Karachi, Pakistan, May 2013: Pakistani trade unionists and leftists hold a determined rally in defence of the DPRK. Speakers and slogans at the rally not only hailed North Korea’s struggle against imperialist aggression but pointed to its socialist foundations. Unlike in imperialist countries like Australia, where anti-communist media propaganda has at the moment bred popular suspicion of North Korea, North Korea’s defiance of imperialist threats has won it much sympathy from the masses of the many ex-colonial countries (like Pakistan) still suffering under neocolonial domination. Politically aware sections of the masses in “Third World” capitalist countries like Pakistan are also aware that despite the DPRK being ground down by sanctions and imperialist encirclement, workers in socialistic North Korea enjoy more humane working conditions and better access to health care, education and housing than they do in their own countries. A pro-working-class, DPRK solidarity movement needs to be built in Australia by cutting through the anti-DPRK propaganda and by pointing to the pro-working class character of the DPRK state.