater social inequality accepts the sanctity of the capitalist state and thus would be incapable of achieving many of the progressive measures that he seeks. Moreover, through advocating strident trade protectionism, Sanders damages working class unity and thus undermines the class struggle resistance that could actually win gains for the working class masses. Meanwhile, like other progressive Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders fully enlists in the imperialist campaign of lies against China over Muslim Uyghurs in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and is a strident supporter of the anti-communist, anti-China opposition in Hong Kong.
However, it is significant that the VT AFL-CIO leaders have the determination to defend their more class-struggle, left-wing agenda against bureaucratic attacks from Trumka. Resisting this right-wing attack from the national AFL-CIO tops inevitably brings up a discussion about what else is wrong with the national AFL-CIO leadership’s program and opens the possibility of a more complete break with Trumka’s class-collaborationist, protectionist and pro-imperialist outlook. That is why revolutionaries should join the united front opposing Trumka’s attack on the AFL-CIO’s Vermont branch.
It is not just in the U.S. where there needs to be a new, revolutionary agenda to guide the working class movement. Here in Australia, the ACTU’s strategy of reliance on the Labor Party, divisive economic nationalism, subordination to anti-strike laws and support for Australian imperialism’s agenda has proved disastrous to the workers movement. Over the last three and a half decades the share of national income going to workers has dropped drastically in favour of ever greater profits for the capitalists. Meanwhile, more and more workers have been driven into insecure casual and gig jobs, social welfare has been slashed and rental accommodation and housing have become more unaffordable for working class people. The revolutionary, internationalist program that must guide the workers movement here includes:
Rely on strikes and picket lines, including in defiance of anti-strike laws and Arbitration courts, to defend workers rights rather than the dead end of relying on the ALP and the Greens.
Fight for permanency and all the rights of permanency for all currently casual and gig workers.
Refuse to accept the capitalist bosses right to sack workers. Fight to ban all profitable companies from slashing jobs and force them to increase hiring at the expense of their profits. When the capitalists inevitably scream back that such measures will lead to economic collapse, then explain to workers that, since capitalists say that their system cannot survive if the measures needed to bring jobs for all are taken, this proves that the economy needs to be ripped out of the capitalists hands and brought into public ownership under workers control.
Fight for the granting of the full rights of citizenship for all visa workers, refugees and international students.
Oppose all protectionist demands that set local workers against our working class sisters and brother abroad. For a fighting unity of workers against the capitalist exploiters everywhere!
Mobilise mass action of workers to defend Aboriginal rights and to oppose racist state terror against Aboriginal people.
The workers movement must champion the fight to enable women’s full participation in social, economic and political life: Demand free, 24-hour, public-provided childcare; free, nutritious school lunches for school students and free, after-school and holiday sporting, cultural and hobby activities for children with free public-provided shuttle services to them from school/home.
Build joint mobilisations of workers contingents, Aboriginal people, Asians, Muslims, Africans and all other people of colour together with all anti-racists to crush provocations by violent far-right forces.
Oppose any support for any pro-imperialist labour groups and anti-communist “democratic” and “human rights” forces seeking to undermine socialistic rule in China or Red China’s sovereignty over her Hong Kong territory. Stand with the Chinese, North Korean and other workers states against the U.S./Australian Cold War drive.
By standing by a leftist branch of the U.S. union movement that is resisting a bureaucratic attack from more conservative union officials we can advance the struggle to build a class struggle leadership of the American workers movement. This can only encourage the fight to build the revolutionary, internationalist leadership of the working class that we so badly need here too in Australia.
UPDATE, 30 June 2021, 10:20am (AEST): About two hours ago, the Vermont AFL-CIO and its leader David Deusen announced that the national AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka had sent its Vermont branch a formal letter stating that although its General Strike Authorization resolution was deemed “misconduct”, he would NOT be taking disciplinary action against the Vermont branch. So victory in this struggle!
Congratulations to Vermont trade unionists and all others who took a stand in this struggle. We should also note that yesterday another Australian-based pro-union group took a stand by sending a protest letter to Richard Trumka. That group is the Australian Chinese Workers Association. Below is the letter that they E-mailed to Trumka:
Letter E-mailed by the Australian Chinese Workers Association on 29 June 2021 to national AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka opposing the “misconduct” proceedings against the Vermont AFL-CIO branch.
Above, 10 April 201, Sydney: Thousands of people of all colours march through the streets of Sydney in a passionate Aboriginal-led protest against the racist state killing of Aboriginal people in custody. Photo credit: Jessica Hromas/The Guardian
5 June 2021: In mid-April, thousands marched against racist killings of
Aboriginal people. The determined Aboriginal-led protests marked the fact that since a Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody thirty years ago, a further 474 indigenous people have died in custody
according to official figures. The real figure is thought to be much higher. To
put this in perspective, compared
to the current Aboriginal population, one out of every 1,500 Aboriginal people have died in
custody since 1991. Imagine what
that would mean if the Aboriginal population were much larger, say the same as the whole population of China today. Then
if Aboriginal people were being killed or driven to death at the rate at which this is going on right now in Australia,
one million indigenous people would have died in state custody in the last 30 years! This underlines
the sad truth that almost every Aboriginal
family directly knows or is related to at least one – and sometimes several – of their compatriots who have died in state custody in Australia.
The mainstream media were too busy eulogising
recently dead Prince Philip – an arrogant racist and male chauvinist – to bother highlighting Australia’s carnage of
Aboriginal people. When the media did report, they distorted the truth! They portrayed the deaths as if they were due
to natural causes or suicide when the truth is that many victims were either murdered
by redneck police or prison guards or died due to the racist neglect of these
officers. However, families of victims
have powerfully exposed the real truths. Among those who addressed the Sydney
protest were Leetona Dungay and Paul Silva, respectively the mother and nephew of Dunghutti man, David Dungay, who was asphyxiated to death by six prison
guards. Also addressing the protest was Caroline Andersen,
the mother of Wayne Fella
Morrison, who died after being brutalised by several prison guards and then transported to hospital while forced to wear a spit hood.
Many Royal Commission recommendations were not
implemented. If procedures to reduce Aboriginal incarceration and improve the monitoring of prisoners’
health had been acted on there would have been some improvement. But such changes would far from solve the problem.
This is because many of the deaths were caused by cops and guards acting in
violation of their own procedures. The state personnel who killed TJ
Hickey, David Dungay, Kumanjayi Walker and so
many other people were obviously not following stated procedures.
Neither were those who caused the deaths of Julieka Dhu, Rebecca Maher and Nathan Reynolds through their refusal to
render timely medical assistance. These
deaths were simply a result of the
racist bigotry of cops and guards and their contempt for people without money.
No procedure can stop that! As an Aboriginal protest leader stated: Australia’s
system needs to be burnt down to ashes!
Australia’s system, a capitalist system, was
created when British colonialists threw Aboriginal people off their land and property owners started exploiting the
labour of both Aboriginal people and convicts/ex-convicts. Alongside exploiting workers on stolen black land, Australia’s
capitalists rob even more blatantly the peoples of PNG, East Timor, Fiji,
Indonesia and beyond. This tyranny
is backed by the might of Australia’s American ally. To bolster its U.S.
godfather’s power, Australia’s rulers
support every U.S. intervention – from its invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to
its backing of its Israeli ally’s brutal subjugation of Palestine. But it is little surprise
that Australia’s rulers are among the most ardent defenders
of Israeli terror. While Israel was built on the ethnic cleansing of
Palestinians, capitalist Australia was built through the genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people.
Down, Down Australia – Down, Down Israel – Down, Down USA!
The biggest threat to U.S. and Australian
tyranny and exploitation, both at home and abroad, is the spread of socialism – that is of states created
by the toiling people’s overthrow
of capitalism and which are then dominated
by public ownership. Therefore, the U.S.-Australia alliance is in large part about
crushing socialistic states. Let’s never forget the horrific war crimes of these regimes in their
anti-communist wars in Korea and Vietnam. Now they are preparing for war
against a more powerful socialistic foe – the Peoples Republic
of China (PRC). If their war drive is not stopped, they could destroy
us all!
To protect their theft of Aboriginal land, their
exploitation and the system that ensures all this, Australia’s rich capitalists have created a state apparatus. And all
the components of this apparatus – the police, prisons, military, courts – and
its personnel are immersed in the
prejudices that come with their role as enforcers of a racist, exploitative
“order”. That is why the only thing that
is going to deter state officers from killing Aboriginal people, bullying other
people of colour and harassing the
homeless is if they are made to pay for their crimes. However, the biggest recommendation of the 1991 Royal Commission, or rather non-recommendation,
was that it recommended no charges against any of the cops and guards responsible for the deaths. This was a green light for more state
terror! That is why the rate of black deaths has been 60% higher since the Commission. As Leetona Dungay put it: “No more royal commissions, I want real justice!”
How are murdering state officers going to be
held accountable for their crimes when the police, courts, coroners and Royal Commissions “investigating” deaths are
themselves thoroughly prejudiced? The racist Australian regime does have two
Achilles heels. Firstly, to further
its predatory aims abroad and its crusade against socialistic states, the
regime accuses its adversaries of “human
rights violations”. This makes it vulnerable to exposure of its own crimes.
Concerted international exposure could thus push the Australian ruling
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rein in its racist police
and prison guard attack dogs.
That is why it is important that in
January and then again in mid-March – alongside calling out the Australian
military’s horrific killing of Afghan civilians and demanding that Australia free the refugees – the PRC led attacks
at the UN by several countries on Australia’s racist treatment of Aboriginal people. Anyone opposed to
racist terror should be lauding China’s stand while calling on China to be much
more assertive in calling out the
Australian regime.
In part to distract from these
exposures of its racist tyranny, Australia’s rulers and their lying media have
attacked China over “human rights.”
These attacks are based on lies. For example, most video clips showing supposed
“brutal oppression” of China’s Uyghur minority
have proven to be taken in other countries (!) and those that are actually real show docile conditions compared
to what is faced by Aboriginal people and Palestinians. The small
proportion of Uyghurs opposed to the PRC are whipped up by U.S.-backed, capitalist Uyghurs and religious extremists who both seek to use nationalism to throw off China’s secular,
socialistic system.
In order to prevent the Australian regime from blunting China’s attacks on Australia’s own racist atrocities here at home
by falsely attacking China, we must resist
the imperialist propaganda campaign against China.
There is a second Achilles
heel that could more fundamentally threaten the regime’s
ability to subjugate Aboriginal people. And that is the reality that while most
non-Aboriginal workers enjoy a social position above most Aboriginal people,
they still face exploitation and an
uncertain future. For working class people, affordable accommodation is hard to
find. Even before the pandemic hit, most young people did not have secure jobs – being either unemployed, in unstable casual or gig jobs or on short- term
contracts. Meanwhile, the ever escalating military, police and spy agency
budgets show that the ruling class threatens us with a nightmarish future of war and repression. Moreover, the cops who assault
Aboriginal people are the same ones who attack strike pickets, protests in support of
public housing and staunch unionists. That is why it is possible to mobilise
working class defence of Aboriginal
people. Let us deter racist terror
through building resistance, uniting trade unionists, Aboriginal people, other
people of colour and all anti-racists!
