Above photo (Reuters): Israeli police attack brave Palestinian protesters and worshippers at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque complex, Islam’s third-holiest site. These despicable Israeli attacks using rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades was the prelude to their launching of murderous air strikes against the people of Gaza.
Stand with the Palestinian People! Defend Their Resistance!
Socialistic China: More Assertively Condemn Israel’s Brutal Violence!
13 May 2021: Israel’s military is slamming missiles into the already embattled population of Gaza. They have destroyed several civilian housing blocks. Already, in just a few days, Israeli forces have killed 83 people in Gaza – including 17 children. The workers movement around the world and all opponents of racism must stand with the Palestinian people against the Israeli terror machine. Israeli military, cops and right-wing colonising settlers get out of all of the West Bank and Gaza!
The immediate prelude to Israel’s latest air strikes was Israel’s push to evict Palestinian people from a Jerusalem neighbourhood to make way for Israeli settlements. When Palestinians protested they were met with brutal attacks by Israeli police and a fascist Israeli settler group. Israeli police then repeatedly unleashed rubber-coated steel bullets into Palestinians gathered in worship and protest at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holiest sites of Islam. These despicable assaults left hundreds injured. Many worshippers are now fighting for their lives. Palestinian people then retaliated. Palestinians are resisting not only in the Occupied Territories. Palestinians who live within Israel’s pre-1967 boundaries have bravely defied police and far-right mob attacks to protest and raise Palestinian flags over buildings. Now the Israeli regime, headed by the corrupt butcher Netanyahu, is threatening Gaza with a full-scale assault like the genocidal attack of 2014.
Israel gets away with massacring Palestinian people because of the massive support it receives from the Western capitalist powers, especially the USA. New U.S. president Joe Biden is carrying on from where rabidly anti-Palestinian Donald Trump left off. Today, Biden defended Israel’s murderous attacks on Gaza, proclaiming his “unwavering support for Israel’s security.” To make Israel retreat, we must force the U.S. and the other imperialists, like the Australian regime, to back off from their support for Israel. Down with all U.S. and Australian military and economic support for Israel!
We need to stop Australia’s capitalist rulers from doing harm to the Palestinian cause. However, we should not be looking to them to make a positive intervention. They never will! The U.S. built up Israel to be a Cold War ally against the socialistic USSR in the Middle East and as an enforcer of U.S. domination of the region’s oil wealth. From invading Lebanon, to unleashing attacks on Syria, Iran and other neighbours, to assisting the CIA to overthrow “disobedient” governments, Israel sure has played that role! Today, as socialistic China’s mutually beneficial engagements with some Middle Eastern countries “threatens” to allow these countries to gain a degree of independence from the U.S., Washington needs Israel more than ever. Hence it is willing to allow its Israeli attack dogs to operate on a longer leash. Australia’s ruling class, whether served by Liberal or Labor governments, supports this, because they want to maintain U.S. domination of the world. It is U.S. might that underwrites the Australian imperialists’ exploitation of the South Pacific and beyond.
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Moreover, Australia’s rulers have a special affinity with their Israeli counterparts. For they have much in common. While Israel’s rulers benefit from being Washington’s deputy sheriff in the Middle East, Australia’s rulers enthusiastically play a similar bullying role in the South Pacific. Furthermore, while Israel was built on the murderous ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, White capitalist Australia was built through the even more genocidal dispossession of Aboriginal people. Today, the Australian regime continues to brutally oppress Aboriginal people. Closer to Palestine, the Australian regime has participated in both invasions of Iraq. Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, Australian troops have been committing such horrific acts of torture and murder of Afghan children, peasants and prisoners that it has shocked even soldiers from the U.S. military. Then when people try to flee the carnage resulting from such imperialist marauding, the Australian regime imprisons them for years in hell-hole refugee detention camps. Such a racist, imperialist regime can never be a friend of the Palestinian people! Moreover, even if the Australian regime and “like-minded” powers did intervene into Palestine under the guise of “bringing peace” they would do far more harm than good.
The biggest problem with appealing to Australia’s imperialist rulers to help the Palestinian people is that this undermines opposition to these imperialists. By depicting Australia’s racist rulers as a potential saviour of one people facing genocidal oppression, it undercuts Aboriginal people’s struggle against the barbaric oppression that they are copping from these very same rulers. Moreover, any allusion to a possible progressive role for the Australian regime makes the Palestinian solidarity movement dial back its opposition to this capitalist regime in the hope that it can be won over to their side. Such a half-opposing, half-appealing movement will not trouble the capitalist rulers. They will simply ignore it! What we need is a movement that will be irreconcilable in its opposition to Australia’s imperialist rulers. In other words, we need a movement that will scare the regime with the threat that if it continues to back Israel this will lead to greater and more militant social struggle against it. What can most frighten the Australian regime is if workers take industrial action against the capitalists whom this regime serves as part of demanding an end to support for Israel. Such action can be built because it is in the very interests of the working class to undermine the U.S. imperialist godfather – and hence America’s crucial Israeli ally – that protects the power of the capitalist class that exploits workers here.
In equal proportion that they hide and excuse Israel’s crimes, the U.S. and its Five Eyes partners have hysterically accused China of committing “genocide” against its Muslim Uyghur minority in China’s northwest. This claim is a complete lie! It is only backed by the same Western imperialist powers that are propping up Israel. Not one Muslim-majority country has endorsed this accusation. Instead, most Muslim-majority and Arab countries have positively praised China’s treatment of Uyghurs, including Palestine’s UN representatives. The small minority of anti-China Uyghurs that Washington is backing are led by filthy rich capitalists who want to overturn China’s socialistic system. They want to establish in China’s northwest a regime servile to Western imperialism like the UAE and Bahraini regimes that collaborate with Netanyahu. If we are to focus the world on the real genocidal subjugation of Palestinian people and the racist oppression of Aboriginal people and also Muslims, Asians and other people of colour in Australia, then we must completely rebuff the West’s lying accusations against China. There is another reason that we must reject these lies. The growing strength of Red China could allow some Middle Eastern countries that choose to befriend her greater room to support the Palestinian struggle. During the period of the existence of the USSR, that socialistic country similarly enabled countries like Syria, Libya and Iraq to have greater independence from the imperialists and that allowed them to provide some backing for Palestinian resistance. This was always inconsistent and very partial as these countries remained under capitalist rule. However, it allowed the Palestinian resistance to be in a much stronger position than it is in today. Similarly, a rising socialistic China will be good for the Palestinian people – just as it is a good thing for the working class and all others hurt by capitalist rule in Australia and worldwide. That is why all supporters of the Palestinian cause and all working class people must stand with socialistic China against the Cold War drive of the U.S. and Australian capitalist regimes.
Indeed, as the world’s only non-capitalist power, China’s rulers are one government that Palestine supporters should seriously appeal to. Unlike Washington and Canberra, Beijing has somewhat sided with the Palestinians. However, its support is way too mild. China’s rulers pursue a policy of “friendly coexistence” with imperialism in the hope that the capitalist powers will not undermine China. This is a failed policy – the imperialist powers are doing everything possible to crush socialistic China. We say to the Chinese people: the only way to protect your great achievements won through socialism is to wake up from the dream of “coexistence” with imperialism and to, instead, build solidarity with the toilers and oppressed also targeted by imperialism. This means, China must more aggressively support the Palestinian cause!
Even when not unleashing bombs, Israel brutally subjugates the Palestinian people. It evicts ever more Palestinians from their homes and even destroys their water infrastructure. It consigns most Palestinians to a hellish life. But even for many working class Jewish people, Israel is not great. They face high unemployment and non-European Jews, especially from Africa, face racist discrimination. The growth of extreme right-wing groups incited by the regime’s ever more vicious oppression of Palestinian people threatens non-white Jews still further and endangers trade union activists and women’s rights activists too. In the end, the only people who clearly benefit from the Zionist project are the U.S., its allies and Israel’s capitalists who use racial supremacist notions to keep the masses that they exploit loyal to them.
Today, a small number of Israeli Jews courageously refuse to endorse the subjugation of Palestinian people. In the end they must prevail. For the fact that alongside the huge number of Palestinian people killed in the last few days, seven Israelis have also died proves that the Zionist project is not sustainable. Like a bullying resident who constantly impeaches on all their neighbours’ land but then finds out that being hated by all their neighbours is no fun at all, a chunk of the Jewish working class in Israel will eventually realise that living in a racialist state, built on ethnic cleansing Arabs from land in a region surrounded by 350 million Arabs, is a stupid idea. Yet the massive support that Israel receives from the U.S., Australian and other Western imperialist regimes presently allows the Israeli ruling class to dupe most of the masses that they exploit with the fallacies of Zionism. That is why it is so crucial that we resist the U.S. and Australian regimes that support Israel’s terror. Let us make the nest of Zionist expansionism fall by vigorously shaking the imperialist branches on which it is perched and which give it support! For workers industrial action to oppose U.S. and Australian backing for Israel! Encourage the brave Palestinian resistance and any brave acts of solidarity by pro-Palestinian, leftist Jews in Israel!
Free Chan Han Choi – Socialist Political Prisoner in Australia
Choi’s Efforts to Help the People of North Korea
Evade Killer Sanctions Were Heroic
The Imperialist Warmongers Who Crafted the Sanctions Are the Real
Chan Han Choi accepts plea deal.
Choi tried to broker import of oil to North Korea and export of North Korean coal, pig iron and other items.
Prosecution withdraws bogus charges about brokering assistance to WMD programs.
Choi no longer charged with brokering export of missiles but accepts charge of export of arms.
It was to help the people of North Korea provide for themselves that Choi brokered deals to help them trade in violation of the cruel economic sanctions.
Lift the starvation sanctions on the people of North Korea!
The sentencing hearing will not be fair! All organs of the Australian capitalist state discriminate against Choi because of his sympathy and allegiance to the socialistic DPRK.
McCarthyist repression in Australia threatens the workers movement, whistleblowers and democratic rights.
In supporting a socialistic system, Choi is also standing by the more than 90% of Australia’s and the world’s population who would benefit from such a system. We must now stand by him.
Let’s demand: No criminal conviction at all for Chan Han Choi!
In a fair society Choi would be given not jail time but showered with awards and medals for heroism and compassion!
10 February 2021– Chan Han Choi today pleaded guilty to two charges of attempting to broker trade deals that would have violated crippling United Nations economic sanctions on the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, i.e. North Korea). This followed a plea deal with the Australian regime which saw the capitalist regime withdraw its two most sinister sounding charges against Choi. Those charges had alleged that Choi tried to broker deals to help the DPRK export items that could help a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program. As we have long said, those WMD charges were thrown in purely to hype up the case and build up public hostility against Choi. They never had a factual basis. The regime’s dropping of these two charges confirms the witch-hunting motivation behind their inclusion in the original indictment.
Sixty-two year-old Choi will soon face a sentencing hearing. This will likely be within two to four months. He had already been imprisoned for nearly three years from the time of his arrest in December 2017 until he was finally granted bail last November. Even when Choi was granted bail, the bail conditions imposed on him were one of house arrest. So even as Chan Han Choi heads into his sentencing hearing, this Australian citizen, who migrated from South Korea 33 years ago, remains a left-wing political prisoner in Australia. Now prosecutors want to throw Choi back into jail arguing that the three years in prison is not enough.
Today the Australian regime’s prosecutors tried to
have Choi’s bail revoked in the lead up to his sentencing hearing. However, the
judge rejected their bid. The prosecutors’ main argument was the same wacko
conspiracy theory that they had pushed at all his earlier bail hearings: that
North Korean agents would sneak into Australia and secretly spirit Choi away.
Like the creators of the loony, far-right, QAnon “theory”, the Australian
regime does not itself believe this conspiracy theory that it is spreading.
In today’s deal, Choi pleaded guilty to trying to broker the export of coal from the DPRK to an entity in Indonesia. The other charge Choi pleaded guilty to sees several attempted deals brokered by Choi rolled into a single charge – the import of petroleum products from Iran to the DPRK, the export of DPRK inertial measurement units (used for steering aircraft, drones and other items) and the export of arms from the DPRK. An additional concession by Choi was that he attempted to broker the sale of pig iron from North Korea to a company in South Korea. This brokering service will, however, (as per a schedule pursuant to Section 16BA of the Crimes Act) not receive a separate sentence but may be taken into account at his sentencing on the two actual charges.
Lift the Starvation Sanctions on the
People of North Korea!
The capitalist regime and the big business and regime-owned media have tried to hype Choi’s case by focusing on one of the original charges that the regime alleged against Choi – that he attempted to broker the export of North Korean missiles abroad. The prosecution ended up making a concession on this by modifying the charge to one of brokering the sale of arms rather than missiles. What these arms actually are is being contested between the prosecution and defence. But most of the deals Choi tried to organise are ironically some of the very same quantities that form the bulk of Australia’s own trade. He tried to organise the exports from the DPRK of iron and coal and the import of petroleum products. Yet, while entities in Australia are able to engage in huge amounts of such trade, the people of North Korea are prohibited from engaging in any such trade by the UN sanctions. Indeed, the sanctions are so severe that they ban almost all of North Korea’s exports. Given that North Korea is a country with steep mountains and harsh winters with a population almost identical to that of Australia’s, while having a 64 times smaller area, the country must import food and medicines to feed and provide health care for her people. Thus, by cutting off her exports and thus her ability to acquire the hard currency needed to buy food, medicines and other essential items for her people, the UN sanctions are causing the premature deaths of tens of thousands of Korean people. The sanctions imposed upon the people of North Korea are the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any people of any country. Less severe sanctions imposed on the people of Iraq from 1990 onwards caused the premature deaths of some 1.7 million people. Even the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), an agency under the very same United Nations that imposed the sanctions on Iraq, admitted that in the first ten years of the sanctions about half a million Iraqi children under age of five had been killed by the sanctions (see: https://www.independent.ie/world-news/sanctions-have-killed-500000-iraqi-children-26114461.html).Although the DPRK’s economic system based on public ownership and socialist planning is better able to manage the extreme scarcity caused by sanctions than capitalist Iraq was, the sanctions still cause enormous suffering to her people.
Dehydrated and malnourished, seven-month-old Sahra is comforted by her grandmother in Baghdad, 1998. At that time, 30 percent of Iraq’s children under five were malnourished because of the shortage of food and medicine as a result of the UN sanctions. By attempting to help people in the DPRK trade with people abroad in violation of even crueller sanctions than the ones imposed previously on Iraq, Chan Han Choi committed truly heroic, humanitarian deeds aimed at helping the people of North Korea avert the kind of calamity that Iraqi children and adults endured. Photo credit: GICJ/Al-Arabiya
It was to help the people of North Korea feed and provide for themselves that Choi organised deals to help them trade with people abroad in violation of the cruel economic sanctions. Choi was motivated by a compassionate desire to help the people battered by sanctions and not at all by personal gain. Especially after seeing first hand the suffering of people living in rural areas caused by both the sanctions and the military pressure that the U.S.-led imperial powers have imposed on North Korea (which has forced North Korea to divert much greater resources to defence than she would want to), Choi resolved to do whatever he could to help the people.
Chan Han Choi thanks supporters waiting at a park to cheer him on as he travels back to his residence of house arrest from his mandatory reporting at a police station. The supporters had gathered following a protest march on 17 December 2020 demanding the dropping of all charges against this socialist political prisoner.
Choi’s actions can be compared to that of a handful of Solomon Islanders and Australians who in the 1990s used speedboats to run a blockade of Bougainville Island and smuggle in medicines to the people of the island. The people of the PNG island of Bougainville had risen up in the late 1980s after Australian-owned mining giant CRA (now part of Rio Tinto) arrogantly refused to compensate the Bougainville people for destroying a large part of the island through a massive copper and gold mine. In order to protect the super profits of CRA’s corporate bosses, the Australian regime provided arms, training, mercenaries and military advisers to its PNG puppets in order to get them to wage war on Bougainville’s people. The blockade alone killed some 15,000 people. However, the actions of the heroes who violated the blockade to provide medicines to the Bougainville people saved the lives of so many who would have otherwise also died.
Chan Han Choi’s efforts to help the people of North Korea evade sanctions can also be compared to those people who during the Nazi regime in Germany and the Nazi occupation of other countries risked their own lives to provide sanctuary to communists, Jews, Roma and gays and lesbians being hunted down by the fascist regime. Like the deeds that Choi has pleaded guilty to, their actions were also illegal but completely correct, heroic and compassionate.
Chan Han Choi at his bail residence where he is under house arrest. Photo credit: Trotskyist Platform
Although we completely defend and honour Choi’s brave efforts to help the people of North Korea evade crippling sanctions, we strongly urge people in Australia not to themselves attempt such actions. For although such deeds would be completely correct from a moral point of view, the chances of getting caught are way too high. When one is aware of the massive policing and spy resources unleashed in the surveillance, arrest and prosecution of Choi – including intercepts of phone calls – it becomes obvious just how focused the Australian regime is on persecuting supporters of socialistic states. After all, the police and spy agencies in capitalist countries like Australia exist not to defend the interests of the masses but only those of a small wealthy exploiting class. And part of enforcing the interests of the capitalist exploiting class is to attack those states formed from the overthrow of capitalism – like the DPRK, Cuba and the Peoples Republic of China. We do not want other kind-hearted people who see the cruelty of the sanctions on the people of North Korea to suffer the way that Choi has. Let’s not forget that Choi was not only imprisoned for three years but made to endure especially harsh conditions in jail. Choi spent most of his time in prison in one of the Australian regime’s most notorious prison camps – Long Bay Prison “Hospital.” This was the very same prison and section of Long Bay jail where six racist prison guards crushed to death 26 year-old Aboriginal man, David Dungay, in circumstances very similar to the infamous racist police murder of George Floyd in the U.S. in May of last year.
We in Trotskyist Platform believe that the best strategy to serve the interests of working class people is not individual covert action – however heroic – but open, collective, mass action. We call on all those who see the terrible cruelty of the sanctions on the DPRK to join the political campaign to get the sanctions lifted. And here again Chan Han Choi is significant. Because by standing strong on his political opposition to the sanctions and even bravely denouncing these sanctions while in prison (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTlumqtaguo), Choi has inspired opposition to these sanctions. Choi’s brave stance combined with the political movement in his defence, which has from the start combined the demand to free Choi with the call for the lifting of the economic sanctions on North Korea, has meant that the campaign against the sanctions is now stronger in Australia than it has ever been. And with China now openly calling for the easing of the sanctions on North Korea, a determined global activist campaign against these sanctions can have a serious impact.
The Real Criminals and What Drives
The list of real criminals involved in Choi’s matter definitely does not include Chan Han Choi himself. The biggest criminals involved are the imperialist rulers who repeatedly arm twisted the world to acquiesce to successively more severe sanctions on the DPRK. Chief of these were the leaders of the United States. But they were enthusiastically supported by the Australian, Japanese, South Korean and British regimes. Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George Bush, Scott Morrison, Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Shinzo Abe: these are biggest criminals in this matter. They have helped enact sanctions on the people of North Korea that are an indirect form of murder. The ASIO and Australian Federal Police officers, prosecutors and judges involved in Choi’s persecution – and, thus, in enforcing these sanctions – also bear some responsibility for the death and suffering that these sanctions have caused.
The excuse that the imperialist rulers make for imposing sanctions on the people of North Korea is that it is punishment for the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program. This is breathtaking hypocrisy! The U.S. has 5,800 nuclear warheads, France 290, Britain 215, India 150 and Israel 90 while the DPRK has just 30 to 40. Meanwhile, just two weeks ago, Australia joined with other countries most opposed to the DPRK like the U.S., Britain, France, Japan and South Korea in refusing to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Let’s never forget too that it is not the DPRK that has dropped atomic weapons on human beings. It was the U.S. regime that did that when they heinously dropped nuclear weapons on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Indeed, completely contrary to all the Western propaganda about North Korea, the DPRK is no military threat to any peoples. The DPRK and the PRC are, in fact, the only two nuclear powers that have not been involved in any wars over the last forty years. It is not North Korea’s army that killed hundreds of thousands of people by invading and occupying first Afghanistan and then Iraq. That was the American, British and Australian regimes that committed those crimes.
The DPRK’s development of nuclear weapons is not for predatory imperialist purposes but as deterrence against attack from the capitalist powers. Their aim is to protect the people of socialistic North Korea from a capitalist attack like that seen during the 1950-1953 Korean War. That war resulted in some two to three million North Korean people perishing when the DPRK was attacked by a combined force of the U.S., Australia, South Korea and other U.S. allies who heinously and repeatedly obliterated entire North Korean cities by burning them to the ground with napalm dropped from the air (the DPRK with the PRC’s assistance did heroically manage to fight the invading armies to a standstill in that war).
The DPRK’s intentions are proven by what happened soon after the DPRK achieved a demonstrable nuclear deterrence capability at the end of 2017. The DPRK’s development of a deterrence capability actually quickly led to greater stability in the region – at least in the short and medium terms. The U.S. and South Korean regimes realized that the DPRK could not be bullied as easily as previously. The South Korean capitalist regime went from joining the U.S. and Australia in massive threatening war games against North Korea to jointly fielding an ice hockey team with their North Korean counterparts at the February 2018 Winter Olympics – the first time that the two Koreas have ever fielded a joint team at an Olympic Games. Two months later – just five months after North Korea’s last and most successful intercontinental ballistic missile test – the first summit in 11 years between the leaders of North and South Korea was held. A further six weeks later, the first ever summit between a leader of North Korea and a president of the U.S. was held – which was less than nine months after then U.S. president Trump had threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea.
So why are the rulers of the U.S., Japan, Australia and certain other countries so hell-bent on squeezing the people of North Korea? There are two closely related reasons. Firstly, the DPRK is a socialistic state where the working class masses hold state power – albeit in a bureaucratically deformed manner. Secondly the DPRK is a neighbour and ally of the world’s most powerful socialistic state, the Peoples Republic of China. By putting the squeeze on the people of North Korea through severe economic sanctions, the capitalist powers hope to undermine socialistic rule in both North Korea and China. They want to do this for three reasons. Firstly, as long as the working class hold state power in China and North Korea – in however an imperfect and tenuous form – the powerful capitalists who dominate the economies of the richer countries are not able to “freely”exploit the working class masses of these countries the way that their corporations superexploit and plunder the capitalist developing countries in Asia like the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Indonesia. Secondly, the mere existence of states like the DPRK and PRC that have freed themselves from domination by wealthy Western and Japanese capitalists frightens the imperialist rulers of the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Britain. For they fear that this could encourage the masses of the ex-colonial countries to themselves give the imperialists the boot. Thirdly, there is the U.S. and Australian capitalists’ still greater fear. That is that if socialistic rule succeeds in the likes of China, North Korea and Cuba, workers in their own countries will be inspired to themselves start to challenge capitalist rule. When they see threats to their profits, the greedy capitalists will not recoil from using any means – even if that involves starving people through killer economic sanctions.
In that light, it is not at all wrong for a workers state whose people are being strangled by sanctions to raise money by selling arms. Choi’s attempts to raise badly needed hard currency for the people of North Korea by brokering the sale of arms is actually a life-saving act. Moreover, it is the height of hypocrisy for the Australian regime to be repressing others for allegedly selling weapons. The right-wing Coalition has openly proclaimed its intention to make Australia a top ten global arms exporter. Meanwhile, as an exposé by The Guardian revealed, Australian company Electro Optics Systems (EOS) has shipped large quantities of weapons to the militaries of Saudi Arabia and the UAE – the very militaries which have been spearheading the brutal Saudi-led war on Yemen that has killed over 233,000 people, displaced another three million people and brought mass starvation in what is today the world’s worst humanitarian disaster (see: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/jul/25/australian-weapons-shipped-to-saudi-and-uae-as-war-rages-in-yemen). Among the weapons that Canberra allows EOS to sell to the murderous Saudi and UAE militaries is the R400s weapons station for remotely operating missile launchers and cannons.
An Australian soldier shoots dead an unarmed Afghan prisoner in cold blood. One of the huge number of war crimes committed by the Australian military in Afghanistan. Because the regimes most hostile to North Korea are one and the same as the regimes most responsible for imperialist invasions and heinous murders of civilians and prisoners, any arms sold by North Korea will at least not end up in the hands of the biggest warmongers and war criminals in the world
To be sure weapons do kill. However, the fortunate thing
about any arms sold by the DPRK is that because the most dangerous imperialist warmongers
are also the DPRK’s greatest enemies, one can be confident that any arms sold
by the DPRK do not end up being used in the most hideous imperialist invasions
and acts of national oppression. So we can be confident that DPRK arms will not
end up in the hands of the troops that torture and massacre unarmed Afghan
peasants and civilians (Australia’s SAS special forces), the forces that committed
unspeakable atrocities in their invasion of Iraq (the U.S.-British-Australian
forces), the militaries that killed tens of thousands of Libyan people and sent
Libya into bloody turmoil ever since through their 2011 regime-change invasion
(the U.S./NATO militaries) and the army that murderously oppresses the
Palestinian people (the Israeli military). Instead, DPRK arms could actually
end up with genuine liberation forces like Palestinian resistance movements.
Let’s Demand: No Criminal Conviction
for Chan Han Choi!
None of the deals that Choi has pleaded guilty to brokering were actually finalised let alone proceeded to the actual trade of goods. In nearly all, if not all, the brokering that Choi did, even the prosecutors acknowledge that Choi himself cancelled the deals before he was arrested by police. If one wants an analogy, consider this. Imagine that you drive to a party where you plan to drink alcohol at the party and then drive home. Your friends tell you during the party that you should stop drinking because you plan to drive home. But you rebuff them. At the end of the night you get into your car to drive home drunk but at the last minute you change your mind and call a cab instead. Are you guilty of drink driving? No! But Choi is deemed guilty of brokering services because the laws enforcing the sanctions on the DPRK are so severe that even if you once try to broker a deal that you then cancel, that is deemed an offence. Of course the above analogy has limitations. Drink driving can be dangerous and can cause accidents that in the worst case can be fatal. In complete contrast, if Choi went ahead with the deals and was able to bring them to fruition he would have brought scarce hard currency to the consolidated revenue of the DPRK which would have enabled her to buy desperately needed food, medicine, fuel and agricultural machinery for her people. This would have actually saved people’s lives.
Given that what Choi is accused of are largely thought crimes and that none of the deals he brokered for a period actually came to fruition his offending is on the very low end of the laws that he has been prosecuted under. Moreover, Chan Han Choi has no prior criminal record whatsoever. All this means that even under the profoundly unjust laws that he is charged under, Choi should not get any punishment approaching a custodial sentence, let alone one in excess of three years that he has already been imprisoned for. Choi should only get a modest fine. However, that is only if the sentencing hearing is fair – notwithstanding the unfair laws that he is being charged under. The problem is that the sentencing hearing will not be fair! Everything that has happened to Choi since his December 2017 arrest proves that all organs of the Australian capitalist state discriminate against Choi because of his sympathy and allegiance to the socialistic DPRK. As Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer, stated about Choi’s period in jail at a February 1 rally held in Choi’s defence:
“Prison authorities obstructed Choi’s access to legal representation. His previous legal team was not able to make a physical visit to Choi for almost a whole year. Furthermore Korean-English interpreters were not allowed to accompany legal visits for a period of 16 months. The prison system also specially blocked Choi from being able to make phone calls to friends and even some family members. They also obstructed visits to Choi. They used dirty tricks to do this. For example, when friends first applied to visit Choi, Corrective Services for weeks said that they were processing the applications but then suddenly no applications could be found in their system. The following year when a key friend who was finally able to visit had to renew his annual permit to visit Choi, Corrective Services conveniently claimed to have again lost the application.
“The worst example of the discrimination that Choi has faced from the Australian regime occurred when prison health authorities refused his repeated written appeals to see a prison doctor over more than an eight month period. Choi’s health was deteriorating. He was suffering from severe unintended weight loss, stomach problems, rampant rashes and more. He was only finally seen by a doctor after he wrote a letter to Justice Health saying that they are indirectly trying to murder me and his supporters published this letter online. When finally he was allowed to receive treatment for this [it became apparent that] his diabetes had spiraled out of control. They found that this was the cause of most of his symptoms. The medical staff found that Choi’s blood sugar level had reached emergency levels. He needed emergency doses of insulin. However, he should have been receiving insulin treatment much earlier. The simple fact that he did not receive such treatment put him at great risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke. Even the United Nations states that the withholding of medical treatment from persons in places of detention is a form of torture.”
Meanwhile, for nearly three years, the capitalist regime rejected bail for Choi largely not because of the actual charges that he was facing but on the basis of the prosecution’s insistence that his political sympathy for the DPRK and his outspoken opposition to the cruel sanctions on the people of North Korea were a reason to reject bail. In other words, Choi’s imprisonment was a classic case of Cold War McCarthyist witch-hunting where a person’s sympathy for a socialistic state is deemed enough of a reason to deny that person’s rights – in this case the right to bail – that is otherwise afforded to others. Then when Choi went on trial last week (today’s plea deal ended the trial part-way through), he faced a playing field sloped steeply against him. Despite the research needed to address the complex technical aspects of his case, Legal Aid only allowed funding for Choi to have one barrister (who only came aboard in recent weeks after Legal Aid restored the funding that they had earlier cut off); while the regime arrayed massive resources dedicated to persecuting Choi including a legal team consisting of two barristers and an instructing solicitor who have spent years on the case; as well as a large number of police who have spent more than three years collecting “evidence” and seeking out “expert” witnesses. During the trial, the prosecution sought to sway the jury by slickly appealing to anti-communist prejudices that have been stirred up amongst the population by government and mainstream media and also by calling as witnesses war-mongering “experts” belonging to neo-conservative think tanks. Rather than exposing the obvious political bias of these “experts,” Choi’s Legal Aid-organised then barrister joined with the neo-conservatives in attacking North Korea and thus further prejudicing the jury against Choi. Due to a non-publication order imposed by the judge, we are unable to report why this barrister and Choi parted company two days ago. The judge ordered that the trial was to re-commence today at 10am after a new legal representative later announced to the court that he had taken up Choi’s case. However, the plea deal negotiated by Choi’s new legal representative and the Prosecutors went through this morning instead. The judge has censored all reporting of the circumstances that provided particular challenges to Choi’s new legal representative who took up the case just yesterday. However, we can report that these difficulties influenced Choi’s decision to accept a plea bargain on the eve of the trial’s scheduled re-commencement this morning.
In addition to the particular features of the way that Choi’s aborted trial proceeded there is over-riding political bias in the entire Australian court system. The courts are key organs of a capitalist state – that also includes the police, military, spy agencies, prisons and bureaucracy – that was created and is maintained for enforcing the interests of the numerically small, labour-exploiting class against the gigantic masses of the working class. A person could not rise to become a judge – especially a Supreme Court judge – unless they had already proven their loyalty to the capitalist order countless times on their way up. Although judges may preside over, let us say, a complicated murder trial in a fine way provided that the case does not intersect the questions of class and race, whenever a case touches these questions or, more so, when a case sees the interests of the working class and capitalist class arrayed on opposing sides, then the pro-capitalist bias of the judiciary comes to the fore. Chan Han Choi’s case is entirely a political one. And as a sympathiser of a socialistic state prosecuted for his acts in support of that state, Choi is fully on the receiving end of the pro-capitalist bias of the courts.
