30 September 2019: Tomorrow marks the seventieth anniversary of the biggest revolution in human history. In 1949, hundreds of millions of exploited rural workers, poor peasants and urban workers rose up under the leadership of Mao Zedong’s Communist Party of China (CPC) to free themselves from the tyranny of China’s capitalists and landlords and from the imperialist overlords that were crushing China’s people. The revolution not only liberated the country from Western imperialist subjugation but brought the agricultural land, banks, mines and key industries under public ownership. The resulting socialistic system of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) greatly improved the lives of China’s long suffering masses. Before the founding of the PRC, China had been one of the most backward countries in the world. Tens upon tens of millions of people perished in the famines and floods that struck the country some seven to ten times in the fifty years prior to 1949. Average life expectancy was under 35 years. In a true miracle in social progress, by the time that China began its market reforms in 1978 – marking the end of the Mao era – the life expectancy of the most populous country in the world had been practically doubled to over 67 years (despite a blip during the disastrous though well intentioned plan to rapidly industrialize China during the late 1950s’ Great Leap Forward). Today, under continued socialistic rule, China’s life expectancy is just a few years from catching up to the richest countries – having reached 77 years. By another measure of people’s health, Healthy Life Expectancy – the years that a person can expect to live in good health – the UN’s World Health Organization Monitoring Health for the SDGs report (see Annex 2, Part 1 ) shows that China’s level has now even overtaken that of the United States.
Those who have gained
most from the 1949 Anti-Capitalist Revolution have been Chinese
women. Prior to the
Revolution, a large proportion of Chinese women had their feet bound and were subjected to forced
marriage, while married women were secluded in their homes and fields by
bullying husbands and mothers-in-law. Through 70 years of socialistic rule, the
position of Chinese women has not only advanced far past comparable countries
that remained under capitalist rule – like India
and Indonesia – but has arguably overtaken
that of the most developed
countries. In 2017, women made up 52.4 % of all
public servants newly-recruited by China’s
central government. Women also make up 52.5% of students in China’s higher education.
To be sure, while the masses in China now have social and economic power, the political administration of the country is monopolised by a somewhat privileged, bureaucratic layer. The guerilla war nature of the 1949 Revolution meant that it is a narrow layer of CPC leaders who are in political control of the country. Nevertheless, these leaders, whatever their individual intentions, still have to administer the country on behalf of the masses. Moreover, the pressure working class people in China can exert upon government policy is far greater than the influence that the toiling classes have in so-called “democratic” capitalist countries like Australia, India, the Philippines and the U.S. However, the ruling bureaucracy in China, while developing the socialistic economy within the country, does little to support the working class struggle for socialism within the currently capitalist countries. Instead, CPC leaders try – in vain – to soften the clash between the capitalist powers and socialistic China in the futile hope of achieving “amicable co-existence with imperialism.” In the late 1970s, under the incessant pressure of the capitalist world and the reality of capitalist control of the most developed economies, the then Deng Xiaoping-led CPC brought in market reforms that allowed a degree of capitalist intrusion. Although the resulting collaboration with capitalist firms from developed countries was in some cases beneficial in that it helped China to learn new technologies, the reforms also led to an increase in inequality and the dangerous growth of capitalist forces. Today China has a private capitalist sector and even some billionaires (although the proportion of such billionaires to China’s huge overall population is quite small relative to the U.S. and Australia). However, unlike in the capitalist countries, it is not the tycoons that run China and China is not run for their sake. Put another way, while Australian governments kowtow to and are scared to cross the likes of billionaires Andrew Forrest, Anthony Pratt, Kerry Stokes, the Murdoch family and Gina Rinehart, in Red China it is completely the other way around. Noted capitalists in China, like China’s richest man Jack Ma, are scared of the PRC state and many say that he only retired from his company at a very young age earlier this month because of the pressure of the PRC’s push to increase control over private firms ( steered-away-china-communist-partys-clutches). Indeed, many a greedy capitalist tycoon has been jailed or even executed in China and many more have had their ill-gotten assets confiscated. The PRC remains a workers state – albeit an endangered one where the small capitalist class there is constantly lobbying for greater “freedoms” and “rights” which, once the mystifying idealism of these terms is decoded, means the unrestricted right to exploit workers that business owners enjoy in capitalist countries and that they currently also have the “right” to in the Hong Kong region of China. The continuing socialistic nature of the PRC is shown by the fact that all of her biggest ten companies remain under public ownership as well as some 85% of her top hundred firms.
That the PRC remains a workers state is apparent when one contrasts her attitude to the poor to that of the capitalist Australian regime. Here, the government of Scott Morrison cannot think of more ways to attack the rights of people on low incomes. After previous governments, with bipartisan support, rolled out schemes to subject, firstly people in NT Aboriginal communities, and then people in three other heavily Aboriginal areas to “compulsory income management” where unemployed people lose control of how they can spend large proportions of their meagre welfare payments, the conservative government now wants to put 80% of the payments of all welfare recipients under such a regime. To further stigmatise the poor, the same government is also trying to introduce mandatory drug testing for all welfare recipients. For their part, Liberal and Labor state governments alike continue to sell off public housing making renting for low income people still more unaffordable. Meanwhile, the mainstream media regularly run documentaries that insult and blame for their plight unemployed workers as well as tenants in public housing. By contrast, it would be completely unheard of for PRC state media to run documentaries mocking the poor or blaming them for their own position. Instead, PRC mainstream media very frequently run highly sympathetic stories about the poor that explain how their plight is caused by factors beyond their control. Meanwhile, PRC leaders, like president Xi Jinping, go out of their way to meet and often visit the homes of low income people on just about every regional trip that they make as well as during key public holiday periods like Chinese New Year. A cynic could call that simply good politicking. Perhaps, yet it shows the direction that the political winds blow in the PRC that Xi and Co. feel the necessity to even do this. Here, Morrison and Co. don’t think that they even need to pretend to respect, let alone listen to the concerns of those most in need. Just who Australian politicians do want and feel they need to listen to was seen in Morrison’s recent trip to the U.S. During his extravagant state dinner with U.S. president Trump, there rubbing shoulders with Morrison were most of Australia’s most prominent and richest tycoons including Anthony Pratt (Australia’s richest person), Gina Rinehart (Australia’s second richest billionaire), Kerry Stokes (owner of Channel 7), Andrew Forrest and Lachlan Murdoch (son of Rupert). We can tell you that if a Chinese leader were to fraternise with tycoons like that over a lavish dinner there would certainly be a national outcry and they would likely be purged from office! More important than the optics is that the PRC government continues to massively increase the amount of public housing for her low income people. From 2008 to 2017 alone, the PRC provided 64 million additional public housing dwellings in urban areas! As a result, while the proportion of people with access to public housing in Australia’s urban areas has fallen to just one in every thirty households, in the PRC’s urban areas around one in four people now are living in one of its various forms of public housing. Therefore, even though China’s per capita income is still six times less than resource rich Australia’s, walk through any Chinese city and you will see a far lower proportion of homeless people than you see sleeping the streets of Sydney. Most importantly, while Morrison searches for more ways to cut people off welfare payments, the main focus of the PRC over the last several years – one that has dominated her political life – has been a drive to lift every person in the country out of extreme poverty by the end of 2020. And she is well on track to achieve this! Over just the last six years, the PRC has lifted over 82 million people out of extreme poverty.
Despite the terrific social progress made over the last 70 years of socialistic rule, the PRC workers state is under great danger. Ever since China’s 1949 Revolution, some of the overthrown landlords and capitalists – many of whom fled to Taiwan,
Hong Kong and Western countries
to plot their comeback – and all the
imperialist powers have worked together
to try and destroy the PRC workers state. Within
a year after the formation of the PRC, the U.S., British and Australian imperialists and their South Korean allies invaded Red China’s neighbour and socialistic ally, North Korea, to try and crush the workers state there and threaten the PRC. The following year, the U.S. came within a whisker of unleashing nuclear
weapons against the north-eastern parts of China after PRC troops
heroically entered the Korean War in
defence of their socialistic ally. Then, for more than two decades
after the 1949 Revolution, China was subjected to sanctions and diplomatic
isolation by most of the most powerful countries in the world.
The PRC’s diplomatic isolation only ended – and trade and investment exchanges with the richer countries started – after revolutionary leader Mao sold part of his communist soul in the early 1970s and agreed to join with the U.S. in its drive against the then socialistic USSR. The capitalist powers were willing to go easy on the PRC for a period while they worked on destroying the most powerful workers state at the time, the USSR. By lining up with imperialism against the USSR and her socialistic Cuban and Vietnamese allies in key hot spots of the Cold War – including in Angola, Afghanistan, Cambodia and China’s own border with Vietnam – the PRC leaders made some contribution to the counterrevolutionary destruction of the USSR. Apart from being downright treacherous to the cause of socialism, this policy pursued by Mao and Deng alike was in the end a failure even in terms of its stated intention: to reduce imperialist hostility to China. With the USSR out of the way, China quickly became the main strategic target of imperialism. And with the capitalist powers no longer having to worry about having to simultaneously squeeze both the PRC and the giant USSR at the same time, the pressure that they have been able to exert on the PRC is all the greater.
Today, the U.S. is building up its forces in the Western Pacific against Red China. It is sending its navy thousands upon thousands of kilometres from its own shores to provocatively sail through China-claimed waters in the South China Sea – not far from China’s mainland. The British and Australian ruling classes are assisting in all this. Australia is undergoing a rapid military buildup aimed against the PRC and her North Korean ally. To the same end, Australia also hosts 2,500 U.S. troops in Darwin. One should understand that the Australian rulers are joining the war drive against China not simply because they are “following the U.S.” Australia’s capitalist ruling class share the same reasons for wanting to destroy socialistic rule in China as their American counterparts. For one, these capitalist rulers understand that they can grab even more profits from turning China into a huge sweatshop of exploited labour than they can by selling exports to her. Secondly, by providing infrastructure to other developing countries on generous terms and by engaging in mutually beneficial relationships with them, the PRC is undermining the ability of both U.S. and Australian imperialism to super-exploit their former colonies and current neo-colonies – like in Australia’s case PNG, East Timor, Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. Perhaps most importantly, capitalist powers the world over know that the continued successes of socialistic rule in the world’s most populous country can encourage the masses in other developing countries to strive for socialism; and in the long term could inspire the exploited working classes in their own countries to topple them from power.
It is not only through exerting military pressure that the capitalist powers seek to undermine socialistic rule in China. They constantly badger China to privatize her socialistic state-owned enterprises and favour her capitalist private sector. One of the features of Trump’s trade war against China is that he has demanded that the PRC stop supporting her state-owned enterprises. Apart from being an implicit recognition that these socialistic enterprises are the key to China’s economic success, this push by the Washington regime is also in some part a conscious attempt to weaken socialistic rule in China. Meanwhile, all the capitalist powers and their media are waging an intensifying propaganda war against the PRC. Over the last few months, not a day can go by without the Australian mainstream media having a “new” story attacking Red China. This can range from hyped up accusations of Chinese “interference” in Australian politics to claims of Chinese cyber-hacking to completely bogus reports of China detaining large numbers of Uyghur people in Xinjiang to totally distorted claims about the PRC “taking way the sovereignty” of other developing countries.
Perhaps the most dangerous of the methods that the
capitalist powers use against socialistic China is their backing of various
anti-communist forces within – or in exile from – China. Their latest favourite anti-Red China force is the anti-PRC movement
in China’s Hong Kong region. The last several
months has seen large protests in Hong Kong against PRC influence in the region.
The movement is very violent
and a hard core of masked “protesters” have
brutally assaulted pro-PRC Hong Kong residents, vandalised subway stations
and shops and attacked police
officers with firebombs, sticks and other weapons. Hong Kong’s
economy has nosedived.
The Hong Kong anti-PRC forces
are openly pro-colonial. They carry not only British
and American flags
but the old Union Jack flag of the British colonial administration of
Hong Kong . They are even holding U.S.- flag
waving rallies appealing to the hard right, racist U.S. president Donald Trump to openly intervene even more into
Hong Kong. Indeed, the U.S. and other capitalist powers are already fervently
backing and supporting the pro-colonial movement. The U.S. government’s
notorious National Endowment for Democracy
(NED), the body that helps to organise U.S. interference operations abroad – for example, backing anti-communist Cuban
groups and components of the right-wing Venezuelan
opposition – openly funds Hong Kong anti-PRC groups. The NED’s own website shows that in just 2018
alone, the body – which was set up to carry out partially in the open some of the functions
that the CIA used to do
completely covertly – gave $90,000 to
the Hong Kong Justice Center and $155,000 and $200,000 to the U.S.-based groups Solidarity Center and
the National Democratic Institute for their
work in Hong Kong. Yet this is only the out in the open funding! Evidence
has emerged that the NED is also funding six of the key
groups in the Civil Human Rights Front – the outfit that organised the
first mass protests.
The U.S. also maintains a massive consulate in Hong Kong with a staff of 1,000 people – many of whom are devoted to advising and directing the protests and riots. On August 6, there was a huge scandal in Hong Kong after some media there showed photographs of Julie Eadeh, chief of the US consulate’s political unit, meeting Hong Kong anti-PRC leaders Martin Lee and Anson Chan and then later in the day meeting the best known figure in the anti-communist movement, Joshua Wong. Yet it is not only through such covert actions and funding that the Western powers have buttressed the anti-PRC movement. Just six days ago, Trump used a high profile speech at the UN to attack China over Hong Kong, effectively throwing his weight behind the anti-PRC rioters. This racist bigot who locks up Central American refugee children in horrific conditions at the U.S. border, who authorized even more fearsome bombs to be used in U.S. operations in Afghanistan and the Middle East and who ordered the U.S. military to desist from calling off bombing raids in these theatres of war even when the chances of “accidentally” killing civilians is very high, demanded that the PRC honor its commitment to “Hong Kong’s freedom, legal system, and democratic ways of life.” The next day, the US House of Representatives’ committee on foreign affairs and its Senate equivalent approved a bipartisan bill that will pave the way for U.S. sanctions on Hong Kong if the U.S. determines that Hong Kong is not autonomous enough – in other words, sanctions will be imposed if the PRC moves to bring socialist influence into Hong Kong or if the pro-Beijing Hong Kong government stands up to the pro-colonial rioters. Tellingly, the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” stipulates – in a clear reference to some of the Hong Kong media’s exposure of the chief of the US consulate’s political unit meeting with Hong Kong anti-PRC leaders – that the US State Department should knock back visa applications of Hong Kong journalists working in the territory’s [rather few] pro- Beijing media organisations should they too harshly criticise in a targeted way U.S. diplomatic personnel and Hong Kong “democracy activists.” This is a clear attempt by these supposed believers in “democracy” and “free speech” to silence the voices of pro-PRC journalists.
Six weeks earlier, right-wing Australian prime minister Morrison made a, thinly veiled, statement in support of the right-wing, pro-colonial forces in Hong Kong, provoking a strong rebuke from China’s ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye. In comments similar in content to the ones Trump would make at the UN later, Morrison ostentatiously lectured Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam to “listen carefully” to the anti-PRC opposition, by which he means, back down to their demands! Labor’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, Penny Wong, echoed this stance. It is striking how Western capitalist governments and politicians are quick to attack the pro-Beijing Hong Kong authorities for allegedly “heavy-handed” repression when they have been happy to accept far harsher repression elsewhere. While the Hong Kong government has thus far not imposed a curfew or even stopped people from holding anti-government protests despite the extreme violence of the anti-PRC rioters, the capitalist Indian government is in the midst of a two month-long crackdown against its oppressed Kashmiri population which has not only involved hundreds of thousands of Indian troops occupying Kashmir and detaining thousands of opposition activists for no particular actions but has seen the Indian regime impose a harsh curfew and the cutting off of all telephone, mobile phone and internet communications. Yet, of course, there has been no condemnation of the pro-Western, Indian government by any U.S. or Australian leader.
Also throwing their
weight behind the
anti-China movement in Hong Kong
has been the
entire mainstream media in Australia and other Western countries. Junking even the pretense of being objective and neutral in their
reporting, these media outlets have given
blanket coverage to the anti-PRC
mobilisations while giving very little or absolutely no reports of the, sometimes
hundreds of thousands strong, pro-PRC rallies in Hong Kong. Anti-PRC
politicians and activists are given large amounts of air time while the voices of those who support the PRC are rarely heard. Meanwhile, alongside showing Hong Kong police
actions out of context to make them appear
brutal, the Australian media edit out footage of the cruelest acts of violence by the Hong
Kong rioters whom they lionise as “pro-democracy” activists. By contrast when trade
unionists from the CFMEU or other unions defend their
picket lines here or merely swear at
greedy bosses, the Australian media don’t hesitate
to call them “thugs.” And when anti-fascists activists defend themselves and
multi-racial communities from extreme far-right
activists, the Australian media label them as “violent” or “aggressive.” Can you imagine the
hysterical denunciations that Australia’s big business
and government-owned media would unleash
if trade unionists
or anti-racists here started
doing what the Hong Kong rioters are doing today: like kidnapping and torturing journalists, bashing people with
opposing views and beating police officers with sticks?
So what is this anti-China movement in Hong Kong that is so energetically supported by all the capitalist
powers and their media. To understand
what is driving this movement we first need to step back and look at what Hong Kong is. Britain stole Hong Kong during its brutal colonial,
Opium Wars against China
in the mid-nineteenth century. Hong
Kong prospered as a base from where British drug dealers organized their pushing
of large quantities of opium into China. Furthermore, because of its great natural
harbour, its advantageous location
that makes it ideal to serve as a conduit connecting sea lanes from Europe,
America and Australia to China
and its small population, Hong Kong grew wealthy as a trade
and financial centre – much like Singpaore. This was especially in the first
couple of decades
after China began
to open up to trade and
investment exchanges with the outside world in the late 1970s. As in Singapore,
the wealth of this enclave is thus somewhat
artificially derived in the sense that it is based on the city playing an intermediary role leaching a
part of the wealth produced in the much more populous neighboring region.
As a place of laissez
faire capitalism on steroids, where the big end of town faces little
regulation, low taxes and almost
unlimited rights to exploit and speculate, Hong Kong is also one of the most
unequal societies in the world. Its average
income is much higher than on the mainland but it has a greater
proportion of people living in extreme poverty and cruelly inadequate housing
conditions. Hong Kong workers are
subjected to very long working hours and are often bullied by their bosses. On
the other hand, Hong Kong has a very high proportion of billionaires – much
higher than in the mainland PRC. Moreover, it
also has a very large upper-middle class consisting of professionals and
analysts working in the finance industry, investment,
trade and real estate. As a result, one of out every seven people in Hong Kong
is a millionaire. Therefore when the
British finally handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, Hong Kong’s large number of rich people
were fearful that the socialistic PRC would eventually curb their wealth
and power.
As part of the deal returning Hong Kong to China,
Beijing, wrongly, agreed to maintain
Hong Kong as a capitalist enclave for fifty
years. This reassured many Hong Kong capitalists but not all. Many took their
wealth and left – including to Australia. However,
when earlier this year, the
Hong Kong government under prodding from Beijing put forward a bill that would make it easier to extradite people
suspected of serious crimes
– including economic
crimes – from Hong Kong to the mainland this triggered the worst fears of Hong Kong’s rich that Beijing
would eventually move to curb Hong Kong’s laissez faire
capitalism and compel them to hand over part of their wealth and power to Hong Kong’s working
class and poor. So they erupted in rage at the proposed
new law and at the threat of “interference” from Beijing.
Not surprisingly then it has been sections of Hong Kong’s capitalist class that have organised the movement. A key figure in the anti-PRC riots is Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, the billionaire tycoon who owns one of Hong Kong’s biggest media outlets, Next Media Group. The group runs the tabloid Apple Daily as well as several online news sites. Over the last few years, Jimmy Lai has donated huge amounts of money to anti-PRC political parties and NGOs. Today, his right-wing Apple Daily and his other outlets have been actively fomenting and even organising the anti-PRC riots. Even those other Hong Kong tycoons that have called for “calm” have tacitly been pressing the anti-PRC movement’s demands. Thus, Hong Kong’s richest man Li Ka-Shing, in an ambiguous statement, said that “both sides should try to put their feet in another’s shoes.” Yet while calling for harmony, Li pointedly called for Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed government to “show humanity” and show a “way out” for the protesters. Read between the lines and it is apparent that this shipping tycoon wants the Hong Kong government to accede to the rioters demands while urging the latter not to stage any actions that would provoke Beijing into sending in its forces and thus threatening Hong Kong’s capitalist system.
Even more fervent in joining the anti-PRC movement than Hong Kong tycoons have been Hong Kong’s upper-middle class. Since they have less means to pick up and move their capital than the ultra-rich and are less secure in their privileged financial position, the fanaticism of their fear of socialism is even greater than the tycoons’. And as we said, there are a lot of these upper-middle class people in the somewhat artificial region that is Hong Kong. There are over one million millionaires in the small region – which notably is about the maximum size of the protest movement.
The anti-PRC movement has been able to draw in less affluent sections of the middle class too – especially the youth. Although these latter types are much better off than Hong Kong’s working class and poor, the city is so expensive and housing is so unaffordable that young professionals and middle class university students feel squeezed. These people, unlike the tycoons and richer layers of the middle class whose agenda dominates the movement, have legitimate concerns. However, they wrongly blame Beijing for their problems. This is partly because they are swayed by Hong Kong’s largely anti-Beijing media and partly because they see the pro-Beijing government doing little to alleviate their plight. Yet the latter occurs precisely because the Hong Kong regional government and Beijing maintain Hong Kong’s capitalist system. Should Beijing actually move to bring the socialistic system into Hong Kong many of the middle class youth now opposing the PRC would benefit, including through more affordable housing and through more secure and less stressful employment. Another factor in pushing middle class youth into opposing the PRC is that in recent years Hong Kong’s economy has slowed – in good part because the rapid development of mainland Chinese ports and cities has seen Hong Kong eclipsed as a trading centre and port city. Since they know that Hong Kong’s economy has been performing worse since the handover back to Beijing, these youth look back favourably to the colonial days. Yet while Hong Kong’s ultra-rich and upper-middle class families tend to be united against Beijing, recent events in Hong Kong have split less rich middle class families along generational lines. Middle class parents who have experienced all the repression, humiliation and racism of British colonial rule are angry that their children could go to rallies carrying the British colonial flag.
Undoubtedly a small number of Hong Kong’s poor and working class have also joined the protests. With from a quarter to half a million Hong Kong residents living in horrific “coffin homes” – many so small that they are not able to even extend their legs – Hong Kong’s poor have a lot to be angry about. Yet even the Western media have had to admit that this is largely a middle class movement. When the smaller of the territory’s two union federations, the Western-backed Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions tried to call protest “general strikes” in recent months they have been notable flops, with few workers taking part other than for some relatively higher-paid workers like teachers. Moreover, it is important to understand that all pro-capitalist movements have always been able to draw in some layers of the less affluent middle class and some sections of even the working class masses. But their reactionary, pro-capitalist character is defined by their agenda and by which class is driving the protests. And it is definitely sections of the capitalist class and large parts of the upper-middle class who are driving the anti-PRC movement. Thus, when the extradition bill was first put forward it was Hong Kong’s capitalist business owners that led the charge against it. They understood that the law would allow for extradition of people for economic crimes to the mainland. Beijing wants to be able to do this to catch corrupt capitalists fleeing to Hong Kong. Yet Hong Kong capitalists know that in the mainland the right of capitalists to exploit is constrained and many end up facing repression and having their assets confiscated – often after popular pressure from China’s masses (which is often expressed through social media chat sites). A particular incident that scared them was the seizure by PRC authorities two years ago of greedy Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua from a Hong Kong hotel. Xiao is now in detention in the mainland facing trial. The bank that he owned, Baoshang Bank – one of the rare privately-owned banks in China – has been confiscated and brought into public ownership. All this is wonderful news for the working class masses. But it is terrifying for the capitalist exploiters. Hong Kong business bosses and their overseas counterparts conducting operations in the territory fear this could happen to them. Adding to their fears, the proposed extradition bill included an ordinance that would allow the freezing or confiscation of the suspects’ assets. Thus, virtually the entire Hong Kong capitalist class initially opposed the bill. This included even the two pro-business parties that are considered accepting of Hong Kong’s integration into China – the Business and Professionals Alliance and the Liberal Party. The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce warned against any update to the city’s existing extradition laws. Meanwhile, the proposed new laws were openly denounced by the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong which stated that the new law would damage the city’s reputation as a “secure haven for international business.” Under this pressure, the Hong Kong government harmfully backed down a little and removed some of the economic crimes that people could be extradited for. As a result, some capitalists moderated their opposition to the laws. But others, including the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong continued to oppose the bill. Meanwhile, the fears of socialist influence that the extradition bill triggered amongst the upper-middle class has continued to loom large even after Carrie Lam capitulated to the rioters and withdrew the bill.
However, the most fervent sections of the protesters – and especially their imperialist backers – don’t simply want to prevent the PRC’s socialistic system coming to Hong Kong. They want to eject this system from the mainland as well. These people must be opposed. Any threat to the socialistic system in the PRC is a threat to her working class masses. Capitalist counterrevolution in China would endanger all the wonderful achievements that the PRC has made in poverty alleviation. The PRC would be returned to a place of severe exploitation, like an Indonesia, Mexico or Philippines, where bosses retrench workers at will, children live in poverty, women are downtrodden and foreign capitalist powers subjugate the people under a system of semi-colonialism. The resulting increasing in the rate of exploitation would encourage capitalist bosses everywhere, including in Australia, to further attack the wages and rights of the working class and poor. Moreover, a defeat for socialism in the world’s most populous country would embolden capitalist exploiters and demoralise the struggle for socialism around the globe. Just like the destruction of socialistic rule in the USSR and East European countries in 1989-1991, it would throw back by decades the struggle for socialism and for the cause of the working class and downtrodden. That is why the working class and oppressed of Australia and the world must mobilise to defend the PRC workers state. We must say: Down with the pro-colonial, anti-communist movement in Hong Kong! U.S., Britain, Australia get out of the South China Sea! U.S. troops out of Darwin! Stop the Australian regime’s military build-up against the PRC! No to imperialist funding for anti-PRC “NGOs”! Down with the Cold War propaganda drive against the PRC!
It is unsurprising that it is the youth of the upper class and upper-middle class that have been most fervent in opposing the “threat” of socialist “interference” in Hong Kong. And this is not just because young people have more energy. Those young people who dream of a well-paying career or making it big in the capitalist world see “Communist China” as a threat to their aspirations. Their parents have already made their own wealth and if push comes to shove can more easily move it abroad. But the youth want to make their own mark on the capitalist world and socialism threatens their upwardly mobile dreams. Thus, during the socialist revolution in Russia, it was the younger members of the propertied classes that fought most energetically – and, indeed, from their standpoint bravely – to stop the workers’ revolution. This included young military officers – called Junkers – and college students. In the initial February 1917 Revolution that toppled the Tsar, college students participated in the Revolution. However once the revolution moved more clearly to the goal of establishing working class power, Russia’s privileged college students were on the side of the capitalist enemy. Similarly, today, the upper and middle class university students in Hong Kong are on the side of capitalism – this time not against an immediate impending socialist overturn but against the threat (as they see it) of one in the future. The ferocity of their rioting – including several horrific mob beatings of pro-PRC people (including a videotaped bashing of a man holding his children who was “guilty” only of singing the PRC national anthem) – reflects the desperate anger of propertied classes fearful of losing their dominant position.
One should understand that if the working class struggle grows in Australia and the possibility for socialist revolution becomes imminent, there will also be mass opposition to it – especially from capitalist and upper-middle class youth. Unfortunately, the resistance to an impending socialist overturn will not just come from the mythical 1%. The capitalist class is not just 1% of the population. To be sure the biggest of the capitalists do make up about 1% of the population. But then there are those capitalist business owners exploiting smaller numbers of workers, the managerial class enforcing the exploitation of workers at larger workplaces and the cops, prison guards, judiciary and upper bureaucrats who administer the state that keeps the capitalists in power. There are the upper middle class layers including successful self-employed businessmen, rich farmers and the higher paid of the professionals. Unlike the direct capitalist exploiters of labour and their enforcers, these privileged sections of the middle class do not have a direct interest in maintaining the capitalist system. In the long run they would actually benefit from the more rational and humane socialist system. However, it’s a tough job convincing most of them of this when they live a comfortable life under capitalism with negatively-geared, multiple investment properties! Meanwhile, just like the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong, the pro-capitalist resistance movement will be able to con a section of the less affluent portion of the middle class – people who would actually gain a great deal from socialism – and even some less politically conscious workers to their side. The exact balance of forces in a revolution, of course, cannot be predicted ahead of time – it depends on how the struggle plays out. However one can envisage a scenario where in a struggle for socialist revolution in Australia 15 million of its 25 million people support a socialist overturn, 5 to 7 million people are neutral and some 3 to 5 million people are against it. Of course, the victory of a socialist transformation or otherwise depends on not only how many people are on the opposing sides but how determined people on either side are to fight. Yet let’s not be naive: an imminent push towards socialist rule in Australia would face resistance from millions of people. And because an impending revolution would pose the question of which class rules in a far more immediate manner than the possibility of the PRC bringing socialism to Hong Kong, the opposition will likely be even more fanatical – and from their point of view even braver –than the resistance to the socialistic PRC of the Hong Kong anti-communist movement. Let’s not forget that following the Russian Revolution, the young workers state was not only opposed by the actual capitalists and landlords but also by rich peasant farmers and the technical-managerial layers working in factories and utilities.
Part of the opposition – especially from the middle class
– that an impending socialist transformation would face in Australia will be largely
due to racism. A strong
movement for socialism can only develop
by uniting the working
class masses through
positively standing against
racial oppression. A movement with such an anti-racist agenda
will, thus, necessarily face resistance from unreconstructed racist
rednecks. In the current
Hong Kong events
a kind of racism has also played
a factor in the resistance to socialistic China. Although Hong Kongers and mainlanders are both
ethnically Chinese there is a strong nativist racism within Hong Kong that sees Hong Kong people as superior
and more sophisticated than Mainlanders. In part,
this comes from the impact
of British colonialism that taught people
that Westerners were superior to Asians. Associated with this,
Hong Kongers as a people who lived
longer under direct colonial rule were taught that they are more Western and more immersed in “Western
values” than the “oriental” mainlanders. Helping to accentuate these myths is the greater
wealth – at least for the middle and upper
classes – of Hong Kong Chinese relative to their mainland counterparts.
Right-wing media outlets like the
ones run by Jimmy Lai – who is in so many ways
an Hong Kong version of Rupert Murdoch – have excelled in portraying mainlanders entering Hong Kong as “locusts.” This is partly done for the usual capitalist divide and rule schemes which seek to channel the masses’ frustrations onto targets other than
the capitalist exploiters themselves. However,
Jimmy Lai also whips up such sentiments in order to use an Hong Kong
nativist xenophobia to help drive the anti-PRC
A few days ago, Jiayang
Fan, a Chinese-American staff writer at The New Yorker reported that she has
been subjected to vicious
threats and mob racism by anti-PRC activists while covering the Hong Kong protests
(Business Insider Australia website,
22 September 2019). They referred to
her as a “f-ing yellow thug.” Some of
these activists would indeed love to be called white supremacists … but alas
they have yellow skin. Little
surprise then that white supremacists from the West have been
flocking to join in the Hong Kong protests. Some of the notable extreme
right-wingers who have joined the
protests from abroad include the leader
of the violent U.S. far right group
Patriot Prayer
and the despicable Islamophobic and anti-African, Australian bigot, Avi Yemini.
Little wonder then that most people in the migrant and minority communities in Hong Kong are against the anti-China movement. The nativist xenophobia of the Hong Kong anti-PRC movement is also part of the reason why the overwhelming majority of people from the Chinese mainland – including international students currently residing in Australia – oppose the anti-PRC movement. However, there is another more significant reason. The Chinese masses simply like socialistic rule. Although they have plenty of gripes about corruption, petty restrictions (like on Internet access), inequality and the like – they are happy that their wages are rapidly rising, health care is increasingly covered by public insurance, infrastructure is being improved, public transport is being expanded, cities are having more green spaces and tourist facilities – and even toilets – are being improved. They are proud of the achievements of their socialistic country in poverty alleviation and in things like the roll out of the world’s best and most extensive high speed rail network
The battle between opponents and supporters of
the PRC in Hong Kong has also been played out in Australia. Anti-communist international students and
migrants from Hong
Kong have been joined
by other Asian origin
anti-communists, Australian far-right activists,
mainstream conservatives, Laborites and nominally “Marxist” social democrats
in demonstrations in support of Hong Kong’s anti-PRC
movement. These rallies have been greatly supported
and built up by the Australian capitalist media and other ruling
class institutions. Thus, while police here often threaten with arrest and
denounce local anti-fascists when they wear face masks to hide their identity
from violent Neo-Nazis, they have had no objections to Hong Kong anti-China supporters wearing
intimidating-looking masks and helmets at rallies.
Bravely, many Chinese international students have responded to such anti-PRC rallies on campuses with their own pro-PRC counter-rallies. On August 17, over 3,000 people marched through the streets of Sydney in opposition to the pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong. Despite the entire weight of the Australian media and state being on the anti-PRC side, this August 17 pro-China march was several times larger than any of the anti-PRC demonstrations held in Australia. There were some flaws in the politics of that rally that we were still in an overall way proud to enthusiastically support. The action’s main slogans were in the direction of patriotism to the Peoples Republic of China but made no appeal to the interests that the Australian working class has in defending the PRC and in standing against the opposition movement in Hong Kong. By not taking this class line, the rally could not effectively attract Australian working class people which it potentially could have if it had highlighted the socialistic character of the PRC. It is the working class and downtrodden of Australia (including Aboriginal people, lower income people from other communities subjected to racism and unemployed workers) – the people who from their own experience have most reason to distrust the line given by Australia’s capitalist politicians and big business owned media – who can and must be won to supporting Red China and its sovereignty over Hong Kong.
International students from China who have taken a pro-PRC stand have sometimes later faced threats and attacks. Despite this, the mainstream media, while fully praising those supporting the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong for “expressing their right to free speech”, have portrayed the pro-PRC students as being “undemocratic” and even accused them of “trying to suppress free speech.” More sinisterly, in response to the brave stance taken by these students, late last month the Australian government announced the creation of a new Federal Government taskforce to look into “foreign interference” on Australian campuses – a move clearly aimed at intimidating pro-PRC Chinese students studying in Australia. The intimidation and vilification of pro-PRC students by the Australian state and media has had its desired effect. For the last month, pro-PRC Chinese students in Australia have mostly stayed away from participating in public demonstrations. We say: Stop the intimidation of pro-Red China international students! The “right to free speech” must include the right to support socialistic countries like the PRC. In the name of “defending free speech”, the Australian regime and its media are attempting to suppress the voice of those who support socialistic China.
Days after pro-PRC demonstrators outnumbered anti-China
demonstrators in a heated stand-off at the University of Queensland in late July, hard right Liberal
MP Andrew Hastie
made a high profile rant in The Sydney Morning Herald claiming that
China was threatening Australia’s “sovereignty”
and “freedoms” including “in our universities.”
This noted Islamophobe who has been happy to rub shoulders with extreme white
supremacists at rallies
supporting the provocative far-right push for special refugee
status for rich, white South African farmers,
had the hide to compare
Red China’s rise to that of Nazi
Hastie’s tirade shows how the campaign to support the anti-PRC
forces in Hong Kong and to suppress the voices of those who oppose that
movement is feeding into broader anti-China hysteria. Earlier this year we
wrote an article that described an emerging Cold War anti-communist witch-hunt in Australia that was mixing with
White Australia, anti-Chinese racism. In a way
that article has become somewhat out dated. For there is nothing
“emerging” about this witch-hunt now. It
is roaring away at full throttle.
Earlier this month, it emerged
that Monash Caulfield’s student
union had effectively barred international
students from nominating for student
elections in a bid to suppress the voice of PRC students.
How deep the Cold War,
anti-China witch-hunt has become has been seen in the recent campaign by
the mainstream media and Labour
Party against Hong Kong born, federal Liberal
MP Gladys Liu over her alleged links to “Chinese government
interference organisations.” Now
there is nothing we like about the
politics of Gladys Liu who is a supporter of the anti-PRC movement in Hong
Kong, a homophobe and a member of the anti-working class Liberal Party. Yet
she is being attacked for the
wrong reasons and we defend
her from this Cold War persecution. It is outrageous that a person
should be threatened with removal from office just
because she once was a member of associations with loose links to the PRC.
These associations are, like the
organisations of many other ethnic communities in Australia, just social
organisations including people with a diverse range of political views. True, the leaders of these organisations are
fêted by Beijing
and in this way China seeks to win some favour
with the local Chinese
community. But so what? This is
really just the public relations activities that all countries engage in.
Certainly all the members of these organisations do not have any commitment to promoting the views of the PRC government.
We have little concern for Gladys Liu herself. But
if a right-wing politician can be targeted for
being “linked” to Red China what is going to happen to working
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witch-hunt continues, people are soon going to be targeted too for advocating “Communist China-like policies” – if they advocate
things like increased public
housing, nationalisation of the
banks and targeted
poverty alleviation schemes.
Moreover, our key point is that people should have
the right to support socialistic China and people of Chinese
background should have the right to build and
join organizations sympathetic to the PRC.
After all, the Communist Party
of China (CPC) is currently the most popular political
organisation in that country with over 90 million members. It is natural that
many immigrants from China and international students
from there would also be supporters of the CPC. They should have as much right to voice their opinions as anyone else. Moreover, supporting socialistic China is
what is in the interests of the overwhelming majority of Australia’s population – that is, of the
working class and most middle class people.
The fact is that the PRC leadership makes no effort
to “interfere” in the direction of Australian politics. Even the specific
claims of “interference” labelled against China
have little to do with Australia’s internal
policy direction. When one examines the claims closely, it is apparent that the alleged Chinese “interference”
is confined to efforts to mitigate Australia’s hostility
to China or to prevent
Australia being used as a base
for anti-communist Chinese exile
groups to launch political attacks on the PRC.