The problem is that chunks of the masses are influenced
by the – often subtle – White supremacist propaganda of the capitalist rulers and their media. That is why we
need revolutionary activists within our unions. They must show fellow workers
that opposing racist oppression is
essential to unifying the multi-racial workers movement into a force able to
defeat our exploiters. This work will need to face down obstruction from the pro-ALP
leaders of our unions who while proclaiming solidarity with Black Lives
Matter (BLM) simultaneously spread Australian nationalism – nationalism that
blinds people to racist tyranny in Australia
and which binds workers to their rulers
on the basis of an actually non-existent, common “national interest.”
A taste of the potential for working class defence of
Aboriginal people was seen on June 6 last year when trade unionists were amongst
the tens of thousands who marched against
racist state killing
of black people in Australia and the U.S. Some Aboriginal activists are furious that most of those who participated in those protests
no longer join anti-racist actions.
A similar phenomenon has occurred in the U.S. The cause for this in the U.S. was the illusion
that changing the president and thus increasing the influence of black and “progressive” Democrats would
bring improvements. As the presidential election neared and Biden then replaced Trump, protests dwindled. But little has
changed! American cops are still murdering black people on the streets! Here
illusions in The Greens play a
similar role. To be sure, some Greens MPs like David Shoebridge have been among
the few politicians to have the
decency to participate in BLM rallies. However, because The Greens, like the
“progressive” U.S. Democrats, uphold the current capitalist order, they cannot effectively deter racist state violence even when they want to. At protests,
Shoebridge offers a strategy of official inquiries and
changes through parliament – sometimes even obscuring the racist nature of
Australian state institutions by
trying to convince people that “there are many good cops.” This strategy simply
doesn’t work! On April 15, the NSW parliamentary inquiry, pushed by Shoebridge, into First Nations
deaths in custody
was released. It offered more of the same as the 1991 Royal Commission. The new
report did not even pretend to tackle systematic racism within the police and
prisons. Indeed, racism was not even
mentioned once in the report’s recommendations! Staunch Aboriginal activists
rightly skewered Shoebridge for defending the report. Moreover, although progressive, pro-establishment politicians like Shoebridge do encourage
people to participate in actions when they speak at BLM events, the effect
of their promotion of reliance on parliament and state institutions is to demobilise struggle.
Especially those not directly affected by racist oppression are left with the
message that they can leave
it up to politicians and inquiries to do the job.
That is why dispelling illusions in
positive change through the capitalist state’s institutions and its parliaments
is a big part of mobilising the mass resistance needed to deter
racist state violence. The racist cop who murdered
George Floyd is finally behind
bars because there was a massive black-led uprising following his murder
and because millions of American workers took strike action in support
of BLM. We need militant
resistance here to deter racist
terror against Aboriginal people on the way to reducing this
racist capitalist system
to ashes. Inspired by the courage
of black deaths
in custody families, let’s build toward
worker strike action
in opposition to state violence
against Aboriginal people!
Above photo (Reuters): Israeli police attack brave Palestinian protesters and worshippers at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque complex, Islam’s third-holiest site. These despicable Israeli attacks using rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades was the prelude to their launching of murderous air strikes against the people of Gaza.
Stand with the Palestinian People! Defend Their Resistance!
Socialistic China: More Assertively Condemn Israel’s Brutal Violence!
13 May 2021: Israel’s military is slamming missiles into the already embattled population of Gaza. They have destroyed several civilian housing blocks. Already, in just a few days, Israeli forces have killed 83 people in Gaza – including 17 children. The workers movement around the world and all opponents of racism must stand with the Palestinian people against the Israeli terror machine. Israeli military, cops and right-wing colonising settlers get out of all of the West Bank and Gaza!
The immediate prelude to Israel’s latest air strikes was Israel’s push to evict Palestinian people from a Jerusalem neighbourhood to make way for Israeli settlements. When Palestinians protested they were met with brutal attacks by Israeli police and a fascist Israeli settler group. Israeli police then repeatedly unleashed rubber-coated steel bullets into Palestinians gathered in worship and protest at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holiest sites of Islam. These despicable assaults left hundreds injured. Many worshippers are now fighting for their lives. Palestinian people then retaliated. Palestinians are resisting not only in the Occupied Territories. Palestinians who live within Israel’s pre-1967 boundaries have bravely defied police and far-right mob attacks to protest and raise Palestinian flags over buildings. Now the Israeli regime, headed by the corrupt butcher Netanyahu, is threatening Gaza with a full-scale assault like the genocidal attack of 2014.
Israel gets away with massacring Palestinian people because of the massive support it receives from the Western capitalist powers, especially the USA. New U.S. president Joe Biden is carrying on from where rabidly anti-Palestinian Donald Trump left off. Today, Biden defended Israel’s murderous attacks on Gaza, proclaiming his “unwavering support for Israel’s security.” To make Israel retreat, we must force the U.S. and the other imperialists, like the Australian regime, to back off from their support for Israel. Down with all U.S. and Australian military and economic support for Israel!
We need to stop Australia’s capitalist rulers from doing harm to the Palestinian cause. However, we should not be looking to them to make a positive intervention. They never will! The U.S. built up Israel to be a Cold War ally against the socialistic USSR in the Middle East and as an enforcer of U.S. domination of the region’s oil wealth. From invading Lebanon, to unleashing attacks on Syria, Iran and other neighbours, to assisting the CIA to overthrow “disobedient” governments, Israel sure has played that role! Today, as socialistic China’s mutually beneficial engagements with some Middle Eastern countries “threatens” to allow these countries to gain a degree of independence from the U.S., Washington needs Israel more than ever. Hence it is willing to allow its Israeli attack dogs to operate on a longer leash. Australia’s ruling class, whether served by Liberal or Labor governments, supports this, because they want to maintain U.S. domination of the world. It is U.S. might that underwrites the Australian imperialists’ exploitation of the South Pacific and beyond.
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Moreover, Australia’s rulers have a special affinity with their Israeli counterparts. For they have much in common. While Israel’s rulers benefit from being Washington’s deputy sheriff in the Middle East, Australia’s rulers enthusiastically play a similar bullying role in the South Pacific. Furthermore, while Israel was built on the murderous ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, White capitalist Australia was built through the even more genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people. Today, the Australian regime continues to brutally oppress Aboriginal people. Closer to Palestine, the Australian regime has participated in both invasions of Iraq. Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, Australian troops have been committing such horrific acts of torture and murder of Afghan children, peasants and prisoners that it has shocked even soldiers from the U.S. military. Then when people try to flee the carnage resulting from such imperialist marauding, the Australian regime imprisons them for years in hell-hole refugee detention camps. Such a racist, imperialist regime can never be a friend of the Palestinian people! Moreover, even if the Australian regime and “like-minded” powers did intervene into Palestine under the guise of “bringing peace” they would do far more harm than good.
The biggest problem with appealing to Australia’s imperialist rulers to help the Palestinian people is that this undermines opposition to these imperialists. By depicting Australia’s racist rulers as a potential saviour of one people facing genocidal oppression, it undercuts Aboriginal people’s struggle against the barbaric oppression that they are copping from these very same rulers. Moreover, any allusion to a possible progressive role for the Australian regime makes the Palestinian solidarity movement dial back its opposition to this capitalist regime in the hope that it can be won over to their side. Such a half-opposing, half-appealing movement will not trouble the capitalist rulers. They will simply ignore it! What we need is a movement that will be irreconcilable in its opposition to Australia’s imperialist rulers. In other words, we need a movement that will scare the regime with the threat that if it continues to back Israel this will lead to greater and more militant social struggle against it. What can most frighten the Australian regime is if workers take industrial action against the capitalists whom this regime serves as part of demanding an end to support for Israel. Such action can be built because it is in the very interests of the working class to undermine the U.S. imperialist godfather – and hence America’s crucial Israeli ally – that protects the power of the capitalist class that exploits workers here.
In equal proportion that they hide and excuse Israel’s crimes, the U.S. and its Five Eyes partners have hysterically accused China of committing “genocide” against its Muslim Uyghur minority in China’s northwest. This claim is a complete lie! It is only backed by the same Western imperialist powers that are propping up Israel. Not one Muslim-majority country has endorsed this accusation. Instead, most Muslim-majority and Arab countries have positively praised China’s treatment of Uyghurs, including Palestine’s UN representatives. The small minority of anti-China Uyghurs that Washington is backing are led by filthy rich capitalists who want to overturn China’s socialistic system. They want to establish in China’s northwest a regime servile to Western imperialism like the UAE and Bahraini regimes that collaborate with Netanyahu. If we are to focus the world on the real genocidal subjugation of Palestinian people and the racist oppression of Aboriginal people and also Muslims, Asians and other people of colour in Australia, then we must completely rebuff the West’s lying accusations against China. There is another reason that we must reject these lies. The growing strength of Red China could allow some Middle Eastern countries that choose to befriend her greater room to support the Palestinian struggle. During the period of the existence of the USSR, that socialistic country similarly enabled countries like Syria, Libya and Iraq to have greater independence from the imperialists and that allowed them to provide some backing for Palestinian resistance. This was always inconsistent and very partial as these countries remained under capitalist rule. However, it allowed the Palestinian resistance to be in a much stronger position than it is in today. Similarly, a rising socialistic China will be good for the Palestinian people – just as it is a good thing for the working class and all others hurt by capitalist rule in Australia and worldwide. That is why all supporters of the Palestinian cause and all working class people must stand with socialistic China against the Cold War drive of the U.S. and Australian capitalist regimes.
Indeed, as the world’s only non-capitalist power, China’s rulers are one government that Palestine supporters should seriously appeal to. Unlike Washington and Canberra, Beijing has somewhat sided with the Palestinians. However, its support is way too mild. China’s rulers pursue a policy of “friendly coexistence” with imperialism in the hope that the capitalist powers will not undermine China. This is a failed policy – the imperialist powers are doing everything possible to crush socialistic China. We say to the Chinese people: the only way to protect your great achievements won through socialism is to wake up from the dream of “coexistence” with imperialism and to, instead, build solidarity with the toilers and oppressed also targeted by imperialism. This means, China must more aggressively support the Palestinian cause!
Even when not unleashing bombs, Israel brutally subjugates the Palestinian people. It evicts ever more Palestinians from their homes and even destroys their water infrastructure. It consigns most Palestinians to a hellish life. But even for many working class Jewish people, Israel is not great. They face high unemployment and non-European Jews, especially from Africa, face racist discrimination. The growth of extreme right-wing groups incited by the regime’s ever more vicious oppression of Palestinian people threatens non-white Jews still further and endangers trade union activists and women’s rights activists too. In the end, the only people who clearly benefit from the Zionist project are the U.S., its allies and Israel’s capitalists who use racial supremacist notions to keep the masses that they exploit loyal to them.
Today, a small number of Israeli Jews courageously refuse to endorse the subjugation of Palestinian people. In the end they must prevail. For the fact that alongside the huge number of Palestinian people killed in the last few days, seven Israelis have also died proves that the Zionist project is not sustainable. Like a bullying resident who constantly impeaches on all their neighbours’ land but then finds out that being hated by all their neighbours is no fun at all, a chunk of the Jewish working class in Israel will eventually realise that living in a racialist state, built on ethnic cleansing Arabs from land in a region surrounded by 350 million Arabs, is a stupid idea. Yet the massive support that Israel receives from the U.S., Australian and other Western imperialist regimes presently allows the Israeli ruling class to dupe most of the masses that they exploit with the fallacies of Zionism. That is why it is so crucial that we resist the U.S. and Australian regimes that support Israel’s terror. Let us make the nest of Zionist expansionism fall by vigorously shaking the imperialist branches on which it is perched and which give it support! For workers industrial action to oppose U.S. and Australian backing for Israel! Encourage the brave Palestinian resistance and any brave acts of solidarity by pro-Palestinian, leftist Jews in Israel!