The capitalist regime really wants to impose a severe
penalty on Choi. For one they want to deter others from helping the people of
North Korea evade crippling sanctions. However, the regime’s main motivation to
hype up Choi’s “offences” is to create an irrational fear of North Korea and by
extension her PRC neighbor and ally. The Australian ruling class wants to use such
fears to justify to the masses their incessant Cold War drive against the PRC
and DPRK. They want us to wear the $270 billion of public funds that could be
used for badly needed public housing, public aged care, TAFE and childcare
being diverted into the purchase of new long-range missiles and other weapons. They
want us to accept ever more repressive laws justified on the basis of “protecting
national security” – like the draconian “foreign interference” laws. And they
want us to acquiesce to a witch-hunt against other supporters of socialistic
states – particularly sympathizers of Red China within Australia’s Chinese
Fortunately, there are also factors that give the Australian regime pause in how aggressively they hound Choi. For by engaging in an obviously political persecution of Chan Han Choi, the capitalist regime exposes the fraudulence of its stated commitment to the “rule of law” and “democracy.” This in turn undermines the ability of the regime to meddle abroad and attack its Cold War enemies on the basis of supposed “human rights” concerns. This is doubly so when one of the people that they are persecuting at home happens to be a supporter of one of the main targets of their [false] attacks over “human rights”. None of this bothered the capitalist regime when they first arrested Choi in December 2017. They expected that he would have no support and that the whole population would follow their demonisation of Choi like sheep. However, much to the Australian capitalist ruling class’ surprise things have turned out quite differently. A determined and active united front protest movement has been built in defence of Choi. The movement has exposed to people at home and abroad the ways that Choi’s rights have been violated and has brought to the fore the injustice inherent in the prosecution of a person trying to help people evade starvation sanctions. Now there is a political cost to the regime if it engages in the further persecution of Chan Han Choi. In the end that is why they had to reluctantly grant him bail last November. However, we defenders of Chan Han Choi should not rest on our laurels. The political climate can turn for the worse quickly and significant components of the capitalist regime are still hell bent on sending Choi to prison again.
Western Sydney, 17 December 2020: Demonstrators gather in the multi-racial working class suburb of Chester Hill to demand freedom for Chan Han Choi.
That is why in the lead up to Choi’s sentencing we must intensify our agitation and action in his defence. Let us build on the united front rally that we held early in the morning of February 1 in the lead up to Choi’s pre-trial hearing (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hup24xnKxUQ). We need to especially look to mobilize politically aware workers behind the campaign. This is very possible because defending Chan Han Choi is definitely in the interests of working class people. For one, as well as being a great humanitarian, Choi is a socialist who sympathises with North Korea because he likes that society’s egalitarianism. Whatever one thinks of North Korea’s leaders, the fact is that her people have built a system based upon socialist public ownership of the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. In supporting a socialistic system, Choi is also standing by the more than 90% of Australia’s and the world’s population who would benefit from having such a system themselves. To those hurt by the present capitalist system that causes such economic insecurity for working class people, that denies millions of youth stable, permanent jobs and that inflames such racist far-right violence and such turmoil in the U.S., Australia, India, Israel and other capitalist countries, we say that Choi has stood by you. We must now stand by him!
By defending Choi we are opposing the imperialist Cold War drive that his persecution is meant to fuel. The Australian capitalist regime’s Cold War drive is squarely against working class people’s interests. In targeting workers states abroad, this Cold War drive will inevitably be accompanied by attacks on workers’ unions and other workers’ organizations at home – just like the last Cold War against the Soviet Union. We don’t want exports to China that provides every Australian household with $17,000 extra in income on average to be disrupted because of the capitalist class’ obsession with crushing socialistic states.
What is also at stake in Choi’s trial is the future of the Australian regime’s anti-communist witch-hunt that Choi’s own persecution is very much part of. Many supporters of socialistic China have also been targeted in this McCarthyist witch-hunt. After organising a mass rally in Sydney in August 2019 that supported Red China’s sovereignty over its Hong Kong autonomous region, Chinese international students were subjected to threatening interrogations by ASIO. Even a NSW ALP politician was witch-hunted merely for praising China’s response to the pandemic. Meanwhile, Cold War repression has created such a national security obsession that it has made it easier for the Australian regime to persecute others with no direct connection to Cold War issues. Within nine months of their arrest of Choi, the Australian capitalist regime charged whistleblowers Bernard Collaery and Witness K for exposing the Australian state’s spying on East Timor and then David McBride for revealing the extent of Australia’s brutal and so shameful war crimes in Afghanistan. At the same time the national security obsession has enabled the Federal Police to conduct intimidating raids on trade unions like the CFMEU and the AWU. It has also made it easier for the regime to abet the U.S. and Britain’s persecution of Julian Assange.
McCarthyist repression in Australia threatens the workers movement, whistleblowers and democratic rights. Let’s strike a blow against it by defending its biggest victim: socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi. Let’s also strike a blow against the Cold War drive more broadly – a war drive that is completely against the interests of more than 90% of Australia and the world’s people. And let’s strengthen the movement against the cruel economic sanctions on the people of North Korea. Let’s do all this by mobilizing with great energy to stand by compassionate human being, Chan Han Choi, in the lead up to his upcoming sentencing hearing. Chan Han Choi must not receive any criminal record whatsoever let alone be thrown back into prison for trying to help the people of North Korea evade killer sanctions. In a fair society Choi would be given not jail time but showered with awards and medals for heroism and compassion!
Above photo: An Australian soldier shoots dead an unarmed Afghan prisoner in cold-blood. One of the huge number of war crimes committed by the Australian military in Afghanistan.
Stand with Afghan Peoples and the Working Class of Australia – Support China’s Forthright Condemnation of SAS Atrocities!
The Australian Military is the Capitalist Bosses’ Military. Not a Soldier, Not a Cent to this War Criminal Force!
Oppose Every Intervention by the Australian Military
The Australian Defence Force is Not Our Military – It is the Military of The Big End of Town Tycoons
Working Class Masses and All the Oppressed in Australia Should Say: Thank You Red China for Calling Out the True Horror of the Australian Capitalist Regime’s War Crimes
Growing Tensions Between Australia’s Capitalist Regime and the PRC
Standing with Socialistic China is in the Interests of Australia’s Working-Class Masses
The PRC Must Do Her Socialist Duty and Be More Consistent in Condemning the Australian Regime’s Atrocities
2 December 2020: Australia’s SAS special forces are on the move in Afghanistan. They run into two unarmed 14 year-old boys. The troops are suspicious of these boys’ allegiances. They don’t like the look of these kids. So Australia’s elite soldiers simply slit the throats of these children! In order to “clean up the mess,” the other troops bag the bodies of the murdered children and throw them into a river. This is just one of a huge number of war crimes committed by the Australian military in Afghanistan that whistleblowers have alleged. The whistleblowers have provided extremely compelling evidence of most of these atrocities. They have produced video footage of SAS troops shooting in cold blood civilians and unarmed prisoners. They also described how Australian forces would carry with them “throwdowns” (weapons, grenades, radios) in order to plant on the bodies of civilians that they murdered so that they could pass off their victims as combatants killed in conflict.
As a result of these widespread revelations of SAS atrocities in Afghanistan, the Australian regime was compelled to commission its own reports in order “to be seen to be” taking the issue seriously. The first, by military sociologist Samantha Crompvoets, described how Australian special forces would land by helicopter in an Afghan village, then open fire on men, women and children as they ran away. Then they would fabricate an excuse for their massacre – such as that the people were running away to grab weapons! Next, the troops would cordon off the village and drag the local men and boys to “guest houses” where they would be “tied up and tortured by special forces, sometimes for days.” When the Australian troops departed “the men and boys would be found dead: shot in the head or blindfolded and with throats slit.” As one solider told Crompvoets: “Guys just had this blood lust. Psychos. Absolute psychos. And we bred them.”
Finally, two weeks ago, a detailed report by Major General Justice Paul Brereton was released. It found that at least 39 Afghan civilians or unarmed prisoners had been “unlawfully killed” by Australian soldiers. Twenty-five soldiers were identified as perpetrators – some still serving in the military. However, this is just the tip of a massive iceberg. In addition to those incidents which the report outlines have a highly credible basis, the report details an even larger number of additional crimes that it describes as “unsubstantiated.” However, in most cases this is not actually because these war crimes were not committed but because of the culture of cover up. Moreover, given the cover-up culture and the fact that many Australian soldiers who witnessed crimes share the same despicable racism and cruelty as their fellow troops who perpetrated them, many of the atrocities may never come to light. The real number of Afghan civilians, peasants and unarmed prisoners that the Australian troops murdered is likely to be in the hundreds. And that is not even including the much larger number of civilians that they killed through indiscriminate airstrikes and artillery fire as part of the U.S.-led occupation of Afghanistan. The number of SAS troops who directly committed or abetted war crimes is also likely to be well over a hundred. Moreover, the number of troops complicit in these atrocities through silence and cover up is many, many times that number. In short, a very large proportion of the SAS was directly or indirectly involved in horrific racist war crimes against the people of Afghanistan.
The Brereton report was never aimed at honestly showing the Australian population the true horror of the military’s actions. Indeed, huge chunks of the report were blacked out when the public version was released. This includes entire reports on several of the war crimes, including one that the report describes as “possibly the most disgraceful episode in Australia’s military history” …. but which the public is not allowed to know about! This blatant censorship is aimed at moderating anger at the Australian military’s heinous crimes. Indeed, the whole point of the report was to put the disgusting atrocities in a context that dishonestly claims that the military is “overwhelmingly” dominated by troops that “performed skillfully, effectively and courageously” and where higher military officers had little responsibility for the war crimes. Although Brereton may well be correct in asserting that many of the war crimes were directly committed by SAS patrol commanders his claim that there is “no evidence that there was knowledge of, or reckless indifference to the commission of war crimes, on the part of commanders at troop/platoon, squadron/company or Task Force Headquarters level, let alone at higher levels …” is completely unbelievable. Given how many details of the atrocities leaked out into wider society, it is bleedingly obvious that higher military officers knew full well what their sergeants and corporals were perpetrating. Moreover, powerful evidence has emerged that top officers participated directly in some of the heinous crimes. Photos show a very senior officer insultingly sculling beer from a prosthetic leg illegally seized as a war trophy from a slain suspected opposition fighter. The fact is that the Brereton Report is a whitewash of Australia’s senior officers and the defence top brass – and that is what it was always designed to be! It recalls the senior Nazi leaders who after their removal from power claimed that they were not aware of the Holocaust being directly administered by their concentration camp guards!
Yet despite Brereton’s best efforts, the crimes committed by the SAS are so horrendous and so numerous that objective viewers reading his findings would nevertheless conclude that the Australian military is a war criminal-infested force. So no sooner had the report been issued, Australian politicians, the mainstream media and military leaders worked to downplay the significance of its findings. It is certainly fair to say that prime minister Scott Morrison initially described the report as “disturbing” and “distressing.” He had to. In order to be seen to be concerned about war crimes he had to say something but only just enough to acknowledge them. But he and the rest of the capitalist rulers skillfully worked to turn the focus away from the despicable crimes and the awful suffering of the Afghan victims. Morrison dishonestly claimed that the crimes were only committed by a “small number” of troops and emphasised the need to respect veterans and provide them with “absolute support.” Within days, uplifted by a militarist campaign by the Murdoch media, other right-wing forces, hawkish Labor MP Luke Gosling and veterans groups, Morrison pressured Australian Defence Force chief, Angus Campbell, to retreat from his initial firm promise to implement the Brereton report recommendation to strip the special forces of a group merit award. Somehow the SAS troops had become the victims in this saga who needed to be defended! Meanwhile, regime officials showed no genuine anger at the racist murder and torture committed by the Australian military. Instead, Morrison and Co. quickly moved to using “even-handed” terms to describe the revelations, insisting that this “is a very sensitive issue, we’ve got to be careful how we handle it.” The mainstream media have done their best to, in turn, downplay these horrors, one media commentator on ABC TV’s The Drum program even describing the horrific war crimes as mere misbehaviour by some troops.
However, all the Australian regime’s spin was cut to pieces when China’s foreign affairs spokesman, Zhao Lijian, posted a clearly computer-manipulated digital artwork on his personal twitter account that depicted an Australian solider with a knife to the throat of an Afghan child. The Chinese diplomat’s tweet accompanying the image stated: “Shocked by the murder of Afghan civilians and prisoners by Australian soldiers. We strongly condemn such acts, & call for holding them accountable.” Zhao Lijian’s incisive tweet cut straight to the significance of what the Australian military was doing in Afghanistan: this isn’t a “very hard issue” requiring a “balanced” response as the Australian ruling class was trying to sell us, no, their military is murdering children and other civilians in cold blood and needed to be unreservedly condemned for these ghastly crimes! Shocked by this plain-speaking exposure of the true horror of their crimes, the entire Australian ruling class from the right-wing government, to the ALP Opposition to the Greens screamed in unison that the tweet and its accompanying artwork were “offensive.” They were backed by all their media too, from the government-owned ABC to the Murdoch media to the outlets owned by the Nine group – including Channel 9, the Sydney Morning Herald and 2GB.
Morrison not only thundered that the Chinese government should apologise but desperately contacted Twitter in a failed attempt to have Zhao Lijian’s tweet taken down. The Liberal-National parties, which had championed the “right” of white supremacists to “free speech” by seeking to water down the section of the Racial Discrimination Act that outlaws racist insults, is showing what they really think of “free speech”. They want people to have the “right” to insult black, brown and yellow-skinned people but don’t want anyone to have the right to call out the true horror of the Australian regime’s racist atrocities.
The tweet by a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman that sent Australia’s capitalist rulers hopping mad. Zhao Lijian’s tweet, incorporating a political cartoon by Chinese artist Wuheqilin, cut through the Australian regime’s spin and highlighted the true horror of their war crimes in Afghanistan.
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Australian regime forces have been torturing and murdering children, farmers and unarmed prisoners in cold blood but as far as the Morrison government, the ALP, the Greens and the mainstream media are concerned … it is China that should apologise! The ruling class’ denunciations of the Chinese official’s tweet has exposed the complete insincerity of their claim to be trying to clean up their defence forces. Australia’s capitalist ruling class are far, far, more angry about – and determined to censor – criticism of their military’s war crimes than they are about the horrendous war crimes themselves. This is captured in a follow-up, still more brilliant, political cartoon by artist, Wuheqilin. In this work, the young Chinese artist depicts Australian troops shooting dead Afghan civilians with the entire Western media ignoring these atrocities and instead pointing their cameras at a young Chinese artist painting the horror of the bloody crimes; while Scott Morrison, holding an Australian flag draped over murdered Afghan people, screams at the artist, “apologize!!”
A follow up political cartoon by talented artist Wuheqilin brilliantly exposed the Australian media and ruling class who focused their attention and condemnation on those describing Australian military atrocities in Afghanistan while pointedly ignoring the actual war crimes.
In responding to the Chinese official’s tweet, the ruling class claimed that the image he tweeted was “fake” because it was not a real photo of an Australian solider with a knife to a child. But for something to be “fake” it has to be an attempt to pass itself off as something else. The popular Chinese artist who produced the image, Wuheqilin, was never trying to impute that he was using a real image. This was simply a political cartoon, a powerful and unnerving artwork. The artist never tried to pretend otherwise. The Australian regime’s fraudulent denunciation of the cartoon/meme as a “fake” was nothing other than a way of diverting from the substance of the work, which was to highlight the horrific nature of the Australian military’s actions and the fraudulent character of its claim to have been seeking “to bring peace” to the people of Afghanistan. If there are indeed real photos of Australian soldiers with knives to the throats of Afghan children – or that depict even worse atrocities – then these have not yet surfaced though the possibility that they may in the future cannot be discounted and if the Australian government is aware of their existence then they ought to admit to it. Certainly, the Australian regime’s nervous and somewhat nonsensical obsession with labelling a work of art as “fake” and “doctored” may suggest that defence minister Reynolds et al have something to hide.
All this did not stop Australia’s allies from springing to their defense. The U.S., Britain, France, Canada and Jacinda Adern’s New Zealand all joined in denouncing the Chinese official’s tweet. Notably, all the regimes seeking to squash unreserved condemnation of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan had themselves participated in the brutal occupation of Afghanistan – an operation that saw racist-imbued callousness cause these regimes to slaughter tens of thousands of Afghan people in “mistaken” airstrikes on wedding parties, hospitals and villages. The outrage of Australia’s capitalist rulers and their allies against the calling out of Australian military atrocities in Afghanistan is a case of: “war criminal regimes of the world unite!”
Every Intervention by the Australian Military
Australian troops were first sent to Afghanistan by the Howard Coalition government in 2001. Successive Labor and Liberal governments continued Australia’s participation in the Afghan war. The Australian troops were deployed in order to impose U.S. and NATO domination of the very distant land of Afghanistan and of the Western Asian region more broadly. In the process, they were supporting one Western-backed, reactionary male-chauvinist Afghan force against a rival reactionary, misogynist force – that was at the time not conforming to the predatory designs of the U.S. and West European imperialists – both of whom had previously been massively armed and funded by the U.S. and its allies against the leftist, Soviet-backed, pro-women’s rights government that had administered Afghanistan from 1978 to 1992. Just like their NATO and New Zealand allies, the Australian military action in Afghanistan had absolutely nothing to do with protecting the safety of their own country’s people … or any other people for that matter. So how were the troops to be motivated to participate in such a war? And how could the troops themselves justify in their own heads killing people from rival forces? In the end, the motivation given to the troops and given by the troops to themselves was largely racism. This included both the “respectable” white supremacist mantra that white men are “burdened” by the need to bring “civilization” and “Western values” to the dark-skinned peoples of the world and the more extreme racist notion that their Afghan opponents are savage, sub-humans. Moreover, while many soldiers may have initially been relatively innocent types driven into a cruel, racist outlook by the logic of the imperialist interventions that they were participating in and having to justify this to themselves, in other cases, already diseased racist elements volunteered because they knew that joining the Australian military gave them an opportunity to kill dark-skinned people with impunity. Little wonder then that, as a 2007 photo proved, Australian troops flew the fanatically racist Nazi flag during patrol on at least one of their army vehicles deployed in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, other Australian troops were seen in a 2012 photo brandishing the racist Confederate flag – the flag that glorified the enslavement of black people in the U.S. Given such an embrace of extreme racist “culture” it is little wonder that many troops went on to commit such despicable racist crimes likes slitting the throats of unarmed children and using civilians for live-fire target practice.
A photo taken in August 2007 supplied to Australia’s ABC News shows the hated Nazi flag hoisted over an Australian army vehicle in Afghanistan.
Yet these war crimes in Afghanistan are hardly an aberration. Throughout its history, Australian military forces have perpetrated the most hideous atrocities imaginable. In December 1918, Australian Light Horse Brigades and New Zealand mounted troops still stationed in the Middle East at the end of World War 1 responded to the death of a NZ soldier in a clash with a Palestinian man by bayoneting, shooting and beating the men in the Palestinian village of Surafend. They then burnt the village to the ground. In all the ANZAC forces massacred some 100 to 150 people. Not a single ANZAC soldier received any punishment for this hideous massacre.
Such war crimes inevitably flow from the very essence of the Australian military. The military serves a capitalist class in Australia who hold all the levers of political power. This class – the owners of the banks, industries, mines, transportation, communications infrastructure and major service outlets – makes their huge profits from the exploitation of workers’ labour. But in the stage of advanced capitalism, this capitalist class in the wealthier countries like Australia are not able to stay afloat by only ripping off their own workers. They must necessarily also seek out abroad new sources of labour to exploit, new treasures of raw materials to loot and new markets to dominate. However, such exploitation can only be guaranteed through the use and threatened use of military force. That is the primary reason for the existence of the Australian defence forces and Australia’s overseas intelligence agencies like ASIS. For example, through two separate interventions in East Timor, the Australian military were deployed to ensure that the political superstructure in that country was molded into one that facilitated the looting of Timor’s energy resources by Australian-owned corporations. During their second 2006 intervention, the Australian forces used their dominance of military power to help orchestrate a coup against then prime minister, Mari Alkatiri. They had Alkatiri removed because he was too insistent that East Timor receive a greater share of the oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea that was being plundered by Australian corporations, Woodside Petroluem and BHP. Two years earlier, ASIS spies planted listening devices in the building containing Alkatiri’s office in order to unfairly give the Australian regime the upper hand in negotiations with East Timor over the Timor Sea resources.
To help guarantee its marauding around the South Pacific and adjacent Asian region, the Australian ruling class needs the backing of an even more powerful imperialist bully. That bigger bully is the United States. That is why the Australian ruling class sends its military to participate in U.S.-led wars. It wants its godfather to remain all powerful so that this almighty power will be able to back its own stampeding within this region.
Many left-wing groups reduce the problem of Australian militarism to the fact that governments here have chosen to join U.S.-led wars. The implication behind this notion is that if only Australia was “freed” from its alliance with the U.S., its military would not wage reactionary wars and would not commit war crimes either. Certainly, the U.S.-Australia alliance should be opposed. But this is only because the alliance makes both the U.S. superpower and its junior Australian imperialist partner stronger. Australian rulers showing too little independence from the United States is however not the fundamental problem. Australia’s ruling class choose to follow behind the U.S. only because that helps guarantee their own imperialist looting closer to home. It is not that the U.S. is corrupting an otherwise noble Australian military. Let’s remember that even the murderous U.S. military found the Australian troops in Afghanistan especially brutal and racist. And that’s really saying something! For example, American marines were shocked when Australia’s SAS troops murdered a bound prisoner in 2012 after he would not fit into an American helicopter that came to pick up prisoners captured by Australian troops. Moreover, the Australian military’s participation in Australian-led wars has been just as reactionary and murderous as its involvement in distant “U.S. wars.” Take, for example, the Australian-ordered war against the Bougainville independence movement. The people of Bougainville had risen up in late 1988 against the arrogant destruction of their land and the despicable refusal to pay any meaningful compensation by Australian-owned mining giant CRA (which was later merged with a British firm to form Rio Tinto). So, the Australian regime – then led by Labor’s Bob Hawke – pressured its PNG neocolony to unleash war against the people of Bougainville. The Australian regime supplied PNG with arms, logistics and intelligence and completely led the war through Australian military planners and advisers and “ex”-SAS “mercenaries” who flew Australian-supplied Iroquois helicopters. Nearly 20,000 people in Bougainville were killed in the war and in the brutal blockade of the island imposed with Australian naval support and Australian-supplied patrol boats and aircraft. Of all the horrific atrocities committed in this war the worst were the ones unleashed by the Australian and New Zealand pilots flying the helicopter gunships. They indiscriminately strafed villagers with machine gunfire massacring countless numbers in the process.
That is why we oppose not only Australian participation in “U.S. wars” but equally oppose Australian-led military interventions too. We say: Australian military, police and spies get out of the South Pacific and East Asia!Australian troops get out of Afghanistan and the Middle East! Defend Afghan Peoples Against U.S. and Australian imperialism! We understand that for the capitalists of developed countries like Australia, engaging in imperialist super-exploitation of the poorer countries is not a choice but a necessity driven by the very nature of the capitalist system. Therefore, every intervention abroad by Australian regime forces will necessarily be driven by an imperialist aim and should be opposed regardless of how the ruling class tries to sell it.
The Australian Defence Force is Not Our Military – It is the Military of the Big End of Town Tycoons
In response to China calling out the full horror of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, the Australian ruling class have stoked base nationalism. “How dare China attack our military and our troops” is their message. However, the Australian military does not serve the interests of the overwhelming majority of this country’s people – it only serves the wealthy exploiting class who make up just 5 to 10% of this country’s population. This has always been the case. Following the 1788 colonial invasion, armed state forces and other “law enforcement” institutions were brought over from Britain or established here for two purposes. Firstly, they were to murderously dispossess Aboriginal people from their land and to then defend this colonial theft. Secondly, they were to enforce the exploitation of hired labour – originally built upon the brutal system of convict labour – by wealthy big property owners. To this day these fundamental, essentially intertwined purposes of maintaining a massive system of labour exploitation on a basis of a continent-wide, genocidal-minded, institutionalised and ongoing theft of land and resources have remained the basic raison d’être of the armed and police forces of Australia.
Every time that Australia’s armed state forces kill Aboriginal people or attack striking workers on a picket line or repress left wing social protests, the personnel making up these state institutions become more conscious of their purpose and more hardened to carry out their tasks in the service of the rich, labour-exploiting class. Moreover, each deed that the state forces commit against working class and Aboriginal people becomes part of the tradition and culture of their institutions. This pro-capitalist and racist culture is passed on from one generation of police, troops, prison guards, magistrates, judges, spies, diplomats and top bureaucrats to the next regardless of which political party may be in office. The culture and values of Australia’s bureaucratic and military personnel is, of course, supplemented by the contemporary ideological campaigns of the capitalist rulers. For example, it is undoubted that Australian troops murdering Muslim people in Afghanistan were influenced by all the Islamophobia spread by the ruling class and their media over the last two decades from the Tampa crisis, the so-called Children Overboard affair and on and on.
The subordination of state enforcement institutions to the capitalist class is reinforced continuously. The extreme wealth of the capitalists gives them a huge influence over society – including the ability to make all state institutions do their bidding. In the case of the Australian military, the threads tying the defence forces to the capitalists pass through the officers that lead the military. As highly paid and feted-by-society elements, higher up military officers are invited to the same official and semi-official events as corporate bigwigs – not to mention the same high-society functions. At all these events, the military top brass develops organic ties with the capitalist tycoons – ties that are reinforced by friendship between their respective children at the exclusive private schools that they send their children to and possibly later through marriage between their sons and daughters. To all these personal connections between corporate high fliers and higher-ranking military officers are added strong economic links. As highly paid personnel, upper military officers are able to hold stakes in the same companies as rich capitalists do, which binds the two layers together. Moreover, staking out lucrative careers for themselves for when they retire from the military, officers are compelled to grovel to their contacts within the corporate elite – since it is that class which controls the economy and hence determines who gets hired for what roles.
Although the Australian military’s main role is to enforce capitalist interests abroad, it is also unleashed at home whenever the ruling class really needs it. Most recently, the SAS was deployed to hijack refugee boats on the high seas and prevent desperate immigrants from coming to Australia. Indeed, the current head of the military, Angus Campbell, made his name as the first head of this despicable operation. The operation was part of the capitalist rulers’ campaign to create hostility towards refugees and non-white migrants as a way of diverting the masses away from blaming the ruling class for their insecure economic position. Earlier in 1989, during the reign of the Hawke-Keating Labor government, the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) flew planes in a massive scabbing operation to smash a hard-fought airline pilots strike. Forty years earlier, the Chifley Labor government deployed the army against a weeks-long strike by tens of thousands of NSW coal mine workers. Thousands of armed troops entered the mine fields and worked as scab labour. The military succeeded in smashing the workers’ strike and allowing the regime to imprison eight workers’ leaders. In the following years, the military was also deployed several times against union struggles by waterside workers and seamen. Clearly, the Australian military is far from being the protector of the working class. Instead, it is one of the key weapons that the capitalist exploiting class uses to suppress the exploited masses.
The Working Class and Oppressed of Australia Should Say: Thank You Red China for Calling Out the True Horror of the Australian Capitalist Regime’s War Crimes
The anti-working class essence of the Australian military exists despite the ranks of the regular, non-special forces, troops being made up in fair part by people from working class backgrounds looking for a secure source of income. In this the Australian military is little different to the police. The police in Australia enlist working class and lumpen proletariat elements into a force that is used to suppress the working class, Aboriginal people and other oppressed layers of society. It is true that in a revolutionary situation, a conscript army can split when called on to fire upon the rebelling masses, with the rank and file troops coming over to the side of the insurgent toiling classes. However, Australia’s SAS troops are anything but rank and file conscripted troops. They are an elite, very well paid, highly-feted by official society, volunteer force. Moreover, the Australian military as a whole is a relatively small and specialized volunteer force. Thus, if the Australian military retains this character, we cannot expect even regular troops to play the same role as Russian conscripts did in supporting the October 1917 workers revolution. Nevertheless, there is still a class division between well-paid officers and rank-and-file troops within the non-special forces portion of the Australian military. Thus, the possibility of this part of the military splitting when called on by the ruling class to fire upon insurgent workers should certainly not be ruled out. However, regardless of whether rank and file troops may mutiny in the future in the course of a workers revolution, the Australian military remains today an instrument for enforcing the exploitation of workers at home and for enforcing imperialist plunder abroad. It is a force serving the capitalist exploiting class – just as the Russian conscript army was prior to the 1917 Russian Revolution.
Even when the Australian military is not being unleashed at home, militarism, glorification of the ANZACs and nationalist support for the military is used to deceive the masses into supporting the Australian capitalist state that the military forms a key component of – the very state whose cops, courts and bureaucracy are used every day to attack workers struggles, intimidate progressive protest movements, harass the homeless and attack Aboriginal people and other persecuted racial groups. Therefore, politically aware working class people and all conscious layers of the oppressed should welcome any undermining of the credibility of the military and other Australian state enforcement institutions. We should be cheering the fact that the Peoples Republic ofChina (PRC) has cut through the Australian regime’s spin and exposed the true horror of its military’s war crimes. True, initially, it was merely a lower level PRC official who tweeted an incisive political cartoon. However, the fact that the PRC has rebuffed the Morrison government’s demands that he apologise and has instead re-asserted his condemnation of the Australian military’s war crimes is indeed powerful. However, the progressive substance of the PRC’s stance will only make a difference if we stop Australia’s ruling elite from drowning the issue in nationalist bluster. That means that those who do understand the correctness of China’s stance – and who can see through the complete dishonesty of the Australian capitalist rulers’ response to that stance – should be very publicly supporting China’s condemnation of SAS war crimes. Let’s have the courage to defy the ruling class consensus! Let’s fight to oppose every person and every cent going into Australia’s anti-working class military!
Growing Tensions Between Australia’s Capitalist Regime and the PRC
Part of the reason why the Australian ruling elite reacted so furiously to Zhao Lijian’s tweet was because he happens to be a PRC official. Relations between Australia’s capitalist regime and the socialistic PRC have been on a downward spiral over the last few years and have absolutely plummeted in the course of 2020. Over the last 16 months, Australia’s ASIO secret police have undertaken threatening interrogations of Chinese international students residing here simply because they have had the temerity to express their political sympathy for Red China. ASIO and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) have also carried out heavy-handed raids on Chinese journalists working here. Then, after the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Australian regime was at the very forefront of a despicable imperialist campaign to blame China for the pandemic. The Morrison government, backed by the ALP, proposed not a genuine, independent inquiry focused on how countries responded to the pandemic once the virus made its initial spread (new viruses have always been impossible to stop at their immediate source) but, instead, a witch-hunt obsessed with the academic issue of the origin of the virus for which they had already pronounced China “guilty.” The extremely hawkish foreign minister, Marise Payne, even called for weapons inspector-style moves to accompany the “investigation.” Given that the use of weapons inspectors was the prelude to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, this raised the spectre of Western military action against China! Meanwhile, Australian war ships have been sent thousands of kilometres from these shores to join U.S.-led actions in the South China Sea aimed at intimidating the PRC in her own neighbourhood. Then, five months ago, in a move squarely aimed at China, Morrison announced a massive $270 billion defence expansion plan that will see the military acquire long-range hypersonic missiles. Understandably unhappy at all these provocations, China has responded by starting to place restrictions on lucrative Australian exports to China.