Having said the above, socialistic China actually has a
duty to try to “influence” politics in Australia and other capitalist countries. Not in the covert
way that the U.S.,
Australia and other
imperialist countries are working to, for example,
interfere in Hong Kong and Venezuela. Instead, the PRC should seek to advance the struggle for socialism worldwide by openly
proclaiming the advantages of the socialist system
and by solidarising with working class and oppressed people’s movements in capitalist
countries, including Australia. Let’s not
forget that soon after the 1917
Russian Revolution, Lenin, Trotsky and
the other leaders of the young Soviet
workers state established the Communist International for this very purpose.
The truth is that, in the end, China will only be free to
carry on its socialistic course unhindered if the masses in the capitalist
world mobilise to, firstly, hold back their own rulers from
squeezing China; and eventually to overthrow their own capitalist exploiters. Beijing’s current
policy of mutual
non-interference in the affairs
of other countries has been a failure. The CPC government genuinely tries not to interfere in the internal affairs
of the capitalist powers. However, as we see today in the massive
interference in Hong Kong by the imperialist powers, the capitalist rulers in the West do everything possible to undermine
the PRC.
As a result of the continued capitalist domination there, Hong Kong really does have a lot of socio-economic problems. There are the awful coffin homes, unaffordable housing, a slowing economy, massive inequality, cruelly long working hours and terrible conditions for the over 300,000 largely Indonesian and Filipino domestic maids residing there. Yet the Hong Kong opposition movement make no socio-economic demands whatsoever. This highlights their anti-working class character – they are not interested in solving the plight of Hong Kong’s poor and exploited. Their five demands meanwhile are fashioned to appear “fair” but actually would serve to increase the grip on society of Hong Kong’s wealthy. Part of their demands are against supposed police “brutality.” However, compared to police in capitalist countries like Australia, the Hong Kong police have thus far been downright timid. Imagine how many people Australian cops – who are notorious for having murdered or otherwise caused the death of dozens of Aboriginal people over the last four decades – would have killed if they had been subjected to what the Hong Kong rioters have done to police there for four whole moths: thrown firebombs at them, beat them with sticks, threatened their children and spouses and stabbed off-duty police.
As they complain about “police brutality” in today’s Hong Kong, the anti-PRC movement
hold aloft the old British colonial flag of Hong Kong and hark back to the
colonial days. Yet it was the
British colonial forces in Hong Kong that committed truly murderous repression.
In 1967, in response to mass strikes and protests by workers and other anti-colonial leftists in Hong Kong, British
colonial police launched commando raids on union offices
and other leftist
strongholds and on several occasions
unleashed sub- machine gun
fire against the activists. In the end police shot dead, or beat to death, some
30 workers and other leftists.
One of the main demands of the anti-PRC movement is for universal suffrage and parliamentary “democracy.” Yet, as in Australia, the reality of one person one vote in
a society where
the wealth and
power is so unequally divided results only in the tyranny of the
tycoons. It is the rich who disproportionately have the money to fund political parties, pay for political advertising and hire
lobbyists. And it is the tycoons who own and control the media. The reality in
Australia is that the most influential tycoons like Anthony Pratt or Gina Rinehart – with their direct line to
the politicians and their massive political donations – each have far more influence on the direction
of the country than, say, all the
400,000 people on the meagre Newstart
Allowance put together! In Hong Kong where inequality is even greater,
any formal parliamentary “democracy” would only reinforce still further
the domination of society by the rich. Certainly the brutally exploited and
often abused foreign maids in Hong Kong, many of whom are forced
to sleep in corridors near the toilets
and in laundries, would have little
say in a Western-style “democracy.” As we have pointed out in placards at pro-PRC assemblies over Hong
Kong, if the rich kid rioters in Hong Kong really care about democracy they could start by treating
their domestic maids a lot better.
In the current political set up where Beijing has agreed
to maintain capitalist rule over Hong Kong, domestic maids and other working
class people don’t have any say either. However, the possibility of greater
socialist influence of the PRC – that the pro-colonials’ call for parliamentary
“democracy” is designed to impede – does give a path for greater rights for the
long suffering working class masses of Hong Kong.
The democracy that working class people need is not the sham of a parliamentary “democracy” but a workers democracy based on elected workers councils that also draw in other sections of the poor. These councils, or soviets, would not be open to members of the exploiting class in order to stop them using their wealth and connections to dominate the councils. By having the working class masses organised together as a class in such councils they are able to better feel their collective strength and interests and, thereby, resist the political influence of the properties classes. However, there are two pre-conditions to such a soviet democracy exercising real power. Firstly, the state machine that these workers councils administer must be a workers state – i.e. a state built and replenished to serve working class interests. Now, because the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army base in Hong Kong is the ultimate military power in the region this has fashioned a change in the character of the Hong Kong police from the days of British colonialism. Some of the most pro-colonial cops have abandoned the force, not wanting to be subordinate to a Communist power. On the other hand, some people sympathetic to Red China have been enthusiastic to join. Moreover, every time the police are called to act against pro-colonial violence like we are seeing today, pro-colonial forces would drop off the force and be unwilling to join it while pro-PRC elements would be keen to enlist. Yet the transformation of the force is likely incomplete, not least because the property system it is enforcing in Hong Kong is still a capitalist property system. Meanwhile, the other elements of the state machinery in Hong Kong are even more based on the old colonial-capitalist machinery. Hong Kong’s judiciary remains anti-communist as shown by the way judges have been giving the right-wing rioters such lean “punishments” or often none at all. Meanwhile, even the non-repressive components of the state apparatus are still tied to the capitalist class. Hong Kong schools still teach the old pro-colonial, anti-communist curriculum. As for Hong Kong state media, its character is shown by the fact that it has been ostentatiously supporting the anti-PRC movement. That is why pro- PRC activists in Hong Kong have recently protested against the anti-China bias of Hong Kong media and against the incredible leniency that judges have shown to the pro-colonial rioters.
The second pre-condition for a workers democracy
that exercises real power is that the power of the exploiting class
is broken so that the working
class begins to have the real economic power without which any political power can only be a
fiction. To be sure, the bureaucratic
leadership in Beijing, although based on a socialistic system, is not keen on workers
democracy as that could undermine its somewhat privileged, middle class
social position. Nevertheless, even if Beijing were to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong in its
bureaucratically deformed form that would still be a massive step forward for Hong Kong’s
masses. Today, such a move has
become an absolute necessity not only to improve the lives of the masses
but to even prevent Hong Kong’s
separation or partial
distancing from China.
For Hong Kong capitalist tycoons and their upper middle
class allies are using their enormous economic
strength to fund and
direct separatist activities. The power of the Jimmy Lais,
the Li-Kashings and the other capitalists of Hong Kong must be broken! Their ports,
media outlets, real estate property, banks
and telecom firms must be stripped
from their hands and brought
into public ownership. This would finally
enable Hong Kong’s overworked wage earners to get shorter
working hours with no loss in pay and would
provide the resources needed to build the public housing necessary to
relieve the housing situation of those currently “living” in coffin homes. In
other words, such a move toward socialism in Hong Kong would be enormously
popular amongst the Hong Kong masses.
We are not naive and know that if Beijing moves
to bring the socialistic system to
Hong Kong, the propertied classes will resist with even greater ferocity than
they are now. However, currently,
we have the worst of both worlds
in Hong Kong.
The capitalists and their upper
middle class allies
feel threatened by the prospect of socialism and so they are in revolt, all the while
still having the economic clout
to make such a revolt powerful. On the other hand, Hong Kong’s working class masses have not seen any benefits
from being brought under the umbrella of a socialistic state and so are not mobilising energetically to defend the PRC. Meanwhile, those not so rich sections of the middle
class who could be won to the side
of socialism if the potential benefits of socialistic rule were made clear are, instead, being harnessed by the anti-communist forces.
However, Beijing is reluctant to move against the capitalist class in Hong Kong because it is obsessed with not antagonising the Western imperialist powers. Moreover, having allowed the emergence of a capitalist class within the mainland, the risk averse CPC leaders don’t want to upset stability by taking actions in Hong Kong that could frighten these capitalists into opposition. Therefore, it must be the most class conscious workers and leftists who must lead the charge for a socialist Hong Kong. In doing so they may finally pull Beijing along to do what it should. For starters, to highlight the benefits of socialistic rule, genuine leftists in Hong Kong should organise demonstrations calling for those policies and laws in the mainland that would be most beneficial to and most popular with the Hong Kong masses to be implemented there. For one, the PRC’s 2008 labour law, which has far greater protections for workers than Hong Kong laws, should be called for. Secondly, the policies that allow better conditions for domestic maids in the mainland – where they are mostly workers with their own homes rather than live in servants – should be advocated. Thirdly, pro-PRC activists should call for the right to abortion on demand, which exists in the mainland, to be brought to Hong Kong where women’s basic democratic right to abortion is greatly curtailed. Fourthly, and perhaps most crucially, leftists must push for the PRC’s “houses are for living in not speculation” policy which restricts the purchases of multiple homes by any individual to be brought into Hong Kong. Such a policy would open up immediate accommodation opportunities for those currently living in “coffin” homes, drive down the price of housing and start to challenge the power of the property tycoons that so dominate the territory
Meanwhile, pro-PRC forces should start mobilising on the streets to defend public property from the anti-communist rioters. The largest trade union federation in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU), is pro-PRC. So pro-PRC activist should agitate for unions affiliated to the HKFTU to start building such actions – defensive actions that would be quite popular as many Hong Kong people are getting sick of the random attacks of the rich-kid rioters. From there, contingents should begin to target the business bases of Jimmy Lai and other notable anti-PRC tycoons. The aim would be to eventually occupy Lai’s Apple Daily’s production base and stage an HKFTU union seizure of control of this newspaper. Meanwhile, the real estate owned by Lai and other anti-PRC tycoons should be occupied and handed over to current residents of “coffin” homes. As it becomes clearer to all that the question of PRC influence over Hong Kong versus “independence” is a question of working class interests versus capitalist interests, more working class people will be won over to the pro-PRC cause and the forces can eventually become available to demand the complete confiscation of the means of production of all the big capitalists.
If the socialistic system
were to be brought to Hong Kong it would have great significance beyond the territory. It would encourage those forces fighting most
consistently to maintain socialistic rule on the mainland; while demoralising
the capitalists within the mainland demanding ever greater “rights” and the
right-wing of the CPC bureaucracy who are only too happy to hand over to them
such concessions. Meanwhile, given that no part of the world has had the
socialistic system based on working
class state power brought
to it in over 40 years, the bringing of a system based
on public ownership
and proletarian rule to Hong
Kong would greatly encourage the international struggle for socialist revolution. So
let’s fight for one Red China – that
is, for one country under one socialist system!
However, the fate of Hong Kong will not only be determined by contending forces there. What happens in Australia and other Western countries also matters a great deal. A primary source of the strength of the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong is their backing from imperialist governments and NGOs. They are greatly encouraged by demonstrations abroad that support them. So we need to mobilise to oppose support to the Hong Kong anti-communist forces from the Australian government and local NGOs. We need to build actions condemning the Hong Kong pro-colonial movement so as to boost the morale of pro-PRC activists in Hong Kong.
Trotskyist Platform (TP) was proud to have joined the large August 17 pro-PRC
march in Sydney. Among the many slogans that we have carried at this and other pro-PRC
actions include: “A Strong
Socialistic China is Good for Australian
Working Class People. Australian Workers: Defend the PRC Workers State!”,
“Defend Socialistic China Against Imperialism! Resist Meddling in Hong Kong by Colonial
Powers”, “Hong Kong Rioters = Rich Kid Allies or
Dupes of Right-Wing Hong Kong Media Billionaire Jimmy Lai – Hong Kong’s Rupert Murdoch” and “Western-Style
Democracy = Total Control By the
Rich. Increase Socialist Influence of PRC to Improve Lives of Hong Kong Working
One other significant left group in Australia that has not joined the anti-PRC crusade over Hong Kong is the Communist Party of Australia (CPA). The CPA has rightly criticised the pro-imperialist character of the Hong Kong opposition movement and opposed the U.S.-Australia war drive against China. However, they have often, in their press, ducked the key issue of whether the PRC is a workers state or not – indicating that there are some people in the party who either believe that the PRC has gone capitalist or are unsure on the issue. Probably for the same reasons, the CPA, while rightly involved in actions in solidarity with socialistic Cuba, has thus far not participated on the ground in the various pro-PRC actions that have taken place recently. Of course, leftists in Australia must stand by Cuba. However, the PRC is the socialistic country that is most targeted by imperialism and in particular by our own imperialist ruling class at home. Thus, it is somewhat easy to be active supporting Cuba while not being active defending the main target of the new anti-communist Cold War – the PRC. Let us never forget that a key reason that the former Soviet workers state ultimately succumbed to incessant imperialist pressure is that leftists in the imperialist countries – including those nominally sympathetic to the USSR – did not mobilise actual actions that squarely solidarised with the Soviet Union. This emboldened capitalist restorationist forces within the Soviet Union, while leaving genuine communists in the USSR feeling isolated and demoralised and thus less willing to fight to defend their workers state. Let us make sure the same thing never ever happens to the PRC!
Other than for TP
and the CPA, all other significant
left groups in Australia have lined
up behind the anti-communist opposition in Hong Kong. The left groups in
Australia that have been most active
in supporting the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong are Socialist Alliance
(SA), Solidarity and Socialist Alternative (SAlt). The latter two joined an
August 30 anti-Red China rally at Sydney University where present were not only
pro-imperialist Hong Kong students but other anti-communists. One of the
featured speakers at the rally was
prominent anti-communist, Dana Pham. A rabid opponent of women’s right to abortion, Pham is so anti-communist that she opposes
even social democracy because she says that it leads to communism. So this is the sort of politics
that Socialist Alternative and Solidarity are in
a united front with! Now, Pham openly
self-identifies as the child of former capitalists in Vietnam who were dispossessed by the heroic Vietnamese anti-capitalist revolution. Indeed, the demonstrations
in Australia in support of the Hong Kong anti-communist movement is a magnet for members – and their unreconstructed
descendants – of a number of different exploiting classes who are bitter that
communists confiscated (or threaten to confiscate) their ill-gotten wealth and
brought it into common social ownership. Many
participating are, like Pham,
either members of the overthrown former capitalist/
landlord ruling class of Vietnam
or their children.
Hence, the anti-PRC
rallies have been shot through with the
flags of the deposed former
South Vietnamese regime.
Also prominent at the anti-Red
China actions have been the flags favoured by supporters of the deposed
former feudal ruling class of Tibet. After Chinese and Tibetan communists
united to topple that class from power in 1959 and liberate brutally subjugated Tibetan
serfs, many of the former
feudal elite fled into exile.
Due to fervent support from the
CIA and the capitalist powers some of the descendants of these former serf
owners cling on to a dream of one day driving out socialist rule from Tibet and regaining
their families’ former
glory. Hence they rally in solidarity with their fellow
“victims” of socialism. Then there are the capitalists and property owning
upper-middle class types
who are angry that they have had to leave Hong Kong when it was returned to China in order to avoid the risk of
having their wealth redistributed to the masses. Of course, there are also some unreconstructed descendants of the former capitalist-landlord rulers
of China who are furious at being toppled by the 1949 Revolution. Then there are people associated with the still ruling capitalist exploiting class in Taiwan.
All these people have a clear class reason – or at least perceived reason – for opposing socialism and for joining the local actions supporting the Hong Kong anti-communist movement. But what the hell are nominally socialist groups doing there! In joining these demonstrations, these left groups actually undermine some of the better work that they do on other issues where they are at least on the right side of the fence. For example, SA have been active in opposing the pro-imperialist, National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-backed mass protests in Venezuela. Yet if the quite similar, NED-backed pro-imperialist protests in Hong Kong that they are supporting were to achieve victories it can only encourage the pro-imperialist forces in Venezuela. Similarly, SAlt have built actions in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people. Yet they back a movement in Hong Kong that flies U.S. flags, presents the Trump regime as a potential saviour and hails the U.S. system, all of which can only undermine opposition to the U.S. imperialist state that is the key backer of Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinian people.
Something that we can give credit to SAlt over is their
spearheading of a protest last month against the hard right CPAC (Conservative Political
Action Conference) meeting
in Sydney that was hosted by Andrew Cooper,
the leader of the Australian far-right
group, Liberty Works. TP
joined SAlt in this protest. Yet at
the start of this month, this same CPAC held
a conference in Hong Kong that was joined by that same Andrew Cooper to support
the same anti-Red China movement that SAlt also supports! The CPAC Hong Kong conference drew as its
featured speaker, leading Hong Kong
“independence” activist Andy Chan, the leader of the staunchly anti-PRC, Hong
Kong National Party.
Indeed, the Australian actions in solidarity with the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong have been joined by not only hard conservatives but by some more extreme far-right figures. They have also been shot through with the xenophobic nativist anti-mainland Chinese racism that has typified the movement in Hong Kong itself. At one Sydney rally in Martin Place, anti-PRC activists issued a leaflet dog whistling to anti-Chinese racism by calling for restrictions on migration from China. SAlt itself have implicitly recognised the problem because they pulled out of one anti-PRC rally at the University of Queensland because it so openly pandered to anti-Chinese racism. Yet, despite their efforts to distance themselves from anti-Chinese racism, they and Solidarity and SA – all of whom are involved in legitimate anti-racist causes – nevertheless back a movement that oozes nativist anti-mainland Chinese racism and whose feeding into the anti-China hysteria in this country can only help to incite still more anti-Chinese violence on Australia’s streets. Indeed, the intersection of racism, the anti-PRC movement in Hong Kong and the anti-PRC left was played out at a Melbourne anti-Red China rally earlier this month. Joining the Hong Kong anti-communists were not only the Victorian Socialists – a coalition grouping together SAlt, SA and non-aligned leftists – but also extreme far-right racist, Avi Yemini. Spotting Yemini, a Victorian Socialist activist tries to do the right thing and warns a couple of women participants at the rally that Yemini is talking to that they should not talk to him because he is an extreme racist, a fascist and Nazi. Yet the two pro-Hong Kong anti-communists are not too concerned. Nearby is another participant draped in the Hong Kong colonial flag. When another two Victorian socialists come over to the stand off, the man draped in the colonial flag sides with Yemini and tells him that he will never trust socialists because socialism leads to communism and that he and other Hong Kong people instead like Trump and all Western countries. One could say that those at the demonstration may have been unaware of just how rabidly racist that Yemini is, yet they were quite prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and seemed to be much happier to embrace far right racists than nominal socialists. One can feel sorry for the Victorian Socialists present but their party really set them up! No real socialist should be anywhere near such anti-communist, anti-PRC rallies.
Even if it were hypothetically possible to purge the anti-PRC movement of all far-right influence and all open racism it would merely end up being a cleaned-up counterrevolutionary movement. The fundamental contradiction still exists for the socialist groups supporting it: that supporting a movement that hails the capitalist regimes in the U.S., Britain and Australia, lauds the “democracy” for the rich that exists in these countries and glorifies Western (i.e. capitalist and imperialist) values can only buttress support for the Western capitalist regimes and, thus, undermine the struggle for socialism that these groups nominally stand for.
Those leftists who have
supported the Hong Kong anti-PRC opposition must urgently take a step back and consider the following
points. Firstly, when does Donald Trump, Scott Morrison, CPAC, the NED, Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Stokes ever support a movement that is
actually progressive? What kind of movement
appeals to Donald
Trump, glorifies “Western values,” carries
the U.S. and British flag and harks back to colonialism? We can give some answers to that question: the 2015-2016 Islamophobic and white supremacist
Reclaim Australia marches, marches by extreme anti-Palestinian activists in
Israel, CPAC conferences and the recent
mass anti-abortion protests
in NSW. Needlessly to say, all these mobilisations
are totally reactionary. Certainly protests
by the oppressed Palestinian people
and people of Kashmir are not hailing Trump and glorifying Western
values, let alone flying the U.S. flag.
Even some of groups that claim to be more “Marxist
Leninist” than the likes of SAlt, SA
and Solidarity have jumped onto the
anti-PRC bandwagon. Thus, the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)
even while admitting that “US imperialism has directed and influenced some of
the key players in the current disturbances” in Hong Kong then still
leans on the side of the anti-communist movement by asserting that, “that does not mean we should support the repression of genuine protestors by the Hong Kong
police, or support
the Chinese government.” Meanwhile
Australia’s newest
left group, the Australia
Communist Party (ACP), has also climbed onto the anti-PRC train. The ACP
recently broke away from the CPA and it had not been clear what the actual political differences were. Now one major divergence is apparent: the ACP has moved
a big step to the Right by declaring that China is now “capitalist.” This provides the rationale for the ACP to join with the Cliffite groups – SAlt and
Solidarity – and SA in the anti-PRC crusade. Of course the actual capitalists
in Hong Kong don’t seem to have noticed
that the PRC is “capitalist”, which
is why they are terrified of being subjected to PRC laws and are scared of any
encroaching PRC influence!
An additional point should be made about those avowed “Marxist-Leninists,” like the ACP, who refuse to defend the PRC but are proudly pro-USSR. That is, it is rather easy to be pro-USSR today, more than 27 years after the USSR was destroyed by capitalist counterrevolution and with the Cold War against it well and truly ended. However, at the time of the 1980s Cold War against the USSR there was massive political pressure to find a reason to junk defence of the USSR – and there were many real shortcomings in the workers state that were used by opportunists to abandon defence of the USSR (the Cliffite groups simply called it “state capitalist”). The real test of where a newer group would have stood during the Cold War against the USSR is where it stands today in the midst of the Cold War taking place against socialistic China right now. Any left group that under pressure manufactures a reason to avoid defending the PRC today would surely have failed to defend the USSR when it actually existed.
With the Cold War against
the socialistic PRC intensifying every day and much of the left falling over
themselves to avoid defending the PRC, we call on all pro-PRC
leftists and all our supporters and friends to stand
rock solid in defence of Red China – despite all its deformities and harmful
concessions to capitalism. During the Cold War
against the USSR too, most of
the Left found a way to be on the
same side as the counterrevolutionary forces that opposed the USSR. Much earlier, during the Civil War that followed the 1917 Russian
Revolution – when the Soviet workers state was
still led by 100% genuine communists like Lenin
and Trotsky – all of the Left of that
time, other than the true communists, also stood opposed to the Soviet workers state at key moments in the struggle
for its survival. And that’s the point! Those who, today, cannot defend the PRC workers state would not even defend an
embattled workers state when it is
under a truly revolutionary, internationalist
leadership. But we vow to stand firm. By linking
defence of the PRC workers state with the struggle
against capitalist exploitation, racism and women’s
oppression in this country,
genuine communists will be able to show to the most politically advanced workers and youth that having the world’s
most populous country
remain under at least some sort of socialistic rule enhances
the struggle for liberation of the
working class and oppressed.
For as Russian
Revolutionary leader,
Leon Trotsky insisted at the start of World War II when many leftists
were abandoning defence of the USSR:
The workers’ state must be taken as it has emerged from the merciless laboratory of history and not as it is imagined by a “socialist” professor, reflectively exploring his nose with his finger. It is the duty of revolutionists to defend every conquest of the working class even though it may be distorted by the pressure of hostile forces. Those who cannot defend old positions will never conquer new ones.
Balance Sheet of the Finnish Events, Leon Trotsky, April 1940
Against the Right-Wing, Western-backed Protests in Hong Kong
Socialistic PRC Should Extradite Even More Tycoons to Face Justice on the Mainland and Have Their Ill-Gotten Assets Nationalised!
10 June 2019 – Australia’s big
business and government-owned media have been lionising the recent, often
violent, right-wing protests in Hong Kong. They report that driving the
protests are businessmen, shopkeepers, lawyers and university students. This is
a protest pushed by large sections of Hong Kong’s capitalist class, the upper
middle-class and younger wannabe capitalists. They fear that the socialistic state
ruling mainland China will gradually undermine their privileged position (see also
this letter by a comrade written some five years ago which dissected similar
anti-communist protests at the time:
The groups opposed to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) within Hong Kong are not only being encouraged by the mainstream Western media but are being funded by the U.S. government’s National Endowment for Democracy (here the National Endowment for Democracy’s own website lists some of the anti-PRC programs that they openly fund in Hong Kong – one of which they deviously portray as being for workers rights – , however their covert funding is many times larger). They are also being filled with cash by Hong Kong’s own capitalist class and by capitalists in mainland China. A particular reason that capitalists are up in arms over Hong Kong’s proposed new extradition law – the object of yesterday’s protests – is that it will make it easier for the PRC to continue cracking down on mainland capitalists hiding out in Hong Kong. Although, unfortunately, the compromising Beijing leadership has allowed some people to become capitalist tycoons within China, the great thing is that the PRC often comes down hard upon these capitalists. While in Australia, the likes of James Packer, Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forest are above the law, the biggest tycoons in China are often nabbed for corruption. Moreover, if their rate of exploitation has become excessive, especially in a way that puts the broader economy at risk, the PRC authorities sometimes bow to public pressure and crackdown on these hated corporate bigwigs. Sometimes they even laudably confiscate the assets of these billionaires and bring them into public ownership – i.e. carry out the socialist program.
1 July 2019: Violent, pro-colonial protesters smash into Hong Kong’s legislative building and hoist the flag of the former British colonial regime that brutally occupied Hong Kong.
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The particular incident that is driving Hong Kong’s capitalist elite and upper-middle class yuppies to oppose the planned new extradition law is the kidnapping two years ago of greedy Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua from a Hong Kong hotel by PRC authorities. That is why many of those involved in yesterday’s anti-PRC protests were carrying signs like: “no kidnapping to China.” PRC authorities ended up taking Xiao Jianhua to the mainland for questioning and detention. Xiao is now awaiting trial for corrupt activities. The PRC workers state has also taken over a bank that he owned, Baoshang Bank – one of the rare privately-owned banks in China – and given it over to state-owned banks to run. In other words, the bank has been effectively nationalised. This is fantastic! For more details on this nationalisation and the bringing down of Xiao Jianhua and other greedy billionaires in Hong Kong by Red China see the following mainstream media articles:
More Chinese capitalists hiding out in Hong Kong should be extradited and have their assets nationalised. Any real socialist would want this!
Moreover the PRC should abandon its deal with the British imperialists who stole Hong Kong in 1842. Britain seized Hong Kong after winning the Opium War against China. In winning that predatory war Britain’s capitalist rulers not only stole Hong Kong but won the “right” to turn half of China into drug addicts for the sake of their profits, the “right” to “concessions” granting them and other imperialist powers control of key parts of China and the right to control and plunder China’s markets. In the 1997 deal between China and Britain that finally returned Hong Kong to China, the PRC (wrongly) agreed to maintain Hong Kong’s capitalist system for at least 50 years. The deal meant “one country – two systems.”The PRC should renege on this deal – imperialist powers should have no right to dictate what system exists in any part of China or any other country for that matter. No more one country – two systems! It should be one country – one socialist system! That means that the assets of the Hong Kong capitalists should be confiscated and brought into public ownership. In particular, Hong Kong’s huge and vital port should be confiscated from notorious billionaire Li Ka-shing and his son, Victor Li. Li Ka-shing and Victor Li control Hutchison Port Holdings, which as well as owning Hong Kong’s ports also controls a port terminal at Sydney’s Port Botany, where they are notorious for union-busting attacks on workers jobs and working conditions (see:
If the PRC puts Hong Kong’s capitalist bigwigs out of business, the social base for the right-wing anti-PRC movement will be greatly weakened. More importantly, nationalising the businesses owned by the Hong Kong tycoons will allow the wages and working conditions of workers in Hong Kong’s ports and service sectors to be greatly improved and will provide the resources to finally improve the atrocious living conditions of the hundreds of thousands of working-class Hong Kong residents either living in cage-like “homes” or tiny slum-like apartments. In other words a move to bring the socialistic system to Hong Kong would be popular amongst the working class and poor of Hong Kong. It would also illuminate – for all to see – the clear class question involved in the issue of support or opposition of PRC influence. It would become clearer to the working class masses of Hong Kong that their interests lie in being ever more closely a part of Red China. Moreover, a blow against the capitalists of Hong Kong would give confidence to those within the mainland seeking to preserve socialistic rule there. That struggle is a difficult and fraught struggle as the PRC workers state is facing aggressive pro-capitalist demands from Chinese private business owners, Western-backed “dissidents,” the imperialist rulers of Australia and the U.S. (the latter with its fervent demands during the trade disputes that China stop supporting the socialistic, state-owned enterprises that dominate her economy) and soft-on-capitalist elements within the Chinese leadership and bureaucracy itself.
Therefore anyone who supports working class people’s interests and
socialism should support increased PRC influence in Hong Kong, should unequivocally
oppose all anti-PRC movements there and should call for the PRC to bring Hong
Kong’s economy under socialist, public ownership.
17 August 2019: A spirited, 3000 strong pro-PRC demonstration gathers outside the Sydney Town Hall. The rally opposed the anti-PRC rioters in Hong Kong.
One of the Trotskyist Platform (TP) placards at the 17th August 2019 demonstration where over 3,000 people marched through the streets of Sydney in opposition to the pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong who have been seeking to undermine the region’s incorporation into the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). The march was several times larger than even the biggest of the rallies held in Sydney supporting the right-wing, pro-colonial opposition in Hong Kong. This is despite those anti-PRC actions in Australia being massively supported and built up by the entire capitalist media.
Nearly all those participating in the 17th August march were international students from China or people from the local Chinese community. However, a multi-racial group of TP supporters also joined the pro-Red China march. As well as standing in solidarity with the action, our contingent opposed the Australian ruling class’ escalating Cold War repression of supporters of socialistic China as well as other socialistic states (such as the brave pro-North Korea political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi) and emphasised that defending the PRC workers state is in the very interests of the working class and oppressed of this country. We also distributed a leaflet at the demonstration that not only opposed the anti-communist opposition in Hong Kong but called for socialistic rule to be brought to Hong Kong so that all of China can be in one country under one socialistic system.
2019年4月13日,Chan Han Choi,这位在澳大利亚的社会主义者政治犯的支持者举行了第二次抗议行动,要求政府给他自由。 Choi是一名澳大利亚公民,从韩国移民过来差不多已经有31年了。过去16个月一直被澳大利亚政府监禁。由于他对朝鲜的同情,澳大利亚当局拒绝让他保释。
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Choi被指控违反联合国经济制裁,帮助朝鲜出口物资。尽管当局在严酷的条件下拘禁他,但他仍然蔑视并要做“无罪”辩护。即使这些针对Choi的指控证实属实,但从工人阶级的角度来看,他当然不是罪犯。恰恰相反!如果Choi确实试图通过交易来帮助朝鲜,这只会证明他冒着巨大的个人风险来帮助朝鲜人民,他们正经受着没有任何其他国家经受过的最严厉的摧残式制裁。 Choi反对制裁不仅基于他的人道主义,而且基于他对朝鲜社会的平等主义和社区精神的热爱。无论人们如何看待朝鲜的某个特别领导人,朝鲜都是一个以所有主要银行,工业,农业用地和矿山的集体所有制为基础的工人国家。在支持这种基于公有制的社会主义国家的过程中,Choi和所有遭受以资本主义私有制为主的经济而带来的痛苦的澳大利亚人的利益是一致的。他和遭受资本主义社会造成的种族主义暴力和虐待的澳大利亚原住民以及亚洲,穆斯林和非洲少数民族社区是站在一起的。所以澳大利亚和世界的工人阶级有必要支持Chan Han Choi。我们现在必须要求清除对他所有指控。
4月13日的抗议行动参加人数几乎是去年9月Choi的第一次集会的人数的两倍,而且更加活跃。但还有很多事情需要做。世界各地的所有人都反对帝国主义的欺凌行为,那些代表基于社会主义公有制的制度的人和反对冷战式政治迫害左翼的人有必要参加竞选活动,以要求释放Chan Han Choi。我们还有必要与Choi一起反对资本主义大国,利用制裁来对朝鲜人民进行经济恐吓,使他们默许资本主义征服,以及亿万富翁,西方银行家,房地产投机商和血汗工厂老板的收购。帝国主义对朝鲜的压力最终也是为了破坏其邻国和盟国中国的社会主义政权。
Energetic Protest Demands Freedom for Socialist Political Prisoner in Australia
Sydney, 13 April 2019: More than 40 people
participated in a united front protest action today in support of a left-wing
political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi. An Australian citizen who
migrated from South Korea some 31 years ago, Choi has been incarcerated for the
last 16 months. The Australian authorities have refused to give him bail
because of his sympathies for North Korea. They have also stripped him of many
of the legal rights that should be accorded to other prisoners. The Australian
regime has restricted visits to see him, cut off his phone calls, prevented his
son from visiting him in jail and blocked visits by his lawyers for several
months. Underscoring the reality that this cruel repression flows very much
from the nature of Australia’s racist, rich people’s regime is the fact that
Choi is being imprisoned in the very same wing of Sydney’s Long Bay jail where
26 year-old Aboriginal man, David Dungay, was murdered by racist prison guards
on 29 December 2015.
Choi is accused of facilitating the export of North
Korea’s produce abroad in violation of United Nations economic sanctions.
Despite the authorities holding this Australian citizen in harsh conditions he
has remained defiant and pleaded “Not Guilty.” As the chair of today’s protest,
Sarah Fitzenmeyer, who is also the chairwoman of Trotskyist Platform, stressed
in introducing the protest demonstration:
“… even if these allegations against Choi turn out to be true, he is certainly no criminal from the standpoint of the working class. Quite the opposite! If Choi actually did try to broker deals to help North Korea this would simply prove that he was taking great personal risks to aid the people of North Korea who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country….”
“Choi’s opposition to the sanctions is not only based on his humanitarianism but also on his love for North Korean society’s egalitarianism and warm community spirit. Whatever one may think of North Korea’s particular leaders, North Korea is a workers state based on collective ownership of all the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. In supporting this socialistic state based on public ownership, Choi is standing by the interests of all those suffering in Australia from the effects of an economy dominated by capitalist private ownership. He is also standing by Aboriginal people, Muslim people, Asian people, African people and Middle Eastern people right here in Australia who suffer racist violence engendered by capitalist society. So the working class and downtrodden of Australia must stand by Chan Han Choi. We must demand the dropping of all charges against him now.”
Photo credit: Korean Today
After the chair’s opening remarks, a message to
supporters that Choi delivered in September last year was played to the rally
In this message, Choi not only thanks his supporters but, from jail, bravely
denounces the UN economic sanctions on North Korea as “both unjust and unfair.”
The first speaker from the protest was Choi’s friend
and one of his strongest supporters, Jimmy Yun, who addressed the rally in
Korean. Yun emphasised that Choi is being stripped of his rights because he
supports a socialistic country, North Korea. He pointed out how Choi has been
denied bail and compared that with the granting of bail, prior to trial, in the
two highest profile criminal cases in Australia over the last two years: those
of Chris Dawson and former Catholic archbishop George Pell. Pell who was found
by a jury to have cruelly sexually assaulted two children was granted bail
prior to the trial that convicted him of these serious charges. For his part,
Chris Dawson who is charged with murdering his ex-wife Lynette was granted bail
after spending just two weeks in prison. In contrast, Choi has been denied bail
for 16 months! This comparison becomes
all the more stark when one compares the very different nature of the “crimes”
that Choi has been accused of as against those that Pell and Dawson were
charged with. Both of the latter two cases involve serious crimes against
victims: in one, murder, and in the other, sexual assault of children. In the
case of Choi, who has no criminal record, he is not accused of any crime
against a victim. He is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting
anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone.
In attacking the UN sanctions on North Korea, Yun also
put these criminal sanctions in the context of the broader role of the UN. He
explained that rather than being the “peacekeeper” that it claims to be, the UN
has been a proxy for the United States that has promoted its wars from the
Korean War to wars in the Middle East. He pointed out that under the watch of
the UN, the people of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine have endured great
suffering and death.
Yun was followed by another speaker of Korean
background, Samuel Kim, who is a prominent representative of Trotskyist
Platform. He had worked very hard to build today’s protest action. Kim
explained why Choi is being so viciously persecuted. He pointed out that the
mere presence of workers states like the DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of
Korea, i.e. “North Korea”), the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Vietnam, Cuba
and Laos sets off the most mortal fear of capitalist rulers … that they too
will be overthrown. So they persecute anyone like Choi who helps those workers
states. Kim also outlined how Australia’s imperialist rulers that so brutally
exploit the peoples in this region fear that the masses of PNG, East Timor,
Fiji, the Philippines and Indonesia will one day also take the socialist path
and give them the boot. As a result, when they see Choi’s efforts to help make
the DPRK strong and thus a future beacon for the masses in other former
colonies, they fear that this will lead to the potential loss of tens of
billions of dollars in profit.
Kim also pointed out that the South Korean and
Australian regimes had engaged in a massive spying operation against Chan Han
Choi. Of course, it is not only Choi that the Australian regime has targeted.
ASIO [and ASIS] spies on determined trade unionists, Aboriginal rights
activists, anti-fascists and socialists and East Timorese and Indonesian
politicians. But just as telling is who the Australian regime does not monitor.
Australian authorities admitted that they did not have the Australian fascist
who murdered 50 Muslim people last month under any surveillance despite him having
often expressed extreme racial hatred online. It is apparent that the
Australian regime does almost nothing to curb violent white supremacists. For
the Australian state – no matter whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the
Greens who are in office – are not here to protect the majority of us. Rather
they are here for the very opposite reason: to enforce the interests of the
rich capitalists over the working class masses. Kim stressed, therefore, that we must rely on mass actions and building
greater support for Choi within the workers movement as the way to defend Chan
Han Choi.
Kim called not only for people to “work harder to build actions to win the dropping of all charges against the proud, socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi” but for support for the DPRK, the PRC and Cuba against all attempts to undermine these workers states. He stressed that, “We must demand the unconditional ejection of U.S. troops from South Korea. Australian patrol aircraft and ships get out of the waters near North Korea!”
Speakers from a range of organisations that supported the April 13 united-front action for Choi address the protest while other demonstrators listen on intently
During the April 13 protest, many passers by stopped to listen to speeches and grab leaflets related to Choi’s case. Particularly popular was a Chinese-language Trotskyist Platform (TP) leaflet locating the persecution of Chan Han Choi in the context of an emerging Cold War style witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states that has especially targeted Chinese-background residents in Australia who are sympathetic to the PRC (see: The pro-Red China section of the Australian Chinese community is now furious about the way they have been attacked by the Australian regime and the mainstream media. That is why we decided to start the April 13 protest in Sydney’s Chinatown. TP placards at the protest, written in both English and Chinese, demanded: Free pro-DPRK political prisoner Chan Han Choi! Resist the emerging Cold War repression against supporters of socialistic states! Stop the witch-hunt against the pro-PRC Chinese community!