Above: Hundreds of people march through the street’s of New Zealand’s Auckland to protest against racist attacks on Asian background people. Photo Credit: Zhao Gang/Xinhua
Unite the Workers Movement with All Anti-Racists
Resist Anti-Asian Hate Attacks!
Oppose the Cold War Campaign against Socialistic China That Goes Hand in Hand with Anti-Asian Violence
22 April 2021: Over the last 14 months, racist rednecks in Australia have assaulted and verbally abused thousands of people of Asian background. Politicians who blame China for the pandemic are inflaming hatred against people of Chinese background and anyone else who could look Chinese to an ignorant racist. It is not just the vile Donald Trump who is guilty of this. Here, the entire capitalist establishment – from the Liberals, to the ALP, to the Greens, to all the mainstream media – is waging a Cold War propaganda campaign to demonize socialistic China and any Chinese background person who has any sympathy for the PRC. The result of their campaign is reflected in the fact that a survey conducted by the Asian Australian Alliance collected reports of over 500 incidents of COVID-19 related racism in just the last year alone.
To blame a particular ethnicity or a country for a
virus is both disgusting and anti-scientific. Viruses carry no passport! Moreover, the pandemic’s spread
into Australia did not at all come from China. Socialistic
China contained COVID so effectively that, according to data from Australian institutions, the number of
COVID infected people that arrived here from mainland China
numbered at
most just 22. And as arrivals from China were closely monitored, this
tiny number of people did not cause any
community spread within Australia. By contrast, by April last year, 1,460 infected people had already entered from Europe. Because
the Morrison government wanted to maintain travel restrictions specifically focused on China for as
long as possible – in order to whip up suspicion of Red China – they allowed
people from the virus-plagued lands of Italy, the U.S. and Britain to enter during
the early period of the pandemic with little screening.
As a result, it
was arrivals from Europe and America who brought COVID into Australia. This was, of course, no fault on
their part. But this fact makes a
mockery of both the overt racists who have attacked Asians for COVID and the covert white supremacists in
parliament and in the media who have pushed people onto this anti-Asian, racist
path by dishonestly blaming China for the pandemic.
Where Do All These Hate Crimes against People of Asian
Background Come from?
In the three years before the pandemic even began, there was a horrific series of violent
attacks on Chinese students and Asian Australians. So, why all these hate
crimes? Firstly, Australian society is extremely racist. After all, the current
“order” was founded on the murderous, racist dispossession of Aboriginal
people. As in all capitalist societies, the ruling elite and those who serve them whip up racism to divert the anger
of the masses that they exploit – anger over the serious lack of
secure jobs and the dearth of affordable housing – onto racial minorities. It is not only the right-wing Coalition
who do this. Previous NSW ALP leader, Michael Daley, incited this kind of
hatred when he disgustingly blamed young Asian migrants for taking local jobs
and pushing young people out of Sydney. The result of all this is that while Aboriginal people suffer the most extreme oppression,
other non-white communities are also targeted: from Asians to Muslims to
Africans. Attacks on Asians are especially severe due to the reality that – because of this land’s natural wealth and because Australia’s
capitalists exploit workers in our region even more cruelly than they exploit
workers here at home – this country is a relatively
rich, white-dominated enclave neighbored by billions of poorer Asians. This
allows Australia’s rulers to manufacture fears that the white masses’ standard
of living will be diluted by the entry of huge populations from neighboring
The second driver of anti-Asian hatred is economic
nationalism. Politicians call for “protecting Australian jobs” through
restricting imports. Such protectionism inevitably fuels racism as the white
masses are pushed to lump locals from Chinese, Korean and Indian backgrounds
with their compatriots abroad who are blamed (wrongly) for “taking Australian
jobs.” More than even the conservatives it is the ALP, the Greens and, sadly,
the current leaders of our trade unions who most promote protectionism. With no
program based on actual struggle and industrial action to win jobs they resort
to these schemes that set workers here against their counterparts abroad. Yet
all that protectionist measures “achieve” is to set off reciprocal measures
abroad so that, in the end, no one’s job is saved while local workers are left
divided from their crucial worker allies abroad.
Right now, the biggest cause of anti-Asian attacks is
the imperialist Cold War against socialistic China. Western populations are
being bombarded with constant anti-China propaganda: from lies about the
pandemic to the completely hysterical
claim that China is “brutally oppressing” her Muslim Uyghur minority (a claim
that most Muslim-majority countries have rejected – instead praising China’s treatment of Uyghurs).
The result of this propaganda is that there
has been a sharp spike in anti-Asian violence in countries at the forefront
of the Cold War from the U.S. to Canada to Australia. To be sure, the politicians
and media promoting anti-China hate say that they are only opposed to communist
Chinese and not to all Chinese. But they know full well that they are dog
whistling to anti-Asian xenophobia in order to strengthen their anti-communist
campaign. Meanwhile, the “academic” who has provided the “intellectual” cover
for the campaign, Clive Hamilton, has openly placed Chinese Australians in the
cross-hairs of rabid racists by claiming that many Chinese migrants are part of
a pro-communist network that is secretly “invading” Australian politics and
“civil society.”
It is not only right-wing forces who have been spearheading the anti-Red China charge. Pro-establishment “progressives” have been just as rabid. One of the most fanatical is NSW Greens MP, David Shoebridge, who has spearheaded the campaign to kick out of Australia the China-connected Chinese language institute, the Confucius Institute. Meanwhile, right-wing Chinese groups like Falun Dafa and Hong Kong pro-British-colonial outfits have, out of shared hostility to Red China, been supporting racist forces attacking Asians: from Trump to white supremacist groups. For their part, several left-wing groups – like Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance – while rightly campaigning against anti-Asian attacks have simultaneously fed into the anti-China campaign that has incited these attacks by themselves retailing anti-China propaganda over the pandemic, Uyghurs and Hong Kong. They, of course, say that they oppose the Chinese state and not the Chinese people. But ever since China’s 1949 anti-capitalist revolution, hostility to Red China and “Yellow Peril” racism have been very closely intertwined. This is because racism and opposition to socialistic China are both agendas that serve the same capitalist rulers – the latter to stop their own masses from being infected with anti-capitalist ideas. That is why, regardless of their intentions, those who feed into anti-communist propaganda against China – whether over the pandemic or over bogus “human rights” violations – are helping to fuel violence against East Asian background people. This was shown last month when, as part of “hosting a debate” over China, Socialist Alliance, in keeping with their bending to the anti-China campaign, legitimised (as a view for leftists to consider) the views of arch, “red-Chinese-under-the-beds” inciter Clive Hamilton by choosing to give space in their newspaper Green Left Weekly for Hamilton to publish an attack against those who call out anti-Chinese racism.
Fightback against Racist Attacks!
Given that the capitalist rulers are responsible for the frightening rise of anti-Asian hate, it is clear that they are not going to be the force to resist it. Nor should we expect protection from their “justice” system. In capitalist countries, all state enforcement organs from the police to the courts exist to enforce the rule of the rich exploiters over the working class. Given that racism is a key tool used by their capitalist masters to keep the exploited masses divided and weak, these organs themselves administer racist injustice. Here, police and prison guards have killed countless numbers of Aboriginal people. And look at what happened in the U.S. last month after a white man screaming “”I’m going to kill all Asians” shot dead six Asian women. The police captain overseeing the “response,” a racist who had promoted t-shirts blaming China for the coronavirus, despicably alibied the murderer by saying that the shooter was having “a really bad day.”
Fortunately, there is a powerful force that we can
look towards not only as an ally but as a spearhead of the movement and that is
the organised working class. For although the working class, like all classes, is
currently infected with the prejudices promoted by the capitalist rulers, the multi-racial
working class has an especially strong interest in combating racism. For it is
essential for workers to build the unity needed to fight back against capitalist
attacks on workers’ rights and job security. A taste of what the union movement
can do was seen on 2 May 2014 in Brisbane when unionised construction workers
joined with other anti-fascists to drive a violent white supremacist group off
the streets. To make such events the norm rather than the exception, genuine class-struggle
internationalists within the workers movement must campaign for the workers
movement to champion the struggle against racist attacks, while simultaneously
opposing the protectionism and anti-communist hostility to China promoted by
the current pro-ALP leadership of the working class.
We in Trotskyist Platform call
for the most politically aware sections of the workers movement to unite with
Aboriginal people, all people of colour and all anti-racists to wage the
following program of action:
When violent hate groups hold a public provocation, we
should unite to sweep the scum off streets. Most race hate attacks are taking place at random by
a large number of disparate racists. But by dealing severe blows to the most
extreme racists we can encourage the more numerous, garden-variety rednecks to
pull their heads in.
Oppose racist attacks on not only East Asians but on
Aboriginal people, South Asians, Africans and Muslims! Any attack on one targeted community spreads the
white supremacist virus that will eventually hurt other communities. For mass protest leading to union
industrial action to oppose state killings of Aboriginal people!
No to protectionism! Fight for secure jobs by forcing bosses
to increase hiring at the expense of their profits!
Resist the Cold War drive that is fueling anti-China
violence! Oppose the Australian regime’s military buildup against socialistic
China! Dispel the anti-China lies over the pandemic, “foreign interference” and
bogus “human rights” violations! Defend Chinese Australians and others
persecuted for expressing sympathy for China!
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We will only be able to throw racial hatred into the dustbin of history when we consign the capitalist system that fuels such prejudice into the same dustbin. Working class people and oppressed racial groups can advance towards that goal by strengthening our organisation and resolve through fighting back right now against racist attacks. Drive violent racists off the streets! Say no to economic nationalism! Resist the Cold War propaganda drive against socialistic China!
Above: Thousands of white supremacists and other right-wing extremists storm the U.S. congress building on 6 January 2021
As a Smooth-talking Imperialist and Upholder of the Racist Capitalist Order Prepares to Replace a Brazenly Racist Billionaire as President
How to Resist the Growing Threat
of the Violent Far-Right in America
The same forces that spearheaded the January 6 riot are the very ones that have been inciting and perpetrating racist violence and abuse on the streets against black people, Chinese background people, Muslims and other people of colour.
It is urgently necessary to organise workers at multiracial workplaces together with black communities, other non-white communities and anti-racist activists into disciplined action squads to physically resist the threat of violent attack from far-right forces.
As their system decays, as they take fright at the bitter grievances of their own population and as they worry about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China, the U.S. ruling class is tearing itself to pieces as it scrambles to find a strategy that will best protect its rule of exploitation.
No to Trump! No to Biden!
America’s “Democracy” is a Dictatorship of the Capitalists, a Democracy for the Rich. But We Must Mobilise to Oppose Fascist Attacks on It.
We Can Never Rely on the Capitalist State to Stop Violent Far-Right Attacks.
The Fascist Threat Will Not End With the Departure of Trump from the Presidency.
Fascism is a mass movement of those sections of the middle class – or to use the more precise Marxist term the petit bourgeoisie – who in a time of capitalist crisis are whipped into extreme opposition to the struggles of the working class, oppressed communities and the Left.
In reality the Far Right’s “anti-establishmentarianism” is really an ultra-establishmentarianism!
Mobilising Against the Fascist Threat Will Advance the Struggle for Workers Rule.
The U.S. Capitalist “Order” Suffers a Big Blow to its International Prestige. Good!