A major method that the Australian regime uses to “justify” their hostility to China is to attack the PRC over supposed “human rights abuses.” Therefore, they went totally apoplectic when a Chinese official made that tweet that points people to the truth that their own human rights record is actually far worse that any problems in China. Mouthpieces for the Australian ruling class have responded by claiming that in contrast to the PRC at least Australia is being “transparent” about its problems and “taking steps” to address them. What a load of rubbish! Many of the war crimes identified were known within the military establishment for a very long time. Indeed, some allegations that the Brereton Report admits are credible go back as far as 14 years! Yet, to date, not a single soldier has been charged. Indeed, many of those who have murdered Afghan civilians and prisoners are still serving in the military – including some high-ranking officers. Moreover, the only reason that these crimes have been even partially made public is because of the efforts of whistleblowers. And the Australian regime did everything possible to thwart these courageous truth tellers. The regime arrested the key whistleblower, David McBride, and hit this former military lawyer with charges that could see him imprisoned for 50 years simply because he dared to give the media evidence of some of the war crimes. Meanwhile, even the tame government-funded media outlet, the ABC, was raided by the AFP for daring to broadcast McBride’s evidence. And let’s not forget that successive governments have been complicit in Britain’s persecution of Julian Assange – and in U.S. plans to extradite him to face life imprisonment – precisely because Assange published details of the horrific war crimes committed by U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
There is another more
fundamental problem with the line spun by Australian regime apologists that “at
least we are addressing our problems whereas China is refusing to deal with its
human rights abuses.” And that is that while the atrocities committed by the
Australian regime are all too real, almost all its accusations against China
over supposed “human rights abuses” are false. This is especially the case with
their claim that China is “persecuting its Muslim Uyghur population” in
north-western China’s Xinjiang province. Now, there has been an anti-communist
movement based on the Uyghur population waging terror attacks on civilians. Heavily
funded by the U.S. regime, the movement is led by Uyghur billionaire
capitalist, Rebiya Kadeer. Kadeer had once been China’s richest woman but is
now in exile in the U.S. after the socialistic PRC tried to pressure her – as
they do to other capitalists – to give more back to society. The capitalist and
pro-capitalist Uyghurs have appealed to religious extremism to build support
for their campaign against the PRC and the Uyghur-led, socialistic provincial government
that administers the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. In July 2009 riots, right-wing
mobs from their movement stabbed and hacked to death some 150 non-Uyghur
civilians – not only Han Chinese but also members of another Muslim minority,
the Hui.
The PRC responded to all these attacks by cracking down on the hardened terrorists, while adopting a humane strategy towards those on the fringes of the anti-PRC, religious fundamentalist movement. Thus, people who had made minor donations to the terrorist groups or assisted them with online propaganda – equivalent people who in Australia would find themselves being thrown into Goulburn Supermax prison for lengthy periods – were instead given a chance to rehabilitate by being sent to vocational boarding schools. There they would be taught the values and principles of the PRC’s socialistic system and would be given technical training. Western media assertions that there are over a million Uyghurs “detained” in these schools are completely ridiculous. In reality, just a tiny proportion of the Uyghur population went to these boarding schools. The program has proved successful with most attendees having now graduated and been assisted in finding meaningful jobs. However, the anti-communist movement was defeated largely through other means. And this actually has to do with correcting a problem that the PRC leadership brought upon itself. For rightist, pro-market reforms in China in the 1980s and 1990s caused an increase in the income disparities between people living in the hospitable coastal environments in the East and South of China and those in geographically harsher, more remote regions like Xinjiang. Moreover, even within Xinjiang, big differences in income arose between the capital Urumqi, which has a Han Chinese majority, and the southwestern part of Xinjiang which has a harsh, cold desert climate and is where the Uyghur people have traditionally lived. These disparities naturally fuelled the growth of ethnic tensions. However, later the PRC addressed the issue by increasing the level of socialist planning. State-owned enterprises from wealthier regions were paired with poorer cities and towns in southwestern Xinjiang and made responsible for providing jobs, developing industries and uplifting people from poverty. As a result, unemployment and poverty in Xinjiang has fallen dramatically and income disparities have been reduced. Consequently, support for the anti-communist, religious fundamentalist groups has plummeted.
Uyghur people put on a dance performance in Turpan in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. The actual situation in the province is nothing like that portrayed by the mainstream Australian media.
Some problems remain. There is a degree of Han Chinese chauvinism within China that leads to paternalist attitudes towards minority communities among some people. But to put that in perspective, any Han Chinese chauvinism in China is hundreds of times less intense than the white supremacist racism that currently infects Australia. Certainly, members of China’s minority groups are not being murdered in state custody by police and prison guards left, right and centre as is happening to Aboriginal people in Australia. Moreover, a Muslim woman from the Uyghur or other minority community can safely walk the streets of China and know that she is not going to be violently attacked because of her religion if she happens to wear the traditional Islamic headscarf. This is unlike Muslim women in Australia, hundreds of whom have been assaulted by racist rednecks. It would be unthinkable too in China for a horde of 10,000 screaming racists from the majority ethnic group to violently set upon ethnic minorities the way that white supremacists did at Cronulla Beach in December 2005. Furthermore, it is unheard of for senior Communist Party of China politicians to insult or whip up hatred against minority communities, the way that former prime minister Tony Abbott insulted Aboriginal people by saying that there was nothing here before the British arrived or the way that Peter Dutton has demonised Lebanese Muslims and African people or the way that former NSW ALP leader Michael Daley has incited hostility to Asian migrants. Therefore, it is absolutely disgusting for the Australian ruling class to attack the PRC over her treatment of her Uyghur population. Let’s not forget that it was only last year that an Australian white supremacist terrorist murdered 51 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch after he was nurtured for years in the racist environment that capitalist rule has created in Australia – where the likes of government MPs Andrew Hastie and George Christensen enthusiastically participate in white supremacist, Nazi-infested rallies, where media “report” crime events in a manner that associates people of colour with crime and where both major parties use anti-refugee and protectionist appeals to fuel divisive nationalism.
Standing with Socialistic China is in the Interests of Australia’s Working Class
So why are members of Australia’s capitalist ruling class so hostile to the PRC even though their own exports to China generate them such incredible wealth? Some have incorrectly put it down to Australia’s rulers being pressured to take such a stance by their U.S. senior partners. However, in reality, Australia’s ruling elite is merely hostile to the PRC for the very same reason that the U.S. rulers are. And that reason is that these capitalists cannot tolerate the fact that the world’s most populous country is a socialistic state in which public ownership plays the dominant role and where the working class – in an imperfect and tenuous way to be sure – holds state power. The hostility between the capitalist rulers of the U.S, Australia, Britain, Canada, France, New Zealand etc on the one hand and the PRC workers state on the other is merely the manifestation on the global scale of the irreconcilable conflict at the enterprise level between the capitalist exploiters of hired labour and their workers.It’s actually that simple!
Indeed, if one looks back over the history of the Australian military since World War II, we see that most of their biggest military campaigns – from their role in supporting the U.S. and capitalist South Korea against socialistic North Korea and China during the 1950-53 Korean War to their intervention in Malaya (now Malaysia) against the brave communist guerilla movement there to their war-crime-ridden participation in the Vietnam War against the heroic, communist-led Vietnamese workers and peasants – have been against socialistic states or revolutionary movements seeking to achieve socialistic states. Today, the Australian regime’s rapid military buildup is aimed squarely at the socialistic PRC and her North Korean ally. Indeed, the regime’s attempt “to be seen to be” addressing its military’s brutal crimes is aimed at restoring the military’s credibility in order to make it a more effective force in its fight against these workers states.
The continued existence of socialistic rule in China presents several problems for the imperialist powers. For one, the PRC, as she grows in strength, is increasingly developing mutually beneficial relations with countries in the developing world – relations that are quite unlike the exploitative manner in which the Western capitalist regimes “relate” to these countries. This is enabling countries like PNG, East Timor, Fiji and Vanuatu to gain greater independence from the Australian company bosses who have for decades raped and pillaged them. Not surprisingly, Australia’s capitalist rulers are furious about this trend.
Moreover, Australia’s capitalists calculate that as much as they are earning from lucrative exports to China right now, they could gain even greater profits if socialistic rule in China were to be destroyed and they were therefore able to acquire the “freedom” to exploit Chinese workers the way that they and their fellow Western imperialists exploit workers in the likes of Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Thailand and Bangladesh. Moreover, with China continuing to grow in strength under socialistic rule, the imperial ruling classes are worried that this rise of a socialistic power will “corrupt” their own masses and make their own working classes start to look more positively at socialism as an alternative. The capitalist rulers in Australia know full well that their own working class masses are frustrated about the lack of secure, permanent jobs (something which has become even more acute during the pandemic), at the unaffordability of housing, at incessant racist state terror and at ever growing inequality. Thus, the ruling class is worried that their own masses will start to look favourably upon the hugely successful poverty reduction and public housing programs that China’s socialistic economy has made possible. Therefore, they and the other imperialist ruling classes are determined to contain – and preferably crush – the PRC.
Yet while launching a new Cold War against the PRC makes sense for the capitalist rulers of the U.S, Australia, Britain etc, this anti-PRC drive is completely against the interests of the working class – and, indeed, most middle-class people – of each of these countries. For one, Australia exports $170 billion each year to China. That means that, on average, each of Australia’s ten million households receives $17,000 every year from exports to China! Why put that at risk for the sake of the big end of town’s need for an anti-China Cold War? Secondly, the Cold War drive is draining massive resources into the military that should be used for badly needed public housing, public transport expansion, TAFE, childcare, public schools and public health care.
Thirdly, the new Cold War has created a repressive climate at home. Not only have Chinese international students, journalists, academics and migrants been targeted but in April a NSW Labor MP, Shaoquett Moselmane, was witch-hunted out of his position as deputy president of the NSW upper house for merely praising China’s successful response to the pandemic. Two months later, he was subjected to a threatening raid by the AFP that culminated in him being dislodged from his elected parliamentary seat for four months until the AFP finally admitted that he had no case to answer. Meanwhile, an Australian citizen who migrated from South Korea, Chan Han Choi, who was arrested on charges of trying to help North Korea broker deals in defiance of crippling UN economic sanctions, was denied bail for nearly three years largely because of his political sympathy for the PRC’s North Korean ally. All this Cold War witch-hunting has created such a “justification” for authoritarian repression that it has enabled the regime to target dissidents and whistleblowers with no direct connection to Cold War issues too. Not only is the Australian regime prosecuting David McBride but they are also persecuting whistleblower Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery – the people who revealed to the world the regime’s spying on East Timor. Moreover, on November 18, the AFP raided several Sydney offices of the CFMMEU construction workers unions in a highly secretive operation that the police have refused to reveal the purpose of. The Australian capitalist rulers’ anti-China Cold War is facilitating their long-held plans to attack the militant sections of the workers movement.
Most importantly, if the capitalist powers were to succeed in destroying the PRC workers state it would allow them to drive down workers conditions in not only China but in the rest of the world as well. On the other hand, if their attempts to overturn the socialistic PRC are rebuffed and China’s public sector-dominated economy continues to grow in strength, this will encourage the struggles of working class people in this country against privatisation, for a massive increase in public housing, for nationalisation of the banks and for public ownership of the key sectors of the economy. Eventually, the fact that Australia’s biggest trading partner is under a form of workers rule could inspire the struggle here for a workers government. That is why not only must the workers movement and Left in Australia oppose the Cold War drive against the PRC, we must positively stand for the defence of the PRC workers’ state. Let us demand: U.S. and Australian militaries get out of the South China Sea! Stop the Australian regime’s military build-up! Down with the U.S., Australian and British ruling classes’ support and funding for pro-colonial, anti-PRC groups in Hong Kong! Down with their campaign of lies against China over Xinjiang! Down with their anti-communist interference!
The PRC Must Do Her Socialist Duty and Be More
Consistent in
Condemning the Capitalist Australian Regime’s Atrocities
While the entire Australian establishment has hysterically denounced China’s condemnation of SAS war crimes, China’s stance has captured the mood of Afghanistan’s people. A December 1 editorial in the English language Afghan newspaper, The Afghanistan Times, praised China’s response in its commentary on the spat between Canberra and Beijing. The Afghan newspaper stated that:
“The Afghans are warmly welcome anyone who condemn inhuman actions [that] badly affect the innocent Afghan masses. But the condemnation of war crimes committed by the foreign soldiers in Afghanistan since the US entered the country alongside its western allies nearly 20 years ago – is an unprecedented and timely budge by the government of China. Other countries must follow [suit] the suite…. Anyway, the agonized Afghans welcome China’s move not to only condemn but also react strongly over unlawful killings in Afghanistan and we also welcome other countries’ standpoint to bringing the killers of innocent Afghans to justice.”
This Afghan newspaper’s description of China’s stance as an “unprecedented and timely budge by the government of China” is an apt description. For the PRC leadership all too rarely takes a stand on issues that do not very directly concern China’s immediate interests or those of ethnic Chinese people. The PRC leaders espouse a policy of mutual non-interference in the affairs of other countries. In general, they actually do follow this policy. This does not of course stop the Australian ruling class from regularly attacking supposed “Chinese interference.” Yet, if one examines closely the Australian regime’s claims of “Chinese interference”, none of the them are about the PRC actually trying to change Australia’s domestic policy or Australia’s political system. Rather, the specific claims about “Chinese interference” are all concerned with alleged attempts by China to make the Australian political establishment less hostile to China or to prevent Australia being used as a staging area for anti-communist Chinese exile groups. In other words, the supposed cases of “Chinese interference” even if they were real, which is doubtful, are entirely about the PRC defending itself, rather than about shaping Australia’s political direction. However, this is not actually a good thing! It is the duty of a workers’ state to support the struggles for liberation of the working classes and downtrodden peoples of so much of the world that is still subjugated under capitalist rule. However, the PRC makes little to no effort to support the class struggle of the exploited masses in the capitalist world.
The rationale for the PRC government’s national-centred approach is a hope that if they do not seek to undermine capitalist rule in the capitalist countries, the imperialist rulers will in turn not obstruct the PRC from building socialism within China. Yet the latter is not what is happening! The capitalist powers are doing everything possible to undermine socialistic rule in China – from applying military pressure on the PRC, to discriminating against China’s socialistic state-owned enterprises and to providing massive financial, technical and propaganda support to anti-communist, anti-PRC forces within China (including in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet). Therefore, if the most powerful countries remain under capitalist rule there is a real danger that they will eventually be able to squeeze to death socialistic rule in China.
Many supporters of Chinese
socialism may see that as impossible given China’s huge size and the fact that
she continues to make one achievement after another. Yet, let us not forget
that many subjective communists once thought that it was impossible for counterrevolution
to destroy the Soviet workers state too. In the 1950s and 1960s the Soviet
Union, just like the PRC today, was achieving an economic growth rate several
times that of the capitalist countries and was accomplishing one great feat
after another – including putting the first human in space. However, the Soviet
Union was eventually crushed under the combined force of capitalist military,
economic and political pressure. We should realise too that in many ways the
PRC today faces a more uphill battle than the Soviet Union did. For one, when China
had her anti-capitalist revolution, China was further behind the most powerful
capitalist countries than when Russia had her October 1917 Revolution. Russia
prior to the 1917 Revolution had been an imperialist power – a relatively
backward one to be sure – but an imperial power all the same. By contrast,
China before the 1949 Revolution was a brutally subjugated neo-colony that had
become one of the poorest countries in the world. Therefore, while the Soviet
Union before its collapse had reached rough military and nuclear parity with
the U.S.-led imperialist powers, today the PRC remains much weaker militarily
than the U.S. For example, the U.S. has 5,800 nuclear warheads to just 320 for
China. Moreover, although catching up fast, the PRC’s per capita GDP remains
further behind in comparison with the richest capitalist countries than the
Soviet Union was. Additionally, the PRC is much more resource poor per person
than the Soviet Union was and has fewer fellow socialistic countries to stand
with it. There is another factor that is just as significant. Red China today
has a much bigger and better organized capitalist class than the Soviet Union
did at the time she was destroyed by capitalist counterrevolution. Many of
these capitalists within China are becoming ever more conscious of their
particular class interests and are seeking to white ant the socialistic state
from within while biding their time to make a full grab for power.
Given all these dangers that socialistic rule in China faces, it is a matter of defending their “own” workers state for the PRC to support the anti-capitalist struggles of the working class and oppressed masses in the U.S., Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan etc. We say to the Chinese masses:
“Chinese toiling people, you have achieved so much since you grabbed state power 71 years ago. The fact that you have lifted every single one of your rural population out of extreme poverty is a simply stunning achievement. But we in the capitalist world are still suffering. We need your help! Please “interfere” in our affairs – not covertly but openly and proudly by supporting our struggles against Australia’s capitalist rulers. We want you to “interfere” in the way that workers on strike in one workplace would want workers in another workplace to “interfere” in support of their struggle by taking solidarity action. And when we and the other working classes still suffering under capitalism today eventually topple our own oppressors like you did in 1949, then your own socialist construction will no longer face deadly threats. Then, all the working classes around the world that have newly achieved their liberation will join you in building a bright socialist world.”
Red China’s forthright calling out of Australian regime war crimes in Afghanistan points to the potential for the PRC workers state to start to politically oppose the capitalist ruling classes in Australia and the other imperialist countries. To be sure, the PRC only took this stand because she was copping a series of hostile provocations by the Australian ruling class. Nevertheless, the fact that this “unprecedented and timely budge by the government of China” has had such an impact and been so well received by the people of both Afghanistan and China should encourage Beijing to make more principled stands on questions that do not very directly concern China’s immediate interests. We, therefore, appeal to the PRC to make the following demands:
All U.S. and Australian troops get out of Afghanistan,
Iraq and the Persian Gulf!
Jail all police officers and prison guards who have
murdered Aboriginal people in Australian state custody!
Free all the refugees from the Australian regime’s brutal
imprisonment! Bring all Manus and Nauru refugees to Australia with the full
rights of citizens!
Abolish the ABCC and all anti-union and anti-strike
laws in Australia!
End the persecution of trade union militants from the
CFMEU and other unions!
End the privatisation of public housing in Australia! For
a massive increase in public housing instead!
Grant real freedom to, and drop all charges against,
Chan Han Choi! End all sanctions on North Korea!
Drop all charges against David McBride, Bernard
Collaery and Witness K!
Free Julian Assange!
All Israeli troops and settlements get out of the West
Bank and Gaza!
However, as crucial as it is that the world’s most populous country takes an active stand, the main focus of Australia’s pro-working class activists should be on what we should do ourselves. And what we need to do right now is to take advantage of the revelations of some of the Australian military’s war crimes and the forthright condemnation of these atrocities by the country that is Australia’s largest export market, to explain to the toiling masses that the Australian military is not our military and that the Australian state as a whole is not our state either. We need to explain that the state in Australia is the big end of town’s state, a bludgeon and a machine that they use to oppress us. Therefore, not only should Australia’s working class welcome China’s condemnation of the hideous war crimes committed by the Australian military but we should oppose every operation by this military and should fight to oppose every person and every cent going into this murderous and imperialist military. When wide layers of the working class understand that the Australian state is not their state and that Australia’s capitalist-dominated “democracy” is a fraud, then they will ensure that the struggles of the workers movement are kept independent of all institutions of this state. Then, the workers and progressive movements will finally become unshackled. And they will become an unstoppable force for liberation.
Above: Chan Han Choi at his residence of house arrest shortly after his release from prison on bail on the evening of 12 November 2020. Choi is here reading a copy of the main Korean language community newspaper in Sydney, Hanho Daily. The then current issue of Hanho Daily contained an article on the campaign to free this socialist political prisoner. Photo Credit: Trotskyist Platform
Free Chan Han Choi – Drop All Charges Now!
Australian Regime Releases Socialist Political Prisoner into House
13 November 2020 –
After nearly three years in prison without being convicted of any charge, Chan
Han Choi was yesterday finally released on bail. However, the bail conditions
imposed on him are so strict that they amount to house arrest. Choi is not
allowed to leave his bail residence except for his twice daily reporting to a
nearby police station or for essential medical care. Apart from being subjected
to a strict curfew, his use of the internet is greatly restricted. Moreover,
Choi “must, on request, disclose to the officer in charge any caller or phone
number appearing on his accounts.” This is a blatant attempt to assist the police
to carry out intimidation and surveillance of Choi’s many friends and
Despite the harsh bail conditions imposed on him, Choi is certainly happy to be out of prison. He spent most of his nearly three years in prison in one of the Australian regime’s most notorious prison camps. Moreover, the capitalist regime imposed extra severe conditions on this socialist political prisoner. They obstructed visits to Choi by lawyers, translators and friends. They banned him from making any telephone calls to his friends whatsoever – a right accorded to other prisoners. More recently, they failed to monitor his diabetes and repeatedly knocked back his requests to see a prison doctor over an eight and a half month period as his diabetes significantly worsened. Choi was finally allowed medical care again only after sending off a strong August 15 letter to prison health authorities stating “that they are trying indirectly to murder me” by rebuffing his repeated written requests to be seen by a prison doctor. By the time that Choi was seen by prison medical staff on August 27, his blood sugar levels had reached alarmingly dangerous levels. He required emergency doses of insulin. Later he was put on a program of daily insulin injections and thrice daily sugar level monitoring. It turned out that, unbeknownst to Choi at the time, most of the symptoms that he was desperately seeking medical attention for – severe unintended weight loss, rashes all over his body, very itchy fungal infections etc – were the result of his diabetes going out of control. The fact is that Choi should have been receiving daily insulin up to eight months before he was finally treated in this way. The regime’s delay in treating his diabetes not only caused the symptoms that he suffered from but put Choi at greatly increased risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. Apart from being potentially deadly, the Australian regime’s refusal of medical care to this left-wing political prisoner caused him extreme stress that for a period affected his mental health.
Even on his very last day in jail prior to being released on bail, the callous neglect of Choi’s health needs continued. Yesterday, Choi asked to see the nurse on duty so that he could get a certificate about the medication that he is taking in order to give it to a doctor once he is released. However, senior guards blocked him from accessing a nurse. Thus prevented from having any official record of the medication that he has been prescribed, today Choi and his supporters spent the afternoon in a panic as they feverishly attempted to deduce – with the help of his new GP and pharmacist – what daily insulin dose he was being prescribed and what other diabetes and high cholesterol medication he requires.
16 November 2020: Chan Han Choi with some of his supporters at his own COVID-safe birthday party held at his residence of house arrest. Choi was coincidentally released from bail just four days before his 62nd birthday. Photo Credit: Trotskyist Platform
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Chan Han Choi is accused of trying to help North Korea’s people conduct trade with entities abroad in violation of UN economic sanctions. He is scheduled to face trial next February. All the eight charges against Choi relate to alleged brokering of the export of produce from North Korea to entities in third countries, except for one of the charges. That latter charge alleges that Choi attempted to broker the import of petroleum products from Iran to the DPRK. Choi has pleaded not guilty to all the eight charges. However, as asserted by the chair of a united front rally held in Choi’s defence on the Saturday prior to his November 10 bail hearing:
“We say that whether the charges are true or not, Choi should be freed and all the charges dropped. Because even if they are true, he has committed no crime from the standpoint of working class people. On the contrary he would have carried out a great act of humanitarianism. Because these sanctions are cruel and brutal. Similar sanctions imposed on the people of Iraq, in just their first eight years of implementation, from 1990 to 1998, killed half a million Iraqi babies. They caused a half a million babies to die prematurely through a lack of food and medicine – this is according to the United Nations, the body that imposed the sanctions. In the end about 1.7 million people in Iraq died as a result of those sanctions. Now, North Korea has a socialistic system so they’re better able to protect their people from these sanctions. But still it causes enormous suffering. Choi has been to rural areas of North Korea and he has seen that suffering caused by the sanctions. And that is why he is opposed to these sanctions and wants to help the people of North Korea.
“But Chan Han Choi is also a socialist. He likes North Korea’s egalitarianism. He likes the society’s community spirit. Now people can have different ideas about North Korea’s leadership. But the fact is that the people of North Korea have built a socialistic system based on public ownership of the banks, the mines, the factories and the agricultural land. Now that system is a system that favours working class people. So by standing by such a system, Chan Han Choi has stood by all the people in Australia and around the world hurt by the capitalist system. He has stood by the millions of workers, many young and women workers, who’ve been forced into insecure casual labour. He has stood by the hundreds of thousands of workers who have been thrown out of their jobs over the last few months after their toil made their bosses huge profits… He has stood by the people who are struggling with rent or mortgage repayments because there is so little public housing. He has stood by the people hurt by privatisation. So by standing by a system of public ownership, he has stood by 90% of Australia’s population. We must now stand by him!”
An Australian SAS soldier murders an unarmed Afghan person in cold blood. A report by the Australian regime itself – only partly made public – reveals that the Australian military killed at least 39 civilians or unarmed prisoners. Among those that they murdered were children. The racist troops also tortured a large number of prisoners, often just for sport. Yet despite some of these crimes having occurred eight or more years ago and being exposed by courageous whistleblowers years ago, not a single soldier committing a war crime has thus far been charged with any crime. By contrast, Chan Han Choi who is not charged with killing anyone, assaulting anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, stealing from anyone or even with espionage was imprisoned for nearly three years without facing trial.
Resist the Rise of Cold War McCarthysim!
Although Choi was initially charged for allegedly trying to break the sanctions on the people of North Korea, the reason he was imprisoned and denied bail until now was largely because of his sympathy for socialistic North Korea. In their submissions opposing each of Choi’s bail applications, the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) insisted on each occasion that Choi’s stated sympathy for the DPRK was a strong reason to reject bail. Meanwhile, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) claimed that Choi’s statements from prison that he is a political prisoner and attacking the economic sanctions on the DPRK as unfair and unjust are also reasons to deny bail. In other words, because of Choi’s sympathy for a socialistic country and his avowed opposition to the cruel sanctions on the people of that country, the Australian regime is insisting that Choi should have less rights than others. This is blatant political discrimination! It is what Cold War McCarthyism is all about – where people’s sympathy for a socialistic country or advocacy of communism is equated with criminal acts. It makes a mockery of the Australian regime’s claims to run a “democratic system” where “everyone has the same rights regardless of their political stance.” Such discrimination against sympathisers of socialistic states is all the more disgusting because those standing by such systems based on public ownership and working class rule – in however a bureaucratically deformed manner that it may currently exist in North Korea and the Peoples Republic China – are standing by the interests of the entire working class of Australia and the world; and most of the middle class as well.
Meanwhile, the CDPP and AFP also opposed Choi’s bail on the grounds that his supporters providing bail surety and bail residence to him are associated with groups like Trotskyist Platform, “that make statements undermining the Australian legal system and showing a lack of respect for the processes associated with adjudicating criminal guilt.” Thus, people expressing distrust in Australia’s capitalist legal system – a system that is both racist and biased towards the rich business owning class – are branded as being necessarily more likely to commit criminal acts than others. Indeed, the regime went even further. They made a big deal about the people offering bail surety having, on certain days, worn t-shirts containing the flag of the DPRK! Shock horror! Their Cold War anti-communism is so intense that they even deem people wearing t-shirts with the flag of a socialistic country as would-be criminals.
Alongside such fanatical anti-communist arguments, the CDPP and AFP also resorted to other spurious “grounds” for opposing bail. For one they constructed a completelybonkers conspiracy theory that Chinese, North Korean or even Russian agents would assist Choi to flee Australia – despite the COVID ban on travel out of this country – should Choi be granted bail. Then, they made a huge song and dance about Choi’s family’s supposed minimal contact with him since his arrest. However, as Choi’s legal team noted, his family members were themselves raided at the time that Choi was arrested and there “is an irresistible inference that the lack of contact between the Applicant [Choi] and his family, and vice versa, may be prompted out of fear for the safety” of family members “as opposed to a permanent state of degradation in their familial relationship, and hence the diminishment of the Applicant’s community ties.” Moreover, until well into 2019, Choi had regularly been speaking to his wife on the phone. This communication only ceased after two members of the Corrections Intelligence Group visited Choi in prison and made the chilling threat that should he ever speak on the phone in Korean again, he would be sent to Goulburn Supermax prison. Soon, Choi found that he could not adequately communicate with his wife since both are far from fluent in English. Moreover, there was a danger that either one of them could unthinkingly break into Korean during a phone conversation which could cause Choi to be sent to Goulburn Supermax and out of easy reach of the friends who have been visiting him in custody. As a result he stopped calling his wife. However, making a mockery of the prosecution’s emphasis on his supposed “minimal contact with family members,” the first thing that Choi did this morning – after having been given an approved phone late last night – was to make phone contact with his family… and a lengthy conversation followed!
Upon his release from prison into house arrest, Choi expressed his deepest appreciation to all the people who have supported him. He said that without their support and actions there is no way that he would have been released on bail. When Choi was arrested in December 2017, then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, Australian Federal Police leaders and the mainstream media launched vicious verbal attacks on him. They sought to use the case to create a hysterical fear of North Korea. Choi was a bogeyman for the Australian capitalist regime to justify increased McCarthyist repression at home and a greatly intensified military build up against the DPRK and her socialistic PRC neighbour and ally. However, soon, the regime and the capitalist class that it serves found that many people did not buy their propaganda. Many sympathized with Choi and a vibrant movement mobilising street protests in defence of this socialist political prisoner emerged. The regime realised that the Choi case, rather than being a propaganda bonanza, has turned into a headache for them. In particular, the efforts of Choi’s supporters to expose the regime’s cruel treatment of this political prisoner and the resulting sympathy for Choi emerging from within a sizeable section of Australia’s Korean community (see: http://www.hanhodaily.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=64867) – and part of the Chinese community too – was threatening to lay bare to many the fraudulent nature of the ruling class’ claims to stand for “rule of law” and “human rights.” Thus, the exposure of the Australian regime’s profoundly unjust persecution of Choi is also undermining its attempts to attack the PRC, DPRK and other socialistic countries over supposed “human rights abuses.” It seems that decisive sections of the Australian ruling class have hence calculated that its interests would be better served by releasing Choi into house arrest until his trial.
7 November 2020: Supporters of Chan Han Choi rally in Sydney’s Chinatown to demand his freedom and to assert their opposition to the return of Cold War McCarthyism. The protesters then marched to Sydney Town Hall.
Congratulations to all those who have joined the street protests in defense of Chan Han Choi and supported him in other ways. You made a real difference! Alongside Trotskyist Platform, many other groups joined this united front campaign. Among the organisations that have either participated in or supported the various rallies supporting Choi are Trotskyist Platform, Anti-War West Sydney, Social Justice Network, Australia-DPRK Friendship Society, Communist Party of Australia – Wollongong branch, Communist Party of Australia –Western Sydney branch, Aust-DPRK Solidarity, Lebanese Communist Party and the Irish Republican socialist group James Connolly Association.
However, we supporters of Choi cannot rest on our laurels. His trial is approaching fast. Moreover, there is a lot at stake. For, although Choi is the biggest victim of Cold War McCarthyism in this country he is far from the only target. Just a week before Choi was released from prison, a Chinese Australian man, Sunny Duong, became the first person charged under Australia’s draconian so-called “foreign interference” laws – laws that are aimed at quashing the voice of those sympathetic to socialistic China and the other workers states. Sunny is a highly respected member of Melbourne’s South-East Asian Chinese community. The Australian regime have given scant details about the charges. But you can bet that this is another beat up! They say that he was conspiring to interfere in Australia’s political affairs. What do they mean by that: was he was planning to merely issue some social media posts sympathetic to China?
Five months ago, a NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane was forced out of his elected senate seat for several months after the Australian Federal Police made a heavy-handed and intimidating raid on his home. It turns out that he never had any case to answer. Their excuse for the raid was that he belonged to a social media chat group where other people made pro-China comments. Can you believe that? And the regime here calls itself a democracy! Two months before being raided, Moselmane was witch-hunted out of his position as deputy president of the NSW upper house just because he told the truth and said that China responded very well to the pandemic. So much for free speech!