The next speaker after Kim was Brennan, representing
Aust-DPRK Solidarity. Brennan hailed Choi as “a socialist and loyal friend to
all who value public ownership.” He insisted that the barbarity of the
Australian ruling class’ imprisonment of Choi was not an aberration and gave
examples of other cruel actions of this capitalist class: “the privatisation
campaign has led to job losses for workers and more expensive and less
accessible social services for working people. Wages are being stolen also by
the corporations …. 7-Eleven [the convenience store chain] going even further
abusing non-citizens, paying in some cases $5 an hour ….” Brennan then
stressed that “by remaining vigilant in
his defence of the DPRK workers state, Choi acted in support of all of us
working class people here battling the effects of privatisation, theft of wage
by greedy bosses and lack of job security.”
Brennan also asserted that the “inhumane and degrading
manner” with which the Australian regime has treated Choi “plays into a greater
domain, the domain of the continuation of Cold War suppression of pro-socialist
rhetoric …. The Australian people are the target of new laws, a pretext in ‘foreign
interference’ allowing an undemocratic crackdown on the civil right to protest.”
Mocking the claim of Australia’s capitalist rulers that they oversee a “great
democracy,” Brennan gave as another example of the suppression of rights the
Australian regime’s moves to silence the truth about their treatment of refugees
fleeing from persecution [he was referring to the Australian government’s laws
outlawing Australians working at the hell-hole offshore detention camp at PNG’s
Manus Island from speaking out about the conditions of imprisoned refugees].
The protest then set-off on a march through the crowded streets of central Sydney. From Chinatown we headed north up Dixon Street, then right on Liverpool Street and then headed north up George Street past the Sydney Town Hall, finishing up in the paved area outside the QVB Building. Throughout the march we loudly chanted, “Chan Han Choi – Free this Hero Now!” and “Free Chan Choi! Lift the Sanctions Now!” The march certainly spun the heads of those walking the streets as people turned around to read the banner and placards and take photos and video of our protest. When we arrived outside QVB, a group of teenagers watching on, joined the rally for quite a while and then said to us “good on you for taking a stand on this” when they left.
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Supporters of socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi on the march during the April 13 protest.
The first speaker after we arrived outside QVB was Zach from the Stalin Society of Australia. Zach explained that:
“The allegations against Chan Han Choi are this: that he has been involved in facilitating the sale of North Korean products abroad. To this we say: so what! If this is true and he is violating United Nations sanctions we say: so what? The United Nations sanctions against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea are crimes of barbarity not against the government but against the people of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. North Korea historically never has had enough land or room to produce enough crop for their population. The UN sanctions on them are aimed at starving [them] and causing famine in the country.
“… We are here for something bigger than just Chan Han Choi …. If our government can get away with charging Chan Han Choi with the obviously phony and fake accusations, they can get away with charging anyone who supports the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea or who speaks out on American imperialism – just like Assange.”
A second recorded message from Choi was then played to
the rally (see:
This statement begins with Choi speaking about some of the many rights that he
has been denied following his arrest. The message was introduced by Yuri Gromov
– editor of The Spark, the journal of
Trotskyist Platform – who detailed some of the other violations of Choi’s
rights that Choi was not able to speak about in the recorded message. Yuri
highlighted a sinister attempt to have Choi stripped of his legal support, when
a shadowy third party – likely ASIO or the Australian Federal Police or the KCIA
(South Korea’s spy agency) – pretending to be Choi sent Legal Aid a false flag
communication asking for his [i.e. Choi’s] lawyers to be sacked! In this second
statement, Choi not only again speaks about his opposition to the UN sanctions
on North Korea but explains what it is that he likes about North Korea. He says
that while in Australia, for example, it is “just money first” and if you have
money you can do anything, in North Korea social life is not about money,
“money is not important” it is “humans and humanism” that is first. Choi then speaks
of how the genuineness of North Korea’s people gives him a “heart-warming
The final speaker at today’s action was Peter Woods,
Honorary Patron of the Australia-DPRK Friendship Society. Woods informed the
rally of the persecution of another DPRK supporter – this time in France – by
the name of Benoit Quennedey. Woods mocked the spurious grounds of Quennedey’s
“It’s important to recognise what has been happening not only here with our great Chan Han Choi but also in France where the president of the [DPRK] Friendship Association in that country, who [by chance] works for the Senate in Paris has been arrested on grounds of supposed espionage. It so happens that he’s the manager of the Parks and Gardens section. So I presume he must have been planting too many red poppies instead of white ones to be charged on this senseless claim of espionage. It’s happening everywhere!”
In his speech, Woods also rightly skewered the UN “report” attacking the human rights situation in North Korea delivered by Australian judge – and raving monarchist and idol of Tony Abbott – Michael Kirby: “the honorable judge who carried out that report didn’t go into the DPRK, didn’t interview representatives of the population and yet was able to come out with a supposed `learned’ treatise about human rights.” Woods then pointed out that the greatest abusers of human rights in North Korea are those implementing the sanctions against her. He then detailed the severity of these economic sanctions:
“There was a group of North Korean athletes who were touring New Zealand and on their way back through they bought chocolate at the Auckland airport. They were taking it back for their families. That was confiscated. Why? Because under the UN sanctions, chocolate is seen as a luxury good. You might also recognise that the sanctions mean that [medical] drugs and medical equipment cannot be taken into the DPRK. So children are suffering, the elderly are suffering and people in need of medical attention are suffering because of this.
“… Let us ensure that we support the principles that this man [pointing to the picture of Choi in the rally banner] stands for, ensure that his brave actions can be the catalyst to continue the pressure to be applied [for the lifting of the sanctions].”
In addition to the organizations that provided
speakers for today’s protest, the following groups, although unable to send
representatives to the action, nevertheless endorsed the protest: the Irish
Republican socialist group the James Connolly Association, Young Communists –
Western Sydney and the Lebanese Communist Party.
Demonstrators carry placards supporting Choi and making important related political points during the April 13 protest action in Sydney to demand freedom for Chan Han Choi and an end to the UN economic sanctions on North Korea
When the Australian authorities arrested Choi and the
accusations against him were sensationalised by the media, they expected that
he would have zero support. Instead, today Choi’s supporters held our second protest
in his defence. And today’s action was nearly twice as large in numbers and had
even more vigour than the first protest last September. Momentum in the
campaign to free Chan Han Choi is clearly growing. But as the rally chairwoman
stressed in her concluding remarks, repeating the point stressed earlier by TP spokesman
Samuel Kim:
“… there is so much more that we need to do. There is no way the Australian courts in their standard practice will ever give Chan Han Choi a fair trial. These are, after all, pro-capitalist biased courts – and it’s no matter whether it’s the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens in office – they are part and parcel of the racist, rich people’s regime. Only mass, working class-based actions can make the authorities realise that a biased outcome would be against their political interests. So let’s take what we have learnt today from all the speeches and conversations to re-double our efforts and continue building this very important campaign. We should not rest until all charges against this brave left-wing political prisoner are dropped and the cruel, imperialist sanctions on socialistic North Korea are lifted. Free Chan Han Choi!”
“Like Chelsea Manning, Assange is being persecuted because he helped to expose the war crimes of Western imperialism. In particular, Assange helped to spread details of the horrific atrocities of U.S. imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan that Chelsea Manning so courageously provided. The Western rulers are cruelly persecuting him to deter others from exposing the ghastly crimes of U.S. and allied imperialism. Therefore, we call for freedom for Julian Assange. We also demand freedom for Chelsea Manning – perhaps the biggest hero in the events surrounding Wikileaks – who was thrown back in jail in March for bravely refusing to testify against Assange before the now not so secret Grand Jury in the US.
“At the same time we can’t help but notice that some of the people willing to defend Assange are not willing to take a stand in defence of Chan Han Choi. Perhaps some people, without even being conscious of it, are more comfortable having a white-skinned hero than an Asian one. But, actually, the case of Chan Han Choi is even more crucial for opponents of imperialism in this country than that of Julian Assange’s. Firstly, Choi is a political prisoner right here in Australia. Secondly, unlike Assange, who while having laudably exposed some of the horrific war crimes of Western imperialism later also did take some political stances which were against the interests of the toiling masses, Choi’s deeds, by assisting a socialistic state, are uniformly in the interests of the working class and oppressed of the world.
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“So, we call on determined anti-imperialists amongst those who are rightly defending Julian Assange to also stand by Chan Han Choi. Indeed, the persecution of Assange gives us a taste of where the persecution of Choi will lead to. For first, the capitalist authorities target people like Choi who support socialistic states. And if they are allowed to get away with that then they will target others – like Assange – who are not even avowed partisans of the working class but who in some way get in the way of imperialism. That is why it is so important to stop the persecution of Chan Han Choi. We need to put an end to the emerging McCarthyite witch-hunt before it spreads just like the 1950s Cold War witch-hunt did and starts targeting broader and broader layers of activists and journalists.
“So we say: Free Julian Assange! Free Chelsea Manning! Free Chan Han Choi now!“
A Trotskyist Platform placard at the 13 April 2019, Sydney rally in defence of socialist political prisoner, Chan Han Choi, also demands freedom for Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.
Pro-DPRK Socialist Stands Firm despite Australian Regime Stripping Him of His Rights
22 March 2019: Four months ago, political prisoner Chan Han Choi spent his sixtieth birthday locked up in one of Australia’s harshest prison camps. An Australian citizen who migrated from South Korea 31 years ago, Choi has been imprisoned for the last 16 months. The Australian regime has denied him bail and many of the rights that should be accorded to prisoners and defendants. Why? Because of his sympathies for socialistic North Korea – that’s why!
Choi has been charged with helping North Korea to export its produce abroad in violation of United Nations economic sanctions. The Australian authorities claim that Choi attempted to broker export deals to send North Korea’s produce to entities in other Asian countries. However, despite all the pressure that has been placed on him, Choi has pleaded Not Guilty to all charges and is in jail awaiting trial.
Contrary to some media reports, none of the charges relate to Choi supporting North Korea’s development of a nuclear deterrent. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) do not even accuse him of helping North Korea to import any nuclear or missile technology. All the charges relate to the alleged export of North Korean produce except for one charge that he tried to help North Korea import petroleum products banned by UN sanctions. However, some sections of Australia’s big business-owned media have sought to sensationalise the charges in order to prejudice the public against Choi.
Although most of the “crimes” that the authorities accuse Choi of relate to the export of North Korean mineral commodities, the AFP have hyped up the case by also slapping him with two charges of “Providing Services for a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Program.” Yet the AFP do not even accuse Choi of trying to export from North Korea any actual WMD material – whether it be nuclear, biological or chemical. Rather they claim that he tried to broker the sale of North Korean short-range missiles to an entity in another Asian country. However, not only do they admit that these weapons were never actually traded, they say that the deal was cancelled at the North Korean end! Indeed, the police acknowledge that none of the charges against Choi involve trades that were actually accomplished. Moreover, in several cases the AFP accept that Choi himself cancelled the deals! So imagine this: you are a proud trade unionist working at, say, a bank and the bosses, despite making billions in profits, want to increase their profits further by retrenching a sizeable number of workers. So you and some workers plan a protest occupation of your workplace to demand no job cuts. However, because your unions’ pro-ALP leaders baulk at giving support to such militant action, you and other staunchly pro-union workers, fearing the planned action would be isolated, decide to call off the struggle. Can the cops then claim that you are guilty of a crime because you once planned an illegal action that you then called off? That would be ridiculous! In the same way, a substantial part of the AFP “case” against Choi is made up of accusations that he committed such thought crimes. And the Australian regime then has the hide to accuse North Korea of being “totalitarian”!
The more important point is that even if the allegations against Choi turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the standpoint of the working class and oppressed people of Australia and the world. Quite the opposite! If Choi did actually try to broker deals to help North Korea export items in violation of UN sanctions this would simply prove that he was taking great personal risks to aid the people of North Korea, who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country. These sanctions, which have been repeatedly tightened over the years, now ban the people of North Korea from exporting almost any goods – including clothing, manufactured items, minerals and other commodities. This prevents North Korea from having the hard currency needed to buy the food, medicine, medical instruments and machinery that her people and economy need.
Moreover, the effects of these sanctions have been compounded by the military pressure exerted against North Korea by the U.S., Australia and other imperialist powers. This includes through the presence of 30,000 U.S. troops in South Korea and through massive U.S./South Korea/Australian war games on North Korea’s border – menacing military exercises that have only recently been scaled down after North Korea’s demonstration in late 2017 that it had succeeded in developing a nuclear deterrence that finally forced Washington and Seoul into de-escalation talks. With the memory that the U.S., Australia and South Korea killed nearly one in four of their people during the 1950-53 Korean War – when these capitalist regimes repeatedly wiped out North Korea’s cities by dropping huge amounts of bombs and napalm in a genocidal “scorched earth” policy – with this all too real nightmare seared into their collective consciousness, the people of North Korea know that Trump’s tirade made less than a year and a half ago saying that he would “totally destroy North Korea” was no idle threat. All this has forced tiny North Korea to spend far more on defence than she wants to, thus draining valuable resources from her economy.
Choi has seen first-hand the suffering that the combined effects of the grinding sanctions and military pressure have caused to the people of North Korea. He speaks of a trip he made to a rural area near Sariwon city in North Korea’s North Hwanghae province around ten years ago. As a person with a strong humanitarian conscience, when Choi saw the suffering of especially children with insufficient food to eat, it broke his heart. Although North Korea’s economy has since managed to significantly improve living conditions for her people – despite all the pressure she is facing – the UN sanctions have also been greatly tightened since then. That is why even from the dungeon that he is imprisoned in, Choi has delivered a defiant message opposing the unjust sanctions (see:
Choi’s opposition to the sanctions is not only based on his humanitarianism but also on his support for the nature of North Korean society and its social system. Choi actually only became interested in North Korea about a decade and a half ago. In his student days, he had been involved in protests against the then Park Chunghee dictatorship in South Korea. However, he then became politically inactive and was not attuned to questions about North Korea. It was after meeting some pro-North Korea people amongst the Korean expatriate population in Australia that Choi started actively researching the issue. He found that North Korea had justice on its side. He then visited the country to see for himself. Choi was immediately touched by the warmth of North Korea’s people. As Choi puts it, in other countries that he has lived in – like South Korea, Australia and Singapore – it is “money first and if you have money you can do everything”, whereas in North Korea it is “not about money”, “money is not important” it is “humans and humanism that is first.” He described how in North Korea, even at times “when people have very little [due to sanctions and pressure], they will still happily share everything.” He also described heads of enterprises being humble and respectful in the way they treat their workers. Although the media like to stress that Choi is a “supporter of the Kim Jong-un regime”, Choi himself does not speak that much about North Korea’s leaders. His support for North Korea is based on loving the society’s egalitarianism and warm community spirit.
North Koreans dance in public. When Chan Han Choi visited North Korea he was touched by the warmth and humanism of the society – a product of the country’s socialistic system based on common ownership of the means of production.
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The mainstream media – dominated as it is by organisations owned by billionaire capitalists like Rupert Murdoch and Channel 7 owner Kerry Stokes – would like to present Choi as a brain-washed “supporter of the Kim Jong-un regime.” Yet Choi grew up and lived the first decades of his life in the extremely anti-communist society of South Korea. He has lived and worked in several countries including South Korea, Libya, Singapore and, for the last more than three decades, Australia. Thus, Choi is cultured and cosmopolitan in his outlook. He loves Western classical music, especially symphonies – his most loved piece being Beethoven’s famous Symphony No. 5. Meanwhile, Choi’s favorite food is Japanese food – in particular, sashimi. His concerns extend beyond issues directly connected to North Korea. One of the issues most important to him is racism. He is angry at the high rate of imprisonment of Aboriginal people. While imprisoned, he has become friends with many Aboriginal inmates as well as prisoners from other ethnic backgrounds and he says that this has taught him a lot. Choi comments that racist discrimination and lack of opportunity faced by many in the Vietnamese community has led some in that community to turn to minor drug dealing which has then led to a cycle of imprisonment and a further narrowing of job prospects. Choi himself has experienced plenty of racism in Australia. He has noticed that because of his Asian origin serving staff have sometimes been especially rude to him in cafes, representatives of utility companies have abusively sworn at him and bureaucrats have hung up the phone on him because of his accent or lack of English fluency. Choi says that, by contrast, visitors to North Korea are respectfully treated regardless of their skin colour. And this is the thing about Choi: he has experienced life in many countries, he has been influenced by people from a range of backgrounds and, yet, still he loves North Korean society. He speaks of how the genuineness of North Korea’s people gives him a “heart-warming feeling” (see:
The relative egalitarianism of North Korean society and the respectful way that workers are treated by managers there is a result of the fact that North Korea is a workers state based on collective ownership of all the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. Working class rule was established after World War II when Korean communist partisans backed by the Soviet Red Army defeated the former Japanese colonial occupiers and their collaborators in the northern part of Korea. The victorious toilers then took the agricultural land from the greedy landlords and the factories from the capitalists and brought them into social ownership. This socialistic system has meant that North Korea, whose proper name is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK), has been able to give her people guaranteed jobs, free, quality education and universal access to very low-rent public housing. To be sure, working class rule is distorted and weakened in North Korea by bureaucratic privileges for state leaders (although these are small compared to the incredibly extravagant wealth of capitalist tycoons and bosses in capitalist countries) which saps support for socialism, by a personality cult around the Kim family and by the lack of workers’ democracy.
Nevertheless, up until the late 1960s, when the U.S. started pouring huge subsidies to prop up South Korea, the working class masses in North Korea enjoyed a better overall quality of life than in the capitalist South. This is despite North Korea having been totally destroyed by U.S, Australia and other imperialist powers during the 1950-53 Korean War. However, the counterrevolutionary destruction of socialistic rule in the former Soviet Union in 1991-92 left the DPRK without its main military protector. Left to face the intense threat from the U.S. and its allies – and with her socialistic Chinese ally much weaker then – the DPRK was forced to divert much resources to her military in order to protect her people from meeting the same fate that the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria have been hit with. This and the economic sanctions led to a large drop in the living standards of North Korea’s people. Nevertheless, the DPRK remains a workers state based on common ownership of the means of production. It is this system based on shared ownership and economic activities for common benefit which brings her people together and creates the warm community spirit and the honesty and genuineness of relations between her people that so warmed Choi’s heart.
In supporting a socialistic state based on public ownership, Choi is in effect standing by the interests of those in Australia suffering the effects of an economy dominated by capitalist private ownership: by those hurt by privatisation, casualisation, job slashing by greedy bosses, bullying by profit-obsessed banks and rising rents. That is, he is standing shoulder to shoulder with the working class majority of this country. He is also, in effect, standing with all the ethnic communities persecuted as a result of the need of Australia’s capitalist rulers to divide and divert the masses that they exploit. He is on the side of Australia’s deeply subjugated Aboriginal people, on the side of the brutally victimised Muslim community and on the side of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin people that are suffering racist discrimination and violence. We working class people and oppressed ethnic minorities must in turn now support Choi! We must struggle with all our energy to demand: Free Chan Han Choi! Drop all the charges now!
We must also join Choi in opposing capitalist powers using sanctions to financially bully North Korea’s people into submission. They want to turn North Korea into a neo-colony the way that they have already made East Timor, PNG, the Philippines, Thailand, Mexico and so many other developing countries into their neo-colonies. The sanctions can be thought of as a giant battering ram to knock down the barriers stopping privatisation of the DPRK economy. All those opposed to privatisation, opposed to imperialist exploitation of former colonies and who stand for a system based on public ownership must demand an end to the sanctions on the DPRK. We must also stand by the DPRK against all attempts to undermine that workers state. We must demand the immediate, unconditional and verifiable ejection of all U.S. troops from South Korea and the irreversible end to all joint U.S.-South Korean-Australian military exercises. Australian patrol aircraft and ships get out of the waters near North Korea! U.S. troops stationed in Darwin – who are there to help the U.S. and Australian regimes target the DPRK and socialistic China – get out now! Close the joint U.S.-Australia spy bases at Pine Gap and Geraldton! If we fight for these demands we will be standing by the interests of the working class of Australia and the world and the necessary struggle to establish workers states based on public ownership in our own countries.
One of the rights that the Australian regime has stomped on in their dealing with the case of Chan Han Choi is the right to bail for defendants who are not an immediate threat to the community or a serious flight risk. Consider the following comparison of Choi’s case with the two most high profile cases in recent times in Australia: those of Chris Dawson and former Catholic archbishop George Pell. Pell who was found by a jury to have cruelly sexually assaulted two children was granted bail prior to the trial that convicted him of these serious charges. For his part, Chris Dawson who is charged with murdering his ex-wife Lynette was granted bail after spending just two weeks in prison. In contrast, Choi has been denied bail for 16 months! It is telling, too, that one of the magistrates at the Sydney Central court who has repeatedly knocked back bail for Choi, Robert Williams, is the very same magistrate who granted accused murderer, Chris Dawson, his bail!
This comparison becomes all the more stark when one compares the very different nature of the “crimes” that Choi has been accused of as against those that Pell and Dawson were charged with. Both of the latter two cases involve serious crimes against victims: in one, murder, and in the other, sexual assault of children. In the case of Choi, who has no criminal record, he is not accused of any crime against a victim. He is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone. Choi is also not a greedy bank boss who oversaw their corporations charging dead people bank fees (as we go to press none of those bank or insurance bigwigs are anywhere close to being sent to jail). And despite all the hype about Choi’s case being a national security one, he is not even accused of spying on Australia or, indeed, any other country. There are no actual direct victims to the “crimes” that Choi is accused of. Perhaps, one could say that the Australian mainstream media would be a direct “victim” of Choi’s alleged work to help North Korea export her produce in violation of sanctions, because by contributing to North Korean consolidated revenue the country would be better able to feed, clothe, transport, house and medically care for her people thus giving the media less opportunity to create hyped-up stories about suffering in North Korea.
However, if the deals that Choi allegedly tried to broker did go through there would have been an indirect “victim” of these “crimes.” That indirect “victim” is the wealthy eight to ten percent of the Australian population that constitutes the capitalist ruling class and its henchmen. The more that the DPRK is able to export, the better will be the lives of her people and the less able will the imperialist rulers of the U.S. and Australia be to use economic strangulation to suffocate the DPRK workers state. That means the probability that billionaire Western bankers, speculators and sweatshop bosses will be able to take over North Korea’s economy becomes reduced. Moreover, the Australian ruling class is scared of the prospect of the DPRK overcoming the sanctions and growing prosperous. Australia’s capitalist bigwigs not only exploit workers within Australia but exploit the masses of neighbouring countries at an even greater rate while plundering their natural resources and making colonial style diktats to their governments. These imperialist rulers, thus, fear the rise of independent, socialistic countries in the Asia-Pacific like the Peoples Republic of China and the DPRK because that could encourage the masses of PNG, East Timor, Fiji, the Philippines and Indonesia to think that they too should give the imperialists the boot and take up the socialist path. If that were to happen, the Australian capitalists would lose tens of billions in profit as well as the power that comes from having their own neo-colonies. Yet, a more prosperous DPRK, that Choi was trying to help bring about, would not only do no harm whatsoever to the more than nine out of ten of us who are not part of the exploiting class – and especially for the 70% of the Australian population who are either employed or unemployed wage workers – it would positively benefit our overall class interests.
The mere presence of workers states like the DPRK in this region – as bureaucratically deformed as they are and in the case of the PRC, Vietnam and Laos as weakened as they also are by a level of capitalist intrusion – sets off the most mortal fear of Australia’s capitalist rulers: that the working class masses here will be inspired by the existence of workers states abroad to sweep away their capitalist rulers from power. The ruling class are all too aware of the giant strides a victorious working class in a highly developed industrialized economy like Australia could make for the sake of all the world’s toiling masses if this powerful working class finally chose to seize state power from the greedy, cloying hands of the small but influential and corrupt class of exploiters. This fear and hatred of socialistic states, the Australian ruling class are expressing in the severity of their persecution of DPRK supporter, Chan Han Choi. They have not only denied him bail but have violated many of his other rights. For example, for the last several months Choi has been blocked from making phone calls to not only his friends but his own lawyers. Indeed, earlier, for a period of several months, the Australian regime blocked his lawyers from even visiting him! The prison authorities told his lawyers that since Choi is a “National Security Interest” they must first go through a criminal history check that could take an “indefinite” period to complete! This is despite these same lawyers having already made two previous visits to him! Finally, the authorities relented and allowed the lawyers to visit but effectively blocked translators from accompanying the lawyers into the visits as translators must now also go through a security check. This is a serious problem as Choi’s English is not fluent. Although he can comfortably converse about relatively simple matters in English, it is hard for him to communicate in English about complex legal concepts and issues. And as this article is being released, we have just learnt that the authorities are again blocking Choi’s lawyers from visiting him in prison.
The timing of when the authorities started blocking his lawyers’ visits is very telling. It was at the very time that Choi was meant to enter a plea. The Australian regime hoped to make Choi feel so isolated and so lacking in legal support that he would roll over and plead guilty. Choi also faced this same blocking of legal representation in the earlier period of his imprisonment. From a few days after being arrested, Choi had to endure an approximately 50 day period when both an earlier lawyer that he selected through community connections as well as other visitors were completely barred from visiting him. It is also very noteworthy the difference between the access allowed, on the one hand, to that earlier lawyer chosen by Choi as well as Choi’s current lawyers – who were chosen by Choi through his friends – and, on the other hand, that granted to his previous government-appointed lawyer. That Australian-regime appointed lawyer was, until the time of his sacking, able to visit Choi very frequently. This previous lawyer seemed to want to keep Choi isolated from supporters and media. Indeed, in nearly all of Choi’s court mentions in the early and mid part of last year, Choi did not even appear on video link when his own matter was being heard. This lawyer also tried to push Choi into a guilty plea as the prosecution tried to pressure Choi into accepting a “deal” where he would be declared mentally incompetent in “exchange” for gaining a reduced sentence to be served at a mental institution! This was a sinister attempt to not only push Choi into surrender but to discredit as being “insane” his laudable work in support of the socialistic DPRK. Choi is, actually, perfectly mentally competent and, indeed, highly intelligent and worldly. He was savvy enough to realise that his previous lawyer had been negotiating with the prosecution behind his back and keeping him in the dark about his own case. So, Choi sacked this lawyer. Yet even when this regime-appointed lawyer told the then presiding magistrate that he was “withdrawing from the case,” he made a passing shot, outrageously prejudicing the court by telling the magistrate that he has serious concerns about Choi’s mental competency to decide on a plea. This appeared to be a creepy attempt to open the way for a possible future attempt by the authorities to have someone else – i.e. an “independent” person ultimately paid by the Australian regime – to decide on a guilty plea on Choi’s behalf!
In a still more sinister development, last November, Choi and his lawyers received letters from Legal Aid implying that Choi had sacked his current lawyers. Yet Choi did no such thing and, indeed, had absolutely no contact with Legal Aid in that period! Legal Aid’s letter suggested that they were not keen on him sacking his existing lawyers. This suggests that a shadowy third party masquerading as Choi had sent Legal Aid a false flag communication! The Australian spy agency ASIO, the AFP and the South Korean spy agency, the KCIA, are the prime suspects.
Not only has Choi’s access to lawyers been severely restricted so has his access to his own family and supporters. His only child, a 30 year-old son, has been barred from visiting him. Choi is even prevented from making phone calls to his son. To also try and break his spirit, the authorities insist that when Choi speaks to his wife by phone – and she is now the only person that he is allowed to make phone calls to – that they speak in English and not Korean despite him not being fluent in English and his wife’s English being even more limited. On occasions when they have slipped into Korean to clarify a sentence, the authorities have cruelly cut off the call. Meanwhile, the authorities have made it almost impossible for people to visit Choi. People wanting to visit must first go through a months-long “security check” after which it is left to the discretion of the Commissioner of Corrections to decide whether a visitor should be granted access. Among those denied access was a journalist from a well-known global media outlet. The very few people able to visit Choi were only granted access after waiting some four to five months after completing the required paperwork and identity checks! When they finally visited, Choi told them that this was the first visit that he had received in five months.
Yet of all the injustices that the Australian authorities have subjected Choi to, the one that burns him the most is the way they have bullied his son. When Choi was arrested, the AFP and ASIO also raided the place where his son was living. However, they did not charge his son as there was no reason to put any charges on him. Instead the AFP told his son that he would no longer be able to work in any professional role! Choi’s son had been in a high-skilled, technical-professional role at well-known American multinational technology conglomerate, CISCO Systems. Choi is furious that the Australian authorities had his son sacked from CISCO. The company realising they were in the wrong, apparently made an arrangement where he received six months paid leave before being terminated. Choi’s son now works in a lower-skilled, lower-paying, non-professional role elsewhere. This persecution of Chan Han Choi’s son is yet another attempt by the Australian regime to break Choi’s spirit and make him capitulate.
Part of the method that the Australian regime has used to strip Choi of his rights is by classifying him in the highest risk category of prisoner. Choi has outrageously been categorised as EHR-R/NSI: that is as an Extra High Risk – Restricted/ National Security Interest (NSI) prisoner. People are only meant to be allocated to this category if they are deemed to be an extreme risk to prison security: that is, mafia bosses and those convicted of serious terrorist offences. As we stressed earlier in this article: Choi is not charged with killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, verbally abusing anyone or even stealing from anyone. He is not even alleged to have spied on anyone. All he is accused of doing is attempting to broker deals to raise money for North Korea’s budget so as to improve her people’s livelihoods and the country’s infrastructure. Moreover, the entities he was allegedly brokering the deals with weren’t even located in Australia.
Yet, not only are Australian authorities today trampling on Choi’s rights, with the assistance of the South Korean regime, they had also engaged in a massive and expensive spying operation against him. This is clear from the “evidence” that the prosecution have brought forward. It is apparent that not only have the AFP and ASIO hacked into all of Choi’s email communications but that Australian and/or South Korean intelligence agencies also intercepted his phone and text communications in real time. This the AFP eerily refer to as LII – “Lawfully Intercepted Information”! Indeed it seems likely that the Australian and South Korean regimes are hacking into all communications to and from people with “.kp” addresses – i.e. all communications to and from Australian locals to email accounts that use the domain address of the DPRK. When former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Edward Snowden, unveiled classified documents in 2013, it was proven that the Australian spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate, was part of a sinister global surveillance apparatus, also involving the American NSA, the UK’s GCHQ, Canada’s CSEC and New Zealand’s GCSB, that harvested email contact lists, searched email content and tracked the location of cell phones of millions of everyday internet users. So, forget the Australian government and media’s completely unsubstantiated insinuations that China was “likely” behind several reported high-profile hacks; as the Snowden revelations proved and as the interception of Choi’s communications confirm, the real hacker in this region that you should be afraid of is the Australian regime itself. Of course, it is not only Choi that this regime has targeted. ASIO spies on determined trade unionists, Aboriginal rights activists, anti-fascists and socialists. Meanwhile, its overseas arm ASIS has been exposed as spying on the East Timorese government to better enable the Australian rulers to rape the impoverished Timorese people’s oil and gas resources. Just as telling is who the Australian regime does not monitor. Both Australian and New Zealand authorities have admitted that they did not have the Australian white supremacist terrorist who murdered 50 Muslim people in Christchurch last week under any sort of surveillance despite this fascist having often expressed extreme racial hatred in the online chat rooms and social media pages of violent racist outfits. It is apparent that the Australian regime does almost nothing to curb the activities of violent far-right groups. For the organs of the Australian state are not here to protect the majority of us. Rather they are here for the very opposite reason: to enforce the interests of the rich, capitalist exploiting class over the working class masses. That is why the state uses surveillance and repression against those who stand up for the rights of the working class and oppressed and those, like Choi, who stand by workers states.
An Australian racist extremist murders 51 people in a horrific attack on two mosques in Christchurch. Despite making chilling online threats and posting extreme Islamophobic and racist rants on violent white supremacist websites, the Australian security agencies chose not to put the killer under any sort of surveillance. In contrast, the Australian authorities targeted Chan Han Choi in an overwhelming spying operation despite Choi not even being suspected of conducting or planning any violent attack or even any act of espionage.
As Choi has often bluntly put it: “There are no human rights in Australia.” When it comes down to it that is basically true for the majority of people in this country – for working class people. What rights are there for the growing number of workers – especially youth and women workers as well as international students – forced to toil in insecure casual jobs where they can be sacked at will and are often paid below award wages? Or for unemployed people bullied by job search agencies and forced into unpaid work for the dole schemes? Or for refugees incarcerated in off-shore hell-hole camps? Or for Muslim people – and indeed other Asian, African and Middle-Eastern-based communities – facing vilification by governments and white supremacist terror on the streets? Or for Aboriginal people facing racist state attacks as well as daily racist discrimination in every aspect of their lives? It is telling that in the very same section of Sydney’s Long Bay jail that Choi is being detained and so grossly having his rights violated, a 26 year-old Aboriginal prisoner, David Dungay, was crushed to death by racist and sadistic prison guards three and a half years ago.
Of course, by contrast, the big end of town in Australia have every “human right” imaginable. When James Packer’s Crown Group wanted to grab public land at Sydney’s Barangaroo to build an exclusive, luxury hotel-casino, the authorities bent over backwards and ignored regulations to facilitate the billionaire’s interests, despicably driving public housing tenants out of their very homes in the nearby, proudly working class inner city suburb of Millers Point in the process. For his part, late tycoon Richard Pratt, owner of packaging corporation Visy, got away with swindling ordinary people buying soap, toothpaste, soft drinks and baked beans out of $700 million by forming a cartel with “rivals” to keep packaging prices artificially high. He finally conceded to the Federal Court that he had knowingly broken the law. Yet the rich people’s legal system is such that Pratt only received a fine. It was only seven months later that Pratt was finally hit with criminal charges. Yet the media, his own paid-for spin team and high-ranking politicians – including then prime minister Kevin Rudd and former prime minister John Howard – threw massive support behind Pratt. The prosecutor dutifully caved in to this high-level support and dropped the case on the grounds of Pratt’s ill-health! Pratt was never jailed for a single day for his huge theft from the working class masses! In contrast Choi has never cheated the public out of a solitary cent let alone $700 million, yet unlike the billionaire Pratt, Choi has been imprisoned without bail in harsh conditions! And unlike the greedy tycoon Pratt, Choi’s alleged “illegal” actions were not motivated by personal gain. Even the AFP admit that Choi’s attempts to broker trade deals for North Korea were motivated out of sympathy for the DPRK. Despite Choi having previously brokered significant trade deals for the DPRK in the period before tightening UN sanctions proscribed such trade, he lived in a rented home, owns no property and has meagre savings. It is precisely because Choi is a working-class person – having worked as a hospital cleaner at the time of his arrest – with modest means and who, what is more, supported a socialistic country that he is being treated so horribly in comparison to a billionaire business owner like Richard Pratt.
The persecution of Chan Han Choi for allegedly attempting to violate the UN sanctions on North Korea highlights the issue of the sanctions themselves. Similar sanctions imposed on Iraq caused the deaths of over 500,000 babies in just the first eight years of their implementation from 1990 onwards. Although the DPRK’s socialistic system has enabled her to avert such catastrophic consequences, the sanctions still cause much hardship to her people. To distract from the issue of the sanctions, the Australian regime have tried to hype up the issue of WMDs in Choi’s case. Yet not only is Choi not even alleged to have brokered any deals involving mass destruction material, all his charges related to WMD are based on embarrassingly thin “evidence.” For example, one of the AFP’s main arguments that Choi was trying to broker the sale of short range missiles is that he allegedly once emailed a trade contact a link to a DPRK political propaganda video which happened to include some brief clips of DPRK military exercises that in part included the firing of missiles. The AFP allege that not only is this evidence of Choi’s pride in the DPRK’s martial capability (big deal!) but an attempt to market these capabilities for sale. So, folks: don’t ever send a person a link of a video that includes any clips of a socialistic country conducting military exercises – or else you could end up being locked up for years in harsh conditions in Long Bay jail!
The U.S. rulers and their allies like the Australian regime claim that the sanctions on North Korea are merely about stopping the latter developing nuclear weapons. However, the truth is that they are means to bring the DPRK to its knees. After all, why should the DPRK which has never invaded another country or been involved in any war outside the Korean peninsula be disarmed of the few crude nuclear weapons that it has when the U.S. and Russia each have thousands of nukes? It is the U.S. that has killed millions of civilians in predatory attacks in Korea, Vietnam, Panama, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan etc. Moreover, when North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, was holding his summit with U.S. president, Donald Trump, last month in Hanoi, events not that far away were making a total mockery of Trump’s insistence that the DPRK must unilaterally give up its nuclear weapons. For at that very time, tensions between nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan dangerously turned into open military clashes with casualties on either side. Yet neither Trump nor any of the other imperialist rulers are calling for India or Pakistan to give up their nuclear weapons. This is because both countries are under capitalist rule and their regimes are anti-communist allies of the capitalist great powers whereas the DPRK is under socialistic rule and stands independently of the imperialist bullies. It is important to note, too, that while the DPRK has never killed a single person through nuclear weapons, the U.S. regime – with the backing of their Australian counterparts – actually murdered tens of thousands of innocent people by dropping atomic bombs on human beings living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The sanctions imposed upon North Korea by the imperialist powers are an act of economic terrorist blackmail. On the one hand, the DPRK can choose to continue to maintain a nuclear deterrence – which from the point of view of the interests of the toiling masses of the world it certainly has the right to do. Yet that means being subjected to the cruel economic blockade that the North Korean people endure today. On the other hand, the DPRK can capitulate and “irreversibly” disarm. Yet that would be even worse! That would leave the DPRK open to being invaded and devastated in the way that other ex-colonies that showed inadequate submissiveness have: like Iraq which the imperialists invaded because they knew she did not have WMDs, like Libya which tragically gave up her WMDs under the promise of being treated well by the Western powers and like Syria whose people have gone through enormous suffering as a result of a Western funded and backed proxy war.
U.S. and South Korean troops amass during one of the war games held in South Korea aimed at threatening socialistic North Korea. The U.S., Australian and other Western imperialists and their South Korean allies use every means possible – including military pressure, economic sanctions and incessant propaganda – to try and undermine socialistic rule in North Korea.