Support the Struggle Against Fascism and Capitalism in the U.S. by Mobilising Against Australia’s Capitalist Rulers and theFascist Shock Troops That They Spawn.
11 January 2020: The storming of the U.S. congress building (known as the Capitol) five days ago by thousands of right wing extremists, including neo-Nazis, shows how emboldened violent far-right forces are in America. Some brandishing weapons, the rioters occupied the building for several hours while making death threats against politicians that they oppose. Incited by current president Donald Trump, many of the rioters thought that they could stage a coup by intimidating congress members into confirming hard-right Trump as president for another term rather than actual election winner, Democrat Joe Biden.
Even though far-right groups had made clear their intentions for weeks preceding their January 6 rampage, the police presence as they besieged the seat of the U.S. parliament was conspicuous by how strikingly light it was compared to the size of the mob. Many have contrasted the relatively gentle treatment meted out to the far-right rioters by the police with the extreme brutality that police have unleashed on those protesting against racist state attacks on black people. Indeed! But many police were not just gentle in the way that they handled the rioters. Some downright colluded with the right wing extremists! Some cops stood aside to let through the far-right forces, others assisted the rioters to climb over obstacles and barricades and some even took selfies with the rampaging extremists. Most telling were the decisions of the United States Capitol Police to reject offers of reinforcements in the lead up to the long-planned pro-Trump action and the minimal numbers that this lavishly funded and massively staffed force deployed for the event. Then even after the riot had started, Pentagon officials repeatedly delayed the deployment of the National Guard and then minimised the role it was authorised to play in quelling the riot. In short, the storming, occupation and vandalising of the Capitol could not have occurred without the complicity of significant sections of the American regime’s forces. It is evident that U.S. state agencies are deeply divided. This is just like the capitalist ruling class that they serve. As their system decays, as they take fright at the bitter grievances of their own population and as they worry about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China, the U.S. ruling class is tearing itself to pieces as it scrambles to find a strategy that will best protect its rule of exploitation.
The same forces that spearheaded the January 6 riot are the very ones that have been inciting and perpetrating racist violence and abuse on the streets against black people, Chinese background people, Muslims and other people of colour. This was evident at a far-right, pro-Trump rally in Los Angeles held at the same time as the march on the Capitol in Washington. When 25-year-old black woman, Berlinda Nibo, walked past the demonstration as part of her usual stroll through her own LA neighbourhood, some 40 of the far-right activists turned on her. They brutally assaulted and pepper sprayed her while screaming out the N-word and chanting, quite ironically, “All Lives Matter” (in opposition to the slogan of “Black Lives Matter” used by the anti-racist movement). Such white supremacist attacks, as well as far-right terror against LGBTI people, have escalated during the Trump presidency. In response to the anti-racist resistance that erupted during the U.S. summer, triggered by the horrific police murder of 46 year-old black man George Floyd, white supremacists have rammed their vehicles into anti-racist activists and even opened fire on Black Lives Matter protesters. They have murdered many anti-racist protesters. Last August, a member of a fascist militia shot dead two people, Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, who were protesting against the heinous police shooting of 29 year-old black man, Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. As with the storming of the Capitol there has been plenty of collusion between far right militias and the state enforcement organs in their attacks on the Black Lives Matter movement. Police in Kenosha encouraged the racist armed patrols of the fascist who murdered Huber and Rosenbaum by giving water bottles to him and his militia squad and by encouraging them with the words, “we appreciate you guys, we really do. ” And that was just minutes before he started shooting at the anti-racist activists!
That the fascist-led forces were able to storm into the parliament building, occupy it for several hours, intimidate many congress members inside it and all the while gain assistance from some in the state organs has given them great encouragement. This means that they will pose an even greater threat. That is why it is urgently necessary for politically aware workers, black liberation activists and leftists to organise workers at multiracial workplaces together with black communities, other non-white communities and anti-racist activists into disciplined action squads to physically resist the threat of violent attack from far-right forces. Black liberation protests must be defended! The Left and workers movement must be defended! Black communities, ethnic Chinese people, Muslim people, Jewish people, all people of colour and LGBTQI people must all be protected! All violent attacks by the Far-Right must be combated – even those on liberal and mainstream conservative politicians which if they succeed embolden the fascists to physically attack the Left even more intensely.
No to Trump! No to Biden!
Just because it is urgently necessary to mobilise
resistance to the physical attacks of fascists and other rabid Trump
supporters, that does not mean that one should give any political support to
his Democrat rivals. No political support, no matter how critical, should be
given whatsoever to the new Democrat president Joe Biden – not even on the
basis that he is a “lesser evil” to Trump. Biden must be 100% opposed! The
correct stance to have taken at last November’s presidential election was to
oppose a vote to both Trump and Biden.
To be sure many black and other people of colour, class conscious workers and progressive-minded youth voted for Biden not out of much faith for him but merely to get rid of Trump. Trump is indeed vileness personified! He is a billionaire capitalist exploiter, a racist and a misogynist who revoltingly boasts about groping women. Soon after assuming office in early 2017, Trump issued racist orders to ban people from several Muslim majority countries from entering the U.S. In the middle of 2020, as a mass movement opposed to racist police terror against black people swept the country, Trump denounced protesters and pushed for ever more brutal repression against the mobilisations. His main economic and social policy has been to cut tax rates for corporations and the rich while denying millions of poor and sick people access to medical care. Then when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, Trump resisted the social distancing, masking and lockdown measures needed to curb the pandemic. As a result the U.S. has been the worst affected country in the world from the pandemic with over 380,000 lives lost.
The Trump administration’s main “response” to the pandemic has been to blame China and Chinese people. Trump despicably called the coronavirus the “China Virus.” He and his ultra-hawkish secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and his warmongering vice president, Mike Pence, even fabricated a ridiculous conspiracy theory that the virus was deliberately leaked out of a Chinese research lab. All these claims helped incite a terrifying torrent of white supremacist attacks on ethnic Chinese people residing in the U.S. The U.S. regime also used their crackpot claims over the pandemic to further escalate their hostility to socialistic China. Even before the pandemic hit, the Trump administration had ratcheted up by several gears the regime’s Cold War drive against the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Now in the last days of the administration, Trump, Pence and Pompeo’s anti-China drive has been on super overdrive. Earlier the administration had taken measures to slap tariffs on Chinese imports, restrict Chinese companies operating in the U.S., persecute Chinese researchers and international students residing in America and block visits by members of the Communist Party of China. Meanwhile, the administration provided finance, technical aid and political support for the pro-colonial, anti-PRC rioters in Hong Kong and spread a conspiracy theory – just as ludicrous as its claims of large-scale cheating in the November elections – that Beijing was persecuting Muslim Uyghurs in the country’s northwest.
The other features of the Trump administration’s
foreign policy include a drive towards a U.S. war on Iran, increased support to
the Saudi monarchy’s brutal war on Yemen and encouragement of its Israeli ally
to conduct an even more murderously severe persecution of the Palestinian
people. Meanwhile, Trump and Co. loosened the already very nominal requirements
that U.S. pilots and drone operators had to minimise civilian casualties in air
strikes, leading to even more carnage of civilian women, children and men in
U.S. military strikes in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq and drone strikes in
Pakistan and Yemen.
Yet Biden’s planned foreign policy agenda is not fundamentally different. On the key aspect of Trump’s international agenda of Cold War against Red China, Biden is at one with Trump. The election campaign saw the two try to outbid each other in their hostile promises against the PRC. And while Biden’s China policy may end up being a little less hysterical, let’s not forget that Biden branded PRC president Xi Jinping a “thug” during the election debates – an extraordinary statement by a presidential frontrunner about the leader of a country that the U.S. is not officially at war with. In the end, U.S. foreign policy depends not primarily on the personal preferences or character of who is president but on the interests of the U.S. capitalist class that any administration serves. And America’s capitalists cannot tolerate the presence of a socialistic superpower because it undermines their ability to superexploit the peoples of the developing world and because it potentially gives their own masses “bad ideas” – that is, the knowledge that there is an alternative to the misery and insecurity that they endure under capitalism. That is why whether it is Trump or Biden or even a hypothetical more progressive president like Bernie Sanders, whoever presides over capitalist rule in the U.S. will be waging an aggressive Cold War against socialistic China. Indeed, today, the most progressive Democrats like Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fully enlist in the imperialist campaign of lies against China over Muslim Uyghurs in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and are strident supporters of the anti-communist, anti-China opposition in Hong Kong.
Left: Then Vice President under Barack Obama, Joe Biden hails the U.S./NATO regime change intervention in Libya during a speech in New Hampshire on 20 October 2011. Right: Libyan children survey the destruction to a school following a NATO air strike. The imperialist forces murdered tens of thousands of Libyan people in their 2011 operation. No less than Trump, Joe Biden is a dangerous imperialist warmonger Photo credit photo on right: Reuters/Caren Firouz
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Similarly, because Biden – and indeed the more progressive members of his party – are members of a party that embraces capitalists and is funded largely by wealthy donors, he will preside over a regime that like Trump will seek to keep employment conditions “flexible” for the bosses, while continuing to allow the capitalists the “freedom” to hire as few workers as they want and to retrench workers whenever their bottom line demands it. Although Biden has promised to roll back some of Trump’s measures further excluding the poor from health care, his platform rejects anything approaching universal, free health care. It is true that the most progressive of the Democrats do support Medicare (public health insurance) for all. However, they refuse to stand for the bringing of the health sector itself into public ownership. That means that while their proposed schemes would be a big advance on the current system where millions are denied basic health coverage, their program would mean that an even more enormous portion of the public budget would end up subsidising the infamously exorbitant profits extracted by American pharmaceutical companies and corporate X-ray, pathology, physiotherapy and medical centre operators (this corporate profiteering is so extreme that the U.S. spends a much larger proportion of its national income on health care than other wealthy countries while having inferior health outcomes). As a result, the plans of the progressive Democrats are sure to continue to incite strident opposition from taxpayers from the middle class and better-paid sections of the working class whose taxes would end up subsidising the greedy, capitalist health sector operators while the latter would continue to laugh all the way to the bank. That means that a Democrat administration, even with the maximum possible “pressure” of progressive Democrats, is unlikely to be able to push through anything much better than the half-baked reforms favoured by Biden.
Biden did distinguish himself from Trump by not outright condemning the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests and instead claimed to share concerns about racism. However, this was largely cynical politicking. Rejecting calls to defund the police, Biden even called for more funding for police during the presidential debates with Trump. Indeed, Biden has a despicable record of enforcing the racial oppression of black people. As a senator in the mid-1970s, Biden spearheaded opposition to the anti-segregation busing program to bus black kids into better-funded white schools. His racist activities helped ultimately to defeat the anti-segregation program. During a 2019 fundraiser for his presidential bid, Biden even boasted of his close relationship with two white supremacist politicians notorious for their rabid insistence on racial segregation. Inside, Biden has much of the same racist flesh that Trump is full of but masks this in order to get the black vote and to channel in support from the popular anti-racist movement. No one should be under any illusion too that more progressive and black Democrats would pressure Biden into actually doing something meaningful to alleviate the racial subjugation of black people. Following on from the horrific days of slavery, the forcible confinement of black (and increasingly brown) people today as a persecuted, largely very low-paid, last-hired, first-fired layer of the workforce provides a huge source of cheap labour to America’s capitalist bosses. The profits of big sections of the capitalist class – and indeed the economic stability of their system – relies on this racist status quo being maintained. So all parties that include capitalists, that rely on funding from the corporate bigwigs and which uphold the capitalist order – which means both the Republicans and the Democrats along with all their respective factions – are completely incapable of ending the all-sided racial subjugation of black people. During the presidency of Democrat Barack Obama, America’s only ever black president, U.S. cops killed over 1,000 people every year – disproportionately black, Hispanic and poor.