Meanwhile, last year, Chinese international students were subjected to an intimidating interrogation by Australia’s ASIO secret police. The students were targeted because they organised a large march in Sydney opposing the pro-colonial, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong. Then this year, ASIO and the Federal police staged a Gestapo-style raid on Chinese journalists working in Australia, seizing their computers and phones and terrifying their children.
Like all bullies, those leading the Cold War McCarthyist drive in Australia depend on their potential victims being intimidated. That is after all how witch-hunts work. First the witch-hunters target one person and hope that others who would support that target are intimidated and stay silent to avoid being targeted themselves. Then the persecutors move on to the next victim who often could be one of the people who decided to stay silent. That is why we must not stay silent when anyone is being persecuted for their sympathy for socialistic states; or in Moselmane’s case for having merely said a few words in praise of China. Now is the time to put our heads up – not duck for cover! The way to defeat witch-hunts is through courage! We must say an injury to one is an injury to all! By working harder to defend the biggest victim of McCarthyist persecution in Australia, Chan Han Choi, we are pushing back against this Cold War witch-hunt on all fronts.
The struggle to win freedom for Choi and to oppose the broader McCarthyist witch-hunt will need to be waged through mass street actions and political exposure. We can have no illusions in justice originating from the Australian regime’s legal system. As Trotskyist Platform spokesman, Samuel Kim, concluded in a speech made at the 7 November “Free Chan Han Choi” protest:
“The prisons, the courts, the police and the state bureaucracy in this capitalist country exist to enforce the interests of the corporate owners against those of the working class masses and their supporters. This is the case whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens who are in office as the capitalists also heavily influence these political parties. That is why greedy construction industry bosses get away with industrial manslaughter and murder – where on average 30 construction industry workers are killed on the job every year. Yet representatives from the construction workers unions get hit with criminal convictions for inspecting unsafe work sites.
“This system is geared towards the rich and powerful – and Choi, a hospital cleaner and someone charged with standing up for a workers state will receive discrimination from this system. So that is why we have mobilised on the streets with our physical bodies and we are loudly voicing these injustices. The only way we can bring true justice for Choi or any working class struggle – like for higher wages, struggles against police brutality or for affordable housing – is through street actions and protest actions of the good people. We need future mass actions of politically aware working class people and our allies. This, comrades and friends, is the most powerful way to oppose the decaying capitalist system of increasing inequality. We demand:
“Freedom for Chan Han Choi!
“Down with the barbaric sanctions, military threats, and trade war on the people of North Korea!
“Down with the Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic states!
Chan Han Choi Pleads: “They Are Indirectly Trying to Murder Me”
Left-Wing Political Prisoner in Australia Had Serious Diabetic Condition Left Untreated for Months
11 October 2020 – Socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi had a serious and worsening diabetic condition left untreated for over eight and a half months. This greatly endangered his health. Prison authorities refused Choi’s repeated written requests to be seen by a prison doctor. The anguish at seeing his health rapidly deteriorate and the horror of being repeatedly denied treatment caused Choi such severe emotional stress that for a while it caused him serious long-term memory loss. Fortunately Choi’s memory has gradually recovered since.
Chan Han Choi has been imprisoned by the Australian regime since December 2017 on charges of trying to organise trade deals to help the people of North Korea bypass crippling United Nations economic sanctions. He is currently imprisoned without being convicted. By the time that Choi finally goes to trial next February, he would have spent three years and two months in prison! All the charges against Choi refer to his alleged attempts to help North Korea export its produce abroad except for one charge of allegedly attempting to help North Korea import petroleum products. All opponents of imperialism, supporters of socialism and partisans of workers rights should stand by Chan Han Choi regardless of whether the allegations against him are true or not. As Trotskyist Platform spokesman, Samuel Kim, stated at a March 9 united front rally to demand freedom for Choi:
“If Choi turns out to be `guilty’ as charged that means that he sacrificed his freedom to help the people of North Korea bypass these killer sanctions. That would make him a great humanitarian. A humanitarian who should be freed from prison immediately. And if he is found not guilty, he should never have been imprisoned in the first place.”
For over five months in the mid-part of this year, Choi had been pleading to be seen by a prison doctor at the jail where he is incarcerated: Long Bay Prison Hospital. As well as housing inmates on remand like Choi, Long Bay Prison Hospital holds prisoners with medical conditions. Therefore, there are actually more doctors assigned to treat inmates at that particular prison. Yet, the authorities repeatedly refused to allow Choi to see a prison doctor. This is despite health records showing that he submitted at least five written applications to have a doctor’s consultation in that five month period: on March 27, March 31, May 25, June 26 and August 12. Choi maintains that he also submitted additional written requests on at least two other occasions as well: June 30 and July 12.
It would have been visually obvious to prison authorities that Choi was unwell. His friends who had Audio-Visual Link (AVL) “visits” with him during that period reported that Choi had lost much weight and that his face looked gaunt. Furthermore, most of the symptoms that Choi was complaining about – severe weight loss, rashes all over his body, serious stomach problems and very itchy fungal infections – are classic symptoms of diabetes, a condition that prison authorities knew that Choi was already afflicted with. On 31 October of last year, prison doctors prescribed him the oral diabetic medication Metformin. Moreover, 61 year-old Choi was prescribed medication for his high cholesterol.
It was only after Choi sent a protest letter to the director of Justice Health in August stating that “they are indirectly trying to murder me” by denying him medical treatment, that the authorities finally allowed Choi to see a prison doctor. That consultation occurred on August 31. The doctor found that his diabetes condition that previously did not require insulin injections had deteriorated seriously, reporting “declining glycaemic control.” Mr Choi now requires daily insulin injections. However, given that he was suffering from the very same symptoms for months and was not provided with insulin during that time (because he was prevented from even being able to see a doctor) that meant that his diabetes had not been adequately treated for a lengthy period. Untreated diabetes can cause damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves, increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks and can cause diabetic emergencies involving a serious reduction of a person’s consciousness. Meanwhile, the sudden onset of treatment after it has not been provided in due time can cause unconsciousness or even permanent brain damage.
The top part of the record of a prison doctor’s consultation with Choi. The record shows that when Choi was finally allowed to see a doctor after over eight months of repeated requests, the doctor found that he had Type 2 diabetes with “declining glycaemic control” and now required treatment with insulin. The failure to have treated Choi’s worsening diabetic condition for several months could have had disastrous consequences.
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That August 31 consultation was the first time that Choi had been seen by a doctor in ten months, despite Choi submitting at least seven (and possibly up to ten) written requests to see a doctor from 23 December last year. Indeed health records show that when Choi was attended to by a nurse just four days prior to this late August consultation, this was the first time the known diabetic sufferer had had his blood sugar level checked in eight and a half months! What makes this all the more appalling is that when authorities had previously checked his blood sugar on 12 December last year, the level had been too high and on an increasing trajectory. A person’s blood sugar levels are meant to be between 4 and 8 mmol/L. However, by 12 December 2019 Choi’s levels had reached 11.1 mmol/L rising from 8.4 mmol/L on 15 November 2019 and then 10.5 mmol/L on 28 November 2019. When a nurse finally checked Choi’s blood sugar levels again eight and a half months later it had risen to 13.4 mmol/L and a few days later it was at an alarming 20.6 mmol/L. It was around this time, that the doctor prescribed Choi emergency doses of rapid acting insulin. The situation had become so critical that on 28 August, Justice Health (the government prison agency responsible for providing health care to prisoners) was compelled to put a health problem notification alert to prison guards warning them that Chan Han Choi had “Unstable Type 2 diabetes” with potential symptoms that included confusion, excessive sweating and unconsciousness.
The notification form that medical staff at Long Bay Prison Hospital issued to prison officers in late August warning them of the serious symptoms that Choi could suffer due to his then uncontrolled diabetes. By leaving his worsening diabetes condition unmonitored for eight and a half months, Justice Health caused Choi’s diabetic condition to reach emergency levels before it was finally brought under control.
All-Sided “Maximum Pressure” Campaign to Break the Spirit of this Political Prisoner
Fortunately, Choi’s blood sugar levels have finally been brought under control and he now takes regular insulin injections and has his blood sugar levels monitored three times daily. However, the question remains why was his diabetes left unmonitored for so long, why were Choi’s obvious symptoms of a worsening diabetes condition ignored and why were his desperate pleas to be seen by a doctor repeatedly rebuffed?
To help answer these questions, we need to point out that Choi’s diabetes was once well managed in prison. Indeed, in the ten week period leading up to 12 December last year, Choi’s blood sugar levels were monitored on nine different occasions. Yet when this blood sugar reached unacceptably high levels in the last two recordings in that period and on a steeply increasing trajectory – they stopped checking Choi’s blood sugar for eight and a half months! This, even as Choi repeatedly complained of symptoms that trained medical staff would know are diabetic induced problems!
Choi’s health records show that from the start of October 2019 to 12 December 2019, Choi’s Blood Glucose [Sugar] Levels (“BGL”) was monitored nine times. However once the levels rose to unacceptable high levels at the last two recordings, Justice Health abruptly stopped monitoring Choi’s Blood Glucose Levels for a further eight and a half months, when they “realised” that Choi’s BGL had reached emergency levels.
Moreover, Choi’s prison medical records show that during a four a half month period during the early days of his incarceration from mid-January 2018 to early May 2018, Justice Health monitored Choi’s blood sugar levels on 30 separate days. This was furthermore during the period when Choi’s diabetes was well under control and nowhere near as serious as it is now. So why the change in attitude? Well that early part of the period of Choi’s incarceration was at a time when the Australian regime thought that Choi would be totally isolated and intimidated and would roll over and plead guilty to all charges and show “remorse”. The situation has changed a lot since then. The regime has found that this political prisoner is defiant and proud. Far from rolling over he has spoken out bravely from prison against the denial of his human rights and what’s more has denounced the economic sanctions, that he is alleged to have tried to help North Korea to evade, as being “unjust” and “unfair.” By late November last year, Choi was in court pushing a motion for a Permanent Stay in the proceedings against him on the grounds that his rights as a prisoner and defendant were being violated and was openly telling the court that “he is a political prisoner incarcerated because of his socialist political beliefs.” Moreover, this period at the end of last year was a time when Choi was just weeks from going to trial which had at that time been scheduled for February this year. The denial of medical treatment to Choi thus has a distinct smell of being an attempt to apply “maximum pressure” to this political prisoner in the lead up to his trial. Perhaps it was an attempt to pressure Choi into acquiescing to a prosecution plea bargain “offer” that was unacceptable to him. Whatever may be the exact reason behind the denial of medical care to Choi, it needs to be seen in the context of the all-sided “maximum pressure” campaign that has been waged against this political prisoner – from the taking away of his right to telephone friends to the repeated obstructions placed on family, friends and even lawyers and their interpreters gaining access to him.
To be sure on 29 September, Justice Health sent off a letter to Choi apologising for the “delay in care.” But that was after Choi had sent a desperate, strongly worded letter the previous month stating that:
“I’ve put in request form after request form and receive no care for my illnesses. I have rashes all over me and have issues going to the toilet and put medical forms in with no reply. Whatever I ask for gets no reply. I have no human rights here so I am [of the] strong belief that they are trying indirectly to murder me.”
And Justice Heath also likely only sent the apology letter to Choi after they realised that Choi’s supporters had exposed online their repeated refusal to respond to this post 60, known diabetic with high cholesterol’s desperate requests for medical treatment.
Letter to Chan Han Choi from Justice Health, with typical bureaucratic understatement of failings, apologises for their “delay in care” to Choi. The letter from a senior Justice Health official puts the responsibility on the “Nursing Unit Manager.” However, the blatant and repeated nature of the denial of care to Choi over a more than eight month period suggests a more conscious effort to exert “maximum pressure” on Choi, likely prescribed by high level officials.
The Australian regime knows full well the growing support for Choi that there is amongst pro-working class and anti-imperialist activists. They had better realise that should Choi’s health needs again be denied in the future because of their “maximum pressure” campaign against this political prisoner, Choi’s supporters in both Australia and abroad would surely take their revenge out on Australia’s authoritarian capitalist regime. We would do so by quadrupling our efforts to expose the unjust persecution of Chan Han Choi; and by working still harder to lay bare the connection between the regime’s persecution of this political prisoner and the other crimes that it commits in its relentless drive to further the interests of the exploiting class. Choi’s supporters would be energised to struggle all the more feverishly to unmask the deception behind the regime’s claims to stand for “human rights” and the “rule of law.” We would with renewed vehemence expose to the masses, both here and abroad, the Australian regime’s persecution in the courts of scores of staunch trade union activists (especially those working in the construction industry), their brutal racist killings of Aboriginal people in state custody, their prosecution of whistleblowers and journalists, their McCarthyist repression of those sympathetic to socialistic states, their arrogant trampling of the peoples of the South Pacific and the horrific execution-style murders of unarmed civilians and children that their Nazi and Confederate-flag waving, special forces troops commit in Afghanistan.
Australia’s Authoritarian Capitalist Regime Has Been Torturing This Socialist Political Prisoner
The repeated denial of medical care to Choi was a blatant violation of Rule 25 of the UN’s Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which states that: “The medical officer shall have the care of the physical and mental health of the prisoners and should daily see all sick prisoners, all who complain of illness, and any prisoner to whom his attention is specially directed” (https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/TreatmentOfPrisoners.aspx). Let’s remember that the UN is a capitalist-dominated agency that the Australian regime claims to uphold and that it is in the very name of enforcing UN sanctions that the regime here is persecuting Choi. Yet Australia’s authoritarian capitalist regime violates the UN’s own rules. The UN further states that: “The intentional withholding of medical treatment from persons in places of detention or in other State institutions such as orphanages or from persons injured by an act attributable to public officials falls within the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on torture” (https://www.bak.gv.at/en/Downloads/files/UNO/UNO_Folter_Konvention.pdf). In other words, under the UN definition of torture,by repeatedly withholding medical care to Chan Han Choi over a lengthy period, the Australian regime had been torturing this political prisoner.
The withholding of medical care is hardly the only violation of Choi’s rights that the Australian regime has been guilty of. They have made it extremely difficult for Choi’s friends and family to speak to him. The few people able to visit Choi report that it originally took them four to five months to gain approval to visit him and that they then need to get re-approved each year which takes a further couple of months each time. However, the authorities have still banned Choi from making telephone calls to these friends. Moreover, Choi has been prevented from speaking to his infant grand-daughters because Corrective Services NSW blocked his application to make telephone calls to his daughter-in-law. All this is a gross violation of Rule 92 of the UN’s Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which states that: “An untried prisoner shall be allowed to inform immediately his family of his detention and shall be given all reasonable facilities for communicating with his family and friends, and for receiving visits from them, subject only to restrictions and supervision as are necessary in the interests of the administration of justice and of the security and good order of the institution.” This rule should obviously apply to the authorities detaining Choi. He is clearly an untried prisoner – indeed he has already spent two and three quarter years in custody without being tried. And Choi is definitely no threat to the “security and good order” of the prison: not only does he have no criminal record he is not even charged with committing or attempting to commit any sort of violent act or indeed any sort of act against a victim full stop.
Australian regime has also violated Rule 90 of the UN’s rules on prisoners,
which states that: “An untried prisoner shall be allowed to procure at his own
expense or at the expense of a third party such books, newspapers, writing
materials and other means of occupation as are compatible with the interests of
the administration of justice and the security and good order of the
institution.” In particular, the regime blocked repeated attempts by Choi’s
friends to pass through the prison system to him issues of the popular
Australian Korean-language community newspapers, Hanho Daily and Korean Today,
some of which contained articles about Choi’s own case.
One of the most striking violations of Australian citizen Choi’s rights has been the Australian regime’s obstruction of his access to lawyers. They do this, in part, by requiring lawyers to go through a months-long special approval process before they can again access to Choi. As a result, Choi’s new lawyers, who were engaged at his instructions by his friends were for two months not only not able to visit Choi but have even been prevented from speaking to him over the telephone! Moreover, in a 3 November 2019 letter to Choi’s previous lawyers, the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW), Peter Severin, admitted that his officers had been listening in on their privileged communications (see: https://www.trotskyistplatform.com/socialist-political-prisoner-cannot-get-a-fair-trial-in-australia/). He stated that: “phone calls with `national security interest’ (NSI) inmates, such as Choi, are monitored by CSNSW officers to ensure that they are in English and are with approved contacts.” Such monitoring of phone calls are a blatant violation of Rule 93 of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners which states that: “Interviews between the prisoner and his legal adviser may be within sight but not within the hearing of a police or institution official.”
Han Choi: A Victim of the New McCarthyist Witch-Hunt
The withholding of medical care to Chan Han Choi recalls the Australian regime’s record of very frequently refusing to grant Aboriginal prisoners timely medical care. Many Aboriginal people have died in state custody after police or prison guards fatally delayed granting them access to urgently needed medical care. Kamilaroi man, Eric Whittaker, died of a ruptured brain aneurysm on 2 July 2017 after guards at Parklea Correctional Centre refused to give him medical care for some three and a half hours after he first started making desperate appeals to get access to care. Thirty-six year-old Whittaker made 20 emergency calls begging for help from 4.52am but guards murderously ignored his pleas. When staff finally attended to Whittaker at 8.08am, he was found crouched in the rear of his cell shouting “please help me” and having urinated, vomited and defecated on himself (https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/please-help-me-eric-whittaker-made-20-emergency-calls-before-he-died-in-custody-20191014-p530gg.html). Fifteen months later, another thirty-six year-old Aboriginal man, Nathan Reynolds, also died after authorities again fatally delayed giving him medical care. A diagnosed serious asthmatic, Reynolds had repeatedly buzzed for help and screamed out, “I can’t breathe.” Other distressed inmates started buzzing for help as they could see Reynolds deteriorating before their very eyes and turning blue in the face. It took forty minutes for help to arrive. One hour and twenty minutes after crying out for help the Anaiwan father of one was dead (https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/aug/25/why-does-it-take-so-long-the-desperate-wait-for-answers-after-a-death-in-custody). Earlier in August 2014, 22 year-old Aboriginal woman, Julieka Dhu, died in police custody in WA of a bacterial infection because police criminally prevented her from getting the medical care that she so desperately cried out for. The night before she died, Ms Dhu had cried out in pain all night but police refused her pleas to see a doctor. They continued to murderously obstruct her getting medical care the next morning even after she vomited repeatedly for over an hour. Instead, a cop threateningly told her, “you will f_cking sit this out.”
Aboriginal people suffer the most intense racist state oppression in Australia. As a person of Asian background, racism is no doubt a factor in Choi’s ill-treatment too. However, there is another more over-riding reason why Choi is suffering the same intense brutality that the racist, rich people’s regime unleashes against Aboriginal people. That is because he is being persecuted for his sympathy for a socialistic state – in this case the DPRK (the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, i.e. “North Korea”). The last few years has seen an escalating anti-communist witch hunt in Australia. This persecution of supporters of the DPRK and more often those sympathetic to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is part of the Australian rulers’ role in the U.S.-led Cold War drive against the socialistic PRC and her socialistic neighbour and ally, the DPRK. This witch hunt mirrors the 1950s campaign in the U.S. and Australia against communists and others who expressed even the slightest sympathy towards the then Soviet Union – and to a lesser extent back then also the PRC and the DPRK. A large number of communists, trade unionists, artists and intellectuals, including those who had merely not been “condemnatory enough” of communism, ended up being jailed or purged from their jobs. The ideology of the witch hunt became known as McCarthysim, after the U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy who helped drive the witch hunt with smear tactics and unsubstantiated accusations (extreme right wing federal Liberal MP and Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security, Andrew Hastie, is a modern day Australian equivalent of Joseph McCarthy).
The McCarthyist nature of Chan Han Choi’s all-sided persecution has been most evident during his bail applications. In their submissions opposing each of Choi’s bail applications last year, the Crown made Choi’s stated sympathy for the DPRK a central point of their argument. Indeed, they listed as the very second point of their argument on why they claim that, “the Applicant’s alleged offending is objectively serious,” “the Applicant’s repeated statements that he is a loyal subject of the DPRK ….” In other words, because of this Australian citizen’s political sympathy for a socialistic state, the Australian regime insists that he should have less rights – in this case the right to bail – than other people. That is simply an expression of the very basic premise of McCarthyism. And that very same McCarthyist premise was very evident in the judges’ rejection of his bail applications. Two different judges rejected Choi’s two bail bids even though he is not even accused of killing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, bashing anyone, stealing from anyone, any terrorist acts, espionage or even planning any of these things. By contrast, accused murderers and pedophile high-ranking priests are readily granted bail in Australia.
Chan Han Choi is not the only victim of the new McCarthyist witch hunt. International students from China who organised a thousands-strong demonstration in Sydney in August 17 last year that opposed the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong were interrogated and intimidated by Australian security agencies (https://news.have8.tv/2636880.html). Australian regime agents told a key female organizer of the march that her actions may have violated Australia’s foreign interference laws and threatened that she could face visa problems. When the Australian secret police intrusively asked her about her family and she responded, “You all know a lot!” the cops menacingly retorted, “Yes, so you have to be careful” and settle down [and stay out of politics!]. Then, four months ago, Australia’s ASIO secret police and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) – the very agencies spearheading the persecution of Chan Han Choi – raided the homes of four PRC journalists based in Sydney (http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-09/12/c_139361950.htm). They interrogated the reporters, seized their computers and smartphones and even demanded that they not report the raids.
Most infamously, the Australian ruling class and its media have launched a witch hunting campaign against NSW upper house MP, Shaoquett Moselmane. Moselmane was pilloried by the mainstream media, Liberal politicians and leaders of his own Labor Party for having the temerity to praise China’s highly successful response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, on April 6, Moselmane was forced to step down from his position as assistant president of the NSW Legislative Council. Then, just seven weeks later, ASIO and the AFP raided Moselmane’s home and parliamentary office. The more than 12 hour-long operation was unleashed under the pretext that “Chinese government agents” had infiltrated his office and were using him as part of a “foreign interference” operation. It has now been revealed who these “agents” are and what their supposed “foreign interference operation” was. The “agents” – the Chinese media reporters who were raided in Sydney and a part-time staffer for Moselmane, John Zhang – supposedly “interfered” because they were in the same social media chat group as Moselmane and had had contact with China’s Sydney Consul. How utterly ridiculous is it to portray that as some sort of sinister “foreign interference”! Yet the Australian media and regime depicted Moselmane as a traitor even though he was not even a suspect in the authoritarian raid. NSW politicians forced him to take leave from his elected position as a state senator and, to this very day, those NSW voters who elected Moselmane remain disenfranchised from their voice in parliament.
Work Harder to Demand Freedom for Chan Han Choi
The McCarthyist witch hunting is all about silencing the voices of anyone who speaks favourably, however mildly in the case of Moselmane, about a socialistic country. That is, after all, why the Australian regime had denied Choi medical care for a lengthy period, refuses him bail and has stripped him of many of his rights as a defendant and prisoner. Because Choi has stood by his political beliefs and even from prison bravely spoke out about his love for the egalitarianism of North Korean society and against the unfairness of the UN economic sanctions on North Korea, the Australian authoritarian regime wants to punish him, isolate him and demoralise him into submission. They also don’t want him getting bail as they know that this would enable him to speak more easily to the world about the injustice of the UN sanctions and the cruelty of his treatment while in prison.
Yet behind the capitalist ruling class’ strong state repression is, actually, fear. However, it is not Chan Han Choi, PRC journalists, international students from China, Moselmane or Chinese social organisations that they are ultimately most scared of. No, who they are ultimately scared of are the entire working class masses that they exploit. Australia’s capitalists know all too well that on average for every $100,000 of value that a worker adds to an enterprise, they, the capitalists, steal a full $50,000 out of that amount in profit. They know that young workers are frustrated that more than half of them do not have a stable job – and are, instead, consigned to being either unemployed, having less work hours than they want or to working as insecure casuals, gig workers or employees on short-term contract. The capitalist rulers know too that low-income people are angry at the lack of affordable low-rent accommodation. The regime is nervous that Aboriginal people and other anti-racists are furious at ever worsening racist state brutality. They know too that politically aware workers are seething at the job cuts and reduced work hours that workers have copped during the pandemic even as corporate profits surge through the roof. So, the capitalist exploiters are terrified that anyone speaking positively about the world’s largest socialistic country, that is the PRC – or even about her much maligned, small but staunch DPRK neighbour – could make the masses here realise that there is an alternative to capitalism. The capitalist rulers are fearful that this would, in turn, cause an explosion in mass resistance against them. Therefore, the lances that the capitalist regime is stabbing Choi and others with in their Cold War witch hunts are actually meant to pierce right through their immediate victims and onto the rebellious hearts of the broader oppressed masses. That is why it is very much a matter of self defence for the working class and oppressed in Australia to oppose the McCarthyist repression. Let us mobilise in action to demand: Free Chan Han Choi – Drop all the charges now! Down with the persecution of Chinese journalists, pro-PRC international students and parliamentary staffer, John Zhang! Repeal Australia’s draconian “Foreign Interference” laws! Stop the witch hunt of Shaoquett Moselmane – allow this elected MP to resume his seat in parliament immediately!
Chan Han Choi is not merely a victim of Cold War persecution. His arrest, then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull’s fanatical tirade against Choi at the time of his arrest and the media hysteria surrounding this supposed “North Korean economic agent” were meant to help propel the new McCarthyist witch hunt throughout broader society. And it has! Just six months after Choi’s arrest, the Australian government rammed through its authoritarian “foreign interference” laws. These laws will not only attack those with sympathies for the PRC and the DPRK – its main immediate targets – but also dissident journalists as well as leftists and trade unionists with international connections. And that is a crucial point. The Cold War witch hunt is creating such an obsession with “national security” that its victims are already starting to be much broader than simply those who speak positively about the PRC and DPRK. It is notable that while ASIO first raided the homes of remorseful former Australian spy, Witness K, and his lawyer Bernard Collaery in 2013 – for revealing to the media and the East Timorese government that Australia’s ASIS spy agency had planted listening devices in Timorese government buildings to give the Australian government the advantage in negotiations over an oil and gas dispute with East Timor – the Australian regime did not feel that they could actually lay charges against the two until June 2018, that is in the months following the red scare hysteria that surrounded Choi’s arrest and after the China-bashing campaign had reached new heights. Similarly, military lawyer, David McBride, who faces up to 50 years in jail for informing the media of horrific war crimes by Australian elite forces in Afghanistan and the ABC journalist, Dan Oakes, who broke the story – whom the AFP have called to be charged – are indirect victims of the “national security” obsession that the Cold War witch hunt has created, even though they are not themselves accused of any sympathy for a socialistic state. We should add that the “national security”-obsessed climate created by the new McCarthyist campaign has made it easier, too, for the Australian regime to brush off its despicable complicity in Washington and London’s persecution of Australian Wikileaks journalist, Julian Assange.
That is why those within the political Left who think that they do not need to defend Choi and oppose the new McCarthyism, just because they are not amongst the sections of the Left courageous enough to stand by the socialistic PRC and DPRK, had better think again. Just like the original 1950s McCarthyist witch hunt, its contemporary version is creating such a stifling, repressive political climate that it will eventually target all sections of the Left. Already in the U.S., Trump and his fascistic hard-core supporters brand staunch supporters of black liberation or proponents of universal public health care as China-loving communists. If the new Cold War repression is not resisted, inevitably in Australia, in the future, supporters of public housing, nationalisation of the banks and public ownership of industry will be attacked as “agents of Red China-like and North Korea-like policies.”
The ruling class’ fear-mongering surrounding Chan Han Choi and their railings against “Communist Chinese influence” are meant to also justify their foreign policy agenda. And top of that agenda is to increase military and political pressure on socialistic China and her socialistic North Korean ally and neighbour. Three and a half months ago, the right wing Australian government announced a massive $270 billion defence upgrade targeting the PRC and DPRK. The military build up would see Australia acquire long-range missiles. Why is the Australian ruling class doing this? Crushing socialistic rule in China and North Korea would, by dashing hopes that there is a viable alternative to capitalism, help secure the rule of exploitation by Australia’s capitalist class. However, such a victory for capitalism would be disastrous for working class people. For although socialistic rule in both China and North Korea is fragile and bureaucratically deformed, the PRC and DPRK are, nevertheless, workers states formed through the overturn of capitalist rule by the toiling classes and with economies based on the dominant role of socialist public ownership. Seventy years of socialist rule have brought immense benefits to China’s masses and are an inspiration to every downtrodden person around the world who aspires for justice and a better life. When it comes to uplifting people out of poverty, providing decent health care to all and advancing social equality for women, Red China has far surpassed the other populous countries that were also raped by colonialism but which have remained under capitalist rule (such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Egypt, Brazil and Peru) – whether these capitalist developing countries be nominal “democracies” or ones administered by notoriously strong state regimes. Today, the PRC and even the sanctions-ravaged DPRK, along with the other workers states in Cuba, Vietnam and Laos, have been far more effective in protecting their people from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic than most of the capitalist world. The continued existence of these workers states gives hope to the most politically aware activists – amongst the 90% of Australia’s people who would benefit from the overturn of capitalist rule – that we can eventually achieve such a revolutionary victory. In standing by one of these workers states, Chan Han Choi has, thus, bravely stood by 90% of Australia’s people. We must now in turn stand by him!
The Australian regime’s torture of Choi (through their withholding of medical care) proves that there is no way that he can get a fair trial – not even a fair trial under the unjust laws that he is charged under. And the capitalist regime’s violation of many of Choi’s rights as a defendant and untried prisoner prove the very same thing too. Like all capitalist states, the Australian state is a state biased towards the interests of the rich exploiting class and biased against the interests of the working class and those like Choi who stand by the socialist system that favours the working class masses. And if someone like Choi could never get a fair trial in capitalist Australia this is triply so during the current atmosphere of intense anti-communist witch hunting. That is why it is up to class conscious workers, anti-imperialists and opponents of increasing state repression in Australia to stand by Chan Han Choi. In the lead up to Choi’s trial next February, let us work ever harder to build the campaign to demand freedom for this political prisoner – a prisoner who has suffered so much cruelty for his pro-socialist beliefs.
Photo Above: More than 40 people marched through the streets of Sydney on 13 April 2019 demanding freedom for Chan Han Choi and an end to the brutal sanctions on North Korea.
Australia’s Authoritarian Regime Denies Chan Han Choi Medical Care
Socialist Political Prisoner’s Health Deteriorating at Long Bay Prison
September 6, 2020 – Recently, left-wing political prisoner Chan Han Choi’s health has severely deteriorated after he was repeatedly denied medical care by the Australian regime. The Australian regime has jailed Chan Han Choi since December 2017 on charges of trying to help the people of North Korea to evade UN economic sanctions. Even if the claims against him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint. Quite the opposite! It would simply prove that he is a great humanitarian aiding people who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed on any country. Two and three quarter years after his arrest, Choi is imprisoned without conviction. He is yet to go to trial and Australia’s “legal system” has denied him bail.
On several times since May, Choi submitted written forms to request to see a doctor at Long Bay Prison. However, authorities at the prison refused the requests. Desperate, last month, 61 year-old Choi, with the assistance of fellow prisoners (his English is limited), sent a protest letter to the director of Justice Health noting that his health is deteriorating rapidly and that he is suffering from severe weight loss. This political prisoner also stated that:
“I’ve put in request form after request form and receive no care for my
illnesses. I have rashes all over me and have issues going to the toilet and
put medical forms in with no reply. Whatever I ask for gets no reply. I have no
human rights here so I am [of the] strong belief that they are trying
indirectly to murder me.”
