Credit: Lindsay Hawkins
Up to 75 people gathered on 24th November 2013 outside Blacktown police station to protest against an horrific act of police brutality perpetrated against a teenager of Sudanese background. On 20th June 2013 a cop – surrounded by 6 others in an all too typical, cowardly and over the top racist cop attack – brutally tasered an already handcuffed young man. Concerned Blacktown community members, leftists and the Sudanese community energetically and spiritedly participated at the protest denouncing police brutality. This particular tasering of a teenager follows a pattern of already rampant racist police violence, violence against working class people and, especially, attacks on Aboriginal people.
That day at Blacktown train station, high school student Einpwi Amom, 17 at the time, harmlessly called out to his cousin to “hurry the F up.” Unfortunately for Einpwi, a police officer who must have been feeling particularly aggressive that day, alarmed the teenager by shouting back at him. Scared, Einpwi began to run away but, as the now rampaging police officer gave chase, Einpwi tripped down the station stairway and fell head first onto the hand railing, knocking himself out. CCTV footage shows the boy lying motionless and seemingly lifeless on the stairs while a cop runs over to him and, failing to check on his condition, drags his motionless and unconscious body down the stairs like a sack of potatoes and then, outrageously, proceeded to handcuff the unconscious boy. Einpwi lies subdued on the ground with his arms and legs twisted around by the cops. As he regains consciousness he wriggles a bit, as you naturally would if you suddenly discovered that you were being manhandled by so many cops. Still squirming and in handcuffs and surrounded by 6 cops, one officer proceeds to taser him. Afterwards, police are seen on phone footage dragging him through the train station by his arms as Einpwi is unable to even stand let alone walk. He is shouting loudly in pain.
The cops, after brutalising the teenager this way, then had the audacity to rap the young man with 6 charges: failing to comply with direction, offensive language, resisting a police officer in the course of duty and 3 counts of assaulting a police officer. Not only was Einpwi brutalised and tortured but the merciless police were determined to ruin a young man’s life and cage him in prison.
So outrageously barbaric was this case against darkskinned Einpwi Amom that even Parramatta Children’s Court, an unfair capitalist rich people’s institution which is itself no stranger to locking up coloured working class children, was pressured to dismiss all charges and exonerate Einpwi as innocent.
Meanwhile, leaders of the Sudanese community community in Australia called for the cops involved in the incident to be charged with assault.
Still the police have refused to even apologise and maintain their position on the use of the taser on that day. Needless to say, the cops have not paid any compensation to Einpwi or his family for their heinous actions.
Notably, this incident of excessive police force and tasering follows Brazilian student, Roberto Laudisio Curti, being tasered to death in March 2012 in the very middle of downtown Sydney.

Credit: Jaroslaw Gasiorek
But why are the cops so cowardly in their attacks on dark skinned minorities like the Sudanese youth Einpwi? Trotskyist Platform knows through our work and campaigns in Western Sydney young members of the Sudanese and Somalian as well as other sections of the African community and they tell us that police harassment against family and friends occurs on a frequent basis. The reason why police here are so brutal and racist is because, historically, Australia is a country founded on colonialist land theft from Aboriginal people that has spread the myth and horrible racist lie that just because of the colour of their skin Aboriginal people were not really part of the human race, let alone equal to the white invaders. In order to take this vast rich land away from the first peoples Australia’s capitalist rulers needed a racist lie to justify committing horrific acts of genocide, brutal acts that have continued up until today. Though only recently the practice of putting Aboriginal people into prison-like missions by the authorities has ceased, the population of Aboriginal people in actual prisons continues to grow way out of proportion to the relative size of the Aboriginal community in Australia. As the enforcers of the dispossession of the Aboriginal people based on vicious racist lies, the police have committed the most horrific racist crimes and, thus, are the most deeply imbibed with the white supremacist ideology of the ruling class.
This system and ideology of colonialism and capitalism stole so much land from the Aboriginal people which can be used for agriculture and industry. Thus, we see the battered social conditions Aboriginal people suffer under today. Meanwhile, many migrants of Sudanese, Vietnamese, Lebanese, Chinese and Indian background are doing it tough working in low paid, labourious and dangerous jobs while unemployment, especially for the youth, is very high as well because of racism. As the force that maintains this racist and exploitative status quo, the police force is naturally a breeding ground for the most stridently racist and anti-poor sentiments. Furthermore, the police, courts and state institutions in general defend the ruling class: the same ruling class that through the media they control uses poisonous racist scapegoating of Aboriginal people, refugees and non-white migrant communities to divert the anger of the masses away from the exploiters. But the capitalist enforcers, as upholders of an order that spreads racist capitalist ideology, not only especially attack working class non-white people but even target wealthier dark-skinned or Asian people.