America’s “Democracy” is a Dictatorship of the Capitalists, a Democracy for the Rich. But We Must Mobilise to Oppose Fascist Attacks on It
The violent storming of the
Capitol has been described by U.S. ruling class politicians and the American and
Australian mainstream media as an “attack on America’s great democracy” and “a
violation of the people’s house.” But let’s get real! America far from being
a democracy for all is a tyranny of the tycoons. A system where all people
have equal real power would not allow a few capitalists to acquire staggering
wealth while consigning hundreds of thousands of people to sleeping on the
streets as occurs in the “United States”. America’s political system is one
that locks up poor, black and otherwise non-white skinned people in such
astounding numbers that the country has by far the greatest number of people in
prison in the world, despite having less than a quarter of China’s population. The
USA’s prison population is so huge that it is about the same as the entire
population of Brisbane!
Regardless of who wins elections, the state enforcement organs in the U.S. – the police, the National Guard, the FBI, CIA, the military, prisons, courts and the bureaucracy – are completely tied to and subordinate to the capitalist exploiters of labour. That is why these bodies attack protests for racial equality and the picket lines of striking workers. It is why the FBI and police assassinated Black Panther Party (BPP) leader, Fred Hampton, in 1969 and later dozens of other BPP activists. It is why the National Guard shot dead four Kent State University students in their 4 May 1970 massacre of students protesting against the U.S. military’s expansion of its war in Vietnam. It is why the U.S. military invades Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and many other countries in wars that help American tycoons secure greater resources and markets but which are completely against the interests of the U.S. working class – not to mention the peoples of the invaded countries. Far from being a democracy for all, democracy under capitalism is a dictatorship of the capitalist class over the toiling masses.
Theoretically in capitalist “democracies,” like the U.S., everyone has an equal right to engage in politics and an equal vote in elections. But even if that were actually the case and union, leftist and anti-racist movements were not subjected to repression, surveillance and intimidation, such a reality would still be terribly biased against working class people. For even if everyone has the same political rights, it is the rich capitalists who are able – greatly disproportionate to their numbers – to shape political opinion and swing elections through their ownership of the news media, publishing houses, movie studios and social media companies as well as through their disproportionate ability to fund political parties, pay for political advertising, finance and thus control the arts sector, hire lobbyists and fund “independent” think thanks. As in Australia, elections in the U.S. are all about big money. They are in good part decided by the relative ability of rival candidates to attract money from rich donors. In the recent runoff elections for two senate seats in Georgia alone, largely super wealthy, political donors poured in over $A570 million (i.e. $US443 million) to the Democrat and Republican parties! In practice “democracy” under capitalism is more like a million dollars for a million votes rather than one person, one vote!
So let’s be clear: although we strongly oppose the fascist-led invasion of the Capitol building that is not because we have sympathy for America’s democracy for the rich. Our opposition is entirely because the Capitol was stormed by the wrong people for the wrong reason. If instead, for example, people fighting against racist oppression of black people had stormed the Capitol we would be fully supporting and cheering such an action. Mind you, the anti-racist movement would need much greater forces and the power of the organised workers movement behind it to pull off such an action. For we sure won’t have any collusion from any of the regime forces like the far-right rioters did on January 6. Indeed, if leftist or anti-racist protesters had stormed the Capitol with just the same forces as the white supremacists did on January 6, we would likely have been massacred by the cops and National Guard.
However, we should not be indifferent to the political form through which capitalists exert their power. Parliamentary democracy under capitalism, as fraudulent is the claim that it is “a democracy for all”, does allow working class people comparatively greater freedoms than those that exist when capitalist rule is administered through a military dictatorship or outright fascism. So while the working class and oppressed are still totally disenfranchised in even the most liberal of capitalist parliamentary democracies, this particular form of capitalist rule nevertheless allows the masses relatively greater opportunities to organise to fight to defend their rights – and eventually to topple the capitalist order itself. That means that we must oppose attacks on capitalist parliamentary democracy and its institutions by the Far Right – such as when fascist-led forces on January 6 attempted to use violent intimidation to overturn the results of last November’s presidential elections. Any such trampling on capitalist democracy by extreme right-wing forces would necessarily be accompanied by a curtailing of democratic rights for the masses. It is telling that in the call outs for the January 6 right-wing mobilisation, organisers not only demanded the return of Trump as president for another four years but also demanded that Antifa (the name given to left-wing staunch anti-fascist groups) be declared a terrorist group. In other words, the January 6 rampage was in part an action pushing for a crackdown on the Left. Moreover, if Trump had been restored to presidency through the action of extreme racist forces – some of whom were carrying the Confederate flag of slavery while others sported racist tattoos and t-shirts (including ones hailing the Nazi Holocaust of Jewish people) – he would have necessarily been pushed to implement, still more savagely, the most racist aspects of his agenda. Indeed, after January 6, neo-Nazi groups that took part in the riot jubilantly declared that the action represented the “beginning of the start of the white revolution” – in other words the start of a systematic, more extreme subjugation, expulsion and mass murder of black, yellow and brown-skinned peoples.
We Can Never Rely on the Capitalist State to Stop Violent Far Right Attacks
Left: A policeman poses for a selfie with one of the far-right rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol building. The storming, occupation and vandalising of the Capitol could not have occurred without the complicity of some sections of the American regime’s forces. Right: In contrast to the way that they dealt with the fascist and ultra-conservative Capitol rioters, U.S. police are notorious for unleashing savage violence against black rights protesters. Here police place Nakia Wallace, an organiser with Detroit Black Lives Matter movement, in a chokehold during a 10 July 2020 protest. Photo credit for photo on right: Adam J. Dewey
With the type of extreme right-wing forces that stormed the Capitol expected to attempt new attacks over the coming days on the institutions, symbols and representatives of capitalist democracy, politically aware workers, black liberation activists and leftists must organise to oppose these attacks. We cannot rely on the capitalist state to resist these attacks. We saw where that leads on January 6! The biggest factions of the capitalist class were stunned by the events of January 6 and are now determined to more forcefully defend their own institutions against their own fascist attack dogs. However, the will and ability of capitalist state institutions to oppose fascist violence is severely undermined by the presence of a large number of far-right rednecks within the police, National Guard and military. Although people join U.S. enforcement institutions for a variety of reasons, a good number enlist because they are racist reactionaries who want a chance to be able to attack leftists and beat – and even kill – black, brown and yellow-skinned people in a “legal” way. More fundamentally, the mainstream capitalist state institutions serve the same capitalist class just like the fascists do. That is the main reason why the state organs are so soft on violent far-right forces. Imagine an owner of two big attack dogs. One is his currently preferred dog who he keeps on a very long leash. This dog is cute looking but terrifyingly cruel when the owner sets it upon his opponents. The other is an ugly, fierce and nasty dog that gives him a bad name with other dog owners. This dog the owner keeps on a short leash for the moment. The owner still wants to have this nasty dog in case he is feeling vulnerable and his favoured dog is unable to attack his enemies savagely enough. The owner is analogous to the mainstream of the capitalist class and their regime, the dog on the very long leash to the institutions of capitalist “democracy” and the nasty dog on the short leash is like the fascists. Now if the nasty dog turns on the owner’s presently favoured dog, the owner will of course want to break up the fight between his dogs. However, although he would be most concerned to ensure that his currently favoured dog is not hurt at all he would still also do everything possible to ensure that his nasty dog in reserve is not injured too badly either. Such is the attitude of the capitalist class and their state to the fascists.
Given that, to the extent that they do not actually
collude with the fascists, the American state enforcement organs will be
arrayed to restrain fascist attacks on “democratic” institutions over the
coming weeks, the worker/black/brown/Asian/leftist defence guards that must be
mobilised to oppose the fascist threat should seek to take a military
non-aggression posture towards these state organs. We would seek to avoid a
physical clash with these enforcement organs while we and they are – somewhat nominally
in their case – mobilised to protect the institutions of capitalist democracy
from the fascists. At the same time we must ensure that our mass anti-fascist
contingents remain completely independent from these state enforcement organs
both politically and organisationally.
Especially given that the fascists are often armed with guns, the working class-based, anti-fascist defence squads that must be built should take advantage of the right to bear arms that exists in America – as granted by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution – to acquire arms. Such multi-racial, workers-organised militias should coordinate with the left-wing and black militias that already exist. Building worker/black/people of colour militias is not only a task for the able-bodied people able to bear arms. Rather it is a political task requiring a mass mobilisation. For starters there needs to be a campaign of mass agitation to motivate the need to build armed militias to defend workers and oppressed peoples from fascist forces. Then people need to organise to reliably supply the guns, ammunition and other provisions needed to equip those carrying the guns in the multi-racial, anti-fascist militias. Others need to be involved in organising and communicating patrol and training rosters. Although, right now, anti-fascists outnumber the fascists in America, the latter are far better organised for physical combat, better trained and better armed. This needs to change fast!
Of course, we should also understand that the situation is highly fraught right now. We should avoid suicidally deploying contingents to areas where we would be outnumbered or outgunned by the fascists. The police, National Guard and military sure can’t be trusted to protect anti-fascists from fascists! Therefore, we should carefully select, from among the many sites where fascist provocations are planned, a few locations where we can concentrate our forces and be confident that we can mobilise sufficient strength to outnumber and outgun the fascist presence at those sites.
Now some social democrat leftists and progressive liberals would respond that our proposal is a bad strategy because it would divert the ruling class from targeting the violent Far Right at a time when the capitalist rulers are incensed with the July 6 far right riot. Such reformist leftists would no doubt argue too that pursuing the course that we are advocating would also allow the capitalist rulers to paint anti-fascists as being “as bad as” the fascists and would thus enable them to target the Left. However, such arguments are deeply flawed. For they assume that the capitalist rulers actually want to crush the fascists which, as we have explained, is definitely not the case. Moreover, if we lie low when the fascists confront the institutions of capitalist “democracy” and hope that this will ensure that the state enforcement organs do not target the Left, the very opposite will actually happen. Let’s take a reality check! All the current mobilisation of state forces in the U.S., the new restrictions on where “extremist” protests can be held, the precedents set in terms of “special” regulations and curfews and even the social media censorship, all of which are today nominally aimed against violent far-right forces will tomorrow be used against the Far Left, the staunch wing of the BLM movement and the workers movement. After all we constitute the main target of the capitalist state! In as much as the U.S. regime is seeking to put its fascist dogs back on their leashes and confine them to their designated spaces for the time being, it is merely a question of the capitalist rulers trying to put their own camp in order. But they are trying to put their camp in order so as to better attack our camp! So rather than doing nothing, if the workers movement, black liberation movement and Left mobilise our own forces to stop the expected fascist assaults on capitalist democratic institutions in the coming period then we can improve our level of organisation, self activity and militancy all the better to resist the coming crackdown on working class and progressive movements. Moreover, such activity will also improve our preparedness to defend black and other non-white minorities, LGBTIQ people, the BLM movement, our unions and the Left when the violent Far Right realise that they do not yet have the forces to displace mainstream state institutions and will return their focus back to their stock in trade of racist terror and violent attacks on the BLM movement and the Left.