It was only after authorities received that letter that, finally, on the very last day of last month, Choi was allowed to see a doctor. The doctor found that Choi’s diabetes had worsened greatly and he now needed to be injected daily with insulin. Choi had been a diabetic prior to being imprisoned but was only a mild case requiring no insulin treatment. The symptoms that he had complained about while being denied treatment – severe weight loss, rashes all over his body, skin infections – are all classic symptoms of diabetes. The fact that this was left untreated for months and he was not given insulin when he needed it months earlier is deadly dangerous and, indeed, potentially fatal. It is possible that the insulin treatment he is finally receiving may be too little, too late. At last report his blood sugar levels had still not stabilized. It is still touch and go whether or not the serious delay in giving Choi insulin treatment will cause permanent serious damage to his health … or even worse!
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Excerpts from the letter that political prisoner in Australia, Chan Han Choi, sent protesting against the authorities’ refusal to allow him to be treated by a doctor
We should add that the part of Long Bay where Chan Han Choi is imprisoned, Long Bay Prison Hospital, was the scene of the gruesome December 2015 murder of Aboriginal man, David Dungay. David Dungay was suffocated to death after being crushed in the facedown position by five big burly prison guards. The guards ignored Dungay’s desperate pleas that he shouted out over 12 times, “I can’t breathe.” The infamous police murder of George Floyd in the U.S. in May has drawn more attention to the very similar killing of 26 year-old Dungay. Like Chan Han Choi, Dungay was also a diabetic. It is ironic that Dungay was killed by guards claiming to be trying to “protect” him from diabetic-induced complications when they stopped him eating biscuits by suffocating him to death while today the very same prison authorities have endangered Choi’s life by for months denying Choi urgently needed treatment for his own worsening diabetic condition.
What Chan Han Choi is today being subjected to is a cruel saga of a political prisoner simply being denied his legal and human rights in Australia. Chan Han Choi has been detained as a “National Security Interest” prisoner, which means that he is treated as a “High Risk”, “High Security” inmate. This despite Choi having no criminal record and despite not even being accused of killing anyone, bashing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone or even stealing from anyone. Assisted by this “National Security Interest” pretext, the Australian ruling classes’ state has obstructed Choi’s lawyers access to him, denied him further Legal Aid coverage for legal representation and even obstructed his right to speak to family members. Then they effectively even took away Choi’s right to see a doctor when ill, which amounts to a form of torture. Meanwhile, the restricted visitation rights to his family/friends/lawyers, the curbing of his right to make phone calls to his family, the outright denial of his right to make phone calls to his friends, now mixed in with the COVID-19 ban on all prison visits have added further to his social isolation and to the decay of his well-being.
Choi at the time of his arrest was a humble hospital cleaner living in the migrant working-class suburb of Eastwood. Choi was born in South Korea where he obtained a technical engineering qualification. He is an Australian citizen. Despite the political influences he has been subjected to in both South Korea and Australia – most notably the barrage of Cold-War propaganda against North Korea – Choi felt compelled to help the people of North Korea. Prior to the toughening of U.N. sanctions over recent years proscribing many exports from North Korea, Choi organized many legal deals to assist North Korea to export commodities like iron ore. He was motivated by both humanitarian concern and by sympathy for North Korea’s socialistic system. Notably, according to the very words of the Australian Federal Police, Choi was helping North Korea for personally profitless motives and out of loyal sympathy for the North Korean state.
What Choi has done is truly remarkable and heroic not only for the sanctions-crushed people of North Korea but from the standpoint of the oppressed working class of Australia. For by standing by the DPRK (the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea – i.e. North Korea), which for all of its bureaucratic deformities is a workers state, Choi is standing by the interests of the working class and most middle class people of Australia. The Australian and American capitalist-imperialists’ hostility to the DPRK is part of their Cold War drive against the world’s most powerful socialistic country, the Peoples Republic of China, which is the DPRK’s ally and neighbour. This Cold War drive is aimed at securing the capitalist order at home at the expense of 90% of Australia’s population. The more that their system is unable to meet the needs of the masses, the more that the capitalist rulers here attack the socialistic countries so that working class people here do not see any alternative to the capitalist order. The U.S. and Australian rulers have another reason for targeting the DPRK. They are still today angry about the fact that they were not able to defeat the DPRK in the Korean War and that the DPRK remains unbowed in the face of all their subsequent threats and diktats. So by standing by the defiant, ex-colonial DPRK, Choi is surely also on the side of all the underdog masses in the post-colonial countries that are still so ravaged by Western imperialist crusades – the crusades that murderously kill and subjugate people for the ambitions of empire and capitalism (as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia etc).
Today, as the pandemic globally gathers more victims at the hands of careless capitalist governments, as greedy bosses throw workers out of jobs even as their profits and stock prices soar, as inequality increases during the pandemic and as poverty and unemployment rises, the need for a socialist solution to society’s problems – that is, a solution based on public ownership of the economy and working class state power – becomes clearer and clearer. By standing by the DPRK’s system based on such public ownership and working class state power – despite the imperfections that must necessarily exist in a country like North Korea that is so cruelly sanctioned and strangulated and so threatened by nuclear armed U.S. bombers and by the over 70,000 American troops that surround her – Choi is in effect aiding the struggle for that badly needed socialist solution to the masses’ problems here in Australia as well as in the rest of the capitalist world. In doing so Chan Han Choi is standing by 90% of Australia’s people. We and, in particular, our most politically conscious core – including working class radicals, trade unionists, socialist political dissidents, black rights activists, anti-imperialist activists, public housing advocates and anti-racist activists – must now in our turn stand by Chan Han Choi. We must demand his immediate freedom and the dropping of all charges against him.
9 January 2020 – The U.S. regime and its allies are threatening a new all-out war in the Middle East. Driven by their predatory capitalist agendas their latest target is the people of Iran. Last week, a U.S. strike killed top Iranian military leader, Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani had been commander of Iran’s Quds Force which had helped ex-colony Syria to stave off an attempt by Washington to use proxies to impose regime change on that country. However, the U.S. murder of the Iranian Major General is not about one person. It is a provocation driving towards war on Iran.
The U.S. has been heading towards war with Iran ever since the hard-right Trump regime re-imposed much harsher sanctions on Iran in 2018. Then last July, Washington’s British allies brazenly seized an Iranian civilian ship off the coast of Gibraltar. This was followed up by the U.S. increasing its naval presence in the Strait of Hormuz off Iran’s southern coast. Done under the guise of protecting merchant shipping against the threat of Iranian responses to the Gibraltar ship seizure, it was actually aimed at tightening the military screws on Iran. These screws were tightened several turns further just days before the killing of Soleimani when U.S. airstrikes killed at least 25 members of an Iraqi Shiite-based militia sympathetic to Iran, the Kataib Hezbollah.
Although the Australian regime has been somewhat wary of being drawn into a new war it has joined in the war drive against Iran. In August, prime minister Scott Morrison agreed to deploy a naval frigate and surveillance aircraft to join the U.S. operation in the Strait of Hormuz. The ALP Opposition supported the deployment as “appropriate.” Now, just as the U.S. war threat against Iran has been ratcheted up to its highest level in decades, these Australian forces will actually be deployed next week. Meanwhile, Australia has 300 troops in Iraq, which nominally train the Iraqi forces but, actually, help to maintain Western imperialist domination of that country that they have so brutally devastated.
Western media have been at pains to highlight that after Iran responded to Soleimani’s assassination with missile strikes against U.S. bases in Iraq, Trump avoided an immediate military response. However, the U.S. president announced still harsher sanctions on Iran as well as the deployment of further U.S. troops to the region. The U.S. regime wants to bring Iran to heel because it wants no force who will hinder their total domination of this oil rich and geographically strategic region. And they are prepared to kill a lot of people to achieve these goals! However, they understand too that Iran has a much more powerful military than Iraq had. Any all out U.S. war with Iran will see a lot of American troops getting killed. They are well aware too that much of the American population is sick of being part of distant wars, especially given that thousands of troops were killed by the Iraqi people’s resistance to the U.S.-led occupation. That is why an all out assault on Iran would likely have to be preceded by a massive propaganda campaign. Beware of hyped-up and concocted horror stories about some particular Iranian “atrocity” that the U.S. and their allies will try to find to justify war! Let’s never forget how the U.S., British and Australian regimes and mainstream media lied that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction to launch their heinous invasion in 2003!
Since the U.S. assassination of Soleimani was carried out at Baghdad Airport, that missile attack was also a blatant violation of Iraq’s sovereignty. In the same attack, the U.S. also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a leader of an Iraqi Shiite based militia sympathetic to Iran. The Iraqi parliament responded to the U.S. murder of Soleimani and Muhandis by voting to eject U.S. and other Western troops out of the country. However, the arrogant, U.S. and Australian imperialists have said that they will not leave.
After the U.S. killed Soleimani and Muhandis, millions took to the streets in angry protests in both Iraq and Iran. In Iran the masses are furious at not only this latest intervention but at decades of being battered by Western imperialism: from the 1953 British and U.S. engineered coup that overthrew Iran’s Mosaddegh government – that had moved to nationalise Iran’s oil wealth that was being plundered by the British predecessor to BP – to the suffering caused by years of sanctions. In Iraq, it is still fresh in people’s minds that though the capitalist dictatorship under Saddam Hussein was certainly oppressive, the U.S./Australian/British invasion brought death, increased sectarian divisions and a serious deterioration in the position of women. The imperialist invaders killed tens of thousands of Iraqi people during their first Gulf War slaughter in 1991, they caused the premature deaths of nearly two million Iraqi people – mainly infants – as a result of the subsequent sanctions and then either killed by their own hands – or through the sectarian Sunni-Shia conflicts that they caused – over a million more Iraqi people since then.
Let us solidarise with the people in Iraq and Iran opposing the imperialist presence in the region and the threat of another calamitous U.S. led war! Let us stand with Iran against U.S. and Australian military threats! U.S./Australia get out of Iraq and all of the Middle East! Lift all sanctions on Iran now!
It is true that just like their American and Australian counterparts, the Iranian state oversees a capitalist system where workers are exploited. And just like the nearby U.S.-allied regimes in the Gulf and Saudi Arabia, the Iranian government oversees the intense oppression of women and brutally cracks down on leftists. However, it is very wrong to equate Iran on the one hand and the U.S. and its imperialist allies on the other. Iran is a weaker, economically dependant country which is weighed down by the stranglehold over world markets by the rich capitalist powers. And although links to socialistic China allow her to gain some level of independence, the continued domination of much of the world economy, capital and access to technology by the Western powers stifles her. Moreover, it is not Iran that is going around invading other countries as the U.S. and Australia regimes have done in Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia, East Timor, Afghanistan and Libya, to name just a few. Nor is it Iran that has been orchestrating dozens upon dozens of coups to overthrow overseas governments, including in Indonesia in 1965, Chile in 1973, East Timor in 2006 and Bolivia in 2019. No, that is the work of the U.S., Australian and other Western imperialists who are the greatest threat to the entire world’s peoples. That is why the working class people of the world have a clear side with Iran against the rich capitalist powers. As Lenin famously put it in an article written two years before the 1917 Russian Socialist Revolution:
“…if tomorrow, Morocco were to declare war on France, India on England, Persia or China on Russia, and so forth, those would be “just”, “defensive” wars, irrespective of who attacked first; and every Socialist would sympathise with the victory of the oppressed, dependent, unequal states against the oppressing, slaveowning, predatory “great” powers.”
Socialism and War, V.I. Lenin, 1915
So we must defend any action that Iran takes against imperialist provocations – including the recent missile attack on U.S. bases. We must also support Iran acquiring whatever weapons that she needs for self-defence.
In response to the recent events, Greens leader Richard Di Natale took a neutral position: “We condemn the actions of the Iranian Government, just as we condemn the provocative, illegal assassination undertaken by the US Government. We urge all sides now to show calm and restraint.” You can expect too that various social-democratic, nominally Marxist groups, while weighting their criticism more strongly towards the U.S. than the Greens do, will call for “both sides”, which means Iran too, to negotiate and show restraint. However, calling on Iran to negotiate is not going to ward off a U.S. attack, which at bottom is driven by the interests of U.S. corporate bigwigs. Indeed, any sign of weakness shown by Iran by “showing restraint” or offering concessions may well only embolden the predatory imperialists. Moreover, to call for Iran to give concessions to U.S. demands to weaken its military support to groups – like Palestinian resistance groups, the Houthi rebels in Yemen etc – that in some way resist U.S. (and its Saudi and Israeli allies) marauding around the region is to act to help Washington achieve part of its aims in a “peaceful” manner.
If anyone concerned about the interests of the toiling classes thinks that they should be neutral in any conflict between the U.S. bloc and Iran they should compare the implications of an Iranian victory in any conflict versus that of a victory of the U.S.-led imperialists. Should Iran, with backing of class conscious workers around the world, be able to successfully resist a U.S.-led assault this would encourage the resistance of all the world’s people suffering under imperialism. This includes the Palestinian people bravely resisting the murdering U.S.-backed Israeli forces and all the peoples of Asia, Africa, the Pacific and Latin America robbed by Western capitalist powers. On the other hand, should the U.S. and its allies prevail that will have the opposite effect. It would encourage them to launch new wars in the region. Globally they would be emboldened to launch still more direct attempts to overthrow the anti-colonial Maduro government in Venezuela and the socialistic state in North Korea. The U.S., British and Australian rulers would be encouraged too to further intensify their backing of the pro-colonial, rich people’s opposition in China’s Hong Kong.
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If the U.S. and Australian regimes get away with imposing their will on Iran, that will make them more arrogant and oppressive at home. The ruling class here would be emboldened to deepen their repression of trade union activists, further immiserate the unemployed, increase racist state terror against Aboriginal people and intensify racist vilification of refugees and migrant-based, non-white communities. That is why it is in the very interests of the working class to mobilise in action to oppose imperialist attacks upon Iran. Through protest industrial action, the workers movement can impede the war drive against Iran. To lay the basis for such action means challenging the pro-imperialist line pushed by the current leadership of the workers movement in the ALP. It also means winning the best and most influential worker activists to participating in protest actions opposing the war drive. Therefore, any protests opposing the war moves of the U.S. and Australian regimes must be built on a political line that can win over committed trade union activists – that is, on an openly pro-working class, internationalist and secular line.
Although the U.S. on the one hand and Iran and pro-Iranian Shiite based groups on the other may seem implacable enemies, at key other times they have been allies. Some pro-Iranian, Iraqi groups criminally backed, at first, the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. Earlier, during the 1980s, the Iranian government was a key supporter of the U.S.-backed Afghan Mujahedin fanatics that fought an anti-communist war against the then secular, leftist Afghan government and its Soviet Red Army protectors. Then, in 2001, the Iranian state provided crucial support to the U.S./Australian/ NATO invasion of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Russia which to some degree acts as Iran’s ally is also at the same time somewhat of a rival to Iran. During oil supply negotiations last year, Russia and Saudi Arabia co-operated in stitching a deal that sidelined and shafted Iran provoking an angry rebuke from the Iranian side.
The fact is that none of the capitalist regimes act out of any claimed principle whether that be “bringing human rights”, “spreading democracy” or “standing against imperialism.” Rather, the only thing that drives any of these capitalist states – big and small – is protecting the interests of their own respective capitalist classes. Be that as it may, one thing is absolutely sure: the horrible suffering, bloodshed and chaos in the Middle East and surrounding regions cannot be ended unless the U.S. and other Western powers are ejected from these regions. We have already spoken about some of the calamities that these forces have caused in Iraq and Iran. However, their crimes extend far beyond there. In 2011, the U.S. and NATO killed tens of thousands of Libyan people and brought “Rebel” proxies to power that have brought on-going chaos and bloodshed to that once peaceful country. Then in Syria, the U.S. and allied imperialists backed largely religious fundamentalist “Rebel” proxies to try and impose regime change there. They fuelled a conflict that has killed hundreds of thousands of people. Among the groups that they backed was not only Syria’s Al Qaeda affiliate but for a period even ISIS – which itself was created out of the strife that these imperialists had brought to Iraq. Then when the nasty little ISIS monsters turned on the Western big imperialist monsters, the U.S., Australia and others Western powers responded with airstrikes done so callously that they killed tens of thousands of civilians in the mainly Sunni-populated areas of Syria and Iraq. Meanwhile, since their 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, the U.S., NATO and Australian forces have killed tens of thousands of civilians there. The Australian troops in particular killed several Afghan children at close range, executed in cold blood many civilians and murdered unarmed prisoners. We must demand that all U.S., NATO and Australian troops get out of Afghanistan as well as all of the Middle East. U.S. out of Syria! Lift all economic sanctions on Syria as well as Iran! Oppose all intervention by the imperialist powers whether that be military, diplomatic or through the funding of proxy forces!
No one should be surprised that the Trump regime is driving towards conflict with Iran. Nor at its aggressive attitude to Red China. After all Trump promised both these things during his election campaign. He also vowed to be more combative when “negotiating” with Washington’s part allies, part rivals in Western Europe. This too has occurred. Trump did, however, promise to improve relations with Russia – in good part because he hoped to use Russia against the German and French competitors of the U.S. and because he sought to bring Russia into a grand capitalist front against socialistic China. This part of Trump’s original agenda has been largely frustrated by other wings of the U.S. ruling class who don’t want to allow the up and coming Russian power to emerge as a major capitalist rival. The end result is that U.S. relations with just about everyone – other than Britain and Australia – have become pricklier and the world has become a more dangerous place.
However, there are small clots among the Left who, because of their sympathy for Russia’s capitalist rulers and their indifference to racial oppression, actually gave support (with some criticisms) to Trump in the lead up to his election. Some even condemned the anti-Trump protests during his inauguration! They basically argued that Trump would be less imperialistic. Especially after events over the last two weeks, they have been left with political egg on their faces. Of course, these “leftists” are now not about to broadcast their past softness on Trump. However, genuine leftists should expose these clots and ensure that they are completely discredited and isolated. To support, even in a critical way, a hard right-wing, extreme racist is a despicable crime for anyone claiming to be a leftist!
To be sure the problem is hardly just Trump and the rabid right-wingers. All wings of the imperialist ruling classes must be opposed. The Obama-era Iran nuclear deal unfairly curbed Iran’s nuclear program and did not give Iran complete sanctions relief. Let’s not forget too that it was this previous, more liberal U.S. regime that waged the regime change war on Libya and the proxy war in Syria. Here in Australia, it is hardly just the right-wing Liberals that are the war-mongers. It was the then Hawke Labor government that sent Australian forces to take part in the 1991 first Gulf War slaughter of Iraqi peoples. Later, the previous Rudd-Gillard-Rudd ALP government maintained the Howard government’s occupation forces in Afghanistan and backed the proxy war in Syria. Today, the ALP continues to fall over themselves to show “bipartisanship” with the Liberals on all key foreign policy issues.
What causes the drive to imperialist war is mainly not bad people and bad ideologies. Instead, it is the natural product of capitalism in the richer countries where, to counter the internal contradictions of their system, these capitalist states are forced to seek out new sources of cheap labour and raw materials and new markets to seize control of. It is notable that Trump is threatening Iran at a time when the U.S. economy is expected to weaken further. However, in targeting Iran, Washington also has other goals far beyond Iran. For one, Iran has friendly relations with China. By targeting Iran, the U.S. regime wants to put the squeeze on socialistic China. The destruction of the world’s most powerful socialistic state remains the number one foreign policy goal of the capitalist powers. The U.S. regime also wants to hit Iran to strike a blow against its emerging Russian capitalist rival. Most dangerously, by driving towards war with Iran, Washington wants to take a side swipe against its German-led West European rivals. The latter are unhappy at Trump’s abandonment of the Obama-era deal with Iran and understand this was a way to stop the French, German, Dutch and other European powers from consummating lucrative contracts with Iran. In these tensions we are seeing the dim outlines of a potential future war between rival imperialist powers. The imperialists fought two destructive inter-imperialist wars last century. Today, all sides will have nuclear weapons at the start of any new world war. We need socialist revolution in the imperialist centres of the U.S., Australia, France, Germany, Japan etc to save humanity from this truly terrifying, apocalyptic threat.
To defend Iran against the imperialist bullies one does not in any way need to prettify the Iranian ruling class. Iran’s capitalist rulers exploit their own working class, brutally subjugate women, trample on the rights of Azeris, Kurds and other non-Persian ethnic groups, murder communists and cruelly persecute lesbian women and gay men. However, should the imperialists invade Iran or impose a regime-change through proxies, the oppression of the masses would deepen much further. Look at what happened in Iraq! And in Libya! Given that the imperial powers would cream off much of the country’s oil wealth and fruits of workers’ labour, not only would the masses be immiserated even more but the dominant imperialists would need to incite sectarian and ethnic scapegoating to divide the exploited masses. And we have seen the calamity that such methods have brought to the people of Iraq! On the other hand, if the predatory war drive against Iran is defeated, although the religious fundamentalist regime would initially gain a boost to its authority, before long the toiling masses would say to themselves: “now that we have repulsed the big global oppressors let us now get rid of our exploiters here at home who are, in the end, economically subordinate to these imperialists.”
In recent months there have been mass protests and riots in Iran against fuel price hikes, poverty and corruption. However, taking part in the protests have been a mixture of pro-imperialist groups (including Shah supporters and supporters of the Mojahedin-e Khalq), genuine leftists and those who are not under any definite political leadership. Given the balance of power in the world and the imminent threat of imperialist attack, any such amorphous movement can quickly coalesce into a hardened proxy movement for imperialism. On the other hand, the imminent threat of an imperialist attack puts the question of opposing imperialism more onto centre stage. This gives an opportunity for genuine leftists taking part in opposition movements to split the movements by raising clear anti-imperialist slogans. In practice this would mean combining pro-worker economic demands and demands against the capitalist ruling class with clear slogans calling for the defence of Iran against imperialist attack. The idea would be to weed out from the leftist bloc anyone who either supports the menacing U.S. forces, is neutral on the question of an imperialist attack or is too half-hearted in opposing imperialism. The aim would be to build a leftist united-front movement that is clearly pro-working class, pro-women’s rights and anti-imperialist. Such a movement would not only politically oppose the capitalist rulers but would be staunchly against pro-imperialist opposition movements and would loudly stand for the defence of Iran against the imperialist aggressors. A similar split in opposition movements, albeit accounting for different terrains, is needed in Iraq, where the current government is simultaneously subordinate to Washington and allied with Tehran, and in Lebanon, where the governments have often been uneasy capitalist coalitions of pro-U.S. and pro-Syria/pro-Iran elements.
For leftists and opponents of imperialism in Australia our role must be overwhelmingly focussed on opposing the Australian regime’s contribution to the U.S.-led war drive against Iran rather than on supporting any rallies backing opposition forces in Iran – even leftist-led ones. Especially in the context of escalating war moves against Iran right now, even well-intentioned protests in Australia backing leftist opposition forces in Iran can have the effect of adding to the war-drive against Iran. In a land where the local ruling class is very much part of the U.S.-led moves to put the squeeze on Iran, the best way that we can support the building of a pro-working class, anti-imperialist opposition movement in Iran is to fight to lift the imperialist pressure that is bearing down upon her.
In mobilising against Canberra’s participation in U.S. moves against Iran we must understand that the Australian rulers are not merely puppets of the U.S. They are something worse than that. They form a predatory imperialist ruling class in their own right. They back U.S. wars in the Middle East because they want U.S. power to be strengthened because it is U.S. power that underwrites Australian imperialist overlordship and plunder of natural resources in PNG, Bougainville, East Timor, Fiji, the Solomon Islands and even to a degree in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the Australian rulers and the U.S. rulers co-operate in pressuring socialistic China as both share a common goal of weakening the world’s most powerful socialistic country. Some on the Left, however, like to portray the Australian rulers as mere puppets of the U.S., almost as if Australia was a dependant country persecuted by imperialism. This is very distorting to the struggle as it implies that what is needed is to appeal to Australian nationhood – and even to a section of the ruling class – to unite to “achieve independence” from the U.S. Such nationalism and tying of workers to a section of their own exploiters is very harmful to the class struggle. For what we need to do is to mobilise the working class and its allies against all the capitalists.
Let us combine the struggle against the union busting, racist attacks and persecution of the poor perpetrated by the Australian imperialist rulers at home with the struggle against their predatory imperialist interventions abroad from the Persian Gulf to Iraq, East Timor, the Korean Peninsula and the South China Sea. Stand against the Australian capitalist ruling class! Stand with the people of Iran against U.S. and Australian imperialist threats!
Capitalist Court Rejects Chan Han Choi’s Permanent Stay Application
Socialist Political Prisoner Cannot Get a Fair Trial in Australia
6 December 2019 – Yesterday, a judge in the NSW Supreme
Court knocked back a motion by socialist political prisoner, Chan Han Choi, for
a Permanent Stay in the proceedings against him. Since his arrest, Australia’s racist,
rich people’s regime has violated many of the rights that Choi should be
entitled to as a prisoner and defendant. As a result, Choi submitted a motion
for a Permanent Stay which was heard last Friday. If the motion had succeeded,
Choi’s trial would have been put off indefinitely on the grounds that he cannot
get a fair trial and he would have been released from custody having been found
neither innocent nor guilty. Curiously, not only did the judge give no reasons
in court for dismissing Choi’s application but the court later announced that
the judge’s detailed statement outlining his decision will not be published on
the court’s website until after the trial. That will, all too conveniently, shield
the blatantly unfair judgement from some of the detailed public scrutiny that
it deserves.
Chan Han Choi has spent nearly two years in prison now,
jailed largely because of his political sympathy for socialistic North Korea. Choi
is an Australian citizen who migrated here from South Korea 32 years ago. At
the time of his arrest, Choi was working as a cleaner in a public hospital.
This working class man was living in a modest rented unit in Eastwood. Choi is a
worldly, knowledgeable person who loves Japanese food and Western classical
music. He is also a husband, a proud father of a son in his mid-30s and the
proud grandfather to two infant granddaughters below the age of five. Nineteen
days ago, Choi marked his 61st birthday locked up in harsh
conditions in a maximum security prison in Sydney.
Choi was arrested in December 2017 on charges of attempting
to help the people of the DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, i.e.
“North Korea”) circumvent crippling UN economic sanctions by brokering trade
deals to help the DPRK export its produce abroad. An additional charge was
later added that Choi allegedly attempted to broker a deal to enable the DPRK
to import petroleum products, which she is cruelly prohibited from doing under
the sanctions. Choi has pleaded Not Guilty to all charges. Indeed, the
“evidence” in the charges brought against him is rather thin. Even the
Australian Federal Police (AFP) acknowledge that none of the alleged deals that
he is charged with brokering actually went through. Indeed, the AFP’s Statement of Facts on the case has to
concede, when speaking about many of the individual alleged deals, that those
alleged deals were cancelled by Choi himself or canned by the DPRK months
before his arrest.
However, as Choi’s supporters insisted in the call out for
a protest held just prior to the Permanent Stay hearing:
Even if the claims against him turn out to be true, he is no criminal from the working class standpoint. Quite the opposite! It would simply prove that he was aiding people who are being ground down by the most severe sanctions ever imposed.
Choi is a humanitarian who has seen the suffering that the sanctions have caused to North Korea’s people. He is also a socialist who sympathises with North Korea because he likes the society’s egalitarianism. Whatever one thinks of North Korea’s leaders, the fact is that her people have built a system based upon public ownership of the key banks, industries, agricultural land and mines. It is a state that was won by the masses in brave struggle to defeat the former capitalists and landlords. In supporting such a socialistic system, Choi is also standing by the interests of those in Australia hurt by privatisation, casualisation of employment, job slashing by bosses, bullying by banks and rising rents. Choi can be considered an anti-privatisation warrior and a champion of public ownership – that is of the system that would favour the working class majority of this country and the world. Working class people must now in turn stand by him!
Even within the context of the pro-imperialist sanctions laws that Choi has been charged under, Choi cannot get a fair trial. The reason is very simple: political prejudice. The Australian capitalist regime is determined to persecute Choi because of his resolute sympathy for a socialistic country. Thus, in response to Choi’s bail application, which was rejected by a Supreme Court judge two months ago, a major part of the Prosecution’s 10 October written submission opposing bail was the claim that Choi’s alleged offending is “objectively serious” because of his loyalty to the DPRK. In other words, the Australian regime is insisting that not simply because of his alleged actions but because of his political views – of strong sympathy for a socialistic country – Choi should be accorded less rights than he otherwise would be. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Statement of Facts on the case carries the same line. In this Statement of Facts, the AFP give as a reason for opposing bail Choi’s statements from prison (subsequently posted to YouTube) identifying the economic sanctions on North Korea as being unjust and unfair. So, for expressing his views and his opposition to the cruel imperialist sanctions on North Korea, Choi is being persecuted. This is blatant anti-communist discrimination very reminiscent of the McCarthy era, Cold War witch hunts. And it is because of this political discrimination that Choi was denied bail even though he is not accused of killing anyone, bashing anyone, sexually assaulting anyone, stealing from anyone or even of espionage. By contrast, the racist Northern Territory policeman charged with the shooting murder two weeks ago of Aboriginal teenager, Kumanjayi Walker, was given bail straight away. So was former Archbishop George Pell after he was charged with sexually assaulting children.
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) in its 10 October 2019 “Statement of Facts” includes among its reasons for opposing bail the fact that Chan Han Choi has made statements from prison opposing the economic sanctions on the DPRK and protesting the violation of his rights. To oppose bail on such grounds is blatant persecution of a person for expressing their political views.
It is not only in response to his bail application that
Choi has endured political discrimination. He and his family have been
subjected to it from the time of his very arrest. In prison, Choi has had
special restrictions imposed on him far in excess of those imposed on convicted
murderers and rapists. For the last year, Choi has been banned from making any
telephone calls to his friends. The only person that he is nominally allowed to
call is his wife. However, the authorities insist that any communication on the
phone that Choi makes must be in English. This makes communication between Choi
and his wife practically impossible given that her English is very limited and
his own English is far from fluent. Earlier this year, two officers from the
Corrections Intelligence Group “visited” Choi and threatened that should he speak
in Korean on the phone he would be sent to Goulburn Supermax prison. Choi soon
found out that he could not communicate with his wife in any meaningful way now
and it was risky too – an inadvertent break into Korean could see him isolated
in Goulburn Supermax. So that line of communication became completely cut.
To break Choi’s spirit the authorities have gone to great
lengths to isolate Choi from his entire family. When Choi was arrested, his
adult son’s house was also raided and his son and daughter-in-law subjected to threatening
interrogations. Although police did not charge his son they made it clear that
any support for, or association with, his father could see him in trouble.
Thus, his son has been effectively barred from communication with Choi. Meanwhile,
prison authorities also refused permission for Choi to even telephone his
daughter-in-law. As a result, since his arrest nearly two years ago, Choi has
not been able to speak to, let alone see, his own son, daughter-in law and
infant granddaughters. To further try and break Choi’s resolve, Australian
regime agencies have had Choi’s son sacked from a senior, skilled role at a
reputed IT infrastructure company. The AFP told Choi’s son that he would not be
able to work in a professional role again.