The Australian regime’s persecution of Chan Han Choi for allegedly breaking UN sanctions is part of their drive to tighten the sanctions and strangle the people of North Korea into committing suicide by abandoning their right to build a self-defence capability. It is part of the capitalists’ push to not only topple socialistic rule in North Korea but, more importantly for them, to isolate and smother the DPRK’s neighbour and main ally, socialistic China. Yet the Australian ruling class also have another purpose in their witch-hunt of Choi. They want to restrict the rights of people who support socialistic states. Thus the AFP’s “rationales” for arguing against bail for Choi was in large part based on his sympathy for the DPRK. This amounted to claiming that a supporter of a socialistic state should have less rights than other citizens. Such anti-communist discrimination has not only targeted Choi. Last month, the Australian regime stripped a prominent Chinese national living in Australia, Huang Xiangmo, of his permanent residency because his advocacy sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China (the PRC) was deemed a “security risk.” Meanwhile, staunchly pro-communist Chinese international students studying in Australia have been demonised by Australian media and politicians and some high-ranking academics have even practically called for them to face academic disciplinary proceedings for their pro-Red China political stance. This creeping new, Cold War-style witch-hunt comes in the context of a restricting of the right to dissent. New laws purportedly targeting “foreign interference” provide pretexts for Australian regime crackdowns on protest movements and media reporting. Most importantly, nationwide anti-union laws have curtailed the right to strike and have led to legal proceedings against over a hundred trade unionists from construction workers’ unions. However, it is not only the Australian regime that is hell-bent on persecuting Chan Han Choi but also their South Korean capitalist ally. It seems that the South Korean spy agencies were central to providing the Australian authorities with key parts of their “evidence” against Choi. Choi has stressed that it is the present Moon Jae-in administration in South Korea that took part in preparing his arrest. Sympathisers of the DPRK taken in by the presently softer approach of the current liberal South Korean government in comparison with the previous right-wing government should take note! The Seoul capitalist regime remains the mortal enemy of socialistic rule in North Korea. Let us not forget that up until the end of 2017, Moon Jae-in was joining Trump in threats and supporting terrifying war games targeting North Korea. It was only after – through successful missile and nuclear tests – the DPRK proved that it had developed a credible nuclear deterrence that Moon Jae-in realised that a purely military option would be dangerous and that the undermining of socialistic rule in North Korea would be best achieved through capitalist economic penetration and political undermining through NGOs and other “engagement.”
The capitalist ruling class of South Korea are opposed to the DPRK because in the end capitalist states and workers states cannot happily co-exist. South Korea’s capitalist rulers – whether it’s conservative wing or its liberal wing – know that if the DPRK was allowed to become a strong and prosperous workers state she could become a beacon to the working class masses in the South of the Korean Peninsula. They know that the workers state in the North of the Peninsula could thus become a political threat to the system which they oversee in the South of the Peninsula: a system where the working class masses are forced to endure long working hours, insecure forms of unemployment, persecution of trade unions, measly old-age pensions and a dog-eat-dog society that has produced one of the highest suicide rates in the world. That is why the best way that South Korean sympathisers of the DPRK can offer solidarity to the DPRK is to connect efforts to win the working class masses in South Korea to the defence of the DPRK with fulsome support to South Korean workers class struggle against their own capitalist rulers. Ultimately, only the overturn of capitalism in the South of Korea can make the embattled anti-capitalist conquests already made in the North secure.
When the Australian authorities arrested Choi and the accusations against him were sensationalised by the media, they expected he would have no support. And when they then stripped Choi of his rights, isolated him from family, supporters and even lawyers they thought that they could break his spirit and make him plead guilty or, worse still, plead insanity! Instead Choi has pleaded Not Guilty and remains defiant and proud. Furthermore, instead of being politically isolated, leftists from Australia and around the world have expressed their solidarity with Choi: from wearing “Free Chan Han Choi” t-shirts to showing support on social media. Supporters of Choi have managed to put on YouTube his statements from prison. Most importantly, last September, Trotskyist Platform supporters were joined by representatives of diverse groups – including the Irish Republican-socialist James Connolly Association, the Western Sydney Branch of the Communist Party of Australia, the Australia-DPRK Friendship Society and the Stalin Society – in a protest rally in a multiracial working class part of Sydney to demand “Free Chan Han Choi.” The action won a sympathetic write-up from the main Korean language community newspaper and even coverage in a large circulation British tabloid-Australian website.
Yet there is so much more that must be done. Even within the context of the unfair laws proscribing any trade that violates the North Korea sanctions, there is no way the Australian courts in their standard practice would afford Choi a fair trial. These are biased pro-capitalist courts that are part of a racist, rich people’s regime. Only mass actions on our part can make the authorities realise that a biased outcome would be against their political interests. That is why we must strive to build greater support for Choi within the workers movement.
Working against us is the impact of hysterical media propaganda against the DPRK. However, for the converse reason that the capitalist rulers are persecuting Choi, it is in the very, living interests of working class people to stand by him. Opposing the persecution of Choi and the denial of his rights is essential in our necessary struggle to resist the emerging Cold War-style witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states. As we stand by Choi we are also making our stand against the broader assaults going on in Australia against leftist dissent and union struggle. Most importantly, we must oppose the cruel and pro-imperialist sanctions that have been launched against brave and socialistic North Korea. Thus, we must defend a person who is being cruelly persecuted for allegedly violating these sanctions. We must defend the DPRK workers state – no matter how bureaucratically deformed it may be – against imperialist attack and capitalist counterrevolution. Just like the building of a trade union – but on a much bigger scale – when a workers state is formed it is a huge conquest for the working class masses and must be tirelessly protected.
So let’s all work as hard as we can to oppose the UN sanctions on North Korea and to free Chan Han Choi, locked up right here in the heart of the racist, capitalist Australian state. Demand the dropping of all charges against the courageous and proud, socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi.
The campaign to defend left-wing, pro-DPRK political prisoner, Chan Han Choi is moving forward. On 29 September 2018, his supporters in Sydney held the first public protest action in his defence.
Chan Han Choi has been locked up in an Australian prison since last December. He is jailed because of his support for socialistic North Korea. He is accused of trying to help North Korea’s people by facilitating the sale of their produce abroad in violation of UN sanctions. Given the pro-capitalist bias of Australia’s legal system we wouldn’t be surprised if Chan Han Choi is simply being persecuted because he is an outspoken supporter of North Korea. Yet, even if the claims against him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint. Quite the opposite! This would simply demonstrate that he was merely aiding people who were being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed. That he was boldly standing by a socialistic state. Although there are some flawed policies and practices of the North Korean government, the fact remains that the North Korean masses have built a workers state founded on the overthrow of greedy landlords, bankers and factory bosses. In supporting this workers state, Chan Han Choi is also standing by the interests of the working class and oppressed of Australia and the entire world.
An avowed socialist who sympathises with Aboriginal people’s struggle against racist oppression, Chan Han Choi believes that there are no real, human rights in this country. Indeed, his own persecution is living proof of those views. The Australian regime has made it almost impossible for family and friends to visit him. Moreover, they are pushing to subject him to a closed trial with no public or media present.
The denial of basic rights to this political prisoner comes in the context of a restricting of the right to dissent in Australia. A NSW government law just came into effect that gives bureaucrats powers to ban protests on any state-owned land. Most importantly, nationwide anti-union laws have curtailed the right to strike and have led to legal proceedings against over a hundred trade unionists from construction workers’ unions.
Chan Han Choi’s imprisonment for allegedly helping North Korea to bypass sanctions focuses attention on how cruel these sanctions really are. The imperialist powers who demanded these sanctions want to use them to starve the North Korean masses into acquiescing to a pro-Western takeover and capitalist conquest of their country. Alongside calling for the dropping of charges against Chan Han Choi, all genuine socialists must demand the immediate lifting of all sanctions against North Korea. Let’s stand by working class interests by standing by the DPRK workers state and its brave supporter Chan Han Choi! Let’s at the same time oppose the criminalisation of leftist dissent in Australia!
Here is a link to a short but powerful message from Chan Han Choi that was played to the 29 September 2018 Sydney rally that called to free this socialist, pro-DPRK political prisoner:
Chan Han Choi’s message was made to those who came to support the protest rally and also to the many leftists and supporters of the working class around the world that have expressed their solidarity with him.
It was with much difficulty that Chan Han Choi was able to get out this statement from prison. One can hear the background noise at the prison during the message including what sounds like announcements and instructions being blurted out through the prison sound system by the guards.
The 29 September 2018 united-front demonstration that called to “Free Chan Han Choi” was addressed by speakers from the James Connolly Association, Trotskyist Platform, the Western Sydney Branch of the Communist Party of Australia and the Stalin Society of Australia. The protest was also endorsed by the Lebanese Communist Party. The rally was chaired by Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer. Nearly half of men ageing above 75 experience go to these guys order viagra online erectile dysfunction. Some of the ways are mentioned below: * The foremost thing to remember while adopting any pill treatment for sexual problems as they are attached with side effects. levitra for sale online Sometimes prices of viagra I used to accompany her as well. The component found in the medicine is known to relax the muscles present in the penis. vardenafil india
There was a great deal of interest in the protest from passers by from the local community in Auburn – a highly multi-racial, working class suburb of Sydney.
This was the first public protest action in support of Chan Han Choi. So it was an important step. Now genuine anti-imperialists and supporters of working class interests need to work very hard to broaden and deepen support for the campaign. Further actions are being planned and hopefully, through hard work, support for the campaign, to win the dropping of all charges against this pro-DPRK political prisoner, will snowball.
Activists hold placards and banners calling to Free Chan Han Choi and to Abolish the Sanctions on North Korea at the 29 September 2018 protest rally in Sydney
Please read our earlier article for more detailed information on this issue and aspects around it:
1 August 2018 – Socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi continues to languish in an Australian prison camp. He has been locked up in harsh conditions now for well over seven months and has been denied the most basic rights.
Chan Han Choi was arrested late last year due to his sympathy for socialistic North Korea. He was accused of trying to help the people of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK – “North Korea”) by facilitating the sale of their produce abroad in violation of United Nations sanctions. However Chan Han Choi maintains his innocence despite pressure from both the authorities and his previous legal teams to “plead guilty” or accept a plea bargain. Indeed, given the racist and pro-capitalist bias of Australia’s legal system we wouldn’t be surprised if Chan Han Choi is simply being persecuted because he is an outspoken supporter of North Korea who has friendly relations with DPRK officials.
Yet, even if the claims against him turn out to be partially or fully true, he is no criminal from the standpoint of the working class. Quite the opposite! In that case, Chan Han Choi was simply trying to help people being ground down and potentially starved by some of the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country. Similar sanctions imposed on Iraq caused the deaths of over 500,000 babies in just the first eight years of their implementation. Although the DPRK’s socialistic system has enabled her to cushion her people from such catastrophic consequences, the cruel sanctions still cause much hardship to the people of North Korea.
Moreover, if the allegations against Chan Han Choi are in any way true then he has even more boldly than thought stood by a socialistic state. Although the North Korean government does have certain flawed policies, the fact remains that the North Korean masses have built a workers state founded on the overthrow of greedy landlords, bankers and factory bosses. In standing by a workers state that the imperialist powers are trying to grind down into submission, Chan Han Choi is like a proud trade unionist defending a strike on a picket line. He is standing not only by the workers involved in the immediate struggle but by workers everywhere. In supporting the DPRK workers state, Chan Han Choi is also standing by the interests of the working class in Australia and the entire world. The workers movement and all genuine socialists in Australia must now stand by him and demand his immediate freedom.
Chan Han Choi is an avowed socialist, who is conscious about the cruel racist oppression of Aboriginal people in Australia. He rightly believes that there are no real, human rights in this country. Indeed his own persecution is living proof of his views. The authorities are trying to avoid having his trial in open court but are rather pushing for a closed court trial with no public and media present. Why does the truth exposed to open light scare them so much? Indeed Australia’s ruling class is so determined to isolate and dehumanise this socialist political prisoner that media shots of him have blurred his face and for the first several months he did not even appear on video link at his own court mentions. Not only has he been denied bail but he earlier went through a roughly 50 day-period where his lawyer was denied access to him. Moreover, Australia’s racist, rich people’s regime has made it almost impossible for family and friends to visit Chan Han Choi. Indeed, prior to two friends visiting him this month, he received no visits whatsoever for the previous five months. The two that did visit him incredibly had to wait over four months to get their visit approved! Indeed, even his son has been barred from visiting him. Meanwhile, when Chan Han Choi’s wife speaks to him by telephone they are forced to speak in English despite both of them being far from fluent in English. The authorities openly admit that this is to enable them to listen in on his calls. However it is clearly also yet another attempt to break his spirit. When he or his wife inadvertently break into Korean during a phone conversation, the authorities immediate cut the call. If all that is not enough, the authorities have moved this socialist political prisoner into the hospital section of a jail. Why? Because they have deemed his defiance and his sympathy for socialistic North Korea as a symptom of “mental illness”!
The denial of basic rights to Chan Han Choi comes in the context of a growing crackdown on the right to dissent in Australia. New laws purportedly targeting “foreign interference” provide pretexts for regime crackdowns on protest movements and even media reporting. Furthermore, at the start of this month, the NSW provincial government’s Crown Land Management Act came into effect which gives low-ranking bureaucrats broad powers to disperse or ban protests and meetings on any state-owned land. Most importantly, nationwide anti-strike laws and draconian laws targeting construction workers have curtailed the right to strike and led to legal proceedings against over a hundred trade unionists in the construction industry. Now the federal government has introduced the Defence Amendment Bill 2018, which if passed into law will make it easier for the authorities to call out the army against protests and strikes.
The persecution of Chan Han Choi is part of the drive of the Australian and U.S. regimes to strangle the socialistic DPRK. Although North Korea’s successful development of a nuclear deterrence finally forced the U.S. government to accept peace talks, the capitalist rulers of the U.S. and Australia remain determined to overturn socialistic rule in North Korea just as they remain hell bent on destroying every other state where the working class rules – however tenuously and imperfectly – whether that be in the Peoples Republic of China or in Cuba. If you have comments allowed, you must also install Akismet to help filter out the spam comments otherwise you will not get faster sildenafil 100mg canada results. This method can no prescription viagra be supplemented with trainings in relaxation strategies. The drug, Buy Kamagra has been very effective and helping men resolve their premature ejeculation problems as well as other related male dysfunctions like impotence, lack of stamina, generic cialis overnight and low levels of testosterone. Kamagra, which is a very effective ed drug viagra active is the best way to spice up your bedroom if you suffer from feeble erections.
Chan Han Choi’s imprisonment for allegedly trying to help North Korea avoid the UN sanctions focuses attention on these cruel sanctions – which are aimed at starving the North Korean masses into submission. They want the North Korean masses to meekly stand by and accept a pro-Western takeover and capitalist conquest. Alongside calling for the immediate dropping of all charges against Chan Han Choi, the workers movement and all genuine socialists in Australia must demand the immediate lifting of all sanctions against North Korea. Let’s stand by working class interests by standing by the DPRK workers state and its brave supporter Chan Han Choi! No to the criminalisation of leftist dissent in Australia!
Fortunately as the persecution of Chan Han Choi continues, the campaign to support him is also gathering steam. We will shortly announce details of a protest rally in Sydney. In the meantime, we are asking all supporters of the socialistic DPRK and of the interests of the working class and oppressed – both in Australia and internationally – to print out t-shirts with the image in the attached PDF image (click this link to get to access this PDF file: Choi reverse for light or white t-shirts). You need to get the image, which is a reverse, printed onto a t-shirt transfer (for light-coloured/white t-shirts) from your file at a print store. Then once the transfer is printed you have to iron it on to the t-shirt. The shirt will look similar to the attached image below.
Supporters and friends of ours, please contact us if you want us to send you already made t-shirts. We will only be too happy to help as long as you promise to occasionally wear the shirts at leftist and union rallies and meetings.
Free a Pro-North Korea Political Prisoner in Australia!
Above, Sydney, December 2017: Australian Federal Police officers arrest Chan Han Choi. The Australian regime has since then imprisoned this pro-DPRK political prisoner in harsh and isolating conditions. Below: A rare image of the face of Chan Han Choi, socialist political prisoner in Australia.
14 March 2018: Like in other capitalist countries, the government and mainstream media in Australia make wild claims about supposedly gruesome “prison camps” in North Korea (the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea – the DPRK). Yet, there is little evidence for this. The main supposed “evidence” are the stories of a few of the defectors from North to South Korea. Yet only a small percentage of the defectors make such claims. Moreover, even though these defectors represent that tiny proportion of North Korean citizens who think that life would be better in the capitalist world – if only because North Korea’s people have been so squeezed by severe UN sanctions – hundreds upon hundreds of these defectors actually end up going back to North Korea because they find life in the capitalist South so harsh and unfriendly! And that is very telling. Because for a defector to return they have to undergo great risk to sneak past a brutal South Korean regime that actually jails any person who is caught trying to return to North Korea. The few defectors who do make claims about “human rights” atrocities are those eager for the celebrity status and the resulting fortune that their tales of “suffering” can bring them in a South Korean society ruled by an ultra-rich capitalist class eager to demonise the socialistic DPRK. Moreover, many such high profile defectors have famously slipped up by accidentally contradicting their own earlier accounts; thus proving that their tales are indeed inglorious works of fiction (see for instance:
Yet, while most of the claims against North Korea are bogus, there is something that is patently true: and that is that there is right now a supporter of North Korea who is a political prisoner in Australia. This pro-DPRK person who is being jailed by the Australian regime is 59 year-old, Chan Han Choi. He is an outspoken sympathiser of the DPRK. Chan Han Choi is a working class Australian who rents a dwelling in Sydney and worked as a hospital cleaner until his arrest by the Australian Federal Police last December. Neighbours describe the now imprisoned man as “polite”, “nice” and “softly spoken.”
However, Chan Han Choi faces decades in jail after Australian police arrested him on charges of attempting to raise money for the DPRK – in violation of UN sanctions – by trying to broker the sale of North Korean coal to private buyers in Vietnam and Indonesia. They also claim that he discussed the sale of North Korean technology and expertise to overseas buyers, which they allege could have been used for missile componentry and guidance. Thus, they claim that he violated Australia’s hypocritical weapons of mass destruction act. Australian Police admit that he did not actually sell anything, just supposedly planned to. We have no way of knowing whether the claims are based on fact. But given the racist, anti-working class and pro-capitalist bias of Australia’s legal system we wouldn’t be surprised if Chan Han Choi is simply being persecuted for what, basically, amount to thought crimes. Yet, even if the claims against him turn out to be partially or fully true, he is no criminal from the standpoint of the Australian – and, thus, international – working class. Quite the opposite! In that case, Chan Han Choi was simply trying to help people being ground down and potentially starved by some of the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country. These sanctions imposed at the behest of the U.S., Japanese, Australian, South Korean and other capitalist regimes ban 90% of all North Korean exports – including her main exports coal, textiles and iron ore and other minerals. They also ban all North Koreans from working abroad, freeze out the DPRK’s financial entities and limit North Korean people’s import of crude oil and refined petroleum products. Similar UN sanctions imposed on Iraq in a thirteen year period from 1990 are estimated to have caused the death of up to two million Iraqis (!!) due to increased rates of malnutrition, lack of medical supplies and diseases from lack of clean water. The U.S., British, Australian and other imperialist countries that pushed these sanctions actually killed even more people from the sanctions than they did from their subsequent brutal invasion of Iraq. Even the UN’s own agency, UNICEF, estimated that the first eight years of the sanctions alone had caused such an increase in infant and child deaths in Iraq that it led to the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five ( If what the Australian regime allege Chan Han Choi did turns out to be true, he was laudably trying to save the children of North Korea, their mothers and the other people of the country from meeting a similar fate.
Kamal, an Iraqi child lies in pain from illness. He died three days after this photo was taken from a lack of medicine. Sanctions imposed on Iraq from 1990-2003 caused the death of up to two million Iraqis due to lack of medical supplies and increased rates of malnutrition. If Chan Han Choi indeed attempted to help the DPRK evade sanctions then he committed a truly heroic, humanitarian deed aimed at helping the people of North Korea avert the kind of calamity that Iraqi children and adults endured. Although the DPRK’s socialistic system enables her to direct resources to the needy in a way that makes her population better able to avoid the level of catastrophe that sanctions caused in capitalist Iraq, the extreme sanctions do still cause many hardships to her people.
However, what Chan Han Choi allegedly tried to do was not only a selfless act of humanitarianism. If he, indeed, did try to enable the North Korean people to sell items to raise money he was, importantly, standing by a workers state. The DPRK is a socialistic state based on public ownership. The system of collective ownership of the means of production in North Korea means that the DPRK is, even when faced with the most extreme sanctions, able to provide jobs for all its workers as well as genuinely free education, free health care and almost free housing to all its people. To be sure, the workers state in North Korea is bureaucratically deformed – mainly as a result of intense imperialist pressure and isolation in a capitalist-dominated world. Nevertheless, the socialistic state that was formed from the overthrow of capitalist and landlord rule in the northern part of Korea at the end of World War II is a huge advance from capitalism. It represents a historic gain for the world’s working class in their struggle against the capitalist exploiters; just like a workers victory in a big strike does – but in a much bigger way. Working class people of the world must, therefore, defend to the hilt this conquest. In standing by the DPRK workers state, in whatever way that he did, Chan Han Choi should be considered a hero to the toiling classes of not only Korea but to the working class and all downtrodden of Australia and, indeed, the whole world.
For the very reason that he has heroically stood by working class interests, the Australian capitalist regime is imprisoning Chan Han Choi in especially harsh conditions. He has not been granted bail since his arrest some three months ago. Even though he has not been convicted of any crime and is still in the early stage of court proceedings, the Australian regime has outrageously detained him in a maximum security jail. Moreover, they have classified him as an Extreme High Risk – Restricted (EHR-R) prisoner which is the harshest, highest security classification that can be given to any prisoner. The EHR-R category was sold to the public as a measure reserved for those considered to be an extreme risk to others and “a threat to order and security within jails” (–ehrr/2008/10/17/1223750306676.html). It was said to be reserved for crime bosses and suspected terrorists. Yet, Chan Han Choi not only has no violent history but is not even accused of conducting or planning any violent act.
EHR-R prisoners receive the lowest stipend to buy food. They are allowed less phone calls than other prisoners and these phone calls and any postal mail must be in English. All EHR-R prisoners have their phone calls listened to and mail opened, read and copied. The inhumane system is designed to make it very hard if not impossible for friends and family to visit as prospective visitors must first go through a weeks long security check and then wait to have their visit approved by the Commissioner of Corrective Services. Chan Han Choi’s detention in the most gruesome conditions possible in an Australian prison camp are clearly an attempt to break his spirit and isolate him.
Australian Working Class: Stand by the DPRK Workers State! Oppose the Sanctions!
Precisely because the maintenance of the workers state in North Korea is in the interests of the Australian and whole world’s working class, the U.S., Australian, South Korean and other capitalist ruling classes are hell bent on destroying the DPRK. They see the existence of socialistic rule anywhere as a threat to their capitalist rule at home. And they are right! The existence of workers states – in however a tenuous and distorted form – necessarily sends a message to the working classes still subjugated under capitalism that another alternative is possible; that capitalism is not inevitable. And this terrifies the imperialist ruling classes of the U.S., Australia and Japan. Furthermore, they have a particular fixation on targeting the DPRK because over six decades ago during the 1950-53 Korean War, the North Korean masses did the unthinkable. Incredibly, they faced down and beat off a combined attack from the most powerful imperialist countries in the world: including the U.S., Britain, Australia, France and even the apartheid South African regime of that time. Ever since then, the U.S. and its allies have had a particular obsession with crushing the DPRK alongside their usual hostility to all workers states. That is what the extreme sanctions that they have imposed on the DPRK are all about. They want to weaken the DPRK workers state and starve its people into submission.
In order to deter public opposition to their threatening campaign against the DPRK, the U.S. and Australian regimes – and the big business or government-owned Western media – have been portraying the DPRK as a dangerous “threat” to peace. They even make out out that the DPRK is hell-bent on attacking Western countries with a nuclear first strike. This is a ridiculous assertion. The DPRK has made itself very clear that its nuclear weapons program is purely for self-defence. If one believes the notion that a country’s mere acquisition of nuclear weapons makes it a grave threat, what does that say for the U.S. which has nearly 7,000 nuclear warheads … as opposed to the DPRK which has at most a few dozen and those not yet extensively tested. What is more, the U.S. regime, with the support of Australian imperialism, is the only government to have ever actually unleashed nuclear weapons on human beings. We should never forget their horrific war crimes in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. In contrast, although Western media have themselves stated that North Korea has long had enough conventional missiles to quickly destroy Seoul as well as other cities in South Korea and Japan, she has never even started to make such an attack. This despite all the provocations she has faced. Indeed, the DPRK has actually never attacked a foreign country. The only war she has ever been involved in is the 1950-53 Korean War when her people with the backing of hundreds of thousands of Chinese communist volunteers defended the socialistic state against the imperialist godfathers and the capitalist regime that rules the south of the country.
Let’s also not lose sight of the fact that it is not North Korea that twice attacked Iraq, that totally destroyed Libya and that devastated Serbia in the 1999 war on Yugoslavia. It is not North Korea that is committing an ongoing series of war crimes by murdering tens of thousands of civilians in Afghanistan (and more recently Syria and northern Iraq) through air strikes which the bombers knew would kill many civilians. No: all these crimes were the foul handiwork of the U.S. rulers and always with the direct or indirect assistance of their Australian, British and other junior imperialist partners. It is these capitalist powers that are the real threat to the world’s peoples and not at all the DPRK. What the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program does “threaten” to do is to make the North Korean people less intimidated by the menacing military “exercises” that the U.S., Australian and South Korean capitalist regimes regularly stage on her doorstep. Most importantly, North Korea’s highly effective weapons program “threatens” to make it harder for the capitalist powers to launch a new Korean War against her. That is why the Western capitalist powers are so obsessed with stopping the DPRK acquiring a nuclear missile capability.
Magnificent launch! North Korea’s 4 July, 2017 test of its Hwasong-14 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was a great success. Some four months later, North Korea successfully tested her still more powerful Hwasong-15, proving that it has developed an ICBM that can reach any part of the U.S. mainland. Meanwhile, in September last year, the DPRK tested a powerful thermonuclear bomb that could be loaded onto an ICBM. It is this rapid development of a nuclear deterrence capability that forced the war-mongering U.S. regime to finally agree to the DPRK’s decades-long call for a peace summit between the leaders of the two countries. It is not wrong for the DPRK’s leaders to try to cut a deal to ameliorate the threats she faces from imperialism. However, North Korea must not give up its nuclear weapons capability. As the 2011 NATO-led destruction of Libya showed – after that country gave up its nuclear weapons in exchange for recognition by the West – “security guarantees” given by imperialist powers are, in the end, worthless scraps of paper.
In targeting the DPRK, the imperialist powers have in their mind an even bigger target. That target is the DPRK’s neighbour and ally, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC): the world’s largest socialistic country. Although decades of pro-market measures by China’s government has dangerously allowed capitalists to gain a foothold in China, these capitalists do not hold state power there. China remains a workers state whose key economic sectors are dominated by socialistic state-owned enterprises. It is this that has enabled the PRC to spectacularly lift hundreds of millions of its people out of the terrible poverty of its capitalist days. However, the greedy ruling classes of the capitalist powers know that the presence of such a socialistic power as China is a threat to their “right” to bully and exploit most of the world. That is why they are working feverishly to contain China’s rise and foster capitalist restoration there. The assertion that China’s development is “challenging Australia’s interests” that’s contained in the Australian regime’s foreign policy White Paper unveiled in November and the increasingly frequent government and media scare campaigns alleging that China is “aggressively influencing” Australian affairs show the efforts that the capitalist rulers are going to in order to mobilise the population behind their anti-PRC campaign; just as they manufacture the bogey of a “North Korean nuclear threat” to deceive the masses into accepting their war drive against the DPRK.
Beijing, March 2018: PRC president Xi Jinping toasts Kim Jong-un during the latter’s first overseas trip since becoming leader of the DPRK. The meeting shored up the badly needed socialist alliance between China and the DPRK. A major reason why the U.S. and Australian imperialists are targeting North Korea is to indirectly squeeze her socialistic neighbour and ally, the PRC.
A key method that the Western capitalist rulers use to tighten the military, diplomatic and economic screws on the PRC is to menace its socialistic neighbour, the DPRK. That is why the PRC government’s policy of seeking to meet the imperialist powers half-way over the DPRK is harmful to socialistic rule in China itself. The PRC should recall the internationalist spirit of its heroic support to the DPRK during the Korean War. She must immediately end participation in all sanctions against the DPRK and, instead, strongly stand by her socialistic neighbour – including by defending the DPRK’s development of a nuclear deterrence.
Should the imperialists powers succeed in using some combination of military power, intimidation and extreme sanctions to bring down the socialistic order in North Korea they would be able to greatly embolden the forces of capitalist counterrevolution in China as well. And if the, currently fragile, workers state in China were to be smashed by capitalist counterrevolution it would be a terrible disaster for the working class and downtrodden of the world – on a par with the 1991-92 destruction of socialistic rule in the former USSR. Capitalist restoration in China would lead to hundreds of millions of Chinese people being plunged back into poverty while the country would be turned into one huge sweatshop for exploitation by not only local Chinese capitalists but by Western and Japanese ones – just like in the pre-1949 capitalist-feudal China. This would then be used as a giant wedge to drive down the wages and conditions of workers around the globe – including in Australia. Meanwhile, triumphant capitalist rulers from the U.S. to Mexico to Britain, Germany, Egypt, India, Thailand, the Philippines and Australia would be emboldened to attack the rights of workers and the oppressed in their own countries, just as they did after the overturn of socialistic rule in the USSR. That is why it is doubly important for the working class and all the downtrodden of Australia and the entire world to stand by socialistic rule in China and North Korea and to also defend the other workers states in Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. By standing by the DPRK in whatever way that he did, Chan Han Choi has taken the side of the international working class in this crucial battle. For this stance he is being persecuted by the Australian regime. The working class and downtrodden of Australia and the world must stand by him. We must demand: Free Chan Han Choi! Drop all the charges now!
Chan Han Choi should be considered a working class hero. However, we do not advocate that other working class people politically aware enough to understand the need to defend socialistic states like the DPRK do what he is alleged to have done. The reason is that the chances of getting caught are too high. Australia is a police state where the authorities engage in massive spying on the population for the sake of enforcing the interests of the big end of town. As the 2013 unveiling of classified documents provided by former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Edward Snowden, proved, the Australian spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), is part of a sinister global surveillance apparatus involving the American NSA, the UK’s GCHQ and Canada’s CSEC. These Five Eyes partner agencies are harvesting email contact lists, searching email content and tracking and mapping the location of cell phones of millions of everyday internet users as well as secretly accessing Yahoo and Google data centres to collect information from hundreds of millions of account holders. The Sydney Morning Herald of 29 August 2013 also reported that:
The nation’s electronic espionage agency, the Australian Signals Directorate, is in a partnership with British, American and Singaporean intelligence agencies to tap undersea fibre optic telecommunications cables that link Asia, the Middle East and Europe and carry much of Australia’s international phone and internet traffic.
Meanwhile the powers granted to the ASD, ASIO, the police and other repressive police and spy agencies are being ever increased. Therefore, covert activities to support working class interests and workers states are not the best strategy. What we need to do is to openly appeal to the interests that the Australian working class and downtrodden have in defending socialistic states in order to mobilise these layers in solidarity with the workers states as part of the fight for the workers’ own liberation.
Why a Working Class Immigrant from South Korea Living in Australia Would Want to Stand By the DPRK
When the Federal Police (AFP) announced the arrest of Chan Han Choi, the Australian media got itself all excited and jumped on the story. They made this headline news and pointed to it as “evidence” of the “North Korean security threat.” Yet, before long they realised that this story could punch a hole in their narrative about North Korea. They have spun the lie that everyone in South Korea is fearful and hostile to the North and that North Koreans themselves are desperate to escape to capitalist South Korea. Yet here is a man who grew up and worked in South Korea – and what’s more then lived in “democratic” Australia – and then allegedly took a huge risk to support North Korea in a way that, the cops admitted, sought no personal gain. On ABC current affairs programs, reporters and anti-DPRK “Korea experts” twisted themselves in knots trying to “address” this question. One expert admitted that there are people in South Korea who do support North Korea. Of course, they didn’t go into why. So let us fill in the blanks here. The reality of South Korea is that working class people there face a harsh life in that cut-throat, dog-eat-dog capitalist society. A very high proportion of workers in South Korea work as casuals with no job security whatsoever and minimal rights. Yet even with a large number of part-time workers, South Koreans endure one of the highest average working hours in the world. The brave trade unionists involved in organising to fight for workers’ rights face brutal repression. Currently, at least nine leading South Korean trade union activists are languishing in jail. Among those are the leader of the country’s biggest oppositional trade union federation, the KCTU. KCTU head Han Sang-gyun is currently serving a three year jail sentence for … organising a series of street marches that blocked traffic! Far from being the “democracy” portrayed by the mainstream Australian media, South Korea is a brutal capitalist dictatorship. Just over three years ago, the South Korean regime banned the left-leaning Unified Progressive Party (UPP) and stripped its MPs of their parliamentary seats for not being hardline enough against North Korea. This party had been the third biggest party in parliament with a vote share slightly larger than that which the Greens receive in Australia. With the aid of such repression, the South Korean regime is able to impose cruel living conditions on the working class. For example, there is no universal old-age pension in South Korea and there are large numbers of homeless people forced to sleep in train stations every night (see: Little wonder that the country has the fourth highest suicide rate in the entire world.
Han Sang-gyun, the former president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) – South Korea’s biggest oppositional trade union federation – spent almost two and a half years behind bars for organising workers’ protest rallies. South Korea is a capitalist dictatorship that jails several trade unionists and brutally represses workers rights.
Given this harsh reality of life for working class people in capitalist South Korea, it is no surprise that there are people there sympathetic to the DPRK. Indeed, in the mid-1960s, the Western imperialists were terrified about how much sympathy there was for the DPRK in South Korea. Since, at that time, North Korea had better levels of health care, education and working conditions than the South, the U.S. was so fearful for the stability of their Cold War frontline state that they started pouring massive subsidies into South Korea. It is this aid which underpinned South Korea’s supposed “economic miracle.” Nevertheless, there continued to be a large degree of sympathy for North Korea amongst the South Korean masses up until the 1991-92 destruction of the USSR that left the DPRK isolated and led to a large drop in living standards there. Even today, the most politically aware working class people in the South remain sympathetic to the DPRK at some level. North Korea is seen by some in the South as the real, independent Korea whereas South Korea is viewed as a lackey of U.S. imperialism, founded by former collaborators with the much hated previous Japanese colonial occupiers of the whole Korean peninsula.
Seoul, August 2017: South Korean people protest against “Ulchi-Freedom Guardian” (UFG) – the U.S.-South Korea war games that were menacing North Korea. They also condemned Donald Trump for his threat to unleash against North Korea, “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” Especially given Trump’s escalation of U.S. terror bombing in Afghanistan and his regime’s ever more callous disregard for civilian life in their air strikes in Syria and Iraq, this was indeed a chilling threat. However, the DPRK’s subsequent demonstration that it has developed a credible nuclear deterrent has compelled Trump to promise to suspend future joint U.S.-South Korea-Australia war games as part of trade-offs with the DPRK leadership. Such concessions wrested from imperialism, while welcome, can only be temporary until these capitalist powers are swept away from within. This female sex booster cialis canadian prices works very similar to the way our inner world mirrors the natural cycles. If you try to leaf through the pages of the Bible and communicates them to the cialis canada online modern secularized men, the man of science. It effectively inhibits the PDE 5 enzymes and increase the significant viagra pill for woman role of cGMP. Some symptoms and reactions can include depression, low immunity, disorders of the skin, adrenal, thyroid, heart, and vessels, etc. viagra in italy
If the lavishly paid journalists in the mainstream media were struggling to explain why a person who had grown up in South Korea would risk his freedom to support North Korea, they were completely unable to deal with the fact that this person who had allegedly harmed Australian “national security” interests for the sake of North Korea was also someone who had lived here for almost three decades. After all, they could not pass him off as someone brainwashed by religious zealots – as they could with ISIS supporters – as sympathy for the DPRK is not based on religion. Yet, if one looks at the reality faced by working class people in Australia, especially those from Asian and other non-white ethnicities, then why someone like Chan Han Choi would want to stand by a socialistic state opposed by the Australian ruling class is not really such a mystery after all. Even as the profits of corporations go through the roof and the likes of Andrew Forrest, James Packer, Gina Rinehart, the Lowy family and all their ilk amass ever more billions, the income of most workers are not keeping up with price increases and many workers face the reality of casualisation and having almost no job security. Meanwhile, especially with governments slashing public housing, landlords are charging exorbitant rents which means that low-income workers living in urban areas are being squeezed tight. As a cleaner, Chan Han Choi would face both low pay and poor job security. In the suburb where he rents a house, the average rent for a two bedroom house is $510 per week – that’s more than 80% of the after-tax minimum wage! Who can then blame a low-income worker renting in Sydney for being sympathetic to a state like the DPRK. In North Korea, even though sanctions and threatening military encirclement severely constrict the economy and hence people’s wages, at least rent is almost free and workers don’t have to face the indignity of being bullied by greedy capitalist bosses and high-handed landlords and their agents.
People take and watch rides in one of North Korea’s many fun parks. Contrary to the propaganda of the mainstream Western media, North Korea’s people enjoy a vibrant entertainment and cultural life. Photos: Trotskyist Platform
Furthermore, like other Asian-descent residents of Australia, Chan Han Choi would likely have experienced the racist hostility that this capitalist society engenders. It is Aboriginal people who have always suffered the brunt of White Australia racism. In a society which churns through the unfortunate targets of racism, one after the other, almost according to the changing whims of fashion, it is Muslims who are currently the number two victim. Over the long term, however, it is Asians who have been second only to Aboriginal people in being subject to racist oppression in Australia. Asian-origin residents – especially the majority who are not wealthy enough to shield themselves somewhat from the brunt of racist hostility – face threats or even real acts of violence from rednecks on the streets, abuse on public transport, bullying of their children at school and discrimination in employment. Chan Han Choi had a lot of good reasons not to have loyalty to the Australian ruling class and the socio-political order that they have created. Indeed, so do, ultimately, all working class people in this country!