Though it is, notably, the minority, migrant and ethnic communities who are downtrodden by the worst oppression, all working class people be they black, yellow, or white ultimately find themselves in the same boat together as members of the same oppressed class. When workers are united– and all pathetic petty bickering between fellow workers in racist ways is ended – it gives workers the necessary united power that can triumph over the capitalist bosses that exploit us. That is why it is in the interests of the trade union movement to mobilise its social power to defend Aboriginal, African, Middle Eastern, Asian and Islander youth who are targeted by racist police. We need mass actions of trade union contingents alongside Aboriginal and “ethnic” communities to oppose the racist police violence.
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At the 24th of November rally outside the Blacktown police station, one protester brought a placard that read “You’re a service not a force”.
But who do the police actually serve? The police under the current system today serve the ultra-rich and company owning class of people. The police may from time to time arrest a cruel murderer or rapist and here or there may stop an act of violence when it suits them but they are also at the core of a state whose laws exist to serve the ultra-rich class of capitalist rulers and the system of private property that underpins their rule. In other words these police don’t really serve the working class masses. For example, just earlier this year, a trade union that represents workers in the construction, forestry, energy and mining industry called the CFMEU, was sued through the rich people’s courts around 1 million dollars for a series of protests and strikes. Notably, in Melbourne, police used their horses and almost trampled protesting unionists who were fighting for greater workplace safety and union rights. Moreover, CFMEU construction union activists are subject to the Gestapo-like secret police snooping and persecution of the so called Fair Work Australia regime. The present day courts and police do not serve the interests of the working class people: this system enables the rich ruling class to steal even more from the working people and attack the more militant unions like the CFMEU.
Other protesters at the Blacktown demonsration angrily shouted at police as they tried to appeal to their moral senses. Some protesters thought that you can appeal to the courts and the cops to be nicer. This is an utterly futile, false and vain hope. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just simply and politely ask police to be nicer? Unfortunately, the reality is that the police and courts today are pitted against the interests of the working class. Notoriously, the capitalist state’s henchmen go hard on racial minorities. They are also known to kick sole parent mother families onto the street when they can’t pay the rent and cops attack picket lines set up by workers when standing up against poverty- causing mass sackings. The police and the courts, today, are inherently unjust. This is, ultimately, seen in their enforcement of this entire capitalist system of exploitation of the working class. We, therefore, cannot appeal to the police and courts to be less oppressive as oppression of workers constitutes – in a very real sense – their very bread and butter.
So what are we going to do about unjust police acting in such a blatantly racist and discriminatory manner?
At the protest Trotskyist Platform took along placards that variously read:
“Down with racist police terror against Aboriginal, African, Asian, Islander, and Middle Eastern origin youth.”
“Police brutalise working class ‘Ethnic’ youth, kill Aboriginal people in custody and attack trade union picket lines. Let’s unite trade unionists, Aboriginal people, and ethnic youth in mass struggle against state terror”
“Don’t allow business as usual for police and other state institutions while they are unleashing terror – Oppose them with mass actions backed by working class power!”
“Don’t trust any inquiries run by the racist rich people’s state! Let’s just demand the jailing of the cops who assaulted and tasered Einpwi Amom!”
In our placards we appeal to working class unionists, the multi-racial working class and all racially oppressed segments of Australia to unite against the capitalist system’s state terror.
As we have seen, it is not just African people but Aboriginal, Middle Eastern, Asian and unionists who are also affected by police harassment and targeting. Indeed, this is a broader class issue: the racially oppressed are some of the most repressed but all working class people be they black, white, yellow or brown, all working class people are subjugated by this capitalist system.
Social-Democratic pacifism and trying to win cops over is a dead end. We need to win the multi-racial working class masses and union contingents to take action to stop racist capitalist police brutality. This strategy must be part of a perspective to change the system as a whole through building and educating towards a revolutionary change through mass working class struggle.
In the end for any real change, a new system would need to be set up and the old system swept away in a massive radical upsurge in the working class. The new system would be loyal to the interests of the working class masses and not the rich exploiters. The industries and land would need to be publicly owned under a socialist economy. Such a system would have full employment and free housing which will result in creating a harmonious and cooperative society and this, in essence, will eradicate the savage basis of racism: that is, competition over scarce resources. Such a system would need to create a new type of working class people’s police, working class people’s court and working class people’s army that will not repress minorities or the working class toilers but will defend a socialist society. Defend it in its evolution towards a truly egalitarian and classless society. All comrades that understand this have a duty to be active in their unions uniting workers to a revolutionary and internationalist understanding. Active in helping build the mass struggle alongside all our sisters and brothers amongst the ranks of the poor and oppressed. Active in helping build the victorious working class party of the future.