Meanwhile, even as he was preparing to enter a plea and
then to prepare for his upcoming trial, Australian authorities restricted
Choi’s access to his lawyers. Thus, for over a whole year since their initial
visit on 11 September last year, Choi’s current lawyers were only able to visit
him twice in jail and only on one of those visits were they able to be
accompanied by an interpreter. By contrast, Choi’s previous regime-appointed
lawyer, who was pressuring him to plead guilty, was able to visit him with an
interpreter once a week. It seems that once the regime realised that Choi’s
current lawyers were not going to pressure him to plead guilty, they started
curbing their access to Choi. So, after not having any problem getting an
initial visit to Choi, these lawyers and any interpreters were suddenly
required to be vetted for special approval to visit an NSI (National Security
Interest) inmate. This approval finally came through less than three months ago
– a whole year after they had first visited Choi. The timing of that approval
is also rather “interesting” – it happened to be around the time that Choi
submitted his motion for a Permanent Stay!
Australian Regime Intercepts Choi’s Communications with His Lawyers
Given the blatant Cold War discrimination that Australian
state institutions have subjected Choi to, it is obvious that these same
institutions are not going to give Choi a fair trial. Therefore, the grounds
that Choi has for a Permanent Stay are both compelling and very numerous. In
the hearing last Friday, Choi’s barrister chose to focus on two key grounds. Firstly,
he detailed how Choi can have no confidence that his communications with his
legal representatives are not being intercepted by state agencies. With such
well-founded fears, not only can he not properly plan his own trial defence
with his legal representatives, Choi can have little confidence that privileged
communication between him and his legal representatives are not being passed on
to the Prosecution. Concerned about this, Choi’s lawyers wrote to various
government agencies seeking assurances that they have not been intercepting
communications between Choi and his legal representatives. However, by the time
of the Permanent Stay hearing, ASIO had failed to respond. Meanwhile, the AFP’s
response refused to give any assurance, only stating in a non-committal manner
that: “The Australian Federal Police (AFP) does not comment on operational
matters before the court.”
When asked by Choi’s lawyers to give a guarantee that they had not and will not engage in any interception of Choi’s privileged communications with his lawyers, the AFP notably refused to give such a guarantee.
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Of all the responses received by Choi’s lawyers from government agencies, the most striking was the 7 November response of the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW, Peter Severin. In his letter to Choi’s lawyers, which the lawyers submitted as part of their affidavit to the court, the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW admits that prison officers are indeed intercepting phone calls between Choi and his legal representatives. Severin claims that this is necessary because Choi is an NSI inmate. He tries to divert from this admission by stating that: “correspondence, including faxes and emails from a legal practitioner to a NSI inmate must be delivered to the inmate without opening, inspecting or reading the contents.” However, one can have little confidence that the prisons are actually following even this policy. This is especially the case when one considers what occurred when Choi’s lawyers sent him, by post, several months ago crucial legal documents and evidence. Choi did not receive these documents as they were likely intercepted too!
The Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW)
attempts to minimise the significance of their interception of communications
between Choi and his legal representatives by claiming that “it is the practice
of CSNSW that officers periodically ‘drop in’ to the line, listen for long
enough to check that English is being spoken and that the call is with the
approved recipient ….” However, even if CSNSW officers were actually confining
themselves to such a procedure, they would still be on line long enough to
potentially listen in on important legal tactics being discussed between Choi
and his legal representatives.
The Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) admits that CSNSW officers have been intercepting privileged communications between Chan Han Choi and his lawyers. Not surprisingly, he tried to downplay the significance of these interceptions.
Of course, one would have to be extremely naive to think
that state personnel assigned to listen in on communications between Choi and
his legal representatives are confining themselves to short bursts of snooping.
This is especially when one knows that Australian state agencies have a sordid
history of spying on privileged communications between others in order to suit
the interests of the capitalist masters that they serve. During Australia’s
2004 negotiations with East Timor over oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea,
the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) planted huge numbers of
listening devices in order to listen to the negotiation strategy discussions of
East Timorese ministers and negotiators and thus give the Australian government
– and the filthy rich corporate bigwigs of Woodside Petroleum and BHP whose
interests they were representing – the advantage in the negotiations. If that
is what Australian state agencies do to gain an unfair advantage in a dispute
with what it calls a “close friend”, they will surely have no hesitation in snooping
in on the discussions between a person accused of aiding what they deem to be a
“criminal state” and his lawyers in order to gain the advantage in their
prosecution of him.
The other important aspect of the Australian state spying on East Timorese negotiation strategy discussions is the extent to which they went to cover up this snooping. In 2013, as the remorseful ASIS officer (“Witness K”) who led the bugging was set to travel to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague to expose the operation and to act as a witness for the East Timorese government in its case against the Australian government over the spying, ASIO raided the home of this Witness K and seized his passport thus preventing him from testifying at The Hague. They also raided Witness K’s lawyer, Bernard Collaery. Five years later, the same AFP and Commonwealth DPP that are prosecuting Choi hit up Witness K and Collaery with charges of revealing to the media and the East Timorese government the 2004 bugging operation. Both face charges that could see them imprisoned for years. If Australian regime agencies are capable of such extreme measures to cover up their spying of those that they are in dispute with, they would not blink an eyelid to simply lie to cover up the extent of their spying on the privileged communications between Choi and his lawyer.
12 September 2018, Canberra: People protest the Australian state’s persecution of “Witness K” and his lawyer Bernard Collaery for revealing to the world that Australia’s ASIS spy agency had spied on East Timorese ministers and negotiators to give the Australian government an unfair advantage in oil negotiations with East Timor. If Australian regime agencies are capable of such extreme measures to cover up their spying on supposed “friends” that they are in dispute with, they would not blink an eyelid to simply lie to cover up the extent of their spying on the privileged communications between Choi and his lawyer.
The second main ground that Choi’s barrister focussed on in last Friday’s hearing is the difficulty that his legal representatives face in preparing his defence because of restrictions blocking interpreters communicating with Choi. Choi can roughly speak some colloquial English. However, his English is far from adequate to understand complex legal concepts and legal evidence when presented in English. He needs Korean-English interpreters to communicate with his lawyers and barristers. However, CSNSW have determined that any interpreter visiting Choi or even interpreting in an Audio-Visual Link (AVL) connection with him must have special clearance for contact with NSI inmates. The problem is that none of the Korean-English interpreters available have NSI clearance and none of the regular interpreters want to go through the process of getting approval (it is time consuming and intrusive). Although a non-regular interpreter with clearance was later found, when she was used for a 21 November conference between Choi and his lawyer and barrister, she was unable to communicate chunks of what was being communicated to Choi from English to Korean. There were many English words that she simply did not understand. Midway, through the conference, the interpreter said, “I will contact the agency as I do not understand this. This is too serious and hard for me. I am only Level 2. I will let the agency know next time they should send someone more advanced in English for this matter.” Except the agency has no one else with NSI clearance or willing to seek it! We will not name the interpreter involved as she is an innocent thrown in the deep end as a result of a draconian system to keep Choi and others like him isolated. However, the long and short of the matter is that Choi and his legal representatives are unable to properly prepare his legal defence because they cannot access the interpreters needed to adequately communicate with each other.
Affidavit from Choi’s lawyers detailed how the only Korean-English interpreter with the required special clearance to translate discussions between Choi and his lawyers/barristers does not have the required translation capacity (we have blacked out her name so as to not cause any embarrassment to this interpreter who is an innocent in this episode). No interpreters with the required capacity have clearance to interpret for Choi as few want to go through the intrusive and time-consuming process of getting the required clearance.
All this is compounded by the fact that funding granted by
Legal Aid for interpreters in Choi’s matter has been extremely limited. This is
almost certainly no accident. It bears an eerie resemblance to what is going on
in another case of political persecution – that of Witness K. In late August,
Witness K’s counsel angrily announced that his client had received almost no
funding from Legal Aid despite having applied for it more than a year
previously! Witness K’s counsel, Haydn Carmichael, accused Legal Aid of an
“extraordinary unexplained roadblock.”
Even If Choi Gets Bail in the Future He Still Can’t Get a Fair Trial
During last Friday’s hearing, the sitting judge intimated that should Choi be able to get bail in the future following a fresh application, the issues raised in his Permanent Stay application would be resolved. However, this is definitely not the case. The issue of getting interpreters to speak to Choi would be partially resolved in that they would no longer be obstructed from contacting him. However, the problem of inadequate Legal Aid funding to hire interpreters would not go away one bit. More importantly, Choi would still face the threat of having his communications with his legal representatives intercepted. Let’s recall that ASIO and the AFP have both refused to give assurances that they are not even now intercepting Choi’s communications with his lawyers and barristers. And given that Corrective Services NSW is openly admitting to intercepting Choi’s communications with his legal representatives, one can have little confidence that other government agencies would not do this even if Choi is granted bail. After all, the Australian capitalist regime’s perception of Choi would not change one iota if he is granted bail in the future.Given that they believe that his communications with his legal representatives should be intercepted now, they would still believe that they should be intercepted in the future. It is instructive to again recall what an Australian state agency did in East Timor a few years ago. They did not merely bug phone calls amongst East Timorese politicians and negotiators. Instead, under the cover of an aid project to refurbish government buildings, the Australian regime planted hundreds of listening devices in East Timorese ministerial and government buildings. If they are prepared to undertake such a massive, complex and expensive operation abroad against a “friendly country”, they would not hesitate, even in the least, to plant a couple of listening bugs and phone wiretaps in the future bail residence of a person who they believe is politically loyal to a country they deem a “criminal state.”
Moreover, we already know for certain that Australian state
agencies have placed Choi’s supporters under intensive surveillance. Point
124.J of the AFP’s Statement of Facts
states that:
several members who attended the rally specified in (i) [the 13 April 2019 Free Chan Han Choi rally that the AFP report on – actually complain about – in their previous point], have visited and been in regular telephone contact with the Accused while in NSW Corrective Services custody. Several of these member [sic] have attended NSW Central Court on dates where the Accused appeared for mention. On one occasion (4 July 2018), one of the Accused’s associates removed their business shirt while in Court to reveal a t-shirt containing the words “See You in Pyongyang”, positioning themselves to feature on a video-uplink with the Accused.
There are three key points apparent from this statement. Firstly, to be able to determine that amongst the dozens of people attending the 13 April 2019 united front rally in defence of Choi are the three people visiting Choi in custody, the AFP and/or ASIO and/or other regime agencies must have placed the 13 April 2019 protest under surveillance and must also have specifically honed in on the people allowed to visit Choi. Secondly, to be able to determine that some of these people have “been in regular phone contact with the Accused” (actually they should have said “had been” since for the last year Choi has been barred from phone contact with these friends), regime agencies must have been monitoring Choi’s calls to them. Thirdly, given the position that Choi’s supporter (who we spoke to) was sitting in the court room on 4 July 2018, there was no way that any AFP/ASIO officers present at the court room that day could have by their own eyes determined that, “one of the Accused’s associates removed their business shirt while in Court to reveal a t-shirt containing the words `See You in Pyongyang’, positioning themselves to feature on a videouplink with the Accused.” They could only have determined what “one of the Accused’s associates” was trying to do by listening in on phone communications amongst Choi’s supporters.
The AFP’s own Statement of Facts on Choi’s case reveals the extent to which Australian regime agencies have been stalking and monitoring Choi’s supporters. Some of the information contained in this document (that one of Choi’s supporters positioned “themselves to feature on a video-uplink with the Accused” during one of Choi’s court mentions) could only have been obtained by intercepting communications between Choi’s supporters.
The level of surveillance of Choi’s supporters by the
Australian regime is further emphasised in Point 20 of the Crown’s 10 October
2019 submissions opposing Choi’s bail application. It states that:
On two occasions when the Applicant’s matter has been before Central Local Court for mention, supporters have attended with one of them wearing a t-shirt bearing the flag of the DPRK above the words “See you in Pyongyang” which was displayed prominently (the first time, in the foyer of the court; the second time, in the body of the court during the mention of the matter) and then covered up. On the first occasion, those supporters also photographed the outside of the court including members of the Prosecution who were walking down the steps and then immediately attending an internet café before splitting up.
Choi’s supporters who were involved in this highly “subversive” act of “wearing a t-shirt bearing the flag of the DPRK” and then “attending an internet cafe” immediately after attending court said that they were in the Internet cafe and then talked together outside for a combined period of over an hour before “splitting up.” That means that the AFP/ASIO officers who stalked them not only tailed them the hundreds of metres from the court to the internet cafe but also carried out surveillance on them for over an hour!
The Commonwealth DPP’s written submission opposing bail for Choi in his October 2019 bail hearing revealed that the Australian regime agencies had stalked Choi’s supporters from a court house to an internet cafe and then maintained surveillance on them until they split up. The supporters who were stalked said they did not split up until over an hour after they first entered the internet cafe – meaning that the relevant regime agency spent at least that long on tracking Choi’s supporters that day.
So, we can draw from these two statements by the AFP and
the Commonwealth DPP the following conclusions about the level of Australian
regime surveillance of Choi’s supporters:
Australian regime
agencies have stalked Choi’s supporters and on at least one occasion monitored them
for over an hour.
Regime agencies carried
out surveillance on at least one solidarity rally with Chan Han Choi and honed
in on those supporters of Choi visiting him in custody.
Regime agencies have
monitored the phone calls between Choi and his friends.
Regime agencies have
listened in on phone communications amongst Choi’s supporters.
If this is the level of surveillance that the regime is placing on Choi’s supporters, what would they be doing to Choi himself should he get bail? They would certainly be intercepting all his communications – including with his lawyers and barristers.
There is another crucial point that should be made here. Because of the obstruction of access to Choi for lawyers and language interpreters, Choi has had to rely on his supporters visiting him in prison to act as go-betweens with his lawyers. Indeed, his access to lawyers and the necessary interpreters became so constricted that on 28 July of this year, Choi formally wrote a signed document to make one of his supporters (who we will refer to as Comrade P) his Power of Attorney. This Comrade P is one of the people referred to in the AFP’s Statement of Facts who both attended the 13 April 2019 Free Chan Han Choi rally and has been visiting Choi in custody. He is also the person the AFP refer to who on 4 July 2018, “removed their business shirt while in Court to reveal a t-shirt containing the words `See You in Pyongyang’, positioning themselves to feature on a videouplink with the Accused” and is also one of Choi’s supporters who the Prosecution’s 10 October 2019 submission reveals was stalked [by Australian/spy agencies] to an internet cafe. The key point is that since, as is evident from the AFP and Commonwealth DPP’s own submissions, Australia’s state agencies are intercepting the communications of – and putting under surveillance – Comrade P and other Choi supporters, these regime agencies are effectively intercepting Choi’s indirect communications with his lawyers. This is especially the case since 28 July when in legal terms the person that Choi made his Power of Attorney, Comrade P, effectively became Choi as far as consultations and instructions to lawyers are concerned. By intercepting this Power of Attorney’s communications, which no doubt means his communications with Choi’s lawyers too, the Australian regime are again intercepting communications between Choi and his lawyer.
Due to the obstacles placed by prison authorities on Choi’s access to his lawyers and to suitably qualified language interpreters, Choi made one of his supporters his Power of Attorney. However this person is among the people who (as revealed by the AFP’s “Statement of Fact’s itself and by the Commonwealth DPP’s submissions to Choi’s October bail hearing) the Australian regime has stalked and monitored and who has apparently also had his phone communications intercepted. Australian regime agencies intercepting phone communications between Choi’s Power of Attorney and his lawyers is equivalent to them intercepting communications between Choi and his lawyers.
In summary, whether it is Choi’s direct communications or his indirect ones via his supporters – and in particular the person he made his Power of Attorney – communications between Choi and his lawyers, that are meant to be privileged, have been intercepted by the agencies of the very state that is prosecuting him.There is thus no way Chan Han Choi can get a fair trial! Even if he was in the future finally granted bail and through some miracle the Australian regime stopped spying on him, they may well have already determined enough information about his intended legal strategy to compromise his defence. As an analogy, consider the Australian intelligence agencies spying on East Timorese officials. The key point that the Australian regime wanted to find out in order to gain the advantage in the oil and gas negotiations, is what East Timor’s bottom line was, i.e. how low they were prepared to settle for. Once they had this information then it would not matter if the spying stopped; Australia would already have a huge unfair advantage in the negotiations. Similarly, once key aspects of Choi’s legal strategy have been determined by the Australian regime through spying, the damage is already done: any (quite hypothetical) ceasing of the spying is not going to reverse the unfair advantage already gained by the prosecution.
But Wait … There’s More!
The main affidavit submitted by
Choi’s lawyers to his Permanent Stay hearing included a copy of a 1 November
2018 letter by Legal Aid to Choi threatening that should Choi sack his current
lawyers, his “grant of legal aid will be terminated.” Except, as the affidavit
stated, “at no stage did he [Choi] communicate with legal aid about wishing for
the grant to be assigned to another lawyer.” Although the affidavit itself does
not draw any conclusions from this, this fact has much significance. For, since
it was not Choi that tried to sack his lawyers and given that Legal Aid was
against Choi supposedly sacking his lawyers, it is apparent that a shadowy third
party masquerading as Choi sent Legal Aid a phoney communication sacking
Choi’s lawyers. Who could this third party be? We cannot be sure. However, to
pull off something like that and fool Legal Aid those responsible would almost
certainly have been a state actor. It is obvious that they were trying to
ensure that Choi would not be represented by his current lawyers. They no doubt
hoped that given that Choi was so isolated in prison and communication with him
so impeded, a mere forged letter to Legal Aid in Choi’s name would have been
sufficient to end these lawyers’ representation of him. So, what would their
motivation be for doing this? Prior to Choi retaining his current lawyers, Choi
had a government-appointed lawyer who was pressuring him to plead Guilty. In
contrast, Choi’s current lawyers were intent on allowing Choi to make the
ultimate decision on how he should plead and leant towards recommending that he
fight the charges. So, whoever tried to get Choi’s lawyers sacked were
obviously enemies of Choi and the DPRK who wanted to see him plead Guilty. That
as good as narrows it down to either Australian regime agencies like ASIO or
the AFP or to the CIA or the South Korean intelligence agency, the KCIA.
November 1, 2018 letter by Legal Aid to Choi threatening that should Choi go ahead and sack his current lawyers, his “grant of legal aid will be terminated.” Except, at no stage did Choi ask to sack these lawyers! Since it was not Choi that tried to sack his lawyers and given that Legal Aid was against Choi supposedly sacking his lawyers, it is apparent that a shadowy third party masquerading as Choi sent Legal Aid a communication sacking Choi’s lawyers.
This is hardly the only time that Choi’s adversaries have used dirty tricks methods to try and isolate him. Take the way that CSNSW have attempted to obstruct visits from Choi’s friends. When the three friends visiting Choi in prison first applied to visit him in early March last year – a detailed application was required as the authorities had classified Choi in the most stringent prisoner category (EHR-R/NSI) – CSNSW told them that it would take four to five weeks to process their applications. When they did not receive any feedback by the end of this period, they called CSNSW’s Visits Restrictions Unit on two occasions over the following weeks to find out the status of their applications. On each occasion they were told that their applications were being processed and a decision would be forthcoming soon. However, when they called a third time, now some seven weeks after their applications were lodged, the CSNSW unit now told them that … there was no record whatsoever in the CSNSW system that any of them had made any applications! Fortunately, Choi’s friends each had copies of their own applications and each of these was witness signed by a CSNSW officer. Nevertheless, the supposed “loss” of their applications was used to slow down the processing of these applications. Indeed, these supporters of Choi were not informed that they had been approved to visit Choi until four and a half months after their initial applications! Moreover, CSNSW only began to inform them that their applications had been successful after one of them sent an E-mail inquiring about the status of their applications. CSNSW responded to that E-mail by E-mailing a copy of a postal letter, dated three weeks earlier, informing the applicant that his application to visit Choi had been successful. However, the address on this letter was wrong: the unit number in the address was written as 1 instead of 11. As a result, the letter sent in the post was never received. Meanwhile, another one of the applicants also never received any letter in the post informing him that his application had been successful. If all that is not enough, after two of these friends in April simultaneously applied to have their visits to Choi extended for a further year (after all the hassle to get approved CSNSW only grants successful applicants a one year period of visitation!) one of them (Comrade P) was again told, when he inquired with the relevant CSNSW unit a month after his application was lodged, that “we have not received any paperwork from LBH [Long Bay Hospital]”! This is despite the other friend of Choi who applied together with this friend – and whose application was indeed witness signed by the same CSNSW officer at the very same time – not having his application lost. Now, one could possibly put one of these “errors,” that delayed Choi’s supporters from getting access to him, down to bureaucratic incompetence. But for all these “mistakes” to occur is simply not possible unless there was a conscious effort by relevant units of CSNSW to use dirty tricks to impede visits to Choi by his supporters.
The fact that dirty tricks were apparently used by an Australian regime institution to try and keep Choi isolated from his supporters adds further weight to the conclusion that forces hostile to Choi had used dirty tricks to try and have his current lawyers sacked. This has much significance for assessing whether Choi can get a fair trial. For, if Australian state agencies – and possibly allied foreign intelligence agencies – are prepared to violate their own stated rules to isolate Choi from both supporters and legal representation, then how can this same state conduct a fair trial of Choi? It can’t! Moreover, the fact that this capitalist state – and possibly allied foreign intelligence agencies – are prepared to use under-handed methods against Choi reinforces the notion that the direct and indirect communications between Choi and his lawyers that are being intercepted by regime agencies could be used to greatly disadvantage Choi in his upcoming trial.
Also included in the main affidavit submitted to Choi’s
Permanent Stay hearing is a media report that includes the public statements
made by then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull at the time of Choi’s arrest.
Turnbull as good as pronounced Choi guilty, threatening anyone thinking of
assisting North Korea that “the AFP [Australian Federal Police] will find
you” and then ranting hysterically in connection with Choi’s arrest that,
“North Korea is a dangerous, reckless, criminal regime threatening the peace of
the region. It supports itself by breaching UN sanctions, not simply by selling
commodities like coal and other goods, but also by selling weapons, by selling
drugs, by engaging in cyber crime.” Needless to say, when the then chief
political officer of the country makes such highly publicised, extreme
statements against Choi it is going to prejudice any jury that will sit on
Choi’s trial.
There were also many additional reasons why Choi cannot get
a fair trial that were not included in the formal Permanent Stay application.
One of these is that the AFP or their sources (which could be ASIO, the
Australian Signals Directorate, the CIA or the KCIA) apparently tampered with
evidence submitted in the case. The apparent tampering of submitted documents
does not directly affect the case against Choi. Rather, it covers up
information that is extremely politically damaging to the Australian and U.S.
regimes and even more destructive to the credibility of their South Korean
allies (see below for further details). However, it shows that the evidence
supplied in the case cannot be relied on. After all, if the AFP or their
sources have secretly deleted politically embarrassing information (without
putting any note stating that the information is redacted) from documentary
evidence in one area, what other evidence have they tampered with? How can Choi
get a fair trial if one can have little confidence in the authenticity of the
evidence supplied in the case against him? In the next few weeks, we hope to be
able to confirm with absolute certainty if there has been under-handed tampering
of documents in the prosecution’s supplied evidence as almost certainly seems
to be the case. Watch this space!
When one puts the numerous grounds for a Permanent Stay in the proceedings against Choi together, one gets a unified picture of why Chan Han Choi cannot get a fair trial. And this is because, from the prejudicing of any jury by the extremely hostile public statements against him made by the then prime minister at the time of his arrest, to the impeding of Choi’s access to lawyers, to the restriction of access to this very day of competent Korean-English interpreters, to the very limited and tardy legal aid funding for interpreters, to the efforts to break his spirit by blocking communication with his family, to the interception of Choi’s privileged direct and indirect communications with his legal representatives, to the apparent dirty tricks used to try and isolate Choi from both his lawyers and his supporters, to the denial of his bail application based on his political sympathy for the socialistic DPRK, Chan Han Choi has, because of his political loyalty to a socialistic state, faced blatant discrimination from the agencies of Australia’s capitalist state – the very state that is supposed to “fairly” adjudicate his case. If Choi’s Permanent Stay application was indeed adjudicated on fairly it would surely have succeeded.
However, the legal system that adjudicated on Choi’s
Permanent Stay application is itself biased. As Trotskyist Platform spokesman,
Samuel Kim, put it at a 23 November march through the centre of Sydney
demanding freedom for Chan Han Choi:
“… this so-called justice system, is not just, it is unjust. The legal system at its core, is part of the ruling class’ machinery that works against the interests of the working class masses and their supporters. The state exists for the corporate bosses and capitalist investors… Whether it is the Liberals, the ALP or the Greens who are in office, it will always be a state for the capitalist rich ruling class.”
That is why business owners, from corporate bigwigs to restaurant and cafe owners – big and small alike – are able to get away with illegally underpaying their workers without facing any criminal punishments (and at most being hit with minor fines), while trade unionists who stand up staunchly for workers rights get hit with criminal convictions and exorbitant fines. This legal system that attacks those who stand up for the rights of workers is even more implacably hostile to those like Choi who stand up for workers states like the DPRK and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Meanwhile, since the courts are united with the other agencies of Australia’s state – the police, the military, the AFP, ASIS, ASIO, the DPP, the Australian Signals Directorate and the prisons – by a common subservience to the same wealthy capitalist class they also act as apologists for these other state organs. This was evident in a high-profile coroner’s report handed down exactly a week before Choi’s Permanent Stay application was held. The coroner’s report was into the death of 26 year-old Aboriginal prisoner, David Dungay. Dungay was killed by six prison guards four years ago at the very jail and the same wing of that jail where Choi is currently being held: the Hospital wing (which also serves as a remand jail) of Long Bay Prison. The guards caused Dungay’s death by crushing him with their combined weight and then continuing to choke him in this prone position as he cried out desperately more than a dozen times, “I can’t breathe!” Outrageously, the coroner recommended no criminal charges or any other sanction against any of the CSNSW officers who caused Dungay’s death. Similarly, the NSW Supreme Court judge who heard Choi’s Permanent Stay application grossly downplayed the harm done by the actions of CSNSW and the other regime agencies that have been violating the rights of Chan Han Choi.
Chan Han Choi’s Fate Will Be Decided by the Outcome of the Clash of Political Forces
Like the other enforcement personnel of the capitalist
state, magistrates and judges are tied by thousands of threads to the wealthy
capitalist class. Magistrates and judges are themselves on very high salaries.
Many of them no doubt invest part of these salaries in large shareholdings, in wealth
management products indirectly investing in shares and in multiple investment
properties. That means that their own economic interests lie very much with the
interests of capital and against those like trade unionists who militantly
stand up for workers rights. Having such interests would also make them
especially hostile to states – like the DPRK – formed through the overthrow of
capitalist rule. Moreover, a person could not rise to become a judge –
especially a Supreme Court judge – unless they had already proven their loyalty
to the capitalist order countless times on their way up. Then there are all the
personal connections that tie the judiciary to the capitalist elite. Judges’
and magistrates’ connections to corporate bigwigs, ruling class politicians and
the leaders of other state agencies are cemented through private school old
boys networks, common membership of exclusive social and sports clubs, marriage,
neighbourly relations in expensive suburbs and, in some cases, even through
shared patronage of the same high-priced prostitutes.
We must add that in such high-stakes, high-profile,
political cases like the one of Chan Han Choi’s, any judge sitting on the case
is hardly going to make any key decisions by themselves. You can bet that
influential capitalist billionaires, government leaders, heads of repressive
agencies and other judges will be banging in their ears. Such interference in
the case might take place casually during the course of, say, an extravagant
dinner at an expensive restaurant. Or it might occur in a more deliberate
manner through members of the ruling class elite specifically calling up the
relevant judges or taking them “aside for a chat.” Think of how prime minister
Scott Morrison rang up his mate – and former neighbour – NSW Police
Commissioner, Mick Fuller to “enquire” about the police investigation into the
alleged forging of documents by his energy minister, Angus Taylor … and
multiply that by about a hundred!
Since the Australian ruling class is determined to
persecute Chan Han Choi, the pressure on the judge – and his own class
instincts – will be toward ensuring that this occurs. However, that does not
mean that Choi’s cause is hopeless. Choi has his support. When the Australian authorities arrested Chan
Han Choi nearly two years ago, Australian ruling circles expected that Choi’s
imprisonment would meet with universal approval and that they could break
Choi’s spirit by cruelly impeding his access to family, friends, lawyers and
Korean-English interpreters. Instead, Chan Han Choi has defiantly spoken out
from prison against the Australian regime’s violation of his human rights and
has stuck by his political opposition to the cruel economic sanctions on the people
of North Korea. What has really caught the Australian regime by surprise is the
significant and growing support for Choi that has arisen both in Australia and
around the world. Here in Sydney, Trotskyist Platform has been joined in the united
front rallies to free Chan Han Choi and oppose the economic sanctions by a
growing number of people. Among the organisations endorsing the street protests
are groups as diverse as the Irish republican socialist group the James
Connolly Association, Australia-DPRK Friendship Society, the Lebanese Communist
Party, Communist Party of Australia – Western Sydney Branch, Aust-DPRK
Solidarity, Young Communists – Western Sydney and most recently the Social
Justice Network, a multi-racial progressive group with a strong base amongst
refugees and migrants from the Middle East and South Asia. Alongside the street
protests in defence of Choi, his supporters, from Australia to as far away as
Genoa, Italy have been making and wearing T-shirts calling to “Free Chan Han
Choi – A Socialist Political Prisoner in Australia.” Other individuals and
groups have expressed their solidarity with Choi on social media. Despite Choi’s
supporters in Sydney facing intimidation and surveillance from the repressive
agencies of the Australian regime, just prior to Choi’s Permanent Stay hearing we
held our fourth street demonstration in solidarity with Choi. Six days earlier,
we boisterously marched through the streets of Sydney city chanting, “Chan Han
Choi – Free This Hero Now!” and “Free Chan Choi – Lift the Sanctions Now!”
23 November 2019, Sydney: Supporters of Chan Han Choi gather for a united-front protest march to demand his freedom and the lifting of the UN sanctions on North Korea.
What this solidarity movement means is that the more the
Australian regime continues with its persecution of Choi, the greater the
political cost it will suffer. Its pretensions of being “democratic” will be
exposed, the cruelty of the sanctions regime on the DPRK that it supports will
be highlighted and the nature of the Australian regime as a dictatorship of
the big end of town will be bared for all to see. In the end, influential
members of the capitalist ruling elite will have to decide whether their
hostility to Choi and what they gain in persecuting him is worth the political
cost of conducting this persecution. In other words, Chan Han Choi’s fate will
mostly not be decided by points of law and evidence presented in the courtroom
but by the clash of forces in the political arena. The more that we can
increase the political cost of attacking Choi for Australia’s racist rich
people’s regime the more chance we have in forcing them to back off from their
completely unjust persecution.
Why the Ruling Class Is So Hell Bent on Persecuting Chan Han Choi
As Choi has himself told his supporters, the ferocity of
the Australian rulers’ persecution of him represents a channelling of all their
hostility to the DPRK onto Choi. So why is the Australian regime so hostile to
the DPRK? To the imperialist ruling classes of the likes of the U.S., Australia
and Japan the existence of states created by anti-capitalist revolutions in the
DPRK and in its massive neighbour and ally China (as well as in Cuba, Vietnam
and Laos) are simply unbearable. For the existence of these socialistic states
means that there is a chunk of the world where these imperialists cannot
exploit workers, plunder natural resources and dominate markets the way that
they do in most of the rest of the world. Moreover, the imperialists fear that
the existence of independent, socialistic countries in the Asia-Pacific could embolden
the masses of the countries in this region bullied by capitalist powers to
think that they too should give the imperialists the boot and take up the
socialist path. The Australian imperialists fear that if the PRC continues to
grow stronger and if the DPRK is allowed to do so, the masses of PNG, East
Timor, Fiji, the Philippines and Indonesia will be encouraged to defy their
Australian neocolonial oppressors. Furthermore, the mere presence of workers
states sets off the most mortal fear of capitalist rulers: that their own
working class will be inspired by this to one day sweep them away from power.