Political Prisoners and Persecution in Australia
Chan Han Choi is certainly not the first person in Australia jailed for standing by the interests of the working class and oppressed. In 2004, Victorian secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Craig Johnston was jailed for nine months for leading a completely justifiable, militant protest of dozens of union activists through the offices of two companies that were involved in the union-busting sacking of 29 workers. In the same year, several Aboriginal people and their supporters were jailed for periods ranging from a few months to up to two years for their involvement in a brave resistance struggle in Redfern that responded to the racist police murder of 17 year-old Aboriginal youth, TJ Hickey, and subsequent continued police intimidation of the Redfern black community. Then nine months after the Redfern resistance struggle, several Aboriginal people on Palm Island, off the coast of Queensland, were persecuted for their participation in a hundreds-strong uprising on the island that responded to the bashing to death of 36 year-old Aboriginal man, Mulrunji Doomadgee, by a racist cop. Several of the arrested community members were jailed including the leader of the struggle, Lex Wotton, who spent in total three years in jail. Meanwhile, the murdering policeman, Chris Hurley, got off completely free! The authorities had intended to jail Lex Wotton and the other Palm Island and Redfern Aboriginal resistance heroes for considerably longer but a spirited on the streets campaign in support of the persecuted people – culminating in a stop-work action by Maritime Union of Australia-organised waterfront workers in Sydney in support of Lex on the day of his sentencing hearing – made the ruling class and their courts realise they could not get away with even more severely, unjust sentences.
Two peace activists are also amongst the people who have been political prisoners in Australia in recent years. David Burgess and Will Saunders were each jailed for nine months of weekend detention for simply painting the words “No War” on the Opera House in March 2003, in protest at the then impending U.S. and Australian invasion of Iraq. That brutal invasion murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people and was sold on the now notorious lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. However, unlike the jailed peace activists, those who ordered and implemented the blood-soaked invasion and perpetrated the “weapons of mass destruction” hoax were never brought to justice.
Aside from jailing some of the people who have taken firm stands for the interests of the oppressed, the Australian regime carries out daily repression against many others participating in pro-working class and leftist struggles. Over the last few years, they have persecuted in the courts well over a hundred trade unionists from the CFMEU construction workers union as well as other unions. Many of these union officials and activists have received hefty fines and other punishments for the “crime” of standing up to greedy bosses or leading industrial action. Two participants in last year’s ten thousand-strong, Invasion Day protest against the Australian regime’s brutal oppression of Aboriginal people have also been fined and given criminal records. Outrageously, they were convicted for rightly attempting to protect the crowd against a dangerous and unprovoked police charge into the rally which ended up with the marauding police barging over a woman so forcefully that she was knocked into a coma and sustained a level of permanent brain damage. Of course, no police were charged or disciplined over their riotous behaviour. Meanwhile, in a few months time, four pro-working class activists will be on trial after heavy-handed riot police arrested them following their involvement in a spirited, eighty-strong union/community/leftist protest occupation of public housing dwellings in the inner city suburb of Millers Point. The struggle rightly demanded that these homes, from where the NSW state government had driven off the working class tenants, be again made available to those on public housing waiting lists or the homeless rather than be sold off to wealthy developers and speculators as the government plans. Police have also arrested dozens of activists during protests against the Australian government’s brutal treatment of refugees. In December, five activists from the Whistleblowers, Activists and Citizens Alliance were fined a combined $20,000 for hanging banners on top of the Opera House that read “Australia: World Leaders in Cruelty #BringThemHere” and “Evacuate Manus”.
The fact is that the Australian state is far from a “democracy” where every person has an equal say in shaping its direction. Instead, it is ultra-rich business owners who through their ownership of the media and their greatly disproportionate ability to fund political parties, pay for political advertising, finance NGOs and use financial and career inducements to sway politicians and bureaucrats alike who monopolise the “democratic process” and the agenda and outcomes of elections. Moreover, the state machine which Australian parliaments administer is itself tied by thousands of threads to the capitalist elite. This racist, rich peoples’ state was originally founded to murderously uphold the dispossession of this country’s first peoples and to subjugate the poor. Ever since, whenever this state machine attacks the resistance of the masses to their own oppression – like when police attack union picket lines, courts ban workers’ strikes (as they did when they banned the Sydney rail workers strike that was to take place on January 29), the justice system persecutes union activists and the riot cops attack worker, anti-racist and leftist struggles – the institutions of this repressive machine and its enforcement personnel become ever more hardened in their role as enforcers of the current, anti-egalitarian social order. The imprisonment of political prisoner Chan Han Choi in inhumane conditions is simply a particularly cruel example of this capitalist state in action. It is notable that just two months before Chan Han Choi was arrested, the very same agency that arrested him, the Australian Federal Police (AFP), was busy intimidating the union movement. The AFP conducted heavy-handed raids on the Sydney and Melbourne offices of the Australian Workers Union over trumped up allegations about union donations to political campaigns more than twelve years ago.
Left, November 2011: Police attack striking workers and their supporters at the picket line outside the Baida poultry plant in North Laverton, Victoria. Right: Police attempt to intimidate the union movement by making a provocative raid on the Sydney office of the Australian Workers Union (AWU). The 24 October 2017 intrusion was part of simultaneous raids by the Australian Federal Police on the Melbourne and Sydney AWU headquarters. The police and other state institutions in Australia exist to enforce the interests of the rich big business owners over the exploited working class. Their imprisonment of a committed supporter of a workers state – Chan Han Choi – in inhumane conditions is fully in keeping with this role.
This capitalist nature of the Australian state conditions its “human rights” practices. Today, due to the rampantly racist nature of Australia’s justice system and continuing discrimination against Aboriginal people in every aspect of their lives, Aboriginal people are the most imprisoned people in the entire world. Meanwhile, the Australian regime locks up innocent refugees and migrants branded “illegal” in hell-hole prison camps in Nauru, Manus, Christmas Island, Villawood and elsewhere. Let’s never forget too the horrific crimes of the Australian capitalist regime in the PNG-controlled island of Bougainville. When the people of Bougainville rose up in 1989 against the arrogant destruction of their land and the refusal to pay any decent compensation by Australian owned mining giant CRA (which later merged with a British company to form Rio Tinto), the then ALP-led Australian government directed its puppet PNG government to brutally put down the resistance. They provided arms, intelligence and helicopter pilots flying as “mercenaries” to aid the war. Then they helped to enforce a cruel years-long blockade of the island. As a result, in all, some 15,000 to 20,000 people on the island were killed as a result of either gunfire or the lack of medicines and food caused by the blockade. Later, the Australian government and Australian-owned corporations Woodside Petroleum and BHP so savagely plundered the oil wealth of East Timor that the people of that resource-rich country have the highest rate of child stunting in the entire world! Figures from the United Nations Children Fund, WHO and World Bank show that 57.7 % of all children under five in East Timor have stunted growth due to malnourishment (see page 120 of Global Nutrition Report 2016, )! All this due to the greed of the Australian regime and the corporate bigwigs that this regime serves.
Those Claims About “Atrocious Human Rights” in North Korea
So what of the capitalist powers’ propaganda about “atrocious human rights” in the DPRK. Other than for dubious claims from certain defectors, the main “evidence” that capitalist politicians and media present for their assertions are restrictions placed on those who visit North Korea. Visitors do face some additional restrictions in the DPRK. For example, while North Koreans freely use mobile phones, visitors must leave their mobiles in lockers at the airport before picking them up on their way out. There is a level of paranoia in the DPRK about Western visitors. However, this is a paranoia borne out of reality. The North Koreans know that the capitalist powers really are out to destroy their socialistic system and will use any means possible to do so – including by sending in agents disguised as tourists or journalists to stir up trouble. For today, the DPRK is the most embattled country in the world. Not only do her people face the most grinding sanctions imposed on any country, they also face constant threat from the most fearsome military power in the world – the United States. The U.S. has close to 30,000 troops ready to attack the DPRK across the border in South Korea. Moreover, the hard right-wing, racist U.S. president, Donald Trump, has openly threatened to “totally destroy North Korea.” The people of North Korea know that this is no idle threat. During the Korean War, the U.S., Australian and other capitalist armies actually did all but “totally destroy North Korea” (but still failed to defeat her) as they dropped millions of litres of napalm to repeatedly burn Pyongyang and other North Korean cities to the ground. Long after the war, some U.S. war criminals boasted of their deeds:
Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — 20 percent of the population,’ Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, told the Office of Air Force History in 1984. Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later secretary of state, said the United States bombed `everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another.’”
The Washington Post, 24 March 2015
It is with this background that we should look at the case of Otto Warmbier, an American who was imprisoned in North Korea and died a few days after his release. Warmbier’s tragic death has been used by Trump and the Western establishment as an excuse to escalate their war drive against the DPRK. The son of a wealthy company owner, Otto Warmbier, was a university student who had the self-declared aim of becoming an investment banker. While on vacation in North Korea, he was sentenced to jail after he snuck into a staff-only area of his hotel and attempted to steal a pro-socialist poster declaring: “Arm ourselves with strong socialism.” Security footage released by North Korea shows him ripping down the poster but then abandoning it because it was too large to carry off. He later confessed to the deed saying that a member of a Methodist Church in Ohio had made a large bet with him to take down a North Korean political poster and bring it back to the U.S. as a trophy. Warmbier added that the Z-Society – a shadowy, secret society in the university traditionally based on elite, upper class students – had encouraged him in this act. The Western media screamed at the severity of the sentence given to Warmbier. The sentence was on the harsh side. However, if one knows the mass murder that the imperialists committed during the Korean War, then one can understand how North Korean people would view Warmbier’s act with the same anger that Jewish people, Roma people, LGBTI people and leftists would view a German person taking down a sign at a memorial to victims of the Nazi holocaust or an Aboriginal person would look at a white Australian who defaced a site commemorating a racist massacre of Aboriginal people.
A month into Warmbier’s sentence, he suffered brain damage that according to North Korea was caused by an adverse reaction to medication given to treat an infection. The DPRK later released him on humanitarian grounds and he returned to the U.S. in an unconscious state. American doctors assessed that his brain damage had been caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain caused by cardiac arrest. However, even the viciously anti-DPRK Western media reported that his American physicians found no evidence of physical abuse or torture and that scans of Warmbier’s neck and head were normal outside of the brain injury. Indeed, when Otto’s grieving parents falsely claimed that his body showed signs of torture, the American coroner who had investigated the matter denied that there were any signs of torture, even adding that Warmbier had been “well nourished” and that, “We believe that for somebody who had been bedridden for more than a year, that his body was in excellent condition, that his skin was in excellent condition” ( Warmbier’s death was indeed tragic: for although his deed in North Korea was that of an arrogant, American rich kid he did not deserve to die for that. Yet, the most likely root cause of his death was the extremely severe sanctions imposed on the DPRK. These make life and medical care more rudimentary in North Korea than they otherwise would be; and since, as in every other country in the world, conditions for prisoners are not as good as for other residents, this makes life for prisoners poorer as well and, thus, increases the probability of prisoners getting serious infections while reducing the range and quality of available medication. In a way, what Chan Han Choi was allegedly attempting to do – easing the effects of sanctions on North Korea – would have helped people like Warmbier as well.
In the very worst case – and there is absolutely no evidence for this at all – it is possible that North Korea may not have provided an adequate quality of medical assistance to Warmbier in the early part of his incarceration (yet that North Korea was able to hand to the U.S. sets of MRI brain scans of Warmbier shows that North Korean doctors certainly did make valiant efforts to treat him later). However, even if one assumes that this worst possible variant occurred, the DPRK authorities’ treatment of Warmbier was not anywhere as brutal as the way Western Australian police treated 22 year-old Aboriginal woman, Julieka Dhu. Ms Dhu died in police custody in August 2014 just days after being imprisoned, so outrageously, for the late payment of fines! Unlike Warmbier, who the American coroner admitted showed no evidence of having been physically hurt in custody, Julieka Dhu was definitely physically harmed by police. In one case, video footage shows a police officer yank a very ill Ms Dhu violently by the arm and then cruelly leave her to flop down and smash her head on the concrete cell floor. The cop does not even then check to see if Ms Dhu had been further injured. And while DPRK authorities at least attempted to treat Warmbier’s medical condition, Julieka Dhu was cruelly denied treatment on multiple occasions – even when she cried out in pain from the severe infection that she was suffering. Yet the way the Australian media have handled the two cases could not be more different. They reported on Ms Dhu’s case as a tragic occurrence and in a small number of reports as a case of police neglect and discrimination. However, never did the mainstream media – and certainly never did any ruling class politicians – use the case to highlight the barbarity of the Australian regime. In contrast, the tycoon and government-owned Australian media railed that Warmbier’s death shows the “terrorist and brutal nature of the North Korean regime.” For Warmbier was a white American, yuppy rich man who died following imprisonment in a socialistic country. Whereas Julieka Dhu was a low income, Aboriginal woman killed by the criminal neglect and racist brutality of Australia’s capitalist authorities.
Right: Barbaric Western Australian police grab dying Aboriginal woman, Julieka Dhu (Left), by the armpits and drag her, handcuffed, through a police cell like an animal, while telling her to shut up as she moaned in pain. She died just minutes later from a severe infection. Her death was caused by being repeatedly denied adequate medical treatment after she was cruelly jailed for non-payment of fines. Unlike, Ms Dhu, there is no evidence that American man Otto Warmbier, who died in the U.S. after earlier imprisonment in North Korea, was ever harmed by DPRK state authorities. Yet the mainstream Western media ranted that his death showed the “terrorist and brutal nature of the North Korean regime,” while refusing to make anything nearing the same conclusions about the Australian capitalist regime responsible for killing low-income, Aboriginal women, Julieka Dhu – and for killing countless other Aboriginal people in custody. Furthermore while Warmbier’s death was indeed tragic, an American adjunct professor at the University of Delaware, Katherine Dettwyler made a sharp point about the issue (for which she was witch-hunted and driven out of her university teaching position), writing that Warmbier was “typical of the mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueless males who come into my classes …. I see him crying at his sentencing hearing and think, ‘What did you expect?’ … These are the same kids who cry about their grades because they didn’t think they’d really have to read and study the material to get a good grade. His parents ultimately are to blame for his growing up thinking he could get away with whatever he wanted. Maybe in the US, where young, white, rich, clueless white males routinely get away with raping women. Not so much in North Korea” (see:
The truth is that Julieka Dhu’s case is hardly an exception in Australia. Police and prison guards here have outright murdered Aboriginal people both in and out of state custody. Eddie Murray, John Pat, Lloyd Boney, David Gundy, Daniel Yock, Colleen Richman, TJ Hickey, Mulrunji Doomadgee and David Dungay are the names of just a small proportion of the Aboriginal people who have been bashed, rammed, hung, suffocated, lethally injected or shot to death by Australian state authorities in recent years. Indeed, so many Aboriginal people have been killed in state custody that relative to the total current Indigenous population, approximately one out of every 1,200 Indigenous people have died in Australian prison camps or police cells since 1980. For the U.S. and Australian regimes to make accusations about North Korea based on the death of Otto Warmbier or based on highly contentious accounts from a handful of detectors is not only deliberately misleading, it is also the height of hypocrisy. Indeed, in U.S. prison camps the number of people dying in custody numbers from some 4,000 to 6,000 every year! This is in part because the U.S. regime is so biased against blacks, Hispanics and the poor of all races that the U.S. is by far the world’s biggest jailer. Indeed, the U.S. regime imprisons it population so much that the total number of people that it incarcerates, 2.4 million (!!), is more than three-quarters of the entire population of free-living residents in North Korea’s capital city, Pyongyang. Put another way, imagine if the overwhelming majority of the population of North Korea’s biggest city was locked up in jails – well that is what is happening … not at all in North Korea but in the United States of America!
There are a few people that the DPRK state does indeed deal ruthlessly with. These are mostly those that try to subvert its socialistic system and open the road to capitalist restoration. In this way, the DPRK workers state is acting just like staunch trade unionists on strike do when they take firm action against filthy scabs trying to cross a picket line; it is resolutely acting to defend the collective interests of the working class. In a sense, the DPRK can be thought of as one huge, more than 70 years-long strike against capitalism by its masses. It is a yet unfinished struggle because two-thirds of Korea still languishes under capitalist rule and because the workers conquest in the northern part of Korea is so threatened by imperialist powers. And just as the more up against it a workers strike is, the more harshly they must deal with strike-breaking scabs, so also the more embattled a workers state like the DPRK is, the more firmly they must deal with counterrevolutionary enemies.
Although the DPRK acts strongly against pro-capitalist threats to the workers state, it is very gentle in its treatment of the working class masses. Thus, while many Australian workers lucky enough to have a job spend a large proportion of their time worried about being bullied by their boss or about being the next one to be retrenched, the DPRK offers its masses a relaxed work life and a guaranteed right to full-time, secure employment. Indeed, this guaranteed employment, the tenderness of the DPRK state towards its masses and the society’s laid back work culture combine to mean that the North Korean state actually sometimes struggles to spur adequate productivity from its workforce!
There is, however, a more serious defect in the DPRK workers state. As well as rightly coming down hard against those trying to undermine socialistic rule, the state also represses genuinely pro-socialist elements who raise dissenting views to government leaders on various issues. It is possible – although not certain – that North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un’s uncle, Jang Song-thaek, was executed because he led a rival faction of the DPRK government (by contrast the claim made by Western governments and media that the DPRK leader had his half-brother Kim Jong-nam assassinated at Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur International Airport is far from proven and the killing is more likely to have been the work of Western or South Korean intelligence agencies desperate to further isolate the DPRK by poisoning her relations with Malaysia – the one capitalist Asian country that had friendly, diplomatic ties with North Korea). Suppression of alternate views from those loyal to the workers state is actually harmful to socialistic rule in North Korea – as it prevents the free discussion of ideas necessary to work out the most effective course for the embattled workers state to navigate. This lack of workers democracy reflects the fact that although the DPRK has an egalitarian system based on socialistic public ownership, there is a somewhat privileged bureaucratic layer who believe they know what is best for the country and who fear their, fairly petty, privileges being questioned by the masses. However, as long as the DPRK faces such intense threats from the capitalist powers, it will be hard for her to be re-directed onto the road of socialist democracy that the workers state needs to follow. For as long as such acute threats remain, much of her masses will be resigned to accepting the administration of a know-it-all, slightly privileged bureaucracy because they fear that any political turmoil could open the way for a far, far greater evil: capitalist restoration and the return of domination by imperialist powers. Moreover, just as any half-heartedness and weakness (even serious ones) in Australian union leaders – and even any corruption on their part – does not change the main point that trade unions are workers organisations that must be uncompromisingly defended from the capitalist bosses and their state, so too the lack of socialist democracy in North Korea does not change the fundamental fact that the DPRK is a socialistic state based on public ownership that must be unconditionally defended against capitalist military and political threats.
The U.S., South Korean and Australian governments and media have made much of the execution of Kim Jong-un’s uncle and the far from proven claim that he had his half-brother assassinated in Malaysia. However, we need to put any problems in North Korea in perspective. In the U.S. or Australia one does not need to be a factional rival to a political leader to be killed by the authorities. One only needs to be the wrong skin colour or a person living in poverty … and accused of being intoxicated or of infringing a traffic law! In 2016 alone, U.S. police killed 1093 people on the streets of America! ( Then there are the horrific crimes of the U.S. and Australian regimes abroad. Together in the anti-communist Korean and Vietnam Wars they slaughtered more than five million people, killed hundreds of thousands more in their two wars against Iraq, their invasion of Afghanistan and their more recent indiscriminate bombing campaigns in Syria and northern Iraq. Then there are the U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia – conducted with the support of joint U.S-Australia spy bases in Australia – which have killed thousands of civilians. The fact is that other than from the standpoint of the capitalist big end of town whom these racist, rich peoples’ states serve and that of a broader upper-middle class layer who are comfortable under the current social order, it is the U.S. and Australian regimes who are the most atrocious violators of the human rights of the world’s peoples. Compared with these regimes, the North Korean rulers come off as saints!
Australia’s Capitalist Rulers and
Their Obsession with Attacking the DPRK
It is not surprising that there is a pro-DPRK political prisoner jailed in an Australian prison camp. When it comes to attacking the DPRK, the Australian capitalist ruling class is not merely following the U.S. out of loyalty to the superpower that protects its own plunder in the South Pacific. Rather, the same motives that drive Washington’s hostility to the DPRK drive Canberra’s own enmity to North Korea. Thus, just as the U.S. ruling class is bitter that it was not able to crush a small, socialistic country during the 1950-53 Korean War, so too are Australia’s rulers. They had unleashed a massive force of 17,000 troops into the Korean War – nearly nine times what they later sent to participate in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Moreover, as an imperialist ruling class that considers the Asia-Pacific region as its “backyard,” where it should have the “right” to super-exploit darker-skinned workers and loot natural resources at will, Australia’s capitalists know that the existence of workers states in four Asian countries – China, North Korea, Vietnam and Laos – is a big problem for them. For the mere existence of these truly independent, workers states in countries formerly subjugated by colonial powers sends a powerful message to the toiling masses in the Asian-Pacific countries still grinding under neo-colonial domination. It sends a message to the masses of Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Thailand, PNG and East Timor that by taking the road of anti-capitalist revolution you too can free yourself from imperialist subjugation.
This is why Australia’s right-wing government was so annoyed by the presence of North Korean athletes, cheerleaders and artistic performers during the recent Winter Olympics in South Korea. They feared that this would damage their regime’s efforts to falsely portray North Korea as a cold, cruelly oppressed society. Meanwhile, Australian warships and the Australian military continue to take part in threatening war games on the DPRK’s borders.
The Australian ruling class is also up to its neck in the imperialist propaganda war drive against the DPRK. Former Australian high court judge, Michael Kirby, was chosen to head the UN’s “Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights” in the DPRK. This 2013-2014 inquiry was meant to produce a report condemning the DPRK in order to justify further imperialist aggression against her. And Kirby duly delivered! He produced a thoroughly deceitful report based on “accounts” from gold-digging defectors and Western-backed NGOs. Kirby in the past had tried to cultivate the image of a small-l liberal. However, as a high court judge he was a top-level judicial enforcer of the racist, capitalist order. He has also been outspoken in defending the current social order in Australia. Thus, he is a raving monarchist who insists on maintaining the Crown in the Australian constitution and was one of the principal founders of Australia’s main pro-monarchy campaign group, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy. Indeed, he is such a reactionary that none other than the hard right-wing, former prime minister, Tony Abbott, is not only an open admirer of Kirby but considers him a mentor (see this fawning article praising Kirby from Abbott: ).
As part of fighting for its own interests, the working class and oppressed of this country must stand against the all-sided campaign of the rich ruling class to destroy the DPRK workers state. Let us stand together to say: Down with the monarchist Kirby and his lying human rights propaganda against the DPRK – Down with the monarchy! U.S. and Australian troops get out of South Korea and surrounding waters! End all the war games threatening the DPRK! Close the joint U.S./Australia military and spy bases in Darwin, Pine Gap and Geraldton that are used to prepare imperialist military attacks against the DPRK and China! End all the sanctions against the DPRK! In the same way that we must always support a strike of fellow workers against capitalist bosses, we must unconditionally defend the DPRK workers state against all the military, economic and political threats that she faces. In whatever way that he did, Chan Han Choi bravely tried to do this. For this he is being cruelly persecuted. We must stand by him and demand that he be freed immediately.
12 August 2017 – The April 7 U.S. missile attack highlights that, at this time, the main goal of the U.S./ Australian intervention in Syria remains to impose regime change on that country’s people – or at minimum to force the Syrian government into taking a servile attitude towards these Western imperialists. Indeed, the Western imperialist powers have been plotting regime change in Syria from even before the current upheaval began in 2011. For years Washington had been funding pro-Western NGOs and “dissident” figures within Syria. For, although Syria’s Baathist Assad government is a capitalist government – unlike that of North Korea and China who are targeted because of their socialistic character – and although it has facilitated a level of imperialist exploitation of Syrian workers and local natural resources, it is still currently not subservient enough to be accepted by the imperialists. To be sure, in the years leading up to the start of the conflict, the Syrian government had been implementing more and more neo-liberal economic policies. However, its privatisation program was not anywhere as deep going as that of, say, neighbouring Jordan. Thus, its economy was not “open” enough to be as deeply plundered by Western multinational corporations as these corporations would like. Furthermore, the Syrian government backs some opponents of key NATO ally, Israel, and has friendly relations with present Western foe, Iran. The imperialist powers thus insist on installing a regime in Damascus that will be far more servile to them – like the monarchy that lords it over Jordan or the military dictatorship that rules Egypt.
Nevertheless, when unrest broke out in Syria in 2011 this was not simply a Western-directed regime change movement. The protests in Syria at that time were partly triggered by the Middle East uprisings that began in Tunisia and Egypt and spread across other countries in the region. Many came out on the streets out of anger at rising prices, unemployment, corruption and government repression. However, even from the very start of anti-government demonstrations, Western-funded liberals and pro-Western politico-religious movements like the Muslim Brotherhood were already playing a prominent role. After all, they and various “NGOs” had been nurtured for years by their imperialist patrons to intervene when such a crisis broke out. Hence, they were able to hit the streets running when the so-called Arab Spring emerged in Syria. Yet, these were not the only forces participating in the anti-government actions. There were also some leftists, liberal secularists and others who did not want to become allies of imperialism as well as a large number of people who were unclear on what direction they wanted to go except to simply say that they wanted change. However, concerned that the “Arab Spring” was destabilising its key allies in the region like Egypt, Washington moved to turn the focus of the Middle East uprisings against those governments that had failed to join the U.S. fold – like Libya and Syria. The Western capitalist powers moved their intervention into the Syrian events into high gear like only they can. As U.S. money, media and machinations inflamed the anti-government movement in Syria and Western arms and material flowed lavishly into their most favoured armed “Rebels,” imperialist-backed groups naturally gained an ever increasing weight in the opposition movement. At a certain point, the armed opposition, in particular, became decisively subordinated to the drive for imperialist-imposed regime change in Syria. Some eight to twelve months after the upheaval broke out, it was clear that the armed “Rebels” had become proxies for the agenda of the Western imperialist powers.
Since then Trotskyist Platform has argued for the defence of Syria against the U.S./Australian imperialists and their “Rebel” proxies. We were the first Marxist-based Australian group to take up this position. Indeed, Trotskyist Platform were the first non-Arab leftists of any stripe to join with those Syrians and other Arabs in Australia opposed to the “Rebels” in protests against Western imperialist meddling. Our stance is based entirely on the Leninist position of defending against the capitalist “great powers” those countries who are – directly or indirectly – subjugated by imperialism. As Lenin famously wrote in his 1915 Marxist classic, Socialism and War:
… if tomorrow, Morocco were to declare war on France, India on England, Persia or China on Russia, and so forth, those would be “just”, “defensive” wars, irrespective of who attacked first; and every Socialist would sympathise with the victory of the oppressed, dependent, unequal states against the oppressing, slaveowning, predatory ‘great’ powers.
Sydney, 22 April 2012: Trotskyist Platform banner and placards at a rally opposed to Western intervention in Syria calls to “Oppose all Western Imperialist Political and Military Intervention in Syria!” and says, “Down with the Imperialist-backed Syrian National Council and ‘Free Syrian Army’ Opposition Groups!” We were the first locally based leftist force in Australia to join with the Australian Syrian community in actions opposing the pro-imperialist “Rebels.”
However, most of the rest of the Left have taken the opposite position. The Socialist Alternative and Solidarity groups have campaigned in rabid support of the imperialist-backed “Rebels.” So has the Socialist Alliance group although it has now become more circumspect in that support. All these nominally socialist groups have even portrayed the “Rebel” movement as spearheading a progressive “Syrian revolution.” Thus, they have lined up behind a concerted imperialist campaign. For not only have the Western imperialists been arming and training their “Rebel” allies, providing military intelligence to these forces and even giving battleground direction to these “Rebel” proxies via its special forces officers, they have also hit Syria with sanctions, placed her under immense diplomatic pressure and bombarded the public with propaganda supporting their regime-change drive. The latter has been ably assisted by big business or government owned mainstream Western media. Meanwhile, the U.S.’s key regional ally, Israel, has conducted many airstrikes on Syrian government positions.
This does not mean that the imperialists could not in the distant future make a rapprochement with the Syrian government. That is one of the many areas where the Syria issue is, indeed, quite different to the North Korea and China questions. Unlike Syria, North Korea and the Peoples Republic of China are socialistic states. Therefore, in the long-term there will always be implacable hostility between these states and the capitalist powers because it reflects the innate conflict between capitalist ruling classes and socialistic working class rule. Any easing of tensions between the workers states and the capitalist powers will necessarily be tenuous and temporary. In contrast, because Syria is under capitalist rule, it is possible (although unlikely at present) that, in the long term, imperialist powers could quietly drop their regime change drive. This will especially be the case if the Assad government signals it is more willing to accommodate the interests of key imperialist powers. Yet all this is not the point right now. Because right now the imperialists are intent on imposing regime change on the people of Syria. For six years the U.S.A, Australia, Britain, France and other capitalist powers – assisted by regional allies like Israel, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan – have all been hell bent on violently toppling the Syrian government. In this post-Soviet world, the imperialists are not willing to accept anything but complete subordination from governments in their ex-colonies.
When Donald Trump unleashed his April 7 cruise missile barrage against Syria, those left-wing groups that were backing the pro-imperialist Syrian “Rebels” were confronted by a political dilemma. The fact that the Western capitalists had made their first open and declared strike on Syrian government targets starkly exposed the pro-imperialist character of these groups’ support for the Western-backed, anti-government “Rebels.” As a result Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance sought to refurbish their anti-imperialist credentials by stating opposition to the missile attack while maintaining their support for the“Rebels.” In this they were taking a similar position to that which they took during the 2011 imperialist-backed regime change war in Libya. Then, these left social-democratic groups stated opposition to the imperialist airstrikes but backed the pro-imperialist “Rebels” that were effectively acting as NATO’s ground troops.
The reality of this position was seen all too clearly three days after Trump’s missile attack on Syria in a demonstration called by the “Syria Solidarity” coalition in which members of Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance formed the majority of the rally. The rally was against the Syrian government but claimed to be also against Trump’s bombing of Syria. Yet the call out for the demonstration retailed the very propaganda used by Washington to justify the bombing. Syria Solidarity’s call out spread the highly dubious claim that the Assad government had used chemical weapons against the people of Khan Shiekhoun ( 2ref%22%3A%22106%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D) . Indeed, photographs from their rally showed that almost everyone holding a placard was holding one that simply said: “Chemical Massacre in Syria.” Any signs opposing Trump’s bombing were either not present at all or so insignificant as to be invisible. Thus, especially given its timing, this rally could only have served to justify Trump’s missile strike, regardless of any pretensions otherwise. Furthermore, the fact that this demonstration promoting Washington and Canberra’s line that Syria had used chemical weapons was held outside the UN offices in Sydney had more than the whiff of being a call for greater imperialist political and/or military intervention against Syria.
Right, Sydney: Three days after Trump’s missile attack on Syria, left social-democratic groups Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance join with a small handful of pro-“Rebel” Syrians in a rally against the Syrian government. The demonstration was dominated by placards saying, “Chemical Massacre in Syria” thus promoting the highly dubious “justification” that the U.S. used for bombing Syria. This could only have served to justify Trump’s missile strike and promote further imperialist intervention.
So there is no two ways about it: to side with the “Rebels” in their proxy war to topple the Syrian government means to side with the U.S. and Australian imperialists. The only way that those nominally socialist groups who hail the Syrian “Rebel” forces could claim otherwise is for some of them to concoct a nutcase conspiracy theory that the U.S. and Australian imperialists, while energetically arguing for the need for regime change in Syria and while engaging in a frenzied propaganda campaign behind this goal, are actually secretly doing the opposite. Now, the capitalist powers certainly do engage in hoaxes, false flag attacks, manufacture of “alternate facts” and secret actions behind the backs of the masses. However, what they don’t do is for years implement a particular foreign policy agenda while aggressively campaigning for the opposite. This is not because of any honesty on their part. Rather, it is for the simple reason that political campaigning and propaganda are an essential part of the imperialists’ need to mobilise support behind – or at least mollify opposition to – their goals. So, could you imagine that at the very same time that Australian governments have been persecuting dozens of CFMEU construction workers union activists in the courts, that these same capitalist governments would be running an aggressive propaganda campaign about the need for militant unions in the construction sector, about the greed of construction sector bosses and about the necessity for the CFMEU to conduct militant actions to defend workers’ rights? That is definitively not what has been happening! And it never could! Just like it is impossible for the imperialists to wage an intense, six years-long propaganda campaign in favour of regime change in Syria while actually secretly doing the opposite. And if this notion that the Western imperialists are actually supporting the Syrian government in the current conflict sounded completely like a whacko conspiracy theory before, it is pure lunacy now in the wake of the open U.S. missile strike on Syria and the associated further escalation of imperialist political attacks on the Syrian government.
A slightly less crazy-sounding argument of the Left-backers of the “Rebels” is that there’s is a “progressive” uprising against neo-liberalism. Indeed, anger at the effects of neo- liberal economic polices, in particular rising prices – a result of the pro-free-market removal of price controls – and unemployment were major factors in breeding hostility to the Syrian government. The average inflation rate in the five years prior to the 2011 upheaval was a high 7.5% and the average official unemployment rate in that period was an also large 9% with many others barely employed at all in insecure part-time and temporary work or in self- employed operations that had no prospects. However, there is a massive difference between a movement given support by people angered by the effects of neo-liberal economic policies and a movement against such policies. Unfortunately, anger at the effects of capitalism does not always end up with struggle against capitalism. Indeed, it can be channelled into reactionary movements. We only need to look at some of the supporters of Trump who were angry about unemployment and low wages but voted in a capitalist billionaire exploiter who wants to give massive tax cuts to the rich. Then there is some of the support for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation here where anger at social decay, crumbling infrastructure and a lack of jobs ends up being channelled into support for ultra-racist bigots – ones who, furthermore, support deep cuts to the already meagre welfare provisions for the unemployed and poor. Then there is the rising support for far-right French leader, Marine Le Pen. And then there was Hitler! The Syrian “Rebel” movement is, likewise, another movement where, in part, anger at the effects of capitalism has led to a reactionary movement that, if victorious, would serve to reinforce the rule of capitalism over the masses – in this case by increasing Syria’s subjugation by the capitalist great powers. The Syrian “Rebel” forces have another characteristic of reactionary right-wing movements – they are in good part mobilised on the basis of hostility to ethnic and religious minorities. Thus, even if one excludes ISIS from the list of “Rebel” groups (even though they were once one of the Washington-backed “Rebel” outfits), the strongest “Rebel” organisations – Al Nusra, Ahrar al- Sham and Jaysh al-Islam – are Sunni communalists who are viciously and often violently hostile to the country’s Kurdish, Shia, Alawi, Druze and Christian minorities. It is partly on the basis of this extreme bigotry that these groups have recruited fighters from not only Syria but from extreme religious fundamentalists throughout the world.
Cruelty! “Rebel” Free Syrian Army troops execute captured Syrian soldiers. The Western-backed “Rebels” are not fighting for “democracy” but are mostly anti-women, religious extremist cutthroats; all of whom have been subordinated to the interests of the Western imperialists.
Those Western leftists who support the imperialist-backed Syrian “Rebels” should ask themselves: since when do the U.S. and Australian capitalist rulers back any movement against neo-liberalism … anywhere? If the “Rebels” were, indeed, a progressive movement against neo-liberal economic polices, Washington and Canberra would be firmly on the other side: backing Assad’s Baathist Party government! And that has certainly happened before when the Baathists were suppressing actually progressive movements. This was most starkly shown in the events in Syria and Lebanon in 1976. It was then that Lebanon was in a civil war that pitted leftist and Palestinian forces in a coalition against conservative forces. Although there was also a sectarian aspect to the conflict with many Muslims supporting the leftist-Palestinian side and many Christians the right-wing side, the working class definitely had to side with the leftist-Palestinian coalition. However, with this progressive side nearing victory, Bashar Al-Assad’s father, Hafeez, sent in the Syrian Army to crush their movement. Although Syria at the time was a Soviet ally and probably had even frostier relations with the West than it had at the start of the 2011-2012 uprising, the U.S. and France welcomed the Syrian Baathist government’s repressive intervention.
Of course, when nominally socialist groups support forces backed by their own imperialists abroad and retail the propaganda used by their rulers to justify this support, it has major domestic implications. It sends the very false message to those that they influence that, while their “own rulers” may be no good, at least they are on the right side of the fence in Syria. It says that: these Australian capitalist rulers may be capitalist but they are not as cruel and barbaric as others – like the “Syrian regime.” In other words, these pro-“Syrian Rebels” left groups, by supporting Canberra-backed forces abroad, are diminishing hostility to the Australian ruling class at home. Now, at the same time that they are doing this, these groups do participate in – albeit with a left social- democratic rather than a revolutionary program – many progressive struggles at home including in defence of trade unions and for refugee rights, Aboriginal rights and LGBTI rights. Yet by adding to the myth that the racist Australian ruling class is backing in Syria the side that is fighting for “democracy”, groups such as Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance are actually harming the very campaigns that they work for at home. For one, if they are saying that the Australian capitalist rulers back – in Syria – the side that is standing for “human rights”, it gets in the way of asserting the truth that Australia’s rulers are an extremely brutal, racist, ruling class that secured its power through genocidal terror against Aboriginal people.
A nice, small-l liberal advocate for … aggressive imperialism! A Greens NSW parliamentarian, David Shoebridge, speaks at the December 2016 rally in support of Western-backed Syrian “Rebels.” Shoebridge even called on the racist, anti-working class Australian government to be even more belligerent in its meddling in Syria.
As well as sometimes claiming that the “Rebel” movement is a movement against neo-liberalism, the Socialist Alternative and Solidarity groups wax lyrical that the armed struggle against the Syrian government is a “democratic revolution.” Yet the strongest groups in this “democratic revolution” are extreme religious fundamentalists who want to subjugate women, axe all secularist laws and behaviours and impose a strict theocracy. Don’t take this characterisation from us … see what these “Rebel” groups say themselves! Thus, the largest “Rebel” group, Ahrar al-Sham openly rejects democracy as a concept. Although they say they accept elections of political leaders, that is “as long as it is regulated by sharia” and only candidates whose policies “are bound by sharia” are involved. Indeed, in an interview, Ahrar al-Sham leader Hassan Aboud said of his fellow “Rebels”: “there are no secular groups” in Syria ( The truth is that the “Rebels” could be more accurately described as fighting for an “anti-secular, theocratic revolution” rather than a mythical “democratic revolution.”