The Fascist Threat Will Not End With the Departure of Trump from the Presidency
The fascists and extreme conservatives did not have the forces to pull off their wished for coup on January 6. But if more sections of the capitalist class were behind them and they had larger, more centralised militias, then the January 6 coup could have been a step towards outright fascist rule. Fascism is a form of capitalist rule involving the complete smashing of all parties and organisations of the Left and working class (like trade unions). Beginning with a coup on January 6 that overturns the November election result and then bans “Antifa” (i.e the Far Left), fascist militias could then have started cracking down on broader and broader sections of the Left and then moved onto breaking up our trade unions (or imposing fascist leaders on these unions and thus converting them into completely pliant bodies unrecognisable from their current state). Let’s recall that Hitler’s Nazis began turning their parliamentary influence into fascist rule by first brutally smashing the Communist Party of Germany and then attacking more moderate left parties, the trade unions and Jewish, Roma and other ethnic minorities.
As events in the days following January 6 have shown, at the moment the majority of the capitalist exploiting class in the U.S. do not want to abandon parliamentary democracy in favour of the fascist form of capitalist rule. Even as trust in government evaporates, the pretensions of “democracy” remain an effective way for the capitalist exploiting class to trick the masses into believing that they actually have influence on the direction of society. Additionally, should the U.S. capitalists embrace the fascist form of rule it would undermine their ability to meddle in countries abroad under the pretext of fighting for “democracy.” Moreover, if the bulk of the capitalist class were to try to impose fascist rule it entails great risks for them. For such an attempt could provoke staunch resistance from the working class masses that could end up with the capitalists being toppled from power!
It is only when they feel especially vulnerable that the capitalists begin to consider abandoning the “democratic” form of their rule over the masses. A crisis of capitalism indeed exists right now, which is why some sections of the capitalist class are supporting far-right forces. These are frequently the capitalists who feel most insecure in their social and economic position. They are often smaller-scale bosses exploiting a lesser number of – and in some cases just a tiny handful of – workers. They feel that to make a decent profit they need wages and workers’ conditions driven down even further which can only be achieved by crushing union and leftist organising. Moreover, they want to super-exploit low-paid, black and immigrant labour even more, which requires black and brown people to be terrorised by more severe racist attacks and more open discrimination in order to make black and migrant workers fearful and compliant enough to accept still crueller working conditions. Meanwhile, even though the national-centred leaders of socialistic China do little to support the class struggle in the U.S. and other capitalist countries, capitalists are all too aware that the mere presence of such a large state where workers rule – in however deformed a way – and where socialistic public ownership plays the dominant role is a threat to both their own rule at home and their ability to exploit the peoples of South and Central America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Some U.S. capitalists have thus concluded that they need to be even more aggressive in their Cold War – or even launch a hot war – against Red China, which they know can only be prosecuted by unleashing fiercer repression of the Left at home in order to ensure that there is complete domestic unanimity for the difficult task of confronting a workers state that happens to be the most populous country in the world.
For all of the above reasons, some in the capitalist class are providing violent far-right groups with money and other forms of material support, while some sections of the capitalist media legitimise them. Some of the capitalists backing extreme right-wing forces have not yet decisively decided to go down the road of fascism but are ensuring that they have the option to go down that road in the future. Trump is an example of and a representative of this section of the capitalist class. From his statement that there were “very fine people” among the white supremacist thugs who murderously rampaged in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 to his legitimisation of attacks on BLM protests by Proud Boys fascist militia, to his incitement of the January 6 riot to his praise of the fascist-led rioters that “we love you, you’re very special,” Trump has certainly appealed to and sought to ally himself with fascist forces. He has been more than flirting with the idea of ditching the norms of capitalist democracy – including by trying to stay in the presidency after losing last November’s elections. However, as his later condemnation of the January 6 rioters showed, Trump is not yet willing to irrevocably turn his back on using capitalist “democracy”. In a way, Trump’s schizophrenic attitude to capitalist democracy personifies the vicious internal conflicts within the U.S. ruling class. The capitalist rulers are split between, on the one end, those like Biden and the Democrats who still basically advocate parliamentary democracy and, on the other end, a smaller section who want outright fascism. In between these ends, there are numerous intermediate positions respectively held by various members of the capitalist elite, including the one occupied by the hard-right, influential owner of Fox News, Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch.
Beijing, June 2017: China’s next generation “Fuxing” bullet train at Beijing South Railway Station about to make its debut into service. China has the world’s best and fastest high speed rail system whose length of high speed rail lines makes up 60% of the world’s entire high speed rail. As they worry about the emergence of a socialistic power in the Peoples Republic of China, as their own system decays and as they take fright at the bitter grievances of their own population, the U.S. ruling class is tearing itself to pieces as it scrambles to find a strategy that will best protect its rule of exploitation.
After the January 6 storming of the Capitol failed to put Trump back in the presidency, Trump and the hard-right section of the ruling class have been on the back foot in the face of a political offensive by liberal and mainstream conservative members of the Congress, of the corporate elite and of the media. These factions of the ruling class as well as many honest liberal and left-leaning people amongst the masses hope that the coming end of Trump’s presidency will see the demise of the hard-right politics pushed by Trump. Unfortunately, this will not happen. As we have explained, the rise of extreme right-wing movements comes from the crisis of capitalism itself. This will not change no matter what happens to Trump personally.
Who Are the Mass Base of the Far Right?
August 2017: Violent racists rampage through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia. In the present absence of a powerful revolutionary working class movement, the decay of U.S. capitalism and the consequent insecurity of the middle classes are leading to the frightening growth of fascist forces in the USA. The rise of these fascists preceded the advent of Trump to the presidency but accelerated during his term in office.
In order to impose fascist rule on a country, those sections of the capitalist class that choose to go down that road cannot do it by themselves. They are too small in number for that. In “normal” times the capitalists have their state organs to enforce their rule. Their cops, courts, National Guard, military, prisons and spy agencies are effective tools to murderously enforce their interests abroad and to suppress the resistance of the masses at home. However, under fascist rule the working class and oppressed and their struggles will not just be repressed: all their organisations will be violently smashed. The existing state organs are not fully up to such a task. After all, while enforcing capitalist exploitation, “democratic” capitalist state organs still have to pretend that they are there “to serve all the people” in an “impartial” manner. To wage a brazen class war against the organisations and activists of the working class and other subjugated sections of society, the exploiting class need an additional, more fanatical force. That mass force is provided by fascist militias consisting primarily of backward, ultra-reactionary members of the middle class.
In summary, fascism as a movement (rather than when the word is used to describe a form of political rule) is a mass movement of those sections of the middle class – or to use the more precise Marxist term, the petit bourgeoisie – who in a time of capitalist crisis are whipped into extreme opposition to the struggles of the working class, oppressed communities and the Left. The petit bourgeois are members of that class of society who are neither exploiters of labour – i.e. they are not capitalists – nor are they people whose labour is directly exploited by capitalists (in other words they are not wage workers). This very diverse class includes not only people who are traditionally thought of as “middle class” – small business owners not using hired labour, accountants, doctors, low-level managers, architects, engineers, self-employed computer programmers, lawyers and farmers – but also other self-employed people who are often colloquially referred to as “working class” but who are actually part of the petit bourgeoisie because of their self-employed/contracting means of earning an income. The latter include those “tradies” (plumbers, electricians, handymen, carpenters, tilers etc) who are self-employed, as well truck drivers owning their own truck and self-employed cleaners, hairdressers and landscape gardeners. Due to their often intermediate position within the class conflict between capitalist bosses and workers, members of the petit bourgeoisie can end up lining up behind either one of these two main classes.
For much of the petit bourgeoisie, especially lower income sections of this class, it is overwhelmingly in their interests to stand behind the working class struggle against capitalism. After all, they are hurt by capitalism in many ways. If they are self employed they are often bullied by the banks or the big landlords from whom they rent their business premises from. Skilled personnel (or, for instance, owner truck drivers) having their own business and relying on contracts from corporations for their income are often ripped off by the latter. Meanwhile, capitalism creates economic instability and crises which causes great hardships for many parts of the petit bourgeoisie. The children of the petit bourgeoisie can often end up being part of the exploited working class. However, in “normal” times the petit bourgeoisie tend to be conservative and follow the capitalist class. Here, in Australia, the petit bourgeoisie overwhelmingly vote for the Liberal-National Party or parties further to the right. In the U.S. they have been largely backing Trump. Because this class does not have much social power – it is hard for them, for example, to unite like workers at a workplace to stand up to a capitalist boss – they tend to follow the main class that is stronger at any given time. Many a petit bourgeois self-employed business owner hopes to gain enough profits to one day hire labour – i.e. become a capitalist – and make still greater profits from exploiting these workers. Meanwhile, the higher income sections of the petit bourgeoisie have enough money to invest in shares and, therefore, see their interests as being aligned with the big capitalist shareholders of corporations.
There are also some sections of the petit bourgeoisie – including highly educated sections working in “intellectual” pursuits – who are currently more small-l liberal in their outlook. Take, for example, the accountant at a manufacturing company who gets on well with the shop-floor process workers and secretly despises the greedy business owner and the arrogant top managers who act as the owner’s henchmen. However, when there is conflict between the unionised workers and the boss, the accountant does not want to openly side with the workers fearing that she will lose her relatively well-paying job. So the accountant stays quiet and wishes, quite hopelessly, that “everyone can get on” and there will be peace between the bosses and the factory workers, so that she is not squashed in the middle. Such is the economic basis for the small-l liberal outlook within some sections of the educated petit bourgeoisie.
Today the petit bourgeoisie is suffering from much insecurity. The deep recession triggered by the pandemic has ruined many a small business in the U.S. – and to some extent Australia too – and brought many more to the brink of ruin. Even before the pandemic hit, the truth is that the capitalist economies never fully recovered from the late noughties Global Recession and many a self-employed person has been terrified by such an economic collapse ever since. Meanwhile, a large number of self-employed “tradies” have stopped receiving enough contracts from corporations to make ends meet. Far-right demagogues have been able to exploit all these insecurities to mobilise the most politically backward section of the petit bourgeoisie into a fanatical hatred of the struggles and advocacy organisations of the working class, oppressed black people and the Left. Since it is far harder for the petit bourgeoisie to kick upwards at the powerful capitalists – whose system is the real cause of their hardships – reactionary sections of the petit bourgeoisie are led to kick downwards savagely at the working class and oppressed below them. Workers’ strikes, climate change direct actions, BLM struggles and other staunch left-wing street protests are blamed for impeding the flow of supplies and products to their businesses, for increasing their insurance costs and for otherwise disrupting their operations. Meanwhile, they are whipped into an irrational frenzy against overseas producers, against supposedly “unfair” competition from China and against racial minorities and refugees – all of whom are scapegoated for the petit bourgeoise’s economic difficulties or blamed for soaking up their tax dollars. Those vulnerable to such demagogy include former wage workers who have been retrenched from their jobs and have now been involuntarily forced into opening self-employed businesses or contracting in order to make ends meet. Vulnerable in their new vocation, some a few years after being retrenched and many episodes of watching Fox-News-documentaries later, forget that it was capitalists who initially put them in their precarious current position; and consequently – especially since their new self-absorption in their own individual business has gradually thinned their ties with their former worker mates and drawn them ever more into an individualistic, self-obsessed outlook – fall for crazy claims blaming oppressed communities, imported goods and that all purpose bogey man, Red China, for their precarious situation.