The capitalist rulers have specific reasons for wanting to
persecute Chan Han Choi. For one, by prosecuting Choi on charges of violating
the sanctions on the DPRK, the Australian rulers hope to intimidate anyone
thinking of assisting the people of North Korea. Alongside its U.S. senior
partner, the Australian imperialists have been amongst the most rabid supporters
of the sanctions. Australian ships and maritime surveillance aircraft are
currently deployed in the waters off Korea helping the U.S. to enforce these
sanctions. These sanctions are aimed at arm-twisting the people of North Korea
to kowtow to the imperialist powers, abandon their socialistic system and allow
Western, Japanese and South Korean speculators, bankers and sweatshop bosses to
take over her economy, plunder her natural resources and turn her well educated
workforce into a big labour pool to be exploited. For the capitalist ruling
classes of the U.S., Australia and Japan, the terrible hardships and shortages
of medicine and food that the sanctions inflict on the people of “North Korea”
are just “collateral damage” in the pursuit of their “higher” purpose of …
greater profits!
The Australian regime’s arrest and demonisation of Choi was also aimed at fuelling the launch of their new Cold War witch hunt against supporters of socialistic states. Choi’s arrest came just as the main weapons in this latest Cold War were being set for blast off. The number one target of this Cold War – which has seen the mainstream media and government launch one anti-China attack after another – are supporters of socialistic China. Any Chinese international student who speaks out in support of the PRC and any prominent Chinese immigrant who refuses to condemn the PRC could get witch-hunted. However, supporters of the DPRK – which is the PRC’s ally and neighbour – like Choi are also naturally targeted. The persecution of Choi has both added to the anti-communist hysteria targeting supporters of Red China and has been in turn bolstered by this anti-PRC Cold War. Just four days ago, the Morrison government announced the granting of yet more tens of millions of dollars for ASIO so that this sinister spy agency could establish a new taskforce against supposed [mythical] “foreign interference” by China. Pro-communist activists, pro-PRC Chinese international students and other supporters of Red China will be the real target.
The purposes behind this anti-communist witch hunting are
to justify to the public increased military mobilisation behind the U.S.-led
war drive against the PRC and DPRK, to justify support for anti-communist
forces within China – like the pro-colonial, rich kid rioters in Hong Kong – and
to crush opposition at home to the Australian regime’s anti-PRC policies. The
effect of this Cold War drive has been to whip up a national security obsession
so intense that it has ended up targeting people who are in no way supporters
of socialistic states. Thus, although Witness K is certainly no red, the Cold War-derived
national security fixation has certainly rebounded against him. So even though
Witness K was first raided by ASIO in 2013, the Commonwealth DPP only actually decided
to charge him in mid-2018, six months after the arrest of Choi and as the witch
hunt against supporters of Red China was quickly intensifying. Many others have
also been submerged in the national security tide. These including David
McBride, the military lawyer who exposed horrific war crimes by Australian
special forces troops in Afghanistan. Even mainstream journalists, who have
done so much to whip up the anti-China hysteria, have been subjected to AFP
raids on the rare occasions that they actually do a decent investigative report
that holds Australian regime institutions to account.
Parallel with the Cold War witch hunt that has targeted Chan Han Choi and pro-Red China Chinese students and migrants has been increased persecution of trade unionists. Anti-union laws have curtailed the right to strike and have led to repeated fines and prosecutions of scores of representatives of construction workers’ unions. Despite a recent parliamentary setback, the right-wing Coalition government continues to try and push through its Ensuring Integrity Bill, extreme legislation that will make it easier for the government to deregister militant trade unions and drive out staunch unionists from leadership positions. It is little surprise that Cold War witch-hunting and union-busting are going hand in hand. That is what happened in the last Cold War against the Soviet Union too. Both attacks on workers’ economic defence organisations – like our trade unions – and attacks on workers states are driven by the interests of the capitalist ruling class. And the more that the capitalist system is unable to ensure secure, permanent jobs for workers, the more that it can’t provide affordable rental accommodation and rising wages, the more we see that the ruling class fears the presence of both militant unions and socialistic states. That is why it is in the interests of the entire workers movement to oppose the Cold War anti-communist witch-hunting. Let us demand: Down with the attacks on our unions, down with the attacks on supporters of socialistic states! Stop the persecution of pro-Red China Chinese immigrants and international students! Stop the persecution of Chan Han Choi – free him now! Dump the anti-“foreign interference” laws and taskforces!
Fraudulent Nature of “Rule of Law” in “Liberal-Democratic” Australia Gets Exposed
In pursuing their persecution of Chan Han Choi, Australia’s capitalist rulers are paying a considerable political price. Due to his own defiant statements from prison (see for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTlumqtaguo) and the efforts of his growing band of supporters, more and more people are hearing about the harsh conditions of Choi’s imprisonment. As a result, an increasing number of people are seeing the hypocrisy of the ruling class’ claims to run a “liberal-democracy” committed to “human rights.” Meanwhile, the fact that the Prosecution successfully opposed his bail in good part based on his stated political sympathies for the DPRK – as opposed to just his alleged deeds – has helped to shatter the myth that Australia is a country where everyone is treated equally before the law regardless of their political allegiances.
All this hurts the ruling class’ predatory machinations
abroad. Like its U.S. senior partner, the Australian ruling class often uses
the guise of defending “human rights” to intervene in countries abroad. In
particular, they cynically wield the club of “human rights” to attack
socialistic China and the DPRK itself. Right now Australia’s rulers, including
prime minister Scott Morrison, are berating China for allegedly violating the
rights of an Australian detained in China on espionage charges, Yang Hengjun. Recently,
Yang’s supporters have made many unsubstantiated claims that have been reported
as fact by the mainstream media. Yet, the truth is that Chan Han Choi has faced
far harsher conditions than what is actually confirmed about the detention of Yang
Hengjun. Yang has been restricted by China’s authorities for the last 11
months, while Chan Han Choi has been imprisoned for the last 24 months without
going to trial. Notably, while Yang Hengjun spent the first six months that he
was held in the comparatively comfortable conditions of house arrest (he was
only moved to a detention facility in mid July), Choi has spent the entire 24
months imprisoned in harsh conditions in various Sydney prisons, the last 20
months of which has been in one of the Australian regime’s most notorious
prison camps, Long Bay jail. Australia’s foreign minister, Marise Payne, has
accused China’s authorities of restricting Yang Hengjun’s access to lawyers and
family. Yet Yang Hengjun has at least been allowed regular visits by Australian
embassy officials and his court appointed lawyer. However, Chan Han Choi,
following an initial visit from a lawyer soon after his arrest, underwent an
approximately 50 day period when he was prevented from having visits from
anyone at all – whether they be lawyers, family or friends. And until just
three months ago, Choi’s access to his lawyers was largely obstructed and his
access to competent language interpreters remains effectively blocked to this
very day. Of course, we should note that there is no equivalence in the political
essence of the cases of Yang and Choi. Yang is accused of espionage against the
Peoples Republic of China, which if true is a crime against a workers state
that deserves stiff punishment. Even if he turns out to be innocent of the
accusations he is no hero whatsoever. In contrast, even if the accusations
against Choi turn out to be true, this would only make Choi an even greater
hero. For it would mean that he has taken great risks to both help a people
battered by cruel sanctions and to stand by a workers state based on public
ownership – thus standing by the interests of the more than 90% of Australia’s
and the world’s population whose interests lie in the success of socialistic
Choi’s continued opposition to the UN sanctions on North
Korea in his brave statements from prison and the solidarity movement defending
him have combined to invigorate opposition to these sanctions within Australia.
Thus, although the Australian regime hoped to use the arrest and demonisation
of Choi to justify these imperialist sanctions, the movement against this
persecution has actually resulted in there now being more understanding of the
cruelty and injustice of these sanctions amongst politically aware working
class activists than there was previously. Indeed, as a result of discussions
with Choi, who is known affectionately as “Uncle Choi” amongst fellow
prisoners, even some inmates at Long Bay jail now see the unfairness of these
Moreover, Choi’s persecution, his statements from prison
and the impact of the movement defending him have all combined to give some
leftist and union activists a better understanding of the DPRK. This, actually,
began to take place when Choi was first arrested. Politically astute people who
had previously been swayed by the intense media propaganda against North Korea
asked themselves, why would a person who grew up in capitalist South Korea and
who has then lived for three decades in relatively wealthy Australia want to
volunteer his time and risk his freedom to help North Korea? Later people
pondering this question heard Choi’s own statements from prison about why he
likes North Korea: in other countries that
he has lived in – like South Korea, Australia and Singapore – it is “money
first and if you have money you can do everything”, whereas in North Korea it
is “not about money”, “money is not important” it is “humans and humanism that
is first” (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3RkGojbgY). He also speaks of how the genuineness of North Korea’s
people gives him a “heart-warming feeling.” Conditioned by the natural empathy
that warm-hearted humans have for those doing it hard – and especially for
those stripped of their rights – some people who heard these statements from
prison were profoundly affected by them. Then these people heard the points
raised by activists in the campaign to free Choi. We in Trotskyist Platform,
for instance, stressed that while the DPRK is not the “ideal” form of a workers
state (nor could a workers state strangled by extreme sanctions and intense
military pressure exist for long in any kind of “ideal” form) – in that the basic
socialist system there is deformed by a level of material privileges for state
officials, a personality cult around the Kim family and a lack of genuine
workers councils-based democracy – the entire basis of Western regimes’
hostility to the DPRK is that her system is based on the toiling classes having
seized state power from the capitalists and landlords. We emphasised that the
fact that the North Korean masses have built a society based on public
ownership – an
ownership form that favours working class people – is a victory for working
class people all around the world. So today, several astute leftists who had been agnostic in their attitude to
the DPRK prior to Choi’s arrest have now become sympathetic to this socialistic
Meanwhile, a significant chunk of the Korean community in
Australia has become sympathetic to Choi. This, of course, includes the section
of the Korean community already supportive of the DPRK. But it also includes
others. Those working-class Korean migrants who have copped the racism of
capitalist Australia, discrimination in employment and the general hardships of
the migrant experience feel a natural sympathy for a working class
Korean-Australian compatriot who has been languishing in prison for two years
and who has been denied basic rights. Many Koreans too remember or have heard
about the horrors of the military dictatorships that ran capitalist South Korea
in the not too distant past and understand all too well how hostility to North
Korea was a key rationale for these murderous dictatorships. So, when they see
a person thrown in jail for supporting North Korea it sets alarm bells ringing.
For politically aware Koreans it is obvious too that enmity to North Korea is
the justification used for the presence of tens of thousands of U.S. troops in
South Korea. For the many migrants from South Korea hostile to the presence of
the U.S. troops and who don’t want Washington, Seoul and Canberra to unleash a
new war with their compatriots in the North, any demonisation of North Korea
and its supporters is met with hostility. As a result we have been contacted by
Korean migrants sympathetic to Choi. Many are scared to too openly take a stand
out of fear of deportation from Australia or persecution by authorities in
South Korea when they return there to see family and friends. Nevertheless, the significant support that
exists for Choi in the Korean community is confirmed by the reality that while
the English language mainstream media have been hostile to Choi – to more or
lesser degrees – the main Korean-language community paper in Australia, Hanho Daily, has reported on the case
fairly and with compassion for Choi (see: http://www.hanhodaily.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=61930). Meanwhile, sections
of the Chinese language media are also moving to cover Choi’s case in an accurate
way (see for example: https://www.sydneytoday.com/content-101948458527050). This reflects the understanding of some in the pro-PRC
section of the Chinese community that the persecution of Choi is an extreme
form of the Cold War-style hostility that they are enduring in greater and
greater amounts every day.
Facing suspicion about their prosecution of Chan Han Choi from the Australian Korean and Chinese communities, exposure of the hypocrisy of their claims to stand for “human rights” and growing opposition to their hostile policy against the DPRK – and, in particular, their enforcement of cruel sanctions on North Korea’s people – the Australian ruling class could also be hit by an X-factor that could take the political damage that they suffer from their persecution of Choi to a new level. This X-factor has appeared in the case in a partly accidental manner. For amongst the documents that have been provided as evidence by the Prosecution – obtained through spying on Choi’s communications – are E-mails that show that a company acting for the South Korean government once agreed to buy coal at inflated prices from North Korea. This was as compensation for falsely blaming North Korea for the sinking of a South Korean warship in 2010. To understand the gigantic significance of this we need to go back to 26 March 2010 when the ROKS Cheonan sunk in contested waters near North Korea during the course of joint military exercises between the U.S., South Korea and other allied countries. Forty-six South Korean naval personnel were killed as a result. The South Korean Ministry of Defense stated in the first press briefings after the sinking that there was “no indication of North Korean involvement.” Yet, before long a joint investigation carried out by a hand-picked team from South Korea, the U.S., Australia, the U.K. and Canada “concluded” that the warship was sunk by a North Korean torpedo. However, those findings were highly controversial and most South Koreans at the time saw the findings as a crazy conspiracy theory. One of the South Korean investigators on the panel, Shin Sang-cheol even asserted that “evidence linking the North to the torpedo was tampered with.” Chemical and seismic data studies conducted by separate teams of international scientists also concluded that a torpedo could not have been responsible for the sinking of the Cheonan. North Korea itself vehemently denied the accusation. It offered to aid an open investigation but was knocked back. China also rejected the Western-South Korean account as lacking factual basis. Nevertheless, the accusation that North Korea sunk the Cheonan brought the Korean Peninsula to the very brink of a full-scale war. It also led to the increased isolation of North Korea and the heightening of economic sanctions against her by many countries.
The remains of the South Korean warship the ROKS Cheonan which sunk in contested waters near North Korea during the course of joint military exercises between the U.S., South Korea and other allied countries. After initially saying that North Korea was not responsible, the South Korean military backed up by the U.S. and Australian rulers blamed North Korea for the ship sinking. However, documents submitted by the prosecution in Choi’s case happen to show that South Korea once agreed to buy coal at inflated prices from North Korea, in a deal that was apparently compensation for the harm to North Korea done by falsely blaming her for the Cheonan sinking.
Fast forward five years and the then South Korean government of Park Geun-hye finally makes an overture to ease tense relations between the two Koreas. However, North Korea demands compensation from the South for falsely blaming her for the Cheonan sinking and for all the resulting harm and intensification of sanctions that this brought her. In a deal that was actually brokered by Chan Han Choi, himself, South Korea was to buy coal from North Korea at substantially higher than market price as their means of providing compensation. Initially, a private company acting for the South Korean government, G Hanshin Pty Ltd, actually did agree to buy North Korean coal at inflated prices. Although the deal was later cancelled after South Korea suddenly insisted on the market price, the fact that South Korea once agreed to buy North Korean coal at inflated prices is strong evidence backing claims that Seoul knew that the North did not sink the Cheonan and, therefore, that North Korea was entitled to compensation for the false accusation.
Things get still more interesting. Although Choi was not
charged by the AFP for that April 2015 attempted coal deal with the South Korean
government, the AFP decided to use this attempted deal as part of their
evidence. They submit it as part of showing how Choi is a “Loyal Agent of the
DPRK” and asserting his role as a “DPRK Broker.” This evidence that they submit
includes draft contracts sent to Choi by the South Korean company that was
assigned to conduct the deal with North Korea. Yet there is a strange thing
about this evidence submitted by the AFP. In the section of the contracts (written
in Korean) where the price is to be listed, there is a “US$” written but then a
blank space. The price is not there! We are pouring through documents to be
absolutely sure of this but at this stage it appears almost certain that either
the AFP or their source (which could be any number of Australian or U.S. or
South Korean intelligence agencies) deleted this price from the contracts that
they submitted as evidence in the case against Choi. Choi’s supporters maintain
that if the initial agreement by South Korea to buy coal at an inflated price
from North Korea amounts to smoking gun proof that South Korea knew that North
Korea did not sink the Cheonan and was
entitled to compensation for the false accusation against her, any secret deletion
of the [inflated] price from the evidence presented by the Prosecution
represents North Korea’s enemies being caught trying to wipe their dirty
fingers off the smoking gun!
Just as the revelation that the claim that “Iraq has weapons of massive destruction” – that was used to justify the 2003 U.S./British/Australia invasion of Iraq – was false hurt the political credibility of the U.S., British and Australian regimes, irrefutable evidence that North Korea was blamed falsely for the sinking of the Cheonan will also hurt the U.S. and Australian ruling classes. This is particularly the case since not only the U.S. imperialists but their Australian junior partner were involved in the bogus “investigation” into the Cheonan sinking. However, should it be irrefutably proven that not only did North Korea not sink the warship but South Korea knew that it did not, the impact on South Korean political life would be on an entirely other level. Here the X in the X-factor would stand for X-plosive! For the false assertion that North Korea sunk the Cheonan has shaped South Korean political life almost to the same degree that the September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre shaped American politics. It helped condition the greatly increased hostility to the DPRK within South Korea over the ensuing years, the heightening of sanctions and the growth of hard right political forces within South Korea. If it comes out irrefutably that this is based entirely on lies and that the masses of South Korea have been blatantly lied to this could cause a huge political earthquake there that could shake the very foundations of the South Korean capitalist regime. And ironically, the Australian regime’s persecution of Choi would be blamed for triggering this crisis by their allies in Seoul!
Whatever transpires regarding revelations about the truth about the Cheonan sinking, one thing is clear: the more that the campaign to free Chan Han Choi grows in strength the greater the political price that the Australian capitalist regime that is persecuting him will pay. And we in Trotskyist Platform – and we dare say many of the others involved in the campaign to free Choi – are determined to maximise that political cost. For we understand that we cannot expect Choi to get a fair trial from the racist, rich people’s legal system – even under the unfair laws that Choi has been charged with. Only by mobilising mass actions in defence of Choi and against the sanctions on North Korea can we create an environment where it will be against the political interests of the capitalist regime and its various agencies to continue their persecution of Choi. Moreover, a key part of the struggle to advance the interests of the working class and downtrodden is to expose to the masses the truth that the repressive agencies in this country are not “democratic” institutions that treat everyone equally but exist for the very purpose of maintaining a capitalist “order” that subjugates the working class masses. All supporters of the working class and downtrodden: Let us work harder to free Chan Han Choi! Oppose the Cold War witch-hunt against supporters of socialistic North Korea and socialistic China! Say NO to the new McCarthyism! Struggle against the starvation UN sanctions on the people of North Korea! Expose the truth about the Cheonan sinking! Stand by the DPRK and PRC workers states!
Australian Regime Rejects Bail for Leftist Political Prisoner! Free Pro-DPRK Socialist Chan Han Choi!
22 October 2019: Last Friday, NSW Supreme Court Judge
Lonergan rejected a bail application made by a political prisoner in Australia,
Chan Han Choi. Choi has been imprisoned for the last 22 months for his
sympathies for the socialistic DPRK, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
(i.e. “North Korea”). For most of that time he has been imprisoned at Long Bay
jail – one of the Australian regime’s most notorious prison camps. On 29
December 2015, in the very same section of Long Bay where Choi is imprisoned – the
Prison Hospital/remand centre – Aboriginal prisoner, David Dungay, was killed
by six members of the prison riot squad. The heavy set guards crushed Dungay
with their combined weight while dismissing Dungay’s repeated desperate cries
of “I can’t breathe” as the 26 year-old Dunghutti man gasped for breath. Nearly
four years on, the family of David Dungay still have not received any justice,
with the coroner only handing down his findings next month. The same racist,
rich people’s regime in this country that commits such brutal oppression of
Aboriginal people and which oversees the exploitation of the working class by
the big end of town has trampled on the rights of Chan Han Choi for nearly two
years. Their rejection of Choi’s bail bid is just the latest example of this.
Chan Han Choi is awaiting trial, scheduled to take place next year, on charges of trying to broker deals to enable the people of the DPRK to evade crippling United Nations economic sanctions on that country. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Moreover, even the police acknowledge that none of the deals actually went through. Indeed, even their own allegations admit that most of the alleged deals were abandoned by Choi himself or by his alleged DPRK suppliers before police arrested Choi. However, even if he did try to broker deals to help the DPRK export its produce in violation of these sanctions, that would be no crime whatsoever from the standpoint of the working class. In fact, this would make him an even bigger hero. For as Choi himself stated in a courageous message made from prison: “The United Nations economic sanctions that have been imposed on North Korea are both unjust and unfair.” They prohibit more than 90% of North Korea’s exports as well as import of many key items. As a small country whose land is dominated by steep mountains and harsh winters, the DPRK has always needed to export in order to provide enough food for its population. The prohibition of almost all of North Korea’ exports are, thus, causing shortages of food and medicine for her people. Similar sanctions imposed on Iraq caused the deaths of over 500,000 babies in just the first eight years of their implementation from 1990 onwards. Although the DPRK’s socialistic system has enabled her to avert such catastrophic consequences, the sanctions still cause terrible hardship to her people.
Secondly, the idea that the U.S., Australian and other
Western imperialists should get the UN to sanction the DPRK under the pretext
of opposing its development of a nuclear deterrence is, frankly, obscene. The
U.S. has over 6,000 nuclear warheads, France 300 and Britain 200, whereas the
DPRK is said to possess just 30 such warheads (see: https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/Nuclearweaponswhohaswhat) and their capability has not been extensively tested
at all. Moreover, North Korea has never unleashed nuclear weapons on human
beings before. It was the U.S. imperialists who did that, cheered on by their
Australian junior partners, when they heinously dropped atomic bombs on the people
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. As for the notion pushed by the imperial
powers that North Korea is particularly “dangerous” and thus should be
especially prevented from acquiring a nuclear capability, one has only to note
that it is not North Korea that destroyed Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands
of Iraqi people. No, that was the work of the U.S., British and Australian regimes
in their two invasions of Iraq, first in 1991 and then from 2003 onwards. Nor
was it North Korea who killed tens of thousands of civilians in Afghanistan
including through airstrikes on wedding parties, civilian convoys and
hospitals. No, those crimes were committed by the U.S., NATO and Australian
forces. The latter (as we are finally starting to hear more details of) killed
several Afghan children, executed in cold blood many civilians and murdered
unarmed prisoners. The U.S. and NATO got together too – with the assistance of
the joint U.S.-Australia spy base at Pine Gap – to devastate Serbia in 1999 and
then pummel Libya in 2011 – an onslaught that not only killed tens of thousands
of Libyan people but which has left that once peaceful country mired in
bloodshed and chaos ever since. North Korea had absolutely nothing to do with
those calamities. Yet despite all this, the capitalist powers single out North
Korea as the supposedly dangerously reckless country whose people must be ground
down with sanctions until she disarms.
The real reason that the DPRK is being targeted is
that the imperialist powers that instigated the sanctions regime want to bring
down a state that dares to defy their colonial diktats. Furthermore, they want
to target the DPRK because it is a socialistic
state. They know too that by turning the vice on the DPRK they can also squeeze
her neighbour and ally, the Peoples Republic of China – the world’s most
powerful socialistic state. Although the
workers states in North Korea and China are bureaucratically deformed and in
the latter case weakened also by a significant degree of capitalist intrusion –
the existence of states created by anti-capitalist revolutions remain an
obstacle to the rich capitalist powers exploiting the masses there the way that
they super-exploit the peoples of Indonesia, the Philippines, Bangladesh,
Mexico and other ex-colonies. Moreover, the Western powers fear that if the
workers states in Cuba, China, North Korea, Vietnam and Laos are allowed to
thrive then that would encourage the masses in other former colonies –
including the ones raped by Australian corporate bigwigs like PNG, Fiji, East
Timor and Indonesia – to have their own revolutions to kick out their
imperialist overlords and the corrupt local capitalist ruling classes allied
with them.
Put simply, the socialistic rule, in however an imperfect form, which exists in North Korea and China is bad for the interests of the 5 to 10% of the Australian population that make up the capitalist upper class. However, it is very much in the interests of the vast majority of this country’s – and indeed the world’s – population; that is of the working class and all but the most privileged layers of the middle class. The existence of workers states in North Korea, China, Cuba and Co. can only give encouragement to the struggles for justice of the working class and oppressed in capitalist countries like Australia. It gives the masses here the understanding that capitalist rule is not inevitable and does not need to be put up with. The existence of states with economies centred on public ownership shows working class people that it is possible to have a system based not on the ownership of banks, mines, factories, agricultural land and transport and communications infrastructure by a small class of wealthy private individuals but on common socialist ownership of these means of production by all the people. In China, 70 years of a system where state-owned enterprises continue to play the backbone role has seen the country achieve poverty reduction unheard of in all human history. In North Korea, the system of public ownership of all the main means of production is a great conquest for the masses so that when the crippling sanctions are lifted, when the crushing military vice that she is ensnared in is loosened and when her system of socialist ownership is supplemented by workers democracy, it will enable her people to flourish. This is proven by the achievements made in North Korea in the first decades after the U.S., Australian, South Korean and other capitalist militaries heinously incinerated her cities and killed millions of her people during the 1950-53 Korean War. In those decades after the Korean War, when the former USSR provided the DPRK with a military shield against further imperialist attack, the DPRK – despite (like the PRC) not having the benefit of real workers democracy administering the workers state – was able to achieve tremendous advances in health care, literacy, access to cultural facilities, women’s rights and industrial development.
By opposing the UN economic sanctions on North Korea, Chan
Han Choi is standing not only by her people but by the working class majority
of Australia and the world. In standing by a system where public ownership
plays the dominant role, which is necessarily counterposed to the capitalist
system of big end of town-ownership, Choi is, in effect, standing by
everyone who has suffered from the job losses, rising prices and deterioration
in services that came with rampant privatisation in this country. He is
standing by the many, many people still stuck for years on Australian public
housing waiting lists or who are paying too high rents in the private sector
because governments here have sold off so much public housing. He is standing
by the many people who don’t have a secure job or, indeed, any job at all
because of the relentless capitalist drive for higher profits in this country;
that is, Chan Han Choi is standing by the young workers forced to work as
casuals or on short term contracts and by the workers laid off by greedy
private corporations or by state utilities overseen by the Australian capitalist
state, alike. And since the system of capitalism is the root cause of the
heightening racism in this country, Choi’s support for a state counterposed to
capitalism puts him on the side of the Aboriginal people facing ever more
vicious racist oppression and with the Muslim, Chinese, Sudanese and other
non-white communities in Australia being stigmatised today. So, we should all
in turn stand by socialist political prisoner Chan Han Choi. Let us mobilise in mass actions to demand
the dropping of all charges against Chan Han Choi and the lifting of all UN
economic sanctions on the socialistic DPRK.
It’s About Economic Sanctions on the People of North Korea and Not About Weapons of Mass Destruction
An Australian citizen who migrated from South Korea 32
years ago, Choi began volunteering his services as a trade representative for
North Korea more than a dozen years ago. He accomplished some pretty big deals
that earnt the people of North Korea badly needed hard currency in the years
before progressively tightening sanctions on the DPRK restricted legal trade.
According to the AFP’s own “Statement of Facts”, two 2008 deals alone, for the
export of iron ore and coal from North Korea, brought in $1.3 million. Despite legally
bringing in large sums of money for the people of North Korea, Choi himself
lived a humble life. The police note that at the time of his arrest he had no
property in Australia and only $6,000 in savings. He lived in a modest rented
home in Eastwood and worked as a hospital cleaner earning just around $750 a
week. His brokering work was done not for any personal gain but out of a
humanitarian impulse to help the DPRK’s people and out of political solidarity
with the DPRK.
The AFP allege that after the sanctions restricted
most of the DPRK’s exports, Choi continued to attempt to broker the sale of
DPRK commodities. Most of the charges against him relate to alleged attempts to
export coal or iron ore from the DPRK to entities in third countries including
Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea. However, the Australian government have
tried to hype up the case as one of a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) matter
by focusing on one of the charges which alleges that Choi tried to broker the
sale of North Korean short-range missiles. This charge of “Providing Services
for WMD Program” is highly misleading as Choi is not even alleged to have tried
to broker the sale of any WMD material – like nuclear, chemical or biological
weapons. Moreover, this charge is based on the most tenuous of claims. Even the
AFP’s allegations acknowledge that the alleged negotiations to sell the
missiles was cancelled due to “machinations internal to the DPRK” – in other
words, even the AFP have to accept that the alleged plan was scrapped at Choi’s
end. This ending of the alleged plan occurred some three and a half months
before Choi was arrested. When Choi was
arrested, even if one believes the AFP’s claims,there was no attempt to sell short-range missiles taking place at all.
Yet the Australian government and the AFP have played
up this charge related to short-range missiles, which is basically an
accusation of a thought crime, in order to distract from the fact that Choi’s
imprisonment is really a matter about the cruel economic sanctions on the
people of North Korea. The mainstream media have played their part in this
diversion. News reports last year stated that Choi was accused of helping to import
materials for the DPRK’s WMD program. Yet the AFP do not even allege this.
Indeed, all the allegations against Choi relate not to import of material to
the DPRK but to export of items from there, with the sole exception of a more
recently imposed charge that Choi tried to arrange the import of petroleum
products to the DPRK. To try to get WMD’s into the picture the AFP have to do
some rather extreme stretching of their “evidence.” For example, they claim
that a five minute DPRK propaganda video which Choi E-mailed the link of to an
associate was evidence that Choi was advertising the DPRK’s weapons … since
the political propaganda video happened to include the firing of missiles!
To be sure, it is not wrong for an embattled workers
state – especially when it is facing sanctions so crippling that it threatens
to cause the starvation of some of her people – to try and raise some badly
needed funds through weapons sales. It should be noted that the AFP’s rather
flimsy allegations about Choi attempting to broker weapons sales claim that his
brokering activities took place in a period when the sanctions had reached
ultra-severe levels and when Donald Trump was threatening the people of North
Korea with “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” Moreover, it is the
height of hypocrisy for the Australian regime to be repressing others for
allegedly selling weapons. The right-wing Coalition has openly proclaimed its
intention to make Australia a top ten global arms exporter. Meanwhile, as an
exposé by
the Guardian revealed, Australian
company Electro Optics Systems (EOS) has shipped large quantities of weapons to
the militaries of Saudi Arabia and the UAE – the very militaries which have been
spearheading the brutal Saudi-led war on Yemen that has killed over 100,000
people, displaced another three million people and brought mass starvation in what
is today the world’s worst humanitarian disaster (see: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/jul/25/australian-weapons-shipped-to-saudi-and-uae-as-war-rages-in-yemen). Among the weapons that Canberra allows EOS to sell
to the murderous Saudi and UAE militaries is the R400s weapons station for
remotely operating missile launchers and cannons.
Confused by all the hype surrounding the tenuous
claims that Choi tried to broker the sale of North Korean missiles, a couple of
Australian Chinese-language community newspapers erroneously headlined that
Choi is accused of selling weapons to Taiwan. This is because the individual
dealer whom the police alleged Choi negotiated with to arrange the sale to
happened to be based in Taiwan. However, this person, one Raymond Chao, has no
connection whatsoever with the Taiwanese government and the police themselves
allege that “CHAO desired to obtain missiles and missile technology through the
offices of the Accused and to produce and sell these missiles around the world”
– in other words, not at all to the Taiwanese government. When Choi heard about
these incorrect headlines he was upset as they mis-represented his political
stance which includes strong sympathy for the Peoples Republic of China.
Therefore, Choi asked his supporters to broadcast the following statement:
That he, Chan Han Choi is a strong supporter of the
PRC, which is a longtime friend of the DPRK.
That he has never had any
dealings with the Taiwanese government whatsoever.