Australia’s “Left” supporters of the “Rebels” would scream that there are actually secular people in the “revolution” against Assad. Indeed, there are. Except that their weight in the movement is so small that they could only, at best, act as recalcitrant “Rebels” who express their displeasure with the religious fundamentalist platform of their much bigger “Rebel” allies while shooting in the same direction as them. In other words, they will be, regardless of their intentions, shooting towards the same goal of an extreme theocratic, undemocratic order. Similarly, there are also a small amount of one-time leftists supporting the present “Syrian Revolution.” These leftists may well receive no direct imperialist aid. However, the fact is that they are in a military united front with much larger proxy forces of imperialism – meaning that they are, in practice, in a united front with imperialism themselves. To be sure, some of these people may genuinely believe that they are still leftists. But there is a huge problem! They are lining up behind the biggest enemies of liberation of the Syrian and entire world’s toiling peoples: the Western imperialists. Therefore, for any Australian leftist to highlight the small number of secular-democrats and leftists among Syria’s “Rebels” is a bit like right-wing apologists who stress that there are some non-white people in Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party or some blacks and Muslims who support Donald Trump!
Unlike the Socialist Alternative and Solidarity groups who have never wavered in their cheering of Syria’s pro- imperialist, armed “Rebels,” the Socialist Alliance party has over time, to an extent, recognised the dominance of thoroughly misogynist, religious fundamentalist cutthroats within the “Rebels.” Thus, an article in their Green Left Weekly newspaper written on the day of the April 7 U.S. missile strike on Syria describes these “Rebels” as a “fractious array of Sunni Islamist opposition groups” with a model “far from” one of “ethnic inclusion and religious tolerance.” That, however, has not stopped Socialist Alliance from siding with these “Rebels” against Syrian government forces. Thus, when Syrian forces and their allies defeated the “Rebels” in Aleppo, Socialist Alliance issued a statement portraying the victory negatively. They stated that: “The Socialist Alliance affirms the position we have held since 2011 in support of the Syrian people’s right to rebel against the Assad dictatorship” (Peace in Syria can only come from the democratic empowerment of Syrians, Socialist Alliance statement, 18 December 2016). In the context of the current conflict that can only mean support for the imperialist-backed “Rebels”, however critically, against the Syrian government.
However, since 2014 in particular, Socialist Alliance have switched the main focus of their support in Syria from the “Rebels” to the PYD/YPG, the most powerful group based on the Kurdish minority of northern Syria. This group had fought for the national rights of Syria’s oppressed Kurdish minority. As in neighbouring Turkey, the Kurdish minority in Syria have faced intense national oppression, albeit not with the same genocidal brutality that they have faced in Turkey. In the early period of the conflict, the PYD had an uneasy, on-again, off-again relationship with the Arab-based “Rebel” groups and with more conservative Kurdish groups. However, in mid-2012 the Assad government withdrew its military from Kurdish areas of Syria leaving the PYD/YPG largely in charge. This was the crowning of a tacit, semi-alliance between the Kurdish forces and the Assad government. The PYD/ YPG, meanwhile, increasingly came into conflict with “Rebel” groups who were violently opposed to even the most minimal expressions of self-determination for the Kurdish minority. These “Rebels” also wanted to replace the relative secularism of PYD/YPG controlled areas with a theocratic order. Among these imperialist and Turkish backed “Rebels” was the then still emerging ISIS. When the U.S. and Australian imperialists decided to turn on their former ISIS proxy – to some degree – they found in the PYD/YPG a useful and militarily effective ally. Today, the Western imperialists are backing the PYD/YPG with airstrikes, massive shipments of arms and through direct support by a large number of U.S. special forces on the ground. Indeed, U.S. special forces troops in Syria have even been wearing badges of the YPG on their uniforms! This new alliance with Western imperialism saw the PYD/ YPG also make a rapprochement with some “Rebel” Free Syrian Army groups. They have together formed the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). This alliance between the PYD/YPG on the one hand and, on the other, the Western imperialists and some of their “Rebel” factions is complicated by the fact that the PYD/YPG has also been clashing with other – mainly Turkish-controlled – “Rebel” outfits and with Washington’s Turkish NATO ally. Furthermore, the PYD/YPG has been diplomatically supported by Moscow, the most powerful foreign backer of the Syrian government, even as it is in an alliance with the Western powers, who are the most powerful force behind the “Rebels.”
The PYD/YPG is lionised by Socialist Alliance and some anarchists for its secular, left-leaning platform and its stated commitment to democratic, “self-governing” forms of organisation in the areas that it controls. Its platform is indeed secular-democratic and the position of women in the areas that it controls – known as Rojava – currently does appear to be significantly better than in the parts of Syria controlled by the “Rebels”. However, the massive problem is that the PYD/YPG are in a direct alliance with the greatest forces against any form of social liberation in the world: the U.S., Australian and other Western imperialists. Granted that this alliance is partly directed against a group with a horrific, reactionary program, ISIS. However, as despicable as ISIS is, it is the Western imperialists with their enormous military and economic power who are able to do far more damage. As we explained in our leaflet issued after the April 7 U.S. missile attack on Syria:
It is not ISIS but the U.S., Australian and other imperialists who have been able to intervene in and destroy whole countries – like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and indirectly Syria – who have dropped nuclear bombs on human beings (as the U.S. with Australian backing did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki), who today are threatening a new war against North Korea that could again kill millions and who one day, because of the crisis-ridden nature of their violent system, could end up again leading humanity into a savage global slaughter the way they did in World Wars I and II … but this time with nuclear weapons! They are the tyrants who rule the world … and lord it over the world … and in the future could destroy the world!
Defend Syria against U.S./Australian Imperialism & Their “Rebel Proxies, Trotskyist Platform statement, 12 April 2017
It is telling that the Western leftists hailing the PYD/YPG only started energetically doing so after the Western imperialists started backing them in 2014. They certainly weren’t supporting the PYD/YPG when they were in a de-facto, semi-alliance with the Syrian government forces against the Western-backed “Rebels.” We are not suggesting some conspiracy here or some conscious decision by these leftists to jump onto the same side as their own ruling classes. However, it does reflect how cravenly these groups bend to the propaganda of the mainstream media which suddenly started running documentaries sympathetic to the PYD/YPG and how much they bend to the progressive, middle-class public opinion that is shaped by imperialist propaganda.
The question remains when evaluating whether it is correct to support the PYD/YPG: does the positive of their stated left-leaning, secular-democratic platform outweigh the negative of their alliance with U.S.-led Western imperialism? The answer is a resounding: NO! Firstly, by helping the Western imperialists to achieve victories – even it be, in part, against the ultra-reactionary ISIS – the PYD/YPG are strengthening the strongest, most tyrannical oppressors of the world’s masses. For one, any victories for the Western Coalition in the North and North-East of Syria would not only give these forces a geographic/military presence to enforce their agenda in the region but would politically embolden them to intensify their push to impose regime change on the Syrian people, to still further subordinate Iraq under their domination and to threaten Iran with a bloody Libya-style regime change assault. Already, as the subordination of the PYD/YPG to the Western imperialists deepens, these forces have increasingly clashed with Syrian government forces. In August last year, in Hasakah city, intense clashes erupted between the YPG and the Syrian Army. In recent months the conflict has escalated further. In mid-June, the YPG-dominated SDF clashed with Syrian government troops near the town of Tabqa, which is in the vicinity of ISIS-held Raqqa. As part of these battles, the U.S. military shot down a Syrian fighter bomber. Then, just today, news emerged that the SDF had killed four Syrian Army soldiers after shelling their positions in the western Raqqa Governorate. The YPG – and the SDF that they dominate are, thus, now openly on the wrong side of the most significant conflict within Syria: that between, on the one hand, the Western imperialists and their “Rebel” proxies and, on the other, the Syrian government. The YPG may have leftist pretensions and may have implemented, in some aspects, a more socially progressive platform than other forces but they are on the side of imperialism, of neo-colonialism, of the greatest enemies of social progress on the planet.
It is, nevertheless, true that the PYD have a relatively progressive platform on the women’s rights question and the presence of a sizeable proportion of women fighters in the YPG does matter a great deal. However, the PYD/ YPG’s role in strengthening imperialist influence in the region threatens to derail this. For continued imperialist domination of the former colonies is the main reason why even nominal democratic rights that, to a degree, exist – albeit in increasingly attenuated form – in the imperialist countries, like separation of religion and state, formal legal equality between men and women and parliamentary “democracy” are severely curtailed in the ex-colonies. For through their domination of world markets, their control over sources of capital and their sheer bullying, the imperialists so severely gouge the wealth of “Third World” countries and so exacerbate social inequalities there that the masses in these lands can only be kept in line by the most severe repression and by reinforcing all sorts of religious and other social reaction to keep the toilers divided and distracted. Very immediately it is noteworthy that, under Washington’s prodding, among the “Rebel” groups that the PYD have entered into an alliance with in the SDF (including the Euphrates Martyrs Battalion – a former faction of the al-Tawhid Brigade – and the Two Holy Mosques Brigade – a former member of the 19th Division of the Army of Mujahedeen) are extreme religious fundamentalist opponents of secularism and women’s rights. What this means is that in areas that the U.S.-backed SDF have taken over, the PYD/YPG share administration, in part, with reactionary theocratic forces.
The Kurdish PYD/YPG are one of the most secular forces in Syria with a relatively progressive stance on women’s rights issues as shown by (and indeed driven by) the prominent role that women fighters play in their army (Above Left). However, they have allied with Western imperialism. The U.S. and the Kurdish flag that they carry fly together in areas that they control (Above Right) and their troops are armed and directed by U.S. special forces (Below Left). By subordinating themselves to the most reactionary force in the world they have right now become an enemy in the fight for social progress. Already their subordination to imperialism has seen the PYD/YPG join with some of the imperialist-backed “Rebel” forces who have been part of the imperialist drive to impose regime change upon the Syrian people (Bottom Right). A strengthening of imperialism that they are now acting for will only intensify the subjugation of the region’s people by Western-owned “multinational corporations” and governments and act to reinforce all forms of social oppression – including that of women.
That is why it is bogus to speak of “fighting for democracy” in a “Third World” country if one is simultaneously strengthening the hand of imperialism. The most crucial democratic task in such countries is achieving freedom from neo-colonial domination – the task upon which the success of all other democratic tasks depends. This means that even if the Syrian “Rebels” hypothetically were dominated by forces claiming adherence to a secular- democratic platform, the international working class would still need to defend Syria against these “Rebels” if the “Rebels” remain imperialist-allied. This point has much relevance to Iran. For it is possible that in the future, the U.S. and other imperialists will be able to incite “Rebel” proxies there to wage a Syria-style insurgency against the Iranian government. Unlike in Syria, these Iranian “Rebels” may turn out to be more secular and have a less repressive position on the women’s rights question than the government they are fighting against – the theocratic, Iranian dictatorship. However, in the event of such a scenario we would still need to defend Iran against the imperialists and their “Rebel” proxies. For the victory of the pro-imperialist forces would not only strengthen and embolden imperialism for more marauding around the globe, it would intensify the exploitation of the Iranian masses and in the long run end up reinforcing the subjugation of Iranian women too. We only have to look at what has happened since the 2003 imperialist invasion of Iraq. At the time of the invasion, Iraq was a capitalist dictatorship under Saddam Hussein. Meanwhile, the invading powers like the U.S. and Australia were capitalist, nominally parliamentary “democracies” where the population had certain formal democratic rights in excess of those that were present in Iraq. However, the strengthening of imperialist domination of Iraq since the invasion has led to brutal repression and torture of the Iraqi masses that far exceeds the brutality of even Saddam. It has led to the ascendancy of reactionary theocratic forces, a severe degrading of the position of women, increased oppression of LGBTI people and an intensification of the discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities.
Of course, it is only a socialist revolution in countries like Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Iran that can decisively free these countries from imperialist subjugation and/or economic dependency and which alone can open the road to not only the toilers’ emancipation but to the liberation of women and oppressed ethnic minorities. Such a revolutionary struggle in the Middle East would include, on its banner, standing up for the right to self determination for the downtrodden Palestinian and Kurdish people. However, on the road to such conquests of power by the working class it is crucial to, as Lenin insisted, stand in any conflicts for “the victory of the oppressed, dependent, unequal states against the oppressing, slaveowning, predatory `great’ powers.”
Those on the Australian Far Left that are most rabid in backing the Syrian “Rebels” – in particular, both the Solidarity and Socialist Alternative groups and a small number of avowed anarchists – are prone to making excuses for the fact that a major part of these “Rebels” consist of extreme, anti-women, religious fundamentalists. Yet, the Socialist Alliance group which is also on the side of these imperialist-backed “Rebels” against the Syrian government forces – albeit more tepidly now – simultaneously advocates its position of supporting the PYD/YPG in good part based on the latter’s opposition to the misogynist, ISIS reactionaries. Similarly, that section of the anarchists who lionise the PYD/YPG support them, in part, on the basis that they are fighting “ISIS fascism.” The Communist Party of Australia – even as a small number of its members campaign hard against imperialist intervention in Syria – also appears to support the PYD/YPG. A back page article in the 24 May issue of the CPA paper, The Guardian, is an interview lionising the PYD’s struggle against ISIS ( The article avoids mentioning that the PYD/YPG is, today, staunchly backed by the Western imperialists.
ISIS are, indeed, brutal religious fundamentalists who horrifically oppress women and non-Sunni, non-Arab religious and ethnic minorities. They are one of the most reactionary forces on the entire planet, bar one: the imperialist powers. As well as carrying out murderous attacks on women, religious and ethnic minorities and secular Sunnis in Syria and Iraq, ISIS and its parent, Al- Qaeda, have brought some despicable terror to Western countries as well. For this reason their reactionary nature is very much in the consciousness of Western leftists. Yet in the Middle East – and in the whole globe put together – the terror stoked by ISIS is dwarfed by the scale of the monstrous violence committed by the U.S.A, Australia, Britain and other imperialist powers. Indeed, because of the savagely indiscriminate manner that they have conducted their battles against ISIS in Mosul and their airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, the Western imperialists and their allies have in their anti-ISIS operations alone killed more civilians than the ISIS cutthroats have killed in total around the world throughout their history.
Sakhur neighbourhood, Aleppo, Syria, July 2016: A man carries the body of a child victim of an airstrike by the U.S./Australian/British/French Coalition forces. These Western airstrikes conducted in the name of fighting ISIS have killed thousands upon thousands of civilians.
If one wants to know who the biggest force for social reaction in the world is then think about what the effects of imperialist military victories are: even when they are made in alliance with forces with a secular, left-leaning platform like the YPG/PYD and even when they are in battles against terribly reactionary forces like ISIS or the Afghan Taliban. For one, imperialist successes in their wars in the Middle East would encourage them to unleash new regime change operations around the world. Recent successes of the U.S.-led Coalition in their battles against ISIS in Iraq and Syria are, no doubt, in some way contributing to making U.S. president Trump confident enough to threaten military action against the left-leaning government in Venezuela or the not servile enough one in Iran. Meanwhile, battlefield successes for the U.S., Australia and other capitalist powers would be emboldening them as they make increasingly bellicose threats against socialistic North Korea – and through that indirectly threaten North Korea’s socialistic neighbour, China, too.
Consider what the battlefield victories of imperialism and its allies mean to the countries where these wars are waged. For one, it means death and demoralisation for the population. The fact that the PYD/YPG forces allied with imperialism have a secular-democratic platform will, thus, mean little to the people suffering destruction. They will understandably resent not only imperialism but all its allies. Indeed, for the people of ISIS-held areas suffering under not only ISIS’s rule but also the indiscriminate and ferocious Coalition airstrikes, the fact that the U.S.-led Coalition’s PYD/YPG allies have a secular democratic platform will only give progressive secularism a terrible name! In the end, just as the 2003 U.S./British/Australian invasion of Iraq opened the way for the emergence of ISIS, their current interventions in Syria and Iraq could well create the conditions for a new crop of ultra-reactionary forces to emerge. Meanwhile, any increased strength and reach of the imperialists that comes from any victories for themselves and their current YPG allies would make them better placed to back or even create ultra-reactionary forces should that serve their purpose – the way that they orchestrated the creation of Al Qaeda to fight the socialistic USSR and its allies in Afghanistan and then for a crucial period backed ISIS in its early years, in Syria.
Think carefully also what victories for the U.S. and Australian ruling classes abroad mean in their own countries. Every bomb that the imperialist Coalition drops on Syria and Iraq, every advance that they and their YPG allies make encourages flag-waving nationalism at home. This is destructive to the international and inter- racial unity crucial to the struggle for workers’ rights. Meanwhile, the rise in nationalist arrogance is helping fuel the terrifying growth of fascist forces in the U.S., Australia and other Western countries. For all these reasons we must on principle oppose the Western imperialists and any allies that they have in all their wars in the “Third World” – even those against religious fundamentalists or other reactionaries.
The force that leftists should seek to build to defend people in areas where the ISIS and Al Nusra reactionaries are present are worker and peasant militias that are totally independent of – and hostile to – the intervening imperialist militaries. Right now there is another force that is opposing ISIS and Al Nusra that is not aligned with the Western imperialists and that’s the Syrian government and its Russian and Iranian allies. Given that ISIS and Nusra attacks on Syrian government forces serve the imperialists’ drive to impose regime change in Syria which, at this time, remains the main goal of the imperialists in Syria and the most significant axis of the multi-directional Syrian conflict, we must side with the Syrian government and their Russian and Iranian allies in these clashes despite the fact that these are pro-capitalist forces.
Ironically, some pro-Syria leftists themselves focus on ISIS as the main enemy rather than Western imperialism. According to them, the Western imperialists are actually still fully backing ISIS. ISIS, in this analysis, remains a complete puppet of the U.S. imperialists. This is, however, a slightly whacky conspiracy theory. Of course, it is true that a few years ago, the U.S. and its allies did fund and support ISIS. Now, however, the picture in Syria is more complex, as we noted in our leaflet issued after the April 7 U.S. missile attack on Syria:
Certainly, when ISIS has clashed with the imperialist-backed “Rebels” or Washington’s new-found Syrian Kurdish allies, the U.S.-led airstrikes and special forces operations have aggressively targeted them. At some other times, however, the imperialist forces seem more to be herding the ISIS forces so that ISIS end up concentrating their forces against the Syrian government rather than against the “Rebels” – just as U.S. operations often herd the Al-Qaeda troops in Yemen into battle against the Houthi forces. Additionally, there have been some reports of U.S. weapons drops to its “Rebel” and Kurdish allies in Syria suspiciously going “astray” and “accidentally” ending up with ISIS. To be sure, the U.S. does seem to think that, even in Syria, ISIS is a force that they cannot control and so needs to be put down.
Defend Syria against U.S./Australian Imperialism & Their “Rebel” Proxies, Trotskyist Platform statement, 12 April 2017
The line taken by some pro-Damascus Western leftists that portrays ISIS and Al Nusra as the main enemy – rather than directly the U.S., Australian and other imperialist powers – is an attempt to mesh in with the Western regimes’ “war on Islamic terror.” In doing so it is unhelpful to the struggle. For it feeds into an, at bottom, racist narrative of Western imperialism; moreover one that they are frequently using to justify their interventions abroad. Furthermore, it obscures the truth that the main enemy of the world’s toiling masses aren’t Islamic fundamentalist terrorists but the ruling classes of the rich capitalist powers.
Kunar Province, Afghanistan: Horrific crime. Children massacred by an airstrike by the U.S./NATO/ Australian forces. These murdering Western imperialists are the greatest enemy of the world’s masses.
In the face of the ruling class’ propaganda campaign, the secular, anti-colonial section of the Syrian and Lebanese communities in Australia built large demonstrations from 2012 onwards that opposed the pro-imperialist “Rebels” and Western support for them. In Sydney, they formed the Hands Off Syria coalition to organise the actions. Later, non-Arab leftists became involved in Hands Off Syria. They added their knowledge to the movement and political depth into the campaigns. However, the movement dwindled in size somewhat – in good part because the Australian regime’s “war on terror” intimidated many in the local Syrian community from participating in any anti-government rallies.
Those involved in the Hands Off Syria movement had shown quite a degree of political courage to resist the screeching media drive to promote the “Rebels” and to stand firm in the face of the many on the Left who echoed the capitalist media’s narrative. In the days following the U.S.’s April 7 missile barrage against Syria, the mainstream Australian media ran a witch-hunting campaign against two leaders of Hands Off Syria for their refusal to accept the “justification” for the bombing. The media witch- hunt sought to remove these individuals – academic Tim Anderson and casual tutor Jay Tharappel – from their teaching jobs at the University of Sydney. Despite significant political differences with them, we opposed the media witch-hunt against them – although it later emerged how seriously flawed the politics of Anderson is in particular (see further below).
However, even from the start, the politics of Hands Off Syria groups had problems. Rather than focussing exclusively on mobilising working class opposition to the Australian regime that was part of the proxy war against Syria, the coalitions sought, in part, to appeal to the Australian ruling class or at least elements within it. In particular, Hands Off Syria groups sought to win support for their cause by portraying the Syrian government’s opposition to the “Rebels” as synonymous with the Western regimes’ war on “radical Islam.” This appealing to the Australian ruling class was apparent in the presence of the flag of Australian imperialism at the pro-Syria demonstrations. Especially as the size of the protests became smaller and thus easier to control, the presence of Australian flags in the demonstrations reflected not only illusions among the mass of participants but flaws in the leadership’s program.
Despite these problems, Trotskyist Platform actively participated in the actions called by Hands Off Syria Sydney against imperialism’s proxy war on Syria. We did so, however, bearing our own slogans that sought to appeal to the working class and others at the bottom of this society to mobilise in opposition to all forms of U.S. and Australian intervention in Syria. We simultaneously sought to warn against any appeals to the imperialist Australian ruling class. Thus, while calling to “Defend Syria against U.S./Australian Imperialism & Their “Rebel” Proxies!”, we invariably also carried placards at the actions with slogans like the following: “Australian Government’s Plans for a New Pro-Imperialist Regime in Syria Will Only Serve Australia’s Capitalist Exploiting Class. Australian Working Class: Oppose all Imperialist Meddling in Syria!”
In late 2014, weaknesses in Hands Off Syria’s perspective came to the fore at a critical moment. This was when the U.S., Australian and other imperialists began to openly send large air and ground forces to Iraq and Syria under the guise of fighting ISIS terrorism. It was a time which called for urgent mobilisation against this direct intervention. However, the Hands Off Syria movement was weighed down by illusions that it was possible for imperialism for its own purposes to end up supporting, in some sort of way, their cause. Thus, when the imperialists said they would be intervening in Syria to “fight against terrorism”, some in the Hands Off Syria leadership in Australia and abroad thought that they could “use” imperialism for their own purposes in this situation. They thought that by fighting off ISIS, the Western imperialists would end up helping the cause of Syrian independence without meaning to. Others were not so sure but thought it was a possibility. Thus, the Hands Off Syria groups became paralysed at a most crucial time. They did not mobilise any actions to oppose the sending of a large contingent of U.S. and Australian military forces to Iraq and Syria. Therefore, we in Trotskyist Platform felt it necessary to take on the work of building such an action. In the face of illusions in the potential benevolence of the imperialists amongst even opponents of the neo-colonial conquest of Syria, Trotskyist Platform initiated a united front rally in Sydney on 29 November 2014 that opposed the entire U.S. and Australian intervention in Syria and Iraq, saying: “Obama, Abbott and Shorten’s Military Intervention Is Bad For Working Class People – Oppose the U.S. & Australian Ruling Class and Down with Their War in the Middle East!” and calling to, “Defend Syria against Western Imperialism and its `Rebels!’” Unfortunately this was the only action in Australia to oppose the 2014 deployment of large imperialist military forces to both Iraq AND Syria and which called to oppose the neo-colonial attacks on Syria that would inevitably follow. To their credit, however, some leading individuals in Hands Off Syria Sydney, with a stronger anti-imperialist sense, chose to participate in that action.
Eventually, as it became obvious over a period of several months that the direct imperialist military intervention, while it included attacks on ISIS, was being used to strengthen the drive to subjugate Syria, Hands Off Syria began to correct itself and – to their credit – mobilise against the intervention. However, their earlier line that imperialism could be “used” had confused many of their supporters. Hence, the movement became weaker at a time when the need to oppose the neo-colonial drive became more urgent. Moreover, two years after Hands Off Syria groups took a dive when the U.S. and Australia made large open deployments to Syria and Iraq in the latter half of 2014, the groups’ willingness to embrace pro-capitalist forces would send them plunging into an even deeper hole – as we will detail below.
Although Hands Off Syria Sydney does participate in Sydney May Day rallies and other leftist events, overall these groups have always lacked a definitive perspective of siding with the working class against the capitalist exploiters. Thus, their strategy is to look to ally with whoever would support Syria against the “Rebels” regardless of which side of the class fence they were from. That meant that the movement was looking to win support from, among others, a section of the capitalist class. However, the only section of the capitalist class that included opponents of the Syrian “Rebels” is the far-right, ultra-racist wing. Now these ultra-right wingers are no opponents of imperialism. Far from it! Nor could they ever be – since they are part of the capitalist exploiting class for whom imperialism is a necessity. For example in the U.S., Steve Bannon, the fascistic mastermind of the election victory of Donald Trump, stands for intensifying the hostility of the U.S. regime towards the socialistic Peoples Republic of China. However, for a congruence of different reasons, some in the far right do “support” Syria in the conflict with the “Rebels.” For one, in their warped, race-obsessed view of the world, the main “threat” to what they think of as “white civilisation” is radical Islam. Thus, for them Assad is a lesser evil to the Islamic fundamentalist “Rebels” not from any anti-imperialist point of view but from their white supremacist standpoint. Then there is their Hitler-like hatred of Jewish people. These extreme right wingers oppose Israel not because of its fascistic oppression of the Palestinian people – who have suffered genocidal terror of the type the White Australian capitalist regime has perpetrated against Aboriginal peoples and that White American capitalism/feudalism imposed on that country’s Native American first peoples – but because the Israeli state happens to be run by Jews. The Syrian government, which has sometimes stood up to Israel, and which is opposed by the Israeli regime is, thus, seen as relatively worthy by some of the far right – again for really reactionary reasons. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, some of the far right are opposed to attacks on Syria because Syria is currently backed by Russia. Putin and Russia’s capitalist rulers, in general, are heroes of most of the far right around the world – except in some of Russia’s neighbours where opposition to Russia is one of the recruiting themes of fascist groups. Putin, himself, is not an actual fascist – although like Trump he has key advisers who are, indeed, fascists. He is, rather, a right-wing conservative – a kind of Russian equivalent to Tony Abbott – although that analogy should not be taken too far since the history and position in the world of Russia and Australia are different. However, the Russian government’s right wing policies – including its harsh crackdown on “illegal” immigrants, its Jacqui Lambie-like anti-Muslim rhetoric and its attacks on LGBTI rights – are hailed by much of the far right in the West. Putin is glorified by these extreme rightists as a strong, white leader who rejects what they see as the “political correctness,” “cosmopolitanism” and “multiculturalism” of the more liberal of the leaders in the West, like Obama; and who, unlike U.S. leaders, is not one of the main backers of Israel (although Russian-Israeli relations have lately been surging). Much of the Western extreme right see the Russian government as their “great white hope” and – in good part for that reason – some of these far right groups support the, currently Russian-backed, Syrian government.
Treacherously, some of the leaders of the Hands Off Syria movement both in Australia and internationally started to look towards making common cause with these filthy right-wing racists – even though some of the leaders of the Hands Off Syria movement were themselves avowed leftists. One leader of Hands Off Syria in Australia – who is definitely not a leftist but a right-wing conspiracy theorist type – even did a friendly interview together with notorious American fascist, David Duke. David Duke was one of the main leaders of the horrific white supremacist rally that has taken place in Charlottsville, Virginia over the last two days. One of the Neo-Nazis taking part in that demonstration rammed his car at speed into anti-racist protesters – murdering one of them, Heather Heyer. And it is these type of people that some of the leaders of Hands Off Syria think it is acceptable to make common cause with! It is not only the prominent, right wing Hands Off Syria member who did the “united front” work with David Duke that is the problem here. It is the many others in the leadership of the movement – including avowed leftists – who defended this deed or, at best, refused to publicly condemn it.
As Donald Trump’s bid for the White House gathered steam, the willingness of some in the Hands off Syria groups (both locally and internationally) to collaborate with – or make apologies for – the far right increased. Trump’s stated intention to improve ties with Russia and his occasional rhetoric saying that the then Obama administration’s Syria policy was wrong made some in the Hands Off Syria movements in Australia and abroad start to back him. Of course, those who still had pretensions of being leftists were not going to openly proclaim that they were supporting a hard right presidential candidate. Yet they may as well have! These people denounced any condemnations of Trump as being necessarily pro-Clinton. When commenting on Trump, they ignored his plans to make medical cover even less affordable for the poor and his agenda to give huge tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the masses. Most notably, they greatly minimised the extreme racist character of his attacks on Muslims, Blacks and Mexicans and the white supremacist terror that he was inciting on the streets. Instead, they almost portrayed him as a pro-working class populist with some “Left” policies. Once Trump was elected, some of these avowed “leftists” associated with Hands off Syria groups – both internationally and in Australia – even denounced any protest against Trump. They slimily claimed that any anti-Trump demonstration would necessarily be pro-Democratic Party. With that logic they would not be attending most progressive demonstrations against racism, sexism and exploitation of workers in Australia since, currently, the politics leading these rallies usually includes back-handed support for the ALP and Greens. Yet, any sincere leftist would thoroughly condemn anyone who used that as an excuse to oppose such protests. Instead, they would insist on intervening in such actions in order to both support their progressive aspects and to argue against illusions in the ALP and Greens. Of course, the “leftists” condemning demonstrations against Trump know all this. It is just that they had gone so far down the road of critical support for the hard right president that they even attacked the protests – which were mostly driven by hostility to Trump’s extreme racism, sexism and homophobia – during Trump’s inauguration. In summary, these political groupings acted as “left”-apologists for Trump.
Therefore, we in Trotskyist Platform became wary of attending rallies or meetings organised by Hands Off Syria groups. Unfortunately, our fears about the direction of the movement became more than confirmed. This became apparent at a rally held by Hands Off Syria Sydney against the killing of dozens of Syrian soldiers in Deir al Zour from airstrikes by the U.S.-led Coalition. The U.S. dubiously claimed that the attack was a strike on ISIS that “accidentally” went wrong. It seemed far more likely to have been a deliberate attempt by dominant sections of the then Obama Administration and U.S. military to scuttle the 9 September 2016 deal that their own secretary of state, John Kerry, had struck with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, for a ceasefire in Syria and joint U.S.-Russian air strikes against ISIS. It was certainly worthwhile to protest against the attack on Syrian soldiers in Deir al Zour. However, this 24 September 2016 rally, held at the height of Trump’s bid for the White House, came with a backdrop of significant parts of the Hands Off Syria movement in Australia and internationally lurching towards a de facto alliance with sections of the far right. In this context, Trotskyist Platform, although sympathetic to its nominal theme, was wary about the action and did not attend this particular rally. Just as well that we didn’t! A key component of that demonstration turned out to be the Russian far right group – the Zabaikal Cossack Society of Australia. This group harks back to Tsarist Russia. They eulogise the role of anti-communist Cossack generals in the counterrevolutionary White Armies that fought against Soviet Russia in the 1918-1921 Civil War that followed the 1917 socialist revolution in Russia. They are staunchly pro-Putin – which many others in the Russian community currently are – but they are much more than that. The Zabaikal Cossack Society fanatically espouses Orthodox Christian fundamentalism, “traditional values”, Islamophobia, and homophobia. They are in a very close alliance with Australia’s main fascist group, the Australia First Party (AFP) and the Greek Neo-Nazi group, Golden Dawn. The Australia First Party were one of the instigators of the horrific December 2005 white supremacist riot at Cronulla Beach. Their trademark is inciting racist violence against Asians, Muslims, Blacks and members of the LGBTI community. Golden Dawn is, meanwhile, notorious for murdering many refugees as well as other non-white migrants and leftists in Greece. Just a month after his participation in the Hands Off Syria rally, Zabaikal Cossack Society leader Simeon Boikov and AFP leader Jim Saleam were special guests at the national conference of the Australian chapter of Golden Dawn. This is how the Golden Dawn scum describe the Zabaikal Cossack Society participation at their conference:
The Event then continued with the introduction of our fellow Nationalists outside the Greek community, starting first with the head of the Russian Cossack Association of Australia, Simeon Boikov. Simeon took to the stage, and spoke of the historical alliance between the Russians & Greeks…
… The Russian Cossacks of Australia presented Golden Dawn with the resistance flag of Novo-Russia, to which we shared a Greek flag with the Russians, a flag from our head office in Greece, which had survived many protests against the globalist filth (and their enablers) on the Streets of Athens.
Simeon was also awarded with a plaque to recognise our official friendship and alliance with Russian nationalists, and a promise that Golden Dawn holds true to its word that should (or when) we take power, to align the Greek state against the Zionists of Washington, and towards our comrades in Moscow.
For the local movement, special guest and speaker Dr. Jim Saleam took to the stage on behalf of Australian Nationalists, representing the Australia First Party.
Boikov’s extreme hostility to Lenin, the Bolsheviks and communism stems in part from the experience of some of the descendants of the classes that he represents. After losing the Civil War to the heroic communist-led workers and poor peasants of the Soviet workers state, some of the former exploiting class of Russia and its privileged military officers fled to the then still capitalist-feudal country, China. The wealth that they brought with them and their lauded status as “refugees from communism” in Chiang Kai-Shek’s imperialist-dominated China allowed them a privileged life there. Yet when the Communist-led agricultural labourers, urban workers and poor tenant farmers of China took power in the 1949 Revolution and over the following decades consolidated their rule, the descendants of the former Russian exploiting class and their military protectors now lost their privileged status in China too. Some of these twice-cut-down-to-size by communism families linked to Russia’s former Tsarist oppressors – like Boikov’s himself – then ran to Australia, bringing with them a doubly fierce hatred of Communist-led revolution.
Video footage shows that at the 24 September 2016 Hands Off Syria event, Boikov’s extreme rightists were not only merely a part of what was by Hands Off Syria Sydney’s standards a rather small action but their huge portrait of Putin, large Russian flags, nationalist “Forward Russia” flags and the flags of their hard right Serbian Chetnik allies almost visually dominated the rally! They seemed to have a disproportionate influence on the political line of the demonstration too. Boikov led participants in chants of “Putin, Putin, Putin” and, thus, diverted the thrust of the action away from the key question of defending Syria against Western imperialism.
As Trump won the U.S. presidential election, the Hands Off Syria movement in Australia and internationally flirted even more ostentatiously with the far right. Most disgustingly, two leading members of Hands Off Syria, including Tim Anderson, attended a 24 December 2016 Sydney rally organised by the Zabaikal Cossack Society and its fascist allies, the Australia First Party and the Australian chapter of Golden Dawn. Also present were other far right groups including Serbian Chetniks and a right-wing, Russian nationalist bikie gang called “Night Wolves.” The rally protested against the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey a few days earlier and there were a small number of non-fascist, mainstream capitalist figures present including the Turkish and Russian ambassadors. Yet this rally was openly led by fascists, was numerically dominated by extreme right-wingers and some very prominent fascist figures participated – including local fascist Nathan Sykes and Australian Golden Dawn leader, Iggy Gavrilidis, who was a featured speaker at the event. Also a featured speaker at the demonstration was none other than AFP leader, Jim Saleam, Australia’s most notorious neo-Nazi. Saleam was imprisoned for a few years after organising a drive by shooting on the house of anti-Apartheid activist, Eddie Funde, in 1989. Video footage of the December 2016 rally (see: for footage from the filthy fascists themselves) shows that not only was there not the slightest hint of a single person at the rally heckling Saleam throughout his entire speech – or even at the end of it – but he received strong applause at the conclusion of the speech. What the rally served to do was to legitimise the very forces that are conducting and inciting – and organising for even larger scale – racist terror against Muslims, Asians, Aboriginal people, Jewish people and Africans as well as violent attacks on leftists and on the LGBTI community. And supposedly “leftist” Hands Off Syria leaders were a part of this disgusting rally!
Sydney, 24 December 2016: Treachery! Prominent Hands Off Syria member Tim Anderson, seen wearing a dark cap and a blue shirt participates in a fascist-organised event. In this photo with Anderson are the fascist, main rally organisers including Simeon Boikov (centre), Australia First Party leader Jim Saleam (with blue shirt), Iggy Gavrilidis (on far right) the leader of the Australia Chapter of the Greek neo-Nazi group, Golden Dawn, and prominent AFP member Nathan Sykes (holding a camera).
Now, it is quite probable that the Russian and Turkish ambassadors and their small entourage were simply unaware of really who was behind this 24 December 2016 commemoration. The same, however, could not be said for the likes of Tim Anderson who has a decades- long association with the Left. Furthermore, around the time that Saleam was prosecuted for organising the shotgun attack on the Australian representative of the anti-apartheid ANC, Anderson was active in the anti-apartheid movement himself. He would know exactly who Saleam is!
It is important to stress that, given that it is far easier to influence events at home than those abroad: the main effect of leaders of Hands Off Syria participating in the far-right rally was not any effect on events in Russia, Turkey or Syria but to give comfort and encouragement to the fascist terrorists at home.
Almost as harmful as the conduct of Anderson and Co. in attending the 24 December 2016 fascist-led event was that of others in the Hands Off Syria movement who defended his participation in the far right action. Since the Syrian question has seen avowed leftists of various varieties throw out the most sophisticated arguments for terrible positions we must make a pre-emptive strike here: one against any attempt to legitimise the conduct of those joining in de facto “united front” actions with fascists in Australia by comparing that with the USSR’s entry into a non-aggression pact with Nazi-ruled Germany in August 1939. The socialistic USSR, then headed by Stalin, entered into this Germany-USSR Non-Aggression Pact as a defensive measure to delay an impending German invasion. From before he took power, Hitler had made clear that his main foreign policy goal was to destroy the Soviet workers state which his propaganda called the “Jewish Bolshevik” state. Under the serious threat that the USSR was faced with, the most durable, effective defence strategy was to fight to extend socialistic rule through politically supporting the struggle for workers revolution – which in Spain and France in particular had great possibilities in that period. However, the by then conservatised, bureaucratic leadership of the Soviet workers state recoiled from such an internationalist perspective – turning their backs on one of the key strategies that guided the 1917 Russian Revolution. Stalin did, however, attempt to defend the USSR through diplomatic-military manoeuvres which, especially in the absence of successful socialist revolutions abroad, was indeed necessary. In particular, Stalin sought a military alliance with British and French imperialism against Nazi-ruled German imperialism. However, given the Allied powers’ refusal to give a guarantee that they would oppose a Hitler attack on the USSR and rightly seeing that the British and French rulers were actually hoping that their German counterparts would do the “job” of crushing the Soviet workers state, Stalin was pushed into a non-aggression pact with Germany as a defensive measure.