One crucial reason that the frustrations of the middle class can be channelled against the working class and other oppressed sectors is that the petit bourgeois fears that if those below them demand and win greater rights, they will lose their relatively privileged position in comparison with these layers and even end up being plunged into the same social position that working class people currently endure. Although union struggles for workers rights are, at the moment, at an all too low level in the U.S., struggles for black liberation have a similar effect upon reactionary parts of the white petit bourgeoisie. This is especially the case since black people are not only a community facing racist persecution but are, in their majority, a group forcibly pushed to the lowest income layers of the working class. Insecure petit bourgeois right-wingers irrationally fear that if black people are able win greater rights and are able to free themselves from discrimination, the white middle class will end up not only being displaced from their current social position but will be forced to replace working class blacks at the bottom of society. Hence the obsession of the Far Right with ridiculously asserting that as a result of “reverse discrimination” it is white middle class people who are actually oppressed!
There is a particular feature of the contemporary Far Right that is more pronounced than in earlier fascist movements. And that is that they are a very male movement not just in composition but in prejudices. Petit bourgeois males have their economic insecurities magnified by fears that the privileged position of men over women in capitalist societies is threatened by women’s rights movements and anything that smacks of giving women greater rights: from abortion rights to affirmative action programs to women fighting back against workplace sexual harassment. Thus similar to, albeit less fanatical than, their hostility to black liberation struggles, the right-wing portion of the male petit bourgeoisie is fervently opposed to women’s rights movements which they fear will plunge them down to the oppressed position of women.
In addition to reactionary sections of the petit bourgeoisie, there are two other components of the mass base of fascists. One is those sections of the impoverished, unemployed population who are isolated from the working class movement. This especially includes former self-employed petit bourgeois or even small-scale capitalist exploiters whose businesses have gone bust and are now forced to join the ranks of the unemployed. Then there are skilled professionals and former lower and middle managers who because of their relatively high pay have been among the first to be laid off when companies decide to downsize. Since all these layers would likely never have had a pro-working class outlook, they are prone to somehow blame the working class and oppressed communities for their plight. In contrast, those newly unemployed workers who retain ties to the union movement or to current wage workers are more likely to blame the bosses and the corporations for their situation. However, some longer term unemployed workers who have gradually been isolated over the years from existing wage workers can easily fall prey to demagogues blaming racial minorities for “taking our jobs.”
Like the petit bourgeoisie, isolated unemployed people can often be influenced by right-wing conspiracy theories. Whereas workers, especially those at bigger worksites, have their trusted co-workers to bounce ideas off several times a week and through collective in-person discussion weed out theories that are obviously whacko, isolated unemployed people and self-employed petit bourgeois often do not have the chance to have such frequent in-person discussions with large numbers of trusted people. Their source of ideas and discussion is the internet and social media intercourse rather than real world discussion with people that they actually know well in the real world. Naturally then, crazy conspiracy theories that would not hold up to serious scrutiny in the real world can infect their minds.
A final group that adds to the mass base of the Far
Right are current and retired police, prison guards, military soldiers and
National Guard troops. Extreme right-wing ideologies give these people solace
by “justifying” their repression of workers struggles, the black rights
movement and the Left at home and, in the case of military personnel, their
participation in the Cold War drive against socialistic China. Moreover, by
fanatically opposing those leftists and black rights activists who protest
police, prison guard and military atrocities, fascists gain favour with these
state enforcement personnel.
Right-wing sections of the petit bourgeoisie, current and former police, soldiers and prison guards, smaller-scale capitalist exploiters and those sections of the unemployed isolated from the workers movement, these were indeed the mass base of Hitler’s Nazis. And today they are the mass base of fascist movements in both the U.S. and Australia. This is confirmed by information trickling out about those arrested in the July 6 far-right riot. They include several small business owners, a CEO of a small company, a self-employed furniture maker married to a doctor, a real estate broker, an insurance company’s lawyer, a West Virginia politician, a lecturer, the son of a retired local supreme court judge, an army captain, a retired Air Force officer, a former Navy SEAL and two currently serving police officers.
Since the embittered petit bourgeoisie mobilised behind extreme right-wing movements have much anger at the current state of society, far-right demagogues must espouse an “anti-establishmentarianism” to win the trust of their base. Trump promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington, a term he used to signal opposition to corrupt high-ranking government bureaucrats. Often outright fascist leaders also appeal to the petit bourgeoisie’s and small-scale capitalists’ fury at being bullied by the banks and big capital by promising to the curb the power of finance capital. Hitler claimed hostility to the banks. However, given that it is only the working class that has the power to successfully fight against the most powerful capitalists – the finance capitalists – and given that fascist movements are all about smashing working class political action, anti-working class mass movements of the petit bourgeoisie, i.e. fascist forces, have no ability to resist the power of finance capital. Moreover, in the absence of the working class leading a struggle to overthrow the capitalists, both the petit bourgeoisie and small-scale capitalist exploiters – the people who make up the mass base of the fascists – despite all their resentment about the banks, are economically dependent on the finance capitalists. As a result, fascist movements promising their base that they would both, on the one hand, crush the workers movement and oppressed peoples and, on the other hand, bring finance capitalists into line, are left only being able to deliver on their first promise and far from being able to deliver on their second one, end up being the most extreme enforcers of the interests of all the capitalists – including the bankers, fund managers and insurance bosses. In the end, the supposed “anti-establishmentarianism” of the Far Right is actually an opposition to the “establishment” making any concession, however small, to the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples. It is the “rebelliousness” of carrying the Confederate flag which is a “rebellion” against any move to reduce the discrimination and segregation suffered by black people and in literal terms actually a “rebellion” against the ending of slavery! It is an “anti-government” opposition to governments collecting taxes to fund even the most minimal medical insurance for some of the poor. In reality the Far Right’s “anti-establishmentarianism” is really an ultra-establishmentarianism!
Mobilising Against the Fascist Threat Will Advance the Struggle for Workers Rule
Although those capitalists moving towards opting for the fascist road do currently back violent far-right groups, the two components leading towards fascism – the movement of a section of the capitalist class towards support for ruling through the fascist form and the assembly of a mass fascist base centred on the reactionary portion of the petit bourgeoisie – can develop somewhat independently. Fascist leaders may for a while be able to sell to their petit bourgeois and small-scale capitalist base that they are independent of the big capitalists. However, at a certain point, when decisive sections of the capitalist class decide that they have no option but to take the fascist path, the anti-democracy wing of the capitalist class comes together with the fascist mass movement based on the petit bourgeoisie. Thus an important step in the ascendancy of Hitler’s Nazis to power was when in November 1932, twenty-two leading German finance, industrial and agricultural capitalists signed a petition – the infamous Industrielleneingabe – demanding that then German president Hindenburg make Nazi head, Hitler, the chancellor.
Right now in the U.S., the amount of workers struggle has not reached a level that could either scare the majority of the capitalist class to abandon support for capitalist “democracy” or to drive the mass of the embittered petit bourgeoisie into supporting fascist movements. However, this could change very quickly. Moreover, as we saw on January 6, the crisis of capitalism is at such a level that it has already driven a sizeable minority of the petit bourgeoisie, smaller-scale capitalists and state enforcement personnel into extreme right-wing movements. And Joe Biden becoming president is not going to change this! Although the Democrats now securing control of the Senate will allow the incoming Biden administration to pass a big stimulus bill and the roll out of vaccines will gradually ease the suffering caused by the pandemic, the deeper, longer term crisis of capitalism remains. This crisis will continue to threaten the livelihoods of not only the working class and the very poor but also self-employed people. Meanwhile, with Biden, or even the most progressive Democrats, having no program whatsoever to stop capitalists from retrenching workers at will or from confining their hiring to casual positions, more and more workers unable to gain secure wage-earning jobs will be pushed into establishing unviable new businesses in order to have a hope of gaining a livelihood. All this will ensure that there will be plenty of insecure self-employed business owners and smaller-scale capitalists heading into the ranks of fascist outfits. The fact that Biden, who fully supports capitalism, will not be able to fundamentally close the massive gap in wealth between the rich and poor in America will mean that the capitalists and their media will need to promote racism and protectionism in order to divide and divert the exploited masses and stop them uniting against their common capitalist enemy. Such propaganda will serve to legitimise fascist movements.
Indeed, the fact that Trump will no longer be president will likely accelerate the conversion of right-wing conservatives into outright fascists. With right-wing conservatives now seeing that they have no vehicle for their agenda through the “democratic” process they are more likely to resort to violent means. This trend will be further intensified by the reality that many far-right activists feel betrayed by Trump who, under pressure from leaders of his own Republican Party, eventually condemned the January 6 rioters. This is likely to lead to many extreme conservatives concluding that even their best-case president could not satisfy their “aspirations” and that, therefore, democracy should be completely rejected and the full fascist agenda should be embraced.
However, it does not need to be this way. When the working class show that they are able to not only protest and strike for better rights but are strong enough to actually challenge for political power, the petit bourgeois now streaming towards the fascists will think twice. When they see that it is possible to challenge the big capitalist oppressor they will start to see that their fanatical squabbling with – and bullying of – layers of the oppressed more subjugated than them is pretty pointless. Why fight over crumbs when big slices of the cake are going to be retrieved for the benefit of all from the very few that were hoarding them! The formerly far-right portions of the petit bourgeoisie will then start to become politically neutral. Meanwhile, the more progressive sections of the petit bourgeois masses will rush enthusiastically into open support for the insurgent working class. The worker-friendly accountant who we spoke about earlier will now feel confident enough to openly declare her support for the workers struggle at her workplace and with delight will be able to finally show her capitalist boss what she really thinks of this greedy exploiter.
To finally get rid of the threat of a new Nazi-style regime gaining the ascendancy in the U.S., Australia or any other capitalist country we need to sweep away capitalist rule for good through socialist revolution. When we have a system of workers rule based on socialist public ownership of the means of production we will be able to put an end to unemployment, insecure work, inequality and economic crises. In other words we will be liberated from the economic conditions that spawn racism and fascism.
A socialist revolution cannot be prepared by mere propaganda or organised from scratch. It is prepared through the working class and other oppressed groups being mobilised in many partial struggles and in the course of these strengthening their unity, gaining greater confidence in their own power and, with the assistance of a revolutionary party, learning to distrust all parties and political institutions of the capitalist class and to, instead, see the need for themselves to collectively seize political power. This is why mobilising mass worker/black/leftist action against fascist attacks is especially crucial. For not only does such action resist the fascist threat, it also helps us to develop the organisation, discipline and activity needed to fight the incoming Biden administration and the capitalist class as a whole. Fascists still only make up a minority – albeit a quite significant one – of Trump’s supporters and a smaller minority of the whole population. They are still deeply hated by the majority of the population. So our trade unions, the black liberation movement and the Left have certain political space to develop and use certain means against the fascists – including armed militias and mass direct action to disperse fascist assemblies – that we cannot at this time use against the capitalist state. However, in unleashing such actions against the fascists we are organising and preparing ourselves for future staunch action to defend ourselves against the capitalist regime. It is worth noting that the immediate prelude to the October 1917 Russian socialist revolution was the Bolshevik-led workers mobilising direct action to defeat a far-right military coup led by general Lavr Kornilov. Because the active sections of the working class defeated the coup by their own mass action they gained the confidence in their own power, unity and organisational strength needed to seize state power less than two months later.