That any discussions he
has had about commercial deals between the DPRK and entities in Taiwan have
been with non-government individuals who have no connections, whatsoever, to
the government of Taiwan.
That he, Chan Han Choi, strongly believes in one
That he opposes all weapons sales to the
Taiwanese regime and has never himself tried to sell to this regime.
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What the Police Claim Were Their Reasons for Opposing Bail
To realise how unfair the court’s rejection of Choi’s
bail application is, consider this: not only has Choi never had a criminal
conviction but there are no victims in the “crimes” that Choi is alleged to
have committed. He is not accused of killing anyone, bashing anyone, sexually assaulting
anyone, stealing from anyone nor is he even accused of espionage. Thus, he
would have been of zero threat to the community had he been released on bail.
By contrast, George Pell who was accused – and then convicted – of a heinous
sexual assault against a child was granted bail prior to his trial. This
despite having access to massive financial backing and powerful friends with
the capacity to allow him to flee the jurisdiction. The fact is that the
justice system in this country does not at all treat everyone equally and as impartially
as it claims. Rather, the justice system is a core part of state machinery that
has been brought under the control of the wealthy capitalist class in order to
serve its interests against those of the working class masses and their
supporters. That is why greedy construction industry bosses in Australia get
away with no criminal punishment for neglecting workplace safety to such a
degree that on average over 30 construction industry workers are killed on the
job every year. Yet representatives from the CFMMEU construction workers union
get hit with criminal convictions, fines and potential jail terms just for
standing up for workers’ safety and “illegally” inspecting unsafe work sites.
We have a legal system where the ABCC “independent” construction industry
watchdog slapped 99.2% of its huge $4.25 million in fines last financial year
on workers and their union and just 0.08% on the filthy rich and notoriously
criminal-infested construction industry bosses! Meanwhile, the state machinery here
bent its own rules to enable billionaire James Packer’s Crown Group to set up
an exclusive, six-star hotel and casino complex at Sydney’s Barangaroo despite
Crown’s links to criminal-connected entities. Yet, in the process of forcibly
relocating public housing tenants from the previously thriving working class
community in nearby Millers Point in order to make the surroundings of Packer’s
luxury resort more “compatible” with his project, state bureaucrats and
tribunal judges bullied elderly working class tenants. This is the same state
apparatus that is persecuting Chan Han Choi!
We cannot bring you the reasons that the judge gave
for rejecting Choi’s bail application, as the judge has placed the details of
that decision under a temporary non-publication order. However, we can say that
the Prosecution’s main argument for opposing bail is that Choi would be a
flight risk. Yet the truth is that Choi does not want to flee, because he wants
to fight the charges and in the process expose the cruelty and unfairness of
the economic sanctions on the DPRK, reveal all the violation of basic rights
that he has endured and more (and that “more” could be politically explosive!).
That is why Choi has refused to accept any offers for a plea bargain.
One of the most infuriating aspects of the Crown’s
opposition to Choi’s bail application is that it included in good part an
argument that Choi has few community ties in Australia because he has had “significantly
diminished contact with his immediate family” since his arrest. Yet that “significantly
diminished contact” is because of the actions of and decisions enforced by the Australian
regime itself! One way they have achieved Choi’s isolation from his own family
is by banning Choi – whose English is limited – from speaking in Korean to his
wife – whose English is even poorer. At the start of his incarceration, prison
guards would listen in on his phone calls and then cut the line if he and his
wife inadvertently broke into Korean. Then on 22 February of this year, the
regime got even nastier. Two officers from the Corrections Intelligence Group
visited Choi and informed him that should he speak in Korean again he would be
sent to Goulburn Supermax prison. Choi soon found out that he could not
communicate with his wife in any meaningful way now and it was risky too – an
inadvertent break into Korean could see him isolated in Goulburn Supermax. So
that line of communication became completely cut. Meanwhile, in the classic
guilt by association mantra of all repressive regimes, when Choi was arrested
his adult son’s house was also raided and his son subjected to a threatening
interrogation. Although police did not charge his son they made it clear that
any support for, or association with, his father could see him in trouble. They
also told him that he would no longer be able to work in any white collar jobs
and had him sacked from a highly skilled role at a multinational IT hardware,
infrastructure firm. Thus, his son has been effectively barred from
communication with Choi. It is this isolation from his only child and the
knowledge that his son’s career has been dealt a severe blow by the authorities
that is the most painful part of the persecution that political prisoner Chan
Han Choi has endured. To highlight the depth of the authorities’ efforts to
isolate Choi from his family, the Australian regime also barred Choi’s
application to be able to call even his daughter-in-law. And then they have the
hide to say that he shouldn’t get bail because he has had “significantly
diminished contact with his immediate family”!
The Persecution of Chan Han Choi and Growing State Repression in Australia
In the Commonwealth DPP’s submission opposing the bail
application of Chan Han Choi, they list the reasons for why they argue that the
“Applicant’s alleged offending is objectively serious.” Their first point is about
the maximum penalties for the alleged offences. However, number two on their
list is “the Applicant’s repeated statements that he is a loyal subject of the
DPRK.” In other words, because of Chan Han Choi’s open and proud sympathy for
the socialistic DPRK his offences should be considered more serious than they otherwise
would be! This is blatant political
discrimination! Theoretically, according to Australia’s claimed
pseudo-“democratic” legal system everyone is equal regardless of their
political views. Now, of course, we know that this is not at all the case in
real life. But in Choi’s bail hearing, the Australian regime was so brazen as
to declare that because someone is a supporter of the DPRK they should have
less rights than others. This dovetails with a rapidly intensifying Cold War
witch-hunt going on in Australia against those who support socialistic states. The
main targets of that witch-hunt have been people sympathetic to the Peoples
Republic of China (PRC) or even those in the Chinese community accused of
simply being not hostile enough to Red China. Chinese international students
who have spoken out in support of the PRC – for example, by expressing
opposition to supporters of the right-wing, pro-colonial riots in Hong Kong –
have been demonised by the government and mainstream media as having
“interfered” in Australian internal affairs. Most sinisterly, a few weeks ago
the Australian government announced the creation of a new taskforce to look
into “foreign interference” on Australian campuses. The “foreign interference”
laws brought in last year are themselves a way to intimidate supporters of
socialistic China. As the persecution of Chan Han Choi for his outspoken
sympathy for the DPRK shows, the new anti-communist McCarthyite witch-hunt
targets not only supporters of the world’s largest socialistic state. Who will
be next attacked in Australia? Supporters of socialistic Cuba? People who advocate
the policies practiced in the socialistic states like state ownership of the
banks and extensive public housing? Sympathisers with the left-wing protest movement
currently rocking Chile and Ecuador?
The forces of Cold War repression in Australia seem to
also have supporters of Chan Han Choi in their sites. Point 20 of the Crown’s
submissions opposing Choi’s bail application states that:
On two occasions when the Applicant’s matter has been before Central Local Court for mention, supporters have attended with one of them wearing a t-shirt bearing the flag of the DPRK above the words “See you in Pyongyang” which was displayed prominently (the first time, in the foyer of the court; the second time, in the body of the court during the mention of the matter) and then covered up. On the first occasion, those supporters also photographed the outside of the court including members of the Prosecution who were walking down the steps and then immediately attending an internet café before splitting up.
The comrades involved in this highly “subversive” act
of “wearing a t-shirt bearing the flag of the DPRK” and then “attending an
internet cafe” immediately after attending court said that they were in the
Internet cafe and then talked together outside for a combined period of over an
hour before “splitting up.” That means that the AFP/ASIO officers who stalked
them not only tailed them the hundreds of metres from the court to the internet
cafe but also carried out surveillance on them for over an hour! And how is
this relevant to a bail submission? Not at all! The Crown’s only motive in
putting this in a public bail submission would be to send a message to Choi’s
supporters that they are being followed. Certainly, intimidation of political
opponents is a central part of the modus operandi of the AFP. Just two months
before Chan Han Choi was arrested, the AFP intimidated the entire workers
movement when they conducted heavy-handed raids on the Sydney and Melbourne
offices of the Australian Workers Union over trumped up allegations about union
donations to political campaigns more than twelve years ago. Then in June, the
AFP launched a threatening raid on the home of Murdoch journalist, Annika
Smethhurst, over her story explaining how the government was considering
extending the role of the Australian Signals Directorate from spying on foreign
entities to targeting Australian citizens. That was followed up the next day by
an even more high profile AFP raid. This time the AFP raided ABC headquarters
in response to an ABC exposé of some of the war crimes committed by Australian
special forces troops in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, it is the same AFP and
Commonwealth DPP who are prosecuting Choi who are also prosecuting Witness K,
the former Australian intelligence agent who revealed to journalists how the
ASIS spy agency had bugged East Timorese government buildings in order to give
the Australian government – and the corporations, like Woodside, that it was acting
on behalf of – the advantage in maritime boundary and oil resource negotiations
with East Timor. Witness K and his lawyer, Bernard Collaery, today face
imprisonment for their decent act of revealing to the world this bullying,
colonialist outrage. The same forces persecuting Choi, Witness K and Collaery
are also prosecuting David McBride, the military lawyer who blew the whistle on
war crimes by Australian troops in Afghanistan.
Yet, it is not only the AFP that is engaged in
repressing whistleblowers and dissidents. The whole Australian capitalist
regime is being unleashed. Three weeks ago, home affairs minister Peter Dutton
responded to climate change protests by calling for participants who receive
welfare benefits to have their payments cut and for mandatory jail sentences
for protesters who disrupt traffic. Of course, the regime here is not against
all protests. They never made the kind of attacks that Dutton has fired off
against climate change protesters against those who participated in the violent
racist, “Reclaim Australia” protests a few years ago. And they are all for the
anti-Red China riots in Hong Kong that has seen rich kid rioters vandalise
subway stations, smash shops and assault supporters of the PRC. Prominent hard
right Liberal MP, Tim Wilson, even went all the way to Hong Kong to join a
march of these right-wing rioters. Yet any protest, whistleblowing or action in
Australia that in the slightest way undermines the interests of the big end of
town and the regime that serves it is facing the threat of growing repression.
Just ask the many staunch trade unionists in Australia who are being hauled
through the courts at an ever increasing rate!
It is true that the Australian regime’s attacks on our
trade unions, their persecution of whistleblowers and journalists and their
persecution of people sympathizing with socialistic China and – in the case of
Chan Han Choi – with the socialistic DPRK are each different in their own way.
Yet, there is a common thread to them and common root causes. One key root
cause is that the capitalist system is, on the one hand, increasingly unable to
provide secure jobs for most workers – especially young workers – while, on the
other, is heading towards another steep economic downturn. The second fundamental
factor – which is accentuated by the first – is that the insecure imperialist
ruling classes are driven to intensify their Cold War against socialistic China
and her DPRK ally. In this context, the nervous capitalist rulers in Australia,
like their counterparts abroad, are gradually moving to constrict the political
rights of the masses, intimidate dissidents and whistleblowers and suppress the
voice of those who uphold an alternative system to capitalism. And they are so
hell-bent on this course that even mainstream Murdoch and government-owned media
journalists who have themselves done so much to feed the anti-PRC Cold War are
themselves sometimes targeted if they occasionally do an investigative report
that, in some way, contradicts the narrative that’s being pushed by the ruling
Of course, it is hardly a surprise that the Australian
and other capitalist states should play this role. After all, that is what they
were built up for in the first place! The “democracy” that supposedly exists in
this country is only a democracy for the rich. For not only are the state
organs tied by thousands of threads to the ultra-rich, the “democratic” and
electoral processes are dominated by the capitalist class. It is they who own
the media, who are able to sway politicians and bureaucrats with the enticement
of future high-paying jobs in the corporations that they own and who have the
immense wealth that allows them to disproportionately fund political parties,
pay for political advertising and hire lobbyists. And we know too that when the
working class masses show signs of rising up, the “democratic” capitalists will
not baulk at turning to would-be military dictators or fascist extremists
lurking on the edges if that is what it takes to save their class rule – the
way they did in Mussolini’s Italy, Hitler’s Germany, Suharto’s Indonesia and Pinochet’s
Chile. So when one hears that the AFP/ASIO is, on the one hand, stalking left-wing
supporters of Choi and, on the other hand, doing almost nothing to curb violent
far-right racists – they did not even have the Australian fascist terrorist who
ended up murdering 51 people in the NZ mosque shootings under any sort of surveillance
despite him making many violent threatening statements online – one should not
be surprised. However, we should not be indifferent to the growing political
repression in this country. In the struggle for the improvement in the lives of
the working class and oppressed we need to utilise every democratic right that
exists – however tenuous those rights may be – especially since many of these
rights were won in struggle by the masses. That is why everyone who supports
the rights of the working class and downtrodden – regardless of whether they
agree with Choi’s politics or not – and everyone who opposes the growing
political repression in Australia must stand against the blatantly political
persecution of Chan Han Choi. This as part of defending all those targeted by
the rising authoritarian wave. We must demand: Drop all charges against Chan Han Choi, David McBride, Witness K and
Bernard Collaery! Stop the Australian
regime’s persecution of whistleblowers and investigative journalists! Resist the
new Cold War, McCarthyist witch-hunt of supporters of socialistic China and her
DPRK ally!
Mobilise Mass Action to Demand Freedom for Chan Han
When one steps back and looks at the picture of what
is happening in Australia – Cold War witch-hunting, union-busting and targeting
of whistleblowers and investigative journalists – the real reason why the
Commonwealth DPP opposed bail for Choi is apparent. And this has little to do
with a genuine fear that he would try to abscond. Rather, it is an attempt to silence Choi so that his opposition to
the cruel UN sanctions will not be heard and so that he will not be able to further
energise his growing base of supporters. The AFP actually gave this away in
their own “Statement of Facts.” In it they state that the “AFP opposes the
Accused being granted bail, for the following reasons” and then give as one of
the reasons the following:
The Accused has made numerous statements while in custody, which have been posted online to YouTube, through which the Accused apportions blame onto others for his incarceration, and portrays himself as a “political prisoner”:
i. sanctions
against the DPRK are unfair and unjust;
ii. he has been
denied “basic human rights”;
iii. he has
“supporters” (groups and individuals) located in Australia and worldwide;
iv. other
evidence against the DPRK has been “faked”; and
v. his arrest
is a “political matter” instigated by the South Korean Government and
perpetrated with the cooperation of the Australian Government;
In other words, the AFP is saying that Choi expressing
such political views, including his opposition to the economic sanctions on the
DPRK, is a reason to deny him bail!
From the time that then prime minister Malcolm
Turnbull commented on Choi’s arrest with the extreme claim that, “North Korea
is a dangerous, reckless criminal regime threatening the peace of the region”
to the AFP’s opposition to bail being granted to Choi in good part based on his
sympathy for the socialistic DPRK and his outspoken opposition to the sanctions
against her, the arrest and imprisonment of Chan Han Choi has been a saga of
Cold War anti-communist persecution. That is why even within the parameters of
unjust laws enforcing the UN sanctions, there is no way that Chan Han Choi can
get a fair trial. For one, the statements by the then highest political officer
in the country, Malcolm Turnbull, which as good as pronounced Choi guilty and
associated his arrest with a rabid rant against the state that Choi is
sympathetic to has prejudiced any jury that would sit on Choi’s upcoming trial.
Moreover, the ongoing special restrictions on Choi in prison limit his ability
to properly prepare and adequately brief his legal team for his trial. For
example, recent attempt by his lawyers to mail crucial legal documents to Choi
were blocked from getting through. Moreover, since late last year he has not
been permitted to even telephone his own lawyers. After being blocked from
visiting him for several months, Choi’s lawyers now have clearance to visit him
in custody but at the time of writing the Korean interpreters needed to make
any legal visit meaningful have not received clearance to accompany his legal
representatives. Meanwhile, Choi’s legal team have still not received funding
for the Korean interpreters essential to preparing Choi’s defence. This is almost
certainly no accident. It bears an eerie resemblance to what is going on in
another case of political persecution – that of Witness K. As of late August,
Witness K’s counsel angrily announced that his client had received almost no
funding from Legal Aid despite having applied for it more than a year
previously! Witness K’s counsel, Haydn Carmichael, accused Legal Aid of an “extraordinary
unexplained roadblock.”
What has happened throughout Choi’s incarceration
gives zero confidence that the authorities are going to change course and allow
him to properly prepare for his trial. When Choi was first arrested, following
an initial visit from a lawyer soon after his arrest, he went through an
approximately 50 day period when he was prevented from having visits from
anyone at all – including lawyers, family and friends. His current lawyer was
able to visit in mid-September last year soon after she took on the case. However,
once it became clear that she was not going to roll over and push Choi into
pleading guilty, not only did Choi’s right to call her get taken away but her
visits and those of any interpreter faced repeated obstruction. After having
been able to have an initial visit to Choi, suddenly she had to apply for a
security clearance to visit Choi as did Korean-English interpreters. As a
result, in the one year period following their initial visit to Choi in
mid-September 2018, Choi’s lawyers were only able to visit him twice in jail
and only one of those visits were with an interpreter. For periods, even
attempts by Choi’s lawyers to have audio-visual links with him (which are no
substitute for visits as they do not allow for the practical joint perusal and
discussion of legal documents) were delayed for months on the grounds that even
such communication with Choi needed approval by the Commissioner of Prisons. In
contrast, in the early-middle part of last year, when Choi had a government
appointed lawyer that was pushing him to plead guilty, that lawyer was able to
visit with an interpreter without any obstruction and was able to have weekly
visits to Choi.
Realising that he cannot get a fair trial, Choi has put
in a motion for a Permanent Stay in proceedings. If successful such a motion
will mean that, on the grounds that he cannot get due process, his trial will
be put on hold indefinitely and he will be released from custody. One
additional reason why Choi made this application for Permanent Stay is that it
appears that – and he seems to have legal documents to prove this – the AFP
have submitted documentary “evidence” with crucial information deleted from the
documents without even informing the defence that they – or their source – have
made such deletions. When the AFP raided ABC headquarters in June, they did so
under a search warrant that allowed them to “add, copy, delete or alter other
data … found in the course of a search.” Did their warrant to arrest Choi have
similar provisions and are they now putting the “delete” option into practice?
Or did they or their source (likely to be from South Korean or perhaps U.S.
intelligence) do this anyway? Stay tuned to hear a lot more about this later!
The problem facing Chan Han Choi in his Permanent Stay
motion is that the court that will hear this motion is itself part of the
biased, capitalist state machinery that makes it impossible for him to get a
fair trial in the first place. That is why only mass action on the streets in
support of Choi can make the Australian capitalist state pull back from their
course to railroad him into a long sentence through an unfair prosecution. The
good thing is that support for Choi is building every day. Even now, Chan Han
Choi can be proud that through his brave stance in support of the DPRK, his
refusal to plead guilty and his outspoken opposition to the economic sanctions
imposed on the people of North Korea, new people have been energised in
opposition to the sanctions and in defence of the socialistic DPRK. Thus, the
last protest action six months ago in support of Choi and in opposition to the
economic sanctions on North Korea was not only the first actual street march with a pro-DPRK content in
several decades in Australia, it was also the biggest pro-DPRK action in
Australia in at least the last four decades … and possibly ever.
The Australian regime are clearly rattled by the
support that is building for Choi. Indeed the AFP even note the 13 April Free Chan Han Choi march in the latest
version of their “Statement of Facts”:
The AFP allege the Accused’s “supporters”, including members of the Trotskyist Platform, Aust-DPRK Solidarity, Australia-DPRK Friendship Society, Stalin Society of Australia, the Irish Republican socialist group the James Connolly Association, Young Communists – Western Sydney and the Lebanese Communist Party, held a rally on 13 April 2019 in support of the Accused describing him a “left-wing political prisoner”. This group declares that the Accused, even if guilty, would not be a considered a criminal from that group’s standpoint.
That those persecuting Choi are rattled by the growing
support for him should only encourage us to work still harder to build broader
and deeper forces to fight for his freedom. The capitalist regime really
believe that everyone buys their propaganda. That is why they thought that
persecuting Choi would be a piece of cake, a walk in the park that no one would
oppose. Yet for militant trade unionists who know that this regime lies when it attacks their unions, why should
they then believe what this regime says about the DPRK or about other
international questions. Similarly, for public housing tenants being
stigmatised and unemployed workers being vilified by the regime as lazy
alcoholics and drug addicts, why should they believe what this same regime says
in its attacks on North Korea when they know
that this regime lies about them? And for Aboriginal people whose family
and friends have been killed by state forces in custody, there is no reason to
believe what this racist, rich people’s regime says about North Korea or any
other question for that matter when this very same regime tries to pass off the
killing of their family and friends as “accidents.” That is why the people who
have most reason to distrust and oppose the Australian capitalist regime are
coming together to support Chan Han Choi. Those
committed to opposing the growing repression in Australia, people who understand
that public ownership of the economy is the only road to advancement for
working class people and opponents of imperialist bullying of the ex-colonies must
come together in ever stronger actions to demand freedom for Chan Han Choi and
an end to the brutal economic sanctions on the people of North Korea.
7 October 2019, Sydney: The “Stand With Red China” demonstration held on the NSW Labour Day public holiday hailed the 70th Anniversary of the 1949 Chinese Revolution and condemned the pro-colonial, anti-communist protests in Hong Kong.
Migrant Workers and Other Leftists March in Sydney for Socialistic China
7 October 2019: Left-wing supporters of socialistic China marched through the centre of Sydney today to “Stand With Red China.” The demonstration held on the Labour Day holiday hailed the 70th anniversary of the founding of the socialistic Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Noting that, “A Strong Socialistic China is Good for Working Class People in Australia and the World” the call-out for the action urged to “Condemn Hong Kong’s Pro-Colonial Rich Kid Rioters.”
Today’s rally pushed back in the face of an intense Cold War anti-communist, China-bashing drive by the Australian ruling class and their media. Australia’s entire ruling class media – from that owned by the right-wing Murdoch family tycoons to that owned by billionaire Channel 7 owner, Kerry Stokes, to the ABC and SBS – owned and controlled as they are by the Australian rich people’s regime – have been running daily news articles attacking Red China whether it be via insinuations about computer hacking, lying claims of human rights abuses or even blaming the Belt and Road Initiative promoted by China for declining tiger populations! Australia’s big business and government-owned media have, of course, also strongly backed the anti-communist, anti-PRC riots in Hong Kong. So has right wing prime minister Scott Morrison along with the rest of his government, with the ALP and the Greens taking the same stance. Today, Australia’s foreign affairs minister, Marise Payne, again spoke out fervently on the side of the right wing opposition in Hong Kong, saying that she is “very concerned” by the methods used by the Hong Kong authorities to protect the city from the most violent anti-PRC forces and demanding that the Hong Kong government approved by Beijing “address the genuine concerns” of the rioters. Yesterday, hard right Liberal MP, Tim Wilson, even marched with the anti-PRC forces in Hong Kong itself. Previously a director of the extreme conservative, Institute of Public Affairs, which later spoke out for the “rights” of vile racist media commentator, Andrew Bolt, Wilson had during the Occupy Melbourne protests called for water cannon to be used against protesters:
“Walked past Occupy Melbourne protest, all people who think freedom of speech = freedom 2 b heard, time wasters … send in the water cannons.”
But of course, pro-colonial, anti-communist protests are the type of “freedom of speech” that people like Tim Wilson and the Australian government really love!
Members of the Hong Kong, anti-China opposition carry American flags and call for Donald Trump’s re-election at a protest rally in Hong Kong. The anti-PRC opposition are a right-wing, procolonial, movement.
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Yet in the face of this anti-Red China tide, around 60 people participated in today’s pro-PRC march and others joined in on the spot at the final rallying point. The majority of demonstrators were mobilised to the action by the Australian Chinese Workers Association and by Trotskyist Platform. However, there were many leftists participating today from a range of backgrounds, including several people who are not part of any particular left-wing group.
The “Stand With Red China” demonstration in Sydney held today on the Labour Day public holiday.
The Australian Chinese Workers Association contingent – mostly working class women – carried the red, five star flag of the PRC and had placards in Chinese reading: “Australian Chinese Workers Association Congratulates the Peoples Republic of China on the Celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of its Founding.” Trotskyist Platform supporters carried many placards including ones that stated: “Defend Socialistic China Against Intimidation by Capitalist Powers. Down with the Capitalist Australian State’s Military Build Up That Targets Red China! U.S., Australian Militaries: Stay Out of the South China Sea!” and “Defend Socialistic China Against Imperialism! Resist Meddling in Hong Kong By Colonial Powers!” Our banner, which headed the march, read: “WORKING CLASS PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA & THE WORLD: STAND WITH SOCIALISTIC CHINA!”, while calling to, “DEFEAT HONG KONG’S PRO-COLONIAL, ANTI-COMMUNIST MOVEMENT!”
At a couple of points during the demonstration, a few anti-communists, riding in an expensive looking black van decked in “Hong Kong independence” slogans, made a pre-planned attempt to use a sound system to suppress the voice of the pro-Red China demonstrators. However, prompt action by alert, pro-PRC socialist activists forced them to retreat.
Throughout the march, demonstrators
enthusiastically chanted, “P-R-C, Is Fighting Poverty!” (see: https://youtu.be/7RxhU2ZhPDQ), “Public
Housing for You and Me, Just Like in the PRC” and “One RED China” (see: https://youtu.be/erNt9jIjZd8). We also
chanted and sung, “One, Two, Three, Four, Socialism is What We’re For; Five,
Six, Seven, Eight, Defend the Chinese Workers State.”
Pro-PRC activists listen intently as Trotskyist Platform chairwoman Sarah Fitzenmeyer delivers her speech at today’s action commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of socialistic China.
One of the main speakers at the event
was Trotskyist Platform chairwoman, Sarah Fitzenmeyer. Here are some of the
points that she made in her speech:
“Seventy years ago a massive revolution by the toiling masses of China won them a momentous victory. The 1949 Revolution created a workers state, the Peoples Republic of China, a workers state that has achieved a miracle in the alleviation of poverty, a feat unmatched in size and speed in all of known human history….
Yet this inspirational socialistic rule in China is under grave threat. Ever since the 1949 Revolution, some of the overthrown landlords and capitalists and all the imperialist powers have worked together to try and destroy this workers state. Under this pressure, in the late 1970s, the Chinese government began market reforms that allowed a degree of capitalist intrusion. Although this was in some cases beneficial, the reforms have led to an increase in inequality. Dangerously, there are now capitalists in China who demand more and more rights to exploit. However, the Chinese working class masses are resisting them.
The masses worked so hard to achieve liberation in 1949 and to build a socialistic society and they certainly are not about to give any of this up now. Through the peoples’ efforts, China remains a socialistic state where public ownership continues to be the backbone of her economy. Today all of China’s major banks, her major infrastructure developers, her oil and gas sectors, the bulk of her steel and cement industry, her aircraft, ship and train manufacturers, her ports, shipping lines and airlines, most of her mines and even key consumer manufacturing sectors are publicly owned.
But the capitalist powers’ Cold War against socialistic China is getting more intense every day. The U.S. and Australian militaries are sending warships thousands of kilometres from their shores to the South China Sea in a desperate attempt to provoke China. Then there is Trump’s trade war. And let’s not forget the propaganda war. Every day brings a new hyped up anti-China story in Australia’s mainstream media. This is not simply a case of Australia’s rulers following their U.S. counterparts as the capitalist ruling classes in both countries share precisely the same goal of undermining, in every way they can, socialistic rule. Let’s not forget that the Australian regime banned Huawei even before the U.S. did. Recently, a high-level Chinese embassy delegation correctly identified Australia’s rulers as pioneers of the global anti-China campaign.
It was through combined military, economic and political pressure that the imperialist powers destroyed the former Soviet workers states. Let us make sure they are never able to do this to the inspirational workers state of socialistic China. If capitalist restoration were to take place in China it would reverse most of the huge strides made in poverty alleviation. Over the last 15 years, China has had by far the world’s fastest growing wages. They have been rising by on average some 10 to 15% per year. But if capitalist counterrevolution were to occur, China would be turned into one giant sweatshop for the mass exploitation of workers. That would allow greedy bosses to then drive down the conditions of workers here too. In contrast, if socialistic rule in China is able to grow stronger and stronger that will be good for the working class and leftists here. We can point to China’s drive to build public housing to motivate the struggle for a massive increase in public housing here. We can point to the public ownership of banks in China to strengthen our own campaign for the nationalisation of the banks where profits would be used for all rather than for the filthy coffers of the very few. We will be able to point to the successes of socialistic rule in China to motivate the struggle for socialist revolution here. That is why Trotskyist Platform calls for the working class and oppressed of Australia and the world to mobilise now so we can defend the Chinese workers state.
We say: U.S. and Australian militaries get out of the South China Sea! Stop the Australian regime’s military build-up against China! We also stand by those Chinese international students who are being so vilified by the Australian media and government alike for bravely speaking out in support of the PRC. We say the “right to free speech” must include the right to support socialistic countries like the Peoples Republic of China.
The imperialists’ latest favourite anti-Red China force is the anti-communist movement in China’s Hong Kong. The whole Australian mainstream media is backing this violent movement. So is Donald Trump and Scott Morrison. So you know this is not a progressive movement! The pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong carry the old colonial flag of Britain. They say they are for democracy. Yet in 1967, the British colonial regime that they hail massacred and killed around 30 Hong Kong trade unionists and leftists when they rebelled against the horrors of colonial rule. And then today’s pro-colonial rioters have the hide to complain about supposed police brutality in today’s Hong Kong….
So who are these rioters in Hong Kong? They represent the interests of the upper class and upper middle class who fear that if socialistic influence from China is brought into Hong Kong they will be forced to share their wealth with the working class. Hong Kong is one of the world’s most unequal societies. And these rich kid rioters want to keep it that way! They are being backed and funded by billionaire tycoons like Jimmy Lai, a right-wing media mogul who is very much like Rupert Murdoch and his media company is helping fuel the riots….
Unfortunately, however, some people from the not so rich sections of the middle class also back the opposition movement. That’s because China and the Hong Kong government have agreed to keep Hong Kong capitalist and that capitalism is only leading to unaffordable housing and high prices for everything. That’s why Beijing must move to confiscate the wealth of the Jimmy Lais and other greedy tycoons and bring the means of production in Hong Kong into public ownership. That would take away the key source of backing for the rioters. Moreover, when the economy is in public hands and property speculators are brought to heel, housing can finally be made affordable, decent public housing can finally be provided for the hundreds of thousands of people living in the terrible so-called coffin homes and the long working hours of Hong Kong workers can be reduced with no loss in pay. If socialism is brought into Hong Kong it would be very popular with the masses. And even some of the middle class youth now in opposition will start to change their minds. For one China, under one socialist system!
Knowing all of this let’s now focus on what we need to do here. And what we can do here, matters a lot. The right-wing, pro-colonial rioters in Hong Kong draw a lot of their strength from the West, including lots of funding from governments, backing from the media and support on the streets from anti-communists. We need to counteract this! We must mobilise on the streets to demand: U.S., Australia and Britain stop your support and funding for anti-China groups in Hong Kong! Stop your anti-communist interference! By mobilising on the streets to oppose the anti-communist movement in Hong Kong we will give encouragement to the pro-Peoples Republic of China masses there.
Sisters and brothers, every day the anti-communist Cold War against China is getting more and more intense. The last Cold War against the Soviet Union was won by the imperialists. Let us make sure that they do not win this war as well!
… So, my comrades, my sisters and brothers, let’s work hard to defend the Chinese workers state as part of our fight for a socialist Australia and, one fine day, a beautiful kind communist world.”