Of course, given the flawed perspective of seeking “peaceful co-existence with imperialism,” there were some very negative aspects to the USSR’s conduct around the pact. In particular, rather than being crystal clear to its supporters that this was a temporary non-aggression, military deal with the enemy designed to buy time, the Soviet leadership caused confusion and demoralisation in its ranks by instructing the Communist International, which it led, to somewhat tone down its anti-Nazi, anti-fascist propaganda. This was, certainly, not a policy that was uniformly implemented. Thus, when Soviet forces moved into what was then Eastern Poland in September 1939 they made clear that this was to protect the ethnic Ukrainian and Byelorussian populations that lived there against the horrors of Nazi fascism. Furthermore, even the bureaucratised Soviet leadership never thought that the Nazis had ceased to be their enemies. Ironically, the year and a half that the Germany-USSR Non-Aggression Pact was operational, the largely USSR-directed, communist parties in the Allied countries conducted much better work than they had in preceding years. Previously, shackled by Moscow’s direction that they should form “peoples fronts” with the “progressive, democratic” bourgeoisie in these countries in order to aid the USSR’s diplomatic efforts to forge a pact with these countries rulers against Hitler’s Germany, the communist parties in these countries acted to contain, within certain limits, the militant working class upsurge that was arising in order to preserve their hoped for alliance with the “progressive bourgeoisie.” Most criminally, the Moscow-line communist party in Spain opposed the workers revolution unfolding there and in France betrayed the revolutionary upsurge there as well. After the Non-Aggression Pact was signed, however, the Moscow-line communist parties in the likes of Britain, France, the USA and Australia rightly identified the entire capitalist class in these countries as the enemy and correctly labelled the impending war between the Allied powers and the German-led Axis powers as an, at bottom, inter-imperialist conflict. Meanwhile, on the military front, less than a year after the pact was signed, Stalin, without the consent of Germany, sent Soviet Red Army forces to occupy the Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and parts of Finland as a forward defence against a potential Nazi invasion.
By a year into the pact, the USSR’s excellent intelligence network began warning the Soviet leadership that Hitler was finalising plans for the Nazi invasion of the USSR:
In December 1940 the Soviet agent Rudolf von Scheliha (code-named Ariets) reported that Hitler planned to declare war on the Soviet Union in March 1941. By Feb. 28, 1941, the same agent provided a provisional launching date of May 20. This intelligence was corroborated by sources in Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia and Rome, to say nothing of the information provided by the famous spy Richard Sorge (code-named Ramsay) in Tokyo. On April 17 a Prague informant predicted a German invasion in the second half of June. The precise date and time of the invasion were revealed by a reliable source in Berlin fully three days before the Germans attacked.
“Stalin’s Intelligence”, New York Times, 12 June 2005
However, blinded by their perspective that it was possible to build “peaceful co-existence” with imperialism which made them susceptible to being tricked by Hitler’s lying “assurances,” the then Soviet leadership chose to ignore this intelligence. Indeed, Red Army officers and Soviet officials who insisted on considering the warnings about an imminent German invasion were denounced by their own hierarchy. The then Soviet leaders convinced themselves that their non-aggression pact with Hitler would last for a period longer and went into denial when presented with compelling evidence to the contrary. As a result, when the Nazis launched their June 1941 Operation Barbarossa invasion, Soviet defences were completely unprepared. Much of the Soviet air force did not even leave the ground leaving the planes to be destroyed before even taking off. Of course, the USSR did famously recover. Through the heroism of its peoples, their commitment to defending socialistic rule and the economic and social organising power of a system based on collective ownership of production, the USSR, at great sacrifice, went on to smash the Nazis. However, the first few weeks after Hitler’s invasion were an absolute disaster for the USSR – and, thus, the international working class. In a matter of days, the Nazis took huge swathes of Soviet territory – including much of its key industrial and agricultural regions – and killed hundreds of thousands of Red Army troops. It was the failure to fully understand the limits of the non-aggression pact and not the actual entry into it – which was, after all, effectively forced by circumstance – that was the cause of the tragedy here.
However, whatever issues there were around it, the 1939 Germany-USSR non-aggression pact was never about communists doing joint work with fascists within any particular country. Rather, it was a pact involving a military, non-aggression deal between a workers state and a capitalist state administered by fascists. During the year and a half that the pact was tentatively and precariously operational, the fascists continued to imprison, torture and murder communists in the states where they were administering capitalism. Meanwhile, in the Soviet workers state, although the by then bureaucratized leadership was in that period carrying out very harmful repression and purges against fellow communists – including long–time communists in the Red Army – Stalin at the same time continued to administer very necessary repression against the far right within the USSR: including active Nazi sympathisers, Tsarist supporters and other White Guardists. In capitalist countries not then administered by fascists – like the Australia of today where certain Hands Off Syria leaders are joining in fascist-led activities – fascist gangs continued to physically attack communists and the best of the communists continued to mobilise anti-fascist self-defence actions. In summary: the USSR’s non-aggression pact with fascist-administered Germany in 1939 – whatever serious flaws there were in issues around it – never stooped to what some Hands Off Syria leaders have done by joining fascist-led political activities here in Australia.
What some in the Hands Off Syria movement were doing by joining fascist-led activities was not “Stalinist.” It was White Australia left-liberalism gone mad! The essence of left-liberalism is the notion that while capitalism may be no good there are still always “good” capitalists who should be allied with – even it be for just a specific cause. This is counterposed to the Marxist understanding that capitalism is a complete system that must be opposed – and that the entire capitalist class and all the political forces representing them are the political enemy (regardless of whether individual capitalists may be at a personal level nice people). Usually left-liberals look to “progressive” capitalists and pro-capitalist politicians to ally with. However, in this case nominally “anti-imperialist” left- liberals were joining in a united front with the most reactionary forces in Australia!
The White Australia chauvinist aspect of some Hands Off Syria leaders’ plunge into united fronts with the far right cannot be ignored too. Only those insensitive to the terrible racist oppression that Aboriginal people and non-white, migrant-derived communities face – regardless of their own particular racial background – could bring themselves to join activities led by the very forces who are working feverishly to incite violent terror against people of colour on the streets. By legitimising – and, hence, emboldening – these extreme racists and homophobes, those in the Hands Off Syria movement who participated in – or defended – joining fascist-led activities, to some degree, bear indirect responsibility for the racist terror on the streets of Australia that the fascists have energetically worked to incite: from the heinous running over murder of 14-year-old Aboriginal youth, Elijah Doughty, in Kalgoorlie to the firebombing murder by a far right fanatic of an Indian-born Brisbane bus driver, Manmeet Alisher, to the countless assaults upon Muslim women and the many racist attacks on Chinese students.
Any attempt by fascists to build their forces or to gain publicity and legitimacy is a threat to people of colour, Muslims, Jews, members of the LGBTI community, feminists and leftists. This is the case irrespective of the stated political content that the fascists may build an activity around. If anti-fascists could have mustered adequate forces, what was on the order of the day of the 24 December 2016 fascist-dominated rally was to build a mass mobilisation to drive the Australia First Party, Golden Dawn and Zabaikal Cossack Society scum off the streets. The Russian and Turkish ambassadors and their small entourages would not have been harmed at all and Anderson and other Hands Off Syria members would have, of course, been spared … provided they did not come to the physical defence of their fascist, then “united front” partners! It is worth recalling what happened when most of the same forces involved in the 24 December 2016 pro-Russia rally tried to openly mobilise on the streets of Brisbane on 2 May 2014. It was then that over a hundred construction workers from the BLF, CFMEU and ETU trade unions formed the core of a demonstration of 200 anti-racists – including also anarchists, Trotskyist Platform supporters and individuals from Socialist Alliance – that successfully shut down an attempted march by the Australia First Party and Golden Dawn. Yet, two and a half years later, some leftists were joining events co-organised by these very same far right groups and some others on the Left were justifying this or trying to downplay the harm it has done.
Brisbane, 2 May 2014: Trade unionists form the backbone of an anti-fascist mobilisation – also involving anarchists, Trotskyist Platform supporters and other leftists – that swept the fascist Australia First Party and Golden Dawn off the streets when they tried to rally. We must strive for similar actions that can shut down every event that these and other fascists seek to organise – no matter what the pretext for the event.
The ugly fruit of the liaisons with the far right – including apologies for Trump – of some in the Hands off Syria groups were borne when the racist U.S. president ordered the first, open, direct U.S. military attack on Syria on April 7. Only those particular individuals in the movement that happen to be so blinded by their own insensitivity to racial oppression that they are willing to give Trump another go, continue to make excuses for Trump or seek to downplay his responsibility for the missile strike. We will not bother even arguing with such people – some of whom later even espoused sympathy for French far right leader, Marine Le Pen! For others within the movement who had been sucked into the despicable dalliance with the far right, this was hopefully a wake-up call.
In response to Trump’s April 7 attack on Syria, Hands Off Syria Sydney called a protest for April 23. This was the only demonstration called at the time that was squarely against the attack on Syria. We in Trotskyist Platform felt it was crucial to take a stand since this was, in this war, the first, openly declared, direct military attack on Syria by the Western imperialists. At the same time we were concerned that fascists may turn up to the rally “in support of it.” However, in deliberating on the issue of what attitude to take to the planned rally, we calculated that given that it was an action against a military strike by the hard right, U.S. president – the same one whose electoral triumph was so enthusiastically supported by fascists from Saleam to Boikov – fascists would be unwilling to turn up to participate. Therefore, we decided to participate in the rally. However, we resolved that if fascists did, indeed, join the rally we would approach organisers to insist that they should be removed and if rally leaders instead accepted the fascist presence we would walk out of the event and refuse to be part of it.
Fortunately, the far right did, indeed, stay away from the April 23 Sydney protest. We in Trotskyist Platform were able to put forward at the demonstration our class struggle-based opposition to Australian imperialism and its support for Trump’s missile strike – as it so happens with a small contingent composed entirely of people of colour with backgrounds from various parts of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. As well as calling to defend Syria against U.S. and Australian imperialism and its proxies, our signs at the rally sought to cut against any softness on the far right – or, indeed, any embrace of any wing of the U.S. and Australian capitalist ruling classes. Thus, among the slogans we carried was: “Trump and Turnbull Regimes: Racist and Anti-Working Class Policies At Home, Imperialist Tyranny Abroad” and “Oppose the U.S. & Australian Ruling Class & Down With Their War in the Middle East.”
There was an aspect of the April 23 Sydney rally that was especially welcome: it seemed that not a single Australian flag was carried at it. It would have been terrible if it was; especially given that the Australian regime was fully behind the U.S. missile attack – and, indeed, the joint U.S.-Australian Pine Gap spy base was undoubtedly involved in gathering target information and pinpointing the strikes. The Australian flag does not represent the masses of this country but, rather, the current Australian state. Despite its “democratic” facade, this state machine does not serve the Australian people as a whole but only the exclusive interests of the capitalist big end of town. It consists of organs – including the military, ASIO, police and courts – that act to suppress the working class masses in order to protect the rule of exploitation of the big business owners. As well as being the flag under which Australian state bodies attack pro-working class resistance, the Australian flag is the symbol under which the invading power has meted out brutal terror against Aboriginal people and the flag of the forces that have carried out imperialist violence and neo-colonial subjugation of the peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan, PNG, East Timor and the Solomon Islands. If there were Australian flags being allowed to be waved at the demonstration that would have unmistakably indicated (especially since the April 23 rally of some 80 to 100 people was small for a Hands Off Syria rally and, thus, easier to guide and direct) that the leadership of the protest was still openly courting sections of the capitalist class – or, at least, not opposed to doing so – and leaving the door open to a united-front with reactionary Australian nationalists (including dubious, “neither left wing nor right wing” conspiracy theorist types). That no one joining the rally did march with the Australian flag shows the possible beginnings of an understanding that opposing the neo-colonial takeover of Syria means making a stand to oppose Australia’s capitalist order. It also indicates a reluctance of participants to buy into the false notion – pushed by many in the Hands off Syria movement – that the Australian rulers are not part of the imperialist enemy who are intervening in the Middle East to advance their predatory overall agenda but are, instead, misguided and ill-informed individuals being duped by Washington into supporting a Syria policy that is against their very own interests.
Australian Imperialist Military Get Out of the Philippines and South Pacific Now!
The Australian ruling class backs its U.S. ally in the Middle East because it depends on U.S. power to guarantee Australian imperialist exploitation in the Asia-Pacific. Left, East Timor, 2006: Australian troops subjugate the people of East Timor. In two separate interventions beginning in 1999 and 2006, Australian troops were used to ensure that this young nation’s political superstructure was one that would be subordinated to the Australian capitalists and would accept their plunder of her natural resources. Right, Dili, December 2013: East Timorese people protest the theft of the country’s oil wealth by the Australian ruling class. As we go to press the Australian government has announced that 80 Australian troops will be sent to the Philippines to train its military in urban warfare. This is nominally to help the Philippines fight against ISIS – even though the Philippines military, itself, announced an end to fighting in the southern city of Marawi that had been held by pro-ISIS forces. Inevitably, this training will be used to help the Philippines military fight against that country’s communist New Peoples Army guerrillas and against other leftist and poor peoples’ rebellions. More generally, the presence of the Australian troops, alongside the planned increase in Australian military intelligence, surveillance and naval patrol support to the Philippines military will allow Australia’s capitalist rulers to increase their influence in the South-east Asian nation and thus ensure that the political order there remains one that facilitates the superexploitation and domination of the country by American, Japanese and Australian “multi-national” corporations. The workers movement here must demand: Australian imperialist military get out of the Philippines now!
It emerged in the weeks after the April 23 rally that the descent of some in Hands Off Syria into common activity with fascists went further than most people knew about. At the very end of April, one prominent member of the Hands Off Syria leading committee was even outed as a white supremacist himself. This person, Paul Antonopoulos, is an academic, celebrated by some as a learned entity on Syria and a contributor to political websites such as Global Research. He was exposed as having been, for the last ten years, posting the most despicable racist hate speech against Aboriginal people, Asians, Africans, Arabs and Jews on various online forums – including the world’s most well known neo-Nazi website, Stormfront. He ranted that Asians are “gooks,” Arabs “sand nig__ rs” and black people “negro trash,” while referring to Iranians as “dumb Persians.” Immediately after Antonopoulos was found to be an extreme racist by Al Masdar News, which he had worked for, Tim Anderson and Hands Off Syria did suspend him from the group.
Yet, days later it emerged that Anderson himself had associated with and carried out joint political work with fascists in a way even deeper than initially thought. A 2nd May exposé by the hard working anti-fascists of Anti-Fascist Action Sydney revealed that Tim Anderson had spoken as a guest speaker at the annual fascist conference called the Leura forum. This conference held in the Blue Mountains town of Leura in November 2016 – around the time of the U.S. election – brought together a range of different fascists and other hard right figures. This included NSW’s most notorious fascists including Jim Saleam, Nathan Sykes and Ross May, the latter a neo-Nazi prominent for his violent physical attacks against leftists, Asians, blacks and people in the LGBTI community as well as sexual assaults against women. This racist and misogynist scum invited Anderson to speak about Syria at their conference … and he accepted! Others on the panel with Anderson included “historian” Keith Windschuttle – an apologist for genocidal terror against Aboriginal people and for the despicable claim that the Stolen Generation of Aboriginal children is a myth – and, of course, Jim Saleam.
There is no controversy as to Anderson’s participation at the conference or the tone of the forum. The fascists, themselves, posted up video footage of Anderson’s presentation at it. That is how much they understood that the participation of a prominent “leftist academic” at their meeting would help boost their efforts to gain legitimacy. This was a propaganda coup for some of Australia’s most violent bigots! Indeed, following the exposure of Anderson’s participation at the Leura conference, Jim Saleam’s Australia First Party on May 19 published a statement defending Anderson from criticism by the “extreme left.”
The Leura forum was chaired by James Sternhill, a leading member of the fascist Party For Freedom which is notorious for its extreme hostility to Muslims, its attempts to start a new Cronulla white supremacist attack on the tenth anniversary of the 2005 riot and its recent alliance with the violent neo-Nazi gang, Squadron 88. Sternhill’s introduction involved the usual tirade against the Left, an attack on the LGBTI community and a prayer for Trump. After politely sitting through this disgusting introduction and then through presentations by two of the far right featured speakers, Anderson then gave his presentation in front of a large right-wing banner put up by the organisers extolling “national security” and Christian heritage! At various points while he was talking, various fascists threw in filthy anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic comments without a peep of objection from Anderson! Indeed, never did he even in the mildest way take issue with any of the bigoted comments made during Sternhill’s introduction, the other two presentations or the comments made during his speech. He ended his presentation with a polite statement, “thanks for your patience folks.” Following Anderson’s presentation, there was one by Jim Saleam. Saleam devoted his entire presentation to “yellow peril” xenophobic, fear- mongering against Chinese people and China.
As the exposé by Anti-Fascist Action Sydney (a coalition involving many anarchists and anarcho-communists, some avowed communists and other leftists) points out:
Not only did Dr Anderson agree to speak at an explicitly white nationalist forum alongside outspoken racists,
anti-Communists and downright fascists – he sat through the entire day’s proceedings (and presumably joined them for lunch!) At any point during the event, Dr Anderson “might” have been able to save some small shred of Leftist credibility, had he called-out any of the numerous racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic or transphobic comments during the day. He could have challenged their far-right and fascist “discourse”. He could have gotten up and walked out of there [But he did not].
Better yet, he could have refused to participate in the first place.
Anderson’s participation as a featured speaker in the Leura forum further shines a light on his and another leading Hands Off Syria member’s participation in the 24 December 2016 fascist-led rally just weeks later. Anderson would have long known who Saleam is anyhow. But how much Saleam is an enemy of the Left and ethnic and religious minorities would have been reinforced at the Leura forum and it would have become clear too who some of the other fascists that would participate in the December 24 demonstration were – like Nathan Sykes. On arrival at the tiny, fascist-led, December 24 event, Anderson would have immediately noticed Saleam, Sykes and their allies and seen the prominent place that they were holding in the tiny rally. This makes Anderson and Co.’s participation in that demonstration all the more disgusting.
Just as with his participation in the 24 December 2016 fascist-led rally, almost as bad as Anderson’s participation in the Leura forum is the fact that many Hands Off Syria activists defended his participation in it or sought to minimise it as a minor error. Others in the Hands Off Syria movement refused to make any public statements condemning this association with fascists – effectively acquiescing to it. These people have kicked in the guts all those who have been victims of violent attacks and intimidation by fascists – or those incited by fascists – from Aboriginal people to Asians, Africans, Muslims, Jews and members of the LGBTI community to leftists and women attending abortion clinics.
Those “leftists” who participate in fascist-organised events spit on the victims of racist violence. Fascists not only conduct such terror but their hate speech directly or indirectly incites others to do the same. Above are just two of the recent victims of racist terror in Australia. Left: Fourteen year-old Aboriginal boy Elijah Doughty was murdered in Kalgoorlie on 29 August 2016 when a white man, incited by a racist upsurge in the town against black youth, ran over the boy’s motorbike at high speed with his 4WD ute. Less than two months later, Indian-born Brisbane bus driver, Manmeet Alisher (Right) was murdered by a white man who boarded the bus that he was driving and heinously set him alight in what was manifestly a racist attack. The killer was known to hold fascistic views – including anti-union conspiracy theories.
Furthermore, joining fascist-led political activities – what is more as featured speakers (!) – actually does great harm to the cause of opposing the neo-colonial subjugation of Syria. For opposing the depredations of the U.S. and Australian imperialists means class struggle opposition to them at home. Consider the most powerful anti-imperialist actions in Australia’s history. These include the union bans against Dutch ships being sent from Australia to reinforce Dutch reconquest of Indonesia after World War II and the refusal of waterfront workers and seamen to load or carry weapons and supplies intended for Australian troops fighting in the neo-colonial, anti-communist Vietnam War against Vietnamese revolutionaries. And when the Australian working class begins to mobilise again like this then it would be the fascists – the extreme nationalist enemies of the Left – who would organise to physically threaten such internationalist, anti-imperialist actions.
Although fascists sometimes use rhetoric against the banks and monopoly capitalists to appeal to the middle class and even sections of the working class – alongside their vicious attacks on the Left-led workers movement – no one should be fooled by this. The fascist movement is based on smaller scale capitalists as well as on the most reactionary layers of what in Marxist terminology is called the petit bourgeoisie – the self-employed. Since these layers of society (in the absence of the petit bourgeoisie being attracted to and led by a powerful left-wing, anti-capitalist workers movement) are always tied to and politically bow down to the big capitalists, fascist attacks end up being directed exclusively against the workers movement and minorities. The fascists’ extreme opposition to the multiracial workers movement – the only movement able to defeat the financial elite – means that they end up pandering to the finance capitalists too. Thus, fascists end up being the crudest and most rabid enforcers of capitalist interests in every way imaginable. When fascist movements in Australia reached their high point in the late 1920s to the early 1930s, their paramilitary fascist squads – in particular, those of the Old Guard and New Guard outfits – were notorious for attacking workers’ strikes, bashing union leaders, violently storming communist meetings and even targeting left ALP events and politicians. Needless to say, strengthening fascists, by giving them both legitimacy and self-confidence through participating in their events, bolsters the ugly forces who would violently oppose union struggles and especially attack union and leftist actions against Australian imperialism. Moreover, anything that allows the fascists to enter the mainstream and gain broader acceptance allows them to further spread their race hate – the very racist lies and threats that both divide workers and intimidate non-white workers. All this undermines efforts to mobilise the working class in struggle – the struggle against the actions abroad of Australian imperialism both in faraway places like Syria as well as in our neighbouring South Pacific.
Some of the fascists that leading Hands Off Syria member Tim Anderson legitimised when he participated in the far-right Leura forum in November and then the following month joined the fascist-organised rally outside Sydney’s Russian consulate. Above Left: Australia First Party (AFP) leader Jim Saleam and Simeon Boikov pose with extreme white supremacist Kim Vuga at the December 2016 AFP conference. Saleam is Australia’s most notorious fascist who was jailed for a 1989 assassination attempt on African National Congress Australian representative Eddie Funde. He had been a leading member of the Australian Nazi Party, as shown in the photo, Above Right, with Ross May (holding the Nazi flag) who also participated in the Leura Forum that Anderson was a featured speaker at. Saleam’s AFP was one of the initiators of the December 2005 white supremacist riot at Cronulla Beach (Below Left). Below Right: Simeon Boikov at the October 2016 Golden Dawn conference where his Zabaikal Cossack Society presents as a gift to their fascist mates the flag of Novorossiya.
Although we have a different ideology to many of the activists in Anti-Fascist Action Sydney, we need to give these determined anti-fascists great credit for the fact that when they released their exposé of Tim Anderson’s association with fascists, they went out of their way not to use that as a rationale to side with the backers of the pro-imperialist Syrian “Rebels.” Thus, Anti-Fascist Action Sydney introduced their article with the statement that:
To be clear, what follows is not an attack on Dr Anderson’s work on Syria. Nor should it be read as an attempt to weigh in on the Syrian conflict, or an implicit endorsement of one side or the other. Rather, given the history of fascist attempts to infiltrate Leftist circles and university campuses, we believe people must be vigilant in the face of fascist entryism and the emergence of a possible ‘red and brown alliance’. It is important that Leftists of all stripes, regardless of their position on Syria, are aware of Dr Anderson’s ongoing willingness to share a platform with fascists and their fellow travellers.
Nevertheless, not only has the joining of fascist events by some Hands Off Syria leaders – and the acquiescence to this by many others in their movement – done harm to the class struggle and, therefore, to the struggle against imperialism, it has also given those left social democrats backing the pro-imperialist “Rebels” a political gun with which to shoot the opponents of the neo-colonial takeover of Syria. Of course, there is plenty of hypocrisy in groups like Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance using outrage at association with fascists to attack opponents of their stance on Syria. During the capitalist powers’ Cold War against the socialistic Soviet Union, Solidarity and Socialist Alternative – then united in the International Socialist Organisation (ISO) – ended up cheerleading for several fascist forces (or for anti-communist movements in which fascists played a prominent role) arrayed against the then Soviet and East European workers states. So did the Socialist Alliance – then called first the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and then the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) – even though it was less rabid in its hostility to the USSR than the ISO. Thus, the SWP caused a scandal in the early and mid- 1980s when they promoted the ultra-right wing Croatian “Movement for Statehood” (HDP) who were apologists for the Ustasha fascists that murderously ruled Croatia during the Nazi Axis occupation of Yugoslavia during World War II. The ISO and DSP (the groups that are today called Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance) both cheered the August 1991 counterrevolutionary barricades protecting the Yeltsin-led Russian parliament a movement in which fascists played a sizeable role and which led to the destruction of the USSR. They also supported the late 1980s, fascist-infested Ukrainian anti-Soviet movement. Out of this movement and the August 1991 anti-communist movement in Moscow, arose among others – some of the ultra-right wing figures who retain a level of influence and some access to positions of power in today’s Ukraine and Russia. Following on from this, the Solidarity group today works in a united front in the pro-Syrian “Rebels” movement in Australia with a far right Ukrainian nationalist, Oxana Kriss. This association was again exposed thanks again to the painstaking work of Anti-Fascist Action Sydney – a fact which, by the way, demolishes Anderson’s attempts to dismiss their critique of his dalliances with fascists as a plot to assist Western imperialist propaganda over Syria. Now, as the evidence presented by Anti-Fascist Action Sydney proves, Kriss is an apologist for the Ukrainian Stepan Bandera Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) movement that collaborated with the Nazis during WWII. Bandera’s forces murdered 60,000 Polish civilians as well as Jews and Russians in its fascist ethnic cleansing drive. As well as joining rallies with Solidarity and Socialist Alternative to support the pro-imperialist Syrian “Rebels”, Kriss collects money for the fascist-infested Ukrainian volunteer forces fighting in the conflict in the Eastern part of the country. The Anti-Fascist Action Sydney article also notes that Kriss and leading left proponent of the “Syrian Rebels,” Solidarity member Mark Goudkamp are political allies. Having said all the above, it must be noted that while it is despicable to cheerlead for fascists abroad or to associate with their exiled supporters here it is even more politically depraved to join the events of locally- based fascist groups (as Anderson has done). For in the latter case, the racist violence unleashed and incited by the fascists is right smack in front of one’s view. And since political actions have more impact at home than abroad it is worse, too, in terms of the harm that it does by giving encouragement to the forces who sow racist terror and who divide and suppress the class struggle here.
There is no getting away from the truth that the participation in fascist events by some Hands Off Syria leaders – and the apologising for this by many others in their movement – has dirtied the name of the worthy cause of opposing imperialist-imposed regime change in Syria. It has also, very understandably, tarnished the reputation of the Hands Off Syria groups in Australia. Indeed, as a force able to play any sort of positive role – even in the flawed way that they had done so previously – Hands Off Syria is now as good as dead. At least, without the application of major surgery!
Those within the Hands Off Syria groups who have refused to condemn the association with fascists of some of their leaders should not avoid addressing the issue by comforting themselves with the notion that this is not a big deal as “Syria is winning the war” and, thus, the role of the movement is no longer important. For one, although Syrian government forces backed by their Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies are scoring victories against ISIS and the “Rebels”, U.S. and Australian imperialism and their SDF allies are also gaining strength. Although both these different forces are currently arrayed mainly against ISIS they have also been clashing with each other to some extent. In the likely scenario that ISIS is for the moment defeated, you will have the imperialists and their SDF proxies in control of a large portion of Syrian territory. The history of imperialism teaches us that they will not simply relinquish this without at minimum demanding significant concessions. Such concessions could include forcing changes to some of the leading personnel of the Syrian government or arm-twisting it to make specific policy changes that would allow easier penetration of Western capitalist economic interests and better alignment with Washington and Canberra’s geopolitical goals. And while it may not be likely right now given the depth of current tensions between U.S. imperialism and Russia’s ambitious capitalist rulers, it is not impossible that the U.S./Australian imperialists and Russia could cut a deal at the expense of Syria’s independence. Another scenario that is possible, although currently unlikely given that the imperialists are currently focussed on a bigger goal – strangling the DPRK workers state and through that advancing its number one strategic goal of destroying socialistic rule in China – is a future all out conflict between, on the one hand, a Western-backed SDF-“Rebel” alliance and, on the other hand, the Syrian government and its allies. Any one of these possibilities may not take place immediately but may take years to emerge. However, as with their violent toppling of governments in Iraq and Libya that had failed to sufficiently accept their diktats, the imperialists are capable of playing a long game when pursuing their interests.
So there definitely is still a need for a movement that opposes the U.S. and Australian regime’s direct and indirect military and diplomatic intervention in Syria. However, for the Hands Off Syria movements to perform any sort of useful role in this, they would need a massive shake up. At the very minimum, there needs to be a very clear distancing from the actions of some of its leaders in joining fascist events and from the apologies for these outrages – or the ostrich-like refusal to respond to them – by many other prominent activists in the movement. The groups need to issue public statements condemning the participation in fascist-led activities by some of their leaders and strongly repudiating their previous refusal to have made such condemnations. Then anyone who refuses to support such a correction should be summarily expelled from the groups. For such a major re-orientation to occur, someone or some people in the groups are going to have to muster the political courage to fight for such a course which would, inevitably, involve a big split.
However, given the degree to which many prominent Hands Off Syria activists have defended or ignored Anderson’s participation in fascist events – with some even apologising for raving, racist, social media contributor Paul Antonopoulos – it is doubtful whether the movement is capable of even the most elementary self-correction. We won’t be holding our breath. We look forward to participating in actions which oppose imperialist meddling in Syria that are initiated by some of the people we know who both defend Syria against imperialist-imposed regime change and have gone on record opposing the sharing of platforms with fascists and/or previous apologising for Trump of some Hands Off Syria activists; or to join with such staunchly anti-fascist, anti-imperialists in building united front actions against imperialism and its proxies in Syria.
We have detailed here how most of the Left have in one way or another taken bad positions related to events in Syria. But why? To begin to answer this question we first need to stress that serious flaws in a leftist tendency’s stance on a major particular issue always reflects a broader disorientation and is often also a continuation of similar problems from the past. In the case of those who support the so-called “Syrian Revolution”, i.e. the imperialist-backed “Rebels” (which turns out to be the majority of the “Far Left” in Australia), their stance reflects these groups’ long history of bending to the “human rights” propaganda of the Western capitalist ruling classes and to the left-liberal middle class opinion shaped by such propaganda. The biggest example of this occurred in the 1980s-early 1990s Cold War II. It was then that these pseudo-Marxist groups capitulated to anti-communist “human rights” propaganda and supported the forces working to destroy the Soviet Union. Then, as the imperialists, having successfully strangled the USSR, turned their fire against the Chinese workers state, these groups also started campaigning in support of anti-communist forces arrayed against the Chinese state. They backed recently dead neo-con “dissident,” Liu Xiaobo, and the yuppy, Western-backed, Hong Kong anti-PRC movement. Having, thus, spent decades supporting imperialist-backed “human rights” causes, in 1999 the leftist tendencies that are now known as Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance went a step further: they marched in demonstrations actually calling for the Australian government to send the military into another country. The rallies screamed “Troops In Now” to, supposedly, “Save East Timor.” The Australian regime did, indeed, proceed to send the troops in. The result was that Australia’s capitalist rulers were able to hijack the East Timorese people’s just struggle for self-determination from Indonesian occupation and, thus, bring East Timor under direct Australian neo-colonial domination. The presence of Australian troops in East Timor allowed the Australian imperialists to mould the fledgling East Timorese state into serving their interests and to pressure it into ensuring that most of the oil wealth of the country would be plundered by Australian-owned multi-national corporations. As a result, East Timorese people’s real independence is curtailed and its children have one of the highest rates of malnutrition in the entire world.
Moscow, August 1991: Western-backed counterrevolutionaries led by Boris Yeltsin – and supported by speculators, fascists and pro-capitalist students – seize governmental power in a counter-coup that culminated in the destruction of socialistic rule in Russia. In the following days, right wing mobs tear down and trampled on statues of past communist leaders – especially targeting ethnic, non-Russian ones like Yakov Sverdlov, of Jewish origin, and the Pole, Felix Dzerzhinsky (Right). Yet at the time, Australian social democratic far-left groups, including the ISO and DSP (the groups that are today called Solidarity, Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance) cheered the counterrevolutionary barricades outside the Yeltsin-led Russian parliament. Having committed this ultimate act of capitulation to imperialism and its propaganda, these groups find it easy to support pro-imperialist causes today such as that of the Syrian “Rebels.”
The actions of most of the Left around the time of the Australian intervention into East Timor were, indeed, a watershed. Up until then, most of what is considered the Far Left had – to varying degrees – opposed most direct military interventions by the Australian ruling class – for example, during the Vietnam War and in the 1991 first U.S.-led attack on Iraq. Now much of the Left was treacherously sending a message that even direct military interventions by capitalist powers can sometimes be a “good” thing. Having thus entrenched themselves in the practice of supporting particular overseas interventions by Australia’s capitalist rulers, groups like Solidarity, Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative then found it easier to back subsequent imperialist campaigns: like the U.S. and Australian rulers’ “regime change” agendas in Libya and Syria.
What then of the prominent activists in the Hands Off Syria groups? What led some of them to descend into participating in fascist-led activities or defending – or at best ignoring – such shameful association with the violent racist enemies of the Left and the workers movement. After all, unlike the in practice social democratic left groups that fell in behind imperialism’s proxy war against Syria, these people had in the first few years of the Syria conflict played a progressive role. Well, in the case of Tim Anderson in particular, a clue to the political defects that led to his participation in fascist events can be seen in the stance that he took with respect to the Australian-led occupation of East Timor. You see, those who backed that Australian intervention included not only those groups who today cheer for the imperialist-backed Syrian “Rebels” but also the likes of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) and Tim Anderson. Thus, as with those pro-Syrian “Rebels” left groups that he so bitterly opposes, Anderson’s pro-imperialist position on the Australian intervention in East Timor not only reflected his own illusions in capitalist powers sometimes playing a progressive role (even if inadvertently) but would have further locked in such a flawed approach. Fast forward many years then to the Syrian conflict. Here Anderson and those with similar political thinking find no wing of the capitalist ruling class that they can expect to conduct a “positive” policy on the Syrian conflict, as they supposedly did over East Timor, except, in their eyes, a burgeoning Far Right. So, especially as Trump made his charge for the White House, they ended up gravitating towards an association with the Far Right.
Today, following the U.S. regime’s April 7 missile strike on Syria and several other subsequent attacks on Syrian government forces by the U.S. and Australian imperialists or – more frequently – their SDF/PYD allies, all but the most useless people within the Hands Off Syria movement no longer openly apologise for Trump. Others prominent within the Hands Off Syria groups both internationally and in Australia simply don’t mention their earlier efforts to prettify Trump hoping that no one will remember. Some, however, still seek to quietly justify their earlier stance by saying that Trump’s foreign policy is now being dictated to by the American “Deep State” … as if the “Deep State,” which is tied by a million threads to the capitalist big business owners, does not have ultimate power during every single U.S. administration! The so-called “Deep State” is simply the capitalist state and is the ultimate political power in every single capitalist country! Whoever chooses to be in government in any capitalist country, let alone the head of government, chooses to become one of the key administrators of the “Deep State” and bears responsibility for all its crimes.
Trump’s foreign policy was never anything “positive” for the working class and downtrodden of the world. If for the same reasons as the outright fascists he initially spoke of turning away from hostility to Syria, it was only as part of targeting other people more viciously. Trump adhered to the perspective of Steve Bannon’s extreme right wingers in trying to forge a U.S. capitalist super alliance with Russia in order to undermine socialistic China. Since his administration took over, U.S. anti-China moves have indeed stepped up. These include trade measures against China, sanctions against Chinese enterprises associating with North Korea, an escalation of the U.S. war drive against North Korea that is ultimately aimed against China and in June the announcement of a massive U.S. arms sale, including advanced missiles and torpedos, to that renegade capitalist-ruled part of China, Taiwan. However, due to strong pressure from decisive other wings of the U.S. capitalist ruling class who are unwilling to allow any room for Russia to emerge as a rival, Trump’s initial plan for bringing Washington and Moscow together has been put on hold. Nevertheless, there has indeed been a slight shift in U.S. policy from the last period of Obama’s reign. The shift is subtly, in terms of rhetoric at least, away from focussing on Russia as a primary adversary to concentrating on other targets. So what are the priority overseas goals at this point in the Trump presidency? Well, it is to give still more ostentatious support for the murderous Israeli regime so that it can carry out still more savage oppression of the Palestinian people, it is to accelerate U.S. support for the right wing opposition in Venezuela, intensify hostility to Iran, increase U.S. forces in Afghanistan, put further pressure on the Cuban workers state and, most notably, greatly escalate war threats against socialistic North Korea. Needless to say there is nothing “anti-imperialist” about such a shift in priorities! Similarly, there is absolutely nothing “anti-imperialist” about the pro-Russia, outright fascists that some Hands Off Syria leaders chose to associate with. Thus, the Australia First Party Jim Saleam’s presentation at the Leura Forum – immediately after Anderson’s (!) – was entirely a call to arms against China. The racist bigot called for Australia to ally with [capitalist] Russia against Red China.