Of course, mobilising against the fascist threat is just one crucial component of the resistance that we must wage in the coming period. There also needs to be powerful class struggle action against job slashing by capitalist corporations. We must struggle for secure jobs for all workers by fighting to force all profitable companies to increasing hiring at the expense of their profits. Counterpoised to the Democrats minimal promised medical insurance reforms, we must demand completely free, high-quality public health care for all. Crucially, the workers movement must mobilise its industrial power to back black people’s struggle against racist state terror. We must build on the powerful action by U.S. dock workers on June 19 last year when they shut down all West Coast ports in solidarity with the BLM movement; and with the action of tens of thousands of fast food, ride-share, nursing home and airport workers in more than 25 cities who walked off the job on July 20 in opposition to racist police brutality.
Led by determined and capable black activists, the massive – and at times very militant – BLM protests in the U.S. summer of last year show the potential for staunch resistance against the racist, capitalist order in America. However, like other worker and progressive movements, the BLM movement dwindled as the election approached and waned further after Biden’s election. This shows how much illusions in the Democrats harm the struggle against exploitation and racism. Therefore, even as we need to mobilise to physically resist attacks from fascists who right now have Democrats as one of their main targets, we need to fight for a complete political break of the workers movement, the BLM movement and all progressive movements from the Democrats.
The U.S. Capitalist “Order” Suffers a Big Blow to its International Prestige? Good!
The shock waves from the dramatic events of January 6 have reverberated around the world. The deep – and indeed violent – divisions within the U.S. ruling class have been exposed for the whole world to see. Although overall the January 6 riot is a terrible event in that it shows how emboldened violent far-right forces are, one important positive to take from the events is that it has been a blow to the prestige of America’s capitalist rulers. Their supposed “democratic” system has been proven to be weak, damaged and crisis ridden. This undermines their ability to meddle in other countries under the guise of “promoting democracy.” The Chinese government has rightly pointed out the hypocrisy of U.S. House speaker Nancy Pelosi who, while denouncing the January 6 rioters, had earlier praised the anti-PRC rioters [from the pro-colonial, rich people’s opposition in Hong Kong] storming and vandalising the Hong Kong parliament building as a “beautiful sight.”
Australia’s capitalist rulers are very worried that all this damage to the U.S. regime’s prestige will harm their own interests. The Australian capitalist class superexploits the peoples of the South Pacific and plunders their natural resources. However, they rely on the power of their U.S. big brother allies to guarantee this tyranny. Over the last few years, the Australian regime has chosen to put itself at the very forefront of the Western capitalist Cold War drive against socialistic China. They did so, however, on the premise that Washington would be right behind them. Now with Red China, by far Australia’s largest source of export income, finally pushing back, Australia’s rulers look at their rear view mirror for backing from their American big brothers… only to find that their big brothers are too busy beating each other up to stand up for their Aussie capitalist mates! Australia’s ABC News reported that when the January 6 riot was taking place, Australian politicians and foreign policy bureaucrats were glued to their televisions watching the events in horror.
Perth, 8 April 2018: Hard-right Liberal MP, Andrew Hastie, heads a rally calling for special refugee status for rich, white South African farmers. Not only was the demonstration attended by some of Australia’s most notorious far-right racists it was littered with openly white supremacist slogans including ones demanding, “Let the Right Ones In”, which is meant to mean to let only white people in and not dark-skinned refugees. Hastie is lionised by fascist groups for his championing of this white supremacist cause celebré (which was also championed by proudly racist, former federal MP, Fraser Anning), for his attacks on Australia’s Muslim community, for his fanatical opposition to Red China and for his strident calls to completely remove laws proscribing racist hate speech. And now the Morrison government has chosen this same Andrew Hastie to head an inquiry that is supposed to look into right-wing extremism in Australia! All he needs is a mirror!
Trump’s incitement of the January 6 riot and the thuggish behaviour of his supporters who invaded the Capitol have politically damaged many pro-Trump movements around the world. This includes the hard-right government of India led by Hindu chauvinist and mass murderer of Muslims, Narendra Modi. Another largely pro-Trump force is the pro-colonial, supposedly “pro-democracy,” opposition in Hong Kong. Many in this movement have carried pro-Trump slogans and most wanted Trump to win the November elections. The key figure and financier of the movement is far-right media billionaire, Jimmy Lai, known as Hong Kong’s Rupert Murdoch, whose news outlets have been unashamedly pro-Trump. Especially in the wake of the January 6 riots, the ardent support of the bulk of Hong Kong’s anti-PRC opposition to Trump exposes the fraudulent nature of their “pro-democracy” pretensions. Another fervently pro-Trump movement is the far-right Chinese pseudo-religious organisation, Falun Dafa, and its newspaper outlet, Epoch Times. Epoch Times has become a main force spreading all of Trump’s most ridiculous conspiracy theories from ones about the origins of COVID-19 to the one that helped incite the January 6 riot: that Trump was cheated out of victory in last November’s election. Indeed, the claims of Falun Dafa’s Epoch Times have been so ludicrous that even Youtube recently suspended for two weeks its Hong Kong edition, despite Falun Dafa’s fervently pro-Western agenda. People who recognise the completely fake nature of their conspiracy theories about the U.S. presidential elections should distrust all the other assertions pushed by Falun Dafa and Epoch Times – including the whacko claim that the Chinese government executed Falun Dafa prisoners to harvest organs for sale.
Support the Struggle Against Fascism and Capitalism in the U.S. by Mobilising Against Australia’s Capitalist Rulers and the Fascist Shock Troops That They Spawn
As the Australian regime’s main ally, events in the U.S. have a major effect on Australian politics. Current Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, and many of Australia’s most powerful capitalists including Gina Rinehart and Anthony Pratt are close to Trump. It is undoubted that the advent of Trump to the presidency and the rise of the Far Right in America has emboldened fascist groups in Australia. Far-right MPs in Australia’s ruling Liberal-National coalition have been openly cheering Trump. Today these government politicians like George Christensen and Craig Kelly repeat many of the lies peddled by Trump – including claiming that the November election was stolen from him as well as repeating Trump’s earlier anti-scientific opposition to mask wearing as a means to slow the spread of the pandemic. Prime minister Morrison has pointedly refused to condemn these MPs for their statements. Meanwhile, deputy – and currently acting – prime minister, Michael McCormack, sought to downplay the January 6 riots and despicably equated this rampage by white supremacists with the BLM anti-racist protests.
Yet progressive struggles in the U.S. also shape this
country. The BLM struggle in the U.S. in the middle of last year inspired the
antiracist movement in this country. The weekend of June 6-7 saw the biggest
anti-racist protests in Australia in a long time. Tens of thousands of people marched
through Australian cities not only in solidarity with the BLM struggle in the
U.S. but in opposition to racist state murders of Aboriginal people in custody.
The working class and oppressed of Australia face many similar lessons to our sisters and brothers in the USA. One lesson is the simple truth that capitalism breeds fascism. Although fascist forces here are currently not as organised as they are in the U.S., they are nevertheless already a substantial threat. They help incite the thousands of violent and verbal racist attacks that are perpetrated by garden-variety racists all the time in this country. Moreover, less than two years ago, an Australian white supremacist who was nurtured in the racist climate created by Australia’s capitalist society murdered 51 Muslim people in New Zealand’s Christchurch in the biggest single terrorist attack ever committed by an Australian individual.
Melbourne, April 2020: Despicable racist graffiti targets Australia’s Chinese community. Like in the U.S., middle class insecurity, mass unemployment and Cold War nationalism are fuelling the growth of violent racist forces. The last few years have seen a spate of attacks on Australia’s Chinese and other East Asian communities. Such attacks intensified further during the last year as the U.S.-Australia Cold War drive against socialistic China cranked up several gears.
Another crucial lesson that we should learn from U.S. events is that one cannot rely on the capitalist state to repulse the fascist threat, as was proven during the January 6 storming of the Capitol. There has been ample evidence of this here too. The Australian white supremacist shooter who perpetrated the Christchurch massacre was never monitored by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) or ASIO despite being very active online spewing racist filth and making threats. Instead the AFP and ASIO have been busy intimidating and raiding the offices of our trade unions – including the AWU and the CFMEU – and arresting whistleblowers who expose the atrocities of the Australian regime, including David McBride the former military lawyer who exposed the horrific war crimes by Australian troops in Afghanistan. They were also engrossed in persecuting socialist political prisoner, Chan Han Choi, who spent three years in prison without trial due to his sympathy for socialistic North Korea and is now under house arrest facing trial on charges of trying to organise trade deals to help the people of North Korea avoid cruel economic sanctions. It was a political choice by the AFP and ASIO to target the union movement, Chan Han Choi, whistleblowers and even journalists, rather than monitor the rabid white supremacist who would end up murdering 51 people.
Based on this recent history and examining the January 6 riot in Washington, we should have zero confidence that the inquiry into “extremist” groups in Australia that was reluctantly announced last month by the right-wing Morrison government will do anything meaningful to curb far-right violence in Australia. That inquiry was enacted by hard-right home affairs minister, Peter Dutton – the very same Peter Dutton who has been greatly responsible for inflaming racist sentiments through his overseeing of Australia’s cruel incarceration of refugees in offshore detention camps, through his statements inciting fear of African youth and by his rant that it was a mistake to let Lebanese Muslim migrants into Australia. Even more tellingly, the person chosen to head this inquiry is far-right Liberal MP, Andrew Hastie. This is the same Andrew Hastie who has criticised Australia’s Muslim community and who was lionised by fascist groups for his strident calls to completely remove laws proscribing racist hate speech. Moreover, this same Andrew Hastie champions the white supremacist cause celebre pushing for special refugee status for white South African farmers; a “cause” based on the racist myth that these farmers – often notorious for their brutal and sometimes murderous exploitation and repression of black farm workers – are facing “white genocide.” “Adolf” Hastie even led rallies demanding fast tracked visas for these rich white farmers. At these events, Hastie rubbed shoulders with some of Australia’s most notorious and violent fascists who, in turn, carried despicable white supremacist placards like, “Let the Right Ones In” [i.e. white South African farmers and not dark-skinned refugees] and “White Lives Matter.” And now this Andrew Hastie is heading an inquiry that is supposed to look at right-wing extremism in Australia! All he needs is a mirror! As in the U.S., we must not rely at all on capitalist politicians, capitalist institutions or the capitalist state to defeat the threat posed by violent far-right forces. We must rely only on mass mobilisations of the working class united will all the intended targets of the fascists.
Just as progressive struggles in the U.S. inspire struggles in Australia, if we mobilise actions here against fascist threats, against racist state terror against black people in this country, for increased hiring of workers at the expense of capitalist profits and against the U.S./Australia Cold War drive against socialistic China then this will encourage similar struggles in America. As black and brown people in the U.S., alongside Chinese people, Muslims, Jews, the workers movement and the Left face a heightened threat of fascist terror to go along with mass unemployment, low wages and the carnage caused by the American regime’s fatally flawed “response” to the pandemic, the best solidarity we can offer to our embattled sisters and brothers in the U.S. is to intensify our struggle here against the capitalist ruling class of Australia and the fascist shock troops that serve their interests.
Sydney, 8 February 2020: Workers at British-owned food delivery service, Hungry Panda, demonstrate against wage cuts and the sacking of workers who complained about poor treatment. The demonstrations and strikes by these workers, many of whom are of ethnic Chinese background, is one of the first examples of industrial action by gig economy workers in Australia. The united, multi-racial working class is not only the force that has the ability to resist capitalist exploitation but is the class that has both the necessity and power to smash the violent racist forces.