Even if Trump was allowed to go further in reaching an accommodation with Moscow, this may do no good for Syrian independence in the long run. Say, Trump and Putin do cut a deal. And, say, such an arrangement does not involve Moscow knifing in the back Syria for concessions from Washington elsewhere which is a possibility too, albeit less likely at this point. Rather, imagine that Trump bows to the reality of the U.S.-backed forces’ currently inferior military position in Syria and agrees to accommodate Russian interests in Syria which, inadvertently, brings immediate benefits to the cause of Syrian self-determination. However, in exchange, the U.S. regime, of course, demands something in return. This could include Russia agreeing not to get in the way of – other than for some impotent, angry verbal protests designed for public consumption – U.S.-led war moves against North Korea or Iran or attempts to turn the screws further on socialistic China. If this led to a military attack or still more crippling sanctions against North Korea or a Syria-style imperialist proxy war against Iran or the weakening of socialistic China this would not only leave Syria more isolated but would greatly embolden the Western imperialists. All this would then provide the thrust for a renewed neo-colonial drive against Syria sometime in the future.
Like chunks of society in capitalist countries, the political course of Hands Off Syria groups has been pushed by the political winds of a period that has seen far right populist and fascist movements growing. Thus, those groupings that are not rooted in a firm Marxist grounding and working class basis can easily be swept along by the noxious winds blowing to the right. At first this may be almost imperceptible as they borrow arguments used by the Far Right – for example those which portray fundamentalist Islam as the number one threat – to justify their own positions. Yet, using such deviant rationales is harmful even when it is used to justify correct positions as it entrenches acceptance of aspects of the Far Right’s reactionary worldview.
There has also been another, related, yet somewhat distinct, pressure on political groupings in this period including the Hands Off Syria groups. That is the influence of “neither Left nor Right,” “anti-establishment” ideologies that have gained traction over the last decade or so. Such political currents were notable during the 2011 Occupy Sydney activities. One such current is the, often Guy Fawkes mask-wearing, hacktivists associated with the diverse groups that identify as “Anonymous.” Other currents are further to the right. Although proponents of such politics were numerically smaller than the leftist components in the Occupy Sydney protests, they seemed to have an influence on them that was disproportionate to their size – in good part because reformist left groups in their obsession with “unity” and “inclusiveness” were willing to tailor the movement to suit such elements. These “neither Left nor Right,” “anti-establishment” ideologies do reflect grievances of self-employed layers in society and of unemployed or underemployed educated youth – many of which are legitimate. Such concerns include fury at the tyranny of the banks, outrage at big corporations bullying self-employed business people, rage at unemployment or casualisation of jobs, anger at corruption and hostility to growing repressive state powers in Western countries. However, reflecting their social base and, thus, their physical and political distance from the union movement, these political currents, despite their “anti-corporate” rhetoric are, at best, neutral in the conflict between the organised working class and the owners of businesses using hired layer; which is the fundamental divide in capitalist society and the main axis along which the downtrodden can come together to overturn this unjust society. At worst, some are actually opposed to militant union struggle. Furthermore, although they do not openly espouse white supremacist ideology or the race hate rhetoric of the fascists, reflecting the current prejudices of the social layers that they are based on, many elements of them subscribe to anti-immigration and economic nationalist demands. These are sometimes justified on the basis of some way out conspiracy theories. For, since many of the people involved in these “neither Left nor Right” tendencies are separated from the main axis of struggle that shapes society – the conflict between the capitalist exploiters of labour and the organised workers movement – the socio-economic dynamics that govern the way capitalist society works are obscured from these groups. Hence, they easily fall for conspiracy theories that purport to “explain” what is wrong with society. In turn, they are themselves the main proponents of the conspiracy theories that flood the internet. Such theories do a lot of harm. For they obscure from people the centrality of the class structure of society in determining the political and economic realities of countries. At worst, these conspiracy theories can take on an open or subtle anti-Semitic hue – reflecting the stain of decades-long right wing propaganda that continues to have an influence on discourse.
At the same time, because many people influenced by “neither Left nor Right,” anti-establishment tendencies, are angry at the way society is going, they can be rightly suspicious of Western military and political interventions abroad. They can often see the injustice and hypocrisy involved in them – although, again, they have an inclination to explain this in terms of conspiracy theories rather than a Leninist understanding of imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. These tendencies are influenced by websites such as Global Research which mix some leftist critiques with their own version of “neither Left nor Right” anti-establishmentarianism.
Many people influenced by these “neither Left nor Right” ideologies became hostile to the Western powers’ proxy war against Syria. Indeed, other than for a very small number of leftists, they became among the few people from non-Middle Eastern backgrounds supporting the Hands Off Syria groups – if only, in many cases, just through social media. Furthermore, many Syrians involved in the Hands Off Syria groups themselves subscribed to aspects of these ideologies. However, the leftists within the leadership of the Hands Off Syria groups failed to try and win over the best of the non-leftist, “anti-establishment” types to a leftist, anti-capitalist perspective. That would have entailed drawing a sharp line against the reactionary aspects of the “neither Left nor Right ideologies” while insisting on a pro-working class, internationalist perspective. But such a political struggle did not sit well with the perspective leftists within Hands Off Syria had of building an all-inclusive alliance and would have clashed with their own hesitancy to adhere firmly to a pro-working class line. Thus, instead of challenging the worldview of their “neither Left nor Right” supporters, the leftists within the leadership of Hands Off Syria groups politically coddled up to these people. The result? Well, there is a law of politics that if you are in frequent political contact with people – especially as part of the same movement – and if you are not influencing them … then they are influencing you! And thus, step by step, in at first subtle ways, the small number of leftists within the Hands Off Syria groups started to imbibe the analysis and even conspiracy theories of these “neither Left nor Right” ideologies – some of which are, what’s more, synonymous with the shibboleths of the Far Right. Thus, gradually, some of the leftists within Hands Off Syria came to accept, or at least act on the basis of, the idea that the main direct threat to the world’s peoples is ISIS/Al Qaeda-style Islamic fundamentalism (rather than capitalist imperialism). What is more, they began to accept the idea that ISIS and Al Qaeda are puppets who are one hundred percent controlled by the U.S. – and, possibly, Israel – and that Russia’s present capitalist rulers are a consistent force for good in the world.
The individuals associated with “neither Left nor Right” type ideologies have themselves shifted politically. It has always been the case that political tendencies not wedded to one of the two decisive classes in society the capitalists and the working class – are unstable and can swing quickly to one side or the other. And tendencies based on the intermediate classes, if they do not lock in behind the struggle of the multiracial working class against the capitalists, inevitably end up swaying behind one or another wing of the ruling capitalists. Thus, as the Far Right made its push, personified by the rise of Trump, many of the “neither Left nor Right” “anti-establishmentarians” were gradually sucked in behind them. The conspiracy theories of these tendencies started to merge into those of the Far Right. And as these “anti-establishmentarians” lurched to the right, they pulled some of the leftists in Hands Off Syria groups with them a certain distance too. Indeed, if five years ago you told some of these leftists in Hands Off Syria groups around the world what they would be doing today they would be furious at you for even suggesting such things, for suggesting that they would in the present period have sought to minimise the thoroughly reactionary character of hard right politicians like Trump, for saying that they would be retailing conspiracy theories critical of giving asylum to refugees from Syria and certain other Muslim countries, for suggesting that they would, for all practical purposes, be uncritical apologists for a capitalist power like Russia and for saying that they would be claiming that certain fascists who supposedly “support” their cause are not actually fascists … but merely “confused.” Yet this is what has, in fact, happened in the case of some of these leftists.
Cronulla Beach, Sydney, December 2015: Anti-fascists deliver a strong message at a counter-mobilisation to a fascist event that celebrated the tenth anniversary of the white supremacist Cronulla riot. Some leftists badly need to assimilate this message.
Indeed, it can be said that some of the leftists involved in Hands Off Syria groups around the world have not merely associated with fascists or justified such an association but have shown signs that they, themselves, are in the early stages of starting to take on aspects of the fascists’ outlook. If the growth of the Far Right around the world intensifies and corresponding political winds to the Right get stronger, the seemingly unthinkable could occur: a few of these inconsistent leftists could turn into fascists themselves. Unfortunately, they would not be the first ones to go down that path. We recall here the case of Italian fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini. Mussolini had, before he founded the fascist movement, actually been a leader of the leftist Italian Socialist Party and the editor of their newspaper. Given that some of those leftists involved in Hands Off Syria groups who have justified participation in fascist events have publicly stated adherence to Marxism and Leninism for many years, they would, of course, still like to call themselves “communists” or “Marxists” even if they end up embarking on a course towards fascism. Thus, they may end up like the sinister “National Bolshevism” movement in Russia whose members sport communist symbols alongside fascist attire but have a thoroughly fascist, extreme Russian nationalist agenda.
Those leftists involved in Hands Off Syria groups overseas or in Australia that are starting to lurch to the right but are of non-white racial backgrounds would, of course, have good reason to baulk at a further drift towards the white supremacist extremists. Others, like Tim Anderson himself, have strong personal connections to people of colour or historical connections to anti-racist movements. These would likely deter him from an outright jump into the camp of fascism. Yet there are white, nominally leftist members of the movement internationally – including possibly in Australia – whose stated opposition to racism is so perfunctory and toothless that their current softness on collaboration with fascists and their current partial embrace of certain fascist conspiracy theories opens up the possibility, as improbable as it may seem now, that they will in the future end up as full on fascists. They should realise that if they go down that road, the revolutionary working class will not have any nostalgia for their former participation in the Left. If they do the unthinkable and turn into fascists then things could end up badly for them. They should take note of what happened to one infamous leftist turned fascist: Mussolini. In 1945, brave Italian communist partisans arrested and then executed Mussolini and his entourage. The next day his corpse was dumped in a major public square in Milan and after a huge crowd gathered to understandably kick, spit and urinate on his body and pelt it with vegetables, his corpse was famously strung up upside down from a service station roof to the sound of cheering crowds.
Benito Mussolini (Left) was a one-time leftist activist who turned into a fascist and became Italy’s infamous fascist ruler. However, in 1945, brave Italian communist partisans arrested and then executed Mussolini and his entourage. The next day his corpse was dumped in a major public square in Milan and after a huge crowd gathered to understandably kick, spit and urinate on his body and pelt it with vegetables, his corpse was famously strung up upside down from a service station roof to cheering crowds (Right). Tragically, today some leftists are, via their embrace of so-called “Third Position” (“neither Left nor Right”) elements and the Western fascist-lionised, Russian capitalist ruling class, starting to join in “united-fronts” with fascists and apologise for far-right politicians. They should realise that if in the seemingly unthinkable case that they, like Mussolini, end up going all the way to becoming outright fascists, they risk meeting the same fate as Mussolini.
Given the multi-sided disarray of Western-based leftists over the Syria question it is urgent that the basic principles of Marxism and Leninism are brought into the debates. And when we are talking about the principles of Marxism and Leninism, here we are talking about the very A in the A-B-C of Marxism-Leninism. That is, the understanding that the exploitation and injustice inherent in modern society is due to the capitalist system. That this capitalist problem is not a matter of the moral character or ideology of individual capitalists or capitalist political factions. That the problem is the whole system based on the exploitation of workers’ labour. Marx’s famous Communist Manifesto is dedicated to advancing the struggle of the working class against, not just particular wings of the capitalist class, but against the capitalist class as a whole. It is a fundamental principle of Marxism that all the capitalist bosses and all the factions representing them are, by virtue of their position in the economic system, the political enemy of the masses regardless of which ideology they personally espouse. Furthermore, Leninists understand that in this period of capitalism at its highest stage, the ruling class of the richer, more powerful capitalist countries, having outgrown national boundaries, are also imperialists. That means that in order to make up for the inherent contradictions of their system these capitalists of the powerful countries are forced to seek out super-profits from plundering resources, super-exploiting labour and controlling markets in the poorer or weaker capitalist countries. It is not a personal choice whether these capitalists act as imperialists or not: it is a necessity for their own economic system’s very survival. If one understands this then one sees how preposterous the notion is that the capitalist rulers of Australia could act in a non-imperialist way when they intervene abroad: whether that be when they militarily occupy East Timor or when they support a proxy war on Syria.
Indeed, other than for the Leninist principle that we should side with semi-colonial and poorer countries when they are in military conflict with the imperialist powers – or their proxies – the conclusions of Marxist and Leninist ideology for socialists living in the richer, capitalist powers are very simple. Firstly, all the capitalists and all the factions serving them must be opposed. And, secondly, all military and political interventions abroad by imperialist powers should be opposed irrespective of the purported motivation behind them. To the latter there are two very particular exceptions … but otherwise this is an absolute principle. One exception is the case where a capitalist power, in order to promote its own geo- strategic position with respect to rival capitalist powers, happens to stifle an attempt by a rival capitalist power to attack a workers state. In the second exception, for similar reasons as above, an imperialist or mid-ranking capitalist power hinders an attempt by a rival power to further subjugate a semi-colonial or otherwise dependent country. The latter exception would only apply provided that the power making the intervention is not in a position to immediately, itself, become the neo-colonial oppressor of the poorer, weaker capitalist country. When a situation arises when this exception applies, it means that leftists should not get in the way of the intervention by the power stifling the predatory moves by its rival. Yet, at the same time, we should not in any way attempt to prettify the capitalist class that is making the blocking intervention. Instead, we would stress that it is doing this purely for its own capitalists’ interests which, in this rare case, happens to assist the overall interests of the world’s toiling masses. We would make clear that this capitalist ruling class remains 100% the enemy of its own working class and we would stand by all of this working class’ efforts to fight against it.
The particular circumstance of a capitalist power hindering attempts by rival powers to further subjugate an economically dependent country does, indeed, occur in the Syria conflict. It applies to the intervention by capitalist Russia. This intervention is being unleashed for the Russian exploiting class’ own greedy, ambitious interests but happens to, at this time, protect Syria from imperialist-imposed regime change (for a detailed exposition of this point see our article: Therefore, at this point, the international workers movement, including the working class in Russia, should not hinder this intervention. At the same time, we must make clear that this intervention does not in any way weaken the need for the Russian working class and other downtrodden groups to fight against their own capitalist exploiters and oppressors. In the context of currently tense relations between Russia, on the one hand, and Australia and its main ally the U.S., on the other, it would, of course, be wrong for leftists in Australia to make opposition to the Russian capitalists the main headline focus of agitation here. However, it would also be wrong to harm the building of class struggle in Russia by acting as apologists for Russia’s capitalist rulers. That would be spitting on the very working class which a hundred years ago smashed the rule of the Putins and Yeltsins of their time and the early 20th Century equivalents of [multi-billionaires] Mordashov, Lisin and Timchenko in the greatest victory for the downtrodden that humanity has ever known. It would also undermine efforts to build up the class struggle against the capitalists here in Australia since it promotes the notion that there can be “good capitalists.” It is important to stress all this because shared support for Russia’s capitalist rulers and shared softness towards the hard right U.S. president are a good part of what brought some Hands Off Syria leaders and the Far Right to associate with each other. As it was for other prominent leftists within the Hands Off Syria groups to take the disastrous step of apologising for, or in a cowardly manner simply ignoring, some of their leading members’ participation in the political activities of the fascists.
Any socialist with even a partial commitment to the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism would never allow themselves to end up as an apologist for Russia’s capitalist rulers. Nor would they ever, even for a period, act as “left”, critical supporters of Donald Trump on the grounds that he would be supposedly “less imperialist” or even “anti-imperialist”. Why? Let us first deal with the latter issue. The Leninist understanding of imperialism is that it is not a policy choice as to whether a rich capitalist ruling class acts in an imperialist way or not. Imperialism is capitalism, itself, at its highest stage. Therefore, to expect a rich capitalist power, when administered by a particular leader, to act in a non-imperialist way when intervening abroad is as fanciful as saying that a capitalist corporation would avoiding exploiting the labour of their workers if they had a particular CEO! Thus, it is simply impossible that Donald Trump – or, for that matter, any other leader or pro-capitalist political faction in a rich capitalist country – could be “less imperialist” let alone “anti-imperialist.”
Moreover, Donald Trump has been spewing vile racist abuse at Mexicans, Muslims and Blacks and has implemented new discriminatory measures against migrants from Muslim countries, “undocumented” migrant workers, refugees and transgender people. This has translated into a startling rise in violent racist attacks on people of colour on the streets of America as well as an increase in bigoted attacks on the LGBTI community. Trump’s agenda has naturally emboldened murderous fascist paramilitaries as we saw over the last couple of days in Charlottsville. All this reactionary terror on the streets deepens racial divisions within the American working class and intimidates its crucial coloured component. Needless to say, all this is very harmful to organising working class resistance – resistance against both attacks on the working class and other oppressed groups at home and against U.S. imperialist actions abroad. In other words, those who have, even for a period, acted as “left” apologists for Donald Trump have done a lot of harm to the struggle against imperialism.
This applies all the more so to those within Hands Off Syria groups who have either participated in events led by outright fascists or who have defended – or turned a blind eye to – such participation. The central slogan of The Communist Manifesto is the famous call for workers of all countries to unite. No one with any serious commitment to Marxism could ever coddle up to or apologise for a faction of the capitalist bourgeoisie let alone its most extreme reactionary nationalist wings who are hell bent on dividing workers across national and race lines!
Now, what about attempts by some within the Hands Off Syria movement to portray Russia as an “anti-imperialist state” or as “capitalist but good capitalist”? How does this stack up against the basic principles of Marxism and Leninism? An entire chapter of Marx and Engels’ The Communist Manifesto is devoted, in good part, to warning against sections of the capitalist bourgeoisie who masquerade as supporters of working class interests but who, to quote from this great work, “endeavour… to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms” and “violently oppose all political action on the part of the working class.” Put simply, the idea that particular capitalist ruling classes, like that of Russia, are somehow progressive has nothing to do with communism but a lot to do with left-liberalism. Small-l left liberals, rejecting a clear class line, always insist that there are “progressive capitalists” that can be allied with – if only for a particular campaign. Some “leftists” in the Hands Off Syria groups have practiced a particular form of this liberalism where those credited as the relatively “good capitalists” are not just particular opposition factions of the ruling class in home countries but the entire capitalist ruling class of another country – like Russia and Iran.
As to the notion that Russia is an “anti-imperialist state,” this claim is so far removed from the principles behind the October 1917 Russian Revolution that the category of “anti-imperialist state” simply does not exist in Marxism and Leninism. It does not exist in the theory of communism because it does not exist in the real world! Leninist theory only recognises two types of states in the modern era: capitalist states and workers states. The only truly “anti-imperialist states” can be workers states – that is, states created by the overturn of capitalist state power. The problem with some in Hands Off Syria milieus – both internationally and at home – crediting certain capitalist states as “anti-imperialist states” is not so much the flawed analysis, in itself, but the political conclusions that they draw. For, once they put a state into the “anti-imperialist” basket, they then defend it against any exposure of its crimes. Although, as leftists, they may occasionally pay lip service to the capitalist nature of these states, in practice they oppose just about every working class and progressive struggle in these countries. In other words, those obsessed with the idea that some capitalist states can be considered part of an “anti-imperialist camp” act as apologists for the capitalist exploiting classes ruling these states. Worse still, when a capitalist faction in the imperialist centres shows sympathy for one of these “anti-imperialist states” then that becomes a reason for them to support that faction. That was what, in good part, led them to apologise for the initially pro-Russia Donald Trump and to accept association with the far right Zabaikal Cossack Society and its white supremacist Australia First Party allies.
Left, Moscow, 23 September 2017: Russian police arrest leading participants of the annual Anti-Capitalism march. This youth was arrested after his group unfurled a red banner saying “Capitalism is Shit.” The annual march involves several avowedly Marxist-Leninist and “Stalinist” groups. Right: A banner at the 2016 march translates to: “Power for the Millions, And Not the Millionaires!” This year’s march was themed to be a celebration of the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution but was shut down by police. Given the current tense relations between Russia, on the one hand, and U.S. and Australian imperialism, on the other, it would be wrong for Australian leftists to give headline focus to the crimes of Russia’s capitalist rulers. However, to totally ignore such crimes – or worse still to apologise for the deeds of Russia’s bourgeois ruling class as many in Hands Off Syria movements around the world have done – is to kick in the guts those brave leftists in Russia who stand against their own capitalist rulers.
It is, of course, the case that the states administering capitalist rule in countries that are subjugated by imperialist powers or that otherwise remain economically dependent on imperialism can have conflicts with the imperialist bullies. That is why we need to, today, defend Syria against Western imperialism and its proxies and to strongly oppose imperialist threats to Iran. Conflicts between the imperialist states and their neo-colonies and semi-colonies arise because, sometimes, the imperialists demand such a big share of the wealth of these countries and insist on distorting the political direction and foreign policy of these countries to such an extent that the local capitalist rulers there object. These capitalist rulers face a fundamental contradiction. On the one hand, they are economically tied to and dependent on the imperialists – who control world markets, sources of capital and access to technology – and rely on the might of these big powers for protection from any progressive revolt from their own masses. However, on the other hand, they bristle at how much of the surplus extracted from the country’s natural resources and exploited from the country’s toilers is grabbed by the imperialists. That leaves less profits for them to feast on. Secondly, they get irritated when the imperialists demand policy directions which hurt even capitalist development in these countries. Such demands could include that the country sell off key nationally-owned strategic industries to multi-national corporations or that it put off spending resources on vital infrastructure projects in order to focus on merely producing low-priced crops, minerals and manufactured goods that can then be sold off at high prices by imperialist trading monopolies. Often, the imperialist overlords will also demand that a subject country’s government turn its back on useful opportunities for trade, investment and other economic links with either socialistic states (which today means, largely, China) or rival capitalist powers. Moreover, the capitalist class in countries subjugated by imperialism sometimes seek to win broader support for their rule amongst the imperialist-hating masses by, at times, standing up to the imperial powers. They sometimes find this necessary because their rule is fragile and rests on a narrow base. For since the imperialists plunder so much of the wealth of these countries, the capitalist class in the ex-colonial countries is numerically small. So is the size of the privileged upper-middle class. In imperialist countries this affluent layer of the middle class is quite large and this provides for the capitalist ruling classes there a base of wider support upon which they can rest. Without a large upper-middle class layer to rely on, the isolated capitalist rulers in the neo-colonies and semi-colonies are sometimes compelled to curry favour with sections of the masses by claiming to be at the forefront of standing up to the imperialists. Within each of these countries there are factions of the local capitalist exploiting class that are a bit more inclined towards such a course while other factions are more content with totally bowing down to the imperialists. So, in general, the capitalist class in the countries subjugated by, or otherwise dependent on, imperialism are torn between a pull towards subservience to imperialism and a push to resist imperialist depredations. At times this contradiction plays out in a way that leads these capitalists being pushed by their masses to stand up to imperialism. We welcome this when it happens and socialists must work hard in such cases to ensure the victory of the subjugated or dependent countries against the imperialist overlords and their proxies. Indeed, we are likely to see more conflicts between the imperialist powers and the countries that they oppress. For, given the economic crisis that imperialist-capitalism is quite obviously in, they are going to try to exploit even more the peoples of the ex-colonial countries in order to make up for their own economic woes at home.
But even in these cases where the capitalist states in neo-colonies, semi-colonies or otherwise imperialist-dependent countries resist the imperialist bullies we would not call these states “anti-imperialist states.” For the economic and political factors pulling the capitalist rulers in these countries towards subservience to imperialism do not disappear even when they are in conflict with imperialism. These capitalist rulers can just as well in future cut a deal with the imperial powers and act as their running dogs. Syria’s Baathist government has certainly done this in the past. We have already noted earlier in this article how, in 1976, to the cheers of U.S. and French imperialism, Bashar Al-Assad’s father, Hafeez, sent in the Syrian Army to crush the leftist-progressive side in the Lebanese Civil War. Then, in 1991, Syria’s Baathist government criminally sent nearly 15,000 troops to participate in the 1991 first U.S.-led Gulf War slaughter of Iraqi people – an attack that paved the way for the death, suffering and chaos that has wracked Iraq ever since. Similarly, while today the Iranian government resists ever more unreasonable demands on it by the Western capitalist powers, at other times it has played a major role in ensuring the success of imperialist campaigns. During the 1980s, the Iranian government was alongside Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the main non-Western supporter of the imperialist-backed Afghan Mujahedin religious fundamentalist cut-throats that fought an anti-communist war against the then secular, leftist Afghan government and its Soviet Red Army protectors. Iran provided a massive amount of arms to Shia-based Mujahedin groups and hosted the exile bases of these groups within Iran. Then, in 2001, the Iranian (so-called) “anti-imperialist” state provided crucial support to the U.S./Australian/ NATO imperialists in their invasion of Afghanistan. This involved not only providing diplomatic support for the U.S. to set up military bases in Central Asia and for building the links between Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance insurgent forces and the invading imperialist forces but also actual direct military support to the Western imperialists. Iran provided intelligence to the invading U.S. military and even provided search and rescue for downed U.S. aircrew members fighting there. Moreover, when the capitalist rulers of imperialist-subjugated or otherwise imperialist-dependent countries are threatened by anti-capitalist revolt from their own revolutionary masses, even the most avowedly “anti-imperialist” of them will not hesitate to turn to the imperialists to help them prop up their own exploitative rule. A classic case of this occurred in Iraq in February 1963. This was a time when the Iraqi toiling masses were restive and the Iraqi Communist Party held great influence. Fearing socialist revolution, the country’s capitalists, represented through the Iraqi Baathist Party, collaborated with the CIA to launch a military coup to topple the government of then prime minister Abd al- Karim Qasim – who was seen as being not hard enough on the communists – and to carry out an anti-leftist purge. The Baathists murdered thousands upon thousands of communists and turned Iraqi foreign policy relations away from the USSR and towards the U.S. Soon after the Baathist coup, a massive arms deal was announced between the new Baathist government and the U.S. The Baathist party that carried out these pro-imperialist crimes is the same one that had participated in the 1958 anti-imperialist upheaval that culminated in the toppling of the pro-British, pro-U.S. monarchy. This Baathist Party that conducted the February 1963 pro-imperialist coup is also the very same party that vows that “anti-imperialism” is a central part of its ideology. At the time of their February 1963 coup, the Iraqi Baathists were actually united with the Syrian Baathists in one Arab “Socialist” Baathist Party. The Iraqi and Syrian wings only went their separate ways three years after the coup and president Assad today leads the Syrian Baathist government.
If it is wrong to call Syria and Iran “anti-imperialist states” then this is even more the case with Russia which is not a semi-colony subjugated by imperialist powers or otherwise dependent on imperialism. Capitalist Russia is, indeed, the only other military superpower in the world other than for the United States. Although the 1991-92 capitalist counterrevolution that destroyed socialistic rule there greatly weakened Russia’s economy, the country’s new capitalist rulers still inherited the former USSR’s powerful industrial and technological base. Of course, Russia is not anywhere near the planet’s main imperialist oppressor of “Third World” peoples – that title goes to the U.S. capitalist rulers and their allies like the British and Australian ruling classes. Russia is, however, probably somewhere between a middle capitalist power like Turkey and Saudi Arabia and a full blown imperialist one. Where it exactly fits in this spectrum is hardly the most important question facing socialists. We’ll leave that to be pondered by some leftist academics eager to boost their careers by stacking up their resumé with journal paper contributions. For active communists the point that matters is that Russia is not a semi-colony and is, at least, a middle capitalist power. That makes it even more wrong to refer to it as an “anti-imperialist state” than it is to do the same for countries subjugated by imperialism, since all middle powers want to be big imperialist ones. Suggesting that a middle capitalist power does not have ambitions of being a fully-fledged imperialist power is as ridiculous as claiming that medium-sized capitalist companies do not seek to become, one day, large-scale monopoly corporations. This is all the more so in the case of Russia whose ruling class can hark back to the vast capitalist-feudal empire that it had up until 100 years ago and under which it lorded over tens of millions of non-Russian people.
To be sure, the diplomatic rhetoric and propaganda broadcast by Russia today is different in tone to that used by, say, America. This, however, reflects merely their different current places in the world. Russia’s diplomatic language stresses multilateralism and a multi-polar world because it is an up and coming capitalist power and wants a diplomatic consensus that allows space for new powers like itself to break into the big league. In contrast, the U.S. sells itself on the diplomatic stage using American exceptionalism and the notion that the U.S. has a crusading duty to bring “freedom” to the world. That accords with the U.S. ruling class’ interests in maintaining itself as the top dog imperialist by seeking to justify special “rights” for itself to police – i.e. ride roughshod over – the world. Meanwhile, the German imperialists place slightly less stress on military action than, say, the U.S., Britain and France only because Germany is weaker militarily than any of them and, thus, prefers a world where its comparatively strong economic clout rather than its comparatively weak military muscle will be the decisive factor in determining its place.
The fact is that every capitalist ruling class that is not part of a country suffering imperialist domination either is an imperialist oppressor of semi-colonial and neo-colonial countries or wants to be one. That is why none of them can ever be considered part of an “anti-imperialist camp.” And as we have shown with the case of Syria and Iran, even the ruling classes of dependent capitalist countries that are currently in conflict – or have tense relations – with imperialist powers are far from consistently “anti-imperialist.” There are, indeed, two fundamental camps in the world but those camps are not a pro-imperialist camp and a supposed “anti-imperialist” camp. Rather, the two fundamental camps are, on the one hand, the capitalist ruling classes of the world and pro-capitalist “dissidents” in the socialistic countries and, on the other, the socialistic states, the class conscious working class and downtrodden of the world and the broader masses of the so-called “Third World” suffering under neo-colonialism. Yes, semi-colonial and dependent capitalist states can sometimes resist imperialism and we must wholeheartedly welcome and energetically support that when it occurs. And, in rare cases, ambitious capitalist powers in pursuit of their own interests can inadvertently play a helpful role by blocking the predatory designs of other powers – as Russia is currently doing in Syria. Yet, any of these capitalist ruling classes can switch, at other times, into playing a terribly reactionary role. Let us recall the role of capitalist Russia in Afghanistan, for example. We should firstly remember that the Russian capitalist ruling class has a big responsibility for the suffering of Afghan peoples. They are the ones who, with Washington, London, Berlin and Canberra’s massive assistance, smashed socialistic rule in the USSR and then immediately cut off the lifeline to the then secular-leftist government in Afghanistan which in turn led to the 1992 victory of the woman-hating, religious fundamentalist cutthroats. Later, this Russian ruling class, like that of Iran, gave much assistance to the 2001 imperialist invasion of Afghanistan. Russia provided intelligence and logistical support to the U.S./NATO/Australian forces, its troops conducted “search and rescue” missions to assist the imperialist forces and it provided big arms supplies to the West’s Northern Alliance proxies (see for example: Today, while Russia’s intervention in Syria is at this point having a positive effect, in Libya, Russia is, like other intervening capitalist powers, involved in a mad scramble for privileged access to Libya’s oil resources and future infrastructure contracts. This is serving to deepen the regional and tribal conflicts there. In a de facto alliance with French imperialism and staunch U.S. allies, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, Russia is backing with weapons, money and diplomatic cover one of the rival gangs of pro-imperialist Libyan “Rebels” brought to power by NATO in 2011 and which are, today, engaged in blood feuds with each other (for more details see:
The reality of the world is that all capitalist ruling classes, when they act abroad, do so not out of any real commitment to claimed foreign policy principles whether that be “anti-imperialism”, “spread of democracy”, “anti-terrorism” or “multi-lateralism” but in order to pursue their own greedy interests. Not only does this mean that we should not credit capitalist states currently in conflict with imperialism – or otherwise impeding it in some theatres – as being part of a definite “anti-imperialist” camp, it also means that those capitalist states deemed to be part of the “pro-imperialist camp” can also have conflicts with each other. For example, two months ago a full-scale cold war erupted between staunch U.S. ally, Qatar, and other strong U.S. allies in the Middle East including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Eqypt, Yemen and Bahrain. The tensions between the two sides are so intense that the opponents of Qatar have not only imposed crippling economic sanctions on that tiny country but have blockaded Qatar’s only land border and denied Qatari aircraft access to their airspace. One of their points of anger with Qatar is that it has relatively good relations with Iran, even while Qatar hosts a massive U.S. air base and is third only to the Western powers and Turkey in backing the Syrian “Rebels.” Since the crisis began, Qatar’s ties with Iran have continued to strengthen and, to a lesser extent, their relations with Russia too. Meanwhile, at the time this article is being written, Turkey, the main regional backer and most aggressive diplomatic supporter of the Western-backed Syrian “Rebels” is experiencing a deterioration in relations with NATO countries while its ties with Moscow are rapidly improving and relations with Iran are warming too. It has even been reported that Turkey, to the anger of other NATO members, is on the verge of signing a massive deal to buy S-400 anti-aircraft missiles from Russia. There is no certainty that relations between Russia and Turkey will continue to advance given that they currently still back opposing sides in Syria and given their mutually conflicting plays for influence in Central Asia and the Caucuses. However, say that these capitalist powers do draw even closer together by cutting a deal over Syria (that would likely see one or the other of them stabbing in the back the side it is currently supporting in the conflict there). Will the adherents to the anti-Marxist notion of “anti-imperialist capitalist states” then quietly move Turkey over into the “anti-imperialist” category and start denouncing any criticism of the Turkish regime’s brutal attacks on leftists, trade unionists and the country’s cruelly oppressed Kurdish minority?
Whether or not the rulers of another capitalist country currently have good relations with the U.S. and Australian regimes does matter in terms of the emphasis of the work of leftists living here. It would be wrong for leftists to make the primary focus of our work opposing a capitalist state that currently has tense relations with one’s “own” ruling class. That is why we are not going around organising rallies against the anti-working class privatisations and attacks on racial minorities of the Putin government. Furthermore, we make clear that we oppose the sanctions that our “own” capitalist rulers – and that of allied powers have put on Russia. Rather, the actions we organise – and the headlines of our publications – are overwhelmingly targeted against the anti-working class measures and brutal racist attacks of the Australian capitalist regime at home and that of allied capitalist ruling classes like those of the U.S., Britain and South Korea. However, to have such an emphasis in our work is very different to acting as “left” apologists for whatever capitalist states are deemed to be “anti-imperialist.” To do the latter is to spit on exploited masses in these countries and their struggles. Furthermore, it serves to undermine progressive struggles here because it undermines workers’ understanding that none of the capitalists can be relied on to provide anything positive for the masses and every step forward for our liberation will have to come from our own efforts united with all of the oppressed.
The liberal notion that some capitalist powers are “anti-imperialist” is a significant part of what has led many activists who initially did positive work on the Syria issue, both overseas and here, to lead the movement into a disastrous – and, ultimately, politically suicidal – course. They have reduced the struggle against imperialism to one that consists mainly of cheering and apologising for those states that they deem to be “anti-imperialist” and of “critically” supporting those local capitalist politicians that show sympathy for these states. This is directly counterposed to what is actually needed for an effective anti-imperialist movement in Australia and other Western countries: hard work to mobilise the working class at home in a struggle connecting opposition to the capitalist regime’s attacks against the masses at home with mobilisation against the regime’s imperialist interventions abroad. Such a perspective is based on the simple fact that the imperialist enemy of ex-colonial countries like Syria, East Timor, PNG and the Philippines is also the capitalist exploiter and oppressor of the working class and poor at home. An important part of realising this perspective is through strengthening the workers movement and liquidating threats to its unity by mobilising mass actions to smash the fascists – not seeking common ground with fascists as some in the Hands Off Syria groups have done. Indeed, the anti-imperialist movement that must be built would seek its strongest bases of support amongst the very people who are under attack from the fascists – who are one and the same people most oppressed in this society. Thus, Muslim people, as well as more broadly Middle Eastern, Asian and African communities, who are targeted by the fascists also cop abuse, discrimination and media demonization in this society and, thus, can be less wedded to believing the propaganda of the establishment. Meanwhile, another target of the fascists, LGBTI people, whatever their legal status ends up, know that this society remains full of prejudice against them and this leads many of these people to be suspicious of “mainstream” society’s political agendas. Most importantly, Aboriginal people who, because they face such brutal police and redneck terror and all-round discrimination, have every reason to be distrustful of anything the Australian state does – whether at home or abroad. Indeed, throughout Australia’s post- 1788 history it is often the very same people involved in the subjugation of colonies and ex-colonies abroad who are orchestrating racist violence against Aboriginal people at home. This goes right back to the 1800s. Thus, some of the police officers most notorious for overseeing massacres of Aboriginal people during the late nineteenth century frontier wars in Queensland had also served in enforcing British colonial subjugation of the people of China and New Guinea.
It is the working class that has the interest and power to spearhead the fight against imperialism. Above Left, May Day in Australia, 1955: Members of the Seamen’s Union of Australia (one of the unions which later merged to form the MUA) march with a banner opposing the presence of Australian troops in then British-occupied colonial Malaya. The Australian forces had joined their British counterparts in a dirty war against the Malayan Communist Party which was fighting a brave guerrilla war against British colonial subjugation. Above Right: In 1967 the Seamen’s Union took industrial action refusing to crew two Australian cargo ships, the Boonaroo and Jeparit, which had been chartered to carry supplies, ammunition and reinforcements to the Australian troops fighting their brutal war against heroic Vietnamese leftist revolutionaries. This powerful, mutinous action concretely hurt the U.S./Australia war campaign and was much more terrifying to the imperialist rulers than those particular protest rallies (even very large ones) that simply begged the rulers for peace from a point of view of loyalty to the capitalist order. To harness the anti-imperialist potential of the workers movement requires building internationalist unity between workers of different countries and multi-racial unity between workers at home. The struggle against nationalism and racism – and its fascist shock troops – is thus key to unleashing the power of Australia’s multi-racial working class against imperialism and capitalism. Below, Dandenong, Melbourne, July 2015: Unionised workers at Aspen Pharmaceutical of all different racial backgrounds united on the picket line in the fight for decent working conditions. Photo credit AMWU website
It would be helpful to the struggle against neo-colonialism if some of those involved in Hands Off Syria groups who are repulsed by the movement’s softness on the Far Right will fully understand what is wrong with the movement’s left-liberal perspective and can, thus, turn their talents towards the building of a working class-based anti-imperialist movement. Trotskyist Platform is ready to assist any of the most sincere of these activists to make such a political self-clarification. We also look forward to working in a united front manner to build the anti-imperialist struggle with any activist who had been involved in Hands Off Syria groups who is prepared to publicly condemn the groups’ acceptance of some of their leaders’ association with fascists. As to the left groups that continue to support the imperialist-backed forces in Syria, they need to have their views exposed and thoroughly discredited. That is an important part of clearing the obstacles standing in the way of building a powerful anti-imperialist movement.
Sydney, 23 April 2017: Trotskyist Platform signs at a Hands Off Syria rally held in the wake of the U.S. missile attack on Syria.
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